tv CNNI Simulcast CNN December 12, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST
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welcome back to or viewers in the u.s. and around the world. >> hey, everyone, here is what we have come canning up for you this hour. >> the director on of the cia spoke to the press on thursday, find out how he responded to the report interrogation tactics. >> heavy rainfall, snow and amazing high winds batter the u.s. west coast, we will have the latest forecast. >> and new details emerging on the extent of the sony hack, one has one exec apologizing. >> and ahead this hour, what this skier said is the most terrifying run of his life. >> that picture says it all. >> it's cool stuff.
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see the whole video. heart pounding stuff. >> just another vacation for me. >> not at all. thank you again for joining us, the cia director rarely holds a news knks, but he had a lot to say thursday about the u.s. is not report on cia interrogation tactics. >> one word he did not use is torture, but as we are about to say. he appears to be falling in line with how the white house views the program. >> the cia director defended his agency, an unprecedented press conference. >> the detention and interrogation program produced useful intelligence that helped the united states stop plans, capture terrorists and save lives. >> but with a strong note on those enhanced techniques, now better aligned with what the house has been saying. >> let me be clear, we have not concluded that it was the use of
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eits within that program that allowed us to obtain usefulful information from detainees subjected to them. the cause and effect relationship between the use of eits and useful information subsequently provided by the detainee is in my view, unknowable. >> he admitted that the cia made mistakes. >> i cannot say with certain whether or not individuals acting with complete honesty. >> but he would not call it tore h -- torture. >> water boarding, beatings, conditions so brutal, one prisoner froze to death. and other things. he said that he did did the though know fully what was going on back then. >> there was many things in the
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record that i read that were concerning and disturbing to me. >> now, they have called for him to resign. president obama has made strong statements against these practices. >> that is not who we are. that's not how we operate. >> the white house saying that torture under mines the morale authority and standing in the world. how does it not under mine the moral authority to do keep people on that were involved during that era. >> those individuals that are serving the president of the united states right now are not engaged and supporting a policy of interrogation techniques. i suppose those individuals did not agree with the policy, they would be not serving the president. >> during the last years of the bush administration are
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defending the harshest tactics used on detainees. he is denying that he hid information about the program from lawmakers. here is more of what he told. >> she is saying that you misled congress, your response? >> yeah, response is you have to be kidding. i argued with the strong support of the president in 2006, during the first summer that i was director that we had to go full monte to the committees. it had to be america's program, not the president's program and to do that we needed political support. so i went down there in september of '06 and then later, the first time that all of the members of the intelligence committee had been briefed in all the details of the program and the only thing that i told them that i had to withhold was the location of the sites. >> let's set apart the abuses,
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the things that were not -- >> the unauthorized. >> such as a medical rehigh tradition. >> stop. that was a medical procedure. they saw they were becoming dehydrated. and they had limbed options to do it. it was intra venus with needles and that was dangerous. >> so you are saying did -- >> i'm not a doctor and neither are you. what i'm told is this is one of the ways that the body is rehydrated. these were medical procedures. and to give you a sense. >> are you really defending rectal hydration. >> i'm giving you a sense of how this report was put together. the activity that was done five times in each time, for the health of the detainee, not part of the interrogation program. not designed to soften h een hi
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questioning. the democrats on to committee have used one half ass unwarranted comment in one e-mail to justify the story that you have now bought hook line and sinker that we use it to abuse other human beings. >> he is quite candid in his comments and resolve with the story. this week marks the 30th anniversary, 30 years of the united nations convention again torture, a promise not to engage in torture that has been ratified by 156 countries since 1984. but human rights watch dog amnesty international said that 79 of the countries still eng e engaged in forms of torture this year. >> they nape five countries that they say it's persistent. mexico, the philippines, and
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others. >> the u.s. house of represents has approved a spending bill to keep egs as from running out hone on midnight. >> they have agreed to a two-day extension of current funding levels to give themselves time to approve the house version of the bill temperature president is expected to --president is expected to sign it. >> the crisis is averted, not without a lot of chaos, here capitol hill, hours before the gomt ran out of money, they passed a $1.1 are trillion bill to keep the government running for a year. it's very, very close. it passed by two votes and it was not clear up until the last minute that they were going to even put the house vote on the floor. and here is why. this was not supposed to happen. people are used to -- this
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particular expending bill was the product of democratic and republican negotiation s in the house and senate. so they were thinking they would pass it. but things began to unravel, when the house democrats split and started to say they don't like some of the things that were in this bill. things that they said hurt consumers, they were for the wealthy, like walling rolling back wall street reforms and campaign if any caps removed. so, because of this, it was not clear whether the votes were going to be there. and at the end of the day, you saw the white house chief of staff come here to capital hill, try to convince house democrats that this is the benefit that they could do, that this big picture sets the democratic
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priorities before republicans take over in congress this actually did pass. you had strange bed fellows, you had republicans and democrats, leadership, hand in handiworking together and liberals and conservatives were opposing thmp just proof that compromise is important to talk about and important to do, but it's not easy in these times when you have such hard and vocal wings in both parties. >> all right. >> i want to bring you news related to the on going tensions in the middle east inform a few hours from now, hamas will celebrate their anniversary with a military march in gaza. >> as you can imagine, they are ramping up security with the anticipation of the protests of a palestinian official after a confrontation with israeli
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soldiers. there's been an autopsy, but no agreement on why he died. >> the coffin contains the official that died after a confrontation with israeli troops. the funeral drew thousands. the death is throwing the deeply troubled relationship between israel and the palestinian authority in to crisis. wednesday evening, he chaired an emergency meeting of the palestinian leadership. what happened today is a crime by any definition. he said. and we cannot remain patient or quiet about it. israeli prime minister netanyahu sent a message that israel will investigate the incident but there's little if any trust left between the two sides.
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jord jordanian pathologist performed an autopsy, but failed to agree on led to his death. they said that he died from a harsh blow to his dlungs and excessive force and tear gas was a contributing factor. a preliminary report from the isreali health ministry said that his death was caused by a blockage of the coartery, pointg out he had a heart condition, his brother said is that the dramatic images speak more than words. the cameras picture approximates show that he was beaten and his neck was squeezed and the gas and stress and shouting led to his death t funeral was followed by clashes. young pal stin yaps take aim at the check points.
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their stones and burning tires have little effect on the isreali troops down behind the walls and in their concrete towers. they are perhaps a reminder, however, that this smoldering century old conflict can burst in to flames quickly. in the wake of the death of the official, security has been beefed up in anticipation of more protests. there's little certain in this part of the world, except the certainty of more trouble to come. >> still a head here, too much of a good thing for california and other parts of the west coast, that right there is the problem. the drought stricken california getzs some rain, but it's certainly no longer welcome. >> and later, more fallout from the e-mail hacking scandal at tonigh sony pictures. a high ranking official
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city in the bay. to put it in perspective, 2013, the entire year, san francisco bay, only received 3-1/2 inches of rain, they have received 2 and three quarters inches. just to give you an idea of the setting. this was thursday. this powerful stomach storm has brought traffic to a stand still on the famed highway 101. all stalled because of that flooding water. look at the impressive rainfall totals. some of central california exceeding a foot of raen. you can imagine it has become very unwelcomed considering that if you would have asked them a couple of weeks they would have taken any rain they get. but when you see this amount of rainfall in this amount of time, it leads to all kinds of problems. we have had impressive wind totals or wind gusts. almost, hurricane strength winds for parts of central california,
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now, this is a look at the latest radar, it's raining steadily in san francisco. just a steady drizzle. it's the leading edge of the rain that is entering in to los angeles. it's a cold front that is moving eastward over the next hour. look out for strong gusty winds and heavy downpours and clouds and lightning out of the storms. look at the delays in san francisco, upwards of 4 hours. that is just all ramifications of this particular storm. a lot of moisture to contend with across the entire west coast. travel from seattle to los angeles. this is how much we are anticipating going forward over the next 24 to 48 hours. upwards of 2 to 3 feet in the sierra nevadas. we have understood watches along the west coast from san francisco to the outer suburbs of los angeles. let's go back to the desk and yeah, guys, we are really monitoring the situation very
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closely. so many angles to talk about. they have had more rain than thebd have in this am of time that is causing flooding and this area has been stricken by recent fires. you mix it with the excessive rain, you have the potential of slides. >> california is a beautiful state to live in but they go through it when they get weather. >> it will be a tough friday to wake up to. there's been two deadly taliban bombings, just as forces are pulling out of afghanistan, one targeted a french high school auditorium, where are students were acting out a play condemning such attacks. a dozen people injured and 7 people dead. >> russia has struck a new deal with india, it agreed to build new nuclear reactors to boost
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nuclear cooperation between the countries. it comes after putin visited india, holding meetings with the prime minister. a small group of pro democracy protesters remain, in hong kong. >> far cry from the scenes we have seen before, but these demonstrators, the few that remain, said that they will cooperate if the people ask them leave and tents were torn down, where the pro tefers camped out for the past 2-1/2 months. >> it's -- 72 this this is it, protesters occupied some of the city's busiest roads. by thursday, only a few dozen remained. sitting on the ground. waiting for the advancing police forces. four of us, have a dream that
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our society, hong kong, will be better. and we know it's a difficult task. >> thursday's clear outs began slowly as barricades were removed by a court injunction and then the police moved it. the warnings are over and the police have now got the entire site under lock down much they are now moving in to remove all the tents and to remove any remaining protesters. ripping down tents. breaking the barricades. police pulled down the mini city that had grown up in the middle of hong kong. it was a somewhat peaceful end to a movement that was not always so. >> we are now going to be enveloped with tear gas. >> the initial protests grew to the 10s of thousands after police used tear gas on students an unthinkable action in this
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city. more and more people voiced their displeasure at a plan by beijing, to select candidates for the 2017 elections, the hong kong's highest office, instead of the people. but as the the occupation wore on, patience came in. violence broke out between pro and anti-occupation groups. in the end, many protesters were resigned to thursday's clear out. packing and leaving on their own instead of facing arrest. the police faced resistance from a group of politicians and students. one by one, they were arrested and carted away. billionaire, jimmy li stayed until the bitter end, before he was arrested, i asked him, if this movement has been a fail e failure. >> we would be naive to think
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that. occupying, and we would have what we want. we are not naive, we know there's many battles before we win the war. >> what is next, if you cannot do it this way, how do you do it? >> we will not know the next until we see the next. >> we don't know. >> definitely there will be a next. the next and the next and the next and the next. >> for now though, occupy hong kong is at an end. the first chapter of the battle clear. and so, are the streets of the admiralty district for the first time in two and a half months. cnn hong kong. >> that was a lot of clean up. >> it appears to whimper out at the end. seemed like they could get something. >> they worked so hard. and really did not achieve anything. >> we will see if anything changes. >> still to come here on c inform n, more credits unven,ec
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the ugly revelations put in those e-mails. abhor is pamela brown with more. >> woly wood's elite have been rubbing elbows with president obama for years and now a major plot twist, one of the biggest players, sony exec, amy pascal, forced to apologize for e-mails where she wrote jokes racially charged about the president. e-mails made public by hackers. and she insinuates that president obama only likes movies with black actors like jango, shortly before attending an event with the president, she asked should i like him if he liked jango, 12 years, referred
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another, or the butler? >> she said, even hoe it was a private communication that was stolen, she takes full responsibility and apologizes for it. today she said that the e-mails are not an accurate reflection of who i am, i accept what i wrote and apologize to everyone that was offended. it's the latest embarrassing leak after the e-mails were revealed in a breech. revealing the studio secrets about budget busting movies. leaked memos reveal it's $50 million over budget. other newly surfaced e-mails bash stars like cruise, angelina jolie anded a jolie and sandler. >> telephone call kas are being made to mend fences. >> the leaks are causing
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producers, directors and sony executives to go on major damage control. >> they are embarrassed, they are hmp umiliated, it's very awkward situation. >> a big concern is that the leaks could continue to spill out and hahn sony and their employees for months and years to come. >> people feel it's a terrorist attack. it's the same as a physical bombing but only, you know, via cyber space instead. >> well coming up here an exguantanamo bay prisoner, coming up.
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>> thanks for staying with us here on cnn, our top stories right now, washington, averts a federal shutdown late thursday, the u.s. house of representatives approved a spending bill to keep government agencies from running out of money. the senate agreed to a two-day extension of current funding levels to give itself time to approve the house bill. a powerful storm along the u.s. pacific coast has left at least two paem dead. heavy rain flooded many streets and thousands are without electricity. california had been doling with an historic drought. >> we can report on two deadly taliban bombings in k aabal, a auditorium was bombed, and the other target a bus carrying afghan troops. seven people were killed and more than a dozen people were wounded. cia director john brennan is defending his agency's harsh
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interrogations. he admits that some cia actions were not authorized and abho abhoraant, and this came after the senate release today the report on cia interrogation tactics. >> he admitted the mistakes were made, but what he did not say was also of note. we learn from barbara star, she is at the pentagon. in a 45 minute long press conference, cia director john brennan never used the word torture to describe interrogation practices. >> as i said in some instances i considered them abhorant and i would leave to others how they may want to label those activities. >> in an extraordinary move, he spoke to reporters defending his agency. reminding everyone of the difficult challenges after 9/11.
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we pledged to keep another aattack from being carried out. >> the enhanced techniques against detainees, water boarding being put in stress positions, deprived of sleep, chained to walls. brennan admitted mistakes were made by but never that is the program was a mistake overall. >> i cannot say with certainty whether or not individuals acted with complete honesty. when i look at what went on at the time, there are clearly the questions about why certain techniques were used. >> and in the hunt for osama bin laden, did enhanced interrogation result in intelligence critical to finding him? >> i will not attribute it to the use of the eits.
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i will state as a matter of fact the information that they provided was used. >> as brennan spoke at cia headquarters, the committee chair tweeted cia helps to keep the nation safe, strong, torture does not. brennan said that there's no proof that interrogation may not be the cause of the production of information. >> the eits and the information provided by the detainee, it's own knowable. >> cia said unknowable if we could have gotten the intel other ways, studies showity knowable. cia had info before torture. brennan said is he believes that coersive methods are a strong prospect for leading to false information because a prisoner
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will say anything to make it stop. barbara star, cnn, the pentagon. >> the north korea, no traininger of accusations of torture as well, starvation and execution can occur for hose that defy the regime. >> two people are sharing their painful stories to the u.s. state department and with the world. we have more. >> beneath the pomp and circumstance, the north koreans live in fear and die of hunger. he defektors shared new details. she came from an elite family before her world crashed down. my father, he got arrested and we were sentence to a labor and reeducation camp. and he was beaten so badly, that
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he could not go to the bathroom by himself. >> she escaped to do china with her parents and her family back home still faces retaliation. >> some are fired from their jobs and others were interrogated and tortured. of course, if i go back, they will kill me immediately. >> hunger is humiliation. >> his father starved to death before his eyes. >> i saw my father widther away and die, and after he passed things were more difficult for our family. >> his mother and sister escaped to china looking for work. >> my sister was sold to a man. but he was only because my mom thought he would be a better life for her than returning to north korea. this is important part of my story that i hope illustrates how difficult and desperate the
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life is. and how many north koreans mothers who were forced to make these kind of heartbreaking decisions. >> a student in new york, joseph worries about those that were not lucky enough to make it out. >> i can't stop thinking about some of my friends that are still lost with their families. those are families that used to sleep with me on the street in north korea. i am wondering where they are now and what they are doing today. >> officials in the -- >> from the top human rights official, a warning to the regime. >> we see you, we know who you are, and we know what you are doing and you cannot hide it anymore. it's interesting that the regime has shame, they deny this. which tells me that they know on some level, it is wrong and oh, poly dangerous for them in the -- and potentially dangerous
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for them in the future if we know it. >> what gripping stories from those two. >> that is just a glimpse of what is happening. >> just two stories of what is happening. that representative of human rights showed images of north korean prison camps at a hearing and had specific instructions to step up the pressure on north korea, and that included highlighting the human rights abuses. >> he is doing that. >> they are trying to crack down on the flow would be jihadists. >> one man has been effective in attracting foreign fighters. they tracked him down. >> lots has been written about the propaganda war, about the battle for the hearts and minds
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of the young jihady, these fighters have been mobilized to join the islamic states war on the infadel, social medias has become the most pafrl weapon and one of the most influential is the this tweeter. role is to import the eb and flow of the battles. his commentaries are sdodesigneo encourage. his view is to recruit, but who is he? his words and images filter in the mind of the young pretenders. >> they are acting as disseminators of a lot of the materials and we are talking
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social media and eisis is, we a over estimating how much it is is coordinating from top down. there's those that play an important role in this. >> he has 18,000 followers and gets two million views a month. the mn an on the left was one oa number of people that followed him before and after going to syria, he was killed in action, age 23 and after, praised by shami witness, as talking the talk and walking the walk. tracking down the true identity of shami witness is difficult. there's no photo and nothing to suggest traits, personality, or even location. but, there are moments and there are always moments when this the
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hidden trip up. his former twitter handle is els elsaltador and we found that name and the first image of the man who has been reaching out to followers of the islamic state. we have blurred his face. he said that exposure will endanger his life and we have no way of knowing how true that would be. as the details emerged, so did other details. he describes himself as an executive for an indian corporation. his alter ego went live last year and since then, he has posted 10s of thousands of tweets on isis battles and atroscities, today, we challenged him about his role in twitter and provoking the actions of extremists and impact
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it is having. he said that he wished he was there. >> if i had a chance to the leave everything and join them. i might have. >> what stopped you? >> my parents. they are depend approximating on me. >> so, you would have joined i've s a issis? you could? >> yes. >> do you agree? >> mostly. >> which methods do you agree with? executions? beheadings? >> beheadings, i describe itself. >> are you an honest muslim, then? >> i try to. i'm not sure if i am. >> he admits he is in regular contact with a handful of british jihadees and denies playing a part in this radicalism. >> just because they are
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following me does not mean i'm the reason they are moving to isis, there's real reasons. real reasons why people get r raddicali raddicalizes. >> the company from bangalor said that his twitter account will be shut down. and one more avenue of information from the front line closed off. >> well, police in banglor said they launched an investigation after that report. >> and we should say the shami witness twitter account has now been shut down. now, a form er prisoner is answering charges of aiding isis militants. they are being charged with recruiting fighters. they were arrested in madrid in june, no trial date has been set is yet, but the suspect was
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captured in afghanistan by u.s. forces in 2001, and then sent is to guantanamo bay and taken to spain in would now and five. that is where he was acquitted of charges, he was a part of a terror group. well, coming up here, why some scientists expect -- plus, who out there needs an adrenalin rush? we have a first person view of quite possibly the scariest and coolest ski run ever. we will hear from the man who took this amazing ride. your hepatitis c.forget
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it's slow moving, you tell yourself. i have time. after all there may be no symptoms for years. no wonder you try to push it to the back of your mind and forget it. but here's something you shouldn't forget. hepatitis c is a serious disease. if left untreated, it could lead to liver damage and potentially even liver cancer. if you are one of the millions of people with hepatitis c, you haven't been forgotten. there's never been a better time to rethink your hep c. because people like you may benefit from scientific advances. advances that could help you move on from hep c. now is the time to rethink hep c and talk to your doctor. visit to find out about treatment options. and register for a personalized guide to help you prepare for a conversation with your doctor.
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now to the still ongoing fight against ebola, the world health organization said that the suspension of trials of the vaccine is not actually a set back. >> the gmphospital said they ar suspending the trials after several experienced joint pain, but the trials will resume next month and several other trials of other potential vaccines are still under way. well something else,ing a health scare that we are watching, across the planet, drug resistant infections are expected to increase unless action is taken. >> an economist that had the study, blamed the problem on us,
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and other over relying on anti-biotics. >> we seem to be losing, sun surpbug are growing fast and today, the threat to the human race from these deadly new diseases is more certain than that of climate change. that is according to a study commissioned by the british government. today, these diseases claim the lives of 7,000 people each year, and that is expected to leap to 10 million by 2015. compare it to today's deaths from cancer, 8.2 million. they talk about the impact, a staggering figure, especially when considered along side annual world gdp today, around $70 trillion. according to the economist that led the study said that is an optimistic scenario.
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>> we have left out a number of things, does not look at the increased cost of health care and it has not included the stuff that is normal for our generation in the developed world, like hip operations. knee operations. chemotherapy. etcetera, etcetera, that all of which could be impossible. and back of the envelope stuff that we did double that number. >> the main culprit is over prescribing of antibiotics. >> they think it will solve everything when you take one and it's not true. and what we have got to reeducate ourselves and help the next generation think differently. >> it's not surprisingly the world's poorest nations that are the most at risk. the aim of the study is to sound the alarm and have global action. >> you will not solve it by focusing in the uk or in europe, or indeed just in the developed
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world, it will affect everyone. so, it's something that there has to be a collective agreement on. >> cnn london. >> we are trying to inform you not scare you. coming up next, something that hopefully up lifts your day, it's a story i have been looking for all hour, a ride of a lifetime for one skier. the man who took this death defying run explains what he was thinking and what his parents had to say, stay with us.
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>> our top weather story is one of the worst in years. we are joined again for an update on how that massive storm is progresses. derek? >> we can thank the pineapple express for the excessive rain. that is moisture that originates in hawaii, and moving across the pacific and impacting the west coast, here is the storm system that we have been talking about for the past 24 hours. bringing rainfall totals, over a foot in some locations. this is the latest radar over the past 12 hours. it's still raining fairly persi persiste persistently, we are seeing the leading edge, moving in to los angeles. san bernardino county, and look out for strong winds and frequent cloud to ground lightning and heavy rainfall.
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now this has not only been a rain maker and a mountain snow maker. it has been a wind producer as well. we have high wind warnings, surrounding the greater los angeles area. and look at what the wind has been responsible for in lake tahoe. kicking up the surf in a place that you normally go skiing. and normally go snowboarding. people are surfing on the lake. s in on the other side of the world, this is off the coast of portugal, for people that like to get salt in their bones. a good day to get out and ride a 70 foot wave, thanks to a low pressure system. low pressure that dropped 24 milibars in 24 hours has brought impressive winds and serious travel delays to northern sections of europe. look at the wind forecasts this morning from amsterdam and pairpair paris. you can believe it will impact travel delays at the airports,
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take a look. you can see, brussels to frankfort and either row and others expecting 45 to 60 minute delays this morning. right through the afternoon. more of the same for amsterdam. slightly longer than a one and one and a half hour delay expected, very busy to say the least in the world weather center. back to you. >> all right, thank you. >> now, finally this hour, it's being called the year's most insane ski run, a run so steep, that it won a professional skier an award. and it will give you the heebeegeebies, it was caught on go-pro. do you do anything with it? >> i do not leave without it. >> what you are about to see is no mere ski slope, this is a man eating crevice. >> i'm getting nervous and cody is about to descend.
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>> there was no exit plan. it lasted 16 seconds and the walls were only six feet apart, check out the helmet cam view. >> you see are you going fast, and you see that the walls are really close to you. but cody said he was zen. >> it's as if time slows down. >> cody's run makes james bond's of course ploits on -- bond's exploits look whimpy. a crevice like that has a terrifying name, right? >> i would blush if i had to tell you what the nicknames were. >> cody's run won powder magazine's award. his fellow skiers gushed.
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>> that was the sickest line i have seen. >> and the trickiest part was the end of tnarrowest section. there was a slight turn. what does he get? great exposer and a red bull documentary, the kind of fame that leads to even more endorsements but cash? i just assumed they gave you a chunk of money to do that. >> that would be morally wrong to do i. we do it approximate becaubecau. >> imagine how his mom felt. >> she did cry. >> he did not celebrate by partying, he contemplated accomplishing a life goal, while taking in a moon. >> rather a blood moon than a bloody wreck. >> that was the scariest thing i have ever done. >> oh, my goodness. awesome.
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. defending the cia. the agency's director on the record about the scathing senate torture report admitting some mistakes, but it's what he didn't say that is causing controver controversy. the house passing a last-minute trillion dollar spending bill. the controversy is far from over. a powerful storm pummels the west coast. rain, snow, winds over 100 miles an hour hammering communities. we are tracking what you need to know for the day. good morning. welcome to early start. i'm christine romans.
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