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tv   New Day  CNN  October 14, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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divorced catholics. how big of a step is this for the church? we're live from the vatican. your "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: this is "new day," with chris cuomo, kate boldaun and michaela pereira. good morning, welcome to "new day," it is tuesday, october 14th, 6:00 in the east. alisyn camerota here to junior us. we're going to begin with the 26-year-old nurse who contracted ebola trying to save an infected patient. she's nina pham, she's in stable condition. and in the latest development, she's been transfused with the plasma of kent brantley. the cdc is urging hospitals every tore to rethink ebola. this as another patient with symptoms is being monitored at a kansas hospital. he's a medic who worked on a
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boat off africa's west coast. doctors believe he only has a low to moderate risk of infection, our coverage begins in dallas with senior medical correspondent, elizabeth cohen, what's the latest? >> good morning, alisyn, doctors and nurse who is care for ebola patients are true heroes, risking their own lives to help other people. this hospital here in dallas got an experimental treatment for one of their own very quickly. this morning, doctors in dallas anxious to see if a blood transfusion may save the life of a critical care nurse, nina pham, the first person to contract ebola within the u.s. she took care of thomas eric duncan who passed away last week. pham received the donation from ebola survivor, dr. kent brantly, the hope that his blood may provide key antibodies to fight the disease. >> everybody should ask to help us to give over this. and i know in the long run she
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will help a lot of people. >> the 26-year-old is one of around 70 hospital staffers who cared for duncan, according to the "associated press." the a.p. reports they reached that number after being given duncan's medical records by his family. the cdc says they're still working to compile a list of health care workers who came into contact with duncan. >> if this one individual was infected and we don't know how, within the isolation unit, then it is possible that other individuals could have been infected as well. >> an official with direct knowledge of the investigation tells cnn that cdc detective who is interviewed the nurse several times believe there are quote inconsistencies in the type of gear the nurse used, how she put it on and took it off. but fellow nurses say pham was always careful. >> knowing nina, she's one of the most meticulous, thorough, effective nurses she taught me infection control and hygiene, i
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learned so much of that from her. >> state health officials are unsure how pham was infected, but it may be time to reexamine ebola safety protocols. >> we have to think of the of the way we address ebola fings control. >> this as ebola fear escalates amid international flights into the u.s. shortly after landing in boston monday, a hazmat team boarded an emirates airline flight from dubai and removed five passengers exhibiting flu-like symptoms. after examination, it was determined none of them were exhibiting ebola and none came from west africa. >> if nina pham was so careful, how could this breach of parrot kol have happened? safety experts tell me unfortunately it's relatively common. even terrific doctors and
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nurses, who are very careful, things go wrong. it's such a hard procedure to do. it's difficult to put this corrective gear on correctly all the time and that's why they say doctors and nurses need to drill drill drill to try to get this right. >> we're going to talk a lot more about that right now with our experts, thanks so much for the report. let's bring in alexander van tulleken, a senior fellow at the international institute for humanitarian affairs who specializes in tropical diseases and dr. joseph mccormick a professor at the university of texas school of public health. he worked for the cdc in 1976 investigating the first ebola epidemic in central africa. it's great to have you here and your expertise. it sounds like there are three possible ways for this nurse to have gotten ebola. either a breakdown in protocol, a breakdown in training or human error. she says she followed all of the protocol and she wore the protective gear, what do you think went wrong? >> i would actually treat all of
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those things as basically the same thing. the training should be part of the protocol, and isn't at the moment. the cdc has distributed two different protocols for putting on and taking off protective gear. >> how do they differ? >> you can choose whichever one you want. and the protocols contain very little information of what to do when you breach protocol, when mistakes are made. gloves break, gowns tear, we're talking about very sick patients. i would treat all of that the same. the nurse is absolutely not to blame. we have to think of this as a pack j of trained people. >> dr. mccormick, how can the cdc have these inconsistencies? >> well, i agree that this is an issue of training. look, we, we have pilots in training, flying and flying and flying. and i suspect that's not what happens with most of the hospitals when they're training their teams to address an issue
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like ebola. so i'm certain that this is not so much an issue of protocol, but an issue of training and the detail in which the training occurs. it's also may be an issue of observation. i noticed that in nebraska, they have someone who actually observes all of the staff, and makes certain that they, that they adhere to the protocols. >> another troubling development this morning, dr. van tulleken, the "associated press" got the medical records from the patient who died, thomas duncan. and found out that there were 70 staff members at the hospital, workers, who came into contact with him. >> yeah. >> what is happening this morning with those 70 people? >> well what you, what's very surprising is, that this, that this nurse was not on the list of people who are being observed. clearly she can self-report. i don't think it's delayed her care in any way. we have to worry about these other people. there's no question there's a period where they may possibly
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be infected as well. think it speaks to a broader problem, we're not seeing dedicated ebola teams who are well trained. that's a real problem, if she's got enough contaminated body fluids on her skin to get sick. she could move around the hospital. >> should these 70 people who came into contact with thomas duncan? quarantined? should they be under observation? what happens now? >> remember these people are are not infectious until they become ill. they should be under observation. think it should be active observation. i was surprised to hear they were under passive observation. i don't believe they all need to be quarantined? >>. dr. mccormick, i want to play for you two separate statements from thomas friedan, the head of the cdc. these were made two weeks apart and i want to know if you hear any difference in a shift in tone. in when he's talking about the
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ebola situation. the first one is from september 30th. listen to this. >> isolate them if they have any symptoms, and stop the chain of transmission. we're stopping this in its tracks. >> on september 30th, he said we're stopping this in its tracks. now listen to what he said on october 13th. >> stopping ebola is hard. we're working together, to make it safer and easier. >> safer and easier is different than stopping it in its tracks. do you think that they are evolving in terms of how difficult they think it is to contain this, doctor? >> well i think that we are in fact stopping it in its tracks. in the sense that it's certainly not going to become an epidemic as we're seeing in west africa. that's not to say that it's easy and it's certainly not to say that we're not going to have any secondary infections. i think it's instructive for example that none of the family
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members thus far have reported any illness, so i think we have to be cautious. but to expect no secondary cases among family or contacts. and or even hospital staff. probably was a bit unrealistic. >> dr. van tulleken, do you worry that some doctors could begin to refuse to treat patients, if they don't trust that the protocol works? >> i think worry about the doctors, i would worry more about the nurses. the nurses are exposed to larger amounts of body fluids. we know that they aren't protected, we have a nurse infected. and we saw in the sars ep didem in canada, nurses refused to turn up to work. the chocolate industry this morning is saying they're worried about their supplies of chocolate. because it comes from west africa. so rolling back this epidemic in
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west africa is really, really important and it's not just about controlling it here. there's no danger of an epidemic here, but we should be worried it's going to affect us for sure. >> thank you so much for all the information this morning, we appreciate having you here. let's look to michaela for other nurse. here's a look at your headlines, climate change pose as huge threat to national security. this according to a new pentagon report. this report found extreme weather events increase risks of terrorism, infectious disease, global poverty and food shortages. the defense department says it's implementing plans for climate change risks across all of its operations. author, activist and professor dr. cornell west among the dozens of people arrested at a rally in ferguson, missouri, protesting police violence. the moral monday march concluding four days of resistance in ferguson and st. louis, demonstrators expressing anger over police killings of black teenagers. those protests spilling their
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way into monday night football in st. louis. amateur video posted online. as for action on the field, san francisco 49ers erasing a 14-0 deficit to beat the st. louis rams 31-17. colin kaepernick throwing for 343 yards and three touchdowns to help san francisco improve its record to 4-2. the rams fell to 1-4. i got to tell thu story. this is nigel. this parrot has a story to tell. this african gray parrot took off four years ago from torrence, california, just outside l.a. what's incredible is he flu back home to california. tras truly rarjable. when nigel left, he had a british accent. when he returned, he was speaking espanol, with a slight panamanian accent and asking for a guy named larry. he was reunited with his owner, had to lure him out of the bush
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a little bit. after the bird tracked down the bird's sales paper. as for larry? who is this larry you speak of, nigel. >> is that not the best story ever? who is larry? like there could be a whole "breaking bad" sequel to a sequel to a sequel. >> that might be what he was doing. >> how do you know he wasn't down the street with the ramirez family. >> he might have just gone to east l.a. and thought it was a different part of the country. >> his gps is a little off. is that not the best story ever? >> that parrot has some 'splainin' to do. >> oh my, we needed that on a tuesday. i'm going to sweat now. >> please let us know if you know where larry or the parrot have been. meanwhile there has been a kim jong-un sighting, another
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mystery, north korea is displaying photos of the 32-year-old leader walking with cane. are all the rumors of his demise now debunked? and forget about kobani, isis has its eyes on baghdad. but can the terror group even hope to take the iraqi capital? the answer seems to be changing here in a disturbing way. we'll give you why, next. the average person will probably eat something or drink something that is acidic on a daily basis.
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we have new information for new the mystery of where is kim jong-un. for the first time in more than a month, we're getting a look at him in public. north korea's state media releasing photos of their supreme leader. during two official visits. he's seen walking with a cane. we'll talk about that. now kim jong-un's absence from public view has fuelled rumors and speculation about his health or maybe a possible coup. the question is, will those rumors now be put to rest by these photos? cnn's paula hancocks is following developments for us from seoul. good morning. >> good morning, chris. well it appears that kim jong-un is back and he's back with a smile and a walking stick. you see him here in these photos, with a cane. which would seem to support many
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analysts' expectations that he did in fact have health issues. more than five weeks he was away from public view, which for him was particularly unusual as he is certainly not camera-shy. and we have had the south korean government saying they believe the leadership was intact. they thought there was just health issues and i also spoke to a defector a couple of hours ago, who used to be very high up in north korea. and he said if you thought the rumors were far-fetched here in internationally, then inside north korea they were even worse. he said some people even thought that kim jong-un had died. so clearly, what we're seeing today is more north korean broadcasts than usual. more news bulletins. clearly the regime wants to show that he is back. they want to show internationally and domestically, that kim jong-un is in the seat once again. so certainly an interesting development. we haven't got a date on these photos, we don't know exactly when they were taken. we don't know when this field
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guidance, as it's called took place. and we haven't seen any moving pictures yet. chris? >> the date of the photo would be the most important thing. so we have to get on that, paula hancocks, thank you very much. let's bring in cnn gloeshl affairs analyst, the managing editor of "quartz" pl bobby ghosh. when our screen comes back to life, the idea of we don't know when the photos were taken. there's nothing about them that's suggestive of any real-time stamp, right? >> he's not holding up a newspaper, either. but the fact that they were put out this morning in korea, they want us to think that this is very recent. that this is taking place in the last couple of days. he does, the fact that he's using the cane is significant. he wasn't seen like this in previous photos. >> so the cane is the best indication that this is recent. >> it is relatively new. it is certainly more recent than the last batch of pictures that they officially put out or the last video we saw of him. he was hobbling a little bit in the last video we saw. there was an admission that he was, he was unwell.
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that he was in discomfort i think was the official language. now it's out in the open. this is important, because these pictures, these are very, very carefully choreographed. there is none spontaneous about it. even the angle in which his hand is positioned here, all of this is very careful. the fact that they're showing his cane now means that this is an open acknowledgement that he's not in the, in 100% good health. >> what is the most reasonable speculation about why he hasn't been in view? do we go with the obvious, he's got a cane, he must have a health issue, even though he's very young. or do you put any value in these darker theories about coups and what-not? >> i don't put a lot of value in the coup theory, mainly because a coup in a country like that, where three generations of kims that rule the country would be seismic, would be a huge event. and there would be far more indications than this if this
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were the first of several clues of a coup, that might add up to a picture. but if this was the only one. i think that's, that's probably unlikely. the nature of his illness, on the other hand, that we don't know there have been speculation ranging from gout, from you know, the idea that he was so overweight that he sort of broke his ankles? there was some speculation that he was missing because he had had lipo suction, because he's famously overweight. but those will continue to bubble on until we've had some more official word. >> any relevance to who he's surrounded by? we know so little about the personnel in the government there. or the regime. do you know any of these people? >> i believe this is marshal -- i beg your pardon. i believe -- >> that's how secretive they are -- so right here, this man you were talking about, this man right here? >> i believe this is marshal quang, his number two, he's changed his number two a few times. but the fact that he's appearing
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along with him is sort of indicates that this is something very official. that this is a very important event that both the number one and the number two of the korean government are there his sister, remember there was some speculation that his sister might have been taking over from him. she's not in the picture. so that puts that rumor to rest. >> so the baseline curiosity is why wasn't he around? why does that matter to us? could this be as simple as, this is someone who craves relevance so badly that this was a great way to get some? by creating a mystery that he wound up resolving himself? >> the, it's not so much what we think of did, but what his people think of it. this is a state in which the individual dominates every aspect of him. he dominates every aspect of a north korean's life. and for him to be missing for 40 days is a very big deal. for north koreans, whether they love him or hate him doesn't matter. he's the one common denominator.
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every day you open the newspaper and you see a picture of kim. that brings a certain kind of reassurance, if you like. as oppressive as the regime is, at least it is stable. for him to be away from the north korean public eye was a much bigger deal than say being away from the international public eye. as we heard paula say, it's as much about reassuring north koreans that, i'm okay. >> it's odd that they put him with the cane at all. didn't need to. >> that's a big, big deal. his grandfather famously had a very large tumor at the back of his neck. we almost never saw that because the photographs were so carefully choreographed. this they're acknowledging that he's unwell and perhaps in a few days he'll get rid of the cane and they'll say he is has has made a full recovery. u.s. forces targeting isis
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militants in iraq. and politics getting downright ugly. literally. wait until you hear what a new hampshire congressman said about a female incumbent's looks, that's ahead., he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. r'wóóñ
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r. welcome back to "new day." now to the battle against isis. president obama meeting with
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defense chiefs from the u.s. and 20 other countries, to focus on the terror group as fighters advance in syria and iraq. isis continuing its push towards iraq's capital, coming within 15 miles of the city's airport and taking an important military base in anbar province. so what's next? let's ask retired lieutenant-colonel rick francona. our military analyst. let's walk over to iraq, the first red dot here is heat. the city of heat, why is this significant? >> this is a military installation that's been surrounded for several days and now is completely evacuated and isis own it is now. >> strategically important? >> it's on the euphrates river valley. it gives isis control of almost the entire euphrates valley from baghdad up to the iraqi border all the way up almost to the turkish border.
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any place that's left that's they bypassed on their drive to baghdad, they're going back to get now. that's what happened here. were already south of this. they came back and took it. >> the green top here is the baghdad airport. that would obviously be disastrous for them to get control of that. do we know how close they are to it? >> they're about eight to 15 miles, you hear differing things, the lines move as the iraqis try to push them back, there's a lot of air power going in there. so they fall back. they regroup and they reattack. this is a lot of heavy fighting going on here on both sides, but the iraqi military has not been capable of push them back very far. >> what are the chances are that they get the airport? >> it's looking better and better for isis and general dempsey has said we will not let that happen. so we're using the hoielicopter there are six stationed there, with the iraqi foss to prevent that from happening.
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we're not real confident in the iraqi military capability to do that. that's gap in the planning. there's 1600 military troops at the baghdad airport are they going to get involved? that's the question. >> we talked to our correspondents on the ground yesterday who said inside baghdad there's not much fear that isis will take baghdad because the iraqi army is still in force there and there are eight million people there. >> the bulk of the army there, the best units are there and there are hundreds of thousands of shia militia, the home defense units that are there as well. if isis tried to take ball gagh it would be very difficult. given the numbers they have. but that doesn't mean they can't start to surround it. we've seen them to the north of the city, west of the city, west of the airport and south of the airport. so they can fire artillery into the city. we've seen mortar rounds impacting into the green zone. car bombs in the shia area of the city. what they're doing is undermining the credibility of
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this new government that was supposed to be all inclusive. >> colonel francona, thanks so much. great to have you with us this morning. let's go over to michaela for what's coming up. a possible new ebola case surfacing now in kansas city. it is a middic who was working aboard a ship off the coast of west africa. the patient is in isolation this morning at the university of kansas hospital suffering from a high fever and other symptoms. now at this point only a possible case. that patient is being monitored. meanwhile in dallas, a nurse who contracted ebola from a dying liberian man is in stable condition. that patient is being treated with a plasma of dr. kent brantly, who as you recall, survived the virus. breaking overnight, one person is dead after a magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck off the coast of el salvador, up the southern coast. officials say the quake caused damage, it was felt by millions in the nation, power to the city was knocked out, but at this point it has largely been
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restored. the british parliament has voted to recognize palestinian statehood. the house of commons backing the nonbinding resolution, by an overwhelming 274-12 vote. although less than half the ministers actually participated in the vote, officially the country's policy reserves the right to recognize a palestinian state bilaterally. at the moment of our choosing and when it can best help bring about peace. boy, that is saying that politics is ugly is living up to its name in new hampshire this guy, check out this guy. republican lawmakers steve vallencourt, wrote in weighing in on the congressional race in his state saying that this woman, democrat ann mclean custer, will lose the election because these were his words, not mine, lig as sin. and then he says, i hope i haven't offended sin.
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he called her republican challenger, marilinda garcia, one of the most attractive women in politics. garcia has called, saying the remarks are chauvinistic. >> 1974 called, they want their comments back. >> he just -- he's a dope. >> he's a jerk. >> jerk, dope. he's a whole genre of words. think about them in the break, shall we? >> before we get there, severe storms slamming the south overnight and into this morning. the devastation stretching from texas to alabama. a man killed in arkansas, when a tornado ripped through the state. in alabama, an elderly woman was killed when her home was crushed bay tree. let's get you more on this. with meteorologist alexandra steele, she has the latest. what do we know? >> actually this is the first deadly october tornado outbreak since 2009. but those two deaths thus far.
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here's the line, now it's certainly weakening a bit. moving quickly. and moving eastward. so again, still tornadoes potentially today. we do have a tornado watch of course. these serve thunderstorms could have rotation and produce tornadoes. this in atlanta south toward macon, including tallahassee until noon all pushing eastward. tornadoes, but also again hail and strong winds, certainly the calling card of the storm. yesterday over 200 severe reports with tornadoes and winds, tornadoes, 13. you can see where they've been. again, it is all moving eastward and why, of course this jet stream taking it eastward. the access of where the potential rotation is eastward. flood threats, dothen to knoxville, chattanooga, two to four inches. eastward, charlotte, atlanta, atlanta, big delta hub, u.s. airways and charlotte. across the country, wherever you may be flying, you may be impacted by the storms at the big hubs in the southeast.
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>> bringing bad things with them. thank you very much alexandra for the latest. appreciate it. now, we can tell you who the dallas nurse is who is fighting for her life against ebola and also her new best chance for recovery. however, this is the big problem, officials are still trying to figure out how nina pham became infected in the first place, we have the details about her condition. and we're going to have one of her closest friends speak out to cnn about her. and the vatican striking a tone of tolerance for gays, is this just talk sore the catholic church willing to change? ♪ there's confidence... then there's trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind.
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we're learning more about the identity and condition of the first patient to contract ebola in the united states. this young woman's name in nina pham, just 26 years old. we're told she's in stable condition at texas health presbyterian hospital. it's the very same hospital where she was part of the medical team who treated thomas duncan, who succombed to the
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disease last week. we've also learned that nina received a blood transfusion from this man, ebola survivor, dr. kent brantly. let's bring in a family friend of nina pham, thomas ha. he joins us now. i appreciate you joining us from texas. how is nina doing this morning? >> as far as the last moment we heard from her family through the pastor of the church, she is doing fine. she's in good spirit and she calls into the family and asking everybody to say the prayer for her. >> we understand that shoos been able to keep in touch with her family and some of her loved ones from phone calls and from skype. to talk to me about the family. obviously they're concerned. but i know this is a family of great faith. are they getting comfort from the church and from their faith? >> yes, ma'am, they are actually getting a lot of support from the church and especially she, her mother belongs to a group
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called the legion of mary, this a group of folks who get together and help other people weekly and also we have a very long session of prayer. and that's the reason why she found out about her daughter's situation. she contacted the legion of mary first, and everybody is on the prayer for her. last night at our church we also have a mass. and along the mass, the father also have everybody pray for her and her family. >> i think there's a lot of people around the nation joining in those prayers as well. i understand nina called the church members. and told them that she had tested positive for ebola. very emotional moment. walk us through that. >> at that moment, actually the mother called, i like i just mentioned, we belong to a group of very small people, small group of people, legion of mary. and she called and informed one of the members about the situation of her daughter. at that moment, she was bursting
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into tears, so she couldn't tell us which daughter was having the problem. and everybody was in shock. >> was there any fear, i imagine nina and her family were quite chose to the church family. were they afraid that they had come in contact with nina? >> i don't think that's the case. simply we know that nina is living in dallas and attending the church up there and her family is here in fort worth attending the church, our lady of fatima church in fort worth. >> what about the family, did they talk at all about the fact that nina, had been dealing with this patient, part of the critical care team that was caring for thomas duncan, the man who ultimately died from ebola. did the family have concerns about that, did they talk about that or was that not something that came up? >> as of this most, the family is totally occupied with the situation of her daughter. and she constantly getting would
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like to have the most updated information. like most of us, she doesn't really even know what is going on, how to cure the disease, how bad it will be. the family and everyone here, keep praying to god for a quick recovery. >> help me understand, her mother doesn't feel like she's getting enough information about her daughter's care or about her prognosis? what does she know? >> i think that like, she does not get a clear picture of whether or not, how the situation will be. will her daughter have a complete recovery or not? i think the disease is still very mythical type of deal. so not only her, but everyone having this, sharing the same feeling that we really don't know what is going to happen. >> but it is a good sign that she got this, this plasma transfusion, you feel very encouraged about that. >> yes, definitely. the whole community is very happy when we heard about that at least someone took the step
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to get the solution and in this case, everybody was, excited about the news. >> this is such a young woman, just 26 years old. we know she had been a nurse a very short time. she only received her critical care nursing certificate in august. do you have a sense of about whether she felt prepared to deal with something as intense and as frightening as ebola? did you ever get a sense from the family that she felt that they were adequately prepared and trained for the potential situation they found themselves in. >> i think this is a very new disease. so not only her, but a lot of other medical facilities, medical people in the medical field, they don't know real well about this disease. but nina is like other nurses she always think about the patient first. and especially for the family, it's a very strong faith. and i talk personally with her mom, many times before, where
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nina graduated, she said that nina's wanted to gate job in a career that she can go down to the people. listen to them, understand them, comfort them and especially she wants something that she can play a really important part in recovery and healing of the patient. so in this case, i think she might know the danger of ebola, but she still continue with it, anyway. >> we've heard so many things about this compassionate young woman. she is det indicated to her work. mr. ha, thank you so much for sharing a little bit about nina pham. and we hope that you'll pass along our best wishes and comfort and encouragement to the family and nina that she will have a solid and speedy recovery. >> thank you so much. chris, over to you. all right. mick, great to hear that perspective on her, we wish her the best in her fight.
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and when we come back, we'll talk to you about what's going on in the catholic church. it is really getting a shake-up from this new pope. it seems that francis, the man on your screen, just keeps surprising. there's a document now out that stems from this meeting that's going on about the family and it says things that could turn back hundreds of years of church policy. what it means for gays and others, you goat hear it, straight ahead. t-mobile's network has more data capacity per customer
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3:50 am for great deals. and start bidding today! here you go, what organized religion holds the following things -- divorced? come on in and receive communion. living together? could be worse. gay and married? we still value you. protestant, unitarian? no, the catholics. a new document out suggests hundreds of years of church teaching could change, and that is actually not hype. joining us now to take us through it, cnn vatican correspondent, delia gallagher and cnn religion commentator and host of the sunday mass, father edward beck. delia, do i lie or is this the context of the new document. they call it the relatio. it means "report" in latin. tell us about it. >> yeah, that's it, chris.
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this is something which is still a work in progress. so it's not a final document. it's a summary of what the discussions were last week between the pope and his bishops. however, the controversy has begun. because the change in tone, the new language about welcoming those people who were previously excluded let us say, gays, those people living together, the divorced and repairried, this new language, is now opening doors, possibly, people are asking, is this going to open doors to other things? because if previously in reference to gay relationships they were call disordered. and now we're saying, no, gay relationships must be valued. well then they're not disordered any more. and if they're not disordered any more, then gay unions should be okay. and maybe we should bless gay unions and maybe there should be gay marriage and so on and so forth. so clearly it's not just a superficial change.
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i want to reiterate this is an interim document. there's nothing definitive written in stone, but it's a clear indication first of all, first of all where pope francis is, and wants the discussion to go and where it seems to be going within the synod. they're still discussion skusing it, we know some bishops have already raised some questions about this reatio. so we're waiting to see what they come up with. >> okay. so thank you very much for that delia. stay with us. we have the relatio, we have the synod which is the meeting. and the pope is sitting in front of it. and everybody knows that francis believes that the heart of the catholic faith is love and all the rules and exclusion has been a complete distraction. they know that's who they were getting as pope. how real can this be? of course they're going to say the right things when the man himself is sitting in the room with them. how real is this?
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>> i don't think that pope francis thinks all the rules don't mean anything. but the law has to serve people. people don't serve the law. and so what he's doing, he's widening the net and saying come into the tent. listen to what we say. dialogue with us, we're going to respect you. divorced and remarried? yes, come and be at the table with us. let's have the conversation. using birth control? maybe you're in a situation where you have to use birth control. however they're talking about a very interesting concept called gradualism. >> gradualism? >> gradualism. a lot of play it's getting at the synod. it means that maybe you're on the way to accepting a teaching, not quite there. you're living together? okay. let's talk about how do you get do sacramental marriage. maybe you're using artificial birth control right now. do you know why the church teach what is it does about natural family planning? do you want to take a look at it? they're saying come be part of
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us, learn more about what we say and teach and maybe we can both learn from each other. that's the radical part of this. >> i'll give you that. that does sound radical. why am i skeptical? because we're talking about the catholic church here and delia, the pope also said something that could be seen as what gives us promise at the first place. at a homily, he said the law, meaning church law, if it doesn't get us closer to jesus christ, it is dead. what is the word around vaticancy about what he meant? well that's clear, he's been saying that from the beginning of his pontiffcate it has to be about the love of jeer ssujesus mercy of god. that's the reason he reaches out to those who feel excluded. and as father beck said, come here first of all, be at the table and then we'll talk about the issues. >> it is just talk.
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and your religion -- >> any religion. >> i'm objective on this. nobody is going to push you more on this than i will. because to noncatholics, it is so impressive. it's a big change, it's a big change. no, religion means the ties that bind and that's true in your faith as much as any, if not more. rules have to change for this to mean anything. especially back here in the states. do you think pope francis can make the church change without doing it himself? which it doesn't seem he wants to do? >> it depends on what rules you're talking about. these rules, gays being accepted as equal. birth control, big issues. >> gays can be accepted as equal. without say urg ing you're in f of gay marriage. when pope francis was archbishop in argentina. it was reported that he was trying to get bishops to support same-sex unions, civil unions as a compromise. >> i remember that. >> legal rights, privileges, fully respecting gay people and their unions, not saying you
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have to be married in the church or can be married in our church. can you embrace a group of people who are part of your constituency, and still say, but we're not totally on board with everything you believe in. how you approach it i think you can. >> you're a man of the collar, do you think francis has the heft to make these rules change? or will the church in quotes known as the administration, hold him down? >> i'm not sure francis wants the rules to change. he wants how we embrace people and approach people with those rules to change. if there's a dialogue, then perhaps yes. one rule, divorce and remarried receiving commune. that's a big issue that's being discussed. there's a lot of controversy with the bishop there is. some say absolutely not. it denigrates what jesus said about marriage lasting forever. but this could change. he's pushing saying what about a period of pennance in between? let them do pennance, the annulment hasn't come through. let them come to the table and be fully embraced by that action. that could change. don't expect the big stuff.
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he's not going to say gay marriage is okay as a catholic church. >> i thought the pennance was the marriage. >> just kidding. >> only in your marriage. >> delia gallagher, thank you very much for the reporting. father beck, always a pleasure. it's size for everybody to say the right thing when the pope's in the room. >> be optimistic, christopher. >> i'm very hopeful and i'm hopeful we're following a lot of news for you this morning. so let's get to it. we were prepared. >> it's really a disaster waiting to happen. >> we have to rethink the way we address ebola. >> not one more health care worker should be infected. >> nina pham, she's the first person to contract ebola inside the united states. >> she has received a blood transfusion from an ebola survivor. >> federal officials are scrambling to determine how the transmission happened and whether or not it could have been avoided. kim jong-un has reportedly resurfaced. >> fuel speculation about his
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health. even a possible coup in north korea. welcome back to "new day." i'm alisyn camerota along with chris cuomo. the 26-year-old nurse who contracted ebola while treating an infected liberian patient in dallas has been identified as nina pham. she is received a blood donation, we're told from a doctor who survived the deadly virus. and we're also told that she is stable this morning. >> with each new case, this idea of a potential outbreak here in the u.s. has health officials scrambling. the head of the cdc is warning all hospitals to start rethinking ebola. we'll get into what that means. in a matter of hours, we should know if a man in kansas city has contracted ebola. doctors say he's low risk right now. but last week he was serving a as a medic on a ship off the coast of west africa. so we're going to go and speak with the man heading up texas's response to ebola. as well as dr. sanjay gupta in just a moment. but let's begin with senior
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medical correspondent elizabeth cohen live in dallas. elizabeth, what is the latest? >> good morning, chris, well i want to say that in this ebola outbreak, the true heros are the doctors and nurses who are risking their lives to take care of others. now, when someone does have ebola, keat to beating it is to get help as quick as you can. and we're learning that nurse nina pham got an experimental blood transfusion very quickly. >> this morning, doctors in dallas anxious to see if a blood transfusion may save the life of a critical care nurse, nina pham. the first person to contract ebola within the u.s. she carried for the now-deceased liberian, thomas duncan. pham received the donation from ebola survivor, dr. kent brantly on monday, the hope that his blood may provide key antibodies to fight the disease. >> everybody should help her to get over this. and i know in the long run she will help a lot of people.
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>> the 26-year-old is one of around 70 hospital staffer who is cared for duncan, according to the "associated press." the "a.p." reports they reached that number after being given duncan's medical records by the family. the cdc says they're working to compile a list of health care work who are came into contact with duncan. >> if this one individual was infected, and we don't know how, within the isolation unit, then it is possible that other individuals could have been infected as well. >> an official with direct knowledge of the investigation tells cnn that cdc detective who is interviewed the nurse several times believe there are quote inconsistencies in the type of gear the nurse used and how she put it on. and took it off. but fellow nurses say pham was always careful. >> knowing nina, she's one of the most meticulous, thorough, effective nurses she taught me infection control and hand hygiene and protocol. i learned so much of that from her. >> state and federal health officials are unsure how pham
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was infected. say it may be time to reexamine ebola safety protocols. >> we have to rethink the way we address ebola infection control. >> officials consider moving patients to special containment hospitals, this as ebola fear escalates amid international fears to the u.s. >> a hazmat team boarded a flight if dubai and removed five passengers presenting flu-like symptoms. after examination, officials determined none of the five met the criteria for ebola and none of them came from west africa. now putting on this protective gear and doing it right is very difficult. and even seasoned health care workers don't have much experience with doing it. so that's why the cdc is here, teaching, training, drilling on how to put this gear on and take it off. because even if you're meticulous, even if you're thorough, mistakes can still happen. chris? >> especially if you're not
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getting enough training specific to this. a lot of nurses are complaining about that. and as you pointed out, elizabeth, they're the front line, the first responders. we have to do better by them. >> for more of what will be happening in texas today and beyond, let's bring in the director of the texas task force on infectious disease and preparedness response and we're joined also by dr. sanjay gupta. cnn's chief medical correspondent. dr. gera i want to start with you and what elizabeth reported, that the "associated press" has gotten ahold of mr. duncan's medical records, they figured out that he came into contact with 70 health care workers at texas health presbyterian. is that number accurate as far as you know? >> i don't know that specific number what i doe do know is that every person at the hospital who had any potential contact with mr. duncan was specifically interviewed by the
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cdc, and by local and state health authorities and they were assessed. contact could have been standing across a room from mr. duncan, never in close contact so that would be low risk. every person who was in real contact with mr. duncan is on active, is on active monitoring now by the cdc. >> dr. gerwa, help us understand what active monitoring means. are they reporting for work, are they inside their house? how does it work? >> they're not reporting for work. and they're being actively seen, which means they are being physically visited by epidemiologists or similar, similar types of disease detectives. they have their temperature taken multiple times day. and they have a self-reporting structure that even during the intermidant times, they should call. that's exactly what happened with patient number, patient number 2, she was on self-reporting, not active monitoring, but she called in. now all those health care workers who were in contact with
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mr. duncan, who had significant contact are on active monitoring, being visited by epidemiologists. >> sanjay, help us understand what the difference is between this active monitoring, self-reporting and the kind of self-quarantine that we're seeing people like dr. nancy snyderman at nbc, who came into contact with her cameraman, who then came down with ebola. what's the difference in all of these grades of how people are handling it? >> well, one thing to keep in mind, is people do not become infectious or contagious, even, until they are sick. keep that in the back of your mind as you think about this. if someone is not sick yet, the idea of quarantining them doesn't make a lot of sense, what threat are they to the general public? if they are not going to be contagious. what happened in dallas with the four family members and friends of mr. duncan was there was a concern they may not, they may go somewhere else, they may flee as was told to us. and so they needed to keep them
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in one place to monitor them. not because they're a threat to the public health. some people will actively monitor, meaning they're taking their temperature every day, that's being done for them in some way and other people are at self-monitoring, at home or wherever. taking their temperature on their own. the 70 people in one of these categories now, i work in a hospital, i know a lot of health care people are required to take care of an individual patient but was there anything done to try to limit the number of health care workers who would have contact with mr. duncan, given the severity of the condition? >> dr. gerwa, do you know the answer to that? >> yeah, to my knowledge once the diagnosis was made, clearly it was a limited staff that was required to take care of mr. duncan. and remember, presbyterian hospital, closed down a 24-bed icu in order to provide the best care possible. there was a limited group of staff. this was not a general pooled staff that was taking care of the patient. >> sanjay, does that answer the
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question? >> i think it will be an important point that comes up again. 70 people is a lot of people. as part of the protocols, i'm curious, we talk about the protection and all that. how about protecting other workers. anything done to make sure we limit the number of people coming in contact as much as possible. >> obviously dr. gerwa, that's what all hospitals are trying to figure out how to do now, yes? >> right. all hospitals are trying to do that. i think the strategy must be multifold. you limit the number of people in contact and number two, you reexamine the protocols to protect health care workers. that's what the cdc is doing. a protocol neither works or doesn't work, it limits the risk given an exposure. we had potential high exposures as the cdc said when the patient had a breathing tube down and was on ventilation. and thus, the cdc is looking at other protective procedures right now, such as, bleaching or putting disinfectant on top of the gown before you disrobe or
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potentially putting on rubber boots and changing from booties. these are steps up in what otherwise might be a perfect protocol. but we know there was a problem with the protocol or its implementation, because we have a nurse because of ebola transmission. >> there is a perception in the public, fair or not that texas was woefully unprepared to deal with an ebola patient. just yesterday the director of northwestern center for global health said this -- in texas, they really were slow to the plate. texas is going to be the example of what not to do. so what is the change in strategy in texas moving forward? >> i do think the response to this patient was really quite good. the incident command structure came into place. it was done by the county, the state supported that and the cdc came in obviously there are issues, the identification of mr. duncan on the first time he arrived was lacking.
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he should have been identified as an ebola patient, and put in isolation. part of the task force that i've been asked to direct is to provide an ongoing assessment in lessons learned. we know in any natural disaster, a hurricane, tornado, major explosion, there will always be lessons learnedth and there will be lessons learned from this incident. that's why the task force is put together. we have a preliminary brief update of december 1st, of the findings. >> dr. brett gerwa, and dr. sanjay gupta. we will be talking to you litter in the program. thanks for the information. let's go over to michaela for the news. here's a look at the headlines, president obama is meeting with defense chiefs from the u.s. and 20 other countries to talk about the fight against isis. this comes amid new coalition air strikes against isis this morning. the terrorists keep pushing for control in kobani. they scored a victory in neighboring iraq taking a
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strategically important military base in anbar province. oscar pistorius back in court this morning -- for a second day of sentencing arguments. a probation officer yesterday claimed the athlete should only serve house arrest and community service. pistorius was found guilty last month of culpable homicide for killing his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. the judge who rendered his verdict will decide his sentence. scary moments for passengers aboard an american airlines flight. were forced to make an emergency landing in san francisco. a blown air duct caused several of the wall panels to come off in flight. you can see the panel popping up. thankfully, no loss of pressurization, oxygen masks did not deploy, the plane, which was headed to dallas, landed safely, all 184 passengers were put on another plane to get to their destinations. all right, with halloween
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right around the corner, check out the spooky image -- that's from space, my friends. that is the sun looking a wee bit like a jack o'lantern. you could imagine you could see eyes, nose, even a mouth. nasa says the image was created bay perfect storm of magnetic fields. try to do that to your pumpkin. >> without a blow torch. >> costumes on halloween? you passed it? >> for kids. >> i think it's great for kids. >> i don't observe. i'm not observant. >> you're not the mom who has at least the wig on or one thing -- >> yes, i throw on some lame item, a pointy hat aye and we go trick-or-treating, yes. i take it you go into halloween? i'm picking that up. >> i'm just asking questions, no need to judge. >> do you take a cut of the candy? >> yeah. >> five gets you ten she takes a cut of the candy.
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he is back with a big smile and a cane. our first look at north korean leader, kim jong-un in more than a month. so why the cane? where was he? we have answers for you ahead. and the first debate in a contentious senate race in kentucky. mitch mcconnell has blasted his democratic rival for refusing to say whether she voted for president obama how did allison grimes respond? we'll go "inside politics" for that. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7 it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do...
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(vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru. woo do we do have new information for you, north korean state immediate dwra it is releasing what it says are new photos of the leader kim jong-un. they show kim during two official visits and he's seen using a cane. kim jong-un's disappearance for more that a month fuelled speculation about his health and the possible coup attempt. will the pictures put that speculation to rest or merely add fuel to the fire? let's discuss, we have paula hancocks following developments from seoul and cnn analyst and managing editor of "quartz" mr. bobby ghosh. what's the word inside and outside pyongyang about what was going on and what the pictures
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mean? the assumption in south korea is that it was health issues and there's no problem with the leadership which it seems to prove, the photos now. they are undated. we have to specify that. inside north korea a few hours ago, i spoke to a defector who was high up in the elite. he said some of the rumors inside north korea were more far-fetched than they were around the world. that kim jong-un had been under house arrest, that he had a car accident which in north korea euphemistically means you had been bumped off or he had a brain injury. so there was a need for the regime, even though he was on crutches or a cane, to show he is in control and to give some kind of stability. >> do you believe this is something that was orchestrated, the absence, or do you believe that it was circumstantial, that he needed to be out of view for whatever reason? >> well i think the assumption
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is that it was a health issue. he needed to be out of view. i don't think that this was choreographed. although most things are in north korea. >> if that wasn't choreographed, certainly his return probably was, so bobby let me bring you on that we don't have a time stamp, but we do have something circumstantial. the cane. there's something contemporary about that. >> the last images we saw of him. the last video we saw of him before this set, he was hobbling a little bit. there was an admission he was having some difficulty. this time the cane appears, that's really quite significant. this is a person whose family has almost been defied in north korean lore. he's god-like. his father, let's remember, his father scored 18 holes in one the first time he played golf. the father was said to have the ability to change the weather and so, for the propaganda machine to go from that to
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showing pictures of a 31-year-old man with a cane is quite significant. >> why did they do it? >> two possibilities, one is, they have no choice, he needs a cane and a cane is better than a crutch. at least it conveys in asian culture, gravitas, better than hobbling around on a crutch. but the other option is this is just an admission of this is howese going to be now, we might as well start putting it in the picture. >> or is it a distraction and they're using his health as a decoy because they're worried about something else? or is that something too crazy movie stuff. >> quite often the simplest explanations are as paula was saying, the south koreans who watch very, very carefully. everything, have a pretty decent beat most of the time on what's going on. if they're not alarmed that this is some kind of decoy, some sort of coup attempt took place, i
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think we can rule that out. >> a coup is difficult under any circumstances, many believe it would be near impossible under the circumstances of how the north korean regime is set up. paula hancocks, what's your take on that? >> well certainly i don't think the coup was really a viable option, even when kim jong-un was still not in the public eye. many analysts said just a couple of weeks ago, the number two, three, and four of north korea came to south korea, so came to enemy territory to talk peace. now you don't do that if back home there is instability and back home you have just deposed someone from the kim dynasty. it's not going to happen. so that was what the analysts here certainly assumed. that the coup was a nonstarter. >> you have bobby ghosh's head nodding in the affirmative. you accept that? >> i do, but it doesn't mean the speculation will end. the fresh round of speculation, the reason he's carrying a cane, is it a matter of a knee injury
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or leg injury? does he have gout? we've seen the speculation, or is there some deeper injury that he or they being the propaganda machine, are trying to conceal. >> all of this highlights the main problem -- which is the united states and most western countries have no dialogue or communication inside this country. so everything is a mystery and this will be one more level that we need to decode in whatever way we can. paula hancocks, thank you very much and bobby ghosh, appreciate the perspective. could mitt romney be carrying the torch for republicans again? in 2016? our political panel weighs in on another possible romney run. and we have breaking news right now, out of indiana -- dozens are injured in a bus accident, we have all of the latest ahead for you.
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znchts 24 minutes past the hour, with a look at headlines, we start with breaking news, a concerning situation here, 33 people are hurt in a megabus crash on interstate 65 in indiana. we're told about eight of those injuries are serious. as you can see, compliments of our affiliate, wrtv, emergency crews are still on scene there. police say the bus was actually trying to avoid another accident when it was hit bay vehicle. causing the bus to lose control. the bus was headed from atlanta to chicago, those are the details we have now. we are going to continue to watch this situation in greenwood, indiana. tensions remaining high in st. louis and ferguson, missouri. dozens of people arrested at a moral monday march.
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protesting police violence. among them, prominent professor and activist, dr. cornell west. it capped four days of resistance in ferguson. demonstrators calling for the office another fatally shot unarmed teenager michael brown two months ago to be charged. a children's day celebration in brazil interrupted bay tornado. a bit of a dust devil, a furious one, near carnivale, sucking leaves, rubbish and a bouncy castle into the vortex. the winds picked up the castle and tossed it into the air. there was an 8-year-old child inside. the little boy was thrown to the ground as the castle flew into the air, thankfully we are thoeld he is okay. how frightening. something a little bit lighter. this is charlie, he's having the time of his life, don't make me sing, mimicking the late patrick swayze, while watching "dirty
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dancing"'s footwork. when johnny castle jumps from the stage. he's even got the strut, i think he's like eight and monday says he's only watched only, he's only watched the video about 10 to 12 times but he's goss gto it on tipoint. >> i agree with you we need to know his genealogy. >> got to be italian. >> you were able to do that even from -- >> we all can. one of the reasons everybody wants to be italian. >> it's true, michaela. >> not even up for debate. >> we will look into all of this, but in the meantime, we have to turn to politics, it's time to go "inside politics" on "new day." mid-term elections are a few weeks away. last night one of the key debates got heated in kentucky.
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allison lundergan-grimes faces her republican opponent, senate mcort leader mitch mcconnell. it's one of the states being closely watched, because it could affect the balance of power in the senate. let's bring in two political analysts. gentlemen thanks for being here. allison lundergan-grimes has taken some heat because she will not answer who she voted for in 2008 or 2012. let's watch when that subject came up last night. >> did you vote for president obama in 2008-2012? >> this election isn't about the president. it's about -- making sure we put kentuckiens back to work. >> did you vote for him? >> i was actually in '08 a delegate for hillary clinton. >> you're not going to answer? >> i don't think the president is on the ballot. as much as mitch mcconnell might
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want him to be. >> that was from last week. last night she she used a different strategy where she said our constitution grants us the right at the ballot box, i don't have to reveal who i voted for. >> she doubled down on the weasel words, everybody knows she's an obama delegate, what, you didn't vote for the guy? the real issue isn't just the quote strategic decision of finding a more elegant way out of this. the question is who's more popular in kentucky, she's trying to do everything she can to distance herself from barack obama and mitch mcconnell is trying to stitch her to the man in the white house. >> in 2008, he got wiped out in the primary in 2008, he is extremely unpopular. >> how does she not answer the question. >> her point is well taken. >> which is what? >> the right to keep your vote secret is important. and -- >> come on.
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>> let's hear her say it. we have that why tbite. >> this is a matter of principle, our constitution grants here in kentucky, the constitutional right for privacy at the ballot box for a secret ballot. >> as the daughter of the former chair of the democratic party, as a delegate twice for obama, as democratic candidate for senate, i think an adult, a reasonable adult could figure out who she probably voted for. >> that's even worse? >> so just own it. >> i don't think ultimately this really unnecessary self-inflicted dumb political wound is going to make a difference in this race. >> is it a window into who you're dealing with? it's not the content, it's the context. >> that's totally fair and that's right. you've got the senate minority leader, trying to ride his team into leadership into the senate fighting for his life in kentucky, a deep red state with a surprising democratic tradition. democratic governor, a state where obama care has implemented
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is actually quite popular. last night he embced the kentucky exchange. >> half-heartedly. >> he's saying he's the bridge build anywhere washington. >> he likes connect. >> he was asked about that last night. >> would you support the continuation of connect? >> well it's a state decision. several states have -- >> would you support it? >> that's fine. yeah, i think it's fine to have a website. >> that's not, an embrace. >> a half million people with health insurance thanks to that quote-unquote website. which is made possible because of obama care, which he wants to exterminate, root and branch. >> one of the big debates last night was from mitch mcconnell last night, who is trying to present himself as a reasonable guy who can get things done in washington and has been key to stopping ought this terrible gridlock. and mitch mcconnell, the record he's built over the last six years, it is discordant. it's telling he's afraid to attack obama care in that debate
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because it's important. it's telling to say he's the solution to gridlock, not the cause of it that's significant in saying where the kentuckyians are. >> you want to ask him who he voted for in the last election. >> who wins? >> the debate? >> no. forget the debate. who wins the race. >> it's a toss-up. >> three or four points. he only won by a few points last time and he blew out his entire $21 million budget. this is a state although it votes deeply red in presidential elections is mostly democratic state if you look at registration, and the eastern coal counties, they've elected democratic governors for decades. so it's not at all assured that mitch mcconnell gets a re-election. >> and mitch mcconnell is a great parliamentarian. not the biggest populist you ever met in your life. that's a brig bridge he's got to cross. >> this race is impactful because it involves leadership it would cut to the heart of the
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republican party. will come down to turn-out. that sounds, obama and his campaign were able to dramatically able to change the shape of the electorate in 2012. if democrats could goose registration and the turn-out, it could be a game-changer. >> two words -- mitt romney. >> on the campaign trail. he is out in iowa this week. >> what does that mean? >> it means a couple of things. first of all, it means that he's a very rich man who likes to make donations to candidates in the closing weeks of a tight election season. >> this is about other candidates. >> the other candidates are not going to disabuse anybody of the notion that you know, that he's a great guy, and that they like to take his checks. now beyond that, does mitt romney actually want to run again? he's polling very well. he's the only one of the leading republican possible candidates in 2016 who beats hillary clinton. >> many inside his camp, the republican camp feel this is one of the few races where they
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should have won and didn't. he is carrying that like a yoke around his neck, and you know that. people believe he should have won and blew it. >> what is significant is that normally a two-time loser is kryptonite and republicans want mitt romney on the campaign trail more than democrats want president obama. as long as there's not a candidate who can coalesce the republican establishment. the people in romneyland have gone from, that's ridiculous, could be. and let's see what jeb does, let's see what marco and paul ryan does. >> neither of those guys are going to step aside for mitt romney. >> paul ryan said he would. >> i take him at his word. >> i don't know that he was a top-tier candidate. in the romney camp, how many times did ronald reagan run? he ran three times. he -- >> this is political nerd corner here. >> went over and over again. it didn't spoil his chances. >> it's the right metaphor,
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because romney very much wants to fashion himself as ronald reagan. you know not just the hair, but his disposition. so it's good to retrace the steps. >> this is mored ed adlai steve. >> in the weeds. >> historically unprecedented and fascinating to see him exert so much leverage on the party at this point. two-time loser. >> thanks so much. great to see you guys. nbc's dr. nancy snyderman is speaking out, apologizing. she is now under a mandatory quarantine after breaking a voluntarily quarantine. is her apology enough? and ahead, a cuomo family mystery that traces all the way back to italy. we're going to explore my roots next hour and how my great grandparents got here. things i didn't know. kind of bothered me. plus i'm going to explain -- why am i letting these people walk all over me. literally. that shirt is ruined, there's
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some news for you, an apoll gist ji from nbc's chief medical editor after she left quarantine in new jersey. dr. nancy snyderman and her team were asked to remain in quarantine after one of their staff contracted ebola. now she has issued an apology. let's talk about the issues that are at play. let's bring in dr. irwin redlynner, director for the center for national preparedness and cnn medical correspondent, immediate cal correspondent,
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media correspondent. i want to talk about nancy in a second. first let's deal with a big population that needs more attention. the nurses, okay? we had a union head come out and say, we're not getting the training we need. the main line is backing off of breached protocol is what got this nurse ebola in dallas. they don't really know. is it fair criticism that those who really will deal with patients most which are the nurses and nurses' aides, that they haven't been given the training, there's not enough attention paid and we need quick change? >> there's not enough training being given. we've known it for several years, we did a study of nurses in the new york metropolitan area and 70 or 80% of them said they need more training about issues that come up. part of that, you peel back the layers goes to some serious defunding of hospital preparedness programs, supposed to be there to make sure that personnel in hospitals are
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properly trained and recurrently trained. >> can you fix it quickly and easily? >> can you start fixing it. quickly and easy is a whole other story. we've definitely pulled it back. we need to get it back in place in terms of training and retraining people. to the level they need to be ready. >> this soenl part of the answer. what we learn with miss pham, the nurse in dallas who contracted it trying to treat the man who died of ebola, they say she was very careful and that she took everything off and she was very conscientious. they don't know what happened. we do know we have to know more, we have to train better. let's go to the specific issue with dr. nancy snyderman. let me read her whole statement. while under voluntarily quarantine guidelines, which call for our team to avoid public contact for 21 days, members of our group violate the guidelines and understand our quarantine is now manndatory until 21 days have passed. as a health professional i no he
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we have no symptoms, but i'm deeply sorry for the concerns. we're thrilled that ashoka is getting better and our thoughts continue to be with all the thousands affected by ebola. >> she said members of the group violated the quarantine, but she's the only one that reportedly did. she was spotted out in the community where she lives in new jersey. i don't understand why she didn't personally take responsibility. i think that was why there was outrage online last night when the statement came out. people are saying why aren't you talking about what you did and why you did it. that's what's strange to me, she's been back in the u.s. for a week. feeling fine and she hasn't come on nbc from home. via skype or something. that's the beauty of the world we live in now. she could be on air every day. she hasn't come on air and talked about it i'm perplexed about that. >> you think they're inslating her from the scrutiny? >> or it's stubbornness or something else. i would love to hear from her, she's experiencing something a lot of us can't imagine.
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having to be quarantined. even so it's simply that the rest of the people in the town aren't scared of her. it's still a newsworthy moment. >> two standards of play. the media scrutiny of an apology. she's not doing so great. but what matters more, should she be censured at all. she seems to be saying, i'm not sick, this is okay, you people are suffering from false panic and now i'm falling prey to this as a media figure. >> she had a responsibility to deal with the fact she was under quarantine. it was a voluntary quarantine. but promoting the notion that people have been exposed potentially should be kept apart from other people because they might develop the disease and we want to take care of that there's another way to deal with this, we have a very limited number of people exposed to get them blood-tested. >> if you were to get blood-tested. if nancy got blood-tested the first day of the quarantine, the voluntarily one. is that test determine tiv of
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ebola going forward? >> it's a very good test. it's expensive. but in terms of the limited number of people we have now, as context, they could be blood-tested and it's pretty reliable. >> if it says you don't have ebola today, what about the incubation thing? >> this test is able to pick up the virus during the incubation period. with quite good reliability. there's very few false positives or negatives. >> if they would have had that test, do you think we would have known? >> we may look back and say this is all an overreaction. but it feels like the environment we're in right now. where the neighbors and colleagues might be worried about being around her. it's better to be safe than sorry. >> the other issue is what kind of example. she's a public figure. we want everybody in the population identified as a potential risk hoo is going to be quarantined to pay attention to it my concern is here's somebody who is a major public figure and a good medical
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correspondent who is saying i'm just going to, i'm going to go to the store. >> there's different roles for me and not for everybody else. >> what's the big concern you have? the concern you have is the media telling you this. are we getting you riled up because it's making the story more exciting? are these actual things to be concerned about? when you see one of us not doing what we're telling others to do. it breeds that kind of concern and that kind of questioning of us. but again, let's wait and see what happens and hopefully she does not have this virus nor does any member of her team. >> the good news is that the camera man is getting better. >> that should be the headline. we need every one of those we can get. doctors, thank you very much. thanks so much. 25 years ago this week, the san francisco bay area was devastated by a powerful earthquake. coming up, the dramatic stories that you've never heard. ees on ? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..."
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well come back to "new day." what we saw with as a bay area disaster, a 6.9 earthquake, brought down a double-decker freeway 25 years ago, fire among other devastation. randi kaye has the stories behind the images that you saw that night in her hour-long special "san francisco shaken." here's a preview. >> reporter: bill and janet gray are still trapped under rubble. firefighters are now inside
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what's left of their building. >> they said, don't worry, we're going to get you out of there, and i could sense that there's desperation. this fellow who i've never met, was working so hard to get the chainsaw started. >> the firefighter tries an axe instead. >> once they got the hole cut out, a gloved hand came through the hole. i grabbed his hand. the only thing that separated me and them was two inches of subfloor. >> reporter: they're so close, but incredibly, debris is no longer the main obstacle to their rescue. bill and janet realize their building is on fire. >> it was during the axe chopping that the smoke started to roll in to the floor that we
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were on and i could smell it. that was a big concern to janet. >> reporter: do you remember what she said to you? >> "we're not going to get out of here." >> the cnn special "san francisco shaken," 25 years after the quake airs tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern. randi kaye is here to talk more about it. i have to tell you, i lived in san francisco. i know this story very, very well. we're watching this, though, we beg to know what happens but of course we want people to watch and tune in. >> of course. bill ray told us he felt like that night he was in a coffin in his own apartment, so of course we want to you watch. you'll have to see how his story ends but really it's just one of four really terrific stories that i think we're focusing on in this documentary. you have the story of bill and janet ray and then the story of the cypress freeway which pancake ed down on the cars. we'll introduce to you a person
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who went through that. we also share the story of one man who was trapped on the bay bridge which you know sort of one piece had collapsed and his car was literally caught in that crevasse. we'll talk to him and this amazing story from this firefighter, jerry shannon, worked for over two hours crawling on his belly to, putting himself in danger to try and save this woman inside. >> living in the bay area for years and in california for a decade you realize that threat is always there of the big one, in fact, we know seismologists are working on some sort of predictor so that they can warn people, an early warning detection system, anything. it's eminent. >> it certainly is. san francisco they say is the urban area with the most active fault system under it. so this one, the 1989 quake, was a 6.9 as we said, 67 people died, $10 billion in damages but this wasn't the big one, they say. >> randi kaye, we want to point
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people to this wonderful work you've done, it's really, really compelling, if you lived there or around it you know people who did. "san francisco: shaken, 25 years after the quake" 9:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. we're learning more about the dallas nurse fighting ebola. who she is and what with he know about the treatment she received so far. plus the city at the center of it all now telling other major cities to learn from their mistakes. the dire warning from dallas to the nation, you're going to hear it from dallas mayor mike rollins. stay with us. [ male announcer ] if you're taking multiple medications,
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-- captions by vitac -- campbell's healthy request. fighting for her life, the dallas nurse battling ebola now has a new weapon, the blood of an american survivor, this comes amid of new questions how she got it and what hospitals need to do now to keep their employees safe. dr. sanjay gupta shows us just how hard that could be. and he's back. north korea's mysterious and previously missing leader finally shows up. these pictures just released show him walking with a cane.
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does this mean he's in charge or is it just more propaganda? going home, cnn anchors making emotional journeys to explore their roots. this morning chris takes us to italy where his great grandmother was put ul for adoption. the amazing story how she made it to america and why these italians are standing on his shoulders. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning, and welcome back to "new day." it's tuesday, october 14th. 8:00 in the east. alislisyn camerota with us. >> bravo with the italian. >> three men. >> three men. >> this is what i like, the face is what i like. >> i can't believe you stood up there. you are strong, chris cuomo. >> sure, sure. that pole, greased pole you ever
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hear that? that pole was greased with pig fat and these guys wearable smelly and harsh wool socks, that's a foot in my face. >> you'll explain the reason behind all of that. >> i still don't understand why that happened. next thing i know i got three guys on top of me. shoum how many times have i told this story? >> i can't wait to see your roots story. >> it's going to be good. it's a great opportunity we've had. i look forward to getting your take on my story, but first we want to give you what's going on in the news. we begin with a warning from the cdc to every hospital in the country, it is time to rethink ebo ebola. this as we learn the name of the infected 26-year-old nurse in dallas, she is nina phan. she's in stable condition and being treated with the blood of a doctor who survived ebola. >> it is still not clear how she contracted the virus. she was part of a 70-person team
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treating the liberian national. elizabeth cohen is tracking all of the latest developments for us. good morning, elizabeth. >> good morning, alisyn. the heroes in this outbreak are the doctors and nurses on the front line risking their lives to take care of ebola patients. we've learned nurse nina phan is getting an experimental blood transfusion and got it fairly quickly. this morning, doctors in dallas anxious to see if a blood transfusion may save the life of a critical care nurse nina phan, she cared for the now deceased liberian thomas duncan. she seefrd t the hope that dr. brantly's blood may provide key on tie bodies to fight the disease. >> everybody should ask god to help her get over this and i know in the long run she will
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help a lot of people. >> reporter: she is around 76 hospital staffers who cared for dun cap. the ap reports they reached that number after being given duncan's medical records by his family. the cdc says they're working to compile a list of health care workers who came into contact with duncan. >> if this one individual was infected, we don't know how, within the isolation unit, it is possible that other individuals could have been infected as well. >> reporter: an official with direct knowledge of the investigation tells cnn cdc detectives believe there are "inconsistencies in the type of gear the nurse used and how she put it on and took it off." but fellow nurses say she was careful. >> nina with sun the most te lick kuls ineffective nurses. she taught me hand control and hygiene. i learned so much from her. >> state and federal health
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officials are unsure shoe she got infected. >> to rethink the way we address ebola infection control. >> reporter: officials considering moving patients to special containment hospitals as ebola fare escalates a hazmat team boarded a flight from dubai. after examination officials determined none of the five met the criteria for ebola and none came from west africa. now even seasoned health care workers usually have very little experience using this protective gear so when they're meticulous and careful as pham's friends say she was mistakes can still be made and that's why the cdc is training the health care workers here at this hospital in dallas. alisyn? >> training is what all of the
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nurses and doctors have been asking for. elizabeth, thanks so much for that update. over to chris for more. >> alisyn, to be clear we're learning as we go, so let's continue the discussion with a man whose city at the center of ebola in the you states, mayor mike rollins of dallas. not only is your city at the center but you've put yourself there, worked tireless, been at the hospital, you want to own this situation and doing something very unusual, you're saying things went wrong here, learn from what happened so that it doesn't get repeated elsewhere. what do you think went wrong? >> well, every organization needs to learn day in and day out. when i look back at the beginning i would have liked to have been 24 hours on the whole process earlier and we started to learn how to work well together at the county level, at the city level, the state level, with the cdc. i think everybody's really understands their role in doing their job but i think in a
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professional way. >> when you're taking a look one of the curiosities, how did this young nurse get this, she's conscientious about how she does things and wearing the right things and supposedly followed protocol. where dhung mystery takes you? >> believe it or not, in our modern world, we don't know everything. this is a bit of a situation where you never know exactly, apr and that's why the cdc is working around the clock as well, been in the hospital most of the evening and this morning make sure we're double and triple checked. we're focused on the contacts of mr. duncan, monitoring those contacts to make sure they're healt healthy. they are up to this point, and then we want to communicate to the neighborhoods, we wanted to get bentley, her dog out of there. we were able to do that last night. bentley is healthy and we're trying to make sure we stay in
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communication with each other. >> two more than developments i want to highlight. one, the family and relatives of mr. duncan who obviously lost his battle, they are not only grieving, they're still quarantined. we believe in that apartment. you're saying so far no, signs of the virus in any of them, true? >> exactly right. we check them twice a day and everybody's healthy. >> okay, and the dog, a lot of people especially in this country care about their pet so much, ex-ical burr, the one in spain put counsel. we know the virus leaves the host in pets and you're saying that dog is now virus free. >> i'm not saying it's virus free. i'm saying it's isolated, safe, being fed, in a safe manner. elizabeth was right about nina. she is a hero and that dog was very important to her. we want to make sure that dog is healthy as can be at this point, and being taken care of and so i'm pleased to report to her we sent her a video last night, and
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this morning, to show her those pictures, so hopefully that buoys her up. >> nice gesture to be sure. as a leader of the community, a big metropolitan area you're dealing with in dallas how are you balancing telling so many of your citizens who are on edge don't worry, we're fine, with the fact that there are guys in spacesuits all over the place and we keep learning more about what we don't know. how do you balance the two? >> first of all i don't say don't worry. it's natural to be anxious. i think it's natural to worry. the way we do it is with as much information as we can get as quickly as we can, when we heard about this at midnight sunday morning we wanted it at daybreak when everybody woke up they had the information at their house, in the media, over the phones so people knew what was going on. i think if you know what's going on, anxious goes down because of the science says you can't get
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this unless you come in contact with somebody that is symptomatic. >> let me ask you something, if you had a daughter and she is a nurse and she was going into work to do this, would you worried whether or not they're going to keep her safe? >> of course. you know, this is why it's, they're heroes. this is why they're brave individuals. these doctors and nurses need to be lifted up in our prayers, our thoughts, and we need to applaud them right now, and that's why everybody's doing this. it's a natural situation, when i met mr. duncan's family that he was living with, you know, there's anxiety, okay, is that all right? when you think about what the science says and if you take those precautions and understand the protocol outside, you're okay. they're learning and growing inside the health care facility, and we're just so sorry nina is in this situation. >> bottom line you've gotten to
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see it, ground zero, up close and personal, how the fed is coordinating with the state, with the local, which is going to be a key part here. do we have our act together yet? are we really ready for this, if it starts hitting cities? >> well, i believe we have our act together here in dallas. day one there was a lot of learning happening, and hopefully our learning can be codified, communicated so every city understands how they approach this, and we will be glad to do that. >> mayor rawlings, thank you very much. we know you've been doing this and know it's been sleepless down there but it matters. >> thank you very much. >> thank you for using us to get the message out and please stay in touch. >> we will. the mystery surrounding the whereabouts of kim jong-un may have been partially solved. north korea's state media releasing what it says are new photos of the supreme leader, you can see them here on your screen, he has not been seen
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publicly for more than a month. now these photos show kim during two official visits and he is now using a cane. cnn's paula hancocks following developments from seoul. what is the latest thinks, paula? >> reporter: alisyn it's interesting about these photos. we don't have a date for these photos. north korean media is saying, certainly assuming they are recent but we don't know for sure. we know we can see kim jong-un doing what he does best, giving field guidance at a new housing complex surrounded by many of his officials taking notes. he is smiling, as you say, he has that cane, which would seem to prove that many analysts were correct, that they believe he would disappear for five weeks because of health issues. these photos have been playing a lot on north korean television throughout the day, more than usual on the news bulletins, not just for an international
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audience to show the world there is stability in north korea, the regime probably also wants to tell its own people, tell the domestic audience their leader even if he's not in complete health is seemingly in complete control. they want to bring stability back because the rumors and speculation that have been swirling around the world according to defectors with contacts still inside north korea, even worse has been swirling around within the country itself, there were an awful lot of rumors that kim jong-un had actually died so the regime may well have felt pressured to bring kim jong-un out and they want to show everybody he's back at work, everything is back to normal and there's been no comment whatsoever, no mention of the fact that he's been disappeared for the past five weeks. alisyn? >> pictures show him smiling more than usual to say look, everything's fine here. paula hancocks, thanks so much for that report. over to michael for what else we're talking about today. >> here are your headlines, the battle against isis. president obama is meeting with
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his military demanders and defense chiefs from more than 20 other nations today to further organize and coordinate that fight. the terror group continues to push for control of kobani, despite new coalition air strikes. isis also scored a victory in neighboring iraq taking a strategically important military base in anbar province. hong kong police continue to dismantle barricades and encampments erected by pro-democracy demonstrators following two weeks of protests. the action is aimed at clearing one of the city's main author yofares which has been closed to traffic. there's no signs of the resistance of the democracy movement so far. russian hackers are exploiting a flaw in microsoft windows operating system to spy on nato, ukraine and other top security targets. the hackers reportedly are using a vulnerability known as zero day, which is present in every windows system except xp. the russian hacking group is
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known as sandworm and it has been operating at least since 2009. got to show you this crazy video of ohio trending. check it out, a motocross biker completes a jump, slips on a patch of mud, goes barreling toward a guy and his cell phone who without a beat jumps over it, and watch, continues talking on his cell phone. you've got to be talking to your mama. it was at a grand nation cross-country event in st. claire's ohio, that was an important call, man. >> it was. i want to be friends with that guy. >> did he blow ought his knee? >> big man points for continuing the phone call but he did not stick the landle. stick the landing. he did not stick the landing. >> tough judge. >> says the guy with three guys climbing on his shoulders. >> i checked my form when i'm on the pole so to speak. >> alisyn, aren't you glad -- >> that i'm here?
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not at the moment. we will look forward to watching chris' form. meanwhile, health care workers in the u.s. are scrambling to keep you safe of course from ebola but also trying to make sure they don't contract the deadly disease. we'll talk with dr. sanjay gupta about how well the protective suits they are supposed to wear work. he will give us a demonstration and we'll hear from a nurse who is on the front lines in nebraska. and as we've been saying this morning we'll take a trip to italy, you get to see mow there with my wife and daughter and i don't know who that is, no, the mayor of a local town. we'll see beautiful coasts, isolated italian villages and one crazy rarely seen tradition that has something to do with my family you won't forget. we'll learn things on our cnn roots journey. it's a good tell.
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welcome back to "new day." treating ebola can be extremely dangerous for health care workers. the dallas nurse who contracted the disease after being in contact with an infected patient says she was following gear and hospital protocol. let's bring in cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta and shelley shredehelm, nursing director of the biocontainment at nebraska medical center and personally treated two ebola patients. great to see both of you this morning. shelley, i want to start with you. nurses and health care workers
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around the country are nervous, in fact, the vice president of the nurses union expressed the frustration with how ill prepared some nurses feel if confronted with ebola. this is what she had to say. >> we do not have the proper protected equipment and also the information or the knowledge or the education or the training, it's really a disaster waiting to happen and when do we want to do the training? we want to do it now. >> shelley, she says it's a disaster waiting to happen. you have treated two ebola patients. how confident do you feel? >> i feel very confident in our unit and in our team and our staff. i think we have all the protocols that we need and the training that we need to safely care for a patient with ebola. i understand what her concerns
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are, but i also think that now is the time that nurses need to step up and take action on learning and training and putting procedures in place to safely care for patients. >> of course, you specialize in this sort of biocontainment at the nebraska medical center but not all hospitals do. is it your sense that they are now getting the proper training? because we've heard there's been inconsistencies in training for nurses. >> i'm sure there are inconsistencies and i think the goal would be to quickly get out the proper information and the proper procedures to those who are on the front lines. i think that's essential, and we have been doing as much as we can to try to quickly share our learnings and to get our information and education out to others. >> that would be so helpful. sanjay, the nurse who contracted ebola in dallas says she followed proper protocol. can you show us what the protective gear and proper protocol looks like? >> yes, so even if you follow
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that exact protocol and we followed it to a "t" in terms of what the cdc guidelines are, and let me give you an idea of what exactly that looks like and what may have happened. so i want to give you an idea of what the cdc is recommending in terms of how to protect yourself with this personal protective gear. i'm also going to show you how to take it off which some say is the most dangerous part. i will point out i work in an operating room every week. this is different than what most doctors i think are used to, at least in the operating room. i do want to point out this a little different than how i suited when i was in guinea but we're following cdc protocol. i want to show you how i'll take this protective equipment off and also going to put chocolate sauce in my hand which could represent a possible ebola contamination. take a look. this is the mask, so here would
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be the most likely contaminated area, my gloves, maybe the front of my gown a bit like this. now i got to treat this as if i'm potentially contaminated. i come out, what i'll do with this gown, rip it off together, and everything's going to come off simultaneously. part of the glove brushed against my hand, my arm there, that could potentially be an exposure. the glove didn't come off properly, i would reach underneath here as best i could and get underneath there, but perhaps if i didn't do it exactly right there could be another potential exposure there. i'm reaching behind as well as i can but let's say the side of my face shield was contaminated and i touched here, that could be an exposure. same thing here now the face mask. now take a look. right there, see a little bit of chocolate sauce, one possible exposure and over here on my neck, one possible exposure. >> sanjay, that was fascinating.
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thanks so much for that demonstration. so you determined that there were, what, two, three, four possible exposures, even with all the protective gear? >> yes, and just relatively small steps that people might not think about, again you have to assume that the front of your gown, your gloves are the contaminated area, and then you reach behind to take things off. what if you don't reach behind far enough and touch something? it was interesting. to your point earlier, we know how this virus transmits, bodily fluid infected gets on somebody's skin, that's how you could potentially get an infection. what surprised me about the cdc guidelines, unlike in west afri africa, all of your skin is not covered with this guideline and that seems like a basic thing. >> shelly, i know you're outside, you weren't able to watch sanjay's demonstration for us just there, but you do this all the time. what about that? what about when taking off the gloves, when taking off the protective eye gear, if a little bit of the contamination touches
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someone's skin? >> sure. i think you're right, i wasn't able to see what he was doing but i heard a couple of things. one was that not all of the skin is covered and in our case, with our personal protective equipment we use, we have every part of the body covered with protective gear. i think the other thing perhaps from our perspective that adds a dimension of safety is that we have someone accountable to really helping you remove your ppe in the proper order, the proper steps, really guiding you through every step of that process, and watching you physically do that. so that's an additional measure of safety we've put in place here. >> sanjay, was all of your skin covered or no? >> no, and i want to point out we followed the cdc guidelines, what you're hearing described by shelly there i think very important and very good is again that idea of covering all of your skin like the doctors without borders for example do in west africa. i'm surprised and i imagine
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shelly would be surprised as well that the cdc guidelines and we followed them to a "t" but they didn't require that. there were parts of my neck that were still showing, for example, i didn't have any hair, hat protection to cover my head, so those types of things, just surprised by, given the fact in west africa doctors without borders have been doing this for decades and this time the first case of a patient transmitting a virus to a health care worker. the first patient in the united states transmitted the virus to a health care worker. there's got to be better protocols in these places. >> shelly, your hospital goes beyond it sounds like the cdc protocols. >> we go beyond a little bit, and i also think we have to remember, too, it's based upon the situation with your patient, too, if you have a lot of secretions and a lot of concern that there's not a lot of controls in place, then you're obviously going to want to take additional measures and steps to protect yourself. it just really depends, but i
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support the cdc recommendations but i do also agree that we need to add that additional step of protecting your entire body with that. >> it sure sounds like it. last, shelly, i know you are treating the nbc freelance cameraman at your medical center. can you tell us anything about how mr. mukpo is doing this morning? >> mr. mukpo has been making good progress. he is eating and drinking and doing well with his nutritional intake, so we feel like he's making just great progress. >> we understand he's feeling well enough that he tweeted out that he is "on the road to good health." so that sounds like a very good sign. shelly schwedhelm and sanjay, thanks so much, a really informative segment, thank you. >> thank you. >> let's go over to chris. we have to tell you about the fireworks during the all-important debate in the kentucky senate race. mitch mcconnell blasting his
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rival for refusing to say if she voted for president obama and grimes says her vote privacy is protected by the constitution. is this about the law? plus, i thought i knew everything about my roots and as often happens, i was wrong. i took a trip to italy to unravel a mystery that no one in my family knows about, and you are invited. so stay put for the roots, coming up. when i'm working, things can
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they all lost their lives because of preventable medical errors, now the third leading cause of death. only heart disease and cancer take more lives. proposition 46 will save lives with drug and alcohol testing to make sure impaired doctors don't treat someone you love.
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safeguards against prescription drug abuse. and holds the medical industry accountable for mistakes. i'm barbara boxer. let's save lives. vote yes on 46. pham. president obama is meeting with defense chiefs from the u.s. and around the globe to discuss the fight to destroy isis. air strikes are getting more intense. they have not, however, stopped isis from pushing for control of kobani. he's back or is he? north korea releasing what it says are new photos of kim jong-un, using a cane. the north korean leader hasn't been seen publicly now in more than a month. oscar oscar pistorius's pre-sentencing hearing is resuming today. yesterday the defense said pistorius should serve how arrest and community service. he could be locked up for 15 years for killing his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. secretary of state john kerry set to meet with russia's foreign minister to talk about the crisis in the ukraine.
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we upindicate the five things to know so be sure to visit for the latest. chris? with the senate on the line, kentucky's candidates duked it out in their only debate before next month's vote. in one corner mitch mcconnell, the other allison lundergan grimes. this fight went the distance. who won the decision? it matters because this senate race could have major implications to who is in control in washington. let's bring in chief congressional correspondent dana bash with the play-by-play. >> from minimum wage to health care these two candidates showed they differ in a big way on big, important issues but it's clear the deciding issue in this critical race may be who's more unpopular, president obama or the congress where mitch mcconnell is gop leader. this high stakes debate in the march senate race crackled with heat. >> senator mcconnell you and
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your henchman the koch brothers. >> reporter: the democratic challenger grimes came out swinging trying to put senator mcconnell on the defensive. >> we have to have a senator that realizes the realities in kentucky and the fictional fanta fantasyland mitch mcconnell is in doesn't show the statistics in the face. >> reporter: saying he's been in washington too long. >> you've been there 30 years and don't want to take any responsibility for the loss of the jobs here in the state. >> reporter: mcconnell repeatedly responded in his classically calm manner. >> secretary grimes if i may, congress didn't pass what the president's doing. we defeated it. >> reporter: he tried to turn his long service into a plus, especially if he wins this race and becomes senate majority leader. >> the majority leader gets to set the agenda not only for the country but to look out for kentucky's interests.
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>> reporter: and link her to the unpopular president. >> giving president obama another vote in the senate continuing this democratic majority in the senate is not going to do anything to improve america's economy and certainly not kentucky's economy. >> reporter: mcconnell did teeter on losing his cool when grimes suggested he enriched himself in office since his millions actually came from his wife's inheritance. >> becoming a multimillionaire on the backs of hard working kentuckians. >> i can't let that stand. that is an outrageous suggestion. she knows it's wrong. >> reporter: grimes' weakest moment, after refusing to say if she'd vote for president obama she still wouldn't say. >> why are you reluctant to give an answer on whether or not you voted for president obama? >> bill, there's no reluctantly. this is a matter of principle. our constitution grants here in kentucky the constitutional right for privacy at the ballot box for a secret ballot. >> reporter: still the real answer may be political, not
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principle. in 2012 obama got crushed in kentucky and is more unpopular now. it's abundantly clear that grimes is so nervous about uttering the words "i voted for barack obama" and what that would do to her standing in inevitable gop adz she'd rather tick the hit for not answering that question but some democrats i've talked to are frustrated with her strategy to be evasive. they think it distracted from an overwise strong debate performance. #yathink? how did she not answer the question, saying it's about constitutional privacy especially when they know the answer. right? she's got the family roots there, her own volunteering in different efforts. what do you think went on there? >> it's the whole idea of an ad. it's the idea that mitt romney won in kentucky by 24 points, and mitch mcconnell said it himself during the debate, obama lost 116 out of 120 counties in kentucky, and that was when he was relatively popular back in 2012 nationwide.
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and this is something that she's been dealing with and so giving republicans the gift of saying i voted for barack obama, which would then be on the air waves constantly in republican ads is something they're clearly worried about. the flipside is what you saw is a pretty evasive person not answering a question as you said that that's very obvious, we all know the answer to she says it's principle but it really looks political. >> you have bash and cuomo all over it on "new day" on cnn, too cute by half. one thing we know about voters, dana, they want their leaders to speak straight to them. >> authenticity, all about authenticity. >> you broke it down well for us, thank you as always. >> thank you. as you know, all this week we're retracing our roots. today we'll take a crazy trip to italy as we discover things about my past i truly did not know. it's the roots and it is coming up.
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♪ made me cry yesterday, all my eye makeup runs. we have cnn special week-long series, roots, our journeys home, 13 cnn host answer an authors exploring their family histories. some of the coolest places. this is the boondoggle. i thought i knew the history of my past but boy was i wrong. how did i wind up here?
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that's what i was thinking clutching the pole slathered in pig fat with men climbing over me. place i'd never heard of in italy. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: but the mystery about my family that led me here was even more surprising. especially since i thought i knew the whole story. here we are at this constroenve to remind ourselves where we come from. >> reporter: that's my pop, mario cuomo, former governor of new york. >> we speak to ethnics who want to add their culture to the magnificent mosaic that is america. >> reporter: he spoke for years about hisilytallian heritage and his struggles to make it to not one but two men holding the highest seat in this great state. >> we come into the chamber we're not democrats, we're not republicans, we're new yorkers
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and working for new york. >> reporter: that's andrew my brother, the governor of new york today. i knew it all cold about who we are and how the cuomos got here, et cetera, or so i thought. turns out i was right about my mom's family down in sicilia italy but my father's side had a big fat mystery. it was true he was a first generation american and grew up sleeping in the basement of his grocery store in south jamaica, queens, and my grandparents came to the country, working like dogs, suffering bigotry all to build a better life thanks to a legacy to my great grandparents, that's where the mystery begins. let's talk about me, what do we know? >> perfect. >> reporter: the folks the ancest discovered the story of how the cuomos came here is very different from what i had heard. >> this is the first document of the comeaus.
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>> reporter: looking back at records from a century ago in the u.s. and the tiny italian villages we found a trail no one followed, donato cuomo came first. for month he dug ditches, saved and borrowed to send for his love and wife, my great grandmother, her name was germana castaldo or was it? >> she's listed as germana costanza. this is the death, so she's germana castaldo. >> that doesn't sound good. i have to tell you. who was she? where'd she come from and why did she keep changing her name? the story i grew up with who she was and how she came to be my great grandmother was all wrong. forgaze, fake. only one way to figure out the real deal. you believe i need to go to this place and see if i can track the
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roots for you. >> absolutely. >> i'm just a man for the task. >> i think you can handle it. ♪ >> reporter: my great grandmother's life had to begin in italy. so did our journey of discovery. when i told my wife i had to go to the italian countryside on assignment she wasn't buying it so i brought her along with my oldest bell la, to hunt for answers to where my blood comes from. kind of cool, too. the latest generation of cuomos looking for the earliest. the last document we found was key. my great grandmother's birth was in a tiny and unknown place called cava di tierni, high above the sea. she was born here in 1869. the question is, to whom? the good news is her name is all over the place, castaldo, back in the day the castaldo family
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ruled here so maybe we're not peasant stock after all. royalty, baby. word spread that i was here tracking down my roots and a local historian came around to help. but what he had to offer took the story in a very different direction. far from the gilded center of the city, he took us down a lonely side street. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> translator: in this street in one of these doorways there was an orphanage. there was a woman took in the orphans, the children that were abandoned and took care of them before someone adopted them. >> reporter: so this is the sad part of the story. this is the street, this is from my great grandmother was given up for adoption. we're told that basically babies were just left on the ground, there was a knock on the door, and people would take off. why? it was a rich town, maybe it was somebody who was very wealth yu who had an indiscretion, maybe it was someone who didn't want a baby. either way she was given the name castaldo, that was the
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ruling family in the area. it doesn't mean she came from that family, it means it was a common name but this is where her life began, where some woman she didn't know wound up taking care of her and later on in life, she'd wind up marrying the man who would bring the comeaus to america. that led us to the next part of the mystery. their wedding. church records pointed us to another italian village i'd never heard of where i had much deeper roots than i would have ever imagined. the tiny italian city of satarsenia. ♪ we don't have to guess about it. this is nicola, deputy mayor here and he says he has documents that prove my great grandparents were married here in this church. what did she say?
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[ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: so 1890. they were married in this place germana castaldo, my great grandmother's name. remember she used more than one. what about all the other names, genma, dalia. she wasn't a criminal. the writing was literally on the wall. another piece to the puzzle. dominique and i meet on the plane, he said i live in san arsenio when i'm not in jersey city. he asked why i'm coming, trying to trace my great grandmother, he says he knows something about it, takes me to this plaque. what do you know? >> my dad once told me the dalia family emigrated to jersey city. >> reporter: there are some of that family in jersey city. >> all ties back to santarsanio,
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a down with only 220 residents today. >> reporter: have you heard any connection to the comeaus? >> there's rumors going back. >> reporter: what was that connection? who was this d'elia. why was he up on that wall and why was my great grandmother using his name? that part of the mystery would have to wait. our investigation wasn't the only thing going on in san arsen arsenio. when they heard we had roots here we got conscripted into the man testing part of the fess sifts over the weekend and the townspeople had big plans for me. this is the festival, the solemnest is i feel in honor of san rocco. at the events participating will be chris cuomo directly from cnn, participating in what? we had an amazing time with this people, some could be cousins,
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we played games, drank some wine, maybe too much. the next thing i knew i was staring at this. this is how it works, the main event of this festival where they climb this pole that's like 45 feet high. it takes four of them. the pole is greased with like this pig grease soap stuff, so i'm going to be the first guy and i'm going to hold on. the good news is they now say i'm a real member of the vill e village. the bad in is i loved that shirt and i smelled like feet for a while. for all we had learned, though, we still had one last stop, the coast. the cuomos left their tinyvilleages in the health and came to the sea. when they looked out they didn't just see open water, they saw
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their future, america. my great grandthe fore donato became a bird of passage, someone who traveled to the new world to mike his fortune. some fortune, though, the $16 voyage was more than he had to his name but he and his mysterious bride would make it to the new world, and their progeny would lead to the man talking to you now. what about the other names and parts of the family we learned about? remember dominic and what he told us about the d 'elia? francesco was my great grandmother's adoptive mother. jersey city, they sent a big chunk of the money home to san arsenio oh, my team on that greased pole, they went on to win the competition, without me, and my family left italy with a new understanding of who we are, and remember for the comeaus, famiglia e tutto, family is everything.
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>> fantastico! >> that was beautiful. >> it was nice. john griffin did that for us,s he's my producer, did a great job, came with us, he's famiglia also now. it was interesting to know, you get scared when you think you know and don't know. it was sad to hear that, why hadn't she said anything? she was embarrassed. especially then, coming to this country they had it hard. you hear the stories all the time how the early immigrants how hard it was for them, and it was hard for her to reconnect with that family that was here, the d'elias, and it was amazing to bring this back for my father. >> how did your parents react? >> my mother was like why didn't you focus on my family, why do you think the comeaus are more interesting? i'm like sorry mom, they told me. but pop was, my father's all about the facts and he's so much about his roots and his family, and he made a very interesting point to me, i was like i learned this and that. he says you know everything you
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need to know. you work hard and love your family and you put others first. he's like you're not going to learn anything over there that you didn't already. >> did he know his grandmother was adopted? >> he did not. >> that was a surprise? >> it was to all of us, and in fact many in the family don't accept it. >> i think it's great, bell la, your daughter got to experience that with you guys. >> that was a great surprise. my wife very familiar with italy, speaks the language much better than i do, but to let your kids know who they are and where they come from, it's very special and they're lucky kids. the family, politics aside, has a lot to be proud of. >> it doesn't have to be a mystery anymore. >> yes, i can't believe how well they put this together. how did it feel to have four men on your shoulders? >> do you smell like socks still? >> yes, but that has nothing to do with what happened. i still stink. i actually enjoyed it. i thought first of all it was a testament of my significant man strength. the average man would crumble. >> told us to look at his form. >> you see the form,
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cross-fitters out there on the squat. >> it was that shot right there. >> i don't think he needed to kick me in the face. >> he just wanted to. >> nobody enjoyed that more than my wife. my wife was a good "more people!" ? >> do you think she paid them off and shove you in the face? >> everybody wanted to climb up and watch it collapse. >> you did that in a short amount of time. >> we did it really fast but it was really worth it. great gift they gave us here. >> next time we all want to go to italy. >> as it is my kids already like mickey better than they like me so that's easy. the good news is you can leave my story in the past, there are a lot better ones to tell. you'll see behind the scenes photos from me and my journey go to and today at 4:00 on "the lead," jake, my man jake tapler share his family story. >> interesting revelations. >> a lot of great stuff there. at 7:00 p.m. on her know erin
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burnett will learn about her family's history in scotland, and at 10:00, d. lemon, don lemon will go on an emotional journey tomorrow on "new day," christine romans will share her roots experience. remember, this cnn series culminates with a prime time special tuesday october 21st at 9:00 p.m., hosted by some guy named anderson cooper and the one, the only, the inemitiable michaela pereiracuomo. did you call me a cuomo. >> i did. >> do you have "good stuff" for us? >> of course, every day we have "the good stuff" stay with us but first. a pastor puts his money where his mouth is and goes to extraordinary lengths to help the homeless but you won't believe what he actually did. it's "the good stuff" coming up.
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recently left the comforts of his church and home to live for a week on the streets as a homeless person with nothing but a sleeping bag and one change of clothes. the goal was to raise $100,000 for a winter shelter for the homeless around sacramento. well, he got that done ahead of schedule so guess what he decided to do, to stay longer and this time for a different reason. >> i fell like i'm being changed by being out here. the goal was to raise money to help people but i feel like i'm going to be a better person for having had this experience. >> think about how many of us walk by someone who is homeless every day. the reverend completed his two weeks and pulled in $144,000 and on saturday he walked back into his church and delivered an emotional sermon. the reverend says he will never look at a homeless person the same way again and encouraged his flock to do the same. we're still raising money for the homeless. if you'd like to give, visit >> beautiful. >> we salute you.
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tremendous. >> to walk in somebody else's shoes. >> have a moment with them, a conversation. >> looking at them differently is great, looking at them at all would be an improvement for most of us. they're there and need us. a lot of news for you this morning. ana cabrera in for carol costello. >> good morning, you guys, thanks so much. "newsroom" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- happening now in "the newsroom" we're tracking two big stories. dallas nurse and her dog in isolation this morning. >> i think there is that fear factor. >> her friends and neighbors voicing concern. >> i am taking comfort in the fact she is reported in stable condition. >> reporter: we' talking through cdc procedures. >> right there one possible ex-posheur and right there. >> reporter: the bombardment of isis rages on. but are the air strikes working? >> we haven't stopped them yet. the a


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