tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 18, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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go both ways. >> no question. very early in this investigation. thanks very much, danny cevallos, tom fuentes and mel robbins. our breaking coverage of this story continues right now. you are in the "cnn newsroom," and i'm jim sciutto in new york. sad, sobering developments to report today in the case of hannah graham. she is the 18-year-old university of virginia student who disappeared in the early morning hours of september 13th, 35 days ago. a little over an hour ago, police announced that human remains were found earlier today outside of charlottesville, virginia. and while those remains have not yet been identified, they're now classifying the hannah graham case as a death investigation. >> it was some 35 days ago, some five weeks, since 18-year-old university of virginia student hannah graham disappeared from our downtown pedestrian mall.
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since that time, the charlottesville police department, in cooperation with the county of albemarle, and jurisdictions throughout the commonwealth of virginia engaged in an unprecedented search in an effort to find her. and return her to her family. countless hours, thousands of hours, have been spent by let literally hundreds of law enforcement and volunteers in an effort to find hannah. we think perhaps today proved their worth. sometime before noon today, a search team from the chesterfield county sheriff's department was searching an abandoned property along old lynchburg road in southern albemarle county when they discovered what appears to be human remains. now, fairly shortly after that discovery, at a time that was most appropriate, detective sergeant james mooney of the
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charlottesville police department made a very difficult phone call and reached out to john and susan graham to share with them this preliminary discovery. again, these are human remains, and forensic tests need to be conducted to determine the identification of those remains, but nonetheless, we wanted to be quick and timely to share that information -- excuse me -- with the graham family. now, as colonel sellers will point out in just a moment, this investigation is complicated. it's a complex criminal investigation, and it's unlikely we'll have any information in the very near future, and perhaps the days to come that we'll be able to share with you about what we learned today. and what we'll likely learn in the days to come. but again, we know you'll be patient. we know you'll be respectful, because there will come a time when we'll be able to tell you more. but that's not today.
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>> hannah graham was last seen just after midnight last month in downtown charlottesville. she was captured on security camera video, as was jesse matthew. and police believe he is the last person to see her alive. he's already been charged with abduction in connection with the case. we have complete coverage of these new developments, former fbi assistant director, tom fuentes joins me, along with criminal defense attorney, danny cevallos, and uva professor, coy barefoot. coy, i wonder if you could talk a bit since you have been deep in this case from the very beginning and you are from there. you could hear in the words of chief timothy longo there just the emotion. this was a community tragedy in many ways, and a community effort to find, hopefully, her alive. but now it looks like her remains. hundreds of miles away, just as a father, i can see how wrenching this must be for the community, and certainly her parents. can you describe how much of this was -- was group suffering there, in effect, as they lost
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this young girl? >> jim, thanks. yes, it absolutely feels like this community has been wounded. of i mean, hannah was stolen from us. morgan was stolen from us. a number of young women have gone missing here in central virginia, and hannah, this tragedy of hannah graham, is just an insult to injury here. it's just amazing. i can say that tim longo, the chief of the charlottesville police department, is a good friend of mine. i have talked to him on and off the record many times over the last few weeks, and the world should know how absolutely committed he has been to marshalling every resource at his disposal to find hannah graham and bring her home to her mom and dad. he has -- everyone that works on his team, the virginia department of emergency management, the entire community, has been so
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laser-focused on this goal. let's find hannah. let's find hannah, and hopefully, we all hope that we would find her alive. it appears today five weeks to the day that she was last seen in downtown charlottesville. it appears that they have found her remains. i do have a police source that confirmed to me late today that they did find a deep decomposed body taken to richmond to the medical examiner's office for i.d. everyone who was on the scene believed that was hannah graham. let me tell you exactly where we're talking about. this is about ten miles south of charlottesville. old lynchburg road is a direct shot, straight south of town into a very rural, heavily wooded part of albemarle county outside the city of charlottesville. walnut creek park is in this area, that is 525-acre park with
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15 miles of trails and a 45-acre lake. this body -- these remains were found on what chief longo said was an abandoned property off of old lynchburg road, just south of walnut streak park. the police have set up a command center at the park and are currently working at what is now a crime scene, where this decomposed body was found. and there is just such a mix of emotions here in charlottesville. you know, i have seen people crying. i have cried tears myself. but you are also in the same moment so relieved that there might be some closure for such a wounded family. such a wounded community. but let's remember too, we never found samantha's body. we have yet to find bonnie's body. we have yet to find janet. we have yet to find alexis. there are a number of people.
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and sage, as well. there are so many people who are still missing. and now we are all wondering to what extent might mr. approximate matthew, the prime suspect in the abduction and possibly now the murder of hannah graham, we're all wondering to what degree he might be eventually linked to these other cases. jim? >> of course, the ultimate closure will come -- what closure is worth, if they can find the perpetrator and bring him to justice. as you have been speaking, coy, we have been showing the smiling pictures of hannah graham that have become so familiar and such a contrast, of course, to the truth of the story, the facts of the story and the developments we heard today. we were also showing pictures from google earth that showed that location, that park ten miles outside of charlottesville, where these remains were found. clearly, rural trees, roads, remote roads there. a difficult place to search. and that gets at this effort that's been under way for these
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35 days with a lot of local volunteers, difficult, as we zoom in from google earth now. you see what a large area this was, and where they apparently may have found these remains. this was not an easy task, was it, coy? >> not at all. we all know that they identified this eight-mile radius around the city of charlottesville, and they got that number because, look, when a kid goes missing, they're usually found within five miles. when an adult goes missing, they're usually found within ten miles. hannah graham is a teenager, so they split the difference. they also now that morgan's remains were found 7.8 miles from where she was last seen on the copily road bridge at uva. so it would appear now that they were right in that area. at ten miles, this is probably 10 or 11 miles straight southern shot just out of the city of charlottesville. and you are right. this is an absolutely -- this is tough terrain, this is very heavily wooded. it is very rural.
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old lynchburg road, for those who aren't familiar with it, is a country road that winds through the woods, up and down the hills. i have done triathlons down at walnut creek park so i have run and biked those roads many times. and i can tell you they're hilly, very wooded, very thick woods with a lot of very rural properties. and longo says today, chief longo says, that they found this decomposed body in what is an abandoned property. i don't know, and i can't confirm, does that mean a structure, does that mean an old house, an old barn? i have also heard from other law enforcement sources of word of a shallow grave. that is unconfirmed at this time. but i have heard that from a couple of other sources mentioning a shallow grave on an abandoned piece of property in southern albemarle county. but this has been an historic, unpre unprecedented search effort by
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the virginia department of emergency management. look, we've never seen anything like this in the history of virginia. there has never been a search more complicated, more extensive, and now the longest running search, five weeks to the day, to find hannah graham. but everybody i talked to over the last five weeks looked me right in the eye, and said, "we are going to keep looking until we find her." everyone has said that. and it would appear today that they did. unfortunately, it appears that they have found her remains, but there is some closure, at least, hopefully, for the family in this terrible, terrible tragedy. >> and we have word that they have called off the search for hannah graham for tomorrow. another indication that they believe they found, sadly, what they were looking for in this case here and really remarkable piece of police work to find within that ten-mile radius -- in fact, exactly ten miles away from where she disappeared. we've got a panel of legal
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experts with us. we're going to continue to follow this story. there is much more ahead at this hour. we also want to get to our other top story, and that is efforts to stop the ebola. we have learned a tsa officer is self-monitoring as a precaution. next, should other passengers traveling through cleveland be worried now? we'll have more on that after this break. the exhilaration of a new engine. painstakingly engineered without compromise. to be more powerful... and, miraculously, unleash 46 mpg highway. an extravagance reserved for the privileged few. until now. hey josh! new jetta? yeah. introducing lots of new. the new volkswagen jetta tdi clean diesel. isn't it time for german engineering?
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following two major stories at this hour. one, developments in the case of the missing uva student, hannah graham. possible remains found in the investigation in that case. we also continue to follow the national response to the ebola outbreak. the plan now, to combat the far-reaching effects of ebola, and that is to leave no stone unturned. cnn has just learned that the tsa officer who patted down ebola patient, amber vinson in cleveland on october 13th is now self monitoring as a precautionary measure. meanwhile, frontier airlines is scrambling to contact as many as 800 passengers who may have flown on the same plane that vinson flew on. and, a cruise ship is steaming back to galveston, texas, with a lab supervisor who may have come into contact with ebola via a specimen from thomas eric duncan. amber vinson and nina pham, still recovering at specially equipped hospitals. the monitoring period for the 48 people in dallas who had contact
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with liberia patient thomas eric duncan is almost over. that's 21 days. that will be up tomorrow. he died last week, you'll remember. and now the question remains, are there any other people who need to be under observation? cnn's alina machado joining us live from dallas. alina, let me start with duncan's girlfriend and her family. will they be allowed to go back to their apartment now? have they reached the end of that 21-day monitoring period? >> reporter: jim, dallas county judge clay jenkins tells us the family will not be returning to the apartment, because their lease was already up. instead, several community leaders have stepped up and they have found her a new place to live. so once that monitoring period ends for her, she will be going to a different place. >> now tomorrow could be a promising milestone, because you are at the end of the 21-day period, the incue obama administration period for this virus, and if they don't show it in that period, that means they're not going to get sick. there were 48 people who came
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into contact with duncan. so this means tomorrow, alina, they will no longer be monitored, assuming they get past that 21-day benchmark? >> reporter: that's our understanding. dallas county judge, the judge who i mentioned, clay generjenk told us the incubation period for the 48 people will end tomorrow night and monday, so midnight monday. and once that's over, they're supposed to be out of the red zone, so to speak. >> each of those markers, it would mean at least in the case of the first patient, thomas eric duncan, he did not cause anymore infections, i suppose. but you have these other patients infected, nina pham, amber vinson, and then they have 21-day periods, right? so those people came into contact with them and they still need to be monitored for some time. >> reporter: right, right. there are already dozens of health care workers who are being monitored, because they came into contact with those two nurses. and as you mentioned, there is a 21-day incubation period, so
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they will be monitored for 1 days -- 21 days after their known exposure. >> hopefully you pass all those 21-day periods with all the cases and then you're declared ebola-free, which has happened, incredibly, perhaps, before the u.s. for countries like nigeria and senegal. and i imagine, alina, that's what everybody is aiming for, you have no cases and everybody is past the 21-day period. >> reporter: absolutely. that's what everybody is hoping for here in dallas. >> thanks very much, alina machado. he want to turn to dr. alexander garza, health affairs for the department of homeland security, associate professor of epidemiology at st. louis university. we have just learned that a tsa officer who patted down ebola patient amber vinson, a nurse who contracted it from thomas duncan, has now decided to self monitor as a precautionary measure. to your knowledge, no signs of the disease, right? this is a precaution. >> right, right. this is just what you said it is.
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it's a precaution. so patting down amber vinson in the airport when she was not having any real signs of infection -- she had that elevated temperature. but again, you have to be in contact with bodily fluids to really be at risk of contracting the disease. >> now dr. garza, we have had some discussion on this program earlier with health experts about -- you need reaction, right? you need to be on top of this, but there is the possibility of overreaction. and i was recounting the story at the pentagon yesterday, someone got sick outside the back bathroom and they brought in people with hazmat suits to clean it up. and you just wonder, at what point you're allocating or we as a country are allocating resources that could be better allocated elsewhere, where there really is a threat. how do you get that balance right? >> right. and so it has to be a prudent response, right? otherwise there's no upper limit. and so it's easy to understand, though, in the early days of an exposure to something that's new and novel and really sort of
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unknown, that you would the pendulum swing in such a far direction. but i think as more people get used to dealing with this issue, they become -- if they ever become more comfortable in dealing with this issue, you can start ratcheting it back, and really start thinking about this from a risk-based perspective. what is my risk, and then how can i respond appropriately to that risk. >> well, one question that i imagine our viewers have is this. you have amber vinson, getting on the plane, she is patted down by a tsa officer. he, as a precaution, self quarantin quarantines. he then presumably patted down other passengers afterwards. now, we know medically that you're not contagious until you develop the disease and have symptoms. but does anyone think of then taking that next step just to make sure that everybody feels comfortable? i mean, how far do you carry each of these precautionary steps? >> right. exactly. and i think that was the -- you know, what i was trying to get across. what's the upper limit now?
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so presumably, the contact was very minimal. i mean, i've been patted do you know at the airport before as well. and you know, it's usually your outer garments, they're wearing gloves, they change their gloves. but again, you have to be exposed to bodily fluids in order to contract the virus. and so the risk of exposure to anyone else who is patted down by this tsa officer is virtually nil. >> you're aware that the president just yesterday appointed an ebola czar. diplom didn't use the term "czar" but we're used to this now. there have been drug czars and czars or other things. knowing there are so many agencies involved in the response, yours being one of them, the cdc, nih, individual hospitals, police forces, et cetera. in your view, is it smart to have a national figure in the white house that's coordinating everything? >> well, yes and no. so yes, because really, the
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white house, i think, is the only place where you can have that position. and for exactly those reasons that you mentioned. it's spanning multiple different federal agencies. but not just the federal agencies. also those state and local providers, as well as those private providers, those health care providers, nurses, doctors, infectious disease specialists. public health officials. and so it's a very broad umbrella. and there's really no one position in a federal agency that can oversee that entire operation. so it really does need to be coordinated a very high level. and the national security staff, the white house, is -- is the best place to put that. >> dr. alexander garza, former assistant secretary for health affairs at the department of homeland security, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. they are the dealing with ebola on the front lines. the cleaning crews responsible for cleaning residences and hospitals. coming up, how they're dealing with the new demand.
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and more on the other major story we're following, the grim discovery in charlottesville, virginia. why this may closing the book on the search for the missing uva student, hannah graham. helps you find a whole range andof coverages.ur price" tool no one else gives you options like that. [voice echoing] no one at all! no one at all! no one. wake up! [gasp] oh! you okay, buddy? i just had a dream that progressive had this thing called... the "name your price" tool... it isn't a dream, is it?
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welcome back. i'm jim sciutto in new york. we want to keep you up to date with the breaking news in the case of the 18-year-old missing uva student, hannah graham. for five weeks, police and volunteers have scoured rural areas around charlottesville, and today they made a grim discovery. human remains. >> some time before noon today, a search team from the chesterfield county sheriff's department was searching an abandoned property along old lynchburg road in southern albemarle county when they discovered what appears to be human remains.
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now, fairly shortly after that discovery, at a time that was most appropriate, detective sergeant james mooney of the charlottesville police department made a very difficult phone call and reached out to john and susan graham to share with them this preliminary discovery. again, these are human remains, and forensic tests need to be conducted to determine the identification of those remains. nonetheless, we wanted to quick and timely to share that information with the graham family. >> charlottesville police chief, timothy longo there. i've covered a lot of stories like this, and these press conferences tend to be very mechanical, but from the beginning, you've seen the emotion come across. which clearly reflects the emotion and how personal this was for the whole community there. >> you are so right. it was so personal. you know, this has been the
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largest search in virginia's history. >> really incredible. >> the entire history of the commonwealth. and for morgan harrington, it four months to find her remains. five weeks for hannah graham. so you see the intensity of the effort. >> morgan harrington, being another young woman who sadly disappeared five years ago, who also has a tie to jesse matthew, the suspect in the case. >> a forensic link between morgan harrington and jesse matthew. now we'll have to see about hannah graham. >> so talk a little bit about today what they announced today and did not announce. so the apparent human remains tied to the case, not i.d.ed yet formally and yet the folks investigating this disappearance have the confidence to come out, in effect hinting this is remains tied to the case. why would that be? did they likely find something else there to tie it to hannah? >> they must have visually seen something that they believed that they -- that they were confident enough to immediately
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call her parents. >> right. >> but they have been keeping her parents abreast of everything. and the remains now will go to the medical examiner's office in richmond, the capital of virginia, and forensically, they will find dna and they already do have hannah's dna. because i know that the department of forensic science in richmond got hannah's dna from her parents. and that can be done through a truth toothbrush, hairbrush, once hannah went missing they got that dna from her parents. so they will match that with the remains they have here. and, you know, they had never found her clothing, articles of clothing. that's going to be extremely significant for foreign dna. >> sure. for the perpetrator. >> the perpetrator, who have caused this to happen. so they are going to be looking at that, and, of course, they have jesse matthew's dna and a database of many others' dna. >> i imagine there are other things you're going to be looking for at the site where the remains were found. tire tracks from a car, footprints. >> i think one question, if this
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is, in fact, hannah, will they be able to determine a cause of death. >> yeah. at this stage of decomposition. >> it's only been five weeks, which is good. and they were searching an abandoned house. does that mean they found remains within the house? that can be good, because remains can be preserved in that way. but this is a critical day, a missing persons investigation has turned to a death investigation. that's significantly different. >> the only hope you can feel, and i'm sure you feel the same emotion as well, just as a parent, is that they get the further closure of finding the person who carried this out. and that -- this is a big step in that direction. but we're far from that point. >> very true. >> jean casarez, thank you very much for joining us. she's been covering the story from the beginning. coming up next, we have new developments out of ferguson, missouri. our ted rowlands is there. what happened before the fatal shots that took down michael brown. >> reporter: that's right, jim. new reporting out there, which we'll detail after the break about exactly what happened from
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darren wilson's point of view when he encountered mike brown. that coming up after the break. stay with us. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® ♪ cawho's going to do it?est. who's going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who's going to take the leap? who's going to write the code? who's going to do it? engineers. that's who. that's what i want to do. be an engineer. ♪ [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil
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happened inside that police car, minutes later, outside it, wilson killed brown who, of course, had no weapon. we want to turn now to cnn's ted rowlands in ferguson. ted, this gueets at the key moments before that fatal shooting and that is this altercation we have heard inside this police car. but we have heard two very different accounts from witnesses, including the friend who was with michael brown, and now from the policeman. two very different stories of what happened in that car. >> reporter: yeah, very compelling, the detail we're getting, jim sciutto, from this source, which reported this to the "new york times." we should point out, cnn hasn't independently confirmed. this but the source says that according to the people familiar with the grand jury testimony of the officer, he says that mike brown was the aggressor, and that he pinned him into his own squad car, and probably more importantly, that he tried to grab his gun.
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now, that is basically the gist of what this source is telling the "new york times." saying, quote, officer wilson told the authorities that mr. brown had punched and scratched him repeatedly, leaving swelling on his face and cuts on his neck. now, darren wilson, officer darren wilson, apparently did talk to the grand jury. he didn't have to legally, but apparently he did in september for about four hours. also, according to this source, the fbi's technicians, crime scene technicians, found blood. they found michael brown's blood on darren wilson's gun, on darren wilson's uniform, and on the interior door panel of darren wilson's squad car. what this source is not saying, which is very important to this grand jury's investigation, jim, is what happened next. why did -- after getting out of the vehicle, did officer darren wilson shoot mike brown? that we don't know. but what we do know now,
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basically the officer's side of the story, which is very compelling. >> sure. and clearly there was a violent altercation of some kind inside that police car, because shots went off, and, in fact, michael brown was shot. question is, who initiated that, i suppose. where does the investigation stabbed in this? because we have the grand jury investigation, the state investigation, but you also have a federal investigation at the same time. >> reporter: right. two prongs going on. the federal investigation is expected to take longer, to see if michael brown's civil rights were violated. but the grand jury investigation is wrapping up. according to the st. louis county prosecutors, they expect this grand jury to make a decision one way or another to indict officer darren wilson or not indict him within the next couple weeks. as you can imagine, tensions here in ferguson with that ted deadline are growing by the day. >> and emotions still high so there will be an emotional reception to whatever that result is of that grand jury
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investigation. thank you very much, ted rowlands, in ferguson, missouri, tonight. you heard it here. a body has been found in the search for the missing uva student, hannah graham. her parents have been called, and the search tomorrow has been called off. at least for sunday. but the body has not been positively identified yet. was this announcement by police premature? we're going to discuss that and other developments in the case right after this break. you know how fast you were going? about 55. where you headed at such an appropriate speed?
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welcome back. i'm jim sciutto in new york. and we want to bring you up to date on new developments in the case of hannah graham. they is the 18-year-old university of virginia student who disappeared in the early morning hours of september 13th, 35 days ago. police say they discovered today human remains just outside of charlottesville. the remains have not yet been identified, but police have been in contact with hannah graham's family, her parents, john and susan graham, and they are now classifying the case as a death investigation. hannah graham was last seen after midnight last month in downtown charlottesville. she was seen on surveillance video, seen here, as was 32-year-old jesse matthew. police believe that he is the last person to see her alive, and, in fact, he's already been charged with abduction in connection to this case. i want to bring back our guest, jean casarez, and fbi assistant director tom fuentes and criminal defense attorney, danny
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cevallos. if i could begin with you, jean, just a statement coming out from the police now here, talking about the discovery around noon today, which is interesting. as you had said earlier today, you were told an area had been roped off, taped off around there. they're now asking for anyone who recalls seeing suspicious activity vehicles along this area in the last month or around the time she disappeared. this is the next stage now. they're looking at this scene, trying to find other clues. describe what happens now, what more can they gain from this area? >> this is a crime scene. this is now an official crime scene, and that tape should be around it for quite a while, because you cannot discover all of the secrets, all of the mysteries that may lie within that scene in a matter of hours. so we will hope they will continue to comb that scene. the body of the human remains, who is believed to be possibly hannah graham, has been taken to the medical examiner's office in richmond. that will be an autopsy. and if the remains are intact, it will be a normal forensic autopsy. if they are skeletal remains,
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they may have to bring in forensic anthropologists, which is what they do. and so we need to see if that happens. once the autopsy is concluded, then cause of death and manner of death are two critical components that hopefully they will be able to find. >> well, you mentioned a detail while we were on break, she was very tall. she was 5'11" so even before you have a dna identification, you would have an indication just based on the height of the body as to whether this was her. >> not only the height, none of her clothes have been found. her phone has not been found. anything she had. and we all know what she was wearing, because we saw that surveillance tape of her. and we have heard over and over again in the press conferences, look for this top, look for these black pants so if any clothes were there, that would be a clear indication, also. >> tom fuentes, former fbi assistant director. odd moment today, because you have them making an announcement tied to this case, describing a call to her parents after these remains are found, be even
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without positive i.d. what does that tell you about what else they found at the scene that would indicate they had found the body that they were looking for? >> well, it indicates to me, jim, that we don't know what they found in addition to finding the remains. but it must have been enough to give them a pretty good idea that it was probably her. but the difficulty now, this is going to be a very difficult forensic investigation, because there was no doubt that she was with jesse matthew. so the fact at the scene -- if they find hairs, fibers, dna from him, around her or on her clothing, you would expect that. we already know they were together. the next hard thing is how did she die, what's the cause of it, was a weapon involved and can they find it. and can they link the cause of her death directly to him. >> these are big questions, danny cevallos. you have prosecuted cases like this, defended cases like this. you have a lot of indicators here. you have a suspect who has
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already been charged with abduction, seen on video with her. you had other witnesses describe seeing her with him the night she disappeared. you have a history with him, a dna tied to a previous missing girl in the same area, as well as accusations of sexual assault going back ten years. when you look at those pieces, and granted, these are very early pieces. but when you look at those pieces, how strong a case do you see building here against the suspect, jesse matthew? >> well, i've actually defended a no-body murder prosecution. and interestingly enough, as i mentioned a little bit earlier, sometimes the prosecution can benefit from not having a body. although they certainly would prefer to have one. because they can raise a lot of questions that nobody, including the defense, can answer. when there is no body. consider, for example, if this body shows any fiber or dna evidence of anybody else. right? like we just discussed, there will be some evidence that this
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suspect was around her, which we already know. but what if this body contains fiber from some other place, from some other person, and you can definitively point to another human being as potentially being around her. in a way, the defense actually gets -- can potentially get easier if there are con founding factors. if there is new evidence that points in a different direction. now, on the other hand, if you find body type evidence like semen on a victim that will not bode well. >> it's been great to have you throughout these last couple hours, as we have learned this sad and sobering news for the family of hannah graham. and that whole community that's been looking for her. everybody pitching in and really in an unprecedented search for any clues and now finding today what they hoped not to find. but perhaps evidence for a
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prosecution against the perpetrator. thank you for joining us as we followed that. coming up, we're going to follow and update you on the other major story we have been following which is on the ebola outbreak. this question, would you clean up the apartment of an ebola victim? we are about to meet the guy who said yes to that task. responsible for cleaning the ebola patient's residences and the hospital. i'm going to ask him how he feels about his job, and what dangers he faces on a daily basis. please stay with us. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,nd.
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they're known today throughout dallas for cleaning up thomas eric duncan's hospital room and his girlfriend's apartment. and the apartment belonging to the first u.s. nurse who contracted ebola, nina pham. the company is called cg environmental. they're known as the cleaning guys. owner eric mccallum joins me live from dallas. eric, you're in a difficult business at a difficult time when there is enormous fear of this disease, perhaps too much fear.
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but you're really at the tip of the spear here. can you describe to our viewers what you have to do to make one of these rooms safe? >> well, we've well, we've got specific protocols that we follow. we tan for biological. and this is a biological event. we wear protect ive gear, of course. the correct protect ef gear. when we go into a home or, say the hospital here, we have steps that we take for disinfecting things. we have the ability to use chemicals that a lot of other people, of course, can't use or purchase. and, of course, the gear, on the removal of the gear, that's, you know, the most important part of this whole event is getting the gear off and getting it off properly, after it's been disinfected. >> yes, as interesting as this is, we've been watching video
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there as you're talking when your team was cleaning out that apartment. i'm struck by the gear you were wearing, cheer hi, top-of-the-line. it's cheerily b ee's clearly mo some of the workers were wearing when they were treating ebola. are there national guidelines that tell you how to be a hundred percent safe? >> there are -- the cdc does have guidelines. we do go over and beyond what the guidelines are. that they recommend for this. we take it very seriously. i won't ahow my guys to go on any of these scenes without more than enough gear. so we go over the top. >> you're hearing stories of folks that just didn't want to get involved. it was difficult initially to find the companies that do what you're willing to do.
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do you have people that work for your company that say this is too much? i'm not going to go in there and clean out anything if ebola is involved. >> again, we train for biological. we never thought this would come to our country. this is what we train for and this is a biological event. if the protocols are followed correctly and the gear is removed and disinfected properly, then there's real hi no risk of getting ebola. it's when you cut corners and not fol hoe the protocol that, you know, those things happen. >> i think that's an important message. i think that's an important message for our audience that you make this, eric, that there are ways to prevent transmission of this disease. and if you follow these protoco protocols, then you're safe. >> that's exactly correct. >> now, your company has an
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interesting role that i imagine our viewers might not be aware of. but you're caring for nin nina fomm's dog, benthy. how do you do that? and how did you end up doing that? >> well, to be clear, right now, this's some veterinarians there and, yes, we have been there. and from what i'm being told, we're going to be turned back onto that dog again. but, you know, we go in, we bring the dog out of his cage and, of course, you know, feed him and play with him and, you know, give him some interaction. this is a very important aspect of our job. we realize this animal is very important to nina and we want to be sure that the dog is well taken care of because i would want my dogs to be well taken care of if i was laying in that bed. so we take top priority on that, for sure. we feed and clean and do all the things that need to happen with
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the dog when we're there. >> well, you're doing a difficult job and it's an important job, part of the overall response to this. thanks very much for what you do. >> thank you very much for having me. >> thanks for joining us. the other major story we're foll following, a body found in the search for missing uva student. we'll update you after this break.
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. this just in, an update to our ebola coverage. a short time ago, u.s. coast guard helicopter flew to carnival magic. it lowered a hoist basket and picked up a blood sample from the lab technician. there is concern about contact between the lab technician and a specimen. helicopter now en route back to g galvaston. before we go, as well, a quick update on the other major story we're following. developments in the hannah graham case, the student who disappeared 35 days ago. police, today, say they discovered human remains outside of charlottesville. they have not yet been identified, but police are now classifying the case as a death investigation. >> sometime before noon today, a
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search team from the chesterfield county sheriff's department was searching an abandoned property along old lynchburg road when they discovered what appears to be human remains. now, fairly shortly after that discovery, detective james mooney of the charlottesville police department made a very difficult phone call and reached out to john and suzanne graham to share with them this preliminary discovery. goagain, these are human remains and freorensic tests ha to be conducted. >> hannah graham was last seen
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last month outside of charlottesville. police believe he is the last person to have seen her alive and he's already been charged with abduction in connection to this case. please go to any time for new developments on that case. mike rowe's "somebody's got to do it" begins right now. >> last time i went to las vegas, i visited a pig farm. i met a lot of pigs. chased pigs, lifted the pig, fed the pigs, ate a pig. it was fun. you know what i didn't do? i didn't go to a show. tonight, i have unlimited backstage access to the hottest show on the strip. and i get to lift an unbelievable beautiful woman in a bathing suit and drop her from an unbelievable height. it's not a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it. new show, ne
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