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tv   New Day  CNN  December 2, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST

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church where martin luther king jr. was once pastor. proof that talk isn't enough. >> we'll be talking about it in a moment. nfl finds itself in the middle of the ferguson fallout. st. louis county police say they received an apology from the st. louis rams after file players held up their hands in a show of support for michael brown. but the team insist there is was no apology? which one is it in 0 our team coverage begins from ferguson, missouri. >> that's a back and forth that seems will be something that continues into today as conversations about police relations and the african-american community across country rage on. >> while the grand jury proceeding in st. louis county has concluded, i can report that the justice department's investigation into the shooting death of michael brown, as well as our investigation into allegations of unconstitutional policing patterns, or practices by the ferguson police department remain ongoing.
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and remain active. >> inside the historic ebenezer baptist church in atlanta, attorney general eric holder addressed the country. at times his words were stifled by the chant of protesters. the attorney general paused to insure their voices could be heard. >> what we saw there was a genuine expression of concern and involvement. let me be clear -- i ain't mad at you, all right? >> late monday night, the st. louis rams finally addressed the controversy surrounding this public show of solidarity by five of its players. their hands up don't shoot message, a local police association said it implied that michael brown was shot while attempting to surrender. the rams chief operating officer called the angered officers and released a statement in part saying we respect their concern for yesterday's game.
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the rams will continue to build on what have always been strong and valued relationships with local law enforcement and the greater st. louis community as we come together to help heal our region. but the rams spokesman followed up with cnn making clear they did not apologize. the nfl is also not apologizing, its spokesman says we respect and understand the concerns of all individuals who have expressed views on this tragic situation. back in missouri at the first community meeting of the ferguson commission, more frustration. >> we understand this, we're getting killed out here. >> for his part, president obama promised to follow through. >> part of the reason this time it will be different is because the president of the united states is deeply invested in making sure this time it's different. >> nationwide demonstrators simply walked out on monday. >> to walk out of school to walk out of work. >> encouraged by the movement to flood the streets in protest. >> and it was yet another quiet night here on the streets of ferguson. now a lot of city officials are
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talking about scenes like this, a lot of the burned-out buildings and businesses that were lost in the violence from last week, mayor here in the city says he's trying to figure out a way to get a lot of these businesses and convince them to stay in the community. chris? >> they've got big challenge there is in ferguson. we've been reporting from the beginning that what happened with the shooting reflected issues that go way beyond one place in who movement thanks for the reporting this morning. we heard from the president, he says this time will be different. he says he's going to dedicate the rest of his term to improving the relationship between police and the black community. part of the plan involves money. a $263 million. to provide 50,000 body cameras to police. money may be the easy part. when asked monday if justice was done by the ferguson grand jury, the president did not give a direct answer. senior white house correspondent jim acosta joins us. it's tricky, how you balance the
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perceptions of what happened and what justice means today. >> it is a tricky balancing act. but as you said, president obama vowing to get results in the aftermath of the unrest in ferguson. the president unveiled his plans for the steps forward. he wants to tighten controls on police department use of military equipment, a new 21st century policing task force and a proposal for $75 million to purchase those body-worn cameras for police officers. they could go a long way in establishing when officers use appropriate force. after sitting down with law enforcement leaders and civil rights leaders and church leaders, the president said he understood why so many young americans are calling for changes in police tactics in minority communities. >> it violates my belief in what america can be. to hear young people feeling
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marginalized and distrustful, even after they've done everything right. >> that's not who we are. and i don't think that's who the overwhelming majority of americans want us to be. >> as for presidential trip to ferguson, missouri, it appears that is off at least in the near future, a white house official says a visit was discussed last week, but instead advisers decided on yesterday's series of meetings for what they're calling a more comprehensive approach in dealing with the issue. as you heard from ed lavendera, eric holder, attorney general was in atlanta speaking to civil rights leaders. holder said he would unveil new guidelines to help prevent racial profiling. we'll get those by the end of the week. >> it will be interesting to hear what those guidelines are. let's talk to two people involved in the heated discussions about ferguson. drf rafael warnock is author of
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"the divided mind of the black church" the senior pastor of the ebenezer church and chief richard barry, the president of the international association of chiefs of police. thank you for joining us. dr. war knock, i want to start with you, where protesters or participants in the church stood up, they were vocal and they had a message for eric holder. let me play one little portion of this. [ chanting ] >> dr. warnock, they had their hands in the air and they had signs, it was hard for to us hear them. what was their message to eric hold centre. >> when you think about the whole movement or this chapter
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of the movement beginning with the shooting of michael brown, it's really the passion and commitment of students just like those we saw last night, that have kept this discussion going. and so it was a very spirited meeting. we were at ebenezer baptist church, the home church of martin luther king jr. so we're no strangers to this kind of engagement. >> but what specifically were they trying to impart to the attorney general? >> well, i think that they were pressing the message that this is no among business as usual. we're focused on this. we're grateful for the visit from the attorney general, but we've got specific things that we need to be, that need to be addressed. public policy changes that address this issue. and i think the attorney general did a fine job of addressing those issues while at the same time saying in his own words, that i ain't mad at you. he said i'm not upset that these young people are expressing their voices, protests is as
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american as apple pie and we were glad to build a big tent at ebenezer last night where law enforcement, the attorney general and the activists and clergy leaders were all under the same roof. >> he said he welcomed how engaged they were chief berry, i want to turn to you, let's talk about that public policy. you were involved in the meeting yesterday with president obama where he talked about how he plans to move forward. let me play what he said after that meeting. >> there was a cautionary note i think from everybody here that there have been commissions for, there have been task forces, there have been conversations and nothing happens. what i tried to describe to people is why this time will be different. and part of the reason this time will be different is because the president of the united states is deeply invested in making sure that this time is different. >> so chief berry, what can be different exactly this time? >> well, you know, it was a
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great meeting with the president yesterday and the international association of chiefs of police, we've been calling for commission for almost 20 years now. a lot has changed in law enforcement since the 1965 johnson summit and we've been out there out front trying to address, there's so many scientific changes, there's kbee hafral changes and there's a lot of reforms -- behavioral changes and reforms that should have been on the table before now. we're thrilled to be moving forward. >> what dot chiefs of police, which reforms do you want to see happen today? >> well i think we all support technology. law enforcement has always been a leader trying to push new technology out. so the cameras are a good thing. you know, community policing was, is a great program. we've got to get back into that we kind of lost traction because of the budget cuts that happened. over the last eight or ten years. so we need to get back in the community policing. we also have got to get back to building that community trust. you know, law enforcement is a
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very, very difficult job. but the fact is, you can only do better when you're partners. you have to have partners in this business. you know, the president and the vice president both spent a lot of time with us yesterday. so i'm convinced there's a commitment to it and it's got to be a long-term strategy. the police commander-in-chiefs across this country have been supportive of this concept and this commission for quite some time. >> i want to ask you about what's going on in st. louis with the rams football team. five members of the rams came out on sunday and they had their arms raised up in solidarity, they said with the protesters and the st. louis police didn't like that. they felt that that was showing disrespect or at least not siding with the police. where do you fall on this issue? >> well you know that's the beauty of america. you know, i've been in law enforcement 37 years. i've seen a lot of things. i don't take things personal. we try to stay professional. you know i can understand feelings getting hurt. but at the end of the day, we've got a mission we have to
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accomplish and let's move ahead with the mission. >> gentlemen, dr. rafael warnock and chief beary, we appreciate you coming by "new day" and sharing what happened and see how we can move forward. time for the headlines. breaking this morning, the lebanese army has detained a wife and son of isis leader abu bakr al-baghdadi. according to "reuters," it reportedly happened as they crossed from syria in recent days. a lebanese newspaper said al-baghdadi's wife, who was not identified was traveling with a fake passport. the fbi advises u.s. businesses to beware of a hacker that can destroy entire software systems. a breach last week resulted in several films being leaked online before the release. the united states is investigating whether north korea was involved. we'll have more on this story ahead here on "new day."
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federal safety regulators are investigating whether gray code delayed reporting a defect that led to the largest recall of car seats in the u.s. history. six million car seats were recalled this year. the defect involves car seat buckles that become stuck in the latched position. potentially putting a child's life at risk in the event of an emergency. a senior gop staffer on the hunt for a new job after taking a jab on the obama daughters in a facebook post. elizabeth lawsuiton resigned after an uproar she caused after suggesting that sasha and malia obama lacked class. and called the president and first lady bad role models. she apologized, but it was not in time to save her job. >> it would be interesting to hear from the congressman for whom she worked. >> good luck with that. free speech is fine, but when it becomes part of the political
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state of play, no good. very provocative question, does one of the best universities in the country have a culture of sexual assault? there have been big changes announced at the university of virginia. why did it take being exposed to acknowledge the problem? one student leader gives us the inside scoop, coming up. temple university cutting ties with bill cosby as one of the first women to come forward with rape allegations against the comedian joins us with an update on "new day." everyone has questions about money. you know, i think about money kind of a lot. -money's freedom. -money's always on my mind. credit cards. -mortgage. -debt. it's complicated. it's not easy. i'm not a good budgeter. unfortunately, i'm a spender. i would love to learn more about finances. so there's questions about the world that all of us have,
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university of virginia president, theresa sullivan addressing questions about sex abuse on campus head-on for the first time. sullivan skipped an appearance in washington, d.c., to meet with students and address the issue that made national headlines after a "rolling stone" article detailed an alleged gang rape at a frat party, cnn's joe johns is following developments from our washington bureau. >> the university's president is speaking the language of victims' rights advocates, going so far as to suggest the school might adopt a victims bill of rights. really the latest indication of how uva is trying to respond to the allegations that a culture of sexual abuse exists on the
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campus. the university of virginia's president theresa sullivan canceling a scheduled appearance at the national press club in washington monday. instead, deciding to address the uva community about the sexual violence controversy engulfing the campus. >> there's a piece of our culture that's broken. and i ask your help in coming together as a strong and resilient community to fix it. >> sullivan announcing the outline of an action plan. mostly modest steps to address the issues detailed in "rolling stone" magazine, alleging a culture of sexual assault at uva. sullivan says the university would find ways to reduce binge drinking and root out date rape drugs on campus. >> if the predators can find the sellers of these drugs, then law enforcement should also be able to find them. >> force fraternities to provide greater safety for guests as part of their agreement to operate on campus. hire an additional trauma
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counselor for the school's women center, plut a local police force on campus and anonymous survey in the spring to determine how often students experience sexual abuse on campus. many students optimistic. >> the president's response has united us further in our quest to make this community better than the way we inherited it. >> others skeptical we need broad community conversations about the values of this university. and that isn't happening yet. >> sullivan suspended all fraternity activities until january. while students started an online petition calling for the permanent closure of the fraternity house where an alleged gang rape occurred two years ago. >> not one more. >> an urgent call for change as students in this divided community undergo a painful reexamination of their school's culture. the university's only explanation for canceling sullivan's appearance at the national press club was that her energies were best spent focusing on the uva community.
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though it was clear that with the police investigation into the alleged gang rape still under way, free-wheeling exchange with the national media could come back to haunt the university and its lawyers. chris? >> well also, joe, big questions about when the university decided to come forward and why. so let's get into that some more here we have william gat gann, a student at the university as well as executive board member of all-male sexual assault education group. it's important to note that one in four is from the origins of the founding of the organization. when one in four females from the age of 14, had either experienced rape or attempted rape. now, the statistic is one in six. but you keep the name to show how far, what it was like when you started and how far you still need to go, yes? >> that's right, chris. thank you for having me on. >> do you think it was known before the "rolling stone" article that there was a real
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problem with how this behavior was treated on campus? >> i think definitely. i think that there this is an issue that people have really been working towards for a long time. and that a lot of advocates, the university, has been working on addressing. but i think it really took a jarring event to really bring us to the point we're at now. which is where you know everyone in the community is really fired up and really wanting to get in on some sort of advocacy and promote change. >> the assumption is that universities like this are very hair-trigger when it comes to behavior that's as toxic as sexual assault. and that they would have come out at the first inkling of a situation like this but i guess that compete with the notion that institutions often protect themselves. how is it perceived that the university took a couple of weeks to come forward after the article? >> yeah, well i think that especially as student advocates, you know we would have
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appreciated some more transparency and appreciated a quicker response. but i will say that the community has not been idle. that there's been a number of rallies and protests and a couple of student groups came together and held a dialogue for people to just come and talk about how the article made them feel it had over 450 people there. so people have been moving forward. and i think that the university's statements yesterday were very positive step in all of us coming together as a community. >> right. but you have to remember, that look. your young men and women there, you're obviously taking charge of your own destinies and that's why we're covering it. but the university is supposed to be protecting you guys. to parents all over the country, you're their kids. it's not about you pushing the university to change. the university is supposed to be thinking for you. in a lot of ways here. do you believe that they have been behind the ball and maybe covering up?
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i don't, i don't think covering up, no. but i think that they could have had a much better and much more coordinated response. >> better and coordinated response. that's a very savvy answer for a young man. let's look at how you change to be better. what needs to happen at the university of virginia? >> well, i think it's a couple of things, but i think it starts with, a deep cultural examination. and -- >> what does that mean? help me understand what that means? a cultural examination. >> so i think we need to look at the way in which we as a culture treat survivors when they come forward. i think that's the first and foremost thing that we need to do. for anyone who has read the article, the treatment of these survivors when they come forward to share their stories is for me, horrific. i think that's very important issue. because if we can build a community that supports these survivors we can start to encourage them to report and have them feel supported in going forward.
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i think that's a very important issue. >> and that's something thaw believe the university is addressing? >> yeah, i think that the university can address it. but i also think we as a student body and as a nation really need to focus on what we do in our individual lives, that can support survivors or might make survivors feel like they wouldn't be believed if they came forward. >> the student body creates its own culture of what is cool and acceptable, that's no question about that but there needs to be the fear of what happens when the norms are violated. nobody has been kicked out yet. there are no criminal cases involved here. what does that tell but the direction of change? >> well i think it says that we still have a lot of work to do. and i think that that statistic speaks as much to our cultural failings as it do to our institutional failings and i think it really shows that in a, in an area where we have to make
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sure that we're protecting and watching out for the survivors, that that means that we haven't done enough for them. and i think certainly we can make certain changes and institutional reform does try to streamline that process. but at the end of the day, it comes down to whether or not we as a community are willing to stand up and support the survivors. >> william one quick thing -- university of virginia is the one in the spotlight right now. do you think this university is different than many other schools across the country? >> well i think uva is obviously a very special place. it's been a special place to me for my four years here. but in terms of this issue, this is an issue that occurs all across the country. but i don't think that means that we should ignore that here at uva. i think we have a unique chance to look at our specific culture, and make some real changes on a personal level. so i think that this is an issue that occurs all across the country, but uva is unique in
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that it's in the spotlight and we can make real changes. >> we're dealing with it on an entirely different level with what happened in ferguson, missouri, we're looking for change there and we're going to see what you do at your university at this level with this issue. thank you for joining us, william cadigan. breaking news, terrorists slaughtering dozens of nonmuslims in kennia details are horrifying, we have a live report ahead. aluminum production in south africa, and the aerospace industry in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing.
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we have breaking news, and we go to the kenya/somalia border, where al shabab is claiming responsibility for killing 36 people in a quarry. the gunmen separated the workers by religion and freed the muslims while gunning down the christians and beheading some victims. we have the latest live from london. >> this wan as early-morning attack in an isolated quarry near the incredibly porous kenya/somali border. this is becoming al shabab's m.o. to september victims by religion, gun down the christians and release the muslims. the concern is that this is setting the stage for what could be an increasingly sectarian nature of the conflict spilling over into kenya. alisyn? >> the leader of al shabab was
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recently killed in a u.s.-led airstrike. why hasn't that slowed any of the attacks? >> that's what we were told by u.s. officials, this was supposed to send al shabab into disarray. what we've seen that they've regrouped with a many clearer vision. they've given up on the territorial footprint inside somalia. what they're focusing on is spreading terror. some of these images are too horrifying to even show our viewers at home. this was a terror attack kilolit calculated to do exactly that, to strike horror. these attacks are becoming increasingly a regular event in that part of the world. >> and nema, we know that you went to this exact spot. tell us what your experience was there? >> we went after the westgate mall attack. we wanted to see what that attack would mean for the kenyan authorities in terms of shutting down the border and we were able to go pass freely well into somalia we could have kept going. obviously we didn't want to.
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we came back in again. no kenyan authority presence. we understand that that situation hasn't really changed there isn't the clamp-down that needs to happen. and the broader concern, just to contextualize it. kenya is a regional hub, international hub. when you see people able to move so freely. the question is how much further can they go. ailsen? >> nima, thank you for the reporting. 6:32 is the time. president obama vowing this time will be different when he tackles an overhaul of american mid police departments. he wants tighter controls, as well as millions in funding for the police officer body cameras. in the meantime, st. louis rams and st. louis county police are at odds over whether the team apologized for actions sunday. when several players raised their arms in solidarity with ferguson protesters. jeb bush says he is thinking about running for president and
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plans to make a decision soon. he made that revelation at a "wall street journal" event monday. now according to a new cnn/orc poll, jeb bush is third among republicans for their nominee in 2016 behind mitt romney and dr. ben carson. ohio senator rob portman who got less than .1% in our poll has announced he will not run for the white house. instead will focus on re-election to the senate. embattled nfl star ray rice speaking out about the infamous elevator punch that knocked out his then-fiancee. the running back is looking for a new team. now that an arbitrator has ordered his reinstatement. take a listen to what he tells matt lauer what it will take to get him back on the field. >> somebody willing to look deep near who i am. and realize that you know me and my wife had one bad night and i took full responsibility for it.
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and one thing about my punishment and everything going along with anything that happens, is that i've accepted it. i went fully forward with it i never complained or i never did anything like that i took full responsibility for everything that i did and i'm, the only thing i can hope for and wish for is a second chance. >> according to some reports, rice is drawing interest from the a least four nfl teams. so far, though, no one has offered him a spot on their roster. okay, this story, imagine a virginia beach woman might be in for a pay day after she discovered a bag of clams. she was eating her meal and chomped down on something hard, a rare purple pearl possibly worth $3,000. not too bad, considering the bag of clams cost $15. talk about r.o.y. >> don't you mean it cost 15 clams? judge that's almost as good as
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your on poipose. >> am i a mollusk expert? i didn't know clams had pearls. >> you win just with mollusk. let's get to meteorologist indra petersons keeping track of the latest forecast. if i were doing it i would say it was hot and now it's cold. >> think we all know that we woke thup morning, we were talking about temperatures yesterday 30 degrees warmer in many places in the mid-atlantic and northeast than what we are looking for today. d.c., so nice 70 degrees yesterday. today how about 40s. want to look at it another way? look at the current temperatures, how about d.c., new york city, this is the current temperature, it's early in the morning, right, sun is barely even up. by the time we get to the afternoon the highs don't look any different. in some place the temperatureses are going to be going down throughout the day. the cold air is still funneling in. that's the problem thanks to the
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cold front making its way through. kind of a messy morning, rain, snow, sleet and ice making its way through the mid-atlantic. eventually into the northeast today. farce what you're going to get, you'll see the snow messy in the mid-atlantic. farther south looking at just rain but by tomorrow, it warms up again. so only one day of this very chilly air. i do want to point out out west you have to notice the huge low in all the moisture is called an atmosphere wafer, they've had a lot of drought conditions and we're talking about heavy flooding and landslides in burn areas. >> not supposed to happen all at once. >> something to keep an eye on. we're going to add a different dimension to the bill cosby situation. 17 women have come forward talking about him. many, their stories are so similar. yet, they had never met. that's going to change here on the show today. we have three of the accusers, are going to come forward, they're going to meet for the first time. and we'll see what that reveals
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about their experiences. you're going to want to see that. body. it hugs you.
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i won this 55 inch tv for less than $30 on visit for great deals. and start bidding today! at least 17 women have come forward saying they were
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sexually assaulted by bill could bey. the allegations have had a profound effect on cosby's brand, his upcoming stand-up shows have been canceled and several universities have cut ties with him. yesterday he resigned from the board of trustees at temple university, that's his alma mater. cnn has also obtained court documents from 2005 revealing that cosby gave an interview to the "national enquirer" in exchange for the tabloid spiking a story about a woman claiming that cosby had drugged and raped her. joining us now is barbara bowman one of the first women to share her story. barbara, great to see you. >> good morning, alisyn. can you believe it's been less than three weeks. you wrote your piece for the "washington post" that started all of this, on november 13th, can you believe the flood gates that have opened since that piece? >> it's been unbelievable. i couldn't believe the positive response that came from this as far as my goals. which was to talk and speak out to the other women. and i always said right from the
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beginning, if i could help one woman, it would feel fantastic. and i've helped more than that. so it feels terrific. >> you have, because people cite that piece of yours as giving them the courage to come forward and wanting to show solidarity with you. you say that many women have called you. in the past couple of weeks. how many would you say? >> my phone was blowing up. i had phone calls, emails, text messages. voicemails that i could not keep up with. from other women. >> what are they telling you? are these women who have similar stories, or who just appreciate what you've done? >> both and a lot of people calling to check in with me by linkedin and facebook, just to say what can i do to help? there are people that you know want me to know things about things that had happened. it's just been crazy and i'm just really relieved that after
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so much time we're finally at a place where people are listening. >> you say after so much time what your accusations against him is this happened when you were a teenager, you were an aspiring actress in l.a. he was supposed to be your mentor and what happened? >> i was in denver, colorado, and at 17 i met him and he and my agent were arranging for me to take the next step and come into new york and pursue my acting career. i went straight from denver to new york. and that process was very, very regimented and they subsidized my housing and my acting classes and that type of thing. and everything that i did. was directed by them. so that was in the '80s. and all this time went by and 2005 when andrea constand brought her suit, i was on a a panel with 13 women, we with were scheduled to testify but he settled out of court so
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unfortunately none of us were able to testify. >> obviously it's the morning and we try not to be too graphic. for people who don't knower your story. what is it you allege that bill cosby did. >> there was drugging, molestation and rape. >> you have actually been telling your story for some time. >> yes, i have. >> for about ten years. >> that's right. you have gone public and basically told anybody who would listen, what happened to you. why do you think that in november, when you put your piece in the "washington post," why did it only then take hold? >> i have so many answers for that. but the first thing i'd like to say is it really is a shame that it has taken so long. because when, when i came forward in 2005, that was a big scary very scary step for me. and i wasn't sure what was going to come of that. and when really nothing did i was very disappointed. and my story kept getting shoved under the rug. it would pop up and then go away and pop up and go away.
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when it came up in the last three weeks and i was approached to do this story, i was determined to try and just make it very clear what had happened. and raise those questions. why was it a man that had come up a celebrity man -- >> a comedian. there was a comedian who put this into his stand-up act that bill cosby, he claimed, was a rapist. those were his words. and then -- that sort of caught fire. >> and i had a show slated to come out in the fall. >> bill cosby. >> so that raised a lot of curiosity. that's what made people listen. i think we have, we're living in a new age as well in the '80s, we didn't have social media we didn't have facebook, cell phones, we didn't have the instant communication we have today. so things that were happening then, it took a lot longer to disseminate the information. things that were said and allegations and said about someone, especially bill cosby, no one was listening. no one believed it and i was in
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a position where if i spoke and when i spoke, those people were laughing at me. those people were calling me a liar. >> bill cosby's attorneys say your story is not true. here is the statement that they put out. specifically about you. over the last several weeks decade-old discredited allegations against mr. cosby have resurfaced. the fact that they are being repeated does not make them true. mr. cosby does not intend to dignify these allegations with any comment. but since then, things have happened with bill cosby. as we've said his nbc program has been shelved, netflix has spiked their relationship with him. he just resigned from his alma mater. things are happening. you will never be able to have your allegations aired in a court of law. the statute of allegations has passed. is this enough what's happening now to bill cosby? >> i would like to say my allegations have never been discredited. to the best of my knowledge, no one else, the other 13 women have ever been discredited,
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either. >> they've not been proved. that's the problem with the statute of allegations. they've never been proved. >> i have enough going on in my case and years and years of compilation that there is proof there. and for him to make a statement about allegation, his attorney didn't say anything that was factual. all he said was basically explaining what an allegation is. they have not vehemently denied his participation. >> that's interesting. barb remarks you're going to meet two of the other women who have said that they have stories, very similar to yours and they have also come forward and they're very much looking forward to that. in our 8:00 hour, barbara will be back along with two other cosby accusers, they will talk about what they would like to see happen from here. barbara, great to see you, stick around for that. telt tel us what you think about this entire situation. can you go to our facebook page or find me on twitter.
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we'd love to hear your thaought on bill cosby and his accuser. sony pictures hacked future big-budget blockbusters, leaked online for free. now other companies are being warned that they might be next. here's the question -- are the north koreans with their huge film fan leader, behind the attacks? we'll look at it for you coming back. ) hey! i guess we're going to need a new santa ♪(the music builds to a climax.) more people are coming to audi than ever before. see why now is the best time. audi will cover your first month's payment on select models at the season of audi sales event. visit today.
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huh. quickly find the season's hottest shows, huh. quickly find the season's hottest shows, with a handpicked collection all in one place. only from xfinity. you, two, are going toob to be in a roam with kenton. the cia would love it if you could take him out. >> what? >> like for drinks, dinner, take him out on the town? >> no, take him out. >> you want us to kill the leader of north korea. >> what? >> that was a clip from the new sony comedy "the interview" with james franco and seth roggin. featuring a c.i.a. plot to assassinate north korean leader,
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kim jong-un. just the idea that the north could infiltrate a major company like this sending shock waves throughout the industry. we want to discuss it with cnn's media correspondent and bobby ghosh is here, global affairs analyst. we have ourselves a situation here. bobby, let's a starts with you. is it possible that north korea could have perpetrated such an act? >> absolutely. they have a fairly sophisticated hacking network. the south koreans will keep a close watch to say that the north korean government has up to 3,000 hackers on the payroll. this is their job, to make mischief around the world. all of their internet connection goes through choin. there's always been some suggestion that china allows this to happen and possibly uses the north koreans as a kind of proxy, cut-out as a way of doing mischief using the north koreans as the convenient stooges. in either case this kind of thing has happened before. they did it last year in south korea. they attacked south korean
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television studios. they attacked atms, using similar programs so the fingerprints of the north koreans are all over this. >> in this case they've been out, complaining, condemning this for months. and threatening an act of war. >> consequences. >> you have to wonder as a result the sony executives have been targeted. i find interesting that the film that's making fun of north korea, has not been leaked. but other big films have. it makes you curious. >> i'm curious what kind of impact it could have. among the leak and the hack, email was down. they had to resort to oh, my goodness, the old-fashioned phone call. >> whiteboards at some points they were using to take notes because they had no computer access. >> it was leaking internal documents, among them the pay rates of some top execs. >> the bigger issue was all of
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the documents that were obtained by the hackers, most of them have not come out yet. what came out last night were a list of all of the salaries of the top executives at sony. which by the way almost all of them are white men. so that's become -- >> that's a whole side bar conversation. >> it's been a new story. that was the first week and i have to assume other documents will come out as well. >> bobby, it's interesting, let's go back to the whole subterfuge of it, it does seem to be financially motivated. we've seen other hacks where credit card numbers have been compromised and bank numbers, but this is, this seems politically inspired. >> that's right. they're not trying to sell the movies that they've stolen from sony. >> although can we point out 1.2 million copies were pirated of "fury" just yesterday. >> free. and they're not trying to, the best we know, they're not trying to blackmail the company. they're not trying to sell information. this is a political act. this is them saying -- you should be frightened of us
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because look what we can do, we can get into your computer systems and we can mess around. >> it's as if iran freaked out about a daily show segment -- >> oh wait, that happened. >> we see the new film "rosewater" about that incident this feels a bit similar. can you take something that we all know is comedy and take it so seriously. >> in your idea, how concerned are other, other movie companies feeling right now, thinking -- gee, we better take a good hard look at our security and then take a good hard look at the movies we're producing. >> for the movie industry, we cover hacking all the time. we talk about companies and governments getting hacked but to see it happen to one of the biggest movie studios on the planet is a wake-up call. >> we cannot just say hey-now, why is the kitchen not hope? >> they don't care about any international criticism. they enjoy this. this sort of making mischief is
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basically the only thing that government has to offer its people. the ability to make mischief outside. the only distraction they can offer their people. they have no positive things to offer the people of north korea. >> bobby ghosh, brian selter great to have you. we're following a lost news, so let's get right to it. there was a call for a day of walk-outs in new york city, washington, d.c., we saw the same. >> let me be clear, i ain't mad at you. >> the president of the united states is deeply invested in making sure that this time is different. >> a task force looking at policing in america. >> this is the conversation that we have been asking to have. >> fbi warning the u.s. military. >> why do you think it's just military personnel in this case? >> why our military? they're our heroes. >> a series of reforms in response to reports of sexual assaults. >> our university has been placed at the center of this crisis.
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>> good morning, everyone, welcome back to "new day," i'm alisyn camerota. along with chris cuomo. president obama vowed to reform law enforcement in america in the wake of the ferguson riots. promising this time will be different. attorney general eric holder also saying he will announce new guidelines soon. he said this at the atlanta church where martin luther king jr. was once pastor. he told the crowd -- it's time to end racial profiling in america once and for all. but not without hearing it from hecklers and protesters in the crowd. we'll get into that. >> now another evolving part of the story -- did the rams apologize to the st. louis police? the police say they did they actually put on their social media, a definition of what apologize means. and of course, it stems from the players putting their don't shoot hands up display before sunday's game. but the team says, they did not apologize. for this. so what's going on with that? let's get into it we'll begin our coverage in ferguson with ed
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lavendera there. things are quieter, but they have a lot of problems going forward, don't they? >> they do. and it's kind of a sense of just how tense the situations are. just talking about this, a symbolic gesture has sparked another round of controversy. >> while the grand jury proceeding in st. louis county has concluded, i can report this evening, that the justice department's investigation into the shooting death of michael brown, as well as our investigation into allegations of unconstitutional policing patterns, or practices by the ferguson police department, remain ongoing. and remain active. >> inside the historic ebenezer baptist church in atlanta, attorney general eric holder addressed the country. at times, his words were stifled by the chant of protesters. >> the attorney general paused to insure their voices could be heard. >> what we saw there was a genuine expression of concern and involvement.
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>> let me be clear -- i ain't mad at you, all right? >> late monday night, the st. louis rams addressed the controversy involving this public show of solidarity by five of its players, their hands up don't shoot message, a local police association said it implied that michael brown was shot while attempting to surrender. the rams chief operating officer called the angered officers and released a statement saying in part we expressed our respect for their concerns surrounding yesterday's game. the rams will continue to build on what always have been strong and valued relationships with local law enforcement and the greater st. louis community. as we come together to help heal our region. but the rams spokesman followed one cnn making clear, they did not apologize. the nfl is also not apologizing. its spokesman says we respect and understand the concerns of all individuals who have expressed views on this tragic situation. back in missouri at the first
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community meeting of the ferguson commission, more frustration. >> you saying we understand this, we get killed out here. >> for his part, president obama promised to follow through. >> part of the reason this time will be different is because the president of the united states is deeply invested in making sure that this time is different. >> hands up, don't shoot! >> nationwide, demonstrators walked out on monday. >> walk out of school. >> to walk out of work. >> encouraged by the movement to flood the streets in protest. alisyn, the ferg son commission created by the governor in missouri a few weeks ago met for the first time yesterday here in ferguson. a lot of people very concerned that it simply window dressing as they wait for that commission to put together a report. studying the underlying social and economic issues here in the city. that report isn't expected until september of next year. alisyn? >> it will be interesting to hear what if anything that commission does come up with. thanks so much. president obama committing $263
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million to a program that includes money for police body cameras. when asked monday if justice was done in the decision to not indict officer darren wilson, the president did not answer directly. senior white house correspondent jim acosta joins us with the latest. >> good morning, as you heard the president vowed to get results in the aftermath of the unrest in ferguson after a series of meetings at the white house, the president unvald his plans. he wants to tighten controls on police department use of military equipment that was so controversial during the police attempts to control the unrest in ferguson. a new 21st century policing task force and a proposal for $75 million to purchase the bo body-worn cameras for police officers. they could go a long way in establishing when officers use appropriate force. after sitting down with law enforcement officials, civil rights leaders and church leaders from across the country, the president said he understood
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why so many americans, especially young americans are calling for changes in police tactics in minority communities. as for a presidential trip to ferguson, missouri. we've heard a lot about that, it appears it's off for the near future. a white house official says a visit was discussed, but instead advisers decided on yesterday's series of meetings for a comprehensive approach for dealing with the situation. and attorney general eric holder was in atlanta talking about the new guidelines he's unveiling to end racial profiling. we'll hear more about it this week. >> let's bring in the incoming whip of the congressional black caucus, representative hakeem jeffreys. it's good to see you, congressman. i want to show what happened on the floor of congress, it's become somewhat of an issue with the st. louis rams and protests around the country. >> here you are, you got your hands up, the beginning of the speech you made. you weren't the only member of congress to put your hands up. what is the point of that? >> well we want odd to make sure
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we gave voice to the fact that there are people all across the country, for whom hands up don't shoot has become a symbol to their resistance to the fact that too many young unarmed african-americans have been killed by police officers all across the country. by the fact that we have a broken criminal justice system. that far too often fails to deliver accountability to police officers who engage in the use of excessive force. and that we still have a racial profiling problem in american that needs to be resofds. we wanted to make sure that people all across the country who have been taking part in this movement understand that we as members of the congressional black caucus hear their pain and we plan on acting upon it here in the united states capitol. >> for a little different spin on that, in terms of a point of criticism that it receives, the michael brown case was decided by the grand jury, therefore put up your hands, don't shoot, is now based on lies. because that case was decided, the issue should be over. what do you say to that perspective? >> well, 16 of 18 witnesses
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before the grand jury indicated that in their view, michael brown had his hands up at the moment in which he was fatally shot. the grand jury has made its decision, many of us disagree with the decision. we believe that at least there was probable cause to charge this officer with involuntary manslaughter. but hands up don't shoot is really, a gesture that symbolizes concern all across america with the way in which law enforcement departments engage communities of color, often in a far too aggressive fashion. often in violation of the constitution of individual civil rights. >> what do you think about the st. louis police insisting that they received an apology from the st. louis rams for their players putting up the hands up don't shoot when the team says there was no apology? how do you make sense of what's going on there? >> well, i support the football players who decided to enter the field and make this gesture of solidarity. i understand why some in law enforcement may disagree with
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that. this is ultimately an issue that has to be worked out between the st. louis rams and local law enforcement and i believe that the problem that really should be focused on is how to make sure we improve the relationship between the police and the community. >> are you worried about demonizing police? as you know there are a lot of good men and women who are trying to keep communities safer. how do you balance? >> well we want to make sure that there's an effective balance between law enforcement on the one land, being able to keep our communities safe and a respect for the constitution and our civil rights there can be the appropriate balance. we embrace law enforcement. we want law enforcement particularly in communities of color, we want to make sure people are policed in a constitutional way. in a way that's fair and equitable and that when excessive force is used, police officers are held accountable. >> we had the head of the international association of chiefs of police on the show today. he said community police something a good idea, we seem
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to have gotten away from that a little bit. how did we ever get to a place where we got away from the idea of police interacting with the communities that they protect? >> it's a very good question, chris and think what happened as a result of some of the budget cuts that took place over the last several years, police department resources were increasingly strained. and departments moved away from the type of interactive policing that is effective. the best ally of police departments all across the country is the community. but when there's distrust between the police and the community, you've got tension as opposed to cooperation and that's a bad thing. we can use this moment now, to do things that both police departments and communities of color and all americans should embrace -- community policing is one of those things. and congress, we've got to look for ways to incentivize that and provide the resources necessary to bring the police and communities together. >> the president says it will be different this time because there's a president invested in making it different. but once you get into the d.c.
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equation, you got two very different sides of this problem as well. you have people who say, hey, if you want to look at the michael brown case, he was charging the officer, that's what the grand jury said -- fine. if you want to talk about cops in black communities, there's too much crime there, that's why the cops are there in the first place, you have these two very different mindsets about this problem. how will that wind up playing out in washington, d.c., the land of division? >> well one of the reasons why the congressional black caucus took to the floor yesterday there are some in the house who want to run away from this problem. we believe congress needs to run toward this problem. we've got americans all across this country, blacks and whites, democrats and republicans who are focused in on the tension that exists right now between the police and the community. congress can be helpful in this regard. think we've got to go big. 50 years ago this country and this congress came together to pass ground-breaking civil rights legislation. a year after that, in 1965, we dealt with the voting rights ak. i think we should have the
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capacity to solve a problem that clearly is impacting the country. people are divided on it. people were divided on the questions that were before this congress 50 years ago. we found a way to come together then. to move this country forward. we've got to do the same this time around. >> you have to find a way to keep it positive. it's hard to do when these ugly incidents arise and become all over the media. your representative from new york, you've got your own case here, you got eric garner, black man, allegedly killed by police, before a grand jury right now. that could become another flash-point. we'll be watching that one and talking to you about it when the grand jury makes its decision. representative, congratulations on being the whip and good luck with that job. >> thank you, chris. >> michaela? time to look at your headlines, a call for hong kong protesters to retreat in the name of safety. one of the founders of the pro democracy campaign calling some police officers on the front line out of control. some demonstrators are vowing a hunger strike. updates to get from our senior
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international correspondent ivan watson on the ground in hong kong. >> that's right, michaela, it's raining here, but no shortage of umbrellas, at a pro democracy movement that has used the umbrella as its main symbol. now this sprawling tent city has been here for about two months. but there are divisions within the protest movement. you've got the elders of the movement of the occupy central movement who have been urging the students, who have made up the bulk of the protesters, to leave, to head home and to use more grassroots methods to try to push their democratic agenda. meanwhile, i interviewed one of the firebrands of this movement, an 18-year-old named joshua wong, just out of high school and he has mounted a hunger strike along with two other teenaged student activists, about 20 hours now, no solid foods, in order to try to convince the government, which is headquartered in this building, to please sit down and talk with him.
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and to discuss democratic reforms. the government shows no signs of wanting to give in to these demands. because the longer this has gone on, the more unpopular it has gotten with the people of hong kong. polls show the majority of those surveyed last month want the protest to be packed up and to go away. it's anybody's guess what people here are going to do. for now, these young people show no signs of leaving any time soon. michaela? >> ivan watson with the late frebt hong kong. thank you. back at home, the university of virginia's president addressing accusations of a culture of sex assault on campus, head-on for the first time. president theresa sullivan says her school will prioritize investigating sexual misconduct over protecting its reputation. telling students quote we will repair this wrong. campus security also will be increased following an alleged gang rape at a fraternity detailed in a "rolling stone" article. bill cosby has resigned from temple ust's board of trustees
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after a 32-year tenure. coming amid allegations of 17 women accusing him of sexual misconduct. cosby's attorney has repeatedly denied the accusations. in our next hour we sit down with three of his accusers, they are all meeting for the first time. we will ask what they'd like to see happen from here. really quite a moment, a big thank you from police, for police from the 13-year-old georgia boy who spent four years in his father's home, often hidden behind a wall. gregory gene's mother called police last week after getting a phone call from her son. i want you to listen to gregory tell reporters how he managed to make that call to his mother. >> it went on place i downloaded an app called magic jack and i called my mom. i feel great, thank god, i'm feeling great. i'm ready to go home. so thank you, guys. >> look at that smile. >> meanwhile, gregory's father and step-mother have been
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arrested, charged with false imprisonment and child cruelty. >> so the kid was taken, by his own father which by the way is like well over 90-plus percent of all of these cases. then the mother didn't know where the kid was? >> that's what we don't know. there's a lot of circumstances in the story that we're still trying to work out. i have to tell you the fact that that, that mother looks like she's never going to let go of that boy again. the way she was holding on to him and the smile on his face is something to behold. >> he was hidden behind the wall. we don't know if when the police went over to sempt house if he was always hidden. >> we also know there was physical abuse. >> thanks for the update. american soldiers have faced grave threats overseas, now they may face equally dangerous threats at home. a new threat from isis. and it's prompting an fbi warning to u.s. military personnel. we'll tell but that threat. and the potential shift in strategy.
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a new warning from members of the u.s. military. the fbi cautioning that isis is calling for attacks against service members, with the terror group also trying to find people in the u.s. to carry out those attacks. joining us to discuss all of this and the new threat is pentagon press secretary rear admiral john kirby.
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good morning, admiral. >> good morning. thampgs for having me. >> what specifically has prompted this new fbi warning? >> this is a warning that has built on similar warnings that our combatant commanders, our four-star generals around the world have issues to their troops over many months. just a recognition that the threat is very real and that we want our service members and their families to be extra careful. >> it sound like there's something specific here. because this one is specifically against service members and it's specifically telling them to be careful on social media. so give us more. what's that about? >> let me state at the outset, this is not the result of a single credible threat. this isn't the result of some sort of threat out there that we've picked up on. it is, however, the result of many months of conclusion by intel analysts that this group, isil, poses a real threat, not just to the region, but to our interests, our allies' interests. and that backs up on our troops,
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who are doing the fighting alongside our iraqi partners in iraq. so it does help us provide a little focus for our troops and their families to make sure they're a little bit extra careful. this is a group, isil, who is very active and adept at social media they monitor it closely and they use it as well, we've seen that but they monitor it closely. and we know our troops are active in social media. and we want them to be. nobody is telling then they can't get on twitter and facebook. but we want them to be real careful about the kind of information that they're posting. so we're not unnecessarily giving isil terrorists any more information about our troop movements or intentions. >> the fbi is cautioning against posting some sort of personal information on twitter or facebook. what does that look like? what don't you want service members to put on their social media profiles? >> well, things like their address. their phone numbers, their vacation plans. the movement of their units to or fro. when they're coming home from a deployment. or any, any, specifically
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mentioning any time when perhaps their families will be separated from them. perhaps over the holidays. so we just want them to be a little extra careful. about what they're putting out there. because you don't know who's going to be looking at it and you don't know what the intentions are of the people that will be looking at your information. >> as you just pointed out, it is holiday season. many service men and women do travel during that time and they travel in uniform. are you advising against that this holiday season? >> well there's no specific prohibition against traveling in uniform over the holidays. not that i'm aware of here at the pentagon. now some commanders in europe, for instance, general breedlove has asked that their troops curtail use of uniforms in certain situations. so there are some prohibitions around the world. but not here at home that i'm aware of. >> our cnn reporting out of the pentagon suggests that they may be targeting specific u.s. military members. do you know of any specific threats against specific service men or women? >> i have no information that
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corroborates specific threats against specific members. but we're constantly watching what this group is doing and what they're saying and trying to figure that out. >> we understand that isis is looking for people in the united states, perhaps american sympathizers to carry out these attacks. tell us more? >> well this is a threat we've been long focused on with this group, this threat of foreign fighters, they want to recruit westerners into their ramnks, people with passports and this is a main concern by western governments and why the international community has come so strongly together against this group. we have a coalition of 60 nations, we're worried about this. people who can move freely, they have passports, they are trained, get skilled, get weapons and come back to their own countries and execute significant attacks. it's a significant problem and we're focused on it closely. >> it sounds like isis may have
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identified people who could carry out these lone wolf attacks. is the fbi also monitoring these people? >> i wouldn't speak for the fbi here at the pentagon, i certainly wouldn't get into law enforcement issues here. without going into details and specifics, the foreign fighter threat is something that we've been focused on for a long time and will remain focused on. >> can you give us a status report on what's happening in mosul today. >> mosul remains a contested environment, as you know. all of iraqors there's a wide swath of territory in western iraq where isle holds sway. iraq security forces and peshmerga, kurdish forces are trying to retake territory and regain ground, it's been mixed. spotty, hasn't been steady. but fighting continues. >> what about u.s. ground forces to help the peshmerga in mosul? >> well the president has been very clear that there will be no, no return of u.s. troops in a combat role on the ground in iraq. that said, he has authorized
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another 1500 advisers, that are going to be starting to deploy in the next several weeks. to go and help train, advise and assist iraqi brigades as well as kurdish brigades up in the north. so we're going to continue to try to assist iraqi security forces as they take the fight to isil. but there's no plans at all right now for any troops on the ground, u.s. troops in a combat role. >> okay. rear admiral john kirby, thanks so much for joining us on "new day." so it seems that jeb bush could be making a presidential run. could, could. he added fuel to the fire last night, if he's in, how ready are republicans to make him the man? john king will have the details on "inside politics," stay with us. ta ph.d. or an mba.have everyone has questions about money. you know, i think about money kind of a lot. -money's freedom. -money's always on my mind. credit cards. -mortgage. -debt. it's complicated. it's not easy. i'm not a good budgeter. unfortunately, i'm a spender. i would love to learn more about finances.
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good to have you back on "new day." here are your headlines. president obama vowing to reform law enforcement in the united states. calling for tighter controls on the militarization of police departments and he's calling for millions in funding for police officer body cameras. in the meantime, the st. louis rams and st. louis county police are at odds over whether the team apologized for actions sunday when several players raised their arms in solidarity with ferguson protesters. overnight, al shabab is claiming responsibility for killing 36 people in a quarry along the kenya/somali border. we're hearing that the gunmen separated the victims by religion. federal regulators are
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investigating whether car seat maker graco delayed a recall. more than six million car seats were recalled. the defect involves car seat buckles that can become stuck in the latched position, potentially putting a child's life at risk in an emergency. chris, alisyn, i'm not sure if you all are about the news you can use. starting later this month you'll be able to buy boxes of your favorite girl scout cookies online. for the first time. >> finally value to the internet. >> participating girl scout troops can sell the cookies, through personalized websites or a mobile app with their parents' permission of course, but isn't that an interesting development? >> let's have it. which is yours? >> my favorite? >> thin mint in the freezer. >> that is good. >> you can polish off a whole sleeve. >> i try not to.
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>>ky. does that mean we won't get any more visits from girl scouts? >> i think it's an option. i think they're trying to expand their reach. >> i've been calling this for years, that they should sell the cookies all year-round. >> there is that. >> don't you think it becomes a regular thing instead of it being a treat? >> good, good. i also think it can only be what is this -- samoa is the best cookie. it is everything that people like. >> subject to allergies, it is what you like in addition to a samoa. can't even have them in the house. john king, politics aside, what's your cookie, my man? >> i'm a peanut butter guy, tag-a-long. >> i love it. >> we're going to order some cookies, okay? >> something everyone can agree on. >> three letters, g-y-m. after all of those cookies. let's go, we got a lot it talk about "inside politics." let's go there after they eat cookies to share reporting and
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insights. let's talk about our brand new cnn/orc poll which has a bit of a surprise, when you look at 2016 and the republican contenders, first, if mitt romney runs he would be the overwhelming front-runner. 20%, look at the guy at number two, dr. ben carson, a nonpolitician. and then bush, christie, huckabee. here's what happens if romney does not run. jeb buescher, 14%, ben carson hangs in there at 11%. and huckabee, christie, ryan, there is no front-runner. the republican party, you normally know who the guy is we don't know who the guy is. unless romney runs, but he says he's not. the other thing that's interesting is dr. ben carson. not a politician. after this mid-term election, after the last few years of washington dysfunction it's clear that even republicans are looking, trying to think outside the box. >> one of the interesting things about romney is in january of 2011 he also was at 20% in
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several polls. so there is a sweet spot for romney within the republican party. but when you're talking about ben carson, he seems to be speaking to the activist class in the republican party. and they are the ones rallying behind him. they've been looking for someone to sort of carry their banner and right now, they really seem to like ben carson. >> an african-american republican. a conservative, and if you travel the country you're going to evangelical book stores, his books are popular. obviously he had his post. left his post at fox news because he's exploring running for president. is he an interesting candidate? or is he a potential presidential nominee? >> i think he's an interesting candidate. and who republicans conservatives have been buzzing about for more than a year. i remember being at an event in iowa about 14 months ago, there were run ben run bumper stickers and people who had travelled to iowa to tell republicans, look at this guy seriously. wlat poll suggests is that the field is just as volatile as it was this time four years ago for
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republicans. for example, where's rand paul? suddenly he's fallen out of the top tier and now ben carson jumps upped and others slide down and paul ryan comes up. this is what we saw last time. still very volatile. lots of potential for people to move up. and it also suggests at least for now that there's a little bit of the flavor of the month stuff going on. >> and the big names, the known names, name identification materies lot. romney, bush, christie, huckabee, nationally-known names. carson leapfrogs some impressive guys, rand paul, paul ryan, senator cruz, governor walker, governor perry. senator rubio. they're all down in the 4's, 5's and 6s. we're going to get decisions early in the new year. the big decision people are waiting for in the republican party, the biggest question is the former florida governor jeb bush, soon of one president, brother of another president. listen to jeb bush. >> i don't know if i'd be a good
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candidate or bad one. i kind of know how republican can win. whether it's me or somebody else. and it has to be much more uplifting, much more positive. much more willing to you know, to be practical now in washington world, lose the primary to win the general. without violating your principles. it's not an easy task, to be honest with you. >> what's he trying to tell us? here's a guy who would be at odds with the base of the party on immigration, at odds with the base of the party or a significant slice of it on common core education standards. what's jeb bush saying about the general, i know what it's like to win? >> i was speaking to someone last week who told me that he was leaning toward running and this reiterates that. i think it's going with the message from the establishment of the republican party. that in order to win the general, you have to buck the base, there hasn't been anyone yet willing to do that and came out okay on the other side. >> we saw what happened with
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romney. a lot of people thought if romney had a chance against president obama he needed to make your point, maybe buck the base or not get dragged right and he did on immigration and other issues. jeb bush is at least saying there, i won't do that right? >> and you wonder how well he'll do in iowa, south carolina, new hampshire and elsewhere because of that. i think what he's trying to say leer is yes i know i could do it. clearly as a governor i was successful. what i really don't want to to have to do is spend time in iowa, south carolina, new hampshire, pandering to these different blocs of republicans, i want to run in the general election. because if you look at the numbers there, it suggests i could do well. >> you've got to earn it. i think most signals are that huckabee is thinking about it it's an impressive field on paper. if you look at terms of experience. these could be fun debates. >> you have to wonder if he was encouraged also by the results of the 2014 election.
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because the establishment really did get their candidates out there and they won. and you know, the proof is in the results. >> jeb bush would have a little bit, they would get a little, the establishment would rally around him and the pressure would turn to governor christie. on the democrats, you saw no front-runner there, right? nobody could you claim front-runner status on the republican side. a little different for the democrats. let's show you the numbers, some woman named hillary clinton at 65%. 65%. elizabeth warren at 10, jill biden at 9, bernie sanders at 5. if hillary clinton decided, we all expect she is running, if she did not run, joe biden is your front-runner at 41. elizabeth warren up to 20, and o'malley at the bottom of the pack. if you're senator clinton and you're reading these numbers, again, the fleet is in your port and you decide what to do here, right? >> it's very true, we're old enough to remember the last time
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hillary clinton was an unbeatable candidate. i think these are very early polls, a lot of it as you said are good for hillary early. we've seen when hillary gets out there and starts running, things can get more complicated. >> but who? you still need, somebody, somebody -- well somebody has to beat you. which means somebody has to present a real challenge. is it former senator jim webb? bernie sanders? >> those guys will run, there's no indication they're inspiring democrats the way that elizabeth warren is the numbers for her continue to be impressive. this far out that's where you want to be, not in first place, but in second place, but enough democrats say we would like to see someone like that run. is that bernie sanders, jim webb? elizabeth warren. she insists she's not getting it. it says something that she got a minor little leadership role up in the senate when harry reid tapped her for this policy position and i heard so many democrats that were excited she was finally in the mix.
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the job she got is incredibly insignificant, but it was a demonstration that liberal democrats are eager to see people like her at the table. helping steer the party into the future and it's something that clinton will have to contend with. >> a lot of people saying why do we care about the 2016 numbers so early? they will change, but they matter what all the candidates are looks, should i run, who-day talk to? when do i decide. that's the dominant effect we'll see in the first quarter of next year. jackie, ed, thanks for coming and alisyn. i want to show you something. we've known it's happening for some time. the white house gives us a picture on technology's impact on the president's daily briefing. there he is reading it on a tablet. we think of it in a manila folder that's stamped "top secret." there's the president, that's a tough read every day for any president. but interesting use of technology and a big question for me is -- how secure they feel about that, given all the
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hacking stories. >> that's a great question, if only we knew a political reporter who could pose it in washington, d.c. to the white house, let us know if you find someone, john. >> i bet that happens today. >> great to see you. the university of virginia taking steps to protect women on campus after a reported gang rape at a fraternity party. we're talking to the student council president, about what's next. take a closer look at your fidelity green line and you'll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a wide range of investment options... and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals -- and what you're really investing for.
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university. how bad is the situation? is it unique? what's going to happen going forward? we're joining by jalen ross, the student council president, university of virginia. it's good to have you, young man. i'm sure when you got the job you didn't think you would be thrust into the national spotlight dealing with issues at the university. but that is your appointed duty. now so let me ask you, do you believe that your university is different in terms of how it deals with this culture, of sexual assault, than other big universities across the country? well good morning, chris, thanks for having me. certainly not the term i expected to have, but glad to be able to hopefully contribute to the solution. i don't know if we're significantly different than other universities. i only know this one. right now there are thousands of people here because of this article and because of the lot of the work being done that are committed to solving it here and hope we'll be different in that way. >> did the problem exist in terms of its recognition, by the institution, in your opinion, before the article?
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>> well definitely. look, this is something that student council has been engaged on since january. so there's actually, there was a lot of good work that happened around this over the summer. we rewrote our sexual misconduct policy. we planned to do a survey in january, mandatory training. powerful advocates in the community for a long time. what we have now is through the fact of tragedy and mass media and press that we have a lot more people engaged on it. that would, that means we have people now that have the tools to make some serious change that i think will help solve the problem that we didn't have before. >> you guys have grown up in a culture of political correctness that sun like anything else. the rest of us did. and yet, you have this problem that seems to go to the most basic forms of behavior between male and female. why do you think this happened so much at a place that supposedly culls the best and brightest? >> you know that's a great question. i think any community you've got
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some bad eggs. and the problem wt we've got a that doesn't allow people to report and expose those bad eggs so we can get them out of here. one of the things we're worried about and we'll be working to fix, students and administration together in the next couple of weeks is figure out what we do about that culture that enables people to feel empowered to come forward and tell the stories. if you look at the numbers, the department of education says 95% of people aren't coming to tell the story of sexual assault nationwide. we have to make sure people are comfortable telling their stories so we can figure out who is creating the harm. >> in general, every case is different. but in general, many assaults that aren't outright rape attempts are born of excess, right? that starts with drinking, specifically binge drinking. that is something that's come up in the context of the university of virginia as well. how big of a problem do you guys have with knowing your limits when it comes to booze? >> that's a question and an issue nationwide. you think the idea students have
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when they're coming to college and what college means, that's influenced by stories they hear. by movies they're looking at. the issue of drinking a serious one on grounds, here as well as everywhere else. the good news is we've gotten great engagement from our fraternity council president, to figure out what we can do to make parties safer places. when you're first coming in, new world, no rules, no parents, how to make sure you're responsibly introduced to alcohol and continue that pattern. we're asking ourselves about policy changes we can make and cultural changes we can make that keep people safer from alcohol and sexual assault. >> it's great to see the student body activated because the culture of how you support victims does begin with you guys. often the institution won't find out about it unless the person wants to come forward, right? however, you to all of your parents, are still their babies and you're supposed to be protected. by the institution and this comes down to their leadership, not yours.
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do you feel that your president in the administration has gotten out of this, in front of it the way they should have, as soon as they should have? >> i think there was widespread disappointment from a lot of students i talked to about the quickness and the appropriateness of the response in the beginning. i think the good news is, we've seen much better engagement since then. they've recovered and i've had a lot of conversations with folks in the administration doing a good job. the point i'll make though is sort of one of the core values we've got here is an ideal we call student self-governance, i disagree a little that it falls at the administration's feet to fix this. this is a student problem, it's our culture, our issue we need to solve. if we're going to do it, change cultures, we've got to start with us, we've put together a group of students that's meeting this weekend, meeting last few weeks, to figure out what it is that can do, change things, in fraternity life, alcohol, around the university in general. i think we're going to be the ones to figure out what we can change to solve that problem. >> you know what you took me on, ross, and you won, you're right. you want to be the change that
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you want to see. if you guys get it right in terms of what's acceptable on campus, a lot of good things will come from that. i wish you good luck and let us know at cnn what we can do to help promote the cause. >> appreciate your attention to this, chris. >> alisyn? >> a new generation of designer drugs are killing our kids. this is the subject of a new cnn documentary and it premieres tonight. will that be all, sir?
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are already banned, and there have already been deadly results. senior investigative correspondent drew griffin has a special documentary airing tonight "deadly high." drew is here with more of a look at this synthetic drug business. >> it's crazy, isn't it? you know the parents of two dead teens want this story to be told because michaela, they had no idea what happened to their children. the new drugs synthetic, chemically produced designer drugs designed just to evade the law. sold online, easy to get, and before anyone knew even what they were, they tore through a midwestern city, ruining dozens of lives. in the week of june 10th, 2012, law enforcement in grand forks were dealing with an outbreak of violent overtodoses. mystery drug on the streets had already killed two teenagers. >> we have multiple overdoses, two young men that lost their lives. what is more serious than that.
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that was unprecedented. i've been u.s. attorney for going on four years, this is the only time we've reached out to a school system, a university and said there's a danger on the streets that people need to be aware about. >> reporter: as the emergency warnings were being issued, investigators were desperately trying to find out just what this drug was, more importantly, where it came from. >> it took lab analysis to determine the true nature of these substances. when we learned what they were, that was new to us. >> reporter: 2cimbome and 2ccmbome are synthetic designer drugs, chemicals designed to imitate the high of the banned drug lsd. these drugs are so potent a dose the size of a few grains of salt is enough to get high. north dakota's top federal drug prosecutor had never heard of them and neither had christian
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bjerk's parents. >> i had to go to the internet to look up information on it. i didn't understand the whole synthetic drug, i didn't know what it was, didn't know how dangerous they were. >> the message we got after we went on air is that somebody had said it was okay for these drugs to be on the street and they had been tweaked, but that's all we knew. >> reporter: synthetic lsd has been blamed and parents are learning the truth about synthetic designer drugs. >> investigators say he overdosed on a synthetic -- >> otherwise known as kit. >> reporter: with deaths and overdoses reported almost daily. >> law enforcement say it's upsetting, it's new to us. where is this stuff coming from? >> that's what we find this is not the cartels. this is chemical laboratories mainly in china putting this
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stuff outline on research chemicals, sold across the world to entrepreneurial drug dealer, one of whom will talk to us tonight and it will scare the pants off of you how easily that this dprrug entrepreneur set up the business that led to these kids' deaths. >> we encourage parents with your kids tune in tonight at 9:00 eastern, it's called "deadly high: how synthetic drugs are killing kids." also there's more information about synthetic drugs, really, really great resources for parents as well. drew griffin we appreciate it. thank you so much for that. the obama administration looking to end racial profiling but the controversy over that hands up gesture by st. louis rams players is heating up.
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-- captions by vitac -- calls for change. president obama revealing his plan for new policing standards as the st. louis rams deny apologizing for the hands up protest. are tensions any worse today?
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and killed by police, a young unarmed man killed by police and his father's fight to change the law. the new practices that he's demanding for police. could it be a model for the country? cosby accusers, three strangers who have one thing in common, all say they were sexually assaulted by bill cosby. this morning they'll meet for the first time, share their stories and tell us what the embattled comedian needs to do now. >> your "new day" continues right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning, welcome to "new day." it is tuesday, december 2nd, 8:00 in the east, chris cuomo and alisyn camerota here, and up first the obama administration is taking on another ambitious and divisive issue, racial profiling in america. attorney general eric holder was met by a lot of cheers and a handful of hecklers at a church in atlanta where he discussed plans for tough new police standards in the wake of the
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ferguson riots. and the nfl finds itself smack in the middle of the ferguson fallout. st. louis county police insisting they got an apology from the st. louis rams after five of their players used the hands up, don't shoot posture in a support of the family of michael brown. the team insists there was no apology and the league will not discipline the players. our coverage begins with ed lavandera. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, alisyn. this controversy is symbolic of how difficult it is to talk about what has happened here in ferguson. >> while the grand jury proceeding in st. louis county has concluded, i can report this evening that the justice department's investigation into the shooting death of michael brown as well as our investigation into allegations of unconstitutional policing patterns or practices by the ferguson police department remain ongoing and remain active. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> reporter: inside the historic enkneeser baptist church in atlanta, attorney general eric holder addressed the country, at times his words stifled by the chants of protesters. the attorney general paused to ensure their voices were heard. >> what we saw there was a genuine expression of concern and involvement. let me be clear. i ain't mad at cha, all right? >> reporter: late monday night the st. louis rams finally addressed the controversy surrounding this public show of solidarity by five of its players. their hands up don't shoot message, a local police association said it implied that michael brown was shot while attempting to surrender. the rams chief operating officer called the angered officers and released a statement saying "we expressed our respect for their concern surrounding the game. the rams will continue to build on what have always been strong and valued relationships with
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local law enforcement and the greater st. louis community, as we come together to help heal our region." but the rams spokesman followed up with cnn making it clear they did not apologize. the nfl also isn't apologizing, its spokesman says "we respect and understand the concerns of all individuals who have expressed views on this tragic situation." back in missouri at the first commute meeting of the ferguson commission, more frustration. >> we are getting killed out here! >> reporter: president obama followed through. >> part of the reason this time will be different is because the president of the united states is deeply invested in making sure that this time is different. >> hands up! >> don't shoot! >> reporter: nationwide monday demonstrators simply walked out. >> walk out of school. >> walk out of work. >> reporter: and encouraged to flood the streets in protest. alisyn, last night was another quiet night here in the city of ferguson, that is the good news. as you saw there that ferguson commission, which was created by
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the governor here of missouri, many people worried at that meeting all of this will be window dressing and that that commission when it comes back with its findings in september of next year that there won't be much to show for it. alisyn? >> let's hope that's not the case. ed lavandera thanks for the update. president obama looking to calm tensions between police and the african-american community. part of that plan calls for body cameras on officers at a cost of tens of millions of dollars. but the president refused to answer whether he thought justice was done by the ferguson grand jury. senior white house correspondent jim acosta joins us live with the latest. what was the president's response when he was today about the grand jury? >> reporter: he did not respond to that question although he did say last week that americans should respect that decision, respect the rule of law, but you did hear yesterday president obama vowing to get results in the aftermath of the unrest in ferguson after a series of meetings at the white house, president unveiled his plans for the steps forward. he wants to tighten controls on
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police department use of military equipment, a new 21st century policing task force and a proposal for $75 million to purchase body worn cameras for police officers. those cameras could go a long way in establishing when police officers use appropriate force. after sitting down with law enforcement officials and church leaders across the country, the president understood why so many young americans are calling for changing in police tactics in minority communities. here's what he had to say. >> it violates my belief in what america can be, to hear young people feeling marginalized and distrustful, even after they've done everything right. that's not who we are. and i don't think that's who the overwhelming majority of americans want us to be. >> reporter: as for a presidential trip to ferguson
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that is off in the near future. visit was discussed last week but instead advisers decided on yesterday's series of meeting for a more comprehensive approach is what they're calling with. attorney general eric holder was there talking about racial profiling and would should hear new gouidelines in a matter of days. crick lanicholas kristof, c for "the new york times" the issues go well beyond ferguson, something misunderstood by many from the beginning. what happened to michael brown is a specific case but it is symptomatic of concerns that go across the country. fair point? >> that's right. look, i'm not going to second-guess the grand jury. i wasn't in that room. we do know there is a broad pattern here and there are 21 times as many young black men killed by police as young white
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men and that is the larger context, and to the degree of inequity in this country based on race. >> you have a silent majority perhaps who says don't mess with the cops and you don't get killed. don't make so much crime in your neighborhoods and you won't have to have trouble with the cops. that is the pushback. >> that's right, and it's not particularly silent and indeed i think the white narrative is about personal responsibility and sure, there are inequities but fix the problems with your families, this kind of thing, and you know, boy -- >> why is that wrong? >> i think it misses a couple of things. one is that as long as we're talking about personal responsibility, and these are real issues, there is a real issue with not only african-american families but working class white families in terms of family structure, in terms of people being, education failure and so on. this is something that the black community is very much aware of and addressed. as long as we're talking about personal responsibility, we in the white community have to acknowledge the degree to which
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today's inequity is a legacy and we are beneficiaries of centuries of discrimination, and we also have to accept personal responsibility, we have toolboxes that can address some of these issue, some of these inequities, and yet we don't implement that toolbox. >> why not? >> i think there is an empathy gap in this country. >> what does that mean? >> i think it means that if you are successful, then you look in the mirror and you think boy, that person did everything just right. anybody can. i think it's very easy for people who were born on third base to congratulate themselves for their wisdom and their success, and to look at people who are less successful, who didn't have advantages early in life, whose parents didn't read to them, who didn't have a chance to go to good schools, and see in them not only an economic failure, but a kind of a moral failure. princeton university looked at brain scans of successful people, examining images of people homeless or poor and
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found those successful people processed the images as if they were looking not at people but at things. that's part of this gap. >> what does that mean? >> it means that their brains were processing those homeless people, poor people as not as, they're being dehumanized, not as people. too often our race conversation deals not only with the race barrier, but the class gap as well. >> social economics matters more, you could argue, than color today. you have new waves of immigrants coming into this country. it used to be the irish and the italians who were seen as pre-disposed to crime. an attorney general named kennedy said italians are pre-disposed to organized crime. so they were poor, they were committing more crimes, they had more trouble with the cops, and the system therefore was not their friend. is there anything really new here? >> you know, there is to some degree. color i think has been a greater
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barrier. i think that also we have to acknowledge there has been real progress over the last century, enormous progress but this is an area we whites can embrace, we see an african-american officer, we've made it, there aren't problems anymore. i think the problem today is not white racist, you consciously believe in discrimination but rather a large number of people, frankly black and white, who absorb biases that drop in, unaware of. one sociologists calls it racism without racist. people who believe intellectually in equality and yet we know from research that when they get a resume with a traditionally black name they're less likely to call back than if it's a white name. >> do you think michael brown was a case in a flash point, you do have bad facts if you want to come from the perspective of cops do the wrong things in this commute, you have bad facts here. do you think maybe this is
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actually somewhat fomenting the divide? >> i think that's a fair point to make. i think that the focus should be pivoting from the facts on that case to this larger question. 21 times as many african americans -- >> the 12-year-old with the plastic gun, he took the orange part out and described as an adult. michael brown, he robbed a store and they got into a fight. who does that. eric garner in new york, going in front of a grand jury on video saying what's going on, stop it. the guy chokes him but it's not a real choke, it's an okay choke. there's always something that makes it okay. >> in any one case there are always reasons, excuses, whatever, so i think we have to look at the larger pattern, and you know the larger pattern is that the united states incarcerates more african americans as a percentage than apartheid south africa did. the race gap in wealth between
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the median white family and median black family is 18-fold, greater than the black/white wealth gap was in apartheaparth. >> those go in hand with more negative exchange with the authorities. >> there are ways we've demonstrated to reduce the gaps, early childhood intervention. >> there are ways to fix it. right now you have the st. louis rams they come out inside those helmets are young black men. they put up their hands, hands up, don't shoot, st. louis rams. they say it's not just about this case, it's about what's going on. people in the media are dismissing them as acting on lies. the cops say they got an apology and they put a social media message out on twitter or something it was an apology. are people focusing on the wrong thing right now? >> we all come to these issues from our experience. we all want security. if you are white, your life experience has taught to you largely trust police and find
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security from police. if you are a young african-american man your life experiences taught to you distrust police, to be wary of police, to fear police and i think that we have to do a little bit more thinking about stepping in other people's shoes and acknowledging that gulf, not only at perceptions but of actual experience. >> nicholas kristof, thank you very much. >> good to be with you. >> perspective as always. mick, tell us about the news going on. breaking this morning, lebanese officials have detained a wife and son of isis leader abu bakr al baghdadi. the pair were nabbed a few days ago as they were crossing the border from syria. the two have the closest ties to al baghdadi of anyone so far. a controversial bill to eliminate all horse-drawn carriages from city streets, this would fulfill a campaign promise to animal rights activists who claimed horses are in t mistreated and vulnerable to
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traffic. embattled nfl star ray rice speaking out about the infamous elevator bunch that knocked his fiance then unconscious. his now wife janay was standing by him. the former running back is eligible to play again after an arbitrator ordered his reinstatement. he said it's okay if that never happens. >> my wife can survive in this world without me, she can survive in this world, in society without me. she could have done it on her own. she sacrificed her well-being for me and now the role is a little bit reversed, i'll sacrifice my well-being for her, because -- >> if you never play football again. >> if i never play football again, i'll be honest with you, i would sacrifice more so she could have a better future. >> rice is drawing interest from several nfl teams.
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no one has offered her a spot on their roster. only in los angeles, i will admit this. see that man on a skateboard trying to evade police after he allegedly stole a bmw. he did not get far, why? because this man in a red pickup truck good samaritan stopped the crook in his tracks nearly crashing his truck. recognize him? that's lou pizarro, star of "operation repo." this is so l.a. in so many ways, i just had to show that to you. >> really is, only in l.a. skateboard chase. >> a reality star doing something good. >> i wasn't going there. >> well i did. >> that is news. thanks, michaela. stick around for this, in a moment we'll speak with two men, they've never met before and share a common link, they say they had horrifics experiences at the hands of bill cosby.
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well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do, sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender, in the sleep aisle.
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welcome back to "new day." bill cosby resigned from his post on the board of trustees at temple university, his alma mater following a growing list of sexual allegations of assault from him. 17 women have come forward and joining us are two accuser, they've never met or spoken, yet their stories are eerily simple. thank you for being here. >> thank you, alisyn. >> thanks. >> great to have you. you both just met moments ago.
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what is it like to meet each other? >> very emotional. i didn't really anticipate that really. >> i didn't ever believe this day would come. >> you said that, i heard you say that, victoria. why didn't you think this day would come? >> because it is such an important and powerful and painful connection and it took so long for people to be listening to me, that when i came forward, one of my main goals was to reach out to these women that didn't have the courage yet and seeing it in action is really intense. i mean, this is a real woman sitting here next to me.
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>> a real person. i know. well i think the thing and i was telling barbara earlier that my tipping point was when i saw her not be believed for 13 years but it took a man making a joke out of it on stage for no insuddenly believe it. >> that comedian came out in his standup and made a joke about it and that seemed to open the floodgates, but then you seeize on the opportunity and wrote about your personal experience with bill cosby. >> yes, because that felt like a slap in the face almost, that it would take something flippant and light-hearted for people to perk up their ears and say oh, maybe there's something to this, when it's such a serious situation, and it was like our experiences weren't worth anything. >> is that how you felt? >> yeah, i felt it was a
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complete invalidation of a woman's point of view. everything that we've experienced was sort of just swept under the rug. >> over and over and over. >> over and over and over again. >> hearing barbara's story, is it very similar to yours? >> well, different, but similar. drugs, exactly, the same thread of continuity. >> you alleged that bill cosby drugged you? >> yes. >> as well as barbara. >> yes. >> and then sexually assaulted you? >> yes, he drugged me and my roommate, who he had eyes for. i was sort of the tag-along, and she passed out, and i pulled him off of her. at first he ignored me because he was very intently looking down at her while she was unconscious, until i started noticing some changes in his
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trousers, and i realized what his intentions were. >> and what gave you the courage to come forward now? was it hearing barbara's story? >> well, what i told her a few minutes ago, what i just mentioned was the fact that this map had made a joke out of it, and that was the only way she was believed, and that just -- it was like this little red rocket went off inside of me, and that was my tipping point. >> and the fact that he was going to be honored with a new show. >> bill cosby was going to be getting, there were talks with nbc that he was going to be getting a new sitcom and there was also an arrangement with netflix. by the way those things have now been shelved or canceled. as we just reported he also resigned from the board of trustees at temple university, upcoming comedy specials standup has been canceled. whole host of cascading things have happened since you and the
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15 other women have come forward. victoria, how does that make you feel? do you get some satisfaction from that? >> absolutely. it's time he paid the piper. you know, it's come full circle. it should have been long ago. >> the statute of limitations has passed so you will not have your day in court in order to get some sort of judgment against him, for a jury to hear your side and his side, but the fact that he is now in the court of public opinion, that these things are happening, is that enough for you, barbara? >> not for me. first of all, we're gathering a lot of information regarding the statute of limitations, to see what that is actually, what that entails, but my bigger goal and motivation is to reach out to victims everywhere. i was recently appointed ambassador to a wonderful organization called p.a.v.e., it stands for promoting awareness victims empowerment.
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we reach out to people through education and action and legislative tactics and talk with students and young people, and those are the people, i want to have a voice for them, and so i'm going to be doing a lot of public speaking and a lot of getting out there and speaking to models and actresses and young people that want to get into the industry, that's the demographic that's underrepresented. >> bill cosby's attorneys, through his attorneys, he has denied all of these allegations. let me read to you something that the recent statement from bill cosby's attorneys "these brand new claims about the alleged decades-old events are becoming increasingly ridiculous and this is completely illogical so many people would have said nothing, done nothing and made no reports to law enforcement and asserted civil claims if they felt they were assaulted over a span of so many years." victoria, what is your response? >> i think it's absolutely ridiculous and he's got a very good spin doctor, because over the years, women do not have a
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voice, and rape victims, sexual assault victims were victimized by the system, and back in the day, during the '60s and the early '70s, we were not -- >> revictimized and it's still happening. >> and we didn't believe in the system because the system did not stand by us through things like this, and so who would find us credible? >> and i did tell my agent, and i did go to an attorney, and i was -- she did nothing about it, and he laughed me out of the office, literally laughed at me, and said it was a proposterous thought, bill cosby? ha, ha, ha. >> we have more questions for you. we'll give you a chance to talk and get to know each other. barbara and victoria, stand by, more from bill cosby's accusers in a moment and there's also a third accuser who will join our conversation in just a few minutes.
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president obama is pledging
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tighter controls on law enforcement in the wake of the unrest in ferguson. he's calling for the demilitarization of police departments and body cameras for all police officers. the lebanese army detained a wife and son of isis leader abu bakr al baghdadi. the unidentified woman was reportedly traffic with a fake passport as she crossed from syria days ago. the university of virginia president promising to make sexual assault cases a priority after reported gang rape at a campus fraternity. teresa sullivan telling students "we will repair this wrong." jeb bush is think being a presidential run. he expects to make a decision in short order. new cnn poll puts him third among republicans but first if mitt romney doesn't run. and number five secretary of state john kerry joins leaders in brussels to discuss russia and ukraine as well as setting up a rapid response in eastern europe. the battle against isis is also
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high on the agenda. we update the five things to know. visit for the latest. in today's "impact your world" missing person cases are reported far too often, every resource is critical especially those very first hours of the search. chris has more on a florida couple who knows the pain of a missing person all too well and is dedicated to getting search dogs into police departments around the globe. >> reporter: when duke snodgrass pictured his retirement he never imagined it would be filled with these big floppy-eared dogs. he and his wife angie run a foundations that raises, trains and donates bloodhounds to law enforcement agencies. the couple started the non-profit after their son cody died in a motorcycle accident. haunted by the abduction and murder of his aunt, cody was inspired to become a police officer and work with bloodhounds to find missing people. >> cody, jimmy was his dog. he started making a difference.
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he was lucky that he got to be involved in saving kids' lives. after we lost him we knew what he wanted to do. he wanted to put a bloodhound in every sheriff's department. >> reporter: thanks to the foundation, melanie merritt has seen how a bloodhound could be a life saving tool. >> got called out for a missing 16-year-old, and behind his house is all wood and swamp area. we ended up tracking for almost three and a half hours. when we found that he had no shoes, his phone was gone, the grandfather came out, he was crying and hugged me, and that's the best feeling in the whole world. >> now we can help other families put closure through these bloodhounds that we love so much. >> a lot of ways to help make your community a better place and we'll try and share them with you as much as we can and you can find out how to help going to so the list of sexual assault accusations against bill
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cosby is certainly growing. we have some of his accusers here to continue our discussion and we'll ask them what should come next for the comedian.
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welcome back to "new day." more now some of the women accusing bill cosby of sexual assault. at least 17 accusers have come forward, that is the moment that you're watching two of them meet for the first time, but three of them are here with us live, barbara bowman, victoria flan tee nope and just moments ago they met jule alson. thank you for being here. i would like to be able to say it is my pleasure, but this is not the circumstance you want to call a pleasure. >> of course, and i know how emotional it's been. jule, what's it like to meet these ladies? >> right now for me, it's a healing process, and part of my personal healing involves meeting them, and as i said to
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them, you know, it stops now, you know, try to get the pain to stop now, and begin healing from this moment on, begin healing. part of speaking out is a part of that healing process, which is why i decided to come forward. it was about me. it wasn't about him. it was about what was best for me and though it's extremely scary, it's extremely heartwrenching, it had to be, when you tell the truth it really does set you free. i never understood what that meant until now. you do find, you acquired a newfound freedom. you feel lighter here.
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and i urng any woman, this say global problem. >> certainly victims feeling silenced is certainly a problem but the amount of alleged victims of bill cosby's has also been stunning. there are 17 at cnn that we know of. barbara, how does it make you feel to know you were the person who started the latest floodgates, after the comedian made his joke, you wrote a piece for "the washington post" and then other women came forward. >> it's an amazing feeling, because my main objective was to speak directly to the women of the 13 initially to have the courage to come out. it was really, really scary. i really felt like i was out in the wilderness all by myself, and one of the things that i kept saying over and over again was if i could help one woman, just one, then i've done my job, and i did have an expectation
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that i would be able to get that mess am out, but i had no idea how powerful it really was going to be for these women, and other women that are still off the record, but these women are so beautiful and they're real and we're here. and i don't know that they would have been sitting here if maybe i hadn't have pie neared that journey. >> well i have to agree with you. i have heard the allegations of a years ago, i'd be walking out my front door to work and peripherally hear it because i leave cnn on for my dog while i'm gone. >> big fan. >> i would hear it and i would say to my daughter, you know, i should get hold of that person, i should find out who that person is, maybe lend my voice,
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and then something in me just twisted and i couldn't relive it. i couldn't do it, and then this time it was a whole different ball game. first of all, i had grown in the fall, and i think through the internet and social media we have a voice heard round the world instantaneously. nothing can be slipped away into the shadows anymore. >> for years i thought that i was the only one. i kept this as a secret. inside of my soul. although i initially did come out and tell a lot of friends the night it happened i told my, i told someone, i spoke about it, but fear is what kept me silent.
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>> fear of what? >> a multitude of reasons, afraid no one's going to believe y you, afraid society is going to victimize you all over again. this say very personal issue for women when you're talking about being violated sexually. i don't want to go around reliving this over and over again in the public's eye. it was approximately ten years ago i realized i wasn't the only one when i ran into a girlfriend of mine, and just by accident that we modeled together and she has not come forward yet, but she came forward to me in her kitchen, in her home, we had our children with us, we kept them in the front of the house and she and i lost track of time in the kitchen sharing stories, and i told her, you must never tell
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anybody what you said to me. this is for us to keep quiet. >> and you felt that way then. >> and yes now i'm saying to her, and i feel guilty, i feel horrible. you're raised to, shhh, don't talk. but not only that, women have a history globally of being punished severely and penalized for speaking out. >> and all of you at one time or another were told keep this quiet t will ruin your careers. don't mention anything. >> that was the premise of what went down. that's right. >> i know that now you all want some -- >> and fear for our lives. >> i was afraid for my life. i was looked at directly in the eye by bill cosby and said i had better never, ever see your face or hear your name again. and i listened. >> barbara, what do you want to have happen now? we talked about the statute of limitations and you want that to be changed. what is the action you want to
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take now? >> i'm not really sure. i'm just looking at some of the options that i do have. so much of this unfolded since this began. >> a mere three weeks ago. >> a mere three weeks ago, yes. >> victoria, what do you want to hear bill cosby say? >> well -- i think an apology would be a joke, frankly. i could -- i would love to hear him grovel in front of the cameras, but i wouldn't believe it for a minute. i think it would just be, you know, a desperate move for public -- >> sympathy? >> -- sympathy, and to salvage what's left of his reputation and his career. >> if there's nothing he can say, what do you want to have happen? >> i think it's already happening. people are distancing him from -- >> shame and scorn and
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humiliation. >> yes. >> dealing with his addiction. >> fungus grows in the dark and when light is shed on it, it shrivels up, dries up and it goes away, and i don't want any more women to be victimized by him ever. >> or anybody else. >> or anybody else. >> anywhere in the world. >> but we start here. we have to start here. >> it's bigger than him. it's a global problem. i've been studying this the past two days or so, all night, not sleeping, but for me, being a woman of color, the pain is perhaps magnified because part of my not wanting to come out and say anything was oh my god, i don't want to destroy the positive images that were
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created in such a wonderful way on television for black people. >> yes. >> so still, every day i'm feeling all this pain in my chest because this is heartbreaking me. i wish he would come forward. i wish he would be part of the healing process for us, for women globally, for himself, for his family, for me, for my family. i wish he would come forward and begin to acknowledge something, and also help the millions of other women all over the world, you know, with different help centers. there's a lot of healing that could be done that we all can be a part of at this point. >> as you said, the healing starts now, when you all met and embraced you said, "this stops now." >> the pain stops now. >> that was a powerful message. >> it's extremely deep but the
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bleeding has to stop, enough already. >> and hold your thoughts because we want to invite everyone at home, you can join the conversation and let us know what you think should happen to the legendary comedian. we want to hear from you on our facebook page, on twitter and facebook/newdaycnn. it is a pleasure talking with you, thank you for sharing your personal stories with us. we will watch what happens next. it's nice to see you all feeling so empowered now together, strength in numbers. >> thank you. >> thank you so much for being on "new day." let's go over to chris. >> that was really something to see. it really was. we're also going to talk to you about the demands for change around the country, about police shootings and how they are investigated. that was a big issue in ferguson, not the first time it has been. we'll speak with a man whose son was shot and killed by police. he had a new law passed in his state to stop it from happening again.
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you can't breathe through your nose, suddenly, you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do, sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender, in the sleep aisle. so in 2004 there was a traffic stop in kenosha, wisconsin, and it led to the police shooting death of unarmed 21-year-old michael bell. the police department launched an investigation and cleared themselves of all wrongdoing. it took 48 hours. the district attorney then declined to prosecute. since then, michael's father has worked tirelessly to get a law
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passed so that outside investigations are done after police shootings in his state. it was something that was hard to get done but may be a remedy that could suit the rest of the country very well. that dad is retired lieutenant colonel michael bell, and he joins us now. colonel, it is good to have you on this show. i'm sorry it is for this reason, but i know that this has become a larger cause to you. >> it has become a larger cause and thank you for having me on your show, and before i answer any of your questions i'd like to reach out, just ten miles south of here about two years ago a lieutenant brian murphy took 14 shots protecting people of color at the sikh temple and even though i lost a son, i want to go out and say there are good officers out there, and they do a fantastic job many times protecting our kids. >> i have interviewed him. he is remarkable. the fact that he made it through that type of assault at point
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blank range, most of those shots, is proof that he is here for a bigger purpose and i know that he represents that for everybody every day. so thank you for pointing that out, sir. november 9th, 2004. ten years ago, but to you i'm sure it is like yesterday. what happened when your son lost his life? >> well, you know, during your promos you kind of showed, my kid was driving home. he pulled up in front of his house, an officer confronted him, started making some accusations without cause, ordered a sobriety test without cause. my son was like i know my rights. he gets handcuffed, he gets tased. there's four officers on the scene, an officer mistakenly believes my son has his gun. he calls out on additional officers, walks up, puts his gun to my son's temple, fires a deadly shot, in fact, if you listen to the dash cam video you
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can actually hear michael's mother scream immediately when the shot occurs. within 48 hours before they even took the eyewitness statements before crime lab reports were in, there was no dna or fingerprints on any gun or hollister. they accused my son of doing this, they cleared themselves of all wrongdoing. >> they basically said that your son was asking for it, he tried to take their gun. he was non-compliant and they were just doing what they had to do in this situation? >> that's what they said, but you know, there were five eyewitnesses and it was under a spotlight and it was completely wrong. my kid had never even fired a gun in his whole life and to think that he'd even be grabbing for someone's gun at that moment in time. we had to bring an additional investigators and we found that the officer who had screamed "he has my gun" had done what was called a mistake of fact. he had hooked his gun on a
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broken car mirror and caught it on some cables but the police department coming out and acknowledging that this had occurred, they went into a coverup of how my son died and what the cause was. >> part of what took your pain in a different direction was a black man coming up to you and saying, if they can shoot a white boy like a dog, imagine what we deal with, and this resonated with you on some level, and you wanted to change how the system works. is that true? >> i said that is a true statement, it happened in a park not very far from here. i knew that if a blond haired, blue-eyed boy can be shot under a spotlight and five eyewitnesses, his father a five-star retired air force pilot, if i can't get anybody to listen to me, nobody is getting listened to, the hispanic boy, the african-american boy, the asian boy, they're not being heard. the families are living with the pain and the current system.
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>> how confident are you that the solution is outside or special prosecutors or investigative bodies to look at the crimes, not crimes, these shootings? >> in the air force, if there's a mishap and people lose their lives the united states air force sends an outside team. the aviation country, when there's a crash, the national transportation safety board sends in a team. they have experts in the field, they look at it and say what went wrong here and how can we prevent this from happening again. that's not happening in law enforcement. we created a three-part law. we only have part two passed but the three parts of this. number one, make sure an? ster was in a clear frame of mind when he decided to pull the trigger, make sure there's no alcohol or any other substance in his bloodstream. number two, investigators who know how to investigate but have no ties with the department involved, have them come in, lead the investigation and give those results to the district
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attorney. and lastly, we ask for an independent review by law professionals, just not law enforcement. we got the second part passed, we're going to go back to part one and three. the state of new jersey is asking to get part two done. >> lieutenant colonel michael bell, thank you for putting purpose to your pain, and it is a great suggestion to have out there and we'll stay on this and we'll talk to you more about it. thank you, sir. >> thank you so much for having me on your show. >> let's get you to "the newsroom" with carol costello right after this break.
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