tv CNNI Simulcast CNN October 27, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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receive $100,000. all ten will be honored at "cnn heroes: an all-star tribute," hosted by anderson cooper on sunday december 7th. make sure you tune in. i'm don lemon. thank you for watching. our live coverage now continues with errol barnett and rosemary church at the cnn center in church at the cnn center in atlanta. -- captions by vitac -- i'm rosemary church. >> good to be with you. i'm errol barnett. we are your anchor team for the next four hours. coming up now, the politics of ebola. the u.s. and australia debate controversial new rules on how to treat people at risk for the deadly virus. but some say it's misguided. we'll talk about that. plus shocking new details about what led up to that school shooting in washington state. we will take you to the indian reservation. and lava footage from
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kilauea. it's dangerously close to one hawaiian town. thanks for joining us, everyone. we begin with the latest developments on ebola in the united states. a nurse quarantined in new jersey who had tested negative for the virus is heading home to maine. >> not the end of her ordeal, because kaci hickox recently returned from treating ebola patients in west africa. she had harsh words for governor chris christie for putting the quarantine in place in the first place. >> it contradicts revised cdc guidelines that call for voluntary home quarantine only for people at the highest risk of infection. those include health care workers who suffer a needle stick while caring for an ebola patient or who treated someone while not in protective gear. >> but you see, the cdc says
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most health care workers, including most returning from west africa should need only daily monitoring, not full isolation. miguel marquez takes a look at this controversy. >> reporter: new jersey chris christie not backing down from his mandatory quarantine order. >> i have no second thoughts about it. >> reporter: but the quarantine of kaci hickox is getting slammed. she was quarantined after returning from west africa. >> i just came back from one of the most difficult months of my life. and to make me stay for 21 days, to not be with my family, to put me through this emotional and physical stress is completely unacceptable. >> reporter: conditions in new jersey quarantine, stark, to
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stay clean, a foot pump sink, no shower. the room a decent size, but is this any way to treat a health care worker who just completed a month-long tough stint in ebola-ridden west africa. >> i don't think i've been treated well this past month. >> reporter: he insists hick hickox appeared sick. >> the reason she was put in isolation in the first place is that she was running a high fever and symptomatic. >> the commitment to this cause is something that should be honored and respected, and i don't think we do that by making her live in a tent for two days. >> reporter: and hick hickox is sudd
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suddenly being released. >> if she was continuing to be ill, she has to stay. she hadn't had any symptoms for 24 hours and tested negative for ebola, so there's no need to keep her. >> reporter: but the aid worker who helped those struggling in sierra leone where nearly 1300 people have died says it just doesn't mix. >> it is so frustrating to me. he's not a doctor, and he's never ladies on me, and thirdly, i have been asymptomatic since i have been here. >> kofi annan is also speaking out against the quarantine of nurse hickox. >> it's not backed up by science. the doctors from world health organization to cdc here and other countries have indicated the west knew what to do is to
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close up the border, to come up with this sort of restrictions. and scare away potential help. >> reporter: when governor christi says his first responsibility is the public safety and public health of the people in new jersey, how do you square that circle? >> oh, i agree with him, that our concern should be for the public safety and public health. but if that is a concern we also have to accept that the only way you can deal with it and protect the people in the medium to long term is to stop the epidemic. if you come with procedures and approaches that scares off the health workers and they are not going to go to where the issue is to help stem it, are you not in the end going to be ahead of the game. >> such an important point there as well, because there is a desperate need for more health care workers to head to west
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africa. and they're all watching what's happening now. if you're quarantining everyone surely it will prohibit a few from signing up. >> the problem is, they would not be working for three weeks. they wouldn't have any impact on their families. >> you may be wondering what americans think of all this. we have a new poll, and it shows the majority of the folks think that the u.s. is doing a good job of handling ebola. nearly seven out of ten want people quarantined if they are showing ebola symptoms. a lower number, 30% want symptomatic travelers banned completely from entering the u.s. >> and when asked about u.s. citizens traveling back from africa, 78% favor quarantines. and only 20% want to ban them from entering the company. ten other personnel are being monitored in italy after a trip to west africa.
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the u.s. army has started what it calls controlled monitoring for 21 days for all soldiers returning from ebola hot zones. >> also as of monday, six u.s. states have a three-week active monitoring program in place for people entering the country from liberia, guinea and sierra leone. that means health officials would make daily contact with them, about 70% of air travelers from the ebola hot zone enter the u.s. in those six states. >> now the controversy is not limited to the u.s. australia is now imposing new travel restrictions to contain the deadly disease, and they include suspending immigration from ebola-affected countries. let's talk more with andrew stevens. he joins us live from hong kong with more on that. there is this large debate happening all over the world. the balance between politics and science. but what is changing as far as australia's immigration policy and the way it screens at-krifk
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passengers? >> reporter: it's quite a dramatic step taken by the australian government. they are banning giving anyone a new visa if they are seeking to come to australia from an ebola-affected country. it's aimed at the west african countries, but the australians are not saying it is specifically those countries. what they say, for any grounds at all, humanitarian or otherwise, you will not be able to get a visa to enter australia. if you already have a visa,ly tested three separate times before you come to australia where you will be put on watch as well. and if you are an australian resident coming back to australia you will also be quarantined. so there is quite a big move from the australians. it has been met, though, with quite a lot of criticism in political circles, this decision to basically ban anyone, whether they have ebola symptoms or not from coming to australia if
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they're seeking new visa. the greens are calling it a shameful decision that the immigration spokesman for the green party said this, that banning refugees from fleeing west africa is like shattering out the win dies while a house burns down. she calls it shameful. it's mightily selfish and cruel and does not reflect the australian character. so certainly a big decision taken by the australian prime minister tony abbott which feeds into this discussion about how best to tackle ebola and to try to limit the spread, errol. >> and we should note, andrew that similarly to the u.s. and spain where we've seen these health care workers return and be suspected to have ebola, australia has had health care workers return too and she turned out not to have ebola. but there was already a bit of dough bait over the country's practices as it relates to this. shed some light on that.
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>> reporter: yeah, absolutely. tony abbott coming in for sharp criticism from none less than the australian medical association. the ama. they describe the ebola response plan as quite chaotic. they say, the government is saying they've got 20 highly trained response caregivers. they say they don't know who they are or how they were trained. there has not been any cases of ebola diagnosed in australia. there have been several people put into quarantine. some people have exhibited a fee of, like symptoms coming back from africa, but that's proven not to be ebola. also important to note, that the u.s. and the u.k., britain, have both asked australia, the australian prime minister, tony abbott, to send health care workers to the front line, effectively to south africa. now the australian government has not yet said they will send anyone.
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tony abbott says we think it's more important to be fighting ebola back home than it is on the front line. they were asked a month ago by the u.s. and u.k. to send people. the u.s. has sent, what, 3,000 people in, the u.k. sent about 350 in. australia has not decided to send anyone in. the signals coming from canberra is that they're not prepared to. that's putting them at odds with many in the community including key allies like the u.s. and britain in the strategy in fighting this outbreak. >> so interesting to see all of the politics in different nations mixed in to the overall ebola response and the variance, right? we watch all this. great to see you, andrew stevens, just past midday in hong kong. and we turn to spain now for an update on the situation there. health officials released ten people on ebola watch at a madrid hobbspital monday.
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they had close contact with the nurse's aide who contracted the disease, but she is now ebola free. her husband is among those released and is angry about the treatment of his wife and their family dog. al goodman has the details. >> reporter: the husband, xavier, got out of hospital on monday with a defiant attitude, promising to undo the damage his family suffered, especially the nurse's aide who remains in hospital. she was a member of the medical team at the hospital that treated a missionary who came back and died here. the husband, xavier, demanded the resignation of a senior official from the madrid government even though this official has already publicly apologized to the family. >> translator: we want people to be held responsible. and i'm talking the regional health minister, mr. xavier rodriguez. he put words in teresa's mouth,
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claiming she didn't know how to put on the protective suit. >> reporter: the husband also sharply criticized the decision by madrid authorities to put the family's dog to sleep on fears that it might also have the ebola virus. the husband, while he was still in hospital mounted a campaign that got 400,000 followers on social media in support of the family's dog. >> translator: ex-caliber was executed without giving me a chance to appeal. as we've seen in the united states, it wasn't necessary. we lost a scientific opportunity to see the disease develop in animals. >> reporter: the family's new lawyer promised to explore legal action on three fronts. first damage to the family's honor, second, putting the family's dog to sleep and third, the protocols for health care workers like theresa romero. were they the right protocols? were they followed correctly, they may have put teresa romero's life in danger. al goodman, cnn, madrid.
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let's bring you some updates now on a number of ebola cases we've been following. in new york, a 5-year-old boy who recently visited west africa and developed a fever has now tested negative for the virus. he'll remain in isolation at the hospital for now. and dr. craig spencer who tested positive for ebola after returning from guinea is in serious but stable condition in new york city. he's now received a plasma transfusion from a recovered ebola patient. well, coming up next here on cnn, police are revealing more about the actions of the shooter who opened fire inside a u.s. high school. what he did leading up to that attack. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,nd. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24, a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 percent of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-824-2424.
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welcome back. now we are learning more about events leading up to friday's horrific shooting inside a u.s. high school. but there are still so many questions. a law enforcement official tells cnn, the shooter, you see him here, jaylen fryberg, sent a picture of himself holding a gun just before the attack. it's unclear if it's the same weapon used in the shooting. he texted his five victims, asking them to meet him at the lunch table just before he shot them. >> two 14 year old girls, gia soriano a
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soriano were killed. a teacher who ran to the cafeteria to help has been praised for preventing even more bloodshed. >> there was no physical contact between this heroic teacher and the shooter. as someone who has a wife as a teacher, i find it tremendous the action she took, but we don't have any evidence of a struggle. >> teachers so often the unsung heroes in instances like this every day. the sheriff's department says the gun used in the attack was registered to one of fryberg's family members. >> two of fryberg's victims were also relatives. his cousins were wounded in the shooting. gary tuckman visited the indian reservation where they lived. >> reporter: a bald eagle overlooks the picturesque tualip indian reservation.
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it is the home of the shooter. how are you related to the shooter? >> it's my cousin. >> reporter: and nate hatch, one of the 14 year olds wounded, you're related to him, too? >> that's my nephew. >> reporter: and andrew fryberg, you're related to him also? >> that's my cousin. >> reporter: there are thousands of people in the tualip tribe and many families are related to each other. many knew all three teenage cousins well. >> they hung out together. they played basketball together, cultural stuff together. >> reporter: tribal members say respecting each other, technically one's elders is one of the most important concepts on the reservation, paula's son is brandon hatch. >> very important. one of the things to live by. >> reporter: how do you deal with this emotionally right now? >> it's more of a confusion than anything.
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really want to know the main purpose of what led town it than everything, why, can't really feel anything once i know that first. >> reporter: much of life here on the tualip reservation is similar to the way it has been for centuries. they eat and sell what they catch. hunting is an important part of the culture too, then and now. also traditional totem poles remain part of the culture at many homes. >> my dad has got it restored, redone more than once. so it looks good. >> reporter: the tualips have dealt with a lot of adversity over the years like many native-american tribes, but what they deal with now is unprecedented for them. >> i want to wake up and know it was a nightmare, you know, go away, but it's something that we've got to go through, heavenly father never said it would be easy. he only said it would be worth
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it. >> reporter: gary tuckman, cnn. tualip, washington. >> it's difficult to understand what those family members are going through. >> they may never get answers they're seeking. >> that's the worry here. villages on hawaii's big island are on alert. bubbling lava is getting too close for comfort. we'll walk you through the emergency measures in place next. we're aig. and we're here... to help communities recover and rebuild... their roads, their schools, their buildings, their offices. we're a leading global insurance company based right here in america. for everything from loss prevention to cybersecurity. we're here to stand behind our commitments that we've made to our clients, our customers. we're aig. we're here to help take on the risk... for people, for companies, and the world. to help you realize a better tomorrow. feel like a knot.
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welcome back, everyone. well, the lava flowing on hawaii's big island is picking up speed. the kilauea volcano has actually been erupting since 1983, which is just astounding. >> that's a long time. but in june of this year, the lava began moving toward a village of more than 900 residents. we have more on the precautions being taken there. >> reporter: the kilauea flow engulfed a cemetery and now residents of the big island hope it doesn't kill off a town. the flow's reportedly moving 10 to 15 yards per hour. >> it's burning through thick brush, fern, a lot of smoke coming off the front, a lot of cracking, methane explosions are going on. so it's a noisy situation out there, just from all the burning vegetation. >> reporter: the lava is swallow
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being up fences and residents have been placed on evacuation advisory. crisscrossed with ribbons of incan desant cracks and more lava accumulates below the crust. why has the governor asking for a disaster declaration and aide. >> we're keeping everybody informedage people working around the clock really hard to minimize as much as possible the impact on our people. >> reporter: this lava flow is expected to displace 900 school children in the greater area. some tell us while the lava won't necessarily hit their homes or businesses they fear they will be cut off. to combat this, they have built alternate gravel roads around the expected path of lava. but getting around the lava could be so difficult that a
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clinic is preparing a clinic on the other side of the flow. people with respiratory problems have been told to take precautions and head indoors. for now, there's no end in sight for this gray and orange advance as the observatory says kilauea is still erupting on its summit on the eastern side of the volcano. for this hawaiian community, kilauea represents the ultimate dangerous beauty. cnn, los angeles. we do want to get more on the lava flow's expected arrival. ivan cabrera joins us now from the cnn weather center. people have known about this for some time. so they've had time to prepare. some are refusing to leave, aren't they? and they're staying put. >> yeah, that's not a good idea, is it? when you have lava coming your way, get out of the way. certainly the evacuation advisories in there for you. this volcano has been erupting,
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safely, lava into the ocean for 30 years. but the problem is, we had a vent that opened up in june. and this crater here which is part of the volcano. so once this cone got going here, then the lava started spewing to the north and east, which is where this is located. you can see it pass through the cemetery. we talked about this through the weekend here. getting word from the latest officials there, that is about 70 yards away now, 64 meters. so it's moving anywhere from 8 to 11 yards an hour. it's just hours away from the first home. this flow is about 40 to 50 yards wide. so this is not going to engulf, right, the entire town here, but it is going to make a path, and there will be likely some homes that are going to be in the way and likely be destroyed if the
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lava moves through. it's also moving at different speeds right where the front is, right where the lava is. watch here. this is a little bit slower advancement. and this one's moving faster. but in general we're looking at a few hours from this arriving to the first homes here, and then it will just continue carving its own path as it has done so for the last few weeks here. and we continue to see incredible pictures coming out of hawaii there. so the residents have been told to get out of the way. and i must imagine if you're seeing this thing come towards you, it's not like a raging fire moving rather quickly, you can outrun it. so hopefully any last minute folks that are standing by with their property will get out of the way if they see that coming towards them, which at some point it will. quick update on our tropical cyclone. this will peak, likely between a category 3 and 4 which is scary
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sounding, but it will peak over ocean. so by the time it curves towards karachi, towards pakistan in about four days' time, i think we're dealing with a much weaker system, but we don't need the wind to cause a calamity. the heavy rain is enough to be a problem for this region, southeastern pakistan and northwestern india. >> thanks a lot. still to come here on cnn, a new propaganda video from isis once again showing a british hostage, this time making a bold statement about kobani, stay with us. day, a brand new start. with centurylink visionary cloud infrastructure, and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable, secure, and agile. on my journey across america, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat...
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here on cnn, everyone, i'm errol barnett. >> and i'm rosemary church. a nurse placed in isolation in new jersey has tested negative for ebola and is returning home to maine. kaci hickox says the isolation violated her human rights. but chris christie is standing by his decisions. u.s. high school shooter jaylen fryberg sent his girlfriend a picture of himself holding a gun shortly before the shooting. it's unclear if it's the same gun if he used that day. two students were killed. three were wounded. fryberg killed himself. a senior obama administration official says the u.s. may expand its recall of faulty air bags.
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so far almost 8 million vehicles have been recalled. the air bags made by takata have been linked to at least four deaths. a final headline for you, the peshmerga tells cnn its military will go to kobani to fight isis. but its role will only be advisory. it had been understood the peshmerga would join in combat. isis has released a new propaganda video showing george cantlie. >> hello, i'm john cantlie. and tee we're in the city of kobani. >> this is an isis propaganda
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video, but it is chillingly sophisticated, taking a journalist to war-torn kobani. he does in many ways seem relaxed as he talks of isis's view of how the battle is going. but in many ways he must be under duress. you can see how he talks that he is inside that city, quite clearly recognizable land marks there, and he talks about how isis believes they are simply mopping up now, the half a billion dollars the u.s. has spent has simply not stopped them from taking most of the town. he does, as i say seem born for that role and dressed in black as a voice for isis. you have to bear in mind how complex the psychological stress
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he's under. the video begins with a chillingly sophisticated use of a drone flying over kobani and showing, again, recognizable landmarks, using equally sophisticated graphics. this tells us some things. it tells us this is valuable, kobani, that they are willing to expend these resources and put a propaganda video like this out as well and tells us who their audience is. they say it is the western propaganda that they get from kurdish officials and the white house as well, this is spoken in english and aimed to excite those recruits they'd like to bring in from western countries. but after weeks, this is perhaps their adept use of another form of high technology, social media, high-definition video to make their point. chilling, i think, for many to
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observe. nick payton walsh, cnn, southern turkey. >> that's often the response people have when they see the videos, it shows how powerful they are and what they still are able to do despite the many air strikes we've seen in kobani. there are new fears that isis militants might have a powerful new weapon in their arsenal. >> yeah. it's one that could pose a deadly threat to aircraft, both military and civilian and jim sciutto has the details. >> reporter: it's long been a security nightmare. terrorists capable of shooting down aircraft. new videos posted by isis show it might already be a reality. here a militant is shown shooting a chinese f-n-6. and it shows the result, the
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twisted wreckage of a downed chopper. with apache choppers and gunships now in action over iraq, so-called man-portable air defense systems are a grave and growing concern. >> there's clearly significant potential threat to aviation operating in iraqi and syrian airspace. and of particular concern is our advanced conventional weapons like man-pats. >> reporter: there are fears they captured them from retreating iraqi forces or bought them from other syrian rebel groups. man pats can chic at altitudes up to 12,500 feet. making apaches and ac-130s vul
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n n nerable. man pats are a threat to civilian or military aircraft on takeoff and landing, a threat that has grown as isis forces have moved within several miles of baghdad international airport. former general mark hurt ling says it is not close enough for the most severe threat. >> you have to be within a couple miles to take a good shot. and so far they haven't encroached that closely to the western side of the airport. >> reporter: isis militants are sharing missile know-how far and wide, even posting a manual on the internet on the best ways to down an apache, including recommended techniques, such as firing from elevated positions. u.s. pilots have their own techniques. they can alternate flight paths, they also have more advanced apache helicopters that can fire from a greater distance.
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jim sciutto, cnn, washington. hundreds of foreign fighters have been streaming into syria and iraq to join forces with isis. >> but now some are going there to fight against the militants, and one of them is a former u.s. soldier. ivan watson has his story. >> reporter: armed men are a common sight here in northern syria, a country embroiled in a vicious civil war. but one of the gunmen in this truck is not like the others. how do people react to you when they see you and realize you're from the u.s.? >> they ask me if i come home for dinner. >> reporter: jordan matson is a 28 year old former u.s. army soldier from wisconsin. for the last month, he's also been a volunteer fighter in the
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kurdish militia known here as the ypg. >> i got in contact with the ypg on facebook. and i prayed about it, and for probably a month or two, and i'm just really soul searched and said is this what i want to do. and eventually, decided to do it. >> reporter: during his two years in the army, matson never once saw combat or deployment overseas, but soon after arriving here in syria, he says he ended up in a battle against isis. >> the second day in i got hit by a mortar on a fight. >> reporter: while recovering from shrapnel wounds, matson went to work online, recruiting more foreigners to help the ypg fight against isis. >> i've had ex-military come from eastern europe, western europe, canada, the united states, you name it, they've been asking. isis has threatened all these
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countries that i've named, to push their agenda in those nations, and the veterans of those nations who love their countries don't want to sit by while this is happening. >> reporter: back home in wisconsin, matson used to work in a food-packing company. >> other than that, we just hang out in here. >> reporter: now he lives in places like this former restaurant converted into a militia camp. >> reporter: what are the pictures? >> these are hall men who have died fighting isis. >> reporter: the ypg are very lightly armed guerillas. >> this is a vest to carry ammunition. >> reporter: basically people are running into battle without any armor? >> yes. >> reporter: and wearing sneakers half the time? >> yes. combat adidas. >> reporter: u.s. law enforcement officials say it's illegal for an american to join a syrian militia. but matson says being here, fighting isis alongside the
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kurds is a dream come true. you could not be further from home right now. >> yeah, i guess this is the other side of the world. all my life i wanted to be a soldier, i guess growing up. so it fits well over here. i'm at peace being here. >> reporter: ivan watson, cnn in northern syria. >> there are some other stories we're tracking for you, nigeria's government says talks with boko haram are moving forward despite a recent surge in violence. the group kidnapped 30 boys and girls over the weekend. and there was an attack last week where 60 women and girls were taken hostage. human rights groups estimate they have kidnapped nearly 500 women and girls since 2009. and that includes the more than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped in april. you see them here.
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>> just a glimpse at the horror that so many face under the hands of boko haram. nigeria's government continues to insist that a cease-fire with these militants is still in place and denies that the group claims responsibility for the other abductions. we will take a very short break. but still to come, he may be gone from the mayor's office, but rob ford is not leaving the political stage. details on the election he just won. .. ...heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews.
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welcome back. well, we now know that a moderate conservative will lead canada's biggest city. >> joan tory is said to become toronto's next mayor. ford became notorious for his drug use and erratic behavior while in office, i'm sure you recall. >> a number of viral moments spurred from that. doug stepped into the race when
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rob ford dropped out to undergo chemo therapy. rob ford hasn't left the political scene completely. he reclaimed his old council seat. now for the first time since the collapse of the soviet union there will be no communists in the parliament. >> the vote gives president p r poroshenko the chance to move toward mainstream europe. >> lelection observers says the vote was fair. while others called it illegitimate. moscow is not, it appears, heading toward confrontation. >> foreign minister sergey lavrov says russia is ready to recognize the results. even so, there are fears russia is returning to its authoritarian roots.
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>> it says crimea is ours. >> yeah. >> reporter: for many russians, vladimir putin is more than just a president. he's a symbol of national pride and an icon adorn being the patriotic tee shirts in this moscow store. >> this tee shirt with olympic rings. >> reporter: showing putin as an olympic hero. >> like super hero. >> reporter: is this meant to be ironic? is it a joke? >> yeah. it's joke, but i don't think so. >> reporter: certainly, his popularity ratings of more than 80% are no laughing matter. and of course these provocative tee shirts suggest one lighthearted sign of what many in the west regard as a much darker trend in russia, this man. there are concerns the country may be slipping back towards soviet style authoritarianism and after years of embracing the west russia is reversing course.
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the toppling of ukraine's pro-russian president supported by the west seems to be a tipping point. amid complaints of unions and annexation the russia annexed crimea. despite a raft of economic sanctions that followed, russian officials believe their message is now finally being heard. >> to some extent there is growing understanding in the west that it is impossible to organize post cold war europe without speaking to russia. >> reporter: but this newly assertive russia seems to tolerate even less criticism than before. at the offices of one of the country's most influential faups, staff suspect their days of independence may be numbered. controversial new laws signed by president putin limit foreign
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ownership of media companies in russia, currently owned in part by the wall street journal and the financial times, it may soon have a new russian owner, loyal to the kremlin. >> translator: we're not an opposition newspaper, but because we're independent and because we can't be forced to write in favor of them, that's already enough of an inconvenience. >> reporter: back in the tee shirt shop, the absence of criticism has become a fashion accessory. >> my favorite, putin is my hero. >> reporter: putin is my hero. is he your hero? >> yeah. >> reporter: matthew chance, cnn, moscow. all right, still more for you after the break. we've talked about this last week sthi way. some major u.s. retailers are now rejecting apple pay. we'll tell you why they won't accept this new mobile payment system. stay with us here on cnn.
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i lost my sight in afghanistan, but it doesn't hold me back. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-844-2424. or visit (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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okay. here's something, food for thought, you might say. there's no country in the entire world where a woman makes as much as a man doing the same job. >> don't look at me. >> but the u.s. isn't even close to the top when it comes to the gender pay gap. >> this really is outrageous when you think about it. america is ranked 65th in the world with women earning just two-thirds what men earn for the same work. >> some of the most equal in africa, with women earning 85% of what men make in the same jobs. interesting. >> that will change and even out as time goes on. >> one hopes. well, some major u.s. retailers are rejecting apple's new mobile payment system in favor of their own.
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two drugstore chains, cvs and rite aid stopped taking apple pay. >> they're part of a group of retailers, which includes walmart, which will not accept apple pay. they are developing their own payment network which would allow them to avoid credit card transaction fees. >> all right. if money is no object and cars are your passion, ferrari is the car for you. >> the car you have to be invited to buy. alana petrov shows you. ♪ >> reporter: get ready for a whole new breed of automotive exclusivity. this is the invite-only ferrari super car. >> it looks like it's landed from spats, you know. it's quite a unique-looking car, and it's really grabbed people's imagination. >> reporter: they have created
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the sergio, a concept car with butterfly doors and a sweeping design that's meant to stop traffic. ferrari announced a production run of just six vehicles. and you can only buy this car if you get a personal invitation. if you haven't received anything in the mail yet, you're out of luck. all six have been pre-sold. it's part of their push into ultimate personalization and exclusive offerings. rich customers can go straight into the factory to get a car. clients specify exactly how they want their car to look inside and out. designers make it happen. >> there's technically a trend, people having something that nobody else has got, something exclusive, tailor made. we see that a lot. >> reporter: for each order, fer
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aushy will create a life-sized model out of clay to make sure the client can see it and is happy before crafting the final product. this is my model i made myself. it's a bit on the small side, and i think the specialists could do a better job. they are secretive about who buys these cars but sometimes names names. eric clapton bought his own one-of car. >> more people want the cars. there's only six cars, now imagine all the people who want the cars. >> reporter: meanwhile, ferrari is laughing all the way to the bax. its high-end vehicles are helping to drive sales. cnn, london. >> no invitations for us. >> we can only dream, rosie.
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and more pain. what's that, like six pills today? yeah. .i could take two aleve for all day relief. really? for my arthritis pain, i now choose aleve. 2 pills. all day strong. all day long. and now introducing, aleve pm for a better am. hello, again. you are watching cnn. i'm rosemary church. our top stories this hour, dealing with ebola, the global debate over how to deal with possible cases of the virus. new propaganda video from isis. this time it features a british hostage. and in hawaii, communities are on alert as lava from kilauea oozes dangerously close. and we start with a potential ebola patient in baltimore. the news came out late monday. the hospital tweetin
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