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tv   CNNI Simulcast  CNN  November 20, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST

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this is cnn breaking news. >> we have breaking news for you out of tallahassee, florida. florida state university now saying the campus is secure after a late night shooting that apparently took place in the heart of campus at a central library. >> hello, and welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm errol barnett. >> all right, here is what we know about the shooting so far. a nurse at the tallahassee campus tells cnn that the hospital has received two patients with gunshot wounds. we have spoken to a number of students in the library at the time of the shooting.
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they described a terrifying scene. there is no confirmation of the condition of those wounded or of course the status of the shooter. we're hearing various reports on that. now earlier, students received an e-mail from the university warning them of a dangerous situation and telling them to seek shelter away from doors or windows. and we are waiting for an official news conference from the university. of course, as soon as that happens we will take you there. at least bring you the main points of that. >> yeah, at this moment, though, we can connect on the line with one of the many students who heard and saw all of this unfold. perry kostadakis is the sports editor of the student newspaper. he joins us now on the phone. perry, just bring us up to speed on what you've seen. take us to the initial event when you first knew that something serious was happening on campus. >> well, our first indication that there was something wrong was an emergency -- let's put it
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that way, which was usually senttous. if there is an incident on campus, be it weather like a suspicious person, we get an alert to stay away from doors. and then we see there are students tweeting about a gunman. and shots going off. i'm getting texts, so kind of just a really hectic scene, not something you expect to happen he here. >> and now that you're all in a safe place and people are sharing information does it appear just before we get confirmation from officials here shortly does it appear there was a single gunman, what do we know about the person believed to be the gunman? and how far did he go, i guess, one witness said that there was two gunshots heard initially and then later a series of gunshots, maybe five or six. can you shed any light on that?
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>> definitely heard a confirmation of multiple gunshots that could be heard outside the building as well as next to it. some students in the area. we do know there are two victims. i have heard from a few sources that the gunman was shot and killed. we haven't confirmed anything with the official yet. that is the persisting information we have now. we do know there was the police over the intercom, announcing there was a gunman to get safe. >> okay, we're still standing by the get any of the information on this, perry, and you and the other students have spoken with us, we really appreciate doing this in such a tense and difficult time. does it surprise you just as we have people all around the world watching yet another shooting incident in the u.s. as you know, an american student, does this surprise you or did you think at some point in your lifetime you would be
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close to an incident like this? >> i don't know if i can say i ever expected something happening around me. i wouldn't be surprised if it was somebody i associated with. but you never expect it to happen on your campus with people you know. i just talked to some of my friends, people i'm close to that were in the library or leaving at that time. and you just never think that it can happen to you. >> yeah, and hopefully, you know, you never want to be the type of society that expects this sort of thing, but indeed the school did have somewhat of a plan in place that allow thunded this to end quickly. we will still be standing by for the press conference and update our viewers as we get more information. >> and errol, we do want to take this opportunity to show our viewers across the globe some pictures from twitter if we can bring this up. this has really changed the landscape, i think, of all of
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the shootings, when you heard there from perry kostadakis, the editor of the florida state newspaper. he saw tweets. there was an e-mail from the university, but students, of course in this day and age this is how they community with each other and it make o-- it makes for a rapid response. we heard about the police being there on scene very quickly. the ability to communicate with social media has changed the whole response to these sorts of incidents. just showing you twitter goings. we understand at this point from the university certainly that this has come to a close. but students are told to stay safe. we do not know the situation for the gunman. but we do know that two people were sent to the hospital with gunshot wounds. we do not know their condition.
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>> so as we stand by for an update out of florida, we're moving onto other stories now. you just watched video from buffalo, new york. proof that the monster snowstorm there in the u.s. is far from over. >> look at that. and people in buffalo, new york, are attempting to shovel their way out of more than six feet of snow. that is like two meters. but for many, it is to no avail. new york is under a state of emergency as the national guard attempts to rescue those who were stranded. seven people have died. many suffering cardiac arrest after shoveling the snow, and unfortunately, the worst is far from over. an additional three feet, that is about a meter, of snow, are in the forecast for buffalo today. and tomorrow. >> and you know, some people are so overwhelmed by all of this snow they are not even bothering to shovel what is in their driveway this morning knowing that more is coming and they
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will be back out in it in a few hours. >> absolutely, you see cars completely swallowed up. >> the door imprint is in the snow. this is so unexpected. officials are now predicting the city's entire weather budget will shortly be wiped out, as well. cnn, martin savidge on looking at how bad the situation is right now. >> for the first time we make it into buffalo's hardest hit neighborhoods. here, the snow is over six feet deep. the entire landscape is changed. on lilac street in south buffalo, we came across donna and shawn yager, the mother and son trying to free their car. >> so how long did it take you to get this far? >> four or five hours. >> and what is the goal, what are you trying to do? >> just make a path to get down the street and get functional
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aga again. >> across the street, the neighbor has lived in buffalo all of his life and never seen a snow like this. you had it cleared off? >> it was all cleared off that night. >> so everything i see fell last night? >> that is right. >> that is wayne nepper, he is just beginning the job of trying to clear out his car. he starts at the roof and digs down. why are you trying to get out? where are you going to go? >> to get it off the street so they can plow. >> here, the tools that usually handle the snow clear any kind of path. it is exactly the problem the city has trying to move six feet of snow dumped over ten square miles. we are just breaking away from this story. wanted to go to this briefing on the florida state university shooting. >> and he was challenged by those officers to drop his weapon. instead of complying with their
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commands, the gunman in turn fired a shot at the officers. and they returned fire, killing the suspect. all of the victims in this case have been taken to a local hospital for treatment. and at this time we have been able to identify three victims. all the officers involved in the case are currently working with tpd and any responding investigators who are here. fsu police has called tpd and asked if we would assist with the criminal aspect of the case and we have agreed to do so. the officers that were on scene are working to secure the surrounding areas of fsu school campus but there is no belief at this time that there are any other threats. again, this is an evolving crime scene. we are working it and working to ensure that everybody is safe. >> were any of the officers injured? >> at this time i don't have any details on the officers.
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we believe there are no other injuries, though. >> when you said three victims, is one of them the shooter -- >> no, the shooter is actually deceased. and there were three other victims. >> fsu pd shot and killed the suspect? >> i believe at this time it was the officers involved, yes. >> do you know how the altercation started? >> i had three different questions at once. >> how did the altercation start? >> again, the initial indication, fsu pd received a call outside the library. that is all the information on that. >> do you have any information on the victims? >> i do not have information on the -- >> is the third victim at tallahassee memorial hospital, arre as well? >> all the victims were taken to the hospital for treatment, i do not have the exact location of
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the victims. >> what was the one in back? >> at this time we have not been able to release the information. we'll do it as soon as we can. before you ask any further questions we'll have another briefing that i want you to be aware of that will take place at 6:00 a.m. at the fsu police department. and we certainly hope to continue to answer your questions. i would like to introduce deputy chief jim russell as well. deputy chief russell will talk about the students and their safety here at fsu. so if you will please excuse me, here is deputy chief russell. >> thank you, officer, and thank you all for coming. obviously, it is a very difficult situation for all of us here at fsu. our thoughts go out to those that are injured. and right now the role of the fsu pd is we are acting as witnesses. we have asked the tallahassee police department to take over this case for us. so we are not answering questions about the criminal investigation itself. that is tpd is the lead agency on that. at this point, what we're doing
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is we are reaching out to our campus administrators who will be following up with our students to make sure that anyone who has witnessed this or is affected by this will be able to get counseling and will be able to talk to campus administrators to make sure that they are all right. we have notified everyone all the way up to chain of command. the vice president, the president of the university has been advised. and they will i'm sure make statements from the student affairs out of things, as well. >> how do you feel the notification system worked? there was an e-mail, i believe. >> the alert system was activated. we have something we call the easy button when something that is catastrophic as this, when you literally don't have time to type into a computer you can hit one button and get information out. that was used. i talked to a number of faculty and staff, and they received it. i received it as well. so the system appears to have
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worked. >> you were aware of the situation. the fire alarm was pulled at the library. >> at this time the only information i have is we received a call at the police department. i don't know what line that came in on. but we received a call for service. >> the student -- >> how have you prepared for a situation like this? i mean, clearly when this first happened there were concerns that this could be a mass shooting, a virginia tech. i mean, how has fsu prepared? >> like many law enforcement agencies around the country we have done what is called a critical response rapid deployment training which is for the active type of shooter training. we have in fact have trained other agencies around the country. and locally and trained with our local agencies as well. so it is unfortunate that we have to train for situations like this but the officers are trained for situations as this. >> jim, how crowded was the library? >> i know there were people in there, i don't know the numbers
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at this point. >> they were kept on lockdown. i assume it has happened now. all clear? >> right now, being that it is late at night as well. a lot of people are certainly asleep. what we just told people on the fsu alert stay inside, away from doors and windows, and let law enforcement deal with -- >> there was a concern -- anyone else -- >> at this time we don't have any concerns that there is any other shooters or any other threats to the campus at this point. seems to be isolated. >> do you have identification on the people injured? >> i do not. >> were the students brought over to bellamy >> i'm not going to exactly tell that location at that point. >> do you know how far the shooter made it into the library? >> i do not have any information regarding the criminal investigation. >> so all those involved were
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students? >> i don't know that information. >> are classes going on as scheduled this morning? >> that will be up to student affairs. >> everyone is cleared out at this moment, out of the building? >> i don't know where everybody is, but i know the area is secure. >> so you say you have three victims but no others were injured besides the shooter. i guess we're just identifying these other three people as victims? >> we have three people being treated at area hospitals and the shooter is dead. >> do you know their condition? >> i do not. >> the three being treated, were they all injured in the library? >> i don't have that information. we'll update you when we can. [ inaudible ] >> officer north, there are some people, and i realize you're
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going to be careful about the information, but there are some indications that perhaps this was stemming from an off-campus incident and perhaps the person came to campus. do you have any information related to whether or not this was a criminal incident that occurred off campus and came on campus? >> at this time, we have just arrived on scene. our first and foremost care was to take care of the injured. now we're working it as a crime scene. we're working as any other type of crime scene. we have forensic technicians on scene. we have our homicide investigators on scene and they'll comb through the evidence, interview the witnesses and explore all avs that come up. if it is that case, they will follow those leads and work towards the proper resolution for this case so that we can get those answers for everybody involved. >> the three being treated at the hospital, it is gunshot wounds for all three? >> at this time, we are not
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releasing that information. but the three people taken to the hospital were treated as a result of this incident. whether those are gunshot wounds or other injury, i do not want to give out information that would be inaccurate at this time. tpd will be working the criminal side of it, and we'll be giving all the information out regarding that. we'll also be your main point of contact, we can be found on twitter or call. and we will be releasing most of the information in written form on our facebook page so everybody has access to it. i apologize for jumping in there as someone was trying to ask me a question. >> do you know how serious the injuries were? >> again, i'm not going to be able to provide conditions of the victims. >> do we know what type of weapon was used? >> i don't have the specifics. i know he fired a shot at one of
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the fsu pd officers and he was killed in the altercation. >> can you clarify that? was the fire returned by fsu pd and tpd or just tpd. >> i apologize for saying our. i'm speaking out of turn. it is the fsu police department that responded to this call. we are here to assist them and we'll be releasing the information so that they can free up their officers to do their needed investigations. >> they fired on the gunman, the fsu police? >> the fsu police challenged the gunman outside of stroger library. they gave him commands. he did not and fired a shot at the officers and the officers returned fire killing the gunman. that is the initial information, yes. >> how many officers fired? >> i do not have that information. we'll have further updates as the investigation continues.
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we will have a 6:00 a.m. briefing for everybody else. that's going to be the conclusion of the questions at this time. i've given you all the information i can right now. but at fsu pd at 6:00 a.m., we'll have another briefing for you, thank you. >> as you heard there from the police, we understand the gunman was challenged by police. he refused to put down his weapon and shot and killed by the florida state university police. we did learn too that three victims went to hospital. they are being treated. but no specific on the wounds. we assume at this point gunshot wounds but he wasn't specifying. but at this stage, it is ongoing and they are securing the area at this point. but it is over for all intents and purposes. >> we got wind of this three hours ago and according to the eyewitnesss, the police, after the initial shooting incident, were able to, as we just heard to there, respond to the gunman
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who challenged fsu police directly. we just heard there from fsu and tallahassee police, who are both working together on this, telling us we'll do another briefing in three hours or so. we don't know who the gunman is, the motive and we don't know how serious the injuries are. it's still early in this breaking news story. we'll continue to bring you updates as we get them here on cnn. >> the main thing, it is conclude and that is good news. but we're going to take a very short break. more for you in just a moment. stay with us.
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welcome back, everyone. more punishment is being handed down in the ferry disaster in south korea. reports say the chief executive of that ship's operator was sentenced to ten years in prison by a district court. now, this for the involuntary manslaughter of more than 300 people from the april 16th disaster. the -- he was also found guilty. now in jerusalem where israelis are reeling from deadly
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terrorist attacks. security is tight after two palestinians murdered four rabbis and a policeman tuesday morning. police shot and killed the assailants. this was the home of a man who killed two people when he drove into a crowd last month. let's get the latest where we're joined live. atika, what can you tell us about the mood and the details now that it's been a few days since this horrific attack? >> reporter: the mood is still a city that's quite tense. fortunately over the last 48 hours, there hasn't been any revenge attacks or copy cat killings. so that's good. but still, people feeling fairly nervous. there is extra security in some places. yesterday, my colleague ben wedeman saw a number of police points where they were checking people, stopping them for
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identity checks. this the a largely palestinian part of town. so that's the mood in the city. in the meantime, israeli authorities are continuing now with this policy of demolishing the houses of those who have carried out the attacks. for example, yesterday, the man who carried out the october 22 attack, ramming his car into the railway station, killing two people and a baby, his home walls reduced to rubble. and now the israeli authorities have issued more notices that they will demolish the homes of other attackers. so that policy is going ahead. so far the city remains calm, and that's good news. >> i guess, atiki, the fact that homes are being demolished speaks to these being understood to be lone wolf style attacks and the fact that nothing else can be done. the religious sensitivities, the animosity and the anger between
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palestinians and israelis is almost a constant. when you see it flare up, you do wonder when the next incident will take place. other than the demolishing of homes, would you say there's a more robust security presence throughout jerusalem? >> it's a bit quieter here in jerusalem. we have seen it in east jerusalem more of a security presence there. but people are trying to get on with normal life, daily living. and you're right, the conflict is a constant here for many people. the city is no stranger to attacks. but what is new is the sort of spontaneous nature of those attacks, and they are the hardest to prevent. and yes, demolishing homes is supposed to act as a deterrent, but critics say it's not working at all. >> the latest information out of jerusalem this morning. atika, thanks. now to another story. a growing list of sexual assault
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allegations against bill cosby has taken a toll on his family friendly image. >> netflix put their comedy special on hold and now nbc has shelved its own cosby project. >> reporter: nbc and netflix distancing themselves from bill cosby amid allegations of rape. nbc saying, "we can confirm that the cosby project is no longer in development." this comes less than a day after netflix postponed their new cosby special, saying at this time we are postponing the launch of the new standup comedy special "bill cosby 77." what a shift in a storied career. in 1987, it was the most successful year for the "cosby show," and cosby himself made $57 million that year. "forbes" magazine called him the
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top earning entertainer in america. and there were those famous jell-o sponsorships. and standup routines, books, movies and so much more. money makes power and power is why the women are now accusing cosby of sexual assault. money also makes people target and some fans say that's what's going on here. when cosby went on npr, he was confronted about the sex allegations and had nothing to say. >> i have to ask the question, do you have any response to those charges? shaking your head no. >> reporter: and that just made the story even bigger. >> i really have nothing to gain by doing this, except to hopefully give some credibility to the women that came before
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me, and to let certain people who might believe it take another look at mr. cosby. >> reporter: all of this is happening while cosby was having a career renaissance. he still makes millions from cosby show repeats but this is being called a pr nightmare, ultimately because a lot of money is on the line. and one more example of the financial bottom line here. late wednesday, the tv land cable channel in the u.s., which had been running repeepts of the cosby show, took those repeats off the schedule. they also took down the web page about the cosby show. so that channel deciding, like nbc and netflix, to distance itself from bill cosby, at least for the time being. >> we'll take a short break. we want to update you. the florida state university shooting as ended, the gunman has been shot by police and three victims are being treated
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at the hospital. no specifics on the injuries at this point. more on this in just a moment. o! you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. well vegetables... shh! taste better in our savory broth. vegetables!? no...soup! oh! soup! loaded with vegetables. packed with taste. i tell them aveeno®. because beautiful skin goes with everything. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. where do i wear aveeno®? everywhere. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion.. and try the body wash too. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™.
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this is cnn breaking news. police say the suspect is dead and three people wounded after a late night footing at florida state university in tallahassee. it happened in the campus library. police say officers encountered the suspect and killed him in an altercation. all right. we'll get more now on that florida state university shooting. we're joined by daniel morales, a student at fsu and has been documenting this.
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he actually built a barricade in the library to protect himself and others. tell us what happened and when you started realizing that it was so real that you had to build that barricade. >> at first, we heard an alarm. i was talking to a friend on the second floor. we had heard an alarm previously in the year, and i didn't think much of it. then we saw this guy running, someone has a gun, run. but at first, we thought it was a joke. because, again, we were a little flustered. but the person i was sitting with, we didn't do much. then we saw a group of people running, with tears down their eyes, like sprinting. so i dropped everything i was doing and i started sprinting with them. so we hid under several desks. there was people pacing around the room and didn't know what to do. then we came up with the idea to
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barricade the doors so nothing would happen, at least making it difficult for anyone to come in. so we cleared off a bunch of tables and barricaded the doors with it. that was what we did when it happened. >> it sounds like a terrifying experience. and daniel, now that you learned that the gunman was shot and killed by university police, what are your thoughts? >> i'm relieved that he is no longer a threat to our students, but i'm also really sad that this had to happen to us, that this had to happen at our school and happen to our classmates. they were good people that don't deserve this. it sucks that people like this with these crazy actions can ruin the lives of so many people. >> daniel, we learned from the police briefing that three people were taken to hospital.
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they are being treated. but police were reluctant to divulge what injuries those three victims were experiences. we're assuming they were gunshot wounds but the fact that they weren't going to answer that directly makes us wonder. what are your thoughts on that? what are other students saying as they share information on this? >> right now, i'm next to some other people that were with me when it happened, and one of them was in the first floor and he saw the first person that was shot, and he's next to me. he knows more about that. i was on the second floor. i just heard the shooting. and then i heard many gunshots, which we -- when the gunman was shot. >> daniel, errol here. we appreciate you speaking to us.
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we don't know what the motive was of this gunman, but put it into context for us. to go to the central library there at fsu in the middle of the night, as we approach finals, surely this was a crowded place with hundreds of students. talk to us where it took place and why someone would want to go there and do such a thing? >> well, strozier library is where most of the people go to study. we have two libraries. but this is where the majority of the people meet at the site. at that time of the night, even 5:00 a.m., it's relatively crowded. and the time it happened, like 11:30, there is generally a lot of people there. you have to talk around to find an empty chair that you can sit on. so i'm guessing they would do it late at night, because police
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really aren't as alert as you would be in the day, but the library is the one person that's still packed, no matter what time it is during the day. >> right, right. we don't know what the motive was or if that factored into it. and you're approaching finals right now, is that correct >> yes. >> so this could be crunchtime for many students who would spend hours there focused on what they're doing and not necessary will you -- necessarily on people walking around there. daniel morales there, one of the many people who have explained to us the sense of chaos and fear and the sense of security now that police have killed the suspect. >> extraordinary stoeries we're hearing and how quickly this has been wrapped up by the university of police. >> we expect to get the next briefing from the police at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. that's in about 2 1/2 hours from now.
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we'll continue to keep our eyes on this. let's move now to other stories we're following for you. u.s. president barack obama is tackling immigration reform on his own and setting off a fierce battle with republicans. the president took to facebook to announce plans for a nationally televised address on thursday. sources say the executive order will include deferring deportation, affecting up to 3 million people. >> everybody agrees our immigration system is broken. unfortunately washington has allowed the problem to fester for too long. so i'm going to lay out the thingsky do with my lawful authority as president to make the system work better. >> president obama says he's been forced to take this action because congress has been unwilling to pass immigration reform. michelle kosinski has more.
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>> reporter: this is not a path to citizenship, it gives renewable relief to these immigrants, offering them the right to stay in america without being departed and the right to work here. sources say this would likely extend to parents who are american citizens, people born here or who have a legal right to stay here already, provided that those parents have already been in america for a period of years. we don't know exactly the parameters. also it could extend the same kinds of allowances that were granted by president obama in 2012 to people who were brought to america illegally as children, known here as dreamers. sources say that this action would likely not extend to the parents of those dreamers. so that's led some groups to start complaining that this is not going far enough to help families and keep them together. on the other hand, you have fiercely angry republicans
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saying that president obama is far overstepping his legal bounds, calling him emperor obama, threatening everything from lawsuits to defunding parts of the budget, even impeachment. the white house says this action will have a strong legal foundation and lit be fully implemented. michelle kosinski, cnn, the white house. >> and you can, of course, watch president obama's entire speech live right here on cnn. that's at 1:00 p.m. friday in london. 9:00 p.m. in hong kong. diplomatic sources say negotiators are making progress toward a deal over iran's nuclear program. but with a deadline just four days away, there's plenty of skepticism. representtives of iran are holding talks right now in vie
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vienna. >> american officials insist no deal would be better than a bad one. >> right now, i think it's going to be difficult to get to where we want to go. it's not impossible. it depends entirely on whether iran is willing to take the steps it must take to convince us, to convince our partners, that its program would be for entirely peaceful purposes. >> but objections from the west are not the only obstacles to a deal. let's turn to our reza saya. what are some of the obstacles and what's been some of the progress, perhaps? >> reporter: rosemary, they're in the minority. but there are groups, factions, governments around the world who seemingly don't want a deal to happen between iran and the world powers. topping that list is the israeli government.
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when you look at regional states, saudi arabia is concerned about a deal. washington, the republican-led u.s. congress has spoken out against a possible agreement. indeed, here in iran, there are factions who could potentially play the role of spoiler. if they don't like what this agreement brings. inside iran's parliaments, under the gaze of the supreme leader, sit what may be key obstacles to a nuclear agreement between iran and the world powers. dozens of hardline iranian lawmakers who don't trust washington and don't want to give an inch. we don't trust them says this lawmaker. we have no trust for the west, especially the americans and the british. we trusted them in the past and we paid a heavy price, says this man. we're only after the interest of our country. for the past year, since the
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administration of moderate president rohani started negotiating with the west, some have criticized him, saying he's compromising iran's interest. in statement this month, lawmakers warned his negotiating team not to sign a deal that crosses iran's red lines, which include keeping in tact iran's nuclear program and accepting nothing less than a lifting of all western sanctions. we expect the sanctions imposed by europe and america to be lifted right away he says. we can't back down more than this. we give the west even one inch, they'll take ten. even though we want peace and good relations with the world, rest assured, we're not willing to do it at any price.
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warnings by hard liners here in iran mirror those in washington, where a republican-led republican congress is warning president obama. in washington, analysts say republicans in congress don't want obama to score what could be seen as a foreign policy victory with an agreement. in tehran, it's hard liners who see a nuclear deal by the moderate president as a potential blow to their police c -- political aspirations. i think the west wants an agreement, so do we. but only if it's fair. if that's an agreement in vienna, it won't be finalized here in iran without a final
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aprompt from parliament. the final say rests with the supreme leader and if he approves the agreement, it's unlikely that parliament will complain. rosemary? >> indeed. reza sayah reporting there live from iran, from tehran. many thanks to you. human rights watch calls an alleged police practice degrading. coming up, the test female police recruits have to pass to join the force in indonesia. plus, every engagement ring is special, right? no matter the cost. but this sparkle is a symbol of hope for an ebola survivor who got her life back. that story, next.
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welcome back. a horrible new report claims that indonesia's national police force requires female recruits to be virgins. and if you can believe it, they're subjected to an examination to prove it. >> human rights calls the test degrading. another group says it's sexual violence. >> reporter: in indonesia, joining the police force brings with it a sense of pride. but for women recruits, pride is often accompanied by humiliation. >> in indonesia, women who wish to apply for the national police force have to undergo a virginity test. >> reporter: according to a new
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human rights watch report, physical recruits are checked for an in tact hyman, a practice described as archaic and discredited. interviews with recruits corroborate the report. >> translator: after the physical exam, we were told to enter another room, two candidates at a time. that's when they tested our virginity by inserting two fingers using gel. one of my friends even painted. it hurt a lot. i felt humiliated. the room was not closed. it was very humiliating and painful. >> reporter: a police spokesperson told cnn that all recruits go through extensive medical tests, not just females. >> as to the examination of virginity, it's part of the whole medical and physical test. >> reporter: but the national police jobs website does list
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virginity as a health requirement for female applicants. a requirement rights groups and policewomen themselves hope to have dropped. >> translator: speaking as a retired policewoman, the test is very discriminatory because women are treated differently from male applicants. >> thousands of women who have been victimized, traumatized in this way by this quote unquote virginity test. it's unacceptable and the indonesian government has to stop it now. >> reporter: in doing so, restore dignity to the police recruitment process. amarah walker, cnn. >> unbelievable. >> there are some rattled nerves we can tell you about, but no one was injured by a shark in australia. look at that huge thing. the great white was pulled dead from nets used to protect swimmers. it's winter up here in the
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northern hemisphere, but down under summer has just kicked off. animal rights activists say shark meshing is cruel. >> okay, we want to stay on the weather topic now. while parts of the u.s. deal with icy weather and snowfall, in europe, the season's first snowstorm is impacting several countries. let's bring in our meteorologist with details on all that.
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>> what's happening here in europe. we've had some travel issues in eastern europe. if you are traveling toward this region, heavy rainfall the name of the game, and that's a warm spot here, this milder spot. up to the north, talking about significant snow accumulations and significantly compared to what we talked about around western new york. ten centers in lithuania. the temperature is quite cold. 1 in warsaw. minus 9 in moscow. we do expect the temps to warm up across portions of eastern europe and asia. but it is a cool weather pattern across this portion of the world
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and travel, upward of 60-minute delays. more news coming back shortly. eh, you don't want that one. yea, actually i do. it's mucinex fast-max night time and it's got a nasal decongestant. is that really a thing? it sounds made up. mucinex fast max night time for multi-symptom relief. breathe easy. sleep easy. let's end this.
12:52 am
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a new chance of life and a new engagement ring. amber vinson, one of the dallas nurses infected with ebola lost her ring when her apartment was decontaminated. >> but now she and her fiance are talking about weathering the
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ebola virus. >> reporter: in sickness and now in health, they know their love can survive anything, even ebola. >> all these people around here, i'm not going to cry. i just boo hooed like a baby. i just sunk into her shoulders. that's exactly how it was. >> reporter: in an exclusive interview, derek remembers seeing amber the first time she was given the all-clear. but the symbol of their commitment to each other, a beautiful diamond engagement ring, was lost during the fear and crisis. as she was transferred to emery hospital, decontamination crews made their way to the dallas apartment the two shared. pictures showed they pulled up carpet, threw away clothes, couches, cushions and personal items. >> when the decontamination team
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came in, everything that was on the surface was swiped into a bin for incineration. by jewelry box was one of those things that got destroyed. i was speechless. i had no understanding of why some things were there and some things were taken. >> how are you doing? >> reporter: when dallas based zales heard, they invited us and the couple to select a replacement for free. >> we wanted to step up and help her get something to celebrate her life and express love. >> reporter: even now amber isn't certain about her future. the virus causes long-term fatigue and she worries about side effects from the experimental drug. >> i would like to have children, and there's question that's possible, because we
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don't know. i'm just prayerful and hopeful that things will work out. >> reporter: she's also still battling a negative public perception that she put passengers on a public airline at risk, even though she insists she wasn't sick. >> it hurt me, because i'm a very caring person. >> reporter: this sparkler -- >> oh, my goodness. yes. i like this one. >> reporter: it helps heal some of the hurt. >> it's beautiful. >> reporter: it will be, she says, a forever symbol of love, life, and a new beginning. >> and didn't that end well? >> good for her. after all they've both been through. >> we want to recap our top
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story. three people wounded and the suspect is dead after a late night shooting at florida state university in tallahassee. it happened inside the main campus library, packed with students studying for final exams. police say they later confronted the suspect outside the library, he was killed by police after failing to comply with an order to drop his weapon. >> a hospital received two victims, one in critical condition, the other stable. in a news conference moments ago, police said the dangers have passed. here's an excerpt. >> the officers that were on scene are working to secure the surrounding areas of fsu school campus, but there is no belief at this time there are any other threats. again, this is an evolving crime scene. we are working it and working to ensure that everybody is safe. >> all right. it has ended well there.
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but we're watching to see the three victims, what the outcome is there. thanks for watching netanyahu. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm errol barnett. "early start" is next for those in the u.s. for everyone else, stay tuned for cnn newsroom. man (sternly): seriously? where do you think you're going? mr. mucus: to work, with you. it's taco tuesday. man: you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. mr. mucus: oh, right then i'll swing by in like 4 hours... just set aside a few tacos for me. man: forget the tacos! one pill lasts 12 hours. i'm good all day. mr. mucus (to himself): wait! your loss.
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i was going to wear a sombrero. [announcer:] only mucinex has a bi-layer tablet that starts fast, and keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this.
1:00 am
breaking news this morning. a gunman opening fire inside florida state university's library. three people injured. what we're now learning this morning. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. john berman is off this week. it is thursday, november 20th. 4:00 a.m. in the east. we are following breaking news overnight. gunshots ringing out at florida state university's main library. campus police confronting the gunman telling him to drop his weapon. >> instead of complying with their commands, the gunman, in turn, fired a s


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