tv The Situation Room CNN October 22, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
2:00 pm you can also subscribe to our magazine on flipboard. that's it for "the lead." i'm jake tapper. i now turn you over to wolf blitzer. he's right next door in "the situation room". happening now, breaking news. [ shots fired ] >> chaos in canada. parliament on lockdown. the prime minister evacuated, after a soldier is killed while standing guard nearby. city under siege, fear grips canada's capital after the shootings. offices, businesses and bridges sealed off and people ordered to should thor in place for at least one other possible shooter and the fbi now on alert. calls by isis for attacks on american targets lead to stepped up security on this side of the border. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." you're in "the situation room." this is cnn breaking news. -- captions by vitac --
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let's get right to the breaking news. gun fire echoes in the halls of parliament and a national war memorial. a soldier and gunman are now dead. lawmakers are in lockdown. schools and businesses have been closed in downtown ottawa until police can rule out the possibility of other assailants, all of this an hour's drive from the united states where the fbi has put out its field offerses, all of them on alert. our cresses, our analysts and newsmakers are standing by with complete coverage. let's begin with our chief national correspondent jim sciutto. he has the latest. >> tonight ottawa police say there are still other suspects they are looking for and police are going door to door on parliament hill to make sure the area, the equivalent of the u.s. capitol hill is safe. here's where the shootings took place. the first one here at the cenotaph memorial. a few minutes later, about 400 yards away at the main parliament building here and where the shootings took place a few minutes' distance and this
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might have been one shooter involved though that is still not confirmed. this is an attack that is raising alert levels on both sides of the border. here in the u.s., arlington national cemetery and new york city heightening security as a precaution. [ shots fired ] >> terror on canada's parliament hill. >> guys, there is a shooter on the loose! >> 9:52 a.m., shots rang out at the war memorial. the victim, a canadian soldier standing guard at the site. >> the guy came from the side, on my left hand side and came out with a rifle and shot at the man and then the guy went falling down. >> reporter: from the scene, police received multiple 911 calls. >> while we were working on the statue, i heard a bunch of pops. i thought it was just firecrackers going off, so i look across the street and there is a man with a rifle shooting at a bun of people. >> all of a sudden i heard a shot and i turned around and
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there was a guy with a rifle just around on the back cornerc shot and i turned around and there was a guy with a rifle a round of shooting followed a minute later. [ shots fired ] police rush others outside to safety. you hear this pop, pop, pop. i thought it was dynamite, rather than anything else and the security guards come rushing down the hallways. they're to the back of the parliament buildings. >> in the chaos, a hero, the parliament's sergeant-at-arms shooting down an armed suspect. shortly after 10:00 a.m.,
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confirmation that the soldier shot at the war memorial is dead. a suspected shooter, a male is also dead. police, however, still unsure whether another gunman remains on the loose. >> we are still investigating the active operation. we're in the process right now with the rcmp in the clearing and securing parliament hill and that's a slow, methodical approach. >> tonight canada's capital, ottawa, is still on alert. just a week ago a canadian claiming to be with isis, abu khalid al ka in, adi, yes, my message is clear, canada issued attacks on the islamic state, taking part in the coalition against isis. so muslims in canada, retaliate and kill them wherever you find them. a suspect known to be consuming isis propaganda drove his car into a canadian soldier killing him. today's attack has no connection to islamist extremism, but it is a style of lone wolf attack that concerns officials both in
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canada and here in the u.s. you'll remember when i spoke to the national counterterrorism center and the most likely attack that he's concerned about taking place in the u.s. is lone wolf attacks just like that. >> it's one of those raising lots of concern for obvious reason. jim, thanks very much. u.s. intelligence is working very closely with canada to investigate the latest violence and the fbi on alert especially after recent calls from isis to target americans and let's bring in our isis justice pamela brown. what are you learning? >> we are learning that the fbi has asked field offices across the country to remain vigilant in the wake of the events in canada this week where two soldiers this been killed in two separate incidents. the concern among law officials is that we could see someone try to emulate this in the u.s. in the past week, the fbi and dhs sent out a bulletin to law enforcement agencies after intelligence pecked up chatter from isis members urging attacks against government officials
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including law enforcement and military personnel and the top concerned lone wolf attacks because they're difficult to detect, especially the small-scale, tactical opportunities like a hit and run, something like that that doesn't take much plotting and it happens with little to no warning and it's not going hit a trip wire. so what happened in canada, wolf, reenforces the need to be vigilant in the u.s. >> taking a lot of precautions right now out of an abundance of caution and they're deeply worried about what they call the chatter and the thought that there could be something behind these may be random, but maybe not so random incidents in canada. president obama has been briefed on the violence in ottawa and he's spoken directly with canada's prime minister stephen harper. let's hear from white house correspondent jim acosta. what else are you learning? >> president bush did call stephen harper to express u.s. solidarity with canada. thedid call stephen
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harper to express u.s. solidarity with canada. the president did condemn the attack that involved a radicalized canadian. the president said the u.s. national security team is working closely with canadian authorities to get to the bottom of what happened in ottawa. >> i don't have all of the information about what motivated the shooting. we don't yet have all of the information about whether this was part of a broader network or plan or whether this was an individual or series of individuals who decided to take these actions, but it emphasizes the degree to which we have to remain vigilant when it comes to dealing with these kinds of acts of senseless violence or terrorists and i pledge, as always, to make sure that our national security teams are coordinating very closely given not only it's canada, one of the closest allies in the world.
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>> one thing white house press secretary josh earnest said u.s. and canadian officials have been having discussions on this issue of countering violent extremists. the white house being careful not to draw any conclusions on what happened in ottawa earlier today, but one well-placed u.s. official say the terrorist connection is not being ruled out at this point, wolf? >> what about the security level at the white house where you are? >> wolf, we have not seen that security presence beefed up over here. i did talk to a senior secret service official who said the agency is monitoring the situation in canada and of course, security procedures, as you know, wolf, are being reviewed here after last month's fence jumping incident involving the white house intruder. at this point we're not seeing any change in posture here. >> that intruder didn't just get over the fence. he got inside the white house. he actually got into the east room of the white house that caused all sort of concern.
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thanks very much, jim, for that. joining us on the phone is josh wingrobe, he was inside the parliament building when the shooting started and recorded some incredible video. first of all, what's the latest that you're hearing, josh, over there? are the law enforcement authorities still searching the parliament building? >> it seems so. we're still stuck in a lockdown and it's dragged on for about seven hours now. all signs are that this is a very active and fluid situation here. what they've done is sort of corralled everyone in the building, m.p.s, staff, journalists and put them in one room under guard while they figure out what's happening and that's sort of where we are right now. >> they're looking for a potential second suspect even though they're not saying that there is a second suspect, that's their fear, is that right? >> yeah. we heard today at 9:52 a.m. was that the the shooting was at the memorial a.m. and at 9:54 i
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heard the shooting. you have to be very fast to do both of those things in that order if those times are correct. i think it is too soon to say whether they've got everyone, but again, sort of inside the bubble here, it's hard for us to know and we've been locked down. we have women, children, babies here in this room and i think everyone is trying to stay calm. it's been quite the day, particularly for tourists who are not used to the building. upon this is not what they signed up for when they came to see parliament today. >> that lockdown continues in parliament and the u.s. embassy is under lockdown and the canadian embassy in washington under lockdown. we have the incredible i haved why from the globe & mail that you guys shot, and i'll play some of it it for our viewers. watch this. [ shots fired ]shot, and i'll p it for our viewers. watch this. [ shots fired ]guys shot, and if it it for our viewers. watch this. [ shots fired ]
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[ indiscernible ] >> describe what it was like to hear those sounds and to be there. >> oh, it -- it was -- it had me shaken as you can imagine. i'm sort of kicking myself for flinching and the video cuts out from time to time. i've done assign ams internationally in afghanistan and that's what jumped to mind for me, sort of that sound of gun fire and the instinct to hit cover, but in many ways, the first responders that run toward trouble and that's part of the job and that's what was going on. there, i think i got lucky and i'm expecting an earful from my fiance later tonight. >> did you ever think, josh, that you would be experiencing something like this in parliament in ottawa? >> no, i tell you. i was writing a really boring story sitting in the hallway by comparison in the minutes before
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the shooting. it's just horrible and canada security is pretty easy going here in parliament. you can get right up to the side of the building without being seen and the door that the guy appears to have gone through didn't have the metal detector and they're for accredited journalists and i can't imagine that option being available us to going forward. it's a tourist attraction and security is pretty easy going and has been and obviously today he took advantage of that and we heard rcmp got caught off guard. >> you actually saw a body in parliament, is that right? >> that's right. down by the hall of honor, a tribute to our soldiers who died in afghanistan. the police went down and that led to the fire fight that you saw in the video. i believe i saw a body slumped over there. i can't confirm who it was. there was a report of at least one shooter is dead and the only guard shot is okay. he was shot in the leg. so that appears to have been the
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culmination of what happened here and of course, we have the other attack at the war memorial which is tragic and has led to a soldier dying. this comes two days after we had a soldier are die in a hit and run in quebec in the next province over. there are a string of events that have happened and it's hard to say they're connected, but the timeline is conspicuous. >> last friday or so the canadian government raises the threat level in the country because of what they call chatter, disturbing intelligence that intercepts, communications intercepts that on monday there was a an incident, where a convert to islam uses his car and kills a soldier and then today we see what's happening first at the national war memorial in ottawa and then a few minutes away over at the parliament. i take it the suspicion is there is some sort of connection, is that right? >> certainly it seems to be. the fact that we're under
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lockdown speaks to it. if they had the situation under control we would be let out a long time ago and we haven't been and no word on whether we will be. very fluid. there was a press conference and they didn't have a lot in the way of answers and that is understandable. this is sort of fast moving, but this is by no means a situation that is considered over. it is unclear if there is a man hunt going. it is unclear if there is another person in the building i'm in in parliament and it is unclear about how many people ultimately paid a price with bloodshed in this whole deal. a lot of questions still unanswered here, but just a horrifying day for people to witness, first responders, and witnesses and tourists. >> i suspect the body that you saw was the shooter because the other body was at the national war memorial and that's the soldier who was killed. how long would it take that shooter, assuming it's the same person, to get from the war memorial over to the parliament. >> you could run in a couple of
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minutes, but you would have to be -- for someone to apparently do something at 9:52 when the police got the call at the war memorial. i noted the gun fire at 9:54. that's a pretty tight timeline, either the 911 calls came in late which is hard to imagine or the guy absolutely sprinted and wasn't noticed by the security outside carrying a gun which seems implausible or there was more than one person involved. >> the suspicion is more than one person involved because it would be hard for someone with a weapon to run from the national memorial and get through the door and there are no metal detectors and for members of parliament, and there are law enforcement authorities there at that door, right? >> there are, yeah. there are usually two right there and at the top of the short staircase in the rotunda area and the rotunda is whera lot of the gun fire went down and from there it went to the
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hall of honor toward the library of parliament. there were guards there and there definitely were and if you see in the video there must have been a dozen of them with guns drawn with what i presume was the target and the shooter. it wasn't that there was a lack of people, but it was pretty loose with regard to how secure it was. flashing and passing. >> and that explains why you, josh, and so many others in the parliament building right now remain seven, eight hours later still under lockdown and they're searching for someone else even as we speak. that's my assumption. josh winglobe of the globe & mail. good luck to you and to all of the folks and we'll stay on top of the breaking news. we'll take a quick break. we'll be right back. [ high-pitched ] nailed it! [ normal voice ] you're right, that was really easy. i know, i told you so. on, you can compare our progressive direct rates
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at happened to see the four shots at the last second. all i remember was he was wearing a light fall jacket and jeans, black hat and boots. he was about 6 feet tall and really, that was about it and a bunch of cops came up and down the street. >> what did you see him do? >> shoot the -- i'm guessing was a canadian armed forces soldier. he, um, i'm guessing he was standing at attention at the memorial and yeah, he shot him five times. >> we're following the breaking
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news, shots rang out in canada's capital. a soldier is killed at a war memorial and a gunman is shot dead at the parliament building in ottawa and that forced the evacuation of the prime minister. lawmakers are in lockdown even as we speak right now, it's seven, eight hours after the incident. schools have been shut down. businesses as well as police continue to search for other possible suspects. cnn's paula newton has been watching what's going on. you're very familiar, paula. you know this area, ottawa, very, very well. you're getting more information. what else are you picking up? >> right now, they're still in the process of going door to door in the parliament building trying to make sure that there aren't any other suspects. at this point they're working very hard to determine exactly who the suspect is who was killed, who was doing the shooting in the parliament buildings and what exactly the origins are and what his background is. right now they're refusing to confirm anything.
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i was in contact with the prime minister's office and he remains at a secure location and is hoping to be able to make a statement in the next few hours. again, extraordinary events there on parliament hill and i've been in every corner and crevice of the building and they try to strike a balance with the security and the point was that they wanted to close it to cars to make sure that someone couldn't go up there with explosives and they wanted to keep it fairly open for pedestrian traffic and right now, it is a game changer in canada and they will be looking at that kind of security. in terms of the terror threat level that has been raised in canada to medium precisely for the kind of chatter they had been hearing about possible attacks, not just on canadian targets, but also just on members of the public and they have had a heightened awareness over the last few weeks. >> you heard josh wingrove of the globe and mail, and apparently this shooter just walked into the doorway where
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parliamentarians and journalists go through and no metal detectors and there are law enforcement officers on the scene and just apparently walked right through or maybe ran right through. it's pretty shocking when you think about it. >> well, as i said, they tried to strike a balance and in going through that door. i walked through that door without getting screened. as a journalist you can go right through that door. that is a point they'll revisit. it is like the intruder in the white house. he would have had to storm through the door as josh was saying, screaming down the hallway, 250 feet on either side. he would have a collection of m.p.s and senators and all of the federal politicians collected in two rooms on either side. an incredibly tense situation which is why authorities are not taking any chances. they want every corner of that parliament building there to be searched. >> the prime minister stephen harper is fine, but he's in that building, right? he was there at the time.
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>> he was there at the time. i'm not exactly sure if he was on the room at the left. he would have had to be in the room on the left eventually just a few paces from where the shooting took place because they were having a caucus meeting and he was likely in his office just a few floors above and it's totally possible he would have heard the shots being fired and they would have spearheaded a plan they would have gone over and over to get the prime minister to a secure location. definitely tense moments for the prime minister and everyone in that building and as we've heard those tense moments continue because a lot of people in that building right now are wondering what's going on and they've been told to keep calm and wait for the authorities to do their job. >> seven hours later the lockdown in the parliament building and elsewhere in ottawa continues. >> paula, stand by. security, meanwhile, is being stepped up in the united states in the wake of these canadian shootings and u.s. air defenses are on heightened readiness and our pentagon correspondent barbara starr is getting new
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information. what are you learning, barbara? >> earlier today the joint military command between the u.s. and canada made their move. they increased their alert level for canadian aircraft in the ottawa region, moving a number of aircraft closer to ottawa to be ready to respond if they'll need to do something to defend canadian airspace. that is how uncertain the situation has remained throughout the day, not really knowing what was going on and what should be needed. so they have been undergoing this review. i can also tell you, this whole notion of potential inspired isis attacks. they issued a bulletin back in september warning personnel to be cautious, to be careful, to be aware. people get inspired by that lone wolf attacks would be possible, something that they wanted everybody to be alert and look out for. something that both canadian
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military and u.s. military are so concerned about at this hour. wolf? >> we know the shooting incident occur anded and the canadian soldier at the national war memorial in ottawa right near the parliament building. the u.s. has stepped up security at the tomb of the unknowns at arlington national cemetery right outside of washington, d.c. >> you can say it's out of an abundance of caution, but it is very startling to so many. arlington national semitore, hallowed ground in the united states on the banks of the potomac river. 400,000 americans visit arlington cemetery every year. it is likely the most visited tourist attraction for americans and for citizens from all over the world who come to washington. the tomb of the unknown. so many people have been there and there is that precision drill around the clock, by the
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army personnel who guard the tomb of the unknowns and other personnel who stand watch there. because the canadian attack happened at their war memorial, the military increased precautions in washington at that site. an abundance of caution and no information on a direct threat, but still an indication of just how unsettling this whole day. >> stand by, barbara. paula, stand by, as well. we will resume the breaking news coverage right after this.
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we're covering the breaking news. it's ongoing and lockdowns at the parliament building continue. one gunman and one canadian soldier are dead. this is unfolding right in the heart of canada's capital of ottawa, only 45 miles or so from the u.s. border. tom foreman has a closer look at where the attacks took place. >> at 9:50 this morning a gunman came around the corner of this building that houses the prime minister's offices. this site is revered by canadians and it is visited by their officials and visiting dignitaries where they place wreaths at the tomb of the unknowns and buried and poppies and flowers that people lay there. it's an important place. in any event, after that soldier was killed, witnesses then say the gunman headed over this way and some say he actually hijacked a car and took it up here to the entrance of
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parliament, the center building of parliament. this is also a national landmark. the peace tower and he went in through this door according to witnesses. they were shooting just inside the foyer and then he moved more toward the back of the building. down this hallway and there was more shooting there. a lot of shots fired and eventually the sergeant-at-arms killed him back there near the library in the back here, but that wasn't the end of things, wolf, precisely because of what you've been reporting. authorities have been proceeding on the belief that there may be more than won gunman involved in all of this so what followed were hours of rumors and shooting and more reports of a shooting at a mall in this area and none proved to be true, but it was enough to force all kinds of govern amement offices and bridges to shut down as they went door to door. the toronto maple leaves were in town for a hockey game and they were locked down in a hotel.
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that game has now been cancelled and yet the search goes on to see if there is anybody in this area who is somehow connected to that string of shootings over those few minutes this morning. >> more than seven and a half hours after the shooting and there is a lockdown that remains in effect as they continue searching potentially for other suspects or a suspect. tom foreman, thanks for the explanation. joining us now is tom worthington at the ottawa hospital where the victims are being treepted. thanks so much for joining us and how many people are you treating right now? how many victims? >> there were four patients injured in this incident. the first patient succumbed to their injuries and the three injuries were not life-threatening and they're stable and still in the hospital. >> was the first person who died the alleged shooter or was that
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the soldier? >> the -- i really can't get into specifics about the individual patients. i apologize about that, wolf. so i prefer to just keep this conversation at a very high level. >> one person did die at the hospital, is that correct? >> that is correct. yes. >> presumably, you have sensitive issues over there, so it's either the shooter or the soldier. we only know of two people who were killed in today's incident and the shooter and the parliament and the shooter at the national war memorial and if you want to answer this go ahead. do you know of others that may have been killed today? to the best of our knowledge, all of those victims were coming to our hospital. >> and the three injuries that you're treating, they say you're in good shape, these three people. >> yes. they should be fine. >> not life-threatening, but all of the result of gunshots. >> two are gunshots and one
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other is a gunshot injury and the other two are not gunshot injuries. >> are you bracing for more? what are they telling the hospital as far as other possible incidents or are you on stand by? we are still on standby and we have not been given the all-clear by our police and we continue this standby until we do receive that until the police. >> anything like this ever happened in ottawa before, dr. worthington? >> not of this nature. it's a tragic event for the family and for the city. >> tragic, indeed. dr. worthington, thank you. thanks to your staff, as well. i know you guys are working very, very hard. let's continue the breaking news. joining us our national security analyst peter bergen and tom fuentes, former fbi assistant director and cnn global affairs analyst james reese.
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thanks very much for going on. you've been looking, studiying terrorism for 20 years. peter, what do you think? does this have a feeling of a coordinated terrorist operations? sort of plot? is it someone that may have been inspired or just a nut? >> i think it is too early to tell. i'll make the following estimation, a hundred canadians have gone to might and that's the same number of americans that have fought, and canada has a serious radicalization problem and it's more of the pop laegz than we saw over the incident over the last 48 hours and now this. we don't know quite what this is, about you they could be linked. >> colonel reese, you know what sort of chain of events by u.s. officials and they're still concerned about what's going on in canada. last week the canadian government tells the united states government and canadian
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jet fighters and canada will support the u.s. in these air strikes against isis targets in syria and iraq to which there is a message that goes out by isis supporter named by abu khalid al kanadi, he's a convert to islam, but he's a canadian. he supports isis and sends out a message proclaiming, yes, my message is clear. canada initiated attacks on the islamic state so muslims in canada, retaliate and kill them wherever you find them. on friday the canadian government goes ahead and raises the threat level maybe because of that, maybe because of other so-called chatter. on monday a canadian soldier is basically driven over by a vehicle, by a convert islam. today we see what's going on. this is what raises the concern, this kind of pattern of activity. >> wolf, it does. what we've seen now over the last month is every time a western nation joins the coalition or commits forces to go in, you see this chatter coming out of isis.
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upon they take someone that they have moved in, a canadian, an american, a brit, they become the spokesmen. they challenge the country and that becomes a threat and everyone starts raising their threat level and it's a concern. >> norad goes on a higher level alert upon. the aerospace defense system that the u.s. and canada do jointly. the canadian embassy in washington, d.c. on pennsylvania avenue, they're on lockdown right now and there's extra security and the tomb of the unknowns at arlington national cemetery. explain what's going on here. >> once something like this happens and it has happened in the past and there are two incidents in be canada in a week. it will raise the alert level for the u.s. and for canada beth and other western countries and that's a big part of this issue to be ready to be in all situations. i think what could be a possible lesson in the future, if you're
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going to put out there in military companies their guns ought to have bullet because they'll be a target and the people who march at the tomb of the unknown soldier and the united states, that gun is empty and have nothing if someone decides to gun them down. >> it looks like they're ready to go active duty, but they're not. they're in a ceremonial posture. >> i suspect that will change. i want everyone to stand by. much more of the breaking news right after this.
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parliament after a soldier was killed at a nearby war memorial. the the lockdown as police look for other possible assailants and it comes two days after a man who canadian authorities described as radicalized killed another soldier with his car being shot dead. there's no sign yet that the incidents are related. joining me now is mubin sha, ikh, thank you very much for joining us what's your take on what's going on in canada right now? >> well, we're obviously in shock and surprise and usual caveats apply. we don't know anything for certain, but speculation at this point is that it is, in fact, a terrorist attack. >> you think that it's related what happened today to what happened on monday when there was that car killing of a canadian soldier? >> that's right. officer vincent, long time
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veteran. i do believe it's linked. it could be linked by way of inspiration or by way of planned and directed. >> when this isis supporter, this guy who calls him abu khalid al kanadi sends a message after canada joined the u.s. in the air campaign against isis saying yes, my message is clear. canada initiated attacks and kill them wherever you find them, do authorities normally take a message like that seriously in canada? >> well, i mean, you know, i've tweeted back and forth with that individual. the problem is that canadians haven't conducted any attacks militarily. so, i mean, he's calling to retaliate to attacks which we haven't even conducted. these guys are always cheerleading and they're always talking like this. so that in and of itself wouldn't trigger any enhanced security precautions, but, you
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know, we're tempted to think that coming so soon after such statements. >> canada is now involved and deployed jet fighters to kuwait to start launching some support missions with the u.s., but they did announce last week they were joining the u.s.-led coalition in this war against isis and that apparently sparked this warning from abu khalid al kanadi. you at one point in your life were part of the jihadi culture, but you changed course and began working as an undercover operative for canada's intelligence service so give us somers. pektive now on what's going on? >> well, we keep asking why do these individuals become radicalized. you're hearing stories of 15, 16, 17-year-old girls going to austria and young girls. they're living in a fantasy world and they don't understand what awaits them on the other side especially for a lot of girls and they're the bad boys,
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right? a little bit of sex. a little bit of adventure and trying to live a dream thinking that the caliphate is restored and we're all going to go there and live happily ever after. >> mubin, i want you to stand by for one moment. this is cnn breaking news. >> let's go to >> you've learned important information? >> reporter: that's right, wolf. multiple u.s. officials are telling myself and some of our other colleagues, cnn's deb fairic, jim sciutto, pamela brown, that the shooter's name has been identified by canadian officials as michael zehaf-bibeau. he's canadian born, in 1982. 32-year-old canadian man named as the likely shooter. officials are saying he has a history of drug addiction and drug use before he converted to
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islam. so we understand that he's an islamic convert. this is obviously michael zehaf-bibeau is an arabic-islamic type name. officials say along the north african type of descent. that's really all they know at this point. officials are saying that right now, this is all they know about his name. he was converted to islam and had a history of drug addiction before he converted to islam. and the cbc, the canadian broadcasters, is reporting that he had convictions of drug use and drug dealings before he was converted to islam, dating back about ten years, wolf. >> was his name michael zehaf-bibeau before he converted to islam or is that his new name? >> reporter: we understand that's his new name. that's the name officials are using right now, michael zehaf-bibeau. >> and u.s. officials, sources are telling you that he is a
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canadian citizen, is that right? >> reporter: canadian citizen, born in quebec in 1982. that raises the question whether he had any connection to main stream islamic groups. there's no indication u.s. officials are telling us so far. but perhaps he was one of their -- what they're calling a lone wolf in canada. but there is a concern now with this islamic convert that this was an act of islamic extremism. officials are saying they don't know if some of these attacks earlier in the week and the attacks of today are linked together. there's no indication they are, but they can't rule it out. >> the vehicle killing of that canadian soldier on monday was also orchestrated by a canadian who converted to islam, as well. stand by for a moment. i want to bring back mubin sheikh, now a counterterrorism operative for the canadian
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intelligence service. your reaction? >> i'm no longer active with the service, just a quick correction. we did learn the name, michael zehaf-bibeau. zehaf i believe is algerian. he was arrested for various drug possessions. a lot of the converts come from troubled backgrounds. it could be from prison or at the hands of extremist individuals. but it's a way for them to fix their life, salvation. they've come from a screwed up background and when you convert, all your past sins are forgiven. for a lot of them, it's an attempt towards salvation. >> we're told, and you probably know this better than i do, the spokesman for isis, also is a canadian who converted to islam. then he made the trek over to
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syria and is working with isis right now. so there seems to be a pattern as far as i can tell. but give me your analysis? >> yeah, he's a west indian convert of caribbean background. these are individuals that know the religion. they've just converted or are very new to the religion. and they want to be instant heroes. instead of doing the hard work like everyone else does and study the religion properly. it makes perfect sense that individuals ignorant to the faith, looking to become instant heroes, these are the things they do. >> it's a worrisome development, peter bergen. your thoughts? >> we've seen in the united states a number of people who converted from christianity to islam to become terrorists. omar muhabi, from alabama, was
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baptist agreeing up. he then joined al shabab, which is an al qaeda affiliate. >> the fbi has been given the name -- a few hours ago, the fbi was given the name of this shooter who is now dead, his name we have identified as michael zehaf-bibeau. i hope i'm pronouncing it correctly. what can the fbi do to help canada in getting information about this guy? >> they'll be looking at any and all connections he may have had. any of the social media contacts with people in the u.s. that may have a better understanding of him and his background. this would have been something that the canadians would have shared with the u.s. immediately upon their getting his name. >> were you surprised the canadian parliament didn't stiffen its security in the wake of what's going on? >> yeah, that's surprisinsurpri.
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tom and i talked before, you know, we're starting to get numb to these alerts, and people just move through their day. >> everybody stand by. much more on the breaking news coming up right after this. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, we've always been at the forefront of advanced electronics. providing technology to get more detail... ♪ detect hidden threats... ♪ see the whole picture... ♪ process critical information, and put it in the hands of our defenders. reaching constantly evolving threats before they reach us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman.
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a gunman storms the canadian parliament with the prime minister inside. the building is still on lockdown right now, as police search for more suspects. we just learned the identity of the dead gunman. a member of the canadian armed forces gunned down just moments before the attack on the parliament. the u.s. on alert. extra precautions are being taken about growing concerns of a similar attack on american soil. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." >> this is cnn breaking news. >> and we're following the breaking news. the deadly attack on the canadian capital still unfolding as authorities search for more suspects. [ gunfire ] shots rang out inside parliament where a gunman officials now identify as michael zehaf-bibeau. a canadian born in 1982, was
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shot and killed by the sergeant in arms of the canadian parliament. he's a recent convert to islam and has a history of drug use. moments earlier, a canadian soldier was shot at the nearby canadian war memorial and died. all of this happening in ottawa, just 45 miles or so from the u.s. border and putting u.s. agencies on heightened alert. president obama spoke about the attack just a little while ago. >> it's very important, i think, for us to recognize that when it comes to dealing with terrorist activity, that canada and the united states has to be entirely in sync. we have in the past. i'm confident we will continue to do so in the future. >> we're covering the breaking news with our correspondents and guests all in key locations. let's begin with our justice correspondent pamela brown. what's the latest? what are you hearing? >> reporter: the man identified
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by canadian officials as the like hi shooter is canadian borner michael zehaf-bibeau. the sources say that he was a 32-year-old convert to islam and had a history of drug use before he converted. as officials search ottawa for more suspects, they are investigating whether today's shootings are a link to terrorism. tonight, with members of canada's parliament still barricaded inside. police are going door-to-door, searching for other possible gunman. it began at 9:52 this morning. police received calls of shots fired at ottawa's national memorial. witnesses say a man walks up to a soldier and shoots him before fleeing the scene. moments later -- [ gunfire ] gunfire erupts inside canada's main parliament building.
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police officers fan out, as lawmakers inside a caucus room try to protect themselves, piling up chair s in front of e door. >> we've been told to keep all doors locked, lower the blinds and stay away from the windows. >> reporter: a journalist inside parliament watches it unfold. >> it appears the gunfire broke out at the entrance of the door and moved down the hallway to the north. a second round of gunfire just in front of the lie bare of parliament. at that point, i saw a body slump down. >> reporter: the sergeant in arms shoots and kills the gunman. parliament hill goes on lockdown. two victims are rushed to the hospital. panic ripples across the city as reports spread that other gunmen might still be on the loose. police escort people out of downtown buildings. hours later, police confirm the
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shootings at memorial park and parliament hill, there was no shootings downtown. tonight, a canadian law enforcement official tells cnn they are still hunting for more potential suspects. >> we have to apprehend and arrest the people that are involved in this incident. at this time, we don't have these people. >> reporter: at this point, we only know the identity of one suspect, michael zehaf-bibeau. but the search continues tonight for any other suspects. authorities are investigating whether there are any links between today's shootings and a hit and run of a canadian soldier earlier this week. >> thank you very much, pamela, for that. we're getting in dramatic new audio of the attack on the canadian parliament. you'll hear the gunshots and the parliament hill bureau chief for the city news there will join us in a moment. but first, listen this.
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[ gunfire ] >> i don't know. there's a bunch of gunshots. >> a guy with a shotgun if >> yeah, i saw him coming in. [ gunfire continues ] >> where do we go? >> he's now joining us on the phone. mccormick, you were there. how does a guy with a shotgun walk into the parliament building in ottawa, even though there's a heightened state of alert announced louisiana week? >> the way parliament hill is set up, wolf, there are many doors that people can walk up and staff can enter. but it seems like what normally happens is that you have two guards on the front door.
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it that ask to see your i.d. you show them your parliamentary i.d., which shows you have gone through a background check to make sure that you're not a threat to national security in any way. and that you work on the hill. then they let you in. most of the time we got a lot of tourists who walk in and they're turned away and told to go through the public access door with metal detectors and a lot of guards and x-ray machine. but the staff entrance is right there, and apparently this gunman walked up and as he walked into the door, one of the guards was shot immediately in the leg. another guard, i'm told, the gunman turned towards him and he dove out of the door to get out of the way and luckily that quick action must have saved his life, because after that, the
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gunman started walking up the stairs. so the security on parliament hill when it comes to people walking in through those front doors, has always been quite of light. i imagine after this, it's going to be much different on parliament hill. >> so this dead gunman, michael zehaf-bibeau, he walked through that doorway, guns placing and started shooting right away. he was waiting for anything is >> yeah. so i was down by that door two minutes before he walked through. i had met a politician that i knew from a long time ago and had a quick, casual conversation with him. he walked out the front doors. i walked back into the rotunda and sat down and i heard people screaming about 30 seconds later. i was on the phone at the time, and the people started running towards me, and that's when i heard the gunfire right away. so somebody must have noticed that he had the gun before he walked through the doors.
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we started running down a hallway and the security guards outside of the caucus door, and one thing that was happening at the time, all of our mps from the government and the official opposition were having separate strategy meetings, and they were just on the other side of the doors of the hallway that the gunman was walking down. if he had turned right or left and walked through one of those doors this situation would have been a lot different. i ran downstairs and immediately saw a lot of security guards who didn't really know where the gunshots were coming from, because there's a lot of echoes that go through the hallways here. i asked them where was safe to go? they couldn't quite tell, because they didn't know where the gun shots were coming from. as they were trying to move members of the public to get ready to go on tours of the
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building, they were trying to get them to safety, as well. they shoved us into a security office, locked the door and we've been in lockdown since. >> you're still in lockdown now eight hours after the shooting? >> that's correct. and we're not sure how long this is going to last. there are a lot of people in these buildings that aren't allowed to leave until the national security force gives us the all-clear. we could be here well into the evening. it's not too clear what exactly is going to happen in that regard. but we know they'll problem hi want to talk to a lot of people that saw this happen. i think we're going to say here for a little while. >> i suspect they're looking for other suspects or a suspect, is there any indication they're looking for explosive devices? have you seen dogs sniffing
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around? >> there's a heavy police presence, a lot of attack units with assault rifles, as well as police dogs. they are doing a sweep of parliament hill to make sure there isn't any other suspect who could be on the loose in the area. that's why they're not letting us leave. they're going over every inch of this building to make shower we're kept safe. they don't want to let us out until they know it's safe to send us on our way. at the moment, i don't know what they're exactly looking for. there were earlier reports that there was another suspect, that was coming from authorities. yet when asked about it later in a press conference, off parliament hill, they wouldn't confirm or say anything about a second gunman. so it's unclear as to what's going on. the people here in the lockdown, we're not getting a lot of
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information, only what we can get when our reception is good enough to pick up what's on the news at the moment. we have one tv set up with one television station. but a lot of people are crowded around that. >> the sergeant of arms was the hero, right? >> that's what i'm led to believe. i was speaking with some guards about this, and they believe that the gunman may have had body armor on him. it wasn't been confirmed by officials, but that's what i was told, he had body armor on. if you think about the distance it takes to walk from the front doors to where the gunman was shot, that's a good, long stretch. there are a lot of officers and house of commons security officers who were there firing back at this man. yet he was still able to walk before he was taken down by our sergeant in arms.
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his office not far from the library of parliament. he was aible to grab a pistol from his office and took the shot at the man. >> did you see michael zehaf-bibeau, the shooter? did you see him before or after he was shot? >> i did not see him before or after he was shot. i saw people running at me and i heard the gunshots. whether he was in the crowd of the people coming towards with me i'm not sure, but i turned and ran knowing exactly what was going on. i didn't turn back, because i wanted to get to safety right away to make sure that i wasn't in the line of fire because he was heading in that direction. but they quickly threw us into a security office and told us to stay there and not move and they locked the door behind us so we weren't getting out.
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so we didn't see the actual shooting of the suspect, but that footage shot by a colleague of mine here on parliament hill, another reporter, that video that has been played many times on every station, you see everything that happened there. it's such a tragic and horrifying event, one that will lead to a lot of questions about security here for weeks, months, if not years ahead. >> i suspect there will be metal detectors at that door when there weren't before. we'll stay in close contact with you. once you get free over this, let us know. we'll talk to you again. another member of the canadian parliament is joining us, david mcginty. where are you now? are you still among the parliamentaryians in that
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building? >> i'm under lockdown, wolf. i'm not in the same building, but in a neighboring building just on the left side of the center block. >> what is it like -- tell us what they're telling you? >> what they told us several hours to obviously stay barricaded in our offices, keeping everything locked to dra the miblinds and stay away from the windows. >> the suspicion, there could be another killer at large? >> that's what we're hearing. we're not getting information other than through reliable 3450e8dia sources. i'm in a situation where i happen to represent an electoral distribute height here in ottawa, and thousands of them are being held in an area in the downtown core where they also are not able to leave their offices.
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so we have a lot of folks right now on a hold pattern. >> including that downtown area, is that a dock loun area, as well? >> that's my understanding. it captures quite a wide swath of buildings and office towers, as well as the whole parliament area. >> where were you when this shooter, michael zehaf-bibeau, operated inside the parliament? s >> i left my home to drive to join my party. as i was driving towards the parliament buildings on the street, on wellington street, i was in one of the far lanes and i came upon a vehicle that was stopped.
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it looked like a toyota, beige color. this was at a dead stop. no lights flashing, nobody around the vehicle. it's not as if the hood of the car was up. it was just simply there and concerned me. i drove around it and looked at the vehicle and you noticed there were no license plates on the vehicle. so i continued on my way and walls then cut off by vehicles that were racing up towards the parliament buildings. >> did you see anybody in that vehicle? >> i did not. i'm excite sure i saw the windows down. i noticed it was an older vehicle, just in a dead spot.
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>> last week canada raised its threat level because of what they call shatter concern out there after canada said it was joining the united states in these air strikes in the middle east. have you noticed any heightened security on parliament snil >> not that i can point to. i have confidence in our house of common security and our rcmp and police force. i know they've been working together for years in anticipation of this kind of a terrible event. >> thank you very much for joining us. good luck to you. let's get more now. joining us republican congressman peter king of new york, a key member of the house homeland security committee. i assume you're being briefed, congressman. what are you hearing about what happened? >> i have not received any
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official briefing, but i've been in contact with sources in the intelligence and law enforcement communities. basically, it's as you reported it. as of several hours ago, i was talking to several people in law enforcement who felt that this did have connections to eaislamt terrorists. they were not ruling anything else out, but that was the direction they were going in. now, of course, the report, if true that he was a muslim convert would ad to that. >> the individual who killed that soldier on monday driving over in a vehicle, also a convert to islam. the spokesman for isis who made that threat last week, michael zehaf-bibeau, 32 years old, a
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canadian citizen, history of drug use. he's dead now. he went into that parliament building and started shooting. we don't know if this is the individual who shot the individual at the war memorial. >> i think what they are even more concerned about is whether or not this is part of a wider ranging plot. because there has been so much chatter and news over the last week about the increased threat in canada, the call by isis to attack a ceremonial location, to attack the military and their families. they want to make sure this is not part of a larger property and rule out anything else, which is why we've seen the reports during the day of increased security. once something like this
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happens, you have to go really on more of an alert than usual. you have the murder the other day of the canadian soldier, you have the incidents today. both u.s. and canada are being very careful to make sure that this does not go beyond between one or two individuals. >> please stay with us. i want to get more of the breaking news. we'll be right back.
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we're following the breaking news. canadian officials identifying the suspect as michael zehaf-bibeau, a canadian born in 1982. sources telling cnn, he's a recent convert to islam before converting to islam he had a history of drug use, according to authorities. he was shot and killed by the sergeant at arms of the canadian parliame parliament, but police are still looking for additional suspects. the lockdown continues more than eight hours. we're back with congressman peopler king of new york, a member of the intelligence committee. in april of 2013, police
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thwarted an al qaeda terror plot, planning to blow up a passenger train connecting toronto and new york. what does this feel to you what's going on in canada right now? >> if this was an islamist attack today, we've been through this before. there was the attempt about the train going from buffalo to canada. also several years ago, when i was first chairman of the homeland security committee, there was a plot that was going to involve the canadian parliament with beheadings. canada is a tremendous ally in the war on terrorism. the so our hearts go out to them today and also our full
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cooperation of the american government is going to be given to the canadians. >> as you know, ottawa, about an hour away from new york, the u.s. already taking some precautionary measures, even in the aftermath of what's been going on in canada over the past few days. what is your assessment? how concerned should u.s. authorities be? >> wolf, you have to be concerned. i'm not giving panic here, because it may not turn out this was an islamist attack. we have to realize that the u.s. and canada are looked upon as common enemies by isis. canada is joining us in the war against isis. we are joining countries. we have a very close relationship, same forms of government, and we are so close. our border, you know, buffalo-canadian buffalo is right there. we have very close
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relationships. hockey teams up there, playing all the time. people traveling back and forth, niagara falls. also not just as far as new york and canada, but again, if ottawa was attacked, we have to be concerned about washington. that's why you saw the increase today in the security at the tomb of the unknown soldier. we have to -- all these things we're anticipating. that's what a lot of people don't realize, 24-7, our intelligence people are on guard, analyzing plots, potential plots. >> this looks pretty serious what's going on in canada. congressman king, thank you very much for joique us. >> wolf, thank you. let's continue the breaking news. joining us now, phillip mudd, former cia operative. also joining us, retired lieutenant colonel james reese. cnn military analyst, lieutenant general mark hurtling, and tom
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fuen tervegses, former assistant director of the fbi. general, we're hearing more and more about this shooter, michael zehaf-bibeau, a recent convert to islam. we have no idea whether he was operating alone, under some sort of guidance or inspiration from any of these jihadi groups, isis or some other groups, but that is obviously the concern. >> it seems to be, wolf. whether you connect it to a cell in canada or some place overseas, you have a wannabe. this guy might not be able to get out of canada, but he can cause some damage there. i think to comment on what congressman king just said, we have to be concerned with this kind of action. this is all of the west. this is going to be in europe and any country that says hey, we have to fight this global terrorism.
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>> it looks like there's a pattern going on. soldier was killed on monday. run down by a vehicle. apparently there was another effort, two canadian soldiers were chased in a parking rot in a shopping center. canada raises its threat level. there's a warning from a canadian isis spokesman, if you will, telling muslims in canada go after these infidels and these targets. it's raising all sorts of concern out there. >> it is, wolf. it's something we have to lock for in the united states. we've seen the girls from colorado, the people from the west start to move, try to get in and be captured in germany. isis' pr model is really pushing us to the limits. >> we're toll that the canadian prime minister stephen harper
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will address the nation. we'll have live coverage at 7:00 p.m. we'll hear from the prime minister steven harper. he was in the parliament building when that shooting took place. he was not that far away. he's okay. other members of the parliament there okay. but stephen harper will be making a statement to the canadian people at the top of the hour. phillip mudd, the fbi asked all of its field offices to raise their own threat alert posture, if you will, after these attacks in canada. given the recent bulletin asking law enforcement authorities around the down trip to stay vigilant, it's being done because of what's being described as very ominous chatter. plain what that means. >> this is one of the most frustrating things i feel with in the intelligence world. you're looking at intelligence
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targets in places like syria and iraq. you don't have good enough penetration to be into their command and control, but you might have peripheral communications. when people say something like, the big one is coming or we have people there, this happened to me all the time in the business with al qaeda. you would like at a communication like that and sape they're warning us that something is happening. i just can't put my finger on it, but it's ominous enough to put out a warning. >> everybody stand by. we'll take another quick break. a lot more on the breaking news. standing by to hear from the prime minister of canada.
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we're following breaking news. i want to go to susan candiotti in ottawa. susan, you're there, set the scene. >> reporter: it's been just over eight hours since the shooting occurred, and we're just a couple blocks away from where it all began. the war memorial where a soldier was shot and killed by a gunman. and that gunman then went down to the parliament building about two blocks away, as well. some of the streets are now starting to see traffic flow again, but the streets surrounding the parliament complex and the prime minister's office remain closed. to recap now, we have the name of the suspected shooter, according to sources. it is michael zehaf-bibeau, who
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is in his 30s, born in canada in 1982. our sources tell us he had a prior history of using drugs and was a convert to islam. the cbc also reporting that he had a long prior history of drug arrest. the fbi is assisting canadian authorities to track his try and look for any foot print he might have had to see whether he was a lone wolf or working with ice i and had some training and direction. additionally, three other people were injured and are hospitalized at this time, wolf. one of them suffering gunshot wounds and they haven't described what the other wounds are. so at this time, there is shock. some are talking about a loss of innocence here in ottawa, all coming on the heels of another event where a soldier was killed when she was struck by a car.
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that happened on monday of this week. wolf? >> that person was a radicalized muslim, as well. a convert which raises a lot of suspicion. susan candiotti on the scene for us. tom, this is a canadian citizen, michael zehaf-bibeau. what can the fbi do that canadian authorities can't do? >> it's not that they can't do it, it's the fbi will be looking at friends, relatives, contacts, colleagues in the united states. did he come to the united states, has he shared any information with others here in the u.s. about wants to commit an act of jihad? and possibly does he have a partner that could be in this country preparing a similar attack and maybe they intended for both attacks to occur together. >> is there a difference between someone inspired by a jihadist group opposed to someone
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receiving direct instructions and trained by these groups? we have no clue if either was involved in this case, but those are the suspicions and the fears. >> you're right. there's nothing we know positive right now, but my guess will be, this guy converted, he became a jihadist. this becomes his one hour of fame and that's what he will go down in history as. >> we don't know if he went over there for training or whether he was just online reading about isis and militant islam from various chatter boxes. >> that's correct. some of our sources have not been confirmed, but his passport might have been taken at one time and he might have been on a watch list. >> general hurtling, what does this say about the overall
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strategy the u.s. has on this war on terror? >> it's important with the record this guy had, perhaps he did want to join his brothers in syria or iraq and couldn't get on a flight. so there's success there. what it tells us about what's next for the united states is we've got to continue to have force protection measures for the military. it's been increased recently. we have to ensure that people are alert at all times. that's step one. but also the connections between the intelligence sources is very critical at this stage. not only even the u.s. and canada, but for all countries involved. >> this is a joint u.s.-canadian operation, so the u.s. and canada, they work extremely close to begin with. i don't know if the u.s. has a closer ally than canada in this war on terror. they say they're working as closely with the united states as anyone out there.
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but the focus will be on isis, right? >> i think it will be. but as tom was saying, there's a lot we can figure out to determine whether this guy was on our turf or communicated. did he travel here? did he call here? does he have family and friends here? school here? you have an fbi director that will have answers at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. those answers are, are we seeing anything in our data banks that reflect his initial judgment. there's a lot of people work thing right now. >> this guy, michael zehaf-bibeau, the shooter, the killer who himself was killed today, and what happened on monday, another radicalized muslim, a convert who killed a canadian soldier by driving over him with his vehicle, they're going to see if that's any
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connection between these two individuals. >> that's true. from the inspiration, they tell converts like him, look, if you've got a gun, use it. but if you don't, use a car. you could have a situation that since he knew how and had possession of a firearm he used it. the earlier attack over the weekend, they used a car to kill the other canadian soldiers. so the message coming out of isis and al qaeda is, kill people in your country no matter how you do it, just do it. >> october 15, a canadian twitter user had a message saying yes, my message is clear. canada initiated attacks on the islamic state, to retaliate and kill them. more of the breaking news right after this.
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. this is cnn break news. >> we're following the breaking news from ottawa. a canadian soldier has been shot and killed. paula newton is working her sources for us. you're getting new information? >> reporter: we're getting information about the victim. sit a 24-year-old canadian soldier, nathan cirillo. he was there on duty when the suspect went up and shot him
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several times. police have set up a cordon. the family is trying to deal with what's going on here. everybody says he was incredibly proud of being able to do this duty. this is a ceremonial thing that happens. dozens of reserve units from across canada come into the capital to take on that role, and they stand there at our war memorial, and he had already been posting pictures on his social media pages, saying what a thrill it was to be doing this. family members are just trying to cope with the shock of all of this right now. at this point in time, his reserves in hamilton, ontario, trying to figure out exactly what happened at that location, and how something like this, when he was standing duty, how no one was able to help when he was shot. again, he's just standing there, and his family is trying to come to terms with the details of how that happened. >> we're showing our viewers a
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photo of corporal nathan cirillo. this is only moments before a killer came up to him and shot and killed him, on duty there at the national war memorial, right on parliament hill in ottawa, on the left of your screen, corporal nathan cirillo. we express our deepest condolences to his family in ontario, not door away from toronto. jim sciutto is with us. you're getting more information. what are you learning? >> there's increasing focus on the likelihood that this was motivated by islamic extremism. we know that the suspected shooter, who is also deceased, that he was a convert to islam. second of all, that the target was a soldier. third of all, it happened just two days after another radical
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used his car to kill another canadian soldier. this happens in an environment where there are a number of calls to take on jihad at home on your own, whether in canada or the u.s. that collection of indicators is giving investigators a path they're pursuing now, that the motivation was islamic extremism and focus on the idea that this was a single shooter. they haven't eliminated the possibility of other suspects. the first shooting, where you saw him standing guard at the war memorial, it's only 400 yards from there to the main parliament building where a few moments after this attack, the second shooting took place and there was some witnesses who said they saw the shooter go in that direction. again, they haven't eliminated the possibility of other suspects, but this is a leading theory. >> stand by. much more on the breaking news
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we're following the breaking news in the search for more suspects on the attack of the canadian parliament. one soldier was shot and killed nearby. a suspected gunman was shot and killed inside of the parliament building. police say they believe he did not necessarily act alone. all of this unfolding just 45 miles or so from the u.s. border. rene marsh is joining us. you are learning more information as well, renee. what is it? >> reporter: yes, we know the u.s.-canadian border is the longest undefended border, more than 150 miles long. i smoke with dhs, the department of homeland security and i'm told that officers at land, sea and air are on close alert and paying attention to people
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arriving. a lot of facts remain unknown. they are still piecing this together. so they are not increasing screening for people from a specific country, but again i'm told they are actively looking for anything suspicious. a dhs official tells me there is no evidence at this point that what is happening and what is unfolding there in canada poses any threat to the u.s. but that could change as dhs gets more facts. we do know that customs and border protection in the past have caught terrorists trying to enter the u.s. from canada before. if you remember in 1999, a man was arrested and trying to enter the united states with explosives and the plan was to blow up l.a.x. airport on new year's eve. that did not happen. now if security were to be stepped up at the border, wolf, we could see more scrutiny, which could mean secondary screening for people with
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non-u.s. or canadian passports. at the land borders, individuals may be required to get out of the vehicle. the vehicle may have to be searched. people could also be randomly picked for a secondary screening. so that is what we could see. again, we're not getting any indication that it is happening at this very moment, wolf, but dhs saying they are closely monitoring the situation. >> as they should. renee, thanks very much. colonel reese said there was an incident in jerusalem, a car rammed up to a bunch of pedestrians at a tram. we have some video of that. israelis think this is an act of terror and they are investigating. you see the car ramming up and apparently a little baby was killed in the process. this happened two days after a car rammed and killed a canadian soldier. so there could be a copy cat thing going on here. >> and one thing our analysis is doing to confirm or deny isis a
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few days ago committed coordinated attacks and could this be a copy cat or a ploy by isis to get other multiple acts out there and our analysts have not yet confirmed or deny that. >> there is a history of cars being used by terrorists. >> absolutely. and inspire magazine published out of al qaeda and yemen, have said for years, use a car or a truck if you don't know how to use a gun or have access to a gun or make a bomb, and practically everybody of age can drive. >> a worrisome development. you see what is going on there. we have no idea if it is related to what happened on monday when a car rammed and killed a canadian soldier. but you see what happened in jerusalem and a whole bunch of people were injured and a little baby was killed in that process as well. thank you very much. we'll continue to watch the breaking news here on cnn. coming up, we expect to hear from the prime minister of
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canada stephen harper. and you can always treat me at wolf blitzer or treat me at cnn sit room. thank you for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. >> a canadian gunman shoots and kills a shoulder in ottawa. parliament is on lockdown still. the prime minister will speak live in the next hour. was this an act of isis. plus the u.s. police and military on high alert after the attack. are americans also targets? a newly released autopsy result appear to black us police officer darren wilson's sorry about the ferguson shooting f. there is no indictment, will violence erupt? let's go "outfront." good ev
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