tv The Situation Room CNN October 21, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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wolf blitzer is in new york but still "the situation room." wolf? >> isis showing off weapons it says it was air dropped. will they now be used against those they were meant to help. he was held in north korea five months after leaving a bible in his hotel room. what whand about the fate of two other americans still being held in north korea? missing student mystery, new details of what investigators looking for as they test remains found in the hannah graham search. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room."
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following several fast-moving stories, video shows the terror group seized pallets of u.s. weapons and supplies air dropped into a town. and a jet lands in the north korean capital, picks up an american suddenly leased after months of detention much new ebola travel restrictions go into effect in a move to limit the spread of the deadly disease in this country and new details on how virginia investigators are testing remains found in the search for happnnah graham. let's begin with isis and our pentagon correspondent, barbara starr. she has the latest. barbara? >> the pog insists if isis got its hands on one of those pallets of u.s. gear that it's militarily insignificant but it may be the only insignificant thing about the group. isis claims this video shows
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weapons and supplies captured from as you air drop around kobani. so far, the u.s. can't confirm the isis claim, but the pentagon says the 27 bundles of weapons it did air drop to the kurds combined with punishing coalition air strikes against isis have had an effect. >> we do assess that kurdish forces in the cities are in control of the majority of the city. i would hesitate to put a number figure on that but we do believe that they are in possession of the majority of it. >> reporter: but u.s. officials say isis is far from down and out. in baghdad, the latest in a growing number of deadly car bombs, leaving widespread wreckage in a shia neighborhood, every reason to believe that isis or its sympathizers are responsible. newly appointed iraqi government officials trying to show unity, even working with iran. but so far, it's not enough to stop the isis onslaught.
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>> it's a mixed picture of competence and capability throughout the iraqi army and sometimes even within units. >> reporter: lecanto forces slowly are try push isis back. troops are on the north from baghdad to badge jie in oil-rich northern iraq. u.s. air strikes against isis around basketball jie have already begun. >> you saw iraqi elements attack north to badge jie. and that assault attack is ongoing as we speak. >> reporter: isis appears to be focusing in several key areas, the oil-rich north, including badge jie and mosul, anbar province west of baghdad and mount sin jar in northwestern iraq, renew england attacks there after the u.s. struck back this summer when tense of thousands of yazidis were threatened with general side.
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the fact they can launcher to attacks say these maintain ability for their leaders to communicate and issue orders to their troops. what are you hearing over there, ivan? what are you seeing? >> we saw this video come out over social media and clearly what appears ton an isis militant next to some kind of parachuted bundle. then the militant starts to open up crates and reveals boxes if
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full of hand grenades and mortar rounds. it seems at least one parachute of air drops drifted away and wasn't as the pentagon reported necessarily destroyed and did get into the hands of the very people that the u.s. military is trying to kill. now, that said, it's important to stress that much of that aid did get to the people who need it most, to the defenders of that besieged kurdish city and we got exclusive video coming from inside kobani of a doctor showing us the precious life-saving medicine, anesthetics, bandages he got as a result of those air drops. things he desperately needed and he thanked the people, the u.s. for delivering the much-needed assistance, a doctor we have talked to for weeks treating wounded civilians and fighters hit by the isis offensive around
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that city. wolf? >> here's what i don't understand, ivan. the u.s. is using these air drops, flying planes from relatively far distances, drop these cargos, shipments, supposedly for the friendly forces from the u.s. perspective in co-bapny, but where you are in turkey, that's maybe a mile or two away from there, and the turkish government and nato allies not allowing any convoy to go in, instead of using air drops they can could easily have a convoy go in, protected, get the done. what are the turks saying? >> it's kind of incredible when you see the close proximity there. this besieged city and the kurds, their backs are right up against the turkish border fence, right next to turkish troops, so it would be much easier to just hand this kind of stuff right over the fence. insecond the u.s. is having to parachute this in with planes. turkey is a nato ally, but turkey clearly disagrees with
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the u.s. it considers those kurdish militants battling isis to be part of a terrorist organization and thus, turkey says no, we don't want to give guns to those kurdish fighters. but there's a contradiction here, wolf, because hours after the u.s. announced its air drops, turkey made another bombshell announcement, it announce it would allow iraqi kurdish fighters from northern iraq to cross through turkey to reinforce those same kurdish militants that it calls terrorist. so turkey is sending some very mixed and confusing signals about just what it wants to do in kobani. wolf? >> ivan, thanks very much. more on this story coming up, but there's other news we are following, including a huge surprise today a move by north korea, an american held there for five months all of a sudden has been freed and then whisked away from the communist capital of pyongyang in as you government jet. there you see that u.s. air
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force jet on the ground in pea young yang. you see the american flag right there on that plane. let's get details from our global affairs correspondent, elise will be a boug what are you learning? >> jeffrey fowlely was released after being arrested in may after leaving a bible in his hotel. north korea takes any religious incidents very seriously. he basically, north koreans kind of let the u.s. know on very short notice, come and get him. last month, he spoke to cnn's will ripley in an exclusive interview, sounded really cop trite about the charges that he faced, admitted his guilt and he
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said that he apologized to the government and asked for forgiveness. take a listen to him speaking to will ripley just last month. >> my family is the biggest thing on my mind now, i got the wife and three school kids depending on me for store spoornd my mother-in-law is staying with us, too six in our household, and i'm one -- i'm gone, my wife's trying to operate the household by herself and it's a chore to do with two people, let alone one. but i need to let people know that i'm getting desperate. i'm getting desperate for help. this is -- i understand that there are three americans in detention now here in the dprk. >> and wolf, the white house welcoming the news but focused now on those other two americans, kenneth bay, who was sentenced last year to 15 years for basically proselytizing, 15 years in a hard labor camp and matthew todd miller, if you
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remember, the gentleman in july, crossed north korean customs,ed up his tourist visa and seeking asyl asylum. now the u.s. focusing on getting both the americans back home. >> he will lease will be a bolt with that report. el lease will be a bolt with that report. el will be a bought with that report >> we are glad jeffrey fowlely will be reunited with his family soon. we have been working actively to get him returned home, as we do for the other two americans. we'd time window where the dprk asked for us to facilitate his travel home. the department of defense provided that airplane. he left pea young yang.
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they stopped in guam and now on his way back to the united states. >> were the negotiations directly through officials talking or swelled sweden represents the united states in pea young yang? >> they provide assist tools our americans but we are not going to get into the details of howy? >> they provide assist tools our americans but we are not going to get into the details of how. >> what did north korea get in exchange for the release? >> i will not get into that we are focused on doing everything in our power, on the can't talk about that publicly, again, because we want to be able to continue to work for the release of the other americans but we do everything we can to get them home. happy that mr. fowle is coming home. >> because it's interesting that they agreed to do this without a
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high-level u.s. emissary going over there, whether a jimmy carter or bill clinton or bill richardson or somebody else. normally, if they have some high-pro-fail americans they are holding, they are willing to release that american, but they want some respect by sending a high-level person over there. this time, they didn't ask for that, right? >> well, you know, every case is different. you remember meryl newman, an american who returned home from the dprk just a few months ago, i don't want to speculate on how they make decisions in pyongyang or decide when to release these americans but what we are focused on is doing everything in our power, again, not always being able to talk about it publicly to reunite these americans are their families what we are focus on now are the two still there. very quickly, is it the u.s. assessment that kim jong-un, the leader of north korea, is still in power? >> our assessment on that hasn't changed. we have done nothing to indicate otherwise. senior officials talked about this before. obviously, very opaque society
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and pay close attention to it our assessment of that has not changed. >> you welcome the move by the north korean government to release this american, right? >> we do we absolutely welcome the move a good day for the fowle family but what we are focused on now is the other two americans. >> i want you to stand by, maria, a lot more to talk about, including the latest moves in iraq and syria, the war against isis, standing by, a quick break, much more after this. were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. iraq and syria, the war against
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of isis terrorists. have you been briefed, marie? she showing off u.s. weapons from cargo dropped in kobani. they say they got it. >> i know the pentagon is looking into those reports right now. we have certainly seen the videos but quite frankly don't know if they are accurate yet. the pentagon has said what they believe happened to all of the bundles that they dropped. again, they are looking into it we can't confirm it look this could be isil propaganda, we don't know at this point. >> let me ask you what i asked our own ivan watson, who is on the bored terror between syria and turkey. it's only a mile or so away, kobani, this fight that's going on from the turkish border, instead of risking u.s. aircraft, having these air drop, why not simply have -- let turkey go ahead and ship this stuff in to these fighters who are resisting these isis advances, what's wrong with the turkish government? why aren't they allowing the u.s. to do so? >> the turkish government is playing a key role here and i
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heard ivan also mention about the fact they have agreed to allow iraqi kurdish peshmerga fighters to cross their territory to join the fight that is a significant step and we very much welcome it we have a capability here we are drop these weapons, iraqi kurdish weapons giving to the syrian kurds, aware of the history with the turks, aware of the sense if the and in this case, because we had a capability, we are using it. >> have the turks changed their mind and agreed to allow u.s. warplanes to take off from their bases in nato facilities inside turkey so the u.s. doesn't have to make a long generalny from the persian gulf? >> we are continuing those discussions with the turks right now about exactly how we will work together, specifically and operationally on this coalition. we are not always going to talk about those discussions publicly but they are ongoing. >> but there's no positive response from turkey on the use of their air bases yet, is that right? >> i just don't think we are going to get into those kind of operational details about the discussions or what we may or
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may not be doing. >> what about the new iraqi prime minister, hider al-abadi? he makes his first trip, i think his first trip abroad since becoming prime minister, goes to, of a owl places, iran. what message does that send? >> it is our understanding this is a part of regional visits that he will make to thing country, iran and iraq share a long border, this avenue long relationship. it is our understanding itth a routine visit with one of their neighbors and iran could take this opportunity make clear to the iraqis the prime minute should continue to govern an inclusive way to i can make sure they support a more inclusive future for iraqi. >> the former prime minister, nouri al malaki, had a close relationship to the detriment of his own country, isis came in and took whole swath of iraq because so many of the sunni there is didn't trust the shiite-led government in baghdad. do you envisage a similar kind of scenario developing now? >> not at all, wolf.
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prime minister al-abadi is governing in a very different way. what he has done so far is reach out across the spectrum to sunni, shia and kurds. he has pinted ministers from across the political and sectarian spectrum here. so we are judging him by his actions and he's a very different person than nouri al mall lackey. so far, he's been doing everything the right way. >> one final question, will he allow the united states to ship arms directly to the peshmerga kurdish fighters in northern iraq or have to go through the central government in baghdad? >> well, we have been providing arms to both the iraqi security forces and to the kurd rush forces, all of this is coordinated, obviously, but doing so in the way that can get to them the quickest, seen an unprecedented level of cooperation between the kurdish forces and iraqi forces. >> you know the kurds -- excuse me for interrupting, you know the kurds complained they are not really getting what they need because it is being held up in baghdad. >> we have provided them with assistance very directly, talked to baghdad about it, we are all working together here, we know
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they have urgent needs and why we have been providing them with this assistance. good luck, marie harve deputy spokeswoman at the state department. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, wolf. coming up, new travel restriction because of the ebola crisis, we have the latest from the department of homeland security. new steps. also, we await the results on the remains found in the hannah graham search, new details about the discovery that was made. ual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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correspondent, elists beth cohen, is over at the centers for disease control and prevention in atlanta with all the latest details. what are you learning, elizabeth? >> wolf there will be new stricter measures to keep another ebola patient from reaching u.s. shores. tonight, the department of homeland security says that all passengers arriving to the u.s. from liberia, sierra leone and guinea must land at one of the five airports with enhanced ebola screening. those airports are new york's jfk, dulles, o'hare, newark and atlanta. as amber vinson and nina pham, two caregivers strike within ebola remain in intensive care, the cdc is setting new guidelines which, had they been in place weeks ago, could possibly have presented them contracting the deadly virus while care for a liberian man with the virus. >> the lines didn't work for
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that hospital. dallas shows that taking care of ebola is hard. >> reporter: the new guidance focuses on three areas. first, rigorous training and practice for caregivers prior to treating an ebola patient. this includes infection control training with taking on and off personal protective equipment. the goal is what they call a ritualized approach. second, no skin exposure and new protective equipment map dates including cover alls and single use disposable full face hoods no more goggles. finally, the cdc says trained monitor should watch each worker taking on and off their personal protection equipment to ensure adherence. >> the guideline provide an increased margin of safety, they provide a consensus on better protecting health care workers because even a single health care worker infection is unacceptable. >> reporter: meanwhile, nurse nina pham is in fair condition at the national institutes of health in bethesda, maryland. her condition has not changed since friday. while amber vinson's condition
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is being kept private at emory university hospital, her mother tells cnn -- >> she is doing okay, just trying to get stronger every day. labor with the illness, she tries to pace herself. >> i just look forward to the day where the tears that i fight back, i don't have to fight because they will be happy tears. >> reporter: niece new travel rules will go into effect tomorrow. wolf? >> elizabeth cohen at the cdc in atlanta, thanks very much. joining must "the situation room", cnn medical analyst, zahn van tull began and in london, his twin brother, chris van tull began. what is your reaction to the two nurses' conditions. how alarmed should web, encouraged they maybe on the mend, based on what we are hearing? >> i think we should be encouraged they were on the mend a great surprise to my team in
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london. we had a patient with ebola, and to catch a parent with ebola, has to be a breach and surprised they are as lax. >> you are if you are a health care provider wanting to know how to manage a patient with ebola, you have guidance, what you find is several patients of pros. we don't have clear guidance from the cdc, pictures, info graphic, protocol you can stick on the wall and also not published a full, comprehensive set of what should a hospital do when someone with ebola -- >> what's taking so long? >> this is -- they are up against it because they are doing it in the middle of a
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crisis and these things are painstaking to do and national guidelines for the largest, most thorough health system in the world, not easy to do, but they have had many months to do it. so i think there are a lot of people turning the screws on them at the moment. the best they have is a link to the msf and the w.h.o. protocols. >> you think, chris, better prepared in london where you are in dealing with this ebola threat? >> i think inappropriate to be smug about these things. i think in the unite kingdom, we look very much up toward certain aspects of american health care, yeah, i do think that's the case. it's very hard for me to imagine how that could have happened in a scenario we have in london. we look after patients in an isolation ward, everyone is category four trained a category four protected. i believe very strongly and i think my colleagues would say the same that the odds of a health care worker being infected are vanishingly small and indeed, not a source of anxiety among the nurses and doctors that are on the teams
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that look after these what we call category four parents. >> xand, do you agree? >> i think it is important to say, chris is right, but chris is at a really leading center, the hospital for tropical diseases, the equivalent of someone like emery hospital, i think general hospital and rural hospitals somewhere that wasn't in london, a major center, i think it would be reasonable to expect the uk hospital to struggle as much as the dallas hospital did. >> is it too early? chris, still monitoring, looking at a bump of people, several dozen people who may have been in contact with either the two nurses or the liberian man, mr. duncan, who passed away, but too early to think that the u.s. is now on the verge of potentially being ebola-free? >> i think we can't say that until that magic 21 days has elapsed. of course, the 21 days is a number that actually a recent research study shows is probably accurate, but it's -- no dogma about it, we can't know that for
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certain. i think it's extremely unlikely that there will be any more secondary infections in the united states. i think the safe money is on none, at most, one and they will be caught early, under tight surveillance and i think this will be easily contained. i do not think we are gonna see an epidemic in any western countries or anything like an epidemic. >> we just getting word, xand, i think is good word from the nih, national institutes of health in bethesda, maryland, outside of washington, where nina pham is now being treated, her condition has just been upgraded from fair to good. that's very encouraging. that's really good. at this stage, this many days in, that kind of progress does suggest that she is on the mend and that we would be surprised by deterioration. so i mean, we are all cheering for these ladies, i have to say, it is extraordinary they have had to go through it especially the amount of scrutiny. i really hope -- that's
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fantastic news if that is the direction she is going. chris, once the 21 days is over with, let's say nina pham and all hope and pray that nina pham has a complete recovery, once she is released from bethesda, maryland, nih from the hospital, reunited with her friends and her family, is it completely over for her or have to watch her forself lal months, maybe years to make sure there's no lingering effect, no recurrence, is it completely over, in other words? >> it's great question. as far as we know and i think i would say with great certainty, once you clear this virus, you clear it, it does not remain dormant in your body. we are pretty confident about that. and think it's wonderful news that she is recovering. i thiz that this estimate, this number often quoted, 90% mortality rate we will see as a huge overestimate. the worst estimate in this outbreak is 50% in west africa and in fact, if you go to parts of rural west africa and you look for ebola antibodies in the
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population, you will see between 10 and 15% prevalence in areas of guinea and liberia. so, this is an infection that we know people can get and make a stable recovery from, even in a remote setting. so i think their chances are very good and she shouldn't be worried. >> all right. now, i'm looking at you guys are identical twins, is that correct? >> yep. >> chris? >> as far as we know. >> except for the beard, it looks like one of you has a thicker beard than the other beard. xand, why is that? >> really emulating you, wolf. you know, this is the aim. >> all right. and chris, i take it -- >> long been an admirer. >> chris, you have to show your older brother a little -- greater respect, he is seven minutes older than you are? >> i don't trust anyone with a beard, wolf. how about that? >> all right. well that,'s fair enough. guys, thanks very much are the twin, van tulleken, thanks for joining us. >> thanks. counting down to a crucial debate in florida republican
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governor rick scott, former governor charlie crist, now a democrat, they will be facing off tonight, 7 p.m. eastern, on cnn, right after the situation room, their final debate before the election and this time, they should be arguing about the issues instead of a fan. cnn's jake tapper is moderating. stay tuned after the situation room for this debate. we will be looking ahead at some other stories coming up "the situation room" in the meantime, including an exclusive talk with the former head of u.s. counter terror operations, there he is, matt olsen. he is warping that despite the air campaign in syria, the imminent threat posed by an al qaeda offshoot hasn'tened at all. up next what led to a major break in the search for a missing university of virginia student, hannah graham. she's still the one for you.
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we have new details on the hannah graham case, virginia authorities await forensic test results on remains found in the search. our brian todd is joining us live from charlottesville, virginia, with the very latest. what's going on? >> wolf, new information tonight on the procession of the crime scene, the skull is with the medical examiner's office in richmond. as of a few hours ago, rest of the skeletal remains were still at the crime scene. tonight, we are getting a dissurridissu
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disturbing new account of what one man saw on this crime scene a few weeks ago. he saw something september 30th and decided to call authorities search fogger hannah graham. >> heading to work, happened to glance to my left at a house i knew fairly well and noticed the roof as well as the tree in the back corner of the property was full of buzzards. >> reporter: pufs a landscaper who was working near this abandoned property on old lynchburg road outside charlottesville. after he first spotted the buzzards, went off to work but when he drove by later, he noticed something about the type of bird he saw. >> it wasn't your normal deer carcass on the side of the street buzzard. this was 20 to 30 what we call black headed buzzards which are competitive scavengers. they are pretty, aggressive xaf ven juries. >> reporter: he didn't get out of his car because he didn't want to trespass on the property. human remains were found here, most of the remains are still at
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the site but the skull brought to a forensic lab in richmond according to a police source close to the investigation. why the skull? >> if there isn't any ability to dna test blood or flesh or body fluid, none of that left, teeth can be really important. >> reporter: the family of hannah graham has already provided dna for authorities to compare any samples they find. this forensics lab is expected to handle the testing for evidence that could link the remains of the victim to a suspect. >> all the of a sudden, you find a dna type on clothing that there's no reason for that to be there, that's when you've got the a-ha effect there. like, a-ha, we found in something that might be probative. >> reporter: virginia's chief dna analyst says getting conclusive samples is not always a sure thing. >> bloody clothes found out in the woods so they have been sitting out in the environment for a long time, so off get degradati degradation, sun, moisture, chemical thing, you know, that
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could cause degradation. >> reporter: no word yet when the for rests are enic results will be announced, but at the crime scene, searchers will continue to look for additional evidence around and beneath the remains. they are also going to look for any other potential bodies that maybe on that property, according to a police source that spoke with our jean casarez. >> the landscaper we interviewed, said he saw buzzards on the property september 30th, reported them morning. why was it until october 18th the remains were actually found on that property? >> reporter: that's unclear, wolf, but bobby pew tells me he doesn't blame the police authorities for that delay, when he called him that morning, they told him they would act on his information but also told him they were slammed with tips, said they were getting up to 300 thames day. and a lot of ground they had to cover in that search, wolf. >> all right, that's the latest from brian todd, he is on the scene for us in charlottesville. thanks very much.
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let's go in depth with investigative journalist, corey barefoot, joining us from charlottesville. we are hearing from a police source that the skull found by the searchers has been sent to virginia's chief medical examiner's office in richmond, but that other skeletal remains are still at the crime scene. how did authorities know to go to this site? what is the latest? what are you hearing? >> a terrific question i can confirm that over the -- out of the more than 4,000 tips that were called into the tip line, wolf, two of those were for this specific property. it's 11 1/2 miles from downtown charlottesville, out old lynchburg road energy a very heavily wooded, rural part of albermarle county. i have talked with another source called in monday morning, october 6th, 9:45 a.m., for that same reason. he noticed all sorts of buzzards around the house. it's a really chilling scene to
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contemplate something out of alfred hitchcock's "the birds," with the house all covered in these large buzzards around the yard, up in the trees. i should point out that it was not a abandoned property. this is a 2 1/2-acre parcel that includes two residences a small three-bedroom house and a little cottage. they were rentals that were not currently being rented. so, they are not technically abandoned but they were empty at the time. >> authorities there explaining why this autopsy, it has been several days now, seems to be taking so long? >> reporter: no, i haven't heard word on that, but we do know that, of course, most of the remains that were discovered on saturday are still on site. and i know from talking with forensic anthropologists that this kind of work can take a long time. you literally have to dig the site and sift through the soil. you may find some dna in the soil and we believe it's been reported that these were -- remains were found in a dry
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creekbed. we have had a lot of rains the last few weeks so it's probably a safe assumption that some of these remains or perhaps the dna and the materials were washed downstream. so, it could be quite a big area that needs to be studied very, very closely. >> and they want to be precise and they want to be 100% accurate. i want you to stand by, corery. we have got a lot more to discuss. we are getting other information as well. we will take a quick break. much more right after this.
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downstream. as well. hello... i'm an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about americas favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. about what happens when you turn sixty-five. but, really, it's what you do before that counts.
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be searching this area. it is a remote area, as you well know. because there's some suspicion, it could have been used potentially as some sort of dumping ground for other bodies. what's going on here? >> reporter: there are a number of law enforcement folks, wolf, who are down in that area. aerial photographs that have been taken show dozens of law enforcement vehicles lining the road. they are searching the woods and yes, some of them believe that programs that could be an area where someone, a perpetrator, was dumping bodies, programs. that is certainly a theory that they're working on. and that can only be answered in one way. carefully looking very closely over every inch of that ground. this is a two and a half acre parcel. but it is owned by a family that owns hundreds of acres, of wooded acres in that area. these remains were found five miles from where morgan harrington was found in january of 2010.
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the suspect jesse matthew grew up in this part of albemarle county. >> you've also told us, that the suspect in hannah's disappearance, jesse matthew, he grew up only four mile away from where these remains were found. are you learning anything more about jesse matthew? any connection he might have had to this specific property? >> reporter: i have been looking into that very closely. there was at one time a retirement home that was located here, but i looked very closely today for hours trying to track that down to see if programs he might have worked there. and i have learned that that home never actually opened. so he couldn't have worked there. i can report for the first time here, wolf, that the charlottesville defense attorney, actually paid a visit to the jail today to his client, jesse matthew. they met privately for a while at the jail this afternoon. we believe that's the first time
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that he has had an opportunity to sit down with mr. matthew and explain the charges that were announced yesterday in the city of fairfax. three felony charges, rape with attempt to defile, and attempted capital murder. we can only assume that this afternoon, he was explaining all the charges to his client. >> we'll check back with you tomorrow. thanks very much. he's been in charlottesville at all of this since this story unfortunately broke. thank you. coming up, why u.s. air strikes in syria may not have stopped a little known terror group with ambitions to attack the united states. and what were they thinking? three young american teenage girls. they fly to europe allegedly trying to join jihadists in syria.
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narrator: these are the skater kid: whoa narrator: that got torture tested by teenagers and cried out for help. from the surprised designers. who came to the rescue with a brilliant fix male designer: i love it narrator: which created thousands of new customers for the tennis shoes that got torture tested by teenagers. the internet of everything is changing manufacturing. is your network ready?
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happening now, breaking news. a terror threat. a disturbing new warning. he said despite air strikes an attack may be imminent. a change in one of the nurses affected with ebola as the government designs new rules. and fear in ferguson. as details about the michael brown shooting investigation turn the town into an emotional tinder box. palin family brawl. a drama recording of sarah palin's daughter bristol
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describing a violent could not frontation involving her and other family members. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in the situation room. let's get right to the news. a possible imminent terror threat. the former head of the u.s. counter terrorism now telling cnn in an exclusive interview that air strikes against the so-called khorasan group in syria believed to be targeting the u.s. homeland, have not eliminated its terror capabilities. and it is only one of several threats facing the united states right now. we're covering all angles with our correspondents and our guests. let's begin with cnn's chief national correspondent, jim sciutto. he spoke exclusively with the counterterrorism chief. tell our viewers what he told you. >> well, matt, when you speak to people like matt olsen until two weeks was the head of the nctc,
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you wonder how they sleep. he said isis is a growing threat with the potential to strike. he said groups today like the khorasan group have both the capability and the ambition to strike today. you'll remember the first night of those air strikes against syria a month ago, there were eight strikes up here in the northwestern part of the country against khorasan group. i asked him, one month later if we're safer from the imminent threat posed by group today than we were then. he said the answer is no. >> the night the air campaign over syria began, the u.s. targeted a new terror group and a new threat. a team of former al qaeda leaders called the khorasan group warned u.s. officials were in the advance stages of plotting an attack on the u.s. one month later, however, the former director of the counterterrorism center matthew olsen said the campaign has not degraded that threat.
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>> is that threat still imminent? >> by everything i've seen, i think the threat is in the same place it was before. that is, this group was in a position to train without any sort of interference. they were able to recruit on that trayvons, test explosives. they were in the advance stages of plotting. they had both that intent and what we saw was that capability that put them into this, nearing an execution phase of an attack. >> is there any evidence the first night of strikes damaged that capability? >> i don't think, you know, there is any realistic likelihood that some limited air strikes even just for a period of time will degrade that threat altogether. that's, they're hardened, seasoned veterans. they have an ability to operate
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freely in syria. so i think it is unlikely that that threat has been altogether eliminated. >> reporter: olsen told cnn the khorasan group and al qaeda in the peninsula are the two most severe threats to americans with the ability and ambition to carry out attacks on the u.s. however, he said the most likely threat is here at home. so called lone wolf attacks by american citizens and residents radicalized on their own. such as the boston marathon bombing. >> is the threat greater today? >> i would say the most likely type of attack is one of these home grown violent extremists or lone offenders in the united states, programs. and the rise of isis and the number of people going to syria, whether they're fighting with isis or the conflict there, the likelihood does go up because of the number of people who are there, who have gained some
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degree of training and radicalization. >> however, known terrorists is now proving much more difficult for u.s. intelligence. due to the revelation by edward snowden of once secret surveillance programs, design to monitor suspect's phone and internet communications. >> they've changed how they enkrimt their communications and adopted more stringent encryption techniques. they've changed service providers and e-mail addresses and in some cases, just dropped off all together. they suspected we had this capability before the stolen documents were made public but it has really become a real concerted effort by a number of these targets. >> have we lost some of them as a result of that? >> yes. we've lost collection against some individuals. people that we were concerned about, we are no longer collecting their communication. we've lost insight into what they were doing. >> does that include aqap and
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khorasan group? >> we can tell you that people we're concerned about. >> a real focus is on tracking some 100 americans who have gone to fight in syria or attempted to go. matt olsen told me they know to some degree who all those americans are, to some degree, that means they know for some a full name, a location. for others, they might know an alias or a partial name. he also said after isis's lightning advance through iraq has been a focused attention, not only on isis but other allies. turkey on the border there. other arab states. he said they're much better now than they were just a few weeks ago. >> is he suggesting turkey could be doing more to stop that flow? >> he said that turkey is, and not just turkey. he said allies in the persian gulf, saudi arabia, kuwait, uae, qatar, others. not just stopping the flow of foreign fighters but also money which you know is key through some of the fake charities, et cetera. and they use that money to get
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weapons, explosives, et cetera. and emthere's many better control of that now. >> thank you very much for that exclusive report. meanwhile, there is concern about a growing number of western teenagers trying to join isis forces among them. get this, three american high school girls. our justice correspondent is working this story for us. what are you finding out? >> reporter: we've learned the teens are now back home in denver after making it halfway on their journey to fight in syria, according to law enforcement sources. they join a growing class of young people who through their online activity are getting swept up in the idea of committing jihad. three high school girls from denver are the latest american teenagers drawn in by the radical world of islamic extremism. only 15 and 16 years old, two of them sisters of somali dissent,
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allegedly aspiring to join the fight in syria. according to law enforcement sources, the teens boarded a flight in denver over the weekend and made to it frankfurt, germany, where police arrested them before they could continue to turkey and then syria. cnn has learned they allegedly self-radicalized online. >> they're oftentimes searching for an identity. what the jihadis are pushing is a specific narrative. your people are being oppressed in this place called syria. your government is doing nothing. we're the only ones who will help out. why don't you join the fight? >> reporter: the only reason the teens were caught, the parents call police and the fbi flagged their passports. in canada, new concerns after a 25-year-old man ran over two soldiers with his car, killing one and injuring another. police shot and killed him. canadian authorities say the man may have been radicalized and had been on their radar. >> this is a terrible act of violence against our country,
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against our military, against our value. >> reporter: and this 17-year-old australian teenager, raising alarm bells after he showed up among isis fighters in syria threatening leaders including president obama. and officials i've been speaking with say teens being radicalized is a dynamic that has existed for years. it fluctuates dpenling on the conflict. what seems troubling is it appears the demographic is getting younger. ? very troubling indeed. joining us, the form he cia counterterrorism official, phillip mudd and lieutenant come james reese, formerly with the u.s. army's delta forceful now retired. what does that tell you? these girls, 15, 16 years old, traveling on u.s. passports, made it all the way from denver to frankfurt before they were
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apprehended? >> the surprise in this story is not necessarily their age. what happens when you get kids this vulnerable is they're not necessarily joining isis. they're joining people who have told them, your responsibility is to go defend women and children because your government is not defending them. that's a very powerful draw. the real surprise to me and the real risk you face is that they got on an airplane to frankfurt. if you're in the counter terrorism business, you do not want to be calling your german colleague and saying, we just offloaded a problem. pick them up at the airport. this shows you how easy it is to get to a european airport and potentially to turkey from a place like denver. >> all three of these girls, u.s. citizens traveling on u.s. passports. two of the sisters of somali deskrenl. one of sudanese. how global is this isis draw? >> we've been watching this for a couple weeks to a month. now what we're seeing, now you're getting the u.s., we have
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the european aspect coming in. folks from australia. this is getting to be a global problem. we'll watch it and see how many more are radicalized and try to come into europe and turkey and to syria to help with isis sflfl the suspicion is they were inspired online by some of the isis related websites. that's very, very worrisome. you've sat on the advisory board of the national counterterrorism central. that was matt olsen's main job. leaving the director, jill sciutto just interviewed them. what does it tell you he's saying the threat from this khorasan group is still imminent despite the tomahawk cruise missile in syria not that long ago. >> we have to draw a sharp contrast between what's visible in iraq, the targets out there on the battlefield with things like tanks, artillery, and striking what is invisible in syria. when you follow a terror group, you're talking about a shadowy
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organization that doesn't community much. they might be using human couriers. you have facilitators, operatives. nothing like the targeting you're seeing in iraq. to my mine the surprise here is not that the remains an imminent threat from khorasan group. the surprise is that people believe you can destroy a group like that with a couple of strikes in syria. over time we'll have to degrade these guys with more attacks than we are seeing today. the challenge is not in iraq alone. >> reading between lines of what matt olsen told jim sciutto, the goal of isis is specifically to create that cal fate, iraq, jordan, turkey, if you will, the goal of the khorasan group, and yemen, for that matter, is to go after u.s. targets in the homeland. is that a fair analysis? >> i think that's fair. and operationally speaking, it is hugely significant for a
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simple reason. if you're isis in iraq, you're fighting the syrian kurds, the iraqi kurds, the iraqi security forces, that's a the love energy for your leadership and they won't spend that much time thinking how do i get to new york city. when they tried to attack that airliner in detroit in 2009, and what we're seeing with the khorasan group now in syria, they're not worried about going after people like the iraqi security forces. they're worried about going after u.s. cities. they're focused in terms of their energies and that raises the threat level significantly. >> as you know, he told jim sciutto, the air strikes don't always necessarily work. how difficult is it to stop a terror plot by using air strikes? >> well, the bottom line is we actually did degrade some of the capability for the khorasan group that night when we dropped the bombs. as you know, we've been watching this for years now. these people are resillent.
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they will move, killed some senior leadership there, they will try to continually come after us. the world changed after 9/11 and they won't stop after one bombing, just because we killed some senior leaders, and then they'll move on again and continue to try to come to us on the homeland. >> were you surprised that matt olsen said he was mostly concerned about what is skrikd as that lone wolf attack, an individual inspired by these terrorist organizations? maybe from stuff he or she reads online. that's the biggest threat right now. >> i was not surprised. i was listening to jim sciutto asked about how people like me sleem at night. if you're facing an al qaeda organization, 19 hijackers, four aircraft. but they give you an intelligence target to hunt and kill. a nerve central that communicates, it sends out operatives. you look at what happened in canada this morning where you have a couple of canadian police officers attack by somebody in a
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vehicle who might have been radicalized online or elsewhere. how do you stop that? the strategic threat from a home grown kit is less but the likelihood is much higher. that's why i would agree with matt on that. >> thanks very much. very disturbing information. coming up, more breaking news. a change in the condition of one of the american nurses infected with the ebola virus. plus, ferguson, a tinder box. [ female announcer ] you change your style. why not your eye color? new air optix® colors prescription contact lenses enhance your eye color for a naturally beautiful look with consistent comfort. find your perfect color and get a free trial offer at
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and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about americas favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy.
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nina pham, one of the two nurses affected by ebola while treating a patient who later died. the national institutes has upgraded her condition from fair to good. that come as the department of homeland security is now implementing brand new rules to prevent the spread of ebola in the united states. cnn correspondent at the washington dulles airport just outside d.c. what are you hearing? >> reporter: well, wolf, effective tomorrow, dulles international airport along with four others, they will be the airports receiving every single passenger flying in from ebola hot spots. we're talking about three very specific countries, liberia, sierra leone, as well as guinea. this announcement made by the department of homeland security today. what they're doing here is funneling everyone from ebola hot spots to these five airports where enhanced screening is underway. you remember just last week, we talked about the rollout of the
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enhanced screening which entails temperature checks, as well as a very detailed cdc questionnaire that people have to fill out. ools we know those five were chosen because 95% of the travellers from those west african countries will arrive at those airports. what about the other 6%? are they just slipping through the cracks? fast forward to today and we now know that the department of homeland security is working with the airlines to track every single passenger's itinerary to make sure if you're coming from one of those three countries, you must hand at one of these five airports them don't believe this will be difficult because they say on average, we're talking about 150 people per day coming from these ebola hot spots to the united states. so they believe they can effectively do this and make sure that they're funneled through these airports. in the meantime, we are getting a better picture from customs
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and border protection about how many people have arrived from the ebola hot spots and have been screened since they rolled this all out. these numbers we got today. 521 people have received enhanced screening at these five airports. three people had elevated temperatures. four rose to the event of having to transport them to the hospital. but at the edge of this all, none of those cases turned out to be ebola. wolf? >> okay. thanks very much. she is at dulles airport outside washington. let's get to our chief medical correspondent, and the disease detective now writes for the dallas morning news. sanjay, the department of homeland security announced these travel guidelines. how likely is it someone could get through these measures. they have a little elevated fever, for example, they could take an aspirin, tylenol, that temperature would go down. no question. these are not going to be 100%
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effective for the reason that you mention asked this whole notion of what we call the incubation period. between the time someone is exposed to ebola before they develop symptoms, anywhere from two to 21 days. someone could have been exposed to ebola, 90, and arrive somewhere, pass through the screening and really have no problems getting through. that is probably what happened with even mr. duncan. remember, he came through and had no symptoms for the first few days. it will be of some help. you want some sort of screening protocol. you want to flag people you might be concerned about so you can follow up with them, track them if necessary. >> what do you think? you've studied this. >> i think it is really important to have these additional layers of public health intervention. so 100% of people leaving sierra leone, guinea and liberia are screened. programs if we miss some of those people there, they may be caught on this other level of screening here in the u.s.
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as dr. gupta mentioned, it is not 100% completely foolproof. it is just trying to capture anyone who could have been missed. >> a week ago we found out these nurses, they were being transported in hazmat suits. is this over or should we expect someone else in the u.s. to come down with ebola? there are several dozen people being monitored. >> it is possible. that's the reason they're being monitored. i think the risk is probably pretty low. i think some of the highest risk people are people that we've identified and many have already gotten through this 21-day incubation period. suffice it to say, is it possible that someone else could rave in the united states like mr. duncan did, be perfectly healthy, get through screening and then a few days later be diagnosed with ebola? that could happen. i think that's part of what we thought could happen in i am a. it happened with mr. duncan. it could happen again. hopefully, wolf, hopefully this
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is a lot of lessons learned. we've learn from dallas and others will be more prepared. >> why weren't these requirements mandated earlier? the gloves, the shields, all the protective gear. what happened here? how did this slim through the cracks? >> these guidelines, they're based on 38 years of experience with ebola in africa. this is a steam learning curve. we're seeing the disease for the very first time. we're learning more about it. mr. duncan received high level procedures. he had kidney dialysis, intoo baited. central africa, east africa or west africa, these are high risk procedures. they put the workers at risk. say wlaels could be done. the more i talk to experts about the protective gear, it is not just about the gear. it has to be a high level of training. many opportunities for health care workers to try on the equipment, practice taking it on
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and off. >> taking it off can be very, very dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. >> absolutely. it can be very tricky. that's the point where you just had contact with a patient. you're potentially contaminated already. you have to be so careful. so we've now instituted a measure where there is a buddy system and somebody else, a health care worker wearing the same equipment as you is watching you really carefully and really helping you. and some hospitals are already doingthis. that first cdc "health alert" about ebola, wolf, that went out on july 28 ths. many across the country and new york city, in fact, started doing. this unfortunately, texas health presbyterian in dallas didn't do that. they said they didn't have that level of in-person training they should have had. >> they're all learning from these blunders. the world health organization says testing is underway at nih in bethesda, for an ebola test.
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when do you think they will be ready with some sort of vaccine? >> this is a clinical trial process. typically there are three phases so there is the first phase. what they're trying to find out in this phase, is this safe in and get some idea with the effectiveness. but it is really the second phase of the trial where you really start getting more and more people involved in the trial and really determining how effective it is. my guess is, and i talked to the doctor about it. he said maybe early next year they would start incorporating many more people into the trial. probably most of those people would be in west africa. that's obviously where the problem is. that's where the vaccine could most be used. ultimately, the question people will ask is, could health care workers who might possibly take care of someone with ebola, should they be vaccinated as well? we're nowhere near able to answer that question but that's where we may be headed.
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>> and we're very him a with one of the two nurses with ebola, her condition in bethesda, maryland, has been upgraded from fair to good. that is very, very encouraging news. thanks very much. thanks to you as well. just ahead, fresh protests and rising tension in ferguson, missouri. we're learning new details of a high profile arrest. plus, newly released audio. sarah palin's daughter bristol giving a profanity laced description of a fight involving her and other family members. thy pain feel tight like a vise. how can i ease this pain? (man) when i can't go, it's like rocks piling up. i wish i could find some relief. (announcer) ask your doctor about linzess-- a once-daily capsule for adults with ibs with constipation or chronic idiopathic constipation. linzess is thought to help calm pain-sensing nerves and accelerate bowel movements. it helps you proactively manage your symptoms. do not give linzess to children under 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to 17.
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the tense situation at ferguson, missouri, is rapidly escalating following leak information about the investigation into the police shooting of michael brown. protesters are dmanling charges against the white police officer who killed the unarmed black teen and one demonstrator is warning, and i'm quoting now, all hell is going to break loose if there is no indictment. sarah, tell us what you're seeing, what you're hearing. what's going on over there? >> reporter: look, every single night, there are protests outside the ferguson police department. sometimes there are a few dozen people. sometime there are more than 100 people. and sometimes, there are arrests and that is what happened last night. there were people who were angry with everyone from the media to the police to politicians. and one who showed up, the state
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senator, she got into the middle of the street. police told her to move. she did not and they arrested her and an aide took them both into the police department. we know we've seen this scene over and over again. and tensions wax and wane with whatever new information that comes out where people feel that justice is not going to be served. of course, the justice system is still going along and the grand jury is still looking at evidence. we are expecting there to be some sort of decision likely by mid-november. the protesters say, they are going to be there every night until then and even after that, wolf. >> going to be a tense situation. no doubt about that? thanks very much. let's get to more now, joining us, the community activist, don lemon who covered the violence, jeffrey toobin. and let me start with you. it was just announced for the ferguson commission challenging leaders to solve the problems
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plaguing them. he cautioned it wouldn't be focused directly on michael brown's death saying that was the responsibility of investigators. here's the question. was governor nixon's hand forced in creating this commission by all the recent unrest? what's your analysis? >> well, i have the opportunity of speaking with several leaders today and protesters, and many people within the community are feeling as though this is window dressing. this is almost too little too late. they feel if he is going to appoint anybody, it should be a special prosecutor and not a commission. you know, we know the issues that ferguson and other urban areas in our state are facing. we need tangible realistic measurable results. this is really too little too late. the governor really sat back and allowed this to unfold while many of the citizens on the ground were dealing with these difficulties. now he wants to appoint a
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commission of leaders to discuss this matter. the community wants to see immediate results. >> you know, don, in his remarks, governor nixon contrasted the concern in the community, saying the problems missourians face are shared problems. i want to you look at this little clip that he said. >> i think of the mother of an african-american teenager as she kisses him goodbye each morning. hands him his backpack and watches him head off to school. knowing that he might never come home again. she lives with that fear every day. i think about the wife of a cop as she kisses her husband goodbye. hands him a cup of coffee and watches him drive off to work knowing he might never come home again. she lives with that fear every day. that is the world we live in. >> all right. you heard that.
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what's your reaction? >> i think he has a very good point. we see video of police officers being aggressive with people, especially young black men. but we also, what we don't see a lot of is police officers who are in the line of duty, who are getting shot, putting their lives on the line. police have a very tough job. so no one denies that and i think the governor is right. but in this particular situation, people in that community want to see some change and they want to see the governor act. that said though, i think at some point, the protesters stand, they're getting very close to the line of jumping the shark. they're losing public support. they're in a vacuum now, they're listening to only the people around them. and i think they need someone from the outside, wolf, we talk a lot about, you should know, have self-awareness. they have every right to protest. they're upset for a very good reason. they need to look at their tactics and possibly it is time to go to the negotiation table with the governor and at least
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start to talk at this point. >> let me follow up with you. the state senator was arrested in the streets of ferguson last night after she refused to move, according to police, protesters continue to rally outside the police department but as michael brown supporters chanted for justice, the protester on the ground, we're telling cnn, what is taking place on the ground is a violation of civil rights. here's the question. does ferguson need another peacemaker to come in, someone along the lines of captain ron johnson, a man you met when you were out there in the early days following the shooting? >> i think they do. i think they need someone not so close to the situation. they also need people who are not going to come in, who don't want to regain relevance or gain relevance because of the situation. they need someone who can come in and tell them the truth about their tactics and how they're looking to the broader country and not just to a few people online. to a few angry protesters.
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>> john, the senator was released from jail this morning. call her arrest symbolic saying ferguson has a long road ahead of us. that's a direct quote from her, the next three week or so until that grand jury decides what to do. do you think we'll see more violence in the lead up to the grand jury finding? >> i certainly hope not. although that arrest and dealing with michael brown are commendable, at the same time, when she was arrested, she was armed. and she had a gun with several bullets. in addition to the gun. and she refused to breathalyzer test. so we have to step back, you know, as don just mentioned and take a look. what kind of message are we trying to send to the young people that are protesting. what kind of message are we sending into a situation that is very volatile. we do not by any means, want to promote a message that says it
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3:41 pm
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some breaking news here. a man in a nebraska hospital has now been declared ebola free. they said he will be allowed to leave the unit tomorrow morning. he arrived in the nebraska medical center october 6th for treatment after contracting ebola in liberia. a news release put out by the university of nebraska medical center says, recovering from
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ebola is a truly humbling feeling. too many are not as fortunate and lucky as i have been. i am very lucky to be alive. he said i was around a lot of sick people when i got sick referring to people in liberia. i thought i was keeping a good distance and i wish i knew exactly what went wrong. don lemon with me here, you had a chance to speak with ashoka mukpo's parents. he is now ebola-free. >> then during the time he was suffering he was in good condition and they were comforted by the fact he went to the hospital early and received treatment early. so they were hopeful, they were very positive about that so it appears that he is ebola-free and that is good news. and we talked about, his mom talked about when he found out he was going back over to work
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with people who had been diagnosed with ebola and he was upset by it but she said that's the kind of guy he is. >> that's really great news. a specialist in infectious diseases. so he leaves the hospital. he is free and clear, right? he doesn't have to worry about this anymore? is that right? >> reporter: that's right. he has had two blood tests that he is ebola-free. so this is very reassuring, really good news for he and his family. quick diagnosis, quick treatment can make all the difference with ebola. >> it certainly can. and people who he gets in contact with, they don't have to worry about being close to him, within three feet of him. he cannot be contagious any longer. is that right? >> reporter: that's absolutely correct. and we have to emphasize this so people's fear does not get in the way of their compassion and
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empathy. this gentleman is now being released to continue his life and it is important that people embrace him, support him and understand that he is not contagious. >> what about the people who are being watched? who have been in contact with him including the nbc news physician, dr. nancy snyderman. she is sort of in isolation. what does this say to them? >> this says they have to continue self-monitoring, continue taking that temperature from 21 days from the last time they had contact with him. continue checking with his physician about any signs or symptoms of ebola. i'm sure as a person very close to him, it is a huge relief. and as they approach the end of that 21-day period, they'll be able to continue living their lives. >> all right. thanks very much. don lemon will be back tonight. ahead, we're counting down to the governor's debate.
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rick scott, the former governor charlie crist, they face off right at the top of the hour. jake tapper will be moderating. we'll get a preview when we come back. (receptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, shopping online is as easy as it gets. carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger.
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don't listen to the naysayer. switch to comcast business today and get 50 megabits per second for $89.95. comcast business. built for business. the mid-term elections are exactly two weeks from today but right now we are counting down to a crucial debut in florida. rick scott and charlie crist, they are about to face off for the last time before the election. jake tapper is moderating and you can get instant feedback on the answers. tom foreman is joining us with a preview. explain what is going on, tom?
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>> we have focus groups watch and give us impressions and tonight every one of you can be part of the focus group by going to the web page and let us know if you are republican or democrat or independent. we are not tracking you. we are just keeping track. and your inputs will create a graph showing the high points and the low points of the collective reaction. and we'll go over that later on in the evening and you can participate by going to and more than watch the debate, you can go there. >> and as we count down, i'm joined by gloria borger. two weeks until election day here in the united states. rick scott, the florida governor, charlie crist the
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challenger about to face-off. the stakes tonight significant. >> they are. there are a lot of important governors race but this is the most closely watched because as you know, this is the all-important state of florida. these guys are in a dead heat right now, wolf. there is about 75 to $100 million in ad money spent in this campaign. and this is a huge prize. because whoever runs for president wants to have a governor of their own party running the important swing state of florida. so you cannot overemphasize how important this race is for the people of the state of florida, as well as in 2016. >> we have to talk, gloria, about the fan. the fan. the rules for tonight's debut say it is not allowed, that charlie crist will not be allowed to have his fan. he has grown accustomed at the debates to have a fan.
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so is there going to be another fight? >> well think about this today, wolf. if i were charlie crist or rick scott for that matter, i would deflect the controversy with a sense of humor. i would come out fanning myself or saying i have plenty of fans here. i'm not sure i would want to relitigate the fight because -- they didn't look great, particularly scott. so i think a bit of humor is sort of in order here tonight on that. >> i think you're right. listen to this, gloria. i want to play some audio. we just received of from sarah palin's daughter bristol talking to police in anchorage, alaska, describing a fight at a party that involved her, her brother and her father todd. listen to this. >> some lady with gray hair who wants to push my little 20-year-old sister, i'm going to defend my sister. >> a guy came out of nowhere and
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pushed you. >> a guy takes me and pushing me down and pushes me down in my thong dress. and beep bee[ bleep ]. i don't know this guy. i've never seen him before in my life. >> we know the sarah palin family was provided a social media on facebook how proud she is of bristol. and what is the reaction to this? >> i think, wolf, the audio is what we expected it would be and it was clearly a drunken brawl that occurred. and you heard her talk about it and you heard her voice and you heard her language, which i think is regrettable. we've already seen one reality show at the palins' and this is another reality show. i'm sure they will show a united
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front and it is clear everybody just needed to go home and calm down. which i think they have finally done. >> i hope so. let's move on. today's briefing at the white house, gloria, our correspondent jim acosta asked josh earnest if the administration had given any consideration to what life would be like with a republican majority in the u.s. senate. earnest said, they have been focusing on boosting the democratic candidates. there has to be some people in the white house thinking about this a little bit if the republicans do become the majority party in the senate. >> wolf, of course. but they are not going to talk about it, because with just two weeks to go until the election with president obama being a major issue and a lot of these red states, they don't want to talk about the possibility that they could actually lose control of the senate. why would they? that would be silly for them to
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discuss. they want to talk about winning. .president himself made a little bit of a mistake when he said yesterday that the folks in all of those red states, they may be distancing themselves from him but they vote with him. that is not exactly what those red state senators wanted to hear as they do distance themselves from the president. but from the white house right now we are not hearing anything about the possibility of losing control of the senate. they are not entertaining it, they don't want to talk about it, they just want to push right up until election day and see what happens. >> let's not forget, if the republicans become the majority part in the senate, they are already the majority party in the house of representatives and will remain the majority in the house, but if they are the majority, they have subpoena power and they can question the final two years of the obama administration on all sorts of areas that the administration, the white house might not want to go. >> that is right.
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unless, wolf, if republicans win control and decide they have to prove to the american people that they can govern, and everything that went on in washington was harry reid's fault and if they take charge, that they are going to be able to make things happen, they may feel they have more of a stake in getting things done because, as you head into 2016, you have to make the case that you can actually function as a governing party. we'll see. >> gloria borger, thank you very much. the florida governors' debate beginning at the top of the hour. 35 seconds or so from now. jake tapper will moderate. and this thursday i'll be monitoring the new hampshire debate between jean shaheen and the former massachusetts republican scott brown running in neighboring new hampshire. and you can follow us on twitter. tweet me at wolf blitzer. tweet the show at cnn sit room.
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please join us tomorrow, and every day monday through friday in "the situation room." you can watch us live or dvr so you don't miss a moment. that is it for me. debate starts right now. >> tonight the debate in the florida governor's race. republican rick scott is fighting to keep his job. >> let's keep working. >> he's a former tea party darling backed by the establishment he once backed. >> democrat charlie crist is fighting to reclaim his old job. >> let's go win this thing. thank you. >> he's a former republican, backed by the president he once controversially embraced. >> we can get this done. >> it is a bitter battle of the governors. >>
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