tv CNNI Simulcast CNN October 19, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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the world health organization plays defense on its handling of ebola amid reports of a scathing internal document leaked to the media. the latest on that in just a moment. and in the syrian city of kobani, residents face a tough choice, leave to get supplies but risk not coming back. we have a live report from the region. plus, the catholic church pulls back from what appeared to be a new way of thinking, much more from rome coming up. hello and welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and around
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world, good to be with you, am amara walker. we begin with the scathing report on the world health organization and how it allegely mishandled the ebola outbreak in west africa. an internal document cited by the associated press says the agency's initial response was botched. and riddled with incompetence. the group says the leaked document was the first draft that had not been fact checked. they are promising a full review. meanwhile, in spain, we are expecting an update in the coming hours on the condition of nurses assistant teresa ramiro. she contracted ebola in madrid while treating a missionary with that disease. we have been getting news out of spain when it came to ebola. >> reporter: indeed. let's start right now with the only confirmed case, teresa
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ramiro, in this hospital behind me. they have been doing regular tests and showing the amount of the ebola virus in her bloodstream has been diminishing. what we're expecting as possibly as early as today, there might be another test. there's hope now in some quarters, certainly in spanish media reports that this might show she's made it over the hump. we're waiting to hear that. that hasn't been confirmed yet. she's been in this hospital, tomorrow, monday, for two weeks. it's been three weeks since the symptoms first manifested fevers. it took a week for her to get into the hospital. a lot of controversy over that. once she got in, they've been working to save her life. she's been helping the medical team, because she was part of it while they were treating the missionary who later died. >> she's helping the medical team treat herself so that obviously portends well from most people's perspective.
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let's talk about this leaked w. hn w.h.o. document as it references ebola. what are you learning about this? >> we have from the w.h.o., they say this is a first draft. it hasn't been fact checked. the w.h.o.'s official response is they can't divert vital resources in the fight against ebola to try to get -- take a look at what happened in the past. but according to the leaked document leaked to the associated press, the document says that nearly everyone involved in the effort failed to really see what was clear writing on the wall to the magnitude of this outbreak. it started last march in west africa. the leaked document saying it was a very slow response to try to get the whole machinery of the w.h.o. up and running. that's what's at issue because just as you have controversy in
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the united states, as you have controversy here in spain over the governmnt's and the official response, was there enough training? nurses say no. on how to put on the suits. at the higher global level of the w.h.o., the u.n. agency, they were supposed to be on top of it. the leaked document says they weren't. amara? >> let's talk about that criticism. we're hearing it from really all over the world in the u.s. and also in spain about proper protocols not being in place, the health workers not having the proper training. what's happening in spain in terms of discussions to change what's in place right now in handling ebola? >> well, really more than discussions. there's been action. because after the first week in the days after october 6th when teresa ramiro ramos was raced into this hospital with a confirmed case of ebola, there was what many people describe as a chaotic response by the
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spanish government, lots of criticism on those issues. european officials, officials from the cdc were down here for three days. spains seems to be catching up and implementing the recommendati recommendations. they're trying to not just get medical personnel but firefighters, police officers, ambulance personnel, anybody who might come into contact with an ebola victim of what those are. they have a double room. you walk in the first door and put on a protective suit, the second door, you walk in, you're with the patient. >> i'm sure that will help allay a lot of people's fears. teresa ramiro's condition is
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improving. as we were talking about on friday, several people under observation in madrid have tested negative for ebola. thank you for the update from the spanish capital. appreciate it, al, thank you. fidel castro says his country would work with the u.s. to fight ebola. he made the announcement in a newspaper editorial published saturday in cuba saying it would be in the interest of world peace. meanwhile, u.s. president barack obama appealed for calm in his weekly radio address. >> this is a serious disease but we can't give in to hysteria or fear because that only macks it harder to get people the accurate information they need. we have to be guided by science. we have to remember the facts. >> the carnival magic cut its trip short because a lab technician who handled samples from a man who died of ebola is on board.
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now, belize would not let her off the ship to fly home. alexandra field has more. a carnival cruise ship is set to dock sunned in galveston, texas, the itinerary cut short amid concerns over ebola. one passenger and her travel companion remain self-quarantined in a cabin. she shows no signs of the virus. the cruise liner is taking every precaution. >> there's been a change in the protocol from the cdc for monitoring people who have had some possibility of it. >> reporter: the passenger was never in direct contact with thomas eric duncan, the liberian national who died from ebola at texas health. she works in the lab at the dallas hospital that treated him and may have handled a specimen from him. plans to get her off the cruise earlier were scrapped when belize's government denied a request from the u.s. state department. john kerry personally appealed
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to officials to allow the u.s. citizen and her companion out of a belize city airport. >> we feel it could have been handled differently. we're focused on now, this ship is en route to galveston, mexico. >> reporter: the final decision was made to bring the ship back to the u.s. port. the belize government said it regrets it was unable to facilitate the request. this decision was made out of a preponderance of caution. alexandra field, cnn, new york. despite claims by the nigerian government that a cease-fire has been reached, in one assault gunman ambushed travelers in borno state. two other similar attacks were reported as well. now, borno state is where more
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than 200 school girls were kidnapped this past april. the nigerian government says it reach a cease-fire with boca ko haram that would allow the students to come home. the islamic militant group has yet to reat to that announcement. later on, we'll give you a report that we brought you last may when we spoke to a school girl who was able to escape that terrible night. we're awaiting the start of a news conference happening right now from hong kong. police right now things are reported to be quiet in hong kong's protest areas. these images from reuters show the zone right by the government buildings. earlier there were clashes in the mongkok district. kurdish and isis fighters
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are locked in a battle for kobani. up next, how coalition air strikes are working to halt the isis advance into the syrian city. plus, police in virginia call off their search for a missing college student. we'll have the latest on that developing story. aswhen i really needit's reto get stuff done,at home. i hide in the laundry room. no one ever goes in there. a lawyer that's a monkey? hahahaha. also, the dryer sheets reeeally help my writing. writing supplies. oh. number 7 of my 20. the amex everyday credit card with no annual fee. thank you. make 20 or more purchases in a monthly billing period and earn 20% more rewards. it's membership that rewards you for the things you already buy, everyday.
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a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at welcome back. u.s.-led air strikes against
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isis in syria are trying to help change the tide in the fight for koba kobani. cnn witnessed this apparent strike in the city center on saturday. dozens of coalition attacks have hit isis positions over the past several days. kurdish fighters have been able to retake some parts of kobani but witnesses say clashes are still breaking out. let's bring in senior international correspondent nick paton walsh. here's near the syrian-turkish border where many of the kurds are trying to escape the fighting. what's the situation there at the border? >> reporter: well, i'm some distance from the border. the roars we're getting from near kobani suggest there is still some pockets of isis activity inside the city, significantly reduced down to booby traps and sporadic clashes near the key security establishments in the center of the city. the question now is what is the fate of the civilians inside the city and many kurds are asking,
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given the fact that turkey is allowing them to leave, why they say is turkey not allowing them to return to kobani? >> 60 bombs in four days may, for now, have ground isis to a halt in kobani. but to the city's west lies another trauma for those kurds still inside at a hole poke by the desperate in the border fence. there's now policed by the turkish army. they won't let us film up close, yet daily we've seen dozens of kurds caught on the dangerous other side of the fence. strangely, even though the turkish army will let them across, many still don't. why do they stay there? there is still fighting inside kobani and this is a volatile place to be stranded on the other side of that border.
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we're told those there, though, don't want to leave their city, leave their possessions because they're worried if they cross into turkey they won't be able to return home. we filmed discreetly a little closer when bread was delivered. the men there said there were thousands still inside. many we spoke to said they were not leaving their treasured homes and cars as they knew the army would not let them back in. this man, came out two days ago to bring back food but can't cross. where do you think people can find bread inside there he says? the stores are closed and empty. some claim this is a calculated strategy, that turkey is deliberately stopping people from going back in a bid to weaken the defense of kobani, claimed one turkish kurd mp. he says the resistance against isis will be strengthened and our combat against isis will be more efficient.
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turkey doesn't want that. turkey wants kobani to fall. we're convinced about that, he says. there's no other reason. fighters are still smuggled in we've been told and turkish officials deny stopping people returning, but as the fight drags on, all if isis come back, kurdish anger at what they see as turkey's bid to weaken them risk growing. those who defend turkey's position say, look, they've had over a million plus syrians as refugees in their country in this three-year civil war and the city i'm standing is full of syrians. and most countries when they accept people crossing the border as refugees don't let them go back. but there's a problem. when it comes to searens, turkey has let them throw back and forth across the border, coming here to rest and go back to
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attack the resistance of ankara. they say they've been having problems in the past week crossing the border and people criticizing turkey say they regard these kurds as their enemy don't want to asafety them, bolstering their persistence against kobani. >> you say the kurds are telling you they're not being allowed to cross back in to syria. this is fueling the tensions. they're already angry at the turkish government for what they say is inaction in kobani. does turkey face conflict within its borders and not just near that border? >> there has been the cease-fire that allegedly faced difficulties when its deadline expired on the 15th of october, a few days from now. no one is quite sure what the
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impact will be. that potentially damaged the peace talks going on between the pkk, the turkish kurds and governments here. they are the brother movements of those syrian kurds inside kobani now. when you talk to them, they try to suggest distance from that political process. everything is intertwined hear. there is the risk, i this i still, if kobani folds and there seems to be that the turkish did not intervene or implicitly assisted, that could spark fury here inside turkey. the kurds we talked to also accept frankly while there's no legal mechanism for them to cross back and forth, it is happening through smuggling channels. it's hard to fully read the situation here. a lot of what the turkish government does is below the surface. they may be permitting some type of cross-border traffic. at the end of the day they are public statements.
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that does suggest a wider policy to try and prohibit the full extent of re-supply the kurds would like to see. >> nick paton walsh, appreciate that report. to iraq now. it has a new unity government to carry out the fight against isis and try to bring reconciliation in the country. ben wedeman has a report from baghdad. >> reporter: after months of haggling, the iraqi parliament filled two critical security posts. saturday, the parliament elected a defense minister. he is from mosul in northern iraq, a city that's been under isis control since june. also elected was interior minister. he's a shia muslim affiliated with an organization. from 2010 to 2014, then prime minister nuri al maliki served
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also as acting minister of defense and interior. a move widely seen as a power grab. now it's hoped with the appointment of al badi that disaffected sunnis will rally behind the prime minister as iraq struggles to stop isis from gaining even more territory. also elected saturday was a kurd as finance minister. the united states has been urging for weeks that iraq fill these critical security positions and on saturday, the state department said that the appointment of a full cabinet representing all communities is an important step in defeating isis and restoring stability to iraq. ben wedeman, cnn, baghdad. >> thank you for that, ben. coming up now, pope francis closes a two-week meeting of bishops today. this is a live picture there over vatican city.
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the result, a work in progress. we'll have a live report when we come back. [ male announcer ] identity theft... it's one of the fastest growing crimes in america. there's a new victim of identity theft every three seconds. makes you wonder -- "am i next?" one weak password could be all it takes -- or trusting someone you shouldn't. over 70 million records with personal information were compromised in recent security breaches.
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in the atlantic and we've got the remnants of tropical storm trudie over mexico. we start with hurricane ana. it's lashing the far western islands of hawaii, including honolulu at the moment. this is kauai and the oahu islands. a tropical storm warning is still in effect for kauai. this counterclockwise spin draws in the wind swept waves across that region. nonetheless, the storm is centered about 200 kilometers to the southwest of honolulu at the moment. 130 kilometer per hour sustained winds near the center. of course, the winds not as intense near the islands. nonetheless it will still be gusty and we're anticipating heavier rainfall. you can see the center of circulation away from honolulu but still getting lashed with all that rainfall across this area. we do have the possibility of
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flooding across this region as well flood watches are in effect for the rest of the overnight period and into the rest of your sunday. take a look at some of the footage coming out of this region. i would say that ana's bark was worse than its bite. basically, this is more of a nuisance for people. you can see them walking around in hon law lieu. this is waikiki beach, meandering about, some of the people enjoying it while they can. it's kicked up some really nice waves with the exception of the wind swept wave conditions they've had there. look at the storm path. we're expecting this to move away from the hawaiian islands over the next 48 hours rather quickly and deteriorate as it does so. on to the atlantic as hurricane gonzalo picks up speed. northeast movement at 77 kilometers per hour. this is going to swipe the capital of newfoundland, st. john's, actually, over the
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next few hours and move quickly across the atlantic and could potentially impact the british isles by tuesday of this week. we'll look off of that near dublin and edinboro as well as london. windy conditions there. lots of wet weather near the southern sections of mexico. we've had rainfall totals in excess of 100 millimeters. >> lots to watch. thank you. >> sure. every day seems to bring a new ebola scare in the u.s. up next, what one psychiatrist has to say about america's ebola obsession. and pope francis set to beatify a former pontiff today. this as a heated two-week summit of catholic bishops closes. you're looking at live pictures. we take you live there again when we come back. q.
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hello. a warm welcome back to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. i'm amara walker. in the headlines this hour, the world health organization says it will address how it first handled west africa's ebola outbreak but not until the crisis is under control. the associated press reports that a leaked w.h.o. document says the response was botched. the internal moment was a first draft that wasn't fact checked. coalition air strikes in kobani are helping kurdish fighters try to retake the syrian city. at least two strikes hit isis positions on saturday. kurdish and isis fighters reportedly clashed near the turkish border and in an eastern
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kobani neighborhood. and in hong kong, the streets are reported to be calm for now. but in the mong kok district earlier, police say they were forced to use pepper spray and batons to fight back protesters who refused to stop charging their quarters. let's take you live to vatican city now. these are live pictures. pope francis set to beatify one of his predecessors, pope paul vi. pope francis is set to close the meeting of bishops that took place over the past two weeks. one topic of discussion, what role gays and lesbians play within the church. cnn vatican correspondent delia gallagher joins me live from rome. hi there, delia. a long two weeks for pope
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francis. what would you say is the biggest takeaway from the summit with those bishops? >> reporter: i think it's been a game changer summit, this one, amara, for the simple reason that what we have seen is there are bishops and cardinals under pope francis who feel comfortable enough to express a more liberal point of view. this was made clear on the issue of gays and lesbians as you mention when on monday we saw language that was strikingly different from anything we have ever seen before, coming out of the vatican in an official document and presented at a press conference and rightly created raised eyebrows because we just never seen that kind of openness before, talking about valuing their sexual orientation and the positive elements of gay relationships. now, that language has been changed in the final document. the final document reverts back to mostly what the catholic traditional teaching is on gays and lesbians. but nonetheless, the takeaway
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lesson i think is that somebody felt comfortable enough under this pope to begin to express and, as i say, publish in a vatican document and present to the journalists that kind of new language. it will certainly be a topic that we'll be watching in the next year, amara. >> no consensus but the final report did have watered down language. delia, the fact that this interim report on monday that raised eyebrows had welcoming language towards gays and lesbians and also to divorce catholics, could this lead the way or open the door for some change or another shift in tone in the future? >> i think that is what it points to. i mean, pope francis himself said that he wants to reach out to those who are excluded. if by change we mean a change in teaching, i don't think so. on the question of gays and lesbians. throughout the week, the
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cardinals and the vaticans have been at pains to express what they want is to give a welcoming language but at the same time maintain traditional church teaching on the issue. on the issue of communion for divorced and remarried catholics, however, that is a question which may have leeway in the next year. they say it needs further study but it's a question frankly which has been talked about for the last 30 years at the vatican. there may be some possibility of a change in practice on that question, amara. >> still a very significant meeting. delia, as we look at these live pictures, pope francis, a mass getting under way at st. peter's square, pope paul vi will be beatified, making him one step closer to sainthood, right? >> reporter: that's right. he is an important figure and not really much talked about. we talked about john xxiii and john paul ii. he came in at the end of the vatican, too.
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he had to deal with the fallout of vatican ii. it was a council which tried to bring the church into the modern world. he had to navigate the church through those rough waters. some say there are parallels with pope francis in this idea of trying to modernize the church. >> always appreciate your expertise on the church. delia gallagher, appreciate that, live from rome. thank you. well, new polls show people in the u.s. are very worried about ebola, despite the fact that health officials say catching the disease is extremely unlikely. ted rowlands reports from chicago. >> reporter: the fear of ebola is fraying nerves and ringing false alarms across the country. in southern california, a section of southwestern college was unnecessarily closed over an ebola scare thursday. in texas and ohio, elementary schools were closed out of an abundance of caution after
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possible connections to the flight that nurse amber vinson took from testing positive. and in missoula, montana, the site of one of four hospitals in the country with a specialized isolation unit there's fear that ebola patients may be coming. >> it's a very scary disease. i would not like to see people coming to missoula with it. >> people are scared of anything new. >> reporter: at joe's barber shop in chicago, ebola is a major topic of conversation. what scares you about it? >> i mean, it's just frightening to think that something as simple as a touch could be contracted to anyone. >> reporter: ron says one of his concerns is flying. >> it's in the back of my mind, absolutely. >> reporter: according to an abc news/"washington post" poll, 43% of americans are very worried or somewhat worried that they or an immediate family member will get ebola. and 65% of americans say they're
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concerned about the possibility of a widespread epidemic in the u.s. >> this isn't a situation where individuals are magnifying the risk of it, the awfulness of it. it's their magnifying, overestimating the probability of getting it. >> reporter: this say psychiatry professor at the university of northwestern. it's natural for people to fear it. >> it does make sense for us to be scared of it, have a natural anxiety just as you would if you saw a bus coming to you as you were crossing the street. >> reporter: while one probably has a much better chance of getting hit by a bus than getting ebola, americans continue to worry. ted rowlands, cnn, chicago. >> okay. that might alleviate some fears. you have a higher chance of getting hit by a bus than getting ebola. this might add to some concerns, because u.s. has only four hospitals with specially
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equipped biocontainment units. what happens if ebola reaches epidemic proportions in the u.s.? one cdc expert says getting more hospitals ready may be an uphill battle. >> we've cut the hospital preparedness program in the united states by $100 million in the last year. then the hospitals is half the picture, the other is the public health system. we've cut it by over 40 prer in the last decade. we need to make sure the hospitals are doing their job and we need to make sure public health is prepared also. >> preparation is key. the search for a missing student from the university of virginia is on hold after police found human remains. andy rose has more on hannah graham's disappearance and what saturday's discovery could mean for the investigation. >> reporter: thousands of hours
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have been spent by literally hundreds of law enforcement and civilian volunteers. in an effort to find hannah. we think perhaps today proved their worth. >> reporter: authorities searching for missing university of virginia student hannah graham made a startling discovery saturday. human remains have been found on an abandoned property in virginia. >> these are human remains. forensic tests need to be conducted. >> reporter: charlottesville police have notified graham's parents of their discovery, though positive identification could take some time. >> today's discovery is a significant development. we have a great deal of work ahead of us. >> reporter: graham is seen leaving a bar around 2:00 a.m. september 13th. the video captures jesse matthew following her. he was taken into custody september 24th. he's been the only person who's
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been detained in connection with graham's disappearance. he's currently charged with abduction with intent to defile. andy rose reporting. new attacks may threaten the deal to free those kidnapped nigerian school girls. up next, we look back at the village where they were abducted and talk to one girl who got away.
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militants have killed several in nigeria. the attacks came just one day after nigeria announced a cease-fire with boko haram. the government says more than 200 missing school girls will be released as part of the deal. cnn's diana magnay is following the story from johannesburg. >> reporter: the details on the girls' possible release are still pretty vague. officials with the nigerian government have said they'll be meeting with boko haram operatives in chad next week to finalize the details. what we can expect, this will be a staggered process with a batch of girls being released initially rather than the whole lot in one go. presumably, what boko haram gets in return is a prison exchange of some sort. the nigerian armed forces have taken prisoner many a senior boko haram operatives and also the family members of militants.
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as to this cease-fire, the nigerian government says it's already in place in the three northern states where this insurgency has been raging. yesterday alone on friday, there were three separate incidents where gunmen believed to be boko haram raided villages, killed residents and abducted more women and children. perhaps the message hasn't filtered down to the boko haram militants in the rural areas, but then again we haven't heard a message from boko haram itself about this supposed deal or at least not from a source trusted to represent the group. cnn and nigeria has also spoken to the parents of some of the kidnapped school girls who have expressed only cautious optimism about this deal. they say that after six months where they've heard very little they don't hold very much faith
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in president goodluck jonathan's attempts to broker a deal this time around. let's not forget he is currently about to re-announce his bid to run for president in february and of course he needs the release of these girls to boost his popularity. diana magnay, cnn, johannesburg. >> while the world waits to see what happens with those missing school girls, we thought it would be worthwhile to revisit a story we brought you just after their abduction. cnn sat down with one girl who saw hundreds of her friends and classmates taken away by boko haram. here is her exclusive report. >> reporter: this is a road few are now willing to travel. it's been one checkpoint after another as we have traveled north from the nigerian capital. we've seen evidence of the security reinforcements that the government has been talking about but as we got further north, as we got deeper into the
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boko haram countryside where they've been striking terror into the hearts of villagers, much of that presence seems to have evaporated. attacks by boko haram are constant. what happened put the world on notice. in here's, in these rooms is where the girls were sleeping as when armed men came to their dormitory gate and told them they have come to protect them. the girls started to assemble in the yard as ordered to. they didn't realize who the men really were until it was too late. this girl managed to escape. she's now too fearful to show her face, too fearful to go back. >> a big lorry. >> they came with a big lorry. >> yes. >> was it one or two. >> seven. >> seven lorries. >> yes. >> trucks, they tell us this was
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effectively a shopping trip for boko haram. over 200 girls dragged from their beds to be sold off as bounty. a message that the militant group's edicts on female education must be heated. but a way for big men with guns to make money off of terrified girls. >> if it's in chibok, i'll never go back again. >> you'll never go back to school? >> yes. >> because they made you afraid. >> yes. >> they destroyed everything they could, textbooks, the library, laboratory, their attempt to forever shutter this school. elizabeth mary of france, members of the same church, their dawgs were also friends, hoping one day to study medicine. they and many of their classmates never made it home from school. >> we are pleading with them to leave her daughters. we don't have power to do
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welcome back. rescue workers in nepal are searching for survivors of that brisard in the himalayas. authorities say at least 39 people were killed by floods and avalanches along the area's popular hiking trails. more than 300 have been rescued since tuesday but no one knows how many are still unaccounted for. tourism officials say more than 90,000 people trekked through this particular mountain pass last year. the weather was only one of the factors that led to the disaster. >> the freak storm as many people have been calling it perhaps wasn't as freakish as we are led to believe. the storm cycles had been
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predicted by a number of weather forecasters. this had been predicted three or four days before it hit the region. i think it would be foolish of us to think just the weather system caused that disaster. from my experience, looking at it from afar, i have no doubt that a number of factors which have contributed to this disaster. what should have happened, the leaders of each trekking company or the leaders of each trekking group should have known about the weather coming in. they should have made the right decisions, which is stay low, bypass the park or turn back. this clearly didn't happen. >> what are the current conditions in nepals arescue crews search for the missing hikers? derrick van dam is standing by.
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he's saying the experienced trekkers should have known about this weather system. >> we could see it on the satellite. it was the remnants of what was tropical cyclone hood hood that brought the eventual snowfall to the himalayas. the reason the hikers congregate to this area in october because this is when we see the most favorable conditions to climb the 100 or so peaks that are above 1,700 meters. this is the katmandu forecast from sunday into monday. you can see temperatures are running well above average for this time of year. plenty of sunshine in the forecast as well. with the recent snowfall we saw across the area with the sunshine in the forecast, this could help to stabilize some of that recent snowfall. so the rescue attempts need to be aware that avalanches are
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still a possibility across the himalayas. when the snowfall did make its way across the heath, we received about 200% to 300% of the monthly average for october. significant ams of snow to say the least. we switch gears to europe. we're talking about a storm system that's bringing a lot of unsettled weather to the british isles into scandinavia. that ends off the weekend right to uk and finland. all the cloud cover across the region, oslo looks wet, so does copenhagen. more of the same from glasgow to london. we're also tracking the remnants of hurricane gonzalo that is now near the coast of newfoundland near st. john's. that's going to skip across the atlantic very quickly and impact the british isles by tuesday and wednesday of this upcoming workweek. you can see that storm system dropping south. it's beginning to bring a significant amount of wind across the region and rainfall.
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look at these wind forecasts from glasgow to aberdeen as well as oslo. it will pick up into london. 60 to 70 kilometer per hour wind gusts through the end of the weekend and start off the workweek next week. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. this next story is quite fascinating. we may never know what it did in space but the u.s. air force's unmanned spacecraft is back on earth. we know very skill about this mission. cnn aviation analyst myles o'brien offered us some insight into this mystery mission. >> it is something the space community is fascinated by. it is in essence a scaled down version of what the space
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shuttle was. in the sense that it's a reusable winged craft. but it's obviously very different. the space shuttle could go to orbit for no more than two weeks, maybe 16, 17 days. a two-year mission is extraordinary. you don't have to worry about supporting human beings, so that changes the equation on keeping something aloft for so long. the question is what is it doing up there? given the length of the mission it is probably something the air force is interested in using to create easily changeable, sort of modular, if you will, spy satellite. so spying seems to are the more logical con lugs in this case. >> you know what the u.s. air force says this was likely not the spacecraft's final mission. so of course the mystery endures. what the in world was it doing for two years? that does it for us, this hour of our special coverage. i'm amara walker.
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i'll be back for the next hour with more on the criticism that the world health organization is coming under. you're watching cnn, the world's news leader. every day people fall, from a simple misstep, to tripping over a rug, to just losing their balance. and not being able to get up from a fall can have serious lifetime consequences. being prepared is important. philips lifeline with autoalert is more than just a medical alert button. it's an advanced fall-detection system, designed to get you help quickly. if you fall and you're unable to push your button, the fall detection technology within autoalert can trigger the button to automatically place a call for help. philip's lifeline has saved more lives than any other medical alert service. this is philips lifeline, we received a fall detected signal. do you need help?
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in the middle of the worldwide ebola crisis, a harsh critique from the w.h.o. points the finger of blame right at themselves. and more ground is being gained in the battle for kobani but it's isis that's being pushed back. the latest on the coalition progress in a live report. and a search for university of virginia coed hannah graham is being called off. police react to the latest developments in the
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