tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 18, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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question of what to do is front and center. there are late developments on that as well. also, a north korean defector reveals secrets of pyongyang's shadowy team of cyberwarriors. speak to a man who served as one of the top cyberdefenders. we begin with the breaking news on how the infiltrators who ever they were actually did it. our justice correspondent, evan perez broke this story. he joins us now. stole the pass words of a system administrator so they could get access to the entire computer system at sony. in this way, one, one person i talked to today said they had the keys to the entire building. they roamed around to get lay of
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the land. before any one notice they'd were there. >> stole the credentials. make it look like an inside job. witz n it was not an inside job. does the trail still lead to north korea? >> yes, investigators working on this from the, from the fbi, from nsa, from the justice department national security division, all have been pouring over the evidence that they have. they, the nsa has good visibility into the, into the pipes that carry internet traffic in and out of north korea. and that's one way we know -- that, that, that the u.s. authorities have been able to figure out -- that, that despite the efforts that hackers made, to show that the, that the attack may have come from europe or south america, it really came from north korea. >> nsa the lead agency here now tracking back all the way to pyongyang. >> it is one of the agencies. the fbi is doing a lot of the investigative work as well. this is obviously, nsa its very controversial. one time where we can see that they are, they're actually on
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the ball. >> all right, evan perez, interesting news breaking tonight. thank you for being with us, we appreciate it. the question is what to do about it, as evan mentioned, the government plans to publicly blame north korea for behind being this. jim schuhdoe covering this angle for us tonight. jim, what does the white house do? this is a national security matter, if in fact it's true that north korea is behind it, how will the white house approach this. >> they say they want to respond and the response to be proportional. they want to calibrate it carefully. that's what they do now. they're considering options and making sure it achieves the considerable balance. >> what are the options? >> naming and shaming north korea. it's a step that you have all the evidence now but haven't taken the step of publicly
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calling them out. it's something that took them years to do, frankly, john, with china with cyber attacks on u.s. companies in the government. multiple times for years and took them a number of years before publicly called them out. that's a first step. if they're able to determine who the actual hackers are by name and id, they could take a step again they took against an elite group of chinese hackers of filing charges against them. you're not going to take them into court, they're on the other side of the ocean but you could file charges publicly. but in the near term, raise the economic costs for north korea, tighten economic sanctions on the country. i'll tell you the most powerful one they could do is go after their access to dollar-denominated trade. this is north korea's lifeline to the outside world and by squeezing chinese banks that do business with north korea, you could exact an economic cost and that's something the administration has done with some success with iran regarding its nuclear program, with russia regarding its activity in the ukraine, cy mia, et cetera.
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that's the kind of step i would look for in the near term. >> the president could face questions tomorrow. he's holding a news conference. reporters will want to know what the administration intends to do. jim sciutto, thank you so much. north korea has been committing controversial acts from day one as a country, so to better understand the situation, bill richardson, in addition to being a former secretary of energy, u.n. ambassador and new mexico governor, a high diplomatic troubleshooter on north korea and national security analyst and former bush homeland council, frances. and victor chou of georgetown university and the author of the impossible state north korea past and future. fran, you're here with me right now. i'll start with you. the white house has not called
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this an act of terror. there are people out there calling it a hack, you know, cyber espionage, but is this an act of terror? whoever did this forced an american company to pull a picture, basically and not only that, they threatened violence. >> but often, john, a state will act against a civilian target or civilian population in order to change behavior, have a political outcome. it meets the definition here. there's no question now. i think the white house is reluctant to call it that because of the rhetoric wrapped around of responding to a terrorist attack and say we want to be deliberate about this and be thoughtful and proportionate. you don't hear that kind of language in response of a terror attack. people are cautious with the administration. >> so the government and the administration is being cautious but if the trail leads to north korea, you can expect some kind of response both policiwise and
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at least some kind of statement i imagine from the president itself. so if the administration does publicly blame north korea for this, what do you think the north korean response will be? >> well, the north koreans, they're so unpredictable. just three weeks ago, we were all pleased that three americans were released from north korea at a time when it didn't seem they were asking for anything in return. now we have this unpredictability of the new leadership taking this very, very aggressive action. i think what the administration needs to do, first of all, yes, find a way to publicly state what we know. get the facts, make sure that the facts are 100%. i suspect they are because the people we have are very good. secondly, i think we need an international response. we need some kind of cyber attack agreement with our allies, with our friends.
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this is out of control. this is like a new kind of come plate. and what kind response? i suspect the most, the glaring and strongest sanction that would be proportional would be the banking sanctions. but there, the derivatives. there you have to get the support of the chinese banks and china has not exactly helped us when it comes to moderating north korea. china controls a lot of north korea's economic assistance, food, energy, but china's been reluctant to get in there and develop their nuclear weapons. so i think what needs to happen is a careful response to get the six party countries, russia, china, japan, south korea in a concerted effort here because if we just do it on our own without any international support, this is going to continue. but the north koreans have reacted because they were so mad at this movie.
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and they get into these personal krnls. i think fran will remember when president bush said something about kim jong-il, the father being a tyrant. they go crazy with these kind of depictions of their leadership because it's a cult of personality. the personality of the country is determined by the personality of their leader. in this case, kim jong-un which unfortunately we don't know very much about. >> the governor said the north koreans get so mad at this. does it make sense to you they would get mad enough to break into a company inside the united states? >> yeah, i think so. i mean, in this case what was
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arguably different from other cases of western media are ridiculing north korea leadership and the state was the storyline of the movie was this attempt to successfully assassinate the north korean leadership. i think this is a reflection of concerns within north korea about the stability of their own leadership, a recognition by the state that increasingly north korean people in society are interested in learning more about the outside world. borders are much more porous with china than they used to be with lots of information coming into the country. the north korean people no longer rely on the state for food and rations. they get 60% of their livelihood from the market and i'm sure the north korean leadership saw the danger with a movie like this possibly getting into their country not only disrespecting their country and shattering the
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myth of the personality governor richardson talked about but giving the crazy idea they might try something like this. i think they took a special offense at this and for that reason, they went forward with this hack of sony. >> do you think the united states underestimated the capabilities here? >> you know, i mean, my understanding is that north korea has displayed some cyber capability in the past. largely, very rudimentary attacks against south korean media companies. a large cyber forest within the reconnaissance bureau, 121, which you reported on and they've been working at but i don't think they've demonstrated at least in the public do main the capacity to do what they did against sony and for that, we
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certainly didn't expect and sony certainly didn't expect the extent of the attack they suffered. >> sony pictures is not the united states government. nevertheless, i think just to be blunt, sony caved. i mean, sony capitulated to the demands of whatever was behind this. what responsibility does a corporation have to the public? does this set a bad precedent? >> i think it sets a horrible precedent. when you confronted in the bully, you want to punch him in the nose as opposed to cave and get under their desk. it sends a horrible message. i think we've got to be very clear. sony is not bated itself in glory. they've been embarrassed by the leaks. this has been massive. they didn't just launch this attack now because of the picture's release. this is a hundred terabytes of data.
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ten times the size of the library of congress in the united states. this has been going on months and it was able to continue in that way because sony was asleep at the switch. they have real legal liability issues related to sort of the people whose information has been stolen and compromised, including well known stars like angelina jolie. let's be clear. they made the decision to can the movie not just worry about theater goers, that wasn't a serious threat but they're worried about their own legal liability. they want this to go away and the leaks to stop. that's also dangerous. we don't know by canning the movie this thug regime in north korea will not continue to leak. >> more secrets out there. fran townsend, bill richardson, victor cha, thank you for be with us. watch 360 whenever you like with dvr. releasing the secrets of the hacker army of north korea. the fence jumper was the tip of the iceberg. the troubling conclusions of the report on the secret service. stay with us.
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breaking news. hackers got into sony pictures network by first stealing the credentials, log-in and password information from a system administrator. they stole the keys to the operation and then stole terabytes of data and then terrorized executives to cancel the movie on north korea's dictator. rob lowe said, everyone caved, utter and complete victory for them. wow. others hammer sony for giving in, michael moore received numerous threats before fahrenheit 9/11. this deterred none of us from releasing it but the damage is done.
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u.s. officials believe north korea is behind it, possibly a shadowy group of computer hackers. kyung lah has more. you spoke with a defector, a former military systems worker. what did he tell you about this army of hackers known as bureau 121? >> reporter: 121, he wants you to think of them as a giant army. 1800 agents that spread around the world with one sole mission. they want to hack into companies with western interests. so how did this all happen? they're picking, selecting the very, very best of the best out of pyongyang, the smartest students. training them, they're lazered focused on simply hacking. this agency then sends them out and then once they're out, the
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goal again, john, try to break into a company, try to make north korea seem invincible on a global map. >> sort of a hacking society that turns into a hacking corporation. has this 121 done anything before successfully? >> yeah. south korea's government has been hot on the trail of 121 because last year, ground to a halt. the atms. every atm unable to withdraw cash. people weren't able to get money out because of malware that affected the banking system here in south korea. some of the broadcasting companies went completely dark and what they saw on their servers is a shadowy image that sony employees reported seeing, that skull and cross bones, the eerie message. that's what they saw here in south korea. the lesson from experts to the
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world is that they are getting bolder and they're getting better. >> they've certainly shown the capability to do this. kyung, it's hard to independently verify this information but the defector you spoke with has documents to back up his claims, right? >> reporter: yes. those documents are financial documents. weird and eerie because we got to see hundreds and thousands of personal accounts, accounts he says he got directly from someone who works inside bureau 121. >> kyung lah, fascinating work. turning to former fbi official sean henry who spearheaded the division and martin williams, founder of that's some information the way the hackers got in by getting someone's information from sony. maybe a system administrator's, not an inside job but stole a credentials, broke in and that i have been the crack in the system. >> that's typical. usually explode code, gain
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credentials, user and password. then they can move laterally and escalate privileges. it's a typical way for an adversary to breach a network and obtain the crown jewels within that organization. >> what investigators are doing are looking for the digital fingerprints, i imagine. how do you detect who's behind an attack like this, what's the forensic process? >> reporter: attribution of these kind of attacks can be very difficult but there are certain things they can look for. first of all, like where's the traffic coming from? but often, that's hidden. these days, investigators have gotten so good they can look at the actual code that's written and almost like someone's handwriting. they can see from the style of the code who might have written it or maybe where the code was borrowed from in the past. they have many things at their
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disposal to figure this out. >> sean, if this was north korea, how much of a wake-up call should this be? forgive me for suggesting this. i think a lot of people will be surprised to know north korea had internet capabilities, isn't it the united states who's supposed to be good at it, how did north korea get in. >>| they have operatives that are operating elsewhere in the world. not necessarily just north korean territory. i think to do attribution is difficult. many say this is north korea and there is some ties to north korea, you still have to do the thorough investigation. that's what the fbi is doing. >> if it was and could break into sony, what else could they get into? >> that's my biggest concern. while the fact of the matter this sony incident raised great awareness among american public and these corporations, these kind of attacks by nation states have been going on for a long time. not necessarily a destructive perspective from china, russia, iran, breached thousands of u.s. companies and stole billions of dollars worth of data, property,
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corporate strategies. this is a big problem. >> you bring up a good point. the past, it has to do with corporate theft. a lot of the hacking by nation and states or different nations into steal secrets or make money. what happened here if it was north korea, they broke in to stop sony from making a movie with a political motive. that's one of the reasons people are calling this cyber terrorism. it was a political motive here that goes beyond the cyber attack. there was a threat here for actual physical violence, a 9/11 type of attack on a theater. again, is this something you
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think that would be characteristic of north korea? >> north korea is no stranger to issuing threats. the first time it took the u.s. and sony to task was back in june. that was on the same day it said the u.s. military was bringing korean peninsula and a couple of days later, it was accusing the south koreans of aggression as well. north korea complains a lot, makes a lot of threats. rarely follows through with them. i think if we look at this hack and look at the objectives of the hack, the other thing to remember is early on, this movie "the interview" was never mentioned. the first messages talked about restructuring and things going on inside sony. it was only in the last week that the movie has kind of come to their attention or at least come into their messages that they've been sending out. >> sean and martin williams, thank you very much. just ahead, a new report on white house security failures. the conclusions, as you will see, are chilling.
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tonight, we are learning just how deep the problems that the secret run. a panel of outside experts pointed to review the agency released a summary of their findings and they're sobering. this was sparked by security failures including this, the fence jumper. that is him in the spotlight who made it all the way inside the white house barely through the north portico. he was finally stopped in the east room. the layers of the security that failed are just mind boggling. the independent review said the agency stretched beyond its limits and needed of a top to bottom overhaul. joining me to speak about this,
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former secret service agent dan bongino whose brother still works for the secret service. thank you for being with us. needs better training, better leadership among other things. what do you make of it? >> i think the report nailed it. it was a very well done. i think the classified details were left out, sometimes what you don't know is more frightening. i think that might went into some of the technical security measures at the white house they couldn't disclose but the executive summary portion nailed it on the leadership front. it was well done. >> it's not just the fence jumper here that's the problem. >> it's kind of sad, john, we're talking about the headline being to raise the fence. you're in the media business, i was in the security business. both can come to that conclusion after this incident.
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but that is a headline, also one of the things i spoke about on this show a couple of months ago when this happened is the curvature over the top of the fence in making the angle more difficult. but the training portion was really, i thought, damning and speaks to a small insulated group of managers at the top that have run the agency into the ground, in my opinion, for a long time. dedicated women very frustrated with this group of people and they're triaging and training, keeping a low priority of the needs scale. >> you used a word there, insular. is the agency too insular? this report said there's a need for outside leadership. why do you think that's so important? >> it's a great word for this report because it's insular in that the doesn't seek advice outside of the agency, they don't want to give up the
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operational model but oddly enough, inside the agency as well. here's what i mean by that. the agency is almost bifurcated that have kind of made similar mistakes together and they all pat each other on the back so they don't know their mistakes. the rank and file agents who work very hard. the best people i ever worked with, have been telling these people this for years. nothing in this report is use to them. >> do you think this time it's going to be different? >> john, i hope and pray. i mean that. no hyperbole intended. a zero area environment. we're not a banana republic here. we don't allow the president to get a hangnail. we do our damage at the election but don't allow the president to get hurt. a lot of these recommendations
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in the report were in prior reports. one of them, even in the warren commission report post-jfk. i hope this is what we need to move forward. >> dan bongino, thank you for being with us. a lot more. susan hendricks with a bulletin. >> reporter: a senior u.s. military official says u.s. air strikes have killed two mid level and one top level isis leaders in iraq. they were killed in strikes going back to mid november. at a hearing today, boston marathon bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev, said he was satisfied with the defense attorneys. first court appearance since pleading not guilty a year ago. some of the supporters protested outside of the federal courthouse and death penalty trial is set to begin january 5th. word whether army sergeant beau bergdahl could face a military court martial, according to a senior military official, the pentagon wrapped up the review of why he left his post in afghanistan of 2009 and ended up in enemy hands. he was released, as you may recall, for five taliban prisoners without the approval of congress. and a baseball hat that babe
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ruth wore during 1934 tour of japan sold for over 300,000 at an auction. the legendary slugger part of an all-star team that played 18 games during the tour. wasn't a red sox hat though. >> his best years were in a red sox uniform, susan, as everyone knows. susan hendricks, thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up for us, will restored relations in cuba mean extradition for the first woman on the fbi's most wanted terrorist list. she escaped and was granted asylum in cuba. we'll have her story next and the beaches of cigars beckon, but what does the big news mean for americans finding out firsthand, do not pack your bags before you watch our report. pal arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain.
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the breakthrough announcement the united states is restoring relations with cuba affects diplomacy, trade, travel, we'll have more in a moment. what's unclear is how it will affect the fate of an american fugitive who's been living in cuba for decades after escaping from prison and becoming the first woman on the fbi's most wanted terrorist list? so happens late rapper tupac sha cur has been on the run since the 1970s. jason carroll reports. >> reporter: asada shakur called to speak on issues such as
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equality and human rights but it wasn't always like this. in fact, she didn't always go by the name asada shakur. >> joanne to the fbi's most wanted list. >> reporter: given name is joanne chesimard, added to the most wanted terrorist list, a $2 million reward offered for capture in connection with the fatal shooting of a new york state trooper in 1963. >> living openly and freely in cuba, continues to maintain and promote her terrorist ideology. >> reporter: back in 1973, she was a member of the black panther party. in 1987, while a fugitive in
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cuba, talked about her being stalked on the new jersey turnpike. >> we ate, we got back into the car and shortly after, we were stopped by the police. >> reporter: she claims things turned violent almost without warning. >> he had a gun in my face and i put my hands out like. in a matter of seconds, i was shot. >> reporter: when the shooting ended, forester was dead. they were charged with the murder. what happened here took place decades ago but one chilling detail is still very clear to state troopers. according to the fbi, forester was shot at point-blank range with his own gun. a jury found chesimar guilty of murder. supposed to serve a life sentence but two years later, broken by three armed members of the black liberation army and after hiding out for years,
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finally surfaced in cuba. she was granted asylum by fidel castro. since then, state officials have fought for her extradition. in 1998, new jersey's governor kristine todd whitman has this message. >> you are holding up the ability of the cuban population to enjoy a better relationship with the united states by your presence in cuba. >> reporter: now, a historic shift in u.s./cuba relations. could it translate into an extradition agreement to finally force her back to u.s. soil to be held accountable for her crime? >> what cuba wants always is to get into a swap situation, and for u.s. officials, that's a very difficult road to go down. >> reporter: over four decades since the shooting, troopers here in new jersey are still waiting for justice. >> wow, jason carroll joins me now. the question is, at this point, what can authorities do? is extradition actually a possibility?
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>> it doesn't seem like it is right now. this is still a very sensitive issue for law enforcement. in fact though they didn't talk to us this time, they have made it very clear they want the white house and washington to do more to extradite shakur. we're told that u.s. officials in terms of speaking with cuban officials, this was something that was discussed, the discussion of fugitives, not on the table now but with new relations will it be in the future or near future? possibly, but for now, still living freely in cuba. >> the name did come up. when you say living freely in cuba, you had the video right there. she's out there in cuba. >> it's really incredible from law enforcement's point of view when you see this woman, not only is she living freely there but as we said in the piece there, somewhat of a relationship because of tupac shakur and she has a relationship with children there. at one point wrote a letter to the pope about her situation,
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and wanting to stay there in cuba. again, cause celeb there, and living freely. we'll see how long it lasts. >> fascinating, thank you. appreciate it. tourism companies are preparing for the day when any american could book a vacation to cuba but with the decision to normalize diplomatic relations and ease the sanctions, there are still a lot of restrictions on traveling there. renee marsh reports. >> reporter: havana once dubbed the latin las vegas. images of karmen miranda singing with fruit in her hair and movie stars at the tropicana nightclub. exotic caribbean flavor and distinct culture made americans fall in love with cuba before the revolution. caught in a time warp, it still looks strikingly similar to when tv's lucy and ricky's visited and the cars were new.
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>> only 90 miles from u.s. shores, so it's a no brainer that the demand is there. >> reporter: the president's new policy makes some travel like educational and humanitarian trips easier but it does not lift the embargo or allow for tourism. >> the forbidden fruit aspect, so much pent up energy of millions of americans wishing to explore cuba for themselves. >> reporter: last year, less than 100,000 americans visited most on charters operated by airlines like american and jet blue. but an industry group predicts 2 million more would go in the next two years if all restrictions were lifted and the infrastructure may not be ready. the retro look attracting americans conceals decades old
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water, electrical and transportation systems. >> it's going to take some time for the airlines and cruise ships to put plans in place but they're geared up for that day. they know what their itineraries look like. >> reporter: congress would have to lift the embargo and that's resistance. >> it's another concession to a tyranny. >> reporter: wednesday filled the travel industry with hope that cuban tourism is around the corner. >> the most important thing yesterday is not just that we reestablished diplomatic relations but that it changed the ball game and the discussion in congress. >> reporter: renee marsh, cnn, washington. >> visiting havana is a remarkable thing. the city literally stopped in time. it looks like 1959 about everywhere. just ahead for us, nick valencia -- nic robertson takes us in the school where they were massacred by the taliban. we'll show you how it unfolded and what was left in its wake.
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feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine, or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. the massacre at a school in afghanistan has put peshawar in a sea of grief that can't be
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measured. more than 140 people, nearly all of them children murdered by the taliban killed in cold blood. more than 100 others injured and many gunshot wounds. there are counts of this massacre proved crucial to piecing together how it unfolded minute by gruesome minute. nic robertson got inside the school and what you see as he walks through the crime scene is difficult to look at. the details, as awful as they are, we think are necessary to show because they are the measure of an atrocity. here's nic's report. >> reporter: this is where the
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taliban got into the school. they cut the barbed wire, scaled it using bamboo ladders. another team got in just down here and then they took off towards the main buildings. they burst in to here, the main auditorium. they split into two teams, it was full of children here taking classes. >> shay shot me as soon as they came in. tried to run. i was shot in my shoulder. the people who came had no sense of humanity in them. >> reporter: so many children afraid under the benches. a brigadier was giving a lesson in first aid. the class was going on. the dummy, the apparatus left where he fell. and this is when things get really bad. the army says that the children fled for the door over here and the door here. a hundred of them were gunned down as they were trying to escape, cold-blooded murder. everywhere you walk here, blood
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splatters all over the ground. the taliban not satisfied with their killing downstairs come up here to the computer lab. and one look inside this room and you can see immediately what's happened. children gunned down, whether just typing at their computers. classroom after classroom, a pair of glasses sitting here, child's pencils and pens lying on the floor torn. pieces of school work, this child just been writing in its lessons and here on the board where the teacher would have been standing, bullet holes and then the place where the teacher fell. and this is where the final showdown took place. the administration brought one of the attackers blowing up the suicide vest here. shrapnel marks and the suicide vests. over here, rubble on the floor. another suicide bomber that's blown himself up. chaos, devastation. the principal's office down
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here, she's killed. and right up the end of the corridor, the last suicide bomber blows himself up. the deputy principal hides in there and she survives. and this here is what's left of the last attacker. >> nic robertson joins us live now from islamabad. nic, those are simply horrific. to see the shoes that the kids were wearing, to see the blood of those children still on the ground is -- it takes your breath away. you know, what's the reaction there? what are parents saying? i mean, i look at that as a parent and you know, it's just shock and anger. >> that's exactly what they're feeling. the families who live by there, we see them protesting outside of the school. they're angry with the government. they're afraid of the taliban. they want the government to do more to tackle the taliban and it isn't just those parents. all across the country now, there are parents who are sending their children to school
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every day and now they're afraid because they don't know if it's their school next. they don't know if it's going to be their children next. at that school, it was an army school. a lot of the children were sons of army officers. their job to protect the country but they couldn't even save their children. so there is this real frustration, real fear and an anger as well, john. >> nic robertson, thank you so much. that's an important story for everyone to see. just ahead, we're going to put a smile on your face. a trail blazing performer making history at the american ballet theater. stay with us.
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tonight, a young woman is making ballet history. misty copeland, performing the lead role of clara in the nutcracker at the american ballet theater. she is the first african ballerina to do in the company's 75 year history. randi kaye has more on misty's story. >> reporter: she's long been called an unlikely ballerina. but at 32 years old, misty copeland is the first african-american soloist in two decades at the prestigious american ballet theater.
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her story is different than most ballerinas. >> you took your first ballet class at 13 which is a pretty late start in the ballet field. >> it is, it is. >> reporter: months after that first class in a boys and girls club in san pedro, california, people were calling misty a prodigy. she was just 17 when she joined the american ballet theater but not everyone was quick to accept this ballerina who didn't look like all the rest. >> dear candidate, thank you for your application to your ballet academy. unfortunately, you have not been accepted. you aren't the right feet, achilles tendons, turnout, torso length and bust. >> did you ever received a letter like that? could you relate to that? >> i did. my teacher said "keep that letter because you'll want to look back on it one day. as an adult, i was told that i didn't have the right skin color. i was too muscular. i was too curvy. my breasts were too big. i was too short. >> reporter: you wrote about an experience years ago where your friend
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overheard a staff member saying you didn't fit in with your brown skin. especially in a ballet like swan lake. do you remember how that affected you? >> yeah, i get emotional right now just thinking about it. i try to understand the person's perspective. and how deep rooted it is in the ballet culture. it's so easy for them to just say these things outloud and not understanding the effect it can have on someone. >> reporter: misty proved her critics wrong and played the dual role of the white and black swan in swan lake in australia and will reprise the role for the washington ballet and the american ballet theater next year. >> i want to ask you about the moment you saw you in front of the met. is that -- did your heart just skip a beat? >> it was overwhelming and i didn't see myself up there.
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i saw a black woman. and that was the part that made me so emotional, to see a black woman representing america's national ballet company on the metropolitan opera house. i was like, that's change. >> reporter: randi kaye, cnn, new york. that does it for ac 360. anthony bourdain parts unknown starts now.
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