tv The Situation Room CNN October 27, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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senator alan simpson about rove's attack ad, he said, this is why nothing gets done. that's it for "the lead." i'm jake tapper. i turn you over to wolf blitzer next door in "the situation room." happening now, ebola crisis, test results are due soon for a 5-year-old boy running a fever after visiting west africa as a nurse just back from the region wins her fight to be freed from quarantine. new isis threat. the terror group shows off the shoulder-fired missiles used to shoot down iraqi helicopters. are u.s. aircraft now in danger? hello kim. new pictures of north korea's leader with hello kitty-style. and the suspect in the hannah graham case is faced with charges in another case. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room."
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we're tracking several major developments in the ebola crisis. a nurse quarantined in new jersey after returning from west africa has now left the hospital. kaci hickox is free to go home to maine. but officials say she'll face further isolation there. ebola tests are due any time now on a 5-year-old hospitalized with a fever in new york city. he, too, had recently been in west africa. as several states act to monitor or isolate certain travelers from the so-called ebola hot zone, federal officials issue new ebola guidelines. our correspondents, analysts and newsmakers are standing by. let's begin with cnn's alexandra field who has the very latest. >> reporter: kaci hickox says her basic human rights were violated. she insists she never had signs of the ebola virus but was made to stay in isolation here at university hospital. then she threatened legal action and now is on her way home to maine.
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until hours ago, kaci hickox was under quarantine in less than great conditions. her toilet, sink, her room, thanks to the new jersey governor, not what she was hoping for after retiring from a tough assignment in west africa. she described her conditions to cnn. >> it's just a basic tent structure. there's a hospital bed. they bring me food. i have kind of a porta-potti-type restaurant. no shower facilities and no connection with the outside world except my iphone. >> reporter: hickox spent a month working with ebola patients in hard-hit sierra leone where nearly 1,300 people have died. after that, she was held in this tent at newark university's hospital after registering a fever, a reading she disputes. >> i truly believe that it was instrument error. they were using the forehead scanner and i was obviously distressed and a bit upset. and so my cheeks were flushed
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and i think there has been some evidence that that machine is not very accurate in these kind of situations. >> reporter: new jersey's governor insists she had a high temperature. >> she's someone who was trying to help her and is obviously ill. >> reporter: he says she was showing possible symptoms of ebola, hickox took issue with that claim. >> the first thing i say to governor christie is i wish he would be more careful about his statements related to my medical condition. i am not, as he said, quote, unquote, obviously ill. i am completely healthy and with no symptoms. i understand that people feel like they have a risk. and i think we can have a conversation about what further measures might look like. but i think this is an extreme that is really unacceptable. and i feel like my basic human rights have been violated. >> reporter: after three days
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inside that tent inside this hospital, hickox left here this afternoon in a private car which will take her back to maine. but once she arrives in maine, she will have to stay in quarantine. health officials in that state say she can stay in her home but they will be in close contact with her. they'll monitor her over the course of this 21-day incubation period to make sure they don't detect any symptoms of the virus. >> we wish her only the best of luck. thanks very much, alexandra, for that report. states joined federal authorities in taking steps to keep ebola from spreading in the united states. there's a growing political uproar and growing confusion at the same time. let's bring in senior white house correspondent jim acosta who's taking a look at this part of the story. >> reporter: the cdc just came out with new guidelines for states trying to figure out what to do with those health care workers returning from west africa. but the white house said today the federal government won't force those states to follow those protocols. doctors and nurses in the ebola hot zone in west africa will
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need a careful examination of u.s. quarantine rules back home. the white house says if a state wants to confine a nurse to a tent in a hospital, as in the case of kaci hickox, so be it. if they want to put people in tents, they can do that? >> subject to the laws of these individual states. what we hope and what we think has been true in the vast majority of circumstances is that these kinds of policy decisions should be driven by science. >> reporter: despite new cdc guidelines on how to deal with these returning health care workers, the obama administration is leaving it up to the states, some already stepping forward to come up with their own policies. >> i think this is a policy that will become a national policy sooner rather than later. >> reporter: the white house slammed new jersey and new york governors chris christie and andrew cuomo after they imposed mandatory quarantined. christie freed hickox after she protested. >> i didn't reverse any decision. >> reporter: administration officials refused to say whether
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they were ever consulted. is that a yes or no in terms of whether the administration was told in advance? >> i'm not in a position to detail all the phone calls. >> reporter: and they wouldn't say whether the nurse's rights were violated. >> her service and commitment to this cause is something that should be honored and respected. i don't think we do that by making her live in a tent for t two or three days. >> reporter: adding to the confusion, the pentagon which is sending soldiers to west africa is mulling quarantine policies of their own, all of which worries top health officials. >> you don't want to make a blanket change in something that might have negative consequences. >> ebola inside the u.s., americans alarmed about national security. >> reporter: eight days before the midterms, republicans argue ebola is only a symptom of a bigger problem. >> i think governors of both parties are reacting to an absence of leadership. >> reporter: now, all of this confusion is raising the
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question, whatever happened to ron klain, the administration's ebola response coordinator? the white house says klain is expected to take on more of a behind-the-scenes role. we may see him publicly but not very often. for now, they're saying ron klain will be doing more behind-the-scenes, backroom dealings with the different agencies at federal government but no plans to put him in front of the cameras. >> what does the white house say about the apparent mixed signals coming from various branches of the u.s. government? you hear something, for example, from the department of defense. you hear something else from the cdc. you hear something else from the governors and the states. what are they saying about that? >> reporter: they're saying at this point, the federal government really is going to stay out of the state's way when it comes to putting together their quarantine rules for the individual states. the cdc had no enforcement authority. as for the pentagon, the defense department are said to be mulling these quarantine rules as we speak. at that point, they say they'll let the pentagon announce them.
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>> ebola test results are due any moment for a 5-year-old boy who developed a fever after returning from west africa. he's over at bellevue hospital in new york city, which is also treating a doctor who came down with the disease after treating patients in africa. cnn's poppy harlow is over at bellevue hospital. what's the latest? what are you hearing over there? >> reporter: we're standing by because it could be any moment that we get those test results. this test takes up to 12 hours. it was administered earlier today on this 5-year-old boy. he landed at jfk airport in new york city on saturday night around 9:00 p.m. then on sunday, he got a very high fever. he was rushed here to bellevue hospital, the place for treating anything suspected of possibly being ebola. this is video we at cnn believe is him being transported along with his mother here. he's being held in isolation. he spent a month in guinea with his family. and that is the concern. that is part of the hot zone for
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the ebola virus. we p don't know if he has ebola but he has a 102-degree fever at the latest reason. earlier today, new york city mayor bill de blasio explained why the city is taking these steps when it comes to this 5-year-old boy. >> the child was having some difficulties but it's not clear they were the kinds of symptoms that would be related to ebola. so this is the abundance of caution dynamic, very recently returned family, the child was showing some signs of an illness, not clear what the illness was. we did the cautious thing and brought the child in under the full protocol. >> reporter: now, the mayor, i the can tell you, saying, it's an encouraging sign this little boy's mother is showing no signs or symptom. but officials are trying to figure out if he came in contact with anyone who had ebola while
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in guinea. officials are trying to track down anyone he may have had contact since he's been back in new york. in case it is a positive test, they want to trace his footsteps. >> let's hope it's not a positive test. we'll report those results as soon as you let us know what they're saying at the hospital. just ahead, conflicting and sometimes confusing guidelines from federal authorities and a growing number of states on how to handle health care workers and other travelers back from the ebola hot zone in west africa. dr. anthony fauci of the national institutes of health will stand by to sort it out for us. and a new threat from isis. shoulder-fired missiles are being used to try to down iraqi helicopters. can they do the same to american aircraft? plus, the suspect in the hannah graham case will soon face a judge in another virginia case. new details coming in to "the situation room." she's still the one for you.
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visit today. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy.
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i won this 55 inch tv for less than $30 on visit for great deals. and start bidding today! shoulder-fired missiles used by isis to shoot down iraqi helicopters. they may pose a threat to other u.s. aircraft as the u.s. and allies are stepping up their air campaign against the terror group. jim sciutto has been looking into this part of the story. it's a disturbing development. >> no question. it's long been a fear there. you have to do that corkscrew approach when you land there in baghdad. isis is believed now to have much more advanced shoulder-fired missiles with
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greater accuracy and a greater range and they are within miles of baghdad international airport. this is the ois proisis propaga video that highlighted that threat. you see an isis militant firing at an iraqi helicopter. we don't have the video. but experts have identified the missile that that isis militant was firing is a chinese-made weapon and later in the video you see what isis claims to be the wreckage of that downed iraqi chopper. u.s. officials are concerned -- here's that missile now. chinese-made fn-6. a range of up to 12,500 feet. it can hit iraqi helicopters and u.s. helicopters, apaches in action over iraq wells ac-130 gunships. they have a range to hit planes like that and helicopters like that. it could not hit commercial aircraft flying at altitude because that's at three times the range of this particular missile. that said, if that plane is flying in on approach, take-off
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or landing at baghdad international airport, that's when they're most vulnerable and that is a risk. one more thing we can say is u.s. pilots can take steps to reduce the risk. they can alternate their flight path. i spoke with former u.s. commander in chiefs in iraq. and they said they would set themselves up in areas where they knew u.s. helicopters were coming. so u.s. pilots changed those flight paths, moved them around. and also the apaches now operating in iraq, they can fire from distance. even from behind a mountain at a target a few miles away which reduces the risk from somewhere there firing back at you. >> do we know how these guys got these chinese shoulder-fired missiles? >> u.s. officials believe they either captured them from iraqi forces or captured or bought them from other syrian rebel groups or perhaps both. that was one of the reasons that the obama administration was reluctant to arm the syrian rebels earlier because they were concerned that advanced weapons would get into the hands of
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militants like isis and that's clearly what's happened here. it's a real worry going forward and it's going to be a real threat that u.s. pilots will have to deal with this iraq as they're flying air support for these iraqi troops. >> dangerous missions for those pilots. thanks very much, jim sciutto, with that late-breaking development. we're also getting new information on a disturbing new isis video showing a western hostage in the front line town of kobani. we'll have new details on that. that's coming up in the next hour. stand by for that. but right now, let's focus in on this new isis shoulder-fired missile threat. joining us, our cnn global affairs analyst, retired u.s. army officer james reese. he's a colonel retired. also joining us, douglas olivant, now with the new america foundation. gentlemen, thanks very much for
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joining us. colonel reese, the fact that isis has these shoulder-fired missiles, how much does that change what's going on on the ground and in the air over there? >> well, wolf, what it does right now is it literally starts to affect what the iraqi forces have done with their air superiority especially for rotary wing or helicopter support, that becomes a threat. when the u.s. apaches -- one of the things we do is we own the night. we really want to put those apaches out at nighttime, use our night vision devices, our thermal devices to help target the isis aspect ifs our apaches have to go out. the problem is the iraqis and others that have the apaches don't have the experience and the training like our american pilots do to really do that at night. now, through the years, we saw it when we left and started our business over there, we'd see the apaches flying during the
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day. but the other thing the american apaches have is a system on there called aircraft safety equipment, survivability equipment that sets us apart from other people that have the apache like the iraqis. >> douglas, i'm told -- maybe you have better information than i do, that u.s. officials are not really concerned that isis could take over baghdad, the capital of iraq, 7 million people. it's pretty well secured by the american military, largely shiite controlled. but they are concerned about the baghdad international airport which is about 12 or 15 miles outside the city. how realistic is it that isis could take over baghdad international airport? >> they're not going to take over baghdad airport. i don't think u.s. officials are concerned about that. they are concerned that isis could get close enough to interdict it. either use the shoulder-fired missiles or get close enough to have an artillery or mortar
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round land on the airstrip and cutting off the airport there. >> in that airport is endangered, there are thousands of americans still in that so-called green zone where the u.s. embassy is in baghdad. they would have a hard time getting out of iraq. they'd have to go via land, i assume, if they can't use that baghdad international airport. >> wolf, remember, iraq through the years is moving south of basra, has established international airport. there's a large air force base down south they could use, even going to basra. and if everything went to heck there, they could ground move all the way into kuwait. but the regional security office at the embassy and the military leadership there and with centcom, they've looked at these and had these in place for years.
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they've had second dare and tertiary plans -- >> only our c-130s can do that down in. those at the embassy can get out. in terms of normal international commerce bringing in the turkish flights, the emirates flights, there's the concern that could stop that commerce and set baghdad and all of iraq back. >> that's a real concern as we watch what's going on. isis is still gaining power. douglas, thanks very much for joining us. colonel, thanks to you as well. let's get to politics. the midterm elections only a week away from tomorrow. a new cnn opinion research poll shows president obama's approval rating remains stuck in the
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mid-40s where it's been basically most of this year. 30% of americans say they're very angry about the way things are going in the country. that's up eight points from 2012 and virtually the same as 2010 when the midterms turned into what president obama then called, and you will remember, he called it a shellacking, the midterm elections in 2010. coming up, how to handle health workers and other travelers from west africa's so-called ebola hot zone. are federal authorities and the states working across purposes? dr. anthony fauci is standing by to explain what's going on. ominous messages from the washington state high school shooter. should someone have noticed and taken action? plus, the suspect in the hannah graham case will soon face a judge in another case that's been building for years. is that just the beginning? stay with us. you're in "the situation room." are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world.
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learning new details about the mass shooting at a high school near seattle, washington. a 15 yoorld boy shot five students before killing himself, two of the victims have died. our justice correspondent pamela brown is on the scene for us in marysville, washington, with the latest. what are you learning? >> reporter: we are just learning from the county sheriff that the shooter, jaylen fryberg, invited his victims to the lunch table here last friday before opening fire on them, killing two. this as we learned he sent an ominous picture to his ex-girlfriend just before the rampage. a law enforcement source tells cnn jaylen fryberg sent a selfie of himself holding a gun to an
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ex-girlfriend just before he walked into marysville-pilchuck cafeteria friday and opened fire. it is unclear if it was the same .40 caliber pistol he used in the attack. >> he fired six bullets into the backs of them. >> reporter: tonight, investigators are searching fryberg's computer, scouring his social media and talking to witnesses trying to piece together why the popular homecoming prince would do this. a trail of ominous messages on twitter. his most recent tweet, a day before the attack, it won't last, it will never last. sources say fryberg may have acted out following a family dispute. >> jaylen put out a gun and shot his friends, his cousins. >> reporter: why do you think he did that? >> him and one of his cousins
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got into a fight a few weeks ago over his ex-girlfriend. >> reporter: breaking overnight, a second victim, gia soriano, died from her shooting injuries. her doctor read a family statement outside the hospital. >> gia is our beautiful daughter and words cannot express how much we will miss her. >> reporter: the first student, zoe galasso was remembered for her bright smile and sense of humor. >> i'm in a lot of shock. never thought i would lose my best friend at such a young age. >> reporter: witnesses say the death toll could have been higher as teacher megan silberberger not stepped in. witnesses say she confronted the shooter just before he shot and killed himself. >> she grabbed his arm. it happened in seconds. >> reporter: three of the victims remain in the hospital tonight, two in critical, one in serious condition. meantime, classes here at
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marysville-pilchuck high school have been canceled for the rest of the week, wolf, as students here and faculty try to cope with what happened here last friday. >> what a heartbreaking story indeed. pamela brown, thanks for that report. our top story right now, test results are due literally at any time now for a 5-year-old boy hospitalized with a fever in new york city. that little boy recently returned from west africa. and a nurse who was quarantined in new jersey has won her fight to get out of isolation there. joining us, the director of national institute of healths, dr. anthony fauci. thanks very much for joining us. i know you're incredibly busy right now. let's talk about this 5-year-old boy being tested for ebola right now. had a significant fever when he was brought in. do we know the results yet? >> we don't, wolf. but what i'm understanding, there are certain laboratory tests that are really not
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consistent with ebola. but you don't know until you do the test. and i have not heard about the results. so it would not be a good idea for me to comment on it because i really don't know what those results are. >> as soon as we know, we'll get back to you. in the meantime, let's talk about some of the other aspects of this ebola crisis right now. the pentagon is doing what they call controlled monitoring of some u.s. troops who are coming back from west africa. other health care workers returning from that ebola hot zone, as it's called, are being told to do self-monitoring. some states are requiring mandatory quarantines. we're getting all these mixed signals. what's going on here? >> wolf, i think it's important that the cdc guidelines -- the very most recent guidelines that were put out today are adding a degree of clarity to with attention to scientific evidence and scientific data. it's important to explain why
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it's much clearer now. when you have a person coming back, a health worker. they are at different levels of risks. rather than throwing everybody in the same bucket and say, if you want to make an extreme, either quarantine everybody or let everybody on their own, those are two extremes. if you look at it, there are different levels of risk to which the health care worker or even a person coming in from that country. there's a high risk. there's some risk. there's a low but not zero risk. and there's really unappreciable risk, essentially no risk at all. what's being done now with the cdc recommendations, which is a really good idea, is that they're matching the level of risk with the degree of monitoring that you're going to have. so the higher the risk that you have a higher degree of monitoring. the lowest degree is passive where i take my temperature. i see how i feel and i make my own decision. the next degree is active where i take my temperature, figure
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out how i feel and tell somebody. and the third level is a direct active monitoring where it isn't left up to me an my judgment but someone comes every day to my home or where i am, take my temperature, determines my symptoms and makes the clinical judgment as to what the degree of restriction is going to be. so you take away denial. you take away arbitrariness, and you wind up with something that's scientifically based. and that's a lot more precise. and i think people can understand that. you don't want to be everybody in the same place. you have to individualize your evaluation of how much travel, how much mixing in the community you're going to allow someone to have. >> did the new jersey governor, chris christie, and the new york governor, andrew cuomo, make a mistake in issuing over the weekend that mandatory quarantine policy? >> you know, wolf, i don't want to criticize them. and i wouldn't say it was a
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mistake. they were trying to do the best for their constituencies. i have said that if you look at the scientific data and the scientific evidence, i would not have recommended that. but i have no criticism for them. they were trying to do the best for their constituencies. >> do you have an update on dr. craig spencer, the ebola patient at bellevue hospital right now? how's his condition? >> you know, i don't know, wolf, in the sense that i'm not in direct contact. and if i did, i wouldn't want to give out a patient confidentiality information without the permission of the patient and his health care providers. >> if i had been related to him or a friend of mine, i would have said, go to n.i.h., have dr. fauci take care of you at n.i.h., just like that nurse from dallas was brought to you. she was released the other day. do you have confidence that what they're doing for him at bellevue is as good as what you could do for him at n.i.h.? >> bellevue is a great place, wolf.
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i have complete confidence in bellevue. i know most of the physicians there. they're extremely well-trained. they're devoted. they're good. >> what about the health care workers there, the nurses and the doctors? are they as protected there as your nurses and doctors would be at n.i.h.? >> the cdc -- and to their credit -- they are there, they are helping out, they are having the monitoring, in essence of making sure things are running well. there's a great degree of collaboration between the cdc, the state and health authorities and the faculty and personnel of bellevue. so i think that's a good situation there. and they're doing well. i trust them. >> that's encouraging to hear that. let's hope that dr. craig spencer is freed of ebola and freed very, very soon. dr. fauci, thanks for the good work you're doing. we really appreciate it. >> you're quite welcome. still ahead, the main
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suspect in the kidnapping of the university of virginia student hannah graham is ordered to appear before a judge. there are new details coming into "the situation room." big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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at one point, he arranged some hello kitty dishes on a table. till the middle of this month, he had been out of the public eye for about five weeks raising questions about his health. but there have been several still photos of him released over these past few days. let's get to another story we've been following. the charlottesville, virginia, area is coming to grips with the death of university of virginia student hannah graham as legal action develops against the suspect in the graham case as well as in other cases. brian todd is looking into this for us. >> jesse matthew is going to face a fairfax county judge this friday. he's going to be video-conferenced from from his jail in charlottesville. but prosecutors have yet to reveal their plans. it's a careful strategy, but it's playing out in a wounded community looking for justice. with chalk wall memorials and flower displays, the university
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of virginia community tries to process the death of 18-year-old hannah graham. >> the impact it's had on the community has been really difficult for all of us. >> reporter: made even more difficult with the knowledge that a man with strong ties to charlottesville, a local high school football and wrestling star, is the prime suspect. confirmation of graham's death now means jesse matthew could be charged with murder and could be eligible for the death penalty. but experts say it's not clear what the best evidence in a murder case would be and it may take a while to indict. >> that's a complicated case that will probably take a couple of weeks. >> reporter: less complicated is the case against matthew in fairfax county, virginia, where he'll likely be tried first. there he faces sexual assault and attempted capital murder charges from a 2005 incident where a woman was abducted while walking home from the grocery store. >> fairfax is the strongest case because it's a case that has been in the works for the last nine years. they have a live victim who can come in and testify. >> reporter: there's a forensic link between that case and the
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absuction and murder of virginia tech student morgan harrington. she vanished in october of 2009 while visiting uva. her body found on a farm outside charlottesville more than three months later. no one's been charged in harrington's murder. what's the link to fairfax? the man who found harrington's shirt here on this bush in downtown charlottesville says police later told him they had a dna match to the fairfax case. harrington's parents recently spoke about the ties between their daughter's murder and jesse matthew's arrest in the graham case. >> i'm so pleased that's happened but it doesn't change a lot for us, in some ways. our bedroom is still empty upstairs. >> reporter: and analysts say the harrington case may be the weakest one legally against jesse matthew. >> there's been no evidence that we are aware of that establishes to any kind of degree of certainty that mr. matthew and ms. harrington were ever together. >> that, of course, departs from the hannah graham case where surveillance video and witness accounts put jesse matthew and
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hannah graham either together the night she disappeared or at least in close proximity to each other. we reached out to jesse matthew's attorney. he told me he would not comment on any aspect of the graham, harrington or fairfax county cases. but he did send a statement on behalf of jesse matthew's grandparents expressing sympathy to the families of morgan harrington and hannah graham. >> thanks, brian. let's get more with coy barefoot and tom fuentes. coy, what's the latest that you're hearing on those charges jesse matthew faces in the 2005 rape and attempted murder case in fairfax, just outside of washington, d.c., in northern virginia? >> right. that took place on september 24th, 2005. three felony charges in that case. abduction, rape and attempted capital murder. big development today to learn that mr. matthew will have his
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arraignment by video court. it's not skype. i've been asked that many times. it's a private phone line that's used at the jail. he will not be leaving the jail. that's going to disappoint him because i have sources at the jail that tell me all last week he was sharing with people in the jail that he was looking forward to going to fairfax, somewhat of a road trip for him, i guess. the big news in fairfax is, as far as i am concerned, the courage of the young woman who was assaulted. just think about this for a minute. this young woman was brutally raped, she was nearly beaten to death. and then she voluntarily subjected herself to a rape kit test. she was swabbed. she was scraped, her entire naked body was photographed. she was poked and prodded. they took samples of her blood, her hair, her urine, her skin, her fingernails. a grueling process that can last up to four hours. but she did it.
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and too often the victims of rape and of sexual assault, they're silenced by fear or intimidation or shame or murder. and that did not happen. and the evidence that this woman is bringing forward from the 2005 case, that could very well be the evidence that is possibly used to convict a serial killer. we can thank her courage for that. >> stand by, coy. tom fuentes, stand by as well. we have more to discuss, other developments in this case that has really sparked an enormous amount of concern around the country. we'll be right back.
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coy barefoot and tom fuentes, former fbi assistant director, talking about the hannah graham case. jesse matthew, we have some pictures of the suspect in this case. there you see some of the yearbook pictures from when he was in high school. i guess a lot of people are asking, does he fit that profile, and he hasn't been convicted of anything yet, he's been charged but not convict, of potentially a serial killer? >> yes, in a way he really does. most serial killers are charming, intelligent, outgoing, they have friends. we look back on many of the major cases of that and they charmed their victims into becoming victims. >> coy, you spoke with the second tipster who reported property to police where they found hannah graham's remains, her body. he walked around the property.
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what did he have to say to you about that? >> reporter: i was with him this morning. just to review here, there were two gentlemen who called in on the tip line to report the property where hannah graham was eventually found, and both men were motivated to call in because of an unusual collection of very large buzzards that were all over the property. the gentleman i was with this morning was a navy s.e.a.l. from vietnam. he said coy, i've seen it all. i got out of my car that morning, i stood there under all those buzzards and i was so nervous that i had to leave. and i would think that it takes quite a lot to creep out a navy s.e.a.l. he walked into the woods and as we know now he was only feet from the body of hannah graham, but he just did not see her.
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that was the morning of october 6. he said the woods were so thick leading down to the creek, he couldn't see her. >> tom, we're told there's no more active digging going on, on that property, no more searching. so it would appear police believe they've collected enough evidence, there's nothing left there to go through. is that your assessment? >> i think so, or they wouldn't have released the property for other people to be walk around there. so they're finished at that site. chances are they may have come up with nothing as far as the implication of jesse matthew murdering her, the decomposition, the evidence just might not be there to show, because we already know they were together. just finding his dna on her pants or other remains there won't help. they need to find more specific indication that he was the last person with her, and i think the key to that is going to be whaef
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they found in his apartment, did he take money, jewelry, underwear. often they take some souvenir that they can reminisce. >> tom fuentes, thank you very much. coy barefoot, thanks to you, as well. coming up, ebola test results are due any time now for a 5-year-old boy hospitalized with a fever after visiting west africa. and a u.s. general and a number of troops are quarantined after their work in west africa. why isn't the pentagon calling it a quarantine? we're aig. and we're here... to help communities recover and rebuild... their roads, their schools, their buildings, their offices. we're a leading global insurance company based right here in america. for everything from loss prevention to cybersecurity. we're here to stand behind our commitments that we've made to our clients, our customers. we're aig. we're here to help take on the risk... for people, for companies, and the world.
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happening now, breaking news. new ebola guidelines. the centers for disease control moves to end the controversy over patch work quarantine rules that have sparked a very public battle involving the white house. viral threat. global health officials say there's another virus that could kill many more people in the united states than ebola in the coming months. so what has so many experts so worried right now? hostage shocker. an isis captor turns up in a surprise location in a new propaganda video. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer and you're in "the situation room." >> this is cnn breaking news. >> we're following the breaking news.
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new ebola guidelines from the centers for disease control and preventions. officials are recommending voluntary home quarantine for health care workers and others returning from the to-called ebola hot zone in west africa who are considered at high risk for exposure. that comes as the pentagon quarantines almost a dozen u.s. military personnel. we've just received ebola test results and they are negative, repeat, negative for a 5-year-old boy who recently visited west africa and is now hospitalized in a new york city hospital with ebola symptoms. we have our correspondents, our guests, our global resources on the story this hour. let's begin with our correspondent at new york's bellevue hospital with the good news on that 5-year-old little boy. miguel? >> reporter: yeah, there is good news to report. that 5-year-old is negative for ebola say the hospital. they will remain in isolation here until they can do more tests and ensure that he is
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truly ebola free. he was brought in the hospital after falling sick sunday. he got in from guinea after spending a month there on saturday. he got into new york, became sick on sunday and came into the hospital here. they were not sure they were going to conduct a blood test because he is so young but did it any way. officials said for some time it didn't seem consistent with ebola because it appeared he had gotten sick, the vomiting and diarrhea before the fever came on, that fever came on later. that's not consistent with the way ebola works. they brought him here, they tested him. the first round is negative, but more rounds to come. so we'll find out in the days ahead. >> what's the latest on the confirmed ebola patient at bellevue hospital, dr. spencer? >> reporter: dr. craig spencer is also here at bellevue. he remains in serious but stable condition. his girlfriend or fiance who was here with him, has been allowed to return home to stay in
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isolation and quarantine there, as well his two friends he had substantial contact with. he seems to be doing as well as he can. he spoke briefly to "the new york times" at one point over the weekend. he seems to be doing as well as he can. some of those worse symptoms appear to be setting in. he also has had a transfusion of a survivor of ebola. so it's hoped he will recover fully. >> let us hope. thank you very much for that. let's bring in elizabeth cohen, also in new york. so first of all, elizabeth, what are you learning about these new cdc guidelines that were announced just a few hours ago? >> you know, wolf, they really are in great contrast to what's being done in new york and new jersey. the cdc does not recommend mandatory quarantine for all returning health care workers. for some high-risk health care
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workers, like maybe one that got a needle stick taking care of an ebola patient, it appears they would want to go that way. but for any other health care worker, they recommend intensive monitoring. so for getting a phone call or a visit from a local health official, taking their temperature, asking how are you feeling, having a conversation with these returning health care workers. that might have prevented dr. spencer from going out and about. he was feeling sluggish, not feeling great but still he went bowling and to a restaurant. it doesn't appear he put anyone in danger. doctors are quite sure he didn't, but the public gets a little scared. so hopefully under these new rules, health official also say you're not feeling great, stay at home. >> are these guidelines that the cdc put out mandatory or can states, local jurisdictions ignore them if they want? >> they can ignore them, they can do whatever they want. the cdc doesn't tell anyone in
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this situation what to do. they make guidelines. they make recommendations. usually, wolf, people listen to the cdc guidelines. here we go that several states are not listening. they want to have that mandatory quarantine. >> elizabeth, stand by. we have more questions but there's other news we're following related to this. almost a dozen u.s. troops that were in west africa are now quarantined. hundreds more can be isolated as the pentagon sends more u.s. forces over to west africa to fight ebola. let's go to barbara starr. what are you learning over in? >> reporter: none of the troops have symptoms. the pentagon is calling it enhanced monitoring. you and i might call it a quarantine. u.s. army major general darrell williams ended his command of the u.s. military operation in west africa and flew right into
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quarantine. williams and his military team show no symptoms of ebola, but they were ordered in quarantine. after they worked to set up operations in ebola for the last 30 days, the timing could not be politically worse. the administration doesn't want quarantines. >> you have got to make your decisions and your policy based on the scientific data. the scientific data and evidence tells us that people two are not ill, who don't have symptoms, with whom you don't come into contact with body fluids, they are not a threat. >> reporter: but for troops, there are other considerations. >> infections go through the military at a much quicker pace than the civilian population. everyone is living in close quarters, working this close quarters. it has been well shown how even mild infections within a military unit can lead to very debilitating and interruption of their capabilities.
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>> reporter: now the joint chiefs of staff is considering recommending an across the board quarantine for nearly 900 troops already there. a number that could grow to 4,000. >> we have ensured the highest medical and safety protocols are in place before, during, and after deployment. >> reporter: a full military quarantine could be a stunning reversal. in an october 10 memo, the pentagon said as long as troops show no symptoms, they may return to work and routine daily activities with family members. as the administration grapples with the issue of quarantines, u.n. ambassador samantha power is about to return from west africa. the state department says she will obey any state health laws. now, this situation is so sensitive. the question of whether or not to put all military members returning from west africa in quarantine will now be defense secretary chuck hagel that makes the final decision how to
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proceed. wolf? >> there could be 4,000 u.s. troops on the ground in west africa trying to deal with this crisis, is that right? >> reporter: that's right, wolf. the pentagon authorized up to 4,000 troops to go on this mission in west africa. right now they're approaching 900 on the ground. >> barbara, let's hope they're all okay. leapt's dig deeper. join us, a former cdc disease detective who writes for the dallas morgue news and joining us, gavin mcgregor-skinner from penn state. he's an expert on public health preparedness. elizabeth cohen is still with us, as well. governor chris christie of new jersey kept saying that kaci hickox, the nurse who had just come back from west africa, she was finally released after being quarantined over there in newark, new jersey, because he hadn't exhibited any symptoms for 24 hours. but she says she never really
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exhibited symptoms. you know this nurse. what is your response to this uproar that developed? >> so she insisted that she didn't have any symptoms and she felt physically well, wolf. she said she was emotionally distraught and exhausted and very upset after the governor made that comment because it frightened her mother and her family. they were concerned that perhaps she was symptomatic and she was not. it does give a message if we're quarantining health care workers that perhaps her a threat to the public health. the nurse did not have any symptoms, therefore she was not a threat. she was trying to protect the public by fight thing in west africa. >> he says when they took that thermometer and pointed it at her forehead she had a 101 temperature. when she came to the hospital she had a normal temperature and she was fine.
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how reliable are those hand-held devices that you point at the forehead and get the temperaturesome >> there is some data that shows there's not as accurate and other thermometers. her temperature was taken and it was normal. then it was taken three or four hours later, so she was visibly upset and flush and it gave an elevated level. when they took her temperature at the hospital, it was normal. they took it using the forehead thermometer and it was higher. they said we don't think you have a fever, but the temperature is coming back as high, probably because we're using a forehead thermometer and you're upset and your face is flush. >> the governor says they were acting out of an abundance of caution, especially after dr. spencer coming back from west africa and having ebola. >> the approach we take here
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with any infectious disease is called biorisk management. in that we do risk assessments. we do these proper risk assessments and we evaluate what are the risks. as we're trying to protect all of the americans, the whole american population, we've got to go back to west africa and focus on where the epidemic is and put as many people into west africa as we can. >> when they come out of west africa, do they need to go into quarantine, those who have death directly with ebola patients? >> we've been dealing with ebola for over 28 years. within the health care profession, we've always put in strict property polls for controlled movement. we've developed networks to take our temperature, we talk to each other. we have these cell phones to do text messages, conference calls, no symptoms, no ebola, no
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quarantine. >> elizabeth, you studied those thermometers they use at the airports. how reliable are they? >> i was speaking with a doctor, a professor at the university of texas who studied these. he said look, they are not as reliable as oral thermometers. you know when you get upset, your face gets flush. that's blood going to your face, so your skin is going to be hot. he thinks that's why kaci hickox had that one high reading. he said you do not send someone to the hospital based on a high thermal forehead thermometer. instead, you take an oral temperature. you don't send someone to the hospital based on what one of those airport thermometer says. he was very surprised that new jersey sent her to the hospital. it wasn't a true reflection of her temperature and every other reading was normal. >> it underscores the panic that is out there though, doesn't it? >> yes, but you have to wonder when kaci hickox landed in
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newark, that new policy had just been put into effect. you have to wonder were they almost looking for an excuse to isolate her? they kept her for seven hours. she kept saying she was fine. she said when they got that one high reading, she said they looked kind of smug and said see, you do have a fever. you have to wonder if there were political reasons why this was done. >> how much of an impact will this have on physicians, nurse, others who want to go to west africa and help these people? that's where the real ebola crisis is. >> we're already hearing from folks deployed right now in west africa, that they're concerned how they will be treated when they return home, especially if they're coming back to new jersey or florida or illinois, they're concerned how long they will be separated from their families. we're also hearing from folks right here in the u.s. who want to serve their country and protect the public health of americans by going to west africa.
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they're not so sure whether they will deploy, because they're worried how they will be treated. this could hamper our efforts to stop the outbreak in west africa. we know as long as there are cases in west africa, we're likely to see more cases in the u.s. and other parts of the world. >> it's clearly spreading in west africa. right now, i want all of you to stand by. we have much more to report and discuss. we'll resume our coverage right after this. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income. so i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica.
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we're back with dr. yaz min, a former cdc disease detective who writes for the "dallas morning news," gavin mcgregor-skinner, an expert on public health preparedness and our correspondent, elizabeth cohen. that little 5-year-old boy tested negative and the statement released by the new york city department of health said the test is negative. but out of an abundance of caution, further ebola tests are required to ensure the patient is clear. the patient will be tested for common respiratory viruses. the patient will be in isolation until all test results have returned. is it possible, even though this initial test was negative, he still might be positive down the road? is that what they're suggesting in this statement? >> it's possible but highly unlikely. i have spoken to some pediatricians. they said with this clinical history, it sounds like so many other illnesses that 5-year-olds
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get. he's vomiting, it could be any other conditions. it's unlikely to ebola. and now it's even more unlikely given this one negative test. >> as you know, gavin, dr. craig spencer, the physician with doctors without boarders back, he's got ebola, at bellevue hospital right now. he came back with ebola. he's got it. do we have any idea how he got snit >> no, we haven't. i'm sure people have interviewed him, but we haven't heard at all how he might have gotten ebola. again, the two nurses from dallas, we're not sure, as well. we have to reverse the paradigm and look at the lessons learned. let's look at the lessons learned from dallas and lessons learned from west africa. we have many people in west africa now. the systems we train on, the management, the supervision, the protocols are exactly the same in u.s. hospitals as what we use in africa.
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exactly the same. and it's -- where were those gaps? >> those protocols were not in existence in dallas, though. >> well, i don't know. >> they had some of the skin on the neck that wasn't covered in dallas and those nurses came down with ebola after treating mr. duncan. >> that comes back to our management, supervision and that's what is critical. the cdc puts out the guidelines as paper based documents. what the next critical step is how to make that happen. how to implement. but again, organizations are out in west africa. they're putting those in place. >> i've heard, elizabeth, and you know more about this than i do, some of the nurses, health care workers, some of the physicians at bellevue hospital are worried right now about this ebola patient. they're concerned. they don't necessarily have the training you need. i asked dr. fouci if this doctor should have been sent to nih for
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treatment where they have better experience in dealing with these case. what are you hearing in new york? >> you know, these workers haven't come out and said anything pub hickly that i know of. i know the mayor and his wife visited them yesterday and said they were all devoted to this, that they were dedicated to this. to it seems like they want to be doing this. now, bellevue is not like texas presbyterian. they were caught unaware, they had done no ebola training. here at bellevue, they've been training for months, so they knew what they were getting into a lot more than the folks in dallas. >> your analysis, you've studied this closely, should we be bracing for more ebola cases in the united states? >> the data shows at the moment if the outbreak continues in west africa, we could see as many as 3 to 8 cases of ebola every single month. so that's why it's absolutely key that brave, compassionate health care workers continue to
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go to west africa and stop the outbreak there. that keeps americans healthy right here. >> gavin, you were there in west africa trying to deal with this chrises in august and september. how did it go? >> it's very challenging. physically, it's very draining. mentally, we have nightmares at all. we talk about this all the time. again, when accidents happen, let me get this straight, ebola patients have lots of diarrhea and projectile patient. i've been covered in vomit from an ebola patient. but i was protected, but it was the supervision that i had. >> what does that mean? >> the person i was working with said stop, don't move. we decontaminated. we washed off with soap and water. we made sure it didn't get into
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our nose and mouth. >> but your hands were covered. >> you do get things on your hands. keep them away from your eyes, nose and mouth and you won't get ebola. >> but if you get ebola fluid on your skin, that's not necessarily going to give you ebola this >> you wash it off with soap and water and you will not get ebola. >> thanks for going over there. you're a courageous guy indeed. thanks to all of you for joining us. thank you very much. breaking news coming up next. a new isis propaganda video shows a western captive in a surprising location. we have details of the message he's being forced to send. plus, an american veteran fighting isis on the battlefields of syria. he shows his remarkable story exclusively with cnn. when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving
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we're getting breaking news here in "the situation room." there's new video of an isis hostage, this time in a surprising location, forced to send the terrorist propaganda messages to the west. our chief national security correspondent jim sciutto is work thing story for us. tell us what's going on, jim. >> reporter: another alarming video from isis. this is one of isis' last western hostages and he appears in his new role as a spokesman
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for the group. he makes a bold claim that isis is actually winning in kobani. [ gunfire ] he's seen in the heart of the hotly contested town of kobani, within sight, he claims, of turkey. >> hello, i'm john cantley. today we're in bkobani. that is turkey behind me. >> reporter: he refutes western accounts of the battle, saying kobani remains under the control of isis, not kurdish rebels. >> there are no pkk or peshmerga in sight. just a large number of islamic state mujahadin and they are definitely not on the run. >> reporter: u.s. officials dismissed the video as isis propaganda. and elsewhere in iraq and syria, isis appears to have a dangerous new weapon.
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here an isis militant is shown firing at an iraqi helicopter with a shoulder fired missile, identified as a chinese made fn-6. the next frame shows what isis claims was the result, the twisted wreckage of the downed chopper. with u.s. aircraft, including apache helicopters and ac-130 gunships now in action over iraq, so-called man pads or man portable air defense systems are a grave and growing concern. >> that's clearly significant potential threat to aviation operating in iraq and syria due to ongoing fighting. of particular concern is our advanced conventional weapons like man-p.a.d.s. >> reporter: there are fears they captured them from retreating iraqi forces or bought them from other syrian
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rebel groups. the fn-6 can strike aircraft flying at altitudes up to 12,500 feet, making both apaches and ac-130s vulnerable. though not higher flying combat aircraft or commercial aircraft at cruising altitude. they are a threat, however, to civilian or military aircraft on takeoff and landing. a threat that has thrown as isis forces have moved within several miles of baghdad airport. general mark hurtling says isis is still not close enough to pose the most severe threat. >> you have to be within a couple miles to take a good shot. so far they haven't encroached that closely to the western side of the airport. >> reporter: militants are now showing missile know-how far and side, posting a manual for the west ways of downing an apache on the internet.
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u.s. pilots have their own technique. they can alternate flight paths to set ting up firing paths alog the way. >> the plane also have to do that little spiral landing if they get closer to the iraqi airport. >> as iraqi forces confront isis forces, particularly in fallujah, they've needed close air support from american aircraft. whatever measures they take, they're still vulnerable. >> jim sciutto, thank you very much. an american army veteran fighting isis in syria, ivan watson made a secret trip inside syria, talked to this american fighter. he's joining us now from northern iraq.
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ivan, glad you're out of there safe and sound. you're a courageous journalist. what did you see? tell our viewers. >> reporter: well, wolf, there's been so much attention to westerners who have joined the ranks of isis. but the fact is, there have also been foreigners who have volunteered to join some of the other factions in syria, fighting in that terrible civil war. we crossed into kurdish controlled northern syria to meet one american who has joined a kurdish militia there. armed men are a common sight here in kurdish controlled northern syria. a country embroiled in a vicious civil war. but one of the gunman in this truck is not like the others. how are people reacting to you when they see you and realize that you're from the u.s.?
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>> jordan matteson is a 28-year-old former u.s. army soldier from sturdavant, wisconsin. for the last month, he's also been a volunteer fighter in the kurdish militia known here as the ypg. >> i got in contact with the ypg on facebook, and i prayed about it, and for probably a month or two, and just really soul searched and said, is this what i want to do? and eventually, you know, decided to do it. >> reporter: during his two years in the army, he never once saw combat or deployment overseas. but soon after arriving here in syria, he says he ended up in a battle against isis. >> the second day in, i got hit by a mortar in the fight. >> reporter: while recovering from shrapnel wounds, he went to work online, recruiting more
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foreigners to help the ypg fight against isis. >> i've had ex-military from eastern europe, western europe, canada, the united states, australia, you name it, they've been asking. isis has threatened all of these countries i've named to push their agenda. the veterans of those nations don't want to sit by while this is happening. >> reporter: back home in wisconsin, he used to work in a food packing company. >> other than that, we just hang out in here. >> reporter: now he lives in places like this former restaurant, converted into a militia camp. what are the pictures? >> these are all men that have died fighting against isis. >> reporter: the ypg are lightly armed guerrillas. >> is this a flak jacket? >> no, this is just a vest to carry ammunition. >> so basically people are running into battle without
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armor and wearing sneakers half the time? >> yes, combat adidas. >> reporter: u.s. law enforcement officials say it's illegal for an american to join a syrian militia. but he says being here, fighting isis alongside the kurds, is a dream come true. >> you couldn't be further from home right now. >> yeah, i guess this is the other side of the world. all my life i just wanted to be a soldier growing up. so this fits well over here. i'm at peace being here. >> reporter: at peace in a civil war. wolf, he says there are at least three other americans that are fighting alongside that kurdish ypg militia. some of this is to be expected, frankly. because every conflict i've ever covered has attracted a sometimes bizarre combination of foreign adventurers and mercenaries and idealists, and
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sometimes frankly misfits. the syrian civil war is no exception. >> does this young man, ivan, realize potentially he could face criminal charges when he comes back to the united states? >> reporter: i asked him that. he said, you know what? if the u.s. does truly consider what he's doing to be illegal, then they would probably shut down his facebook page and stop his recruiting efforts. that was his justification. i did also ask him, you know, are there some parallels between guys like you who have come to join this kurdish militia, and other foreigners who have come to join isis? these are two militias fighting groups, they have very different ideologies. they carry out -- they have very different strategies and uses of violence on the battlefield, but it's still foreigners flocking to basically fighting groups. he argued that he was there to help protect the kurds and fight
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against isis. he didn't see any parallel at all between himself and say another american who might go and try to join isis and fight in a foreign country similarly. >> thanks for that report, ivan. excellent, excellent work as usual. ivan watson back in iraq right now, but he was in syria. let's get more now with our cnn national security analyst peter bergen and the former cia counterterrorism official, phillip mudd. peter, i want to get back to that new isis video that we saw a little while ago with that british journalist being held. he's hostage, if you will. obviously what he's saying there in kobani clearly under distress. but it was a very sophisticated video. >> yeah, it seemed almost like a standup that a cnn correspondent would do in a foreign city. it was designed to show that he's relaxed, what he's saying is accurate. but i mean, clearly he's under
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duress. >> what do you think, phil, they released that video showing his location there in kobani. the assessment is maybe he was there a week or so ago when they did this video. >> i don't think these videos are always a sign of strength. when i used to watch the al qaeda videos and watching this one today, sometimes they signal us about weakness. in this case, i think there are two weaknesses that isis is showing. the first is, they're watching the same media we watch and seeing that their push for kobani is not going very well. this is a message to respond to what they view as western media portraying them as losing in kobani. they think they need to respond. if you watch the jihadi websites, muslim websites about those beheading videos of other hostages, the response is almost all negative. this may be a sign to say we still believe beheadings are okay, but there's something else we're going to do with these hostages. >> do you accept this theory out
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there, phil, that maybe john cantley is being used as a human shield, saying you can't bomb in these areas in kobani, because if you do, you might kill this british citizen. >> i don't think that's the case. i could see isis using women and children in the event of street fighting, but this is purely a propaganda play. they're trying to reach not only us, but people in western europe around elsewhere that say isis is not on the same role as they were a few weeks ago. >> what we're showing is this drone video. isis apparently has a drone and they can fly it over kobani. you can see the city right there. it's a sophisticated technique that they have right now. let's talk about this american in ivan watson's piece that goes from wisconsin, former u.s. soldier, goes over there and starts fighting with this kurdish group. the ypg, according to u.s.
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officials, sort of an offshoot of the pkk, which the state department regards as a terrorist organization. that's why they say you can't fight for these various militias. could the u.s. need some of these militias to defeat isis? >> true, but the neutrality act, which has been on the acts for a good reason. american citizens aren't supposed to just go and fight in wars they decide to fight in. it's not always enforced. it leaves the question whether he's involved in some terrorist organization. he could come back and face charges under the neutrality act and it would be easy to show yes, he did fight with sort of another power and that's not something we want to encourage. >> but phil, the u.s. is now arming these various kurdish militias, including this ypg
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group inclouding where this american soldier is serving. so it does get pretty murky out there. >> i don't think it gets murky in the case of this american. i hope he's prosecuted. if he ever persuades a kid from america to go over there and that kid loses his head, he ought to pay. that is irresponsible. but in arming kurds, in the complex environment we're living in, this is really a confusing one. you've got isis and other al qaeda infiaffiliates. we have a strategic goal here, to aid groups that will take weapons and training from us, and go after isis. ypg is a good example of that. i think we can get around the legal issues. i think it's a good idea to give them weapons. >> i think the u.s. is giving them weapons, not the pkk. that could make the turks crazy if the u.s. were to do that. that's another matter which we won't have time to discuss right
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and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. ebola virus is certainly making global headlines, but health officials around the world are bracing for a virus that kills far more people with a greater chance of sparking a pandemic. we're talking about influenza. tom foreman is talking about this real flu threat that is out there. >> reporter: as fearsome as ebola is, not one u.s. citizen has died from ebola at this point. and yet this other infectious disease has probably killed
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around 750,000 americans over the past couple of decades, and many people just sort of shrug when you mention it. it does not spur debates about whether you should fly or cause local governments to impose quarantines. but between 5% and 20% of the u.s. population between now and february will likely come down with the flu. most people will only suffer fever, aches or chills. but the very young or very old or those already sick, the flu can be fatal. >> the defenses are weakened by the flu virus and a bacteria can set up shop in the lungs. when that happens, your lungs are compromised. you might have a very bad cough, you might each become unable to breathe without assistance. >> reporter: unlike ebola, which is hard to get, the flu is easily transmitted by casual contact. on public transit and restaurants, any public event.
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and flu pandemics have ravaged the world. in 1918, the spanish flu killed an estimated 30 million to 50 million people, perhaps many millions more. still, less than half of the u.s. population receives a flu shot. so the cdc says in any given year, 200,000 people will so severe they'll wind up in the hospital. and on average, 36,000 will die. statistically, ebola is so rare in this country,er thousands of time more likely to be killed by a dog attack, lightning or by swarming bees than by catching ebola. so yes, something as common and deadly as the flu is a much, much bigger threat to your survival. >> most doctors, almost all doctors recommend flu shots. not too late so go ahead and get a flu shot. right now. thank you very much. just ahead, isolation,
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just a week to go until the mid-term elections. a new cnn research poll shows democratic candidates may be president obama himself. the poll shows the president remains up popular. his approval ratings in the mid 40s, which is where it stayed for most of the year. let's bring in john king and gloria boringer. the new number in the poll show, point out that for democrats, 30% of americans say they're very awningry about the way thing are going in the country
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right now. 22% said that in 2012, the percentage today is about the same as it was in 2010 when the democrats suffered a shellacking, in the words of president obama, as you remember. what's going on here? >> it's a very similar dynamic. they don't have the intensity they had in 2010. that presidential number, that's the national number. remember, most of the competitive terrain is in red states. most of the senate races, the count in red states. a few in states the president carried. even in those states like colorado and iowa, the republicans are leading by a little. you look at the national number. then that anger. what does that tell you? the president is weak. the voters are mad. and in a mid-term year, the history is they take it out on his party. no incumbent should be happy in this environment. >> one of the numbers we looked at, wolf, we asked people if they're satisfied with with the way they're being governed. and the answer was 74%, no. so to john's point, that really
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hurts republicans as well as democrats. one of the reasons you may not see one of these wave elections, is that people are so dissatisfied with everybody. they're going to hole their noses and vote no mat whom it for. there is no sense like, oh, yes, the republicans would be so much better than the democrats. they really don't feel that way. two-thirds say, they say they're very or somewhat scared right now. that's a pretty significant number right there. >> and you look at the terrain of the last couple months. yes, there is been better economic news. we're talking about beheadings of american journalists, a military campaign against isis. now the threat of ebola. in west sxavg the isolated cases in the united states. the american people are processing grim, bleak, depressing, scary, anxious news. and again, history says, you know, democrats think this isn't fair. history says they take it out more on the president in the mid-term election. to gloria's point, look at the
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senate race. barack obama carried four counties. if there was ever a year where the republicans should be winning a state easy, it is that state. the president, it is a state where he's hugely unpopular. why? he is a poster child for washington. >> in this new poll, only 26% of democratic voters said they're extremely or very thick about voting. 36% they're enthusiastic. so that presumably will hurt the democrats. >> it will hurt the democrats. it is clear there's a republican voong enthusiasm. if you go back to 2010 when there was a wave election, 54% of republicans said they were enthusiastic. so you saw that more in 2010 than you're seeing it now. again, yes, republicans are anxious to go out and vote. yes, republicans dislike the president more than democrats do. but are they as enthusiastic as they were when barack obama love control of the house of representatives? and sgrainer became speaker? no.
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>> let's talk about jeb bush. the former florida governor. some of his relatives are saying he is serious about running for president. >> we saw his eldest son over the weekend telling abc that his father was more than likely he's giving this serious thought. i spoke with someone who is close to jeb bush today who said, wanting to do this and doing rid two different things. and nobody understands better about what it takes than jeb bush and also, of course, hillary clinton. he and his son are very, very close. he said barbara bush, the mother is willing to be quiet. if that's the case, the family issues are settled or close to settled, then jeb bush has this decision to make. he is against his party on immigration. does he want to run for president and plant a flag, look the base in the eye and say to win, you have to admit you're wrong.
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>> i just got a tweet from george p. bush saying he is following me on twitter. >> thank you for joining us. thanks for watching. if you want to follow me on twitter, to goate wolf blitzer. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. next, new jersey governor chris christie versus the nurse. should health care workers coming from west africa be quarantined? plus, a journalist and prisoner of isis appears in a glossy new video looking dapper, dressed in black, filing a quote/unquote report. why him and why now? and breaking news in the washington school shooting. new details that the gunman lured his classmates and cousins to the cafeteria before shooting them. let's go "outfront."
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