tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN November 14, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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don't do it. >> i agree. >> an apology. 10 million people already in it. that is a big weight on the other side. >> you can follow us on twitter. join us monday in "the situation room." thank you very much for watching. i'm jake tapper in "the situation room." ebof starts now. "outfront" tonight, ferguson on edge. when the grand jury speaks, will ferguson streets erupt. disturbing new details on how the world's most dangerous weapons are decaying. and the american tv dad, allegations for bill cosby getting new life through old media. can his reputation survive? let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm don lemon in for erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, ferguson on the brink. tonight it appears that the
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people of ferguson, missouri, are preparing for a manl or fight. gun sales have spiked, police are stocking up on riot gear. businesses are boarding up and schools set to shut down. all of this in anticipation of unchecked violence in the wake of a grand jury decision on whether to indict officer darren wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. that decision expected to come at any time and earlier today a spokesperson for the st. louis police officers association told cnn that as violent at ferguson streets have been, he is anticipating the worst is yet to come. >> i keep hearing this myth perpetuated that this is a peaceful protest. there were attempts to kill police officers every night in ferguson after the shooting of michael brown and i expect far, far worse. >> sarah sidener is "outfront" in ferguson, missouri. so sarah, what preparations are under way now. >> reporter: most of the folks that are preparing, they have
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already prepared. like the businesses where the initial unrest have began, and almost every single business has boarded up with the exception of one or two. there are a few businesses near the police department that have decided to board up. there are folks going out and getting three days worth of water and food. but there are a lot of people in this town, about 21,000, and some folks are waiting to see what happens, not thinking it will be as bad as everybody keeps predicting. however, you still have the nightly protests. they've been going on now for more than 90 days and the protesters say, look, we've been mostly peaceful throughout all of this and, yes, they acknowledge there could be a few in the crowd that decide to do things like loot or riot, but there are folks here who have been protesting every single night and they are residents here and some of them said we are going to try to stop anyone who plans on doing violence because they have to live in this town afterwards.
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we also were able to have a conversation with one of the members of the st. louis county police association. and that association and that police department has taken over for much of the detail in dealing with the protesters. and here is what he had to say about what happened before, and the changes that they've made since. >> certainly there are incidents from the first period of civil unrest in ferguson where we may look back and go, you know what, there are things we can tweak and modify. we are very willing to do that. and we've made changes. and our chief has instructed us to make changes and we're doing those things. but remember, the protesters and the individuals that are out there causing a lot of problems, not the peaceful protesters, for clarity, they don't have to abide by any rules. they can do whatever they want. >> reporter: and that is who everyone is worried b. not the peaceful protesters or the
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majority of the people coming out to the streets and expressing their problem with the justice system. but those who come that intend to use this as an excuse to be violent or loot, that is who a lot of folks are worried about. don. >> sarah sidener reporting from ferguson, missouri, thank you, sarah. i want to bring in the attorney for michael brown's family, benjamin crump. i have to ask you, it has been said in the time before a decision is announced, that the family of michael brown, the officer of course and maybe some of the law enforcement agencies would get some advanced notice of timing. do you know anything about the timing of a decision? >> we've been told we will get notice before the decision is announced. how much time we're not aware. the one thing we do know, family members of of michael brown, many got nrts to the schools that -- got notice to the schools that they have a pass code to tell them if they will
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have school on monday or not. so that is some indication. >> and so have we heard anything about school on monday, or not? >> we haven't heard anything. only that they got passwords and they'll be notified. >> because there was some indication from some that we had heard here at cnn and not sure again that this is anything official, that there may be a decision this weekend, as early as this weekend. have you heard anything about that? >> well it is a jury deliberation. so when they start deliberating, you don't know how long they will deliberate or when they will start deliberating, but we are anticipating the witness testimony is done. so we think we are getting to the end here. >> so you think you are getting pretty close then, is that what you are saying? >> yes, sir. getting pretty close to getting a decision. >> i want to ask you this and i know it is not your intention to spark violence, it is your intention that there be peace here. so yesterday you said that everyone has a right to trial by
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jury and that in our system, you're not guilty until proven innocent. after that statement we heard from a lot of people saying you didn't offer the same due process by officer wilson by accusing him of executing mr. brown following his death. what is your response to that? >> oh, very simply, don, you want him to get his trial by jury. just because somebody says something. think about all of the things they said about michael brown, the dead, unarmed teen-ager. so i think it is fair for him to get his due process, but also we need michael brown to get his due process. and if he gets this indictment, he's going to have a chance to have the best lawyers, he's going to have the best defense possible. but if he is not charged, you do look at -- to michael brown's family and say where is there due process, where do they get chance to have justice for their
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unarmed son that was killed. >> if the grand jury decides not to indict officer wilson, are you concerned that the statements you have used in the past and again yesterday claiming that he had his hands up when he was shot will only incite more anger and violence? >> well the fact is, don, seven witnesses said he had his hands up. there is forensic evidence that supports the witness statements and how many times have young kids of color been killed and it was swept under the rug and nobody had done nothing. and on the record, we are telling everybody they want them to be constructive and peaceful. and remember, don, this is going to be a defining moment not just for the state of missouri, but all of america. and we all have to act on our best behavior. but it is troubling to us to keep watching our children get killed and it is swept under the rug and everybody says it is okay. it is not okay.
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it hurts. and we want to change this system so we have to find a way to have some positive solutions. >> and listen, i can't imagine what it is like for any parent to go through that, regardless of the circumstances, but the reason i ask you that question is because the family pathologist said it was inconclusive as to whether brown's hands were up when he was shot. so what evidence do you have that suggests that brown was surrendering when he was shot. you talked about the eyewitnesses, but what other evidence do you have? >> well, dr. baden has said over and over again, it is a couple of things. the autopsy won't tell the whole story. we have to take into account the witness and the body is a moving object and so if the witness said it was like this here and you have the trajectory of the bullets here, then you can start logically making conclusions. and so that is what tells this tale. and dr. baden, you are going to
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find, is very convinced, when his testimony comes out. we can't get into the substance of his testimony because he took an oath, but i think after the grand jury comes back with their decision, he will be able to elaborate for you, don, and anybody else who needed to understand why he feels that this backs up the witness statements, these independent witness statements. >> if the officer is not indicted, are you going to abide by what -- how the process is played out and the decision that the grand jury reaches? >> you know, we have to, don, because we have a system of laws and we have to respect the elected officials. but i want to say this. if we keep doing things the way we do them and expect different results, then that is the definition for insanity. if we keep having local prosecutors who have this sim bee onic relationship with the local police department sit in
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judgment every time they kill one of our children, it is like the game is fixed even before we begin. and it is not fair and not right. we need a special prosecutor who can give due process to michael brown, jr. and the unknown michael brown jr.'s because this happens all over america, every day. and nothing is changing. we have to have positive solutions. the video cameras will be a start. instead of buying more military trucks an military gear, we need to get video body cameras, this proposed michael brown law passes and that will be a step in the right direction. >> thank you, sir. i have to go. as you know we have limited time. i appreciate you joining us here on cnn. thank you again. >> thank you so much, don. >> and i want to bring in dr. sarah we can and dr. clinger, from the university of missouri at st. louis and a former officer with the l.a. police department. good evening to you gentlemen.
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i'm going to start with you doctor wick. when last we spoke, you said you would vote to indict officer wilson sthaxt wilson, is that a rush to judgment when we don't know a lot about the struggle inside of the police car and there are conflicting witness reports about what actually happened on the street? >> don, whatever happened at the police car was not relevant to the subsequent seven shots that were fired from some distance away. so michael brown may have been 100% at fault in that scuffle. you then have to move on to the subsequent shots. and my statement was based on, and i will repeat quickly. two shots until the arm and the forearm that exits in the back and the front and a shot in the upper arm that enters in the front and exits in the back. there is no way you can have those two shots with the tr
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trajectories moving up wartd fired by a 6 foot officer against a 6'5" victim unless the arm is in an upward position like this. you can't have the arm down with upward trajectories. and you have two in the chest that are downward and two shots in the head that have a very downward trajectory. put that together and i want somebody to tell me another scenario whereby those shots could have been fired without michael brown being initially in a standing position like this and then falling forward and then falling forward more and then landing up dead prone. >> doctor -- the reason i ask you that question is because the forensic pathologist hired by the family said it was conclusive -- inconclusive that his hands were up and you're giving a different account by reading the same piece of the evidence. if you two, respected forensic
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pathologist, cannot come to a consensus, how can one expect a grand jury to do so. >> i'm not carrying on a movement and i'm not living in st. louis and you asked my opinion and i gave you my opinion. i wasn't going to try to evade it in some elusive fashion. i gave you my opinion and it is based upon the forensic analysis of those shots. >> i understand that. >> not what the various witnesses -- >> and i understand that. if you two are at odds, that must be tough for a jury, and i'm not trying to be argumentative, can you understand a jury to understand, when they are not experts or forensic pathologists. >> i understand that well. i've been involved with jury trials for 52 years and i appreciate your comments and you are right on target. and by the way, i want to skrks how is it known what dr. baden has testified to in the grand jury? i thought it has not been
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disclosed and yet people are saying that dr. baden said -- he said it was inconclusive, back then when he did the autopsy. do we know what he testified to here two days ago there in ferguson? i'm not aware of that. >> yeah. >> so secondly, michael baden is a friend and a colleague and we've been together for 50 years and we've been on cases on the same side and we've been on different sides. >> okay. >> i understand that. >> you have to understand too, i have limited time here. and david has been sitting by very patiently and i want to get him in since we invited him on the air. david, we know michael brown was shot, some say seven or eight times during the encounter with officer wilson. is the number of shots reason enough to indict this officer? >> absolutely not. police officers around the country are trained to shoot until it is over. so running with the scenario, where he had warrant to use deadly force to stop an attack. if it takes five, six, seven
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bullets to stop somebody, you don't stop until the threat is ore. and when i was a young police officer, i was able to resolve a situation with a single shot but the individual kept trying to fight with a knife, trying to murder my partner and stabbed him in the throat and we were able to control him so we stopped shooting him. but if the officer has a reasonable belief to be his life is in jeopardy, he can start shooting. when it is not, he can stop shooting. >> thank you for joining us here. thank you both very much. "outfront" next, subs, bomber and ballistic missiles decaying. and bill cosby looks to fan his reputation on social media
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major problems for america's nuclear program. outdated equipment, lack of necessary supplies, that is from a shocking internal review of the aging nuclear program and now chuck hagel wants to overhaul this crucial part of the u.s. military and inject billions of dollars into the programs' deteriorating infrastructure. tom forman is out front, tonight. >> in the dangerous world of nuclear missiles and strategic bombers it is hard to imagine a simple hand tool could be a problem. but the pentagon review found supplies were so neglected, they were sharing a single wrench for more than 400 missiles. >> how did they do it? >> by federal expressing the one
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wrench around to each base and they were creative innovative and made it work. but that is not the way to make it work. >> the pentagon is acknowledging many troubles. including insignificant details and ignoring serious issues like leaky hydraulic seals on aging missile blast doors, making it impossible to close them properly. a culture of inefficiencies, micro management and daily shortages in qualified personnel and funding. and even badly out dated helicopters being used to service operations. choppers that came into service under president nixon during the vietnam war. >> we have taken our eye off the ball here and if we don't fix this, eventually it will get to a point where there will be questions about our security. >> officials say the problems grew in part from the fighting in iraq and afghanistan. which forced the pentagon to
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choose between sending resources to battle or to the nuke program. >> when you have to make a hard choice like that, you are going to support the war fighters and make it as best as you can. >> still embarrassing lapses has resulted, like last year when a missile bay door was open while one crew member slept and other went for food. and reports of missile officers cheating on proficiency tests. >> fixing this is not going to be cheap. there is no question about that. the military spends about $15 billion to 16 billion a year and they say that will have to move up by 10% and even then, don, they say it will be a good number of years before the damage is undone. >> tom for man, thank you very much tonight. just how at risk is the nation's nuclear arsonon. four star general wesley clark is here. he's "outfront" with me tonight. and there have been two reviews and more than 100
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recommendations, how concerned are you about the state of the nation's nuclear program? >> i think you have to have confidence in the reviews and they pointed out very real problems and they should be corrected. but, don, what we are not hearing is the efforts in the mode modernization of the nuclear force that will be necessary to protect the u.s. deterrent against chinese and russian modernization of their nuclear forces. and even though we don't want to admit it and we don't want to face it, there is kind of a nuclear arms race that has restarted, both from russia and from china. >> interesting. i have to ask you about this because jake tapper just interviewed the former navy s.e.a.l. who claims he killed osama bin laden and he talks about how he expected to die on that mission. here it is. >> there was two of us left on the stairs going up. we knew we had to get up there because they were doing something, we assumed rigging explosives, vests, to blow
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themselves up. so when we went up, my thought wasn't of oh, we're about to shoot this guy and be heroes, my thought was we're going to blow up and let's get it over with. and we went there with the thought to do that. and we thought we will die if he blows up and so will he. >> and his name is robert o'neill and he's speaking out and others have leaked details about the mission. is what he did any different? >> well, i think we put our servicemen in special ops in a different position because they must be asking these questions. but when we set up the special operations command and these forces, we want them to be totally secret and undercover and for a time we copt menti-- couldn't mention the name of the organization. it is up to the administration and the leadership at the top to decide how much information should be released. people that come into the service under that. they are told they have to keep it secret. and then if a decision is made
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at the top to release certain details, well okay, you have to live with it. i feel really bad for o'neill and the other man who are there, because they can see the information coming out, it is very meaningful to them, there is some extraordinary heroism and skill involved in the operations, they often don't get personal credit for it, and that is part of the job as they signed up for it. but still, the safety and success of the missions rests on the secrecy of the technology and the tuck sne-- techniques. we should keep that in mind. general wesley clark. thank you very much. have a good weekend. >> thank you. outfront next, the president defying congress and going it alone against a republican majority. is another shut down on the way. and plus bill cosby under fire. how a social media stunt led to allegations of rape. ♪
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major fight with congressional republicans since democrats suffered major losses in the 2014 mid-term elections. and republicans rbts going to let the -- the republicans aren't going to let the president proceed without a fight. dana bash "outfront" tonight. >> reporter: from his trip half-way around the world in asia. >> i will use all of the lawful authority that i possess to try to make the system work better and that is going to happen. >> reporter: that is going around kog and issuing an executive order allowing millions of undocumented immigrants to stay illegally. republicans are united in opposing the move, calling it a declaration of political war. >> there are a lot of people on our side that think he is trying to bait us into some sort of fight. >> are you going to take the bait? >> well, are we going to fight this? yeah. >> but there is no gop consensus on how to fight it. far from it. some want to use the congress main constitutional weapon, funding the government to stop
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the immigration policies. >> we'll look at things like using the power of the purse. >> reporter: but many republicans are resisting, since the last time they used government funding to stop an obama policy, it spiralled into a government shut down. >> i personally think that is a losing strategy. it certainly didn't work with obama care. >> reporter: another gop idea, take the president to court for executive overreach. >> what we should do is engage in litigation. >> reporter: but proving abuse of power is tough. republicans are already trying to sue the president on obama care and having trouble even finding legal counsel to push it. beyond the power struggle -- >> this president is out of bounds on this issue. >> reporter: and the open question is how did it come to this. why haven't house republicans attacked immigration legislatively. >> it hasn't happened in the six or four years you've been in charge. >> well maybe the time is right. we'll see what happens. >> exit polls from last week's election show a majority of some
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status for undocumented immigrants but most republicans represent conservative districts. in fact three quarters of house republican districts have latino voting populations of less than 10%. and the thing to keep in mind is there is a healthy group of republicans, even those without latino populations in their districts want to find compromise. and i talked to many today who said they thought was now finally the chance to convince fellow republicans to come along, but their hope for that will be blown up by any presidential executive order. >> oh, my. thank you, dana bash. now it is time to discuss it. let's go out "outfront" with jose antonio vargas who chronicled his own life as an undocumented life in america. and derek morgan, serving as counsel to vice president dick cheney. and this would be for 5 million
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immigrants. >> hopefully more. >> but that is the question. there are nearly 12 million undocumented immigrants. do you think this bill is comprehensive enough it. may not cover all of the immigrants. >> it is not comprehensive enough. but what the republicans are saying to do, to do nothing and stay in the status quo. it is not an either/or type of situation. the president wants to act. and it is time to act. every day he doesn't act a thousand people get deported. >> so what is a better solution. >> for the president to announce his executive action as soon as he can so no person that doesn't deserve to be deported is not deported and then congress to actually pass a bipartisan bill that is permanent. because nothing the president does will be permanent. >> but you realize this will not go on without a bite. you saw dana bash's story. and they are unlikely to pass a
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comprehensive bill, and there is little consensus among the republicans on what can be done where is the common ground here. >> one thing is for sure, if the president does an executive action, it will compromise that and other things. it is ill legitimate. a majority of people don't want him to do it, including hispanics. but he should work with them and -- >> why did you flinch when he said hispanics. >> this is in the amnesty. whatever the president does is temporary. that is what reagan did, and so it is you'd eric, what does that mean? >> amnesty is when you don't enforce the law and he is saying he will take a group of 4 to 6 million immigrants. >> undocumented immigrants. >> and he's not going to enforce
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the law. >> enforcing the law, you mean the same president who just deported more than 2 million people. >> the president himself has said the statistics that the left is throwing around about deportation is misleading and they are. [ overlapping speakers ] >> he started to turn people back at the border and call the deportation when they are not. >> let's talk about this. these are the exit polls and you are talking about numbers being thrown around. the exit from the 2014 mid terms show 57% of voters favor a path to legal status of undocumented immigrants. they don't want deportation. and then 35% of voters who want a path to legal status andter and they are republicans. do republicans need to change its stance. >> more than 70% of the people said they didn't want the president to act on his own like he would be doing and well over 50% of the hispanics agree he should not do this on his own.
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>> and there is a histic or statute for presidents to issue executive orders. ronald reagan did it in the 80s. there is legal precedent to do it. >> ronald reagan worked with congress in 1986 for the amnesty of illegal immigrants and we should learn from his lesson and stead was a mistake. >> let him finish and then i'll let you. >> if this was a brand new argument and we said how do we try to deal with people here illegally, and we never tried amnesty, it would have merit. we see what happened in 1986, we have an amnesty of 3 million immigrants and now we have over 12 million immigrants. >> i'm a person. i'm not hoar illegally. what do you want to do? what do you want to do with us? >> i think the solution has to be the same thing promised in
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1986. in 1986 they said they would try a one-time amnesty and in exchange we would secure the border and have workplace enforcement. >> how many dollars do you want to spend on border security. >> spending is not the issue. it is a matter of will. will the president work with state and local governments. >> i think we are getting far afield. as we move on, what will happen when the president says he will do something executively. >> yes. and he needs to do something. >> and you believe this is going to be bigger. >> this is really sad that this gets so overly politicized and a thousand people get deported every day who belong in families with american citizens in them. >> derek, i'll give you the last word. >> president obama had a philli buster approved senate and he didn't do anything for years and now he is rushing to do an amnesty that is costly and won't work and illegal immigrant. >> thank you to both of you. appreciate it.
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>> "outfront" next, bill cosby made a living making people laugh. but there is no reason to laugh after allegations of rape. >> they thought this was a tiger, but that was a faux paw -- paw. the story is ahead. so,as my personal financial psychic, i'm sure you know what this meeting is about. yes, a raise. i'm letting you go. i knew that. you see, this is my amerivest managed... balances. no. portfolio. and if doesn't perform well for two consecutive
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and the phones are free. comcast business. built for business. rape allegations come back to haunt america's favorite tv dad bill cosby. for years multiple women had accused him of sexual assault. but when the 77-year-old comedian posted a challenge on twitter this week, to caption him, a few classic cosby photos, he got more than he bargained for. labelling him as a rapist. >> and last night i interviewed barbara bowman and she was 17 years old when she met him. >> how do you think he drugged you? >> i never saw any drugs but i would wake up completely conf e confus
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confused, half dressed and knowing that my body had been touched without my permission. >> bill cosby has repeatedly denied the allegation. cnn reached out to his representatives for comment and they have not yet responded. so joining me to discuss this is criminal defense attorney mark guerra goes. thank you for joining me. we talked about this last night. you have defended a lot of big stars. michael jackson among them. it is a challenge for someone like bowman to go up against a beloved public figure. and you also mention kesha as well. >> yeah, it is a challenge. the thing about her interview last night with you was that there were several things that she said that do seem to resonate and i think ring true. and that is the troubling part about all of this. and i think one of the reasons that it has got some traction. >> i also spoke with her, mark. i asked why she didn't take any
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legal action and this was her response? >> why didn't i? well i tried. i told my agent one time. she did not believe me. i -- a friend of mine in '89 took me to an attorney and he laughed me out of the office. at that point nobody would believe me. he was doctor huxtable, america's dad. everybody loved him. i wanted him to be my dad. and nobody believed me. >> she was 17 years old. do you believe a 17-year-old or do you believe bill cosby? >> well, don, i think part of the problem and you mentioned kesha, resonates the same thing she says when you have someone that is young and this disproportionate type of power among the person that is doing the accusing and the predator. it is a very difficult situation. it is very tough. i've been on both sides of this and i can tell through is no
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easy answer to it. >> what do you do, mark, when there is no evidence and no rape kit and almost 30 years later? >> the thing about it is the law has developed over the years because we recognize as a society at least that these things can happen. if there is somebody that you have made a doctrine of fresh complaint, you've told somebody at the time, in real-time. that would be hearsay and not allowed in. now we have carved out exceptions in the law so that will come in. and so if she has people who she told in real-time, even when she was 17 or 18, a lot of times that will come in to try to tend to corroborate what she is saying. >> this all started as part of the comedian who talked about it and made fun of bill cosby, calling him a rapist in his set and then it was the social media mean thing. but if you look on social media, people like to make fun. that is what they do. but if you look at comments from
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news stories, many people will say, you know what, why 30 years later? i don't believe her. he is a famous man and he has money and she's out to get something. she hasn't asked for money. >> she hasn't asked for money. and i think we talked about this a little bit before. i don't mind having been on both sides of this with people having a healthy skepticism. i think that is part of what you want in say society that values a presumption of innocence. but at the same time when you look at the motivation and what are the motivations, is it to just get a quick, fleeting type of fame and get your name out there, or is there some other reason? is there something else to trigger it? so those are the questions you have to ask and i don't think you belittle the people asking the tough questions. >> absolutely. and this has gained momentum because she's not the only one who has made accusations that are similar. thank you. >> i agree with you, don. >> thank you, mark ger agoos.
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and a massive search in france after a cat is spotted near a top tourist destination. and scandals have led to a steep drop in the number of catholic priests. lisa ling on what drives a man to still decide to wear the collar. . getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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all right. pay attention to the tv. check this out. a town on edge, steps from a top tourist destination. a mysterious wildcat still on the prowl near disneyland, paris. more than 100 police and military forces spent two days searching for the animal. residents are warned to take caution. there have been several sightings of the animal. first thought to be a tiger. based on photos and paw prints, officials believe it may be a lynx, one of the most endangered cats on the planet. jeff is out front to confirm. does this look like a lynx to you? it would be rare, if it is, jeff. >> wait a minute, disney world is the top tourist destination in france? it's one in the world. >> it is, yes. i love disney world.
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this is an intriguing story. we are talking about what could be a lynx. this is a creature limited in western europe is limited to two protected areas in spain. total population, 250 animals, incredibly rare. >> it's near disney land, disney world, same company in paris. could it be dangerous? >> well, it's -- it's not so small, but it's not so huge. they give this creature in proportion to something like a cocker spaniel. it is 20 to 30 pounds, three feet in length, a tie any tail t. primary source of food is rabbits. it's nocturnal. unless your kids are wandering through the woods at night in france, they are probably pretty
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safe. >> here is what the mayor of the town said. he issued direction of what to do if you encounter the animal. keep calm. don't run. don't shout. step aside. move away back wards, maintaining an eye on the feline. take shelter in a room or vehicle and call emergency services. easy for him to say. >> my goodness. i don't know if they are looking for lynx or taking a dui test. this is very complicated. you know, here is my opinion. this is a creature that would have to be -- if it's truly a lynx-sized creature, a small bodied cat, you have to be in a tremendous -- that has been mall would have to be stressed, diseased, injured or old to attack someone. but, that's good advice. i think the good message is, if you see the creature, give it space and call the authorities. >> all right. i'm jealous you are on catalina.
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thank you. >> i'm about to go diving. >> whatever. thank you. enjoy. >> bye. up front next, lisa ling on the young catholic man who is turning to priesthood. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic,
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introduces you to a number of young men drawn to priesthood. >> 26-year-old father gary has just been assigned to his first parrish in central michigan. >> in the name of the father, and of the son and the holy spirit. >> amen. >> be with you. >> the chosen people. >> when i first arrived, i looked young. they are like you are the father? i thought it was funny. >> the number of priests, this is an industry in crisis. >> having young men choose to do that, give up everything life provides. you found men who have chosen to accept that calling. >> yeah. i can't think of a profession that has been scandalized more within the last decade. you have have to be hiding under a rock not to have known about
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the scandal in the catholic church. you would think young men would want to run in the opposite direction. when i asked why? why would you want to enter this profession that has been so scandalized, a couple of them said that is why. we want to step up to the plate. we want to try and help the church and there's a need for middle easts. in a way, they are rebelling against status quo and against all the criticism the church has gotten. >> what about celibacy. that's why they don't go. do they believe pope francis will go along a path he seemed to start to tread is perhaps priests can marry in the catholic church? >> when i visited sick people with the priests and saw that amazing comfort that they brought people in their moments of deepest despair, some could argue that's better than sex, to be able to give people that kind
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of comfort. it's remarkable. >> it's a beautiful way of putting it. looking forward to seeing that, thanks. don't miss it, sunday at 10:00 eastern. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening, i'm john berman in for anderson. tonight, the two window washers rescued above new york city speak out. we look at how risky their job is. they are some of the bravest workers on the planet. a feline that alluded a huge search outside paris. the suspect has been downsized from a tiger, but an estimated 175 pounds, that's what they are saying. it is definitely a big cat. but whose cat? we begin with the man who is taking credit for killing osama bin laden. in doing so, he's enraged many of his former navy s.e.a.l. brothers, not to mention top
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