tv CNNI Simulcast CNN December 14, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PST
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an american citizen in north korea denounces the united states. we'll tell you who he is and give you inside details on his past. thousands march across the united states in protest of what they call police brutality and an international call for a fight against climate change. welcome to our viewers around
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the world. an american in north korea publicly condemned u.s. policy. he gave a 4,000 word statement in an unusual news conference to say the least in north korea on sunday. he says he entered the country illegal lid and the 29-year-old said he tried to do it before. she says her son is intelligent but has bipolar disorder. the u.s. state department says they are aware the citizen is in north korea but have had little more to say. for more on this developing story, we go to will live in tokyo. the mother saying he's tried it before and finally got there. certainly north korea all ears when an american citizen shows up to condemn america. >> reporter: you said it, natalie. you used the word unusual to
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describe the press conference. you could go fen venn further and say it is bizarre. when you look at this video from this 29-year -old from el paso, texas when you see him in pyongyang talking about the problems he has with the united states government, accusing the u.s. of acting like a large-scale mafia and billionaires running the u.s. political system trying to take over the world. talking about the cia and ufo sightings and tiny machines that create voices inside of people's mind. this was all in front of a captive and interested audience in pyongyang. they were sitting, watching and writing everything down. they are taking this young man, who his mother says has a history of mental instability and diagnosed as bipolar. they are taking what this young man is saying and broadcasting it to their country and releasing it around the world as evidence and proof, they say, that in fact the united states is the bad guy and north korea
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is not the bad guy, not the one who's accused of widespread human rights allegations. they are attempting to discredit that and using this american citizen, clearly unstable american citizen, to do so. >> right. enjoying using it certainly as propaganda. yet more brainwashing to the typical north korean citizen. do we have any idea what's next for this young man? >> he told reporters in pyongyang and the government officials there listening that he wanted to seek asylum in wenz venezuela which would lead us to believe that he is free to leave that country. however the north korean government would not confirm whether he remains for an investigation, whether he has been pardoned as he claimed or he could be facing criminal charges for crossing in to that country illegally, charges similar to other americans who have done the same thing and been detained and sentenced to
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hard labor. >> thank you so much. will riply who's been to north korea and been in that bizarre country. now yet another bizarre twist to deal. thank you, will. it is a vote on what's next for japan's economy. ballot boxes are open right now in the snap election. prime minister abe calls after japan slid in to an unexpected recession last month. he hopes to widen his majority in the lower house. that would help him to move forward with his economic policy. turn out is expected to be low. as many japanese have not been enthusiastic about this election. so, hey, let's go back to will again live for us in tokyo. wearing a couple of hats. we appreciate it. let's talk about this snap election. is there any gamble that shinzo abe is taking with this? >> i just won't go away,
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natalie. >> that's okay. we like you. >> spend all night here. is this a political gamble, prime minister abe would like to paint it as such. when he told the public he was calling this snap election, he said this is your opportunity to let me know if you approve abenomics, if you are willing to sign on for four more years of the strategy the prime minister will hopes will jump start the stagnant economy. it is described as seeing some success but a lot of failures. a lot of people are confused why the prime minister would hold an expensive election two years early costing a lot of money when they are struggling to pay off debt twice its economy. the opposition party isn't presenting an opposition. they don't have a clear leader at this point. it seems almost a given that
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abe's party will win a majority. he will stay in power and regardless of how voters really feel, abenomics will continue for four more years. >> give us an example or two of abenomics, what his plan is to help japan grow out of this recession. >> one strategy, a strategy used by central banks all over the world, including here in japan is to flood the economy with money, to print more money. what you have seen is the yen dropped from a couple of years ago. the yen was at 60 yen to a u.s. dollar, which was very strong. it made japanese exports more expensive. now it has plummeted to is 20 yen per u.s. dollars. it makes exports cheaper but everything more expensive in this country. it is an island nation that relies heavily on imports. prices at the grocery are up and since nuclear plants have been
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shut off, energy bills have skyrocketed and when the country raised the national sales tax earlier in year many stopped spending. that's why the economy plunged 7% and slipped in to a surprise recession. people feel they can't afford with flat wages and weak yen, they are having a hard time getting by. >> you mentioned voter turnout pretty low here. there is no risk to his party losing control? >> it would be a stunning upset if abe were to lose control in this election. it just doesn't seem statistically possible based on what is expected to be low voter turnout, 22% at the latest update and also based on the fact that his party does hold such a strong majority here in japan. >> thanks, again. a $1 trillion spending bill is on its way to president obama in the u.s. after passing the
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u.s. senate. senators scrambling to approve the plan on saturday night before funding ran out for the country. the passage of this massive bill removes the threat of a government shutdown for most of next year. the president is expected to sign it in to law. this weekend several major cities with passionate protesters continuing to demand, as many cities and people have been doing in the past month, demand change over alleged police brutality. this was the scene in oakland, california, where 3,000 people marched. hours later, police did arrest 45 protesters after reports of vandalism and broken windows following the major demonstrations. this is new york city. a peaceful million march wove through town over the brooklyn
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bridge. two new york officers were assaulted by some protesters who they describe as not interested in lawful protests. in washington, the capital, a throng of demonstrators marched toward the capitol building. >> this crowd was peaceful but empassioned and the mood was one of focus. they seemed like they had a task to do and took it seriously. organizers say they were going for side and symbolism. symbolism in choosing pennsylvania avenue, an iconic street here in washington, d.c., to hold this march. we marched every step from start to finish, nearly a mile with the protesters. met people from pennsylvania, connecticut, florida, all who had either driven overnight just to be here. they had one message for congress. that specifically was they want to see change, they want to see a change in the law and they
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want to see hearings in the new year. here's a bit from one conversation i had. >> i'm here because black people matter and one day i will have a black child and i want them to be safe in the united states everyone is coming together to say institutional racism can no longer be a thing. >> what is your message to congress. >> to take it seriously and make changes so we can live in america and be in the land of the free. >> is it emotional to be here today. >> to me this is the most beautiful thing to see so many people ages and races to come together and take a stand. >> it was struck by the feeling that protesters had. many harkining back to the marches that happened here in d.c. during the '60s. one woman i spoke to said her father marched in the civil rights marches of the '60s. she called him and said i'm
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proud of you. really that says, especially from the majority of young people here in the group that there's a sense that they are picking up the baton from the previous generation who started this march. that march really does continue. a u.n. conference on climate change approved a draft for the 2015 agreement. according to the lima account, it was signed with no objection. negotiators around the world have been in discussions throughout the night in peru. that's after talks came to a stop on saturday over disagreement over how to split costs. 2015 plan is expected to commit every nation to cutting green house gas emissions. police in india say a man created a pro isis twitter account. coming up, what his father has to say a about his arrest.
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january. their mission, to train iraqi and kurdish forces battling extremists. an indian man arrested for running a pro-isis twitter account told police he planned to get arrest ed, even though he believed he had done nothing wrong. he has been charged with waging a war and breaking anti-cybercrime laws. indian authorities say his twitter account had more of an impact on the u.k. than his home country. we spoke to the chief of police. >> the effect of what he was doing was really not about india. nor was he promoting people who live in india to align or simple these with isis as we see at this time. it was more about how he could manage to handle the
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accommodations of isis and that had a huge impact in the u.k. therefore, i believe the interest was very high in the u.k. to trace and track him and he happened to be in bangalore. >> do you think his followers, those isis supporters are going to be a bit disillusioned when they find out who he is? >> not -- i don't know. but i really don't think so. he was doing a fairly good job of gathering information, getting a pat on the back of people when they needed one. he was encouraging them. he even said that he liked the isis, recruited youth and make
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them soldiers and they laughed outloud. >> so far there are no concrete links between the 24-year-old and isis. his father says he doesn't believe any of it. >> i cannot think this happened. i cannot believe it. >> if convicted he could serve up to ten years in prison. isis would have the world believe their power and popularity are only growing. nowhere more so than the jihadist stronghold of syria. but the reality of life under isis rule is entirely different as we learned from our cnn reporter. >> reporter: the day begins with
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air strikes by the assad regime. the start of a terrible assault. the photos purport to show a calm city going about normal life. they boast about enjoying their favorite imported foods on twitter and facebook. isis posts recipes to the wives of fighters advising them on the best method for fluffy pancakes, but these photos show otherwise say activists. children line up for hand outs at an emergency kitchen. chronic food shortages and hyper inflation. hospitals are empty of supplies with few doctors. air strikes targeted power stations so electricity is sporadic, at most four hours a day. activists inside spoke to condition on condition of anonymity. >> isis, there are different dealing with the civilians.
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they have their own -- they take the best schools, best houses, best cars. isis does not give their people anything. >> then the public executions in what was paradise square. anyone considered an enemy of isis is killed here. their bodies put on display. isis promised to make it a model of the islamic state. activists inside say it is anything but. >> isis publishing the figures of propaganda to make it a paradise. it is a paradise for isis but hell for the people. >> if the residents survive the day at night they live in fire of coalition air strikes. isis does not seem to be losing its grip on this city. leaving residents to live through the terrifying cycle again and again. cnn, london. >> deadly landslide in indonesia wipes out an entire village.
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it killed 17 people and destroyed an entire remote village. look at what's left of that hill. rescuers now working to find four of the missing people trekking through. as you can see all of the mud and debris. the landslide buried or swept away dozens and dozens of homes. hundreds of people were evacuated so they got out. this tragic event has had a major impact on the surrounding agriculture and livestock. our meteorologist is looking in to this part of the story. >> we don't want to minimize the tragic loss of life that took place in central java but overall the overlook are the livestock. you can see the community members banding together to take care of some of the local cattle within this area that was swept away by the rock and debris that
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came down from the mountainside. central java is actually known for its dairy farming. it helped to support the local economy and providing food for locals across the area. a lot of cows and cattle in the region. of course, they are impacted by these mudslides. mudslides are a common occurrence. good to see that the community is banding together to help to save those less fortunate animals out there. this is the weather situation that's actually happening across central java. through april we see a wave in the way of low pressure setting up south of the island chain. this is called the intertropical convergence zone. it moves north and south, depending on the time of the year. it sends the low pressure systems across the islands. you can see what i'm talking about. look at the wave after wave of
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moisture across central and eastern java. this is the rainfall that brought the mudslides to the central parts of this region. 200 millimeters plus recorded from some of the remote sensing issued by an agency just outside of europe. now, this is a look at the topography. you can see why this area is susceptible to mudslides. it is mountainous terrain. just slid off the hill. basically gravity taking over. the heavy rainfall soaks in to the soil. fertile ground across the region and eventually gives way and taking out anything in its path. we have more rain in the forecast. thunderstorms continue to fire up across central java. we could experience upwards of 50 to 80 millimeters going forward in the next 48 hours. natalie, we still have a threat of landslides. of course this is pretty common,
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unfortunately, in the hillside. >> i imagine. so many people missing and what they had to endure. it is hard to think about. thank you. we are going to turn to a little holiday news for you. only 11 days left, did you know, until christmas. the rush to buy gifts is on. what do you give that special someone who likes shoes? we found the place for you. hope. i will you can go on-line and order a pair or two. dubai is home to one of the largest malls and it has taken shoe shopping to a record-breaking level. ♪ >> reporter: stilettos, slip-ones, lace-up to loafers. whichever style you are in to, this fortress of footwear will have what you are looking for and more.
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♪ this is level shoe district in dubai mall. the largest store of its kind anywhere in the world. >> 9,000 square meters dedicated to shoes and only shoes. >> reporter: that's a pretty big space. she is the manager here and as you may expect she has a passion for footwear. >> we have 15,000 styles on display. 40 boutiques and 40 multi-brand areas. we have 300,000 in stock. we have 250 brands from which 100 are exclusive to us. >> reporter: will shoppers feel overwhelmed by choices the shoe is becoming a statement. >> it is. it is aspiration of the product and again one of the main reasons this concept is working and why we created it. we went from a 2.8 million
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luxury industry in 2014, from which 25% is footwear. we see from our customers that a customer will come shopping for shoes on average, 40% of them will buy a shoe every two to three months. that's a lot of shoes to buy every year. >> as with many things in dubai, level shoe district is glitz and glamour. i wanted to know if its high-end status makes some want to turn on their heels? >> absolutely not. what is high-end is the experience. it is the offer, it is that you want to feel special when you are here. we offer something for everyone. >> reporter: the largest shoe store in the world attracts 700,000 shoppers a month. what's more, it is located in one of the largest malls in the world. so in a city that likes things
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big, level shoe district is proving to be a perfect fit. cnn, dubai. i think you can find what you are looking for, 300,000 in stock. that's just crazy. coming up, we will update you on a huge day of demonstrations across the u.s. we are getting reports of one violent incident against police in new york city. we will tell you about that. and ahead on cnn, we will take you to some tricked out cars that can even pop a wheely.
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world. you are watching cnn live coverage. i'm natalie allen. an american man in north korea publicly condemned u.s. policy in a bizarre news conference in pyongyang. $1 trillion spending bill on the way to president obama after passing the u.s. senate. the senate approved the plan on saturday night removing the threat of a government shutdown for most of next year. the bill will fund most of the federal government through september. tens of thousands took to the streets in several major u.s. cities on saturday from the san francisco bay to new york's brooklyn bridge. demonstrators demanded action against alleged police brutality. this in the wake of recent grand jury decisions not to indict two
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white officers in the deaths of two unarmed black men in new york and ferguson, missouri. the relatives of some of the men who died by bullet or police force were among the crowds of demonstrators in washington. we spoke to the crowd demanding justice for the death of their son. here's cnn's nick valencia. [ chanting ] >> they came by the hundreds if ar justice march in the nation's capital. some busted by organizers in nearby states. others walked a few minutes to get here. >> i'm from d.c. >> reporter: power in numbers across the united states. this man says he showed up with his family to show his infant son that his future can be better than his present. >> i want them to do what they want to do, be what they want to be. they say this is the land of opportunity and freedom. let them live life and choose
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the direction they want to go. >> reporter: wallace is one of the youngest demonstrators. what does your shirt say? why are you wearing it? >> to show that like it is unfair what happened. >> reporter: her family spoke to the crowd, so did relatives of others who lost their sons to the hands of police. their message -- >> we will get justice for our children. >> reporter: also in the crowd, washington, d.c.'s police chief who said she showed up to stand in solidarity with the community. >> for many years there's been a feeling the justice system doesn't treat everyone equally. when i was coming up in school and studying law enforcement, the justice system has to treat everybody equally, black, white, rich, poor and that's always been an issue. it's not a new issue but it is
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an issue that is emotional and wrong and has to be addressed. >> reporter: addressed here in washington, d.c. and beyond. nick valencia, cnn, washington. in new york city, it was dubbed a million march. the protests were peaceful and deeply passionate. there was one incident of violence. two new york officers were apparently assaulted while escorting protesters across the brooklyn bridge. new york's mayor called that incident an ugly and unacceptable departure from the otherwise peaceful protest. we get more on this one from cnn's alexandra fields. >> reporter: we have seen protests in cities across the country and in new york city. it was the most organized of the marches. they spent more than a week organizing people. a lot of it on social media and it paid off. we saw tens of thousands of people by some estimate joining in the rally they say is about
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ending police violence and calling for justice in the wake of eric garner and michael brown. protesters gathered in the park. a number of groups coming together to making that a meeting point where they could share strategies and ideas how to move forward. the demonstrators marched across sixth avenue, fifth avenue. police shutting down the avenues and lining the route until they made the way to one police plaza. they say the goal of the demonstration is to reform the way police interact with their community. hong kong pro democracy demonstrators say so-called christmas carols on the street to revive support after police cleared their two main protest sites. they are singing christmas carols but changed the lyrics. that's what we meant by "so
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called christmas carols." they changed the lyrics to mimic police. they say they will clear out the last remaining protest encampments next week which is blocking a road. they also said they will use more forceful measures if protesters do not cooperate. >> translator: if the people who occupy the road decline to leave the police will arrest those who interrupt our work. >> the remaining protest is the smallest occupied by the movement that took over stretches of the major streets for more than two months. crude oil dropped below $60 a barrel late in the week. oil-producing countries may panic over that but india is benefitting from the cheaper energy. we see how it is helping the
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country's economy. >> reporter: these trucks are the backbone of the indian economy. they travel the length and breadth of the country, delivering goods to factories and consumers. he owns a fleet of 400 trucks. he says it costs less than a dollar a liter these days. this when the global price of oil is around $65 a barrel. rewind to june it was over $100 a barrel but he said he paid roughly the same for a liter of diesel. he said the global price of oil has never really mattered because india absorbs any price fluctuations by heavily subsidizing fuel. so that poorest consumers can afford it. it was a noble idea with a heavy cost. india says they spent $23 billion in fuel subsidies last year which widened the fiscal
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deficit. >> it was a big burden, crossing 2% of gdp. we were up to 2.5% of gdp, purely a big drain on india's resources and particularly on government resources where government is still playing an active part. >> reporter: the reason slide in oil prices give them a unique window of opportunity. he said they are saving billions of dollars every year. deregulation is a sign the prime minister is serious about economic reform. a promise he made when asking people to vote for him in may. it's all right for now, he says. >> let us see how it will impact us when the crude prices shoot up in the near future. >> reporter: by then, india hopes its economy will be able to take it in stride.
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cnn, mumbai. in thailand, the woman set to be the next queen has given up her royal title. princess asked the thai king to remove her royal status after members of her family were implicated in a corrupt scandal that drew national attention. the princess is married to the current crown prince of thailand and though she relinquished her title, their son may still be king. in so palo a new twist on the mexican-american low rider culture. just ahead, check out the souped up car and meet the man who designed it. and mother nature is putting on a weekend light show. there is a chance for some of you to see it. we'll let you know about it in just a moment. it's more than the driver. it's more than the car.
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for lotus f1 team, the competitive edge is the cloud. powered by microsoft dynamics, azure, and office 365, the team can gain real time insights and instantly share information around the globe. when every millisecond counts, staying competitive begins with the cloud. this is the microsoft cloud. until we discovered k-y yours & mine. this one feels amazing for me, this one is fantastic for her. yeah. and when they combine it opens up a whole new door for us. i've come to clean your pool. what pool? [ female announcer ] k-y yours & mine. keep life sexy.
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dude, squibble bits. mareyayzee. mormal snap jebby rolban jebby deetle flosh. [laughter] eh. now's the time to get in the loop. just look for our fall tv picks with xfinity on demand. huh. quickly find the season's hottest shows, huh. quickly find the season's hottest shows, with a handpicked collection all in one place. only from xfinity. in so palo, lovers of the low riding culture have established their own theme, complete with dazzling chrome wheels and hydraulic pumps. we find out why the movement has taken root in brazil. here we go. ♪ >> reporter: chrome wire wheels and hand-etched details. this candy red '74 monte carlo,
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a classic low rider. complete with hydraulic pumps. the man behind the wheel built it. the problem for jose is we are 6,000 miles from east l.a. when i returned i brought a set of wire wheels, candy paint and put together the first hybrid in brazil now there are a couple dozen cruising sao palo. >> i have to give it a try. >> reporter: a bone rattling ride as the monte carlo literally hops off the ground. definitely not for everyone. ♪ >> reporter: at the annual hip
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hop festival, cars and low-rider bikes are a main attraction. a culture imported from poor mexican american -- has taken hold. bandan bandannas, at the toos an a whole lot of love for mexican version of guadalupe. the three men revered as pioneers of the movement are the stars of a new reality show by discovery. antonio, known to all as the german, started a bicycle club. family, work, low rider, he says. work is to make money to make your low rider and it ain't cheap. here virtually everything has to be imported. so each car costs about $0,000 to put together.
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they even paid the plain fare from phoenix from low rider expert engraver swing to finesse details on their cars. >> i have a family here now. >> reporter: they say they have avoided associations with gang culture, focusing on the brotherhood and of course the cars. cnn, sao palo. >> all right. we want to take a ride in that monte carlo because that looks pretty fun. an afghan man bearing a strong resemblance to the martial arts legend bruce lee hopes to become a hollywood star while highlighting a positive side to his war-weary country. here's cnn's jonathan mann. >> the resemblance is striking. he practices kung fu kings in a palace in kabul. he wants to be known as the afghan bruce lee.
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>> i dream to be a champion as bruce lee was and my great ambition is to be a hollywood star. >> reporter: his fizz physique, clothes and hair cut, the 20-year-old looks like a reincoronation of the legendary actor and that's no accident. he has watched his movies over and over learning to mimic his style. growing up in a poor family of ten children, his parents couldn't afford martial arts school can, but seeing promise a trainer there took him under his wing and financial help now hopes to catapult him to international fame. >> translator: i'm asking the afghan national olympic committee and international donors to help us. if we receive assistance i promise to make him a unique star in the world.
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>> any talent is hidden. neither the government or anyone else supports me in my sports career. i do my best to become a future champion for my country. >> reporter: he launched a facebook page and is gaining a following among afghanistan's internet users. while he works towards stardom, he says he also hopes to show a more positive side to his war-weary nation. jonathan mann, cnn. >> we hope he makes it. he does look just like bruce lee. the philippines gay community campaigned for gender equality in the annual pride march on saturday. people in the parade walked along the main highway carrying messages against gender discrimination and are welcoming pope francis' visit in january. they see his reforms in the catholic church as a relief and
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future monarch soon to be 17 months old. they were taken in november at kensington palace. can you stand it? the royal couple published the photos, in part, a thank you to the media for not publishing any paparazzi photos of the prince. isn't he adore able? well, elvis fans in the u.k. are getting a special glimpse of the king. yes, my former neighbor there in memphis. a new exhibition that opened this week honors the legendary singer before what would have been his 80th birthday next month. check out the exhibit. >> reporter: from graceland, home to rock and roll's first family, to greenwich, home to london's building. ♪ don't you step on my blue suede shoes ♪
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>> next month will mark 80 years since the birth of elvis presley. the boy would grow up to change popular music and pop culture before his premature death at 41. an insight in to the remarkable story can be found in what is described as europe's biggest ever elvis retrospective. >> his music speaks to generation. he gave people the expression to be who they want to be. and you know he was kind of the rebel of the time. he was just being himself. >> reporter: they picked out 300 items from the graceland collection to bring to london. from cars to costumes. >> the jump suits were so iconic. elvis made them what they are. you know, being able to see the american eagle jump suit from the aloha from hawaii jump suit, i hope it resonates with people because it is one of the most recognizable costumes elvis had and to see it on a mannequin is
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amazing. >> reporter: there are two biggest names in the music business. >> when else vils and the beetles met in '65 they met at his home in bel-air. they say what happened is the guys walked in and elvis was on a sofa strumming a bass guitar and paul was like he plays the bass, i can play with him. and ringo and the guys played pool on the table on display here. i think they found somebody they could relate to. >> reporter: alongside the elvis movie memorabilia, there are personal possessions from the every day, the keys to graceland and the giant mailbox that couldn't cope with a flood of fan mail and simple souvenirs, such as a photo of aed dad with his daughter, lisa marie. and there are golden memories of a different kind. the boxing gloves from mohammad ali and the gold-plated bedside phone for those times when a little less conversation wouldn't do. >> elvis always wanted to tour
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europe. he always wanted to tour outside of the united states and never had the opportunity to do so. >> event organizers say they will welcome a quarter million visitor s over the next nine months and with tickets up to $30 a time and a gift shop brimming with elvis memorabilia, it is certainly a one for the money and a cue for the show. it took two months to get ready. now it is all set to go. ♪ you can do anything but don't step on my blue suede shoes ♪ >> love our elvis. derek van damme is in the international weather center. that picture of him riding his horse, i used to see him riding his horse. >> that is so cool to know the beetles and elvis used to hang out. can you imagine the conversations that went on there. >> yeah, the music, some jam sessions. all right. >> i'm hoping that the big
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bosses weren't watching with me do my elvis impression there. i'm going to suggest that some of our viewers in north and south america ditch the tv screen for a few minutes and head outside. there is a meteor shower taking place. this is only for a select audience. much of the world we are speaking to at cnn international, already in daylight. we're not going to see the meteor shower but in vancouver, san francisco, los angeles or mexico city or caracas, you have the possibility to peek in the easterly sky to see the meteor shower and this being a visual medium we have an opportunity to bring you the immediate orr shower in case you are in daylight already and haven't had an opportunity to see this spectacular display from mother nature. the peak typically center around 2:00 a.m. local time. no matter where you are across the planet because the constellation gemny will reach
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the highest point in the night sky around that time. the higher the consolation gemini climbs the more meteors you are likely to see. as a general rule avoid city lights and drive to an open field or anywhere where there are no lights and enjoy the show. they are debrises from an extent comet. a tidbit of astronomical science for you. look at the cloud cover impacting north america. that's obviously impacting your viewing likelihood. we have clear skies for the majority of the eastern half of the united states. this is actually the storm system responsible for bringing the mudslides and the rough weather over the west coast of the united states. it is actually picking up moisture thanks to the gulf of mexico. i want you to notice that another storm system is just about entering the west coast of the u.s. that's going to be significantly less weak than what we experienced earlier in the
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workweek. nonetheless, it will bring another round of rain to places like san francisco and los angeles. simultaneously we will see the storm system gather steam and bring in mountain snow, which is great news for anyone heading to the slopes in colorado. by the way, this is a nasa image that has given us a great indicator of what is called the pineapple express. this is basically the moisture feed that provided the storm system, all of its rainfall across the western half of the u.s. >> thank you. on your little meteor shower graphic, i like your adirondack chairs. >> like that. lounging here in the weather center. from one dutch man to another now. what a dutch man intended to be a romantic evening with his girlfriend. well, it turned in to a smashing proposal. quite literally. he rented a crane with the with hope of reaching his girlfriend's window to propose. instead the crane tipped over and crashed through the roof of
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the home next door. 32 homes were evacuated while crews stabilize the crane. we're happy to say no one was hurt. and if you are wondering, she still said yes. hope the wedding goes more smoothly. i'm natalie allen. another hour of live newsroom coming right back. nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪ . .
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