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tv   CNNI Simulcast  CNN  November 20, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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money. yay, game night, so much fun. hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm natalie allen. ahead this hour, president barack obama, takes immigration reform into his own hands. >> we are and always will be a nation of immigrants. we were strangers once, too. and whether our forbearers were strangers that crossed the atlantic, the pacific, or the rio grande, we are only here because this country welcomed them in. >> an emotional appeal from the
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president for his executive action. details on what's in the plan. and personal stories from the people it will affect. also, what congress plans to do about it. we'll dig into republican claims that mr. obama is overstepping his authority. also ahead, word that the police officer involved in the shooting death of michael brown plans to resign. we'll see how the community is preparing for a possible grand jury decision on friday. we begin in washington, where u.s. president barack obama, has unveiled his executive order to overhaul immigration. it would allow as many as 5 million people to stay in the u.s., offering them legal status and prioritizing who immigration officials target for deportation. a key element of the plan would be to go after undocumented migrants who are felons or gang members, not families and children. mr. obama says, if you're a
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criminal, you'll be depaorted. if you plan to enter the u.s. illegally, you chance of being sent back just went up. the plan deals with the undocumented parents of u.s. citizens. >> if you've been in america more than five years, if you are children who are american citizens or legal residents, if you register, pass a criminal background check and you're willing to pay your fair share of taxes, you'll be able to apply to stay in this country temporarily without fear of deportation. you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. that's what this deal is. now, let's be clear about what it isn't. this deal does not apply to anyone who has come to this country recently. it does not apply to anyone who might come to america illegally in the future. it does not grant citizenship or the right to stay here permanently or offer the same benefits that citizens receive. only congress can do that. >> we want to dig deeper, now,
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into the president's proposals. as many will be doing for some time, now. no doubt. erin mcpike is in washington. she joins us, now, live. erin, first up. how are the republicans likely to respond to the president's speech? i've heard everything, from lawsuits to impeachment, thwarting his future nominations. certainly, we've seen a dogfight in washington for many years. and it looks like they're trying to get another one. but what are the realizations here? >> we've heard from the oklahoma governor. that there is likely to be a lawsuit. impeachment is unlikely, and a last resort. and congressman steve king of iowa has been vocal in the last few years. he's been an opponent of immigration reform and creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented workers. over the last decade, he's made some very controversial comments. he was on cnn earlier tonight,
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describing some of the things that republicans could realistically do to punish the president. listen to those remarks. >> i would like to start with the most minimal thing we can do, to put the president back into the constitutional guardrails. that's why i say a resolution of disapproval. second would be a censure. third, to cut out the funds that would fund this. that's the progressive effort. i don't want to do the "i" word. nobody wants to throw the nation into that turmoil. the president has thrown us into this situation. and now, there are 535 members of congress who have all taken an oath to also uphold the constitution. >> now, censuring president obama, one of the things he mentioned there, is something that the republican-controlled house may well do. they have done that before. but it amounts to nothing more than a warning or a bad headline. but threatening funding for some of his programs is the real way that republicans can block the president on this or many other measures. and we'll probably see some of
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that come up in the coming weeks and months. it can be taken to the extreme, though. and republicans could try to refuse to pass a major spending bill, just next month, that would effectively shut down the government, which you may remember, they did about a year ago. president obama urged them not to do that in his remarks tonight. and we have heard from a number of republican leaders who said they're going to avoid going that far this time. natalie? >> i cannot imagine the backlash if that happened again. just when the country is getting back on its feet with jobs and such. let's talk about 2016, erin. what are the implications for the election then, especially when it comes to the hispanic vote? >> that's a very important part of a general election. and i want to show you a comment that hillary clinton, who is the -- at this point, the likely democratic nominee, although, that primary hasn't even begun yet. but let's look at this comment because she basically thanks president obama for doing
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something here because congress hasn't yet. but she also said that congress ultimately should pass a bill that could override the president's actions that he announced tonight. i point out that advocates of immigration reform and many in the hispanic community say the new rules don't go far enough because they don't extend to the largest possible group of immigrants. and it doesn't allow them access to health benefits. hispanic voters will be looking for that in particular, if this issue is debated further. and if congress does begin work on major immigration reform early next year, you can be sure that the republicans running for president will be extra careful about their positioning because if they're too harsh and support too little in the way of reform, it could held hurt them with the hispanic vote in the general election. but first, they have to get through the big and messy republican primary. and the gop base is very upset with the president's actions tonight. and will want to see a lot of tough talk about that. republicans will certainly struggle with this, natalie.
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>> all right. erin mcpike. going through the details. the first of many announcements, certainly, to come on this. thank you, erin. all the talk about how dare president obama do this from the republican side, his critics are slamming him for exercising his executive power. but presidents do this. it's something his predecessors did with more frequency. mr. obama has used his executive power 191 times. george w. bush used his 291. bill clinton, 364. and ronald reagan used his nearly twice as much as president obama. 381 times, including four -- guess what immigration reform. here's tom foreman for a closer look. >> reporter: in 1986, congress passed a huge overhaul of immigration. giving about 3 million people who had come illegally a right to stay. but there was a hole.
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it gave some parents citizenship but not their kids. so, ronald reagan used his power to adjust the impact. >> future generations of americans will be thankful for our efforts. >> reporter: a few years later, president george h.w. bush expanded, bringing the family fairness program. it broadened the rules further, to keep families from being split up from immigration policy. >> it credits the special role of immigrants to america. >> reporter: supporters of president obama point to both of those cases as proof that he is doing nothing unusual. and for republicans to be outraged is hypocritical. but opponents say not so fast. reagan and bush were tinkering with laws passed by congress, whereas say they, obama, failing to get the reform he want, is in effect, enacting a law of his own. >> tom foreman, there. henry quar has a
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constituency in texas. i spoke to him about the president's plan. >> there are good points about what the president's doing. he talked about the 5 million. but the other part is, the part he's going to allow high-skill workers or graduates or entrepreneurs, to be able to work for some of our tech companies and stay here. i think it's important. when you look at what's happening with our tech companies, a lot of times, they don't have the engineers. they don't have the right number of folks. and what's happening is, we're training a lot of the students coming from other countries. then, they leave because they can't stay here. then, they turn around and compete against us. or what other place do you train your own competition, like we do here in the united states? so, that part, i think is going to be very helpful for our economy. >> how do you think the latino
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community is going to respond to this? we certainly heard how the republicans have responded. it's very likely to get mired in some serious political situations. some believe it will ultimately be taken up by the supreme court. but what about the latino community? how are they responding? what have you heard? >> i talked to some folks already. first of all, the latino, the hispanic community is not monolithic. the ones that want to see this immigration reform is going to be excited about this. i've gotten calls saying, who will be covered by this? but on the other time -- the other folks have been here for a while. my father was born in mexico. he became a legal resident. and he became a naturalized citizen. the folks that have been here for a while, they certainly don't want to get the impression that someone's going to jump over them. we're not talking about amnesty. we're not talking about the president doing classification.
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he's doing what ronald reagan and what president bush, the father, did. and that is just provide a reprieve from deportation, to, hopefully, give congress a time to pass immigration reform. >> yes. certainly, this president has seen many deportations under his watch. do you have faith that this will play out with congress? >> well, you know, this is the most do-nothing congress in modern history. but i am an optimist. i'm hoping that eventually, our friends on both sides of the aisle will sit down in a bipartisan way and will pass immigration reform. but if you take a look at our track record, it hasn't been successful. but i'm hopeful. >> we appreciate his time. we'll continue, of course, to break it all down, right here on cnn. but also, we have complete coverage, of course, on immigration at, including a full transcript of
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the president's speech. plus, we have debunked five common immigration myths to help you sort through the accusations from both sides. an important announcement on the fate of ferguson police officer, darren wilson. we're just talking about a grand jury indictment. there's another development. coming up, we'll tell you about coming up, we'll tell you about it. ylenarthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain.
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welcome back. the death toll from the brutal snowstorm in buffalo, new york, now stands at ten. the latest victims are two people who had mental health issues. they died of apparent exposure to the cold. the snow is finally tapering off after close to some two meters fell in some areas. the new worry is flooding. warmer temps and rain are moving in for the weekend. >> i want to prepare people for woo is coming. there is going to be flooding after the temperature increases on saturday and there's meltoff. that is inevitable. i want people to look for cracks, bowing or water coming through ceilings or roofs. if you see that, please move to another area of the house. if it looks extreme, call 911 and leave your home.
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>> the massive snowstorm forced the national football league's buffalo bills, a hearty bunch, to move their scheduled sunday afternoon game against the new york jets. the teams will now play monday night in detroit. you certainly can't play on that, i guess. oh. it has been a whopper. and now, they have this other threat with the flooding. let's get more from derek van dam. derek? >> there's so many elements to this storm and this story that continues to be ongoing. we could dedicate a newscast to just this. let's talk about what's most important. that the snow is slowly starting to taper off, especially in the hardest-hit areas of the western parts of the united states, new york state. you can see the line of very, very intense snow that was just downwind of lake erie and lake ontario. and erie county, where buffalo, new york, is located.
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we have 4 to 12 inches of snowfall overnight, by about day break tomorrow morning. you can see, however, that the snowfall totals and the additional snow we're expecting is actually south of what was the hardest-hit area. that was erie county. here's the additional snow we're expecting over the next day or so. and then, we start to see the big warm-up. you saw the video just a moment ago of the mayor talking to the public about the possibility of flooding. this is our next major story. we're going to keep a close eye on this. really this, snow came in two different rounds. one on tuesday. and one on thursday. and here's a look at the highest snowfall totals that we could find here at cnn weather. we had upwards of 216 sent meters in central new york. that's 85 inches. seven feet of snow. unbelievable. yes. some impressive stuff.
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look at the snow dwindling. but that shading of blue is rainfall. temperatures are going to hit 60 degrees by monday afternoon. look at the visuals out of the area. brave emergency crews carrying a person on a stretcher through the snow. taking any mode of transportation available to get that person to safety. but i want you to pay particular attention to the amount of snow on the roofs of these houses. we're talking four, five, even six feet of snowfall. and you can just imagine the weight that is on top of that building. let's break it down for you, actually. we can pull up my grafx. we have an average house of 2,000 square feet. average depth of snowfall in erie county, about four feet. we take in consideration the density of the water, we could have upwards of 50,000 pounds of weight on top of that particular roof. that's over 20,000 kilograms. you can see that roof collapses are the next concern in the
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short-term. and as the temperatures warm up, that stuff starts to melt and we have the possibility of flooding next week. >> that rooftop says it all, doesn't it? >> it does. >> that's scary. i feel for the people in that situation. >> agree. >> derek, thank you. cnn has learned ferguson police officer darren wilson could announce his plans to resign from the force on friday. wilson, the white officer, that shot and killed michael brown last august. sources say he's in the final stages of negotiations with city officials to step down. a grand jury's decision on whether to indict wilson could come as soon as friday. authorities across the u.s. are being told to be on high alert, for potential violence in reaction to that decision. missouri's governor has declared a state of emergency. cnn's erin burnett talked with ferguson's police chief about that a moment ago.
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>> you're not overseeing the local response. and the governor of missouri didn't include you in his press conference to deal with the violence. do you think he should be giving that response, to show the community that he can trust you and your police force? >> i'm running the response locally. and the ferguson police department is going to be patrolling the city of ferguson throughout all this. we are a smaller police department in a small community. and this is a much larger regional issue. i know john bellmer, the chief of police for decades. i have confidence in his ability to see us through this thing. >> in august, you spoke to jason carol. and you said wilson was treated at the hospital. you didn't see him personally. have you seen evidence of officer wilson's injuries since you last spoke to cnn? >> no. i specifically kept myself away from all of the evidence in this case so that the county and the prosecuting attorney's office could conduct a fair and impartial investigation without
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interference. >> ferguson, missouri, is on pins and needles. michael brown's father does not want to see any violence this weekend. he reported a statement calling for calm. no matter what the grand jury decides. >> i thank you for lifting your voice to end racial profiling and police intimidation. no matter what the grand jury decides, i do not want my son's death to be in vain. >> again, cnn has learned that darren wilson could be announcing his resigning from the force. we'll be following that possible development today. the shooter that opened floor at florida state's university's main library may have sent packages to some of his friends beforehand. police identified the gunman as myron may. he wounded three students before he was shot and killed by
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police. our affiliate, wsb, reports myron may may have sent the packages to eight friends. and they should arrive today. the report says the recipients do not know what's inside the packages. but have been told to call police as soon as the packages arrive. coming up here, auto executives and safety regulators on the hot seat over faulty air bags. deadly air bags. graphic testimony. one victim gave to a u.s. senate panel about her injuries from an air bag. we'll have that for you next. narrator: these are the tennis shoes skater kid: whoa narrator: that got torture tested by teenagers and cried out for help. from the surprised designers. who came to the rescue with a brilliant fix male designer: i love it narrator: which created thousands of new customers for the tennis shoes that got torture tested by teenagers. the internet of everything is changing manufacturing.
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and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. in the last few hours, a chaotic scene in mexico city. protesters gather to protest the disappearance of the 43 young men. the college students. police use fire extinguishers and shields to disperse protesters who say they threw molotov cocktails. so, people continuing to respond to that mystery and the alleged deaths of these young men. there was truly graphic testimony at the u.s. capitol thursday, when one victim of a malfunctioning air bag testified before a u.s. congressional committee. behind her was an image of her
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face, the moment after her air bag deployed. metal pierced her in one eye. the defects have been linked to five deaths. cnn's renee mars reports, executives from the company are apologizing but will not comply with the u.s. recall. >> we now have a live hand grenade in front of a driver and a passenger. >> reporter: for nearly three hours, senators grilled an executive from air bag manufacturer takata, auto executive and safety regulators. >> do yu take full responsibility for the tragic deaths? does takata take responsibility? >> we look at the victims case. but others are still under investigation. >> reporter: when the faulty takata air bags deploy, the
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inflater can rupture, sending shrapnel flying. lieutenant stephanie erdman is one of the survives. metal pierced through the air bag of her honda after a crash. >> there was a metallic object that punctured and fractured my nasal bone. and the touch the shrapnel -- and the tip of the shrapnel had embedded in my right sinus. >> reporter: just this week, federal regulators demanded a recall of the cars, a move that the air bag manufacturer is resisting. >> do you agree or disagree with a recall? >> it's hard to answer yes or no. >> it is not hard for you to answer yes or no. >> the issue remained, what did the companies know about the problems with the air bags?
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and when did they know it? takata's vice president of quality assurance, surrounded by cameras after, but says nothing. victims like stephanie hope the start of today's senate probe means being one step closer of getting all veejs with potentially deadly airbags off the road. >> my vision will never be the same. i will never be the same. >> takata is a well-established auto parts company that supplies one in five airbags globally. the company began manufacturing seat belts in the 1960s and airbags in 1990. it also manufactures other parts from steering wheels to child restraint systems. they have 56 plants in 20 countries and employ more than 43,000 people.
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president obama heads to las vegas to speak before an especially receptive audience. just ahead, you'll meet one family who lives in constant fear that deportation will split them apart. also ahead, a new challenge for egypt. and attacks by an i.s.i.s. franchise grow more sophistic e sophisticated. you used to sleep like a champ.
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thank you for staying with us. you're watching cnn. i'm natalie allen. here's our top stories -- >> these people, our neighbor, our classmate, our friends. they did not come here in search of a free ride or an easy life. they came to work. and study and serve in our
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military. and above all, contribute to america's success. >> u.s. president barack obama unveiling the most sweeping immigration reform in decades and all by executive order. his goal is to deport felons, not families. and the plan would give some 5 million undocumented immigrants temporary protection from deportation. world leaders and iran are running out of time to reach a lastic agreement on its nuclear program. diplomats are making a final push towards a deal. but u.n. inspectors say iran is continuing to deny access to a key military complex. a court is expected to rule on an injunction to clear a pro-democracy protest sight in hong kong. a major clearance is unlikely until next week. and in the next hour, protesters plan to occupy roads surrounding hong kong's british consulate
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over perceived inaction by the u.k. the movie director who made a star out of dustin hoffman in "the graduate" is mourned around the world mike nichols is dead at 83. by the way, he had been married the past 26 years to abc broadcaster, diane sawyer. we're going to dig deeper into tim gration announcement by president obama. his order makes good on his programs to take action where congress has failed to do so. addressing his critics in a televised speech just hours ago, mr. obama insisted the changes do not amount to amnesty. he said the real amnesty would
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be leaving america's immigration policy as it is. and continue to allow millions to live in the u.s. without paying taxes. >> mass amnesty would be unfair. mass deportation would be impossible and contrary to our character. what i'm describing is accountability. a common sense, middle-ground approach. if you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. if you're a criminal, you'll be deported. if you plan to enter the u.s. illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up. the actions i'm taking are not only lawful. they're the kinds of actions taken by every, single republican and every, single democratic president for the past half-century. and for those members of congress will question my authority to make our immigration system work better, or question the wisdom of me acting where congress has failed, i have one answer. pass a bill.
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>> yes. just fyi, mr. obama has used his executive powers 191 times. george w. bush, 291. bill clinton, 364. and ronald reagan, even more than that. republicans, some republicans, are saying president obama's immigration order is nothing short of illegal. they promise a fight in congress. >> listen to all of the humanitarian discussion. what about the rule of law. what about compassion for the rule of law and the constitution, this republic and the vision of our founders? this is a crisis. we have options in the house. the first thing would be -- it would be a resolution of disapproval, that lays this out. we have to get a better look at the documents that will drive this first. the second one could be a censure for the president of the united states. that's not happened in more than a century. and that would be a direct message to the president. third thing to cut off the funding. i want to fund the government. i want to keep this government open. but if they ask me to vote for
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an appropriations bill that funds an unconstitutional act on the part of the president of the united states, i'm bound by my oath, as he should have been bound by his. >> president obama will be in las vegas, to speak at the high school where he laid out his immigration reform plans two years ago. as suzanne malveaux reports, many families there will be eagerly listening. >> reporter: to the nearly 40 million tourists who visit the strip each year, this is the vegas they see. but behind the bright lights, a community of undocumented workers is quietly toiling away. doing menial jobs to support their families. under the constant fear they will be torn apart. >> she says she thinks about it every day. it's one of the things that people who are undocumented, think about it every day. and it's a fear you have to live
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with. >> reporter: lorena, who only wants to use her first name, livers with that fear, because she is here illegally. a mother of three. she and her husband clean homes and nightclub bathrooms to support their children. >> how was school today? >> pretty good. >> reporter: the youngest, luis, was born in the united states. but lorena could be departed to mexico at any time. her 18-year-old daughter, also named lorena, however, is po protected under president oba obama's 2012 order, to defer some deportations, who gives children brought to the u.s. by their parents, a two-year reprieve from removal. she wants the order to do to same for her parents. >> immigration could come, knock on my door and take my parents with them. and leave us here, destroying my family and leaving it completely fallen apart. >> reporter: lorena also wants obama to provide a path to citizenship. she's an "a" student, an actress
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and beauty queen, who also aspires to join the national guard. >> i want to be able to help our country and the country i was raised in. but i mean, something that i couldn't do. >> this is what i wake up to. >> reporter: but 25-year-old jose doesn't face those obstacles. he was born in the u.s. after his parents, seeking fertility treatment across the border, entered illegally. >> the people don't have the papers. my family got involved because it a citizen. >> reporter: jose's father has spent nearly 30 years in the u.s., working at mcdonald's, in fruit fields, at a shoe factory and in construction. his wife, at a casino, before recently dying of a stroke. >> she was very active. and with the other mothers. >> having just lost his mom, jose is worried he could lose his father, too, if his dad is
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deported. jose believes his father has earned his right to stay. and has made immigration reform his passion. >> you don't fight for what's right, then somebody won't do it for you. that was always something that she always would tell us. >> reporter: a sentiment shared by lorena, as well. >> i believe i'm worth just as much as somebody who is born here. >> reporter: as the community here anxiously awaits for the president's announcement and visit, regarding his new immigration policy, there's also a sobering reality. whatever he does through executive order is temporary. and could change in two years with the next president. suzanne malveaux, cnn, las vegas. president obama's speech caused a stir in las vegas because it coincided with the latin grammy awards. the spanish language network decided to delay the broadcast so its viewers could watch the
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president's speech live. it was also the talk of the red carpet before those awards. >> it is important because there's so many people that live here for so many years, that they need the answers. they need to know, where are they going to go? where are they going to go. they have families living here for generation. but they don't have status here. it's important that he makes a decision because this country -- without latinos, it's not american. >> as a puerto rican, i'm an american citizen. it doesn't affect me the same way. but i suffer. and i know it's a big deal to get represented they deserve. they work hard. the white house declined to comment on the size of the hispanic audience they expected to reach with the address. some republicans accuse the obama administration of scheduling the speech at the same time of the grammys, calling it major pander. let's talk about it. puerto rican rappers set a new
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record for most latin grammy wins with 21. enrique iglesias won song of the year. coming up on cnn, we take you to eastern ukraine. terrified resident there's on the front line, fearing for their lives. we'll have the latest on the situation.
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u.s. vice president joe biden is in ukraine, where in
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just a few hours, he will mark the one-year anniversary of the uprising there. he'll be joined by the ukrainian president and president poroshenko. it's been a year since they suspended a pact that led to the ousting of president viktor yanukovi yanukovich. more than 4,300 people have been killed in the conflict. nearly 1,000 of the deaths occurred since the september cease-fire began. the number of people displaced by the fighting has nearly doubled to more than 466,000. the region near the airport is considered one of the most contested places in the eastern ukraine. cnn's phil black introduces us to civilians struggling to survive. >> reporter: the control tower looks like it shouldn't be
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standing. but should the terminal building isn't. this was the international airport on the northerner outskirts. september's cease-fire has not stopped shells and rockets falling here. the separatist guns maintain m bombardment. somehow, ukrainian forces have held on. this has been the most contested area in ukraine. but the fighting isn't just localized to the airport. all along its southern and eastern perimeter, residential areas and the separatists, staging operations from the homes and billings. and it's often where the ukrainian military fires into, when they're trying to hit them back. the streets near the airport, some locals no longer react, as heavy weapons fire and fall nearby. this is a dangerous and difficult place to live.
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it's the third time they hit the area, this man says. we have no electricity and water. artillery and rocket fire has ripped open homes on almost every street, exposing them to the freezing autumn air. in a damaged apartment building, we find three terrified women. they tell me, they live on the front line. the shelling never stops. this woman begs the world to help. please, don't let them tell us for nothing, she says. the people here believe the ukrainian government forces are targeting civilians. but separatist fighters are close. from this vantage point in a residential area, we hear outgoing artillery fired repeatedly. enormous amounts of firepower have been exchanged here. but it's unclear for what purpose. neither side is claiming new
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territory. while homes and infrastructure are destroyed. and hatreds deepen. phil black, cnn, eastern ukraine. >> emergency service workers have removed the last pieces of the mh-17 pieces. they will sent to the netherlands, where inspectors will try to determine the cause of the crash. as you know, all 298 people were killed in july that were on that airplane. the down of the flight started accusations over moscow and the west over who is responsible. french authorities are backing off a claim that a 22-year-old frenchman has been linked to beheadings in a recent i.s.i.s. video. identifies identified him as the second french national believed to be on i.s.i.s. terrorist. now, they say their investigation is ongoing and dos santos remains wanted by the authorities. that means the only french
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citizen as authorities have identified as appearing in the video. the i.s.i.s. franchise in egypt is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of egyptian police and military in the sinai region. and now, they've opened up a dangerous, new frontier. here's ian lee in cairo. >> reporter: a demonstration of power in egypt's northern sinai. this video posted on social media, shows abm's attacks growing more sophisticated. highlights firefights with security forces, drive-by shootings and bombings. a.b.m. has slaughtered hundreds of police officers and soldiers since 2013. one of the most recent and brazen attacks killed 30 soldiers. in the aftermath, militants looted keps and killed survives.
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and among the dead, a militant proclaims, tell the leader of i.s.i.s., that you are coming here. and we are your soldiers. an ominous warning, fresh off a.b.m.'s mrenpledge of allegian. >> any egyptians who are currently fighting with i.s.i.s., in syria or iraq, have a second arena they can go and fight in, without leaving the group. and they will add that expertise. they will add that training to the capacity of a.b.m. >> reporter: a.b.m. justified their attacks, pointing to government abuses like this video, which allegedly shows egyptian soldiers torturing two sinai bedouins. showing off captured weapons, a.b.m.'s presumed leader, hidden by the group, we told you before, the war hasn't started yet. and what's coming is worse and
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bitter. this is only the beginning. you opened a door you won't be able to close. cairo hasn't been spared. but despite the brutality, until now, they've almost exclusively targeted the government. and yet, another video, a.b.m. allegedly beheads these civilians they accuse of spying for israel. in a war conducted over social media, egypt's military fired back. releasing a video showing troops armed and ready, along with successful operations. the egyptian president remains resolute, saying -- they assume we are incapable of confronting them. they started the fire. we were very careful that no blood is shed. but unfortunately, they wanted the exact opposite. president sisi pledges to defeat
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the militants. a.b.m. has a pledge, too, to expand their corner of i.s.i.s., beyond sinai. ian lee, cnn, cairo. >> here's a programming note for our international viewers. tune in this weekend for a cnn special. it's called "i.s.i.s.: new face of terror." ivan watson brings us the story how i.s.i.s. formed and the motivation behind its brutality. a political setback for britain's ruling conservative party. the u.k. independence party has won its second seat in parliament. now, for a party that wants britain to leave the european union. he was previously held the seat for the conservatives. on thursday, he defeated two major opponents, taking more than 40% of the vote.
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private moments, streamed to the world. next on cnn, the website that has thousands of feeds from personal web cameras. and how to protect yourself from a simple security flaw. at panera bread, our hearty all-natural turkey chili is back in season. slow-cooked with turkey raised without antibiotics, tart tomatillos, chilies, carrots, edamame and more. the savory spice of the chili pairs perfectly with the black bean hummus and the fresh crunch of napa cabbage blend in our southwestern chicken flatbread. and it all comes together in a you pick two made just for you. only at panera bread.
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julian assange has been in
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london for more than two years. he is wanted in sweden over sexual assault claims. assange denies the allegation. if he's sent to sweden, that country might extradite him to the u.s., where he could face the death penalty if he's charged and convicted of leaking government documents. the head of u.s. cyber command says not only china. but one or two other unnamed countries have the ability to shut down the entire u.s. power grid. and other critical infrastructures. admiral michael rogers testified such attacks are a coming trend. he sees, based on reconnaissance currently taking place. he also warned so-called cyber hitmen, being hired by nation states to exploit vulnerabilities in u.s. cyber systems. if you have a web cam, you might want to listen to this. what you're about to hear might
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make you wonder how much control you have of it. the site is streaming live images of sleeping babies, hospital patients and secure facilities online. how did they do it? cnn's erin mclaughlin explains the answer is surprisingly simple. >> reporter: a man watches tv in hong kong. a crib stands empty in holland. a woman washes dishes in colombia. these people are unaware that their private moments are being streamed online. from personal devices like home security cameras and webcams. >> it's really, really shocking to see into people's bedrooms. into gyms. into people's work spaces. i don't think anyone could expect that could actually happen. >> reporter: thousands of video feeds around the world, are posted to a russian-based website. over 4,500 live streams are from the united states. over 2,000 from france. and over 1,500 from the netherlands. thousands more, in over 100 countries. cnn is not naming the site, due
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to privacy concerns. the site had insisted it was doing this to raise awareness of security weaknesses. said the web streams were easy to access. that's because people didn't change the default passwords on their that option. >> everything -- our dishwashers to our lighting. we're going to be able to control that on mobile devices. that also brings serious privacy and security concerns. >> reporter: awareness and education are the best ways to make sure this doesn't happen to you. erin mclaughlin, cnn, london.
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>> that's really creepy. how would you like to be the new owner of the popemobile? it's not the actual popemobile. but it's the pope's fiat. a gift given to him when he was named pope. one of the papal gifts being raffled by the vatican to raise money for the poor. you know, this pope has nothing to do with the luxurious things. other items on the auction block include bicycles and an espresso machine. thanks for watching. i'm natalie allen. errol barnett joins me in a few minutes. we have another live hour of news news for you. and we're live in jerusalem, where a palestinian man accused of running down israeli soldiers turns himself in. much more ahead here. much more ahead here. please, stay with us. at night,
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12:00 am
you can come out of the shadows. barack obama puts his executive power to use on immigration reform. we'll have more on what the deal includes, and who's left out. >> inevitable backlash from the republicans. they say the president has rewritten constitutional rules to suit himself. >> buffalo, new york. enormous amount of snow still threatens buildings and homes. now there's concerns about what happens when all of that begins to melt. and iran's nuclear deadline draws closer. cnn lifts the lid about


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