tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 14, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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of comfort. it's remarkable. >> it's a beautiful way of putting it. looking forward to seeing that, thanks. don't miss it, sunday at 10:00 eastern. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening, i'm john berman in for anderson. tonight, the two window washers rescued above new york city speak out. we look at how risky their job is. they are some of the bravest workers on the planet. a feline that alluded a huge search outside paris. the suspect has been downsized from a tiger, but an estimated 175 pounds, that's what they are saying. it is definitely a big cat. but whose cat? we begin with the man who is taking credit for killing osama bin laden. in doing so, he's enraged many of his former navy s.e.a.l. brothers, not to mention top brass. many are calling him a traitor
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for breaking the code of silence they hold so sacred. what is more, how the raid went down is disputed by some comrades. tonight, we have a response the backlash has triggered. the 2011 raid on the compound in pakistan was more than a sensitive mission. immaterial was the mount everest of commando operations. a team of 25 s.e.a.l.s breached and fought their ware inside the three-story building. osama bin laden and his family lived on the top three floors. that is where team six was headed. he told his version of what happened. >> we started them on the first floor. at the end of the long hall, the first was a barricaded door. it was a sign someone important was inside. the guys ahead of me, they used their methods of entry.
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we started going up the first floor to the second floor. on the way up, they said if we see him, he is the last line of defense. he was armed. so he limited the threat there. continued up to the second floor. i was about eight guys, oh, the eighth guy back maybe. the guys in front of me, except the one men started to secure that threat. i moved by way up to the second position behind the first man. he was pointing upstairs to the third floor. there was a curtain on the top of the floor and movement behind it with unknown silhouettes. he was getting concerned they would have explosives or rigging something. he was letting me know, not me, but the guy behind him know. it turned out to be me there was a threat at the top of the stairs we needed to go now. i wanted more people. he was spot on. i gave him a squeeze on his
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shoulder. i went up behind him. the unknowns turned out to be females. he sort of grabbed on to them and pushed them down the hallway, falling on them to absorb the blast he knew was going to happen. he gave his life for the guy behind him to get a shot. from there, when he pushed the women, i turned to the right into a doorway. it led to a bedroom. in the bedroom was osama bin laden a matter of feet in front of me. he had his hands on his wife's shoulders. he was not surrendering. he was moving. based on the level of threat of him not surrendering, i engaged him, i shot him twice in the head. he fell on the floor, i shot him one more time and killed him. >> did you get a sense of him like this is the world east most evil man or was it, this is a coward, just another guy? what did it feel like? >> the sense was recognition. an id of him, then he's a threat. then i had to shoot him. it wasn't the first time i had
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done that on a target. at this point, it was a target. i recognized the threat and the individual we were after, which was osama bin laden. i engaged. >> a sniper friend of mine wants to ask you, what did it feel like? >> at that minute, it was just, it felt like that was the initial threat i had to take care of. there were more threats. threats are potential unknowns. there was a woman and a child. i wanted to put them in a place they weren't in danger. there were other spots that needed to be cleared. it wasn't until the room was cleared and more s.e.a.l.s were in the room. a friend of mine came up to me, put his hand on my shoulder. i said hey, what do we do now? he smiled and he said now we find the computers. i said okay, i'm back. that was quite a thing that just happened. >> fascinating. kate tapper joins me along with former navy s.e.a.l. who was, by
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the way, one of the few journalists who ever interviewed osama bin laden. he went into the compound after osama bin laden was killed. this was a terrific interview. o'neil said he thought he was going to die on the way there and through much of the mission. i was also struck by, when you asked him what it felt like to actually kill him. he said it was part of the job. >> yeah. >> i'm wondering what struck you? >> so interesting, as you point out, that he thought they had a 90% chance of not coming back. that was his thought as he was on the blackhawk headed to pakistan. 90% chance the pakistanny military was going to shoot them down. 90% chance the compound would be hard wired. the idea that before he went into that room, he was stealing himself for bin laden to be there and covered with explosives. he went in thinking this is how
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i'm going to die, but it's okay, because bin laden is going to die, too. then it turned out bin laden did not have explosives on and he shot him. i thought that was telling and said a lot about the willingness of our troops, our service members to do things that they know may very likely result in their death or mutilation. >> peter, there have been a lot of questions raise d about o'neil's account. if it's true, you are one of the few people that have been in that room where bin laden was killed. does his version of events square with what you saw? >> it's not consistent with what i saw. i was there in daylight, not with a fire fight going on. there was no electricity that night, no moon. people with night vision goggles. i'm not a forensic investigator. what i saw is very consistent
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with what he said. that said, there's a distinct account, which is not his account, it's other people on the team that i have spoken to or spoken to others. at the end of the day, i don't think anybody is lying. i think these are -- it was a very confusing situation. when there's a car accident, people have very different accounts of what happened. this is the world's most wanted man. three fire fights, a helicopter down. the whole event we are talking about probably took ten seconds from first seeing bin laden to him being killed. so, you know, at the end of the day, we are never going to settle who actually killed bin laden. we have o'neil's account. he's very clear. i spoke to him yesterday in detail about it. it was his shot that killed bin laden. others on the team who say something different. >> jonathan, you bid on missions. does this sound like any of the missions you have been on? was this ordinary in the sense of how it was performed or
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extraordinary? >> i mean, just from the nature of this mission and the amount these guys practiced this mission, there was nothing overwhelmingly big about this particular mission, maybe the fact it was going into pakistan. definitely the fact of the high value of the target and the way and secrecy it was practiced over and over again. the actual mission itself, i'm sure o'neil has done hundreds of these missions. that's the type of missions s.e.a.l.s do. >> we are going to talk about whether it's right or wrong for him to come forward. i'm going to ask about he's talking about the mission in some detail. he's talking, giving details about how he did his job. does that concern you? >> well, it concerns me in a couple of ways. one from a legal standpoint. you know, when you look at national security, anything that is classified, whether it's classified secret to top secret
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and on to the other classifications. these are things that will injure the nation if these secrets are given. they can injure the nation. so, it is alarming that some of these things are out there because it can put troops in harms way. when you tell how long it takes to get from, you know, one base on target, they know how long they have to actually carry something out or maybe there's a base, for instance, in a certain location they flew from and to that certain people didn't know about before. some people may. when you say it's 90 minutes in the air in this direction, they now know that or the fact they are looking at certain things when on target. he said multiple times they were arranged in this way, so they knew there was a high value target there. there may be some enemies that don't know that. >> jonathan, jake, peter, stick around. we are going to play more of the interview ahead. the controversy surrounding the fact he came forward.
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in just a moment, you are going to hear more of jake tapper's interview with the navy s.e.a.l. that claims he killed osama bin laden. matthew was the first. he wrote about it in the raid "in no easy day." he, too, has been vilified for breaking the silence. leon panetta said s.e.a.l.s are bound by the promise not to reveal details about sensitive operations without being cleared. breaking that compromises the
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military's ability to go after enemies. we pick up there with the interview. >> my response to that is, this mission, in particular, there was never a right now i'm going to do this. i never met any of the families of 9/11. i went to donate a shirt at the 9/11 museum and memorial. i thought we would be in there, get a quick tour and be out. there were about 209/11 families waiting for me. i gave an impromptu speech and talked about it for the first time. to see the response of these people, women with their heads in their hands, men bigger than me crying, saying it was closure for them. this helped the healing process. i realized that this is a pretty unique situation and i think it would be irresponsible of me, if i can help this many, i can help more. i thought if i figured out a way
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to tell the story with respect for the tactics for the safety of our troops and for the department of defense, if i told just my portion of a story that is already out there, if it can help people, they can look someone in the eye that knows the guy responsible for 9/11 is dead, i think it's worth it. i think i have taken those steps. >> as you know, there are members in the military who don't think you should be talking. i want to share with you some criticism from a soldier friend of mine, again, from him, not me. i solicited questions from troop friends. why can't he shut the hell up and be a quiet professional like s.e.a.l.s are supposed to be. what is your response? >> there are things i'm not talking ant. it's important for the families. more versions, different parts of the story were seen that i didn't see. it's important to get it out there. this mission is very important.
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>> mark owen, he wrote the book "no easy day," he's facing a criminal investigation for a book. you have not written a book, but the pentagon is, i'm sure, watching every word. are you concerned about a prosecution, them taking issue with you for violates, in their view, the non-disclosure agreement. >> it does concern me. if it comes up, i will address it. i did it in a way that doesn't violate tactics or rules. with him being criminally investigated, it bothers me he's being treated like a criminal, i think he's a hero. >> do you think you are a hero? >> i think i was part of a team of heroes. >> some of your defenders say look, president obama, the white house, the administration, they talk a lot about the operation. they took political credit for the operation. they cooperated with the makers of "zero dark thirty" about the film. secretary panetta wrote a book.
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what do you think about that view? >> i don't want to use someone else's behavior to justify mine. the plan i came up with, i think it was the right way to deal with it. with the administration admitting stuff that happened and the team did it, i don't have a problem with, either. sometimes an administration needs to let the world know, yes, we can do it. we will come get you and we have the capabilities to do so and the soldiers to do it. >> how do you want history to remember rob o'neil? >> that i was fortunate enough to be part of the greatest team ever assembled. fortunate enough that the team was picked by the president to take on the most daring mission. we were the end of a long, long time of grieving. when president bush said -- we were everybody on the mission. the port authority police department, nypd, fdny.
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i was able to be part of that is the greatest honor that's ever been asked of me. >> jake tapper joins me with jonathan gillham and beeter bergman. jonath jonathan, what do you make of the organizement that it's okay for him to break the silence. he owes it to history. history needs to have this story out there. what do you make of that? >> when you join the s.e.a.l.s team or any team, you have to subscribe to the ethos of that team. you have to believe what they believe, otherwise, if you go outside of that, you are going to cause animosity and that breaks down a team. you know, for him to come out, when there's still teammates and i would say the majority of teammate that is do not want this out there and really the whole navy that says, hey, when it's time to release this, we'll release it legally and properly. you know, that just kind of goes
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against what he knows is the correct way. >> what about leon panetta and others who are telling the story and writing the books? >> it's important to realize the ethos goes all the way to the top. whether the president or vice president realize it, they are a part of a big team. for panetta to criticize him, which he did in the interview and turn around and do what i consider worse than what he's doing here, i mean, they all need to realize national security can enter -- just because you think it's okay to release it,itis not okay. your job is not just to be an operator or secretary of defense. your job is to protect the information you have been given because they think you are capable of having. >> peter, you had a chance to talk to a number of people who are part of this team. at this point, what is their opinion of o'neil? >> i think their opinion is there were 21 other guys that night, but none of them have
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come forward. i'm going to slightly disagree with jonathan. at the end of the day, we spent billions of dollars on operations as american taxpayers. when we have a big event, there's nothing wrong with the public finding out some details about it. when panetta wrote his book, it was cleared by the agency. they scrubbed it for anything that was classified or might affect national security. the others are going outside the normal channels. they haven't cleared their, comments with the department of defense. that's important. the idea that we should shut up about anything to do with the operation, we live in a free society. we pay a lot of money for it and we live in an information age. people were live tweeting the raid. the idea we are not going to say anything about it is inplausible. >> can i say something? i don't disagree with you. i will say national security secrets are there to protect the
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public. we live in a free society. people need to know a lot of things we do. they need to realize, not everything needs to get out because they want to know what it is. leon panetta, when he's an executive, he needs to set an example. i wasn't talking about his book, it was about the movie. >> jake, how does history receive this. you asked robert o'neil how he wants history to remember him. you have written history yourself here. how do you think he will be remembered and how do you think the military down the line will teach about him? >> well, i do think that him coming out and mark owen coming out, they are causing real problems, especially owen because of his book. o'neil, giving interviews is a different matter because he's not specifically profiting at all and says he's being careful about what he's disclosing. i think there's two different kinds of history going on. one is, first of all journalists
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are horrible judges whether somebody should be talking. we want everybody to talk and tell us everything. that said, i think history will look at o'neil and owen as people supplying information. on the other hand, within the military, within the military, i think, that owen and o'neil, there's a lot of discussion going on right now about how to prevent that from ever happening again. what can be done about it. i think that's one of the reasons there is a criminal investigation of owen right now to make sure the precedent isn't set and that's for military minds to decide, not me. >> fascinating discussion. it was a great interview. thanks so much. great to have you here. >> good to be here. set your dvr to watch 360 when ever you like. next, the window washers
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that were rescued from 800 feet in the air. they talk about their experience and how they got through it. also ahead, no one knows if this is a tiger or lynx or some other kind of 175 pound giant cat. but, it's on the loose near paris. take a closer look at your fidelity green line and you'll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a wide range of investment options... and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals -- and what you're really investing for. tap into the full power of your fidelity green line. call today and we'll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity rollover ira. really. it's not worth it. no worries. i got this. ♪ i got all the time in the world ♪ (vo) a 2.7 gigahertz turbo processor.
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the window washers stranded dangling on the tallest building in new york have quite a story to tell. it ended with firefighters pulled them to safety. on the ground, they spoke today about what they were thinking about as it unfolded and whether they will go up again. miguel marquez reports. >> i'm very happy i'm here in the united states. god bless america. god bless -- >> reporter: juan, 41-year-old father of three expressing a lot of love today. happy to be alive after surviving a harrowing experience. dangling nearly vertically for 90 heart-stopping minutes. 68 stories above the ground, off the side of the northern
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hemisphere's tallest building, one world trade center. did either of you have a cell phone? if you did, did you call someone? who did you call and what did you say? >> yes, when it stopped, i got my phone, i called my wife. i said something happened. it's out of my hands, okay? i speak to you, i'm okay. >> reporter: new york city, not easily impressed, held its collective breath for him and his parter, 33-year-old, juan lopez, father of one. >> in the beginning, it was panic and pretty much survival, instincts for a few minutes. >> reporter: they had been cleaning the south side of the building since early morning. just afternoon, they were ascending, cleaning as they went. suddenly, the left side began to
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sink. they knew something was wrong and hit the emergency stop. >> first, the emergency stop. that didn't work. i just grabbed on, hold on and hope it wasn't going to fall over. >> fire officials say they believe it may have been a powerful clamp at the top of the building that failed to keep the cable on the left side from going slack. >> i don't know for sure. usually, there's a friction device that will grab. i think that gave way. i think that's what happened. i don't know for sure. that's what commonly happens with these. >> reporter: when they saw the firefighters on the other side of the thick glass, they knew they would be safe, they just didn't know when. their training kicked in. >> i know this job, safety number one. no story here. >> reporter: as for returning to the window washi in ing heights
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manhattan. >> there's interior jobs as well. you can work from the inside. i'm sure they will need us for that. i'll be there. >> reporter: miguel marquez, cnn, new york. >> obviously the window washer job is not an easy one. weather conditions have to be taken into account. the low temperatures, high altitudes. "the new york times" documentary, shows the danger and the beauty as three immigrant window cleaners work on chicago skyscrapers. first, take a look at a clip from the documentary. [ speaking foreign language ] >> the film maker now joins me. on wednesday, we saw the men dangling up in the air, 68 stories up, it was scary,
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terrifying. it's a terrifying job, at least from the outside looking in, to begin with, even when something doesn't go wrong. i was surprised to learn one of the hardest parts of the job isn't dealing with the danger, it's cleaning the windows. >> one of the surprising things is, they spent a lot of time training to learn to squee gee and get it perfect. they take a lot of pride in doing their job well. the process of being up on the building and repelling down is something they learn later. >> wednesday was a nice day when they were caught up there. i suppose it's never a nice day to dangle 68 stories in the air. they don't always do it in good weather. >> correct. the men i filmed do it in cold weather. they put alcohol in the water so it doesn't freeze so they can work in the middle of winter. the biggest danger, i think, is the wind. especially in places like chicago and other cities where they are repelling down. there's a, you know, a big
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chance the wind can knock you into the building. >> when you did the documentary, you were not allowed to go with them on the side of the building, but you went to the top and looked down. >> it was great to see chicago from that vantage point. >> it's an industry by immigrants and a family business. >> they talk about this family secret. they talk about how, you know, when they learn how to window wash, they are trained by cousins or uncles. they come from different parts of the world. they often join their family members here and that's how they learn. they learn on the job with family members. they also, a big part of why they do the job is for family, to support families here in the u.s. or overseas. >> in a workplace safety is an issue in many professions. in this profession, workplace safety means you could die if something goes wrong here.
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i'm taken by the fact that's a subject they do discuss. how do they talk about that? >> they are aware of the dangers. i mean, i saw them cross themselves every time they go to the side, they cross themselves. they are aware of the danger. they have a sense of it being for a reason. >> we have a clip from the documentary. let's listen. [ speaking foreign language ] >> they really say if they die, they hope it happens on the job? >> yeah. yeah. and, yeah, i was really struck
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by just how connected they are to their families. >> amazing. in the press conference we heard from the two men who were hanging up there at 68 stories above the ground. they said, you know, they may go back to the job. one mentioned he may do windows closer to the ground for awhile. what do you make of that? >> sounds like a smart call. >> thanks so much for being with us. >> thank you. >> as always you can find more on next, the story of a remarkable young woman who, with the support of family and friends made a brave decision. she was severely injured in the boston marathon bombing. after 17 surgeries she decided it was time to break up with her severely damaged left leg. her spirit just amazing. >> they thought it was a tiger on the loose near paris. now, they are not sure what it
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is. a french feline mystery, coming up. really. it's not worth it. no worries. i got this. ♪ i got all the time in the world ♪ (vo) a 2.7 gigahertz turbo processor. kevlar fiber durability. turbo charge for up to 8 hours of battery in just 15 minutes. introducing droid turbo by motorola switch now and get $150 credit.
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women, a 27-year-old whose courage and positivity you will not soon forget. she was injured in the boston marathon bombing. after enduring 17 surgeries, 17, trying to repair her severely damaged left leg, she made the decision to have it amputated. this week, she posted a break up letter on facebook wishing her leg the best, but saying she would be cutting it out of her life for good. yes, her sense of humor is very much intact. she is being treated in texas. >> first of all, how are you doing? how are you feeling? you look great. >> thank you. everybody would expect me to say i'm not feeling well after i just got my leg chopped off. honestly, i feel amazing right now. i probably feel better than i have felt in the last 18 months. >> is chopped off the technical term? do they use that term in the
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hospital? >> no. >> okay, good. >> they use amputation in the hospital. >> okay. all right. i just wanted to check. i wasn't up on my medical knowledge, but i was sure that's not what they call it. the decision to amputate your leg, can you take us through how you got there? i know the last few years have been difficult for you, 17 different operations. >> yeah, i mean, when the marathon bombing first happened and i was in the hospital and the possibility of amputation came up, i kind of told the doctors, hey, look, my leg is just a leg, it's not my life. to me, i'm blessed to be here. if you need to amputate it, you can. 17 surgeries and two external fix say tors and, you know, an ankle fusion and metal plates and rods and all the stuff later, it doesn't work any better than it did. the decision was always there, i
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just finally decided, you know, hey, this is time. we have to amputate now. >> you wrote a break up letter to your leg. it's gotten a lot of attention and i think it's an amazing idea. you posted it on facebook. i feel like you are holding me back from reaching my full potential. you are talking to your leg. it's probably tough to hear me say, i never lied to you and don't plan to start now. i need something you can't give me. the empathy you require, i can no longer handle. explain the idea of writing that letter. >> it's really funny. i didn't realize this was going to be such a huge deal to everybody. i wrote it in about three minutes. it was my way of saying, you know, hey, this really is a break up. here is a part of my body, a piece of my life that i have had the last 27 years, but it's not doing me any good. when i think about it, it's kind of like a bad boyfriend.
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there's all these reasons you have to get rid of him. so, i wrote the letter. everybody thought it was funny. so, i'm glad that everybody could get a kick out of it. >> i saw a photo you posted on facebook. owe wrote the most cliche, you wrote it's not you, it's me. >> yeah. >> i think i have used that line multiple times. it was great. >> right. see? everybody has used it before. it was just, i mean i used humor in everything. i try to be positive. even with this, i wanted to make it something that wasn't a sad thing that really was a celebration for a new beginning. yeah, i wrote that on my leg. >> you even gave your leg one last pedicure. >> i did. i felt like it was appropriate. you know, i always get pedicures. my mom and doctor made fun of
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me. every time i go into the doctor, my feet are perfectly pedicured. it's something that is important to me. so, even in the hospital in boston, when i was laying there and couldn't move, my mom had to do my toes for me. i had to be nice to it and give it one last pedicure. >> i know you have made a list of all these things now you want to do. i read you decided to run the boston marathon next year. >> i will at least run the 5k and definitely run across the finish line as a new start and new beginning for me. definitely the next year, i will run the whole thing. you better believe it. >> have you always faced challenges like this? have you always been so determined? >> i have had a lot of challenges, i would say, in my life. all these things prepared me for getting blown up. i think had i not faced
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different challenges maybe i wouldn't have been as positive. i'm definitely glad i am. i can't be anything other than blessed. i have seen the hearts and souls of america through this. i have a wonderful support system behind me. you learn from every challenge and you grow as a person. i have done both of those things the last 18 months. >> rebecca, it is great to talk to you. it's made my week. thank you very much for being on the program. >> thank you as well. >> i wish you nothing but the best. >> thank you so much. >> what a remarkable young woman. coming up, not a lion or a tiger, definitely not a bear. so, what is it? it's a very big cat, on the loose. we take you inside the search, next. with my andi can...m tracfone, order more shaving cream. pay the electric bill. keep towels piping hot. get kids to sit still. play beard styling tunes. learn new razor tricks.
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stay inside until the suspect is caught, for real. randi kaye has the latest on the search. >> reporter: one fuzzy photograph is all it took to set off a feline frenzy. we spotted it in the woodland behind me, he says, thanks to the forces that have been mobilized. it all started thursday, when a woman saw the big cat on this mound of grass east of paris, near disneyland. one of europe's most popular tourist attractions. her husband spoke to french tv. it's true, we are not used to running into a tiger when coming into work in the morning, he said. the animal was in the middle of the mound so we can suppose it was at five or six meters from her when she got out of her vehicle. immediately, residents in nearby towns were advised to remain indoors out of fear the big cat may attack if threatened or hungry. >> i think he's more afraid.
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>> if i saw the tiger in the street, i would run. >> reporter: french authorities are clearly ready for anything. some 140 soldiers now reportedly on the hunt. more than twice as many as the day before. the clever cat has been spotted in the brush and animal experts identified paw prints. they found this print in the mud. this in the grass. meanwhile, helicopters are buzzing over head. media reports say the beast, yes they are calling the cat a beast, is likely contained in an area about the size of four or five soccer fields. it's believed to have crossed a major highway, then pussy-footed across a gas station. i have just been briefed by the security forces, the mayor says. apparently the tiger was seen close to the total station on the outbound side of the a-4
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motorway. it was also spotted by truck drivers. search teams are armed with rifles and tranquilizers. this french lieutenant says there are two options, either we neutralize it or kill it. if we think there is a threat to public security, we shoot it. but, what is it? first, it was a tiger. then, perhaps a lynx. now, officials say maybe just a big cat based on the paw prints. what kind of cat? the national board of wildlife and hunting says whatever it is, it doesn't pose a threat. the cat reportedly weighs 175 pounds and was most likely someone's private pet. unless someone comes forward to claim the feline, paris will remain on edge, hoping this story has a purrfect ending. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> yeah, she just did that.
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up next, anthony bower dane on his trip. a preview of "parts unknown" coming up. [ male announcer ] over time, you've come to realize... [ starter ] ready! [ starting gun goes off ] [ male announcer ] it's less of a race... yeah! [ male announcer ] and more of a journey. and that keeps you going strong. at unitedhealthcare insurance company, we get that. with over 30 years of experience, we'll be there -- ready to go as far as you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- and could save you in out-of-pocket costs. you'll also be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. call or go online today to request your free decision guide. go forward with passion. and never settle for good enough along the way.
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this weekend here on cnn do not miss "parts unknown." he will take us to jamaica for a taste of the island life. there are two, the real one that most jamaicans live in and the tourist paradise. he recently talked about it with anderson over plates of food at a restaurant in new york. >> we sort of wanted to acknowledge -- look at the question of who is jamaica? who gets to enjoy paradise? who gets access to the beach? who gets to own the beach? it's an incredibly beautiful country. there were pockets with sugar plantations and british families and movie stars with enclaves
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there. ian fleming, where we stayed. i stayed in his room. yeah, i felt pretty good about myself. there's a grotto there. >> is there? >> it's every boy's dream to have one. stay in james bond's suite, then find a grotto with a little bar. interesting. i fell in love with jamaica, deeply. the property was bought by blackwell. >> is it a hotel now? >> it is. it's a very poor, divided country. it relies on tourism. we just sort of, we like raising the questions. who should own paradise?
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whose is it? >> joining sunday night for a tour on "parts unknown" at 9:00 p.m. eastern and pacific on cnn. more happening tonight. randi kaye is back with a 360 bulletin. >> the nearly seven week manhunt cost more than $11 million. frein faces terrorism charges. he admitted to shooting two officers to wake people up. a mayor charged with aggravated homicide in the disappearance of college students. he is the probable master mind of the crime. more than 300 million miles from earth, a spacecraft that landed on a comet this week drilled into the rocky surface. it is now napping. the batteries are out of juice with no sunlight available. the european space agency says
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it sent data back before. >> thanks so much. that does it for us. thanks for watching. "this is life with lisa ling" starts right now. >> this is the story of a controversial experiment to create geniuses that began 30 years ago. >> robert graham, an eccentric millionaire who believed the brain power of the human race was in decline had a solution. selectively breeding for intelligence. >> press got wind of it. people went up in arms. this is tampering with god. >> hidden amongst us are over 20
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