tv Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown CNN October 30, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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but more specifically to this case, he had an opportunity to explain to the community why mike brown's body was there for four hours and he waited weeks to do it. that was a leader position he didn't take. he also -- let's not forget one of the people who talked >> i've got to run. >> i think he needs to go because he's lost the confidence of the people. >> of thank you, mark omara. we appreciate it. antho anthony bourdain, "parts unknown" starts right now.
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>> i went looking for the dream of africa. i woke up in tanzania. [ children singing ] ♪ i took a walk in this beautiful world ♪ ♪ felt the cool rain on my shoulder ♪ ♪ found something good in this beautiful world ♪ ♪ i felt the rain getting colder ♪ ♪ sha, la, la, la, la ♪ sha, la, la, la, la ♪ sha, la, la, la, la, la ♪
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the famous dance zanzibari doors for instance, meticulously carved of teak. it reveals ethnicity and professions. brass spikes evoke similar doors in india, the lotus flower, the historically egyptian symbol is meant to reflect fertility. and reminders that this was once a hub for slave trade. ♪ [ singing in foreign language ] it's overwhelmingly muslim, 99% of the population. and you see the strong influence.
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the children coming from the madrasa, the call with to prayer, five times a day. zanzibari sits 30 miles off the coast of the mainland. >> you feel like you're in a different country and different culture, different vibe. >> he is a native zanzibari and former tour guide, and he knows his way around these parts. so what are our options here? >> this is what we call mandazi. >> basically an african doughnut or fritter. a fried fritter, spiced with cumin, turmeric and kcoriander. >> if you live here, if you're from here you start with spiced coffee, maybe a pastry.
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and you talk about politics. that's good. so you're born and bred here? how long has your family been here? >> i'm half indian, half african, and my mother's been here four generations. >> so that's starting out in -- >> late 1700s. >> wow. who built this neighborhood? >> construction started in about 1813. we are portuguese, yeah? they lost a lot of power in 1896. >> confused? let's take a step back. the persians were the first major power to set up here around 975 a.d., expanding their
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empire on the strategically positioned island. then the omanis did the same. 1964, revolution. as with most revolutions, the days following were violent, chaotic and ugly. after overthrowing the mostly arab government, reprisals. >> it wasn't intended for revolution where more than 3,000 arabs were slaughtered, and a lot of indians were slaughtered or moved out of the country. >> but your family stayed. >> my family stayed. >> why? >> no money. >> so there was no option. tough times. >> very tough times. >> and about two hours from stone town, this is jambiani, a tiny fishing village. here the first revolutionaries would meet and plan for an independent zanzibar.
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the first ruler led until hi assassination in 1972. this is grandson of the country's first president. what was the situation back then, the political situation back then? >> it wasn't good. basically it was english on top. arabs in the middle and africans way, way at the bottom. it was a form of apartheid, you know? >> was this village sort of a center for revolutionary -- >> this village was important in terms of the political support prior to the revolution with my grandmother and grandfather staying right here, and think had meetings on the field, right over there. that's where they would have their meetings, to raise support for the african people, their
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identity. objective was to give equal rights to all people of zanzibar. revolutions aren't the best things sometimes when it comes to peaceful transition. this is the house, my son, they are preparing a wonderful lunch for us. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> this is mwacca. she used to take care of my grandmother, many, many years ago. [ laughter ] . [ speaking in foreign language ] >> looking forward to lunch. >> mwacca was a close family friend to him and his grand parents, and she's putting together quite a spread. coconut rice, freshly caught fish called tassi, topped with fresh salad of egg land, cucumber and po tai toe. another fish, mackerel, marinated in lime juice and gash
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garlic and pan fried. >> now this is good. >> whoa. that's looking good. so coconut rice. >> yeah. >> chapati bread. >> their is casaba -- >> what a spread here. >> and you can use your hands. >> good. the fish i can do, the rice, i will need help. >> mm, good. what do you think of the casava? >> lovely. the rice is great, too. whatever your feelings on revolutions, it is probably worth remembering that they start in places like this. people talking. and when they are won, they're often won by people who sat at the feet of the original planters, people who look like this. >> look at all these kids.
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>> watch out, future revolutionaries. >> new ideas coming in to change things come from them. think about the challenges we face as a small island country, doesn't the whole world face these challenges? we have to preserve these things and find balance. to me, i see africa as a whole, i see very interesting times. i'm very hopeful. >> optimistic? >> i'm optimistic. i think our people are great people. and if given the opportunity, i think they can put a lot on the table, not only for themselves but also for the culture of east africa and possibly even the world. i think they're great people. why not? [ thunder ] ♪ all the way until the am. new aleve pm the only one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve.
9:11 pm
it's more than the for lotus f1 team, the competitive edge is the cloud. powered by microsoft dynamics, azure, and office 365, the team can gain real time insights and instantly share information around the globe. when every millisecond counts, staying competitive begins with the cloud. this is the microsoft cloud. ever since we launched snapshot, my life has been positively cray-cray. what's snapshot, you ask? only a revolutionary tool that can save you big-time. just plug it in, and the better you drive, the more cash you'll stash.
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say you're going to zanzibar and people will tell you about the sweet food. it's pretty impressive. in stone town's gardens, every night, vendors set up an insane variety of every variation of seafood snack. oh, boy, i love some of that. >> we go some shrimp. octopus. we have scallop, shellfish, a mussel, a small shell, mahi-mahi and snapper. >> let me try some of the octopus. >> with marsala spice. >> all right. give me some chili mango with that. >> okay, good.
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lookin' good. thank you. mm. weird and wonderful and mm. damn. these stands are extremely popular with locals and visitors alike. so of course the government raised the rents. one guy, juma, decided to pick up and move his place outside of town. his customers came with him. hey, juma, how are you? what are we having? >> beef on a stick, chicken on a stick. i'll order beef for now. >> beef, good, let's have chicken. >> chicken? >> yeah, sure. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> juma is famous for his chicken. it's slathered with ginger, coriander, topped with chili sauce. >> they come here at 6:30 and finish about 10:00. >> how many guys work in here?
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>> there's about six, seven of them. >> six or seven of them? >> all around the table. >> wow, this is a big operation. >> he's finishing the skewers. i guess he's half cooking or saucing. he's reheating, finishing the skewers. that guy just sets up plates for him to top with meat and they've got the bread and sauce to go also. what are they squirting on the fries? hot sauce, catsup. >> you never go hungry. >> if you come here to buy 10 skewers, you buy 20 or 30 because somebody is always asking for food. and you always buy. it's the culture. no one says no to each other. and you use the stick as your fork. >> hot, hot, hot. where do you think the recipe came from?
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this is a real mixed-up history here. >> it's mostly arabic, indian composites. mangos came from india. >> southeast asia. >> in india. >> mm. damn, that's good. this chicken's really awesome. might need some more of this. ooh, good stuff. incredible. ♪ >> the 250-mile flight from zanzibar to arusha takes about an hour and a half, but culturally, you might as well be flying from texas to the philippi philippines. [ bell ringing ]
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crater. once a massive volcano that somewhere around 2.5 million years ago collapsed in on itself, creating this caldera, a true, lost world. inside the crater, a true ecosystem within an ecosystem. wildlife pretty much stay put. coming to drink, well, right below any place. it's nice. very, very nice, if you find
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yourself here. a hot bubble bath awaits after a long day in the bush. perhaps a dry sherry from a cut glass decanter. the next morning you rise to breakfast on the balcony, freshly baked croissant. >> thank you. >> you're welcome, sir. >> the rules of the house are sensible enough and given the view, not much. >> you're not supposed to wonder around at night by yourself, there's elephants and hyenas and stuff. there were no knocks on the door. you know, i now what you're thinking already. you're not going to do what i think you're going to do, are you? you're not going to go shoot some beautiful animal in the brain, no. answer, no?
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i better take something. dayquill cold and flu doesn't treat your runny nose. seriously? alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. oh, what a relief it is. twhat do i do?. you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. ♪
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it's nuts driving into the serengeti. after a short while, you actually get used to the jungle book scene playing out in front of your car. it's interesting to see the giraffe and wildebeest and zebra all hang out with each other, no conflict at all. >> pretty much. there's no conflict in what they want to eat. elephants taking the big stuff out, zebras fall out and then the wildebeest are the really close crop. >> my guide is colin mcconnell, a fourth generation african born in kenya who lives in tanzania
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and knows this area like i know the deli counter in new york. >> so this is the edge of the woodland here. every tree you see lying on its side hasn't fallen over by choice, it's been pushed over by elephants. there's an elephant over there. >> oh, yeah. whoa. >> a big bull. >> magnificent. will he charge us? >> nah. >> if we pissed him off? >> if we pissed him off, he would. they sleep so soundly, these zebra, you can creep right up. >> zebras and more zebras. so many, you almost get bored seeing them.
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and giraffes only look mildly disturbed. all that's missing is a happy sack. >> everybody's come to terms that the wildebeest migration means wildebeest jumping into rivers. that only happens two months out of the year. the rest of the year they're trekking through the bush. to me, this is so much more spectacular. you'll be in an area this morning that was full of wildebeest and go there this afternoon and there's not one. they've moved. >> thousands and thousands of wildebeests on their annual
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migration are everywhere. a big circle stretched out across tanzania and into kenya in search of prime grazing. it's all about water, and grass, and a good place to make babies. >> look at this little guy. he's keeping up with his mum. within 15 minutes of being born, they're up and standing, running as fast as their numbers within a couple of hours. there's a wildebeest that didn't make it. >> how old is that? >> a day or two. >> wow. >> you don't want to get lost here. you definitely don't want to be on foot outside your car or injured for instance. nature, as they say, is a cruel mistress. it takes care of its own without
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mercy. the evidence of this cruel math called survival is everywhere. >> they're not going to help a brother out. >> no. >> start limping, first come the hyenas. >> they see the vultures dropping. and the vultures need the hyena ripping the skin. >> the vultures, lovingly called the undertaker birds are waiting for their turn. i don't know about you, but when i have cause to think about hyenas, i think, you know what? i could really go for some pesto right now. we pause for lunch. indigenous specialties like pasta, oh, look, brownies. >> those hippos are coming in close.
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>> they can smell the pasta. >> they love pesto. >> they're coming ashore. over thankfully cold beers, i learn who is really the most dangerous animal here. yeah. that's right, mr. loveable, funny hippo. always in a tutu in the cartoons, a vicious and incredibly fast-moving killer. >> you know, you have to leave here and go for a pee behind the tree and come face-to-face with this hippo. the hippo would easily outrun you, one big chomp. tusks would go straight through you. >> just get between them and their mudhole, and they'll be all over you like justin bieber's body guards. >> what do hippo penises look like? >> i have no idea. >> they don't emerge with a hippo hard-on? >> not that i've seen. >> really? >> they're under water. >> i find that comforting to know. safety standards took 20,800 crash simulations. and perfecting its engine took over 1.1 million miles of extreme driving. but, this may be the most impressive number of all.
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they are among the last great warrior tribes on earth. semi-nomadic, they believe that all the world's cattle are a gift of the gods to them, the maasai people. they move with their animals across the tanzanian plains setting up where they find the best grazing. ♪ their cattle are everything, the wealth of the family, units of
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currency, givers of milk to live and on special occasion, meat and blood. they construct their villages or bomas like this as strategic hamlets designed to repel predators. >> this area's quite famous for the cats. the big cats. >> the big cats -- lions -- roam free here, an area of the serengeti. >> the lions are a enemy and a
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competitor but something they greatly admire. >> this field biologist is trying to find the identity of the people and the outside's view. this is what happens when a warrior defending his cattle takes on a hungry lion. nobody wants this. for the maasai, being aware of the comings and goings of the lion population is important. remember and respect that the maasai have always defined themselves and their identities by their enemy, a tribe of proud warriors. what happens when there's no one and nothing to fight? ♪ she has brought several maasai onto her team to show them up
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close the lions they share this land with. >> it's often on my days when i'm working with the maasai, you don't eat, you have a cup of tea in the morning, and if you're lucky, you'll get this. >> this is a lumpy yogurt-like drink essential to the maasai diet. before you say yuck, it might be worth noting that between their 100% diet of meat, blood and dairy, they are known to have near super-human cardio. they can run miles at a time without rest or water and can basically kick your ass in any physical contest, given half the chance. so help yourself to some sour, lumpy goodness. >> little honey, some raisins in there. you'll be good to go. >> it's so different here. like the rainy season, dry season, such different
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challenges. what do you think of going on to here? >> i'm okay with it. >> currently she's been tracking two lions in particular. ramos and pujon. >> oh, ramos is there. see him? >> i see -- yes, there they are. i see them. wow, two of them. >> yeah. >> you like them, don't you? >> oh, they're magnificent. they're very admirable. he's a bit of a worrier, that one. should we try and approach them? >> yeah. >> when you go for lions, you don't never drive straight on them. you kind of go at an angle.
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that relaxes them. it's funny how they pretend they don't see you. they're so completely aware. basically, what we look at to try to identify them are the spots, it's like their fingerprint. puncture pounds in his face, means he's fighting with a female. if they fight with another competitor male, the wounds would go on the back. the reason for the collars, to see how they behave together. they've always lived together. for the maasai, one of the diminishing things for them is the rain, the same resource that the lions use.
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if push came to shove and one part had to go, it wouldn't be the wildlife. that's bringing in far too much money for this country. so if they can show that they're actually fundamental to protecting this area and protecting the lions, well, then, it's the better for them as well. >> what's the total population of lions, do you think, countrywide? >> tanzania probably has 25 to 50% of the population of lions. the last estimate was 30,000 lions remaining. i think it's not so much the worry of the size, but the rapid decrease. we've lost large predators in the big part of the world.
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the world carries on. you would probably have other predators to take their place. you know, that'd be the hyenas, cheetahs, leopards. if you think about it that way, lions are a big show of an ecosystem that is healthy. they're important to that. 20, 22 hours of the day they relax. the female, you see sleeping cats lie. >> they are beautiful. ♪ (dad) there's nothing i can't reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru. ♪ [ male announcer ] united is rolling out global, satellite-fed wi-fi
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about 400 maasai live here. this is the chief. he has four wives, 12 children, a handful of whom are old enough to be out looking at the herds. i was born in new jersey and live in new york. you have a son in new jersey, yeah? >> yes. yes. study in one of the college known as mont claire state. >> oh, yes, i know montclair very well. near where i grew up. >> oh, yes. >> look at that cloud there. there's going to be some
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downpour. >> you think it comes here? >> not us. >> it's funny, they always know what the clouds are doing. >> the maasai have been migrating with the season since they came to this area. long, long before the serengeti became a national park. here we run into the extensional conflict. populated with magnificent wild but aggressively protected animals or the indigenous people. >> the project is promoting co-existence with lions. so when i came here to start up lion guardians, they were suspicious. they thought this is going to
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lead to us being kicked out. that's a constant fear in this area. >> because in the past, they kill, but today we stop that. or we can kill if no way. >> if you have no alternative. >> yeah. that's why we have the spear, for protection. >> the maasai trust that we're here to work with them, not to kick them out. and we're going to start the lion guardian project. we hire maasai to protect the lions not kill them. >> how do you protect the cattle from predators. >> the animals are smart enough. if you do not bother them, they do not bother you. >> how about when they're grazing? >> when they're grazing we have people that follow. >> and that's enough to discourage hyenas or lions? >> but sometimes there are happy lions, so they make themselves
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show that they are very happy, and the way to do it is to go woo! woo! woo! ooh! ooh! thus make happy, you know. if you just like to catch something you can come very close, only like rrrrrrrr, rrrrrr, now stop. but that's a loud woo! >> that's a happy? >> that's a happy. >> but that purring one, that second noise, that's not good? >> that sound is not. >> that's not a here kitty situation? >> no, that's looking for finding food. >> okay. my cat hates me. >> yeah. >> okay. this, a lot of you are going to find very disturbing. i'm guessing the little goat over there is about to get the bad news? >> come now.
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and touch this. >> i try and be a good guest. i eat what my hosts put in front of me. i try to take responsibility if something dies for my dinner. >> stand here? >> no, no, no. here. >> this is the heart. >> so when the chief asked if i cared to do the honors and tells me how it has to be done, i'm not happy. in fact, as i close off its air passages, i'm struggling to not throw up on myself. >> yeah. >> do you know how to skin? >> not well enough.
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>> maybe i can show you and then i can -- >> go ahead. >> okay. >> the maasai traditionally kill their goats by suffocation, for very good reason, it turns out -- to keep the blood, which is a vital component for the maasai in tact and abundant in the chest cavity. >> we continue now to take the skin out. >> cut right through? >> yeah. >> oh, good. here now.
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you touch like this? >> mm-hm. >> good. and then, like this. a little more. good. >> good, everything's in tact, beautiful. >> this the blood, so all the blood. >> it filled up the cavity and started to get coagulated. >> it is enough to take the blood out. >> wow. i've never seen that. that's super cool. >> some like to drink fresh. >> sure? >> and. >> not bad. >> it's good. >> people, they eat this one fresh. >> that's kidney. >> you like a piece? >> a little piece. >> deep down, it's town for a little kidney. enjoy the spoils. then party. turn the trips you have to take,
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9:54 pm
powered by microsoft dynamics, azure, and office 365, the team can gain real time insights and instantly share information around the globe. when every millisecond counts, staying competitive begins with the cloud. this is the microsoft cloud. alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain.
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[ high-pitched ] nailed it! [ normal voice ] you're right, that was really easy. i know, i told you so. on, you can compare our progressive direct rates with our competitors' rates, so shopping is easy. you don't sound like flo. [high-pitched] yeah, i do. [ clears throat ] who you talking to? [ normal voice ] what? what's on your hand? noth-- my wedding ring. [chuckles]
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symbol of our love and understanding. comparing rates for you. now that's progressive. [ high-pitched ] nailed it! >> sweet, actually, it's good. smelling good. >> yeah. it's smelling good. i'm not much of a meat eater, but i kind of like the goat. ♪ >> even on the serengeti, it ain't a barbecue if there ain't
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[ laughter ] [ speaking in foreign language ] >> not bad. >> pretty tasty. it's refreshing as well. >> it's like palm wine. or a poce type taste also. >> you can definitely taste the honey. >> you have a big knife. >> everybody's ready. >> many aspects of their lifestyle and traditions remain unchanged. >> hmm. awesome. >> this does not mean the maasai don't have cell phones, by the way. everybody does. >> as they say, we are talking about how can we develop this, because we are looking to send our children to school. getting a good education. but we are still staying a very strong culture. >> that's another question. when your son comes back from new jersey, you know, is your son going to want a motorcycle? is he going to want a car? a flat screen tv? >> i don't know for the future. as you know, the children are very quickly changing their mind. they one day coming as a new jersey boy, i don't know.
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>> it's beautiful this country, this part of africa. geographically huge, but not really, as the world and what we need to live in it shrinks every day. who gets to live here? who or what do we want to see is for better or worse going to determine that. nearly $1.5 billion is spent here every year by people coming to want to look mostly at beautiful animals. that is an amount that's hard to argue with and impossible to outrun.
10:00 pm
>> you're watching cnn. our top story this hour. an accused cop killer under arrest. how the fbi's most wanted was taken down. >> i am going to use the legal provisions to the fullest extent that the law allows. >> the legal stalemate, the nurse who is defying a quarantine request from officials. also ferguson on edge. a community anxiously awaiting a decision from a grand jury. and an embattled police chief insists he's not going anywhere.
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