tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN October 12, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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months, dealing with american death for ebola for three weeks now. veterans have been committing suicide a long time this is not a uniquely obama thing. >> thank you all for watching "state of the union." i'm candy crowley in washington. watch us each week at this time or set your dvr. fareed zakaria, "gps," starts now. this is "gps," the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria. the united states is at war against isis, a war that is not going so well. and president obama has promised no boots on the ground. but there is one hardened force in the field doing battle well. the kurds. i will ask a top kurdish official if his people are ready for the long fight.
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also, an all-star "gps" panel to grade the obama administration on how it did with this week's major challenges, isis, ebola, and an insider attack from lee i don't panetta. then, why it is that the american economy is looking up, up, up, but most americans are very down about it. i will explain. and think you know who invented the light bulb? think again. but first, here's my take. when television host bill maher declares on his weekly show that "the muslim world has too much in common with isis," and the author, sam harris a guest on his show, concurs, arguing that, "islam is the mother lode of bad ideas," i
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understand why people get upset. maher and harris made crude implications, yet they were also talking about something real. i know all the arguments speaking of islam as violent and reactionary. it is a vast world of 1.6 billion people, places like indonesia and india have hundreds of millions of muslims who don't fit these caricatures. that's why maher and harris argue of simplification and exaggeration. let's be honest, islam has a problem today. in 2013, according to the state department, of the top ten groups that perpetrated terrorist attacks, seven were muslim. of the top ten countries where terror attacks took place, seven were muslim-majority countries. the pew research center rates countries on the level of restrictions governments impose on the free exercise of relynn john. of the 24 most restrictive countries, 19 are muslim majority. there is a cancer of extremism
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within islam today. a small minority of muslims celebrate violence and intolerance and harbor deeply reactionary altitudes toward women and minorities. and while some moderates confront these extremists, not enough do so and the protests are not loud enough. how many mass rallies have been held against isis in the arab world today? now, the caveat,s islam today i important, the problem with maher and harris' analysis, it takes reality, extremism in the world of islam today, and describes it in ways that suggest it is inherent in islam. for his part, sam harris prides himself on being highly analytical with a ph.d., no less. now, i learned in graduate school that you can never explain a variable phenomenon with a fixed cause. so, if you're asserting that islam is inherently violent and intolerant, the mother lode of bad ideas, then since islam has
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been around for 14 centuries, we should have seen 14 centuries of this violent behavior. harris should read zachary carabel's book "peace be upon you, 14 centuries of muslim, christian and jewish conflict and cooperation." what he would discover is that there have been wars but also many centuries of peace. there were times when islam was at the cutting edge of modernity and periods like today when it is the great laggard. as karabell explained to me, "if you exclude the last 70 years or so, in general, the islamic world was more tolerant of minorities than the christian world. that's why there were over a million jews living in the arab world until the early 1950s. nearly 200,000 in iraq alone." if there were periods when the islamic world was open, modern, tolerant and peaceful, this suggests that the problem is not in the religion's essence and
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that things can change once more. which brings me to my final point. why is maher saying this? i understand that as a public intellectual, he feels the need to speak what he sees as the unvarnished truth, though his truth is an exaggerated and simplified one. but surely, there is another task for public intellectuals as well, to try to change the world for good. harris says that he wants to encourage "nominal muslims" who "don't take their faith seriously" to reform the religion. so the strategy to reform islam is to tell 1.6 billion muslims, most of whom are pious and devout that their religion is evil and they should stop taking it seriously. that is not how christianity moved from its centuries-long embrace of violence, crusades, inquisitions, witch burnings and intolerance to its modern state. on the contrary, intellectuals and theologians celebrated those
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elements of trystianity that were tolerant, liberal and modern and emphasized that, all the while giving devout christians reasons to take pride in their faith. the stakes are high in this debate. you can true i to make news or you can try and make a difference. i hope maher starts doing the latter. for more, go to and read my "washington post" column this week. let's get started. if, and it is a big if, the united states and its allies are going to defeat isis without western combat boots on the ground, they are going to have to rely heavily on the kurds. but will the kurds play along? are there per shall mare ga fighters up to the task? let's ask somebody who certainly knows. bar ram sally is a leading kurdish power broker who has held very powerful positions there he was the former prime
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minister of iraqi kurdistan and also the former deputy prime minister of all of iraq. pleasure to have you on. >> thank you, fareed, for having me. >> first, give us your assessment of whether the u.s. air strikes and this military campaign is having an effect. is isis weaker, because on the ground so far, it doesn't appear that way. >> i think it's fair to say that these air strikes have slowed down isis advances, but they are no way enough to defeat isis. and what we see also in kobani and neighboring cities is a statement to the fact that these air strikes, while welcome, while important, but nowhere enough to defeat isis. one of the problems i understand it, mall lack kirk the former prime minister, fired a lot of very good sunni general he is and colonels, replaced them with shiite loyalists, the army lost morale, people weren't willing to fight. has this been mended?
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because people say we have a new iraqi government, but it seems to me that the concessions that were supposed to be made to the sunnis to draw them back have not yet been made. has the army been fixed? >> i think we need to be absolutely honest and direct about these issues. the iraqi army has collapsed, has evaporated. this is not to take away from the good men and -- men in iraqi uniform that have about there and have been fighting isis, but basically, the structure, the command structure has totally evaporated and collapsed. at the end of the day the military needs to be a professional institutions, the type of leadership that we have had in iraq over the past few years has politicized the army, has divided the army on sectarian lines i and simply was not able to stand up to the challenge. another factor which is very important in all of this as well, corruption. iraqi has access to easy money. and this money has often been used to buy loyalty and this corruption has reached the army and, in fact, it has created a
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shell, in a sense, that was not able to withstand any real pressure. therefore, we need to really go back to basics. >> what about the peshmerga? will the kurdish army, this is the force that protects the kurdish part of iraq, is it going to be willing to go into battle in iraq, potentially even into syria to fight isis, since you do need an effective fighting force on the ground? >> my own sense is i can say this definitively, kurdistan has emerged as the most reliable partner in the fight against isis. a number of reasons against that one, issues i'm proud kurdistan represents a tolerant society, tolerant values and we do have real interest in taking on isis. so the kurdish peshmergas are taking on isis, they are fighting isis, across nearly 1,000 kilometers of lines. but i have to say also, the
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motto is that kurdish peshmergas should not be relied upon to go to mosul or should not be relied upon to go to the heartland of the sunni areas or to baghdad. we can be there to support. we can be there to support. but at the same time, the communities there need to be empowered. the same thing about -- >> you would be seen as an almost foreign army if you were to go into -- >> absolutely h i think one has to also acknowledge this reality. this is pay back time. over the last ten years there were lots of communities, particularly sunnis who have held march on the west. isis and these extremists have taken advantage of that -- of those grief reps haves and are -- this has become an incubating ground for them. the onset is to empower the communities to the take on these extremists. >> final question, absolutely right the kurds of iraq had have proved to be the most reliable partner for the united states for a while now. is the pay back, after a all of this, going to be that you would like to declare independence? >> every kurd wants
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independence. that is the reality of it. but i genuinely do believe that the kurds will be the ones who will have least problem with the united iraq, a decent iraq. to day, the kurds want iraq to succeed. a democrat tic iraq would be good for the kurd and want to be partners in making iraq a success. however, what is tearing iraq is corruption is sectarianism and is a lot of regional interventions, but above all, a political elite that has failed to seize the moment in building a nation from the ashes of genocide and the terror that saddam hussein has left us. >> barham salih, pleasure to have you on. >> pleasure is all mine, sir. an all-star panel weighs in on what they heard about the kurds and the obama administration's response to the isis threat to owe bala, is it enough, too little, too late? all when we come back. kid: hey dad, who was that man?
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me today, so, let us dig right in. francis fugiyama, one of the foremost intellectuals of the day, from stanford university. danielle let ka, senior vice president for foreign and defense studies at the american enterprise institute. gideon rose is the editor of foreign affairs and walter russell meade, a professor of international affairs at bard college. danielle, what do you think of obama's military strategy with regard to isis? >> i think the biggest problem is that obama doesn't have a military strategy. he has a bunch of tactics that are put into place and part of
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the problem that we've had in the region and the reason that we've had trouble gathering more people to our side, more countries to our side, is because they don't know what his end game is. the turks want him to say of a fa should be out, saying that in the past, isn'tcying that now. arab its respect sure where the president is headed. seem to be hitting without any major strategy or end game in place. >> but can air power by itself do it? gideon, you wrote a dissertation about military strategy and a long debate from world war ii. >> unless you're prepared to go in much, much bigger in a way we have at all or ever would plan to no, by itself, no the going to achieve more than to keep the situation in check, because you need to sort of pin something down and take the ground with ground troops. and i agree with what danny said, but the problem is that what people say, easy to criticize for saying there's no strategy, what they usually mean is we need a strong, decisive strategy to go and solve the problem. this problem can't really be
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solved absent a much larger and nastier intervention, which i don't think makes sense, 'cause it's not worth it for u.s. interests. i think while i agree with the criticisms of the administration, i would prefer that they back out and stop talking so big rather than if they live up to their big talk with even greater intervention on the ground. >> you're agreeing? >> absolutely, i think anything we should have learned from afghanistan and iraq, we don't have the staying power, resources, patience to actually produce a particular political outcome on the ground in any part of that world. we can't get assad to out of there i think actually, president obama overpromised by saying he was going to destroy isis because, you know, it's been 13 year, we have not destroyed al qaeda. >> what would you do? a kind of containment strategy? >> i think containment is appropriate, i don't think we should have permanent friend he is and enemies in that region. >> we want to prevent the bad actors from hurting people we care about, like the kurds. we lean against isis, lean
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against assad but not pretend we have an end game for syria, because we have no idea what that would look like. >> containment? >> the problem is and i think this is what people have been worrying about for some time is that the president, his instincts are right about wanting no part of in i of this horrible mess and i think as everybody is saying, it's, you know, only gets uglier as you look deeper. the trouble is the longer you wait, the worse all of your options get, including the option of trying to do nothing. and what we have seen is the president has tried to stay out, he has done everything possible to follow really, i think, gideon and frank's advice, but then something happens that makes it impossible to do that. and by the time that's happened, all of his other options are worse than they would have been a couple years ago. >> you would favor ground troops, u.s. glund troops going in there? it is the only way to hold ground -- >> we are in an awkward situation. everybody is, in many ways,
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right, the president is in a very difficult place. he has overpromised. and he has a history of overpromising. and then walking back, red lines in syria, degrade and destroy, they no longer use the word "destroy" when they talk about isis. he only said that a couple of weeks ago. so, no, frankly, i don't think there are very many people who are enthusiastic about the notion of ground troops, particularly combat troops. you know, we do have troops on the ground already in this part of the world. and they are helping. we need to be more decisive. >> what should he do? >> well, you know, i have been saying this for a long time, the problem is the options three years ago were way better than they are now. we should have been using more air power then, should have been supporting the syrian opposition then. >> but just to be clear, you wanted wanted to use air power against assad, because it would have helped isis. >> three years ago, there was no isis. three years ago, al qaeda and iraq had not morphed into isis.
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it is because we stayed out of this part of the world, haven't been able to pick winners, groups like isis and al qaeda in syria have risen up. >> at this point, it's kind of like a "game of thrones" in iraq and syria. there's no political authority. there's no stable institutional structure and we just simply have to let most of the parties fight it out, unless we want to come in and provide that political order. since we are not gonna do that and shouldn't because it is not vital to our interests, i think the answer is to back off a little bit and let it play out. it's gonna be messy, it's gonna be ugly, but no reason to believe this is going to come back and strike the u.s. in our homeland in a dramatically significant watch i think that's lot of edgeage rated hype. >> fatal last words. >> fatal words of going in, we keep fish tailing in, do too much, then do too little. we do too much then we do too little. we should have a course and stick to it no reason, as walter said, that the president keeps having to be drawn in you make it -- take his agency out of the picture. if he has a policy, he should stick to the policy, because the immediate cycles don't look good
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for a while doesn't mean he has to give another big speech trying to respond to that making sound like he is doing something bold. >> we are gonna come back and gonna talk about -- gonna pivot and talk about ebola, maybe gonna talk about leon panetta, all with this panel, when we get back. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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star set panel. we are talking about the fact you use air power and you go into these places but on the ground, the problem is we don't know how to create political order. this is what frank fukuyama, your book is about, the fact that the united states has never really figured out how to produce or create political order in these places. when i look at ebola, i think, in a sense, it's the partly the same issue, right, places like liberias just don't have the capacity as states to do what we want. >> as americans, we worry a lot about democracy, we worry about constraining powerful states because of our history. but the problem in most of the developing world is that they don't have that state power to begin with, they don't have the capacity. so, controlling an epidemic like ebola is completelien issue of public health. if you have a strong government
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that can field people with the space suits and this sort of thing, you can get it under control. and that's really the thing that's lacking in sierra leone and liberia, these places that have undergone these terrible civil wars and it's really what's holding back economic development much of sub-saharan africa. >> i luke at syria and think here we go again short of good guys somewhere in there. you have this 12-cornered sectarian fight and the united states sure there are moderate syrians going to build a democracy in syria, which strikes me as, you know, the triumph of hope over experience. >> well, you know, i mean, could you look at syria the way ronald reagan talked about a little boy looked at the big pile of man e manure, there must be a pony in here somewhere. but i think if there were order in syria, that would be the best could you get and it's unlikely that there will be an order that we would like. so, this is -- it is not that there is some, like, magic policy prescription that we can
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just set out and the disorder and chaos and violence in the world will go away, we live in wild times. >> all right. there is, however, a group of people who always seem to believe that there was a magic prescription that would make things much better and that they had prescribe it had two or three years ago and these are the former officials who leave the cabinet, write a memoir and miraculously, they are always the heroes or hero wins of their own story. they point to some policy debate three years ago or two years ago, ironically, just right of events. am i being somewhat too skeptical of panetta and frankly, even hillary and -- everyone who puts these books out somehow can find that one nsc meeting where they have been right. >> if only the president had read my memo, everything would be different. look, they are writing their own history, so the story is their
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own. the big talk in washington is about loyalty and disloyalty and there is a smell around the notion that if someone like leon pan senate it was so disgruntled, so disenchanted and likely disrespectful of the president, one has to ask, why didn't you step down? that would have been a big story, still could have got an great advance, would have been able to sell a lot of books but this has become the washington culture, colin powell writes books, hillary clinton writes books, always, as you say, the author as hero of the moment. of course, it's no the true. the challenges are much more complex, the situation is much more complex. that said, i'm certainly going to buy leon panetta's book. >> george marshall didn't write his memoirs after he left after running world war ii, being secretary of state, secretary of defense, but he believed to write a memoir about your government service was to dishonorably profit from government servicesome this now just like an antique idea? >> there were some class virtues of that old wasp belief that may
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no longer be there, the more meritocratic environment that now prevails. there was a wonderful line in bob gates' memoir, which actually a pretty good book and worth reading, but he has this line which displays no self-awareness, he talks about obama -- gets huffy about obama opening a very closed meeting, saying i hope all of you take good notes when this appears in your memoirs, acts like who could possibly -- retelling this story in a memoir a couple of years later and just -- i -- if you're the president, you would be forgiven for thinking you can't trust absolutely anybody and maybe this explains why valerie jarrett is so important to the administration, because she is not going to be the one writing a memoir. >> do you think that obama -- that this white house is so centralized, so controlled that this is kind of an inevitable aspect of operating that way? >> well, i do think that this white house is -- has continued to trend of centralizing more and more authority in a smaller and smaller circle of people.
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then i think we see the same trend in past administrations, the small circle of people can't do the job very well, they get overwhelmed, keep being blindsided, you think about the small group over the president and one morning, it's bombing isis, another, it's beheading. then you have, you know, did some volunteer have a prostitute in colombia and was that handled properly? so you have the small group of people around the president and their inboxes are on fire every day. and you've lost the ability to use the larger bureaucracies, which for all of their flaws, if you've got people out there with a public service ethic and that kind of thing today, they are in some of these institutions. so, somehow, the executive has lost the -- the executive branch has lost the ability to use the resources that are there. arguably, say this is the same thing for, say the preiraq war planning in the bush
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administration, where a small circle of people concentrated authority and then a lot of people with experience and background weren't part of the discussion where they could have made things better. >> the last part to frank's book is about exactly this question, the decline of american political institution and the professional civil service, an organization that we used to have. >> but wouldn't -- wouldn't the argument that people would make from the bush administration, or the obama administration, is, look, these bureaucracies will sit around and do nothing. the only way to have purposeful action quickly is to get it -- get the white house to ride herd on this? >> the problem is i think the problem of the permanent bureaucraci bureaucracies, has an attitude toward the executive and elected officials, that i'll be here when you're gone. but at the end of the day what this really boils down what to, what frank has talked about, gideon and walter, a crisis of leadership. you know, when you have a president who is leading, when you have a president who has a vision, he should be bringing
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people along and he should you can bringing people along whether they are political appointees or they are career employees. the fact that presidents, whether bush or obama have been incapable and unwilling to try to do that really is a crisis of leadership, because valerie jarrett can't figure out the iranian nuclear program and the cure to ebola. >> on that note, we are gonna have to end. danielle pletka, walter russell meade, gideon rose, frank fukuyama, pleasure to have you on. next up, the recent unemployment numbers surprisingly good, the stock market hit new highs last month, the deficit down by a good chunk, so, why in the world are most americans feeling like they are falling behind? i will explain, when we come back. we're helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow.
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if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. now for our "what in the world" segment. the american economy is back. this week, the imf projected the united states will be one of the very fastest growing advanced economies in the world in 2015.
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in fact the american economy is just about the great exception in a world that is showing signs of economic stagnation. good news keeps piling on. the congressional budget office just announced that the u.s. deficit fell by nearly a third during the fiscal year, which marks a six-year low. the dow jones industrial average and the s & p 500 both surged to record highs over the last month and the most recent economic snapshot from the labor department says that private sector employment grew in september for a 55th month in a row, a record. and that the unemployment rate is now at 5.9%, the lowest level it's been since july 2008. but, and here's the paradox, despite a relatively robust recovery now, americans respect feeling more prosperous. in fact, 56% of americans told the pew research center in august that they are falling behind financially. that's pretty much the same percentage as in october 2008
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during the heat of the wall street final crisis. so, why are so many despondent over the economy when the statistics say it's doing pretty well? for some insight, listen to a recent interview president obama granted cbs' news "60 minutes." >> are nald reagan used to ask the question are you better off than you were four years ago? in this case, are you better off than you were in six? the difference is the country is definitely better an that you have when i came into office. >> do you think people feel it? >> they don't feel it and the reason is because incomes and wages are not going up. >> the president is right, the one number that suspect up is the average american's paycheck. look at this data from "the economist" which, in turn, cites census bureau and research data it shows that during the first six years of ronald reagan's presidency, the u.s. economy grew by 22% and the median household income also shot up by 6%. fast forward to bill clinton's
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first six years in the oval office and the nation's gdp grew by 24% while median income increased 11%. then, it starts to turn. the first six years of george w. bush's presidency saw 16% gdp growth but a 2% decrease in median incomes. likewise, the first six years of obama's presidency have seen 8% gdp growth coupled with a decline in median incomes, a 4% decline. again, according to the research in "the economist." indeed, when you adjust for inflation, census data shows that the american middle class is actually 1% poorer today than it was in 1989 when reagan left office. that's also probably why obama's job approval rating is about 20% lower than reagan's was by the second october after his re-election, according to gallup. and guess what, the new employment report sees that trend continuing. the average hourly wage for americans working in the private
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sector actually decreased by one penny last month. so, why are wages stagnating or even falling? nobody is actually sure. generally, when unemployment drops, workers can demand better wages. that's not happening. and no one quite knows why. it could be globalization with its endless supply of cheaper labor from around the world. it could be technology that replaces people with machines and software. it could be other more technical factors. but i think we can confidently say that until all this changes and until the majority of americans who do have jobs see some improvement in their wages, they will feel gloomy. and that will have economic consequences in the years ahead, but also political consequences in the weeks ahead. next on "gps," how air companying helped get ronald reagan elected president. really a fascinating conversation with the author, steven johnson. you won't want to miss it.
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hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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you flip a switch and you get light. you turn the kitchen faucet on, you get clean water. you open your fridge, you're greeted by a blast of cold air. these are the things that most of us take for granted and most of us can't a time when they didn't happen. but they were extraordinary developments of the time and they took extraordinary innovation to achieve. these innovations, and more, are all chronicled by the author steven johnson in his new book and companion pbs series, both titled "how we got to now." we sat down earlier this week and i began by asking him about the light bulb, which we he all know thomas edison invented, right? maybe not. >> edison didn't really invent the light bulb. every school kid is taught thomas edison invented the light bulb, in fact, there were 20 other people in the decade or two leading up to edison's
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version of the late bulb who basically hit upon the same solution. so, there was something at that moment in history, a series of new scientific breakthroughs, understanding electricity, understanding the behavior of electricity in a vacuum, material science, that came together to make a light bulb imaginable. no one was even thinking about a light bulb 150 years before. >> and edison himself ac no, ma'ams, has always acknowledged that painstaking work of trial and error, right? he always said genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration. i think he says, in the book, who says i failed 1,000 time cities in just found 1,000 ways not to do it right or something like that >> the other thing he did that was really important is he built a model for innovation that then became central to the 20th century. so, he had these kind of r&d labs and he had a team of people who had very different skills, right? people really good with material science, he had people really good with thinking about electricity and people good at thinking about large network systems. and he was good at kind of managing all of them and
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incentivizing all of them. that was actually new model for creativity and innovation that then became kind of the 20th century template for that. >> then you have innovation that happens in a one -- in one dimension and leave something out, the story of the phonograph is really interesting. >> yeah. yeah. we always tell stories about these brave people in terms of their successes, but when you're on the cutting edge, you often have these weird blind spots where you can't see something, so there's this great, a little bit tragic story about this french inventor named edward leon scott demartinville who invents a device for recording audio and gets a patent for it in 1855, which is 20 years before edison invents the phonograph, right? so, you know, everybody is like, i thought edison invented the phone know graph, this guy invent it had in the reason you haven't heard of them, he invented a device that would cap hur sound waves brilliantly, and inscribe them on this rotating cylinder, great idea but he failed to include a mechanism
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for playing back that audio. so, there was no way to listen to it. you could record it, but it was just sitting there, a bunch of scribbles. what i love about it is it wasn't that he was trying to do this. it never even occurred to him. it just was completely in his blind spot and it eventually took people like edison and actually graham bell, who used that technology to invent the telephone, to come up with a system that could record audio and then play it back. >> one of the best parts of the book is recognizing the spillover and unintended consequences of innovation and i think that's the thing that, you know, sort of powers the world in a way these days, one thing leads to another and tell the story of what you call cold and ice transformed the world. it is really one of the most fun things about both the book and the show. you get taken on these kind of surprising adventures. and the story of cold, we always think about, you know, fire is the ultimate early innovation. but we have been doing that for 100,000 years, we have been, you
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know, cooking food with fire and so on but we have only really been tinkering with artificial cold for about 200 years and it started with the ice trade. there was this massive business built up in the early 19th century of people cutting huge chunks of ice from frozen lakes in new england and shipping them to bombay and rio and the caribbean. this guy, frederick ought tudor talked about, made a fortune doing this, sounds crazy, ice was just nothing that ever showed up in these places, could you actually keep the ice from melting in a ship that long, which was extraordinary, that created then a demand for artificial cold and things like refrigerators and then air conditioning were invented. and the extraordinary thing is when air conditioning enters the mainstream kind of household in the united states, right after world war ii, it triggers the -- one of the if not the biggest migration of human beings in united states history, as
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everyone moves from the colder northern states to the hot sun belt states, the desert states and florida and so on, places that were very hard to live before air conditioning. and that migration initiates a huge swing in the electoral college. there's almost 50-vote swing from north to south because of -- because of air conditioning. and that is crucial then to the kind of coalition that ronald reagan relies on to get elected president in 1980. so it's not exaggerating things, if it hadn't been invented, reagan might have been elected but built a completely different set of constituencies to elect him in the electoral college. >> steven johnson, pleasure to have you on. >> great to be back. thanks. next on gps, terrorists and twitter. the bad guys have been using social networks to, well, terrorize people, but we will show you how one member of the taliban seems to have revealed something he surely did not want the whole world to see.
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the first nobel prize of the week, the prize in physiology or medicine was awarded for discovering cells that make up an energy in the brain. these cells allow the brain to recognize one's position and navigate. the prize was split by a scientist from a london university and merit scientist from norway, which bring mess to my question. in the history of the nobel prize, which of the following duos has not won or shared the prize, either separately or as a pair? this week's book of the week is "crazy is a compliment, the father of zigging when everyone else zags" by linda rote.berg. generally speaking, books on werentrepreneurship are pretty white house, full of cheerful platitudes but with little actual wisdom. this book is different. rotten berg helped found a group of 1,000 entrepreneurs around the book for decades. the book is filled with fascinating stories, wonderfully
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told with important lessons and warnings for anyone working in any kind of organization. her smarts, enthusiasm and intelligence are captivating, whether you're an entrepreneur or not. now for the last look. terrorist and jihadis have embraced social media using the wild west of the internet to exhibit bravado and spread their messages of hate. the bad guys have learned how to turn twit near a tool of terror. and twitter is fighting back. one analyst who monitors such accounts, jm berger, tweeted last month that twitter suspended 400 accounts linked to isis in just seven hours. but social media can also sometimes be a counterterrorism weapon. just last week, afghan taliban spokesperson might have made the ci a's job a little easier. his twitter profile says he is in kabul, but he posted tweets that showed his location, and as many media outlets reported,
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those tweets showed him to be in neighboring pakistan, where many believe leaders of his group are in hiding. he quickly claimed to be the victim of a "enemy forgery" turned off the location feature and showed that it is possible to spoof your location by sending a tweet that made it look like he was in brian, ohio, population 8,000. while it is possible he was hacked, i think the book "twitter for tumi dummies" migh better explain what happened. the answer to the gps challenge question is a, two sisters. five married couples noble laureates, four who a shared the prize a mother and daughter, father and daughter, both the curie family and a pair of brothers also share that honor. father and sons have actually won six times, one pair as a team. all this according to noble media. thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week.
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good morning, it's time for "reliable sources" a special edition, a full hour of breaking news coverage as a second ebola case has been confirmed in the united states in dallas. the infected person has not about identified, but we know that she trited thomas duncan, the man who died on wednesday in dallas. she is said to be a female nurse. we may learn more in a few minutes a the cdc press conference. we are standing by for that. let me set the stage by bringing in our cnn correspondents and experts n dallas, national correspondent, ed lavandera, outside the hospital where this has happened and where the new patient is now quarantined n new orleans, senior medical correspondent, elizabeth cohen. in washington, dr. gavin mcgregor skinner, infectious disease expert, joined me on reliable sources last week and get his take later in the hour about the media coverage of this. let start, ed, by telling us what did we learn this morning at the first local press
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conference that took place? >> the significant headlines of what we know so far is this is a health care worker who was not considered to be one of the high-risk people that was being monitored. this was someone in the lower risk category, but this was someone who came into contact with thomas eric duncan, not during his initial visit that first emergency room visit where he was turned away and returned three days later. so, it was after he had come back to the hospital. and we are told, and this is the disturbing part of all of this, is that this health care worker had been using protective gear, the gowns, the masks, the facial mask, the gloves and everything, and despite all of that, has still become infected. also this morning here, brian, a great deal of attention focused around the apartment complex where she lives just a few miles away from here at the hospital. we are told by city officials that there was a reverse 911 call that went out to people within a four-block radius of where she lives, information being sent out and callsei
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