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tv   CNN Special Report  CNN  October 21, 2014 9:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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appreciate you joining us. yes, we would look to see him home. thank you. >> thank you. >> that is it for us tonight. i'm don lemon. thank you for joining us. i'll see you back here tomorrow night, 10:00 p.m. eastern. live coverage continues now at the cnn center in atlanta.
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important steps. in a statement, homeland security secretary jay johnson said the restriction should be implemented with, quote, minimal traffic disruption. those five airports in washington, d.c., chicago and atlanta account for 95% of the travel that originates from liberia, sierra leone or guinea. they are currently the only airports taking passengers' temperatures upon aroofl. the restrictions come the day after the cdc outlined specific protocols for treating ebola patients. in texas, two nurses contracted ebola after treating thomas eric
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duncan, the first person who die of ebola on american soil. >> with these new guidelines, it's very clear that you're going to get much less exposure to blood and body fluids. and it could have prevented their infection. >> and prevention remains the focus as the work continues to curb the threat and stop ebola spread. we've seen. so success for patients fighting ebola in the u.s. and europe, the situation remains dire in west africa. next half-hour, we will take you to the frontlines innee syria leon where a 10-year-old boy has lost his parents to the virus. and a team of volunteers is risking their lives to stop the ebola spread. >> and now to this -- an american man detained for the past five months in north korea is at this moment on his way home. he's expected to arrive in the u.s. late wednesday. he was arrested at the airport
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in north korea back in may, all for leaving a bible at a club for foreign sailors. >> the u.s. state department says foul is in good health. he was flown immediately from pyongyang to guam. a spokesman for his family says they are thrilled about the news. of course, especially since they have been preparing for the worst. >> when i said all along, i mean years. >> we always hoped this would happen sooner rather than later. we got a chance to speak with them as well as jeffrey last month. >> the violation of prk law was
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stemmed from trying to leave a bible up at the club. i've -- i acted in violation of the tourist purpose as well. and i pled my guilt to the government and put in a request for forgiveness to the people and the government of the dprk. >> got a chance to speak with those individuals. we should note, will, as you did in your reporting that north korean officials were surrounding these guys when they were interviewed by you. we've got to keep in mind, this is a positive development. where jeffrey fowler is from, people at his church are overjoyed with his lease. when do we know about when he will make it back home with those who missed him for so many months? >> no exact time frame that we
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know of right now. there's obviously going to be a debrief process that will happen before he's allowed to get back into the united states, be checked out and, of course, reunited with his wife and young children. the elementary school-aged kid who he said he was desperate to see. he missed both of his children's birthdays because of his arrest and detainment in north korea. it was really remarkable, when we met him, one, how relieved he was to see an american news crew, but also how desperate he was to get back to his wife and his children. he talked about that over and over again. he had notes written down on a piece of paper, a cheat sheet that he referred to, talking points, making sure he talked about how humanely he was treated and how he wanted the united states to send an enjoy to secure his release. and i think his performance in that interview pleased the north korean officials who we spoke to shortly afterwards. it seemed like they were happy
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with the job that he did. and you see now he's on his way home. >> what about the two other detained americans, kenneth bay and matthew miller. if you look back at how they answered your questions and described their condition, jeffrey was more complimentary, if you could say. the other two taking a bit more of a stern or possibly accurate description of what they're going through and they are facing more serious charges, even though we've seen north korea offer all these olive branches to many different nations. can they expect anything in the next few months? >> well, that certainly -- we know those are discussions that have been happening, back channel conversations that have been happening. we don't know what communication has gone on between the north korean government and the united states. we do know that sweden, which has an embassy in pyongyang has been an intermediary in a lot of these situations. but you're right when you point out the contrast between jeffrey's interview and matthew miller's interview.
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matthew miller didn't answer some of my questions. he gave very short answers to others. when i asked why he tore up his visa and sought asylum, he refused to answer that question. one official made a comment afterwards that indicated they were not as pleased with matthew miller and his responses to our questions, and it was just a matter of weeks after that interview that he was quickly found guilty and sentenced to hard labor as a result of the crime that he pleaded guilty to in north korea. kenneth bay, on the other hand, provided some really revealing conditions in hard labor. he said he was being treated huma humanely, but he said he was the only american in an entire prison camp. so clearly kenneth bay and the other americans that we know of are not being held in the same conditions of the alleged horrific conditions that the united nations has spelled out, saying that people in these political prison camps are being starved to death, executed, tortured. that's not the condition under which these americans are being held. erro will?
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>> some eye-opening stuff from a place we know so little. will rippley, just past 1:00 in the afternoon from tokyo, thanks very much. >> and next on cnn, pressure supplies reach those in need, exclusive video from inside the besieged syrian kobani where a grateful doctor displays the medical supplies dropped from u.s. planes. we're back in a moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. [ male announcer ] great rates for great rides. anncvideoconferences it's youof the day.rtant hi! hi, buddy!
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anncr: that's why the wifi and free hot breakfast are something to smile about. and good reasons to book now. feel the hamptonality
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>> welcome back. a giant in american journalism ben bradley has died at the age of 93. he's known as editor of "the washington post," a position he left more than 20 years ago. >> bradley oversaw the "post's" historic coverage of the wat watergate scandal which led to the resignation of u.s. president richard nixon. >> his first battle against the nixon administration was publishing the pentagon papers in 1971, documents that show how poorly the vietnam war was handled. >> "the post" was still searching for a seat at the big table. we weren't at the big table yet and we very bhuch wanted to go there. >> benjamin bradley fought nixon's objections all the way to the supreme court, winning the right to publish, along with "the new york times." a year later, the stakes were even higher as he headed the newspaper's coverage of the watergate scandal.
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>> the leader of the free world, his spokesman would get up and attack "the washington post," attack ben bradley and myself. >> bernstein and woodward trackeds down the story. >> we know nixon lied when he said i can't tell you about watergate because it involves national security. >> ben bradley, woodward and bernstein had help from a secret source, code named deep throat. >> how much can you tell me about dreep throat? >> wrad lbradley was immortaliz the movie "all the president's men." >> nothing is writing on this except the first amendment, freedom of the press and maybe the freedom of the country. >> he served on a destroyer in world war ii through more than a dozen battles. as a young reporter, he became friends of john f. kennedy who moved in on the same block when
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he first got elected to congress. but bradley always maintained a healthy skepticism of washington power player, which if anything only grew stronger over time. >> i think that there has been an enormous increase in not telling the truth, lying. >> a presence in the news room, former colleagues described him as demanding but inspiring. >> benjamin "crown and shield" bradley. >> he received the medal of freedom from president obama at the age of 91. he transformed that newspaper into one of the finest in the world. >> and bradley began end of life care after his home last year. >> isis said they intercepted one of more than two dozen air
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bundles. >> that aid includes weapons and ammunitions and was intended for the kurdish fighters defending t thety city of kobani. >> bombs continued to target isis militants. and cnn has on stained exclusive video, evidence that some of the aid that the u.s. military air dropped over kobani seems to have reached its defenders. >> precious medicine delivered to a city under siege. an exclusive footage from inside the syrian border town, medics show the supplies they received on monday. life-saving stuff dropped from the sky by u.s. airplanes. >> today we received equipment. it was very extensive medicine, antibiotics, aesthetics, sanitary supply, bandages. >> dr. omar has been here for weeks.
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he creted the desperate stream of wounded fighters hit during the siege of this kurdish city. the kurdish defenders have allies. free syrian army fighters who show off a suicide bomb vest and vehicle they say they captured from isis. only days ago, it seemed like kobani would be all but lost to isis' furious assaults. but the u.s. is helping kobani's defenders with air strikes and now the first air dropped deliveries of weapons and ammunition. in this tiny makeshift clinic, it's the medicine delivered by america that may turn the tide in this battle. we thank the people who brought these medical supplies, dr. omar says. and then he gets back to his very important work. but in a video that emerged on
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social media suggests that maybe some of the american air dropped aid fell into the very hands of the people that the u.s. war planes are bombing. this video shows what appears to be an isis fighter next to what is clearly some kind of a parachute bundle. he then goes through what seem to be the contents of the bundle and shows crates of what seem to be hand grenades and mortar rounds. now, the pentagon said that at least one bundle of air dropped aid did drift offcourse and the u.s. war plane then destroyed it to keep it from get into isis hands, but now we seem to see that maybe one bundle did get into the hands of the u.s.' enemy on the ground over here in syria. and that underscores the difficulty of trying to get assistance, ammunition, guns, precious medicine to kobani's defender, even though the turkish military, a nato ally, and its tanks and armored vehicles and troops are between here and the city of kobani.
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the turkish government has announced that kobani's kurdish defenders are basically terrorists that are affiliated to what they consider to be a terrorist organization, which the turkish governor has equated with the isis militants, which it also calls terrorists. and as a result, it will not allow the u.s. military to use this very short land corridor to deliver aid to kobani's defenders. ivan watson, cnn, on the turkish-syrian border. >> a pentagon spokesman say s they're still investigating whether the isis video is authentic. and another u.s. defense official tells cnn the military is studying several scenarios, including the possibility that two air dropped parcells went astray, one of them which got bombed and the other picked up by isis. whatever happened, the official says it's, quote, absolutely militarily insignificant.
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hmmm. >> still to come for you here on cnn, police in the u.s. are searching for abandoned homes for an alleged serial killer. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud. ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ [ female announcer ] fiber one.
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an alleged serial killer will be charged with three more deaths. he's already been scharjed in one woman's murder. >> officers say he led them to the bodies of six other victims, three have been identified. why police are searching what they say is the alleged killer's dumping ground.
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>> the grim duty of searching for more possible murder victims in gary, indiana. why in this area specifically? >> we're in this area for the reason, the body is -- some of the bodies of the victims were found in this immediate area. >> abandoned homes here used as a dumping ground for at least six women murdered in cold blood. police want to know if there are more. >> people are getting killed in these houses. >> the prime suspect is 343-year-old darren van who led police to the six bodies after admitting he strangled 9-year-old africa hardy to death at this motel 6 friday and left her lying nude in the bathtub.
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>> that's somebody's daughter, somebody's mother, somebody's sister. >> the son of a woman varied to van for 16 years spoke on tuesday. >> he's a nut case. he is. i watched him. i would never allow him near my kids and my home. he just freaked me out, period. >> his criminal history spanning least a decade is brutality troubling. he threatened to burn his girlfriend up in 2004 while holding a lighter and a gas can. in 2 o09, he was convicted of aggravated rape and served five years in juvenile. van, a registered sex offender was monitored in septemberly the sheriff's department. they check their place of residen residence and see if they're complying. >> given the fact that he was
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monitored as recently as december and everything checked out, do you think the system needs to change so something like this doesn't happen again? >> it's a possibility it can always be tweaked and always be some changes. >> it's an understatement to say marvin cleveland would agree with that asasessmenassessment. >> she was a luing kind person, good heart, big heart person. it's really sickening because you have a registered sex offender. and i feel that any sex offender should be monitored closely by any state that they live in. >> darren van will make his first court appearance. in the state of texas where he raped a woman in 2007, the department of public safety deemed him low risk. the sheriff's department here in
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indiana told us that they only did one check on darren van because more were not required by law. >> it is early morning in south africa. and oscar pistorius has just spent his first night in prison behind bars. >> he was sentenced to noless than five years behind bars. for now, his family says he is ready to begin serving his time in prison. >> the court handed down judgment. and sentence and we accept the judgment. oscar will embrace this opportunity to pay back to society. >> welsh here's a closer look at the prison pistorius now calls
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home. the prison in pretoria is like most south african prisons. it's notorious for gang violence, unsanitary conditions and overcrowding. but because of his disability, pistorius has a cell to himself. >> now, he is currently a group b prisoner. that means he's allowed two noncontact visits per weekend and up to 45 a year. he could also be upgraded to group a after six months. that depends on his behavior. but it would mean that he would have 60 visits a year and then would be allowed special food items like chocolate sweets and soda. >> and some of pistorius' family recently told cnn that he might want to start running or running a gym club while in prison. >> thinking of what will he do? what can he offer when you have nothing but time in prison? but for his career on the outside, the international
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paralympic committee says he won't be allowed to compete until he serves his full sentence. the international committee denied to say whether pistorius would ever be allowed to compete again. >> three american teenagers caught at the airport in germany on their way to join extremist fighters in syria. how authorities managed to track them down. >> plus we're going to get you live to hong tong to see what came of the first face to face meetings between protest leaders and government officials. not a lot of love in that room. why many demonstrators are now vowing to stay put. narrator: these are the skater kid: whoa narrator: that got torture tested by teenagers and cried out for help. from the surprised designers. who came to the rescue with a brilliant fix
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male designer: i love it narrator: which created thousands of new customers for the tennis shoes that got torture tested by teenagers. the internet of everything is changing manufacturing. is your network ready? anncvideoconferences it's youof the day.rtant hi! hi, buddy! anncr: that's why the wifi and free hot breakfast are something to smile about. and good reasons to book now. feel the hamptonality
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i won this 55 inch tv for less than $30 on visit for great deals. and start bidding today! >> a. >> the freelance cameraman who contracted ebola in nigeria is now free of the disease. he will be allowed to leave a nebraska hospital on wednesday. he says he feels blessed and very happy to be alive. >> north korea isn't saying why it decided to release american prisoner jeffrey foul, but he is on his way home to the u.s. state of ohio right now.
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>> bren bradley has died at the age of 93. a former washington post editor guided the newspaper through its coverage of the water gate break-in. the resulting scandal forced u.s. president richard nixon to resign. bradley suffered from alzheimer's disease and dementia. >> missouri governor jay nixon is setting up a special commission to look into social and economic conditions in the town of featherweight son. you may remember, that is where an unarmed teen michael brown was shot and killed by a police officer in august. the town has seen almost round-the-clock protests sense. >> let's go back now to the ebola crisis which has had a traumatic impact on the lives of thousands of people in west africa, many of those who haven't gotten sick have still lost loved ones to the virus.
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>> so many. and see sierra leone is one of the hardest hit. >> reporter: this is crab town, built on stinking estuary mud, just a short walk from the wealthiest parts of freetown. shacks where life was hard enough before ebola showed up just a few days ago. now in the crowded and squalor conditions, it's spreading unchecked. the police and military are trying to force a rudimentary quarantine, but the government ambulances, which are supposed to collect suspected cases before they infect others have failed to arrive. neighbors have called but nobody comes. we've now been taken to the home of a 10-year-old boy. his mother and sister have died of the ebola two days ago his father died. he's been on his own in the house since then. no one has gone to collect him.
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egate has spent two nights sleeping in the rain outside his dead parents' home where with red cross workers who are trying to get help for the boy, but as a suspected case, only a team in full protective equipment can collect him. for now, all they can do is give him food and water and keep calling for help. could you ask him how -- can you ask him how it's been the last couple of days for him? >> he's not feeling good. he's sad about the deaths of his parents. >> it's as if ebola has put an invisible wall around this little boy who is in such desperate need of help. his neighbors don't want to take him in and even volunteers who come here to help him can't get too close because of the risk of ebola infection to them. a local health worker tells me there's several other sick
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families just a few streets from where we're standing. >> we've done the same thing called, called, called. >> since we arrived in freetown at the weekend, the number of ebola cases has nearly doubled every day. collecting and isolating new cases is still lagging far behind the spread. aid is now pour into sierra leone but conditions like these give ebola the upper hand against any humanitarian response. a few hours after filming, we heard an ambulance finally arrived for this terrified boy. last night, a woman died of ebola. the volunteers come to take her body away. the husband and father of her
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five children tells me he simply doesn't know how he will live without her. he tells me, she was the soul breadwinner. she paid for the house, she was the pillar of the family. and now he must watch as the burial team prepares to give her the most dignified funeral this disease allows. the preparation is meticulous. any contact with bodily fluids could infect them. these red cross volunteers know this job has to be done. all the evidence suggests the majority of new ebola cases are directly linked to people who had contact with a dead body. burying people quickly and safety is key to getting this outbreak under control. >> the red cross are now carrying out 85% of burials in
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sierra leon, while safe burials like this are fundamental, so, too are educating families about what to do if someone else gets sick. >> anything that will happen to you, you get fever, anything, nothing too much. >> as the virus leaves the rest of the world almost paralyzed with fear this, the pourest part with africa, simply can't afford to indulge it. tom clark, channel 4 news, sierra leone. >> and now some other stories we're following for you. three teenage girls are back home in the u.s. state of colorado after being stopped on their way to syria. u.s. authorities say the girls were planning to join terrorist groups there. justice correspondent pamela brown has the details. >> three high schoolgirls from denver are the latest american teenagers drawn in by the
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radical world of islamic extremism. only 15 and 16 years old, two of them sisters of so mali descent, allegedly aspiring to join the fight in syria. according to law enforcement sources, the teens boarded a flight in denver over the weekend, and made it to germany, where police arrested them before they could continue on to turkey and then syria. cnn has learned they allegedly self-radicalized online. >> they're often times searching for an identity. what what the jihadis are pushing is a certain narrative. your people are being oppressed, your goths are doing nothing. we're the only ones that are going to help you out, why don't you join the fight? >> one of the parents called police and the fbi quickly flagged their passports. across the border in canada, new concerns tonight after a 25-year-old man ran over two soldiers with his car, killing one and injuring another.
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police shot and killed him. canadian authorities say the man may have been radicalized and had been on their radar. >> this is a terrible act of violence against our country, against our military and against our value. >> raising alarm bells after he showed up in a video along isis fighters in syria, threatening to behead western leaders including president obama. >> the latest out of hong kong now. even though fro test leaders met with government negotiators on tuesday. those were the first such talk since the demonstrations began a month ago. >> trouds cheered for the five protest representatives after they left the talks despite no progress in reaching an agreement. demonstrators want a timetable for political reform. the government says reform can only come by working within the system.
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>> it's not an independent country or form of government. owe. >> you were the chosen officials at the time. whether you will be a responsible, courageous, brave and skillful fighter who pushes hong kong's democratic political system or become killers who kill hong kong's future and democracy. i believe the choice is with you officials and not us. >> andrews stevens is in hong kong and he joins us live. so andrew, no progress made beyond talks actually making place between protesters and government officials, but no concrete concessions. so what comes next? >> no concrete concessions, but those two-hour talks resulted in at least one new development. and that is the hong kong government will prepare a report
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which will then be sent to beijing, which will reflect what's happening here in hong kong, the opinions of the hong kong people about this democracy movement. obviously that will take in what the students have been saying, but also include other parts of the hong kong community as well. but there is a message from the hong kong government. protesters have been occupying this central sight for 25 days. they say they are not giving up e fight. they will stay here until they get some concrete development. i'm joined by martin lee. he fought for many, many years for more democracy here. when you see that televised debate, those discussions yesterday, what did you think? did you see any ray of hope coming from them?
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>> yes. i see kind of a -- because the government's entrenched position has always been no con spepgs you either take this model or select all the candidates for you, or you don't get anything. but last night, there was a concession. the students were asking for democracy. at least give us a road map, a timetable. if you can not give us a full democracy now. otherwise we will go. >> but there is no road map yet, no suggestion the hong kong government gives a road map. >> no, but at least the government made a concession. they now promise a report which until yesterday they absolutely refuse to do so. >> so they will make a report, student saying they're not
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leaving. republicans saying they're not backing down. they're still polls apart. where to from here? >> i think the ball is in the government's court, or rather in beijing's court, because this government is just a puppet government. >> but beijing has given no indicati indication, in fact, that it continues to say very firmly that it will abide by the decision taken by the fsc about the next election. >> this concession report could not possibly have been lived up to the consent of beijing. so therein lies a little hope. >> just very quickly, how important is the court of public opinion here in hong kong for the success, or otherwise, of the students. if the public turns sharply against hong kong, is it all over for the students. everybody is inveengsed, one way or the other. some more seriously, particularly the shopkeepers.
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they are, of course, fighting for democracy so that our freedoms can be preserved under the rule of law. and they will benefit everybody in the long term. in the short term, they realize too well it's going to cause inconvenience, and therefore anger among a huge segment of the community. >> and the idea is they can manage that and continue on their ka democratic path. you heard it there from martin, perhaps a little ray of light creeping into this, what has been a very entransgent position from both sides. it's a long, long way to go. as i say, there's no indication the students are going to do anything other than stay exactly where they are. it's in the middle of the day here, not so many people here. in fact, what happens these days is that a lot of the students
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will come down here and spend the nights in these tents and then go back to university or go back to their jobs and then come back that following evening. so we're getting into a pattern here. the government is not saying it's going to try to clear the streets by force. we have seen some incidents, and i think the government is realizing that it is a task that's a bridge too far to clear so many people from this area. so at the moment, we are still in this wait and see situation. >> yeah. and we will certainly do that and we'll keep a very close eye on what is happening there on the strees. andrew stevens reporting from hong kong. thanks to you. still to come this hour on cnn, apple pay gets off to a very rocky start. if you've used this service already, i suggest you check how much you were charge the during this commercial break. we'll explain everything after this.
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apple pay seemed convenient aechb wept b off without a hitch. today i logged into my debit card account and found i was charged twice for every purchase
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i made with apple pay. a quick search on twitter found other people with this same problem. rohan, for example, tweeted problems with apple pay. it looks like my bank of america account was double charged by walgreens. as for me, i called my bank, bank of america as well, and they say it was not a problem on their end, it was a problem with apple pay. so they transferred me to apple. apple said there's nothing they can do about it because, as they promised for security's sake, they keep no records of names or amounts for any of the transactions. so i got apple on my bank on the same line. and after an hour and a half on the phone, my bank finally refunded me the money. they also sent me a tweet saying hi samuel, we apologize for this inconvenience and are working to correct this issue. my bank continued to maintain it's a problem on apple pay's end.
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>> cnn, new york. >> we'll be leaving that one alone for a while. >> ivan cabrera now joins us with details on the forecast. >> this is why i have a bag of cash under my mattress. >> you know where i live now, this is terrible. >> are you home right now? >> just in case apple pay doesn't work. indeed. if you're going to be traveling in europe. there are delays.
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problem problem 100 kilometer winds. >> not only in the uk and it's wednesday went this way, sideways at some damage in and around london. you continue to see the problem here. the storm is headed east. and so i think for today, london will be doing better. right now at 15 kilometres per hour, that's not a problem here. it will be gustier. the stronger of the winds, the winds that could delay your travels are going to be right here. heading here into germany as well by the time we get into the afternoon. the gusty conditions will be
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down where the wind speeds already anywhere from 60 to 70 kilometres per hour. that will continue through the afternoon. and in fact, as we take you into thursday morning, we're still seeing, look at munich. finally on friday, we begin to wind things down. all the while, we're dumping heavy rain across this region. along with that some snow. strong winds tuesday into wednesday along with the major airports impacted. now we're get into amsterdam, brussels, paris and frankfurt there. that will be the bull's eye for the potential delays today. guys? >> thank very much. >> appreciate it. >> coming up, a nun who sings like an angel. and her single is "like a virgin." diabetes come from all walks of life.
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infections in women and men, low blood sugar,kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. ♪do the walk of life ♪yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar? ask your doctor about farxiga and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. >> "like a virgin" in the '80s was considered kind of racy. >> could you imagine it being performed by a nun? now you don't have to imagine. just listen and watch. >> reporter: there have been flying nuns on tv and singing nuns in movies. ♪ follow him wherever he may
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go ♪ but can a real nun actually sing those words? ♪ like a virgin touched for the very first time ♪ ♪ >> oh, no, she didn't. do you remember her from italy's "voice." well, part of what she got for winning is a record contract. her album comes out next month. and her first single has just dropped. ♪ like a virgin >> there she is in her habit and sensible shoes, wearing a cross. no way you'll mistake the nun for madonna with her exposed mid drif. and the lion is missing. but both videos feature venice. and sister christina echos some of the shots in madonna. the sister says she has no
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intention of scandalizing. she told a catholic newspaper, if you read the lyrics, you discover it is a song about the capacity of love to make people new again. sister christina did drop one itty bitty word from a certain line. the boy that madonna is singing to. ♪ i'm going to give you all my love boy ♪ >> she leaves out that word. it seems to be g-o-d not b-o-y that she's addressing. she won't get rich off her music. she says any money she makes would go to church projects. she lives at an italian convent. she wasn't home when cnn called. "like a virgin" has been parodied by weird al yankovich. but there's something almost
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virginal having it turned into a ballot by a nun. ♪ touched for the very first time. ♪ next to mine >> jeanne moos, cnn. new york. >> seeing madonna and a nun cut together like that. >> interesting to see how madonna responds to that, too. >> if she does. you've been watching cnn. i appreciate that. >> i'll be back after a short break with today's top stories. ? create things that help people. design safer cars. faster computers. smarter grids and smarter phones. think up new ways to produce energy. ♪ be an engineer. solve problems the world needs solved. what are you waiting for? changing the world is part of the job description. [ male announcer ] join the scientists
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snapshot could save ye even more. meat maiden! bringeth to me thine spiciest wings of buffalo. >> hello, everyone, you're watching cnn. an american nan's surprise release from north korea. new fears of radicalized werners trying to help isis after police say they stopped three teenaged americans from traveling to the war zone. little progress after the fist face to face talks between protesters and government officials in hong kong. so what happens next? and the medical break through that's helping this paralyzed man walk again. thanks for staying with us. well, jeffrey fowle has spent the past five months as a prisoner in north korea. today, he is a free man. fowle is expected to return to
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the u.s. later today after his surprise release by pyongyang on tuesday. he was detained at the airport back in may accused of leaving a bible behind at a club for foreign sailors. the u.s. state department praised the efforts of swedish authorities to secure fowle's release. >> he has been evaluated by a doctor and appears to be in good health. he has, however, been in detention in north korea. we will continue to provide any necessary consolar assistance to him and will continue in the coming days and weeks. i think we'll let the north koreans speak for themselves why they decided to do this, why now. but again, we were very pleased he could be released and urge the release of the other two. >> those other two americans are kenneth bay and matthew miller. cnn's will rippley got to talk with them. and with fowle just last month,
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in fact. he joins us now live from tokyo. thanks for joining us. the big question here is why was jeffrey fowle released and the other two kept in captivity? what do you make of that? >> that's -- yeah, that's a question that the state department a spokesman said they will let north korea answer. and i did e-mail my source within the north korean government for a comment overnight and i'm still waiting for a response back from them. but the impression that i got after interviewing those three americans last month, rosemary, was that the korean government was very pleased with how he handled himself at an interview. he hit a lot of the key top ecks that i think the north korean government wanted these detained americans to get put across. they were being treated humanely. they were very remorseful for the crimes under a drpk law aechb perhaps more importantly, they wanted help from the united states government. they wanted some sort of line of communication between the u.s. and north korea, because those
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countries don't have a diplomatic relationship. and of the three interviews, fowle hit all of those points. he made a very emotional plea to return to his wife and young children. now he's perhaps hours away from being reunited with his family in ohio. >> what is likely to happen with bay and miller. can we expect their release in the coming months? or is it not good news for them from your perspective there? >> the key difference in the situations is that bay and miller have already been on trial and convicted and immediately sentenced for their crimes. miller sentenced for tearing up his tourist visa, seeking asylum and trying to expose human rights violations in north korea. and kenneth bay, the american missionary convicted of a christian plot to try to overthrow the regime. religion, obviously reviewed as
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a very dangerous threat to the regime led by kim jong un. fowle, though, never went on trial. matthew miller weeks after our interview was quickly sentenc pn trial and assistanced to hard labor. whether or not the country will be willing to grant a pardon to the other two americans, even though there's no public acknowledgment of discussions, we can only imagine that those communications are happening, using probably sweden as an intermediary, because they have an embassy in pyongyang, whereas the united states does not have a diplomatic relationship with that country. >> will when you look back, when you were given access to those three americans, now when you look at that, why do you think north korea allowed you access. what were they trying to do at that point? >> we got the distinct impression that north korea was ready to open up a line of communication really, most importa importantly, with the united states.
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and they were using these three men to essentially send a message. this is a very difficult time for north korea. that united nations report that came out earlier this year that accused them of widespread human rights violations, that's been very damaging to the regime that's been very isolated for years. they had contention with their major ally and ben ne factor, china. so this is a desperate time and for the first time in a long while, north korea appears to be taking a proactive approach as far as their pr, trying to get their message out there and just the fact that an organization like cnn was granted this kind of access is certainly a sign that the dprk is trying to put their side of the story out there. and again, fowle stressed over and over again how humanely he was treated, how kind the north korean government was to him. that was an important message that the dprk wanted to get across. >> of course, he is now hitting home. cnn's will rippley joining us live from tokyo. many thank to you. the united kingdom's top
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policeman is raising the alarm over the number of britains joining isis. five britains are leaving the country each week to join the fight in iraq and syria. that's according to metropolitan police kmigtsner. he says more than 500 have already gone and returning fighters now pose a growing threat. british media says the warning follows reports that a third british fighter has been killed in syria. well, three teenage girls are back home in the u.s. state of colorado. that's after being stopped on their way to syria. u.s. authorities say the girls were on their way to join terrorist groups there. we the details. >> three high schoolgirls from denver are the latest american teenagers drawn in by the radical world of islamic extremism. only 15 and 16 years old, two of
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them sisters of somali descent, allegedly a i spiring to join the fight in syria. according to law enforcement sources, the teens boarded a flight in denver over the weekend and made it to frankfurt germ, germany, where police arrested them before they could continue on to turkey and then syria. they allegedly self-radicalized on ionstline. >> they're often times searching for an identity. the jihadis are pushing a certain narrative. your people are being oppressed, your government is doing nothing. we're the only ones who are going to help you out. why don't you join the fight? >> the only reason the teens were caught, one of their parents called police and the fbi quickly flagged their passports. across the border in canada, new concerns tonight after a 25-year-old man ran over two soldiers with his car killing one and injuring another. police shot and killed him. canadian authority says the man may have been radicalized and had been on their radar.
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>> this is a terrible act of violence against a country, against our military, against our value. >> and this 17-year-old australian teenager, raising alarm bells after he rent recently showed up in video alongside isis fighters in syria. threatening to behead western leaders, including president obama. pamela brown, cnn, washington. >> and we are learning new details about the canadian man mentioned in pamela brown's report. police say he has been on their radar for some time now. he was arrested and his passport was seized at the airport back in july as he tried to leave canada for turkey. . >> when we arrested him, he was on his way to leigh the country. so we arrested him, we interviewed him and the information we had. and the statement provided for us, we could not have enough evidence to charge him and to detain him.
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so we released thim and we continued the investigation. >> police say they believe the man was radicalized after he converted to islam about a year ago. >> well, american newspaper legend ben bradley has died at the age of 93. as executive editor of "the washington post," ben bradley championed a somewhat unlikely pair of young reporters, bob woodward and carl bernstein. their reporting exposed what became known as the watergate scandal which led to the resignation of the u.s. president richard nixon back in 1974. bernstein spoke to cnn by phone about his former boss. >> there is nobody else like him. there was a physicality to the way he presided over the news room that was utterly himself. all about getting the story. but his life was really about the truth. there's never been anybody that i've known in this profession
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that just had an absolute standard about the truth and he would dres you down pretty well if he thought that in any way you hadn't done a bradley interrogation was quite something to go through. >> carl bernstein there. and bradley died tuesday after a long battle with alzheimer's disease and dementia. we're going to take a short break right now. but coming up, desperately needed medical supplies fall into the right hands in the besieged syrian city of kobani. we have exclusive video. plus kobani has been pummeled by terrorist blasts and american air strikes. we're going to take a look at the damage. back in a moment. are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team are constantly monitored for threats.
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it appears isis militants at least one of more than two dozen aid dropped on tuesday. tfgs intended for fighters defending the syrian city of kobani. >> reporter: u.s.-led coalition war planes continue to bomb tarts in the besieged city of kobani over my should here.
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and cnn obtained exclusive video, evidence that some of the aid the u.s. military air dropped over kobani seemed to have reached its defenders. precious medicine delivered to a city under siege. an exclusive footage from inside the syrian border town of kobani. medics show the supplies they received on monday. life-saving stuff dropped from the sky by u.s. airplanes. there's antibiotics, anti-septic, medical supplies, bandages. dr. omar has been here for weeks. braving enemy artillery to help the desperate stream of those hit during the isis siege of this kurdish city. the defenners have arab allies. free syrian army fighters who
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show off a suicide bomb vest and vehicle they say they captured from isis. only days ago, it seemed like kobani would be all but lost to isis' furious assault. but the u.s. is helping kobani's defenders with air strikes and now with the first air dropped deliveries of weapons and ammunition. in this tiny makeshift clinic, it's the medicine delivered by america that may turn the tide in this battle. social media suggests that maybe some of the aid fell into the very hands of the people that the u.s. war planes are bombing. this video shows what appears to be an isis fighter next to what is clearly some kind of a parachute bundle. he then goes through what seemed to be the contents of the bundle
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and shows crates of what seem to be hand grenades and mortar round. now the pentagon said that at least one bundle of air dropped aid did drift off course and a war plane destroyed it to keep it from get into isis hands. but now we seem to see that maybe one bundle did get into the hands of the u.s.'s enemy on the ground over here in syria. and that underscores the difficulty of trying to get assistance, ammunition, guns, precious medicine to kobani's defender, even though the turkish military, a nato ally and its tanks and armored vehicles and troops are between here and the city of kobani. the turkish government has announced that kobani's kurdish defenders are basically terrorists. they affiliate them to a terrorist organization, which the turkish government has equated with the isis militant, which it also calls terrorists.
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and as a result, it will not allow the u.s. military to use this very short land corridor to dlifr aid to kobani's defenders. ivan watson, cnn, on the turkish/syrian border. a pentagon spokesman says they're still investigating whether the isis video is authentic, and another u.s. defense official tells cnn the military is studying several scenarios, including the possibility that two air dropped parcels went astray, one of them got bombed and the other picked up by isis. whatever happened, the official says it's, quote, absolutely militarily insignificant. >> well, kobani has been at the center of fierce fighting for weeks no uh. we look at how the conflict has dramatically changed the city's land scape. >> this is kobani seen from above where weeks of fighting and aerial come bardment have led to widespread destruction.
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take a leerer look at the eastern industrious zone where some of the heaviest fighting has taken place. this is what the area looked like earlier this year. now look at a satellite photograph from october 15 in the aftermath of an air strike. more than a dozen buildings levelled by coalition bombs. not far away, a similar scene. a compound of buildings captured by isis, where there was once trees and buildings before, now there is rubble and several massive bomb craters. the fighting and air strikes have forced thousands to flee kobani, looking at a border crossing just north of town. what was an empty field, now turned into a makeshift parking lot with hundreds of cars, trucks and buses abandoned by refugees crossing into turkey. michael holmes, nn. a short break now. but learning to walk again a polish man paralyzed by a
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knife attack is making a remarkable recovery. how the surgeons did it. amamamamamamamamamam rich. my social circle includes captains of industry, former secretaries of state, oil tycoons, and ambassadors of countries known for their fine cheeses. yes i am rich. that's why i drink the champagne of beers. they all lost their lives because of preventable medical errors, now the third leading cause of death. only heart disease and cancer take more lives. proposition 46 will save lives with drug and alcohol testing to make sure impaired doctors don't treat someone you love. safeguards against prescription drug abuse. and holds the medical industry accountable for mistakes. i'm barbara boxer. let's save lives. vote yes on 46.
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>> another u.s. is making passengers coming from west africa go to certain airports. the department of homeland security is requiring anyone arriving from liberia, see year yeah leon and guinea to land at one of five airports that have enhanced ebola screening. meanwhile, freelance cameraman ashoka mukpo is now cured of ebola. and further tests on the nurse's aid in spain show teresa ramirez ramos is also free of ebola. good news there. two ebola vaccine trials are under way in the u.s. .. the world health organization says one test is going on at the national institutes of health.
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a vaccine developed in kaubd is being tested at the walter reed army institute of research. a vaccine can't come soon enough, though. the w.h.o. says more than 4,500 people have died in this outbreak. and patience with ebola restrictions is wearing thin. reports that authorities in a sierra leone town posed a can you few after a dispute over a suspected case of ebola led to gunfire and rioting. a new medical technique is being hailed for a possible cure for the millions around the world suffering paralysis. a polish man was left unable to move from the waste down after a knife attack partially severed his spinal cord. a report on bcc's panorama shows how a pioneering technique has allowed him to walk again. doctors transplanted regeneral tif cells from his nose into his spinal cord. he spoke with the you're
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scientist who developed the procedure. >> many people who are suffering from paralysis, their families and loved ones are going to watch this and hope that this can mean something for them as well. >> so we have to really address that. will this work for me? and when? >> yes. >> how do they address that? first of all, you have to realize where we are. we' got only one patient. we have to repeat it. >> it can be repeated? >> first of all, it will be repeated. and secondly, i believe it will work. >> and this current patient we saw the footage of him, still with some assistance. able to stand, though, as we see in some of the shots. but how much more improvement can we expect in that patient, in patient 1? >> let's understand what improvement we have. this is a guy who had basically retired from life into depression sitting in a
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wheelchair. now he can get around on his own. he's not gong to run. he's not doing 100 meters. he can get out of his chair. he's got body movement. he drives his car. he drives his mother from their home to the rehab center. he goes out hunting in the forest with his friends, which was his great hobby. his life has been turned around. he said it was like being reborn. >> ore experts are still very cautious. they say just as that doctor said that this is only one example and they need to see evidence that this procedure works in other patients. let's turn to the weather now. and travelers in northwest europe may once again face delays today. meteorologist anne ivan cabrera joins us with details. how bad do you think these details are going to be? >> i think the frustrations here are just going to push to the east. london will do better today.
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as a storm heads over to the northwestern part of europe to includes belgium. we are going to talk about problems for the netherlands and also parts of germany as well. from yesterday, look at 72 to 100 kilometres per hour winds through the uk and france and of course, these wind gusts did cause some damage. i'll show you that in a second. let's show you how the folks in london were going out and about in the windy conditions. or at least trying to anyway yesterday. there we are. some of -- well, upside down umbrellas here. that's exactly what we were talking about. the rain that came with this storm system was accompanied -- well-dressed folks in london. was accompanied by winds in excess of 80 kilometres per hour in some cases here. and that was enough to be ann annoying but also cancel flights, divert flights as well, cause some damage. back live here, be able to see on some of our images of trees
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coming down and workers trying to do their best. one woman was hit by a tree here. that's what we're talking about when we get ferocious wind. this is not just a london event. if you're trying to take a flight that is going to take you to this part of the world, you are going to be seeing delays, no question about that. this feature coming in will bring us additional hateful and gusty winds, but certainly nothing like we' seen over the last couple of days. there we are, wednesday afternoon and munich there at 72 kilometres per hour. that's a potential. this model has been handling this storm system rather well. and so i think you can pretty much bet on these kinds of wind
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numbers later on today with winds beginning to diminish. oslo up to 60 by the time we get into sthurz and friday. a storm system that will continue diving down into the south and bring us some alpine snow as well. so for wednesday, for today, amsterdam, brussels, paris, frankfurt, those will be the major airports that will be impacted as a result of the gusty winds. >> when i see you in the next half-hour, we'll be talking about that. >> thanks so much, appreciate it. >> well, protesters in hong kong say they are not going anywhere after talks with government officials yielded no result. we are live from hong kong after this short break. plus her name is sweetie. how authorities are using a virtual child to nab online sex predators.
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switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. i won this 55 inch tv for less than $30 on visit for great deals. and start bidding today! >> welcome back to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i want to check the headlines at this hour. north korea isn't saying why it released prisoner jeffrey fowle, but he's on his way home to ohio
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right now. fowle was arrested in may for leaving a bible at a sailor's club. the white house welcomed the news and urged north korea to free two other americans, kenneth bay and matthew miller. ashuko makpo will be allowed to leave a nebraska hospital on wednesday. he says he feels very blessed and happy to be alive. legendary journalist ben bradley has died at the ability of 993. they guided the newspaper through its coverage of the watergate break-in. the resulting scandal forced u.s. president richard nixon to resign. bradley suffered from alz hi alzheimer's disease and dementia. >> government negotiators met
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with hong kong protesters on tuesday. the demonstrators demanded a timetable for political reform. the government says reform can only come by working with the system. after two hours protest leaders came out of the meeting frustrated and with no agreement. >> kerry lamb wasted the time of the hong kong people and slapped us in the face. there are some so-called pr pras by the government today but they're empty and powerless. no one explained the exact content. >> well, for more, let's turn to andrew stooens, he joins us now live from hong kong. so andrew, no progress, no concrete concessions. what happens next? >> i think what happens next, rosemary is more of the same. as you look around me here, you can see just hundreds now of
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these tents that have springing up. i've been away on assignment the last week and i cam back toad, and the numbers of tents here have grown. it's just exploded really. it's all around this area as well. it just shows how much these students are preparing on digging in for the long haul. as you talked about yesterday, two hours between the protest leaders, the students on one side and the government on the other. there was one concession from the government out of those two hours. and that is they will report back to beijing, reflecting on what is happening here in hong kong. reflecting not only the views of the students of course, but also the other members of the hong kong community. not that it's going to change anything. very unlike live to change anything, because in the same breath, the hong kong government is making it quite clear that, yes, any changes need to be done within a constitutional framework. but that framework really kicks in and those talks will kick in
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after the next election, which is 2017. so another three years before talks begin about change things. the students are saying quite simply, that is not good enough. they're going to stay exactly where they are here in this central area. this is just one of three of the hong kong areas which are now occupied by mainly students. they say they're not going anywhere. the government is indicating that it's in no hurry to try and clear the streets, even though this is the main thoroughfare, which takes you back into the financial heart of this city. police say they're not in a hurry to clear this area at least. and the students like wise say they're not planning to leave. so steal mate continues. we don't know yet whether there's going to be another round of talks. the door has been left open. the students haven't said they want to continue these talks yet. the government says they thought they had quite constructive talks. that's from the government's side. the students, as you were
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saying, rosemary, don't this they occurred. so another round of talks may or may not be on the cards. >> it's a stunning image when your camera man took the wide shot of very tidy, it has to be said, tidy rows of tents. they're making sure they take up as little space as they need to. but at this stage, the concern is, what is going to happen if the government of hong kong loses patience here and decides we're not going to put up with this anymore. >> well, that is right. what could happen, if you look at the reactions to students so far to any attempts by the police to move any students in any part of those three protest sites. and students come back, they come back in numbers. we've seen the scuffle, seen the use of pepper spray once again. so students are presenting a very united front at the moment.
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looking here, looking at just how organized this is, it's hard to see the police even contemplating trying to sweep out this area of force. it could get very, very messy indeed, rosemary. there has been incidents shown here on cnn, those images have been beamed around the world. the hong kong police are keen not to be seen as aggressors against peaceful demonstrators. so at this stage, it's unlikely the police are going to use any strong arm tactics. certainly in this central protest site. there may be more movement in the pa ref yal areas on the ore side of the city, really, which is much more of a working class area. there are small shop stall holders, shop owners there who are being no doubt hurt by the protesters. they're getting angrier and angrier. they want things to change. there may be movement there.
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but what you have to remember is this is not one ho moj nous movement. those who met with the goth yesterday don't control all the protesters. so it has splintered. even if the student leaders call on the students to leave, many of them say -- the ones i've been speaking to say we wouldn't go, we're staying here. so to a degree they don't have complete control over everybody, which complicates the whole thing and complicates it as well for the police. >> here we see police have decided to move some of the protesters out. there's a confrontation between police and protesters and
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presumably an official there as well. we're keeping a very close eye on this. it's a very delicate situation. you have the protesters out on the streets. we saw the lines of tents there where andrew is positioned. and, you know, there's no evidence there of police clearing those students out. but when we look here, you can see there are a lot of police, and there is some sort of a standoff taking place there in mong kok district. we don't know what is happening exactly, but we understand from this point that these police have decided to go in and start moving the protesters out. you can see that the protesters are not as established there as they are where andrew stevens is located. they're very much staking their claim and territory there where andrew is. but here in the mong kok district, we're focused here with the police and the protesters there. they haven't got their tents set up. they haven't claimed their piece of land certainly where these police are. and i guess they decided there's
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an attempt to move some of these protesters out. we don't know exactly what is happening. but keeping a very close eye on these live pictures in mong kok district there in hong kong. just quickly back to andrew stevens because i think he's still able to hear us. so andrew, that's what's happening. that's what's happening. what do you make of that? >> it's certainly nothing we haven't already seen. it's a lot more disruptive in the mong kok area. there's a lot of shop owners that do live hand to mouth. if they're not -- if they're being deprived of their customers, obviously, they want things to change there. the police on several occasions in the past few days tried to
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remove the barriers there, tried to get people out. and what happens is that the students are very, very good at mobilizing. so if there is a threat for the -- to the occupy movement in mong kok, social media and communications swing into action and a lot more students turn up there and it ends up with a stand yauch and another stalemate. so that's what's been happening normally. now, the police have said they do want to clear that area. they want to clear it for traffic. remember, this is a very, very busy shopping area of hong kong. and the protesters are camped in the intersection of two of the most important roads in that retail district. so there's no doubt they are having a big impact on trade there. remember, too, that this is an area which has a heavy prince of organized crime there. they have already been involved in some confrontations with the protesters there in recent weeks. of the arrests, 20 or so, 30
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arrests that have been made in mong kok, several of those were people with the organized crime connections. it is definitely much more of a flash point. we have seen more violence there. the use of pepper spray. but at the moment, the students are staying put. and more students usually come if they're called on. and remember, come back to what i said earlier. some of the students in mong kok say even if we're told to leave by the federation of student leaders, we're not going to. this is our ground, we're going to tough it out here. so what's happening in mong kok looks like a continuation of what we' seen. the pressure continues on protesters there by police. so if there is going to be a clearing out, a hard clearing out, it's likely it will happen in mong kok rather than where i am here in the central business district. >> and as we were speaking, we're getting more details on what was happen on the ground there. we understand at this point that it was the protesters moving the police barriers and that's when the police moved in.
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so we will continue to watch what's happening there in mong kok. many thanks for bringing us up to date on that part of protest zone. >> the u.s. continues to pull its troops out of afghanistan, butt's still waging a war on drugs there. and a new report says it's failing miserably. a government watchdog says afghan farmers are growing an unprecedented amount of opium poppies, bringing them $3 billion in sales last year. that's $1 billion more than they made in 2012. and that's despite u.s. agencies spending $7.6 billion taxpayer dollars to stop narcotics production in afghanistan. south africans are reacting to oscar pistorius' sentence for killing his girlfriend. >> oscar pistorius committed a very serious crime and should have gotten the right punishment. >> we will look at the response and the fallout from the olympian's punishment.
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>> pistorius is working out behind bars in south africa today. he entered prison yesterday to begin his five-year sentence for killing his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. the ruling marked the end of a long series of proceedings that followed a shooting 20 months ago. here's how the sentence was handed down.
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>> the accused was seriously vulnerable. counsel for the defense admitted that a suitable sentence in this matter would be a noncustodial sentence of community service, of three years as suggested. the degree is such that the sentence as suggested would not be appropriate, considering the circumstances in the matter. please rise. the following is what i consider to be a sentence that is firm and just, both to society and to the accused.
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count one, culpable homicide, the sentence imposed is the maximum imprisonment of five years. on count two, the contra vengs of section 120 of the firearms control act, the sentence imposes three years imprisonment, wholly suspended for five years. the sentence shall one concurrently. you may be seated mr. pistorius. [ applause ] >> so that's how the day played out. the prosecutor was pushing for a ten-year prison sentence for pistorius while the defense team was hoping to avoid prison time. cnn legal analyst kelly phelps analyzed how the judge handled
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the demands. >> his sentence strikes a balance between the two starkly different suggestions put forward by the prosecution and the defense. it's on the more harsh end on the spectrum compared to other similar cases, but it's not so severe that the defense is likely to appeal. not everyone is pleased with the sentence. many say the sentence is too short and sends a bad message. take a listen. >> we are disappointed because we are asking yourselves, what kind of message the judge is sending to the entire community and the world. because it was wrong to murder somebody and go with a lousy sentence. >> i think five years is really something that society was not expecting today. today oscar pistorius committed a very serious crime and should have got the right punishment.
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>> so what will life behind bars be like for pistorius? you can check out for a report on what prison life will be like for the olympian. just ahead, game one of the world series. superfans traveled all the way from south korea to route for his beloved royals. find out if it did any good when we return. amam rich.
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>> now to major league baseball and game one of the world series san francisco giants. just beat the kansas city royals 7-1. giants are looking for their third title in five seasons. but this is the royals first trip to the playoffs in 29 years. and royals superfan sun yu lee is traveling aulg the way from south korea to cheer for his beloved team in person. >> he's called the royals superfan. he captured most on television despite the crazy time difference. he's been following them since the '90s. he was here in august to watch the royals sweep the giants and he's hoping for many of the same this time. so he's back after a 17-hour flight to root on the boys in blue to hopefully their first world series win since 1985. >> i thought i could be much
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more better than last time because it's my second visit. but still my heart is pumping loud. is's like pop out. >> don't you love that? and the superfan will be there tonight for game two in the best of seven world series. i want to turn to the weather now. a tropical depression has formed in the gulf of mexico. ivan cabrera is here to explain what exact is going on. >> you don't have any plans to go to mexico the next few days? it's not going to be dangerous as far as the winds here, but we are going to be talking about torrential downpours. let's get over the big wall here and check out conditions on td-9 the, formed just a few hours ago. we don't have a tropical storm or hurricane here and i don't think it has much time to
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organize here. it will be bringing -- look at this hateful here. we have two areas of just unbelievable rains you are going to be seeing significant rains over the next few days as a result of what will possibly be. it gets a little more organized today, we're going to get that symbol. what that means is a tropical storm will be called hannah with an h. we're currently at 55. that's 35 miles an hour. we need to get to 39 and then we have a tropical storm. then again as i mentioned, we don't have time for much organization. as you know, this system organizes over water. that's what's going on with our system here.
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there's potential for some areas to pick up 100 to 200 millimeters of rain. some of that hateful will get up towards south florida. in fact, there we've already been seeing some hateful. key west got rain. cuba and even into the bahamas. the further north you go, the less rain. a marathon there in the keys. 102 millimeters. four inches of hateful in just 24 hours. so that's the kind of rain we're going to be talking about here. tropical downpours. across the west of the u.s., if you're traveling into the united states, may see some delays because of windy conditions in new york. the coast tallow there with heavy rain move into new england. rosemary? >> ivan, many thanks to you. now, a little earlier, we showed you some video. we showed you some live pictures, in fact, from mong kok area of hong kong. we're getting a little more clarification. what exactly is happening there on the ground. police apparently are moving into an area staked out by pro
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democracy demonstrators. a short time earlier, people opposing the dmon stra tors were spotted removing wooden barricad barricades. police say the government did not order their action. there were no reports of violence at this stage. we're understanding that it's not a tense situation there on the ground, but we do want to explain to you, because we weren't really quite sure what was happening. it was very important that we go to those live pictures because this has been a very tense situation in hong kong for some weeks now. they moved the pair kads, the protesters there, they were standing back, watching what was happening and the police weren't taking too much action there. they weren't stopping the anti- protesters there. they weren't stopping them from removing the barricades. and we will, of course, continue to watch this situation as it moves forward. but you have been watching cnn.
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11:00 pm
hello, everyone, and welcome to those of you watching in the u.s. and all around the world. i'm errol barnett, coming up at this hour, heading home, an american jailed in north korea will be heading home. we'll explain whether or not a bible was really to blame for all of this. also coming soon, the world health organization says an ebola vaccine could be raise and used by february. today, i logged into in debit card account and found that i was charged twice for every purchase i made with apple. also coming up, the passing


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