tv Ivory Tower CNN November 20, 2014 7:54pm-9:49pm PST
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regardless of what the grand jury decide. darren wilson may not be returning to the police force. negotiations are underway for darren wilson to resign. our justice correspondent, evan perez, joins us with the latest. you are hearing this from your sources what are they saying? >> that's right. that's right. anderson. we are hearing from sources that darren wilson is in the final stages of negotiations under which he would resign. now, you know he wants to make clear he told people close to him that, you know he wants to make clear he its not admitting fault for anything. he doesn't believe he has done anything wrong, but he is doing this mostly because he feels it would be good not only for the community but also for his fellow officers. andersen. >> there had been a report, based on what the ferguson police said, he would return to duty if the grand jury did not choose to indiet him. that i think surprised a lot of people. in a relatively small community. relatively small police force like ferguson, the idea that he would return to the force,
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whatever side of this you are on, in that community. would probably raise a lot of, a lot of -- consternati consternation. >> absolutely. i will tell you this, when ferguson police chief, tom jackson said that in a couple of media interviews. there was a lot of pushpaback. a lot of people thought this is not helpful. frankly, inflammatory for him to be saying that. these talks have been under way in the final stages. one concern darren wilson had. the grand jury has still been hearing evidence. he did not want to influence the grand jury, he wanted to make sure that, that, you know they didn't hear that he was resigning. and then that way, perhaps, read into that, that he was admitting any fault. that has been the linchpin in the negotiations. >> are the negotiations based on the idea that, darren wilson may
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not get in ditd. if he did get indicted would that affect the destigs whether or not he would resign from the force. >> quite possibly. quite possibly. you are right. these negotiations are hinging on that. the expectation that they have, obviously if he gets indicted. then he is in for a, a tougher fight, right. this could be off the table. so the fact that all the talks have been going back and forth for the past few weeks tells you this has been very sensitive. he could yet change his mind. but we are told these are now in the final stages. that his plan is to resign. as a way to help his fellow officers kind of move on. and help, help heal the community here. >> all right. evan perez. see what happens. thank you very much. joining me on the phone, mark
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o'meara, sunny hostin, and a former prosecutor, and criminal defense attorney. sunny, what do you make of this? certainly raised a lot of eyebrows when the police chief in ferguson said darren wilson would return to the job, if in fact he wasn't indicted. no question he could not return to his job. you mentioned a small police force. a small community. he is infamous now. there would be no way for him to return in an effective way to police that community. the ferguson community. but i feel like, andersen, that the timing of this announcement is unusual, the timing is questionable. if he believed he was going to be indicted i don't believe he would resign. he would want the police union support. he would want the attorneys involved with the police union support. all of that would go away if he was to resign and be indicted.
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i suspect one of the things we can read into this, is that, darren wilson does not believe he is going to be indicted. >> well, this wasn't a public announcement, evan perez learned this based on sources. i think that's important to point out. mark, what is your take on this? do you think there is something about the timing in all of this? >> i was going to say, it wasn't an announcement. almost, yet another like. and interesting, you know, one thought, if he thinks he is going to get indicted, that he gets indicted he is not going to be a police officer they're going to suspend him and without pay. they may fire him because of the indictment. you can look at this and say he preempted that. realistically, as sunny said. there was no way he will be back to law enforcement in ferguson or probably anywhere, any city because of notoriety. probably a good move to get this part of his life taken care of and to move on. >> paul, obviously wilson is maintaining i asaum he didn't do anything wrong in the testimony
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to the grand jury. we don't know what he said to the grand jury. they're not sequestrationed. so it is very possible with this leak with evan perez reporting this, the grand jury could hear this, i wonder if it could influence things one way or another? >> anderson, a very surprising development. because you know an officer who is fighting murder charges. will be fighting it saying i didn't act improperly, i acted honorably as a police officer and to say i'm resigning from my job it is sound like you are admitting guilt. that is something certainly his lawyers must have been worried about. of course on the other side of the equation, if he doesn't intend to come back. he has leverage. leverage to say to local authorities. i want-up to offer me a very good deal. i will resign. that may help to avoid damage to
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the community. rioting or bloodshed everyone fears when the announcement is make. a surprising development. we will have to see how it plays out. >> paul, pointing out, if the grand jury returns with an indictment, wilson could change his mind and not resign. >> he could. but as you say, it is a small community. when the grand jury goes to vote this. let's assume they're voting it tomorrow. if they know he resigned. one of the things people have had in the back of their mind is. if the grand jurors think it is a weak case against him. normally be inclined not to vote indictment. one thing they may be worried about is damage to the community if there is not a public trial. but if they know the officer has resigned, and that's kind of been thrown up to the community. there is less of a chance of violence. so, it's a complex equation here. and we'll have to see what went into it. >> all right. paul. thank you. sunny, mark, as well. a little past the top of the hour. just joining us, a special late
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edition of 360. live in washington. tonight, president obama laid out the executive action he is taking on immigration and an issue to challenge to congressional republicans. if you dent lion't like it. don't complain. pass a bill instead. they have been accusing the president, exceeding his powers, abaugz his authority. waging war on the constitution and some say the country. they're promising action of their own. and we'll look into what fallout could result. we start with what the president is doing, what it could mean to millions of people in this country. some of whom listened to the speech from a park directly across from pennsylvania avenue near the white house north lawn. it wasn't perfect. it was a compromise. but it reflected common sense. and the house of representatives allowed that kind of bill, a
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simple yes or no vote, they would have passed with support from both parties. and today it would be the law. but for a year and a half now, republican leaders in the house have refused to allow that simple vote. now, i continue to believe that the best way to solve this problem is by working together to pass that kind of common sense law. until that happens, there are actions i have the legal authority to take as president. so we are going to offer the following deal. if you have been in america for more than five years, if you have children who are american citizens, or legal residents, if you register, pass a criminal background check and willing to pay your fair share of taxes you will be able to apply to stay in the country temporarily without fear of deportation. let's be clear about what it isn't. this deal does not apply to an one who has come to this country recently. it does not apply to an one who
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may come to america illegally in the future. it does not grant citizenship or the right to stay here permanently or offer the same benefits that citizens receive. only congress can do that. the actions i am taking are not only lawful. they're the kinds of actions taken by every single republican president and every single democratic president for the past half century. to those members of congress who question my authority to make our immigration system work better, or question the wisdom of me acting where congress failed. i have one answer. pass a bill. congress certainly shouldn't shut down our government again just because we disagree on this. americans are tired of gridlock. >> president obama from the east room tonight. for more on what went into the words. the controversy they're causing, jim accosta, and dana bash. what are the details of the plan the president laid out tonight. >> striking. a rhetorical side of president
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obama we don't hear often, quoting george w. bush and scripture from the bible, he urged americans to show compassion to undocumented immigrants covered. here is the plan the president laid out. undocumented parents of u.s. citizens, legal residents in the country five years receive what is deferred action meaning they went be deported. also covered under the plan, an expanded number of children brought to the country illegally. the dreamers, on enforcement, the administration is beefing up border security. but immigration authorities get this will now target undocumented felons in what the administration calls recent border crossers. that's people who cross since january 2014. rest of undocumented immigrants like parents of dreamers take on lower priority status. for deportation. so in graduation authorities essentially -- so immigration authorities essentially went be coming for them. andersen? >> the president wants to pass a more permanent legislative solution? >> that's right. unclear how much mood republicans will be in for that. the president says if republicans and congress don't
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look what he did tonight. pass a bill. he took note of one gop threat we heard a lot about in recent days. here's what he had to say. >> i want to work with both parties to pass a more permanent legislative solution. and the day i sign that bill into law, the actions i take will no longer be necessary. meanwhile, don't let a disagreement over a single issue be a deal breaker on everyish u that's not how our democracy works. and congress shouldn't shut down our government again, just because we disagree on this. americans are tired of gridlock. what our country need from us right now is a common purpose. a higher purpose. >> now, after the speech, immigration protesters gathered outside the white house. mainly in support of the president's plan. people were chanting "obama, amigo." there was one incident, anderson, outside the white house, secret service says a 23-year-old woman was arrested carrying a gun in a holster
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under her shirt on pennsylvania avenue. the secret service says she is not cooperating with their investigation. >> jim acosta, thank you. >> dana bash, sampling congressional reaction. a lot of republicans unhappy about the plan to say the least. what are you hearing from sources? >> unhappy certainly is an understatement. not surprising. we have heard so many words. like imperial president. like, overreach. like monarch. word to describe what they believe is the president going way too far. in his claim of how much he can use his power. the question though is what republicans can really do about it. they do have options. but their options are limited given the fact that despite the president sort of smartly when it comes to politics bringing up a government shutdown, across the republican spectrum, at this point, they're saying that's not going to happen. they learned their lesson from a year ago. they don't want to go down the
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road of a government shutdown. what that means is their biggest weapon, anderson, the power of the purse is limited. because if they're not willing to go to the mat on a shutdown. there is only so much they can do with regard to cutting off funding. >> are democrats united in their support of the plan? >> they're not, actually. most democrats are. most democrats, we're hearing from tonight. in the halls, are saying they would prefer not to do it like this. they would prefer to ledge tate. that's what they have come here to do. but they understand why the president is doing what he is doing. however there are some conservative democrats, joe mansion of west virginia, joe donly, and angus king are not that happy with the president going ate len ait alone and doie is doing. unclear how that we play out going forward. it does give you a sense. he is sort of -- if you sort of fast forward to january of next year. when republicans are going to be
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in control here. how much maybe they can be able to work with some of these conservative democrats who are going to be in the senate and house. >> dana, appreciate the reporting. going to talk more about politics tonight. i want to talk about personal impact of this on people. with us now is journalist, documentary filmmaker, jose antonio vargas, founder of define american, director of "documented" and an undocumented immigrant. this is obviously for you very personal. what how does this personally affect you? what does it mean in your life? >> it is one of the things. thinking about it all day. hasn't really sunk in. i have been here since i was 12, 21 years. for somebody to just say, okay, now it is okay. now it is okay. you can get a work permit. you can get a driver's license. you can travel. outside of the country. i have ben to 44 of the -- been to 44 of the 50 of the american states. now i can actually go see canada or something. >> up to each state, whether or
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not to issue a driver's license. >> that is going to get really interesting. >> governors are saying. >> this is where i -- where it gets really interesting to me. the politics of this is so loud. and so muddled. especially considering how little facts people know about the issue. right. more than 60% of us who have been here have been here longer than ten years. undocumented people pay billions in taxes and social security that we don't even hear about. the fact that there is 17 million people in america, that's called mixed status household. i'm filipino.there is 25 people. only one undocumented. >> when was the last team you saw your mom? >> 21 years ago. >> you are not able to leave the united states. >> i leave before executive action i will not be able to come back. she can't come here. she is on a 16-year waiting list. common for the philippines, india or guatemala.
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now i can apply for some sort of status. this temporary. not permanent. temporary. and then actually ask for parole to leave and be able to come back. that's actually part of the mechanism how this is going to work. >> a lot of people say this is just going to encourage more undocumented immigrants from crossing over the border illegally? >> but the president said, the department of homeland security. you have to be here five years. people who come yesterday or a year before, or next year, are not going to be a part of it. >> doesn't it send a message. come anyway. five years from now, there is going to be another program like this. >> this is where i think when it comes to this issue, nothing but status quo. everybody are gauze, everybody knows it is broken. finally the president says, we are doing something. congress, the ball is in your court. now what. what i have been doing, an unopenly undock. ed person. doing this in the film and now.
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republicans want to defund this, or make it invalidated. congress members, what do you actually want to do with us? like what do you want to do with us? >> do you understand the anger people have towards undocumented -- >> the anger comes from the lack of information. once you tell people what it is about. for example the two questions i get asked every day, on twitter, e-mail, whatever. why don't you make yourself legal? because you know, i can just show up at an office. and, why don't you -- why don't you wait in the back of the line? some how we don't tell people there is no line. that's why we need immigration reform. >> something the president was referencing. the idea that people are jumping ahead of the line. >> i don't want to, i don't want to jump, give me a line. if you want a line. 18th and connecticut. i will be there right now waiting in the back of the line. there is no ryne. no process. the president created a process. how is congress going to react and put for snth. >> do you believe there will be
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comb prem comprehensive immigration reform? >> i don't know. not with this deep level of partisanship and not with the of misinformation people have about who we are and why we are here and the fact that, you know, we are in, we are in your communities. like we, didn't, this is not, we are not criminals. we are not taking away from this country. i mean, to me the tenor of the conversation, some times you hear michelle bachman and congress people are they talking about people or insects? what are they talking about? >> she made a comment the other day, sort of -- >> we speak english pretty well. i think i do. i think a lot of us do. >> do you fine the tenor of the debate glosses over the, the kind of -- human teity of peopl? >> this is where i think for us. and america at the forefront of this. the fact that, there is still, "the washington post," "the new york times" that refer to people as illegal.
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i am here illegally. as a person i am not illegal. you call them illegal. end of conversation. i think that has really become a problem as to why we can't. i have done, what 350 events in 44 states in the past three years. i got to tell you, the deep level of misunderstanding and the lack of humanity and compassion when we talk about it. tonight listening to the president. i kept thinking about. i kept thinking about the irish. i kept thinking about italians. all these immigrants that came here before there was ellis island, process. why did they come here? we dent come here to enjoy be called illegal and criminals. we come here like they came here. my mother made the ultimate sacrifice. i am thank foul to hful to her . >> tonight is a good night for you. >> a great night. yeah. >> will you be able to sleep tonight? >> i think so. >> thank you very much for being with us. let's bring in gloria borger, alan navarro, former white house
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press secretary, jay carney. where do things go from here? clearly the republicans are outraged. there are some republicans talking about, no judicial appointments, everything is going to grind to a halt? >> i think what we have to seep is whether or not the extreme rhetoric that we have heard from republicans, that you just cited will be matched by extreme action. now, so far, coupled with accusations of -- you know, imperial behavior, and lawlessness, and, unconstitutional action. you hear they won't shut down government. promises they went move towards impeachment. there are forces that will push the leaders in that directs. we have heard some of the voice tuesday. reaction to this. the biggest problem the republican party has right now is that they didn't have a approximately see.
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i want to play the president's comments. >> with respect to the notion that i can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case. >> i can't do it by myself. we are going to have to change the laws in congress. >> the notion that by myself i can go and do these things. it any just not true. >> what i have said is there is a pth to get this done. that's through congress. >> i'm the president of the united states. i'm not the emperor of the united states. my job is to execute laws that are passed. >> so, i mean, other than his frustration, what has changed -- constitution scholar. what changed to allow him to do this? >> here's what i say. if he could have the word back, the first clip where he talked about suspending deportations. that is literally what he is doing today. in, later -- instances including when i was there he would speak carefully about what he could
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not do as president. he can't change the law. he can't provide a path to citizenship. he can't do the things only congress can do. but he can using executive authority do what he did tonight. which is, order the agencies to exercise prosecutorial discretion in terms of how they. deport people. >> but i mean republicans are saying, this goes beyond prosecutorial discretion. this is blanket, entire class of people -- is, you know, the law is no longer applying to them. >> we have to really make clear what it is and what it is not. it is not amnesty. anybody calling that amnesty is doing so, erroneously. it's not. it covers people from deportation. and it provide legal permit to work. it allows people to travel. it does not give citizenship. it does not give voting rights. there are not going to be any literate, ill lat riterate or w educated voters, that are going to be voting they are not citizens or citizenship rights.
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>> you are republican right? >> i am republican. i want to tell the truth. >> they're not mutually exclusive, you know. >> there can be pro-gay republicans, pro-immigration reform republicans. i know you are just being funny. we have to at some point get away from the inflammatory language on both sides. >> so, where is the republican party on this? it seems like there is, a huge division? >> i think there is a diversity of thought, frankly. i think leadership, i think most republicans in congress want to see some sort of immigration action get done. i think this is going to be a test for leadership. in the sense that -- are they going to do what they know they have to do. because look, anderson, the immigration system was broken yesterday. it is still broken today. and still going to be broken tomorrow. this does not solve all of those broken immigration system issues that we have. >> gloria, we should point out. not just republicans. the democrats had both houses of congress early on in this administration.
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>> they could have didn't. argue they could have didn't in the first two years. jay knows very well that they decided to do health care reform and other things. >> well. >> there was disagreement. >> economic free fall. that was the priority. >> they argued you could have done immigration reform. let me say that, first of all, notion of imperial presidency is not new. it is something that polled really well for republicans in their internal polls. during the midterm elections. that's why they decided to sue president obama. you have heard talk about imperial presidency before this. you are going to hear a lot more talk about it now. i would argue that in the end. this may not be decided by john boehner but it may be decided by john roberts. three states are going to start suing the federal government over this. this is going to take a long time. could wind up in the courts. john roberts. like on health care, could be
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very dispositive on this issue of whether this is constitutional. >> it will take a long time. it means as a political process moves forward. the executive order goes forward. pending any action by congress. if the republicans hold their fire and don't self emulate and turn it over to the courts. that process will take time. meanwhile the order will take effect. families will be relieved by the actions the president took. then up to republicans running for president to decide where they will stand on this issue. will they, will they run on a promise to rescind this order. >> that is a politically -- >> who ever is the next president can rescind this executive order. >> congress can act. and, and this would be negated if congress acted. the lawsuit thing. not only do you have to prove it is unconstitutional. you have to prove you have standing to bringment cas the c. very complex. it will take a lot of time. it will go back and forth
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between the courts. and being a huge political issue for republicans. and huh thow they respond right. how temporary it is. what you were referring to. how tempered it is. the way the latino community looks at it. the politics of this. in terms of the presidential race. are important. for republicans and democrats. >> very important long term. republicans when we speak about this have to remember. there is a lot of people. a lot of families celebrating tonight. because they don't have to be in fear that somebody is going to knock on the door in the middle of the night. they will be taken away. maybe not see their children again. there are 2 million people deported. let's remember part of why this is happening is because the hiss panic community called president obama the deporter in chief. i think that cut through to him. that hurt him off to the quick. >> number of deportations have been significant. >> republicans need to.
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there are still reasons why we mav to do immigration reform. for the good of the country. for economic imperatives. national security imperatives. for humanitarian reasons. there are human faces. not just statistics. sat pom poi at some point. yes, he poked me in the eye. i am going to take my toys and go home, no, folks you are the leaders of the government of the united states states. put your big boy and girl pants on and do something. the system is still broken. you know it. i know it. we all know it. >> but if republicans try to rescind funding and either do it in the short term or do it when they come back. how will that appear? >> gloria, the, the chairman of appropriations, came out with a staeme statement today. saying that defunding this was not going to be possible because the agency that implements this policy, executive taaction, is
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funded. funded through fees. >> there is always ways to get around it. >> but, the chairman of appropriations, the republican chair of appropriations is saying it. i kind of take him at his word. >> former speaker gingrich. heard from a number of republican leaders. a focus on their outrage over -- the unkons tconstitutionality, know it is not unconstitutional, probably not lawless. because they know they are limited in what they can dupe. legislatively. safely. politically. because, there will be a backlash if they go too far. they want to have the moral outrage over it. because the the president is doing something bold. they don't want to pay any political price. >> jay, the only legal experts who have taken a look at this so far are democrat legal experts and white house legal experts. because the others have not been able to get a look at it. until 8:00 tonight. so i think that -- in the next few days.
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yeah, the details matter when it comes to constitutionality. >> gloria, anna, jay. thank you. there is no shortage of political heat surrounding this as we have been seeing this as we were reminded, very real consequences for millions of people. on the country any southern border there are law and order consequences as well as life and death consequences. gary tuchman from nogales, arizona. do border patrol expect to see people crossing in the whack of thof -- wake of this? >> we talked to agents in arizona they're on alert for the possibility of more people trying to cross the fence after the declaration by president obama. despite that his words are not to benefit people today, tomorrow, the next day, day after that. this is an area where many people cross. this is the border fence right here. when you are in nogales, arizona, 4 feet tall. used to seeing pictures of big fences and walls along much of the 2,000 mile border, four
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states of the united states, and mexico. but this fence is not only 4 feet tall. made of steel. little rope twine. tree branches. little barbed wire. very easy to negotiate. people here are crossing over all the time. i will be one of the few that crosses from the united states into mexico. to show you how easy it is. people come across the desert. sonoran desert. sonoran state of mexico. get on top of here. get down. jump. we see here today. bottles that were left here. clothes left here. people are crossing here every day. we talked to people who live along the border. some people say they support the president -- what president obama said. other people very much disagree with it. they're all in agreement they're sick and tired of seeing people crossing the desert. dangerous, people crossing. and dangerous for the people that live along the border. anderson. >> wondering, in the time you have been there. time being out with border patrol today. any sign of people crossing
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over. >> about 30 minutes ago. we heard some noise. turned out to be two border patrol agents, driving of the mountain. without their lights on and a tv's. they felt we were trying to cross illegally into the united states. we told them who we were. they said they saw a radar, a group of people, crossing so they zoomed off and they continue to look for the people. who they saw crossing. trying to get over this fence into the united states. >> all right. gary tuchman. appreciate it from the border. 28th congressional district in texas runs from south of san antonio to border of mexico. president obama's action tonight will be strongly felt there in many different ways. democratic congressman, representative of the 28th, in miami, he joins us now from there. congressman. thank you for joining us. you were critical the way the president handled the influx of immigrants and border over the summer after hearing what he said tonight. are you satisfied? >> well, you know, i prefer to have congress handle this.
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we have been waiting. since i have been in congress, republican colleagues said, hey, build a fence. fence was built. they said put more border patrol. we have double border patrol. they said you need to deport more. and president obama, departed in four years, first four years than president bush in eight years. we have been waiting, waiting. i would rather have congress handle this. the right way. but the president does have precedent. and in taking this action. >> when the president said tonight, you know, to congress if you don't like what i am doing, pass a bill. it will nullify what i am doing. do you see any sign of the possibility of some sort of comprehensive immigration reform? >> well we have been waiting for years. it hasn't happened. it is probably the most do-nothing congressen modern history. but again. i am an optimist. i want to see something done. but you know, i think our republicans are going to use that as an excuse. i think we ought to be intellectually honest.
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either you are for it. against it. don't start using the process, or some things you don't like for saying no. there is so much time being spent on how to stop this border. if we would spend the same energy on figuring how we can pass comprehensive immigration reform, we would be taking a very different direction. >> why do you believe the president. i know you said, you prefer legislative action. why do you believe the president has the the legal authority to do this. given the fact that he has made so many comments in the past. saying that he did not have the legal authority to do this? >> right. i can't explain. i can explain executive orders on immigration have been used to different degrees since 1956. president dwight eisenhower. the last, two, three, last two out of the three republican presidents we have had. president reagan. bush. the father. the elder. they also used executive orders to do immigration.
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so, again, it's been use d in te past. that's why i feel if you look at the supreme court. the president has a lot of flexibility fee to enforce the immigration laws. that we have. not a new classification. all we are doing is providing reprieve from deportation. congress has to do the permanent solution. >> do you believe this poisons the well as far as republicans are concerned in terms of any kind of cooperation in the near term? >> you know, before this position was taken by the president. the republicans didn't have a "well to poison." they had an opportunity to pass an immigration. we waited. we have waited. all we wanted. some of us believe in sensible immigration reform. was to have a vote. unfortunately. speaker boehner. though i think he wants to do it. you know. he is letting the very conservative part, the tea party
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folks, dictate what he wants to do. i know -- that, i, i really feel that he wants to do it. but he is not allowing himself to exert his powers as speaker to get it done. >> congressman. appreciate your time. thank you. >> want to remind the viewers. set your dvr. watch 360 when you like. coming up. a gunman opened fire in a library. filled with students at the university. three people were injured. before police killed the gunman. take you in the library. speak with a student. who was there and shot the video. right after she heard a shot go off. bill cosby on camera asking a reporter not to use a part of an interview in which he was asked repeatedly about the sexual assault allegations against him. that exchange coming up. . like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned...
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>> hundred of students ewere at the library at florida state university, when a gunman opened fire, injuring three. he recently moved back to the area. all classes and exams canceled as investigators interviewed witnesses and went through a journal and video the gunman left behind. george howell has more on the incident that left the campus shaken but grateful for the quick response of police officers. >> reporter: what started as a quiet midnight study session in a pack lied library during fina turned into a mad dash for hundreds of students running for safety. >> all of a sudden the fire alarm goes off. i hear somebody say get down. we need everybody to get down. then i hear some body say there is a man with a gun in the lobby.
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>> we got up and ran. everybody started screaming, gun, gun, gun. evacuated to the emergency exit. ran up four flights of steps to the fifth floor. >> a scary moment. just thinking like it was i could die today. >> students heard the first shots before 12:25 thursday morning. when police say they got the call a gunman was on campus. alex smith remembers the uncertainty the forewarning sounded throughout the building. >> there was a large bang. no one thought it was a gunshot. we thought somebody, the starbuck's dropped something or dropped a large book or something. there is actually a large delay, before, between the initial bang and, the actual panic. >> police say the gunman never made it past security measures in the lobby. still, he managed to shoot three people. two students and a campus employee. all recovering from gunshot wound in the hospital. one of the victims in critical condition. a fourth person managed to escape the building only to find
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a bullet grazed his backpack. >> get down behind the table. with a bunch of people. by the window. just outside. we heard 12 shots. we look up, the cops pointing the guns at the man. >> he used a 380 semi-automatic handgun and had additional ammunition in his pockets. tallahassee police chief, michael deleo says officers responded within two minutes time to find the suspect leaving the building. when he refused to surrender, officers fired shots and killed him. campus officials say their officers had recently been trained for active shooter scenarios. >> there has been a shooting in the library. >> their campus alert system, the easy button worked as designed. >> when we activate the system. 16 systems automatically populate and share information with the campus community. more than 55,000 people received information about today's incident within five minutes. >> the campus came together in prayer thursday evening. >> we will make it through this.
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following such a terrifying ordeal that shocked faculty and students. all here thankful for quick police response. >> stay where you are. >> and enough warning to take cover. >> initially look you said. i felt scared. but i felt really safe for the most part. because i knew the police was there and covering the situation. >> george howell joins me live. any idea of a motive for this person? >> reporter: anderson you, know, it is still unclear what the motive was. why did the gunman come to this campus? go into that library? and start shooting wounding three people? the people wounded we know, none were targeted according to police. after officers examined the cell phone of the suspect. after they red journal entries that he allegedly wrote they believe he thought he was being targeted anderson. targeted by the government. in fact, in a news conference when pressed about his mental stability. officers described him as
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beingen a stabeing in a state of crisis. >> are you getting a since how the students were coping tonight. seems there was high praise for a lot of of students, for school authorities and police? >> you hear a lot of that tonight. you do get the sense that people who were in that building are starting to recover. from what was an absolutely terrifying ordeal. people just didn't know what to do? where to go? to get away to get to safety. right now, anderson, i can say that, seeing the student campus come together. the focus is on the wounded. hoping for, the speediest of recoveries. and obviously the very best for their families. >> george, thank you very much. as we mentioned at the team of the shooting. hundred were in light braer. sarah evans was one of them. a senior at fsu. she took this video of the aftermath of the shooting. >> sarah if you can, walk us through what happened. you were leaving the library for the night. what then happened? >> you know i was very close to the exit of the library, 20, 30
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feet away with a couple of my friends. and we heard a gunshot. and, you know i knew it was a gunshot. but i wasn't as startled as i thought i would be. because it just wasn't as loud as i expected. and you know, i started saying, what was that? when we -- saw one of the library employees rush through the entrance in a panic. and that was the moment when i knew that something was probably, was really wrong. i immediately questioned her, what's going on? what's going on? after no response from her twice. that's when i then decided to take out my phone. because i, i just, i thought something was not going right here. >> we're looking at the individually that you started recording. how far away was the shot from you? >> i would say, 30, 40 feet. we were literally right around the corner from the entrance from the doors open up where the shooting was. >> you didn't see the shooter? >> no. did not see the shooter. there is a corner edge. we are close.
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visibility is not there because of the corner. >> it doesn't look like there is pandemonium in the video. looks le s like people are stan around and not sure what is happening. >> to be honest. everybody was pretty organized. everyone followed directions immediately. got up. left their stuff. there was no large commotion. everyone listening to directions getting out of the way. i'm proud of the students. there was no trampling, yelling, screaming, pushing. it was all as orginto issedisse it was all as orginto it was all organized as could be. >> you came across some one that was hurt. what did he say? >> there is a gun in the library. some one was shot. i thought, why would some body say that. that was some body talking to the crowd of the library. i realized that was a wounded man on the floor. that's when it all hit me.
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this is very serious. and -- and you know -- my heart, i have goose bumps thinking about it. i looked at him. the shock and terror on his face. i can't imagine what he was going through. you know, i just oh, my gosh are you okay? and he said i am bleeding. i am bleeding. i can't imagine how scared he was been >> how are you holding up to have been through something like this? >> i am doing okay. i think right now i am still running off the adrenaline from the initial event. i haven't slept at all today. i have been running around campus. talking with all my fellow classmates. my friend. family. all day. i haven't had time to reflect on it. but i feel really great about how florida state has handled the situation as a campus. and, i am just really proud of how tallahassee in general has handled this situation. i've feel good about is at this moment. >> sarah evans, appreciate you taking time to take to us. hope you get some rest and things calm down. thank you. >> yes, thank you very much. >> just ahead tonight.
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another accuser making allegations against bill cosby as new video shows him pressuring a reporter to bury part of an interview about accusations he is facing. plus celebrities who faced sexual assault accusations how many were charged with crimes. the nation's most reliable 4gse lte network. how's it working for ya? better than ever. how'd you do it? added cell sites. increased capacity. and your point is... so you can download music, games, and directions for the road when you need them. who's this guy? oh that's charlie. you ever put pepper spray on your burrito? i like it spicy but not like uggggh spicy. he always like this? you have no idea. at&t. the nation's most reliable 4g lte network. helps you find a whole range of coverages. no one else gives you options like that. [voice echoing] no one at all! no one at all! no one. wake up! [gasp] oh! you okay, buddy? i just had a dream that progressive had this thing called... the "name your price" tool... it isn't a dream, is it?
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late word from evan perez. ferguson police officer darren wilson in the final stages of talks to resign the he could make the announcement the same day a local grand jury will decide to whether or not to indict him. new developments in the bill cosby story. associated press released raw video of mr. cosby pressuring a reporter to deep six a portion of an interview he and his wife had just given. the part he objected to when the reporter asked him about sexual assault allegations he is facing. cosby dismissed the question and after the interview was over, before the cosbies removed their microphones, mr. cosby tried to get the reporter not to let the public see or hear his answer. >> now can i get something from you? that none of that will be shown. >> i can't promise that myself. but, you didn't say anything. >> i know i didn't say anything. but, i'm asking your integrity
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that since i didn't want to say anything, but i did answer you. in terms of i don't want to say anything of what value will it have? >> well, mr. cosby continued to talk to the reporter. at one point saying i would appreciate it, if it was settled. now the ap decided to release raw video now, because escalating allegations against mr. cosby. tonight, another accuser. we are joined with the latest. susan, i understand tonight there are new allegations from another accuser what have you heard. >> reporter: she says he surprised her by grabbing her and forcibly kissing her. this is what she told cnn. >> he grabs me, pulls me like
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really tegt to him, kisses me in the mouth like really, really rough. he came at me again. and i just pushed and ran and jumped and got out of his way. ran down the hall. and this guy was coming out of one of the rooms and i said, i want to go home. and took me home. i never said a word to any body in all these years. >> anderson, she also says that, cosby's wife camille was home at the time. >> why is she coming forward now, do we know? >> after hearing all these other women come forward she felt compelled to do the very same thing. she said, i just had to do it because in my view, it's time to stop. and she called bill cosby a predator. now we reached out to his lawyers and tonight, anderson, we have a brand new statement from them. they are calling the pattern of attacks as they put it entering the realm of ridiculous. quoting here. people coming out of nowhere with this sort of innane yarn is what happens in a media driven
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feeding frenzy. anderson, at least five women have come forward so far. and there is no telling when it might stop. >> all right, thank you very much. >> it is important to keep in mind, cosby has never been charged in connection with any allegations against him. he has settled a lawsuit with one of his accusers. over the past 48 hours, netflix and nbc postponed and canceled projects with cosby. cosby is not the first celebrity to face allegations or the kind of fallout from allegations of sex crimes. once again, gary tuchman reports. >> reporter: bill cosby, one of america's most famous funnymen. and woody allen also in the spot light for the wrong reasons. the renowned film maker accused by mia farrow and family members of sixablely abusing his 7-year-old daughter. and made a rare television appearance to deny it. >> a gigantic industry has been
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built on a total nonevent. i mean a total nonevent. it wasn't as if i tickled my daughter or something and much has been exaggerated. i'm saying, nothing at all. >> like cosby allen has never been criminally charged. but more than two decades later still an open sore. dylan farrow said in part, woody allen is a living testament to the way our society fails survivors of sexual assault and abuse. woody allen wrote his own letter in which he said no one wants to discourage abuse victims from speaking out one must bear in mind some times there are people falsely accused and that is also a terribly destructive thing. another celebrity accused of sexual abuse the king of pop, michael jackson. acquitted of child molestation charges in 2005. 12 years after a prior molestation accusation against him. he also felt compelled to make a statement during the case in
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1993. >> through out my life i have only tried to help thousand upon thousand of children to live happy lives. it brings tears to my eyes when i see any child who suffers. i am not guilty of these allegations. >> however, jackson did end up agreeing to pay out a multimillion dollar settlement to that accuser. while some celebrities blame their fame for attracting these tepz of accusations, others admitted their guilt or convicted in a court of law. roman polanski arrested and charged with sexually assaulting a 13-year-old. he accepted a plea-bargain with understanding he would receive probation. when he feared the judge would change the terms. he fled to france and never returned to the u.s. mike tyson convicted of raping a former beauty queen interviewed on cnn by cnn mark geragos also his attorney. >> i want to talk about the idea of getting a pardon.
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i want to talk about the fact that you believe you were wrongfully convicted. >> wow, which one is first? >> wrongfully convicted. >> i do believe high was wrongfully convicted i didn't commit the crime. >> finally, sean connery. famously told playboy magazine that i don't think there is anything particularly wrong about hitting a woman. connery's first wife publicly said she was abused by him. he has never been criminally charged. 22 years after the playboy interview he doubled down on a barbara walters interview. >> you did an interview in which you said, not the worst thing to slap a woman now and then. i remember you said you don't do it with a clenched fist, belter to do it with an open hand. remember that? yeah? >> i wouldn't change my opinion. >> bill cosby is not the first celebrity to experience this. he went be the last. gary tuchman. cnn, atlanta. >> well more on the story and others go to
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ahead, no rest for the snow bound in buffalo with even more snow falling after the initial blast that brought more than 6 feet. a live update next. try our newest wood-grilled combination! maine lobster, extra jumbo shrimp, and salmon! so hurry in! and sea food differently. there are more reasons than ever why now is the best time to be on verizon. one: verizon's the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in the country. that's right america. with xlte in over 400 markets. two: and here's something for families to get excited about. our best pricing ever! get 2 lines with an incredible 10gb of data to share for the low price of $110! or just $140 for a family of 4! and three: get $150 credit for every line you switch. the more you switch, the more you get. verizon. this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar.
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we always do. you don't know where to start to clear it up. you can only do so much. i will be happy if i can get that off the roof and -- just not have my house collapsed on. that's what i am worried about. >> in western new york the snow is getting deeper by the minute. misery index rising as fast. epic storm claimed ten lives so far. two latest victimed died overnight from exposure. in one town, rescue workers had to evacuate a nursing home because the roof was in danger of collapsing. so many buildings buried under snow. the big fear they'll continue to collapse under the weight. martin, what are the conditions now? >> there is good news. the snow has tapered off. some areas saw additional two feet. now, tonight the national weather service issued a flood watch for the entire area. that's because temperatures over the week end are expected to moderate. monday close to 60 degrees. that is going to set up a whole
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other set of issues. in the meantime they're still dealing with the problem at hand. the buried community south of buffalo now face a new danger. roof collapse. homes and buildings are beginning to buckle under the weight of the snow. we are now going to have roof collapses. we're looking at another 2 to 3 feet of snow today. and then a warming trend on the weekend which could lead to massive flooding when all of this snow starts to melt. >> reporter: not the only problem the snow continues to fall, sitty crews, national guard troops and contractors have thrown everything they have into clearing the snow. but even now most primary routes can only be declared as passable. more snow has slowed the job, so have endless streams of cars, people and snowmobiles navigating the few open routes. many side streets remain white waste lands of shoulder high
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snow. here, dofshovels, the only weap. i join two neighbors trying to clear the drive. i don't want to say this looks like an impossible task. >> yeah, pretty much. we will get there. you got to start some where, right? >> i guess you do. just getting to the front door is a challenge. the deep snow settled making it heavier and harder to move. the problem you have here is the same problem the city has. where do you put it? you can dig it up here. but it has got to go some where. so that's on top of somebody's car. with the snow too deep to plow, crews dig it up using front end loaders that carry it into waiting dump trucks. the trucks end up in long lines weight at an old railway terminal where they dump their snowy loads and head out for more while tractors push tight make room. this is how it looked wednesday. and this is how it looks a day later. a man made mountain, rising stories high into the air.
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and city officials say as big as it is, it is barely 20% of what's still needs to be cleared. >> how long is it going take to clear the mountain? >> you know probably four, five days, city officials say before they can get most of the side streets cleared out. look at this -- you know, down the way there where the first mountain was the one that you saw earlier in day light. and now, tonight, this is -- the second mountain that is sort of growing here. it is amazing how fast. and every now and then you will see one of the giant bulldozers sort of peek over the top. some look like they're going to tip and fall over. had to move the equipment at one point. the sort of man made avalanche, there is one, started rising over the top. they're going to be doing this all night long. all day. probably for days to come. here's the thing. you know even though the snow may go away with the rain and what comes next. this is going to be here.
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this is going to become a glacier and could last well into the summer. people are going to remember the storm. by coming and looking at this. it is massive. an old train station. they have plenty of room. they need every bit of it. off awe unbelievable. martin. thank you very much. last until the summer. amazing. that does it for us. our live coverage with "cnn international." >> hello, everyone. thank you so much for joining us on cnn piets john midnight here in atlanta. i'm zain asher. >> i'm errol barnett. a big welcome to those watching here in the u.s. and all around the world. coming up this hour, the big story, u.s. president barack obama takes immigration reform into his own hands. >> we are and always will be a nation of immigrants. we were strangers once, too. and whether our fore bearers were strangers who koszed the atlantic or the pacific or the rio grande, here here only
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because this country welcomed them in. >> it was an emotional appeal from the president for his executive action. we'll bring you detail ops what's in this plan and personal stories from the people it will impact. plus, we'll dig into republican claims that mr. obama is overstepping his authority. >> and the police officer involved in the shooting death of michael brown back in august is planning to resign. how the community is preparing for a possible grand jury decision on friday. >> lshtd, letall right, let's gd begin in washington where president barack obama unveiled his executive action on immigration reform. essentially this would allow as many as 5 million people to stay in the u.s. offering them legal status and prioritizing who immigration officials target for deportation. >> yeah. and a key element of the plan would actually be to go after
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undocumented immigrants who are felons, gang members, who have criminal records and not -- mr. obama specified this -- not families and children. he also said if you are a criminal, guess what, you will be deported. and if you plan to enter the u.s. illegally, your chances of being sent back just went up. now, however, the biggest part of the plan actually deals with the undocumented parents of u.s. citizens. >> if you've been in america for more than five years, if you have children who are american citizens or legal residents, if you registered, pass a criminal background check, and you're willing to pay your fair share of taxes, you will be able to apply to stay in this country temporarily without fear of deportation. let's be clear about what it isn't. >> this deal does not apply to
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anyone who has come to this country recently. it does not grant citizenship or offer the same benefits that citizens believe. only congress can do that. >> obama there a few hours deeper to the president's proposal. i want to get a sense, about the republicans, i heard lawsuit to possible impeachment to possibly thwarting future nominations. how realistic are any of those options? >> zain, first, impeachment is really unlikely and more oof a last resort. congressman steve king of iowa has been possibly the most vocal opponent of immigration reform, particularly creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented
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workers. now, over the last decade, he's made some quite controversial comments. he went through some of the ways that republicans could stand in the way of the president. listen here. >> i would like to start with the most minimal thing we can do to put the president back into the constitutional guard rile rails. and then step it up. that's why i say a resolution of disapproval. second would be a censure. third would be to cut out of the appropriation bills to fund the funds that fund this. i don't want to do the last thing, i don't want to do the i-word. no one wants to throw the nation into this kind of turmoil. the president has thrown us into this situation and now there are 535 members of congress who have all taken an oath to also uphold the constitution. >> censuring president obama, one of the things he mentions there is something the republican-controlled house may do. they've done that before. and that amounts to nothing more than really a warning, a bad
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headline. threatening the funding, though, for some of these measures in future spending bills is the real way that republicans can block the president. and we probably will see some of that coming up. a spending bill next month could effectively shut down the government. president obama urged them not to do that in these remarks tonight. and some of the most visible republican leaders have said they're going to avoid going that far again, zain. >> yes. clearly a lot of pressure right now on the republicans to respond in some way. but i do want to ask you, what are the implications here for the 2016 election, kwhen it comes to winning the much coveted hispanic vote. >> we want to take a look here at comment hillary clinton made on twitter earlier tonight, thanking the president for doing something about it. because, of course, congress wouldn't. but also saying that congress
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ultimately should pass a bill that could override the president's actions here tonight. now, i would also point out that as for immigration reform, and in m in the hispanic community are saying that these new rules don't go far enough because it doesn't extend to the largest possible group of immigrants, and it doesn't allow them access to government health benefits under the affordable care act. so hispanic voters will be looking for that very thing, as this issue is debated further. and if congress does begin work on major immigration reform early next year, you can be sure the republicans running for president will be extra careful about their positioning, because if they're too harsh and support very lit until the way of reform, it certainly could hurt them with the hispanic vote. when it comes to the general election in 201367 but first, they have to win this really big and messy republican primary, and the gop base is very upset with the president's actions here tonight and they will want to see a lot of tough talk, a lot of red meat about that so
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they are going to struggle with this no question about that, zain. >> in the meantime, the lives of 5 million undocumented immigrants are about to change dramatically. all right, we appreciate you staying up late with us. thank you so much. >> of course. >> so what about those 5 million people whose lives this will impact? what do they think of president obama's announcement? at this point, we want to get perspective from christina menez. she's the co-founder of and director of united we dream. she's been advocating for this kind of immigration reform for the past ten year and watched the president's speech with many of the people she represents. i spoke with her just a short time ago. christian tina, i know you watched the president's speech with the members you represent. and many of their relatives. just give us the reaction from the immigrant community, i guess, on what the u.s. president announced. >> well, we're hoping fighting for and organizing and advocating for this moment for
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almost a year and tonight, we celebrated the victory of our communities, immigrants here and in the united states. we will have mobilized shared their stories and put the pressure on the president to take this action. we believe that the president made this decision to take executive action on immigration because of all the efforts from our community to advocate and to put pressure on him to do it. so this night, we celebrate those efforts. >> you kind of wonder how much is there to celebrate. republicans already have said they will either block or undo the president's executive action. do you worry that taking this route won't be permanent enough and could eventually be undone? >> well, this is a temporary solution. it's the right step forward. it's a good step forward.
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it's going to protect close to 5 million people from deportation, which addresses the crisis of deportation that we seen in this country for the last few years with over 2 million people that have been deported. republicans have really shown to the country what their intentions are. and they have blocked imcongratulations reform in the last legislative session and they had the opportunity to deliver a solution on this issue. they chose not to and that's why the president had to step in to address the issues that we have with immigration. and our message to republicans is bring it on. >> you yourself were an undocumented imgrant when you came to the u.s. you've since pursued an education. you're doing what you can to help other. is there a misconception in the u.s. in this debate about who the illegal immigrants really are? a. >> well, we are trying to really demonstrate to the country that
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immigrants are not tinkers. immigrants have come to the united states and settled here seeking a better life. this country has a long history of receiving and welcoming immigrants and refugees and people that have been fleeing violence in poor conditions in other countries. and in. same way, my family and many others have come to this country seeking a better life. we work here, we're part of a community here. we are contributing and we want to contribute even more. so this program that the president is enacting will allow people like my parents to move from the underground economy to the formal economy. to contribute even further to the economy, to pay taxes and to participate in our communities in an inclusive way. and that is the america that we are about.
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>> zain, that's point you hear from many of the people representing the imgrants in the u.s. is look, the millions of immigrants are already here and they just want to be dealt with in a comprehensive way. and this, say those who support the president's plan, is one option to do that. in the face of inaction in congress. >> yeah. and also how much they contribute to the society as well. >> right. she made a point saying immigrants aren't takers. they help contribute. but certainly a divisive issue we will continue to look into. >> much more on the president's immigration overhaul later this hour. we're going to be heading to las vegas to meet a family living in constant fear that deportation will set them apart. >> all right, still to come here on cnn, new details in the deadly shooting of florida state university. what we've learned about the messages the shooter sent to loved ones before his death. >> also ahead, ferguson, missouri, prepares for a grand jury announcement that could come this weekend. and for a violent reaction that could follow. the holiday season is here,
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>> welcome back. this was our big breaking news at this time yesterday. police in tallahassee, florida, have now identified the gunman who shot three people in the florida state campus early thursday morning before he was killed by police. myron may entered the main library packed with students study and cramming ahead of final exams. police say may graduated from fsu back in 2009 and got a law
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degree at texas tech university before recently returning to fla. >> absolutely frightening situation. the students wrote double play their names at a vigil for the victims. one remains in critical condition at the hospital at this time. george howell has more on a shooting that one student has said has taken away the sense of security on a campus of 40,000. >> reporter: what started as a quiet med night study session in a packed library during finals quickly turned into a mad dash for hundreds of students running for safety. all of a sudden the fire alarm goes off and i hear somebody say get down, we need everybody to get down. and then i hear somebody say there's a man with a gun in the lobby. >> we just got up and ran. everyone started screaming gun, gun, gun. we immediately evacuated to the emergency exit and ran up four flights of steps to the fifth floor. >> it was a scary moment thinking i could have died today. >> students heard the fi shots
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just before 12:25 thursday morning. that's when police say they got the call a gunman was on campus. alex smith remembers the uncertainty before warnings sounded throughout the building. >> there was a large bang we heard. no one really thought it was a gunshot. we thought somebody in the starback bucs dropped somebody or dropped a large book. so there was a pretty large delay between the initial bang and the actual panic. >> reporter: police say the gunman never made it past security measures in the lobby. still he managed to shoot three people, two students and a campus employee, all recovering from gunshot wounds in the hospital. one of the victims in critical condition. a fourth person managed to escape the building only to find a bullet had grazed his backpack. >> we're right by the window where it was just outside anticipate we heard about 12 shots and we looked up. it's the cops pointing the guns at the poiman. >> he used a .380 semiautomatic
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handgun. he had additional ammunition in his pockets. >> tallahassee police chief said officers responded with two minutes' time to find the suspect leaving the building. when he refused to surrender, officers fired shots and killed him. campus officials say their officers had recently been trained for active shooter scenarios. >> we have a shooting. >> reporter: and their campus alert system caused the easy button worked as designed. >> we activated that system, 16 of our systems automatically begin to pop late and share information instantly with our campus community. more than 55,0e received information about today's incident within five minutes. >> reporter: the campus came together in prayer thursday evening. >> we will make it through this. >> reporter: following such a terrifying ordeal that shocked faculty and students. all here thankful for quick police response. >> stay where you are. >> reporter: and enough warning to tak >> initially i felt scared, but
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i felt really safe for the most part because i police were on it and i knew there were there and covering the situation. >> george howell reporting there. we do have a bit of new information we want to bring to you in to cnn. the shooter, myron may reportedly sent packages to eight friends before his rampage. cnn affiliate wsbtv say the recipients aren't aware of what's inside those packages but they've all been told to call police as soon as they arrive. >> very scary indeed. everyone is focused on the grand jury decision that could come out of ferguson, missouri tomorrow. cnn has learned that ferguson police officer darren wilson could actually announce his plans to resign from the force today. >> many of our analysts saying this is an interesting development. wilson is the white officer who shot and killed the unarmed black teenager michael brown back in august. sources now tell us this he's in the final stages of negotiations with city officials to step down.
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now, it's all interesting and key because a grand jury's decision on whether to endiet wilson could also come as soon as today, friday. >> authorities across the u.s. are being told to be on high alert for potential violence and reaction to that decision. in fact, missouri's governor has actually already declared a state of emergency. cnn's erin burnett talked to ferguson's police chief about that. >> you are not overseeing the local response. i know the governor of missouri didn't include you in his press conference when he laid out his plan to deal with violence. do you think you should be running that response to show the community it can trust you and your police force? >> well, i'm running a response here locally and we're still going to be -- the ferguson police department is still going to be patrolling the city of ferguson throughout all this. but we are a smaller police department, a small community. and this is a much larger regional issue. and the chief of police for st. louis county for decades, and i
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have absolute confidence in his ability to see us through this thing. >> in august, i know you spoke to our jason carroll and said wilson was treated in the hop for a swollen face. i know you didn't see him personally. have you ever seen evidence of his injury since you last spoke to cn in? -- cnn? >> no, i specifically kept myself away from all the evidence in this case so the county and prosecutor attorney's office could conduct a fair and impartial investigation without any interference. >> a lot of anticipation building up to tomorrow's decision. and, in fact, michael brown's father has emphasized he does not want any violence this weekend. >> that's right. he recorded a statement. we'll show you a portion of it now where he calls for calm, no matter what the grand jury decides. >> i thank you for lifting your voices to end racial profiling and police intimidation. but hurting others or destroying property is not the answer. no matter what the grand jury decides, i do not want my son's
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death to be in vain. >> and again, cnn has learned ferguson police officer darren wilson 6 could soon be announcing his plans to resign from the force. we'll be monitoring all of the still-moving developments as we approach a possible decision friday. >> again, everyone, still to come on cnn, auto executives and safety regulators on the hot seat over faulty air bags. one victim testifying in front of a u.s. panel said that she was actually blinded by flying metal as hard as. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud.
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the head of cybercommand says not just china but one or two other unnamed skoun tris have the power to shut down the u.s. power grid and other critical infrastructures. >> michael rogers actually testified thursday that such attacks are a coming trend he sees based on reconnaissance currently taking place. he also warned of so-called cyberhitmen being hired by nation states to exploit vulnerabilities in u.s. cybersystems. scary stuff. >> another story we're tracking for you in hong kong. a court is expected to rule on an injunction to clear a portion of the pro democracy protest crites. a major clearance is unlikely until next week, but officials and people believe thelkd maintain that element of surprise and a clearout could happen much sooner.
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>> in a couple of of hours, a rally is expected to start as protesters plan to occupy roads, surrounding hong kong's british consulate to demonstrate against what they perceive as british inaction. >> and we'll show you what's happening in southeastern brazil. many folks suffering through one of the worst droughts in decades. we know someone who can shed some light on this. there is our meteorologist, dvd as we call him. >> love it. >> derek what's happening? >> eb is what we'll call you. >> doesn't sound as good. >> as long as we don't move ton to blu-ray disks anytime soon. we're talking about southeast brazils, not blue raies or dvds. we're talking about the worst drought in over three decades. it's serious because they're not getting the hateful they would typically see during the rainy season. look at these incredible photos coming out of southeastern
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brazil. we're talking about 300 to 400 millimeters below average for this time of year in terms of hateful. so they're just not getting that annual rain that they should see. and the reservoirs are dwindling to roughly between three 3% to 5% of their capacity. so you can imagine, just the amount of water that is just not flent that region. now, we are coming off our dry months in the state of sao paulo in southeastern brazil. and we are going into our rainy season. the rainiest months in this part of the world, december, january and february. the past three years, we just haven't been replenishing those hateful totals. and this is the result. we have exceptional drought conditions where you see that darking shading of red. basically with sao paulo with the bull's eye. take a look at one of the visual
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pms this is a series of reservoir it's important because it supplies water to half of sau paulo's met pollian area. they have 20 million people and these series of reservoirs are at critical water levels. they're using pumps to access water from other sources. but the dry river beds just highlight how bad the official is. it would have to rain three years at normal levels just to get back to a comfortable water level in this region. let's zoom into what's called the jaguar reservoir. this is one of the region's hardest hit by this drought. this is last year in august. but look at the decline in the water levels across this region in august. and it has impacted things like the crop production in that area. even some municipalities rationing some of their water. that's all the time we have here
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now, here's some news you may find even more surprising. we're comcast. the only isp legally bound by full net neutrality rules. >> well ocome back to our viewers in the u.s. and all around the world. >> so glad to have you with us. in the headlines at this hour, these people are neighbors, our classmates, our friends. they did not come here in search of a free ride or an easy life. they came to work and study and serve in our military. and bo all, contribute to america's success. >> u.s. president barack obama making headlines there, pretty
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much unveiling the most sweeping immigration reform in decades and all of it by executive order. now he sees the goal here is really to deport felons, those with criminal histories and not families, not children. his plan will actually give some 5 million undocumented immigrants temporary protection from deportation. >> take a look at the chaotic scene in mexico city just a short while ago. demonstrators gathered to protest the government's response, the disappearance of 43 students. and police actually used fire extinguishers to disperse some protesters who they say threw molotov cocktails in front of the national palace. >> french officials are actually backing away from publicly identifying a second french citizen as an isis terrorist. now woenz, the terrorist prosecutor's office said that
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22-year-old mikael dos santos is in a video in the beheading of syrian soldiers and an american aide worker. the office says the investigation is still ongoing. >> the movie director who made a star out of dustin hoffman in "the graduate" is being mourned throughout the world. mike nichols is dead at the age of 83. audiences knew him first in the late 1950s as one half of the comedy d.a. duo, nichols and may. >> president obama's immigration order makes good on his promise to take action where congress has failed. addressing his critics in a televised speech just a few hours ago, mr. obama insisted the changes do not amount to amnesty. he said the real amnesty would actually be leaving america's immigration policy as it is,
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essentially doing nothing and to continue to allow millions of people to live in the united states without paying their taxes. >> mass amnesty would be unfair. mass deportation would be both impossible and contrary to our character. what i'm describing is accountability, a common sense middle ground approach. if you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. if you're a criminal, you' be deported. if you plan to enter the u.s. illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up. >> the actions i'm taking are not only lawful, they're the kinds of actions taken by every single republican president and every single democratic president for the past half century. and to those members of congress who question my authority to make our immigration system work better, or question the wisdom of me acting where congress has failed, i have one answer -- pass a bill.
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>> now as expected, republicans were not happy with what they heard. in fact, they are denouncing the president's immigration order as illegal. >> in fact, they say that mr. obama has exceeded his authority and is ignoring the will of the people. they are certainly prompting a fierce fight, a fierce battle in congress. >> i listen to all the humanitarian discussion. what about the rule of law? what about some compassion for the rule of law and the constitution? this republic and the vision of our founders, this is a crisis. we have some options in the house. the first thing would be the rez hughes of disapproval that lays this out. we've got to get a better look at the documents that drive this through. the second could be a censure for the president of the united states. that has not happened for more than a century. that would be at least a direct message to the president. the third thing would be to cut off the funding. i want to fund this government. i want to keep this government open, but if they ask me to vote
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for an appropriations bill that funds an unconstitutional act on the part of the president of the united states, i'm bound by my oath, as he should have been bound by his. >> congressman steve king there. president obama's critics are, of course, slamming him for exercising executive power. but believe it or not, it's something that his predecessors did with far greater frequency. >> by issuing the executive orders we're going to stack some of the u.s. presidents up for you here. mr. obama has used executive power 191 times. george w. bush, take a look right there. a bit higher, 291. and as you see, bill clinton, 364. and ronald reagan used his executive power nearly twice as much as president obama, including for immigration reform. here's a closer look with tom foreman. >> reporter: in 1 the 866, congress passed a huge overall of immigration. giving about 3 million people who had come illegally a right to stay. but there was a hole.
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it gave some parent citizenships but not their kids. so ronald reagan used his power to adjust the impact. >> future generations of americans will be thankful for our efforts. >> reporter: a few years later, president george h.w. bush expanded on reagan's action, creating the family fairness program. it broadened rules even further to keep families from being split up by immigration policy. >> it also credits the special role of immigrants to america. >> supporters of president obama point to both of those cases as proof that he is doing nothing unusual and for republicans to b outraged is hypocrite call. opponents say not so fast. reagan and bush were tinkering with laws passed by congress, whereas they say obama failing to get the reform he wants is in effect enacting a law of his own. >> cnn's tom foreman there.
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the big question is, did president obama overstep his bounds. i explored that angle a little while ago with cnn's legal analyst. did he have complete legal authority here? or was there some kind of overreach? >> i don't think there was an overreach at all, zain. i've been reviewing the legal opinion that was issued by department of homeland security giving him sort of the legal road map as to what he could do and really could not do. he really seems to have stayed within that road map and not overreached at all. so i think he certainly is within his executive power to do what he says he is going to do. because remember, an executive order is a presidential policy directive. he's not making new laws. he's not changing the law. he's simply enforcing the law with a policy directive. and i think that is perfectly within his ability as the executive in chief. >> you know, it's interesting, because the president himself
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has said multiple time he is didn't necessarily have the authority to do anything like this without congress' help. what's changed sneer. >> well, i certainly think that congress would be able to legislator a legislate and work with the president and change law and enact new laws. that's not what the president is doing. what he's saying for the 5 million undocumented immigrants that are here, they can stay. if they participate in background checks, as well as pay their back taxes, as well as register. they cannot be deported. so he's changing the priorities of deportation. that is not enacting new law, which is what would be within congress' realm. so i think there is some confusion out there, and there are many voices that are saying, you know, the president eck seeded his authority because he's made new law. that is not true. what he is doing is acting within hez executive authority to direct who will be deported
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and what the priorities of those deportations will be. he made very clear, i think, that the priorities are felon, not families. and so if there is an undocumented immigrant here with children and an undocumented immigrant with children that were born here, they're united states citizens they've been here for five years, those undocumented immigrants, flooes five years. we're not talking about people that are just arriving, they can stay for at least three years. they will not be deported. >> certainly millions of lives will be changed as a result. all right, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> and president obama will be in las vegas later friday to speak about his immigration order at the high school where he first laid out this plan two years ago. >> yeah, and many families there will certainly be listening eagerly.
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>> reporter: to the nearly 40 million tourists who visit the strip each year, this is the vegas they see. but behind the bright lights, a community of undocumented workers is quietly tile toiling away. doing menial jobs to support their families under the constant fear that they will be torn apart. >> she says she thinks about it every day. it's one of those things that people who are undocumented think about it every day. and it's a fear you have to live with. >> lorena who only wanls to use her first name lives with that fear because she's here illegally. a mother of three, she and her husbands clean homes and nightclub bathrooms to support their children. >> how was school today? >> pretty good. the youngest was born in the united states, but lorena could be deported to mexico at anytime. her 18-year-old daughter, also
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named lorena, however, is protected under president obama's 2012 order to defer some deportations, which gives children brought to the u.s. by their parents a two-year reprieve from removal. she wants obama's executive order to do the same for her parents. >> i fear that at any point in time, immigration could come, knock on my door and take my parents with them and leave us here, destroying my family and leaving us completely fallen apart. >> lorena also wants obama to provide an act to citizenship. >> i want to be able to help our country and the country that i was raised in, but i mean, it's something that i couldn't do. >> this is what we wake up to. >> but 25-year-old jose mecias doesn't face those obstaclobsta. he was born in the u.s. after his parents, seeking fertility treatment across the border
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entered illegally. >> the people didn't have papers, didn't have -- my family got involved because the citizen. >> jose's father has spent nearly 30 years in the u.s. working at mcdonald's, in fruit fields, at a shoe factory and in construction. his wife at a casino before recently dying of a stroke. >> she was very active and with other mothers. >> having just lost his mom, jose is worried he could lose his father, too. if his dad is deported. jose believes his father has earned his right to stay and has made immigration reform his passion. >> you don't fight for what's right, then somebody else won't do it for you. it was always something that she always tell us. >> reporter: a sentiment shared by lo ren that as well. >> i believe i'm worth just as much somebody who is born here. >> as a community here anxiously
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awaits for the president's announcement regarding his new immigration policy, there's also a sobering reality that whatever he does through executive order is temporary and could change in two years with the next president. suzanne malvo, cnn, las vegas. >> our coverage of this important issue continues on television and online. over at, you can find a full transcript of the president's immigration speech, plus we debunk five common immigration myths to help you sort through the accusations from both sides. >> okay, everyone. still to come on cnn, takes a look at this weather nightmare. can you imagine going to work in that? people in buffalo, new york, are still trying to dig themselves out after a brutal snowstorm. but guess what? yes, the worst may be yet to come. esurwhich means fewer costs, which saves money. their customer experience is virtually paperless,
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>> welcome back, everyone. the death toll from a brutal snowstorm in buffalo, new york, now ax which you willy stands at ten. that number has been steadily rising the past couple of days. doctors say the latest victims are actually two people who had mental health issues. and they died of apparent exp e exposure to the cold. . >> and the snow is finally tapering off after more than six feet or close to two meters fell in some areas. now the big worry is flooding moving in for the weekend.
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i want to prepare people for what is coming. there is going to be flooding after the temperature increases on saturday and there's melt off. that is inetable. i want people to look for cracks, boeing, if you see that please move to another area of the house. if it looks extreme, call 911 and leave your home. this storm is impacting every impact of this region. the bills and jets will now play monday night in detroit. >> just a couple of days ago, that community woke up to about six feet of snow. can you imagine waking up to that, being buried. >> stunning stuff. >> there was truly graphic
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testimony at the u.s. capitol on thursday when one victim of a malfunctioning air bag actually testified before a u.s. congressional committee. behind her was a picture of her face a moment after her air bag went off, blinding her in one eye. >> could this have been us? if anyone has these defective air bags? the air bags have been linked to five deaths and executives from the company are apologizing but won't comply with the u.s. recall. >> we now have a live hand grenade in front of a driver and a passenger. >> reporter: for nearly three hours, senators grilled an executive from air bag manufacturer takata, auto
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