tv The Situation Room CNN October 23, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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you can also subscribe to our magazine on flipboard. that's it for "the lead." i'm jake tapper. i turn you over to wolf blitzer who's in new hampshire where e "the situation room" has temporarily relocated. happening now, breaking news, new ebola scare. a new york city doctor just back from west africa is taken to a hospital for testing and isolation after developing symptoms. an official says he had been out in the public in new york city. new gunman video, stunning new images of the ottawa shooter racing toward canada's parliament. we're also getting new information on the gunman's background and connections to jihadists. plus, a new warrant for the suspect in the hannah graham case, a new video from inside the home where he was living before his arrest. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room."
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we begin with the breaking news. a new york city doctor who recently returned from treating patients in west africa has now been taken to a manhattan hospital for isolation and testing for the ebola virus after developing symptoms. this is recent video of that bellevue isolation ward. that's the bellevue hospital. efforts are now under way to trace any contacts the doctor may have had in recent days in new york city. we're getting shocking new video of the gunman storming canada's parliament and the new details are coming in to "the situation room" on his background. let's go straight to cnn's poppy harlow who's at new york's bellevue hospital. poppy? >> reporter: that's right. we're standing outside bellevue hospital. the hospital that new york city has designated for any situation like this where there may, may be a possible case of ebola.
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what we know at this hour, the doctor that is being treated here, tested here is a 33-year-old who lived in manhattan. he was just in guinea treating ebola patients. we also know he returned to new york about ten days ago. last night, early this morning, he started exhibiting symptoms including nausea, fatigue and a very high fever. he is a doctor here at columbia presbyterian hospital. he was working in west africa with doctors without borders. immediately when he began feeling these symptoms, he called the new york city fire department. they responded to his apartment. they sealed off his apartment, took him in an ambulance with all the hazmat suits and precautions here to bellevue hospital. the images we've been showing you are images from just two weeks ago when bellevue was displaying their preparedness for a case like this. so this is a hospital that is ready. one of the big concerns here, though, is that he has been back in the united states for ten days. and he did not display symptoms until now.
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so he has been checking in, we're told, by doctors without borders regularly as he is supposed to, monitoring his health. but he's not been in isolation, which means that he's been in contact with others. >> poppy harlow outside of bellevue hospital in manhattan, we'll get back to you. right now, i want to go right to the white house. president obama's homeland security adviser lisa monaco is joining us. has the president been briefed on this possible, let he repeat the word possible, ebola patient in new york city? >> wolf, the president's monitoring the events today as he has been focused on our response to the ebola virus consistently. and so he's being kept apprised of the developments. >> what can you tell us? what do you know right now? we know this is one of your portfolios, ron klain, the so-called ebola coordinator or czar, we know he reports to you
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and susan rice, the national security adviser. what can you tell us about what's going on with this doctors without borders physician who's now in the hospital, bellevue hospital in manhattan? >> well, wolf, as you said, he's being evaluated. bellevue is a premier hospital designated by, i believe, mayor de blasio, to address these types of cases. ron klain has been in touch with city officials. but right now, this is an individual who's being evaluated consistent with the protocols that have been put in place. and we'll learn more over the coming day. but the right steps are being taken in order to evaluate him, doing so at a flagship hospital that's been trained, that's been evaluated, that's capable of handling these issues. and this is consistent with the increased screening measures that we've put in place and the increased steps that the cdc announced yesterday which will now be working with state and
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local public health authorities to actively monitor travelers who come back from west africa and who are themselves taking their temperature, making sure, monitoring their temperatures and when and if they do experience difficulty getting themselves to a hospital to be evaluated as this individual is. >> do you know, lisa, if this physician at bellevue hospital has already received a test -- an ebola test to see if in fact he is positive for ebola? >> wolf, my understanding -- this is developing now. but my understanding is he's being evaluated and the clinicians who are working with him will make the determination about how to further evaluate and handle his care. >> lisa, i want you to stand by for one second. our correspondent outside of bellevue hospital, poppy harlow, is getting some new information from officials there. i want to discuss it with you. but let's listen to what she has. poppy?
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>> reporter: wolf, what we can tell you is that the cdc is now saying that they are at this moment, they have cdc officials packing up in atlanta ready to make the trip here to new york as soon as possible to be here at bellevue and help and assist in any way they can. we also know that a specimen of this doctor's blood is on its way from new york city to atlanta. they can do the ebola testing here in new york. i want to make that clear. they're also going to do it at the cdc. also important to note how seriously officials here in new york are taking this. they say, according to law enforcement sources, because this doctor was as recently as last night out in public, he took an uber cab from manhattan to williamsburg, brooklyn, to a bowling alley. we also know they're looking at possibly quarantining his girlfriend because, of course, he's spent time with her since he has returned. so, again, the cdc coming up
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here to new york to urgently address this. but i want to stress the new york city department of health has said this is still only a possible case, that these symptoms could also be symptoms of malaria, salmonella or a very severe stomach flu and that the likelihood of any new yorker contracting ebola is very, very slim. we do not want to alarm people at this hour. we simply do not have the test results. we'll have them in the next 12 hours. >> the next 12 hours. thanks very much, poppy, for that. i want to go back to the white house, lisa monaco, president obama's homeland security assistant, is still with us. so this special team from the cdc, the centers for disease control and prevention, they're going to be going to new york. there was also this option of having the pentagon. there's a military strike force, if you want to call it, they're getting -- presumably getting ready to do these kinds of things. do you anticipate that folks
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this doctor was in contact with at the bowling alley in brooklyn or in this uber cab or others, they're going to be quarantined? >> wolf, i think your correspondent in new york provided the exact, appropriate caution and care with her comments. this is right now -- the state and local public health authorities are clearly stating it's a potential case. all the appropriate steps are being taken consistent with the increased measures that were announced over the last few weeks. the deployment of a cdc team to be on the ground to assist state and local authorities, the evaluation of this individual at the hospital, bellevue, which has been designated by mayor de blasio, with whom i met recently and who i know is taking these issues and these preparations quite seriously, and as you say, the local testing will be done and then confirmatory testing can be done by the cdc.
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and those steps are all being taken as your correspondent rightly noted. >> let's hope this physician does not have ebola. but we should know in a few hours. the initial test in new york, presumably, and then the second definitive test at the cdc in atlanta. lisa monaco, in addition to being the president's homeland security adviser, you're also his adviser on counterterrorism. i want you to stand by, we have a lot of questions about what happened in canada yesterday indeed this week, the lessons for the united states. stay with us. much more of the breaking news right after this.
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patients in west africa has now been taken to a manhattan hospital for isolation and testing for the ebola virus after developing symptoms. we're also getting new information, stunning new video of wednesday's attack on the canadian parliament in ottawa. president obama's homeland security adviser, lisa monaco, is standing by to answer questions, the lessons learned from canada. but first, let's go to pamela brown. what are you learning? >> reporter: tonight, we've learned the gunman had been in contact with other jihadists. the clearest indication that attacking canada's capital may have been influenced by islamic extremists. new surveillance video showing michael zehaf-bibeau dashing from the war memorial moments after he shot and killed corporal nathan cirillo.
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then he drives around the corner to the parliament building. the video shows bibeau as he geg gets out of the car, rifle in hand and enters the parliament building. >> as he gets to the door, there's an exchange of gunfire with the security officers. our officers back up slightly as that shooting takes place and then pursue him inside. >> reporter: now we're learning more about the man believed to be behind the terror on parliament hill. >> i can tell you that we do have now information that suggests an association with some individuals who may have shared his radical views. >> reporter: sources tell cnn bibeau had connections online to other islamic extremists livering in canada, one of them this canadian man who officials say traveled overseas to fight alongside terrorists in syria. >> clearly, there's a concern this could occur again, that someone else will try another attack. someone could make a calculation
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that another attack could cripple canada psychologically. >> reporter: now the fbi is searching databases and communications for links between bibeau and jihadists living in the united states after learning he's visited the united states several times. >> canadians travel to the united states all the time. the fact that he was here doesn't necessarily mean he was planning something nefarious. >> reporter: cnn has learned the 32-year-old canadian-born gunman had a history of drug problems and eventually converted to islam. canadian authorities apparently had him on their radar and put his passport on hold after learning he wanted to travel to the middle east to fight. tonight, investigators are piecing together how bibeau is able to enter the parliament building and fire, injuring three inside. canadian officials have ended their search for more gunmen though security is increased in ottawa tonight, the concern is there could be more copycat attacks. wolf? >> pamela, thanks very much.
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let's bring back lisa monaco, president obama's homeland security adviser, also adviser on counterterrorism. what can you tell us about this shooter, now dead, michael zehaf-bibeau, was he a lone wolf or did he have significant links to other jihadists? >> first, let me say that our hearts go out to the people of canada and to the victims of this senseless act of terror that we saw unfold yesterday in canada. president obama spoke with prime minister harper yesterday to extend our concern and to offer any assistance we can possibly provide to our partners in canada. the canadian authorities are investigating this quite aggressively. we have offered our assistance. we are working -- members of our intelligence community, our law enforcement community, are working, as we do constantly, with our canadian partners against the terrorist threat and have offered our assistance in this investigation. i'll let the canadian
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authorities speak to the specifics of this case. but what it does show is that we have to remain vigilant and it also shows that the problem of foreign fighters, one that the president led an unprecedented meeting of the u.n. security council last month to address that problem is one that is very much front and center in our minds and those of us who are working on counterterrorism issues 24 hours a day are very, very focused on it and the threat posed by those who travel from north america to iraq and to syria and to other places to get training that potentially pose a threat here to the homeland. >> is it fair to say that the u.s. military, other installations have gone on a higher state of alert because of what's happened in canada, not only yesterday but monday when another radicalized canadian, convert to islam, went ahead and ran over two soldiers, killing one of them? >> well, wolf, what both of those attacks show is we have
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got to be constantly vigilant. certainly those attacks coming as they did against -- in the case of yesterday, the parliament building, government building and as initial indications seem to suggest the prior attack focused on potentially a canadian armed forces individuals. we've always got to be focused on the threat posed to our personnel in uniform and those who are serving us so selflessly. and we of course are very focused on the threat posed to our service members overseas and our intelligence community and law enforcement community is working day and night to address those threats. >> the former counterterrorism adviser, maftd ott olsen, gave interview to our jim sciutto, and he said there's still what he called an imminent threat from the terrorist group khorasan to the united states, imminent threat, those are olsen's words. what can you tell us about that?
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>> well, wolf, we are very focused on the threat posed from extremists in syria and from al qaeda veterans who have traveled to syria to plot against the homeland. and that's why you saw the president tyake decisive action to conduct strikes against those individuals who pose a threat to us. that's why the president has ordered the continuing military actions that are ongoing in iraq and syria against isil. he is determined as he's said to ensure there is no safe haven for those who would plot against the united states and its allies and no safe haven for those who would seek to do us harm. so the khorasan group, al qaeda veterans in syria and other extremists who pose a threat to us will continue to feel the long arm of american justice. >> who poses the greatest threat to the u.s. homeland? would it be isis, khorasan, al qaeda in the arabian peninsula
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or those so-called lone wolf terrorists, inspired perhaps by these various terrorist organizations but acting more or less on their own? >> we're focused on every single one of those groups and every single one of those threats that are posed to the united states. with respect to al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, they are a persistent and focused and determined enemy, as we have seen, they have mounted numerous plo plots that our intelligence community and others have thwarted in many respects. so we remain very focused on the threat they pose, particularly the threat they pose to aviation security. with respect to the khorasan group, as you've noted, they pose a very significant threat, an imminent threat in terms of their external plotting. and isil, given the attraction it has posed for foreign fighters, they pose if left unchecked a significant threat
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to the homeland. >> just to clarify what you mean the khorasan represents an imminent threat. >> well, it was because of the imminent threat that their plotting posed that the president ordered the strikes he did last month. it's something we talked about. we continue to be very focused on plotting going on in syria by al qaeda veterans and we continue to be concerned about that. and we'll take the steps necessary to address that threat. >> and the u.s. is going to continue those air strikes whether in iraq, syria, drone strikes in yemen or somalia or pakistan, anyplace you suspect there are terrorists plotting against the united states, the president is committed to continue that strategy, is that right? >> the president has been very clear. terrorists who plot against this country, the united states, will not have a safe haven. and where there is a threat against our personnel and where there is a threat against the united states, he will take
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action decisively to address it. >> and do you feel those air strikes are making a difference? >> i think what we've seen, wolf, is an impact on isil. we're continuing to work with the iraqi security forces and with a coalition of over 60 countries in a whole of government and in a comprehensive strategy against isil to ensure that we roll it back and that it does not have a safe haven. >> lisa monaco is the assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism. thanks very much for answering our questions. thanks very much for joining us. >> thanks, wolf. we're going to take a quick break. we're standing by. the mayor of new york city, bill de blasio, the police chief in new york city, bill bratton, they're speaking and we're going to be getting some information, we assume, on what's going on in new york city right now, namely that ebola threat. there's a possibility -- it's just a possibility right now
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that a physician with doctors without borders who's back in new york city for about ten days, all of a sudden he's showing some symptoms, elevated fever, if you will, other symptoms, has just been taken to bellevue hospital in manhattan. we're going to see what the mayor of new york city -- there's bill bratton, the police chief of new york, what they have to say when we come back. latte or au lait?
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just back from west africa who's now at bellevue hospital in manhattan, possibly, possibly with ebola. let's listen in. >> the assessment process is under way. so i want to commend the fdny and ems, the health department, obviously everyone at bellevue and hhc because their weeks and weeks of preparation have paid off and a very seamless operation was undertaken today. the important thing to remember here is until we have full information, we can't draw conclusions. so we want to be careful not to make assumptions until all the testing is done. i also want to emphasize in the midst of what is obviously a crisis that causes deep concern, we've seen some important evidence in the last week of the capacity of modern medicine to address this crisis. thank god the nurses who have been touched by this crisis here in the united states and in
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spain are all getting better. in fact, the nurse in spain has been declared absolutely safe at this point. we have seen time and again that when a case is caught early that a great deal can be done to resolve it. and certainly we do know for sure that if this turns out to be a case, that this was caught very early. so we are hopeful regardless of the next steps for a good outcome for this individual. but very important for the public to know that every protocol has been followed and our emergency personnel, our health personnel have responded admirably in this situation. possibly late this evening we'll be able to tell you more about the patient's status. we'll take a few questions. just a few. >> can you say how long the patient exhibited these symptoms and people he has had contact with that officials are now trying to reach?
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>> i'm going to be broad because we're piecing together all the facts. but we can safely say it's been a brief period of time that the patient's had symptoms. and obviously the fact that the patient is a medical doctor makes this a particular situation where he was quite aware to quickly get in contact with the authorities upon feeling that there was a problem. our understanding is very few people were in direct contact with him. we use a phrase, medical detectives, it's trained health care professionals who are able to reconstruct with the patient and people close to the patient anyone that he may have come in serious contact with. as we know, ebola is not an airborne disease. ebola is a disease that can only be passed by very substantial and intimate contact. so that process is under way. but the patient is in good shape and has gone into a great deal of detail with our personnel as to his actions in the last few days. so we have a lot to work with. >> is the process under way to
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communicate with the folks he has come in contact with? >> yes, absolutely. i spoke to our health commissioner, dr. mary bassett, earlier, a very thorough process is being implemented. we have a patient in this case who's been very communicative, very precise and who's been only back a very short time and is quite clear about the individuals he had any substantial contact with. so that work is going on right now. >> any quarantines in place for any of those individuals -- >> that's being worked through right now as everyone's being located and communicated with and details are determined, there will be a decision on whether a specific quarantine is needed. we'll have a lot more on to say later on this evening. thanks, everyone. >> so there he is, the mayor of new york city, bill de blasio, speaking about this documentation who's now at bellevue hospital in new york, just back from west africa in guinea, i believe. he's with doctors without borders, was treating ebola patients there in west africa. came back to new york city,
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we're told, about ten days ago and all of a sudden within the past day or so, started developing some symptoms, a higher elevated temperature, other similars, taken to bellevue hospital. the mayor sid we should know in the next few hours whether he tests positive for ebola, maybe by late this evening we should know. the cdc getting ready to be involved in that as well. let's go to bellevue hospital right now. our poppy harlow is outside the hospital. you've now learned the name of this physician? >> reporter: that's right. cnn has learned the name of this patient. it is a 33-year-old doctor named craig spencer. dr. craig spencer, a doctor here in manhattan, who was spending time in guinea to help and treat ebola patients there. he returned to the united states about ten days ago. he did start to feel, quote,
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sluggish a few days ago but did not develop that high fever of 103 degrees until early this morning when he immediately called the fdny. we're told from officials, he followed all protocol. i think it's very important to highlight what we just heard from the new york city mayor, bill de blasio. he said, quote, very few people were in direct contact with him, the patient, that is important. we also have learned in the last half hour that officials here have placed his girlfriend in isolation because that is someone he would have been in direct contact with. also the mayor saying in that press conference that the patient is in, quote, good shape. that's encouraging. he also emphasized he's a medical professional, he's been very communicative about this to all the doctors here and the first responders. this is someone who knows this disease very, very well. and, again, we should have more knowledge of whether or not this is a positive test for ebola or not in the next few hours. again, 33-year-old dr. craig spencer, spent time in guinea. came back here to new york about
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ten days ago, being isolated here behind me at bellevue hospital in their isolation unit. this is the hospital, new york city has designated to handle a situation like this. they say they are fully prepared and equipped to do just that, wolf. >> even though he's a physician at columbia presbyterian hospital in new york, he was taken to bellevue hospital, designated as the place to go if in fact there's some suspicion, some fear that a patient may, in fact, have contracted ebola. one quick thing, poppy. you told us early, last night he went bowling in brooklyn, took an uber taxi there, is that right? >> reporter: that is right es's. that's why new york city officials are taking this so seriously. he took an uber taxi from wherever he was to a bowling alley in williamsburg, brooklyn. now, of course, that just heightens the alert because he was out in direct contact with people.
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but i want to highlight the fact that the doctors without borders organization came out with a statement saying that he followed all the protocols. when someone returns from west africa, they don't have to self-isolate. they can but don't have to. and this disease, you can't contract it from someone else until they are symptomatic, showing symptoms. he felt sluggish for a few days but did not have that high fever until this morning. but because he was out and about here in new york city, they're keeping a very close eye on him. >> as they should. we'll get back to you, poppy harlow outside bellevue hospital in new york. much more on the breaking news in new york city. also, a new warrant for the main suspect accused of kidnapping the university of virginia student hannah graham. stay with us. hello... i'm an idaho potato farmer
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we're certainly watching the breaking news of a possible, repeat possible ebola case in new york city. also watching the newly released video of the canada shooting attack. there's other news we're following as well, including some important new developments in the disappearance of the university of virginia student hannah graham including a new warrant for the main suspect, jesse matthew. we also have new video inside the home where matthew was living before his arrest. cnn's brian todd is in charlottesville, virginia. he has more on what we know. what's the latest, brian? >> reporter: wolf, tonight you've got at least two jurisdictions who want a piece of jesse matthew. a judge has issued a bench warrant for matthew to be transferred to fairfax county to face charges in a 2005 sexual assault case. and tonight as investigators comb through two high-profile
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disappearances that he's linked to, we got access to his old apartment. a dank, dark apartment on the ground floor, the home jesse matthew left behind the night he and hannah graham allegedly crossed paths. after investigators combed through this place, we got access inside. a new tenant now lives here. the only things matthew may have left behind, a paint-smudged black footrest and a rolled-up exercise mat. this is three miles away from downtown charlottesville, where matthew and hannah graham were spotted the night she disappeared. late that friday night, september 12th, graham is seen at the grand mark apartments in charlottesville, and then just before meeting at the camden plaza apartments a block away. graham covers a lot of ground on foot that night. less than an hour after being seen at the apartments, graham is captured on surveillance video walking up to o'grady's irish pub. she's turned away at the door
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and then seen running past a gas station ten minutes later. then at 1:00 a.m., graham is spotted on the downtown mall in charlottesville. then walking past tool's jewelers. 1:20 a.m., she texts friends to say she's lost. 2:00 a.m., graham seen outside the tempo restaurant on the mall with jesse matthew walking behind her. that's the last public sighting of hannah graham. tonight, investigators are now looking at possible ties between the graham case and that of morgan harrington, another college student who went missing in charlottesville under similar circumstances and was later found death. >> both of these are cases involving young women, vulnerable women on their own, no witnesses. and maybe women who were made more vulnerable because it was late, they were tired, maybe alcohol. >> reporter: october 17th, 2009, morgan harrington, a virginia tech student, is visiting uva
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and attends a metallica concert at the john paul jones arena. she leaves the arena and can't get back in. between 8:20 and 9:20 p.m., police say witnesses saw her walking around various parking lots adjacent to the arena. she appears loud and intoxicated. at 8:48 p.m., a friend who's inside the arena calls harrington. harrington says she'll try to get a ride from friends around charlottesville. witnesses tell police she tries to hail a cab. between 9:20 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., she takes a final turn, walking onto the copely road bridge leading away from the arena. harrington's remains are discovered more than three months later here at the anchorage farm 7.8 miles away. the remains are found near a creekbed. one final horrifying potential similarity in the harrington and graham cases, if the remains in recent days are those of hannah
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graham's, it means both women's bodies were taken to remote areas, left out in the hope, unburie unburied, vulnerable to the elements. >> brian todd in charlottesville for us, thanks very much. let's get more on these late-breaking developments. i'm joined by cnn law enforcement analyst tom fuentes along with reporter coy barefoot. coy, today a bench warrant was signed. we just heard from brian, to start the process, trying to bring jesse matthew back to fairfax county, right outside of washington, d.c. in northern virginia to face charges against him for that 2005 rape he's been accused of. what are you hearing about how all this might go down? >> reporter: for those who don't know, a bench warrant is basically a judge telling law enforcement, i authorize you, indeed i command you, to go arrest someone and bring him or her to my court. and so fairfax deputies have
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been authorized to bring jesse matthew to fairfax for an arraignment in the charges of three felony charges stemming from that september 24th, 2005, rape and attempted murder. now, what i have learned today from law enforcement here in charlottesville is that we're still not quite sure if jesse matthew will actually go to fairfax for that arraignment or if he will go through what's called video court, a video conferencing court here in the charlottesville jail. and i've been told that it may not be likely that he will be transported to fairfax because they do those video courts all the time. and given the high-profile nature of this case and this suspect, he's not likely to be moved unless there's a big reason to do so. he would be moved for the trial, of course. but doesn't necessarily have to be moved for the arraignment in fairfax. wolf? >> tom, that sort of makes sense because transporting matthew to fairfax county from
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charlottesville, that could delay or hold up this entire process, i assume? >> coy is right. they can do all of this part by video, the arraignment aspect of it. if they decide that the prosecution in fairfax will precede any other prosecution such as the one in charlottesville for the abduction of hannah graham, then at that time they'll transport him to fairfax. >> coy, the nelson county investigators, a different county, they're planning to start their own search for another missing virginia woman, alexis murphy, next month. you're learning more about dna testing potentially that could connect matthew to this case as well. what's going on? >> reporter: that's right. there is a long list of young women who have gone missing here in central virginia over the last few years. and alexis murphy is one of them. alexis murphy was a 17-year-old high school student. she was last seen august 3rd, 2013, at the liberty gas station
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in lovingston, virginia. that's only about 30 miles south of charlottesville. they never found alexis' body. she is believed to have been murdered. but they did find pieces of her. they found her blood, they found her phone. they found pieces of her in a camper of randy allen taylor who was convicted of her murder. >> we'll see if there's any connection here as well. i know there are a lot of suspicions going on over there, coy, thanks very much. tom, thanks to you as well. getting more information in this afternoon's breaking news here in "the situation room." still ahead, the latest on a potential, potential possible ebola case in new york city. plus the chilling new video coming in to "the situation room" of the canadian gunman running into the parliament in ottawa with his gun. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel.
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we're watching the breaking news of a possible ebola case in new york city. looking at live pictures outside of bellevue hospital in new york. a physician from doctors without borders are there. they're tested to see if he contracted ebola. much more coming up on this story. there's the picture of the patient, craig spencer. i'm here in new hampshire. later tonight, i'll be moderating a cnn debate. a new cnn opinion research poll shows the race is extremely tight. a statistical tie after the
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margin of error is included. dana bash is here with me. set the scene, dana, for this debate, because lots is at stake. >> the fact that it is neck and neck here, just a couple months ago scott brown was trailing by double digits. really the number one reason according to sources in both parties is the president. we hear about the fact that he's a drag on a lot of the democratic candidates, but nobody apparently is as hurt more than jeanne shaheen, the democratic incumbent here, because his popularity has plummeted unbelievably. i'm sure you're going to hear a lot trying to link her to president obama in scott brown tonight. >> the debate will air on cnn 11:00 p.m. eastern later tonight. coming up here in "the situation room," much more of the breaking news of an ebola scare in new york city. a doctor recently back from west africa, now in isolation while being tested for the deadly
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happening now, breaking news. a possible new york ebola threat. a doctor who has just returned from west africa is showing symptoms and being tested, but he was out in public as recently as last night. did he perhaps spread the virus to others? we have just learned his identity. an attack on tape. chilling new video of the gunman
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running inside the canadian capital as disturbing new details emerge about extremist connections. cnn's anderson cooper is in ottawa with breaking news. we also have ferguson violence. escalating clashes between protesters and police as tension grows over whether the officer who shot and killed michael brown will be indicted. who is behind the investigation leaks that have outraged the justice department? we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. wolf blitzer is on assignment. i'm breanna keeler. you're in "the situation room." >> this is cnn breaking news. >> we are following breaking news. gripping new video of the attack on the canadian capital showing the gunman storming parliament as new details emerge about his jihadist connections. and a doctor who just returned from west africa is now in isolation in a new york city hospital showing signs of ebola. we are covering all of the
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breaking news this hour with our guests and our correspondents, as well as cnn's anderson cooper. he is in ottawa with the latest on the terror attack there. let's begin with that possible ebola case in new york city. cnn's poppy harlow is there. this is just developing now. what is the latest that you're hearing? >> reporter: what we know at this hour is that the patient that is being treated and tested here at bellevue hospital in new york city is a 33-year-old doctor named craig spencer. he lives here in manhattan. he is a doctor at columbia presbyterian hospital. but he spent time in guinea recently treating ebola patients. he returned to new york about ten days ago. we know that he started showing symptoms of a very high 103 degree fever in the early morning hours today, though he had felt sluggish in recent days. he called the fdny this morning,
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had them come to his apartment full haz/mat suits to transport him to the hospital. they sealed off his apartment. he had symptoms of nausea, fever, aches, but these are symptoms in line with other diseases like malaria, like a very severe stomach flu or salmonella. they are doing testing right now. they are working with the cdc, which is sending officials to new york city at this hour. we are told by the mayor of new york city that we should know within hours, possibly late tonight the results of that test. i also want to point out the mayor said this patient had contact, direct contact with very few team. that is good news. he said the patient is "if good condition" and officials have said they have put his girlfriend in isolation at this hour just to be extremely careful. but i cannot emphasize enough, we do not know this is ebola. we know it is potential at this time. they are doing tests and new
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yorkers should know that they should not be concerned at this time. there's a very slim chance of new yorkers being able to contract ebola. this is a test ongoing at this hour. >> slim chance, but this is a case, potential case being treated very seriously. poppy harlow for us outside of the hospital there in manhattan. i want to bring in miguel marquez, outside the home of dr. craig spencer. what are you seeing there, miguel? >> reporter: well,ky tell you there's a slew of public officials in the neighborhood who are checking to make sure no one has come in contact with him, and if they have, they want to know their information. if this test comes back positive, everything then springs into action here. the apartment here in the building behind me has been sealed off completely. it will remain that way until that test comes back. as poppy mentioned, his girlfriend has been put into isolation now and residents are being handed these cards by the
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health department that has blanketed the area. there was a council member saying he was going door to door in this area. reassuring individuals that it is a difficult disease to get and they don't know what the situation is. he went to shake one person's hand, the person refused because he was concerned he might get ebola. there was a lot of misconceptions and concern among people. we met two people who live in the building. one of them who knows dr. spencer who says this is somebody who everyone liked in the building and neither of the individuals who lived here said they are concerned. they understand a lot of folks work in the health care industry here. columbia presbyterian is about 20 blocks north of here. so people are pretty well versed on how this disease spreads and
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works, even people living on his own floor weren't particularly concerned. but everybody wants to know whether or not that test comes back as positive. >> certainly concerned about their neighbor there. miguel, thank you so much, at this doctor's apartment building. let's bring in cnn medical analyst dr. tolekan. talk to us about this time frame. it's been about ten days since craig spencer returned from west africa. is that the time frame that you would expect to start seeing symptoms here? >> i think if we are talking about ebola, the average incubation period, we've been saying 6.3 days. over the recent epidemic, it might be up to something like 12 days, so he is within that period. it's really important to emphasize that when you're in west africa, the odds of you catching ebola are much lower than catching anything else. he has been exposed to ebola
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patients, so that's the reason for the heightened concern. but what we're already seeing is this massive fear around ebola. that's part of the problem of the ebola epidemic in the u.s. the risk is very low of catching it, but the alterations of people using hospitals, et cetera, that's what we should be considering changing. >> he is a health care worker, and we're seeing the cdc now dispatching people to new york. the specimen is being sent to atlanta for testing, so you can see the cdc is taking control there. when you see the cdc getting involved like this, how do we read this? >> i think we're seeing a very different response here to the kind of response we saw in dallas. already we're seeing very, very intense communication with neighborhoods, we're seeing the apartment and his gift being isolated immediately. and it seems like his transport has been done with a huge amount
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of care and he's under close monitoring. it seems like the cdc has ramped up their efforts and a lot of the behavior will be bellevue's own initiative but guided by the cdc, as well. the thing that is so concerning here is not only do we have a doctor that's taken out of circulation from his work in an american hospital in west africa, but this really drives the human resources crisis in west africa. the only way we control ebola and reduce risk for people in new york city is to roll back the epidemic in west africa. >> certainly a very good point. let's talk about this hospital that dr. spencer is at. it's one of eight that has been designated in new york by governor cuomo as part of the ebola preparedness plan. what do you know about this hospital and how ready they are to deal with something like this? >> so they've been undertaking ebola drills and preparation in a much more detailed way for a while now.
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what they have is dedicated teams who will be isolated from other patients. they have the right equipment, so equipment finding the kind of protocol they're using in africa rather than the less adequate cdc protocols. they have especially dedicated rooms. it's not just about training and procedures but about a systems approach. so when he arrives, he needs to be transported through the hospital that doesn't come in contact with other patients. so they'll be much better equipped to deal with this than dallas presbyterian. >> he alerted authorities this morning that he was experiencing symptoms in line with ebola. but last night he took a taxi cab. he took this cab to brooklyn to go bowling. no doubt you're hearing a lot of people say, we don't think there's a risk here, but certainly everyone is operating on the side of being
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conservative about this. between last night where he's not feeling symptoms but out and about, and then this morning, should there be any concern from people who are around him? >> i think there are two different groups of people who can potentially be concerned. one is the general public, and the risk to them is zero. i would not be worried about going to bellevue hospital or worried about getting into a cab in the city, even if it was his cab. but the people who should be worried are the public health authorities. they should be cleaning the cab and reaching out to anyone who he had contact with. what we saw, nigeria has been declared ebola free. one of the ways they did it is by very aggressively contact tracing. they went to 26,000 homes to chase down the potential contacting of the index case of ebola there. that's the kind of thoroughness we need to be undertaking here.
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for the general public, and i live in his neighborhood, it's a hospital i would use in town. i don't think anyone should be changing their behavior. >> that's a really good point. one of the things that stuck out to me, though, was doctors without boarders says dr. spencer followed protocols. he didn't self-quarantine, something that is sort of elective, if you will. should he have, do you think? should he have waited and kept himself away from people? we know he had close contact with his gift when he came home. should he have self-quarantined? >> doctors without boarders has been the sole organization responding to the ebola epidemic. they've treated thousands of cases and had 21 infected staff and about half of them have died. i think they've had 11 deaths. so it's not -- and they dispatched more than 300 expatriates and employed more than 3,000 national staff. so we're talking about really
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small numbers. should he have been self-quarantined? with hand sight you can say he should have done it. but the trouble is people give up their lives to volunteer for these jobs. this kind of humanitarian work is the work that keeps everyone in america safe. it's not just that he's doing good work in africa, he's keeping us safer from ebola. so the massive disruption of his life, to add in 21 days of isolation, self-quarantine, that's a big ask. remember, doctors without boarders already has a massive problem with human resources. the charities i work for, we have money to go to the ebola epidemic, what we don't have is the people. so i think he's probably managed his risk sensibly and it seems the first real sign of trouble that he's picked up the phone and called the right people. so i would not hold him -- i would not say he's put anyone at undue risk. >> dr. tullekan, thank you.
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i want to go now to ottawa where anderson cooper is. he has more on the breaking news there. anderson? >> thank you very much. new video has emerged of the attack on the canadian capital showing michael zehaf-bibeau running inside parliament with his weapon and breaking details about his online communications with some people who also share his radical beliefs. jim sciutto is working the story and has the latest. what have you found out? >> reporter: police say the suspect, michael zehaf-bibeau, may have held extremist beliefs himself and confirming information we r0r9ed earlier today, that he engaged with known extremists in canada, including a man charged with traveling to syria to fight for a terrorist group and crucially, police believe that bibeau wanted to do the same, but when authorities blocked him, that's when he carried out this attack. all this as we see this video of
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the attack as it happened. newly released surveillance video shows the attack on parliament hill as it happened. suspected shooter michael zehaf-bibeau is seen here running from a car after he had shot and killed soldier nathan cirillo at the war memorial. bystanders looking, then fleeing in fear. as he approaches, he hijacks a member's car. the driver seen running away. another camera catching him as he runs into the parliament building. >> they chased the suspect to the entrance. he entered the block at 9:53, seconds before the officers that were chasing him reached the door. i would like to acknowledge the police officers and security who rushed into a dangerous and volatile situation. >> reporter: now investigators are learning new details oh of
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what motivated the attack. police say michael zehaf-bibeau is believed to have held extremist views and engaged with known extremists in canada slowa the internet, include thing man, a vancouver native who traveled to syria to fight. >> we have information that suggests an association with some individuals who may have shared his radical views. >> reporter: u.s. authorities are now investigating if michael zehaf-bibeau had any communication with suspected extremists here in the u.s. he is known to have visited the u.s. several times. [ gunfire ] even before wednesday's shooting, in a second attack by car on monday, the u.s. was on alert for so-called lone wolf attacks by islamic extremists. the unique danger of lone wolves is they're difficult to spot. they do not need to communicate
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with operational leaders abroad using tools like e-mail or telephones. this makes it much harder for intelligence gathering agencies such as the nsa to track them. while they're not aware of specific threats, the former director of the national counterterrorism center told us u.s. authorities are watching both the southern and northern boarders. >> did you ever see anything that worried you about who is trying to come across u.s. boarders via mexico or canada? >> we're always concerned about our two land boarders and worked closely with those countries, mexico and canada. there's they have anything i saw isis had an effort to infiltrate. >> reporter: while canadian authorities were awrar he wanted to travel to syria and fight, he was not under surveillance. police say they're monitoring that list with increased vigilance now. authorities are also investigating whether he
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received support for his attacks by others. >> all right, jim, appreciate the update. i want to bring in a member of parliament, david mcginty. thank you very much for with us. first of all, how is the city doing today? you represent part of the city. >> i do. i have tens of thousands of constituents working these buildings, business people, public servants, high tech sector in the region. they're struggling. this is a big shock for a city like ottawa. we haven't seen this kind of thing before. people are asking a lot of questions. >> a similar shock given it comes two days after another soldiers with hit with a vehicle and killed. >> absolutely. the two deaths have really rocked canadian's world here. deeply concerned. of course, condolences, a big ceremony this morning in the house of commons.
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i think everyone is heart broken. >> we're standing in front of the war memorial where the soldier was killed yesterday. the new video that was released where you see the gunman running into the parliament area, as you look at that video, it raises questions about security. that conversation is now being had. it's been had here before, but i would imagine with renewed vigilance. >> totally. today, there are about 90 people under watch or more. we learned today and just a week ago, our deputy director of our national intelligence services, they didn't have the resources to do their job. we're going to continue asking about that. we asked again today about roughly 80 canadians outside of canada participating in terrorist activities who have come back and we're asking are they going to be prosecuted. so there are a lot of important questions and we'll do our job as legislators. do you feel that you understand the issue well enough of
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radicalization here in canada? >> no. >> all countries are now grappling with it. >> we're all struggling with it. it's a whole new phenomena. i can't connect the dots. but i think we're going to have to really examine how individuals go from one personality to another and find out what transforms them and how to deal with this easier. we need canadian's help to dent time these personalities that go rogue. when they go rogue, how do get them back on track. >> the other thing canada prided itself is on the openness of its democracy. the center building on parliament hill a few blocks from here where the shootings took place yesterday, there was yoga in the summer out on the lawn. i've seen the pictures. and that's a remarkable thing. something we don't have in the united states. we're used to metal detectors and areas cordoned off. do you think that's going to be a new reality here? because you look at that video,
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he was able to run up the steps into the building, there weren't barricades stopping him. >> that's what we're going to try to protect against. we don't want to turn this into a fortress. we want to achieve that balance between safety, security and human rights and personal freedoms and liberty. by the way, for anybody that wants to visit ottawa and join us in yoga, they're more than welcome any time. >> do you worry that this will change something essential in not just in the city, but in this country? >> it's shaken citizens here and shaken the country. people are just coming to grips with what's happened. there's a bit of a time lag, so we're now getting a lot of volume of feedback from our constituents, and they're just asking questions, how could this happen? why would this happen? what's next? was our security strict enough?
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how do we achieve this balance between keeping our parliament buildings open and accessible. >> you were in parliament today where honor was paid to the sergeant at arms who really stopped this gunman, shot this gunman and it's extraordinary. i was in parliament earlier today. it's extraordinary how close he got to the prime minister, whether he knew it or not, it could have been much, much worse. >> could have been, but it just didn't happen. it was a very moving ceremony today in the house. all partisanship was set aside. we came together, because we know we have to keep this democracy working. >> and you hope that all sides coming together, you hope that continues? >> absolutely. in terms of improving the situation, both in parliament hill and across canada. >> i appreciate your time today. thanks for all you do. breanna, back to you. more from here in ottawa coming up shortly. >> anderson cooper, thank you so much. much more on this breaking news
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that attack on the canadian capital. also, our sources and police are saying he may have held extremist beliefs and have online connections with people who share them. let's dig deeper with the former sergeant at arms, terry gainer, now a security adviser. we're joined by cnn counterterrorism analyst phillip mudd. and we have national security analyst peter bergen. let's talk about the shooter, michael zehaf-bibeau. he was not on this list of 90 individuals that the rcmp was monitoring. what we know is he had come to their attention, right? so why wasn't he on the list? >> you've got to look at this as risk management. if you're following 90 people, in my old world, following 90 people is very difficult. you're talking about their communications, houses, where they work, their cars, friends,
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family, kids. think of that over 90 people over years of time. so you have to grade the threat. if you have someone in terms of threat who only reaches a grade of talking to somebody on the internet, in my old world, believe it or not, december pitd wh -- despite what we saw in of the a yesterday, that is low grade. >> so in trying to renew the passport maybe doesn't reach the threshold, which is sort of alarming a and really shows you the threat here. let's take this to the u.s., because we're thinking if this can happen in canada, this might be able to happen in the u.s. we heard the white house press secretary talk about how these lone wolf threats are such a priority for president obama and the administration. how safe are we from something like this on u.s. soil? >> in the last five years, we've seen lone wolves attack in the united states.
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major nadal hasan, he was a classic lone wolf, he did reach out on the internet, it was known within the fbi. but he managed to get through and killed 13 people. the whole point is they tend to operate by themselves. if you have a group, it's easier to intercept communications. but the good news is lone wolves are only capable of a certain amount of damage. there's a natural ceiling to what one person can do. we're not threatened by large scale conspiracies as on 9/11, we're concerned about these lone wolves whose abilities are not enormous. >> phil, when you have someone like this man looking to renew his passport, presumably to
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fight overseas and their passports are revoked when that's their goal, doesn't that encourage them from trying to terrorize no matter where they are, and that's where they're going to commit acts like this when they're stuck in their home country? >> he was frustrated about what he could not do overseas. let me give you one clue. to persuade somebody from canada or the united states to kill civilians is a stretch for most terror groups. it's most easily to persuade them to kill military troops. so you have a recent convert, you notice peter talking about united states attacks here on military facilities. here on monday, an attack on a military officer, yesterday an attack on a military target. so someone frustrated that he can't fight overseas is pursuing a military target here at home.
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>> terry, last night this happens yesterday, last night we see another fence jumper at the white house. in a way, it was sort of a blip because of what we were seeing in canada. certainly the man who jumped the fence has had mental issues and certainly that may be the motivation here. didn't get very far, but it really does get to that question of how safe are we here in the u.s. and when you have official buildings here in washington, how safe, you know, really are our elected officials, how safe is the president? look at what happened last night, and what was your assessment of the success of stopping that individual? >> the secret service and the agents performed very well. the fence is not meant to be the be all, it's to slow people down to give people on the ground an opportunity. as we're talking about here, the lone wolves, the last defense against that is a uniformed officer. so the process that the officers go through around the capital or
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the white house is a very serious one. so there's all sorts of barricades and things, but if it's going to come down to a shootout, a run, chase and tackle, that's a tough duty. >> you say it's the last line of defense. what trikes me whether it's tsa at the airport or secret service at the white house or security guards at parliament in canada, that's supposed to be the last line of defense. a lot of times the first line of defense is intelligence chatter. but aren't these authorities, secret service at the white house for instance, they're supposed to be the last line of defense, but with lone wolves, aren't they in a way the first line of defense? >> well, in that case, you're correct. so i guess they're the last one and the only one at that point that has an opportunity to stop these offenders. that's why there's tremendous pressure on these men and women around these institutions like this to make that snap decision. you recall after mrs. kerry was
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shot on capitol hill, there was criticism of too much use of force. when the person got into the white house, there was criticism of too little force. there's the dilemma that an officer has, in an environment where we know there could be terrorists, suicide bombers, for them to make the right decision with the small set of facts that they have. >> it is very difficult, certainly. terry gainer, thank you so much. peter bergen, thanks for being with us. phil mudd, as well. appreciate your insight. just ahead, escalating violence and tension in ferguson, missouri as a series of investigation leaks fuel the anger of protesters. plus, that breaking ebola news. a new york city doctor is in isolation. he's being tested for the virus. now his girlfriend is under quarantine. we'll get the latest on that story.
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just ahead, more on our breaking news. that possible ebola case in new york city. but let's turn first to the new tensions and violent new protests in ferguson, missouri. continued leaks from the grand jury investigation are raising questions about what happened when a police officer shot unarmed teenager michael brown. joining me is don lemon, jeffrey tuben, john gaskin and tom fuentes. john, you've been on the ground in st. louis. there were so many protesters in the streets of ferguson last night. there were seven people arrested, a lot of police were assaulted by rocks and bottles. is this a situation getting out of control?
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>> well, you know, with the leaks, people are very, very agitated. they see it as egregious, unethical, and obviously orchestrated. so you've got a community that already does not trust law enforcement, that was told from the beginning that this process would be highly confidential until the end of the investigation. now you have leaks that appear to be coming out every day. you have a community that is very, very upset about it, and really wants answers as to who in the prosecutor's office or who from the justice department is leaking this critical information? >> and that's the question right, jeff, where are these leaks coming from? you've got leaks coming out about forensics that paint a picture of the officer's story and his certain -- certainly his allegations about why he used the force that he did, why he
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killed michael brown. when you look at this, jeff, what does it say about the legitimacy of the grand jury? >> well, i don't think that we can say that this grand jury is discredited because they're leaks. we're journalists. we look for and we want leaks. this is what we do. it is not proof of what the grand jury has found. i think it's a big mistake to conclude anything about what happened in michael brown's death based on these leaks. we're getting very piecemeal information. the same time, leaks are not an excuse to throw rocks and bottles at the police. yes, people are upset but you can't throw rocks and bottles. it's against the law and the wrong thing to do and the leaks are not a justification. >> tom, aside from the throwing of rocks and bottles, which is certainly not okay. that's not behavior protesters should be engaging in. we've seen a video that is showing a police officer pointing a gun at a protester
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while cameras are rolling. you're seeing some things that are reminiscent of what we saw nine weeks ago. >> it's unfortunate, but the police become afraid when people start throwing rocks. when that kind of confrontation escalates, the police bring their guns up and it escalates on both sides and can snowball. it's a dangerous situation. i agree it's egregious, illegal, terrible that grand jury information is being leaked out. i don't think that it's being orchestrated or the authorities are doing this on purpose. i think, as jeffrey mentioned, it's journalism. the st. louis post dispatch reporters are talking to somebody who is trying to impress that reporter with how much they know and oh, i'm in the know. and that's how leaks come out in these cases. >> don, you have seven or eight witnesses to this shooting, and they have provided to this grand
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jury a description that really seems to back up officer wilson's account. this is according to "washington post" report and these witnesses are black witnesses. when you look at that, do you think that we might be in for a surprise here the day we hear those grand jury findings? >> yes, to the last part of your question, i do think that we're in for a surprise. well, not really. all along we said it's going to be very tough to indict the officer, any officer in this situation. so i don't know if that is going to be a surprise. but you said it's "the washington post" reporting. "the washington post" is a great paper. these are only sources, a source said this is what a witness said. until i see it on paper, i'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt. i'm going to take it with a grain of salt. and in the same vein, the witnesses that have come forward, yes, they're witnesses, i think they're credible, but anyone on this panel will tell you, even jeffrey, that
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eyewitnesss are notoriously, sometimes -- they're notoriously unre unreliable. >> and are we only getting a piece of the puzzle here, that's also the question. thanks to all of you. really appreciate it. we have breaking news next. new details after a new york city doctor showing symptoms of ebola, returned just a few days ago from africa.
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new york city, showing symptoms of ebola. we have a photo of him to show you. this is from his facebook page. this is dr. craig spencer, he's 33 years old. this is what he posted when he was in brussels, belgium, on his way to guinea to work with doctors without boarders. this is something he posted to show his friends asking them to support medical personnel who are trying to deal with this epidemic in west africa. again, that is craig spencer there, 33 years old. this was taken -- would have been weeks ago we presume before he went to west africa to try to help out folk there is suffering from ebola. let's get more now from cnn medical analysis dr. van tullekan. i want to talk about the assurances we heard from the mayor of new york city. this is what bill deblazio said. >> we can safely say, it's been a very brief period of time that the patient has had symptoms a
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and the fact that this is a doctor makes this a situation where he was quite aware to quickly get in contact with the authorities upon feeling that there was a problem. our understanding is that very few people were in direct contact with him. >> so the mayor down playing the risk here, but at the same time, and certainly we know that this doctor was at tremendous risk compared to the average person here in the u.s., because he was in the zone, he was dealing presumably with many people who had ebola. but he was in contact with some people in new york city. his girlfriend has been quarantined. how concerned and really which people should be most concerned about having had contact with him? >> look, we heard a lot of public health authorities trying to reassure us over the last few weeks that it's not that contagious. at the same time, we've seen nurses get infected wearing protective gear. the mayor is right, the general public are at exceptionally low risk.
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even if you're at the bowling alley or took the car that he took home afterwards, i think the risks are vanishingly low. at this stage, he has relatively little -- if he has ebola, he will have little virus in his body. >> certainly he reported to authorities at the time he had authorities. we have much more breaking news coverage ahead. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked.
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>> a party star who takes on her own party. >> what the democrats have to do is be willing to stand up and fight. >> we could stand up and say this is what it is about. >> she's willing and always has been. >> complicating her relationship with president obama who she manages to slay before throwing arrows his way. >> if president obama wasn't in the white house, we wouldn't have a consumer financial protection bureau. this is an agency that has forced the biggest banks in this country to return more than $4 billion directly to people they
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cheated and that has been in just three years. >> but i hear a "but" coming. >> there is another half. they choose an economic team and when the going got tough, the economic team chose wall street. they protected wall street over american families. and that's just something that i think is fundamentally wrong. >> you've also said in the past that hillary clinton is somebody who has likewise protected wall street, do you think she is still too close to wall street? >> i have said i worry about everyone who is too close to wall street. when i describe what this race is about, and it is about who does government work for, i worry everywhere. >> not exactly a ringing endorsement of clinton, although warren has urged her to run. today warren is all about selling her own populous message
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and on the road she comes across loud and clear. >> when conservatives talk about opportunity, they mean opportunity for the rich to get richer amz the power -- and the powerful to get more powerful. >> she's become the littler al's anti--hillary and the poster child for government run amuck. >> president obama planted his feet and stood firm. >> there are some that say you energize republicans as much as democrats because you are so left-wing, liberal, populous. >> whoa, whoa, wait, wait. i believe we should have a higher minimum wage, because women should have access to birth control and the united states government should not be making tens of millions of dollars on the backs of her kids on student loans because i believe social security shouldn't be privatized.
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>> and does that have an appeal in a red state. >> you bet. it has an appeal everywhere there are working people. >> and they said that is the agenda for this year and beyond. >> and do you think hillary clinton is a nominee and can make that case? >> i care right now what we are focused on in '14. >> that is not a yes. >> this is the key election. 2014 is right in front of us and we shouldn't take our eye off the ball. >> but i didn't get a yes or a no to that? >> i want to be clear this is the 2014 race. >> she is determined not to look beyond and while her supporters want the 2016 door open, she just wants everybody to stop talking about it. really, stop. >> so why not think about running? >> i'm not running for president. >> okay. >> i am not running for president. i am not running for president. >> but if hillary didn't rub, you might give it a shot? >> i am not running for president. >> but she is is on a run, to
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her next state, 15 in all, campaigning for other democrats, at least for now. >> you know who else once said he wasn't running for president was barack obama. >> right. >> so how real are those noes? >> she wants us to take no for an answer because she wants to focus on 2014 but she's out there in 15 states, brianna. very much in demand, has a group of people in the democratic party that want her to challenge hillary clinton. personally, i think it is still a stretch. does she want to close the door completely? i bet not. but you heard her -- no, no, no, no -- until, by the way, maybe it is not. so we'll have to see. >> good to have options in politics. gloria borger. thank you. follow us on twitter and tweet the show at cnn sit room and join us tomorrow in "the situation room." watch us live or drv the show so you don't miss a single moment.
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i'm brianna keeler and thank you for watching us here in "the situation room." erin burnett outfront starts right now. up front next, the nation's largest city on high alert, a possible case of ebola in new york city. an american doctor just back from treating patients in west africa with ebola and it appears did he not self-quarantine and he is now hospitalized with a 103 degree fever. and a new york city police officer injured after being attacked with a hatchet. there are questions on whether this was a terror attack. and dramatic surveillance video just released of the canadian gunman in hand running through the ottawa streets as the investigation continues for the link to possible jihadist. let's go "outfront." good
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