tv Smerconish CNN October 11, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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we're following. the big story coming out of iraq, that the leaders in al anbar province are asking for u.s. help now. we'll continue that coming up at 10:00 eastern. >> see you then. "smerconish" is next. welcome to the program. thanks for joining me. ebola hits home. the battle moves to new york city where tough new screenings begin today at jfk. but will that really do any good? i've got my doubts. i'll ask an expert. if the you want a friend in washington you noey what they say, get a dog. that was harry truman's advise. president obama has two dogs so he has two friends, even former members of the president's own team are taking pot shots in tell-all books. is all fair in politics and publishing? and finally, smoke them if you got them. the battle over a ban on smoking in the military. let's get started.
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this week america saw its first ebola death. along with it a slowly rising panic that's triggered government action. a stribter screening for ebola begins today at new york's jfk airport, fears about the disease have led to several bizarre incidents including this, a guy sneezes on a plane, and then he joked that he had ebola. watch the result. >> i've done this for 36 years, i think the man that has said this is an idiot and i'll say that straight out. if you hear me that's fine. i want you to keep your wits about you because people coming on that are often watching the news so they look like they are in the bubble. >> and there was this. a one-day walkout at a new york airport by workers who clean the planes. they say they are not being protected from potential exposure to ebola. mary is a former inspector general of the d.o.t. who is now an attorney for victims of transportation accidents, she says it's not just possible, it's a fully disinfect planes
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coming from the ebola zone. is this window dressing these new tests that are being done, for example today at jfk? >> i won't say it's entirely window dressing because we have to do something. we can't put the health of the american public at the mercy of temperature checks from ebola-stricken countries. but there is much more that has to be done to keep people safe and as far as i can tell other than the cdc putting out guidelines aircraft workers, cleaners, et cetera, haven't really been given the training or equipment to do it. >> here's thomas duncan, this first death, we hope not the first of many, he arrived asymptomatic. that which is going into effect would not have prevented his arrival or that which followed. >> right. eventually depending upon how the outbreak and if there is more spread in the united states, for 150 people a day that are arriving from those countries to the united states, compare that with the 18 million passengers, so one has to ask if it wouldn't make more sense to
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eliminate the 150 travelers from ebola zones than putting 547 airports, 106 of them are international ports, i mean that's a lot more scening than could potentially be necessary if they did restrict the travel from, for 150 people a day. but that decision has been made so what they have to do is beef it up and do it right. the problem is by the time they screen the people the airport, the plane cleaners will have been on and off the plane. >> let's revisit that decision. you're advocating instead what we should do is impose a travel ban from those west african nations that are most affected by ebola. why aren't we doing that? >> well, because we're a nation, it's in the constitution we praise travel, we want to leave the travel open. even the cdc said though it's not their job, they said they are worried about the economies of those three countries. i don't think people are focusing on how few travelers there are and that it would be
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more sensible and more efficient to do that. but the country's made the decision and the decision was to allow travel to continue but to screen. and i think the economies of scale are vastly skewed when you do it that way. >> so today someone flying into jfk is noted to have, from a west african point of origin, is noted to have an elevated temperature. now what do we do with this individual and how concerned are you about the ability of the faa and the cdc to work together in this regard? >> boy, have you hit it. so far the faa has punted to the cdc. the faa put out a press release saying it's up to the cdc. cdc said they will conduct the screenings, if someones that the elevated temperatures they will do the questioning and have seclusion rooms where they can decide what to do. but as you and i know, if someone is sick and needs to go to the hospital they don't have a lot of ability to detain people, et cetera and we're
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about to head into two seasons, one bad, one good. flu season and thanksgiving and christmas holiday and the peak travel season of the year. people traveling with children as well. so that poses a lot of problem for the cdc on retaining and detaining people. and i think that is probably where we run into problems with false positives. it's not going to work for long. >> one additional question. let's assume that today someone arrives at jfk, point of origin a west african nation affected by ebola. they are noted to have an elevated temperature and consequently there is a process now that gets followed. what becomes of the airplane? what becomes of the tray tables and what becomes of the blankets, what becomes of the pillows. we don't have a definitive finding. all we know is someone got off and had an elevated temperature. what are we now going to do with regard to the plane and the people charged with cleaning it? >> by this point the plane has gone on to its next assignment, its next flight. the cdc said if there are bodily
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fluids on the plane they have to don the moon suits but the problem right now is the federal aviation regulations have absolutely no requirement in them about cleaning the planes. right now the tray tables aren't wiped, the arm rests aren't wiped so. by the time this is determined that plane has done its 30 minute turn or whatever is off on its venture so they have to put into places some way to detain the plane. that hasn't been done yet. >> mary, thank you as always. >> thank you. i want to turn to a story sparked outrage. spanish authorities euthanize add dog belonging to a nurse's assistant who has been strict within ebola. the mixed breed dog excaliber was killed on wednesday out of fear it might spread ebola. a fear that my next guest says is misplaced. peter is an associate profess arer at north carolina state's college of veterinary medicine. he advised the cdc and the world health organization on transmission of diseases from
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animals and the cdc itself tweeted it's working to develop guidance for the u.s. pet population. doctor, did excaliber have to die? is there there has never been a known transmission from dogs to humans of the ebola virus. so we really could have learned a lot by trying to move in another direction with this animal. >> why couldn't the dog be quarantined like i understand is the case with the husband of the nurse in spain who tested positive? >> we needed to learn whether that woman had transmitted ebola to the dog before we even know the next question which is can the dog then transmit it to others. so once the dog is euthanized we never get an answer to that. and we really need answers to these questions. you know when we study the ebola virus, we study it mainly in humans and we do a little bit of work in wildlife to find out
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that bats and other chimpanzees and other animals at risk but we need to take a one health approach and study among all of the spectrum of animals. >> thank you so much for your time. >> you're welcome. up next, tough times at the white house with crisis from ebola, isis. americans seem to be losing faith in president obama. is anybody on his side? also ahead, how an accused cop killer evaded a manhunt in pennsylvania's woods for a month. a former navy seal tells us how he's getting that done. right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100% real milk. no discomfort. come on, would i lie about this? sir, we're loaded and getting ready to go... ...we're going to need you on the runway. (vo) don't let a severe cold hold you back.
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obama? 2008, 2012? >> this election isn't about the president. it's about -- >> i know but did you vote for him? did you vote for him? >> i was actually a delegate for hillary clinton. >> you're not going to answer. >> i don't think the president is on the ballot as much as mitch mcconnell might want him to be. >> even former members of the president's own team are taking pot shots with tell-all books like the latest from leon panetta. of course it's nothing new for former staffers to kiss and tell but doing it while the president is still in the white house wasn't done at least not at this rate. so, is the president all alone? i'm joined by paul, cnn commentator, democratic strategist and senior adviser to priorities usa action. and crystal wright for conservative black paul, if you were working, running the alison grimes campaign, and that question came up, what advice would you
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whisper in her ear? >> obviously you don't want to make the election about obama. the fact you're eating up air time, with that gap shows that it was not the right answer. i think thing is put mitch mcconnell, less i took the lesser of two evils but i'm more disappointed when mitch mcconnell votes to take medicare and make at voucher program. i'm more disappointed, make it about mitch. that's the political consultant's, this preferred answer. >> crystal wright, when is it appropriate for someone who served as a confidante of a president, a cabinet member, close associate, to finally write their memoir, doesn't loyalty demand you wait until the president he or she is out of office? >> well, i would love to hear what paul would say to that question. because i don't remember folks who served in the clinton administration you know, any time while president bill clinton was serving, and then
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they left the administration writing these awful critiques on the president. i think it's unprecedented to have two former defense secretaries in the middle of president obama's second term basically say his foreign policy was almost nonexistent. you had bob gates who said that he had a contempt for the military, he didn't even want to deal with afghanistan. and now of course we saw what leon panetta said that the president acts more like a law professor and doesn't have passion for leadership. that left us with a mess in iraq and syria. so when i look back on president bush, president clinton, i just don't remember staffers coming out with this level of a critique. i think what it says is that how bad and things have gotten for president obama really democrats have lost confidence in him. when jimmy carter -- >> let paul respond. >> wait. real quick.
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jimmy carter who knows a little about failed foreign policy has come out and critiqued president obama. that's really not something that promotes confidence from anyone. >> paul, go ahead. >> it's sadly, there's lots of precedent. i worked for president clinton. i have written five books about politics, none about time with president clinton. one of my best friends, he is one of my closest friends, george stephanopoulos did write. it was i think way too critical. and so did bob rish when bush was president. scott mcclellan. no one was closer. he was an old pal of his, press secretary, during his presidency scott wrote a scathingly negative book. i will say each time even when georgie wrote his book and scott against bush i said it was wrong. because it's i think it is disloyal.
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i think that those -- people like gates and panetta, leon is a personal friend. these are really impressive public officials, they really served their country with honor and distinction but they should wait until the presidency is finished. it would be better because history requires a little bit of reflection. >> agree. >> paul, i want to ask you about the cover of the rolling stone. because as you well know, paul krugman has written and he says this is what a successful presidency looks like. paul, is this what a successful presidency looks like? >> i think there is no question. yes. i think history way kinder to president obama than some of his former cabinet officers. absolutely. just pick -- first off general motors is alive and osama bin laden is dead. absolutely true. we would have no american automobile industry but for barack obama. beyond that we might have a good wall street reform, health care
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reform, and the deficit, they took my boss's sur plaus is down from 10% of gdp to 2.8. this is the fastest -- >> crystal, something else that paul wrote. he said obama delivered less than supporters wanted, less than the country deserved, but more than deers acknowledge. how about the last part. i know that you don't believe this is what a successful presidency looks like but how about the last statement from professor krugman where he says the guy doesn't get any breaks from those who are his opponents. >> i don't know how obamacare is delivering more than the president promised. he said hey, i'm going to bring health care to the majority of americans, and if you like your health care you can keep it. and that was a disaster. and back to we were talking about with the candidate alison grimes running against mitch mccannel she won't even utter obama's name t failed rollout of
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obamacare is why so many democrats are running away from this president and can't even say his name. i would say this to paul, george stephanopoulos and scott mcclellan they weren't secretaries of defense and i agree with you, i think folks should wait until after they serve the president before they critique. >> on that happy note of agreement we're done. paul and crystal, thank you both so much. i have to take a quick break. when we come back accused cop killer hiding in the pennsylvania woods for a month, how has eric frein managed to evade police for so long? and are they closer to catching him? also, a new law in california that would allow family members to take guns out of the hands of relatives who could be potential mass killers.
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authorities have been searching for a month for suspected cop killer eric matthew frein. he disappeared into the pennsylvania woods on september 12 after an ambush that killed corporal bryon dickson and wounded trooper alex. the douglas outside a police barracks. the search focused on a five square mile area in monroe county including barrett township where the supervisors canceled halloween trick-or-treating and the halloween parade. i'm joined on the phone by joseph cohut, a staff writer for the scranton times tribe bun.
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joe, you reported that there have been four sightings, potential sightings, of frein thus far. here is my question. after they think they have seen him, why don't they immediately encircle and move in at least with dogs? >> i think that they do. the problem is that the terrain is incredibly difficult to move through. i know i was there yesterday and we took a little bit of a venture, and it really is as difficult as they have been saying. the brush is so thick in places where you literally need to get down on your hands and knees and crawl through it in order to pursue. so, though they may see him as 75 to 100 yards, that's a pretty significant distance when you're dealing with this type of terrain. >> is the perimeter sealed? is there an opportunity for him to get out at some point if he attempted to do so? >> based on my experience when they have a possible sighting of him, the best one that comes to
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mind was sunday at a tree nursery. they have very, very hard perimeter. they have troopers with heavy weapons stationed every few yards that could stretch on for quite some distance. a couple of miles. and in addition to that they have teams that sweep through the area to try to flush him out like trying to flush out deer towards the perimeter. they have numerous helicopters circling overhead. so they do make quite significant and pretty dramatic attempts to apprehend him but like i said, the terrain is very dense, very difficult to move through. especially when they need to -- >> thank you so much for your reporting. so, how has eric matthew frein managed to evade police for so long? my next guest has some ideas. he is a former navy s.e.a.l. and he hosted surviving disaster on
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spike tv. how can the guy survive for a month encircled by law enforcement without the ability to fire his weapon because if he were to fire his weapon to hunt, he would draw the attention of law enforcement. >> well, i tell you what. the region of the poconos he is in, 67,000 acres, 40 miles of river, you know, 100 miles of trails, the guy's got plenty of water, plenty of opportunity for food. plenty of opportunity to hide. i mean, and the biggest thing is based on the temperature. mid 70s, it's not dropping below mid-40s, this is stuff that a boy scout with average training is going to be able to do with shorts and a t-shirt. >> what happens with the seasonal temperatures? i imagine the guy can't light a fire for the same reason he can't light a weapon. >> which is interesting because some of the places they found him he's lighting fires, so here's what happens. nobody wants us to go into november but in november average
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temperature is going to start dropping below freezing. and so what do you have to do in order to survive, you need to be able to get a water source within two to three days. and you need to be able to stay warm. and if that happens, either you set up shop near a place where this guy is going to be able to get water or start using thermal imagery to find out where he is lighting the fires to stay warm at night and the thing he's got against him is this is one man who has been on the run by unlimited law enforcement who keep resupplying, get rest, rotating. we're going to find this guy. it's a matter of time. unfortunately, based on what this guy, his i don't know, his crazy mental movie, is probably going to be a shoot-out. >> the final question. the concept of posse coma ta does to prevent the s.e.a.l.s getting involved. if the s.e.a.l.s were involved would you wait him out or be moving in now? >> if it was up to me we'd go in
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aggressively. look, unfortunately this isn't -- this is somebody missing. everybody get on line and try and find them. this is somebody that can shoot back if you send in the s.e.a.l. teams, absolutely we're going to hunt this guy down and if it's five square mile this is guy is dead by tomorrow. >> thanks so much. thanks for your service. when we come back, california's new gun law intended to stop the next mass killing before it happens. can it work? friday night lights out. the high school football team's season canceled over allegations of shocking abuse by players. what is it with america's game and scandalous behavior. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business.
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get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. california govern jerry brown signed a law that would allow concerned family members to petition a judge to take away guns from a relative that they fear may commit a violent crime. it's the first law of its kind in the country and it's meant to prevent mass killings. but will it? i'm joined by the man who introduced the legislation, california state assembly man dos william, and john lott the author of "more guns less crime" and the founder of the crime prevention research center. would this law if it had been on the books prevented those horrific killings in i'lla vista. >> we can't look into the past and know for sure. but there would have been two junctures in this case where
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this could have been prevented. and there are far more mass killings, spousal murders and suicides that this law could prevent. >> you know that a criticism of the law and i'm sure john will mention this, i'll mention it before he gets to it, that potentially you are seizing someone's weapon, they would say in violation perhaps of the second amendment, before they had the opportunity to have a hearing. that's the way the gvro works, right? >> that's right. it's just like a domestic violence or spousal or a stalking domestic order. and unless you think that domestic violence orders are unconstitutional, this should be constitutional. and you know, let's face it. the worst thing that would happen if somebody got this wrong, is someone would lose their weapon for 23 days. while i view that as negative if they are innocent, the worst thing that happen we do nothing is we lose lives
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forever. and so, the due process in this law allows someone who is the subject of a gun violence restraining order to go to a judge and get a hearing and get their weapons back. if they are not a danger to themselves or others. >> john lott, what of that argument that says this is framework in a domestic violence capacity? >> i don't know, i think this is quite different in a number of ways. you alreadied that power for police to go and take somebody in for 72 hour psychiatric evaluation. what this does is it cuts the psychiatrist out of the loop. you basically if a police officer has a reasonable belief, he can go and with the judge take away this person's right to be able to go and defend himself for some period of time. if somebody's a danger to themselves or others, surely you can go and put them in some type
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of situation where they are locked up and taken out of that possibility of doing harm to others. but i don't see how this would have stopped the isla vista case f. somebody is a danger that person killed three people with knives. you should go and lock them up rather than take away a gun. here he planned for 2 1/2 years in advance. >> john lott, i have often heard from the nra advocates and second amendment purists say look, guns don't kill people, you know the tag line, people do. it's the mental health, not the weapon. and it seems to me the california initiative at least is seeking to do something about the mental health aspect of this. no? >> you already had mental health a. police officer t sheriff's deputies went to the person's home, if they believe that he was a threat to himself or others and they didn't believe that, but if they had believed it, they could have taken him in for 72-hour psychological evaluation. they didn't do that.
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what this does is this takes the psychiatrist out of the process. why -- what's the gain from taking psychiatrists out of the process, evaluating whether somebody is a threat. >> dos williams, respond to that argument by john lott. >> this does not take psychiatrists or psychologists out of the process. in fact, what it does is it means that we're not just going to rely on law enforcement to recognize the first warning signs. often family members, especially spouses or other people living with the person who is homicidal or suicidal and unbalanced are the first ones to recognize that there may be a condition. and this allows them -- this allows them, they cannot do that, they can only go to law enforcement. this allows them to go to a court, and ask the court for a gun violence restraining order. >> gentlemen, thank you. >> if that court gets the judge
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to find that they are a danger to themselves and there is clear and convincing evidence. >> family members before went to the police. the police didn't find in the case. here you're going to allow the second cousin's wife to be able to go and bring these types of charges against somebody. completely unrelated. >> i wish we had more time. thank you both for being here. i have to take a quick time out. coming up extremely disturbing allegations of abuse by students on a high school football team. now the season is canceled and parents are asking how could it happen? also, smoke and mirrors, why won congressman says a proposed ban on the sale of tobacco on military bases is an assault on freedom. you make a great team.
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a scandal over allegations of brutal hazing, shaking the community of sayreville, new jersey. reports that high school fresh men players were bullied and some claim sexually assaulted in the locker room. details, i have to warn you this is disturbing. the unidentified parent of a player in the program says quote in the darkness a freshman football player would be pinned to the locker room floor, his arms and feet held down by multiple upperclassmen, then the victim would be lifted to his feet while a finger was forced into his rectum, sometimes the same was shoved into the player's mouth.
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football play canceled. there is anger over professional bad behavior. ray rice, adrian peterson matter dominated the headlines. is the classic american sport in jeopardy? joining me is dan flynn the author of the war on football. dan, you wrote that book a couple years ago and i'm wondering what do you think now? now that you see this confluence of factors, is the american pastime threaten bid all of this news? >> i think it's always been threatened. and every year it seems something different. you look back a few years ago it was suicide. there was this lie being pushed that nfl players killed themselves at exaggerated rates. the reality was when the government looked at it, they found that american men killed themselves more than double the average of nfl veterans. last year people talked about nfl players dying young. and that same study, that same
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study by the federal scientists found that the nfl players, the men were dying double the rate as men in the nfl. so they were outliving their peers, having better health outcomes and things like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, basically that men who are on the field are going to outlive the guys watching them in the stands. >> here's what i'm hearing. when you delve in the data, i did a segment on this two weeks ago where i looked at some of the data with regard to brushes with the law by nfl players. in comparison to society at large. so i get the point you're making. but never the less might suburban moms be listening to this news and information saying to their son hey, you're not playing football. you're playing soccer, some other fall sport and in the end, might that impact the direction of the game? >> yeah, i think that's already happening. particularly at youth football. you see all of these scandals with nfl players but where it's
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impacting is not the bottom line in the nfl. they are as rich as they are ever going to be. it's youth football. they lost 6% of the player population last season, about 6% the season before and some areas of the country there's not going to be youth football left if this keeps up because there is a constant barrage against the game. we're seeing that now play out with domestic abuse. i think everyone is pretty much outraged over the nfl's handling of ray rice, but the reality is that no one's hearing is that nfl players have an arrest rate at about 13% of society's arrest rate according to the statistics are pretty consistent with domestic abuse as well that it's about half of what the domestic abuse rate is in society. so it's not that there is an epidemic of domestic abuse in the nfl. there is an epidemic of coverage of domestic abuse. so we get a perception. >> should the sayreville program have been canceled for the year? >> yes. i think the police should get involved.
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this is sexual assault. >> i agree. okay. dan, thank you. appreciate youing here. >> thank you for having me. >> smoking in the service, the pentagon's considering a ban on the sale of tobacco on bases and on ships. and that's got at least one congressman, well, smoking mad. uhhh. no, that can't happen. that's the thing, you don't know how long it has to last. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive.. confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. well, knowing gives you confidence. start building your confident retirement today. it's about getting to the finish line. in life, it's how you get there that matters most. like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. my doctor said that it could travel to my lungs and become an even bigger problem. so he talked to me about xarelto®. >>xarelto® is the first oral prescription blood thinner
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packs, one of the strongest says smoking can kill you. it shouldn't be much after surprise the pentagon is considering a ban on the sale of tobacco products on military bases and ships. at least one congressman is angry about the idea. listen to california republican duncan hunter. >> you sleep in the dirt for this country, we get shot at for this country, but we can't have a cigarette if we want to for this country because that's unhealthy. well i'll tell you what. if you want to make us all healthy, then let's outlaw war. war is really dangerous. >> i'm joined by editor of reason tv. agree? >> i agree that smoking is dangerous and i would love to see war banned but yes, generally speaking i think military guys have enough to deal with and if they want to smoke they should be allowed to. as long as it doesn't interfere with their ability to do their job. in general i'm not a fan of employers whether it's the government or the military or reason foundation that employs
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me getting in the inner life of their employees. >> i always love to probe the sometimes rigid libertarian thought. what if it's $1.9 billion in health care and lost productivity they are costing us by smoking? >> i agree and this is also where -- it's the pentagon is the one pushing for this. this isn't -- it's not some left wing liberal senator. it's the secretary of the navy and chuck hagel looking into it. it could be that they say you know what, on balance this is a problem and we dictate what tattoos, what hair styles, how tall or short or fat you can be. we're going to cut out smoking. but at the same time i think that there is a rush to kind of say okay, you know what, you're an employee and especially in the military we own you. and we're going to remake you. that's problematic because th e there's a lot of morale
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problems. >> cvs says they are out of the business. i think they want to be our -- whatever the motive you cool with that >> any private employer should be able to do what they want. cigarettes are legal. one of the things we need to keep in mind. it's not like these are illegal products that they are selling. i think i think cvs, i applaud any business that stakes a claim to saying this is what we're going to be doing. and how we're going to be doing it. by the same token i think cvs is getting easy publicity because they are not getting rid of a lot of the negative stuff they are selling. they are not adding fresh vegetables and actually not adding those kind of treatment places like demand time treatment which would be great. and i would love to see that. i'm not saying they should do it. >> i can still go in and get a big soda. >> a beef jerky.
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>> doughnuts. >> up the yin-yang. so the military, is what is the mission? it's to defend the united states. and can soldiers do that when they are smoking? if they say you can't anymore. that makes sense. >> nick gillespie. after a quick break, islam by the numbers. you have heard about islam and violence. when we come back the facts. ♪ want to change the world? create things that help people. design safer cars.
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time with bill mawr. touched off a debate. listen to a bit. >> when you want to talk about the treatment of the women and homosexuals and the free thinkers and the in the muslim world i would argue. we've been sold this mooem of the islam phobe why where every criticism of the doctrine of the islam gets treated the bigotry towards muslims and people will are you the personal who understands the officially codified denominator of the islam. >> i'm. >> it's gross. it's racist. >> but it's so not. >> like saying you shifty jew. >> if you want to be liberals like we are endow all men are created equal. >> we have to be able to
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criticize bad ideas. >> of course we do. >> but here is why this is the mother load of bad ideas. >> sam harris sought to challenge the conventional wisdom which holds those muslims who threat reason the a handle of the extremists. to the contrary he and bill mawr argue. this week i read harris's 2004 book the end of faith. he argues with abundant citations that on quite almost every page the koran instructs observant muslims to despise non believers. consequently he says those who believe the koran and what it represents are going to be synthetsthet sympathetic to radical slam. but some very strong polling
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data demands that we have the conversation about the teaching of slam and its impact on followers. consider this, the washington post published results of a series of polls that asked muslims question answer the radical practices and it is concerning. the poll asked about honor kill, the practice of killing someone for bringing shame to the family or community. look at the results. when the question is asked if honor killings are perfectible. only 24% said honor killings are never justified. 74% think it could be just find. in iraq it's 22 who say never justified. 71% believe it could be justified. how about when it comes to stoning adulterers to death. as the washington post data pointed out the practice is favored by the strong majorities in the pakistan, afx afghanistan
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and. death for apostates. many believe if you leave the religion you deserve to die. the true majority of muslims do not share this sentiment. but harris's point was that we can no longer comfort ourselves in the belief that we are threatened by a handful of the outliers. and harris and bill mawr are equal opportunities when it comes to religion. they are equal of all faith. cannon in the sameway he says that christians have learned to do. after all the bible also promotes violence. here is what i think is most important. that we not condemn an entire group for the sins of some members in this case an entire religion that. we acknowledge the vast majority of muslim who is don't embrace
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radical or violent thinking but that we acknowledge data suggesting that extremist views are held by more than a few followers of islam and we museumn't be afraid to discuss the aspect. if we hope to turn the tide against jihadism we must you said its death. and thanks for joining me. see you next week . it is so good to see you on this saturday. welcome and good morning. i'm christi paul. >> and i'm victor blackwell. this hour representatives from custody thomas and the cdc will
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be making statements on the ebola screenings. and we're starting with the breaking news on the battle against isis. >> the militants are advancing on multiple fronts in iraq and syria. we know the situation is so desperate in a key iraqi province outside baghdad now that leaders there are leading for u.s. troops to come to the rescue immediately. saying isis seized control of 80% of the province. >> if they succeed they will control a huge area of the iraq and syria where the fate of the city hangs in balance. >> and cnn global affairs lieutenant kernel james reese is also with us. first talk to us how real the fears are that baghdad could fall? does
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