tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 29, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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i'm back with mike tyson. he is still here. >> pump the book, don. >> you should buy this book and next time, we are going to have you on for longer. >> show the book, don. show the book. >> i'm going to tell you tomorrow night i will be live in ferguson as it gets close to a grand jury situation. >> what do you think is going to happen? do you think they are going to convict him? >> we will find out. >> say that in the prompter. ac 360 begins. good evening. thanks for joining us. a lot happening tonight. she has already tested negative for ebola twice. why are state troopers right now parked outside the home where the nurse, kaci hickox, lives? what happens if she breaks her quarantine as she says she will? just moments ago, she made a statement. we will bring that to you as soon as we get it. piecing together what blew this rocket apart. the explosion could be seen for
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miles. we have tough questions for nasa about outsourcing missions to private contractors ferguson police chief, will he stay or go. will police reform and other reforms be enough to contain the rage if a grand jury does not indict the officer that killed michael brown? in a standoff pitting the state of maine, including the governor and state health officials and state police against a nurse, pretty brave one that volunteered to treat ebola patients in west africa and has gotten the world's worst welcome home. this is the scene in the tiny town of fort kent on maine's canadian border. a state of police cruisers are parked outside her home. inside, miss hickox, who you will recall, was first confined to a tent outside a hospital in newark, new jersey, and then was allowed to go home to maine where she is vowing to break her quarantine there. she has twice tested negative for ebola. she is not contagious. she doesn't have ebola. she has not tested positive. we're expecting to receive video
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of a statement she just made as i said. she spoke earlier on nbc's "today" show. >> you know, i don't plan on sticking to the guidelines. i remain appalled by these home quarantine policies that have been forced upon me, even though i am in perfectly good health and feeling strong and have been this entire time completely symptom-free. if the restrictions placed on me by the state of maine are not lifted by thursday morning, i will go to court to fight for my freedom. >> it means governor, paula page, says miss hickox has been unwilling to follow cdc guidelines, even though those federal guide lanes say she should not be quar an teends. the state is seeking a court order ordering her to stay at home. president obama had some tough words on these quarantines. when i hear people talking about american leadership and
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then are promoting policies that would avoid leadership and have us running in the opposite direction, and hiding under the covers, it makes me a little frustrated. we are at our best when we are standing up and taking responsibility even when it requires us making sacrifices. america has never been defined by fear. we are defined by courage and passion and hope and selflessness and sacrifice and a willingness to take on challenges when others can't and others will not. >> the chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta, was at the event. he joins us shortly. one of kaci hickox attorneys, steven highman is here with me in new york.
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the state is going to court to mandate she be quarantined. is she going to fight that? >> yes. there is no way to fight it right now. this is ex-parte at the moment. they are going to a judge saying whatever they are saying. i have seen no papers. no papers have been served on casey. this is all within the domain of the government of maine to do what they think they are supposed to do. >> now, there are state troopers outside her house. if she tries to leave, for instance, if she tries to leave that place, will they arrest her? >> i don't know what the order is going to say. i don't know what the circumstances will be. but it is clear that the troopers are not there to protect kaci. >> they say, the governor of maine says, she has been uncooperative and not adhering to state and federal health protocols. is that right? >> that is completely wrong. that is so far from the facts. kaci, who knows what the
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standards are, and who knows what is to be done, has abided by them. she tests herself. she has been with ebola patients. she knows what it is. the governor is merely pandering to the fear that exists that supposedly she is contagious, which is, of course, unproven and under any doctor, any doctor's reports, it says that she is not contagious. >> right. this bears repeating. she does not have ebola. >> correct. >> she has not tested positive for ebola. >> correct. >> she does not have fever, which is another symptom. >> a symptom of ebola. her fever is normal. her temperature is normal. >> correct. >> she doesn't have a fever. she would only be contagious if she did have ebola and had reached the point where she was actually having symptoms. >> symptoms. >> she is not at that point. >> at the moment of symptoms,
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you can end up going to a hospital which she is prepared to if god forbid anything like that happened. she is being tested twice a day. she is in contact with the state health authority. >> you are saying she is being totally cooperative. >> absolutely. >> they want her to stay in the house because they say it is going to be a risk to the public. >> i have been tweeting about this. i think it is amazing that a politician can point their finger at a citizen of the united states and say, you are not sick. you are not contagious. people are afraid. you have to stay in your house or we are going to lock you up in a tent with a porta potty. there is no evidence you are contagious at all. people are very willing. those are rights that tens of thousands of americans have fought an died for to protect. people are very willing to give up those rights. they are scared. >> they are willing to give up somebody else's rights, no the
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their rights. >> i am getting a lot of tweets from people. i have been tweeting about this. >> it is only 21 days. she was in africa in a tent. it can't have been easy living there. what's 21 days out of an abundance of caution. to that, you say what? >> to that, i say she has a right to live her life. she is not sick. she exhibits no symptoms of being sick. she is an american citizen and the government has no right to say, you have to stay in a place when you are not subject to any rational medical evidence. >> there is an argument. some people have compared this to the government saying to somebody, you haven't committed a crime. we think you might at some point in the future. you have to stay locked up or stay in your home. >> it is preventative detention. >> it doesn't make any scientific sense. at a certain point, you have to go by science. >> i have had conversations with state officials. i say, i have medical statements
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that say there is no risk. what do you have to say she should be quarantined? i am met with silence. >> this is about politics? >> it is all plitle ka. it is all driven by some kind of fear and hysteria that they are promoting. as you saw, the president is saying, it is wrong. >> steven highman, we appreciate you being on. we are continuing to follow this. it is stunning this can be done. digging deeper with dr. sanjay gupta that attended that event with health care workers and the president today. he is at the white house. senior legal analyst, jeffrey toobin, from a legal standpoint, can a politician, the state government just label somebody as future sick and, therefore, stay at home? >> you are asking me? >> yes, jeff. >> we'll see. this is going to be before a judge and, you know, usually judges defer to the government on public health matters. judges say, i'm not a doctor.
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i have to accept what the medical doctors say if they say there is a public health risk. here, we have a situation that as far as i know, there is no public health risk. so the challenge is going to be what will be state of maine say to convince a judge to keep nurse hickox in this house when, as far as we all know, there is no medical risk to the community based on her circulating normally. >> sanjay, the other thing i'm hearing from people and i understand their fears and concerns about it, is, look, the government has gotten it wrong so far about ebola in a lot of cases, about the protective gear needed, stuff like that. hu how do we know for sure that 21-day period is for real? you can't give it unless you have a fever of 101.4? >> it is interesting, because i
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think there is some distrust. some of that has been fostered by what happened in dallas. and some of those missteps. there is no question. i don't think that changes the basic science and some of the knowledge that's gained over nearly 40 years. it transmits from somebody already sick with ebola. that science stays the same. you have an incredible dichotomy. people looking at the same science and coming up with very different approaches to this. we have a picture. i want to show you, anderson. at the white house today, there were doctors who returned from, liberia, some within the last 21 days. they are in the white house, with the president of the united states on the left. on the right, kaci hickox who we talked about, she fits that same profile, no symptoms, returned within the last 21 days and she is facing a potential mandatory quarantine. it is a huge dichotomy. i should point out.
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doctors at emory, doctors at nih, including dr. fauchery, have all taken care of patients with ebola. should they be quarantined as well? they have had the same questionable exposure as the people they are thinking about quarantining. >> this is a state by state decision. a lot of people have thought there is some sort of federal guidelines. that is not the way it works with quarantines. it's up to the state. that's why you have the dichotomy of some folks that have been here less than 21 days in the white house and nurse hickox in the house. >> not only do you have moving targets in all 50 states. you have moving targets within the states. new york has sort of changed its rules. new jersey appears to have changed its rules. here, maine is trying to set up the rules. one thing to keep an eye on. i think this is potentially very pernicious. the state of maine may go to court and say, well, we can't
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prove that she is -- has a communeicable disease. we know there is fear in the community. so for the sake of the community's state of mind, she should be required to stay in this house for 21 days. if that's the rule, that really would be a very anti-science approach. >> it's something to keep an eye on to see if the argument is made and if the judge buys it. >> that's a little bit like saying, there are plenty of people we are all scared of. that doesn't mean we get to lock them up forever and ever and ever, does it, jeff? >> it doesn't but when it comes to public health, judges are very wary of going against the government. if the government of maine says, this is a public health matter, it may be that the judge goes the other way. judges always say in situations like this, look, i'm not a doctor. i have to rei on the experts before me. if maine brings in experts that
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say this is a potential problem for the people of maine, i would not be at all surprised. >> can you think of any other future sick or future crime that you can be locked up for that hasn't actually happened? >> well, there are certain circumstances where, for example, sex offenders are kept in prison after the expiration of their sentences, because they are perceived as so dangerous to the community. it is obscene to compare a heroic nurse with a sex offender but that's the kind of reasoning that sometimes goes on. >> jeff, stay with us. sanjay, as well. we are waiting for the video of kaci hickox statement. her attorney is still here. joining us by phone is scott dolan, a reporter for the press. harold maine sunday telegram who was at the hickox home. what did she say? >> reporter: she came out of the house with her boyfriend and said they have been in negotiations all day and tried
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to resolve this. she said that the state was not going to allow her to leave her house and affect the public even though she said she is healthy and symptom-free. she said she was frustrated. she also said she is not sure what she is going to do next. the ball is in the state's court. >> she is still saying the ball is in the state court. she didn't say she was going to try to walk down the block and see if she was going to get arrested? >> reporter: she said she would see what the state does first and talk to her lawyers and then decide. >> scott, thank you very much. one of her lawyers is right here, steven highman. when she said the ball is in the state's court, what are you you waiting to hear? >> well, right now, she is a free person. >> she is a free person. she has state trooper outside her house. >> but the troopers can't do anything. >> you don't think they can arrest her. if she walked down the street,
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she is a free person. >> are you willing to test that? >> absolutely. she is going home to sleep. she is not trying to be a test case. she wants to live her life. >> the most important thing is that she be treated well and that others be treated well. if the state of maine would be rational rather than being punitive, we could have worked all this out. >> let me ask you this again. we talked about this before. there are going to be people watching who say, look, she is a nurse. she is a good person and does good for other people. she is, no doubt, understanding of other people's fears and concerns just out of an abundance of caution incase she might get sick next week. why not agree to stay inside the house? >> it is her life, the right to live. you are telling me that because somebody else is afraid with no medical evidence to back it, she should give up her life and go live in her house, because they
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are afraid when she is not contagious, when every medical doctor's report says she is not contagious. even if she exhibits symptoms, she is not contagious. dunkin, who unfortunately died, his family is asymptomatic. >> 48 people that came in contact with her are asymptomatic. >> evidence and medicine are clear. fear and miss stair hysteria ar. there is a great case in new jersey that said myth and fear are not a basis. >> you have all these doctors at emory that have treated ebola patients. they are at the n.i.h. as well in nebraska and elsewhere. mr. hyman, thank you for being on the program. jeff, sanjay, as well. set your dvr. you can watch 360 whenever you
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want. getting to the bottom of this. take a look. huge explosion we witnessed last night. we will look at what nasa is looking for in the wake of last night's massive rocket explosion. former astronaut, ken bauer sox joins us. a woman in the video was walking down the street. these are comments guys were making at her. more than 100 different people making cat calls and lewd comments at her, following her on the street for minutes at a time. that's just one woman walking down the street with a hidden camera. she launched 1 million conversations today. horrifyingly, a number of rape threats against her. video of a woman simply trying to walk down the streets. this could be your daughter, your sister, your mom. we will talk about the effect of this on her. we'll be right back. in the running car? are you crazy?
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video of the nasa rocket blowing up. the pilot caught this video. it would have been a sight to remember no matter what happened next. then, it all went very, very bad. the blast was so powerful, it registered as an atomic disturbance on local weather radar. i could be seen and felt for miles. not atomic, atmospheric. luckily, the antares rocket was lifting cargo and not people. a reaction from a veteran accident. gary tuchman with how this all unfolded. >> reporter: it is 6:22 p.m. the final countdown is on. >> five, four, three, two, one! >> reporter: just seconds after the unmanned, antares rocket took off on its way to the international space station, an explosion.
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>> launch team, launch team, be advised. stay at your consoles. everyone in the l.c.c., maintain your fogses position in your co. >> the situation clearly catastrophic. a mishap has occurred. we have lost the orb 3 vehicle. at this point in time, we are going to implement the crs mission contingency reaction plan. >> they were broadcasting the launch live. the anchors stunned like everyone else watching. the station had a reporter on the scene. >> you could feel the explosion. it knocked us backwards. many people excited about seeing a launch in person were shooting their own video. >> it is going to be wowed.
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>> as the seconds tick by, increased fear set in. was anybody killed? was anyone hurt? >> it appears the damage is limited to the facility. there is no indication there are personnel in danger. >> reporter: the flames, immense along the oceanfront launch site. destroyed with the rocket, thousands of pounds of cargo, including experiments and space walk equipment and food for the space station astronauts. the cause of the catastrophe not yet known. the investigation just beginning. gary tuchman, cnn, atlanta. >> the launch vehicle was built by the orbital science company for the booster. they chose a pair of soviet era engines, not just designed during the soviet era but designed in the old soviet union. soviet rocket technology joins from reliable to explosive.
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one blew up in a test in may. a bad motor is only one of the possible reasons it blew up. we talk about the investigation of relying on private launch companies with cnn aviation analyst and retired astronaut ken bauersox who has flown five times and is a former paid adviser to orbital sciences. >> in terms of what happened, myles, what exactly went wrong as far as you know so far? can you you walk us through what happened? >> it is a little bit early to say, anderson. it will take a little bit of time to comb through the telemetry and look at the data and understand what might or might not have failed. if you look at the video, and they will be in many thousands of frames per second in high-speed video. you see a rocket that lurches to a stop. you see debris coming out the bottom end where the rocket
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plume is and discoloration. all those things would lead you to believe that the first stage, the rockets, these soviet era rockets that were built 40 years ago might have failed. now, there could have been some other things that might have happened. there might have been a fuel line that leaked and a turbo pump. you are going to look at the first stage as the possible point of failure. >> ken, some people would be surprised they are using 40-year-old soviet era rockets. why is that? >> there are two reasons. the russians make pretty good hardware. if you look at the soyuz rocket, they are pretty old design and it carries astronauts to the international space station now. >> also, the commercial services contract for cargo to station was intended to try and lower the costs of delivering a pound of cargo up into orbit. so they went with a vehicle and a rocket engine. that was very affordable. >> ken, there is food and stuff
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supplied, stockpiled for the stays station. there is not an immediate impact to this crash, correct? >> that's right, anderson. the last i heard, they have four to six months reserves. the most likely immediate impact would be some reduction in the ability to do meaningful science experiments aboard the international space station. it sounds like there is not going to be a huge reduction for what i have heard of the cargo manifest. >> the fact that nasa relies on private companies for these kind of missions, what does it say about the safety of the space program? does it say anything at all? >> i don't think we know enough yet about this. this is an experiment in changing the way nasa does business. it is worth pointing out that nasa has always used the private sector to build its rockets, whether it is boeing or lockheed martin or its predecessor corporations. it is the way they did business with them. they were on the factory floor telling them how to turn the
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nuts and bolts and offering up specific safety requirements right there on site. now they are offering up a broad list of speckifications and purchasing the vehicle at the end. there is no reason to believe that is any more or less safe. we are just trying to figure it outgoing along here. it is worth pointing out in all those years when nasa had all those strict requirements, they lost 14 shuttle crew members and three people on the launch pad during the apollo era. it is a dangerous, difficult business no matter when i which you do it. it is hard to say this is any more or less safe. >> ken, this is the wave of the future. there are a ton of space companies out there. i think of elan musk. this is only going to increase the privatization of all of this, isn't it? >> the idea is to move more and more responsibility over to the commercial sector. the real shift from, say, the shuttle program to commercial crew is the authority for the launch.
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nasa still pays but some of the authority for actually launching the vehicle goes to the private party that's providing the service. nasa's big decision now is whether or not to put their cargo or in the future, their crews aboard the vehicle when it launches. >> ken, i appreciate you being on the program. what an incredible career you have had. i would love to talk to you about that at some point under better circumstance. miles, great to have you on as well. as always, you can find more on coming up next, more on the people who are counting on supplies from last night's launch. what is life actually like up in that space station? a rare look when we return later, the most down to earth story you will see tonight, hawaii's river of molten earth and the homes directly in jeopardy. r over 19 . [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. transamerica.
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we heard from ken bauersox before the break. this focuses attention on the men and women ash bitting 200 miles above us. a crew of three russians, two americans and a german. we are used to seeing live interviews of their space walks. it is still a bit of a mystery what daily life is really like. randi kaye has been digging deeper on that. >> reporter: the international space station orbits the earth every #90 minutes traveling abot 17,500 miles per hour. it is an understatement to say the astronauts and cosmonauts enjoy a spectacular view. daley life is hard work. at times, complicated. even getting clean is a
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challenge. no shower here. instead, they use towels, wipes and a rinseless sam poo. >> i take my no-rinse shampoo and rub it in working it out to the ends. >> on board this $100 billion research laboratory, there are never more than six crew members at a time. they stay for about six months, which can feel like an eternity living on prepackageded food. >> we use a lot of the same items. every so often, supply ships like the one that exploded this week bring fresh fruit and vegetables. >> we don't have plates. of course, we don't need plates in space, because, again, everything will just float away. >> there are no refrigerators in space and salt and pepper only in liquid form. otherwise, the particles could be airborne, clogging air vents or getting in an astronaut's eye. peanut butter on a specially
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packaged tortilla is a space station staple. >> a weightless tortilla. whoa. it got away. most of the day is spent working on science experiments that only a micro gravity environment can provide. there are also medical experiments that can judge how well their bodies adjust for life in space for long periods of time. of course, sometimes there are space walks. otherwise, more mundane stuff like what you might do at home back on earth. >> you have to change out some felters or a light bulb is burned out and you have to take time to change the light bulbs out. >> while you may be weightless, exercise is a must using equipment you won't find on earth like this treadmill. >> this brings the harness to a system of hooks and bungee cords. >> reporter: if you are wondering about a bathroom break during the day, using this tiny toilet isn't easy. >> you do have your privacy.
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here is a little door. >> reporter: sleeping is easier as long as the astronauts remember to tie down their sleeping bags. when the mission is complete, a soyuz spacecraft brings them back to earth. the return trip, just 3.5 hours. randi kaye, cnn, new york's. >> it feels like sleeping in space. susan hendricks has the 360 news and pull continue. growing certainly that u.s. air strikes in syria did not take out two all qaeda operatives that the attacks targeted. multiple officials tell cnn the intelligence community believes though terrorist operatives are still alive and could be active actively plotting. some tense moments in new jersey as a heckler faced off with governor chris christie. he was holding a sign criticizing his response to superstorm sandy which hit two years ago today. he kept interrupting the governor's speech. christie finally had enough. watch this. >> so, listen, you want to have
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a conversation later, i'm happy to have it, buddy. until that time, sit down and shut up. >> after a short back and forth, the guy was led away. in hawaii, the lava flow threatening a village is slowly inching closer to home. the river of molten rock is moving about 30 feet per hour and could reach homes in pahoa in the next 24 hours. ferguson, missouri, police chief may step down in the wake of protests of police shooting an unarmed teenager. a viral video shows a woman walking in new york city while over and over, horman 100 times, men she doesn't know comment on her looks, some try to follow her, getting her attention. this one guy followed her for more than five minutes talking to her. it is an eye-opening look at street harassment. i'll speak to the women in the video.
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multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. people in ferguson, missouri and beyond, as people await to see if the police officer will be charged for the shooting of michael brown. it may cost the chief police his job. he is expected to step down but
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the police chief says that is not true. st. louis prosecutors have dismissed five pending cases in which officer wilson was expected to testify as a witness. in a press release, the prosecutor's office says that will not affect the presentation of evidence deciding whether to charge the officer in the death of michael brown. you are reporting that the ferguson police chief is going to be forced to step down. i know you have been getting a lot of pushback. what's the latest? >> no one wants the news of them getting ousted from their job to be made public before they are ready to make it public. that's what some of the pushback is coming from. the plan remains for the ferguson police chief to step down. we expect the announcement could come as soon as next week. the issue is, the question is, whether or not this is going to be enough for the people on the streets of ferguson. >> you are hearing that federal, state, local officials are not seeing eye to eye on this. >> they are not. sort of like fear and loathing in ferguson.
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the feds, the locals, and the state are all worried about the reaction on the streets if there is not an indictment. none of them are to blame if that happens. we are told by sources that the state prosecutor had asked the federal government to do a joint press conference to announce the results. the federal government has rejected that. the justice department is afraid that it will undermine the argument that this is a separate and independent investigation, anderson. that's the gist of the argument right now. >> i'm impressed. thanks very much. joining me now is benjamin crump, the attorney for michael brown's family. thanks for being with us. evans report that the police chief is going to be forced to step down as soon as next week, do you believe that is something that would help quell some of the frustration on the ground in furg gue ferguson. we believe that justice and due process for michael brown jr. will help quell a lot of the
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unrest but more importantly it will restore confidence that everybody gets equal justice in america. that's what really is the frustrating part in ferguson. people don't think michael brown is getting his due process. >> have you called for or been encouraging the police chief to step down? there was obviously a lot of criticism of the way he released surveillance videos from the press conference early on, some of the information he didn't come forward with. obviously, the way he has handled the police force. is that something you have publicly called for? >> no. anderson, the family has been focused and vigilant on making sure they get justice for their son, michael brown jr., and as the attorney for the family and my legal team, we have just pushed that we have the police officer charged and he is brought to trial. >> in terms of how the family is doing, there have been all these leaks coming from a lot of
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people pointing fingers right now about where they are actually coming from, leaks about things that have been coming, happening from the grand jury. how is the family feeling about these leaks? >> anderson, it is an emotional roller coaster. you would imagine it is already emotional. these leaks are very troublesome to both michael brown's mother and father. >> "the washington post," as you know, reported about a week ago or so, some details of officer wilson's account of what happened that day, basically that michael brown was the aggressor in the situation. the report also said there were seven or eight african-american witnesses who back up that account. are you aware of these witnesses and what they did or didn't say that day? >> anderson, how do you vet a leak? how do you attack a leak? i know several witnesses that testified before the grand jury. they reached out and said, they think people are trying to twist their words. that's why we need transparency, anderson. we need to have a trial by jury based on the constitution of the
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united states where it is very transparent and all the evidence and all the witnesses can be cross examined. >> you have said the transparency, though, the prosecutors have said after the result from the grand jury that they will reveal all the evidence that was presented to the grand jury. so there is that transparency even if there isn't a trial. is that not enough? >> that's not appeasing. what this family wants is what any other family would want if their child was shot down in broad daylight, for the person to be charged, for the evidence to come before a jury and everybody can vet that evidence. it will be very transparent. they have a representative to make sure they get their due process. we want the police officer hoff his day in court. nobody is saying he is guilty until proven innocent. we want to be able to challenge this police department, this prosecutor as well as this medical examiner's office and say, this evidence does not purport what you are trying to
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make it purport. >> you and i have spoken from the beginning. i have spoken to mike brown's parents from the beginning. all along, everybody on your side has said, look, violence in the streets is not the solution here. that takes the focus away from what happened to michael brown. how concerned are you about the reaction that's been going on, about what may happen if there is not an indictment? >> quite obvious, anderson, people are frustrated in st. louis and all over america, because they keep saying our children get killed over and over again and nobody is held accountable. it is swept under the rug. we encourage people to exercise their first amendment rights but we want you to do it in a constructive, nonviolent way. we want you to turn this frustration into legislation by going to vote in the mid-term election and passing the mike brown law so it won't play out this way again because the police officer got video cameras, anderson. it will be transparent. it will protect the officer if he did nothing wrong but also it
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will give these families answers. that's what they want. they want to know why their child was shot down in the middle of the street in broad daylight. >> i appreciate you being on. imagine if this was happening to your mom, your sister, your daughter. take a look. >> how you doing today? smile. i guess not good. smile! hey, what's up, girl? how you doing? >> a woman walking down the street of new york, not making eye contact, minding her own business, not showing any facial expresses, this all taken on ai hidden camera. millions have seen this video of a woman getting cat called walking through the streets of new york. the woman in the video got dozens of uninvited comments and followed by one guy that kept talking to her. she joins us next. it has to offer,u'll sh especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a wide range of investment options... and the free help you need
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a viral video is triggered. they made this video to call attention to the harassment women feel. an actor, named shashauna roberts walked around with a hidden camera. she had secret microphones to record what people said about her. here is some of what she heard. >> smile. how you doing today? >> what's up, beautiful? >> hey, what's up, girl? how you doing? >> somebody's acknowledging you for being beautiful. for real? hey, baby.
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hey, beautiful! how are you this morning? >> miss roberts was harassed more than 100 times that day. the video has been viewed more than 8 million times online. it has generated more than 40,000 comments, including rape threats against miss roberts. i spoke to her a short time ago. >> i saw this video. i was really stunned. i have seen guys call out to women on the street. it always amazes me that they do this. i don't know what they are thinking, if they think the woman wants this. what is the impact on you having guys do this all day long? >> it is all day long. it is every day. >> what's in the video happens all the time to you? >> yeah. that's a typical day. i was like, yeah, film me where i normally walk, all over manhattan. >> you are wearing jeans and a t-shirt. >> it doesn't matter what you wear. >> your facial expression is not making eye contact with people.
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you are just walking down the street. >> my nonverbal cues were saying, don't talk to me. no eye contact. no friendly demeanor. i mean, i'm a very ex tro verted person. there are some days where i walk down the streets smiling and interacting with people. they were ignoring my nonverbal cues. i clearly did not want to be interacted with. those situations can escalate so quickly. i was thinking about that. >> there is the guy that says something to you and then follows you. >> for about five minutes. >> yeah. >> and it starts out. i can't even remember what it was he said. does he think that -- >> i don't know what they expect people to do. this is happening to so many women. my story is not unique. >> i was trying to think how i would feel. people talk to me all day long, because i'm on tv. mostly, about my, would. they are not saying, hey, nice ass, whatever. what is the impact of that?
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do you even know? >> i don't know for sure but i know it is difficult mentally. it is difficult when my grandfather died and someone told me that they liked the way i looked. it disrupts my daily life. i am trying to memorize a monologue for an acting audition. i have head phones in and i am looking at my cell phone or some such activity and people still are trying to get me to look at them. >> does it scare you ever? >> oh, all the time. >> the guy following you, no matter what he is saying, it is scary. >> i have been in martial arts since i was nine. i have a black belt in tae kwon do. i have trained in multiple forms of martial arts and i am scared. >> i understand since this has been hosted, you have gotten threats. there are guys that have given death threats and guys talking about rape. >> yes. there are people that have said a lot of things but i'm not reading what they are saying.
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>> that's the sub text of some of these conversations on the street. they hit a nerve. >> as some of these guys, i can look at you up and down. i'm gonna look at you up and down. i'm going to tell you what i think of you in specific detail. i'm going to follow you for however long i want to saying things under my breath or out loud and nobody is going to do anything about it. that's to me the message of what these guys are doing. >> yes. i agree with that. it needs to stop. we can change hearts and minds. >> thank you for being with us. coming up, an update from the where are they now files of early '90s alternative rock. the ridiculous is next. but it doesn't hold me back. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms
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a bit derivative of my blood de valentine. siamese dream is listed on rolling stones 500 greatest albums. smashing pumpkins made more records. you don't hear much about them these days until now. tonight, i'm happy to rereport that front man, billy corrigan is back and edgier than ever on the cover of paws magazine. it says billy corgan siamese dream. this made us google what else billy corgan has been up to. last year, he was in a commercial for a chicago furniture store. >> wait, that's a walter e. smith chair. >> walter e. smith. >> perhaps billy corgan offers alternative rocker. maybe there is more to it.
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maybe when the cool rock stars start doing less rock starry things, it kind of makes us face our own reality. i want r.e.m. to stay the way i know it them. i don't want to see eddy vetter's prune jam or steven l malkmus on the corner of certain magazines. maybe the internet is the real problem. there was a time that nobody outside of chicago would have seen the cover of paws chicago magazine. you can't pose for the cover of web m.d. with, wait a minute, that's me on the cover of web m.d. for the record, i have no memory of posing for the cover of web md. i gave an interview. i don't know what i was doing on the cover of it. anyway, let's move on. to the youngsters watching this on the youtube. one day 20 years from now, you will see a picture of i goy
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