tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 12, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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>> i don't know about you. this is a show i am watching. good night. good evening. thank you for joining us. we begin tonight with breaking news in turkey where three u.s. navy sailors were assaulteden broad day light by a group of men shouting anti-american slogans. it happened in istanbul. all caught on video. yelling yankee go home. and anti-american slogans. they threw red paint at the sailors and put bags over their heads. you can see the alarm in the sailors' faces. caught them entirely off guard. they eventually did get away. they were on shore leave. they were not even in uniform.
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the u.s. embassy in turkey condemned the attack. international security correspondent jim sciutto joins me with some details. what is the navy doing? >> the navy has canceled shore leave for all sailors on the "uss ross. "it's a guided missile destroyer that was going into the black sea. that in itself not a hugely significant step because the ship was going to leave tomorrow anyway. what it has done, the navy is for shore leave for future navy visits to turkey, those are all to be determined based on the investigation that happens now with turkish authorities in conjunction with the u.s. embassy there. the u.s. ships go through turkey, to the black sea and stop in turkey 8 to 10 times a year. they'll be watching this closely
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to see if they allow soldiers in the future if they consider it safe enough to take shore leave. >> the white bags, i understand that's a reference to an incident that happened during the iraq war? >> a number of years ago, u.s. forces allegedly put bags over their head. that became turkish sentiment to the war and sort of anti-americanism. you see this on both sides from leftist and rightists there. and the group that carried out this attack is a nationalist group. and it's a real measure of that kind of feeling which frankly feeds some of turkey's hessitance to get involved in the u.s.-led campaign against isis. >> this is a nationalist group. this doesn't have anything to do with isis or with an islamic group. >> absolutely not. it doesn't. and it shows you this anti-american feeling, particularly in turkey, a nato ally, it extends through many layers of society there. it's not just confined to that limited group that might have an affinity towards isis. >> it certainly looks like this
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was preplanned. they had the bags and video cameras. they were clearly waiting for these guys. >> the real concern from the navy and military is how did they know those guys, they were not dressed in uniform as you often see some sailors on shore leave will be in uniform. how did they know? did they follow them from the ship? that becomes a security concern going forward and something they are looking at closely. >> jim sciutto, appreciate it. a heart-stopping drama that had many new yorkers holding their breath. a broken scaffold had just been raised to the roof of the world trade center building. it was hanging 68 floors above the city with two men inside it. no way to know if rescuers would reach them in time. the whole city and much of the country held their breath watching this took place.
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>> at about 12:40 this afternoon, the first sign of an emergency at the newly opened one world trade center. >> we have some breaking news. crews are on their way to one world trade center. that is scaffolding hanging, dangling from one world trade center. >> 68 floors above ground zero, two window washers are trapped. >> i'm seeing two heads dangling over their scaffolding. and one of the guys, they just keep looking down. >> the two men were headed to the roof of the so-called freedom tower when something went wrong. slack developed in the cable in one side dropping it from horizontal to nearly vertical. authorities are on the scene
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within four minutes. >> firefighters went to the roof and to the 68th floor. from the roof, they dropped rope down to secure -- additionally secure the members that were the workers on the scaffold. >> either lower down another scaffolding and attempt to rescue at a dizzying height or cut through three layers of a glass window and haul the two men out. they decide to rescue them through the 68th floor but still ready a scaffolding from the roof. >> in case we ran into trouble from the inside, that would be another option to remove the victims there. >> about 1:45, after ding ling 68 stories up for over an hour, the firemen start to cut. >> there are three layers of glass. two inner layers were cut first with diamond saws. when they were finished with that, they then cut finally the outer layer of glass. >> with an opening on the 68th floor, firefighters attach a safety line to the first window washer and slowly bring him inside.
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one minute later, the same drill. attach a safety line and bring the second window washer inside. both men are taken to the hospital with mild hypothermia, lucky they survived hanging on the side of the tallest building in america. a lot of heart-stopping moments. hard to imagine anything more terrifying than what these two lived through. most window washers likely don't have a fear of hearts but gerard is a field representative for the window washers union in new york and joins me tonight. you were there when the people were rescued. what was that moment like? how are they doing? >> it's a frightening situation. i arrived on the scene. the fire department was busy cutting the glass to rescue
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them. when you see a scaffold at a 45-degree angle and two workers lying on the bed of the scaffold, it's a frightening situation. >> are the workers themselves attached to the scaffolding or attached to separate cables? >> they have body harnesses and a laniard and they attach it to a rope that should be tied on the roof. >> is it a metal cable or actual rope. >> it's actual rope. >> and then is it what's attaching the actual scaffolding, is at a cable or a rope. >> it's a cable. >> do you know how it broke? >> i'm not sure yet how it broke or what caused the problem for them. one of the workers mentioned to me that's one side of the scaffold actually stopped at one point. it stopped winding. it's only a matter two of seconds before something like that can happen because you have -- they can go sideways on you. >> does this happen a lot? >> it doesn't happen a lot. we train our window cleaners. we have an apprenticeship program that we teach window cleaners every facet of window cleaning and safety is our number one priority. >> how do you train for something like this. are you supposed to not move at all, or -- >> it depends on the situation. where these window cleaners were there was nothing they could do. nowhere to move. nowhere to go.
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they called on their radio to the third person. there's always a person inside the building that's in radio contact with them. they radioed and called the fire department. >> it's got to be just terrifying. how are these guys doing? >> they were good, shaken obviously. it's a harrowing experience and anyone would be frightened. they were good. they weren't injured that i saw. i asked them both, are you okay? they said we're fine. a little shaky. >> at a height like that, it's not a particularly windy day, but there can be winds. >> the wind swirls are horrible the higher you go up. that's about 1200 feet in the air, more or less. and they are totally different than what you'll see or experience on the street. >> do you end up, even on a regular day with regular winds at that height, do you end up banging against the building?
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>> it's a regular occurrence. we attach the scaffolds and they attach to the facade of the building which keeps them stable. >> had the scaffold itself broke, the guys themselves would have just been able to hold on because of the rope? >> they would just dangle there and they wouldn't fall if they are attached properly. >> do they get a couple days off? >> they're going to have a couple days off after this. >> i'm so glad it ended okay. >> i am, too. i'm very happy about that. it's scary to see that and scary to experience that. >> in a city like this, we depend on what your men and women do. >> thank you. set your dvr and watch "360" whenever you want. coming up, the forensic evidence the grand jury is weighing in the michael brown case with all the leaks and confusion. a look at what facts if any, seem certain and what's in dispute. also exclusive details you'll only hear here about the mcstay family murders.
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a very high-profile expert. state and local experts are bracing for protests if the jurors do not indict wilson. michael brown's parents flew to geneva, switzerland to testify before a committee on torture. >> we need the world to know what's going on in ferguson. we need justice and answers and action. and we have to bring it to the u.n. so they can expose to the rest of the world what's going on in small town ferguson. >> tried to ask for justice for our son. we need wilson to be accountable for his actions. >> no one disputes officer wilson shot and killed michael brown. how the deadly encounter unfolded is anything but clear. the jury will be weighing a lot of forensic evidence.
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plensy of leaks about blood spatter, bullet wounds. jason carroll has been looking more at what we know. >> reporter: dr. michael baden's testimony isn't the only forensic account of michael brown the death. they'll also take into account the official report completed by the st. louis county medical examiner. each report reach someday similar results. ing both concluded brown was shot at least six times. both show brown had a gunshot wound to his right hand. where the reports differ is key in how it's interpreted could make a huge difference in the case. the county report states materials were found on michael brown's hand consistent with products discharged from the barrel of a firearm. probable gun residue on brown's hand. >> the significance of that
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wound is great. >> dr. lawrence kobilinsky is a professor of forensic science at john j. college of criminal justice. >> for this testing, i would say it's very consistent with gunshot residue and supports the contention of daryl wilson that there was a struggle for the gun. >> reporter: ferguson's police chief said in august officer wilson was hurt during a struggle. >> the officer was treated to the hospital and treated for a swollen face. that's pretty much all i know. >> did you see the officer's face? >> i did not.
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>> others disagree. one witness told cnn brown did struggle, not for officer wilson's gun but to get away from him. >> officer then reached out and grabbed his arm to pull him in the car. now it's like the officer is pulling him in the car. at no time the officer said that he was going to do anything until he pulled out his weapon, his weapon was drawn and he said i'll shoot you or i'm going to shoot. in the same moment, the first shot went off. >> as for the final moments, whether brown had his hands up to surrender or whether he was charging at officer wilson, there are conflicting eyewitness accounts that the grand jury will have to consider. like the forensic evidence in this case, much is up for interpretation. >> no question about it. you have to interpret it. and some people will interpret it differently than others. that's why this san adversarial system. it's an art, not just a science. >> joining me is cnn legal analyst mark namara and sunny hostin. how unusual to have dr. baden who was hired privately by the brown family testify in front of the grand jury. he wasn't able to examine clothing or other forensic evidence. he was only able to examine the body. >> some of what's happening is unique. what the prosecutor is doing is giving them every shred of evidence they can, every witness. what i think he's trying to do is galvanize or immunize the
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grand jury for whatever decision they make by giving him everything they can, including the defense, the defendant testified, and even those witnesses the brown family have testified so they have the complete picture. >> sunny hostin has said that they are giving too much information and that it's really an attempt to overwhelm them by prosecutors. is this unusual to give so much information? don't prosecutors usually kind of pick and choose what they are going to present? >> i agree. this is not the usual case. what mccullough is doing is everything he can do to show the whole process is being transparent. is this more than usual? yes. but to suggest that what's happening is the prosecutor is now trying to overwhelm the grand jury so they don't know what to do i think minimizes the
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reality that a grand jury pretty much does do a good job. they'll be given the evidence and if they are given a lot of information, that might lead to more chance of an indictment because probable cause is the standard for indictment if they are given a confusing amount of information. they probably take that to an indictment and not a -- >> do you think it's more likely to lead to an indictment if they are confused? >> that is the standard in front of a grand jury. it's just probable cause. more likely than not that a crime occurred. i think where mark is being sort of intellectually dishonest, mark, is that this is just not done. mark, you were a prosecutor. you know very well that prosecutors do not provide grand jurors over 700 hours of conflicting testimony. this has never been done. i don't think we've ever seen anything like this in the grand jury system.
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>> it is very unique. >> to suggest that it's very unique, i think we have to go a step further and admit to yourself and the viewers this is beyond the pale. >> you think they are trying to intentionally overwhelm the jurors. >> absolutely. >> couldn't you make the argument they are trying to prevent the jurors from being attacked for not having enough information or from prosecutors for cherry picking information. >> a prosecutor can make a charging decision on his own. we know angela corey in the trayvon martin case charged without a grand jury. and i will say this is so unusual that a prosecutor would provide this much information to a grand jury. >> sunny, i agree it's unique. what i don't agree with and i won't agree to intellectual dishonesty. if they are giving him every witness, eyewitness, ear
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witness, they are giving a full picture to the 12 people who have to make the decision, how can you suggest the intent is to confuse. the opposite could be true. if baden didn't testify then people could say you didn't hear from the family's expert. giving them everything in a fashion they can interpret it, understand it and decide upon it, i think is the best way to do a grand jury. >> do you think it's inappropriate to have baden testify? >> we need to be talking about why baden is testifying now. we're talking about months and months of testimony and he just was requested to appear tomorrow after all of these months? i wonder if the prosecutor's office really requested it or did one of the grand juror's ask for that information. i don't think that we should say at this point or that we can say that this was the prosecutor's office deciding to be so transparent to give the grand
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jurors all sides of -- >> mark, you are saying it's possible the grand jury could have asked for it. >> if they are doing their job they can tell the prosecutor, go get us this witness, this piece of information. look into this for us. if they are doing that, how wonderful and transparent would it be if the grand jury is acting in an activist way to get all the information they need to make a very important decision. >> what's more important is it's very telling as to what this prosecution is doing. it's very telling that the prosecution wouldn't call dr. baden before -- >> we don't know that for a fact. >> but the timing is odd. i'm sorry. you've been providing, you know -- >> thank god we'll see the transcripts. >> hours of information to a grand jury and you just now call dr. baden, a renowned clinical pathologist. >> i'm not arguing one way or the other.
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you could also say the last piece of information they'll hear is dr. baden, the private pathologist. you could argue that's going to weigh more heavily on the juror's mind than somebody they heard months ago. >> i think that would be very interesting if the government decided to put him on -- if it was the government's choice. but i also think that you can't interpret autopsy reports in a vacuum. so the fact that we have the autopsy report from st. louis county medical examiner but don't necessarily have it from baden or the justice department's autopsy report. >> baden has been at a disadvantage. he wasn't able to examine the crime scene or clothing or a lot of the things the others do. we've got to leave it there. mark o'mara, sunny hostin. the suspect accused of killing a san diego family. accused of dumping their bodies in the desert. the suspect has gone to court. randi kaye is revealing why the district attorney feels they
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have the right guy. and a spacecraft landing on a comet more than 300 miles from earth making space history. there was a glitch. details on this remarkable mission ahead. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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crime and punishment tonight. the man accused of killing a california family was in court today. chase merritt is his name. he was a business partner of joseph mcstay who was found dead one year ago along with his wife and two sons. that's the mcstay family right there. they vanished in february 2010 from their san diego county home. tonight, randi kaye who has been on this story from the begone beginning, talks with the d.a. >> when we finally put the case together and the circumstantial evidence and the direct evidence, there was no doubt this was the person that committed the murders.
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>> reporter: and that's when investigators pounced on chase merritt. just last week. a stunning turn for a man who called himself one of the victim's best friends. san bernardino's district attorney spoke exclusively with us about the case. at what point do you believe chase merritt became the prime suspect? >> as early as, i would say, six months ago. when things started getting clear and we started putting pieces of the puzzle together. >> reporter: d.a. ramos shared that long before chase merritt was the prime suspect, investigators were suspicious of him very early on in the investigation. merritt had told us in an exclusive interview in january, long before he was arrested, that he'd taken a lie detector test but insisted he wasn't asked directly if he killed the mcstays. >> you passed the polygraph. after i took the polygraph test, law enforcement has not contacted me at all since.
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>> reporter: but that doesn't mean they weren't watching him. >> we knew where mr. merritt was on a daily basis for the last year. >> watching him closely? >> watching him closely. >> reporter: merritt raised red flags because he couldn't keep his stories straight. >> his story is all over the place. >> was that the big tip for you? >> that's one of the many indicators. >> reporter: the san bernardino sheriff sid the family died from blunt force trauma and they all died at their fallbrook, california, home. today the d.a. revealed new information about how quickly
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the murders occurred and what merritt might have used to kill. >> we know the main weapon was enough to cause a blunt force trauma to the victims. >> in one strike? >> yes. could be several, but, yes, one strike with the object could have done this. especially to the children. >> can you say is this an object that would have been in the home? is this an object that would have come from somewhere else. >> it's an object that could have come from the home or somewhere else. it's an object that we would be familiar with. >> a common object? >> there you go. it's a common object. >> reporter: the mcstays remains were found buried in the mojave desert in shallow graves. investigators were intrigued that merritt lived about 20 miles away. ramos told us investigators recovered more than 100 pieces of evidence from the desert. >> could you pick up tire tracks all those years later in the desert? nearly four years later. >> yes. especially in the desert. a lot of people aren't driving to those excluded isolated places. >> could one person kill a family of four, bury the bodies a hundred miles north in the mojave desert, drop the car 250 miles south at the mexico border. could one person do all that and then return home to make it look like he was home that night to
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receive a phone call from joseph mcstay? >> yes. >> and we have the evidence to prove that. >> they seem confident. randi joins me now. what about the house. if they were killed at home, wouldn't there have been a lot of evidence there? >> there absolutely would have been, especially if it was blunt force trauma. there would have been a lot of blood spatter and blood on the walls. san diego handled this case before san bernardino. they considered it a missing person case. they thought this family fled on their own to mexico. they never sealed up the home. the d.a. talking hypothetically said that chase merritt would have had enough time to go into that home.
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they didn't close off the home for 15 days. he would have had enough time to go in there and clean it up if he did do this. he said the san bernardino sheriff's department has special technology that still, even if all that blood spatter had been cleaned up by whoever did this, they have technology that can go in and pick up the chemicals that would have been used to clean up all that blood. even if the blood was gone, they could still trace it back to whoever was inside. the fact the home had been cleaned up. >> if it had been cleaned with bleach they'd be able to identify bleach has been used or whatever else the chemical is. randi, great job following it. let's get some of the other stories. susan hendricks has the 360 bulletin. >> president obama may be reconfiguring his strategy on isis. the president has asked his national security team to take another look at the u.s. policy towards syria after realizing isis may not be defeated without removing president bashar al assad. the initial strategy was to tackle isis in iraq first and then take them an in syria. president obama and china's president have made a deal an climate change.
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the leaders announced both countries will curb their greenhouse gases over the next two decades. it's the first time china has agreed to do so. sales of marijuana dropped in colorado. september just isn't a big month for tourism in colorado and sales will pick up once the ski resorts open. we shall see. >> thanks very much. coming up next, touchdown. a historic landing in outerspace. this is a remarkable achievement. landing a spacecraft on a speeding comet. our science expert and bill nye the science guy are here.
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welcome back. a new giant step for mankind in outer space today. a man has landed a spacecraft on a comet. man has landed a spacecraft on a comet. here's animation of how it played out. the fillet probe about the size of a washing machine detached from its orbiter and made a soft landing on the 67p comet some 300 million miles from earth. crazy. it's like a bullet catching a
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bullet. the comet is only 2 1/2 miles wide traveling fast, about 34,000 miles per hour. it was carried to the comet by rosetta which san orbiter that took ten years to reach 67p. the project is a work of the european space agency and its partners. during the descent it took this photograph from one of its seven cameras. you can see the rocky terrain. there was a celebration at mission control where they confirmed fillet had touched down. later in the news conference, scientists said there was a glitch. it may not be firmly secured. they believe the anchoring harpoons failed. they hope it can conduct its planned research. they already discovered a mysterious song the comet is basically singing in space. scientists believe that singing
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is caused by the release of electrically charged particles. they don't fully understand why. we want to talk about it with miles o'brien and bill nye, the science guy. bill, great to have you here. this mission today, everything really had to go perfectly to land this thing. it's hard for me to wrap my mind around the technology of all of this. >> imagine trying to do something ten years from now within a few seconds, for a second. it's almost incredible. these guys have been at it for a long time. it really is rocket science. you saw the graphic of the orbit needed to get close enough to it. so having it not drill an anchor is probably okay because, strange as it may seem, these things have mutual gravity. it's a small object, they still
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have gravity. it will probably stay there. these things are always tumbling. the objects in space have axis and they are -- that's what makes it difficult. >> the fact they can project ten years ahead. >> this is rocket science. so the thing that makes this extraordinary, there's two questions that we all wonder about. where did we come from? are we alone? if you want an answer to those questions, this is just the kind of mission you need. how did all the water get on earth? what if one of these has our name on it and we need to give it a nudge. how do we go about doing that? >> we may be able to find out some of the answers. ten years in the making, 4 billion mile journey. had to slingshot three times around earth and once around mars before it could even speed to get to the comet.
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it's incredible. >> yeah, it's like some really bad directions from your gps to get there or something. it's a long way to get there when you are using gravity assist to get out there. imagine the race car moving out of the lanes as it goes around and around and around and finally getting out to where the comet is. when you see those engineers and scientists, the jubilation is hard to comprehend when you think their entire careers are on the line there. they are like riverboat gamblers. all the chips own on the tabling. all in or nothing. they aren't anchored firmly but they're on the comet and there's going to be some science that will come out of it. >> do we know what happened with the thruster failure? >> we don't know. imagine if you left your car for ten years and went to start it up, you might have problems with it. this thruster is one of the things which failed. the harpoons did not deploy.
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there's a lot of science they can do. if you are on the comet and jumped, you'd just keep going. about 1/1,000 of the gravity we have here on earth. the one experiment that may be on the bubble is the drill. they'd love to drill into the surface. i think it's about eight inches and get a taste of what that is there cooking in an oven and see what's in there. bill was talking about the organic compounds. what kind of water. how much water constituent is in the minerals. all of that has a lot to do with why we're sitting here talking to each other. >> the lander only has 64 hours before the batteries drain. and they are solar paneled. >> 10 years, 2 1/2 days. >> they are solar panels that will recharge. explain more about what this will show us. you talked about kind of what the early stages of earth were like. >> early stages of the solar
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system. how was the earth made. how did we all get here. >> this is one we can reach. you use the motion of a planet like mars and take a little of that planetary motion and add it to your spacecraft to get all the way out to this comet. it's a long way out. ten years. and so it is to be hoped we'll do chemical analysis and also what i will call structural analysis. you can see like pebbles or rocks attached to it. they are held there by gravity. these guys love to use the description, a rubble pile. it's not a pile in space. it's in zero gravity. so if you were to deflect one of these and suppose it falls in half and you really haven't deflected it at all, this is the kind of thing you try to figure out. it's very exciting these people have invested in it for so long. it's the european space agency.
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why are they doing this? because they know that -- first of all, we want to know the answers to these questions. where did we come from? what are we doing here? when you have a space program it raises the expectations of your society. you solve problems that have never been solved before. >> it's a remarkable thing and probably will get more people interested in science. bill, your new book is "undeniable evolution and the science of creation." it's out. >> it's going to be number eight next week an the best seller list, which is huge. >> bile nye, thank you. the extraordinary survival of a pilot, peter sebold in the crash of the galactic. shortly after the plane broke up above the mojave desert, he was
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still strapped into his seat and began free-falling. he managed to unbuckle. his parachute then deployed. sebold suffered a shoulder injury. his co-pilot mike alsbury was killed. the scaffolding dangling from the new world trade center now back on top of the building. what about the guys trapped inside? window washing a dangerous job. somebody's gotta do it. mike rowe will join us next. it's happening in here. [ sirens wailing ] inside of you. even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at and then speak with your gastroenterologist. with the ♪xpert advice tool at i thought it'd be bigger. ♪
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break news tonight. the scaffolding dangling on the side of the tallest building in america. it's now been raised to the roof on the one world trade center. they rescued two window washers dangling at the 64th floor. the two men were taken to the hospital, mild hypothermia. it's a tough job. "somebody's gotta do it," the name of the show on cnn mike rowe does. i heard you washed windows in hawaii once where you were sitting on a 2 by 4. >> it's the last place in the country where i think it's legal to wash windows in that fashion. these guys go up the high rises. same basic way. rather than scaffolding, they are using a chair.
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you are literally sitting on a 2 by 4. essentially -- you are essentially mountaineering, rappelling down the side of a building. in this case, that's on the main island not too far from pearl harbor, about 500 feet up. and it's a singular feeling. you are on a little piece of wood with a bucket of suds next to you. and a squeegee in your hand. the glass in front of you will get up to 150, 160 degrees. it's right in the sun. it's a really hard job to do. and, yeah, top of mind constantly is the fact you're dangling. >> what is it like going over the edge? i have a fear of heights. tie don't know if you do. i don't know if you do. that sensation of going over must be terrifying. >> yeah, i have a fear of wits basically. and that's basically a gantry crane you are looking at there. this is a very efficient way to
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wash windows. the truth 'tis -- the truth is -- in terms of calamities and disasters and problems, these guys have a much smaller per capita rate of drama because they are just very, very self-contained. they have their hands on everything they are dealing with. those scaffolds, you are basically standing on a platform and hoping for the best. ior program tonight, what can we expect? your program tonight "somebody's gotta do it" what can we expect? >> not this. no, tonight's really a lot of fun. we go down to laguna where the temperatures have plunged into the 60s. and we basically bear witness to a thing called the pageant of the masters. this has been going on for decades. something like 80 years in laguna. they bring famous works of art to life in what's called tablo vauns. 500 volunteers. you say, oh, sure. you're sophisticated.
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you've heard of it. >> i've heard -- but i'm telling you, people will freak out when they see this. tie got to participate in da vinci's "the last supper." >> a living "last supper"? i was bartholemew all the way on the right. the job is awesome. all you have to do -- you just have to hold perfectly still for 90 seconds in front of 2500 people. that's going to be fun. >> that's at the top of the hour. mike, thanks very much. mike rowe "somebody's gotta do it." just a few minutes here on cnn. coming up. friendly reminder -- 911 is not a dating service. just want to make you smile before the end of the night. the ridiculist is next.
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time for the ridiculist. tonight we have what i hope is not a burgeoning trend in 911 calls. i thought we pretty much heard it all. people calling 911 because they didn't like the way someone made their sandwich or refused to give them their fish or more fish in an all you can eat fish fry, they didn't know how to enable an iphone. or thought time slowed down because they ate pot brownies and thought they were dead. classics all. each drives home the point you should not call 911 about stupid stuff. never in a million years did i
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think we'd have to address this particular misuse of the 911 system. listen to this incredibly inebriated gentlemen from georgia. >> well, i mean you sound sexy. >> sir, you don't talk to me about being sexy. all you need to do is give me the information. what is your phone number? >> what's your phone number? >> how about we don't call 911 looking for dates. unfortunately, this isn't even the only time this has happened. some guy in florida did it as well. >> what's your name? >> my name is sandy. >> sandy, i'm steve. looking for a date? >> huh? >> huh? >> yeah, i don't think i would call 911 looking for a date. that's not something you do. >> well, if you're into handcuffs --
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>> i'm sorry? >> this is not a number to call to be saying this. >> clearly the common denominator here is alcohol. these guys -- they sounded bombed out of their minds. how in the span of less than three weeks do two different guys in two different states, both call 911 and decide to hit on the dispatcher. that's like getting struck by lightning twice. really drunk, sloppy lightning. both of those guys got arrested. those calls wouldn't even qualify for the nonemergency line to field calls like this one from portland. >> nonemergency. >> hi, this is actually not a prank call but there's a chicken trying to cross the road in linton on highway 30 across from the lighthouse. >> is it causing traffic problems? >> yes, it's really trying to go into the middle of the road. >> the responding officers were unable to locate said chicken. apparently it had already crossed the road although its motive does remain unclear. the police department publicly commended that caller for using the nonemergency line.
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we want to throw out our support as well. and remind everyone -- if you are drunk and looking for a date, do not call 911. maybe just call it a night. how about that? that does it for us. thank you for watching. "somebody's gotta do it" starts now. >> these are not famous paintings. that is not a famous sculpture. those are actually people, real people in costume on a stage portraying famous paintings. and it all happens just steps from the pacific ocean. >> laguna beach. laguna is a spanish word for bad traffic. part of the reason the traffic is so bad is the pageant of the
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