tv The Situation Room CNN November 18, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm PST
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>> life is like a box of chocolates. you never know what you're going to get. >> reporter: that is, if you get a box of chocolates to begin with. >> that's it for "the lead." i turn you over to wolf blitzer. he's right next door in "the situation room." wolf. four rabbis, three of them americans, are murdered while praying as palestinian attackers turn a synagogue into a slaughter house. and we're just learning that an israeli police officer has died of his wounds. the u.s. has pleb plenty of fire power when it comes to pounding isis but does the u.s. have enough drones? we're taking a closer look at the growing shortage in the sky. north korea's charm offensive. it's not working at the united nations where the communist regime suffers a humiliating defeat over human rights abuses. and the big chill. with winter a month away, all 50
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states see subfreezing temperatures, yes, even in hawaii. and there's now 6 feet of snow near my hometown of buffalo. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." let's get right to the breaking news. horrible images from a jerusalem synagogue where two palestinians armed with butcher knives and a gun attacked a group of worshippers killing four rabbis, three of them u.s. citizens. a hospital official says a fifth victim, an israeli police officer, has now died of his wounds. all funerals were quickly held for the rabbis. israel's prime minister ordered the demolition of the attackers' homes and because of the american connection, the fbi is now on the scene investigating the attack. our correspondents, our analysts, newsmakers are standing by with full coverage and i'll speak with the israeli police spokesperson. let's begin with our senior international correspondent ben wedeman joining us from
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jerusalem. his report will con tame some very graphic images. tell our viewers, ben, what has occurred. >> reporter: what occurred is just before 7:00 in the morning, wolf, as these worshippers were in the synagogue in west jerusalem when two palestinians from east jerusalem, the neighborhood burst into the room where they were praying. these men were armed with butcher's knives and a pistol. and we understand they started to -- they shot and they started to stab the worshippers in there, killing four of them. three rabbis. one was a british israeli national and three were u.s. citizens. moments after the shots were fired, israeli police were alerted and they were on the scene within seven minutes. now, the pick tures that are coming out of that slaughter really are disturbing.
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blood all over the place, all over prayer books, it's really the worst attack in jerusalem in six years. in jerusalem, mourners watched in grief as the rabbis' bodies were carried outside and a massive crowd gathered for their funerals. this, in the wake of terror, in the house of prayer as two palestinian cousins wielding butcher knives and a gun. four rabbis were killed, three of whom were dual u.s. citizens. six were wounded before police shot and killed the attackers inside the synagogue. it was the worst attack in the city since 2008. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu vowed to, quote, respond with a heavy hand.
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>> translator: those human animals that committed this massacre came with great hatred and incitement against the jewish people and its state. >> reporter: netanyahu ordered the attackers' houses be demolished. signs of the grisly chaos. a holy book, floor and walls splattered red and a shattered pair of glasses. palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas condemned the bloodshed. >> we strongly condemn this incident and do not accept under any circumstance attacks on civilians. >> reporter: president obama urged calm. >> i think it's important for palestinians and israelis to try to work together to lower tensions and to reject violence. >> reporter: but in gaza, celebrations as revelers
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brandished axes and showed pictures of the two assailants. the attackers, from east jerusalem, they do not believe was part of a larger organization. the sus terrorists worked on their own and planned the attack ahead of time. >> reporter: and, of course, now regarding this now the fifth victim in this attack, he was a police officer who apparently showed up on the scene and while he was trying to pull one of his female colleagues to safety, he was shot in the head and succumbed to those wounds this evening. wolf? >> ben wedeman with the latest from jerusalem, thank you. a series of violent attacks against a backdrop of incitement, are we seeing the start of a third palestinian anti-fattah or an uprising? let's bring in elise labott. how is the u.s. responding to all of this?
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>> well, you heard president obama, secretary of state john kerry condemning the attacks. they have both been concerned about the rising tensions between israeli and palestinians for months, wolf. and today, while also condemning today's terrorist attack, secretary of state kerry who just met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and mahmoud abbas in jordan called on orders to redouble their efforts. >> our hearts go out to all israelis for the atrocity of this event and for all of the reminders of history that come with it. this is -- simply has no place in human behavior and those who are going to lead, lead their people to a different place. >> now, secretary kerry suggested he's in agreement with netanyahu, the direct result of incitement by the palestinian leadership. secretary kerry, in addition to
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warning the palestinians, called for the temple mount and the u.s. urging israel to use restraint in its response not to demolish any palestinian homes as retribution because they believe that will only continue the cycle of violence. very worried that it's a power keg right now. >> does the u.s. believe this is -- described as a powder keg, a collapse of the palestinian peace process? secretary kerry worked intensely for a year to get it going. it went nowhere. >> that's right. obviously the u.s. is not suggesting any type of violence, especially of this horrific nature, but certainly the u.s. sees a much bigger picture here. there's the palestinian territories, too. you see settlers taking action against palestinians. now, wolf, all of the criticism against secretary kerry for his failed peace efforts, there was very little effort during that nine-month period of
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negotiations, secretary kerry warned that it would lead and meeting with secretary kerry this weekend warned the same. >> elise labott, thanks very much. let's go back to the jerusalem for the latest on this bloody terror attack and for what will be a very tough response. joining us from israel, the israeli police spokesman nicky ros rosenfeld. thanks for joining us. i know you're involved in the investigation. were these lone wolf attackers or was it a coordinated plot by a terror organization? >> what we've confirmed until now and that's been confirmed throughout the day is the two terrorists carried out the attack on their own. and we are looking to find out if they were familiar with the neighborhood and why exactly they targeted the synagogue and
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unfortunately they killed those four respectable rabbis who were there praying in peace and quiet. things have been developing since the attack occurred. six people have been in the hospital, four in serious condition. unfortunately, just over 20 minutes ago, the police officer who was shot in the head during the gun battle that took place was pronounced dead and therefore, until now, five israelis were killed in this terrorist attack here in jerusalem. >> so the question is, was the police officer shot in the head by the palestinian terrorists? is that right? >> that's correct. he was shot at close range as soon as they arrived at the scene, they were in the scene within eight minutes and after the initial dispatch the terrorist was shot and killed but then killed the terrorists.
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>> the pictures are gruesome. i want to warn our viewers, the pictures are very graphic and you can see the blood all over the place. these rabbis, were they killed with these butcher knives, with guns? how were they killed? >> the pictures that you are seeing is almost nothing in comparison to what was going on. it was much worse and much more brutal. the attackers entered inside using axes and armed with a pistol and opened fire in every direction trying to kill as many people as possible. when those rabbis were praying peacefully and in a respectable manner and obviously those terrorists worked it together, coordinated at arriving in the early hours of the morning, taking advantage of having blue identity cards so they could
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come inside jerusalem and clearly targeted the synagogue in the early morning attack. let's not forget what has been going for the last 24 to 48 hours, the incitement by the palestinian media and authority calling on terrorists to take advantage of the situation and carry out lone attacks and unfortunately this morning we saw the deadly results. five israelis sadly killed today. >> i want you to stand by. micky rosenfeld, we have more questions, including were those rabbis, one dual citizenships, were they targeted or did it just so happen that they were killed. stand by with much more right after this.
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let's get back to the breaking news. israel vowing revenge after an attack on a jerusalem synagogue. two palestinian attackers were shot dead at the scene. we're back with the israeli police spokesperson, micky rosenfeld. we know there was a hatchet attack in new york. there was an ax attack in d.c. a canadian soldier was killed in a hit-and-run incident. there have been all of these incidents. do you believe what is going on in jerusalem right now is part
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of this bigger problem that we're seeing, copycats and terrorists inspired by others? >> what we can see at the moment is definitely a sort of a trend or phase which we're going through here over the last two weeks where lone terrorists have been carrying out the attacks, specifically inside jerusalem. there was an attack where a soldier was killed in tel aviv. the lone terrorists are trying to implement attacks inside specifically jerusalem. our main emphasis at the moment is to get to the potential terrorists before they reach the streets and, therefore, police operations have been increased in the different areas both in and around jerusalem both by undercover units, special patrol units and border police and on the ground level in all of the public areas across jerusalem after this morning's terrorist attack, the more police officers not just around the israeli arab neighborhoods but in public areas, train stations, as well
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as the light rail which runs through jerusalem, more police officers are on the ground. >> how concerned are you, micky, that extreme israelis, and there's an element out there, might seek revenge now against palestinians? we've seen this before. >> well, the level of the terrorist attack that takes place -- and i want to emphasize that was carried out this morning by two israeli arabs, to carry out that type of an attack, someone has to be focused and fundamentalist to carry so many people in the sick way it was carried out. in terms of the revenge attacks and what we know until now, at least in jerusalem this evening, there was only a number of disturbances and protests that took place at the entrance of jerusalem. that was a low-profile, low-level incident. in terms of real threats of a revenge attack as of now, we haven't reached that stage and we hope that we're not going to
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reach that stage as well. obviously the israeli police are still concerned and are keeping their eyes open for that type of incident if it would possibly occur. >> was it just chance that the four rabbis, three of them had dual u.s./israeli citizenships, one was british/israeli citizenship, was that coincid t coincidental or were they targeted? >> the synagogue was targeted but specifically knowing the rabbis that were inside the synagogue, that they were foreign nationals, one was a british nal nal, we don't think that they knew that. but knowing that it would be packed and people praying where it was peace and quiet and praying three times a day, we
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saw the tragic results. >> in the west bank -- not in the west bank. in gaza, hamas supporters were praising the two that killed the rabbis and the police officer. in the summer when something like this occurred, the three israelis, the teenage boys were kidnapped and killed, it eventually resulted in the 50-day war in gaza and a lot of people -- more than 2,000 palestinians were killed in gaza. about 60 or 70 israelis were killed. how concerned are you, micky rosenfeld, that this incident could spark that kind of an event? >> in terms of the police perspective, we see it as a phase and more of a wave that is taking place and we're at the peak of that wave at the moment
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here in jerusalem. increased police operations and increased intelligence is our main emphasis in order to prevent further attacks from taking place. you cannot get to every terrorist, especially when these individuals, these fanatics are taking advantage that they have full access to every area inside jerusalem and then instead of going to work and coming home, back to their families, let's not forget, a lot of these terrorists had families with three children, with five children. so we can see that the profile of these terrorists are individuals, fanatics that are out there working on their own in order to support as many israeli casualties as possible. heightened security will continue. we're hoping that the peak of this period that we're in at the moment will gradually calm down and the tensions will calm down. we're doing everything possible both in terms of the ground level and different security organizations working together, coordinating, making decisions and we'll see those decisions implemented on a ground level over the next 24 and 48 hours.
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>> micky rosenfeld, israeli police, thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much, wolf. >> we'll have more of the story coming up. other news we're following as well, democrats, some of them, crossing the aisle as the senate gets ready to push ahead with a vote on the controversial keystone pipeline. an early winter. all 50 states are seeing subfreezing temperatures and there is 6 feet of snow near my home town of buffalo. plus, north korea's charm offensive turns out to be a flop at the united nations where the communist regime suffers a humiliating defeat over its human rights abuse. stay tuned. you're in "the situation room."
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i know, i know. listen, just get td ameritrade's rollover consultants on the horn. they'll guide you through the whole process. it's simple. even she could do it. whatever, janet. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. the united states now facing an historic blast of cold weather. all 50 states reporting freezing weather and a record snowfall with snow on the ground, get this, in over half of the country. we have team coverage on the unusually early winter weather. let's begin with chad myers. give us the latest. >> well, the blast is really blasting western new york right now. i know you're at my old hometown but 50 inches of snow in cheektowaga in one day. you go up to the airport where you lived, 3 inches of snow.
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that's a matter of about five miles. from lancaster to depew, 43 inches to 3 1/2. normally this gets south of buffalo but all of those towns to the south of buffalo that we're going to cut off, you're not going to get any circulation between buffalo and about pittsburgh or cleveland. the throughway is completely shut down. it's the cold air moving over the great lakes. when the air comes up and, remember, if you look at a lake, you'll see that steam come up in the morning. well, the steam is coming off the lake. it's getting into the clouds and the clouds are pouring all of that snow right into buffalo right now. it hasn't stopped for 24 hours and i don't see an end to it for another eight hours. it does end tomorrow but then, wolf, if you will believe it,
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another lake-effect snow event is about to set up for thursday, there could be some spots in western new york with 80 inches of snow before it finally stops. at that point, there's no place to put it. you can't just even throw the snow high enough to get rid of it. you have to wait for it to melt. >> 80 inches in just a few days. >> yes. >> reminds me of the blizzard back in the 70s, right? >> yes. from my house you could walk up the snowbank and get on the roof. i lived about six miles from where you lived. it all comes together right there and we had such a blast as a kid, as an adult, you don't enjoy it quite as much. >> i remember at my parents' house in williamsville, the snow is up to the second floor windows. i guess that's what people are bracing for right now. chad, thanks very much. the snowfall piles up in western new york. one county is declaring a state of emergency and issuing a
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travel ban while the governor is sending in the national guard. martin savidge is on the scene for us. martin, tell us what you are seeing. >> reporter: you come here south of buffalo and they are getting hammered. it's not letting up. and we've got maybe about 3 to 4th year since the firestation that is right there and the fire trucks can't get around it anymore. they have to use snowmobiles. ems staff is inside a vehicle. they come out and a snowmobile drives them and they go to where they have to go. but this is that lake-effect snow and it's maybe a swath about ten miles away but it's dumping this snow.
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travel bans in many areas. the national guard is coming out and in buffalo they are used to heavy snow. but even by buffalo's standards, this has people shaking their heads in disbelief and they wonder when it's going to end and the answer is not for a number of days. 70-plus inches in some areas predicted. tomorrow, maybe 30 more inches on top of that over the coming days. it's november. not january. this is buffalo, wolf. >> even by buffalo standards, this is awful as you're pointing out correctly. thanks very much, martin savidge, for that report. we're getting other breaking news into "the situation room." the national highway safety information calling for a national recall of defective airbags in millions of vehicles. rene marsh is here in "the situation room." she's got the information for us. what's going on? >> this is a major development. millions of drivers impacted by this news.
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a few minutes ago, the national highway safety traffic administration just announced that they are expanding this recall. this centers around the takata airbags. as we've been reporting, these airbags in some cases have exploded. the metal component has exploded and separated into pieces injuring in some cases some drivers and it's been reported other drivers have been killed by the shrapnel that shoots out from the airbag. originally or up until now, 8 million vehicles, 10 automakers were involved in this recall but it was very specific. regional. only hot and humid states. but just a matter of minutes ago, that changed. they are calling for a nationwide recall. if you have one of those vehicles, you now can get your airbag fixed. >> it's a mandatory recall, right? >> right. well, what they are saying is they are urging takata and the automakers to do this. obviously they can't make them
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but they say that's if they do not cooperate they will use all of the powers that they have to force them to do this nationwide recall. of course, the question is parts. they have parts for all of these vehicles. >> why are they doing this now? >> this all stems from one incident in north carolina. there was a driver of a 2007 ford mustang. the airbag exploded. metal pieces injured the driver but north carolina, not one of those hot and humid states. so now hearing that they said, wait a minute, we have to focus beyond the hot and humid states because we have an incident here that happened someplace else. >> good to know. rene marsh, thanks for reporting. just ahead, the senate is about to vote on the controversial keystone pipeline. president obama opposes it but a number of democrats are getting ready to cross the aisle. and could kim jong-un face an international court? the united nations took an
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we're watching two major political stories. right now, president obama has vowed to go it alone in immigration reform and may issue an executive order as early as this week. plus, on the senate floor, a vote on the controversial keystone pipeline. president obama opposes it but a number of democrats are crossing the aisle. >> congress has the authority -- >> joining us now is cecel cecelia munoz. assuming the senate passes this
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keystone pipeline legislation, will the president sign it into law or veto it? >> well, the president believes that the process should play its course. there is a process that is undertaken in the courts. the purpose is to cess out what the interests of the american people are. we'll be watching to see how that turns out. >> so, in other words, he'll veto it. >> he's a believer in the process and we'll see what the courts have to say. >> it's not going to take within the next 15, 16 days, the court is not going to make the decisions, the state department is not going to make the decision so i assume the president will veto the legislation, assuming it passes in the senate as it passed in the house. >> what we're saying is that those decisions outline what the impacts are going to be more the american people. it's important for that to be part of the issue. >> i'll take that as a veto.
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why did harry reid allow this to come up for a vote and so embarrass the president of the united states and force him to veto this legislation? >> that sounds like a question better aimed at the senate than us here at the white house. >> was it coordinated? did harry reid get approval of the legislation to come up? because all of this speculation, as you know, is doing it to try to help mary landrieu get re-elected in that run-off on december 6th. >> i think senator reid is in a better position to describe what his motives are than i am. >> we will ask him indeed. no comment from you on that. i know you guys are probably not very happy that the president would be forced into this veto. the other big battle emerging is immigration reform and the president has said unless congress acts comprehensive, some immigration reform between now and the end of the year, he's going to use his executive authority unilaterally and change the regulations right now
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in how the immigration laws are being implemented. but a year or so ago he said he wouldn't do that. listen to what he said a year ago. >> this is something that i've struggled with throughout my presidency. the problem is that i am the president of the united states. i'm not the emperor of the united states. my job is to execute laws that are passed. and congress right now has not changed what i consider to be a broken immigration system. >> all right. so he didn't want to do it then but now he's ready to do it. why is he going to do what he said he couldn't do then? >> so he was in the process of giving the house of representatives an opportunity to act. he gave them 16 months, in fact, since the senate passed a strong bipartisan bill with all kinds of support around the country. the president believes if we're going to fix this problem we need congressional action. they are the only ones that have
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an ability for permanent solutions here but at the same time, he's made it very, very clear, he's going to do what he can to fix something that is broken and he gave the congress and the house of representatives in particular 15 months after a strong bipartisan bill passed the senate and it's time for him to get on with doing what's right for the american people here. >> he himself repeatedly said over the past several years that he didn't have the authority to do it. he's not the emperor of the united states. he's the president of the united states. but now he believes he does have the authority? >> so he's asked his team, the secretary of dhs and the department of justice, to outline specifically what he has the legal authority to do and what he was responding to, wolf, was questions from folks in the community who wanted him to stop enforcing the law altogether. he does have the authority to act and he's going to use that authority before the end of the year. >> cecelia munoz, thanks very much for joining us. >> thanks, wolf.
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let's get some analysis. let's bring in our chief congressional correspondent dana bash along with our chief political analyst gloria borger. the implications of the keystone vote today and any minute now they are going to start the roll call. it passed overwhelmingly in the house and that will force the president to veto it. >> as you pointed out in your interview, this is all because of the democrats. the democrats are trying to save mary landrieu's seat in louisiana. the keystone pipeline is very important in that part of the world to the economy in her state. so it's the democrats who are forcing this vote. take a look at it this way. they could force the vote, president vetoes it. fine. he says the state department hasn't decided it how it comes out on this, there's legal proceedings under way in nebraska and he doesn't want to act ahead of that. but then if the congress comes back, as i believe they will, when republicans control both
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houses and say they pass it again and put it on the president's desk, he wouldn't necessarily veto it. maybe he could use it as a way to sort of cut deals with them on other issues. it becomes kind of a bargaining chip for him, a chip that he can use with the republicans. so in a way, yes, they are forcing this on him and he will veto it. but on the other hand, he can use it to his advantage at some point down the road. >> dana, we're waiting any minute now for that roll call to begin. what's the expectation? do the supporters of the keystone pipeline have the 60 votes they need? >> reporter: it does not look like they do as a democratic lunch a couple of hours ago i was told that inside the private lunch mary landrieu made a very impassioned plea to her democratic colleagues to support her on this, as gloria just alluded to. there's a very big divide in the democratic party and you do have a lot of red state democrats, a
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lot of those who could gain benefits from their energy producers in their states and who are pushing this. there's so much drama here. all day long, wolf, i and others on my team are trying to find out if mary landrieu has that 60th vote because you need 60 to pass. 59 senators are publicly saying that they will vote yes. we can't find the 60th. every potential democrat has said no. one democrat, dick durbin, who ironically is in the leadership and is from president obama's home state won't say. we're looking at him but it really is high drama, unclear how this is going to go down. >> it may not even save her seat, right? >> reporter: exactly. >> she could lose anyway. >> reporter: exactly. she absolutely could lose. the fact that the leadership
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allowed mary landrieu to have this vote and then block it is telling and could underscore one of the potential lessons from this last election, which is, so many of the democrats who lost because they were getting battered by the republican opponents because they voted with the president 99% of the time, well, part of the problem for those democrats is, they never got a chance to separate themselves from the president. that's now happening with the one democrat left on the ballot. >> very quickly, gloria, the president later this week could announce executive action to go ahead and change the immigration laws and we've been pointing out, this is a flip-flop for the president. here's what he said a year ago on whether he can even legally do this. let's listen. i don't know if we have it. >> if we start broadening that, then essentially i would be ignoring the law in a way that i
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think would be very difficult to defend legally. so that's not an option. >> all right. it wasn't an option a year ago but it's now an option. >> he was against it before he was for it and now, of course, he's for it. he's got the base of the democratic party saying to him, you've got to do this. the white house will argue, as you heard in your previous interview, that they gave the republicans in the house all of the opportunity to pass the bill. they didn't do it. this is something that needs to be done and the president in his lame duck is going to do it. >> all right. we'll see if it happens this week as i suspect it will. guys, thanks very much. we'll stay on top of the roll call on the senate floor as well and the future of the keystone pipeline. coming up, after a week's long charm offense, north korea gets a major slap on its wrist. will the top officials soon be facing an international court? [car revving] [car revving]
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we're following the breaking news on north korea. kim jong-un holed being held accountable for crimes against humanity. a draft resolution was just approved that treatments regime face the international criminal court over its record of human rights abuses. cnn's brian todd is following this story. >> reporter: observers are saying the regime will be rattled by this vote. he may not wind up in shackles in front of that court but the humiliation, the stigma it gives kim with his people is something the young kim has tried very hard to fend off. he has released three american prisoners in three weeks.
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made a peace overture with south korea. showed an openness with the u.s. and japan. there's. there's no doubt he's been on a charm offensive the problem is they haven't used their charm muscles in 65 years so it hasn't been particularly effective. >> reporter: especially since the goal was to head off a humiliating vote at the u.n. today the u.n. general assembly voted to hold the leaders accountable for human rights violations. it stems from this. a devastating report in which hundreds of prisoners detailed abuses at north korean prisoner camps. they presented prisoners eating snakes and rather. emaciated people eating rats. one starving woman who gave birth in a camp. a prison official heard the woman's cries, beat the woman and forced her to kill the baby. >> the north koreans denied all of it. >> we made it very clear that
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there is no prison camps in our country. nothing -- >> but the vote at the u.n. recommends a referral to the international criminal court for the possible prosecution of north korean leaders for crimes against humanity. it is unlikely to get that far because north korea's closest ally will likely veto it but analysts say kim and his inner circle will be rattled. >> i think they are afraid, first, of the legitimacy of this government. >> in the north korean system he is deified. the idea that he could end up in shacklings in front of an international tribunal is anathema. >> reporter: responding to today's vote, they talked of payback saying they'll likely resume nuclear tests. now that the charm offensive is likely over, we might see a repeat of some well known invectives they have used on their critics.
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they have called the south korean president, president obama, her pimp. they have called president obama a monkey and they have referred to the u.n. judge who issued that report as quote, a disgusting old lecher. >> strong words from north korea. coming up, a fifth person dies in a terror attack on a jerusalem synagogue. three of the victims are americans. israel's ambassador of the soouts standing by. so,as my personal financial psychic,
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happening now, a gruesome terrorist attack in jerusalem just got even more deadly. israel is vowing to respond with a heavy hand. the israeli ambassador to the united states is standing by to join us live. plus, drone shortage. concerns the u.s. military doesn't have enough in the critical weapons against isis. and the missouri governor denies he is preparing for a war on the tense streets of ferguson. yet the fbi is openly warning violence is likely when the grand jury decision is announced soon. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in the situation room. let's get right to the breaking news. five people are now dead from a grisly attack in jerusalem. a wounded israeli police officer
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has died. three americans are also among the dead. they were rabbis who were slaughtered with butcher knives and a gun by two palestinian attackers who were killed by israeli police at the scene. what president obama is calling the attack horrific and the fbi is now joining the investigation. the israeli ambassador to the united states, is standing by live along with our correspondents, our analysts. they're all following the breaking news. let's begin with our senior correspondent, ben wedeman. >> reporter: the latest is that we heard from the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu that the houses of these two palestinian assailants who come from the east jerusalem neighborhood will be destroyed, and also the houses of other palestinians who have been involved in attacks in recent weeks on israelis. israel is going to also beef up security in and around
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jerusalem. of course, the problem is, wolf, that these are, these appear to be lone wolf attacks. that these are individuals who don't have any clear affiliation with groups like hamas or islamic jihad. it is not quite clear why they decided a certain moment, a certain point in time to launch these attacks, which makes it doubly little for the israeli intelligence services to try to stop any attacks from happening. now, complicating the situation, is the rising anger of many israelis at these attacks. just a few hours ago, right below our bureau, i saw at least 200 young israelis, chanting for death to the arabs, death to the terrorists. that's the sort of march we saw, i saw back in june, following the news that three israelis who had been kidnapped in the west bank were subsequently murder asked hours later, some jewish extremists went out and kidnapped and killed a young
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palestinian from east jerusalem. so the israeli security forces have two tasks at hand. to try to prevent further attacks and try to prevent passions on the street from boiling over. >> what has been the palestinian reaction to the killing of these rabbis at the synagogue and now the death of the israeli police officer as well? >> reporter: well, hamas down in gaza was quick to praise the attacks. as what they said they revenge for the killing of that palestinian bus driver who was found hanged in his bus late sunday night. even though the israeli police as well as the hospital sources say it was a suicide. but we were speaking with the family yesterday. they said that it was a murder and therefore, that situation, once more contributing to the deteriorating situation here in jerusalem. >> what about the palestinian
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authority, president abbas? >> he did after having a phone conversation with u.s. secretary of state john kerry, did come out with a statement saying he condemns all killings, no matter who is behind them. he did go on, however, to condemn the continued entrance of jewish members of the jewish faith into the temple mount, so there's still lots of tension as a result of that statement coming out of the palestinian president. >> ben weedmen, thank you. be president obama says there is no justification of attacks on civilians. he is urging both sides to lower tensions right now. let's bring in our global affairs correspondent. she has more on it.
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>> reporter: the obama administration has been concerned for months about the growing tensions and increased violence that ben just mentioned. while today condemning the attack, secretary kerry who just met this weekend with benjamin netanyahu and president abbas in jordan called on both leaders to redouble their efforts at calming the situation. take a listen. >> our hearts go out to all israelis for the atrocity of this event and for all the reminders of history that come with it. this is simply has no place in human behavior, and we need to hear from leaders who are going to lead their people to a different place. >> now, kerry is in agreement with prime minister netanyahu that the attack was in part the product of incitement by the palestinian leadership. he called on president abbas to condemn the attack which did he, but secretary kerry also called
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for a halt to the israeli intrusions. also urging israel to use restraint in its response, not to demolish any homes as retribution, believing that will only continue the cycle of violence. >> does administration, the obama administration believe the tensions now in jerusalem and elsewhere are the result of a breakdown of the israeli/palestinian peace process which you know the secretary of state tried desperately for about a year to get going. >> u.s. officials are completely clear. nothing justifies the type of horrific violence that we saw today. the u.s. looking at a bigger picture. this attack comes on the heels of this violence in june. that summer war with hamas. there has been increased settlement activity over the past several months. settlers taking actions against palestinians as well. there has been a lot of criticism of secretary kerry for all his peace efforts and the breakdown. even though talks failed, there was very little violence during
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the nine months of negotiations. and secretary kerry has warned breakdown of the peace process would lead to another interfadda and over the weekend, when he was meeting with secretary kerry, warned about the same. >> thank you very much. joining us now in the situation room, the israeli ambassador to the united states. thanks very much for joining us. what do you think of the obama administration's response to this horrific attack on this synagogue in jerusalem? >> we appreciate the strong statements made by both secretary kerry and president obama. we wish we would hear such a statement from abbas. he condemned israel of trying on instrayed al-aqsa mosque. he is spreading this libel which is creating this environment of incitement. i want to correct one thing that your reporter said. people ask, is this part of the problem? is part of problem the breakdown of the peace process? you've been covering this
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conflict for a long time. in the mid 1990s we had buses blowing up. they said that was because the peace process is moving forward. now they're saying the reason jews are being massacred is there is not a peace process. it has to do with the fact that you have a palestinian society, people who want to murder jews. and they're now in an environment where people are encouraging it. hamas is celebrating in the streets of gaza. abbas is not condemning this. he is fueling the fire. >> what would you like to hear from the palestinian authority? >> how about stop your government and your path that you've made with a bunch of terrorists? right now, president abbas is sitting in the same government with the terrorists celebrating the savage murder of jews in the synagogue. how about he ends his pact with hamas. that's starters. the second thing is stop using the media that he controls, the mosques that he controls, the schools that he controls, to incite against jews, to incite
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to violence and terrorism and spread a lie fast we're trying on destroy the al-aqsa mosque. it is false. and he has to stop and it the world hats to hold him accountable. >> is there a dialogue? >> do you have the leadership, is there a dialogue of sorts that you are discussing any of this directly? >> well, we have a ways to communicate. we don't have that political dialogue. once president abbas made the decision to make a pact, the political talks stopped. and i think it is important for the world to send a very strong message after this attack to president abbas, end your pact with hamas and you have to go into peace negotiations with israel. what is he doing? he is not only staying with hamas. he is seeing from a lot of european government that's they will recognize a palestinian state. the only message the world is sending to abbas, do what you're doing. stay in bed with these terrorists. continue to incite against israel and we'll give what you you want. >> we have the video of
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palestinians, hamas supporters in gaza celebrating. you can see it right there. there's not just a few. there are a lot of them. here's the question. and i was in jerusalem for much of july when the war was going on between israel and hamas. the aftermath of the three israeli teenage boys who were killed on the west bank. are we anticipating, are you anticipating, should the u.s. anticipate another serious round of war fare between israel and hamas? >> we hope that doesn't happen. i think they were delivered -- we delivered them a very, very heavy blow the last time around. we hope they won't go back and fire rockets at israel. we'll have to do what we do to defend ourselves. if we want to prevent this from he is chating, the u.s. community has to send a very clear message to president abbas. remember, when he made this pact with hamas, most of the world
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applauded and said this was a step forward to peace. you see what you see on the television screen. do you think it is a step forward to peace that he has reached out to an organization whose members dance when you have jews butchered? if that's the message he continues to hear, you won't see any change. if he hears a different message from the international community, maybe you'll begin to change. >> this stinl bus driver who died, the prime minister of israel in a speech today. he said he committed suicide. the palestinians think he was killed by an israeli. what do you think about this? what's the evidence that he committed suicide? >> we have a pathologist's report. it is not a matter of opinion. it is a matter of fact. he committed suicide. of course they used this to try to get more and more people to attack jews. this has to stop. there has to be a clear response from the international community against it.
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if the international community would spend a tenth of the time that they spend condemning israel for building apartments in jerusalem, we would be a lot closer to peace. >> i want to you stand by. we have a lot to discuss including next monday's deadline for the deal for iran to end its nuclear program. the ambassador of israel to the united states. standing by after this. ♪ they are a glowing example of what it means to be the best. and at this special time of year, they shine even brighter. come to the winter event and get the mercedes-benz you've always wished for, now for an exceptional price. [ho, ho, ho, ho] lease the 2015 ml350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer.
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ambassador -- >> a jewish police officer. an israeli citizen who is not jewish. >> that's right. they contributed a great deal to the security of the country. both in serving the army and also our police forces. and our could not dole enlss go to the family. >> four rabbis, three of whom are dual u.s./israeli citizens. they were all killed in the course of this terror attack. >> and three month in the hospital. >> do you know who they are? >> yeah. but we don't want to put their names out there. >> more americans? >> i'm not sure if there are more americans the fbi is involved? >> yeah. once you have an american citizen who has been killed, you have the fbi involved. i don't know if people know this but palestinian terrorists have killed more americans over the last few months than isis has killed americans. more americans have been killed
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by palestinian terrorists, hamas and other terror groups, than isis has killed over the last few months. so remember this is a fight we're in together. not just a problem for israel. it is a battle against trifl. what you see in hamas, hamas is the palestinian version of isis. there are many theaters where this fight is happening. you have a rising tide throughout the region. it is happening with isis, with boko haram. and it important to stand together. >> i spoke with the spokesperson for the israeli police earlier. and emthere was no indication this was a coordinated plot. these were two individuals on their own may have been incited, may have been inspired to kill those. >> we don't know if an organization gave directories to these specific individuals, but definitely a climate has been created which basically pushes
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people to do these actions. you just saw people danlsing in the streets. by the way, they were dancing in the streets when the twin towers went down on 9/11. >> they were handing out candy. we have some still photos we can show our viewers. you see the pictures of those two terrorists who were killed by israeli police. you see them handing out candy. the earlier video we showed was from last week. they were celebrating something else. but it is still pretty gruesome when you think about what's going on. >> they were celebrating also, the same people with the murder of jews in the synagogue were celebrating on 9/11. the same people. that's why we have to stand together to fight. >> when you hear palestinian leaders saying that this was a normal reaction to the israeli oppression of palestinians, you say -- >> i say that's a joke. a palestinian leader who would make such a comment should not
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be given any quarter for his grieve yagss. this is the message the international community should send. if you stay in a government with a bunch of terrorists, we don't want to see you in our camden. >> you know, the nazis had a lot of grievances. they were very upset about world war i. they were very jump set about their economy. no one cared. people. nothing justifies naziism. that's the appoach we have to have here. nothing justifies terrorism. it doesn't really matter what the grievances are. you can't have people going to a synagogue and kill people standing in prayer shawls, murder jews in a savage way and have people dancing in the streets. this is a huge problem and the world has to stand together to confront. >> what about the prime? he announced in a statement earlier today that israel was now going to go blow up the homes of these two palestinian terrorists who went into this synagogue. what's the point of that? >> well, it is deterred these
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actions in the past. unfortunately we have a lot of experience with it. and these types of actions by exacting some price from the families, hopefully will reduce these attacks in the future. a lot of people say this will encourage more attacks. you have to confront terrorism. you're battling isis and a lot of people say that will create more terrorism. you have to confront terrorism. the worst thing you can do is to do nothing. we have to confront it. it takes a long time. this type of confrontation. the thing we need to do, all countries have to stand together in this battle. >> this is happening. only a funeral days before the deadline for the international community. p-5 plus one as it is called, the members of the security council, the u.s. and germany, are supposed to reach some sort of deal with iran to edge its nuclear program. they may need another extension of a few more months. is israel okay with that? >> it is not a deal to tend nuclear program. it would leave, i hope it doesn't ham. what it looks like it will do is
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to leave iran's nuclear program essentially in place. we were hoping that the sanctions very tough sanctions regime that was put on iran would be disrupted only when the nuclear program was dismantled. right now what's on the table is to heave randle as threshold nuclear power a short distance away from the fissile material. maybe a few months, maybe up to a year away, and then to dismantle the sanctions. we think that's a very bad deal. we hope it won't happen. we hope the international community will stand very firm. the last thing you want to do is allow the fanatics, the likes of which you saw in the streets of jerusalem today and all the fanatics, they share the same global ambitions. they could be sunni fanatics, shia fanatics. the last thing you want to do is give them nuclear women's. not with axes and guns, but with nuclear women's. that's the greatest. . . -the nuclear weapons.
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was one vote short. one vote short for mary than andrew, the democrat from louisiana, to get what she wanlth which was 60 votes, which would have been passage for congress to go around the president and authorize the start of construction for the keystone pipeline. this is a big disappointment to say the least for mary landrieu but other reporters of this keystone pipeline. it has been a very, very divisive debate and a volatile issue. just after the vote was gavelled closed and it lost, there were some protesters inside the senate chamber in the visitor's gallery. this is what happened. and wolf, this is actually illustrative of what we've heard all day today.
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there have been grooms of protesters going around the offices, mostly conservative, who were planning on voting with mary landrieu, with the republicans to start construction of this pipeline. it really did divide members of the senate on one side. those who think that making the i'm that line, starting construction from the north to the south, is important for jobs, important for keeping a gas prices low in this country, and then on the other side you had democrats, enough democrats to defeat this. that said this is terrible for the environment. and they don't believe the studies that mary landrieu and others put forward saying the environment won't be hurt. that's when it comes down to. politically, landrieu is the last senator still hanging out there about her faith. she has a recount -- excuse me, a run-off next month. and she was hoping that this would help seal her fate, that it would help show the voters that she has power in washington. but she was not able to get.
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there just one vote short despite that she really, really pushed an impassioned plea to her fellow democrats to hem her do this. she wasn't able to. >> even if it would have passed, there is no guarantee she would have defeated bill cassidy, her republican challenger only december 6th run-off. all the polls showing he is considerably ahead right now, right? >> they are showing he is ahead. but i will say that i've been down in louisiana where mary landrieu has pulled off wins in runoffs when nobody thought she could. i can almost hear the sigh of relief from 16 blocks away down pennsylvania avenue. if this would have passed, if mary landrieu and other supporters would have gotten their wish, it would have handled on the president's desk and forced him to decide whether he wanted to veto or sign this and given everything he has said in the past about the keystone pipeline and the way he wanted to proceed, he probably would have had to veto it which would pit him against others in his party. it was something that the white
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house didn't want to have to deal with. now they don't have to. >> it will be a short-lived victory, a sigh of relief. in early january the republicans will have an impressive majority in the u.s. at least 53. if landrieu wins, 54 republicans. they will probably have no trouble picking up a few democrats to get to that 60 vote threshold. and at that time, in january, maybe as early as january, mitch mcconnell, the incoming majority leader in the senate says this will come up for a vote very early. >> reporter: absolutely. he has promised that it will come off very early. they argue that this is a classic example of how congress can work together because there is bipartisan support. even though obviously most democrats in the senate oppose it. and then it is going to put this issue on the president's desk, once the senate passes it. the difference is the president will be in a position of vetoing a bill coming from a republican congress as opposed to vetoing something very important to a
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fellow democrat who wants re-election. the politics of it will be a little bit different. >> and the supporters of the keystone pipeline not getting the 60 votes they needed. the final roll call, 59 in favor including 14 democrats joining all the republicans to support the keystone pipeline. 41 opposing the effort. we'll see what happens in january when the republicans are the majority in the senate. let's move to other important news. they're among most important anti-terror the rules but now there may not be enough drones to keep one the growing terror threat. let's bring in our chief national security correspondent, jim sciutto who is into this story. what are you finding out? >> this is what the new head of combat, general carlisle said, we the u.s. have more mission than money, manpower or time today. it is a reminder the u.s. is engaged in warfare to some degree in at least half a dozen
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countries. that favorite that women of war in those could not -- that weapon of war has never been in higher demand. today u.s. war planes strike another isis target from the air. the u.s.-led air campaign depends on intelligence. much of it supplied by pilotless drones. eyes in the sky because no boots on the ground. now military commanders express growing concern that the u.s. is running short on drones. compromising the campaign's chances of success. particularly in the area of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, and particularly because of the fight now in iraq and syria. and there is not enough of that capacity to go around right now. >> reporter: here's the reason. the u.s. military is now carrying out most surveillance and air strikes against potential terror targets in several countries at wugs. from iraq and syria to libya, yemen, somalia and afghanistan and pakistan. >> i won't go into the specific shortfalls, but we're could not
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cheweding we will need more going forward than we might have thought a year ago. >> reporter: today in iraq the iraqi military scored a rare success. recapturing it. under siege for months. the unl envoy for iraq told the security council that the new iraqi government strategy of enlisting kurds and local tribes in the fight against slaumists is yielding results. the strategy is building fruit. here in the u.s. the threat from isis is becoming clearer. the fbi raided a home of a virginia woman, heather kaufman, who allegedly tried to arrange travel to syria for an undercover agent who claimed he wanted to fight for isis. >> with those essential drones, they said there's always the challenge of combat. looking forward it will free up
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forces but another factor is budget season in washington. you're going to have commanders pushing for as much equipment agency they need going forward. they've been given so much to accomplish. they're making the argument for what they need going forward. a major shortage and a critically important weapon. thanks very much for that. let's dig deeper. joining us, our cnn national security analyst, operative bob baer. lieutenant come, retired james reese, and paul crookshank. thanks vex for joining us. bob, you heard jim sciutto's reporting on this drone shortage. is the u.s. overstretched right now when it comes to drones and surveillance? >> well, it has to be. you look at the geography. sub saharan africa. libya is falling apart faster than we ever thought it would. we have the war in pakistan and yemen and iraq and syria. and it was just, this war has
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gone so fast that of course, our technology has not kept up with it. enough drones and enough drone operators and analysts. this came as a surprise to everybody and there's no way to plan for it. so yes, no doubt in my mind we're short on drones and operators and analysts. >> come reese, what do you think? how much of a tactical problem is this potential drone shortage in the war? the u.s.-led air war, for example, that's going on right now against isis? >> well, wolf, i'll tell you. this is not a new problem. one of the problems tactically is our commanders and our folks on the ground are addicted. they're really addicted to isr, what i call visual intelligence. the addiction is we have to do everything now with some type of platform that is giving those eyes on. especially when we have no human
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on the ground. it has been a problem for years as we've gone through the war. we have new platforms put out there. but like bob said, we're spread across. some of the issues are where we launch the platforms from. having enough legs or fuel time to stay up. it is a constant aspect to make sure that they can have all assets and support guys on the grounds. >> stand by. we'll have much more going forward. we'll take a quick break. [announcer:]startup-ny. it's working for new york state. already 41 companies are investing almost $80 million dollars, and creating 1750 jobs. from long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. they are paying no property taxes, no corporate taxes, and no sales taxes. and with over 300 locations, and 3.7 million square feet available, there's a place that is is right for your business. see if startup-ny can work for you. go to
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we're back discussing the isis terror threat with our panel. the form he cia operative, our global affairs analyst, paul, you've been reporting extensively on isis's expansion including into libya. libya, a country that the u.s. and others got rid of gadhafi a few years ago. it was supposed to be a very peaceful democracy there that has not exactly worked out. now you're learning isis is expanding. what are you hearing? >> this is an extremely concerning development. isis is now in complete control of a major town in eastern
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libya. just 200 miles south of crete. they're and panelling in eastern libya, taking advantage of political chaos to expand westward up the coast to benghazi. the leader helped orchestrate this by sending a top aide to libya a couple of months ago to help build the group up there. the libyan jihadis pledge allegiance to him last week and he welcomed they will into the isis fold. and what has helped them take over is the return of up to 300 libyan jihadis. veterans of isis syria and iraq, and are outgunning others in the region. >> you and i remember, our viewers remember a few years ago the u.s. was launching dozens of tomahawk cruise missiles inside libya.
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they got rid of gadhafi. it wasn't supposed to turn out like this by any means, was it? >> it is unthinkable. i didn't predict it myself. and listening to paul, the speed at which isil moved into libya is amazing. the libyan were telling me this. i didn't believe them but now they're there. as paul said, they're in there. they almost got another camden. they've gotten training in syria and iraq. they're coming back using those skills against what's left of the libyan government which is almost nothing. >> it has become a terrorist state right now. come reese, is it too far afetch to expect that u.s. air strikes, as they were going to in iraq and syria, could be expanded to go after isis targets into libya? >> yes, wolf, i do believe we can go after them. especially with the high value targets. if this is part of the isis leadership that baghdadi has pushed in there, we have folks looking at this. if we can identify it, we've
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known this for quite a long time. my fear is that libya could become worse than syria. right now, it is lawless. and it is a safe haven for any time of terrorist organization. >> it is right next door to gym, tunisia. paul, talk a bit about what's going on in north africa? not very far from italy, from southern europe. this is a real, real potential disaster. >> the europeans are very, very concerned about this. it is just 200 miles south of crete. they're worried about the isis training camps. they are believed to have half a dozen training camps on the outskirts of the town. and bigger facilities in the green mountains where that training operatives from across north africa. the egyptians are very worried. they're worried about the isis affiliate in libya and the isis
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affiliate in just a minute will start cooperating and they're worried about weapons flowing. they pledge allegiance last week. they're concerned this could have group could start targeting western tourists in retaliation. >> i've heard in recent weeks, some analysts say to me, it is hard to believe, that the u.s., the rest of north africa, the world, would have been better off with gadhafi in charge in libya than what's going on right now. as bad as it was with gadhafi, it's even worse now. that's what some have said to me. just ahead, new video surfacing involving if ferguson, missouri police officer who shot and killed michael brown. >> sir, i'm recording this incident, sir. do i not have the right to -- >> no. >> no, you don't. >> sir, just -- getting in a groove.
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growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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new video surfaces showing ferguson police officer darren wilson who shot and killed michael brown involved in another confrontation, threatening to arrest a man that was recording him. we are joined from ferguson with sarah. she has more. what is the latest there, sarah? >> reporter: look, the city won't confirm to us officially that is indeed darren wilson but they did send us an incident
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report from back in 2013, october 28th, to be exact of a citizen named michaelar mond who has come into contact with mr. wilson. basically that contact michael armond said he posted online. the confrontation between him and officer wilson back in 2013, complaining of his treatment by officer wilson, who, as you know, is the officer who is responsible for the killing of michael brown and that killing has created three months of protests. let me let you see the video that was posted online by a resident who came into contact with officer wilson. >> what is your name, sir? >> [ inaudible ]. >> sir, i'm not going to take a picture. i'm recording this incident. do i not have the right to -- >> no, don't. >> to record? sir you just allowed me --
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>> now that resident was arrested on other charges. and again, the city said because of the quality of that video, it cannot confirm to us that that is indeed officer wilson. we talked to the aclu about what was said by that officer. the aclu saying they can't say whether or not it is wilson but they can say this. that what was said, that the officer basically said i can arrest you for recording video of me, was absolutely improper and a violation of that citizen's rights. wolf. >> sarah sidener in ferguson. thank you very much. and joining us john gaskin and jeffrey toobin and our justice reporter evan perez who is joining us from ferguson right now. evan, you have new reporting about a u.s. justice department panel that started the review the initial police response following the michael brown shooting. what can you tell us?
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>> that is right, wolf. as ferguson gets ready for the grand jury to come back with its decision on whether to indict officer wilson, there is a new review panel from the justice department that has been down here to take a look at the 16 days, the 16 days that followed the shooting of michael brown and how police handled all of those protests and some of the disturbances we saw on the street. they will look at everything from the way they handled the arrests, crowd control, to even handling of the media. as you remember, there was criticism, including from the justice department and from the president and attorney general holder of the heavy-handed police response and that will be examined. and the timing is very interesting, given the fact that now we're waiting for the grand jury to make its decision, perhaps in the next week or so, wolf. >> is this panel, jeffrey too n toobin, just another effort to appease and re-ensure an outraged community or do you think there could be real consequences as a result of this
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review? >> oh, there could be real consequences. a federal civil rights investigation is no joke. there is the possibility of federal criminal charges against officer wilson. there is also the possibility of some sort of collective action against the local police department. now this justice department has prosecuted a lot of police departments and entered into settlements with cincinnati, with new orleans, where they pledged and made specific efforts to try to treat their minority communities better. that is a real possibility coming out of this case. >> john gaskin, as you know the missouri governor, governor nixon introduced the ferguson commission as it is called earlier today. the group has been tasked to study the fallout surrounding the shooting of michael brown and at today's news conference the governor said he is preparing for peace, not war, as we await the grand jury decision. so you are there and you are in missouri, what is it feeling like on the ground?
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>> well, many people are waiting to see what will happen. key word -- waiting. i've talked to some school leaders as well as community -- other community activists and many people are very concerned, regarding the governor calling a state of emergency. they feel as though it is presumptuous, premature and elewding there could be violence and protests will go in a direction we don't want them to. i hope he would have a little more confidence in the citizens of ferguson and hope that the greater character of the greater missouri will come out throughout this situation. but it is a bit early to call a state of emergency. the commission, obviously was installed today, and so many have a lot of questions regarding what the power of the commission will be. they are looking for measurable robust solutions. and so there are very big question marks surrounding the commission in terms of what
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their par will be and if the governor will listen to their recommendations and bring about some real wholesale change. >> jeffrey, as you know, the fbi issued a bulletin urging the law enforcement to be vigilant ahead of the grand jury decision as it is about to be made public. the bulletin reads, the fbi assesses those infiltrating and exploiting legitimate public demonstrations with the attempt to insight and engaging, violence could be armed with bladed weapons or firearms equipped with tactical gear gas masks or other bulletproof enforcement measures. should this be a surprise? >> given what happened, this is not a surprise. law enforcement has to walk a difficult line here. clearly in august when this all happened, governor nixon, the missouri law enforcement was not ready.
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they were nonprofit prepar-- we prepared. they need to prepare this time. but do they overprepare and look to expect trouble and incite trouble. it makes sense to prepare and maybe overprepare and not provoke and that does appear in a general way that what the state and federal authorities are doing. but we'll see, obviously, once the grand jury comes back. >> that could be any day now. according to the fbi. the warning was issued based on previous protests, not due to on going threats to officers right now. how would you describe the national guard and the police force presence in ferguson right now? >> well, wolf, i think they are mindful of the criticism that they are getting ready for war. so you don't see a lot of presence behind me. the businesses are open. people are on the streets. obviously it is very, very cold here so that is maybe keeping down the foot traffic. but i think a lot of the
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presence of the national guard and the additional resources that have been sent in are sort of behind the scenes. they are away from ferguson because of the -- they are mindful of not showing too much to incite people to try to cause problems. but obviously they are monitoring twitter and they are monitoring social media, they know some groups are preparing to deploy here as soon as there is a grand jury decision and they are preparing to cause some trouble and so they want to be prepared but not show too much right now. >> and jeffrey, quickly, is there ever a good time for this grand jury announcement to be made? >> beats me, wolf. i don't think there is any playbook for how to handle this. i think it is just a matter of preparing the community, preparing law enforcement and trusting that people will protest appropriately. >> jeffrey toobin. >> with anything to protest. >> let's hope it remains calm.
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guys, thank you very much. you can follow us on twitter. tweet me at wolf blitzer and tweet the show at cnn sit room. thank you very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room," erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" tonight, breaking news. a fifth person dies in a terror attack in israel, three americans among the bed, brutally stabbed while praying in a synagogue. could the attack spark an all-out war. and in ferguson, cnn has new video that appears to show police officer darren wilson in an angry confrontation with a ferguson resident. and let it snow. buffalo, new york in the middle of a record snowstorm. could they be under 70 inches by morning. whoa! is it armageddon? let's go "outfront."
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