tv CNNI Simulcast CNN November 9, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PST
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and whether they were winners or losers, i thought that there were a lot of victories today. hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm natalie allen. coming up this hour, president obama in beijing. will his global clout take a knock after tough losses in the u.s. midterm elections? we'll have a live report on that. these two american men are free but we don't know why north korea let them go. we'll look into it. plus balloons fill berlin's sky as the tributes to the 25th anniversary of the fall of the wall come to a close. we begin with the president's trip. the leaders of china and japan have held their first face-to-face talks since both leaders took office. chinese president xi jinping and
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japanese prime minister shinzo abe shook hands at the apec summit in beijing monday. the meeting is considered a breakthrough in tensions between the two countries mainly over a long-standing territorial dispute over a chain of islands in the east china sea. the last formal meeting at this level between china and japan took place nearly three years ago. u.s. president obama is also in beijing for the apec meetings. it is the first stop on his week-long asia trip. he's also expected to meet with china's president to discuss key foreign policy issues like cyber security. mr. obama then heads to myanmar and finally australia for the g-20 summit. china's human rights record is also under the microscope while president obama is there. it usually is. david mckenzie joins us live from beijing with more about his visit. >> reporter: that's right, it's a crucial trip for president obama to the asia region.
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especially here to china. he'll have several meetings with president xi jinping. and since the obama administration announced this pivot to asia or what they like to call a rebalance in asia to show the u.s. is committed to its asia-pacific allies there's been a great deal of mistrust between china and the u.s. on issues like you mentioned of cyber security and others. chinese leaders and thinkers are criticizing the u.s. for trying to contain the rise of china in the asia-pacific while the u.s. is suspicious of china's role in the region, particularly its increasing flexing of its military muscles when it comes to disputes in the east china region, east asia region. one with of good news was the meeting between xi jinping and prime minister abe today. that was a long time in the making and does show that there is a warming of relations between japan and china which
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has been incredibly frosty for at least two years. >> what common ground might there be between these two as they meet on wednesday? >> well, certainly between the u.s. and china there are a lot of issues where there is disagreement. including china's human rights record. xi jinping is bound to brush that off but there is criticism from the u.s. but also on issues of cyber security, military cooperation. there's just generally not been a good relationship, many feel, between the world super power and the emerging super power of china. but there are some common ways that they could look forward and that's on issues like climate change, also trade. the u.s. and china trying to develop a bilateral trade treaty. so any signs of progress in those areas will be important. but it's also about the personal relationship between president obama and president xi.
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certainly after the democrats' drumming in the midterm elections obama might seem he's coming here a slightly weakened president. but it's often the case u.s. presidents focus in their last two years in office on foreign policy issues and this could be an opportunity for president obama to reshape the china/u.s. relationship. >> yes, on cyber security i remember when he met with the chinese president in california and discussed that. the meeting got a little bit icy. it will be interesting to see if we hear anything on that. what about any real progress, david on trade deals? >> well, there is a trade deal that at least 12 countries -- 12 countries exactly are trying to push through. that's the transpacific partnership or the tpp. now, that's important because it really would open up trade for some key allies of the u.s. and the region. there are major sticking points, in particular between japan and
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the u.s. on agricultural issues. president obama earlier today said that there has been some momentum in that area. but few expect this trade, multi-lateral trade agreement, will be pushed through at this meeting. this is really a meeting of 21 countries in the asia-pacific region where we don't expect any major breakthroughs but certainly the tone of the meeting will be important and whether they can at least push through positive steps on trade and for some of the key kind of global tensions out there, including russia and the u.s. and everybody else. this will be a key meeting where world leaders will get to talk especially on the sidelines of the multi have lateral talks. >> david mckenzie will be covering it for us in beijing, thank you. on tuesday a south korean court will sentence the captain of that ferry, the "sewol"
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ferry, for his role in the ship's capsizing in south korea waters. more than 300 people, mostly high school students, died that tragic day last april. the prosecution is seeking the death penalty. but as paula hancocks reports a death sentence in south korea does not mean the condemned will actually be put to death. >> reporter: 58 people are on death row in south korea. but here the death penalty does not actually mean death. more than 900 people were executed since the freeing of the country in 1958. this unofficial moratorium started in 1998. as a pro-democracy activist kim was himself sentenced to death in 1980. he was later pardoned after intervention from both the pope and the u.s. government. >> the death penalty in south korea, especially during the military dictatorship before
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1987, has been abused -- has been used and abused to get rid of political opponents. >> reporter: amnesty has launched many campaigns over the years calling for the death penalty to be abolished, saying it is a violation of the right to life. the justice ministry rejected our repeated requests for interview saying simply, there are no plans to review the policy. a policy in sharp focus as the captain and 14 members of the crew of the doomed ferry wait to hear their fate in court tuesday. they escaped the sinking ship on april 16th. more than 300 did not. the crew had announced they should stay where they were. many of the victims were high school students. prosecutors are demanding the december penalty for the captain. a sentence which may not mean loss of life in this country but effectively means life imprisonment without the chance of parole. the two americans released from north korea are now adjusting to life back home in
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the united states. kenneth bay is with his family in washington state. matthew miller is in bakersfield, california. cnn's ana cabrera traces the sudden events that took the men from north korean prisons to their homes in less than three days. >> reporter: after months and years of detention, two americans held prisoner in north korea are back in the united states. first off the plane, kenneth bay, who had been held two years, sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for hostile acts against the government. claiming he was part of a christian plot to overthrow the regime. >> i just want to say, thank you all for supporting me and standing by me during this time. and it's been just amaze iing blessing to see so many people being involved, getting me released the last two years.
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and not to mention, now mentioning the thousands of people who have been praying for me as well. >> reporter: then mad matthew miller stepped off. miller had been detained since april, sentenced to six years of hard labor. he had been accused of tearing up his tourist visa and seeking asylum upon entry to north korea. mill der not speak to the media after his arrival. their release comes after north korea unexpectedly reached out to the white house to send a cabinet-level official to discuss the detentions. apparently there wasn't a guarantee the americans would be brought home. they were set trfree after director of national intelligence went to the capital of pyongyang with a secret mission delivering a letter from president obama to north korean leader kim jong-un. the clap der not meet with kim. >> it's a wonderful day for them, their families. obviously we're very grateful
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for their safe return and appreciate it. mr. clapper did a great job on what was obviously a challenging mission. >> reporter: their release comes less than a month after north korea let go jeffrey fowl, an ohio man who spent five months in detention. now with the men who just returned there are no americans being held in north korea. >> it's been amazing two years. i learn a lot. i grew a lot. lost a lot of weight. in a good way. but i'm standing strong because of you. next here on cnn, cue the music. partying like it's 1989. highlights of berlin's fall of the wall celebrations. also, a british banker accused of a brutal double murder in hong kong.
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of the berlin wall. the music and fireworks were followed by the release, there they go, one by one, thousands of illuminated balloons that traced the former path of the city's infamous cold war barrier. german chance already angela merkel paid tribute to the unforgettable night a quarter century ago when that wall came tumbling down. >> translator: it showed that we have the power to shape our destiny and make things better. that is the message of the fall of the wall. >> the berlin wall was the living embodiment of the iron curtain separating families and friends for 28 years. until the night of november 9th, 1989, when suddenly it became irrelevant. and eastern europe's top communist leader actually decided to keep it that way. here is jim clancy with more from berlin. >> here at the brandenburg gate as the 25th anniversary fall of
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the wall celebration continues, probably the biggest standing ovation went to the former leader of the soviet union. mikhail gorbachev. this crowd roared for him when they saw his image come up on the screen. because so many people credit him with being the man responsible for allowing it to happen. standing up against the other leading communists in moscow and allowing berlin and other countries along the iron curtain to have their freedom. at the same time, mr. gorbachev, who i talked to at length, had dinner with on saturday night, made it very clear that he's concerned. he's concerned about the situation in ukraine. concerned about nato's plans to conduct military exercises in the baltic states. he says all of that amounts to provocations by both sides. those provocations risk a new cold war. >> translator: the world is on the brink of a new cold war.
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some are even saying it has already begun. and yet while the situation is so dramatic, we do not see the main international body, the u.n. security council, playing any role or taking concrete action. >> reporter: one of the men who paid tribute to mikhail gorbachev here in berlin over the course of the last few days was the former hungarian prime minister nick lash nimet. he does not agree with gorbachev. he thinks both sides are still talking. >> we are not facing now a cold war 2. we are not there. cold war has got its own logic in terms of diplomacy, conversations between the two parties, and especially in the field of military. we are still talking to putin and to the rest of the world. and i am a strong believer in
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dialogue, in dialogue, and finding a compromise. >> reporter: former prime minister nimet thinks it's crucial at this time for mr. poroshenko in pe 87 and vladimir putin in moscow to get a grip on the extremists that are in eastern ukraine that represent both of their countries. in order to do that they're going to have to become more active politically. they're going to have to play a tougher hand against those extremist elements in order to prevent the situation there from getting any worse. in his words, already 4,000 people have died. already innocent civilians aboard a malaysia airlines jet have had their lives ruined, they have been lost. it is time for leaders, if they want to be responsible, if they want to make progress from the fall of the wall, to take action. jim clancy, cnn, berlin. >> nice support from jim. prosecutors in hong kong want to make sure the man
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accused of murdering two young indonesian women is mentally fit to enter a plea. ruric jutting was in court today but his case was adjourned until november 24th. that's him on the right. police say the killing happened in the 29-year-old's apartment where the two victims were found mutilated. indonesians in hong kong spent sunday in mourning. >> reporter: his second appearance in court lasted no more than five minutes. the 29-year-old british banker entered the courtroom flanked by one policeman and he looked tired as well as unshafin, in the same clothes he wore a week ago during his first court appearance. as he took his position in the dock he let out a heavy sigh which was audible to most of the courtroom. as for the proceedings, it was the prosecution lawyer who kicked off asking for a two-week adjournment, noting that mr. jutting has not yet given consent for reconstruction to be conducted. the magistrate clarified and asked if that was pending psychiatric fitness reports.
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and the prosecution lawyer agreed. the defense was given a chance to respond and said they had no objection to that adjournment. but they wanted to make it very clear that mr. jutting had not given his consent for that reconstruction yet. not none at all. mr. jutting is charged with two counts of murder and as yet he has not entered a plea. these psychological evaluations will discern whether or not he's mentally fit to do so. meanwhile on sunday, a vigil was hell for the two victims, two indonesian women in their 20s. this story is grabbing headlines in hong kong and abroad. this is a city not familiar with violent crime. violent crime rates are relatively low. still to come, roughed up on camera. >> [ bleep ]. i'm out of here. >> [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ]. >> what happened to this deputy after the video went viral is coming up. ♪
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it turns out private training sessions at a u.s. gymnasium weren't so private after all. an illinois man is under arrest after hidden cameras were found in two separate tanning rooms. the cameras were reported and police arrested the 27-year-old man on charges of unauthorized videotaping. the gym says the suspect's membership has been terminated. we would think so. a sheriff's deputy in new
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york state has been suspended without payoff video of his expletive-filled exchange with a man went viral. lindsay nielsen from cnn affiliate wten brings us the story. >> shouldn't be an issue for us to look -- >> it's not just right that you want to search my car -- >> [ bleep ] search warrant, you want to do that? >> if that's the route you want to take but there's no reason you have to search my car. >> reporter: that's video recorded by a local man of a saratoga county sheriff's deputy responding to a suspicious vehicle call friday in half moon. the man did not want to be identified but shared with me why he recorded the incident as the deputy asked to search his friend's car. >> he seemed overboard with it. with the profanity and the kind of assertiveness was different. >> reporter: he says what happened next is why he shared the video on facebook. >> gave him a good whack to the back of the head.
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and after that, he got the keys. >> let me see your [ bleep ] keys. >> why? >> [ bleep ]. >> you can't do that, though. >> [ bleep ]. you want to [ bleep ] resist? search the [ bleep ] car. >> reporter: the deputy involved has been suspended without payoff saratoga county sheriff mike zerlow said he was made aware of this video which he says appears to show a disturbing and inappropriate interaction. >> i thought it was really wrong the way he went about it. >> that was intense. >> you like that, huh? you can get a lot more intense. >> going to slap me around? >> yeah. >> you will? >> rip the [ bleep ] head off your [ bleep ] neck. >> reporter: the sheriff's office says internal investigation into the incident is ongoing. >> recording things is always good. you know, because who's going to take your word over a police officer's? >> people are going to realize cameras are everywhere. that was lindsay nielsen with
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wten with that story. the white house and the european union are expressing serious concern over reports of rubble re rebel reinforcements in eastern ukraine. pro-russian separatists signed a cease-fire in ept september. international observers say they saw head of weapons and tanks moving toward the city. moscow insists it hasn't sent troops into ukraine. beyond military might, experts are now focusing on ways to stop funding from reaching terror groups like isis. the question is, how do they do that? we'll look into it. plus giving hope and free health care to people who can't afford to get sick at home. how a thai clinic is lending a helping hand. will support and defend the constitution of the united states
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thanks for staying with us. much more news ahead. i'm natalie allen. our top stories, the leaders of china and japan have held their first face-to-face talks since they took office. the meeting between chinese president xi jinping and january meez prime minister shinzo abe in beijing comes amid sens between the countries. they've had longstanding dispute over that chain of islands in the east china sea. u.s. president barack obama is also in beijing. the first stop on his week-long trip to asia. he's in china for the apack meetings. he's also expected to meet with china's president to discuss key foreign policy issues like cyber security and climate change. mr. obama heads to myanmar and finally australia for the g-20 summit. fireworks and speeches
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topped off festivities marking 25 years since the fall of the berlin wall. in 1989, berliners breached that wall and with it the cold war went down right there with it. berlin's mayor called the wall's destruction a signal that freedom is possible. one of the weapons world leaders have against terrorism is the cut-off funding. financial experts from around the world gathered in bahrain to discuss the complex challenge posed by isis. >> reporter: as air strikes continue to rain down on isis strongholds, 30 countries representing half the coalition in the fight against the group explored better ways to choke off terror financing. the struggle to date, officials admit, has been keeping pace with the organization's multi-pronged financial strategy. >> this is a much different challenge than what we've been seeing before in the region.
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>> it's not a different enemy. it's the same enemy that we've seen everywhere. but they have gained more experience. ♪ >> reporter: isis quickly built out its base in eastern syria and western iraq by tapping wealthy regional sunni sympathizers. >> they have managed to get into new areas and new fields of taking control of territories, taking control of oil fields, establish i establishing bases everywhere. >> reporter: air strikes have curbed the group's oil output, less than a third of the level of june, when it was earning $3 million a day. legislation dates back since the 9/11 attacks. experts suggest it was pressure from the united states and the international organizations to get the middle eastern states to push ahead with laws. now they suggest there's a gap between what's been put on the books and what's actually being enforced. u.n. security council
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resolutions have been expanded to force member states to step up international cooperation. >> once you have that political commitment, the second level and more important is that these institutions sometimes have lack of ability and lack of capacity, experience, expertise, cannot perform and use these tools efficiently. >> reporter: by the region's own measurement two middle east countries remain on the black list for noncooperation, iran and algeria. on the gray list, meaning improvements are needed, iraq, syria, yemen, kuwait. turkey came off the list in october and qatar in 2010. washington has not been shy naming countries. the u.s. head of the financial terrorism effort, david cohen, recently singled out qatar and kuwait for not stepping up international cooperation. a sense of urgency emerged in the lang wam of this meeting's final declaration. but it leaves many wondering if the effort is too little, too late.
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the high cost of health care in myanmar is forcing thousands of poor men, women and children across the border into thailand. a clinic there is treating sick burmese for free. the clinic has become their last hope. >> reporter: this young baby and her mother have traveled across a border into another country, simply to be seen by a doctor. "this clinic is free and we can get the treatment she needs here. i can't afford the expensive health care in myanmar so i've come all this way with her." the weighing scales look disproportionately large compared with some of the malnourished babies brought here. >> during the '88 uprising i participate in the movement.
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when the military seized the power i fled to thailand. >> reporter: what are all these buildings? >> this department is outpatient medical department. >> reporter: dr. cynthia muang set up the clinic to treat people injured in the crackdown. now the clinic's responding to greater needs, treating the poor that cannot find or afford health care inside myanmar and undocumented migrant workers in thailand. all of this dependent on aid. hundreds queue every day, waiting their turn to be seen. 150,000 patients are treated here every year for free. one of the most striking wards we saw was this one. burmese women coming to thailand to give birth. "i came here because there are no clinics in my area," this 20-year-old tells me. "there's no electricity or equipment. it would be hard at home. i was scared to give birth in
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myanmar." dozens of women line the ward. they don't come here for the luxury. lying on crude wooden tables covered in plastic. anxious fathers watch over their babies. while we're filming, nurses hold up a makeshift curtain, a new mother is hemorrhaging while others look on. they've come here for the best treatment possible. there is no emergency room here. if things get worse she'll be taken to another hospital in town. >> so we have 40 beds here. so almost 3,000 babies born a year at the clinic here. and we also have mothers who come in, get treatment for malaysia, because there is malaria in this area. >> reporter: others come with malnutrition or premature babies. some leave without them. people and babies have been
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abandoned. one has a deformity and it's too expensive to treat. the other too expensive to take home. 200 abandoned babies are handed over to sheltered housing or local families every year. dr. cynthia tells me this isn't a regulated procedure. but these 200 add to the thousands of undocumented, unidentified people living in this lost world between myanmar and thailand. will space tourism survive the virgin galactic disaster? we'll get the company's answer to that question straight ahead. they challenge us. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure.
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three crewmen who spent 165 days on the international space station are now back on earth. the russian commander maxim germ 93's alexander gerst, and america's reid wiseman strapped into their capsule and detached from the station. they landed in kazakhstan about four hours later. after 5 1/2 months without gravity the space travelers were not too keen to stand up right away. but they're still happy to be home, we're told. virgin galactic is determined to overcome the recent spaceship ii disaster and press on with its dream.
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richard branson's company says a replacement craft will be flying by april. >> reporter: virgin galactic's ceo george whitesides was watching from the flight line as a scaled composites test flate flying virgin galactic's spaceship 2 broke apart above the mojave desert, ending with the loss of life. >> we saw the clean release. we saw the start of the rocket motor. and then after a bit the radio calls made clear that there had been a problem. people were pretty shaken up. >> reporter: stakes have never been higher for virgin galactic. despite the tragedy virgin is not pressing pause, intent on moving forward with the creation of their next passenger spaceship, spaceship 2 serial 2, which has been in works 2 1/2 years and is 90% structurally complete. how is virgin galactic going to convince people that these missions, these flights, will be safe? >> we're going to test fly this vehicle. we're going to test fly
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spaceship 2. we're going to do it a lot. we're going to make sure that we understand what happened. >> reporter: for virgin those results mean massive structural changes to the design of their craft won't be necessary. >> we're heartened by the findings around the condition of the motor. and i think that if it does become focused on human procedures, then there will be straightforward ways that we can deal with that, make sure that it doesn't happen again. >> reporter: while the investigation is ongoing, virgin is allowed to continue work on their craft. and they expect to enter the testing stage in the next six months. this spacecraft behind us is the future of virgin galactic. it's a lot of pressure. >> well, in the spaceflight world we're used to a lot of pressure. we have a lot of pressure on a lot of things that we do. we're not going to rush it. we'ring to to take our time, make sure that we build this vehicle carefully, strongly, and safely. >> a human life was lost here. is there any question now within the virgin galactic community
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that the risk is worth the reward? >> we fly every day on airplanes that have had accidents. and you do this because you know that fixes have been made, that those vehicles are improved over time. we're pay nearing a new place now. a new environment, a new set of vehicles to do it with. and there are risks. but i very much believe that the future of space is worth those risks. it's up to us to carry forward. and you know a lot of the people have already bought a ticket. $250,000 ticket to fly on that craft. a lot of celebrities. but jim clash is one of those people who bought a ticket. he says he doesn't have any regrets about using his retirement funds to buy a place in history and he can't wait to board.
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>> hi, i'm jim clash, i'm an adventure journalist. i have a ticket on virgin galactic airways. i'm passenger number 610. my deposit was $20,000 back in 2010. 90 days before my flight i have to come up with $180,000. and that is going to come out of my 401(k). most likely if i can't get spob soarship. it's a lot of money to me. as you can see i'm pretty committed. i've done most of the things on my bucket list. i have climbed the matterhorn, i've dripn the bugatti at what 53 miles an hour. bobsledded with the olympic team, flowing in a mig 80,000 feet above the earth. this is actually a bottle of water i got at the north pole when i swam up there. i took this and i filled it with salt water. this is from the south pole. so the north and south pole. i've done most of the things i've wanted to do. but the one thing i haven't done is go into space. so this is the ultimate for me. this is the ultimate bucket list
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item. >> breaking news. something terribly, terribly wrong happened today during the test flight. >> this is obviously a very tough time for everybody who works at virgin galactic. >> one pilot has died. >> when i realized that it was like someone had punched me in the gut. i immediately thought about the pilots. the fear that i had more than anything else, for mayself, wasn't that i was going to go up and crash and die. it was, oh my god, i hope this doesn't kill the program. i'm ready for it. as i understand it about 3% of all the ticket holders have asked for a refund. that's about 20 people, something like that. some of them were probably just buying them because they were fashionable. and i kind of lake it because that means i can fly 20 spots earlier. they will fix the problem, whatever it is. however long it takes i'll wait. anybody who doesn't buy one of these tickets and doesn't think there's risk involved is crazy.
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how do you think the aviation industry started? many, many people died in crashes. and then in the cold war, in the space program. we lost astronauts, we lost fighter pilots. it's just part of progress. i've talked to a lot of astronauts. and they all told me, don't worry about the weightlessness, look at the view. the view is otherworldly. it will change your life. until you see it in person, you don't realize how beautiful and awesome it is. so the view is what i'm going to concentrate on. >> sign me up. you'll loan me the money? >> you wouldn't use yao 401(k) on that, would you? >> good for him, that guy knows what he wants. i think a lot of people will be going. i like the idea. back on earth, it's going to be cold. and i'm just going to have to pack this little light shirt away until spring. >> yeah, january-like here in november. the coldest weather since that infamous polar vortex that set
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up across the country. >> the big swoop coming down. >> that's what happened in january, february. caused hundreds of millions of people's lives to be disrupted. these were the scenes in portions of the u.s. state of wisconsin early sunday. beautiful scene here. autumn sort of set up here with a wintry mix. temperatures dipped below freezing. take a look at the broad perspective of how all this came to play out. we had a super typhoon about a week ago, equivalent to a category 5. the winds were 180 miles per hour sustained. eventually moved up to the bering sea outside portions of the aleutian islands, became the strongest nontropical storm ever in the pacific ocean. the reason i bring this to your attention, it so is large, so disruptive, it's disrupted the jet stream. the upper-level winds in the atmosphere. that paper going to shift to the east, meaning the coldest weather of the season follows that jaem all the way south into the eastern united states. and we're talking about as natalie told you upwards of 200
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million people. really just about everyone in the united states with the exceptions of portions of the southwest, the state of hawaii, the state of alaska are going to be outside of this extreme cold air mass that's going to be in place that you follow the blues and purples that they shift farther to the south. some of the areas around west texas, lubbock in particular, it goes from 80 fahrenheit, 27 celsius, down to 4 celsius, to 40 guaran heat. 80 to 40 in one day. incredible shift of weather here over the next couple of days.fa. 80 to 40 in one day. incredible shift of weather here over the next couple of days. rapid city, iowa, 22 down to 13, which is about 10 celsius below zero the next couple of days. minneapolis down to 27. but that comes with over a foot of snowfall on the ground the next couple of days. the models paint the picture, expansive region of significant snow on the ground the next few days. so you would imagine major travel disrugs when it gets there for the united states. that's the latest in weather.
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men and women who died in battles since world war i. this we're marks a century since the start of that war. shortly after it began hospitals were overrun with wounded soldiers. a british castle, it may look familiar to you, it's now known to tv viewers as downton be a abbey, opened its doors to hundreds during the war. here's cnn's nick glass with that story. >> reporter: everyone gravitates to roughly the same spot for a photo. every tourist, every pilgrim. here it is, unmistakably three-dimensionally downton abbey. in reality this is home totter relevant and countess of carnarvon in the countryside west of london. long before anyone thought of setting a period television drama here, it was used as a military hospital fare officers during the great war.
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the sun minds came down in september 1914. it's there for all to see in the visitors book. a single exclam tore word. "war." hundreds of officers and gentlemen passed through as patients. wrote their names and regiments in the book. the countess, lady almina, gave up pearls and parties and became hospital matron. her bespoke uniform, strawberry pink. >> she rolled up her sleeves, took them upstairs, helped wash them, helped sort out their gangrene, sort out their dysentery, through her nursing skills and those of the staff and the nurses, all of whom she personally employed and paid for, she made them better and gave them back to their families. >> reporter: afterwards, they all sent personal and heartfelt thank you letters to their hostess. >> when i arrived at highcliff in the front, i felt i was in heaven itself.
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the contrast was so great. >> reporter: each officer had a bedroom to himself. the castle could accommodate up to 25 officers at a time. this room was once used as an operating theater. >> it was also so accepting, so magnanimous. it was extraordinary. all of them were saying, i'm looking forward another couple of months and hopefully i'll be fit enough to go back. it was an extraordinary expression of what they were doing, amazing. >> reporter: the men left their marks in other ways. some had lost the use of their writing hands. they struggled as a child would to write their names again. and some just acknowledged the new reality. they'd lost a limb. nick glass, cnn, berkshire. 25 years ago, thousands of germans used their bare hands, axes, and hammers, whatever they had, to tear down that wall.
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it was a symbol of oppression that stood for decades. well, here's a look at some of the best moments from sunday ceremonies honoring that remarkable day. ♪ >> translator: after the wall opened, it's no wonder that it was destroyed immediately. but this sign of the past needs to be commemorated. ♪ >> translator: here in berlin, like in other places in east germany and the east, courageous
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people made history. to the polish president, welcome. and of course mikhail gorbachev, the former president of the soviet union. ♪ >> a live look at lanterns along the path where the berlin wall once stood. thousands, 8,000 in fact, to be precise, balloons are strung across 15 kilometers. ♪ >> you get the ground-level people's view of the plans flying off into the night sky. the balloons being released, sending hope into the night sky from a place that saw so much darkness for so many years.
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and one more to go. one final balloon is also in the air. and that is it from the east side gallery. all the balloons on the east side gallery have been released. as you can see. ♪ >> this has been cnn special coverage. we have much more ahead. i'll be right back with john vause, stay right there. ♪ i was just looking at your credit report site.
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12:00 am
at a special site for tv viewers; welcome back. john vause is back with me. >> of course. we've got a big hour coming up including the u.s. president, barack obama, who is in beijing. the first stop on his week-long tour of asia. we'll take a look at what's on his agenda. live to beijing for that. plus freed from north korea. inside the secret mission to get these two imprisoned americans back home safe. fireworks, music and balloons helped germans celebrate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall. >> we weren't there but by dolly we covered it. >>
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