tv CNNI Simulcast CNN December 10, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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body's got to do it ♪ ♪ a little work a little play ♪ ♪ somebody's got to do it ♪ if you have got to do it or know some body who does. go to give me an idea. haven't had an original one in years. appreciate it. sooner the better. mike somebody's got to do it. >> hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. ahead this hour america's friends and detractors speak out against torture tactic december vibed? a cia report. we will hear from a military commander who says he's experienced them firsthand. plus right now, police in hong kong are dismantling the protest sites that have been in place for months. we will take you there live to see what's next for the pro
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democracy movement. and later, the incredible story of a hawaiian fisherman rescued after 12 days at sea in a sailboat. >> i was out of water and i hydrated on fish. it wasn't a sushi bar, but that's how i hydrated. >> hear how the coast guard finally tracked him down. we'll have those stories in a moment. but governments across the globe are condemning the u.s. after the release of a senate report on cia interrogation tactics. the report detailed brutal acts of torture. it now government and the cia on the defensive. >> reporter: today, key allies are speaking out. >> torture is wrong. torture is always wrong. >> afghanistan's new president, furious at the cia report, calling it shocking.
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>>. >> translator: this is really painful. the report indicates that some of our countrymen who were tortured have been totally innocent. >> reporter: condemnation from around the globe, even as the white house insists making the secret activities public was the right thing to do. >> the president did decide that the benefit of releasing this report and taking a significant step to rebuild our moral authority was necessary. >> military and intelligence officials continue monitoring for any violent reaction. the concern, a demonstration could break out, such as those across the muslim world in 2012 after a u.s. film mocked the prophet mohammed. marines remain on the alert, ready to move if u.s. embassies and installations are threatened. officials insist they are always ready. >> i think that i have never seen security taken as seriously as it has been in the last two years.
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>> a monitoring group has found some jihad diwebsites calling for retaliation against u.s. personnel involved in the torture. human rights groups calculate some 50 governments around the world secretly helped the cia, including thailand egypt, and morocco. several years ago, syria tortured a detainee after the cia helped engineer sending him there. and the libyans also shared information on tortured detainees. countries who helped the cia now in a political cross hair. >> the former polish president says he knew the cia had a secret interrogation site in poland but he insists he knew nothing of the torture. >> the americans, by publishing this report in large part use their allies. because in a new situation, every country will be wondering to what extent the u.s. can be trusted. >> even iran weighing in now publicly on the report.
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iran's supreme leader posting a number of tweets about it and one of them saying and i quote, today the u.s. government is a symbol of tyranny against humanity even the american people are faced with cruelty. that's the reaction from iran. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. and a lieutenant commander in the u.s. navy reserve says he has an idea of what the detainee experienced, because similar torture tactics were used on him. ryan casey says it was all part of a military training program that's designed to teach troops how to resistor chur if they're ever captured by the enemy. he talked about it earlier. >> these measures were never meant as a means to actually elis sill reliable information but to get you to torture and get used to torture.
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as unpleasant as it is and i assure you, it's very unpleasant but when you know as grog fi as you are from sleep deprivation, you know it's training. a real p.o.w. or detainee doesn't know it's training. doesn't know if he or she will ever get out, ever see the light of day or see their family. that's a big difference. but the point is it was never meant for interrogation. it was meant for torture. >> that's a very a audacious claim you make. the soul purpose of it was not to obtain or extrablt any kind of intelligence but to purely torture, flex american muscle. do you truly believe the cia had no interest in obtaining any kind of intelligence from this? >> no, that's not what i'm saying at all. i do think they thought they could get whatever information they could get. my point is they were going about it in a completely wrong way, a way that was never
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designed to work in the first place. and the people doing it as the senate intelligence report has reported, these two guys had no training in actual interrogation, had no expertise in al qaeda or counterterrorism or anything of the like. >> the lieutenant commander casey alluded to outside contractors who were hired to conduct the enhanced interrogation techniques. they were not mentioned by name but several reports had named retired air force psychologist james mitchell as one of the architects of the cia program. in to an zber interview, he called the report a partisan pile of bull. he went ton say people gave their lives to protect the american people and the last thing the democrats want to do as they leave office is to smear their memory. it is despicable. a. >> five afghan soldiers are dead after a suicide bomber targeted their vehicle in kabul.
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the defense ministry says 12 others are wounded. the taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. this comes as u.s. troops prepare to shift their mission from combat to training and advising afghan troops as the end of this month. >> authorities in hong kong are taking down barricades as they move towards the main pro democracy protest site. a deadline to leave past hours ago, but hundreds remain. and students have been demanding free and fair election ss for more than two months. police have issued a warning to students that they will arrest anyone who remains at that protest site. so what's the situation there right now. >> well that warning was given. you could hear it again on the loud speaker. the deadline has passed and we are seeing people literally
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packing up and getting out while they can. taking their bags taking their belongings packs up their bedding, packing up their tents. you can see this elderly gentleman here with his trolley as well. people just clearing out, because if they don't go they risk prosecution. so what the police have said is that we are giving you 30 minutes, we have now locked down the area. this gentleman wants to pass. you can carry on sir. that's fine. he's taking his belongings with him. he's heeding the warnings of course and if they don't, the people that are going to stay this is what the police have to say about that. >> anyone who refuses to leave, we will start dispersing them and arrests them. and in the process, if there's resistance or provocations or the use of force by the occupier we will have no other
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alternative, and may use minimum force to reach our lawful objectives. >> okay so rosemary. >> if you can see, a lot of protesters are clearing out of the site, but they're saying we will be back. as they clear out, they're saying that this is just the beginning. another huge sign up there saying we will be pack. they're saying look we know we didn't get the demands we want. i talked to a lot of them today. i said well isn't your movement a failure? and they're saying well look we are disappointed we haven't got the reaction we wanted. from both the government of hong kong and the governments of china. but this is just the beginning snars we're concerned. we're not naive. we know movements take time.
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and let's not forget. behind all the occupation and the arrests and the scuffles we've seen and the breakouts of violence is a very political message. and so the protest leaders say that they want their political message to be heard but, of course the governments of hong kong and the chinese government have simply stuck this out and now they're meeting this with a legal response. they're saying look you're here illegally. we're going to lock this place down and clear you out. >> just the beginning according to protesters. reporting there live from hong kong. many thanks to you. >> a palestinian minister is dead after a confrontation with israeli troops. israel is investigating, but a doctor says he knows exactly how the minister tied. that's next.
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>> christmas tree lights in bethlehem's major square were turned off following the death of a palestinian minister. he died wednesday after a confrontation with israeli forces. palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas has declared three days of mourning. mr. abbas calls the death an intolerable barbaric act. israel says it will investigate, but a witness and a doctor in ramallah says israeli security forces are to blame.
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>> reporter: pushing and shoving are normal for protests in the west bank. but this one north of ramallah ended up a death of a palestinian minister who is active in protests against the now 47-year-old israeli occupation. he was next in line when the fatal confrontation took place. first he was choked he recalls. then he was hit, kicked and an officer hit imhim from behind with a rifle butt. he then lost consciousness. the cause of death was clear. >> vomiting asphyxia. >> reporter: the statement issued by the israeli army described the protesters as rioters, contradicting eyewitness accounts who said the demonstration was nonviolent. the army said it will conduct a review of the incident adding
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that an israeli pathologist with join a team of jordanian pathologists sent to investigate the circumstances of the death. he was sentenced to life in prison in 1982 for his role in a bombing that killed two israeli teenager but was released three years later in a prisoner exchange. in the cake of the killing, the palestinian president has decliered a three-day period of mourning and he's or thorred hi security services to halt coordination with the israelis. small, scattered clashes broke out in the west bank between israeli soldiers and palestinian youth. outside his refugee camp, a 14-year-old was seriously wounded in the head by according to palestinian doctors, live ammunition. youtube videos shows both sides trying to treat him at the scene.
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u.s. brokered peace talks collapsed. under these circumstances, the slightest glimmer of piece is fast fading. the united states says more than 3400 asylum seekers have died this year while crossing the mediterranean sea. and despite the danger the number of people risking the perilous journey continues to grow. a. >> thousands of migrants have died at sea trying to find a better life. me scaping the brutality of war or the clutches of poverty. according to the united nations high commissioner for refugees, europe is currently facing the largest number of sea arrivals in the world. with the conflicts in libya and ukraine, more than 200,000 people have crossed the mediterranean since the start of
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this year. syria, makes up more than 50% of the total number of people seeking refuge across the ocean. it's not just in the mediterranean, but around the world. from the horn of africa to southeast asia and the caribbean, thousands have made perilous and extraordinary journeys, often in dinghy boats. a risky journey that has sadly seen many migrants lose their lives. more than 4,000 people have reportedly died this year alone of which the vast majority 3,419 perished? the mediterranean, making it the deadliest sea route. and those who have lived tell a tale of desperation and fear.
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>> with close to 350,000 people worldwide attempting to make har rowing journeys across the high sea, the question remain are nations doing enough to respond to this ur gent rice sis. -- crisis. well russian president vladimir putin is on a one-day deal-making trip to india. he's in new delhi meeting this hour with india's prime minister. the two are expected to discuss a handful of issues including energy partnerships. russia is in talks with india about developing nuclear power plants there and possibly building the first oil pipeline
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between the two nations. mr. putin will also be on hand to help start the first ever world diamond conference on thursday. an indian crusader of world rights is one of two people to accept the nobel peace prize. how he's giving children hope for their future. alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain. ♪ music ♪ ...the getaway vehicle! for all the confidence you need. td
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>> two human rights activists were awarded the 2014 nobel peace prize on wednesday. at age 17, pakistan's malala yousafzai is the youngest ever nobel laureate. she's an advocate for girls education. andal pan tried to kill her for her work two years ago. >> i'm not a lone voice. i'm not a lone voice. i am many. i am malala. but i'm also shazia. i am amina. i am all the girls for pride of education. and today, i am not racing my voice. it's the voice of those 66 million girls.
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>> mala shares this year's award with kailash satyarthi of india who also fights for the oppression of children. >> i refuse to accept that all the temples and mosques and churches have no place for the dreams of our children. and judges are unable to protect our children. >> we take a closer look now at the work he's doing to help kids forced into child labor. >> reporter: reaching for the
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skies. this 12-year-old has big dreams, become a lawyer and free his parents from bonded labor. when you're living and working here your concept of the world becomes so small, he says. my world was just a brick kiln. the bricks were my toys. from 6:00 a.m. till midnight he was forced to toil at a brick kiln like this. he was 5 years old. never paid. >> our owner used to come to us and say you belong to a lower class. you're born to work, nothing else. so uneducated people like my parents actually start believing it, he says. his parents eventually came back for him, forced him to load bricks again. they had debts to pay off. it's a cycle of injustice. and while the percentage of this child population is not the worst defender with over a
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billion people the country has a distinction of having the highest number of child laborers. the government has banned children under the age of 14 from working in hazardous conditions like brick kilns, but activists say implementation at the state level is often weak. >> when poverty is so acute parent themselves make their children work society often works the other way and convincing impoverished families to send their children to school is not easy. i could fairly feed my family. my children needed to work to survive. education was always secondary, he says. he says child labor and child marriage were rampant. in this village of about 1,000 people, this government school was temporarily closed down because no one was attending. all these students were forced to work instead. but since 2011 this became a
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so-called child friendly village, which means 100% of the children go to school. there's no child labor here no child marriage, and most important bly, the children have a voice. . >> hup of these child friendly vil lanls across india. he says it's the only way to get to the root of the issue. raise awareness, empower children and change mindsets from village to village. >> the person of year for 2014 the editors said unprecedented numbers of doctors and nurses responded to the medical emergencies in west africa. "times" cover features five ebola fighters in particular. one was dr. kent brantley who worked with samaritans purse. the charity's president praised
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"time's" decision. >> ebola is not over with. people are dying as we speak. so i'm just grateful that "time" magazine put the spotlight on it. because it needs to be there. ebola fighters are heros. they really are. they put their life on the line. the army of young men and women that have been fighting to save lives. >> and we do need to look at where the numbers stand right now. the world health organization counts nearly 18,000 confirmed or suspected cases of ebola in west africa. more than 6300 have been fatal. the vast majority are in liberia, guinea and sierra leone leone. a two-day meeting in geneva on thursday. the goal of the talks is to find ways to strengthen west africa's wealth health care system. coming up next here on cnn, a top bomb maker for al qaeda thought to be dead may actually still be alive. plus the trial of oscar miss
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>> we want to check the headlines for you this hour. take a look at picture here's in hong kong. authorities are clearing the main protests site there. they have issued a final warning to demonstrators to leave or face arrest. police warn they will use force if protesters try to resist. demonstrators have been camped out for more than two months now demanding open elections. the afghan president is among the world leaders condemning harsh interrogation tactics used
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by the cia. he said details of torture in a report released by the u.s. senate amounted to quote, inhumane actions. western allies called torture a mistake that should not be repeated. palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas declared three days of mourning after the death of a top minister who died after a confrontation with israeli soldiers outside ramallah. pictures show him in a scuffle with a soldier seeming to grab his neck. israel says it is investigating. a french jihadist thought to have been killed in a u.s. air strike in syria may still be alive. officials say new intelligence indicates a bomb maker was seriously wounded in the november strike but lived. he is part of the al qaeda-link qaeda-linkedqaeda-link
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qaeda-linkedqaeda-link qaeda-linkedqaeda-link qaeda-linked khorasan group. isis would have its world believe its fighters are making gains. but as brian todd reports, analysts see things very differently. >> from a drone, the camera flies right into the battle for co-been any. the fighters are heard panting, seen scrambling for a better position. this new isis propaganda video shows what the terror group claims are its fighters battling for control of the syrian border town against kurdish fors. isis recently used a british hostage to make a false claim about its control of co-been anykobani is coming to an end. >> cnn's nick paten walsh recently travelled to kobani and captured these scenes. but a key question after three months of air strikes by the u.s. and its allies why hasn't
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isis been driven completely out of kobani? >> the problem is the air strikes came too late. this allowed the islamic state to get inside the city. once you get fighters inside a city then it's very hard for air power to dig them out. they can hide. even if the building doesn't provide any protection, it provides concealment. er new video, isis shows what it claims are iraqi soldiers deserting their positions. running away from isis forces. the narrator says the iraqis are, quote, fleeing like the cowards there are. and there are still photos showing what claims are isis militants on a roof top in a self-proclaimed isis province.
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isis claims there are throwing a gay man off the roof top then stoning h im. analysts say these images are part of the group's battle plan. >> if they don't turn out videos like this maybe will say maybe they're not as tough as they said they're going to be. >> and for isis kobani is the center of it all. kobani has become the most important battlefield of this war. if the allies win there, it's seen as a major setback for isis a huge turning point, but if isis wins in kobani, it shows the u.s. can't help its ally the coalition isn't as powerful as it seems and isis gets control of a huge stretch of syria's border with turkey. so right now, both sides are all-in in kobani. >> we learned wednesday that prosecutors in south africa can appeal a conviction of oscar miss tor yus, but the judge has rejected a challenge to his prison sentence.
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pistorius was convicted of culpable homicide or negligent killing in the shooting death of his girlfriend. he was sentenced to five years. 9. >> the pistorius trial put a spotlight on the south african justice systems. in a country with a huge disparity between rich and poor questions are being asked whether people on opposite ends of the spectrum are being equally served. >> ronnie wears an electronic tag around one crippleds ankle. he's accused of criminal wrongdoing by the south african state. in his case, fraud. in pistorius' case murder. while pistorius has already
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received a conviction and sentence for culpable homicide and now faces the state's upcoming appeal at the supreme court, facud a's case has yet to be heard and he's spent three i don't think years behind bars. >> if you've got money, you have ten months and you go home. you didn't kill like me you're in a wheelchair disabled you have to spend your life in prison because you don't have the money to take yourself out. >> reporter: he was finally released on bail once his family found the funds. but his time in south africa's notorious overcrowded detention facilities was a far cry from the hospital wring pistorius has been in since his bladder. he said he contracted tu tuberculosis and no provisions were made for his need. >> i stayed in a small cell
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which had populated people. 23 people about 80 to 90 at times. >> his case was discovered by the justice project. the advocacy group says it's just one of the growing number of cases they're now investigating. >> south africa's criminal detention service says they're looking into his case. they have not responded though to repeated requests for interviews on the condition ss of criminals awaiting kriel. a ruling that will see pistorius' case reach the highest court of land. he wonders when his trial will come. >> if you don't have money, forget about the justice system. it won't work for you. >> the judge disagrees. she was odd manhattan as she concluded the miss concluded the trial that justice had been done.
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>> if an impression was to be created if there was one law for the poor and disadvantaged and another for the rich and famous. >> but some find that hard to believe. >> the national hockey league has announced a new personal conduct policy. from now on, any players or other personnel involved in a violent act including sexual assault or domestic violence will face a mandatory six-game suspension suspension. it could be longer if there are, quote, aggravating circumstances. exhibitionner roger goodell decided to revise the policy after high-profile domestic abuse cases involving players like ray rice and adrian peterson. the players union says it didn't get a chance to review the policy before wednesday's announcement.
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>> an amazing rescue at sea. why rescuers initially thought this fisherman had died. take a closer look at your fidelity green line and you'll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a wide range of investment options... and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals -- and what you're really investing for. tap into the full power of your fidelity green line. call today and we'll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity rollover ira. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know genies can be really literal? no.
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weeks in rough seas fisherman ron ingram is alive and well enough to crack jokes. >> i was out of water but i hydrated on fish. it wasn't as good as a sushi bar, but that's how i hydrated. >> a true fisherman's tale that could have ended in disaster. on thanksgiving day, he made this call for help as his 25-foot sailboat was take on water. >> mayday mayday mayday. i'm in the middle of alenuihaha channel. >> the currents sucked his boat 200 miles away from where he was trying to go in the waters off the huh hiawaiian island of oahu. >> i was going backwards all night long. >> after four days the coast guard called off the search for the boat. that's when his son's zachery got a call from the coast guard telling him his dad was missing. >> i was crushed. like you know anybody would
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normally feel after they find out their dad is probably gone. >> mackous >> miraculously after 12 days after sea, the navy ship found the 67-year-old and his boat after the coast guard heard a short mayday call from ingram. and his son received yet another call from the coast guard. >> they said we found your dad. and i had this image of somebody floating with a life vest around him, you know, that wasn't alive. and i said well okay you know. was he with his fishing boat when you found him. they said oh, we found him and his boat. he's alive. he's well. so yeah, it was awesome. >> found dehydrated and desperate for food and still, ingram refused to leave without his boat. he not only uses his boat to make a living, but it's also his home. so the coast guard towed it back
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to shore. ingram gets his battered boat and zachery gets his dad. >> best christmas present ever. >> ron's son zachery said the two had lost touch. they hadn't spoken to each other in about 20 years and that he was looking for his father and he was hoping that this would not be the way that the two got reunited but it turns out his phatter is fine and he plans to go visit him. he says this is a real lesson for people to remember to stay in touch with your family members because you never know when they might be gone. >> all right, we're going to turn to the weather now. schools in san francisco will be closed on thursday as a storm brings massive amounts of rape to the west coast. how often do we hear about schools being closed because of rain? >> not too often considering that 55% of caliifornians are under extreme drought conditions. this is the same storm, by the way, that canceled over 60 flights yesterday and delayed over 100 flights. you can see on our big
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television monitor how expensive this storm really is. lots of moisture and lots of wind to contend with across the entire west coast of the united states. travel delay, that's the big concern. los angeles, san francisco, all the way to seattle. this is just tapping into moisture and what we call the pineapple express. the moisture originating from close to hawaii. and we just suck in all that moisture and eventually ending up bringing the strong winds and the heavier hateful and high seas especially around those south facing banks near santa barbara, california. keep in mind 15 to 20 foot breakers near the coast. significant surf across the region. look at the latest radar coming from the pacific northwest. you see how the hateful has in inundated much of washington. san francisco bay, just starting to see the leading edge of this band of precipitation. it's eventually going to move into los angeles come thursday and friday. we're going to see tricky travel
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conditions extend across some of california. you can see higher amounts to the north. you should expect one to three, maybe upwards of four inches locally across that area. and the impressive snowfall totals expected for the sierra nevada mountain range. we have a few different watches and warnings to discussion. a flash flood watch close to the coast. shading of green, close to the low pressure system two to four inches near san francisco bay. we've also got blizzard warnings. very strong winds. you've got the possibility of blizzard conditions. tricky travel weather in that area. wind gusts upwards of 40 miles an hour. we factor in the snowfall. that means low visibility for some of those highways between san francisco and sacramento. by the way, high wind warnings across much of california. rosie, keep a close eye on this one.
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>> everyone, stay safe certainly in that region. >> well you will now have to choose or you will have an opportunity to choose from five different fare options when you book a delta flight. if you like to fly, take a listen to this. starting march 1, the airline will be splitting its seating. >> into five levels from basic economy to delta one elite first class. the bare bones level gets you a cheap seat but no perks. then airfare that lets you pick your seats in advance. if you want premium snacks you will have to spring for the delta comfort option. first class is also split into two categories. the top tier delta one adds perks like headsets and chef cure rated menus. there's something to considered when you fly next. they say everyone has a double somewhere in the world. coming up next, we will
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>> while it's an an arist group or those with a glove that breeched sony's computers, what's clear is the infiltration is deep and damaging. a group known as the guardians of peace is claiming responsibility for graek into the studio's computer ps leaks, leaking personnel e-mails. and producers and directors bad mouthing act tors. one called angelina jolie minimally talented and a spoiled brat. >> it's something that organizations, which have sensitive information have to be very concerned about. >> reporter: the documents also reveal the social security numb boefrs more than 47,000 people including celebrities conan o'brien and sylvester stallone. as well as the aliases stars use. tom hanks apparently goes by the
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name johnny madrid jessica alba as cash money. >> seth roe gan raked many $2 million more than james franco for "the interview" a comedy about a plot to kill north korea leader kim jong un. the cyberattack first awe peered about leaking that movie online leaking to speculation north korea may have been involved. while north korea has denied involvement, it has called the film an act of terrorism and the leak of righteous deed. cnn learned the code used for the attack was written in korean and has been used in previous attack against south korean. >> your adversary may be routing attacks through a certain country or using known attacks from a certain language code base in order to throw your attribution thoughts off. >> pamela brown, cnn, washington.
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>> the movie award season is getting under way in the screen actors guild nominations. a leading contender is "boyhood" filmed over 12 years and tracks the life of main character from age 6 through adolescence. another top nominee is "birdman" starring michael keaton as a superhero actor trying to make a comeback. and jennifer aniston is nominated for best female actor for the movie "cake." the golden globe nominations will be announced just a few hours from now. here's an interesting story. an afghan man with a strong resemblance to bruce lee is hoping to be a hollywood star and highlight a positive side to his war weary nation. jonathan mann has his story. >> reporter: the resemblance is striking. a young afghan trains tirelessly practicing punches
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and kung fu kicks. he wants to be known as the afghan bruce lee. >> the american bruce lee. >> translator: i dream to be a champion as bruce lee was with and my great ambition is to be a hollywood star. >> reporter: with his moves, physique and hair cut, the 20-year-old looks like the reincarnation of the legendary actor and that's no accident. he idolized, watching "enter the dragon" over and over learning to mimic his style. growing up in a poor family of ten children his parents couldn't afford martial arts school but seeing promise, a trainer took him under his wing and financial help hopes to catapult him to international fame. >> translator: i'm asking the afghan national olympic committee and international donors to help us. if we receive assistance i
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promise to make him a unique star in the world. >> translator: my talent is hidden. neither the government or anybody else supports me in my sport career. i do my best using my own resources to be a future champion for my country. >> reporter: he launched a facebook page and is gaining a following among afghanistan's internet users. he hopes to show a more positive side to his war weary nation. jonathan mann cnn. the resemblance is striking isn't it? you are watching cnn. we have a short break and then the day's top stories, including the first of riffs in hong kong as police tear down protest signs that have been in place for months. we'll tick yaw there live
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hello. welcome. glad to be with you. >> good to have you here. a lot to get to this hour. coming up right now, more international condemnation after the u.s. report on cia tactics. some of the cloudic critics played an essential role in facilitating torture. and we will be back. hong kong's pro democracy activist promised to keep change as a they are forced to clear out of their protest sites. and a hawaiian fisherman rescued after 12 days at sea in a sailboat. >> i'm a
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