tv CNNI Simulcast CNN November 10, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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fifteen percent or more on car insurance. hello, and welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. thanks for staying with us. ahead this hour, two israelis dead, two injured following a pair of knife attacks. >> reporter: what has security services here concerned is the question, is this stabbing an isolated incident? or is it part of a growing trend? also ahead, we will take you live to china where leaders from some of the world's leading economies are meeting face-to-face. but first, breaking news out of south korea. we have a verdict following the country's deadly ferry disaster. and we start with that braking news. the south korean ferry captain has avoided the death penalty for his role in a deadly accident back in april.
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the captain was found not guilty of murder and was sentenced to 36 years in prison instead. also the ship's chief engineer will get 30 years in prison. the captain and his crew face charges for the capsizing of the sewol ferry, more than 300 people died, most of them school children. we want to turn to our paula hancocks who is following the trial and joins us now live from seoul. as we said, the verdict and sentences have been handed down for the captain and chief engineer. there's a possibility here the prosecution may appeal, but at this juncture, what has been the reaction there, particularly for family members who were looking for the death penalty? well, as you can imagine, rosemary, there's a very emotional reaction from the families. they're outside the court and giving a press conference. they wanted the death penalty for all 15 of these crew members, talking about how difficult it was for them to watch every day these defendants
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sitting in front of them, as many of these families were actually present in court during this five-month trial, saying it was very difficult to say tit t and watch the people they say killed their children. there is an emotional appeal for support from the nation. one mother said they wanted to appeal these sentences. the fact that the captain did not get the death penalty has angered many of the families. he got 36 years, as you say. he was found not guilty of murder. the chief engineer gets 30 years. that chief engineer was found guilty of murder. he's the only one to be found guilty of that penalty. and the reason for that, according to the court is that he saw two fellow crew men who were injured but ignored them and saved himself. did not go to their rescue. that is why he got the murder sentence and was found guilty. the question now is will prosecutors appeal? certainly the families want them to appeal.
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we've heard that very emotional plea for more to be done. but of course the captain, himself, during that court case said he believed he deserved to die, but he wanted to point out he had no intention to commit murder, and that was the crux of this trial, really, whether prosecutors will be able to prove there was willful intent to commit murder and clearly they have not been able to do that. >> it was clear looking at the sentences there, as you pointed out. the captain, who was found not guilty of murder but guilty of negligence gets 36 years. the chief engineer, found guilty of homicide gets 30 years. >> reporter: it's confusing. i have to say, it is confusing. we're going through all the reports from the court at this point, and it's not clear exactly why a not guilty of murder would get a longer sentence than a guilty of murder. we've already heard from the captain, though. he has said during this trial, that he is well aware that he will not see the light of day
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again, that he will die in prison. he's 69 years of age at this point, and he said he's well aware that he's not going to be released. this was before the sentence even came down. but he said his biggest concern was that he didn't want to be sentenced and found guilty of murder, because he felt that that would have a negative impact on his family, on his children and grandchildren. but these kind of reasonings just anger the families. one mother talking a few minutes ago outside the trial was saying that her grief at losing her child turned to anger during this trial as she had to sit there and listen to what she said were excuses from the captain and the crew, and she said they were explaining how they felt, how difficult it was for them, and she said it was incredibly difficult the dozens of times she sat in court to listen to that reasoning and to listen to the reasons that the captain and the crew gave. so certainly, the question now is going to be will this actually be appealed?
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now it's worth mentioning that even if the captain had received the death penalty, it doesn't mean loss of life in this country. executions have not taken place since 1997. it's effectively life in prison. it is a symbolic gesture that the families were looking for. they said they wanted the death penalty for all 15 of these crew members. but of course none of them have been found, sentenced to death. >> certainly a disaster that shook a nation and still ramifications of this, as you point out. we will see if the prosecution appeals this decision. thanks to you. paula hancocks reporting live from seoul. building better cooperation among some of the world's biggest economies is the focus right now on the second day of the annual apec summit in beijing. leaders from 21 asia pacific countries are talking about reform and growth in the region. president obama is also scheduled to meet with chinese
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president sheenl later today. topics like press freedoms, human rights and cyber spying could be on the agenda. we've already seen some fairly frosty moments between some of the leaders gathered there for this apec summit. >> reporter: you can't really avoid that when you have 21 world leaders in town, president putin, president obama, shinzo abe, all of them here. so there have been awkward moments up to this point. but really, this is the largest gathering of leaders here in beijing since the 2008 beijing olympics, and the chinese have put everything they could to make it a clean -- air -- at least meeting. you can't get married. it's a public holiday. thousands of factories have been
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shut down all to try and get clean air. they're calling it apec blue, a temporary time where all of us here can breathe clean air. but in general, pollution is a huge problem in china, and it's leading potentially to an ex-pat exodus. >> reporter: strutting their stuff in beijing, fast fashion and face masks. it's an accessory made for the chinese capital. runners needed them in the beijing marathon as they choked their way through hazardous pollution. many ex-pats living in china, the final straw was the air-pocalypse. >> i really hit the wall and i think every ex-pat goes through that. >> reporter: michael is packing up and moving to the united states. when the gray skies outnumbered blue they knew they had to leave. >> i said girls, look outside.
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it's the most amazing day. and think literally jumped up and down and said yay, we get to play outside today. and it's just heartbreaking. >> reporter: companies are doing what they can to convince ex-pats to stay. pollution bonuses, and expensive air purifierpurifiers. still they're trying to recruit talent to china. at least some ex-pats are staying for the pollution because it is a profit. >> this is less than $20. what happens if we try to force air through this by itself. so we got a fan and started blowing air through it. >> reporter: it's not exactly rocket science? >> not exactly. >> reporter: smart air promises to scrub your air with their p canon device. >> i couldn't get enough oxygen.
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that's what it was. we laid in bed and watched movies all day. that's not really a way to live a life. >> reporter: it's moments like these that push ex-pats out of china. and michael crane says no amount of money would make them stay. >> reporter: well, pollution isn't just convenient or depressing, it's also deadly serious here. authorities estimate that in 2012 almost 500,000 people died of smoke-related illness. >> going back to the apec summit, you mentioned the upcoming meeting between president obama and his chinese counterpart. what all is expected out of that face-to-face meeting? >> reporter: well, they'll certainly be trying to develop the personal relationship between the two men. in his last two years in office, president obama is sure to re-focus his efforts on foreign policy, particularly the pivot
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to asia. they have announced that these two important trade deal, one being just announced today by the u.s. president on an information and technology agreement, where they say they'll be reducing tariffs on important technological goods, including medical devices and gps devices that they'll take to the w.t.o. later this year. they also announced a visa program to extend the length of time that chinese and u.s. visitors can visit the two countries. but the big issue, bilateral agreements probably won't be pushed through at this meeting of apec. certainly, though, it will be an important moment for these two leaders of the two biggest economies to see face to face. whether they see eye to eye is another thing. at least 57 people were killed in pakistan when a bus and truck collided.
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a citizen police liaison committee says the accident happened in the southern part of the country. geo news reported the bus was carrying passengers to karachi when the accident happened. and we'll bring more information as this unfolds. a suicide blast in nigeria haskilled at least 47 people, most of them students. there have been no claims of responsibility. but it looks like the work of boko haram. this is the second attack in the region in the last week. two israelis are dead, two wounded after two separate knife assaults. police describe monday's incidents in tel aviv and the west bank as terrorist attacks. cnn's nick robertson has the details, and his report has some
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video which some viewers may find disturbing. >> reporter: a young israeli soldier is lifted aboard a stretcher. it is noon in downtown tel aviv. he was waiting for a bus when he was stabbed. this paramedic one of the first responders. one stab wound or multiple? >> he had few in the legs and upper part of the body. >> reporter: not long after, this video appears on youtube. the attacker, an arab still holding a knife, appears to cut his own wrist. the security services move to arrest him. what has security services here concerned is the question, is this stabbing an isolated incident? or is it part of a growing trend of attacks at transport hubs over the past few weeks. within hours, this in the west bank at sunset. a van driver deliberately droves into someone at a bus stop,
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knocks them down. all caught on security camera video. seconds later, the van driver comes back, fines the person he knocked down, starts stabbing them, then he crosses the road, chases, then attacks another victim, before he is interrupted. a third man appears to spray something on the attacker. he crosses the road again and returns to his first victim. police say three people were injured in this stabbing attack. one of them, a 24 year old woman. dying at the scene. the attacker, whom police describe as a terrorist, shot at the scene by a guard. hours later, the radical islamist group islamic jie had praises both attackers. tel aviv, israel. we will take a very short break now. but just ahead, the leader of
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isis was targeted by an air strike this weekend, but his fate is still unknown. ahead, we will show you what the uncertainty means for the fight against the militant group. also coming up, forget that it's just early november, because an early and massive cold spell is now settling in across parts of the united states. just look at that snow. we'll have some more details on this when we come back. alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain.
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there are conflicting reports about the fate of isis leader abubakar al baghdadi. he was targeted by air strikes this past weekend. barbara starr has more now on the confusion and what it means for the fight against isis. >> reporter: confusion about the fate of the elusive leader of isis. iraqi tv broadcast a statement. that baghdadi was wounded on the border with syria. a senior u.s. official tells cnn the iraqis did have intelligence that he was in that border town. u.s. officials now believe it's less likely he was wounded or killed 250 miles away from mosul
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where coalition airplanes hit a convoy of trucks. rumors surfaced that baghdadi was there. they targeted a meeting of isis leaders, but the outcome was unclear. stanley mcchrystal questions what good it would do. that is not, that's not going to stop isis. >> no, i think it's something that causes isis problems, but it's not cutting the head off the snake and expecting the snake to die. >> reporter: the u.s. is now scouring phone intercepts, reports from locals on the ground, anything confirming intelligence that he may have been wounded or killed. the war against isis still is far from over. >> it will morpmorph.
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these are very conventionally trained, very professional leaders. >> reporter: president obama says his decision to send 1500 more troops to iraq to train iraqi forces is about getting them on the offense against isis. >> now what we need is ground troops, iraqi ground troops, that can start pushing them back. >> reporter: but even some of the president's own democrats skeptical the iraqi government is up to the essential challenge of winning back sunnis who have turned to isis out of distrust with baghdad. >> these 1500 troops are ultimately just going to be a temporary band-aid if there isn't a fully inclusive government inside baghdad. >> reporter: 50 u.s. troops are now in al anbar province, once an area of very tough and violent fighting for u.s. troops during the war there. now these troop also begin to set up operations so additional military advisers can go in and get the iraqis trained up to go back on the offense. barbara starr, cnn, the
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pentagon. i rathe iraqi military is getting assistance, and one key general has been seen in broad daylight throughout iraq. we have more on the elite force, the role in iraq and the reaction from the united states. >> reporter: in recent weeks, the iraqi military has made key gains against the islamic state in iraq and syria, and few have received more credit than this man. the leader of iran's elite special operations force. when iraqi troops pushed back islamic militants in a key town late last month, iranian media surmised he had masterminded the
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victory. he is also credited with leading shia militias. advancing on villages surrounding the capital baghdad. the islamic state terrorists sought to surround baghdad. cnn has not independently verified the claims, and iran denies it has deployed troops in iraq, but the reports signal iran's growing influence in orchestrating military strategy in iraq against the islamic state. they also talk about sole mawn eye. and he is seen as a mysterious figure from a rival state. for now, he's fighting on the se same side as the u.s.
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during the u.s. occupation of iraq, washington accused sole mawny of training militias that went on to launch deadly attacks against u.s. forces. they accused him of opposing u.s. policy when he helped the assad regime. israel has long accused sole mawny of playing a key role in devising missions for hezbollah. but many view him as a strategist who is open to working with the u.s. if it advances their interests. just as he did when he supported operations against the taliban in afghanistan. for now, his strategy appears to be aligned with the u.s. in iraq but remains at odds in other parts of the region, leaving washington and the west
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wondering whether to welcome this strange new bed fell low or to remain skeptical. and we will take a very short break. smar parts of the united states see temperatures drop 22 celsius in just a few hours' time. plus business owners are boarding up in ferguson, missouri. they are not afraid of a coming storm but possible violence when a grand jury makes a decision in the michael brown case. we're back in a moment. ♪ [ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. learn more about the role
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well, it's not just an early winter for parts of the united states. an icy blast is dropping snow and lowering temperatures all the way from idaho to michigan. >> reporter: meteorologists are tracking the next wave of winter weather dipping out of canada and expecting to dump a load of snow by tuesday. >> it's going to be diving down to the south already, to the south and the east. so if the told air isn't by you yet, it's coming. >> reporter: even people in the lonestar state could feel the impact. the cold snap could bring unseasonably low temperatures
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for 200 million people. >> the highs will not get above zero later on this week. zero, that will be the high of the day. >> reporter: there will be a few lucky parts of the country, forecasters predict places like chicago and milwaukee will see more rein than snow. temperatures there will be relatively mild. the remnants of a cyclone could be to blame. the storm rammed into a jet stream, causing it to whip south, dragging cold air down with it. >> i love winter. i hate getting to winter. >> reporter: with another arctic blast expected next week, folks across north america are bracing for another round of icy weather. >> and it is shaping up to be one of the coldest novembers in the united states for a while yet, for decades. so pedram is here to explain to us what is going on. how long this is going to be in place. is this something we need to get used to? >> it's going to be a long-lived event. at least through the end of
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november this is going to be the pattern. 14 days below average in minneapolis. it snowed in miami, in the bahamas. and this lines up, not with the cold that far south, but in some areas to the north, it lines up to the 1976 winter we had. i want to show you the perspective coming out of minneapolis, st. cloud, this was the scene. 475 crashes reported statewide in the state of minnesota. we had over 700 spinouts and cars going off the road just like this one here. 45 injuries, one fatality to go along with this. near 200 flights delayed, near 100 canceled across this region of minneapolis st. paul. and along vail, colorado, i-70 had to be shut down in both directions because the conditions absolutely dismal. you see visibility come down to near zero.
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about 200 flights delayed out of denver's airport. it was 62 in denver at 9:00. it was 22 by lunch time. we show you what we're dealing with. at this time yesterday in casper, wyoming it was 60 degrees. at this point, it is 13 below zero celsius, so from 57 to 8 fahrenheit. billings, bismarck, similar cooling trend. the wind chill is bone chilling. 6 below zero when you factor in the wind. how long is it going to last? denver goes from 26 down to 12 come wednesday. look at chicago, from the 50s down to the 30s. atlanta, one of the places you're going to feel it. the 70s still in place, and it
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goes down to the 40s by friday. here are the total accumulations. over 16 inches of snow came down, 41 centimeters. the temperatures will be mild in atlanta come tuesday afternoon, but that is setting up some fog in the area. so dough delay the already being reported before the storm arrives. onnotice the snowfall beginning to exit the united states, and move into southern portions of ontario. that's the latest. we'll have more with rosemary coming up shortly. nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. really? alka-seltzer plus night rushes relief to eight symptoms of a full blown cold including your stuffy nose. (breath of relief) oh, what a relief it is. thanks. anytime. what you're doing now, janice. blogging. your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. it's called a fashion blog, todd.
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i'm rosemary church. want to check the headlines for you this hour. a south korean court has found a ferry captain not guilty of murder in connection with a deadly accident in april. prosecutors had asked for the death penalty for his role in the capsizing that killed more than 300 people, many of them school children. he's been sentenced to 36 years in prison instead. at least 50 people were skilled in pakistan when a truck and bus collided. the accident happened in the southern part of the country. geo news reported the bus was carrying passengers to karachi. two israelis dead, two wounded in separate knife attacks. the dead are a 20 year old soldier in tel aviv and a 24 year old woman in the west bank. police say terrorists are responsible. a suspect is under arrest.
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and a security guard shot another suspect. a suicide attack has killed at least 47 people at a boys school. it happened in a shia enclave in the northeastern part of the country. so far, no one is claiming responsibility, but the attack bears the hallmarks of boko haram. there is a nervousness in the u.s. city of ferguson, missouri over the michael brown case. he is the unarmed black teenager killed by a white policeman. a grand jury is expected to decide soon if it will charge the officer with a crime. cnn international correspondent sara sidner has more on the community's fears. he. >> reporter: fear is building in ferguson. some shops now look like a hurricane is coming.
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constance is praying for the best but preparing for the worse, saying she can't take a chance that unrest will crash into the business she built here over 11 years. >> if they should come and loot our area it's going to cost us. and it's already costly to us because we're losing clients. >> reporter: protests haven't stopped for three months on her street, but there's been no looting except for two tense days months ago. masri is one of the most verbally combati ivive proteste. >> there hasn't been no looting, no violence, whatnot. we've been completely peaceful. >> reporter: if the grand jury doesn't indict officer wilson, people fear violence will erupt. west florissant street which looked like a war zone in august now looks like it's ready for more days of rage. >> i hate the boards, i don't like them here. but i don't want my windows
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smashed out again. >> reporter: still, dan mcmullen works in his west nor sant business like he has for 20 years, but he's decided to buy a second gun, capable of holding more ammunition to protect himself just in case. >> so maybe i get trapped in here or something and we have to have a john wayne shootout, you know, that's the silly part about it. you know, is that going to happen? not a chance, but i guess, could it? because, you know, i'm the only white person here. >> reporter: at a gun shop near ferguson, the manager says sales of firearms for personal protection are up about 50%. both white and black customers are buying. >> every team that door opens we're seeing new faces every day. dozens of new faces coming in. >> reporter: do you think that's because of what's happened in ferguson? >> i think it s i think people in general, because it's spread beyond ferguson now. >> reporter: the mayor of ferguson says he's heard all about it too. >> now that the plus side of that sh that every one of them that i've spoke to has taken a
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training class, have went out and tried to learn the law. >> reporter: not everyone is convinced there's going to be chaos. at the ferguson burger bar and more, no boards. >> i want to make a statement to the community that i'm here. i'm here, i'm open. i'm not going anywhere. >> reporter: sara sidner, cnn, ferguson, missouri. new york city is telling its police to stop arresting people carrying small amounts of marijuana. instead, officers will have the option of writing offenders a ticket. mayor de blasio says the policy change will remove the stigma of a criminal conviction for many first-time offenders, especially young people. >> too many new yorkers, without any prior convictions have been arrested for low-level marijuana possession. black and latino communities have been disproportionately affected. there have been disastrous consequences for individuals and families. when an individual is arrested,
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even for the smallest possession of marijuana, it hurts their chances to get a good job. it hurts their chances to get housing. it hurts their chances to qualify for a student loan. it can literally follow them the rest of their lives. >> new york's pot policy change goes into effect on november 19. well during elections last week, voters in the u.s. capital approved the use of recreational marijuana. the initiative in washington, d.c. passed by an overwhelming margin. but as joe johns reports, it may not simply be settled by going into the vetting booth and casting a ballot. >> reporter: washington, d.c. has a problem with pot. the district is on course to be one of the first in the country to legalize recreational marijuana use under new laws voted on last week. pot advocates hope the district can follow alaska, oregon, washington state and colorado if making recreational usefully legal. >> i'd be delighted if a year
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from now this has actually been implemented and it's passed the review by congress. >> reporter: that last step could kill the buzz because what goes on in d.c. is not just up to the voters. the constitution says congress has a big say in district business, not all approve of legalizing weed which the federal government still views as a schedule one drug like ecstasy and heroin and illegal to manufacture or distribute. on the floor of the house, congressman andy harris has railed against even medical uses of marijuana. >> marijuana is neither safe nor legal. >> reporter: the district had already de-criminalized possession of small quantities of the drug. d.c.'s new law is limited, allowing up to 2 ounces of marijuana for personal use. no sales. a person can grow up to six plants at his or her residence. it could be months before the city council figures out the time rules. one thing seems clear, the rules
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on pot will be different on federal lands than it is if the city at large. >> lots of other places around, marijuana will still remain illegal in those areas, so if a cop comes along, a federal cop, and sees you, they'll arrest you or give you a summons to show up. so, again, i think the change in the district is symbol eck to a large degree. >> reporter: even that symbolism is a problem for opponents. >> it's our nation's capital. to legalize it in our nation's capital i think is a horrific message. >> reporter: over the years there have been many disagreements between people in congress and people in washington, d.c. who want the right to governor themselves free of interference. marijuana proves to be another one of those fights and it remains to be seen how the incoming congress may view the law. so take a deep breath, because it's not clear what will happen
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when all the marijuana smoke clears. joe johns, cnn, washington. the u.s. president wants more government regulation over the internet. up next, why critics say his plan is a road to ruin, and why you should care. back in a moment. i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we'll help you get there. bonjour. comment ce va? bonjour. comment ce va? due cappuccini, per favore. domo... arigato? arigato united flies to more destinations than any other airline. namaste. over 5100 daily flights to nearly 60 countries.
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sterilization surgery. more than 80 women who went to the mobile clinic fell ill shortly afterwards. an autopsy report is expected by wednesday morning. well, u.s. president barack obama says the internet needs more regulation so it can stay open to everyone. mr. obama laid outs h his new rs on monday known as net neutrality which is the principle that ent net service providers should treat all websites and content equally. some want to create a fast lane and charge higher fees forsyths to be better connected and keep sites in a slow lane if they don't pay. >> this set of principles, the idea of net neutrality has unleashed the power of the internet and given innovators the chance to thrive. abandoning these principles would threaten to end the internet as we know it.
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that's why i'm laying out a plan to keep the internet free and open. >> well, u.s. senate republican ted cruz says the president's idea is a bad one. it could let the government control the prices, terms of services and types of services available. net neutrality is obamacare for the internet, the internet should not operate at the speed ever government, he says. mr. obama is asking the u.s. federal communications commission to change its mind about favoring these fast lanes. he says internet service providers have an obligation to not abuse their monopoly. i spoke with the senior editor of tom's guide about why we should care who wins this battle. take a listen. shawn captain, thing you for talking with us. president obama supports net neutrality.
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he sees it as a basic right for everyone to enjoy. explain to us, very basically, what this means, exactly, and why people should even care at this juncture. >> sure. this is probably the only phrase that's easily understandable in the whole debate. the notion that the internet would be neutral in terms of what it carries, and that no backbone company could give preference to either speeding up certain traffic, slowing down certain traffic or blocking certain kinds of content, assuming it's not illegal content. >> and given that republicans and u.s. cable companies. they think that this would damage and stifle innovation and job growth. what's your view of that? >> well, it's, it's a little more nuance than what the opponents of the obama statement believe. a free and open internet is what they want. the question really is, is that do we need regulation, do we
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need strict regulation, the kind that govern a utility, which is a constrained regulatory system. >> the debate continues, how likely do you think is that the federal communications commission would adopt a net neutrality policy? >> you know, i think it's, i think it's looking more likely. just to clarify, they have actually adopted net neutrality policies. they started with the open internet order back in 2010. the problem was the particular piece of legislation and authority they based it on was kind of shaky. and it got struck down twice in the d.c. appellate court. the real question, now, is are they going to take the move to look at a clause in the 1934 communications act that gives them the authority to call internet service providers what's known as a common carrier. that gives them very strong legal authority to make sure that they don't, the carriers
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don't engage in any kind of discriminatory practices. they have the ability to make that decision, but it's very politically fraught. and that's largely what the republican criticism has been about taking that step. >> right. and how much would this decision determine the future of the internet? >> well, it's always, you're always prognosticating when you're talking about the future. it, the, certainly the people who are most concerned about net neutrality say it would keep it frias opposed to a situation where for example, and we've sort of seen this, you know, where comcast or verizon would make a deal with netflix saying if you pay us more we'll give you a better connection or you might not discover the next great youtube star because they wouldn't be able to compete. whether it's going to go that far, that seems unlikely, i think what's more likely is
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there's going to be some nuances in it, whether or not the common carrier rules are adopted and the fcc has this powerful regulatory authority, i think there's a lot of gray areas. >> sean captain, thank you so much. what used to be a harmless, four-letter word is now causing big headaches for companies. isa suarez looks at the name isis. >> reporter: isis is quite a common names and remains a common sight on britain's high streets. many of these businesses have chosen the name because of the ancient egyptian goddess. but now it's unwanted association with a militant group is causing people to think twice. a company that launched isis
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bras has had to apologize for the misunderstanding in the name. the international secret intelligence service has been forced to write isis out of the show, even downton abbey has faced criticism. >> she's got cancer, poor thing. >> reporter: in real life, the damage to a brand can cause plenty of real damage. take isis wallet, set up by at&t and verizon changed its name to soft card back in september. its ceo told me he had no other choice. >> i received personally, over 1,000 e-mails from people thanking us for taking the stance and deciding to make the change, and we did it in a matter of about eight weeks. everybody was vocal about the situation, whether it be our customers or clients. in fact, there was no way forward with our clients. i could not see a coca-cola or
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mcdonalds or at&t or american express standing behind a name like isis. >> reporter: here in the u.k. some businesses are following suit. isis equity partners tells cnn given the ongoing events in syria and iraq, it will come as no surprise to you to learn that we have decided to change our name. we are no longer prepared to share it with a terrorist organization. but re-branding can be a challenge. >> it can be massively expensive, not just the consul tansy in terms of creating the name, but actually getting the outlet to your customers, explaining to your customers that you've changed your name. the cost is pretty small if you're a one shot. but if you're bigger brand, tense of millions. >> reporter: there are hundreds of small businesses with the
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name isis. for these smaller companies, changing your name can be costly, leaving some to the much simpler approach to re-branding. isa suarez, london. let's take a quick break. but coming up, the latest hunger games movie has premiered in london. mockingjay will hit theaters next week. and we will get a preview. [ male announcer ] it's a warning.
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a wake-up call. but it's not happening out there. it's happening in here. [ sirens wailing ] inside of you. even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at and then speak with your gastroenterologist.
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well, star of the music group, the cranberries, is being accused of air rage during a flight from new york to ireland. police arrested the singer monday at shannon airport saying she attacked a female crew member. the airline staffer had a leg or foot injury and took her to hospital. they say she head butted the police officer who was arresting her. he is expected to be okay. she was taken to a hospital but later released. she is no longer in police custody. well, the next hunger games movie is one of the most highly anticipated films of the season. we were on the red carpet at the premier of mockingjay part one. >> reporter: this is jennifer lawrence's third outing at young woman who's become an inspirational figure. she carries a mockingjay lucky
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charm which has become a symbol of unity for the rebels. >> she won't be able to handle it. the games destroyed her. >> she's only been rumored to exist in the other two books and films. we find out it's been underground and decimated by famine and war. and i am the leader of the revolution. >> you will find another mockingjay. >> reporter: the decisions are clouded by emotional attachments to her closest companions. >> i want everyone who's watching to lay down their weapons now. >> you're alive. >> he's brainwashed and held captive, so he kind of loses his mind a little bit. which is fun for me to play. it was scary and a challenge, but i'm really happy about it. >> reporter: the series based on the best-selling books has been a huge hit with teens and adults
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alike. >> it's things we love most that destroy us. >> it's an opportunity to internalize the revolutionary potential in young people, and given the mess this world's in, that's really important. >> no one else can do this but her. she's the face of this rebellion. they'll follow her. >> reporter: one notable absentee was the oscar winning actor philip see more seymour hoffman. >> we reshuffled the schedule so we could come back and ease people back into production. we started just with jen and liam. we said something about phil with the crew.
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and just eetzased our way in. shot really short days, kept it really simple for a while, and it was a feeling that never went away. it was a loss that we never let go of. >> reporter: the first two films have took a combined total of $1.5 billion at the box office. and with the final installment due next year, the franchise could end up more than doubling that figure. and if you're still left wanting more, plans have been unveiled for a stage show of the story to open in london in two years' time. neil curry, cnn, london. can't wait to see it, and are you watching cnn. i'm rosemary church. john vause will be in next with much more on the verdict and sentence in the south korean ferry disaster goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies.
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ahead this hour, jail time but no death penalty for the captain of that south korean ferry captain. israelis are preparing for more deadly and brazen attacks. and danger in mexico. and an arctic chill is pushing parts of north america into a deep freeze. a deadly ferry accident that sparked outrage in south korea is followed months later by a verdict that is causing a similar reaction. the captain of the ferry has avoided the death
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