tv New Day CNN December 11, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST
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one lawmaker calling director john brennan and his agency liars. accusing him of obstructing the senate and making a mockery of congressional oversight. this of course in the wake of the scathing senate report on c.i.a. torture tactics. >> meanwhile, the justice department ruling out any new investigations or prosecutions, they say, involving the spy agency. as former vice president dick cheney and other bush-era officials vehemently defend the interrogation tactics. >> the white house is steering clear of the two big questions coming out of the torture report -- should c.i.a. officials be prosecuted for the harsh interrogations and did the interrogation program save lives? the white house just won't say. with the debate raging over the fallout of the torture report, the white house is staying on the sidelines. press secretary josh earnest refused to weigh in on whether c.i.a. officials should be tried
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for interrogation tactics the president himself has described as torture. >> do those details warrant going back and reexamining whether people should be prosecuted? >> decisions about prosecution are made by career federal prosecutors at the department of justice. >> the justice department says the federal prosecutors who looked into the program won't be launching a new investigation. based on the report from the senate intelligence committee's democratic chair, dianne feinstein, trial or no trial, the c.i.a. has big names coming to its defense, from former vice president dick cheney who blasted the report on fox news. >> i think it's a terrible piece of work, we did exactly what needed to be done in order to catch those who were guilty on 9/11 and to prevent a further attack and we were successful on both parties. >> this report says it's not successful. >> the report is full of crap. >> what stunned me about the report most was the fact that it was written in the way it was written. it's an unrelenting prosecutorial document.
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>> both men say the c.i.a. is right in asserting that harsh interrogation techniques like those shown in the film "zero dark 30" prevented attacks and saved lives. but on the crucial question, the white house takes no position. >> it's impossible to know the accounts are factual. it's impossible to know whether or not this information could have been obtained using tactics that are consistent with the army field manual or other law enforcement techniques. >> the c.i.a. is lying. >> colorado democratic senator mark udall called on the president to clean house in the c.i.a. he said an internal investigation of the program found the agency repeatedly misled congress about the brutal tactics. >> the president needs to purge his administration of high-level officials who were instrumental to the development and running of this program. from director brennan, that means resigning. >> but the white house is saying that is not happening. white house press secretary josh
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earnest described brennan yesterday at the white house briefing as a decorated professional and a patriot. and john brennan will have a chance to defend himself when he holds a news conference at the c.i.a. this afternoon. alisyn and chris? >> that will be interesting. let's go over to chris. >> there seems to be lot of moving in circles around this. let's zero in on the allegations and bring in bill har lowe, a former c.i.a. director of public affairs, he was with the fartherment during the early years of the bush administration. thank you for joining us this morning. the headline for you would be based on what you named your website, if the c.i.a. saved lives, it did it despite the tactics you were using rather than because of them. do you accept that? >> not a bit, no. that's totally wrong. the reason those lives were saved is because the c.i.a. was able to get valuable
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intelligence out of a handful of very senior terrorists and get it out in a timely fashion, which allowed us to take down the senior leadership of al qaeda and rip it root and branch out of places where it had been festering and we were able to stop numerous potential attacks that would have harmed the homeland and our allies abroad. >> understood, but the question of how you did it comes into play using what is now regarded as a set of torture tactics that may not have helped forward your cause. is that fair criticism? >> no, it's factually incorrect. the tactics that were used on a handful of detainees proved enormously useful. the amount of information that came from these same detainees before they were subjected to enhanced interrogation and the amount that came out of them afterwards, complete difference, enormously much more productive after the eits. these weren't the type that would easily succomb to a good
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cop situation where you buddy up to them and we didn't have the time to wait. we didn't have the time to sit around and see if they would eventually come around. remember what was going on at the time this was at a time when we had word that bin laden had met with pakistani nuclear scientists. we had richard reed lighting his shoes on fire on airlines. we had anthrax attacks in the united states while we were finding anthrax labs in afghanistan. there was a ticking time bomb. we had a handful of people we knew were involved in 9/11, we felt with great confidence, might be involved in the next attack. and we didn't have time to wait around and see what we could learn from them and we learned an enormous amount. >> it was exactly that motivation of desperation and perhaps haste that is the basis of criticism of the tactics now that you were acting more quickly than gently. listen to john mccain and what he has to say about whether or not the extreme tactics produce good information, please. >> i do know that from any
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experience with this kind of treatment, that if someone is subjected to enough physical pain, that person will say whatever is necessary in order to make that pain stop. and that's why there's also a wealth of misinformation that comes out of people who are being subjected to it. >> truth? >> the situation with khalid sheikh mohammed, the man who cut danny pearl's head off. he was subjected to harsh interrogation for a couple of weeks, tough couple of weeks, he was in our custody for three or four years after that. and provided a wealth of information. much of it, almost all of it was accurate information, verifiable, which helped us take down al qaeda cells across asia and elsewhere. it's a different situation,
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rather than someone just stopping after a second. they were providing actual intelligence for years to come, information we could check out and verify, so we knew the value of it. it's not a fair comparison to say it's just like stop, i'll tell you anything to get you to stop the pain. that's not the way it worked. >> so basically what i'm taking from you is you condone the use of torture. you think it's effective and there's a good reason it was on the table and used. >> that's not my position at all. i condone the use of harsh interrogation. >> is that another word for torture? >> no, it's not. these techniques were approved by the u.s. government. >> does there being approved make them not torture? the stuff you were doing with the hose and the guy who died of hypothermia. >> yes, the tactics that were approved were approved by the justice department specifically to make sure this is not torture.
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and the c.i.a. went back to themnd said are you sure this is not torture and the highest level decision-makers said yes. >> don't you think one of the reasons that you kept going back to the doj is it didn't seem right to you? >> we have validating them, because sometimes public officials said things that sounded like they were backing away from it. the c.i.a. wanted to be sure we were on solid legal ground. we would go back on our website, c.i.a. saves lives, you can see actual documents where the c.i.a. goes to the national security council and asks for the department of just toys verify that we're within the rights and night violating international law, u.s. law and they would come back to us with the verifications. when they were slow to come back, we stopped the perhaps once or twice, we're not going on until we're sure these are legal. >> if you could go back again and do it the same way?
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>> begin the same set of circumstances it would be entirely logical to do the same type of things, there were some mistakes made, some problems in the program and we should have done a better job of writing down what members of congress said back to us when we were briefed on it. >> do you think the u.s. should be engaged in these kind of tactics going forward? >> these kind of tactics should be used in the most extreme circumstances. if you doesn't think sitting around after 9/11 hearing there might be a nuclear attack on the united states, is an extreme circumstance, then you have a different definition than i do. one of the most dangerous khorasan operatives may still be alive after all. u.s. official tell cnn a french jihadist considered a master bomb-maker was likely not killed in a u.s. air strike. he was likely hurt, but received medical attention.
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let's go to barbara starr for more. >> you'll recall the khorasan group is the group of hard-core al qaeda operatives in syria the u.s. has conducted several airstrikes against the group. two u.s. officials are telling us they believe one of the key operatives, daveed drujean did not die in an air strike several weeks ago they believe he is still alive. based on intelligence they have been gathering. drujean is a very serious concern as a bomb maker. he knows how to make weapons, explosives that can potentially get past airport screenings, so that is a major concern. where is he? is he still capable of functioning? and making those types of bombs. in addition, they now believe the leader of the khorasan group is still alive and has not perished in any of the months of
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strikes against the khorasan group. so even as the war against isis inside syria goes on, this unique, very dangerous group of al qaeda operatives in syria still being tarthed by the u. targeted by the u.s., but it looks like they haven't gotten any of the top leadership. there's more headlines, over to michaela. security is amped up higher in the west bank as a senior palestinian official who died during a clash with israeli troops is laid to rest. in response, president mahmoud abbas has halted any communication with israel. >> yes, michaela, the funeral for this minister in the palestinian authority has come to an end, but we've been hearing in the distance what sounds like stun grenades, there's an israeli settlement not far from here, so it a peers
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that clashes are under way. this autopsy has come out for his death, the autopsy was interestingly conducted by jordanian pathologists who the palestinian authority requested take part, as well as an israeli team and palestinians. but there seems to be disagreement over the cause of death. the palestinians are saying that it was, the result of asphyxiation caused by the fact that he inhaled too much teargas, he was pushed and shoved and grabbed by the neck by israeli soldiers, and as a result he vomited and choked on his vomit. the israeli pathologist, who aren't signing the autopsy, are saying it was caused by the fact that he had a weak heart and had a heart attack caused, brought on by the stress of the physical altercation he had with the
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israeli troops. michaela? >> ben wedeman reporting from ramala. back at home will government lawmakers avoid a government shutdown? the house gears up to vote on a $1.1 trillion spending bill. lawmakers from both sides of the aisle tucked in dozens of items into that legislation. senator elizabeth warren is urging democrats to not back the bill unless one provision is killed. a woman's body was found in the trunk of the family car. police believe the body belongs to the boy's mother, erica perez, her husband, daniel perez is now considered a person of interest in this case. the boy's aunt gave a tearful plea begging daniel 0 bring them home. >> don't hurt them, please, they're innocent, don't do this please, danny, just drop the kids off. please, you're breaking our hearts, we don't know where the
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kids are, they need us, they need us right now. please bring the kids back, danny, please. >> except for a fifth son who was with his grandmother. the family's honda was found last night close to their home. the nfl has a new personal conduct policy for the players, the league's owners endorsed the new policy that takes effect immediately. prohibited conduct that calls for independent investigations reps for the players say they're not happy about it, had no input on the new policy. we'll be hearing more about it as the players union say no, we didn't sign off on it. >> are the players supposed to have input into the laws that bind them? i don't know about that argument. >> it is just one side of it. it seems that this is raising a lot of problems, we'll take them on later in the show. another thing we got to talk about, there's a storm that's
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set to slam into northern california. by any definition is a monster. heavy rain, hurricane-force winds, there are frantic emergency preparations going on across the area. let's bring in chad myers, meteorologist, fair to say this is a classic case of too much of a good thing? >> no question. you want to get the drought fixed, one inch of rain at a time, not six or ten inches at a time and certainly they'll have wind gusts near the top of the villages, 120 miles per hour. but the storms in the northeast still isn't done, either. the fierce nor'easter still packing a wallop. the deadly storm claiming at least two lives. more than 30,000 people still without power wednesday night. >> we expect to be continuing to work restoring power into saturday. >> residents digging out from nearly two feet of snow. on the roads, heavy snow and gusty winds made driving treacherous, causing multiple
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accidents, many cars stuck as police try to help. traffic at a standstill, some 15 miles of interstate 81 shut down for several hours. this, as the west coast braces for what could be the biggest storm in five years. heavy rains already triggering flooding in washington state. some residents along the coast forced to evacuate. as surging waves crashing into the eroding shore leaving home after home destroyed. >> this is incredible. this was wind-driven waves over the top of my deck. wiped everything out. >> and those waves continue. some of those waves out in the ocean up to 16 feet high crashing onshore. back to the northeast here, we're still seeing snow in buffalo, toronto, back into new york city. new york city for effect. but it could be a couple slick spots, we did see some snow totals up to about 20 inches across parts of upstate new york and vermont and a couple of feet
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of snow possible in the town south of the niagara frontier and all the way. if you're flying into san francisco today, expect major delays as winds will gust to 50 miles per hour. planes don't like to land very quickly at 50 miles per hour. they want to space those planes out. which means your arrival rate and departure rate will be going down. you won't be getting as many planes on the ground as you would like. flash flood watches for the coast, blizzard warnings, san francisco could see winds to 60 or 70, it will bring trees and power lines down. 30,000 people in the northeast still without power, i expect the number to go higher than that in california. >> a lot going on out there. chad myers, thanks so much. more fallout for bill cosby. a woman who says he drugged and raped her in the 1970s is trying a new strategy to hold the comedian responsible. we'll explain. >> it's an interesting theory.
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you'll be surprised by it. did you hear about this guy -- 12 days lost at sea. getting word that the search for him was over. what did he do to survive in and listen to this, not only is he found, but word of the ordeal winds up creating a reunion for him, you will not believe. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ [ female announcer ] fiber one.
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a new lawsuit has been filed against bill cosby by one of his accusers. tamara green says she was drugged and sexually assaulted by the comedian in the early 1970s, she's suing him, not for assault, but rather for defamation, the suit claims that cosby's public denials defamed her and branded her a liar. her lawyer joins us from washington, d.c. >> good to see you, thanks for having me today. >> explain why your client is not suing bill cosby for sexual assault, but for defamation. >> well the statute of limitations, which is the period within which can you file a claim, with respect to sexual assault has expired. and so the only available claim at this point is one for
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defamation. >> we are obviously on morning television, and the details of your client's alleged assault are graphic, but can you gingerly outline for us what she says happened in the '70s? >> well sure. what, as outlined in the complaint, is that she was invited to lunch, and was given some pills, she as a result of being given the pills, felt woozy, unable to control herself. she was brought home by mr. cosby, and then she maintains mr. cosby sexually assaulted her. >> so what has bill cosby said publicly about this that has defamed tamara green? >> well, he has said through his spokespersons, that those allegations are absolutely false. that he doesn't know tamara green. that this assault never happened
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in any way, shape or form. and that these are in fact discredited allegations. >> let me read for our viewers what tamara green has said about bill cosby. she said he called me a wrecking ball, but never sued me for defamation. my statements against him were actionable if they were false, he didn't open that can of worms, because my statements were true. mr. camarata why has she waited so long to come forward with this claim of defamation in that case? >> it seems that that statement was given on december 5th, just recently. frankly, she didn't know that she had available to her, this type of claim. and we advised her, this was an avenue that was appropriate to be followed and pursued. to have her day in court. to have a forum where truth can be tried, where both sides can be heard on the issue of whether
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or not there was a sexual assault. if there was, she wins, if there wasn't, mr. cosby wins. each side will be able to get their witnesses and their evidence and present it to a jury and a jury will decide. >> so in other words, he will have to testify, he will have to somehow be deposed or go public for this lawsuit? >> that's, that's what's expected. because at its core, the issue is whether or not miss green was telling the truth. if she was telling the truth, then when mr. cosby is called, publicly branded her a liar, as the complaint maintains, then he was not telling the truth. so it needs to be squared up. and yes, the testimony of mr. cosby is relevant to the issues of whether or not he was there, whether or not he knew tamara green, whether or not he gave her pills, whether or not he sexually assaulted her. and so those are issues that are relevant to this lawsuit. >> mr. cosby's camp through his
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attorney have called this false. here's the statement they've put out. we are very confident that we will prevail in this proceeding and pursue claims against the attorney who is filed this action. they're not just pursuing a claim against tamara green, they're going after you. >> well, let them bring it on. you know, let them take his best shot. i just think it's the m.o., their tactics, but we've got a case, it's been filed appropriately in court. we have a forum like i said, where truth can be tried in our system of justice, we don't engage this hand-to-hand combat on street corners. we have a battleground, the battleground is in a courtroom. and so if supposedly we did something wrong, well they can tell it to the judge and the judge will take it up. >> it will be very interesting
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to see what develops with this defamation lawsuit. joseph camarata, thanks so much, nice to see you this morning. let's go over to chris. >> alisyn, the next story is like something out of a movie. 12 days lost at sea, no food, no water, no hope as the word came that the search was being called off. a 66-year-old fisherman endured this off the coast of hawaii, how he stayed alive and a bizarre twist. how much money do you have in your pocket right now?
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i have $40, $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain. ♪ ♪
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6:30 in the houston. c.i.a. director john brennan under fire in the aftermath of the scathing senate report on the agency's torture tactics. some lawmakers are demanding he step down. brennan is going to meet with the media and answer questions about the report this afternoon. the justice department also weighing in, insisting there will be no new investigations or prosecutions in the case. today black congressional staffers are planning to walk out of capitol hill in protest the eric garner and michael brown grand jury decisions, organizers say the demonstration is an effort to support the ongoing national and global protests against police aggression. in the meantime, six mothers gathered in washington to share their pain from losing their sons in police shootings. the police officer who a new york grand jury decided not to
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indict in the death of eric garner told investigators he never used a chokehold, that he used a takedown technique he was taught in the academy to arrest someone who was noncomplaint. that's what officer daniel pantaleo told internal investigators this week according to his attorney. cell phone video shows him wrapping his arm around garner's neck. medical examiner ruled that death a homicide. is the american dream dying? a growing number of people in our country believe hard work no longer pays off. i want to show you this "new york times"/cbs poll. just 64% of americans say it's still possible to start out poor in this country, work hard and become rich. 33% say it is not possible any more. the highest pessimism rate in 20 years, i've decided i'm going to do an unofficial mp "new day" poll. can you work hard and have a good life. i think you know what i mean, start poor, work hard and become rich.
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let's bring it here is my. >> just have a good quality of life. yes, but i still believe you can start poor, work hard and become rich. but the great equalizer has always become education and now that tuition is so prohibitively expensive for people, that's what's making it harder to have the american dream. >> contrast, facebook, please let us know what you think. we try to incite these types of dialogues. i take the mp position, which is how she lives her own life. she works very hard, but for a purpose that makes her feel good about her hard work. a key for people, very often people work very hard these days for no good reason. i take the mp way. >> the quality of life. i like that. how about this one -- 67-year-old fisherman lost at sea for near will two weeks. true story, back home. and now, his estranged son is preparing to reunite with him. the two have not spoken since the '90s, ron ingram was found
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alive tuesday, 12 days after his boat went missing in the pacific ocean. an amazing story of survival and now a reunion. >> rescuers thought he had died at sea. but after nearly two weeks in rough seas, fisherman ron ingram is clearly alive and well enough to crack jokes. >> i was out of water, but i hydrated on fish, i'm a fisherman, so i caught fish and that's what, wasn't as good as a sushi bar, but that's how i hydrated. >> a true fisherman's tale. on thanksgiving day he made this call for help as his 25-foot sailboat was taking on water. >> mayday mayday maydayment i'm in the middle of olenoid channel. >> he said current sucked his boat 200 miles away from where he was trying to go, in the waters off the hawaiian island of oahu. >> i tried all through the
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night, the weather came up, i couldn't make it. >> after four days, called off the search for the boat, they couldn't find it that's when ingram's son zachary got a call from the coast guard telling him his dad was missing. >> the commanding officer of the coast guard told me they were going to call off the search. i just, i broke down and started crying. >> miraculously after 12 days at sea, a navy ship found the 67-year-old and his boat. after the coast guard heard a short mayday call from ingram and his son received yet another call from the coast guard. >> i was thinking of an image of somebody you know, floating in the water. and i said well did you find his sailboat, too. and they said no, we found your dad and the sailboat and he's alive. >> i would love to be able to go see him and you know give him a big old hug. merry christmas, pop. >> sarah sidener, cnn, california. >> he said his dad is no tough that rambo would have a picture
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of his dad on the wall. >> he must be, he must be to survive that ordeal. now what a nice silver lining of all things. >> whatever it was that kept them apart for all these years -- just faded away when they realized they may lose each other forever. great story. >> we'd love it hear from you on that story as well. critics are calling on the head of the c.i.a. to step down over the senate's blistering torture report. but c.i.a. officials say the tactics used helped the u.s. find an kill osama bin laden. so we will talk with a former c.i.a. agent who hunted for the notorious terrorist and try to get the answer. the holiday season is here, which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature,
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former vice president dick cheney says the senate report on the u.s. interrogation methods during the bush administration is quote deeply flawed and full of crap. there are growing questions this morning about how effective those enhanced interrogation methods or torture as the report called them, really were when it came to getting intelligence on osama bin laden. let's bring in retired c.i.a. officer and author of
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"jawbreaker" gary bernson. there are so many conflicting reports about whether or not these enhanced intern gags techniques worked or whether they didn't and whether they did help to find osama bin laden. what do you believe? >> i believe when you're questioning a terrorist, you've got to have a lot of tools. i don't support torture, but i do support something more than the second amendment and something more than the army's field manual for questioning people. because what we have there really clearly doesn't cover all eventualities. in this particular case you've got to have establishing rapport with some of these people works. in other places you got to put pressure. we got terrorists when we capture, when we capture them, they tell us, when we're released, we're going to kill your wives and children. they tell us that, that's the attitude you've got facing these guys, some of them you're going to have to put pressure on,
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you're going to have to have sleep deprivation, constant questioning, you're going to have to be at them. you have to find a fine line where we don't violate the all the norms of morality. but at the same point -- >> i want to interrupt you. do you have evidence that any of those stronger techniques you're talking about, the waterboarding, the sleep deprivation that they did in fact lead to information that got osama bin laden? >> i haven't read the specific files, because i was involved in the invasion and then i was off doing other things around the world. but from a numb of my associates that i spoke to that were involved in the program, they told me, the pressure worked. i've spoken with some of the interrogators, i know you've got some interrogators on television who say it doesn't work. i've spoken to some of the interrogators who had 20 years of interrogation experience in the military speak arabic and said yes, he gave us this, this, and this and it was helpful to the overall effort. they weren't going to pull the trigger on an effort to capture bin laden and go across that border unless they had
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information from four or five different platforms, whether it's interrogations, human intelligence, all of that. because it was a big issue to cross that border. what i was told and repeatedly by people is that it, it was a contributing factor in their decision to do this and to proceed in the capture of bin laden. >> let me tell what you the senate report says about this. as you know there was a courier who was instrumental and the thinking was, if you find this courier who is a constant companion to osama bin laden, you'll find osama bin laden. there was a detainee who knew about this courier, who provided that information. let me read to you what the report says. the c.i.a. detainee who provided the most accurate tier 1 information linking the courier to ubl, known as osama bin laden, hassan, that's the detainee ghul, provided the information prior to being subjected to the c.i.a.'s enhanced interrogation techniques. hassan ghul opened up right away
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and was cooperative from the outset. gary, after that, he was stripped, he was chained to a wall for 40 minutes with his hands over his head and that didn't provide any more information. >> in some cases, coercive mechanisms, in others, they don't. it's a mixed bag, alisyn. but the fact is you've got to have people to have good judgment who are managing these programs, and clearly, there were mistakes that were made, but the reality is the people that were doing, that were involved in this process, didn't believe him in the beginning and moved to a second phase. was it a mistake in that case? maybe. but again unless the problem with the report is they didn't interview the people involved. if you're just looking at paper, maybe half of what goes on goes on paper. but if you've got a 12-hour interrogation center, do you think they covered every minute? 1,000 pages per interrogation. you've got to talk to the interrogator, the case officers and the chiefs of station that are managing these operations
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most closely. if you don't interview those, it's not a complete picture. >> gary, i want to ask you about khalid sheikh mohammed. there are other reports that say that the enhanced interrogation techniques or torture as some people call them actually only produces faulty and fabricated information. so here is what the report says about khalid sheikh mohammed. it says that the interrogators first began threatening ksm's children. on march 9th, 2003, ksm fabricated information, indicating that jaf ar altayyar and jose padilla were planning something because he explained he felt some pressure 0 to produce information about the operations in the united states in the initial phases of the interrogation. he admits he was fabricating information because he was subjected to some of these tactics. >> the report was written by a group of people that had a political agenda. it wasn't balanced in its writing and they didn't interview everybody.
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it's, yeah, can you read the report all day long and i think that it's, think the report is a hit job on the agency. and i think that it could have been more balanced, there could have been more balance in its writing. they should have interviewed the people. based on the report, the agency looks like every single line looks like incompetence, brutality and it looks like the program is worth nothing at all. i refuse to believe that understanding that throughout the work of my career, during 20 years, i saw a foreign governments using terror against some of our sources and breaking some of them at times. i've seen governments that were friendly to the united states using coercive methods and getting information that was useful and allowed the capture of people that saved american lives. it's a mixed bag. you need to have really smart people managing these programs, good common sense in this and if you've got information to provide openly, you've got to be able to check that information very, very quickly. >> gary, always great to talk to you, we appreciate your perspective and we appreciate your service to this country, thanks so much for coming on "new day." >> great pleasure.
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>> over to chris. in the wake of ray rice and adrian peterson in the nfl, the owners approved a revised personal conduct policy. what is it and does it address the problems the right way? we'll take a closer look. 3rd and 3. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot better... if you've had to become your own investment expert, maybe it's time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager ...and black swans are unpredictable. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪
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the vast majority of our players are great men, they're great sons, they're great husbands. they're great fathers. we have nearly 3,000 players in any given year. we're going to have people make mistakes. we want to make sure that we do everything to prevent that from happening. >> what do you do when it does happen? that was nfl commissioner roger goodell. addressing questions about the nfl's new personal conduct policy. after saying with the early cases we've heard about, he blew it, especially the ray rice case. what about the new policy? is it enough? let's bring in people, cnn commentator and legal analyst mel robbins and former president of the nfl players association, george martin. jork giant. wished he was a jet. goodell admits he blew it and then says i met with bratton about the right thing to do. we're going to deal with the
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machine, let's deal with the man first, did he say the right things? is he in the right position now? >> good morning, guys, and i laugh that you just had to get that jab in there, chris. he did say the right thing. he did say the right thing, chris. i think it's important that he admit his mistakes and i've got a lot to say about the policy. but in terms of about how goodell is now handling the press conference, he's doing it a decent job. >> all right, so let's put up what this new policy is. it's very unusual. i spoke to a management consultant who said we would never storyboard our thinking this way. this is the statement from the union. they're saying they're upset because they weren't consulted about what this policy is, they were just given a professional courtesy to review it before it hit the press. i also want to put up what the policy is. george, let me ask you about the statement that we just had up. the union's carping, they should have consulted with us, should they have? >> absolutely. without question. i don't think that you can implement a unilateral policy
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that's going to be as far-reaching as this is, without consulting the people who are going to be impacted and that is the nfl players association. i think the fact that they left morris smith out and he did not have an opportunity to give input was a serious flaw on the part of goodell. >> the presumption is that the union would want less, right? they would want to sew their players not be punished as much for things like this. maybe that's why they were excluded from the dialogue. >> that's an assumption that could be true or false, you run the risk if he does get it wrong a second time you're going to incur the wrath of not only the nfl players association, but the general public once again. >> put the policy back up there again, mel. the reason i want it back up there is this management consultant said to me, this flow chart -- here's the problem. it shows they're going to have this procedure they follow but he believes that it's an example of how they're not set up to do this. that they're not set up to investigate potential crimes, they're not set up to punish this type of behavior and its
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flawed in its premise, what do you think? >> it's an excellent question and i agree 100%. listening to what george had to say, i think what the union wants is clarity. what i found interesting about this flow chart is that it illustrates two things, first, these cases are complicated, particularly when you have a parallel criminal proceeding. and secondly, i was stunned, chris, by the fact that there's not a lot that's changed. there's no mandatory suspension, there's a lot of words like "could" "may" do this. as a player i would be feeling a little worried. because i'm not exactly sure what the nfl will do. if somebody gets arrested tonight, chris and charged with domestic violence, do we know exactly what's going to happen? no. >> there's also this gray area about things they find out that the police don't find out this is, this is, this is a tough situation, george. what's the league supposed to do? you could say the policy should be this. if i hear something bad about
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george martin, you're out until we figure it out. that's not going to stand with the union, will it? >> no, you're right. what the policy does is create a double-jeopardy because it's in some cases circumvents the criminal justice system, number one and it also kind of gives you the presumption of guilt as opposed to presumption of inspects, why should an athlete be charged with something and then later proven innocent of it and he's already been penalized by the league? i think that's a serious faux pas on their part. >> if you hit your wife, your girlfriend, okay, and we have reason to believe it happened, the -- six games. you think that's enough in terms of what this league wants to project about who the men are who put on the helmets? >> far be it for me to talk about what's right and wrong in terms of domestic abuse. i think there are greater minds should come together and talk about this collectively. i think you should have input from the nfl players association as well as the league and you should have the professionals from the domestic abuse society
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to help craft this policy because it is so important. >> mel, at the end of the day, if you get jammed up rightly for hitting your spouse or your child, the penalty is six games. what do you think of that? >> it should be. i think it should be and i think it should be really black and white and the nfl shouldn't be the ones investigating this thing. >> is six games enough? >> yes, i think six games is enough to get the process started. but what i'm concerned about is this -- you got ray mcdonald of the 49ers arrested in august, accused of assaulting his 10-week pregnant fiancee. the d.a. didn't dismiss the case, they made a public statement that they couldn't prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. why? because his fiancee is now not cooperating, these cases are complicated. ray mcdonald did not sit out a single game. he should have sat out for six games. i personally believe thaw make the policy very simple by saying at the moment of arrest, you're
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out for six games. you still get paid, but the nfl, chris, should not be in the business of being like oh, he choked her, that's two more games, oh, he a gun, that's another four games, he only slapped her? that's two games, that's ridiculous, it needs to be a clear policy and end of story. >> a lot of people are arguing, mel, that if you actually do something like that, the fact that you stay in the league is odd to begin with we're going to have to see how this plays out. because they're still figuring it out. they have problems with their union. let's see what the next phase is, mel robbins, george martin, thanks so much. the biggest factor in this is how you feel about it. this is your league, right? they make their money off your desire to watch and accept the players in the game. ha do you think? go to facebook, you do and let us know. this is one of the stories we're following. there's a lot of news this morning, let's get to it. if another country files an arrest warrant for a u.s. official, the justice department would not enforce it. >> i think it's a terrible piece of work. >> this report says it was not
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successful. >> the report is full of crap. >> this issue is not about them, it's about us. >> the c.i.a. is lying. >> we will do whatever it takes to get him to talk. >> one of the most wanted terrorists in the world. >> officials say every reason to believe he is still alive. the leader of the group also still alive. >> bill cosby is now facing a new lawsuit. >> she has filed a lawsuit attempting to restore her good name and reputation. good morning, everyone, welcome back to "new day," i'm alisyn camerota with chris cuomo. the justice department will not take action in the aftermath of the senate's bombshell c.i.a. torture report they say. but the question is, will the white house? >> the head of the c.i.a., john brennan, is certainly coming under fire. some lawmakers are calling him a liar, demanding his resignation. brennan not backing down, agreeing to meet with the media and take questions about the agency's tactics, we'll cover it let's get to the white house and see what their posture is.
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we have our senior correspondent, jim acosta. >> good morning, chris. that's right. the white house is steering clear this morning of the two big questions coming out of the report -- should c.i.a. officials be prosecuted for the harsh interrogations? and did those interrogations even work? the white house just won't say. with the debate raging over the fallout of the torture report, the white house is staying on the sidelines. press secretary josh earnest refused to weigh in on whether c.i.a. officials should be tried for interrogation tactics the president himself has described as torture. >> do those details warrant going back and reexamining whether people should be prosecuted? >> decisions about prosecution are made by career federal prosecutors at the department of justice. >> the justice department says the federal prosecutors who looked into the program won't be launching a new investigation based on the report from the senate intelligence committee's chair, dianne feinstein. trial or no trial, the c.i.a. has some big names coming to its defense from former vice
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president dick cheney, who blasted the report on fox news. >> i think it's a terrible piece of work. we did exactly what needed to be done in order to catch those who were guilty on 9/11 and to prevent a further attack and we were successful on both parts. >> this report says it was not successful. >> the report is full of crap. >> to the agency's former director, michael hayden. >> what stunned me about the report most was the fact that it was written in the way it was written. it's an unrelenting prosecutorial document. >> both men say the c.i.a. is right in asserting that harsh interrogation techniques like those shown in the film "zero dark 30" actually prevented attacks and saved lives. but on the crucial question, the white house takes no position. >> it is impossible to know the account is factual. it's impossible to know whether or not the information could have been obtained using tactics that are consistent with the army field manual or other law enforcement techniques. >> the c.i.a. is lying.
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>> colorado democratic senator mark udall called on the president to clean house at the c.i.a. udall said an internal review of the interrogation program conducted by former c.i.a. director, leon panetta found the agency repeatedly misled congress about the brutal tactics. >> the president needs to purge his administration of high-level officials who are instrumental to the development and running of this program. for director brennan, that means resigning. >> but that is not happening. at least any time soon. the white house says the president has confidence in john brennan and the c.i.a. director will have a chance to defend himself when he holds a news conference later this afternoon. >> it is interesting that a document that was supposed to end the discussion has done nothing but begin one. alisyn? >> thanks so much. let's bring in now colonel steven kleinman, a former senior intelligence officer at the air force, he has researched interrogation for decades and appears in a campaign for human rights first, that's an advocacy
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group highlighting human rights failures in the u.s. government and private companies. great to see you this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> as you know, there's a huge debate in this country, this morning about whether or not the so-called enhanced interrogation tactics actually did work on getting actionable information out of these detainees or whether or not they actually clammed up as a result of what some people call torture. where do you fall on this? >> well i think first of all, the report clearly lays out the systemic use of torture by any standard and then the question we have to ask ourselves beyond the moral dilemma, which i think we should be struggling with and beyond the legal argument. which i don't have standing to engage on, is whether or not it's operationally effective. is it a reliable means of collecting useful information. accurate, timely and comprehensive. and i think the body of behavior scientist literature that would relate to for example cognitive functions would suggest no. i mean an interrogator's primary
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goal is to win the access to somebody's virtual memory. all the information we want resides in human memory, that's very fragile. >> and colonel kleinman, you have studied this for decades, and the alternatives that you suggest, that you say work better than any sort of brutality or enhanced interrogation methods are fascinating. i want to run through some of these that you say work much better. we've put together a list. number one, you say give a gift. you think you could give a gift to khalid sheikh mohammed and he would open up and tell you information? >> well, let me phrase it in proper terms. give a gift is just an example of reciprocity. there's an adapt i have been and learned behavior that goes back to our evolutionary legacy, it's just we when we receive something of any value, there's a very, very deeply driven need, requirement to give something back and it happens over and over again. and in all sorts of settings. and certainly it's demonstrated
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itself in the interrogation setting as well. i don't mean to belittle or certainly to simplify it to say you give a gift and khalid sheikh mohammed will provide the answers that we're seeking. but it's a way of reaching out and creating a bridge. >> it was fascinating, you say it's in our dna. if you provide one of these detainees, you've seen evidence if you give them a cup of tea, if you give them a blanket. if they're cold, suddenly they feel obligated to give you something. is that what you mean by build a bridge? >> yeah. exactly. it's part of a developing a relationship. beyond rapport. there could be a situation where the detainee literally hates the interrogator. hates being there. but they make a rational calculus that answering questions is more in their interest or not. not because they're threatened. but because of the way the opportunities are presented. and reciprocity, there's six fundamental principles of persuasion, based on dr. robert chaldini's work, which drives a multibillion-dollar advertising industry and to say that it's
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not applicable in the interrogation room is inconsistent with the behavioral science research we've done in the last ten years. >> another thing you recommend is use scarcity on them. what does that mean? >> absolutely. when anything is seen as viewed as in limited quantity, we place greater value on it. whether it's water during a drought or food during a famine and opportunities to, to gain something by providing information can be presented in a way that's very limited. for instance we're talking to three people and the first person that is helpful to us, will receive something of release, a better treatment, you know, moving out of the detention facility to some other facility. so you can present it that way, construct it in a way that becomes very, very appealing. >> one of the most fascinating that you write about, being an effective tactic is, it flies in the face of everything that enhanced interrogation techniques stand for. it's avoid humiliation.
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how does avoiding humiliation work better than using humiliation. >> if you think about the evolution, if you will of extremism, and i took part in a multinational, multi-year study looking at precisely that. somebody could choose the path of extremism. you look at lawrence wrooitd's book, "looming tower" and the self-reports of thousands young extremists is at the bottom. the lack of opportunity to get a job. extremist group comes along, gives them an opportunity to be part of something much bigger than themselves. humiliation drove them. why would we think that humiliation would in turn cause them to cooperate with somebody that they see as the enemy? the army field manual technique known as pride and ego down is a perfect example of an unsubstantiated approach that is probably counterproductive. >> and in fact we know from the
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senate report that khalid sheikh mohammed at least according to the report, that once he was stripped, and waterboarded and shaved, he clammed up and stopped cooperating, that's what the senate report says. colonel steve kleinman, you've given us a lot of food for thought this morning, thanks so much for coming on "new day." >> thank you for having me. we have news on a story that explains how we got into this situation with torture in the first place, a terrorist who pose as huge threat to america may still be alive. at first it was believed a master bomb maker for khorasan died in the u.s. air strike. but cnn has now learned he likely survived. let's get to our pentagon correspondent, barbara starr for more. do we trust the information now? >> chris, good morning, the information is as good as it gets right now. but nothing is exactly clear. two u.s. officials tell me they now believe that david drugeon, a french bomb maker for the
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khorasan group did survive some previous u.s. airstrikes, they had thought he was dead. they never had a dead body, they never had a photograph of a dead body. these are intelligence assessments, if you will. based on additional intelligence, that's been collected, monitoring of communications, talking to sources, they now believe over the last several weeks that they've come to the conclusion drugeon did survive. still don't have a dead body or a photograph of a dead body. they believe he's alive and why is this of such concern? this french bomb maker for the khorasan group in syria is knows how to make the types of bombs that can potentially get past airport screening. so that is a huge worry. the khorasan group's leader, another man, muhsin al fadli, also believed he is still alive. so even as the war against isis goes on inside syria, prosecuted by the u.s. and the coalition. this group of al qaeda
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operatishes inside syria, known as the khorasan group, it now looks like their top leadership remains alive and very dangerous. chris? >> it's just a nod to how difficult any gains will in this war that's being fought right now, barbara starr, thank you very much for updating the report. a lot of news, in the headlines, let's get to michaela. senators from both parties going to push for authorization of military force against isis terrorists, senator rand paul is leading calls for the u.s. to declare war against the terror group. insisting that the conflict is illegal. while democrats are backing measures that would authorize the use of force. all the measures restrict the use of combat troops. major developments for you out of hong kong. police arresting dozens of pro democracy protesters, clearing away tents from what was their main demonstration site. many protesters had staged a sit-in, chanting "i want true universal suffrage" those who left of their own accord filed out peacefully through a police checkpoint and were asked to
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present i.d. for possible future legal action. bad situation on the streets of manhattan last night. six people hit by a car that jumped a curb in new york's packed herald square. all the victims suffered serious injuries, they are expected to survive. the woman who was driving the car has also been hospitalized, she has been arrested and is now facing d.u.i. charges. funny man david letterman has announced the day that he will step down from his late night gig. may 20th, 2015. the comedian surprised everyone last april, including cbs when he announced he was going to retire in 2015. he is the longest-tenured late night talk show host. more than 32 years under his belt. he's being replaced by stephen colbert. can't wait to see how that transition is going to go. and did a little number for us. he will have hosted 6,028 episodes of late night and the late show. that's incredible. >> influential, such a part of
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our, you know, consciousness and our society and culture. so influential. >> night after night doing that. >> in a business of impermanence. he found a way to stick it out, despite his only personal journey along the way. >> do you think colbert will do well? >> i don't know what to expect. >> i don't know who he is, other than his fake persona, what we see on the "colbert show." how about you? >> what about me? >> i thought your hmmm suggested a thought. >> it's proof of how interesting i find your two takes. >> is that what that is? >> i don't need to have my opinion, you two are more than enough. the senate's report on torture found that brutal interrogation methods do not gather effective intelligence or they say they also did not lead to osama bin laden. does that mean that harsh interrogation methods don't ever work? we'll ask a former covert operations officer at the c.i.a. all the torture talk is
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taking the eye off a tortured situation going on right now in congress. shutdown is still looming. there's a new wrinkle, john king will tell you what it is on "inside politics." new cadillac.... ♪ ♪ my baby drove up in a brand new cadillac.... ♪ ♪ look here, daddy, i'm never coming back..... ♪ discover the new spirit of cadillac and the best offers of the season. lease this 2015 standard collection srx for around $359 a month. and i quit smoking with chantix. i had tried to do it in the past. i hadn't been successful.
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two weeks later. look, credit karma-- are you talking to websites again? this website says "free credit scores." oh, credit karma! yeah it's actually free. look, you don't have to put in your credit card information. whew! credit karma. really free credit scores. a lot of confusion surrounding this torture report. did people torture. the reality seems clear. what is not as clear is whether or not what we did works, and whether or not the country is
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going to be more or less safe now as a result. at a minimum, two opposite views on this. let's get perspective. tom fuentes, cnn law enforcement analyst and former fbi assistant director and mike baker, former c.i.a. covert operations officer and president of diligence llc, a global intelligence forum. torture, tom fuentes, is as old a concept as violence itself. the assumption is it works and that's why it exists. you say that assumption is flawed, why? >> well i think, chris, that it works in a limited situation. but for the most part, the other techniques, actually work better. and i think the one-time torture to me would be you know, where it's justified to some extent is the ticking bomb, the nuclear bomb is about to go off in five minutes in manhattan and kill five million people and you don't have time to use some of the other techniques, which actually are more effective. but may take a little more time. >> mike how much of this is just
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leftie wishful thinking in a peaceful world, versus what happened in these interrogations, what worked and what didn't. >> there's no doubt there's part of that wishful thinking that you know, all these years on from 9/11, it would be great to rewrite history in the way we felt at that time. mr. fuentes is right in that a sense, think we're on the same sheet of music. that's part of the problem of the whole debate. it's been the problem for years now, we've been debating and talking and viewing the rendition and interrogation program, it tends to get over-simplified. you're either talking to the detainee or it's torture. or it's not the totality of the program. what i mean by that is yes, talking, developing a relationship is very, very important. and is done in the vast majority of cases over the years. but to have in your kit bag other techniques, potentially to use, it's not as if they never work. or they always work. nobody is saying that.
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but what they're say something you've got to take into consideration the totality of a program like this. rather than just saying it's all this or it's all that. >> put up the full screen for us, guys. some of the plots that the c.i.a. claimed to have disrupted as a result of these enhanced interrogation techniques, were assessed by intelligence and law enforcement officials as being infeasible or ideas that were never operationalized. mike, what that goes to is one, the c.i.a. was being deceptive in telling us what worked and what didn't. one point they're making with the statement in the report. the second is, by the way, what they say was good, was actually information people just said. because they were in incredible pain, not because they wanted to be accurate. do you accept either of those findings? >> no, no, i don't accept the notion, so i mean it's important to get that out. i'm in the camp that says this is a flawed report, i would have liked to have seen more of an investigative effort. by that i would have liked to see more effort put in by saying
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we troll tlood awe lot of the shared information and now let's sit down with the people involved from the program, agency, and pursue these and say look we've got a document here about abu zubaydah, or bin ail machine, wh al shooeb. that's one of the things missing from this massive report. >> tom, the other side of this is they say we didn't do it because we had the documents, we didn't need to deal with people we think might be deceptive for us, do you think that was a legitimate basis for not doing the i the interviews? >> no, i think the interviews would have been necessary to do a complete investigation. but i think the fact that we've had a lot of politics involved in this from the beginning. including the president, when he was standing in the u.s. senate he was solely against the torture program and people should be held accountable. but the old adage, it's not where you stand on an issue, it's where you sit. so that was fine when he stood
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in the senate. when he sits in the white house, he changed that position and now you have even to this day, the department of justice not pursuing whether they're going to prosecute people that admittedly did this program. there is, there's been some misinformation this actually is a violation of a united states statute, the torture statute. passed in 1994. title 18, united states cold, section 2340, can call for as much as the death penalty if someone from the u.s. causes the death or severe bodily harm to another individual so when you hear the story about the person freezing to death, being shackled to the floor. that certainly would rise up to possibly a death penalty case. >> one of the things that doesn't pass the smell test here is that definition of torture is not confusing, you don't have to be a lawyer to know that severe physical injury, severe mental injury is well within the definition of so much of what is detailed in this report and yet you get all of these c.i.a. types saying yeah, it wasn't
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torture. they told us it wasn't torture. i don't care what they told you. don't you think you guys should have known that what you were doing was torture by any other name? the description of all of these things with the hose alone. >> i know pornography when i see it, right? you're diving into a very subjective realm. at the end of the day it was subject to legal review. that part of it also is not in question. and this has always been at the crux of this is that you know okay our sensory deprivation, is waterboarding, where is there a line? and we've reviewed these techniques, we put our own personnel through these techniques, does that constitute torture? a lot of people think it doesn't. >> but nobody believes that you did to each other what you did to these detainees. nobody is going do believe that when you say we tried it out on ourselves. come on, you didn't do it, you wouldn't do it to your brother the way you're going to do it to these other people. >> of course not. but none of us are planning to fly planes into a building. kill thousands of people or
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behead individuals on videotape and blast it around the world. >> that goes to vengeance, but not effectiveness, that goes towards the anger you feel towards them. >> it goes to what you're charged with, which is saving lives of citizens and our allies. that's what it goes to, it goes to preventing further attacks, it goes to gathering information in a program that you're developing or working on and is it perfect? absolutely not, it's not perfect. but let's not pretend that people are doing this in some rogue effort to blow their skirt up. >> and that is the main crux of the pushback right now that people have do assess is -- are they having hindsight 20/20 in this report about things that were condoned all along by members in our government. mike baker, thank you for spelling it out and tom fuentes, we appreciate the balance as always. >> fascinating conversation, chris. when it comes to big money and politics there's one potential 2016 candidate who the wealthiest donors say they are ready to support. it may not be who you think.
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the justice department says it won't be investigating or prosecuting anyone in the c.i.a. in the wake of the shocking senate report on the agency's torture tactics. meanwhile, there are growing calls for c.i.a. director john brennan to resign. he is going to address the senate report this afternoon, he's holding a news conference, we'll take questions from
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reporters. the u.s. is closed its controversial detention center near bagram air force base, ending american operations of any prisons in afghanistan. the release of the final detainees ended the lengthy and controversial role of military holding prisoners who had not been charged. they were turned over to afghanistan authorities a day after the release of the senate report on the c.i.a. congressional staffers are planning to walk out of capitol hill, protesting the eric garner and michael brown grand jury decisions. organizers say the demonstration is an effort to support the ongoing protests against police aggression. in the meantime, six mothers gathered in washington, sharing their pain in losing sons in police shootings. sony's dirty laundry being aired after the huge hack attack, including nasty comments about actors angelina jolie. in leaks, co-chair amy pascal, super producer scott ruden call
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jolie a quote minimally talented spoiled brat with a rampaging ego. he was angry at the oscar winner after she reportedly tried to poach director david fincher, you know we got to discuss this. brian stelter will join us to discuss. >> you're in the going do stand for letting someone insult angelina jolie. >> don't project on to me your fascination with a particular person. >> yeah, that's actually me that i'm talking about. i can't wait for that discussion. we have to get to "inside politics" with john king. hi, john. >> alisyn, chris, michaela, good morning to you. this is the day the government is supposed to run out of money. will the congress keep the government up and running? let's go inside application with me to share reporting and insight, "the atlantic"'s molly ball and tamara keith.
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from npr. this is the deadline for the budget. conservatives are angry, they say the republicans just won an election in which they said we're against the president's priorities, especially on the imdepression executive action. red state conservative saying it's unconstitutional what the president does. they swore an oath to uphold, protect and defend the constitution, they'll be violating their oath. so the grassroots conservative base is mad. but this is going to pass, right? >> it seems entirely likely and if it doesn't pass it won't be because of the republicans, it will be because of the democrats. the congressional republicans, house republicans somewhere in the neighborhood of maybe 70, 80 of them are going to peel off and not vote for it 30 of them would have never voted for it, no mat weather it did. democrats are upset, too, though. they don't like provisions that were tucked in about campaign finance, the dodd-frank consumer -- the financial
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reforms that were, are being pulled back. so there's something for everybody to hate in this. but it seems like they're right up against this deadline and they're going to find a way to cobble together the votes. >> so i guess to that point if there's somebody for everybody to hate. is there enough for everybody to like to get it through? is that the idea? >> depending on how you look at it, this is either the definition of compromise, something for both sides to hate, or it's one of these you know, washington typical goody-filled bills on things that have nothing to do with the actual proximate goal which is to get the government funded and that's the kind of thing that everybody hates about washington is every senator and representative gets to throw their little thing into the bill as it gallops across the deadline and nobody can muster the will to object because we've got to get the government funded. but the leadership does believe they will be able to cobble together the votes as tamara said, some republicans will peel off. nancy pelosi is opposed to the bill because of the provisions that tamara mentioned.
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but she is not whipping actively against it it's expected enough democrats will fill the gap that it will get majority in the house. >> enough democrats think i don't like this, i don't like this, but we have to keep the government up and running. you mentioned dodd-frank was the big financial reform bill passed after the financial collapse in 2008. set new rules on banks, supposed to protect the little guy, put the banks under more of a watchdog status, nancy pelosi doesn't like the proposed changes to that neither does elizabeth warren. who took to the floor of the house of representatives, listen to her say no way. >> the house of representatives is about to show us the worst of government for the rich and powerful. the house is about to vote on a budget deal. a deal negotiated behind closed doors, that slips in a provision that would let derivatives traders on wall street gamble with taxpayer money and get bailed out by the government when their risky bets threat ton
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blow up our financial system. these are the same banks that nearly broke the economy in 2008 and destroyed millions of jobs. >> she's obviously a rising star in the democratic caucus in the senate. some liberal groups are begging, pushing, pleading for her to run for president on the democratic side in that sound bite is a little bit of everything. that behind closed doors, deal that helps the rich bankers, screws the little guy. powerful speech. but not enough to stop this? >> well she's very good at that populism thing. and she's sort of pulling a ted cruz here. she's stand oefrg in the senate and telling the house, stop this thing, don't do it. the reality is that her colleagues in the senate actually negotiated this. and so, she can stand on principle, but it looks to be pretty hard to stop. >> you've had a lot of liberal groups raising money off elizabeth warren with these polls. you know should elizabeth warren run for president, move on says
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it's going to spend $1 million to draft her to run for president, they're hoping to raise more than $1 million, they're supposed to get their money back by having it out there and pushing it around. is there any reason to believe that because something she objects to profoundly is about to happen, that she would change her thinking? >> the problem with the elizabeth warren caucus is it's too small. whether you're talking about in the senate, in the house, or in the base of the democratic party, in real polls, elizabeth warren is not getting anywhere near the support that hillary clinton is even among the liberal wing of the democratic party, where hillary tends to do very well. so i have yet to see any reason to believe that the, that the warren percentage is more than a minority at this point. it's just a very loud vocal and angry minority. >> another thing tucked into the spending bill, the goal is to keep the government up and running, but because the train is likely to make it to the
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president's desk and he'll sign it everybody wants to attach their caboose to it. >> under current law individual donations in a campaign are capped at $32,400 a year. the new cap? $777,600. that's an adjustment more for inflation, i would say or if you look at it over a two-year election cycle, you can currently give about $1.5 million as an individual. as a couple, i'm sorry, your cap, you would be able to give $1.5 million in a two-year election cycle. a couple could give more than $3 million. so more money into a political system that a lot of people complain has too much money. >> yes. and, and it's in there. you know, three powerful words in washington "must-pass bill." the interesting thing is a lot of people don't want to claim credit for sneaking this one in. but the parties will be perfectly happy to get the mo y money. it gives them a little advantage
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in the fight with superpacs over influence in politics. >> a little irony as it plays out. we're talking about rich people getting to put more money or people with wealth. put more money in the process, the elizabeth warren says the deal in congress is going to screw the little guy and help the millionaires. cnn released a poll. hillary clinton likes to be in every poll. but 31% of millionaires think hillary clinton should be the next president of the united states. 18% say jeb bush, 14% say chris christie. neighbor this is the one poll you don't want to lead, a poll of millionaires? >> i do think that this is a perception that clings to hillary regardless of whether this polling existed. i don't think it's a secret that at least among democrats she is the one that wall street would favor. she has very good relationships with the so-called 1%. there's plenty of things to be skeptical about this poll in particular. from the way the sample was put together to the candidates that they selected, you know, if you
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put the republican candidates together, there's a lot more millionaire support for them than there is for clinton. but you know, i do think that there's a lot of things about hillary that are going to cause her to be branded as a sort of corporate democrat. and you know that might be more harmful to her if there was an actual democratic primary. which we're not quite seeing so far. but even in a general election, think her republicans get better at sounding those populist themes that tamara was talking about. >> you question the methodology. so it's a fun poll to talk, about i'm not sure it's terribly scientifically valid. molly and tamara, thanks for coming in. watch the debate play out in the house, the tone of the house debate will determine whether the senate gets this done tomorrow before the weekend or whether they have to do a temporary spending bill to keep the government open. these guys want to go home, i suspect they get it done. >> i like that you can watch all that so we don't have to. >> we'll be there for you. >> we'll check in with you of
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course throughout the day and tomorrow. job, great to see you. one of bill cosby's accusers wants to take him to court, using a different strategy than we've seen before. will her case hold water? we'll ask mark geragos, we'll be right back. we all eat foods that are acidic... most of the time people are shocked when we show them where they're getting the acid, and what those acids can do to the enamel. there's only so much enamel on a tooth, and everybody needs to do something about it now if they want to preserve their teeth. i recommend pronamel because it helps strengthen the tooth and makes it more resistant to acid breakdown. we want to be healthy and strong through the course of our life, and by using pronamel every day, just simply using it as your toothpaste, you know you will have that peace of mind.
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a new lawsuit has been filed against bill cosby by one of his accusers, tamara green says she was drugged and sexually assaulted by the comedian in the early 1970s. and she is now suing cosby, not for assault, but for defamation. we spoke with green's attorney earlier. >> we advised her that this was an avenue that was appropriate. to be followed and pursued to have her day in court. to have a forum where truth can be tried, where both sides can be heard on the issue of whether or not there was a sexual assault. if there was, she wins, if there wasn't, mr. cosby wins. each side will be able to get their witnesses and their evidence and present it to a jury and a jury will decide. >> so does this lawsuit have merit? let's bring in mark geragos, a cnn legal analyst and defense attorney, great to see you,
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mark. >> good to see you. >> what do you think of the unconventional route of going after bill cosby for defamation. >> it's an end-run around the statute of limitations, you have a very short period of time for statute of limitations in sexual assault cases. some states allow to you go for a longer period of time. this may not, notwithstanding that little speech by the lawyer, this may not ever get in front of a jury. there are -- >> why? >> there are all kinds of problems with this case, first of all, freedom of speech. second of all, litigation privilege. so something that's in contemplation of litigation. can you respond to that. when she starts giving, if you read the complaint, she's giving interviews and then they're responding. there's going to be a lot of litigation before you ever see a jury in this case and it may not get there. >> she is saying that because he's called her a wrecking ball and because he called her a liar, that he has defamed her. does she have to prove that her life was damaged somehow by
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this? >> she has to have some kind of damage. she doesn't have to show extreme emotional distress, but in this case, the bigger problem really is the freedom of speech issue. >> so will a judge let this go forward? >> i have my serious doubts that a federal district court judge, and this is filed in the district court, is going to let this go to a jury trial. >> if a judge does let this go forward, does that mean that bill cosby has to show up in a courtroom and answer all of these even sexual assault charges? >> well, specifically as to her. not as to others. >> but the sexual assault would come into the defamation case, if this goes forward? >> that's why this is kind of a creative end-run around the statute of limitations, because what you're trying to do is get to the substance of the allegations in the first place. >> as you know, there are many women who have come forward claiming this same thing, that they, too, were drugged and sexually assaulted in the '60s and the '70s, there are now according to cnn's count, 22 women with similar claims. here is what this accused
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victim, tamara green says about how she believes her lawsuit will open pandora's box. she said my attorney has also not just provided a forum for me and a day in court for me, but the equal opportunity for other women who have similarly situated, who have been raped or sexually assaulted by bill cosby and thereafter have been resavaged as a defamer and a liar. do you think that other women will follow this route? >> i think you've seen already some gloria yale rallred did ths conference, i'm sure gloria has considered that. i think it's a creative device, there's no getting around it. the problem is that you run smack-dab into the first amendment in these cases and this idea of litigation privilege. >> here's what bill cosby's publicist has said about this. this is a 10-year-old discredited accusation. that proved to be nothing at the time. and still is nothing. would you, if you were bill
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cosby's attorney, would you recommend that bill cosby ever speak out and address these things? or should, has his strategy of complete silence worked? >> well, i think, look, marty singer is a great lawyer and i know him and i respect him a great deal. part of the problem he has in a case like this, is when you have bill cosby out there and he's doing interviews and somebody asks this question, and he just goes radio silent, that's a problem. and as a lawyer, that puts new a tough position. >> so what's the answer? >> actually while this is going on, you're in kind of a triage mode. i mean marty has got to deal with 22, by your count people coming out of the woodwork and that presents a real problem for him. i don't know that saying anything at this point is helpful to his cause. giving interviews and not discussing it, i think is a negative. and so -- >> also not helpful to his cause. >> that isn't helpful as well. >> mark geragos, great to see
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you, thank you for coming into new day. another legal battle, fossil fight, the largest t-rex skeleton ever uncovered named sue. just the beginning of the story. why did the find of a lifetime, trigger a lifetime of conflict? that's the premise of "dinosaur 13" a cnn film. we'll take you through it.
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>> a scene there from the new cnn film "dinosaur 13" airs tonight, tells the story of one of the greatest discoveries in history, the largest, the most complete t-rex ever found. tie rainsathe tyrannosaurus rex knick-named sue. join us is the director todd miller. it's amazing this film traces what was supposed to be this great amazing discovery but quickly turned into a nightmare. >> it really did. they thought they found, and they did find the greatest find of a lifetime, as we say in the film but the fbi showed up two years after and seized the dinosaur and what they thought was going to be this momentous occasion in their lives their professional and personal lives turned into a living nightmare and played out in the series of
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civil case and also a criminal trial. >> it's interesting because one of the things that is part of this film is this community that was very much part of the film. i'm curious about the effect it's had. i don't want to give away because we always wanted to point people to the film tonight. it's abintriguing tale. this community played such a part in this. it wasn't just the backdrop for this story. >> they really did. in fact, when the dinosaur got back, we're talking about a town back then, 700, 800 people. in a small town this was a giant deal and to the region and to the surrounding communities. so the institute in which it was brought back to actually was going to put it into their own museum, they were going to build a museum so the town for two years as they were prepping the dinosaur were hoping that this would not only get some tourism in there. >> right, revitalize the community. >> put it on the map and they
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got a knock on the door. >> they got that knock on the door, why he. it's interesting, because you tell the story, you're very much invested in it. i know you had ideas what was at stake. you go into it as a documenta n idocumentarian with one idea. >> the film is based on the book, and they gave me the latitude when we optioned the book to go out and research it, spent years researching, talking to everyone involved in the case and i really did approach it more as a journalist to go out there and vet all the sources, make sure that i had people corroborating all the information or the facts that we uncovered so i feel confident and everything that we put in the film. >> i'll quote taylor swift, haters are going to hate, hate, hate, hate, and they have. you know how that is.
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you make a film, you make an offering and there's always critics. interesting though, the criticism leveled at the film specifically from the national park services senior geologist also from the society of vertebrate paleontology, even "the washington post," coming out calling the film "one-sided." i want to give you a chance, not often does a filmmaker get to rebut criticism. i'm curious what your thoughts are. >> the society of vertebrate paleontology, svp is a curious case. they released a press release yesterday against the film like sea world going up against "blackfish" from last year. there were things that we did not put in the film that would i think clear it up quite quickly as to this kind of vocal minority within awe professional organization like svp and what they're trying to do, discredit the film their bias against one
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paleontologist. some of the statements in the press release are absolute lies. they're just not true. one of which was that there were three felonies that there were convictions on. peter larson was never found guilty of felonies related to fossil collecting. he was found guilty on two that had nothing to do with fossil collecting so people just need to watch the film and decide for themselves. >> it airs tonight, "dinosaur 13" right here on cnn, 9:00 p.m. eastern. todd, really a pleasure to have you with us. thanks so much. alisyn? >> that cia torture report making waves around the world but what is the white house saying? will the ci,'s feet be held to the fire somehow? we have a live report ahead.
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for dance-all-you want protection. no wonder more women already prefer new always discreet pads over poise. new always discreet. now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. because, hey, pee happens. former vice president dick cheney says the report is full of crap. should cia officials be prosecuted and did the harsh tactics save lives? as millions clean up from a
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nor'easter on the east coast, millions brace in northern california for what could be the worst storm in a decade. schools in the bay area were forced to close this morning. leaked e-mails from stony pictures pit execs against some of the silver screen biggest names. who will get top honors at the golden globes this year? we'll discuss the nominees, the surprises and the snubs. your "new day" continues your "new day" continues right now. -- captions by vitac -- >> announcer: in this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning, welcome back to "new day." it is thursday, december 11th. just after 8:00 in the east. chris cuomo with alisyn camerota here. in the wake of that scathing senate report on cia's torture tactics, the justice department is declining to prosecute or even investigate. now the question is, will the cia face the firestorm and calls for him to resign.
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>> john brennan has agreed to answer questions at a press conference this afternoon as lawmakers call for him to step down accusing him of lying to the american people. jim acosta, what do we know? >> reporter: good morning, alisyn. the white house is steering clear of but the big questions coming out of the torture report, should cia officials be prosecuted for the harsh interrogation techniques and did they work? there's one person willing to answer those questions, dick cheney. with the debate raging over the fallout of the torture report, the white house is staying on the sidelines. josh earnest refused to weigh in whether cia officials should be tried for tactics the president described himself as torture. >> did those details warrant going back and reexamining whether they should be prosecuted? >> they are made by career federal prosecutors at the
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department of justice. >> the prosecutors who looked into the program won't be looking into a new investigation. trial or no trial, the cia has some big names coming to its defense, from former vice president dick cheney who blasted the report on fox news. >> i think it's a terrible piece of work. we did exactly what needed to be done in order to catch those who were guilty on 9/11 and to prevent a further attack and we were successful on both parts. and i think -- >> this report says it was not successful. >> their report is full of crap. >> to former director michael hayden. >> what stunned me is the fact it was written in the way it was written. it is an unrelenting prosecutorial document. >> reporter: both men say the cia is right inserting harsh interrogation methods prevented atacks and saved life. but on that crucial question, the white house takes no position. >> it is impossible to know the
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counter-factual. it's impossible to know whether or not this information could have been obtained using tactics that are consistent with the army field manual or other law enforcement techniques. >> the cia is lying. >> reporter: mark udall called on the president to clean house at the cia. the review conducted by former leanne panetta found the agency repeatedly misled congress about the brutal tactics. >> the president needs to purge his administration of high level officials, instrumental to the development and running of this program. director brennan, that means resigning. >> reporter: the white house is standing by john brennan says the president has confidence in his cia director and brennan will have a chance to defend himself in person later on when he holds a news conference at the cia. alisyn and chris? >> thank you very much for the reporting. very interesting perspective here will be what did people at the cia think they were doing
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and what did they think about that? we can get that to you right now. we have former senior cia terrorism analyst cindy stohr, works with kronos advisory, you were in the intelligence business, cindy, working at the cia during the time this was going on. let me ask you straight out, did people at the cia know that torture was going on in the name of the united states' interests? >> certainly people, some people at cia knew that these things were happening. they didn't call it torture. if they called it torture they wouldn't have been doing it because that's illegal, so you had to go through the process of going through lawyers and going through the law and figuring out what was considered to be legal at the time and what wasn't. now, not everybody knew what was being done, in fact most people didn't know the details. >> and why do you think that was? >> well, it's the kind of thing you don't want leaks. that's one of the biggest
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reasons, and everybody knew and i know that others have said this before eventually a lot of information will get out and a lot of people will disagree. if you're going to continue a program like this you have to prevent leaks as long as possible. >> the federal report congress was misled by the cia, do you believe that? >> i do. yes. one of the things that happens on the inside, it's just like any other bureaucracy, where the leadership has decided that something needs doing, and that it's a good thing, and then the questions that come down to the workforce are not, is this a good thing or not, it's help me justify this thing that we've decided to do. >> this is big. so you have the head of the cia right now. you have passed heads of counterterrorism and of the agency. you have the vice president, all of them say the government knew what we were doing and they said it was okay. you're saying that's not true.
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how confident are you in that? >> well, certainly the justice department i think knew -- let me take that back. i'm not sure who at highest levels knew all of the details, because i wasn't privy to that. i opted out from the beginning, so -- >> why? >> -- i wouldn't see a lot of those details? >> it was legal, it was okay? >> because i thought it was morally wrong, and i didn't know exactly what was happening, but i could see the atmosphere building after 9/11, and people are saying things like "the gloves are coming off," and i just had this feeling that that was, this was not going in any kind of a good direction and i didn't want to be part of it. >> let me play something for you that a former colleague of yours at the cia said about one of the reasons that these tactics were deemed okay. play the sound. >> but none of us are planning to fly planes into a building, kill thousands of people or behead individuals on videotape and blast it around the world. >> that goes to vengeance, not
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effectiveness, it goes toward the anger. >> no it doesn't, no it doesn't. it goes to what you're charged with, saving lives. >> he said that the tactics that you used, that you used them on each other first to try it out. is there any reason to believe that you did to each other what you would do to detainees? >> you couldn't go, you wouldn't go as far on each other. >> sounds like an excuse. >> well, all the reports say that, i mean again, i wasn't involved but all the reports say including the internal investigation that things went beyond the training manual. clearly there were things done not done to our own people and under different conditions. one of the psychologists is talking about the difference between being a voluntary person going through this and being someone who is being coerced, and that there are different psychological effects. >> the cia was asked in short order to become something that decidedly it was not by all accounts. one was operationally able to
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take on these types of interrogations and two, able to be a detention management place. do you believe the cia was overwhelmed with the mandate? >> sure. anybody would be. you have to remember, this is right after 9/11. it was kind of crazy. everybody was worried about the next attack coming and the attack after that and the attack after that, and that we didn't see another 9/11 in the u.s., there were major attacks overseas fairly frequently for a couple of years and so the cia was under tremendous pressure to never let it happen again, and that's the phrase, this is never going to happen again. >> but it seems like there was a recklessness guiding this. you hear the people at the top justifying it was vetted, it was okay, we knew how to do it, it was a balancing process of a little bit of enhanced stuff and a little bit of regular stuff but was the real reality as word spread throughout the agency that this was reckless, that you were just trying to do whatever you could? it was more desperation than it
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was strategic? >> listen, a lot of what the cia does is get a mission, go do it. it's a can-do organization and people just do the best they can on the fly. is that recklessness? i don't know. again, i'm not justifying it, because i think it's morally wrong. >> do you think brennan should step down? >> i don't know, because i don't know the extent of his involvement. >> how could he not have known? how would people at the top of the organization not know what's going on below it? is that a reality? could that be possible? >> on this subject? >> yes. >> i don't know if everybody knew everything. this is impossible to know. also -- yes. >> okay. what else do you want to tell us, before i let you go? >> just that i think this is something that i'm glad it's come out because we need to have this talk about who we are as a nation. are we people who do this or not? >> we got to get straight what was done and who said it was okay and then we can talk about why we do these things. that's the problem is that we
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have two different versions of what happened and why. we need to narrow that down. that's why your perspective is helpful and i'll probably call on you again as beget more information. >> okay, thank you, chris. >> thank you. alisyn? let's talk about some extreme weather. monster storm is set to slam northern california, expected to pack heavy rain and hurricane-force winds triggering emergency preparations. while the coming deluge may seem like relief to the drought-stricken state this could be the worst storm in decades. dan simon is live in san francisco. look at the winds near the san francisco bay bridge. dan, what's it like there? >> reporter: hi, we are in downtown san francisco. right now things are relatively calm but the city is expected to get absolutely hammered, two between four and nine inches of rain, that's why some say this could be the worst storm in a nun of years, it could rival the
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worst storm we've seen in 50 years. if it isn't the rain it could be the wind. we expect hurricane force winds could get anywhere from 50 to 60 miles per hour, as you said they're taking a close look at the bridges. the golden gate bridge hasn't been closed since 198 3. if they have to close the bridge it would be historic. all kinds of preparations in the last few days. public schools are closed today. utility cruise trimming tree limbs to make sure they don't fall on power lines, clearing storm drains, so you don't have much flooding but we'll keep a close eye on the situation as i said right now, things relatively calm, but could be seeing a lot of rain in a matter of minutes, alisyn. >> be careful, dan, take cover. thanks so much. >> literally the calm before the storm. let's get more on what is headed that way from meteorologist chad myers. what do you see? >> i saw a 96-mile-per-hour wind gust about 150 miles north of san francisco as the rain came onshore with the thunderstorms.
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that's for the people of northern california. they've had it up in washington and oregon the past couple of days but now the system is sliding closer to san francisco and it will be a brutal day. already 98 flights are canceled into san francisco this morning and it's only, what, 5:12 in the morning. so more cancellations are likely throughout the day. four to eight inches of rainfall. to break a drought you need an inch of rain maybe every four days. you don't need four inches of rain in 24 hours or for that matter, eight inches, but we will get a lot of snow in the sierra, that's great, get the snow up there. blizzard warnings. one report i saw said they can expect on the top of the ridges near inkind village near tahoe, 120-mile-per-hour wind gusts are possible on the highest of elevations and even into san francisco, winds of 50 or 60 miles per hour. today all the way to 55, reno tonight all the way to 60, but here is another important question here. this storm slides farther to the south so l.a., you'll get winds almost 40 miles per hour
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tomorrow. that's how it looks. this is a big storm, one on the west, one on the east coast. the east coast storm winding down, light snow in new york city but the big snow for the rest of the day is in the south of the niagara frontier to erie, pennsylvania. >> chad thanks for keeping an eye on it. let's get you right to mick for the news this morning. >> good morning once again everybody. dangerous course on operative may have survived a u.s. air strike. it was believed david drugeon was killed last month, the master bombmaker was now only injured and treated at a secure location. newly released video taken hours after the deadly mass shooting at seattle pacific university back in june shows the suspected gunman giving his account of what happened and why. in the video, he describes posing as a transfer student to tour the campus before the shooting. he also spoke about struggling with demons.
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>> i wouldn't have wanted to kill people. i wanted to live a happy life. my hate got over me. >> ibarra has pleaded not giuily to murder and attempted murder charms. a florida man is grinning wide and catching some flack. timothy poole is a registered sex offender, arrested in 1999 for abusing a minor. people were outraged when they recognized the man in the picture that was posted online. the 43-year-old man has been arrested 12 times and served time in prison twice. here is a picture that is worth a thousand words in this case it is worth $6.5 million, a world record, the most expensive photo ever sold. it is titled "phantom" captured
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by peter lick at arizona's antelope canyon. it shows a beam of light resembling a ghost-like figure. that photo is sold to a private collector, decided to remain a anonymo anonymous. >> if you didn't know what it was, what did you think it is? >> light and smoke rising. >> what would you think it is? >> a moonscape. >> i thought it was part of the president's endoscopy showing acid reflux. oh, this is heartburn. i had an endoscopy done and looked just like that. >> wonder how much that would fetch at auction. >> let's raise some money. >> my mother would buy it. she's very interested. back to our top story now, there's fallout from the cia torture report. the agency and bush era officials are on the defensive this morning. cheney calling the report "full of crap." we're talking with a lawmaker
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who is part of a select committee on intelligence. plus, parents out there, you may be hurting your kids and don't know it, microwaving. we've felt different ways about it over the years. dr. sanjay gupta will fill us in. right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast,
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the cia on the defense this morning over the senate report on the use of what it calls torture during cia interrogations. former vice president dick cheney calls the report "full of crap" and says that the use of enhanced interrogation techniques were justified. let's bring in republican senator com coburn of oklahoma,
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a ranking member on the homeland security committee and medical doctor. great to see you this morning. >> good morning, how are you? >> doing well. after a blistering report like this is released there are often calls for someone to be held accou accountable for what we see in this report. who do you think should be held responsible? >> first thing ought to be the critique of the report. i was really disappointed. you can't just look at pieces of paper and make the judgments that the committee made. there's no context in this report because nobody was interviewed that had association with any of this. >> the committee said they couldn't interview cia operatives because there was an investigation going on. >> no, they were blocked from interviewing because obama administration threatened to prosecute them so you can't put them in dual jeopardy. you put out a substandard report that doesn't have any context
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until that had been decided. the number one goal is to get out a report, whether it's accurate or not. i don't agree with the asuchings of the report. the cia did a lot of things wrong there's no question. we all recognize that. i think they've admitted that. they weren't prepared to do this in 9/11. they were handed something to do under the guidance of legal koup and so i'm not as upset about that. the number one thing i'm upset about on the report, what are the recommendations for us for the future? when we have another issue and we're going to have issues reli this come again especially with isil and the world in the shape it is, what are the facts that need to be learned to guide us to make better decisions in the future? there's none of that in here. >> wouldn't the senate committee say they weren't tasked with that, that wasn't the point of this report? they were assessing what happened and getting a full accounting of whether or not those enhanced interrogation
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techniques did lead to actionable intelligence or if they were classified as torture but moving forward that wasn't their goal. >> i think their goal was to say exactly what they said without putting it in context. that's why i think the report has very little value. i know what the cia did wrong. i'm privileged to have interviewed many of the interrogators, and seen the consequences of both the fruits and the kobs queconsequences of actions. to me, we know we made mistakes as a country following 9/11. i see very little import of this report in terms of how it will guide us for the future and i think that's the biggest failing. we need help for the future on how are we going to handle these things in the future and what are we going to learn from the mistakes we did make, what is it to be learned and how do we guide that and how do we give informed knowledge to people making decisions in the future,
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and to me, we've got it all stirred up about the cia and torture. the thing is, what did we learn? i'm disappointed with he came to a conclusion without any contextual insight to it and without any recommendations for the future. do you think john brennan should stay on as the head of the cia? >> i absolutely do. i didn't vote to confirm john brennan but i found him to be honest with me in my dealings in intelligence on the committee, and also to be very straightforward. i've not found he's been dishonest or lied to me or led me astray in any way and we're aggressive on that committee in terms of double checking what we're told. i don't think we ought to change it middle stream right now. i think he also has confidence
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in the team. >> you are well-known in congress as the person who points out all of the wasteful spending. you're sort of the pork slayer and you will be leaving congress next year, but not before you've given them one massive report on tax loopholes. what did you find in that report? >> well, i just found we're going to spend $5 trillion over the next five years in terms of tax benefits to selected groups of people that may not be in the terms of the growing and new jobs but we tried to create something that the american peop people could look at and read, where does the money go. home mortgages, everybody said that's a middle class benefit. it's not. 73% of it goes to people making
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a quarter million dollars more a year. that's not middle class. that's upper class. we have all the false assumptions in the tax codes saying it's for middle class when it's not and the whole point of this was to inform where the money is going, and whether or not it's accomplishing things that are good for the country. my thought would be that we ought to have capital go where it gets the greatest benefit for the most people in this country, and when we pick and choose winners through the tax code, we don't necessarily do a very good job at that, and consequently, we have a lot of people that don't have jobs today and a lot of wealth that's not being created because we've done it. >> it's hard to argue with that logic, and those reports are always an entertaining and troubling read. senator tom coburn, thanks so much for joining us on "new day." >> you're welcome, glad to be with you, good morning. let's go over to chris. >> alisyn, this is something that comes up from time to time but we have new information for you, household products, could they be harming your kids?
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a new study finds many things we have in the house do contain a potentially toxic chemical. we bring in dr. sanjay gupta to tell us what they are and what we can do about it. also, the way the e-mails came out was wrong but boy are they interesting to look at. sony pictures e-mails from big-named producers talking about big-named stars and other producers and really reveal on ugly world. we'll take you through it. here's our new trainer ensure active heart health. i maximize good stuff, like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. new ensure active heart health supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. ensure, take life in. suddenly you're a mouthbreather.
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well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. so you can breathe and sleep. (vo)rescued.ed. protected. given new hope. during the subaru "share the love" event, subaru owners feel it, too. because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. we'll have given 50 million dollars over seven years. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about americas favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
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all right it's a new day, new you. common household products may be harming your children. new study finds most contain a chemical called phthalates which can harm your child's iq, the common household items. here to discuss it is cnn's chief medical correspondent dr.idr. ing sanjay gupta. my green friends in california talked to me about phthalates for some time. why are they harmful, what is the concern? >> a lot of people talk about this and especially women who are pregnant always wondering what they should avoid, what's okay. phthalates is something that comes up a lot. phthalates are the things that make mrs. ticks bendier, if it you will, makes them easier to bend and also associated with a lot of scented products, hair
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sprays that have scent, air fresheners that have scent to it, things oftentimes food is packaged in. those are the types of phthalates and they've been something that has been looked at for some time for all sorts of different health effects. this one specifically looking at pregnant women and the impact on the baby ace few years later. >> here's the question, is the exposure lifetime or specifically when the woman is pregnant? >> for this study and there's all kinds of studies but this study specifically looked at women pregnant, 328 women, they're all in new york city and basically followed them along. women who had the highest concentration with a couple of phthalates in their third trimester of pregnancy, those children, the children that were born subsequently had an iq points that were a few points lower by age around 7 or so. by the time those kids turn 7 iq points slightly lower. this is not a cause and effect study. those are hard to establish but they're concerned that phthalates may have something to
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do with the lower iq. >> concern is enough for parents. parents that are watching right now, pregnant women especially, what can they be on the lookout for, doctor in there are some simple things without turning your life upside down. it's a risk/reward and it's impossible to avoid all phthalates because of the numbers of products they're in. we made a list of a few things. one question comes up, do you microwave foods in these plastic containers. the answer is don't do that. those food packing often has phthalates in it, microwaving releases it more. scented products, makes people's nose itch as it is but scented products have more phthalates which allows the scent to travel and also if you're being careful look for the labels on recycled plastics, 3, 6 and 7. if you see those, those have higher concentrations of these particularly concerning phthalates. impossible to avoid completely but's sxes but especially for pregnant women some reasonable and
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easy-to-do advice. >> for the rest of us not bad guidance? >> be careful not to say that adults out there being exposed to phthalates on a regular basis there's some particular harm. we don't know that. the chemicals are endocrine disrupters, they interfere the way who are mopes communicate signals throughout the body, particularly relevant when a baby is developing but on adults it's not clear yet. >> dr. sanjay gupta, thanks so much. >> thanks, mick, appreciate that, thank you. >> alisyn? >> thanks so much, michaela. a massive hack of sony pictures is exposing some nasty e-mail exchanges between studio execs. find out what one top hollywood producer said about angelina jolie. plus award season is here. the golden globe nominees are here this morning. who is in who is out? we'll tell you. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking.
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here we go with the five things to know for your new day. new calls for cia director john brennan to step down in the wake of the shocking senate report on the agency's torture tactics. news conference will be head this afternoon. american officials claim a terrorist may have survived a u.s. air strike. initially it was believed a khorasan bombmaker was killed when his car was hit in the attack last month. a powerful storm expected to pack hurricane-force winds and send heavy rain slamming northern california. bay area schools classes have been canceled there for the first time since the terror attacks of 9/11. security is amped up even higher in the west bank as a senior palestinian official who died during a clash with israeli troops is laid to rest, in
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response, president mahmoud abbas suspended all security coordination with israel. the fate of a government shutdown in the hands of the house when they vote today on a major spending bill. democrat elizabeth warren is urging progressives to not back the bill until one provision is nixed. we update the five things to know. stay on top of it visiting for the latest. mick? >> yes. >> hollywood is an ugly place and we can prove it. the hack attack of sony may have been wrong but the e-mails are out there now. let me tell you, it is revelatory of what is going on in that place. we bring host of "reliable sources" brian stelter, seat at the table deserved here sir. these are incredible. hooer is the first one from scott rudin to amy pascal, talking about angelina jolie. "i'm not remotely interested in presiding over a $180 million ego bath we both know will be
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the career-defining debacle for both of us. i'm not destroying my career over a minimally talented spoiled brat who thought nothing of shoving this off her plate for 18 months so she could do g direct a movie." >> so far from the glitz and glamo glamour, this is the more real honest side of hollywood, what really happens behind the scenes, we never get to see. now we see the proof. >> they are having a discussion, one attending a breakfast with the president of the united states and asked her colleague what she should ask the president, would he like to finance some movies? is i doubt it, should i ask him if he'd like jango, 12 years a slave or the butler or think like a man? >> what do those share in common? ? they sure sound like racial messages we're hearing from them. these are all films about african americans, all those
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themes. some people called that e-mail racist. i would say it's at least racial, not racist but racial. >> were both people contributors to the democratic campaigns? >> they were. they were. i'm sure they will be in the future as well. >> might need to spend a little more money now and make a phone call to the white house. >> this is not good for scott rudin. >> no. several of the most shocking e-mails that have come out in this leak are from him. he is a famed man in hollywood, known for his temper, known for this kind of language and tone, lots of folks have gotten into fights with him. we never really see them in public. >> the business is portrayed this way in movies and tv shows about the business. >> in private they talk about the fact it's an ugly place. >> listen to this one again from him to this amy pascal, other big producer. "you better shut angie down before she makes it hard for david fincher to do steve jobs' biopic. she says do not f-ing threaten
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me. he says i have zero appetites for the indulgence of spoiled brats. watch out how you talk to me. >> talent is talked about behind closed doors and it's not just true at sony. i'm sure elsewhere. david finch directed a different movie, the tug-of-war going on over talent. i've got to imagine it will be harder for some of the folks to work with people in the future now. >> it's kind of interesting, scott rudin's response. what did he have to say, deflect, deflect, deflect. >> his statement about all of this? he's come out and said this is not about salacious e-mails. this is about a criminal act. he says it's about a criminal act and the people behind it should be treated as nothing more nor less than criminals. these were found by hackers published in a way that is a criminal act. once they're out there, they are fair game for the outlets covering them. i talked to an executive of sony
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who said god forbid this happened to your media company because this has been so damaging to them. the person also said it's still business as usual. we're up and running and releasing movies. it's just a whole lot harder because of the damage that has come out. >> are you allowed to be critical publicly of angelina jolie who is the "if" woman? >> it wasn't public. >> now that it has where does he go to get his reputation back? >> it's harder for stony to work with some of the stars and directors in the future. i'm not so sure about that. i think everyone sort of is in on the joke sometimes. they probably know that you act like friends at the parties but you might be enemies behind the scenes. >> you think he was a future emoticons away from one of these? >> behind closed doors it's a nasty business. the e-mails about obama that seem racialized that's a different issue. >> might have problems with that. >> in terms of the relationships, it's kind of a
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frenemy sort of business, friends and enemies at the same time and these e-mails show how much that's true. >> thanks so much. because of the e-mails, we talk about the golden globe nominations announced, i bet you the seating order may change at the event. who made the cut for the year's best, that's a live picture now, giving us what the nominations are. we're going to tell you what they are as they come out, so stay with us for that. we're also giving you the latest installment of, the original series "wish you were here." this time a blind adventurer takes a nearly 300-mile whitewater kayak journey through the grand canyon. go to >> my name is eric and this is what it's like to kayak the grand canyon blind. grand canyon is an iconic beautiful place in the world and even though i can't see it, i can still experience it with my
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hands touching the rocks and experiencing the sound of the canyons the way they echo. i thought it would be really intriguing to see if a blind person could sort of flourish in all that chaos and sort of feels like you're an astronaut going into space, launching to the moon or something. alookin' good! close it up! got it. ... and then, santa's helpers boarded the train, and off they went. and that's how we got it. wowww ... you guys must've been really good this year. the magic of the season is here,
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♪ everybody comes to hollywood nominations for the 2015 xwoelden globe awards have been announced. here is "entertainment tonight" host and cnn contributor, nischelle turner. hollywood is wide awake so let's talk. >> i don't know if i am but hollywood is. let's talk because there is a lot to digest for the golden globe announcements just announced like two minutes ago. here's how high-tech i am, i took all my notes on my iphone so that's how i'm breaking it all down for you this morning. >> let's talk about best picture. lot of conversation about some of the great films that are coming out this year, who do we have? >> there were a lot of nominations. can we put them up on the screen
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quick? >> we'll try. >> don't count on that. you know how it works. >> only because the golden globes break them up into the drama and the comedy category and the best movies it's "boyhood" "foxcatcher" "immigration game" sgs selma" and "theory of everything" in the drama category. interesting thing about this, there aren't any big studio films. "selma" would be closest here but everything is inpend, smaller films, kind of arty films. the studios aren't getting love for the big budget films but actors are saying we're doing movies that matter and "selma" is a powerful, wonderful film and important film. the director was also nominated for the movie.
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also best actor in a drama for this movie, so it will be interesting to see what happens with that on golden globes. >> is there a comedy category? best actors now? >> we can talk about the best actors. the golden globes give more leeway, they break it up into two categories. couple of surprises i saw, joaquin phoenix nominated for "inherent vice." this movie is just going to be coming out, a paul thomas anderson movie, it is a ride. i saw it the other day. you have to surrender and let yourself go. i am neat sure i understand it but it's very interesting and it was a surprise to see him nominated. also bill murray was double nomineed today for "sait. vince"
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and his performance as one of the best, also nominated for ollie kitridge on the television side. strong field, david oielewo and we also saw mike keaton nominated for "birdman." this will be a strong category. the men had strong performance this is year. i'm not sure the women's category for the acting is as strong. >> who is nominated for actress? >> there's a wide range. again, we're seeing women that are in smaller films. reece witherspoon nominated for "wild" and june-and-moore for "map to the stars." she's been touted and lauded for "alex." that's the role she played as an overly onset alzheimer's patient that everyone said this is a defining moment for her.
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it was interesting to see her nominated for "map to the stars" this morning. also, emily blunt nominated. it will be a good morning for her, very excited for "into the woods" a cute role she plays the bakers wife, a really good musical so it was interesting to see her nominated. meryl streep got nominated in the supporting category for "into the woods." that got a lot of love, nominated for best movie comedy or musical this morning. >> our new bestie here at "new day," angie jolie, didn't get put in there, nominated as director for "unbroken." what's up with that? >> very surprised wi about that actually, that she did not get a nomination. you and i have seen this film, right? >> um-hum. >> it was a tough film to watch but you can also tell it was a tough film to make, and i think she did a great job making this movie. you saw the scenes on the water and the scenes in the cold and it was really a rough time for them, and i think with this
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being her second movie that she directed i think it was great. i was very surprised to see her get shot out at the hollywood foreign press. they love angelina jolie. >> a lot of folks are probably saying i haven't seen these films in theaters. lot of these will be opening in the next weeks and days. the critics get a chance to see hem beforehand. tv also part of the golden globes. any interesting notes we should know about? >> yes, one big one for me. amy poehler is hosting once again. she did not get a nomination for best comedy actress but someone who did, gina rodriguez. remember this name. the star of the show called "jane the virgin" it's a great show. she is so funny, and i'm so glad to see her get some love. i aunnoed the naacp image awards with her earl whier this week and she is a lovely girl, the show is really funny. i'm glad the hollywood press is recognizing her today.
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>> last of all, all of these shows matter but this is an indicator looking forward to oscar nominations, this indicates which way some of the votes will go. >> you know, in some categories, it is and some it's not. the best picture category the hollywood foreign press hasn't been great for out of the past ten years they've gotten it right but the glass half full, three of the last three years they've predicted the best picture winner for the oscars. they do get the acting categories right a lot of time. nine out of the last ten years they've gone on to predict who is going to win the oscar with who wins the golden globes. >> i'd say take a nap but you're on for the rest of the day. we want to hear from you folks at home. head to our facebook page and sound off. nischelle, always a delight. >> absolutely guys, see you
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later. back to the other variety of news. we have an oregon teenager getting a brand new hand, but it's what he's doing with that hand, he's lending a hand to help others and that's why he is "the good stuff" stay with us. hello... i'm an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about americas favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪ hi. i'm new ensure active clear protein drink. >>clear huh?
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you can't breathe through your nose, suddenly, you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do, sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender, in the sleep aisle.
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♪ living in the hall of fame it is time for the stuff that is good. we've told you about 3-d printers made to use prosthetics. this story has a special twist. 13-year-old dawson river from oregon born without fingers in his left hand. 3-d printer and people who donated their time changed all of that. >> i can throw a ball, i can hold bats and things. i can play my favorite sports like basketball and baseball with it. >> such an amazing life changer for him, it got dawson thinking, if i were helped like this, how many others could be helped with 3-d printing? he and his family teamed up with a local school to purchase a 3-d printer exclusively for printing
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prosthetics for people who need them around the world. amazing how little it costs to change somebody's life. listen to dawson's mom. >> it's less than $50 to make one of these hands. you can't put a value on what it does to your kids. >> there it is. >> beautiful. >> we'll leave you with that one. thank you, dawson, for being "the good stuff." "the newsroom" with carol costello. >> something good, we appreciate that. have a great day. "newsroom" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- and good morning, i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. we begin with a monster storm hitting the west coast. so-called river in the sky now bursting its banks over california. take a look at these live pictures of the bay area, the camera bouncing around from the heavy winds and rain, gusts could get up to 80 miles per hour later today. and this is in san
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