tv The Situation Room CNN October 8, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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we were dispatched to them. [ inaudible question ] >> what does that say? [ inaudible question ] >> this is cnn breaking news. >> i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room," we are continuing to monitor the the breaking news out of frisco, texas, near dallas. possibly a second ebola patient. let's listen if to the police chief. >> you know, things sometimes turn out and sometimes they do not, for us, we can't afford to make mistakes so we have to process all of the patients as if they were actually -- whether they have ebola or other infectious diseases to be on the safe side. [ inaudible question ] >> i think we always critique
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all of our operations constantly, but i think the response that we did today is appropriate. >> i believe dana will pass out a news release for you that basically details our response assets and the number of people who were out there at the scene. >> it's my understanding that the denton public health interviewed all of the persons and at this time they refused treatment, transport and they r released them. [ inaudible question ] >> yes. [ inaudible question ] >> yes. that is correct. our first reports that we had ten to 14 persons inside that may need rance port to a hospital. we respond that the bus is capable of holding up to 20 persons. and critical patients and that was not the case here, but we put that on the scene again just as a precaution. okay.
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just one or two more questions. >> let's go ahead and i think we have a press release that has a lot of information and we'll take one more question. i think what you heard from the chief is we have the resources, the training, the hazmat equipment and we also have the ambus that are available and we used all our equipment and all our training and an overabundance of caution and we wanted to make sure we responded adequately if not more so and we believe we did, and we will share additional information once we receive it. it is fast moving and as you can see it's only been approximately three hours and our response has been appropriate for the situation, but we do want to ensure the public that we are keeping up upon to date on information and if there's anything more we can share that we learn we will do that. one last question and then we'll end this press conference. [ inaudible question ] >> the county, the health authority of the county has been allowed to reopen and that's a
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decision they'll make at that point. the the health departments have declared them open again. thank you all. [ inaudible question ] >> i believe the chief mentioned it would be approximately 48 hours. again, one thing i want everybody to leave here with, we are in stand communication with the health authorities, the cdc, state and local counties and we are sharing information and getting the correct information and we will share that as we receive it. thank you for being here today. we appreciate everyone's time. there is the mayor of frisco, texas, outside of dallas wrapping up a news conference with the fire chief, just about three hours or so ago they got word that a patient, a potential patient exhibiting what was described as signs and symptoms of ebola was being rescued, was being brought by ambulance to a hospital in frisco outside of dallas. this person was said to have had
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contact with dallas so-called patient zero, that's thomas eric duncan, the libberian who passed away this morning from ebola. let's bring in our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. she's in dallas and watching all of this untold. unfortunately, sadly, thomas eric duncan, he died of ebola this morning. we got word that someone who may have been in contact with that apartment where he was staying before he was taken to the emergency room put into the the hospital in dallas and may be showing signs of ebola. upon what have we learned at this news conference, elizabeth, for viewers who are just tuning in? >> reporter: right. so what we learn side this deputy was in his apartment, was in duncan's apartment. it would have been four days after duncan was put in the hospital. it's not can known how much he touched things that were around him, if he touched any of his bodily fluids that were still left in the apartment, it's not known, but i can tell you a
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couple of things that we do know. ebola doesn't live on surfaces for more than a few hours and you need direct contact with a person or with their bodily fluids in order to get sick. the state of texas says that there is no indication that this patient had any direct contact with duncan. so this is a real wait and see kind of thing here, and another thing i want to be very clear about, the early signs and symptoms of ebola, wolf, you've had them, i've had them. pretty much everyone has had them. it's a low-grade fever. you feel achy and your stomach might hurt. you might be vomiting and it can look like so many other diseases. >> so, elizabeth, are they going to give him an ebola test now at the hospital in frisco to make sure he doesn't have ebola? >> reporter: wolf, i doubt that and here's why. the test is not the greatest test in the world. so if you have ebola inside you, if you're infected with ebola you're not actively ill for quite a while.
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it's going to be negative. it won't be the last test that they give him because early on in the illness it could be a negative test even if you do have ebola so they might test him today and then they'll certainly want to test him tomorrow or in subsequent days if there are still concerns. >> this patient, what was he doing in that apartment where thomas eric duncan had been staying after he arrived in the united states from liberia? >> reporter: wolf, there are still a lot of question marks. what we do know is that three sheriff's deputies on wednesday of last week, so a week ago today escorted a county health official who was giving orders to this family to stay inside their apartment. so the deputies didn't hand the orders to the the family. they escorted the official who was giving the orders to the family. we don't know if those orders were given outside their door if they were given in their living room and we don't know precisely where that happened and we don't
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know how this deputy would have had contact with duncan because duncan at that point would have been in the hospital for several days. >> several days, indeed, and i want to be precise on this matter, elizabeth. there have been many false alarms in hospital emergency rooms around the united states over the the past several weeks, right some? >> that is true. many of them were people who flew in from west africa and then became ill and because they had flown in from west africa they were put in the hospital and out of an abundance of caution they watched these people and so far all of them except for duncan turned out to have something else. there are so many other diseases that look like ebola that it is easy to not be sure in the beginning. >> elizabeth cohen on the scene for us. thanks very, very much. joining us in "the situation room" dr. jesse goodman, former chief scientist for the food and drug administration. also joining us professor skinner, assistant professor of health preparedness at penn
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state university and joining us as well is the reverend jesse jackson, the president of the rainbow/push coalition who met with the family of thomas eric duncan, the first patient diagnosed with ebola in the united states. i'll get to you in a moment. first to you, give us some perspective. how concerned should this patient be potentially in the small hospital in frisco, texas, that he had been in the apartment, didn't necessarily have any direct, physical contact with duncan, but he was well in the apartment and now all of a sudden he is showing signs, fever and things like that. >> first it is very initial information so it would be a mistake to jump to any conclusions and what we hear sounds like a pretty low-risk exposure and not like he had a direct exposure to bodily fluids. the good thing is how alert the health care system is becoming and we want for people to overreact, refer patients to public health, get them where
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they can be isolated both for their own safety and to avoid infecting others. so while this may be a low risk, it's a good sign that the health system is on alert. >> dr. skinner, what's your analysis? >> i think it's a good indication that the health care system is working in the u.s. and how many hospitals do we want to actually admit ebola patients. so far we have emory hospital and the nebraska medical center who has successfully treated patients and how many other hospitals do we want to put through the stress, the training to look after ebola patients. should we start looking at systems and transportation systems of how to get ebola patients to the hospitals that already have the experience. >> i want to get some thoughts from the reverend jesse jackson. i know you're upset and all of us are upset by the tragic death of mr. duncan who came to the united states hoping to see some family friends, some relatives and all of a sudden he comes
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down with ebola and passes away this morning even though he was under medical attention at that dallas hospital. what is the family's reaction to what's going on. you've been in touch with them? >> they're traumatized by it all. his vital signs were returning. he was under medical-induced sedation because his kidneys and lungs were in great tension and diseased. and he today he died rather you suddenly. they're concerned that the diagnosis in frisco did not apply to him. he went to the hospital with the vomiting and the the high fever and the perspiration and was given a cursory treatment, it seemed and sent back into the community with ebola. >> what, if anything, do you know about the second person,
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this agent who went into that apartment and now is in this hospital in frisco being supposedly -- they're worried he may be showing ebola-like symptoms and may be tested for ebola. has the family heard about this? what was he doing in the apartment at the time? >> well, after, you know, the sheets were left and other things he had touched were there, of course, the mayor was most gracious in getting louise out to an undisclosed location away from there and someone had cleaned the place up and no doubt they were touching things that he had touched. it seems to us that if when he first said i'm vomiting, i have a fever, i'm perspiring, i need help. maybe if he would have gotten help then he could have been saved. >> there was a major blunder in dallas. he went to the emergency room and told the nurse he had just
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arrived from liberia and had vomiting and he clearly had had a fever and had a temperature and they sent him back home for two days and he was sweating in bed and we know he was in contact with louise and with others in that apartment. dr. goodman, can you -- let's say an officer goes into that apartment not wearing protective gear and not necessarily even wearing gloves, but there are sheets left over and pillowcases or towels or whatever, can you get ebola from touching that kind of material? >> i think it would be very unusual unless it had active, bloody, body fluids on it to have transmission under those circumstances several days after an individual had been there. i think we'll have to learn more. i would also hope that anyone who had gone in there subsequently should have had protective equipment and personal protection on to really reduce that risk even further. >> initially upon, they made some serious mistakes and obviously the country, at least the folks in dallas weren't
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prepared for this kind of situation which was extremely unusual situation and some police officers and others went into that apartment without protective gear. can you get ebola under those circumstances? >> you can get, bowla if you touch the virus and put your hands to your face, your nose, your mouth and eyes. the training that we're giving hospital staff is we're teaching them not to raise their hands above their shoulders and we're teaching them how to wear protective equipment and hospital staff and the first responders in our communities don't wear this on a normal basis and in the 20, 30 years of service, leads to fatigue and dehydration and you have to get used to it. so we're drill, drill, drill at the moment to get people used to wearing these new suits. >> reverend jackson, you've been in touch with the family there in dallas. i know they're in isolation for 21 days and they're half way through that process right now. how are they doing? how are they coping and how worried are they to potentially
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we hope this doesn't happen that they could come down with e lola-like symptoms and so far i take it none of them have. >> first, it was lack of communications and the fear and the isolation and then the accusation that somehow that eric had intentionally violated protocol and entered the country. he had no symptoms of ebola and he went to his fiance to be married and no doubt they stayed together at the house. after that he got sick and went to the hospital and was turned away and that's the turning point here. it seems that in atlanta, in emory or nebraska, early identification, early diagnosis and safe care without the best of medicine and timely manner, you risk death. >> you believe if he had been admitted when he first came instead of being sent back to that apartment for two days your
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suspicion is that mr. duncan might be alive right now? >> i'm inclined to believe that, but also he came back to the hospital a couple of days when he was there just getting a drip without treatment because they had not determined which alternative medicine they would use because they could aren't find more zmapp. that would seem to me a lack of preparedness for the protocols that have been established. have you ever spoken with any of the family members of potentially suing someone? >> well, that's private. i think at this point they are just mourning over what should they do with his body and with the shock. to get into suing would be so political and right now they're concerned just about the pain and the loss of him so suddenly. >> i want you to stand by, reverend jackson, dr. skinner, dr. goodman. stay with us, we'll continue the breaking news coverage. we'll take a quick break. much more after this. event sinks a hole-in-one,
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news out of texas where officials are investigating a second potential ebola case. a sheriff's deputy is receiving treatment for what may be ebola after he made contact with the relatives of thomas eric duncan, the first ebola patient diagnosed in the united states. dr. jesse goodman of georgetown university and the former chief scientist for the u.s. food and drug administration. also joining us, professor gavin mcgregor skinner and assistant professor of public preparedness at the university and the reverend jesse jackson, the
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president of the rainbow/push coalition. he met with the family of thomas duncan, the first patient diagnosed with ebola in the united states who passed away, unfortunately, this morning. dr. skinner, i am sure the doctors at this hospital in dallas did everything they could to save mr. dunk can's life, bu did they have the experience and the preparedness to deal with an ebola case? >> we've never had cases of, bowla until recently in the united states and we've had patients back to the nebraska medical center. we know that even though we had plans and we had plans written on paper, we've never implemented those plans and we didn't know where the gaps and the needs were and where the challenges were. >> emory university in atlanta. >> they've gone through it and learned a lot of lessons. there was over 100 hospital staff involved in just looking after one ebola patient. for us to say that all of the hospitals in this country can
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treat ebola patients is unrealistic when we know the number of staff and waste management and the protocols and procedures that need to be met and so we should rely on emory and nebraska at the moment when we only have one to two, maybe a few cases to admit and treat these cases. >> there is a lot of second guessing as you know, doctor, that maybe this individual mr. duncan once he was diagnosed with ebola in dallas they should have airlifted him either to emory university hospital or to the university of nebraska where they have experience and the preparedness in dealing with ebo ebola. >> with hindsight, would that have been smart? >> hindsight is a little difficult. i think the real missed opportunity was to get him in that time two or three days earlier when he came in the e.r. when he was medically stable, get him hydration, adequate care at that time and i do think this is something this is something
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that could be considered. i think every hospital ought to be able to cope with the initial encounter, isolate the patient, make the diagnosis and just like you would with any other difficult to treat disease, if things aren't going well, you could possibly consider transfer. the flip side of this is the logistics of transfer. the risk to the patient and the infection control risks ensued in moving patients. >> they airlifted people from liberia to atlanta or to nebraska. they can certainly airlift someone from dallas to there. >> it could be feasible. i'm just saying it's not so simple as purely good or bad to do that. you would have to analyze the individual situation. >> reverend jackson, you've been in touch with the family and our hearts go out to that family of mr. duncan. do they believe everything was done at this hospital in dallas to save mr. duncan's life? >> no, they do not believe -- as a matter of fact, they're upset the fact that their attempt to criminalize him that he came
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into the country knowing he had ebola and therefore lessened the response. >> let me interrupt for a second. >> liberian authorities including the president of liberia, they were the ones who said he lied on that document when he left monrovia, the capital of liberia by saying he hadn't been in contact with anyone with ebola. they were the ones who raised that suspicion about mr. duncan, liberian officials. that's a political issue. he said he didn't, they said he did, but the the medical issue is he went to the hospital sick, vomiting and perspiring and with a fever and were sent back with an antibiotic. that's not medical, that was political. i hope we learn something from the crisis in dallas and the success in atlanta and nebraska and let's not turn a crisis into panic. we didn't panic when the sars
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crisis came and the mrsa crisis came and there were examples of success. for example, in one case in liberia, 200 patients in the hospital have all recovered because that infrastructure and quick treatment and there was a case in nigeria where the people have been infected with ebola so maybe we should also use this as a learning moment to lessen the impact as it perhaps spreads. >> that's a good point. reverend jackson, thank you very much. we'll stay in close touch with you and in close touch with the family and once again, our hearts go out to the family of thomas eric duncan. dr. skinner, thanks very much and thanks to you, as well. just ahead, we're following for the latest in the search for isis terrorists infiltrating europe and the united states and the top democrat and the house intelligence committee and you see him right there. he's standing by live. we'll discuss what's going on. it's very worrisome.
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we're following two major stories here in "the situation room." a potential new case of ebola in texas after a sheriff's deputy had contact with the family of thomas duncan began experiencing some symptoms and we'll bring you the latest as we learn more information and we're also following breaking news in the hunt for possible isis terrorists right here in the united states and is in europe, as well. let's get the very latest and our justice correspondent pamela brown is getting new information. what are you learn something. >> we are learning that hundreds of tips have poured into the fbi in the past 24 hours ever since
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officials called for the public's help identifying the masked man speaking fluent english in the war video. this man is so concerning because he could be someone with a western passport who could easily slip into the u.s. or europe and officials say he could be a recruiting magnet for other westerners so some of the tips that have come in so far in the past 24 hours may be because people recognized his distinct voice, perhaps his tone, inflexion and mannerisms and even the features that aren't covered underneath his mask here and his eyes and eyebrows. i also want to mention that the tips the fbi has received include responses to the fbi's call for information about any individuals who have traveled or plan to travel overseas to fight alongside terrorists. the fbi says that all of the tips are now being reviewed to see if they produce any credible leads. and, wolf, you look back at the boston marathon bombing, the fbi did something similar where they asked the public for help and
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they're hoping for the same in this case. >> thanks very much, pamela brown for that. >> let's get more now from the top democrat of the house intelligence committee and the representative of maryland is joining us. what do you make, first of all, about this guy that the fbi now wants with this north american accent as it's described. do they have any clue who this individual might be? >> well, we're trying to get information and what's really positive about the fbi putting this out to the public, we're trying to get any information or tips that we can to try to identify this individual. remember, isis is out there recruiting and when they can recruit americans or canadians who have american or canadian passports those individuals can go to syria and other places in the world and they haven't broken the law. all we can do is monitor them to make sure they're not planning an attack in the united states. >> they're looking at his eyes and his voice and i take it they hope maybe someone who is
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watching and listening to that voice and seeing that image might be able to provide a tip. isn't that right, congressman? >> in the united states, we have said over and over, if you see anything unusual call your local police, call your state police, call your fbi and that's what we're seeking that information and hopefully it will make a difference. it happened with the boston bomber when we needed to identify those individuals and we got tips and information and that helped us identify those two individuals. >> what can you tell us about mohammed hamza khan, the 19-year-old kid, the teenager, if you will, from the chicago area that was arrested at chicago's o'hare international airport over the weekend suspected of being a supporter of isis? what can you tell us about this individual? do you know, for example, how he got $4,000 to buy a round-trip ticket from chicago to vienna and then on to istanbul? >> i don't know all of those details. what i do know it was good,
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investigative work done by our locals and the fbi to monitor individuals that we're concerned want to do damage and hurt the united states. and as a result of the information the and the evidence because he's an american and because of the evidence we received we had to make sure that we were able to get that evidence in order to be able to arrest him, but this is just an example of what the concern is. we know that we have 12 americans that are in syria right now being trained and working with isis. those individuals can come to the united states with a passport and unless they've broken the law, all we can can do is monitor them. this is a big concern to all of us in the intelligence community about this type of threat. >> i assume those 12 individuals, the fbi and law enforcement of the united states know the names of those 12 individuals, right some. >> there are 12 that we know and there are others that we're concerned we don't know and that's why we have to be vigilant and the intelligence is the best defense against terrorism and this is a very
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serious issue and we're doing whatever we can. we have the best intelligence in the world and we also have to follow americans' constitutional rights in whatever we do. >> i wonder what you know about these four individuals who were arrested yesterday in london suspected of being isis supporters and supposedly according to a whole bunch of reports, planning on publicly beheadinging individuals in the united kingdom, what can you tell us about that some. >> it's the same scenario. the brits, we work with the brits and our other allies to get intelligence to try to identify these terrorist groups that want to attack us. by the way, it's just not isis. isis is focused more on where they are now in syria and iraq. we're concerned about other al qaeda elements that are really focused more seriously right now in attacking the united states right away. when we identify them, we use the intelligence and we're able to try to stop them, and in the meantime we have to realize isis has close to $1 billion.
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they have social media and they're recruiting as we speak and they're trying to get americans, canadian to join isis and they want to get back and forth without being noticed. if you go to libya and other parts of the world you need a visa to get into these different country, but when you have a passport you don't and that concerns us all. >> which is a greater threat to the u.s. homeland, congressman, right now? isis or the al qaeda spin-off called the khorasan group? >> the the khorasan group is very serious. we have no evidence at this point or intelligence at this point that isis is ready to attack us within the month or so. we are concerned about groups like khorasan who do research and development, who are trying to develop bombs, plastic bombs that they can put in iphones and ipads so they can pass through a tsa and not be identified and it
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seems al qaeda still attempts to focus on airplanes and blowing up airplanes. so i would say right now they're all a danger and isis clearly has to be stopped and these other terrorist groups are further ahead in their plans to attack the united states and isis is still in that region and holding land and even though they're threatening everybody, but that's also to recruit other people in their desire to take over that area of the world and we have got to stop them and smash them. >> one final question, congressman, before i let you go on a totally unrelated matter, the threat of ebola. here is the question for you, do you have confidence that the centers for disease control and other national authorities, local authorities and state authorities know what they're doing and have this under control some. >> that's a great question because we have some of the best medical -- medical situations in the world with our doctors and our research and development and the centers for disease control
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is as good as anybody in the world. we need to follow the protocols and the procedures in medicine. for instance, training people in hospitals where there could be possible ebola not to touch any part of your body below the neck. making sure that each hospital emergency room knows to be concerned about this had issue. i'm very sorry for the family of the american that just passed away, but as a result of that media, the result of people knowing about that, i believe all hospitals throughout the united states understand what's going on. i do think we need to be extremely aggressive in libya especially and those parts of the world where ebola is taking over the country, to an extent. we have to make sure we use the expertise and we monitor people who come into the united stateses from that area to make sure we don't have other individuals that will come in here with ebola. >> the liberian who passed away in dallas that's the only death of ebola in the united states so far. >> that is the only death.
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and i'm very sorry for his family and that's important, but we have to learn from what occurred to make sure it doesn't happen again, but right now we have to be concerned that this is not a panic situation in the united statesa the all. >> dr. ruppersberger, the ranking member of the house intelligence committee, thank you very much for joining us. >> good to be with you, wolf. >> in the next hour of "the situation room," i'll be speaking live with jay johnson. he's with president obama over at the pentagon right now. they're getting briefed on ebola, and isis. my interview with jay johnson, the secretary of homeland security in the next hour. we'll have the latest on the search for the university of virginia student hannah graham, as the search expands into a new town, the attorney for the suspect jesse matthew is now speaking to cnn.
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korea's young leader is missing. it's been more than a month and there is rumor that his younger sister is leading. >> she's barely noticed and often seen behind him in official picture, but some believe kim jong-un's younger sister could be running north korea. has unfettered access to her brother, the belief that she might have ascended to the top temporarily comes from the north korean intellectual solidarity, a group of defectors who has not
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revealed the source of the information. cnn cannot independently confirm it. >> i can see it is possible that she's in some sort of temporary position. it's very difficult for the north korean system to run without one of the kim family at least in charge. >> kim jung is the youngest of four different children. she went to private school in switzerland under assumed names and later took on important responsibilities for her father, like inspecting sites before official visits. kim il jeong does similar tasks for her brother and handles government policy. >> clear's an effort to slow track her on to becoming somebody who is important within the system. >> but as for handling all of the stress and palace intrigue of being the supreme leader. >> if in fact, she is rung the country as someone in their early to mid-20s, to me, that is quite alarming. it means there's something
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seriously wrong with kim jong-un and there is some sort of void they're trying desperately to fill. >> and the mystery surrounding his brother is deepening. kim jong-un hasn't been seen publicly in more than a month. kim is not in the capital city. one analyst says he could be north of pyongyang in one of three different compounds used by the rule ruling elite and there is one possible. >> this summer kim jong-un spent a lot of time over here. he observed military practices out on the bay and he even had military practices take place right off the beach in front of his family home. >> now all eyes are on a big event this friday, will kim jong-un show up at the anniversary of the founding of the ruling workers' party. he was at the same event last year shown in this picture. if he doesn't show the concern over the public disappearance
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will only grow, if he does, intelligence analyst will be looking at his appearance, his body language, every single detail very carefully, wolf. keep your eyes on friday. >> a critical day. we'll see what happens. brian, thanks very much. the search for the university of virginia student hannah graham is expanding to new towns. we'll have the details when we come back. wouldn't it be greatf hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today.
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matthew, tells cnn he's opinion in touch with his client three or four times in the last week as he awaits more evidence from the prosecution, who had been very tight lipped about their case against his client. joining us now, tom fuentes. he's a former assistant director of the fbi. also joining us, the investigative journalist, coy barefoot in charlottesville, virginia. the search for hannah graham got bigger today with this mounted search effort, going to farmland and other areas. anything significant seen or found as far as you know? >> not that i'm aware of. wolf, i was out this morning with the guys early this morning at the national guard armory when they were rolling out. most of them in teams of four. they were walking the roadsides, looking in the ditches, going through the dense wooded areas up and down the hills. i asked mark eggeman, the
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director of operations there, i asked him why is it that this search hasn't been opened up to the thousands of people who would come from around the country to help look for hannah? he said, this is, at this point, still a law enforcement operation. because at any moment, we think we could come across a crime scene. there are concerns of evidence that we have to protect and so that's why it's still these few dozens of men and women who are engaged in this huge effort. there's also some cruel irony. the operations center for the search is located in the national guard armory, which is a parking lot away from the jail from jesse matthew is being kept. so you have all these heroes going out every day to find any sign of hannah and bring her home. and then across the parking lot sits the man whom police believe knows exactly where she is. >> tom, the charlottesville
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police chief said today that the belongings found in the suspect jesse matthew's car, weren't determined to be connected at all to the hannah graham case. what does that say to you? >> it says they probably found the evidence that they did link came from the apartment, clothing and other objects in the apartment. >> they say they do have some evidence linking him to this case. that's why they're holding him without bond. they say also, coy, they have other evidence linking him to the disappearance and death of other women in the area, right? >> the virginia state police, that's right, wolf, the virginia state police confirmed a week ago monday that they have forensic evidence which ties mr. matthew to abduction and murder of morgan harrington, who went missing almost exactly five years ago, october 17, 2009. police did confirm today that they found no evidence of hannah in mr. matthew's car, the car he
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took to texas. the car that they seized right away after hannah went hissing, we might still confirm there was some evidence of hannah having been in that car. >> coy barefoot, thank you very much for the investigation you're conducting. of course, tom fuentes thanks to you, as well. coming up, the homeland security secretary of the united states, jeh johnson, he's by guest and will join us live the next hour and will talk about the dangers of ebola as texas faces a potential new case. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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happening now. breaking news. ebola scare. possible new case in texas where the man with the first case diagnosed in the united states has died. did a sheriff's deputy contract the virus from anymore we'll talk about all of this with the homeland security secretary of the united states, jeh johnson. he'll join us live. plus, fight against isis. the pentagon now warning the world that embattled syrian city just yards from turkey will likely fall to terrorists. there could be a massacre. here's the question -- why is the u.s. not doing more to stop them? why isn't turkey doing more? we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." >> this is cnn breaking news. >> let's get right to the breaking news. a possible new case of ebola in texas. a sheriff's deputy, who was inside the apartment of the man
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first diagnosed in the united states. that deputy now showing signs and symptoms of ebola. the homeland security secretary jeh johnson is standing by. we'll speak with him live. he just met with president obama and other top officials. we'll get the latest from him. we have complete breaking news coverage with our correspondents and guests this hour. but first, let's go to elizabeth cohen, monitoring all the late breaking developments in dallas. elizabeth, what are you seeing and hearing? >> reporter: what we're hearing is that this concern about this sheriff's deputy who we're told was in the apartment when the orders were given for the family not to go anywhere. it's not clear if he had any contact with duncan. the state department of health said he didn't. so without direct contact, it's unclear how he would get ebola. even if he did touch surfaces inside that apartment, he had been out of that apartment for
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several days and ebola doesn't, according to studies, stay alive on surfaces for that long. it just stays alive for a matter of hours. so it will be interesting to know if they test this patient for ebola today, if it is ebola, and that's a big if, the test might still be negative. tonight, five u.s. airports have their order for new screening measures for travelers arriving from west african countries. the new measures include taking temperatures, administering questionnaires, and conducting visual assessments regarding the passenger's health. new york's jfk airport will be the first, beginning saturday, to enact the new procedures, followed by newark, and o'hare. thomas eric duncan came to the united states to visit his
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girlfriend. reacting to his death, she said in a statement, i trust a thorough investigation will take place regarding all aspects of his care." >> we recognize we're not out of the 21-day waiting period and we're at the peak incidents period of eight to ten days. so it's time when we're anxious and carefully assessing. >> reporter: over the weekend, doctors had given duncan an experimental drug. but zmapp was not available. texas health officials said in a statement this past week has been an enormous test of our health system. the details of duncan's case from his entry into the united states to the mishandling of pertinent travel history information have led to criticism, evaluation, and now reform. now, this person who is now showing these early signs and
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symptoms of ebola, the early signs of ebola look like many, many other things. a fever or some body aches or a headache or vomiting. so ebola can look like a lot of other things at the beginning. >> let's hope he does not have ebola. thank you very much for that. >> let's get more now from renee marsh, joining us from dulles international airport. thomas duncan first entered the united states from belgium through dulles airport. walk us through the new procedures that are about to go in effect this and four other airports in the united states. >> reporter: dulles is one of them. we also know that atlanta, newark, jfk and chicago. those are the five airports where they're really going to be ramping up these measures. you will see customs and border patrol officers with something
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that looks similar to this thermometer that i'm holding here. this is a laser thermometer. you do not need to touch the individual. just hold it up and it gives you a reading of what their temperature is. remember, they're only focusing on people coming from three distinct countries. liberia, sierra leone, as well as guinea. if you come from those three countries, a border patrol officer will likely take your temperature with something looking like this. this is not fullproof. many expects say this sounds great, it's wonderful that the government is stepping up efforts, but say this is not 100%. if you have a low grade fever, you may be able to take anything, like tylenol and bring that fever down. so the moral of the story is, we'll have these checks in play at five airports. however, it is very possible
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that you can have another person with ebola come right here to the united states undetected despite these checks. some may be asking why these five airports? according to the white house, 94% of the travelers coming from these three countries come through those five airports. one other point i want to bring up, wolf, we mentioned the three specific countries in which they will be taking a closer look at these passengers. nigeria not one of those countries. i reached out to the cdc and asked why not nigeria? we do know, although they have it under control, there were case there of ebola. what i'm told is that situation is under control, they've been able to trace all of the people who may have had it and come into contact with the virus, there have not been any new cases. so they don't consider it an outbreak situation in nigeria. so the focus on those three countries. >> nigeria has done a very good job containing ebola in that
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country. quick question. somebody comes to washington dulles airport where you are, says they're from one of those three countries in west africa. they show they have a fever. what does the tsa or customs agents do then? >> reporter: quickly, this is what they do. they are visually looking at you. do you have any obvious signs that perhaps you are sick? if there's a red flag, at 20 of these major airports, there are cdc staff on hand 24-7. there are quarantine units. so that individual will get a more indepth examination. that is the process. that is how it will work. >> renee, thanks. good explanation.
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let's dig deeper, joining us dr. jessie goodman, former chief scientist for the u.s. food and drug administration. also joining us, professor gavin mcgregor at penn state university. thank you very much for joining us. let's get back to this deputy now who is in a hospital, being tested presumably for signs of ebola. he was in that apartment but apparently never had direct contact with mr. duncan who passed away this morning. can you get ebola from just being in that apartment without having direct contact with the individual who had ebola? >> yes, you can, wolf, because ebola is spread by bodily fluids. so mr. duncan was in that apartment, if he had vom id, diarrhea. there's billions of ebola virus in vomit and diarrhea.
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if it hasn't been deco decontaminated, the police officer could have touched it. >> for several days no one came in there to decontaminate. there were sheets he slept in and sweated in overnight that were still on that bed and some police officers come in there, if they would have touched those sheets for example, could he have gotten ebola from that? >> i think that it's possible. it's probably a pretty low risk after that passage of that time. again, i think out of an abundance of caution, it's totally appropriate for them to follow this patient, isolate them. >> would they immediately do -- he's in the hospital outside of dallas. would they immediately do an ebola test to see if he has ebola or wait? >> i think it's a clinical judgment of the physicians
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consulting the state health department and the cdc. if they're quite ill, it was be appropriate to do an ebola test at that time. sometimes early on in infection, the tests may be negative. so if you have a high level suspicion, you will need to repeat it. >> with an ebola test, in just a few hours you know if the patient has ebola or not. >> yes, we take a blood sample, and using state of the art equipment, we can get those results in hours. >> what would be the downside of just doing a testsome >> at the moment, he may not have enough virus in his blood to be sensitive to the test, even though the test is very sensitive. again, he'll be evaluated as much as he can. >> in other words, if they do it too early, it could be a false
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negative. >> exactly. >> that's very important. this was a patient over the weekend at howard university, there was fear that this individual just arrived in the washington area from africa may have had ebola. they waited to do the test and the next day he was fine, so there was no need to do the test. >> or you may have another hypothesis, in the case of a traveler, malaria, typhoid fever, and you can maybe make that diagnosis and don't need to do the test. >> the point is, just because a patient has malaria, they can also have ebola. you can have two deceases at the same time. >> this were 30 or 40 other people that were in contact with mr. duncan, but that 21-day win toe is moving along. >> yeah, it's a good sign that nothing has popped up.
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we're all happy about that. but i wouldn't be shocked, particularly for individuals who had very significant contact with this patient, were a secondary case to occur. i hope not, but i would not be shocked. a very important thing to realize if that occurs, that is a cluster of disease related to one source. that's not the disease spreading uncontrolled in the united states. there's a real difference between the two. >> as you know, doctor, this police deputy, who is now being checked out at this hospital in frisco, texas, over these past several days has been in contact with a lot of people. i assume a lot of those people who know this police deputy are very worried about themselves. should they be? >> ebola has two phases. it has the biological agent and it has a psychological phase, which comes much earlier.
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all his friends and family would be extremely worried. so we have to deal with the psychological effects of ebola, as well as the agent. >> i think that's a really good point. one thing that is important is that we take every step to stop and prevent and epidemic. we have to stop the epidemic over there in africa. also, you don't want to have an epidemic of fear. we don't want people to be so afraid that we're making irrational decisions that make it worse. >> that nurse's assistant in spain who contracted ebola, even though she was never in west africa, but she got it in spain right now. apparently he was not in direct contact with somebody that did have ebola, but maybe something went wrong in terms of touching certain items and she got ebola. this is very worrisome development.
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>> in our hospitals, it's all about management and implementation. you have to have good supervision. strict supervision and very good management. >> you're the former chief scientist for the food and drug administration in the united states. zmapp, that drug that was given to those americans that were airlifted from liberia, is it too early that's a miracle drug that will save too lives of millions of people. >> yes, it is too early to conclude that about zmapp. lots of things, even when they work in animal models of disease, the majority of products tried don't work in people. so we need studies of these
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medicines to determine whether they're helping people so we can help the most people most quickly. i just think it's very important that we realize medicines can help people but they can also harm. we have good medical care that we know can help. that's why getting into care quickly is so important. >> they don't have any cures. there's no vaccine. thank you very much for joique us. appreciate it very much. we're standing by for the homeland security of the united states jeh johnson. he has just met with president obama at the pentagon. stand by for the interview. we're also following other breaking news this hour. the bloody battle against isis for that syrian city kobani.
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only yards away from the border with turkey. u.s.-led air strikes have killed dozens of militants, but the pentagon is saying the air assault cannot, repeat, cannot save the world and the world should be prepared to see it fall to terrorist forces. there could be a massacre. let's bring in jim sciutto over at the pentagon. jim, you have news about the u.s. military advisers helping iraqi forces fight isis. what are you learning? >> reporter: a senior u.s. official tells me that the u.s. military advisers in iraq advising iraqi forces as they fight isis that they have been confined to joint operation centers in baghdad and irbil in northern iraq. i'm told that they have now been moved down to the brigade level, much closer to the iraqi units locked in combat with the isis forces in iraq. they are still, i am told, in and around baghdad and irbil.
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but certainly far less removed from that fight on the ground there as they get closer to the iraqi units that are the ground forces there. that's in iraq. in syria, as you referenced, a remarkable moment today at the pentagon press conference when pentagon press secretary john kirby saying kobani cannot be saved by the usair campaign and the same for other syrian towns, that the u.s. is not in the business of rescuing them. a u.s. b-1 bomber in the skies over kobani. the rescue that kurdish fighters have been hoping for. military commanders say coalition air strikes, six in the last 24 hours, have helped push isis back. today, pentagon spokesman admiral john kirby warned that the u.s.-led air campaign will not save kobani.
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or for that matter, any number of other syrian towns under isis assault. >> are you preparing the public for the fact that not just kobani but other syrian towns may fall until you have those competent forces on the ground? >> yes. >> how do you deny isil the safe haven without taking back that territory. >> the long-term fix is going to be comp tent ground forces to retake territory from them. we've been honest about the fact what military power is going to do here. >> reporter: the goal say u.s. officials in unison is not taking back territory, but destroying isis command and control, targets that take
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precedence over protecting a besieged population. >> we're trying to deprive isil of the overall ability to wage this throughout syria and iraq. >> reporter: in iraq, where the u.s. does have partners on the ground, u.s. officials say that territory does matter and claim victories in retaking the mosul dam, the haditha dam and protecting baghdad from further advances. still, the map of isis controlled territory in iraq looks much the same today 61 days into the air campaign as it did before the bombing started. president obama came to the pentagon today to meet with his commanders to discuss the strategy against isis. it's a rare visit. in the last three years, he's only come for a personal health checkup and 9/11 memorial celebrations. the president echoing a point that many advisers have been
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saying, in his words, this is not a fight that's going to be won overnight. >> this the going to take a long, long, time. everyone should be bracing for that. jim sciutto, thank you very much. still ahead, we'll talk about all the breaking news. u.s. homeland security jeh johnson is standing by. we'll discuss what's going on. he's just leaving a high-level meeting with president obama over at the pentagon. young men in the united kingdom and the united states suspected of plotting terror. what are their links to isis? go ahead and put your bag right here. have a nice flight! traveling can feel like one big mystery. you're never quite sure what is coming your way. but when you've got an entire company
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more breaking news we're following in "the situation room." the fbi is getting hundreds of tips after taking the step of asking the american public to help identify an english speaking isis killer. pamela brown has more on that. pamela, what are you hearing? >> reporter: wolf, the fbi says its request for help from the public led to valuable information coming in about the i.d. of this masked militant and other potential americans who are fighting or want to fight with terror groups. >> we're here in the 17th division military base just outside the city of raqqa. >> reporter: hundreds of tips have poured in, in the last 24 hours, since officials called for the public's help identify thing man. >> we're here with the soldiers of bashar. >> reporter: seen in an isis propaganda video, speaking
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english before appearing to execute a group of prisoners. >> this is told in the inflection in the way he says certain words, that he sounds as if he's been educated in north america. >> reporter: officials say they're worried he may be someone with a western airport who could easily slip into the u.s. or europe. >> one of the key things to identify in him is that he's going to have a social circle. given that they're not sure who it is, that shows some of the lack of intelligence on our side as to who precisely has gone over. >> reporter: in london, four men are now in police custody, suspected of conspiring to launch a terrorist attack on british soil. this just two weeks after ten other men were arrested by british authorities on terror charges including the radical cleric. officials say they believe many of the arrests are linked back to syria and iraq. >> the london arrests are very much worth watching. one of the key questions after the islamic state called for the
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attacks on westerners is to see if other groups are going to be following that. >> reporter: in the u.s., 19-year-old mum kahn will be arraigned in court on thursday. federal investigators are still working on bringing additional charges against kahn. wolf? >> let's dig deeper now with phillip mudd and peter bergen and douglas olivant. phillip, the fbi asking for help identifying this masked terrorist. how helpful would these potential tips be? >> i think potentially critical, but for reasons that might not be evident.
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i don't think this guy is ever coming home. my guess is he's going to die on the battlefield. there are broader questions, though. number one, was there a circle of support around him that we have to identify that might have sent other people over. and number two, do you have people offering tips on other potential cells or individuals of interest who are just use thing opportunity to call in and provide what they know? >> have you heard, peter, the fbi issuing an alert like this, remember his voice, look at his eyes, and give us some tips. >> i haven't. it's not very usual for the fbi to be looking for somebody masked like this guy. typically we see a picture of somebody's face and information about height and things. >> what do you think about the arrest of these four individuals in london yesterday? we're getting word on some of them, details supposedly linked to what's going on in iraq and
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syria right now. there have been reports they wanted to do public beheadings in the uk and the united kingdom. what are you hearing? >> our real concern are these copy cats, not people who are returning from iraq and syria, but those who want to make a show, find some validation by becoming part of this phenomena, but can't get over there, so do these acts whether in the united kingdom or in the united states. >> this beheading theory, and we haven't confirmed it, we that's terrifying when you hear that. and americans are worried, could that happen here? >> that's right. the message i take away from the london situation is the war is potentially coming home. what we've talked about is hundreds of kids from western europe and the united states going out to fight. now in london's case, these four kids were planning to take the
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fight home to london. so your question is, when does it come to new york or question? >> and the beheading of that individual in oklahoma a couple of weeks ago, workplace violent supposedly, although this individual who was arrested supposedly had an agenda, inspiration, if you will, from sort of islamic roots. what is your analysis of what happened there? >> i just don't think we know. the problem is much deeper in britain where you've had 500 brits go over. the brits, by their own account, can't follow everything that's gone. to follow one person requires at least 20 other people in the mix. they don't have the resources to follow everybody who's gone. we had the fbi director tell 60 minutes only a dozen americans join isis. that's a much smaller number than the uk. >> i've got jeh johnson, joining us now from the white house.
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at least thomas eric duncan, the liberian man who had poebola an passed away this morning. secretary jeh johnson is joining us now. i know you've been involved in meetings with the pentagon, the president of the united states on two subjects -- isis as well as ebola. let's start with ebola right now. how concerned should we be that this kekd individual may have contracted ebola in texas? >> well, there have been several cases of what i'll refer to as false positives, where there was the potential for ebola, but
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then upon further investigation, that proved not to be the case. for example, we had one of those in newark, new jersey on saturday. so i want to wait and assess the facts carefully, assess the situation carefully. wolf, as you probably know, today we're putting in place more enhanced screening at arrival airports around the country for passengers coming from the three affected countries. we want to erect as many checkpoints as possible on journeys coming from west africa into the united states from my homeland security perspective. that is very important. plus, we have the best health care in the world. we have highly skilled doctors and so the ebola disease, the ebola virus is treatable. that's important to remember. we've had one diagnosed confirmed case of ebola that arose in this country. that was mr. duncan, who passed
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away today unfortunately. so we're going to keep at this and we're evaluating whether more is necessary. we're decided to go to a more active screening at the five airports bringing the overwhelming majority of people from west africa into the country, which is only 50 a day. >> john f. kennedy airport, washington, newark, dulles, chicago's o'hare and atlanta. but most of the people who come in from those three west africa countries, they go to europe first, then they connect to come into those airports. will you have their point of origin, is that information available to tsa and customs personnel? do they knoll where they're coming from as opposed to london or brussels or paris? >> when somebody travels from one of those three west african countries, even through a
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transit point, we know where they're coming from. we know on average it's about 150 passengers a day. two places coming into this country, around the country, so we're able to track that. i would like to say the countries where these transit points exist have the same incentives to track this situation. >> let's see at those five airports, somebody comes in from liberia and shows this individual has a fever or temperature or vomiting, how worried should the personnel be, that if they get into direct contact they could get ebola. what precautions are you taking? >> the protocol is, first of all, our customs personnel are very skilled at examining people, assessing people for a variety of reasons, and we're asking passengers to fill out a declaration about what symptoms do you have, are you feeling
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ill, where have you been for 21 days and where will you be for 21 days? and we're going to be taking the temperatures of every passenger that comes from one of the three affected countries. if you answer positive or test for a high fever, the passenger is immediately -- >> what if they lie, mr. secretary? >> that's why we want to erect as many checkpointses possible, so there's outbounds skreeng, then there will be screening upon arrival. and the airlines themselves have been given additional information about the disease. and we're taking the temperatures of every passenger. and thermometers don't tend to lie. >> one concern i have heard, mr. secretary, if a passenger takes aspirin or tylenol just before landing in the united states, maybe the temperature will go down and may show a normal
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temperature, even though that person might have symptoms. you've heard that concern. >> like i said, we want to erect as many checkpoints as possible, which includes the non-contact thermometer, which is 90% effective. the types of diseases that we're putting on line for this situation. >> a lot of us are concerned about the mistakes made in dallas when mr. duncan was initially brought in, he told them he just came from liberia, but sent him home with pain medication. for two days he was mingling with people he loved and with others. what lessons have belearned from the blunders that occurred in dallas? >> we continually evaluate what is necessary. so there are lessons learned from the dallas situation. but from my homeland security perspective, i'm also interested
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in staying ahead of the next potential situation where somebody may try to come into the country with the ebola virus. i want to stay one step ahead of this, which is why we're putting in place these enhanced screening measures. >> should we be concerned about an ebola outbreak in the united states? >> we have the best health care in the world. ebola is treatable. every known outbreak of ebola has been defeated and ended. so with proper health care and screening, it is manageable. it is treatable, particularly in this country. >> let's hope that is the case. mr. secretary, i want you to stand by. we have a lot more to talk about, including growing fears that isis terrorists they be plotting an attack here in the united states. much more with the secretary of homeland security right after this.
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back to the breaking news. just learning that the fbi is following up on what is being described as hundreds of tips from the american public as it hunts for possibly an american masked isis killer and other terrorists that may be infiltrating the united states and europe. still with us, the secretary of homeland security, jeh johnson. thank you very much once again. what do you know about this north american accented isis terrorist in this video that came out, how close is the u.s. to identify thing person? >> it's safe to say that our law enforcement and intelligence community and our homeland security community is actively involved in identifying individuals of suspicion, potential terrorist threats,
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individuals, and our national security community does an excellent job in identifying people in ways that i think the american public would truly appreciate. >> are you getting closer to identifying this person? >> i'll leave that to others in law enforcement and national security. for my homeland security perspective, i have a lot of confidence in our intelligence and law enforcement community. >> this 19-year-old arrested at chicago's o'hare international airport over the weekend as suspected in being involved with isis in some sort of way, do you know where he got $4,000 -- this is a 19-year-old -- to fly to turkey? >> well, there's a law enforcement case right now, and within the homeland security department, and law enforcement, the fbi, we've developed pretty sophisticated ways for
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identifying somebody at very early stages who might be considering traveling to syria to take up the fight there, to potentially join isil. so we have a number of ways of identifying individuals, particularly those who are interested in committing the criminal act of material support to terrorism. that's the offense. we're working closely on doing that. you know, this foreign fighter potential threat, those who go into syria and may come out after having hooked up with some extremist is a relatively new phenomena. we didn't have this going on in 2001 during the 9/11 attack. but we've developed sophisticated means for tracking these individuals and arresting them before they attempt to leave the country. >> duncan hunter, the congressman, he's suggesting that, at least in his words, ten isis fighters have been caught
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coming across the mexico border into texas. is that true? >> wolf, we have no credible specific intelligence to that effect. i look at the intelligence reports from overseas, from our southern border, from our intelligence community virtually every day, numerous times a day, to be on the lookout for something of that nature. so what i would say to the american public is, we're vigilant in looking out for individuals of suspicion that may be crossing our border, and we have no specific intelligence that isil is planning to come into the u.s. through our southern border. but we are on the lookout and what i say to public officials is we need to be responsible in what we say, in passing on speculation, rumor, to not
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unduly cause fear and anxiety in the american >> and i would encourage other public officials to do the same thing. >> so you are basically saying that congress duncan hunter is being irresponsible, is that what you are saying? >> what i'm saying is that we in homeland security are constantly vigilant to look for infiltrations on our southern and northern border and from aviation at airports. individuals of suspicion. we do a pretty good job at this. and so in this time when the american public is very focused on isil right now, focused on the ebola virus, i would encourage all of us to be responsible in what we decide to share with the american public so that the public is informed,
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the public itself can be vigilant, and if you see something, say something. but let's not unduly create fear and anxiety in the public by passing on speculation and rumor. >> good point, mr. secretary. thank you very much for joining us. ja johnson the secretary of homeland security. we'll have you back. just ahead, the ceo of good morning motors has decided not to pull her company ads despite the domestic violence scandal involving players. but first a preview of an amazing story coming up here on cnn. a powerful journey of self discovery.
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the ceo of three major nfl sponsors, all womens standing by the league amidst the domestic violence. poppy is live with one of them. >> mary barr, the chief of general motors is standing by the nfl saying they think they will do the right thing. they spend $40 million a year on advertising and this is huge to them and the nfl needs to hang on to sponsors like her and other heads at pepsi and campbells and others. but i took to her about this. listen. >> do you think that the nfl and roger goodell has taken the right steps responding to the nfl crisis? >> my opinion across the company
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is that it is completely unacceptable. and when i look at the steps the nfl is taking, i think they have the opportunity to not only make very important changes that will set the tone for the nfl, but also to do something that has more far-reaching implications to get to the issues that need to be resolved in this case so there can be behavior change and real change in this area of domestic violence. i believe they have that opportunity and i believe they'll seize it. >> so we will see -- it is a wait and see game. i talked to her extensively about the 30 million cars they've recalled this year, wolf, the tie to the ignition recall. she said we are doing the right thing and compensating the victims and it will never happen again. but it has been quite a year for general motors, that is for sure. >> thank you, poppy. and you can see more of the interview on cnn and you can follow us on
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twitter, tweet me at wolf blitzer or tweet the show at cnn sit room and join us tomorrow at the situation room or dvr so you won't miss an episode. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." erin burnett "outfront" begins now. >> "outfront" tonight, the second possible ebola case in dallas at the same day the man at the center of the ebola scare dies. and new screening at five airports around the united states. will it be enough to keep ebola out of the u.s. considering it doesn't take effect for maybe another week or so. and the president at the pentagon today says isis makes gains, is the mission changing on the fly. let's go "outfront." good evening, everyone. i'm erin
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