tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 2, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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it has been really interesting e show tonight, and i appreciate your joining us. i'm don lemon and i will see you back here at 10:00 p.m. eastern. "ac360" starts right now. good evening, it is 11:00 p.m. right now on the east coast, and we have so much to bring you from isis to street drugs, and those that resemble the old ones and those that are a lot deadlier. and from the time that indictment was handed down that officer wilson would not be indicted to the tact that authorities are looking to the fact that whether the stepfather should be charged with inciting a riot based on the words that he said to the crowd. we want to look at what he said, and the context, and the anguish
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>> that was somebody's son. that was somebody's child. burn this bitch down. >> burn this bitch down. >> so those are the words at issue and the context surrounding them. >> and so this is what was said to laura ing ram, and the rest of the rioters sghch er rioters. >> you hear that sound bite and what is your reaction? >> he should be arrested and charged with inciting to riot. >> and why has n't that already happened? i mean, there should be mass arrests, and nothing quite says
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civil rights outrage like a fifth of jack daniels -- >> or a new plasma. >> or you know e rnoe know, ros >> my photographer and my producer not far from where this was all happening, and it was tense from where it was happening, and you can see where we were from where it was all unfolding, and the crowd, anderson, it was split from where before he stepped up there, they were taunting the police, and throwing the the bottles, and thing like that, and there were people there saying, this is not the right way, and this is not the right way. and then you saw michael brown's mo thr as she got up there and became overcome we motion, and then you saw louis and the
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outburst. ki the te i can the tell you that there were people up there who said, let's do it, and let's do it, and others who said, let's not. in the few moments of the video, they got him off of the top of there and pushed him through the crowd and a got him out of there, and shortly thereafter, an derson, things turn took to a turn to the worst. and more people gaer thred and marched down south florissant and began setting things on fire. >> the car that was set on fire that was close no the police station where he made those statements? >> very close to it. and we should draw a distinction, because that is right in front of the ferguson police station right there on south florissant, and at the same time we heard of the grand jury decision on west florisant and we heard of the looting taking place, and the fire
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taking place, and that is independent of in front of the ferguson police department, and it is a tough argument of what he said there incited what people did over there in west florissan florissant,and maybe an argument of what happened eventually in front of the ferguson police department. >> and the larger fires of the storage fa sul ti -- facility, and the barbeque joint, and the people there in the fires lit, they would not have heard what the stepfather said, but perhaps the people who burned the cars or decided to throw things at the police would have heard. >> yes, that is what they are going to decide and if you hear from the statement of brian sheldon of the police department, and he released a statement saying that the police department is going to look into this as part of the entire
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investigation of the looting of the destruction of property, et cetera. and one of the points they wanted to make before but it is getting lost, i found that i was on the the ground, anderson, everyone is still looking to demonize something. some people are looking to demonize officer darren wilson and some wanting to demonize michael brown and now some wanting to demonize louis, but now there are people who are rooking for the common ground and they are looking for the leadership to help them to get there and right now, those people who are looking for the common ground aren't finding it. >> jason carroll, thank you for being here, and thank you for the reporting that night. >> i want to bring in sunny hostin, and a criminal defense attorney and also dan who has joined us before, i want to start with you, dan.
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do you believe that michael brown's stepfather should be charge and if so, explain why. >> well, i do, and it gives many me no joy in that. i believe that the stepfather was in obvious pain, and the mother was in obvious pain, but it does not absolve them in a manner to be acting in a way that is overtaken by emotion to the result in violence. and working in the their favor is the fact that their stepson was killed. i don't think that we can get around that, but in the context working against him is that there had been a history of violence there, and there had been a history of rioting, and fires being set, and an dderson he says it about 7 to 10 time, and then asks for the microphone, and the kon text is not good for him. >> sunny? >> well, no one condones what he said. i interviewed both of michael brown's parents, and nhis step father, and i know that lesley
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said that i was hurting and i was emotion al and he is emotional, and he acted in anger, and this is the irs if part. and the second part is that -- >> well, the first part, let's be honest, that i had a long time to prepare for this moment, and it is not as if they were just stunned by the decision, and i mean, they -- they expect ped this decision. >> i thought the same thing, but michael brown's mother found out about this decision five minutes before and up until that point she thought there would be a indictment. and also prshgs the legal perspective h this-- this is a difficult thing to prove, because not only did he intend to prove the riot, but he caused the riot, and the cause and effect piece would be difficult for the prosecutor, and the prosecutors have prosecutorial discretion, and give n the
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tension, what prosecutor would charge a case like this, and most would run the other way. >> and teddy savalas, should that be taken into account that it would up stet peopset the pe involved? >> well, it is above my pay grade, but if you can be charged, this shows how the disorderly conduct charges are written, and it gives the pros cue or the so loosely written that it is not going to make anybody happen. anybody who practices the criminal law when we use the word agree, and when a prosecutor has to use a written agreement, it does not have to be verb ball agreement, and the world of agreements are filled with verbal agreements that are tacit, but from the defense perspective, can you show a
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nexus of burn this down and the actual burning down, because as pointed out it may not have been that close to the actual destruction of the property. >> and so if there were a few people who were motivated by what he said, and presuming a few, and does it have to be a number of people who say, i am going to throw a molotov cocktail? >> well, in missouri, it is six. it is a number of people who say, they do something, and it is rioting. but if they agree the do something, that is violent assembly. but you have a statute that covers a broad range of activities from shouting obscenities that can get him charged which is going to make the prosecutor's ultimate
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decision completely discretionary. >> and dan vongeno, so given what has happened in the community, and the anger existing in the community and the resentment that might exist if, you know, michael brown's stepfather is charge can and officer darren wilson is not, should that be taken into account or some people say, well, that is kind of listening to a mob mentality, and that is not what justice is about? >> well, i think they we have to be clear here. just because he is charged does not mean that he going to be convicted or anything else. darren wilson was put into the legal system through a grand jury proceeding where where the probable cause was not found. the grand jury had been sitting way be before that, and it was not selected for darren wilson specifically, and we either believe in the justice system, anderson or we don't. and the grand jurors in that case do not believe in probb cause and you can disagree, and that is fine, but in case, whether -- you know the property owners have rights?
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i have to ask that question. don't they have rights? there are people whose businesss have been burned down twice, and there is a guy asking for a microphone, and seven or eight times? >> and where is the national guard and the police department for the property owners, and that is an issue, but anderson, one thing that we have to ask can, anderson, the ferguson police chief behind this and he is making the incendiary statements and accusations, and released this tape the, and i wonder, because it is so tone deaf -- >> and this is a new york times recording -- >> sorry, not in the time, but the surveillance video. >> yes, surveillance video. >> and so i wonder, how tone deaf can you be? the justice department is now investigating the st. louis county police department for police practices, and now, instead of the cleaning house, and looking inside of what is really going on which is from the community members that i spoke to when i was in ferguson sort of the systemic distrust,
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and the problem within the police department, and the communities of color, this is what you decide to spend your time on? this is so tone deaf, and the prosecutors are on spending time to the community of what will or will not be tolerated, but this is not a time for this. >> and i want to continue this conversation on twitter, and tweet me on what you think. thank you all for joining me. set your dvr for watching 360 whenever you wish. and try to put your mind in moments like this if you were a police officer. watch this. >> baunck up. back up. put your hands up. drop the knife. drop the knife. >> when the police off e sers make the decision to shoot, not the shoot, and when they learn to make that decision. and he is one of the most wanted killers on earth. one of the leaders of isis
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wanted on earth, and one of the people close toast him is in custody, and whether that is going to make it easier to get to him. that is coming up next. what do you guys pay in fees? dad: i don't know exactly. daughter: if you're not happy do they have to pay you back? dad: it doesn't really work that way. daughter: you sure? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab. creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... smoothies! only from tums. introducing... a pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until... the am. new aleve pm the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength
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that took split seconds. so much more may have gone into those seconds or split seconds than you might have first imagined. in outlining plans to equip officers with cameras and curb racial profiling, president obama showed encounters of namely racial tension and e legitimate concerns about racial tensions, and keeping police officers safe. this is what he said. listen to what he said. >> i think ferguson laid there a problem that is not unique to st. louis or that area and not unique to our time and that is a simmering distrust that exists between too many police departments and too many communities of color. whether you're in a big city or in a small community, as eric holder put it, police officers have the right to come home. >> those are two powerful notions. whether it's the suspect or the officer, they play into hard
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wired parts of human nature like the survival instinct that leads straight into efforts to identify exactly what happens inside of the mind and the body when split-second decisions mean the difference of life and death. more on that right now from our gary tuchman. >> reporter: he gets ready to make life or death decisions. >> spokane police. police department. hey, talk to me. >> reporter: decisions the in a most unique laboratory. >> hey! let me see. >> reporter: corporal jordan ferguson is one of the civilians who volunteered time in this violence confrontation lab with frighteningly realistic actors on this virtual reality screen. >> you receive a call from a person who says that convenience store is being robbed.
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do you understand? >> yes. >> standby. >> hey sh, hey. back up, back up. back up! put your hands up. put your hands up. drop the knife right now. drop it. >> reporter: while the volunteers make split second decisions, brain waves and hard rates checked part of an ambitious research project at washington state university partly funded by the defense department with the goal of improving justice in america. professor brian viola is the man in charge. >> we don't know yet still 100 some years since teddy roosevelt had the first police firearms training in new york, we still don't know whether there's a connection between the training we give police officers and their performance in a combat situation. >> the sergeant is told that he has pulled over a stolen car. >> can i see your driver's license and proof of insurance and registration. >> you want my driver's license? >> yes, i do. >> hey, you guys --
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>> oh, my god! >> the e researchers say that the volunteer's hearts are generally racing, because it is also realistic, and many of the findings from the study will p be released by the end of the year, but many have been publ h published and many of the results are that african-american suspects have been view ed more threatening than white suspects. but they may have overcompensated because of the bias. >> the surprise was there were more retraining in shooting african-americans than whites. >> police officer, let me see your hands. don't move. stop. >> reporter: the officer never knew if the man had a gun but did not shoot. >> sometimes, we don't know if we made the right decision or wrong decision. we made a decision and live with it the rest of our lives. >> reporter: with the cops guiding me, i pull over a car with a taillight broken.
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>> sir, take your hands out of your pocket. sir, sir. take your hands out of your pockets. sir, put your hands on the steering wheel. sir. sir, you are not listening. hands on the -- okay. thank you. thank you. that guy looked like he was getting a gun out, so i took it out and pointed at him. >> reporter: this is a lot more to learn after they make it safer for citizens. gary tuchman, cnn, spokane, washington. let's get some perspective. the newly chosen commissioner of the task force chosen by the president joining us now.
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thank you for being with us. bias against african-american suspects with white police officers. how big is it to effective policing in your opinion? >> i think you potentially have bias from any employee. it's not the race that counts. some of the things we're doing here in the city of baltimore is doing new training on bias based policing and fair and impartial. getting to the root of the exact things. >> can training with effective in reducing the impact of bias is this. >> absolutely. baltimore is my third police department that i've been in charge of and i've taken on some tough cities. long beach, oakland and now baltimore. when i come in, i build a foundation of tactical proficiency. that's a technical word in the way you give the officer the skills so they slow down. they don't overreact to actions and practice, practice, and practice when they come across those situations, they handle them in a totally different way. >> doesn't everybody have some sort of inherent or implicit bias in how they view other people and often, those place out based on studies in split-second decisions. >> i think every human being has bias and come with bias,
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including myself and including you. what we have to work through is moving beyond those biases and enforcing police work based on standards and scenarios. sometimes teaching you to back away from situations. in baltimore, what i'm trying to get across to the officers is using other techniques. like don't just chase the guy in the alley. call for back-up, slow the scene down and put officers around when you can identify them. there are practices you can use to take bias out of the situations. >> when things like having a diverse police force, and there is a attention to the ferguson police department and lack of diversity, and it is a relatively small police department, but how important for the police force to resemble the community they are policing? >> i think that's a two-fold question. you need diversity not just in race but also in gender. and also into concepts and thought patterns.
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i think it goes beyond race and ethnicity also. i think the officers who wore that uniform have to understand what it's like to be in the community and although we may have officers in the city of baltimore, our police force is 52% minority and our city is 64% african-american. what we try to do is get the officers out of the academy, away from the theory and get into the community. get to know people. once you get the know people, you understand the culture, the norms and the issues inside of the community. that is more critical than the diversity. >> commissioner, i appreciate you taking the time to talk us. as always, you can find a whole lot more on this story and others on ahead, word that the leader of isis is now in custody, and now this woman who is now this custody, could she be the key to
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leading to his capture, and that is how big of a target he is. and now, someone close to him is has been arrested. one of al baghdadi's wives is in custody. who is this woman and what kind of information she may have, if any? >> reporter: i was told she was a former wife of abu bakr al baghdadi and mother of his child. and that he had reached out to contact her. and she had reached tout contact him. there's the personal connection but in addition to that, told by lebanese intelligence officials she's believed to have a role, some significant role in the terrorist organization. that role gave her intelligence value enough to make her the target of this operation. she wasn't picked up by accident. she was the target and considered to have intelligence value because of those connections.
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>> and multiple countries were involved. the u.s. as well? >> what lebanese officials are saying is that multiple countries involved include lebanon and syria and interesting iraq, and the u.s. provided additional assistance to this. the cia would not comment. we know the cia has a working relationship with lebanese intelligence here. so that combination just shows you this very complicated war going on. imagine that syria, the regime of basharle al assad cooperating with iraq, and the possible assistance of the u.s., and it shows the very complicated and it is not an alliance or cooperation, but at least the sharing of resources here of the different parties to carry out this raid. >> strange bedfellows. thank you, very much, jim sciutto. how do you think this could be and whether she's a current wife
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or former wife, how valuable is she? >> i think incredibly value and not because she is going to the give you the one piece of information ta that wiinfo information that will take you to the location, but it is because it is about a thousand pieces of information. this guy has been under a microscope forever. you want to know who he is and who he talks to. people like couriers. sort of like the sliver that led us to bin laden. wasn't a light bulb moment but a sliver that allowed us on the courier network. that's the tiny piece she might be able to provide. >> there's obviously ethical issues at play here. i mean, i remember reading about egyptian intelligence mubarak used to use family members against people they didn't like. they would arrest them, threaten them. does lebanese intelligence do that sort of thing?
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>> boy, many in my business at the agency, we used to talk the about these issues. it was interesting when i talked to the media on this, anderson, they jumped quickly to the question of what she knew. was she a member or affiliated with isis? if she's an ex-wife, then she's an innocent person potentially with a child. you cannot hurt that kind of person into an interrogation, and you can interrogate them, and see if they will coo operate, but the first hurdle is how closely affiliated and how hard can you press her based on that that's an ethical question. affiliation. >> there was an operation. the iraq, u.s. helping iraqis in some ways and perhaps in some ways we don't know about. how much access will the u.s. have to intelligence gained from her? >> this is a handle with care
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situation, because you don't know how other security services are going the handle her. you want to be careful about affiliating with people who might mistreat her. there's a second question too. if you're not in the room for a questioning operation at the same time, not just looking through a mirror, but in the room with them, you're dealing with having to pass questions through an intermediary. my experience, that's really inefficient and can't cut to the chase as quickly as you want to. this is a matter of time here, anderson. chasing somebody down. go ahead. >> in some cases though, u.s. intelligence has used foreign intelligence services to do dirty work they don't want to do themselves. hasn't -- doesn't the cia or in the past, the cia has used, whether or not it's jordanian intelligence or iraqi intelligence or to use methods they don't want to use themselves? >> well, that is not what i have witnessed. you can give something ugly and say, i require confirmation but didn't give a detainee. that's the world i live in.
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>> phil mudd, thank you so much. breaking news up next, two school buses collide. three people are killed, including children. details on that ahead. happy. in love. and saving so much money on their car insurance by switching to geico... well, just look at this setting. do you have the ring? oh, helzberg diamonds. another beautiful setting. i'm not crying. i've just got a bit of sand in my eyes, that's all. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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breaking news tonight from the front lines of the fight against isis and syria, a view you have not seen. nick paton walsh and his crew made the dangerous walk into the border if in syria to look at the battle to save the city the of kobani, and here is a lofirs look. >> reporter: we've been taken down this street to the eastern front lines. to protect them from snipers and media, two of the female ypg fighters escorting us down there and this is near the eastern front where there's been much more intense fighting. speaking to how much of the city is controlled and you see here, quite remarkable devastation caused by the explosives used.
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it was quite clear that isis are far from giving up on this fight. in fact, trying to take ground everyday and they have moved to the official border crossing three or four days ago and that is a substantial advance they tried, but they were beaten back, and each night, particularly last night, we had very intense clashes further down the street towards the eastern front here. you can hear the absolute devastation here as we get closer towards isis' positions here to the northeast of the city. some of h is caused by the daily constant and sometimes every five minutes thump of mortar, sometimes homemade by isis and
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daily bombing of coy bka bauny. it's for months now, you can see turkey just behind this. they're edging through this wreckage closer and closer to the places that push forward. >> it's pretty dangerous there for nick paton walsh and his crew, and they are safely now out of syria. a piece of the larger civil war that's about to enter its fourth year. by its count, more than 200,000 people have been killed so far in that war. we follow susan hendrix. >> we start with this. one child and two adults died at this school bus in knoxville, tennessee. 23 others injured. no word yet on what caused that horrific accident. the captain of the doomed costa concordia ship off the rocks of italy in 2012. 32 people went down with the ship. and so far this year, the tsa has confiscated 2,000 guns at
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checked bags from america's airports, and that is a new reco record. a tsa spokesman said that a majority of them just simply forgot they had the firearm in their carry-on. >> thank you. synthetic drugs, some kids pay the price with their lives. that's ahead. it has to offer,how muh especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a wide range of investment options... and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals -- and what you're really investing for. tap into the full power of your fidelity green line. call today and we'll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity rollover ira.
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coming up at the top of the hour, a cnn investigative documentary that you should not miss if you have a teenager the many your life. it is called "deadly high." it is about the drugs that dealers are cashing in. some of the drugs are designed to mimic lsd. two teenagers took a type of synthetic lsd. christian bjerk and elijah stai died days apart. drew's investigation led them to charles carlton, a dealer facing a long prison sentence. here's a preview. >> i started ordering, you know, what people would call designer drugs off the internet and experimenting with those. and just realized that there's money to be made in distributing them in small quantities.
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>> reporter: carlton had an idea to turn his passion for synthetic hallucinogens into to a business. he would turn his passion into a business for those interested in his passion to those like him, interested in experimenting with synthetic highs. his web site called motion research would be for drug enthusiasts. >> we could put things in people's hands they couldn't get otherwise but it was turning into a real business, at least make a go of it. >> reporter: though the company's product mimicked the drug, lsd, carlson says that the drug he was selling was not scheduled or banned in the united states. he set up shop in this office building and even registered with the secretary of state and went to work.
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>> i was an employee of my own company getting a w 2. we have full payroll services. it was as legitimate as it could be. we knew we were walking a very fine line as far as the law was concerned but at the same time, we thought we were on the right side of it. >> without so much of leaving his computer, carlton said he and his two colleagues were repackaging chemicals they bought in bulk to filling 30 to 40 orders a day. >> it is fairly easy to find chemical suppliers. the product sells itself. generally as much of it as you can get, you can get rid of it pretty quickly. >> reporter: motion resources had customers in all 50 state, and profits were rolling in. >> carlton was not unlike any other drug trafficker, and he is looking for the best product at the lowest price, and so he would obtain this product from the best suppliers that he could find. >> what is a little different is that he was able to do all of this in the comfort of his own
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study in his house. >> right. >> basically he set up this business from the computer hooked ohook hooked up to this internet? >> yes, he set up a large scale drug trafficking organization by hooked up to a computer. >> that is to me scary. >> it is scary because of the ability to mass market the product to an enormous customer base under guise of a legitimate business. >> reporter: carlton the felt that guise of a legitimate business would hold up in court as long as his customers agreed to the phrase sent on every package sent out that none of what he was selling would actually be consumed. so what was the phrase? >> for analytical and research phrase purposes only. >> and what would be the purpose other than to consume it, and experience the high? >> well, that is the purpose,
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and i make no mistake that we knew that people were consuming it. i don't know why it grew to fast, but we were processing 30,000 to $40,000 a month in credit card payments. >> reporter: and at that point, you thought that you had a legitimate shop? >> yes, i did. >> reporter: at that point, motion resources was up and running for eight months. until one day carlton saw a story on the news about drug overdoses in grand forks, north dako dakota. >> i saw a story on the news of a overdose death in grand forks, and then quickly, there was a news report that showed a baggy that had the special 25 i-nbome
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and blatantly clear label on it, that i recognized. >> and it is fascinate, because why did he agree to talk? >> well, he has acquired remo e remorse. and the more he talked, the more remorseful he talked and not just for his situation, but he is the father of two and living in suburban, houston, and he has a future in front of him a and he is says, hey sh, this is the great and the smart, i'm ahead of the law idea just killed two kids, and it crushed him, and this is the one thing that he thought that he could do positive in his life, be before his life became basically a jail term. >> and grew griffin will have much more on this coming up at the top of the hour, and you can see this "deadly high, how sin thet ic drugs are killing kids" right here on cnb. -- right here on cnn.
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also, i want to tell you that i will be hosting cnn heroes and there is also somebody who made no mistake that she wanted to help to host. and you have made no mistake about wanting to be a part of the heroes. >> okay. you have a lot offer in tov bring this to me, because i wanted to be a part of it, and i have confronted you new year's eve about it. >> no. >> and let's talk about the heroes. heroes. >> it is amazing. >> and number one, i was not invited. >> what do you mean, not invited. they told me that they did not trust me. >> did people not know that you were volunteering and going into afghanistan and iraq? >> no, apparently over at cnn, you are so afraid of my potty mouth that you said that you can't come to the show or appearing that we can show you mopping up at the soup kitchen.
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>> to make up for the past wrong, i would be willing to have you help me present. >> i am very proud to present. >> tell p me, am i all -- >> no. >> oh. introducing new aleve pm. me, am i all -- >> no. >> oh. me, am i all -- >> no. >> oh. an last until the am. now you can have a good night and a... good morning! new aleve pm. for a better am.
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time now norrie difor th fr. the godfather of the ridiculous. gerard depardieu. invited to do a solemn poetry reading at a commemoration in belgium but didn't get to the poem and visibly drunk. it's in french with the translation subtitle. hmm, drunk or just french? you make the call. some audience members laughed as he put his hands in the air, screamed curse words and asked
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for a chair and asked what page he wassed on and then told everyone to piss off. [ speaking foreign language ] >> seemed to go really well. we love gerard around here. and he makes no apologies for his imbibing and in fact, he claimed that he could drink 12 to 14 bottles of wine a day can, and not glasses, but bottles. in the same interview, he also claimed that he killed two lions, but it is of course what happened in 2011 that is going down in ridiculist history. told he could not go to the bathroom and promptly paid on the floor. after gerard took his solo flight to nation, dealt with the golden winning tinkle. all i should say is they should thank their lucky stars it
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wasn't depardieu. sorry, made me giggle every time i read it. he hasn't commented on this incident. depardieu. i know you got it, but. sorry. >> sorry, this has actually never happened to me. >> all right, sorry. i know this is going to be on youtube. all right. sorry, all right. ugh. that was three years ago and yet
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it seems like yesterday. we are routing for you, gerard depardieu, and time to vote for you on our favorite ridiculist. count down your top five at the end of the year. that does it for us tonight. see you at 11 p.m. eastern. see you at 11 p.m. eastern. "deadly high" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- >> this is the only time we said, hey, there's this danger on the streets. >> deadly new on the streets. >> the trees looked like call flowers dancing around. >> once they alter the chemical. >> we process $40,000 to $50,000 in chemicals. >> imported to the u.s. by mail and sold online.
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