tv Reliable Sources CNN November 2, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PST
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crackdown. turkey's people need an army to protect them from many threats, including isis right next door, but freedom of speech is surely not one of those threats. thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week. good morning. i'm brian stelter. it's sunday, november 2nd, and it's time for "reliable sources." ahead this hour, a storm hitting the weather channel. a co-founder disavows climate change and then the channel disavows him. both sides are here to talk with me. also, 'tis the season for campaign ads. politicos have thrown $3 billion at the screen so far. yet the media is still not paying much attention to this election. former senator allen simpson is here to explain why. >> you lying s.o.b. later, it is the scariest movie of the year, and all of it is true. glen greenwald has introduced us to edward snowden, but now he has a mysterious second source. i'll ask him about who that
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might be. coming up, we're going to get to the midterms. t minus two days and talk about why network tell advievision ha ignoring the races. next, one of the biggest crises we face, climate change, and the media war over that crisis. climate deniers, people who believe climate change is not happening in any meaningful way are sometimes painted in the media as fringe characters, as kooks. so this might shock you. a man who co-founded the weather channel thinks climate change is a hoax. his name is john coleman. before launching the weather channel in the early 1980s, he was the original weatherman on "good morning america" and after launching the channel, he was also a local weatherman in new york, chicago, and san diego. now he's retired, but his recent open letter saying that climate change is, quote, not valid, got a lot of attention and landed him in prime time on fox news. so what did the weather channel do? it very publicly disavowed him. after all, for those who believe
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that the climate is changing and fast, this is a life and death matter. i have said before here on "reliable sources" that i don't think there are two equal sides to clay mat change. the scientific consensus is that it's real. the debate is over what to do about it. and the press has to be careful about creating this notion of sides. but coleman's platform as a co-founder of a channel dedicated to weather is unique and so is the channel's declaration that it believes climate change is happening. so this morning both players are here, coleman and the ceo of the weather channel david kenny. first, let me bring in john coleman in san diego this morning. thank you for being here. >> it's nice to be on cnn. hello to all your viewers. i resent you calling me a denier. that is word meant to put me down. i'm a skeptic about climate change and i want to make it darn clear, mr. kenny is not a scientist. i am. he's the ceo of the weather channel now. i was the founder of the weather channel, not the co-founder. >> and i'm glad you did because i am addicted to the weather
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channel. >> hold on just a minute. i'm not done. and cnn has taken a very strong position on global warming that it is a consensus. well, there is no consensus in science. science is about facts, and if you get down to the hard, cold facts, there's no question about it. climate change is not happening. there is no significant manmade global warming now. there hasn't been any in the past, and there's no reason to expect any in the future. there's a whole lot of baloney and, yes, it has become a big political point of the democratic party and part of their platform and i regret it's become political instead of scientific but the science is on my side. >> i don't think we'll come to a conclusion about the topic right here. >> i know we're not because you wouldn't allow it to happen on cnn, but i'm happy that i got on the air and got a chance to talk to your viewers.
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hello, everybody. there is no global warming. >> what i do wonder is when you see the government, when you see nasa, when you see other institutions say that 97% of climate scientists agree, do you think they're making it up? what i don't understand is how you square that. >> that's a manipulated figure and let me explain it to you. the government puts out about $2.5 billion directly for climate research every year. it only gives that money to scientists who will produce scientific results that support the global warming hypothesis of the democrat party or position. so they don't have any choice. if you're going to get the money, you got to support their position. therefore, 97% of the scientific reports published support global warming. why? because those are the ones the government pays for and that's where the money is. it's real simple. but that doesn't mean it's right. that doesn't make it true. that only makes it bought and paid for. the money goes in circles. >> i'm not a scientist.
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>> that's the truth. so please stand back from this issue and let the two sides be on the air. there are 31,000 scientists who have signed a petition that says it is not valid, that my position is correct, and we'll keep battling, and we will prevail in time, but i don't know if we'll do it in my lifetime. >> i do hope viewers are googling the data you're sharing because i think it's skewed, i have to say that. i want to -- >> no, it's not true. i hope you will go to the websites that present the papers that show that none of this alarmism about ice and heat waves and drought, none of it is happening. >> is the weather channel part of the conspiracy? >> well, the weather channel has bought into it. as i say it, they've drunk the kool-aid. but so has all the media. that's no big surprise. >> let me read to you what the channel said this week -- >> oh, i have read the weather channel statement.
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>> let me read it to the viewers then. they put out this statement distancing themselves from you. they said mr. coleman does have a place in our company's history and we appreciate the contributions that he made more than 30 years ago. however, we want to be clear john coleman is no longer affiliated with our company. how did you feel to see them disavow you in that way? >> well, no problem. i mean, you know, that's all accurate. and the statement that's on their website which they reissued this week was written back in 2007. and that's a rather reasonable statement. it's not full of alarmism. it's not full of the sky is falling. it's a pretty reasonable statement. it's not -- the programming they put on the tv is not reasonable and when they put on their climate geeks, those aren't scientists. those are nuts. >> you sound like a man disappointed. >> they've never put on a real skeptical scientist. they don't give us any spot on their channel. that's too bad that they don't. >> you sound like a man disappointed by the channel that you helped create. >> oh, i'm terribly
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disappointed. i created a channel to give people their weather, tell them what the weather is now and what it's going to be where they live and in their region and keep them posted on the weather channel and serve a real purpose, and that channel has been totally distorted and become, strange as it can be. >> thank you for being here this morning and sharing your views with us. >> well, i thank you for letting me on cnn. i had my say and it was great fun. >> mr. coleman did throw out a lot of assertions there. many scientists would disagree with him. as he acknowledged, he does not speak for the weather channel today. david denny does. he's the ceo of the weather channel's parent company and he has a very different position on this issue. now, he was not able to hear my interview with mr. coleman but he is very familiar with coleman's stance on climate change. david joins me new from up in maine. thanks for being here. >> good morning, brian. glad to be here. >> so i thought it was notable you sent a memo to your whole staff this week and had a weather channel statement come out reiterating the company's stance about climate change.
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what do you want people to know about john coleman and his involvement in the weather channel in the past? >> what i want people to know is that the science is pretty clear about climate change. we've had this statement since 2007. we've been unwavering on it and i think as always we cover the science. i think some people were confused to hear a statement from somebody who was noted as a co-founder of the weather channel, which is true. we're grateful that he got it started 32 years ago. but he hasn't been with us in 31 years. so he's not really speaking for the weather channel in any way today. our position is really clear, it's scientifically based, and we've been unwavering on it for quite some time now. >> are you concerned he or others are using his title as co-founder in order to try to give attention to something that is misleading, that's inaccurate? >> listen, i'm concerned whenever the discussion of climate change veers from the science. the science is really clear.
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and i don't like our brand being associated with something that's not scientifically based. i think we can all be proud of our resumes, but i would prefer people use the credentials they have today, now the credentials of three decades ago. >> that makes me wonder if you've reached out to him and suggested he not use the weather channel. >> it's a free country, people can speak freely and people can use their resumes and other people put those titles on them. i actually don't think that's a fight worth having. what i care more about is that our viewers come to us, continue to trust us, continue to believe that we present to them a great understanding of the earth and how it works based on science and i care that the scientists of the world continue to partner with us. >> do people ever say to you that climate change is good for business? good for the weather channel? because it causes very scary storms that calls people to tune
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in? >> listen, at the end of the day we never like to see a loss of life or a loss of property. safety is a really important mission. so, you know, i don't think we ever take any joy in serious storms. it is true that there is more drought, more flood, more extreme weather as the climate evolves, and, you know, that actually saddens us. i don't think we ever view it as good for business. >> david, thanks for being here. i really appreciate it. >> glad to be with you, brian. thank you. >> now, i need to take a quick break but we're just getting started this morning. when i come back, another scientific story that has been politicized. it's not climate change. it's ebola. hear why a cnn anchor is fed up with american coverage of the disease next. ♪ introducing synchrony financial. bringing new meaning to the word, partnership. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. engage with us.
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what scares you about ebola? what scares me is not that i might get infected here in new york city. the odds of that are infin mi tess mall, finetiny. what scares me are the mass of contradictory statements. what scares me are the politics of ebola. we've seen it play out red news/blue news style all this week in a way that inverts the
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usual thinking about left and right. as nurse kaci hickox defied a quarantine this week commentators on fox news might have been expected to celebrate her freedom-loving stance against government overreach, but, no. instead, they took another favorite fox pothsition, taking the side of law and order. calling her immature and selfish. >> she should be quarantined for being obnoxious. she should understand that public concern is important and people are upset and just a couple doctors have said she's hurting the image of the profession and she should think about that. >> meanwhile, on msnbc the tone was anti-quarantine with mounting frustration about what raich 'chel maddow called the hy of quarantine. >> the history is a long one. it's not surprising confronting something like ebola has led to
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a lot of ridiculous, irrational, inane, panicked decisions. >> i really liked anderson cooper's clear-headed questioning about hickox's situation. sometimes i am critical of what this network, cnn, does, but not this time. i rewound my dvr to watch this clip again. this is from wednesday's "ac 360." reminded me of the notion of precrime. >> there is a notion -- some have compared this to the government saying you haven't committed a kriment but we might commit a crime at some point in the future so you have to stay locked up or you have to at least say in your home. >> it's preventative detention. >> right. it doesn't make any scientific sense and at a certain point you have to go by science. juf to go by science, and the signs tells us the big story about ebola is not here. it's in west africa. the real heart of the ebola hot zone. among the places where the outbreak is really raging is the capital city of sierra leone, freetown.
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isha, thank you for being here. >> good to be with you, brian. >> at a cnn event this week you were saying you're an angry black woman because of the coverage of ebola. tell me why. >> quite simply because i think that the coverage out of the u.s. on this global health crisis has been wrong-headed. i think there has been disproportionate focus on the handful of cases that have arrived, sprung up in the united states, and not enough focus on the source, the source of this problem, those three worse affected countries of guinea, sierra leone, and liberia where almost 5,000 people have died. these countries are basically on the brink. there are thousands of orphans across these countries. there are people dying of hunger because they can't get out to the farms and all the other issue was quarantines and whatnot. and yet brian, if you watch the coverage coming out of the united states, you would think
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the u.s. was under siege. you would think ebola was just around the corner and was about to be an epidemic in our midsts. that is not the case. we know that to be so. th thankfully because in the united states where i live we have a robust public health care system which i'm incredibly thankful for. but the fact of the matter is my family lives in sierra leone, my brother, mother, my grandmother and countless over loved ones. i know what is taking place on the ground and somehow that's been lost in the coverage, that devastation, that suffering is not focused on enough in the u.s. coverage, brian. >> so it seems to me there's a lack of knowledge. there's also a lack of empathy for what people in these particularly affected countries are going through. >> yeah. i would absolutely agree. i would say in the absence of the information, the absence of news networks doing their part in shining a light on the source of the problem. brian, i mean, i just want you to take a moment. i want your viewers to pause and
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think what would life be like if the country you lived in was locked down for three whole days. think about the united states. a lock down and everyone in quarantine for three whole days. that happened to my country of sierra leone. there was barely any coverage of that moment. >> what would you say to the notion that all news is local. people are always going to care about a possible ebola case in a state near them, not in a country far away from them. >> to the point of all news is local, we are a globalized world, so the issue of borders and boundaries, those are amorphous beings in this age that we live in. so the problems of sierra leone, guinea, and liberia, we have seen so clearly in the last couple weeks with the handful of cases that have sprung up in america. we've seen that those problems are our problems. our problems are their problems. we are all interconnected. so in telling the story, it should be told in an interconnected way. >> what have you seen on the ground in the countries you've
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been? have they turned a corner in this fight against this disease? >> well, you know, i'm in nig nigeria right now. i'm in nigeria which is a success story in the fight against ebola. there have been no new cases of ebola here in over 42 days. that's an immense success story, but, brian, let me tell you, in sierra leone and in guinea, the situation is bad. the situation is still bad. it is present, ebola in every district in those communities and my own mother, to make it -- to put it in a personal context, is afraid to leave the house right now. you know, my brother is there. something as simple as getting your hair cut that we take for granted, making these casual trips to the supermarket, to get your hair cut, you know, you have to rethink everything in your life at present if you live in those countries, brian. >> thank you very much for being here. >> brian, thank you for having me on the show. >> and one more note on this, while working here at cnn, isha has co-founded a website called
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ebola it's dedicated to covering ebola, the crisis, and nothing but the crisis every day. i highly recommend you check it out. coming up here in a moment, if you've been watching network news, you may have noticed the same thing i have, almost no coverage of the midterms. is it all a conspiracy to give one party an edge? we will hear from a wise man of the senate right after this. you've been watching network ♪ they are a glowing example of what it means to be the best. and at this special time of year,
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t minus 2 two days until election night in america. i'm pretty excited about it. you know, excitement is not exactly in the air or on the air. the ads are everywhere but news coverage has been largely absent, at least until the last few days. listen to this. abc's world news tonight did not air a single story about the midterms until the month of july or august or september. this was first noticed by the conservative group the media research center, and it said this was evidence of bias. their claim is that the press is helping democrats by ignoring a political climate that's favoring republicans. but is this really about bias or is this about another of those little dirty secrets tv journalists don't want you to know? the congressional election coverage usually doesn't rate well. presidential elections do get good ratings but not the midterms. congress, after all, has a 9% approval rating and americans are angry about the dysfunction, about the paralysis, you name it. so it all sort of makes sense. but if they don't even want us
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to talk about the elections, well, that's scary, isn't it? don't we have an obligation to kor these things anyway? i want to ask those questions to one of the wisest men ever to serve in the senate. allen simpson, republican of wyoming, served almost 20 years on the senate and spent even more time than that in washington. senator, good morning. >> good morning. how are you. glad to be here. >> thank you, thank you for being here. we are two days out, and yet when i turn on the television, when i read the news online, it doesn't feel like we're two days from the midterms. what do you think explains the lack of interest, the lack of public interest, and the lack of coverage? >> well, i think people are so very tired of it all. the ads and their savage and then they have the truth meter and the minute no contepinocchi. people are just sick of it. >> let me be cynical for a second. all these negative ads they make me wonder are these parties, these candidates, these outgroup
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trying to attach down interest in voting. you might shake your head and decide you don't care enough to vote at all. >> well, i think people, you know, they don't vote, and midterm elections are tough to get them out. midterms the president's party usually takes some shots, but i don't know if i could say that they're trying to dampen voting, although you look at legislators and legislatures around the united states who are trying to put certain conditions on voting, i.d. and so on and so on. i don't know but what you have now is the hard core on both sides. you got the lefties who are appealing to the left and the righties appealing to the right. >> and then there's the silent majority in the middle. it's almost like we have three americas. two extremes you're describing and then a whole lot of people in the middle who, as you said, are just tired of it all. >> that wonderful centrist group has thrown up their hands and just said, these people on both
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sides are stupefyingly numbing. they're telling horror stories using emotions, fear, gill, auid racism on you. nothing is good. fear. and the guy in the middle who can read and write and understand like people on the right and left can't do is just saying, this is nuts. who is dishing this out and who is going to believe it and plenty of them believe it. >> can we fix it? is there a solution to this? >> yeah. there's a way to fix it. it's called the ballot box and the next guy that gets up and basketballs into the vapors that he knows this terrible problem confronting america of the dead of 20 trillion bucks at the end of the decade and he can fix it without turns precious medicare, precious medicaid, precious defense, and precious social security, you want to get up at the back of the room and say you, sir, have given a
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termlogical expectitude, you lying s.o.b. >> i would love for more people to say that. let me ask you about bias. the media research center said they thought because there had been so much less midterm coverage on the network news, this was evidence of bias on the part of the mainstream media. in the case of world news tonight, which that study focused on and singled out, they kouf covered the midterms a few days later. it's not so much about bias as it is about priorities. they decide to prioritize more entertaining stories. >> it seems in a dismal way you're going to put stuff on television that people will watch. if they don't give a damn about this other stuff, you will shift to something else. you call it prioritizing. i think that's what i'd call it but i don't call it essentially bias. i just call it dumbly listening to the end of the earth and they're tired of it. tired of the ads. tired of the phony stuff in the
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ads. the guy, you know, has got a worker h eer hat on. he's never had a job. you have guys picking up fish in a market. they don't even know what that is. it's all fakery and i don't know, how here in the wild west, i can tell you people are immune to b.s. we can kind of divine that stuff. and you see that stuff on television and you turn to your spouse or your significant other and say, what is that? how stupid do they think we are? >> senator simpson, thank you for being here this morning. >> it's a great treat. thank you. >> in a moment, i want to tell you about the biggest election year media story that you have not heard about. it's about the campaign ads that we all love to hate. they may be manipulating you in ways you never imagined, and it's actually a little scary when you think about it. we're going to get the story from a true insider. as we go to break here are the poll closing time on tuesday night. make sure you're right by the tv for the results.
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welcome back. so this week i was in phoenix and then in atlanta, and the one thing the two cities have in common were the dizzying number of campaign ads on tv. almost every ad on local news was for or against some candidate. and usually it's against some candidate. it's negative. so do this for me. stop for a moment and think about how political ads affect our country. and more specifically, how they affect our media. here is the key number, 3 billion. this year at least $3 billion will be spent on political tv ads. it's a stunning number. and most of those dollars goes straight to the bank accounts of tv channels. some to cable channels but most to local tv stations. i can't say it any better than cbs ceo les mon moonves said.
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super pacs may be bad for america but they're very good for cbs. let's start with a guy who has made some of the most memorable campaign ads of the last decade. here is one of his masterpieces, the demon sheep ad for karly fiorina. the admaker is fred davis and niece los angeles this morning. >> glad to be here, brian. >> let's watch a couple of these ads we're talking about and see what works and doesn't work. this first ad is one your firm produced for the primary campaign of david perdue. he's now the republican candidate for senate in georgia. >> if you're as outraged as i am by the size and scope of our government, by the amount of money they take from our pockets, and by the inexcusable, childish behavior exhibited in washington right now, then i hope you will give this outsider from georgia a chance. help me change the childish
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behavior up there. >> love that last shot. so, fred, you have said your firm uses something called neuromarketing. is that an example of neuromarketing? >> it is. neuromarketing, the best description i can give you is a picture is better than a thousand words or a picture is worth a thousand words. what you want to do in any marketing, as you know, is you want to grab someone's attention and you want to quickly get them to understand in their heart what your point is without having to tell them. and david perdue, who is an absolutely extraordinary man but a business guy, has never been in politics brve, was running against four well-known politicians in georgia. so by kind of clumping them together as part of the problem, it allowed david to stand out as the singular solution, and he won the primary. so we're very pleased with that ad. >> you have said that about neuromarketing, use pictures,
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use comfort, use humor. is it not somewhat simplistic to focus on the images? >> that's the greatest thing in the world about marketing is to make it simple. the more simple you can make it the better. i think we're going to talk about joni ernst later. it took a nobody and propelled her to the general election. >> let's play her ad next. she's running the republican campaign for the senate in iowa and this big ad got a lot of attention as you pointed out. >> i'm joni ernest. i grew up castrating hawinogs o iowa form so when i get to washington, ooii'll now how to pork. i approve this message because washington is full of big spenders. let's make them squeal. >> fred, you were not involved with this ad but i have seen you
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talk in the past about how important it is to stand out and surprise people. clearly this ad stood out from all the pack. >> when i saw that ad, joni was not expected to be a major player in that race, and when i saw the ad, i thought it was brilliant and i said, she is going to be. she's going to be in the general and she'll probably win. i think joni will win. >> what do you say to the criticism about this is pretty cynic cynical. you're not telling them the positives but you're playing to their emotions? >> i don't think that's true. i think in both cases you're telling them this guy is an outsider. we've got a mess in washington, he's an outsider. in joni's case what are the three words, mother, soldier, whatever they were. you're telling them a great deal of information they need to know to make a decision right there.
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no campaign is going to have one ad. no both cases they've gone in and filled in their issue positions over the course of the races but the baby ad and that joni ernest pig ad set the stage. it got people to listen to them and think of them as a real contender. >> what's been the worst ad you've seen this midterm election cycle? >> there's so many. if i were to name the worst ad, i would say the 90% of the ads that are all exactly the same. >> so what is the future of your profession then? i look around and think we can't possibly just keep spending more and more on elections and have more and more ads running on more and more channels forever. at some point won't we come to a breaking point? i don't there's a massive political advertising out there. you talk about the media all year. the super bowl, there's a massive advertising. what do the great advertisers and marketers do? they try to stand out. i like football but i watch for the bud ads. i'm dying to see what they do with the horses every year, that
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kind of thing. and if we can make political ads that not only get the point across but are interesting and entertain and people want to see, people loved the baby ad. they asked about the babies ad. they asked david about it je everywhere he went. they still do. i think maybe the level, the quality of literal advertising in politics is getting better. >> let's go to the other side, the people making money from the ads. it's not an exaggeration to sayy political ads help keep tv stations on the air. two of the most crowded stations right now are in iowa and one of them is who, the nbc affiliate in des moines. dale woods is the general manager and he joins me from there. good morning. >> good morning, sir. >> so tell me about what it's
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like to be trying to fit all these campaign ads in. you are required by law, i don't think viewers know this, required by law to run some of these ads, right? >> to run all the federal candidates, that's correct. and this weekend will be pretty full of all candidates all the way through the election. >> so i know that you probably get calls from annoyed viewers. who else gets affected aversely by these ads? do you have calls from local businesses that are frustrated? >> well, any of our local businesses that sell the goods and services have struggled for the last four months. i mean, it's had a negative impact on the economy because the abundance of advertising right now. you know, for the last two months probably 70% of all the advertising has been political. now, for the probably ten days leading up to the election, that's nearly 80% of all the advertising on television is political commercials. >> to hear you say it has a negative affect on your local
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economy is so interesting. i'm sitting here think it's all good for these stations. maybe the subway sandwich restaurant down the street does not benefit. they're the ones adversely effected. >> there's not many $5 foot long commercials for sure. >> i'm glad subway can get back on the air on wednesday at least. thanks for joining me this morning. >> thank you so much. >> after a break, did edward snowden kick off a wave of disclosures about mass surveillance that the government is powerless to stop? as the fbi expands its investigation, we will talk to the journalist who first introduced snowden and his secrets to the world. glen greenwald, when we come back. thoughtfully crafted and intelligently designed. with available forward collision warning
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welcome back. there is a second edward snowden, another american leaking documents. and that is according to a secret contractor who leaked surveillance practices of the u.s. at home and around the world. it is a fascinating film and real-time record of snowden's journey from relative obscurity to notoriety. this is a clip. >> you are not going to bully me into silence like you have everybody else. if nobody else is going the do it, i will, and hopefully when i am gone, and no matter what you do to me, somebody else will do the same and it is the internet principle of the hydra, and you can stomp one person, but there is going to be several more who
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will do the same thing. >> and note those words, several more who will do the same thing. >> and the journal cannist who staked his career on bringing his story to the world. and there is a bombshell at the end of a second whistle bl-blow and the fbi may be on the second whistle-blower's trail, and they may be on the trail of a second contractor at home. and glenn greenbalm joins us this morning. hello. >> hi. >> and how did snowden react when he told you about those who have not seen the source, how did he react? >> well, he reacted with the huge amount of shock over specifically the substance of some of the reporting that we have been able to do, but more importantly will be able to do in the future as a result of the information and i think that he was also gratified, ba because as you have pointed out one of the principle motives of coming
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forward so boldly and identifying publicly instead of hiding is to motivate people to shine light on what is happening in the dark that never should have been kept secret in the first place. >> and you know from the, can we know from more stories from the apparent second source? >> well, the hard part of talking about any future reporting is that as you know and as the media figures almost in consensus have noted that the obama administration have a menacing climate for sources where they are prosecuting them in far more than any previous administration, and so we have so say so much more less than any other sources. >> and when i say second source that implies that it is the extent of it, but i have a fooling that maybe it is not. do you have a third source so to speak and can you comment on more than two people who are
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affiliated with the government who are helping you and the reporters? >> well, all i can can say about that is that one of the thoughts in the forefront of the mind when we created the intercept is to enable the sources to come forward in the secure and safe way so that they can do what they have always done which is to bring to thet attention of journalists the issues at the forefront. >> and now, it will be coming to reach more and more theaters, it is called critically acclaim and that makes me cringe, because it suggests it is not going to be reaching a widestream audience, and are you concerned about that? >> well, looking at the poll, one of the pew polls asks every year, americans, what do you consider a greater threat, the threat of the terrorisms or the threat of the government's attack on your civil terrorism, and over and over people started to do the threat of terrorism
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and then when we started to do this polling, now people say the government's threat to my civil liberties is greater threat. and now you can see the both parties are running in opposition of the nsa and it is the most covered story of around the world and the u.s., and i'm surprised by how much it has penetrated the mainstream. >> glenn, thank you for being here. >> thank you, brian. i appreciate it. >> i have a feeling of a topic of a second source and others within the government to talk to others about mass surveillance is not going to go away. i have to fit in a break, but i will explain by those of us who are having to live by tv ratings are walking a tight rope, but there is nothing more than programming of one man's literal tight rope that is next. and of, the team can gain real time insights and
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instantly share information around the globe. when every millisecond counts, staying competitive begins with the cloud. this is the microsoft cloud. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern. we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. at first, we were protecting networks. then, we were protecting the transfer of data. and today it's evolved to infrastructure...
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♪ and military missions. we're constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber battle, wherever it takes us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. that's the value of performance. ring ring! ...progresso! you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. well vegetables... shh! taste better in our savory broth. vegetables!? no...soup! oh! soup! loaded with vegetables. packed with taste.
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finally this morning the power of big event tv. the truth is that it is fragmenting and more and more people are watching tv on demand, but there is a counter trend in the other direction and that is why tonight when i am supposed to be in boston i am going to stop what i am doing at 7:00 and i'm going to stop and turn on discovery tv and watch the greatest and the latest stunt by nik wallenda. this time he is going to be walking between three buildings in chicago. 13 million viewers watched the canyon walk last year, and that is just in the u.s. many more watched overseas. the tight rope walk is a little bit like the football game or the election night in the sense that it is a tv event, and the kind of thing that you have to watch live and not on demand. we will see more of this as the networks try to keep our live attention. now, here is how this relates to the news business. you might be surprised to hear
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that the coverage of wallenda's walk is not being produced by discovery but by a group that makes nonfiction programming for a number of channels. and the hope, at least my hope is that the money that discovery pays for skyscraper live helps to pay for the nightly news. this is true of the other channels as well and other network networks as well. this week, abc said that "the view" is going to be overseen by the news, and not this traditional sense, but it is going to be news in a sense. and wallenda's walk is going to be must-see live programming, and it is what the news needs these days. that is all for reliable source, and like i said on this on demand universe, if you missed any part of the show, you can go to cnn go which is a
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state-of-the-art app at cnn go and we will see you next week right here at this time and all week long at cnn. you can send me a tweet to let me know what you liked about the show or didn't like. for now it is "state of the union with candy crowley" starting right now. the big dogs are out. clinton, bush, christie, romney and paul headed for this election's finish line and points beyond. today, 2012's tea party upstart, now the go-to guy for mainstream republicans. >> i want to be someone who does bring the party together. >> can 2016 be far behind? we are on the trail with senator rand paul. plus an old hand handicaps the new game. former secretary of state and white house chief of staff james baker on global tensions and republican politics. then -- >> that's what hope is. >> -- the echo of elections passed. >> show that you still have hope and go out there and vote!
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