tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 23, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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however, chicago is a different story. they are going to be in the cold sector of the system. could see as much as 6 to 8 inches of snowfall. erin? >> oh, just horrible for so many people. thank you so much, karen. and thank you for joining us. be sure to set your dvr to record "outfront" to watch us anytime. ac 360 begins right now. good evening, i'm wol of blitzer sitting in for anderson. breaking news. protesters outside of the streets of manhattan despite calls from new york's mayor not to march. bill de blasio asking today for new yorkers to put the memories and the families and the extended nypd family of two murdered first for now to let tempers mend a bit on all sides. instead, political leaders still accusing the mayor of demonizing police in the wake of eric garner's death and hundreds of protesters not let the rain, the mayor, or the recent assassination of two police officers keep them quiet.
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miguel marquez joining us in the middle of the protest that started relatively small. getting bigger, i take it. miguel, what's the latest? >> reporter: it has grown bitter, somewhat. it's maybe 500 or 600 people, but not a lot bigger. not as much as previous protests. the issue, they've moved into the streets. this is lexington avenue headed north toward harlem. the problem that they have right now is that police are trying to keep them on the streets or the sidewalks all night. protesters now taken to the streets. that's the issue. it has caused a lot more tension between protesters and police. if you turn around here, you can see it's not very big. the police are right behind them and they have tried to protect the protesters as they have taunted them through much of the evening. the police have showed amazing restraint this evening as they
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watch these protesters go by. wol of? >> what are the protesters saying about defig the mayor's call to the protest before ramos and liu are buried? >> reporter: the point that they are making and the reason that they want to be out here this vociferously and in traffic again is that they don't want to be cowed. they draw a sharp line. despite how badly they may feel for the two police officers and the family and a lot of them came up to me saying we're not antipolice but they believe these are two separate issues. this is a first amendment issue to them. this is an issue of police brutality against black men. those are things they want to stop. they see institutional racism they want to stop. they believe these are two separate issues and they are not drawing the conclusion and they want the commissioner, the police commissioner here in new york, bill bratton, to step down and they're calling on the mayor to show some backbone basically
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and make police do what he wants. wolff? >> have you heard any angry vicious rhetoric from the protesters? >> reporter: it's not been as vicious and as angry as previous protests, although they've called police racist throughout the night but something that will not sit well with the cops that help them make their way through the streets of new york. and some of the protesters have been challenging police off to the side as they're walking. basically trying to make them, you know, make them take a swing or have an issue with them. wolff? >> are they actually going into the streets blocking traffic or the sidewalks? because if they're in the streets blocking traffic, i take it that's a violation of the law. >> reporter: this is lexington avenue. this is what police have been trying to avoid all night. when they were on park avenue in the middle of the shopping
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district, you know, shopping, christmas shoppers on park avenue and madison, see this protest coming down by them, they were freaked out, i have to say. now they're up farther north in manhattan. there's far less traffic, far less foot traffic, far less vehicle traffic. they have taken to the streets here despite police attempts to keep them off the streets, but at the moment, police are allowing them to go on the streets. >> have you heard about any arrests? >> reporter: no arrests that we've seen so far. and it's a fairly tight protest. we've been able to keep up with everybody basically, despite some of the protesters taunting police individually. we've not seen anybody arrested so far. it's only about a block long, this protest, so it's fairly easy to see the entirety of the protest from our vantage point. wolf? >> we'll check back with you and
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we're also following this developing story. the vice president of the united states, joe biden, will attend funeral services for one of the two fallen officers. rafael ramos. the service is planned for saturday. officer wenjian liu's funeral is pending until relative ts arrive from china. two officers were assassinated on saturday, the site of the makeshift memorial that's come up. joining us, it's been emotional today not only in new york but especially where you are. what's the latest over there? >> reporter: oh, yeah. you would have to say that this is the absolute epicenter of the emotion because this is where the shooting took place on saturday. and now this is the place people come to gather to remember and where this memorial continues to grow. there were flowers. the notes with the candles and then there are the people.
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yes, you have many police officers here, detectives, firefighters, but you also have many of the general public. some are from the surrounding community and some from all over new york. they come to pay respects earlier today. the mayor with his wife attended here and later, also too, there was a moment of silence at 2:47 p.m. which is a critical time. the exact moment of the shooting took place on saturday, exactly three days since that point in time. and tonight at 9:00, it's anticipated, actually city has asked the public buildings and landmarks dim lights for five minutes, again, in tribute to the fallen officers. so very much a different scene here. it is quiet. it is respectful. it is remembering those who died. >> as you know, martin, the mayor of new york, bill de blasio yesterday, called for the hiatus of the protest until funerals of the officers have taken place. that's not happening. there's a major protest on the streets of manhattan.
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do you have any more information on the funerals of these two police officers? zblz. >> reporter: as we know, the funeral for rafael ramos has been planned for 10:00 a.m. and taking place in queens. we noted that the vice president is going to be there. the mayor, bill de blasio, said he'll be there too despite some said he should stay away because of the emotions involved and the divide, but widely reported between the mayor's office and the police department. but anybody who politically watching this saying it would be unheard of if the mayor did not attend. as for officer liu, they're waiting for family many of whom are in china waiting to be transferred to the u.s. >> martin savidge with us. we'll check back with you as well. yesterday, we saw a powerful symbol of healing. daughter, emerald, paying respects. she's joining us tonight.
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it's been a difficult emotionally loaded time for her. emerald, what went through your mind when you heard that the man who murdered those two new york city police officers in brooklyn had earlier posted online that the killings would be revenge for the deaths of your father and michael brown? >> well, the first thing that went through my mind was basically, you know, there's something wrong with, you know, him as a person. he's not, you know, mentally stable because, you know, with everything that we've been saying, we want everything to be peaceful. so it wasn't, you know, that he didn't know what was happening. he just, you know, took it upon himself to take, you know, negative actions. >> you visited a memorial yesterday that had been created to honor these police officers and ramos. explain why that was important for you to be there and publicly offer your condolences. >> it was important to me because in the case of my dad, people came out and they
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supported us and i just felt really saddened by it. because a young boy, a young kid lost their father like i did. so i know exactly what it feels like to lose a parent, so for him to lose a parent and, you know, a senseless death was just, just so heartbreaking. because he's a young boy. he's young like my brother. so he's going to live the rest of his life without his dad. i can relate to him. because he's a police officer's son doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings. >> of course. it's very sad and tragic as you know. emerald, there are those who point fingers at the tiny number of people who were saying really ugly things during the protest about dead cops and stuff like that. what do you say to those people? >> i tell people, i want to get the message out there that there's not all bad cops. all cops are not bad. i have nypd in my family. doesn't make me look at them
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like they're bad because they're cops. they are still my family, so once you take off that uniform, you're a regular person. so just because you have a uniform doesn't define you as a bad cop. not all cops are bad. salute the good ones and wean out the bad ones. >> the notion of calling for dead cops, that's ugly and horrendous. >> it's ugly and very tragic. you know, i don't want anybody to die. there shouldn't be anymore bloodshed. it doesn't matter the situation. nobody needs to lose their life in a senseless way. it was so bad. just looking at all the candles just brought me back to when what happened to my dad happened because it's like, it's just repeating, it's like a repetitive thing that just keeps happening and happening and happening. it doesn't make it right because you killed the cop. my father is still gone. i still can't get my father
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back. i can't say kill this person because they're a cop. that's not going to bring my dad back. that's something people need to understand that killing somebody because somebody else was killed is not changing the fact that the person was gone. >> yes, well said. mayor de blasio, as you know, called for a halt for the protests until after two police officers were laid to rest. do you agree with that? some want to continue the protest. >> i feel like anything peaceful should be brought to the table. so like if you want to be peaceful, then i support you. if you want to disrespect these families as far as them laying to rest their loved ones, i don't support it at all. >> how are you doing, emerald? >> i'm better. i'm better because a lot of people are coming forward and saying, we support your family. we want to help you and stuff. that's really what makes me keep going. people are like, they gave me
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backlash. you shouldn't have went down there and paid respects to the family and a lot of people say that's a good thing that you did. i do what i feel is right. i felt like i needed to go and let that family know that if nobody else in the world is sending condolences to you, i am because it was wrong for them to lose their life that way. i would never wish that on anybody because it's hurtful, and i'm hurting. i'm very hurt. i'm still, you know, dealing with what's going on with my dad, but i feel like their support and the people who encourage me to keep moving forward, that's what gives me the strength to keep moving forward. >> our deepest condolences to you. thank you very much for joining us. we really appreciate it. >> thank you so much. a lot more to come in the hour. quick reminder, set your dvr to watch 360 whenever you'd like. war of words with the protest and whether it's right to march with the murder of two police officers, still such a raw wound to so many new yorkers. i'll talk to two former members
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of the force. the former brooklyn. and pulled movie after threatened a horror show and u.s. squared with north korea. now a stunner from sony. "the interview," that's the film that could be coming soon to a theater right near you. ♪soft holiday music ]♪ can you help me up? [ snow intensifies ] [ sleighbells ring in the distance ]
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cops. defying calls by the mayor to stay home. emotionally raw from the murder of two of their own by a deranged man who believed he was avenging the deaths of eric garner and michael brown. on the other side, no quiet from the critics of bill de blasio saying he and other democratic candidates fostered a climate of antagonism by the nypd. that's what the critics charge the mayor and his associates of doing. earlier tonight, i spoke with the former new york governor, george pataki. >> there's been a conservative effort to demonize the new york police department, the best trained police department anywhere and one that had made enormous strides to making this city the safest large city in america at tremendous risk to themselves. we should be applauding this great police department and they should not have been demonizing
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it the way it happened over the last two years. >> the former governor, george pataki, in the situation room. joining me, dan bongino. also, former nypd captain and currently the brooklyn bureau president, adams. thank you very much for joining us. dan, let's start with the protests happening now. some live pictures of the protesters marching through the streets of manhattan. you say you're disgusted by what's going on. tell us why. >> wolf, while i would ferociously support their protest, that doesn't make it right. i don't get what their end game is here. if the goal of the protest is to gather public support for your cause, well, this is a fail of epic proportions. i don't think any straight thinking new yorkers right now think this is a good idea while these two assassinated police officers haven't even had the
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chance to be laid to rest yet. >> eric, what do you say? because, you know, you're the bureau president of brooklyn. that's where those two police officers were assassinated over the weekend. are you concerned that emotions could get even higher as a result of these protesters? >> no, i'm not. and i too joined the mayor and stated that the, i was hoping to protest the cause on the protest to allow these officers and their families to mourn the death of two fine members of our community. and so they made the decision to continue this part of what it is to be in america. we do not dictate how people voice their right to protest their right, all we can do is put out our call for these families to receive the support they deserve. >> dan, you believe the mayor of new york, bill de blasio, should resign? >> oh, absolutely. i think he should resign in shame. mayor de blasio has provided
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absolutely atrocious leadership throughout this incident, wolf. there was an opportunity after this tragic incident with mr. garner to have very helpful and productive conversation about police training, foot patrols in neighborhood to get to know your neighborhood cop again. these could have been really excellent conversations to really move forward police community relations. that's not what he did. he put innuendo upon innuendo, de facto accusations of racism that fed gasoline to an exploding fire. >> eric adams, you have a unique perspective. what do you think? >> i think dan and i talked about how complex it is to police a big city about new york. the mayor has done a great job. of course, we don't believe he should resign. that doesn't make sense. the death of these two fine
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officers had nothing to do with the mayor has done. the mayor has provided support to our police. the continued state-of-the-art training at the academy to cameras to help exonerate officers when accusations are made as well as the proper training that they need. so this is a difficult moment. blood is not on the hands of the mayor, as some stated but the sick person who committed this act and blood is on the hands of those who have embraced a policy when we have an overproliferation of guns in our society and not only killing police officers but also the blood continues to flow that kills many of our children. >> but eric, you know that the head of police union in new york, the patrolmen benevolent association said the mayor does have blood on his hands. you agree with him. >> no, i don't. that is inaccurate. >> no, i was asking that question to dan. i know you don't agree with him, eric. i was wondering if dan agrees
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with the head of the police union. >> no, i don't think those words are appropriate. the mayor didn't cause this. but the options mayor de blasio could have taken. options one through five, with five being the worst way to handle this, that's what he picked. he picked the worst way to handle this. and with all due respect to the bureau president, i suggest you talk to some police officers out there because the ones i've talked to, a diverse group i keep contact with my time from the new york police academy, mayor de blasio has zero credibility with them and throwing money at the police department for technology, while a great cause, is not going to fix this. he's really lost the support of all the troops. he's, in general, going to battle with no warriors behind him. >> eric, what are you hearing from the cops in brooklyn? >> nothing could be further from the truth. the new york police department is one of the finest well trained professional department
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and if you go through the history of new york city, you'll see ever since the days of mayor cobb to bloomberg and giuliani, there's always a strike between cops. cops and unions don't make policy. the mayor makes the policy. they're the soldiers, they carry out the policies and responds to call of service everyday. that's what a professional is and that's why they're new york city's finest. >> dan, the mayor last night said he'll attend the funeral of both slain police officers. relatives of officer ramos said the mayor will be welcome. do you think it's right for the mayor to attend both of these funerals? >> you know, i do, wolf. he's still the mayor of the city. hasn't resigned yet unfortunately, in my opinion, but mayor of the city and i think the cops are professionals to provide the same protection they'll have for any other mayor there. the pros keep the city safe and
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he's entitled to some dignity of the office, but i'll be honest with you. but god fosht it was me or a member of my family, i wouldn't want him there. i'd ask him to stay away. he'd only be a lightning rod for more controversy. >> quickly, eric, we did see a lot of the police officers at the hospital over the weekend who turned their backs on the mayor. that was ugly. >> we talked about a department with over 30,000 members. not a monolithic department. not only do i speak to a lot of officers, i have family members who are officers and they do not subscribe to disrespecting the office of the mayor. that office is not an individual. it is a semiable of the people of new york and representation of new york. we deal with the issues and lean into the discomfort and come out the other side a better place and respect each other's purpose. that's what a new yorker is. >> eric, thank you.
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dan bongino, thank you as well. passion is intense. it's the movie of the center of the sony hacking scandal. breaking news about the release of the film titled "the interview." that's coming up. and north korea's internet blackout problems continue. but was it retaliation of the hacking? live update from south korea when 360 continues. it's just a blanket after all... but when everything else has been lost, the comfort it provides is immeasurable. the america red cross brings hope and help to people in need every 8 minutes, every day. so this season give something that means something. support us at
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sony has done a 180 when it comes to the film at the center of the hacking scandal. "the interview," that's the name of the film, opening on christmas day on theaters after all. at least some of them with more added as we speak. it was about an assassination of the north korean leader, kim jong-un but nothing but drama about the release, with hackers threatening those who release. sony pulled the plug but more than 200 independent theaters across the country agreed to show the film. our senior media correspondent brian stelter is joining us now with more. brian, do we know why sony made the decision to allow these theaters, these independent theaters to go ahead and screen the film. >> reporter: they're taking a stand, wolf. they don't want the film suppressed. in the statement, north korea was named in particular.
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but they don't want the threat or hacking to be affecting a movie's release in the future. >> typically, it's played in thousands of theaters in the country. that would have been in the case with "the interview." do we know how many are willing to show it now? >> reporter: it was 2,000 to 3,000 theaters. now 200 to 300. about one tenth of the original size of the release. this is really about supply and demand. originally, there was going to be a lot of supply and only a limited amount of demand. well, now, there's limited supply and the amount of demand is increasing because there's so much attention around this movie, so much free publicity about it. i have a feeling it's going to be a lot of sold out theaters on christmas day even though we should point out, the reviews have been not very good for the movie, wolf. >> there's other options for sony to release this film digitally. the big things are though, they would have to partner to do that and sony could charge money but
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they're not going to make a ton of money if they do that. >> reporter: they have a $44 million budget for the movie and in talks with possible online distributors but here's the challenge for them. think about this as a teeter totter. on the one hand, you want big movie chains to play your movie. on the other hand, if you put it online or rent it through their cable box or netflix, those big movie chains are not going to play the movie. they have to make a decision of what they want to do. i think there might be an announcement of some sort of video on demand or netflix or hulu deal tomorrow, but time will tell. it will be a cool idea, wouldn't it? to have this movie streaming on the internet on christmas day so anyone could see it but sony hasn't worth decided if it's worth it to alienate the movie chains. the movie was cancelled last week, so they made alternative plans. frankly, they're miffed at sony
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that sony is releasing the movie with the independent theaters. but at the end of the day, this is business and sony and the theaters do what's best for them businesswise. >> brian stelter, thank you. north korea's internet service still spotty at best after it went down completely for 9 hours. kyung lah now joining us live from seoul, south korea. what do we know, kyung, about who or what is behind the internet outage in north korea? >> reporter: we know what the data was showing us, a problem. it doesn't tell us the origin of this. we've been watching the pattern and cyber intelligence experts say basically on what they see with this pattern is that it certainly looks like it's a rogue hacker. they don't believe it's the united states or some official entity. they think it's probably most like ri given there's a sudden outage and sputtering for hours
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on end, it's probably a 15-year-old in jersey wearing guy fawkes mask. that's what most of the hacking community believes. >> how's the service tonight? >> reporter: the service is actually the way it was yesterday. there was a complete failure overnight. it was as if north korea was completely wiped off the internet map and throughout the day, we've seen a lot of trouble trying to get on to the state's web sites. they're failing at times. certainly looks like they're struggling to come back online. the interesting thing, wolf, if you watch north korean television today, it's broadcasting some sort of holiday schedule. we see a lot of kim jong-il films and there is no veneer that there's any problem inside north korea. a lot of the same propaganda, saying that the u.s. is evil, the same old story lines over and over again. but no hint that there is anything awry in north korea
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with the internet. >> kyung, now that "the interview," the film, is released in a number of theaters, a couple hundred maybe 300 on christmas day, are there concerns that north korea may retaliate? >> reporter: there are a lot of concerns that there may be retaliation, but the retaliation that people are bracing for but it's the cyber nature. there's growing concern that north korea has simply been underestimated by the entire community, the international community. so there is that concern that this is simply just going to make kim jong-un even madder. but the fact of the matter is that if you speak to anybody whether it be united states or in south korea, they say it's the reality that cyber attacks and a growing number of them from north korea, ordered from north korea is the new reality. >> kyung lah reporting for us from seoul, south korea. thanks. a deadly tornado strikes
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at least four people are dead. many others injured after a tornado tore through southern mississippi. a tornado also hit louisiana where some structures were flattened but there are no reports of deaths there. it's a wet mess across much of the south tonight and pouring rain up the east coast along the i-95 corridor causing stretch rous driving conditions. good luck getting to your christmas destination. it's no better at the airport. meteorologist karen maginnis joining us from the cnn weather center with more. what's the latest, first of all, on the deadly tornadoes? >> it has been widespread, wolf. it began in louisiana. we look at widespread potential from alabama into georgia and florida. already seeing a variety of problems there as well. let's take you back until 2:00 local time. that's central time in
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mississippi. went across columbia in marion county. two fatalities there. a number of buildings have been heavily damaged. a day care was affected by the tornado. there were children there, taken out to a bank. they say no children were injured but substantial damage to the day care along with other buildings. then we go to summerall and in the vicinity of laural, mississippi. they're saying two fatalties there as well. widespread damage, numerous power outage reported there as well. in tallahassee, our latest report of over rainfall and in the past hour, saying they were doing high water rescues. coming up in the next 24 hours, we look at substantial rainfall totals here. but wolf, widespread up and down the eastern sea board just in time for christmas eve. >> i was going to say, the next couple of days are huge travel
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days over this christmas period. what can we expect, treacherous conditions on the east coast? >> yes, certainly are. if anything, it will get worse. we saw bad delays today at new york's metro airports, also in philadelphia. all day long. i was taking a look at philadelphia and they were looking at delays all day long of at least two hours. here, the delays we have now, new york city's metropolitan airports and newark, philadelphia probably responsible for the most cancellations and delays up and down the entire system, mostly in the eastern sea board but not to be outdone. in chicago, coming up in the next 12 to 24 hours, it looks like there will be a band of very heavy snowfall here. computer estimates are still kind of all over the place. four to eight inches. buffalo, no. not a white christmas. it looks like you could see wind gusts as high as 65 miles an
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hour. a winter storm watch in chicago. the deep south, places like atlanta could see flooding and airport could be affected here as well. as a matter of fact, delaywise, we are still anticipating the i-95 corridor. washington, d.c., philadelphia, new york to boston with some major delays coming up for tomorrow. so it's widespread misery. i hate to be the grinch. >> thank you, karen, very much. travel delays one thing today. federal authorities revealed something more troubling than that. a security gap let bad guys board plane with weapons. >> reporter: 153 firearms recovered on commercial passenger planes from atlanta to new york from federal investigators. >> they put guns on the planes
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this time. they could have easily put a bomb on one of the planes. >> reporter: here's how authorities say it happened. delta baggage handler eugene harvey with a backpack full of guns used his badge to enter the secure area of airport bypassing security checkpoints. most airline employees like ramp workers and baggage handlers undergo security vetting and reoccurring background checks but do not go through daily tsa screening to gain access to secure and restrict airport areas. . arrives at a concourse and two men communicate by text message and meet in the airport bathroom. once inside, out of the camera's view, the guns are handed off. >> after 9/11, it's still to prevent this from happening. >> reporter: henry seen here in surveillance video boarded
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flights from atlanta to new york with handguns, ar 15s and ak 47s, some of the weapons loaded part of a five-man operation. >> this gun can shoot through a car door. can shoot through an apartment door, can shoot through a bulletproof vest. in november, mr. henry brought this gun on a commercial airliner to new york. >> reporter: this kind of breach this security has happened before. in 2010, an american airlines baggage handler helped smuggle 12,000 pound of marijuana on a flight to new york. in 2013, an airline employee sentenced after agreeing to smuggle a machine gun and cocaine on to a commercial plane. and in 2009, government audit said workers with access to secured airport areas is one of the greatest potential threats to aviation. >> everyone who is involved in aviation and aviation security
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know that this is a gap and a vulnerability. >> reporter: rene marsh, cnn, washington. take a look at this story. live pictures and protest in new york city right now despite the appeal from the mayor of new york to pause in these protests until after the funeral of the two police officers over the weekend. rafael ramos and wenjian liu. we'll get a live update when we come back. also ahead, an early christmas present from wall street. the dow surges to a record close. she inspires you.
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clayton powell building. a very, very significant area for protesters here, a place that they have come and ended these protests traditionally. they are also meeting other protesters who are coming in from the bronx. they want to show the city, they want to show the police that they will not be cowed by the hall and the desire for them not to do this protest. they will come out here and continue to protest as long as they can, as many times as they want. they draw very, very sharp line between the deaths of the two police officers here and these protests for what they see as institutional. wolf? >> as you know, the protesters defied the mayor's call to wait to protest until after ramos and liu are buried.
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what do they say about that? >> reporter: they say that they are not antipolice, that they feel very badly for those police members, but they also say that they want to protest. they see this as a first amendment issue. they don't see this as related to the police that were shot and killed here. i will say that the police have been behind us, the police who have been along with the protesters, some of the protesters themselves individually challenging police, trying to harass them and trying to make them react. the police have shown incredible restraint tonight, did not want them to go on the streets and eventually did go on the streets for parts of this protest, but now they have, it looks like we'll come to the end of this thing at adam clayton powell building in harlem. >> miguel, stay safe over there. there's a lot more happening tonight. susan hendricks has a quick
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"360" news bulletin. record in wall street. dow closed above 18,000 for the first time. s&p also finished at all-time high as well. u.s. agency for international development paid out gross $3.2 million. he was working when arrested to cuba in 2009. he was freed a week ago between the relations with washington. and for distributing communications equipment to jewish groups in cuba part of a democracy promotion program. under proposal from the fda, gay men who abstain from sex one year would be able to donate blood in 2015. if approved, this would end the lifetime ban for the gay community. to the nfl now, according to reports, quarterback agent rex grossman rejected the offer to play for the cleveland browns this weekend, yes, the same team in training camp. wants to spend time in family
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travel warning for americans not the government but the infinity information that's pat robertson. recently, a 700 club viewer asked for him advice about a mission to kenya. viewers friends and family were concerned about this person going to of ebola. robertson said there's no need to worry about ebola in kenya and then he said this. >> you might get aids in kenya. the people have aids. the towels could have aids. >> that's right. the towels could have aids. do not even get him started on the washcloths with hepatitis c. we're talking bed, bath, and way, way beyond people. if like pat robertson you somehow missed all the evidence, the research, the deathed on breadth of the research on aids, you cannot get hiv if you share towels. now, if a guy has shared towels,
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it's true he might be gay and then there's no guarantee. some people love sharing. one interesting thing about robertson's warning said when it comes to infectious diseases about ebola, he's kind of measured in his opinion. >> the great ebola outbreak, we were helping people with ebola and it wasn't all this panic. >> if there's one thing you can say about pat rabbobertson throughout the year, he's antipanic. why panic about ebola when the food is trying to kill you and bathroom getting you chlamydia? >> don't eat fresh vegetables or drink ice because the water isn't pure. be careful of ice cream and milk because the milk might not be pasteurized. >> do not eat ice cream when you go to italy. i'm telling you, everyone says the gelato is great. it's going to kill you. overseas. everything overseas is bacteria.
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they got back tier ybacterias overseas. i'm thinking better not traveling at all. steer clear of san francisco because that's where the gay people live and giving the stuff, which is what he then calling hiv or aids in this classic clip from last year. >> in san francisco, some of the gay community, they want to get people so if they've got the stuff, they'll have a ring. you shake hands and the ring has a thing where you cut your if i think finger? >> really? >> really. >> how much did they pay that woman to sit there like a zombie? did she believe him or is that paid for?
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>> that's what the gay people dod in san francisco, the rings. and in san francisco, do not shake hands with anyone, overseas, do not eat the ice cream and whatever you do, do not have unprotected sex with a towel in kenya. those are tips on the ridiculist. >> funny. see you at 11:00 p.m. cnn special to heaven and back starts right now. she was living her final moments and then bree's heart stopped beating minutes at a time. mary, anita and ben say they went to heaven and then came back. stories raised fundamental questions about fear in faith. what does it
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