tv The Situation Room CNN October 30, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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lose the game in the history of baseball. and after all, long after gordon and bumgardener and nate silver and you and me are all gone, what does caution in a moment of potential glory end up meaning? are we not here to try to win even if we usually lose in extraordinary ways? that's it for "the lead". i'm jake tapper. wolf blitzer is in the situation next. happening now, still alive and plotting. posing a direct and imminent threat to the united states, the khorasan group. a nurse who braved the ebola hot zone is now in her home state where she's facing a new threat. las vegas sting. fbi agents bust a gambling operation. but did they go too far? and the top gun. kim jong-un in the seat of a jet
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fighter as north korea goes all out to show that his leader is firmly in charge. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." the powerful cruise missile attack that kicked off the u.s. campaign in syria did not, repeat, did not achieve its objective. new concerns that leaders of an al qaeda all-star group are continuing with plans to attack u.s. targets. meantime, u.s. air strikes and new reinforcements on the ground are causing big problems for isis in the syrian town of kobani. but the terrorist group is unleashing more atrocities in iraq. congressman peter king is standing by. let's begin with our pentagon correspondent barbara starr. barbara? >> wolf, a terrorist group that the u.s. says is an imminent threat and the problem right now, nobody knows where these
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terrorists are. >> reporter: these u.s. attacks apparently did not work. the first missile strikes in syria last month were supposed to stop one of the most deadly al qaeda affiliates, the khorasan group. al qaeda operatives the u.s. says are a direct threat. >> the intelligence reports indicate that the khorasan group was in the final stages of plans against western targets and potentially the u.s. homeland. >> reporter: and now two key khorasan leaders are still alive. still plotting against the u.s. while the coalition has conducted over 300 air strikes against isis in syria, an administration official tells c cnn there have been no military strikes against khorasan. nobody knows where they are. >> what's actually happened is senior khorasan members, david drugeon and a number of other
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individuals have scattered and may be more difficult to target. >> reporter: after getting help from al qaeda's master bomb maker, the u.s. needs to find and target two key operatives. mushin al fadhl moved to syria about a year ago involved in plots against the u.s. >> the americans and other european courts are using all means possible to collect intelligence on khorasan, including fadhl. human signals, anything that they can get their hands on to identify his whereabouts. >> reporter: the search is also on for david drugeon with ties to pakistan and syria and back
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to europe where they then can travel to the u.s. >> these two men now know they are marked men. they will be taking huge precautions to stay safe. it's going to be a real hard job to get them. >> reporter: so how did they disappear? officials say it is possible that they were never even at that site that the u.s. targeted last month. what are the odds that they are still alive? one intelligence analyst tells me 99.5 perce%. >> and they launched 47 tomahawk cruise missiles. limited payback at least as of now? >> that's what it is beginning to look like. what the u.s. is saying is khorasan is still an imminent threat to the united states. they still believe this group is directly plotting and planning to try and carry out an attack here. wolf? >> barbara, thanks very much.
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barbara starr at the pentagon. between the u.s. air strikes, isis may have hit a brick wall in the syrian talk of kobani but are unleashing new savagery for those who oppose it. >> a slaughter is unfolding west of the capital of baghdad in anbar province. 400 sunni tribesmen killed in just the last 48 hours. tribal leaders tell cnn. while today pentagon officials speak of encouraging progress, they acknowledge that iraqi forces in anbar are incapable of coming to the aid of the key ally, even with the possibility of u.s. air power to back them up. we are seeing in this case the stark limits of the u.s.-led coalition. when they took up arms against isis earlier this month, they
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celebrated with gunfire and a parade. they are essential to the u.s.-led war. moderate sunnis challenging the extremist sunnis of isis. much as the sunni awakening fought back against al qaeda in iraq during the iraq war. but now, just two weeks later, this in the last 48 hours tribal leaders tell cnn isis has mas massacred hundreds of tribesmen. pentagon leaders acknowledge that u.s./iraqi leaders could not be relied upon. >> they are in defensive positions and would be unlikely to be able to respond to a request for assistance from the tribe. >> reporter: on monday, the u.s.
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dropped humanitarian aid and meals at the request of the forces but there was no military action to rescue them. pentagon leaders said that will not change any time soon. >> here off group that is literally risking their lives in a way that the coalition is desperate for and no one came to their aid except for an air drop of meals. >> this is just another but one of many daily dimensions of what's going on over there. the brutality of isil and what they are doing has to be stopped. >> as isis continues its deadly march through syria and iraq, the president's national security team is facing its own internal disagreements. today, chuck hagel acknowledged that he sent a two-page memo arguing for a change in syria policy. specifically, to make confronting the regime of bashar
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al assad a central part of the strategy. >> that's a central response of any leader and because we are significant element of this issue, we owe the president and we owe the national security council our best thinking on this and it has to be honest and direct. >> this is a very public disagreement. what to do about assad. for three years we have an air campaign and he's benefiting assad. so what is the u.s. policy and, wolf, this is a key point of contention not only within the administration as we've seen here but between nato allies and the u.s. and turkey. turkey is saying, it's fine fighting isis but what are you going to do about assad and some say they have the benefit of fighting isis because it confronts turkey's chief ally here, which is assad.
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>> and so forth the u.s. is launching air strikes against isis in syria but not against the syrian military, bashar al assad. >> no. and frankly they are still massacring against assad a year ago when the president chose not to in response to the chemical weapons. >> millions of syrian refugees displaced. >> and every day more. >> thank you, jim sciutto, for that report. let's discuss what is going on with congressman peter king of new york. he's president of the house intelligence committee. thank you for joining us. you know, the sunni awakening, the u.s. goes in there with its friends into iraq. they tell these iraqi sunnis, rise up, go after isis who are also sunni.
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they don't get enough support and these sunnis who the u.s. is trying to support, these sunnis are slaughtered by isis. what's going on here? >> wolf, i think this shows a basic flaw in the obama policy in that by ruling out ground troops, by saying that out front, that has allowed isis to go forward knowing that we're not going to have troops on the ground. the fact that we have been reluctant to give weapons who are willing to fight weapons for us, fight with us, has, again, been a serious defect. and going back to the original proposition, we lost our influence over the iraqi army and even though the army is there in baghdad, it seems incapable of providing assistance. it's a culmination of -- first it's a culmination of failures of the obama policy and pulling out and secondly it's an immediate example of a failure of the president's policy by not
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having any boots on the ground and by isis knowing we're not going to have any boots on the ground. it's terrible for those troops. we ask them to rise up and now we're not coming to their assistance. >> it reminds me, i have seen this movie before after the first gulf war in 1991. the u.s. went in and liberated kuwait. they told saddam hussein, you're in trouble. he stayed in power but encouraged the shiites in the south to rise up, the u.s. wasn't going into iraq. they had liberated kuwait and so many of the iraqi shiites were slaughtered by saddam hussein's forces. it's an awful situation. you tell the iraqi sunnis this time, go ahead and rise up but you don't give them the support that they need and isis slaughters them, kills them, rapes their women and all of the sava savagery that we see going on. they say that the al qaeda
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affiliate represents an imminent threat to the u.s. homeland. do they? >> yes. i've known about the khorasan group since last spring. it was intentionally kept secret because we didn't want them to know that we were aware of them. it's a segment of a splinter group and it's a hardcore of al qaeda which moved to syria because they have a sanctuary there and they are extremely vicious and capable and intent on attacking the united states. >> it looks like the 47 tomahawk cruise missiles didn't do much because the leadership is still very much alive and well. right? >> i would give it -- again, i don't know all of the details. that hasn't come out. having said that, accepting everything that you're saying is true, i would say that what it does show is that we disrupted the khorasan group. from that point it was successful. to me, it would have been very
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lucky if we got everybody on the first night. if you have a group in place, very smart and sophisticated, i can't believe that they would allow themselves to be so vulnerable where they are taken out in one night. they had to be -- they assume all contingencies. so, again, this is another example of why there's going to be a long, hard war and why the president claimed victory far too soon as far as iraq was concerned. >> the launch of tomahawk missiles, it locoks like the leadership -- >> i would think -- >> go ahead. >> there's always two sides and three sides. they would have enough -- the odds would be against us getting them all in one night. that's the point i was trying to make. these guys are horrible killers.
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they are professionals. and i just don't believe they would have left themselves vulnerable where in one night of atags, they could have been taken out. >> how much potential is there for sophistication of isis technology? the yemen master bomb maker ibrahim is sharing thoughts with khorasan, for example. >> if that is true, and i assume it is, it shows you how deadly they are because that would allow them to evade airport detection. al asiri is probably the most talented bomb maker in the world for the terrorists and the fact that he's willing to join forces with the khorasan group, if he is, that -- again, it's very ominous and shows why it was wrong for to us let our guard down against these groups and it's not going to be something that we can do in one night or one week. it's going to take a lot of effort and intelligence on the ground.
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there's no substitute for intelligence on the ground. >> i want you to stand by, congressman. there's much more to discuss, including the announcement that nearly 10,000 buildings in washington and around the country are about to go on a higher state of security, a higher state of alert. what is going on? there's new information coming in and this may only be the beginning. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, we've always been at the forefront of advanced electronics. providing technology to get more detail... ♪ detect hidden threats... ♪ see the whole picture... ♪ process critical information, and put it in the hands of our defenders. reaching constantly evolving threats before they reach us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman.
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that the u.s. was intensifying security at nearly 10,000 federal buildings in d.c. and all around the country. was this because of specific intelligence fear or simply out of abundance of caution? >> i would say out of abundance of caution. i have a high regard for jey johnson. there was just a series of events over the last several weeks, including isis really making very effective use of social media that i believe the homeland security secretary believed that especially with what happened in canada with the two soldiers being killed, canadian parliament being attacked and nypd officer being attacked in new york city, in queens, with federal buildings being a target, it's important to get this done. that was never necessary in new york because they were always at a high level of security. but, no, i'm not aware of any specific threat other than the
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constant stream and very sophisticated stream coming from isis encouraging these kind of attacks upon the police, the military. these are not actual members of isis or even declared followers of isis but even people on the fringes, such as the man in queens who attacked the police officer. these are sympathizers. >> i'm suspicious, when lisa monacco told me last week that the u.s. believes there's an imminent threat from the khorasan group, an imminent threat, those are her words, and a few days later they announce the enhanced security procedures following what happened, you're correct to point out what happened in canada, it sounds to me that there's something that they are really worried about right now. they don't want to share it publicly but they have specific
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concerns. >> wolf, if there is, i have not been told of them. i am not aware of any specific threat that would require what jey johnson did in the upgrading of security. i think it's an accumulation of events. khorasan -- i'm not aware of an imminent group from the khorasan group other than that they have been a threat for the last couple of months. again, jey johnson made something -- he's the secretary of homeland security. >> and he's a very serious guy. both of us have known him since his days at the pentagon. i don't think he would go ahead and do this unless there was something specific going on. let's leave that for now. let me talk about the army chief of staff, ray ordierno.
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he's not ruling out the war against isis and these other groups. do you agree with him on that. i remember back in 2001 he said this is going to go on for many years and with the president pulling back the way he did in 2011, that has extended this war. we have to step on their throat and kill them. they are not going to slow down. any time we slow down, they use that as a chance to re-energize themselves. we have to condition the american people and ourselves to realize this is going to be a long -- john kennedy talked about the long twilight struggle. that's what this is going to be.
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>> i suspect this is only the beginning. congressman, thank you for joining us. >> wolf, thank you. coming up, a nurse, governor nor and battle of wills in the fight against ebola. we're going to talk about this with dr. sanjay gupta. and later, video that looks and sounds like the movie "ocean's 11" but it's a real fbi sting and it may have broken the law. ♪ ♪ ♪ abe! get in! punch it! let quicken loans help you save your money. with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze! thanks, g.
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the state's governor threatening to use the full extent of his authority to force a nurse to keep away from public places. the nurse who just returned from treating ebola patients in africa contends her rights are being violated. she's acting like everything is normal as she went on a beak ride earlier today. cnn's alexandra field is live where the battle of the wills is playing out. alexandra, what is the latest? >> reporter: wolf, she was outside of her house for about an hour. police actually followed her. they didn't try to arrest her or detain her. the state has made it very clear that they are at odds with her position on the quarantine policy but for now, if officers choose to follow her, they are doing so for her own protection. kaci hickox taking a morning bike ride with her boyfriend. >> how does it feel to be out in the fresh air? >> it feels amazing. >> why did you decide to do it? >> because we just wanted to enjoy this beautiful day. >> reporter: a state trooper
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positioned outside of her home followed in a police cruiser for the hour-long ride. >> why do you do this? >> since we moved here, this has been our trail. >> have you heard anything from your lawyer? >> i sure haven't. we're waiting to hear from the state of maine. i hope we can continue negotiations and work this out amicably. >> reporter: the governor of maine says working it out may not be an option. >> i don't want her within three feet of anybody, let's put it this way. i am going to use the legal provisions to the fullest extent that the law allows me. >> do you mind coming up closer? >> reporter: at odds in this ebola standoff, individual rights and federal guidelines versus state's rights and public safety. >> i'm not willing to stand here and let my civil rights be violated when it's not science-based. >> reporter: the president and federal health officials have
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been critical on ebola quarantines. >> they deserve our gratitude and they deserve to be treated with dignity and with respect. >> reporter: hickox tested negative for two ebola tests but did record a temperature upon her arrival last week from west africa, which led to her initial quarantine in new jersey. hickox said the test was a false reading and that she never had a fever. >> i am completely healthy. you could hug me, shake my hand, there is no way that i would give you ebola. >> reporter: though hickox is asymptomatic, health officials point to the case of dr. spencer. >> there are cases of other individuals who have not tested positive, did not believe they were asymptomatic and have since been hospitalized. >> reporter: meanwhile, residents in this small logging
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village are split on the issue. >> why she's being so defiant, i'm not so sure. but it's causing consternation here and people are asking why she won't honor it. it's a simple thing. stay in the quarantine until it's over and we're good. >> reporter: kaci hickox and the governor said that they were negotiating for a while and the negotiations broke down. she said she would not ride public forms of transportation at this point. wolf, that's not enough for the sta . >> alexandra, thank you. let's get more from dr. sanjay gupta. he was at the white house meeting with president obama and other ebola survivors yesterday. also joining us, our senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin. lots of legal questions. we'll get to you in a moment. this nurse, kaci hickox, is
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about halfway through the 21-day period where you either get ebola or don't get ebola. the longer she goes, the more likely she's not going to get it. right? >> there does seem to be a peak time where people if they are going to get it, if you look at all of the patients that have contracted it, it's usually between 8 and 11 days. as early as two days but between 8 and 11 days. she's still sort of in that window. as each day goes by, the chances go down. >> she potentially -- we hope she doesn't -- since she was a nurse that spent time there in west africa, not just visiting but she was actually dealing with ebola patients, potentially she's still at some risk? >> yeah. well, that's part of what's prompting this whole discussion, you know. and i think everybody, including the doctors without borders, her parent organization, the centers for disease control, these two scientific bodies recognize that
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and say monitoring is still necessary. taking one's temperature is still necessary. obviously evaluating yourself to see if you're developing any symptoms. after 21 days, they feel much more relieved to sort of give the all clear sign. that's why the monitoring takes place. but they also say that unless you are sick and actually, you know, putting bodily fluids out there, you are not going to infect somebody else. so that -- those two things sort of go hand in hand. >> they certainly do. jeffrey, you just heard the maine governor in alexandra's report, paul lepage, said he will exercise his full authority allowable by law. could she face criminal charges if she continues to go out and ride her bike and do whatever she wants to do? >> one step at a time. the first step she has to do is get a court order which requires her to stay in quarantine. there is no court order now.
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she's not violating anything by taking a bike ride or leaving her house. the first question is, can paul lepage get an order from a judge saying this quarantine is mandatory. there's no gauuarantee that a judge would seen the order. if they did get that order and if it was not overturned on appeal, then she would be required to stay in her home and she's be subject to arrest if she left. >> that hasn't happened yet? >> it has not. >> just to reiterate, as long as she has no symptoms, no high temperature or fever and she's not showing any signs of an illness, she's not contagious, right? >> that's right. i mean, there's a real science there behind this and i think more and more people are seeing the stories here in the united states. dr. spencer, for example, had been out and about, the subway, restaurant, bowling alley that everyone was talking about.
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nobody there seems to have gotten second. mr. duncan was in an apartment. even after he was showing some symptoms, he was in an apartment with a few family members and friends and none of them got sick. that speaks to how challenging this is to actually transmit. so it's -- if she is healthy, she's not essentially spilling the virus over possibly causing others to get infected. >> let's hope she doesn't come down with ebola. that would be awful. sanjay, thanks very much. jeffrey, thanks to you as well. up next, top gun. ki is it kim jong-un showing that he's firmly in charge. they're coming. what do i do? you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. ♪ there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3...2...1... are you kidding me?
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north korea's leader is back in the public eye after a lengthy disappearance for health problems. his regime is back in the spotlight for human rights' abuses. care carefully controlled and fascinating images. our elise labott is investigating. what are you hearing, elise? >> teven for kim jong-un, these photos are very bizarre. they appear staged photoshoots to show that kim cares about the north korean people and everything going on around in their country. but as entertaining as the images are to outsiders, they are also tactical to a human rights record. today the propaganda machine was
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in overdrive. new photos of kim jong-un observing flight drills. bizarrely, kim is seated at a desk in the middle of an air strip observing maneuvers. as he confers with his generals, he smiles with a cigarette in hand. later, kim gets into the cockpit and then talks to the pilot. he's still seen walking with a cane that he relied on when he emerged after a six-week absence after an ankle injury. >> while i don't have more details on where he was for quite some time, obviously there were questions raised about that. >> reporter: a far more commanding image than a softer one on display this week when kim visited an orphanage and detailing widespread human rights abuses by the regime,
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torture, starvation, and killings. >> north korea continues to have one of the worst human rights' records in the world. clearly there's more than can be done. >> reporter: the report calls for the regime to be hauled before the criminal court, a threat that the foreign minister warned would bring unpredictable consequences. >> what usually jars them is when they see things they have not seen before. in this case, this is not a u.s.-based effort. this is coming from the united nations. >> reporter: south korea says kim's brutality extends to party officials, killed for crimes such as bribery, womanizing, even watching south korean soap operas. the alleged purges, almost 50th yea 50 this year. last year, kim took an american home but the u.s. is still worried about the fate of kenneth bae and matthew todd
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miller, both being held by the regime. now, the state department says it's working every day to bring both kenneth bae and matthew miller home but they don't seem entirely optimistic. they say they are not holding out hope that that is going to happen any time soon, wolf. >> if the charm offensive continues, maybe they will. that would be great for them and their families as well. elise, thanks very much. there's other news we're following here in "the situation room." get this. from las vegas, fbi agents posing as an internet repair crew to bust a gambling operation. did their sting go too far? brian todd is looking into this. what are you seeing, brian? >> wolf, this is like a scene out of "ocean's 11." this was the fbi. they may lose out on crucial evidence that they gathered because the operation may not have been legal. >> good morning. you're in 82? >> yes.
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we're going to try to get the dsl working. >> reporter: but this is undercover video from a sting at a suite in caesar's palace. the fbi agents cut off the internet in the room, according to court documents. then, when the occupants called for help, the agents moved around videotaping the people inside and their laptops. >> all internet, right? everything is down? >> reporter: the laptops were used to run an asian illegal gambling website. the videotape made in early july shows people watching the world cup, allegedly one of the events being bet on. eight people charged with running an illegal gambling operation based on this evidence and now the lawyer for one of the defendants has filed a motion to throw all that evidence out. >> the agents had a hunch but not enough that they could ever get a warrant to search so they
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tricked the residents to letting them in by cutting off the internet access and waiting for them to call for help. a high-ranking member of the 14k triad, an asian syndicate group. and protecting people from unreasonable search and seizure. >> the danger here is that they will cut off your television or the worry it's the government every time you have a problem in your house that maybe it's an undercover agent that arrives. >> reporter: tom fuentes says an operation like this would have been rigorously scrutinized beforehand to make sure that it's legal. >> the idea that the entire division went rogue and ran that operation without fbi headquarters concurrence or approval and the united states
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attorneys, it doesn't sound right to me. >> reporter: when we reached out to the fbi for comment, the bureau referred us to the u.s. attorney's office in nevada. a spokeswoman said they couldn't comment because the case is still pending but that the u.s. attorney is going to respond to information to dismiss the evidence by and before november 7th. wolf? >> up next, the suspect in the kidnapping of hannah graham prepares to make an important appearance before the judge. we have important new details. begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud.
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let's bring in investigative journalist coy barefoot along with cnn law enforcement analyst the former fbi assistant director tom fuentes. coy, what can we expect tomorrow when this suspect, jesse matthew, appears via video, to face rape and attempted murder charges going back to 2005? >> wolf, the charlottesville regional jail is on a ridge overlooking the highway. just south of town. and we know that in that jail tomorrow morning, sometime between 6:00 and 7:00, jesse matthew will be awoken for breakfast. around 8:15, he will be shackled and led into a small room where at 8:30 a.m. he will stand before a camera and thus for the first time before judge dennis smith of fairfax county. the first order of business will be to name a lawyer, a court appointed lawyer, for jesse matthew. his charlottesville lawyer has requested that appointment.
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so that is likely to happen. what happens next, that's what we will all be waiting to see. will the judge just set a motion date, a control date, and a look on his calendar and say let's get back together at that time? or will he go further and have a full arraignment tomorrow morning? no one at this point is quite sure what will happen next. >> there's a full arraignment, would we expect a plea from jesse matthew? >> we would at the arraignment. the default plea at an arraignment, for default, if nothing is said, is not guilty. we would not expect if the arraignment was tomorrow morning, we couldn't expect a guilty plea, because the attorney wouldn't have been given an opportunity to negotiate an outcome for that guilty plea. it's expected that he would need time to do that, to look at the evidence against his client, to talk with the prosecutor, and to negligent what would happen if he pleaded guilty.
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i would not be surprised, and i'm hearing this among legal sources, i wouldn't be surprised if jesse matthew, at some point in the next few weeks, pled guilty to the crimes in fairfax. swhaz are you going to be looking for tomorrow, tom, when we see this video, his demeanor, stuff like that? >> i think what we're going to see is how ready fairfax county is. they've had nine years to prepare for their case. they have their evidence, they have the eyewitness in this case. so fairfax you would think is ready to go. the timeline is contingent on the defense attorney getting ready to defend him. >> some of his high school pals, and i'm quoting, that he was very outgoing, very popular, very friendly with boys and girls, very polite. what do they say? the allegations are really horrendous against him, how does that happen? >> i have not talked with a friend of his, wolf, who isn't
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absolutely shocked in every possible way. and they just look at me with dismay, and to a person, they all tell me, we had no idea we were given no indication whatsoever at any point in time that l.j., as they called him, jesse matthew, would have anything to do with any of these crimes that have been committed here in virginia. all of them are shocked. >> coy, thank you very much. we'll check back with you tomorrow with tom, as well. coming up, leaders of an al qaeda spinoff escape american missiles. are they still plots against americans? yes. breaking out of ferguson, missouri, where the embattled police chief under pressure to resign, tells cnn about his plans. ee financial noise financial noise
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> happening now. an explosive genius believed to have survived new missile strikes in syria. breaking news. the police chief speaking out. the head of the ferguson, missouri police talks to cnn about he's on the verge of stepping down. will he yield to calls of his resignation? will this congressional race throw the entire election into chaos? we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room."
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>> this is cnn breaking news. >> and we're following the breaking news out of ferguson, missouri, where the police chief tom jackson has just spoken to cnn about reports that he's going to resign over the police shooting death of michael brown. also, hours after an isis massacre of dozens of iraqi prisoners, an even greater horror discovered in a mass grave containing the bodies of hundreds of sunni fighters slaughtered by the terrorist group. we're covering those stories and much more this hour, including the former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. let's begin with jim sciutto. what's the latest you're hearing? >> reporter: there is a slaughter unfolding just to the west of baghdad. 400 sunni tribesman who had taken up arms against isis killed in just the last 48 hours. while pentagon officials spoke of encouraging progress against isis by kurdish and iraqi forces, they acknowledge that iraqi forces in anbar province
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are incapable of coming to the aid of this key ally, saying iraqi forces are in purely defensive positions, and that u.s. air power on its own would be ineffective because the coalition doesn't have the intelligence or reconnaissance necessary to carry out strikes to protect this group. here's what the secretary said when i asked him about this today. here you have a group that is literally risking their lives in a way that the coalition is frankly desperate for, and yet no one came to their aid except an air drop of meals. >> this is just another but one of many daily dimensions of what's going on over there. the brutality of isil and what they're doing has to be stopped. >> on monday, the u.s. air
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dropped humanitarian aid to allow meals to those sunni tribesman at the request of iraqi forces, but there was no military action to rescue them. and wolf, as you know, these sunni tribes are essential to the fight against isis. you want sunnis in the area challenging extreme sunnis of isis, so you have all of iraq fighting them, not just the shiite dominated militias around baghdad. >> those moderate sunnis, you need them, but if they don't get the backing, they will be slaughtered by isis. there's also some indications of serious potential infighting within the obama administration about what to do. >> well, it's interesting, because secretary hagel was asked about this as well today. he acknowledged an essential disagreement with the administration on syria policy, saying he sent a two-page memo to the white house saying we have to make an essential part of our strategy in syria, the u.s. strategy in syria
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confronting isis and bashar al assad, and that is still an open question. what's interesting about this is there were some unnamed sources in washington, imagine that, saying that secretary hagel and secretary kerry were in some way out of the loop, and by talking about this memo to some degree, you hear the secretary saying, i'm very much in the loop. in fact, just the other day, i was challenging the president on this key issue of policy. in the press conference, general dempsey said i don't know where anyone is getting the sense that i'm not close to the president. he said he spends more time with the president and secretary hagel than his wife. >> jim sciutto, thank you very much. meanwhile, there's growing concern about a terrorist bombmaking genius believed to have escaped u.s. air strikes in syria and feared to be plotting against the united states homeland. pamela brown is work thing part of the story for us. pamela, what are your sources
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telling you? >> reporter: we're learning that he's believed to be one of at least a dozen khorasan leaders still alive. he's extremely stilled at making easily concealed bombs, and he's adept at recruiting westerners to join jihad. he's the french jihadist u.s. intelligence officials say could pose one of the biggest threats to the u.s. he's an explosives expert and key member of the terrorist group khorasan, a collection of former al qaeda operatives actively plotting against the u.s. he was one of the main targets when the u.s. sent 47 tomahawk missiles on several suspected khorasan sites in syria last month. but there's evidence that he escaped the strikes. >> it does not appear to be the case that u.s. strikes against khorasan have fundamentally destroyed the network. senior officials continue to
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live in syria, continue to become involved in plotting in both europe and the united states. >> reporter: according to french media reports, he once worked on behalf of french intelligence and defected while in afghanistan. he eventually made his way to pack san and is believed to have traveled onto syria in the last two years. >> in pakistan, he became skilled at making explosives. he had contact with a number of al qaeda leaders there. >> reporter: u.s. intelligence sources say he's adept at making easily concealed bombs, the kind of bomb that could be hidden in packages and shipped on civilian flights, similar to a bomb shipped in 2010 on a commercial flight. khorasan's efforts to blow up u.s.-bound flights he would to increased security measures this summer. recently retired director of the national counterterrorism center matthew olson said khorasan still poses an imminent threat
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to the u.s. >> we saw that they were looking to test explosives, so they were in, you know, the advanced stains of plotting. and again, they had both that intent and what we saw was that capability that put them into this nearing an execution phase of an attack. >> reporter: as a werner, he's believed to have heavily involved in facilitating the movement of fighters back and forth between europe and he's helping to lure foreign fighters with western passports to smuggle bombs on to planes. >> pamela, thank you very much. pamela brown reporting. let's dig a little deeper. joining us, the former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. thank you very much for joining us. what can you do to prepare for what officials here in washington are calling a potentially imminent plot from this al qaeda group khorasan?
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>> well, of course they can do more, but new york has been ready for this since the attack of september 11. both mayor bloomberg and now mayor de blasio has built up through the two police commissioners, probably as good a defense against all possibilities that you can have. so i'm sure they're going to reheighten their efforts. i'm sure they're going to be a lot more careful, if you can be, about what's coming into new york. they're consistently doing exercises and table top exercises, playing out what would happen if there was a bombing to try and keep it as contained as possible. so no assurances. but i think i'm pretty comfortable saying that new york city is about as prepared as any city in the world for, god forbid, something like that
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happening. >> one thing i know officials are worried about are the airports. are they secure enough, especially because some of these terror groups have some new technology from yemen's master bombmaker, and they might be able to get a bomb on a plane. that's something you're worried about, as well. >> sure. when i was mayor, my big fear was always cargo, because we know that passengers are searched very carefully. even there, there have been a few mistakes. but the cargo is another matter. so much cargo comes in, particularly to kennedy airport. but when you get an imminent threat like this, all of a sudden the cargo gets searched even more carefully. so i'm sure they're doing everything they can. new york city is without question the number one target. but so is washington and so is chicago and so is los angeles. you can't predict these people. usually they do what you don't think they're going to do. >> what really worries officials
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now, mayor, is not what happened necessarily 9/11, that was a highly choreographed, orchestrated plot that was implemented by these 19 hijackers and they had a lot of support. what they're worried about is this lone wolf as he's called inspired, if you will, by these stror o terror organizations to go out and blow up something. how do you prepare for that? >> much harder. i remember way back when chris christie was the u.s. attorney in new jersey discussing with him the ft. dix attack. they were jihadists that were going to attack ft. dix that were caught in the act. so this lone wolf thing, the guy at ft. hood, the people in boston, this is very hard to detect. they don't communicate as much. they're not traveling the way some of these other people are. they're not trying to bring
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bombs in. they already have things here, so you're not going to pick them up at the airport. and frankly, we have much less intelligence about them, because they're not part of a network that we may have been lucky enough to infiltrate. so this is the nightmare of every police commissioner, mayor and of jeh johnson at the department of homeland security. you just do the best that you can. here you have to rely on very, very good local policing. this is where you have to rely on a police department that you've trained to hook for the precursors of terrorism. something that i know bill bratton is very, very familiar with, because he, in part, helped develop some of these things. so all of this is no guaranties, but i can tell people that everything is being done that can possibly be done. >> bill bratton, the new york city police commissioner. i think that lone wolf is one of the reasons that jeh johnson, the secretary of homeland security, raised the threat
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but let me ask you specifically about ebola. where do you stand on this debate over these forced quarantines, if you will, for individuals returning to the united states, new york city for example, who were engaged in dealing with ebola patients over there, should they be required to be quarantined for 21 days? >> wolf, i faced something similar to this with the west nile virus that broke out in new york. at first, cdc didn't recognize it as west nile virus and it was the new york city health depth that discovered it. we had to make decisions about spraying the city, people were very annoyed about it that they were being interrupted. and we actually had a court case over it. it seems to me we have to go with the science here, right? believe me, if this is not true, then what i'm saying is not correct. but if there is a 21-day incubation period, in other words, if i've been exposed to ebola and for 21 days it can
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conceivable i could contract ebola and give it to someone else, it would seem to me that a 21-day quarantine period should not only be required as a medical professional, i should want to do it. why the heck am i going to africa trying to cure people of ebola and then coming back and putting people at risk that they might get ebola in the united states? so it seems to me the 21-day quarantine period should be built into the whole commitment. so if i make the commitment of a doctor or a nurse or a soldier to go to help, then there should be a 21-day phase-down period. it should be made as comfortable and as nice as possible. if the nurse has complaints s about the way she was treated, that's unacceptable. she should be treated like a hero, not a criminal. but the 21-day should be built into the entire commitment. if i'm wrong, if it's a
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seven-day incubation period, it should be seven days. but governor cuomo and governor christie and governor scott and a whole bunch of them, they didn't make this 21-day period up. that's the number they were given by the scientists. >> the way governor chris christie handled this nurse, did he handle it the right way or the wrong way? >> he handled it the only way that the scientific information would allow him to make that decision. look, as i said to you, i'm not sure i'm right. i hope they know they're right. is it a 21-day incubation period? if it is a 21-day incubation period, then they should be incubated for 21 days. in as nice surroundings as possible, where they're treated nice hi and fairly. maybe part of this is because, and i don't want to make this
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political, but i'm very disappointed about the amount of information the administration had about this disease before it broke out. this was not a case -- i wrote a book about leadership and relentless preparation. this is a case of not being relentlessly prepared. they should have known in advance that there was a 21-day incubation period and that should have been built into the contract of each one of these people that goes there. we shouldn't discover this as we're going along. we should know this in advance. ebola has been around for decades, so there's no reason for us to be playing catchup now. unfortunately we are. >> speaking of governor christie of new jersey, he had an interesting exchange with a heckler yesterday. i'm going to play the clip. [ whistling ] [ inaudible ] >> so we'll see. listen, everybody, what we need -- good. and there's been 23 months since
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then when all you've been doing is flapping your mouth and not doing anything. so listen, you want to have the conversation later, i'm happy to have it, buddy. but until that time, sit down and shut up! [ applause ] >> you ran for the republican presidential nomination, here is the question, can you be that blunt out there on the campaign trail? >> maybe we need that after a period of time in which we have a president who can't seem to make a decision. you know? when you have a president who had no plans for isis, who thought isis was the jv, who seems to have had no plan for ebola. they're improving now, but they sure took a long time. maybe we follow that with somebody who has a decisive personality, and maybe that is somebody putin would pay attention to, opposed to the president we presently have. i'm a big supporter of jeb bush and a bunch of the other republicans, marco rubio, scott walker, and i left out probably
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a few other friends, mitt romney. but i don't know, maybe the american people are looking for something different, a more decisive person in the white house, and there's no question, i don't think even if you're an obama supporter, there's no question that this president suffers seriously from being behind the curve on almost everything. >> with somebody like chris christie, who has a lively temperament, is he somebody as a president of the united states that could deal with isis, those kinds of issues, given that lively temperament? >> maybe they would be afraid of him like they were afraid of ronald reagan. remember all those months that the iranians held the hostages, and then the first day ronald reagan was in office when they took a look in ronald reagan's eyes, they set them free. maybe it isn't so bad if some of our enemies around the world are afraid of our president, and don't hear for the first time when a president speaks, i'm not going to put boots on the
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ground. the minute you tell me that, i kind of figure i might get away pretty easy. >> rudy giuliani, the former mayor of new york, i take it you like chris christie, but you like a lot of the other republican presidential candidates. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. let's dig deeper right now. joining us, our cnn counterterrorism analyst, phil mudd, cnn military analyst, retired general mart hertling, and retired lieutenant colonel james reese. phil, what do you think about these -- this notion that there's potentially right now an imminent threat from these al qaeda-related groups to the u.s. homeland? >> i think you have to take them at their word. if you look at khorasan, when you get shadowy intelligence information about a group like khorasan, typically you're going to have
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>> those air strikes, did they accomplish anything is >> wolf, what they did is they took a shot. what that shot did, peeven according to the analyst, they to be a shot. but that shot made them scatter. and we've got a high value target cell that's watching these people, and they are doing everything within the intelligence community to get these targets lined up, so then we can move operationally on them, whether it's by tier one forces or other assets. but people are watching these and working day and night to
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target these folks. >> general hertling, what is your response to these reports now? we confirmed them, even the defense secretary chuck hagel confirmed them. he sent a tough memo to the white house expressing concern about the serioyria strategy. it's not unusual there's disagreement within any presidential administration, but he teams to be pretty concerned there's a lack of clarity right now. >> wolf, i would say any time you have a senior leader giving those kind of memos, i see it as a very good thing. that's what we pay our senior leaders to do is to continually assess and re-evaluate. from what i saw of the memo, we have one line of it that says we need to take a closer look at what we're doing with the assad regime. that could mean hey, boss, we've really got to do certain things differently. we've got to take a different approach. we have re-evaluated some of the intelligence. we may have seen that our strikes against isis is actually
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helping other things, allowing assad to go after the free syrian rebels. so i think there are a series of things that that memo could have meant, that one line from a memo could have meant. i've been on the receiving end of those memos that said hey, boss, let's take a closer look how we're doing business. >> there's a lot of concern, especially the moderate syrian rebels, that the u.s. is launching strikes against isis in syria but doing nothing to go after assad's regime. there's one school of thought suggesting maybe the u.s. is reluctant to go after bashar al assad's military because there's a lot of iranians that have come over to help assad's regime and the u.s. doesn't want to kill a lot of those iranian revolutionary guard forces. have you heard that? >> i have not heard that. but if people in the white house are thinking about that, that would not be a key concern. back when we had forces in iraq, you had the iranian revolutionary guards providing
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assistan assistance, now they're supporting the syrian president. if they get caught in the line of fire because they're supporting assad, i would say that's part of the game. if i were an iranian, i would recognize that's a risk today. >> the same, colonel reese, as far as the lebanese, they're supporting assad's regime, as well. would that be a deterrent from the u.s. going in there on a fear it could kill some of these lebanese hezbollah guys? >> wolf, i don't think it does. the problem right now is, we need to take out assad. general hertling and i talked the first night of the bombing, this is the center of gravity that has to happen. the problem is, assad goes out tomorrow. there's a huge sucking noise right in the middle there, who goes in and takes over? that becomes a critical aspect that i don't think anyone in washington can answer. >> do you have an answer to that, general hertling? >> i don't, and that's the critical question.
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we've had a little bit of experience over the last 10 to 12 years of taking out regimes and not having an adequate replacement. jim and i talked about this, the political dynamics of this, the ramifications of replacing a regime is a whole lot tougher than just taking out the leader. how do you build a government up after this, and is there dramatic change a that, that is either better or worse? all questions that i think are in the political realm. >> just take a look at what's going on in libya. the u.s. led a coalition to get rid of gadhafi, but libya is run by a group of terrorists right now for all practical purposes. an awful situation there. guys, thank you very much. more breaking news coming up. the police chief of ferguson, missouri speaking to cnn about reports he's going to resign. and reaction from our panel, including our justice report evan perez. he first broke this story right here on cnn.
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we've to the breaking news. the police chief in ferguson, missouri denying reports he's on his way out following the controversial shooting of michael brown, the unarmed black teenager killed by a white police officer. our national correspondent jason carroll is joining us from ferguson. i know you had a chance to speak with the police chief. tell our viewers what he told you. >> reporter: well, he's under a lot of stress and pressure. he said he's been relying on
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friends and families, supporters, such as the mayor and the city manager. all of them supporting him. he's saying at least for now, he wants to stay on the job. >> no, i'm going to say and see this through. >> reporter: yeah, very quickly saying he wants to stay and see this through. i also asked him about attorney general eric holder's comments. as you know, attorney general eric holder coming out saying there is a need for wholesale change in terms of leadership here in ferguson. i could tell when i asked him about this, he was irritated and chose his words very carefully. listen to what he had to say. >> i'm just confused. a little frustration that he did come into town. he didn't meet with anybody from the city or the police department and he drew conclusions. we have a lot of stuff going on, so he needs to be a little more specific. >> reporter: so despite there
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appears to be pressure coming from washington for folks such as tom jackson to step down, jackson says he feels an obligation to stay here. this is a community, wolf, that he grew up in. he wants to stay and finish the job. wolf? >> jason, thank you very much. jason carroll on the ground for us in ferguson. let's get some more now. joining us, the community activist john gaskin, our justin perez, jeffrey toobin and tom fuentes, the former fbi assistant director. john gaskin, you're there in missouri. you just heard what the police chief tom jackson said. he says he's not ready to step down. what is your reaction? >> i've spoken to several community leaders and many people feel as though he should step down. since the very beginning of the unrest, people have called repeatedly for him to step aside. they've asked for his resignation. several major community groups have also asked for his
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resignation. so i stand with them on this matter. chief jackson needs to step aside and allow fresh leadership to come in and allow the st. louis county police department to come in and take over the police department there and really start from scratch so they can begin healing the relationship with the community. >> tom fuentes, a lot of people think this situation in ferguson has been mishandled from the very beginning, this police chief should have stepped down weeks ago. what is your analysis in >> not everything was mishandled. the fact that the body lay in the street for four hours, that's missouri law. he was at fault for not going in front of the people saying why it was laying in the street for four hours, what the requires were of the law. so that's true. it's interesting, you know, that they're wanting st. louis county to take over. but it's st. louis county that had the response that the people were so upset with, the militarized equipment, the people with sniper rifles pointed at the crowd. that wasn't ferguson, that was
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the county police. ferguson has two military vehicles that are not uparmored. they're humvees, so it's like having two suvs in the fleet. not armored vehicles. so a lot of this -- yeah, he has become the face of it, as you would expect. >> you brought the story, evan, this police chief was on his way out. now there's been a whole bunch of others following your lead. what are you hearing right now? >> whatever the ferguson police chief is saying for public consumption, the fact remains he's part of these negotiations with local and state officials and federal officials are involved. right now part of the discussion is his severance and the transition to the leadership. the fact remains that the future of the ferguson police will be without him, and whether he decide to go willingly or forced out, he is going to have to step aside. >> where does the federal government come into all this? the state and local authorities
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are on the scene in ferguson, it's clear that if there's no indictment of this white police officer, there could be some serious tensions. >> there could be serious tensions and there could be a civil rights lawsuit. >> but that could take years. >> it could certainly take years. well, it wouldn't take years to begin. it might take years to resolve itself. but the federal government does have some options here in terms of going to court. the federal government can't fire the chief of police. that is ultimately going to be up to the missouri authorities. but the federal government has the entire justice department mobilized to see if there have been civil rights violations in this community, and presumably, they're going to come out with some announcement or a case relatively soon after the criminal situation is resolved. >> in the meantime, john, there have been a lot of leaks out there, and i wonder how the community is reacting to all these leaks. some of these leaks trying to
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suggest that the police officer was, in fact, justified to go ahead and shoot this teenager. >> right. well, at this juncture, many people within the community are really focused on preparing for what could happen with the announcement. many people in the community are very concerned of what the reaction will be from people there in the community. they're very concerned about what will happen to many of the schoolchildren that are at school when this announcement, whether there is going to be an indictment or non-indictment comes down. but the fact of the matter is, people within the community feel as though justice could potentially not be served in this situation and many are concerned. >> the forensic pathologist hired by michael brown's family to take a closer look, raises questions that michael brown had gunshot residue on his arms or whatever, they're saying that
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could have been dirt. could there have been a mistake of that nature? >> i don't think so. i think the difference could be they didn't have the same equipment that was used in the fbi autopsy that was done, and they didn't have the clothing. so the clothing could have absorbed gunshot residue at close range. much of the residue that comes on the body is not visible to the naked eye and needs an electron microscope. so we don't know how sophisticated that examination was compared to the government. >> if there's no indictment of the police officer, evan, and tensions escalate, the federal government is going to have to try to do something. >> exactly. they're still doing a civil rights investigation. they're also at the same time doing a pattern of practice investigation at the department. so their goal is long-term to reform the police department and get a better relationship between the police and community. >> we'll stay on top of this. these next several day also be critically important. thank you very much. we'll take a quick break. more news right after this.
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call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. custody. no further information will be released at this time. the most important thing, tom fuentes, this survivalist, as he likes to be called, has been captured. >> right. one aspect is he's been leaving debris in various places. they've been ability to follow discarded cans and other items, including a gun and ammunition. also, if he's living off the land and killing animals to eat, at some point he's making fire to cook them and they're using high tech equipment to look down and look for heat signatures. often that's difficult because of bears and other animals in the woods. but if you're making a fire, that would be an intense light and flame that the sensors could
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detect. >> the manhunt has been intense for six weeks. are you surprised it's taken to long to find him? >> not really. the woods still had heavy foliage. but now that winter is approaching, it's easier to see down in between the trees. i thought now it would be a lot easier to track him. >> this was heading to a situation almost like eric rudolph, who was on the lam for months in north carolina. he was the person who did the 1996 olympic bombing. the fact that it only took six weeks is actually good news compared to what it might have been. >> pennsylvania state police investigators say based on what they know, their investigations, frein had prepared and planned for months or maybe years to go out there and kill law enforcement officers. >> that's right. he was very smart in the way he
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was evading capture. there were brief periods where he would use a cell phone. by the time police were able to track that down, he was gone. so it's a very big relief for law enforcement. >> at least 400 law enforcement officers were searching for frein, including members of the fbi, the u.s. marshal service, the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms, as well as local and state law enforcement officers in pennsylvania. and they timely have him right now. >> right. and it would take that many. you could walk in dense woods within two feet of a person and not see him, not realize it. so to payabbe able to locate hi walls very difficult. as jeffrey mentioned, in the rudolph case, he got to a point where he couldn't live off the land. he was going in the town at 2:00 in the morning going through dut
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dumpsters looking for food. >> this is northeastern area, the poconos is over there. so that's one reason why it's been so difficult to track him down. it's very difficult terrain to maneuver. >> it's incredibly dangerous for these officers and agents who have been looking for him. after all, what this guy does is kill law enforcement officials. that is his stated desire apparently. so the fact that they were exposing themselves in the woods and looking for this guy is just a tremendous relief to have him in custody. >> they were even worried about halloween. they had to cancel school a few days for fear children would be at risk here. >> because he was a character, 31 years old, young man, he claims that he fought with serbians in africa, studied russian and serbian language. he claims he was part of a simulation group to re-enact
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european conflicts. he started wearing a mohawk type haircut, just part of his appearance, if you will, he had a lot of craziness going on, but he was clearly, tom, a very, very dangerous guy. >> just cunning, like a wild animal. >> and anti-cop. >> and because of that rifle that he had with the scope, he didn't need to do hand-to-hand combat. he could kill an officer at 500 yards away where he would have the cover of the forest >> and everyone was so worried he was a skilled marksman. >> he was a very skilled marksman. the way he killed these officers, they never saw it coming. >> i want everybody to standby. we're going to have much more of the pennsylvania state police. they now say they have captured eric frein, who was on the run for six weeks in the poconos, in the mountains of pennsylvania. much more on the breaking news right after this.
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let's follow the breaking news in pennsylvania. after some six weeks of searching, a suspect of the fbi's top ten most wanted list has been captured. eric matthew frein is the suspected september 12th ambush killer of a police officer, a state trooper in pennsylvania. he shot two state troopers, one of them dead. the other one injured. we're following the breaking news here in "the situation roo room". once again, our justice reporter evan perez is joining us together with our senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin and law enforcement analyst tom fuentes, the former fbi assistant director. we were talking, jeffrey, what happens now to this guy? he's going to need a lawyer. there's going to be a proceeding. this is going to go on and on. presumably he shot and killed a state trooper in pennsylvania, he would be eligible for the death sentence.
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>> right. pennsylvania has -- it does have the death penalty. and given the circumstances here, it's at least possible that the federal government could prosecute him as well, and there's a federal death penalty as well. i don't want to get too far ahead. but certainly given the magnitude of this crime, and apparently premeditated murder of a law enforcement official, that would certainly be eligible for both the death penalty in pennsylvania, and in a federal prosecution, but, the key is, just to state the obvious, he's not going anywhere. he's not going to get out on bail. and the federal government and the commonwealth of pennsylvania can sort of who is going to prosecute him when. >> and the court will give him a lawyer fairly quickly. >> immediately. >> immediately. we'll see if he made in statements that will be interesting. he was certainly given his miranda rights once he was arrested. but he may have made statements to the people who arrested him as well. >> you say he won't have any trouble finding a lawyer.
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>> absolutely not. he's absolutely a very reviled fight your, but certainly when there's a death penalty possibility on the table, there is, especially in a big state like pennsylvania, there's usually no shortage of people to defend and try to keep someone from being executed. >> you covered the justice department. the federal government has been interested in the manhunt for six weeks. >> that's exactly right, wolf. that's the reason they put him on the the fbi's most wanted list. we're hearing from law enforcement officials that he was captured without incident, so that's an indication that, you know, despite all this manhunt, they managed somehow to surprise him, wolf. >> without incident. so that's good they got him. he's alive. and for whatever reason there's going to be lengthy procedure going after him. >> we'll want to hear the details of the arrest. this could be an indication of the police discipline. here's somebody with his gun down and killed, wounded another one of their own. when they had the opportunity, they took him alive.
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they took him into custody without incident. >> is there any indication he was acting in collaboration with anyone else? was this an isolated guy who hated police and wanted to shoot and kill them? >> well, that's actually what made it difficult, wolf. it doesn't look like anyone knew what he was up to, what he was planning to do. but he certainly looked like he planned it, as you said, for some time and so that's the reason he was able to evade capture. he didn't tell anyone. it usually has a benefit. >> well, it does. the first benefit is it's an automatic $100,000 reward to anyone that provides the information that leads to the arrest or capture. in this case, unless it's a police officer that does the arresting, if a private citizen helped in the capture of him or provide provided information, they're in for the $100,000 reward.
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it's the publicity. not only nationally but worldwide. it helps facilitate putting the word out worldwide that we're looking for him. >> let's not forget the victims in this particular brutal killing. frein, 31 years old. suspected and accuseded in the september ambush that left corporal bryon dickson dead, one of the state police officers, and trooper alex douglass wounded. it was a deliberate, allegedly, a deliberate assassination attempt. >> indeed. and the courage of the officers who were searching for him all this time, exposing themes to someone with a high-powered rifle, a skilled marksman, who could have taken down any of them at any time. while we remember the ones who have been lost. it's also a good day to celebrate the officers who saved the community. >> and one of the interesting
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things is that because of the fear he would target the officers searching for him. at night he basically had the woods to himself. >> and he had pretty sophisticated equipment. apparently he was training for this kind of operation for years. >> right. it sounds like he dug holes in the the ground that he could crawl into to stay warm, and to evade the infrared searching equipment that would be looking for the heat signature of his body in the dark, in the woods, through the trees. and so he did a number of things that made it difficult. but as i said, you know, with winter approaching, he would have to use fire at some point to eat or rummage in town. >> we're also told he was armed when he was captured. there was at least one firearm with him when authorities found him, captured him, and he's now in police custody. once again, the breaking news, eric matthew frein, 31 years old, the suspect in that deadly
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pennsylvania cop ambush is now captured by police. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." erin burnett out front starts right now. out front tonight, breaking news. suspected cop killer eric frein moments ago captured. we have the breaking details coming up. just finding out this moment where he was, the stunning story. and the nurse showdown. kaci hickox defying the governor of maine. refusing a quarantine. the president of the united states is in maine right now. after so many ebola victims have met with him, why won't he meet with her. and suze orman on apple's ceo announcement. why she says she was even more successful after she came out. let's go "out front." ♪
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