tv CNNI Simulcast CNN November 11, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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>> hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. ahead this hour, an historic agreement on climate change from the world's two largest polluters. we will break down the deal just announced by china and the united states. plus for the first time scientists will try to land a space probe on a moving comet. a preview of this unprecedented mission set to get under way in just a few hours from now. also ahead, unseasonably cold temperatures grip the northern united states and the frigid air is now spreading to other parts of the country as well. we'll look at all those stories. but at this point, it is 2:00
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p.m. in beijing where the presidents of china and the united states have announced a major agreement on climate change. barack obama and xi jinping spoke with reports just a short time ago after a morning meeting. both leaders have agreed to plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by close to 1/3 over the next two decades. listen. >> translator: we issued a joint statement on climate change, and our 2020 targets, we agreed to make sure that international climate change negotiations will reach an agreement as scheduled at the paris conference in 2015. >> this is a major milestone in the u.s./china relationship. and it show what is's possible when we work together on an urgent global challenge. in addition, by making this announcement today together, we
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hope to encourage all major economies to be ambitious, all countries developing and developed, to work across some of the old divides so we can conclude a strong global climate agreement next year. >> all right. well, there you have it. let's bring in our david mckenzie, following developments from beijing. and david, after months of secret negotiation, the united states and china took everyone by surprise by announcing this historic agreement on chie mat change. how is it going to work? and are the ambitious goals actually doable? >> well, we'll have to wait and see, rosemary. certainly they are ambitious goals. on the u.s. side, they're saying they're going to accelerate producing co 2 emissions significantly. in fact, doubling those reductions to between 26 and 28% by 2025. this means that the u.s. is going to have to really shift its economy substantially into
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clean energy, something that president obama has talked about a lot creptly. and then on the chinese side, it's also truly historic, because the chinese say they're going to peak their co 2 emissions by 2030. that's the first time they said they'll have a cutoff point. they'll also really have a substantial part of their energy done by clean energy sources like nuclear and wind and solar power in the coming years. how they will push it through with their domestic audiences and with the congress in the u.s. remains to be seen. there was suspicious there wasn't much being achieved of substance. this is certainly not the case. this will be seen as a major joint decision. the u.s. and china at least are trying to show leadership to the rest of the world on climate change issues. rosemary? >> that is always the worry in
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these situations, isn't it? there's a lot of talk and not a lot of action. we shall just have to see. of course, the presidents of the united states and china also found common ground on military cooperation and the fight against terrorism. so david, does this perhaps mark a change in the direction of the relationship between the two nations? >> well, the two governments are certainly trying to push that as the take-home from these meetings. and certainly it's too early to say. there has been a frosty period of relations between the china -- between china and the u.s. but yes, they've said that they are going to improve military to military communications, to avo avoid any accidents, as president obama put it. they've come too close to comfort fastball u.s. pentagon officials in recent months. so that will be seen as progress. they also say they're going to work on the threat together to combat the threat of isis, as
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well as ebola in west africa. that's the common ground. also large divides between these two nations on press, freedom, and the way the communist party rules its population. president obama did say they brought those issues up and they have differences, but they are able to have a, quote, candid conversation. so in that, they would be -- it would be seen as progress between the leaders of the two largest economies. rosemary? >> and certainly on this day, if they wanted to get our attention, that is exactly what they got. david mckenzie, reporting live there from beijing following all those developments. many thanks to you. well, both presidents leave beijing today for mianmar. they'll take part in the southeast asian nations summit. the delegates are expected to focus on territorial disputes in the south china sea. mr. obama will likely raise concerns over the apparent
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reversal of democratic reforms in myanmar. well, within the hour, we should find out if the rosetta spacecraft has passed its last so-called go/no go check so it can proceed its mission to put a lander on to a comet. if all goes well, the actual landing will take place about nine hours from now. the spacecraft has spent more than a decade just traveling to the comet. more than 500 million kill meters away from earth. what is in store in the hours ahead. >> this week marks the epic journey across a solar system. >> we're very excited. everything has to work very well at the right moment. >> for more than ten years, the rosetta has been chasing after this comet, known as 67-p.
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it's a mission that took the spacecraft more than 4 billion miles and five times around the sun before it finally caught up with the comet in august. now in a first, the rosetta mission will attempt to put a landing on its surface. >> a landing has never been tried on such a small body. so everything is new for us. >> for scientists, it will be a nail biting seven-hour operation. the probe about the size of a wash mag sheen will separate from the main spacecraft and descend towards the comet. scientists are aiming to land on the head of the odd duck-shaped comet hoping to touchdown on a smooth spot and not rocky, cratered terrain. if the probe lands successfully, it will start gathering data about the composition of the comet, which could shed new light on our solar system, our planet, and even the origins of life.
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>> has waeter on earth come from comets? has life on earth come from comets? we hope to find those and new questions to answer. >> after a decade-long wait, scientists believe rosetta is ready with landing set for wednesday. >> cnn, atlanta. >> and a short time ago, i spoke with former astronaut and international space station commander leroy chow by skype. he pointed out just how important and difficult the mission is. take a listen. >> thank you so much for talking with us. now, of course, if all goes as planned, we don't know if it will, but if it does, this will be the first time a spacecraft has landed on a comet. explain to us why people should care and what exactly will be achieved from this. >> this is a technical accomplishment as well as a scientific one.
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technically, they're over 500 kilometers away. at that distance, it takes more than half an hour to get a signal, which is traveling at the speed of light to or from the spacecraft from earth. and so then the lander is going to deploy then it's going to take seven hours for the descent down to the comet. it's going to have to fire a harpoon and screw itself down to the comet because the comet is only about four kilometers across. it's a very small rock as comets go, or as orbital celestial bodies go. and so the gravity of that asteroid, or that comet is going to be very small. it's going to be quite a technical challenge to put a lander down on to that thing and then be able to secure it to the actual surface. so why is this scientifically important, or why should viewers care? this is the first time we're going to get a first-happened look at the chemical competition of the comet.
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some believe comets brought water to the earth, which may or may not be correct. some people believe the comets would have don contained the chemical compounds for the building blocks of life and maybe they were deposited on the earth rather than having risen organically on the err earth. so by looking at the chemical composition of the comet, we will be able to support or refute some of those theories. >> okay, so this is a weighty mission. and basically, this is going to answer whether we're alone, right? but how exactly will it do that? because once the lander gets there on the comet, and of course, we can't be sure because it's going to be very difficult. that is quite a challenge in itself, isn't it? to actually land on this comet. you have two me having vehicles trying to connect. but what exactly, and how exactly do you answer the question of whether we're alone or not?
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>> well, this won't definitively answer whether we're alone but what it will try to shed light on is whether or not there are other planets out there that may have started life the same way. if the chemical composition supports the theory that water and indeed the building blocks of life may have been deposited by comets here on earth, that implies that the same comets may have deposited the building blocks of life on other planets as well. >> we just lost that signal. we'll keep an eye on that on cnn. we're going to take a short break. just ahead, missouri's governor promised that st. louis and the surrounding region will remain safe. ahead, the preparations for a grand jury decision on a controversial shooting. plus, an early winter storm rips across parts of the united states with bitter cold and heavy snow. a look at how residents are faring with the arctic blast.
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♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. >> an arctic blast has large parts of the united states in its grip. it crushed any remnants of a relatively mild fall. a winter storm warning is in effect through wednesday morning and parts of wisconsin. 13 inches of snow, that's about 33 centimeters has fallen there
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since monday. snow, bitter winds and freezing stps have residents bundling up in michigan. the storm is hitting the state's upper peninsula especially hard. there's one report of 36 inches or some 91 centimeters of snow gary tuckman is in billings, montana, for a look at how rez dens both human and animal are coping with a with the cold there. >> i wear a little bit of extra layers. i would wear thicker gloves, but i kind of need to use my fingers a lot for the j hooks down here. >> montanians are hardy people, but with the upcoming overnight temperatures plunging close to record lows for the date,
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downtown billings, the heart of montana's largest city, is very empty. >> we just watch the alerts. when they say it's going to be cold, we just bundle up. >> the average high is the upper 40s. the temperature this past weekend was in the upper 60s. so temperatures have plunged 60 degrees. >> when i just moved to montana, my friend told me, if you don't like the weather, wait ten minutes. >> at the zoo in billing, potential visitors don't like the weather much. that's why zoo montana is pretty much empty, except, of course, for its inhabitants. >> this is these tigers' first extreme cold snap. this is ozzie the grizzly bear who got into hot waeter stealing people's foods. the animals are doing just fine because they're used to the cold
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weather. this is a canadian lynx, a native of montana. the bald eagle is shivering, but that's usual behavior. >> it's quite a drop for us. >> three or fuhr people you expect on a day like this? >> winter hasn't even begun yet. >> right now, i would love to have better buttery croissant. do you have one doing this billboard? >> nope, i don't. >> reporter: the temperatures are expected to remain frigid. gary tuckman, cnn, billings, montana.
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>> it's moving east and south. >> tuesday morning, nearly 50% of the united states was below freezing in the morning hours. that's going to be about 80% of the u.s. come friday morn in atlanta and portions of georgia on to florida not out of the question here for cold temperatures. look at the perspective here coming out of areas of upper portions of michigan. much of tuesday morning on into tuesday afternoon, later on into tuesday evening, the snow finally bes to move out of the northern michigan on into canada. look at the temperatures this morning across areas of the united states. 26 below zero fahrenheit.
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take a look, the drop in temperatures remarkable. in denver, 63 fahrenheit on monday. dropped down to 12 degrees by tuesday. in oklahoma city, it went from 79 down to 39 in a matter of 24 hours. and even dallas, texas, was touching 80 degrees. their temperature was cut in half nearly in a 24-hour period. all right, wind chill, here it goes. minus 30 to minus 40 degrees over the next couple of days. this patterner, very dangerous when you factor in what happens at minus 30 degrees with the wind chill. at 50 below zero, it only takes five minutes to get frostbite. with the winds, it doesn't take you much to take you down 30 below to 50 below wind chill. even in your vehicle, your motor oil starts to freeze. minus 35 fiern hiet, anti-freeze starts to freeze. and 0 fahrenheit, leaks in your car, your tire has been sealed, they begin leaking once again
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and start deflatindeflating. this pattern expected to continue for potentially another week and a half to maybe two weeks. this is what we call an omega block. and it resembles the greek letter omega and creating a a pattern where the cold air to move south to the united states. that's expected to continue over the next several days. notice the first shot comes in over the weekend. the second shot, the reinforcing shot potentially colder. it comes in on monday and tuesday. there was some heating issues in at least one of the rooms in your home. i hope you had that fixed. >> not yet. hope to. but you know, you have been doing this for a while now, haven't you? explain to us how often do you see drops -- to this extent, when you're talking about 30 to 40 degrees drops fahrenheit in such short periods of time, how often does that happen? >> it doesn't happen too often. on 11/11/11. in 1911 on november 11, so yesterday's date over 100 years ago, this happened in oklahoma
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city where it went from 82 fahrenheit to about minus 8 in 24 hours. so a 1 in 100-year event. so not something you see every day. >> well, that is a relief. thanks to you. appreciate it. >> a town prepares for a legal dig in a shooting that sparked unrest. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you outlive your money? uhhh. no, that can't happen. that's the thing, you don't know how long it has to last. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive.. confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. well, knowing gives you confidence. start building your confident retirement today. this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location.
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>> thoorts are awaiting a grand jury decision in the case that caused months of unrest. >> reporter: the missouri governor sent a message out to everyone. law enforcement is ready. >> in folks cross that property line, we will use the full power of the law to keep peace. >> the governor says he will send in the national guard if required. >> we will make the determination if the national guard is necessary to provide support and i'm prepared to issue that order. >> we've talked to dozens of people from pastors to residents to protesters to police. and they all say the city is on
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pins an needles, waiting for the grand jury's decision. and everyone is plan, not just here in ferguson, but in the entire st. louis metropolitan area. >> the st. louis county police department is already gearing up, purchasing more than 100,000 in riot gear. some protesters blame police for escalating tensions after the killing of michael brown, and they, too, are planning their reaction. >> there's probably going to be a lot of anger a little tension. probably a few bad apples do some looting. but my position is you can always replace a window, you can replace things, but you can't replace human lives. so as long as no lives get lost and if any lives are lost, it's probably going to be at the hands of the police officers and then that would just cause more problems.
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>> reporter: police say they have made safety a priority for all. >> they have been hit in the head with rocks in the face. we're going to do what we can to protect them, but tams, we try to always portray a posture of appropriateness to the situation that we're faced with. >> while the community plans, michael brown's family was in geneva speaking to the u.n. on police brutality. they've been calling for a peaceful reaction to any decision. but if there is in indictment, they told cnn they will join protesters in the streets once again. >> the fight will not be over. we understand that our son is gone, but the movement will be that we're trying to make sure that this doesn't happen to anyone else. and coming up next here on cnn, the u.s. and china are looking for common ground. and they did find some. but their presidents are not seeing eye to eye when it comes to human rights.
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checks to proceed with putting a lander on a comet. if the systems are given a go, the washing machine-sized probe should touchdown on the comet nine hours from now. we'll be watching for that very cleesly. an arctic chill is gripping much of theite from the rockies to the heartland. snow and bitterly cold temperatures have residents bundling up. there's one report of 36 inches or some 91 centimeters of snow in marquette county, michigan. >> well, more now on the news conference from u.s. president barack obama and xi jinping. they took very different approaches to a reporter's questions on human rights in china. david mckenzie, talk to us about that news conference, how it came about for starters and what we are to make of china's president apparently ignoring a question from "the new york times."
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>> reporter: it's not unprecedented, but very rare for a u.s. and chinese president to stand together at a prez conference. chinese leaders just don't talk to the press as a rule. so it took a great deal of negotiations behind the scenes to get to this point. the chinese leader was asked by a u.s. journalist both about the allegations that the u.s. is behind the protests in hong kong and as well about the treatment of foreign journalists here in china. he did eventually kind of deal with the question in a round about way. he did say the hong kong protesters are, in fact, an internal matter and nothing to do with the u.s. or anybody else. and he said the issues of the foreign press might be caused by the foreign press themselves. just to put this in perspective,
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80% of foreign journalists surveyed in china say the situation has gotten worse over the last few years. and people feel that there is a crackdown on human rights. so certainly a bit of spin potentially going on by the chinese president. >> they found common ground specifically on student exchange programs. >> one major bit of news out of this conference and the summit was that visa rules between the u.s. and china will be relaxed, allowing for a ten-year window to get visas for businesses and tourist travelers and five years for student exchange. this has been a part of the obama administration as well to push youth to youth partnerships between the u.s. and china.
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the morning rush to school in beijing. except this school is packed with teens from across america. juniors and seniors spending a full year abroad in china. >> was it very challenging? >> in the begin, it was extremely challenging. >> reporter: this virginia native is here to master mandarin, chinese history, and even music. though the two-stringed instrument is pretty tricky. the school year abroad program allows american students to come to china and be totally immersed in the culture, but also in a way, it's teenage diplomacy. both the u.s. and china hope that human interaction and understanding can help their sometimes frosty relationships.
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>> we're the new generation. when we get older, we're going to have to deal with these problem, so it would be good for us to experience the world so we know what we have to do. >> antony says he learns more outside the classroom where he commutes just like any other beijinger. >> it's kind of like a pancake without all of the other ingredients like syrup and sugar. >> your after-school snack? >> yes. >> is it good? >> yeah, it's pretty good. i really like it. >> he lives with a chinese family and calls his chinese host mother mom. before joining the program, he had never spent much time with americans. now she's hosted three. this is close, personal interaction, she says. these boys have become like my own children. antoy's life will be all about china for a year.
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but he hopes to carry the lessons he's learned for a lifetime. >> the leaders might have a touchy relationship, but at least if it were up to the teenagers we met here in beijing, things will be pretty rosy between the two countries. >> teenage diplomacy. i like that. >> rising israeli palestinian tensions lead to more bloodshed in the west bank. israeli forces shot and killed a palestinian man in a refugee camp on tuesday. they say he pointed a web at the shou soldiers. meanwhile, krounds of mourners attended the funeral for an israeli woman kill in a knife attack on the west bank. an israeli soldier was killed in a similar attack in tel aviv.
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israeli and palestinian leards are trading accusations over the rising violence. and the main flash point of the region, the mosque in what was once called the noble sanctuary and what the jews revere as the temple mount. >> we have seen a dramatic rise in terrorist attacks against jews across the country, including here in jerusalem. these attacks have been accompanied by a systemic campaign of incitable including israel trying to change the status quo on the temple mount and even wild allegations that we are planning to destroy muslim holy sites. these are absolutely false fabrications. >> translator: we ask you to keep far away from our holy places. keep them away from us and we'll stay away from them. we won't let them pollute our holy places.
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my god spare the faithful from the wrath of war. after months of heavy fighting, iraq's military says it's finally pushed isis militants out of a major oil city north of baghdad. the militant group is claiming progress of its own by expanding into egypt. barbara starr reports. >> a hard fought victory for iraq in its battle against isis. i raek tell advice reporting the key town of bashi has been retain from the terror group. the city, some 150 miles north of baghdad, home to the biggest oil refinery in the country. but isis is continuing to sell its battlefield prowess. in its latest video, isis shows a helicopter being shot down in iraq and recounting the history
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of fighting in co-been any. some battlefield video even shot with what appears to be helmet-mounted cameras. the 21-minute video includes graphic scenes we cannot show of isis killings. it's high-tech propaganda. the u.s. believes isis is trying to protect an image of victory over the west. it comes as the first u.s. troops moved into al anbar province. >> if they could deal us a blow, they think that that might break our resolve. so i expect we're going to see a lot of action. >> isis appears to be gaining support from one of the most dangerous militant groups which has shot down egyptian military helicopters over northern sinai in the past. now the egyptian militants pledging obedience to isis. >> radical elements in egypt have now aligned themselves with isis. isis is winning. at least in the eyes of young radicals all over the middle
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east. >> the u.s., watching for signs that isis is moving into egypt. >> we don't have an assessment of that at this point in time. >> and what about the fate of al-b baghdadi? u.s. officials say they still have no confirmation about whether he was injured or killed in an err strike. >> we'll take a very short break right now. but there is growing concern that a two-month cease-fire in eastern ukraine could be on the verge of collapse. we'll take a closer look at that when we come back. i have a cold with terrible chest congestion. better take something. theraflu severe cold doesn't treat chest congestion. really? new alka-seltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. oh, what a relief it is. here we go!
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be on the verge of collapse. fighting is now as bad as it was before the truce. we have more on the ongoing battle. >> this is the sound of a cease-fire crumbling. pro western ukrainian forces locked in battle. with russia-backed separatists inside ukraine. the fireworks weren't as loud as president obama met russian president putin in beijing, but their short encounter, totaling just 20 minutes in all seemed to signal the u.s. and russia still sharply divided over ukraine. the nato allied commender was more direct, calling out moscows for violating the norms of western civilizations. >> that nations will respect international boreds, nations will respect the sovereignty of their neighbors. the cease-fire is in name only at this point.
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>> the pentagon says russia has masked 8,000 troops on the ukrainian border and stepped up shipments of heavy weapons to accept riss in recent days. and sent in a convoy it says is humanitarian. but ukrainian officials claim went under no independent inspection. now even the obama administration is admitting that so far, u.s.-led sanctions are not deterring russia. >> on ukraine, we continue to be deeply troubled by russia's activities. >> one sign of the lack of progress is the still lingering crash site of malaysian airlines flight 17. rescue workers removed more human remains, nearly four months afterthe jet crashed. shot down, u.s. officials believe, by separatist missiles supplies by russia. later today, u.s. president barack obama and other dignitaries will travel from beijing to myanmar will they
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will participate in the southeast asia summit in the next two days. one the rahinyas are denied citizen thipship by their own government. we take a closer look now at their situation. it's boat building season. these are used for a booming business. smuggling members of the minority out to sea. 50 people in a boat like this? >> yeah. >> part of a dangerous, illegal voyage to leave myanmar in hopes of finding a better life somewhere else. >> they are muslims, a minority who areling gisically and eth c
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ethnically different from the rest of the population in this overwhelmingly buddhist country. the myanmar government refuses to recognize their name even exists. >> this man works in a government agency that overseas aid distribution to the poor. he calls myanmar's rohigya invaders and he wants to expel them from the country. shimmering tension between rohingya and the larger buddhist community exploded in june of 2012. killing hundreds of people and leighing thousands of homes burnt to the ground. well over 100,000 displaced
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rohingya now live in camps like this. these men say they fled their burning homes two years ago with only the clothes on their backs. >> if i try to go back to where my house was, this man tells me, the people there will kill me. not that he has much of a choice. this is pretty much the last stop, if you're a rohingya. as you can see, this police checkpoint and people here are not allowed to go any further, unless you happen to be a foreigner like myself or a member of another ethnic group here in myanmar. then the road is open. the government restricts the movement of rohinga, confined to what some critics describe as internment camps.
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you can't find a single rohingya on the streets of the capital. they aren't allowed to come here for work, health care or even school. human rights groups accuse myanmar of ethnic cleansing, charging the government denies. but government policies have left a million rohingya stateless, with little hope of a future for younger generations. at a clinic for displaced rohingya, that mother says her newborn twins still haven't gotten birth ter sif cats. neither she or her medics here don't know if they ever will. >> barack obama is expected to travel to myanmar in the coming hours. i want to shift to the weather no uh. because we've been talking about
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these gr cold temperatures in the united states. they're rare for parts of the u.s. for november. but then, heat in parts of australia is also highly unusual for the season. this seems to be what we're seeing. what's not unusual is the extremes. >> especially in australia, this is the most beautiful time of the year, as you know. the mid 20s celsius. we're talking about the mid 70s fahrenhe fahrenheit. everyone enjoying what typically leads up to being a very hot december, january and february. the summer season across portions of australia. and this high pressure in charge here, going to begin to park off portions of the tasmin sea. a pretty impressive late spring heat wave. the concern here is the fire danger. we know in recent years it's been absolutely bone dry. the temperature is expected to be in the mid 30s celsius around 40 celsius, which is well above 100 degrees fahrenheit. we have high temperatures on wednesday across portions of
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australia, 41 degrees. that's 106 fahrenheit, way 3w06 the average of roughly 95 fahrenheit there. alice springs, the typical hot spot. temperatures in sydney on bondi beach, the place to be. think a few people are going to play hook key on friday across portions of sydney? i think so. about 95 degrees fahrenheit before a cooling trend comes. when you have this sort of heat shape up, the fire weather experts across australia saying the fuel across the state of vick store yeah, right across the southern portion of the southeast, the fuel levels are among the highest in human history. and of course, australia has been inhabited by humans from about 30,000 to 50,000 years ago. so this is quite a statement when you take a look at how much foliage here is absolutely bone dry. the lowest of the 5% in the deficit valleys there for
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hateful akroeching record values of low hateful leading up to this. we talk about this time of year, october through january, the fire concern is right here across central portions of australia, january to february, march. when we really begin to see the temperatures soar. the fire concern shifts to the south. this is where we have some active bush fires at this hour. threatening some communities. we'll have more news coming back shortly. do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic... ♪
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>> welcome back. we are still waiting for the final go/no go decision on whether the rosetta spacecraft can proceed with plans to land a probe on a comet. the landing will, of course, be the climax of a complicated mission that started more than a decade ago. cnn's nick glass sat down with one of the project's key scientists. >> it was always going to be tough. comet in high resolution from eight kilometers i way in certain circumstances really drives it home that this is a tough piece to land on. we selected a site round about here that will hopefully do the job. it will land softly round about
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here somewhere. it's got ridges and plateaus, but it's the best chance we have of landing on this comet. it's like you're on the motor way and a car is slowly overtaking you on one meter a second and then somebody tries to throw a suitcase from one car to another, something along those lines. or you can quote star trek. it's like hitting a bullet with a bullet while being blindfolded riding a horse. i think we're doing a better job than that with our targets mg and our progress. >> what are the fundamental questions it might answer? >> we consider comets to be the debris, the leftovers of solar system formation. so we look at comets as a way of look back in time, a window in time. like opening a time cop sul to see what the conditions were way back then. and this give us an idea of how the sun formed, how the planets evolved and how we got to where
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we are today. >> we're talking about an object here which is a comet, which is 500 million kilometers away from us. a rendezvous in deep space. this is astonishing, isn't it? >> it's astonishing. but ten years ago at launch it had to be planned. we had to fly past mars and earth three times to make sure we could get in the orbit of the comet, which has a little bit of magic to it. but it is phenomenal. >> a window in time pip love it. very exciting, isn't it? and of course, if all goes well, the actual landing on the comet should take place about 9:nine hours from now. turning now to lighter moments from all places the apec summit. if you've ever been scolded for chewing gum in class, you eel relate to this.
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>> gum chewing and flirtatious gallantry worth a laugh at the apec summit. the chinese have been chewing out president obama over gum chewing. a mere five-second glimts of president's jaw moving moved chinese commenters to call him a slacker and a rapper. let us forgive these unenlightened barbarians. but at least the president proved what he's maintained all along, that he can -- >> walk and chew gum at the same time. >> he once sat and chewed nicorette at a d-day remembrance. but even worse than getting caught chewing gum is getting nabbed removing it. from rosie o'donnell in plain view on "the view" to senator barbara boxer. >> how are you? >> trying to southerly ditch the evidence as she met with the u.n. secretary general. nothing subtle about toby keith spitting his gum into the crowd. or joaquin phoenix sticking his
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wad on letterman's desk. at least president obama didn't pull a pretty woman. >> and speaking of pretty women, there's china's first lady. she used to be a huge singing star. so what does russia's president do while waiting for the fireworks? he drapes a shawl of blanket over her shoulder. within five seconds, she discretely slips it off and replaces it with a coat brought by an aide. in china, the moment was obliterated by the censors while in the west, headlines popped up like got a bumps. putin flirts, putin hits on china's first lady. it wasn't a big deal. it wasn't like he got caught checking out a princess' cleavage. but putin might do better covering himself. come on a little flirting
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chivalry. is that enough to rub people the wrong way? now this is rubbing someone the wrong way. and if you ever saw this at a summit -- >> sorry. >> that would be a little too much. free trade. >> that was my last piece. a. >> that is nasty. >> all right, you are watching rosemary church. the coverage of our apex summit from here along with rosetta space mission and that is right after this very short break. we'll be back in a moment.
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kevin: yes, he did! keeping our competitors up at night. now, that's progressive. hello, and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. great to have you with us, i'm john vause. ahead this hour, a major commitment on climate change like never before. goals to dramatically cut carbon emissions. and for the first time ever, a space craft could land on a comet in just a matter of hours. and weird weather hits the u.s. early. how people are coping with the biting cold, freezing winds and heavy snows. we begin this hour in beijing with word on a major agreement on climate change between the united states and china. president obama and
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