tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 8, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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>> there's something you don't see every day. >> i tried to think of the most harmless thing, something i love from my childhood. something that could never destroy us, mr. stay puff. >> nice thinking ray. >> bill murray has thought of a lot of thing including using in the cast. anderson starts now. good evening. thanks for tuning in. another possible ebola case in texas on the same day that the first person diagnosed with the disease in the united states has died. a sheriff's deputy who was in thomas duncan's apartment with county health officials is being examine ad at the same hospital where duncan died today. the head of the cdc offered condolences to duncan's loved ones and noted that even more than 3800 people have died, duncan is now the face we associate with ebola.
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a reminder of what a deadly enemy it is and how the health care system must do everything possible the fight it. >> the three key steps are first thinking of the possibility of ebola and identifying who may have the disease and second they can be rapidly tested and third isolated. that's crucial for our response. identification, diagnosis and safe care of anyone who may have ebola needs to be top of mind right now for health care providers throughout the country. >> in a moment elizabeth cohen will dig deeper into whether those steps were taken. what do you know, gary? >> reporter: anderson a dallas county sheriff's deputy who was one of first responders is now being treatmented himself for the possibility of ebola in the
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very same hospital where mr. duncan was. it started this afternoon around 12:30 in the town of frisco which is 30 miles north of dallas. this deputy went into an urgent care center saying he didn't feel well. doctors determined he had some symptoms of ebola. about nine emergency vehicles came to the scene. the deputy car was roped off by police tape. 14 people were inside the urgent care center. they were told not to leave. then he was rushed by ambulance to the hospital. authorities are saying there is a low risk of ebola and it was because of the reasons. he was never with duncan. duncan was already in the hospital. this deputy has never been to west kafr aafrica. he's not one of the 48 contacts medical officials are keeping an
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eye on. a short time ago the deputy's son spoke out. >> he woke up sore and fatigued and had a bit of stomach ache. no fever. no vomiting, diarrhea or anything like that. just experiencing somewhat flu-like symptoms. again, my dad being the cautious person just decided to be safe than sorry. just kind of scared. want to make sure he's okay. just waiting to get all the facts and make sure nothing gets blown out of proportion. we are just waiting to see. we're not expecting him to test positive. >> reporter: of the 48 people that medical authorities are keeping an eye on, we can tell you none has exhibited any symptoms. >> you got to give kudos for this officer for going in with an abundance of caution. how long will it take know whether he does have ebola? >> reporter: authorities are telling us it will take a
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maximum of 14 days but probably won't take that long. we should emphasize the cdc is saying it and authorities in texas are saying he's at very low risk for ebola so that's good news. >> that bears repeating. thanks. thomas eric duncan did lose his battle today. mr. duncan was initially sent home with antibiotics even when they knew he had been in liberia. i spoke with his partner several times on this program she was begging from help from the united states government for him and had concerns that maybe he wasn't getting the same aggre aggressive treatment as others did. now that he's dead the question is was enough done to save his life. >> reporter: he lay sickened in his hospital bed for six days bvr texas health presbyterian hospital used an experimental medication and his family said he never got a blood donation.
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compare to to nbc camera man also fighting ebola. he arrived at the university of nebraska on monday and doctors immediately gave him an experimental antiviral medication. >> he was turned away from the hospital. he was given an experimental drug at the final hour. his family was locked in an apartment for nine days with toxic materials. so, to top it all off he wasn't given a blood clot treatment nor was he allowed to video chat with his own family. to me there's some discrepancies when we have people that have survived in america. why couldn't mr. duncan had survived? >> reporter: ebola patients all got experimental medications almost immediately. brantley and sacre received blood donations. all this on top of the fact that
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duncan showed up at presbyterian on september 25th with a fever and blood pain. he said he travelled to liberia but still they told him to go home. a huge lapse on the part of the hospital. he was admitted september 28th missing three days he could have been treated and extending the days he potentially could have affected others. >> the thing that should be of great concern is that he was discharged from the hospital and sent home and was allowed the be in the community. >> reporter: when asked why it took nearly a week to get the medication to duncan the hospital told cnn the care team has been consulting with the cdc in emory on the daily basis discussing the treatment including the use of investigational drugs. duncan's girlfriend isn't satisfied issuing a statement thanking many people but not his doctors and nurses and she added i trust a thorough examine nation will take place regarding all aspects of his care.
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>> elizabeth joins me from dallas. hou how much of a difference could it have made if mr. duncan had gotten treatment sooner? >> reporter: anderson, we don't have a crystal ball but when i was in liberia doctors who treat ebola patients could emphasize enough if patients get to them sooner they have a significantly higher chance of savoring them. getting care at day 3 versus day 6 just those three days they said could make the world of a difference. >> all right. thanks very much. pastor george mason was the one who broke the news to duncan's partner that he had died. he joined me. thanks for being with us. how are they taking the news? did they -- when i last talked to her she knew he had taken a turn for the worse but did she realize the end was so close? >> she really didn't.
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yesterday when she heard that the new treatment protocol was issued her spirits were cheered. she let out gratitude to god. she was thinking and all of them were thinking that there was a lot more hope and he was on his way up instead of down. this morning when we delivered that news it was really devastating. >> i'm wondering how focused is louise on what could and should have been done differently. i know you said she was going through the what ifs. >> she does what everybody does in times like these. you ask yourself what you could have done differently. you wonder what other people could have done differently. this is reality that you don't want to have to accept. we can only live forward. we can't live back ward. while she has to trust that there are people who will investigate all of these things and seek justice and make sure that protocols were followed and while she can get assurances
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from many of us a and public officials about that, she can only live forward. we've have been trying to help her concentrate on where the reality of things are now and how to live by faith and not to focus in that direction solely. >> obviously, faith is very important to her. she's talked about that with me a lot. she has a son with mr. duncan who is now a college student. obviously our thoughts are with him as well. what happens now in terms of giving mr. duncan a funeral? will he be buried in the united states. there's a concern about ebola transmission even after the patient has passed away. >> it's my understanding he will be cremated. those are details i don't have all the answers for. i know she's willing for that to happen as is he. there are no decisions that have been made about final disposition of the remains.
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we are talking this evening in a little while here at the church. there was to be a prayer vigil for mr. duncan and for louise and the boys but now it's turning into a memorial service. >> it's a nice thing to do. in terms of the family's own health, louise's health, her son, you were in the same room as them. i know you couldn't touch them. you had to stand several feet away. how are they feeling health wise. what was it like being there? >> well, it is one of those things that is an abundance of caution that we stay three feet away and we don't touch and we stand instead of sit and those sorts of things. that's probably much more than needs to happen under the circumstances because they are still asymptommatic. they get their temperature taken twice day. so far they are doing well. i will tell you that the heartbreaking thing is when they received the news.
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they needed to be able to hold each other. i'm used to hugging someone like that. she fell to the floor and had to suffer alone. we were there together but we were not able to be together and comfort each other. this is a secondary tragedy of this case. >> i talked about that with nancy and her husband. nancy had gotten tested pos tite positive. is when she first got the news she was positive for ebola her husband tried to hug her and she said you can't touch me. that isolation has got to be such -- the disease is horrible enough. the isolation not being able to have that physical touch from a loved one has got to be so painful. >> it really is. love makes you want to move toward someone and to embrace them and share whatever joy our pain that they are sharing. we are physical human beings.
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we're body and spirit together. not to be able to do so is sort of a break in our human nay neeture. it's been challenging to them. >> our thoughts about mr. duncan that should be pointed out that he most likely contracted this because he saw a teenage pregnant girl in the area where he was staying collapse on the ground and he went to help her as did many people in that village. that should be noted on this day in which he has lost his life. he lost his life because he reached out in a human moment to help somebody else in need. >> i really think you're right. we have to decide. we have to decide how we're going to tell people's stories. i think you're doing a good job saying there that everyone's not a villain or a victim.
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sometimes there's actually enormous virtue involved. >> a number of people in that village who helped that young girl they have also either gotten sick or already passed way. pastor mason i appreciate all you do. thank you for being with us. there's break news about the nurse's assistance in pain who is if first bern to be diagnosed outside of west africa. we know her name. terese ramos. we know her dog has been euthanized. some studies have shown that dogs can carry the virus. so far no human infection vs been linked to dogs. set your dvrs to watch 360 when ever you want. it's a common scene in west africa. some passengers at five of america's busiest airports will be getting their temperatures taken as well as new measures to try to contain the ebola
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outbreak. we'll take you to liberia for reaction to thomas duncan's death. what people in his home country are saying tonight. r analytics. your goals, our technology. introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. enagage with us. dad: he's our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab
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and taking temperatures. the new screening will go into affect at jfk on saturday started by airports in newark, washington, chicago and atlanta. more than 94% of travelers coming from the united states go through those five airports. joining me is dr. seema yasmin and dr. irwin. thanks for being with us. first of all, what do you make of these screening procedures? >> i think we're looking for ways to make sure we have identified as many people as possible. i think that's a reasonable stab at it. the problem is it's still not going to be complete. there will be people slipping through. there will be people asymptommatic and they will be incubating. i think we're taking the steps to try to reduce the chances that somebody will slip in. i don't object to them. >> i think about the forms that say have you had contact with
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livestock or agriculture for those diseases. anybody who wants to try to get through customs quickly will more than likely say no, i had no contact. other than the temperature still depends on self pureporting. >> not only that but self-reporting in a written form. the better way to do that, if you could, would have face-to-face, verbal communication with the security questions or these public health questions will be asked directly and people tend to be forthright when it's directly asked. >> what's your reaction to the screening plan? i know you were skeptical of whether the u.s. could afford to screen all passengers. it seems like a more targeted plan. do you think it will be effective? >> i think the key thing is it's targeting these five key airports where the travelers where the three areas will travel through. that really makes it a lot more
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feasible and focus and will cost less. of course, it's another layer of public health intervention. travel in those countries are being screened. this just adds another layer of public health screening. i think it has potential to be effective even if it prevents one or two people from traveling into the u.s. it would make it worthwhile. >> there's been a lot of focus on whether flights should be stopped from coming in but what about just visas. mr. duncan applied for a visa to come to the united states, as i understand it, from louise. i suppose that's another point of contact where people could be screened more aggressively. >> potentially, yes. it would depend whether it's going to be just a paper form that somebody is filling in to get a visa or would you have a face-to-face contact interview with the person. you're really trying to tease out that information and trying to ask people to be very honest in this instance about their
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exposures, where they have traveled to. it would depend on how sufficient successfully you could institute that. >> the story behind the headlines on all of this is just how budgets devoted to public health, disaster preparedness have been slashed dramatically since 9/11. they rose immediately after 9/11. skyrocketed and then they just been coming down every year. >> we're really not good at paying attention to these long term investments that will keep us prepare and safe. this is really something that hopefully one of the positive things that might come out of this whole episode tragically is going to be an exposure of this cutting back of the funding that we absolutely need to make sure our hospitals are prepared and that our public health departments are capable of having the manpower and stuff to make sure the country is possible. >> it's like infrastructure.
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nobody pays attention until a bridge collapses and everybody is like why weren't we paying attention. >> in some ways worst. people aren't aware of what needs to help. you cross the bridge every day and see the corrosion. if nothing happens dramatically, you wait and there's a big thing and everybody's up in arms. it was wake up call but are we going to hit the snooze alarm button and get back into complacency. i hope the administration and congress will get together and say we have to restore the funding. >> i want to you about something particular about the spanish nurse. before i say what it is, people will say how can you ask this question because so many people are dying in west africa. i ask this question because when people hear her dog was euthanized in spain, it's beyond, i know there were big
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demonstrations in spain about that. just as a reservoir for this virus, is that a real potential reservoir for the virus. can pets carry it? >> they can. there was study done by cdc in 2001 and 2002 and there was an outbreak. they found that dogs were coming into contact with infected humans and dogs would carry the virus without showing any signs of infection. they wouldn't even get sick. what the researchers did find is when the dogs excreted things that the virus was found in that and potentially they could be spread to humans but the researchers could not say for sure that transmission would occur from dogs to humans. >> i appreciate you being on. you can find out more on this story at what people in liberia are saying tonight about his death. also, the moments leading up to a violent confrontation.
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take a look at this tape during a routine traffic stop. new detail about the officers accused of using excessive force. it was all caught on tape. machine who work with regional experts who work with portfolio management experts that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration.
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we're going to have more on the ebola crisis in a moment. first the police officers accused of using excessive force in indiana. it isn't the first time they have faced drivers. the car's driver said she was rushing to see her dying mom when she was pulled her. two kids and another adult were in the car. the situation educatiwagituatio. this is the moment everyone is talking about. >> are you going to open the door? >> why do you say somebody is not going to hurt you? people are getting shot by the police. [ bleep ]. >> on the ground. >> that was crazy. that is horrible. this is horrible. >> what you saw isn't the whole story.
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susan candiotti talked to the driver today. >> reporter: a chilling end to a 13-minute stand off between an indiana family and ha mammond, indiana police. it starts with a simple traffic stop in broad daylight. police pull over driverer lisa malone and her front seat passenger for not wearing seat belts. she was on the way to the hospital to see her dying mother. the way she was pulled over scared her from the start. >> he's going from the left to the right. i'm like i don't know which way to pull over. he's pulling moefr like i robbed a bank. >> reporter: before the cell phone camera rolls she hands over her license for a possible $25 seat belt ticket. things go downhill when her companion jamal jones doesn't have an id and reaches in the backseat to grab a ticket with his name on it. police say that move makes them worried about their safety.
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>> step out of the vehicle. >> this is crazy. >> reporter: she calls 911. by now her 14-year-old son in the backseat is rolling video sitting next to his 7-year-old sister. >> step out of the vehicle. >> on the phone, man. >> you need to step out of the vehicle. >> reporter: she stays on the line with 911. >> i feel like my life is in danger. >> reporter: jones won't budge. >> they had their weapons drawn. i felt to protect my family i should have stayed in that vehicle and not moved. >> reporter: about a minute later jones still not moving. a supervisor steps closer. >> why do you say somebody will not hurt you. people are getting shot by the police. [ bleep ]. >> on the ground. >> reporter: police also have a dash cam video and audio recording made by another officer at the scene.
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that video has not been released. the mayor stands by his 200-member police force, 20% of his air forces are minorities. in statement the police department says the officers were following procedure by not keeping his hands in plain sight and going into a backpack, officers safety was threatened. the officer who smashes the window is identified as lieutenant patrick vicary. records show he's been sued twice for excessive force. in 2007 the plaintiff suffered permanent brain injury. the case was settled. in 2008 the family accuses the same officer of pointing guns at them, batserring the mother and putting a choke hold on a child during a traffic stop. the family sell settles out of . a second involved in this was sued in 2003 for offensive contact. the outcome is unknown.
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neither officer could be reached by cnn. now another family is suing the city accusing officers they went too far. susan candiotti, cnn, new york. >> i want to bring in our panel. mark, what's your take on this? was smashing the window and tasing the guy necessary or excessive use of force. >> it's easy to place blame almost on one side or the other. the police are supposed to be trained to minimize conflict and try to deal with it and do away with the animosity that exists. when blacks interact with cops there's problems as we see it and maybe these micro decisions that we make. when they ratchet up to the point that's when it gets violent. i have to say you have to listen to a police officer. when he says give me your information, give it. if he says get out of the car
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you have to listen to the police officer and deal with it top proper avenues with the police department. you can't make the decision that a cop can't lose. >> sonny believed race played a role in this. the people in the car african-american and the officers were not. >> i believe you need to follow the police instructions. we have too many cases involving african-american men and white police officers. when african-american men are seemingly doing nothing wrong, committing very minor crimes, if crimes at all, death happens or excessive force. beatings happen. we saw the man in new york who is running and perhaps had marijuana on him and he gets beat in face, hit with a pistol by the police. we have the gardener case in new york. we have too many of these cases. african-american men feel like they are under siege. they should listen to the police but when they listen they can end up dead. >> specifically in this case,
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what do you think should have happened? on the police part but on the man who wouldn't get out of the vehicle and show id. >> i think it was excessive to break the window and tase the man in front of his girlfriend and his kids. they told the man they needed to' identification. perhaps they could have asked him to pass it out the window. they are on the phone talking to 911. what are the chances to be a gun if she's calling the police. they didn't search for a gun after the talk of there being a gun in the vehicle. i can't believe what the police were saying in terms of them fearing there was a gun because they didn't search for a gun. >> how is there any way know if race was factor in this? you talk about micro decisions that were made. >> it's difficult. you can't look at this and say
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there's a racial issue. we do know and the reality cannot be denied that if there was a white family the chances are much less it would have ended up with a broken window and the type of event that happened here. there are those micro vices that we bring to the forefront. cops have to be better train and the african-american community has to be better trained. we know that's the beginning of situation that always gets worse on the situation. >> when you hear previous allegations of misconduct of some of these officers, is it fair to infer anything from that when they have probably made many stops without incident? >> i think it's fair to infer there needs to be a lot more training for these police officers and i question why that particular officer who has had two serious charges is still working for that police department. we have seen a city council member call for and question the
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training of his officers. beyond the technical training of the police officers we have to talk about the sensitivity training about race, african-americans as well as police officers. police have to understand what's the mind set of that mind setting in the car and the aggressive nature. there's a request for a supervisor and he use a curse word in responded to the man as he's asking for a supervisor. lots of issues that need to be addressed. >> appreciate your perspective. mark thank you as well. more people in spain, the number is now at six may have the disease. a live report from madrid is next.
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more breaking news tonight. the ebola crisis we're now learning six people have been admitted to a hospital in madrid including the nurse's assistant. a total of six people now hospitalized. there's new and troubling information tonight that she may have been exposed to ebola when she touched her face while taking off her own protective suit.
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cnn national correspondent joins me now on the phone. what do we know about the new patients? they're not confirmed, correct? >> reporter: correct. what we know is one is being -- that person an another person have left. two have left. those have been given the all clear. two others have come in. two doctors and a male nurse. all coming in with varying symptoms. they are being closely monitored. they are not quarantined in any sort of way. they are being monitored to see if they have ebola because they dealt with the missionary who died here. they are being very careful.
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>> it's alarming. the nurse's assistant believes she may have contracted it while removing part of her protective outfit. she may have touched the outer part of the her garment. >> reporter: that's what we heard today. what we're hearing is she said, according to the doctor the hospital that she now thinks perhaps she touched her face as she was taking the suit off that had gloves and could have touched her place. it was hours early before we heard of this she told a leading paper she couldn't think of how she contracted ebola and many nurses who were protesting here tonight outside the hospital perhaps suggesting that she may have been coaxed and pressured
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to blame herself so the government and some of the health system don't look so bad. the lapses don't look so bad on the government side. >> there's also been a big controversy in spain about the killing of the nurse assistant's dog. what did authorities give as a reason for killing the dog. >> reporter: this is huge in spain. the protests outside the apartment didn't want the see the dog being put down. some 30 people protesting not allowing them to get into the apartment complex. the authorities said the government and health authority said right from the beginning they want to put him down because they feared that perhaps he could have caused ebola and being extra careful not knowing
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whether ebola could be passed from human to animal. they are being extremely careful. protesters on the treat and some saying this is taking extreme measure. perhaps they could have taken the dog and monitored him and test the dog instead of putting him down. >> we're seeing that protest now. thank you. just ahead with key syrian city on falling to isis, blunt words about what the air strikes can and cannot accomplish. just . we're helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. transamerica. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business.
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president obama met with top defense and national security officials. the focus of their talk ebola and air strike ps p the besieged syrian city of kabana is on the drink brink of falling to isis. gun battled rocked kabani today. there was a blunt assessment about the effectiveness of the air strikes. here is the exchange opinion. >> how do you deny isil the safe haven without taking back that territory. >> the long term fixes, and we recognize that, is going to be
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competent ground forces that can retake territory from them. there's a limit to what military power will do. >> are you preparing the public in effect for not just kobani but other syrian towns will fall until you have those competent forces on the ground? >> i think we should be stealing ourselves for that eventuality. >> if isis wins the city it would be a strategic victory for them. >> not stra tooeng t.tegic but a victory for them. i think that will be a very visible and difficult set back for the coalition to face as we all watch this play out in public if they can't gain back that ground and isis gains more
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ground in syria despite the campaign. >> he reiterated it can be won with air strikes alone. it could take years to get the rebels up to fighting speed. >> that's right. a minimum a year just for 5,000 rebels. when you think of the scale of isis's presence there but all the other groups that are playing out there, 5,000 is not a lot to relying on far down the line. you look across the border in iraq where you have hundreds of thousands of troops on your side and even there they're not pushing back isis very quickly. >> also, we've seen apache attack helicopters being use. i understand military u.s. advisors are working are iraqi troops. >> that's right. they were jock operation centers in baghdad.
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i was told today they have fnow move ed down to the brigade levels. i'm told that's still in and around baghdad and much closer than they have been before. >> appreciate. thanks. up next, cnn's newest host joins us for a preview of his show. that's mike rowe. it debuts in a few minutes. stay with us.
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a new series debuts called somebody's got to do it. mike goes behind the scenes at a popular las vegas show at the wynn hotel. >> forget about backstage. this is understage. the stage is always changing elevations. sometimes it's out of water. sometimes it's just below the surface. other times it's way down toward the bottom. it's like cave diving if the caves are constantly moving. guess what's going in the water. this is chris. >> mike. >> thanks. >> essentially my life will be in your hands for the short
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term. >> exactly. >> mike put ossen a wet suit and take a big dive. he joins us now with more on the new show. welcome. this is part of the program with do a segment called the ridiculous. what's the most ridiculous thing that happened while shooting your show? >> that's a great question. since we're talk about this specific episode. i'm said the moment where the pr guy said if you want to we can let the big fella lift you out of water 40 feet in the air and drop you. when the cameras are rolling and somebody asks you a question you kind of feel like a smuck if you said no and the other you're in a wet suit falling through the sky like a lawn dart. >> i got to ask why are you standing in front of the wall of garbage right now? >> we haven't stopped shooting in like the last six months. we've been on the road going all
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over the country meeting people. this wall of garbage belongs to a guy that's been a friend of mine for a long time. he's kind of a self-appointed custodian of the mississippi and ohio rivers and some of the america's waterways. he gets the bgarbage out of her because nobody else will do it. it's been incredible to watch him work. >> he's a cnn hero of the year. he's a great guy. where do you get your best ideas from? i know you have a facebook page. a lot of your ideas come from facebook. people just telling you, you should meet this guy. >> that's the most important part of the show. it's like three degrees of mike. we have a production company and we look for stories. thanks to facebook, people call me directly and contact me directly and say look, i got
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neighbor. i got a friend, i got pal. you've got to see what this person is doing. those stories have turned out the be amazing and guys like chad that i happened to cross paths with and made a note and said if i ever have chance to do a show that features people like him doing work like this, i'd like to come back and give it an honest look. >> in your episode you go to a hair museum. what's hair museum. >> right. this is a perfect example. we were in kansas city shooting one show. when we got done i hopped on facebook and said mhey america, i'm in kansas city. if you know anybody in the zip code who has to do. we got thousands of suggestions and one of the top ones was you have to meet lee. she runs a hair museum in a strip mall. i've never heard those words in
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the same sentence. we meet her and she's dedicated her life to preserving geneology through hair. >> mike, i look forward to the show. thanks so much for being with us. say hi to chad. >> it will be on in mere seconds. i will. >> now the premier of mike's new show, somebody's got to do it. last time i went to las vegas and visited a pig pardon me. i met a lot of pigs, chasing a big, lifted the pigs, fed the pigs, ate a pig. that was fun. you know what i didn't do? i didn't go to a show. i have unlimited access and i get to lift a beautiful woman in bathing suit out of a giant pool and drop her from a great hei t height. new show, new mission, same guy.
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