tv CNNI Simulcast CNN November 13, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST
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pressure in mounting in ukraine after nato accuses russia of rolling in tanks and troops. >> protesters shout yankee go home while roughing up american sailors on the streets of turkey. you'll see how it started and how the sailors got away. >> cnn exclusive, a child soldier explains how isis trained him to kill and how he eventually got out. >> check this out. win window washers left dangling 68 stories high. can you imagine? you will hear from the firefighter in charge of that risky rescue. >> this is what you do. you put it in the pocket and go to work and do your job.
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>> busy hour ahead here on cnn. we'd like to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm john vause. >> good to have you with us. i'm zain asher. >> a host of nations are gathered for the economic summit of the association of southeast asian nations or asean. but the pace of democratic reform in myanmar would be one of the main topics. president obama is scheduled to meet with myanmar's president later today. he is expected to raise questions and concern cans about the country's human rights record and freedom of the press there. cnn international correspondent ivan watson is in myanmar's capital. she joining us live. we have seen a number of sanctions imposed on myanmar, some of them have been lifted, but have they done anything to increase the pace of democratic reform in that country?
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>> i think, if anything, u.s. officials are arguing that the democrat ic reform process has slowed down, as have a number of human rights organizations. growing concern here and in fact a top white house official here saying a few hours ago that in some areas, particularly in the treatment of the muslim minority in this country, that the myanmar government was backsliding. that's in the words of ben rhodess the deputy national security adviser. one of the goals of this trip, the white house says, is to try to cajole and encourage both the myanmar government and civil society and opposition leaders to try to get that reform process back on track and certainly in time for parliamentary elections which are scheduled to take place next year. one of the areas that not only
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the white house but also one of the chief opposition leaders aung san suu kyi have tried to draw attention to is reform of the controversial 2008 constitution here in myanmar, which was written by the military hunta, the same military hunta that ruled oppressively for decades and made it a pariah state in trying to encourage the authorities to get back to work on changing the constitution to help ensure this country heads on a more democratic path. zain. >> obviously there are some problems as you mentioned. the progress has been made in terms of democrat ic reform. i know that political prisoners have been released and they are allowing public demonstrations. but there is a lot of concern about the treatment of the minority group. give us an overview of that situation. is that going to be president obama's main concern when he
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speaks with presidetheir presid tomorrow. >> the white house mentioned the kill canning of a myanmar journalist who was in military hands, military custody a month ago as a warning flag. yes, the key issue where the u.s. government considers there to be backsliding is in the treatment of this muslim minority population. more than a million of them that are basically stateless, denied the rights and services accorded to other citizens of this country. in fact, now confined to what i would describe as rural ghettos having seen them firsthand. basically en claifs they are not allowed to leave for more than two years. not allowed to go to the towns and villages these people lived in. they are in fact not even recognized by the myanmar
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government. the government saying the name doesn't exist and these people should be labelling themselves as bengallys from bang he can desh. -- bangladesh. they are denied access to hospitals and education and also for kicking them amass out of the country. that's something a lot of leaders from the buddhist majority community were arguing in favor of. that is not a measure that the government, as yet, adopted but human rights groups are arguing a slow ethnic cleansing of the rohingeya minority is in the number of rohingas that are leaving myanmar. a sign of desperation within the
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minority. >> the treatment of the rohing a muse limbs is an issue. scientists in germany are likely on a high after an encounter 500 kilometer cans. >> so excited by this. >> i couldn't get the words out. so excited. >> european spacecraft landed on a comet speeding through space at 135,000 kilometers an hour but there was a glitch with the probe's anchoring system. scientists are trying to figure out what it may mean for the rest of the mission. let's go to our reporter in germany. we had a system on the lander that was meant to shoot harpoons in to the comet. they did not deploy. do they know why and could they
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refire those harpoons? >> they are not sure why it didn't happen, john. you were saying they were on a high after landing on the comet. they certainly were but scientists were keen to get back to the control room and find out what may have been the glitch, as you said during that landing. there were two systems that apparently didn't work on the landing. what is supposed to happen and we are going back to our models. what happens is the lander was coming down very slowly towards the comet. it moves slowly. that's one of the reasons why they wanted the harpoons to deploy. essentially there is so little gravity on this comet that the lander has to attach itself to the surface. that in itself is difficult enough. they don't know what the surface is like. is it dusty, icy, any matter there that these harpoons could attach themselves to? apparently the harpoons didn't
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deploy immediately and the other thing this lander has, it has a booster on the top. it is a gas booster that was supposed to press the lander against the comet surface. that didn't work either. so, they believe the lander hit the comet surface, might have bounced several times and a bounce like that can take very long because there is no gravity so it bounces a long time. they think a bounce could take up to an hour and believe at some point it came to a rest on the comet surface. they don't know if it is attached at this point or not. they are trying to find out. one scientist believes he harpoons may have deployed afterwards but there is no indication that they have tried to manually deploy these harpoons. it is a signal that would take long to transmit to this lander because the travel 510 miles. i happened to bump in to a nasa scientist. nasa is part of the mission
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conducted by the european space agency. he said in the '60s the u.s. sent a similar probe to the moon before landing humans on the moon and they later found their lander had bounced, as well. this is certainly something not unheard of, but the landing on a surface like this with little graf stational pull requires a lot of expertise and certainly with that little gravitational pull they hope the lander has now attached itself. they think they will get some information during the course of the morning, once they reestablish contact. as we said before, right now they are in an area where there is no contact with the lander or with the space probe that's going around the comet can at this point. john? >> thank you so much, fred. great models there. you play with them very well. appreciate it. >> okay. with fighting picking up in ukraine, there is word that are russian troops and hardware are entering the country can. russia denies it is entering the
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territory but nato is sounding the alarm. >> reporter: russian forces on the move again in to eastern ukraine. preparations, ukrainian officials tell cnn for a new offensive by pro russian separatists. >> we have seen russian equipment, primarily tanks, russian artillery, russian air defense systems and russian combat troops entering in to ukraine. >> reporter: nato says they have observed something more alarming, russian warplanes capable of carrying nuclear weapons deployed to crimea. annexed by russia illegal leighly this year, if confirmed the step could violate multiple international treaties. >> we see forces that are capable of being nuclear that are being moved to crimea. whether they are or not, we do not know, but they do have the kind of equipment there that could support that mission. >> reporter: russia's foreign ministry immediately denied the
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claims calling them, quote, unfounded. the new weapons, accompanied by renewed fears of fighting has all but ended a brief, shaky cease fire. pressing alarm in public and private. ukrainian officials say they are preparing to fight. >> translator: we expect unexpected actions from them. i see it as our main task to prepare for military action. >> reporter: at a u.n. security council session on the situation in ukraine, ambassador samantha power condemned russia's actions. >> russia negotiated a peace plan and systemically undermined it at every step. it talks of peace but fuels war. >> reporter: the best u.s. assessment is russia has put the delivery systems for nuclear weapons, that is to say fighter and bombers in to crimea, but no hard evidence they put nuclear weapons themselves. it is still seen as a provocation and the heavy weapons going in to eastern
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ukraine the preparation for a new offensive by pro russian separatists. cnn, washington. >> in the meantime, australia says it is monitoring a fleet of russian warships moving in waters north of the country. this is just ahead of the g-20 summit in brisbane this weekend. just after australia leader tony abbott confronted putin over the downing of mh17 in the ukraine a few months ago. they held a private meeting in beijing this week. australia's department of defense said the movement of the russian ships is consistent with international law and russia has made similar deployments in the past during international summits but it is still raising concern down under. police in central india have arrested a surgeon in what turned out to be a deadly mass sterilization program. but the doctor told cnn earlier the main cause of the deaths is
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expired medication provided by village medical distributors. gupta says he sterilized 88 women in six hours on saturday. at least 13 have since died. more than 60 were sent to the hospital and many are still there. gupta's license to practice medicine has been suspended pending an investigation. sterilization is a common form of birth control across india. it was not a good day at work for two window washers in new york. check this out. especially not a good day if they are afraid of heights, by the way. you will see the dramatic rescue after they were stuck dangling from one of the tallest buildings in the world. and one why maryland school district will no longer observe religious holidays on its calendar. and american sailors roughed up in turkey. the reason why after the break.
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it was a frightening sight for new yorkers looking up at the new one world trade center building. two window washers dangling 68 stories high after their scaffold collapsed. the firefighters cut through the glass to pull them to safety and one firefighter said that was not their only problem. >> the biggest concern we had was the scaffolding was movementing a bit. once we cut the glass out and some sharp shards of glass. for a lack of a better term, the guys were stepping from the
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scaffolding to the building over a lot of sharp glass and that became an issue. once we got past that we were confident we were successful. >> unbelievable. the workers were treated for hypothermia but since released from the hospital. cnn's anderson cooper has more. >> reporter: about 12:40 this afternoon, the first sign of an emergency at the newly opened one world trade center. >> breaking news right now. crews are on the way to one world trade center that is scaffolding dangling from one world trade center. >> reporter: two window washers are trapped on the scaffolding. >> i'm see two heads dangling over the scaffolding. >> reporter: the two men ages 41 and 3, were headed to the roof of the so-called freedom tower when something went wrong. slack developed on the cable of one side of their scaffolding dropping it from horizontal to
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nearly vertical. authorities were on the scene within four minutes. >> firefighters went to the roof and the 68th floor. from the roof, they dropped rope down to secure additionally secure the members that were the workers on the scaffold. >> reporter: there's a critical decision to make. either lower down another scaffolding and attempt to rescue at a dizzying height or cut through three layers of the glass window and haul the men out. they side to rescue them through the 68th floor but ready a scaffolding from the roof as a backup plan. >> in case we ran in to trouble from the inside, that would be another option to move the victims there. >> reporter: at 1:45, after dangling 68 stories up for over an hour, the firemen start to cut. >> they are three layers of glass, two inner layers were cut first with diamond saws. when they were finished with that, they then cut finally the outer layer of glass are. >> reporter: with an opening
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they attach what appears to be a safety line for the first window washer and slowly bring him inside. one minute later, the same drill, attach a safety line and bring the second window washer inside. both men are taken to the hospital with mild hypothermia, lucky they survived hanging on the side of the tallest building in america. anderson cooper, cnn, new york. growing outrage in mexico over the disappearance of 48 college students. protesters torched the ruling parties headquarters on wednesday. demonstrations have intensified since authorities said gang hitmen confessed to murdering the students and then burning their bodies. but mex ke's ambassador to the u.s. says the search for the students is not over yet. >> it might be the case that they are dead, they have been killed but we are not stopping the search here. the investigation is an open one and we are activity searching
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for these students with 10,000 federal officers in that area as we speak. of course the parents are entitled to get response from authorities both at the local and federal level and we are deploying every means in our reach to do that. >> authorities believe the students were first abducted by local police on the orders of the town's mayor. he and his wife have been arrested. listen to this. in maryland, religious holidays will no longer be referenced on one school district's calendar. some members of the muslim community in one montgomery county asked for their holidays to be observed just like for jewish and christian students. but instead of adding muslim holidays to the calendar, the school board voted this week to remove mention of any religious holiday for the next school year. the students will get their time off, but next year's christmas vacation will be called winter
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break. the board's decision is getting very mixed reviews. >> yeah. they cancelled christmas, huh. >> looks like it. coming up here, a grand jury in missouri considers a controversial case. ahead, an expert prepares to testify on the fatal police shooting that sparked weeks of unrest. plus one day he was fighting for isis. the next he was on his way to a new life. a teenager rescued from isis speaks exclusively to cnn. that's coming up. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead.
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as it considers whether to indict a police officer for the fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager. michael brown's family hired the doctor to conduct a separate autopsy. we have the details on what the jurors will hear. >> reporter: the doctor's testimony isn't the only forensic account of michael brown's death grand juries will hear. they will take in to account the official report completed by the st. louis county medical examiner. each report reached similar results both concluded brown was shot at least six times. both show brown had a gunshot wound to his right hand. but where they differ is key and how it is interpreted could make a huge difference the case. the county report states materials were found on michael brown's hand, quote, consistent
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with products that are discharged from the barrel of a firearm, in other words probably gun residue on brown's hand. >> the significance of that wound is great. >> reporter: the doctor is a professor of forensic science at john j. college. >> i would say it is consistent with gunshot residue and supports the contention of darin wilson there was a struggle for the gun. very close in shot. >> reporter: ferguson's police chief told cnn in august officer wilson was hurt during the struggle. >> the officer was take on the the hospital and treated for swollen face. >> did you see the office earer's face? >> i did not. >> he said he did struggle not for the gun to get away from him. >> the officer reached out and grbed his arm to pull him in and now the officer is pulling him inside the car and he's trying
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to pull away. at no time the officer said he was going to do anything until he pulled out his weapon. his weapon was drawn and said i'll shoot you or i'm going to shoot and in the same moment the first shot went off. >> reporter: as for the final moments whether brown had his hands up to surrender or charging at officer wilson there are conflicting eyewitness accounts the grand jury will have to consider like the forensic evidence in this case much is up for interpretation. >> no question about it. you have to interpret it. some people will interpret it differently than others. that's why this is an adversarial system. this is an art, not just a science. >> reporter: jason carroll, cnn, new york. >> it will be tough to call that grand jury decision. evidence could go either way. a mother in florida has been reunited with her five-month-old son after she spent time in jail for giving him soy formula.
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you didn't mishear me. he had lost weight and the doctor ordered him to go to the hospital but she vegan and refused and tried to supplement her breast milk with soy formula. she was arrested for neglect. the judge returned the baby to her custody on wednesday. >> i'm so excited, ecstatic about getting him back. this whole thing is a nightmare and i can go back to bag new mom about bonding with him. i'm very happy. >> there's no case. there's no abuse or neglect. there's simply a doctor who has been challenged by a mother and who didn't like it. >> it is not over yet. markham faces criminal charges in the case. > . >> okay. it is bitterly cold across parts
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of the ice and if you think it is cold now just wait. we are joined with the details. it is going to get a lot worse. >> a lot worse and not going to improve for a long time, john. good to see you. the conditions across the u.s. at this hour, about 146 million people experiencing subfreezing temperatures at this hour. kind of puts it in perspective of 50% of the united states, closing in on 50% of the united states population dealing with these brutal cold temperatures. of course it will settle in to place and the steering currents don't plante plan to shift much the next couple of days. it will sit there and usher the coldest air of the season in and potentially the coldest air for the month of november in several decades. look at the temperatures from wyoming. 32 below zero celsius, which is 25 below zero fahrenheit. the average is minus five celsius.
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25 below zero fahrenheit. 50 degree difference in what they experience and what they should be experiencing. the trend goes all the way down to denver with historic low temperatures for this time of the year. 20 below zero and look at these conditions travel an issue, especially in the northwest. we are seeing reports of some snow possibilities around portland, oregon. quite unusual this early in the season. that could slow you down a bit in that area. we are talking about 20 below zero, i always say protect the pets, pipes, plants, the things to watch for this time of the year. at this point looking at the southern united states where the national weather service across these areas has warned 30 million people of extreme temperatures ahead of them the next couple of nights and temperatures subfreezing celsius. more news with zain and john coming up shortly.
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welcome, once again, to our viewers in the united states and around the world. >> let's check the headlines this hour. nato says russian tanks and air defense systems, artillery and troops are on the move this to ukraine. they deny they crossed in to the territory despite a cease fire fighting in the southeastern part of ukraine has recently intensified. also, ro testers outraged over the disappearance of 43 mexican college students staged a fiery protest on wednesday. protests have grown since authorities say gang hitmen confessed to murdering the students and burning their bodies. mexico's ambassador to the u.s. said the search for the students
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will continue. supporters of same-sex marriage saw two victories on wednesday. a supreme court decision makes kansas the 33rd state to have legal same-sex marriages. a federal judge struck down a ban on the unions in the state of is south carolina. the attorney general said he will appeal that decision. >> now some senior obama administration officials tell cnn the president has ordered another review of u.s. policy toward syria. officials say that is after realizing that isis may not be defeated in syria without first getting rid of bashar al-assad. the u.s. has been staying out of syria's civil war by limiting air strikes there simply to isis and other groups. we see why that may change. >> reporter: it seems the initial strategy to confront
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isis in iraq first and then take on syria needs re-examination. the administration had hoped this would give the u.s. time to vet, train and arm a moderate syrian rebel force that would go after isis and eventually assad's regime. officials realize they do not have that kind of time. the opposition is battling two fronts. the regime and isis and this could be obliterated by the time the u.s. pivots from iraq to syria. >> isis was born out of conflicts in iraq or syria where it ploex ploited government control trying to establish a radical islamist state. extremist groups are known to force children to serve as soldiers. isis is no different. bragging about what it calls the cubs of the islamic state. we spoke to one young man who was raised for the cause and rescued. here's the interview.
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>> it has fertilizer, es explosives, tnt and slal nell. >> reporter: those are not the words of an adult. under the scarf worn to conceal his identity is a 15-year-old, an isis child soldier. on a daily basis, he was strapped in an explosive belt, issued a pistol, an ak. he joined isis willingly. both he and his father were with the al qaeda linked group and when isis took over their area they swore allegiance. for a month, he says he and another 100 child recruits were isolated from their families, forbidden from seeing or even speaking to them. they underwent intense religious endoctrination, embedding their young, impressionable minds with the radical islam and military
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training. >> we crawled under webbing. there was fire above us. and we would be firing our weapons. and then we jump through large metal rings as the trainers fired at the feet. telling us if you stop you will be shot. >> reporter: with his training complete, he was assigned guard duty. his mother begged him to leave. >> i would tell her this is jihad and all of must do it. >> reporter: two weeks ago, yasir's father decided to defect and tricked his son to come with him bringing him to turkey. >> i asked why are you doing this? what happened and my father said they are not on the right religious track. >> reporter: yasir admits he was afraid the explosive belt he wore would accidentally detonate. the first time he witnessed a beheading, he did not eat for two days. he appears to have a gentle demeanor and seems lost in a twisted mental maze.
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initially saying he wants to go back to isis. >> my friends and buddies are all there and they would pay me $150 a month. my father 1,000. speaking to them. they underwent intense religious endoctrination, embedding their young, impressionable minds with the radical islam and military complete, he was assigned guard duty. his mother begged him to leave. >> i would tell her this is jihad and all of must do it. >> reporter: his father decided to defect and tricked his son to come with him bringing him to turkey. >> my friends and buddies are all there and they would pay me $150 a month. my father 1,000. >> reporter: later he tells us he regrets having joined them. he has a chance to go back to the arabic and math-loving school boy he was. that might not be the case for others trapped in the grip of isis terror. cnn, turkey. we will stay in turkey where american sailors were roughed up by an angry mob. the turk i youth movement is claiming responsibility. this happened near a port in istanbul and as pentagon correspondent barbara starr reports it does not appear to be a random act.
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>> reporter: the attack begins with anti-american slogans shouted at three u.s. navy sailors on shore leave in istanbul, turkey. >> you declare you are a member of the u.s. army and now because we define you as murderers, as killers, we want you out of our lives. >> then they throw objects, red paint and 20 men swarm them, shoving, grabbing. [ chanting ] and then they put bags over their heads. the sailors put their hands up and do not resist. no one comes to their aid. the turk i youth union and
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anti-government group claimed responsibility putting out a statement saying, in part, bags we put over american soldiers are for the nations from palestine to syria. >> they went to a place where they expected to see american sailors. they were carrying banners with them and photograph with them and their group's emblem. they had the bags with them. this was cloerly something planned. >> reporter: the incident, especially sensitive because it happened in turkey can. a nato ally the u.s. wants help from in the war against isis in next door syria and iraq. the besiege syrian city of coe banny within eyesight of the turkish border. the u.s. has been pressing for the use of turkish basis and have turkey host training of moderate syrian rebels. it comes as the u.s. strategy and coalition commitment is being called in to question. pentagon leadership will face a
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republican-dominated house armed services committee hearing. >> i don't think the white house administration is totally in tune with what needs to be done. >> reporter: republican patience is running out. >> but i want to hear from them is what they are going to do to fix the strategy. >> reporter: as for the navy sailors the navy leadership is applauding them for keeping their cool and not doing anything to further escalate the situation. still they had to have been traumatized. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. >> the leave for sailors for the trip were cancelled the rest of the day. ethics chief is expected to reveal details of the long-awaited investigation in to the bidding process for football's 2018 world cup in russia and the 2022 tournament in qatar. the author of the report campaigned for details to be made public as concerns have rocketed over allegations of corruption. the investigation took one year
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and involved more than 75 witnesses. fifa investigating itself. should be interesteding. a startling picture for one country in particular. we will look at the children who are left orphaned by this disease. an attention grabbing window display is stir ing up debate over what has been a taboo topic. and later, trapped in the walls of an apartment store for three long days. >> oh, my. >> rescue workers say they think he got stuck.
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up in ebola cases have mostly levelled off except in sierra leone. the death toll for the region is 5,000. >> it's continuing to rise. asean's alex thompson has been talking to villages near sierra leone's capital. in his latest report he visits children who have lost their parents to this disease. some of the images may be disturbing. >> reporter: this area outside of freetown was a notorious ebola hot spot. as we achive, the chief is talking about no touching, the etiquette of life or death. unicef are here to deliver aid
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packages to a new phenomenon, the ebola orphans. it breaks your heart, but the brothers have made signs to help us identify them. mohammad how old are you? >> 15. >> reporter: all right. >> right size or not, it is, well, a start. but the boys are plainly stunned by losing mom and dad. suddenly terribly from nowhere just two months ago. >> dad got ill and mom cared for him for a while until he died. after that they quarantined our house but after a week mom died, too. i'll tell you, these are really hard times for us right now. how does 3-year-old comprehend that his mom will never hold him again? a short walk away and another
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four brothers without a mom, without a dad, living with foster parents. >> good morning. how are you? unicef some unpacking for them, too. this boy is 8, mohammad 4 and the other 3. they cannot begin to find the words for what happenedre happe exist. >> you misyour mama, daddy, your sister. miss brother. >> reporter: he says they shunned us and wouldn't let us buy anything from anybody. they all said we had ebola. then suddenly he says he wants to send out a message. ebola is real. ebola kills people.
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must stop shaking hand and stop body contact. we need it to move on because news reached us last night. we filmed mohammad on monday morning feeling sick, he said. no ambulance had come. we had talked again yesterday. he was iller now, in great pain, still no hospital bed available. therefore, no ambulance would come. today when we went to the village, we knew there would be no talking. he had succumb to ebola at 5:00 p.m. a long, agonizing public death because the world can still not provide the beds for people here. his wife, they said, has fled. another serious hazard. and all around his body in the dirt the stains of the bodily fluid through which ebola is spread on contact. the lack of beds makes this hazard public.
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there is no cordone, protection or safety protocols out here. and for him no hope. >> our thanks to alex thompson from itn for that report. a powerful mudslide in italy killed one man and seriously hurt another. water tore through the hillsides uprooting trees and trapping car cans. flooding an mudslides in northern italy claimed at least four lives. one official said some towns received 20 centimeters of rain in just 12 hours. that's about six inches. >> looks like brazil is having the opposite problem. if you love coffee you are about to find out you hate weather in brazil. the biggest coffee exporter is enduring the worst drought in 80 years. that puts a serious dent in coffee production and has driven prices to the highest level in two years. that's why your morning cup of coffee gets more expensive.
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let's find out what is happening in pra zil. we are joined with the weather details. >> this is a similar setup to what we are seeing across southern california in a lot of levels. the drought being the worst in 84 years. southern california experiencing the worst in 100 plus years in the region. this is the largest city in brazil. it has a population of 19 million. los angeles 18 million. los angeles is pushing in to the exceptional category of drought. precisely what is going on in this region. brazil produces fresh water and with that still experiencing historic drought. we have had heavy rain in recent days. yet to put a dent on what is going on here and of course the water is essential to sustain biodiversity across brazil. i want to show you what is happening in southern europe.
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saw some video john was talking about the flooding and landslides that have occurred in italy. several storm systems in ten days moved through the region. the next round moves in to portions of western turkey to the greek isles and going to have more rainfall on top of the fully sach rated soil. travel across the region, who let the fog out? minimal delays. fog the concern across the board from sofia to madrid. prague 15 to 30 minute delays. winds problematic. that being across dublin. quick glance here. look at this video out of minnesota. you are seeing volunteers getting $10 an hour. the social media folks at the university of minnesota saying you want to earn $10 an an hour, minimum wage is $8 an hour. a little extra money there and help with the heavy snow that has come down in recent days. more news coming up shortly.
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welcome back. a window display at a mall in venezuela is grabbing shoppers' attention and generating debate as well. two charities outfitted mannequins to look like, get this, pregnant schoolgirls and they are happy with the controversy. they say their teen pregnancy rate is one of the highest in south america and they want to spark discussion about sex edge indication. the display will be up for a month and may be extended to other malls, as well.
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interesting way to highlight the issue, but there you go. >> okay. police in long month, colorado, are trying to figure out how a man got stuck in a department store wall, yes, the wall for three long days. our affiliate kddr has the story. >> reporter: these dramatic pictures from the longmont mall show a man pulled out. they call thinking someone was trapped in the dumpster but they found a man trapped in a small hole here and begging for help. >> once we figured out where he was and how to get to him it was 15 minutes. >> while the rescue didn't take long police are trying to figure out what he was doing at the marshall's to begin. >> they think the man fell in to a hole through the store's roof. we tried to reach him at the hospital but he didn't want to talk to us. shoppers said it had to be a
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nightmare. >> i couldn't handle three hours, or three minutes and definitely not three days. i don't understand how it happened. >> not sure what he was doing on the roof. there you go. if you think scientists are dry and nerdy, wait until you see how they react to their success at catching a comet. jeanne moos has the comic side of the mission. >> reporter: if you were landing something the size of a washing machine on a speeding comet, your face would look like this, too. that's the flight director with his hand on his mouth, wiping his forehead. >> how audacious. how exciting to dare to land on a comet. >> reporter: it was like the movie "armageddon" or "deep impact," minus the astronauts and instead of coming to destroy a comet, it came to study one. >> science fiction has become science fact. >> a bullet hitting a bullet.
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>> humanity has caught a comet. >> reporter: this is how it looked the moment that european space agency sooins scientists learned they caught it. for a second they became almost too giddy to go on. >> we had -- we can't be happen pier than now. >> reporter: so giddy they dropped the mic. [ applause ] the flight director didn't just drop a lander on a comet can, he dropped an "f" bomb in italian. even "star trek's" captain kirk sent good wishes. >> i'm so excited. >> and the lander tweeted its arrival, touchdown, my new address, 67 p. that is the designation emblazoned on a t-shirt. they know how to throw a watch party. you don't hear nasa talking about a comet like this. >> we are moving in for the
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kiss. >> that is because the comet stinks from mixtures from ammonia and hydrogen sul fied. do i hear it singing? that's what the scientists cause noises from the comet that their instruments picked up. a special google doodle celebrated the successful landing. >> wait a minute. this just in. we are hearing the space agency has chosen the next mission and this one requires landing in unbelievably difficult terrain. forget the tale of a comet, inspired by newly released photos of this other worldly object. the agency will attempt to touchdown on a tale of kim kardashian. talk about a celestial body. jeanne moos, cnn -- >> how audacious. >> cnn, new york. >> thank you for watching cnn. >> we love kim k. appreciate you being with us.
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a possible new strategy in the war against isis. why president obama may be focused on taking down bashar al assad. happening right now. president obama tackling tough topics with world leaders in asia from trade to human rights. we are live with what the president needs to accomplish this morning. a daring rescue caught on camera. window washers dangling oh, so high in the air. what they had to say when it was over. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm john rm
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