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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  December 23, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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this is cnn tonight. i'm don lemon. two big breaking news stories tonight. protests in the streets of new york and hollywood fighting back against hackers. live with the latest on both those stories. protesters out on the streets of new york demanding an end to what they call racist policing that despite the mayor's moratorium until after the funerals of the two slain police officers. more with governor george pataki. >> seth rogen, american hero. thought you would never hear those words but in the aftermath of sony to make the interview
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available, he might be adding freedom firefighter to his resume. will you see the interview? i will talk to one of the theater owners playing t"the interview" and a critic who a's seen the movie. and killer tornadoes in then south. out in the streets with those protesters tonight, miguel, what's the very latest? how many people do you think are marching now? >> reporter: well, we're looking at 2 maybe 300 people. they picked up a lot of steam when they moved into harlem. a band of protesters from the bronx met them here. things really got a little more interesting. several hundred were here at that point. now, it seems folks are probably starting to go home. there's almost more police now looking at the crowd here, than there are protesters. there is a heck of a lot of police. they would like them to get out of the streets.
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the protesters, we thought they were ending their protest at 125th and clayton powell avenue and now they're on the march again at amsterdam headed north. it's not clear where we are going. this may be the most tense it's been tonight. up until this point they had scripted this out even though snaking through midtown would end at 125th street. once protesters joined them from the bronx, all bets are off. not clear where they were going. >> you have been following this story and you were with them a few weeks ago. does there seem a difference between the protests a few weeks ago and tonight? >> reporter: it certainly less angry. you're not hearing some of the angry protests and chants that we heard on that night. that said, we did hear for the first time tonight a moment ago the kkk and comparing nypd to the kkk.
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so people -- more than anything, what people want to make the point tonight is that they will not be cowed. they will not -- they will not do what the mayor wants. mayor de blasio asked them not to protest until after the funeral. they draw a very sharp line between the deaths of those two police officers and the protest they're doing right now. they believe this is a first amendment right and that the issue of racist policing and the deaths of those two cops are very different things. >> the mayor and police commissioner were concerned about provocation of officers. have there been any protesters provoking police officers and if so, how are police reacting? >> reporter: there have been some individual cases of
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properti protesters provoking police officers. we were at the 22nd precinct and they were trying to provoke the police. it didn't happen. the police have been incredibly calm throughout the evening. they have followed the protesters along. they have cleared the way for traffic. there have been some protesters who tried to harass individual officers as they moved around, asking them questions and egging them on. but they have not reacted. police have shown great restraint, don. >> have you seen any arrests, miguel? >> reporter: no arrests so far. there was a point here at 125th street, when the police and the protesters started to -- it's all right. now, they're playing to the camera and i'm going to hand it back to you at the moment. >> miguel marquez out among the protesters. you can see they have marched from detainee manhattan and up
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in harlem. according to miguel, not clear where they're going. they were going to stop at 125th street but seems going beyond 125th street, on the night before christmas eve, a very busy shopping evening in new york city. let's keep an eye on miguel here and bring in cnn commentators. good evening to all of you. mark, are they right to be protesting tonight? >> absolutely. good for them. i'm glad the protesters are out there and glad they're still advocating a peaceful response to injustice. that's not to say that we can't at the same time honor the lives of the officers who were killed. i don't think any out there or at least 99.9% of the people out there would say anything other than kind words for ne officers and wish them and their family the best in this time of struggle. there's a bigger issue we have to never lose sight of. let's walk and chew gum at the same time.
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fight for justice and honor the officers at the same time. >> as a wife of an leo and god daughter, granddaughter of a police captain the murder of these two brave police officers hits home. when does this stop? when do these protesters try to change something other than shutting things down? >> yeah. obviously i respect their right to protest. what is this accomplishing at this point? they're out there antagonizing the police, the very people they claim are brutally killing black and latino men in the streets we all know is up for debate whether that's an epidemic. these two police officers were assassinated. they were doing their jobs, protecting and serving with honor and brutally assassinated by someone who clearly was influenced by the anti-cop rhetoric that's been going on here. whether he was mentally ill or
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not, that's up for debate, possibly so. it's unquestionable he was influenced by what was going on. he wrote it on his own social media. what are these people doing now? disrespecting our police officers and defiant. this is dividing america, not helping their cause in any way. it's completely disrespecting law enforcement and authority and the people out there serving every single day that give them the right to do this. they needed to wait to do this. al sharpton and race pr provocateurs like him they really are disrespecting law enforcement in this country and disrespecting what america is about. the al sharptons of the world and people doing this, they are not interested in moving forward. they're interested in ging up this response to enrich themselves. they exploit the tragedy officers to enrich themselves. >> i want you to stand by. i have breaking news i want to get to. president george h.w. bush has been taken by ambulance to houston methodist hospital as a
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precaution after experiencing shortness of breath earlier this evening. president george h.w. bush taken to the hospital in texas. the 90-year-old former president will be held for observation, i repeat, just as a precaution, all of this is just coming in to cnn, if you are just joining us. george h.w. bush taken to houston methodist hospital as a precaution. the 90-year-old former president will be held for observation just as a precaution. my panel joins me now. i want to switchgears quickly and talk to you about that. as you know, george h.w. bush, making friends with president bill clinton, they became friends after they both were president. he's had some minor health issues, nothing major, 90 years old. i want to get to you, mel. this is obviously something very serious and we're keeping an eye on it. >> yeah. i mean, i think the only thing you can say right now, don, is the fact we will send our best
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wishes and prayers to the former president and his family. i also want to say it's great to switchgears a little bit and welcome tara as a new political commentator to the cnn family. given that we don't know much, don, there's not much to say except for the fact we hope the former president will farewell through this medical emergency. >> tara, i want to get -- it's appropriate to ask you as a conservative, we've been talking about george h.w. bush who served a time as president, how do you feel about this? >> i mean it's always -- any time you have a president that's been hospitalized, it's always a time of concern. of course i send my prayers to his family. george h.w. bush has lived quite a full life. it wasn't that long ago he was jumping out of airplanes i think for his 89th birthday. he's full of life and has always been. it would be a national tragedy
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for -- to lose him if we did already but i just don't -- i hope he recovers and wish his family well, but he's a hoot, george h.w. bush is definitely a hoot. >> absolutely. we'll keep an eye on that and our best wishes go to the president and his family this time of the year folks are spending time with their families. speaking of families, we have two families of police officers here dealing with the issue their brother, husband, father, no longer with them. do you think there is a risk, mel, there could be a backlash against the protesters for protesting so soon after the murders of the new york officers this weekend especially in light of what the mayor was asking, that there be a moratorium put on the protests until after these two men are laid to rest. >> you know, don, it's an excellent question. listening to mark and tara, mark is saying we should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. the problem is when you protest
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so close to something so tragic happening, you're more like walking and spitting in the face of the nypd. one of the things that i'm concerned about, of course they have the right to be out there. of course you have the first amendment right and of course you need to keep the pressure on if you care about reform in the justice system i think everybody on this panel does. however, in terms of the optics, when you do something that's this disrespectful, in my opinion, in light of what just happened with two police officers getting assassinated and the level of tension in new york city you alienate yourself for moderates. >> you have been very supportive of the protesters. >> yes, yes, i have. i was disgusted when i saw they were out here tonight, don. >> go ahead. >> i think people have every right to raise tactical questions whether or not protesting on a day like today makes sense for the optics, make makes sense for messaging. that's an internal debate
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protesters should have and national debate we can all have. i don't think it is an affront to law enforcement or affront to law enforcement to continue to fight. blue lives matter, yes, but not worth more than black lives or yellow lives or red. it matters. the truth is black and brown people are dying on the streets with gruesome regularity and not something that can't take a day off or two days off. it doesn't mean we disrespect or antagonize. >> when people were peacefully protesting about the life of eric garner there were police officer s antagonizing and saw them kick over the memorial sight for mike brown. i don't think there's anything civil or indecent about continuing to protest. >> we want that cop dead now. when protesters are doing that, that is a result -- >> that is going to have to do it. have a good holiday.
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we have lots of breaking news including the former president george h.w. bush being taken to the houston methodist hospital experiencing shortness of breath earlier this evening. we're told it was a precaution and keeping an eye on that. hundreds of angry protesters in the streets of new york surrounded by wary police. when we come back, i will talk to commissioner bratton and former governor george pataki. hollywood's battle against hackers. sony will show the seth rogen movie "the interview" in over 300 theaters. and severe weather that might put a damper on your holiday plans coming up. they are a glowing example of what it means to be the best. and at this special time of year,
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breaking news tonight. present george h.w. bush, bush 41 has been taken by am lu lance to a hospital after experiencing shortness of breath earlier this evening. the 90-year-old will be held for observation just as a precaution. he was hospitalized in november of 2012 with bronchitis but recovered after two months. also, hundreds of people back out on the streets of new york city tonight protesting against racism and police violence. they're ignoring mayor bill de blas blasio's call for suspension of protests until after the two funerals. meanwhile, mayor bill de blasio
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led a moment of silence for those officers. he said the city is in pain and time to put divisions to rest. that is a direct reference to his tense relations with police who charged de blasio took charge with protesters in recent demonstrations and hasn't shown enough support for police. they turned their backs on him at the hospital where the murder officers were taken. joining me tonight on the phone is william bratton, new york city's police commissioner. commissioner, thank you for joining us. first, my condolences for you and your force. and you met with the families of the fallen officers. how do you possibly have a conversation with a 12-year-old son and tell him what happened to their father. how do you explain that? >> caller: mayor de blasio and i met with the families the seconds time after initially meeting them at the hospital the night of the incident and met again with them yesterday. very difficult to do, one of the more difficult things you have
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to do, to deal with the death of a police officers, especially in the case of a murder. fortunately in both instances these are extraordinary families, the ramos family, very religious, very much strengthened by their faith including their 13-year-old son and their 18-year-old. the liu family, both parents chinese immigrants don't speak english and the new wife of officer liu, they've only been married two months. she made a statement yesterday that was just extraordinarily articulate. amazing to watch her try to make that statement. they're hurting, as you might appreciate and hurting very deeply. >> looking more closely now, commissioner, at the gunman, the gunman had a plan. on social media he was saying he will put wings on a pig. do you think that the case of
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michael brown, the cases of michael brown and eric garner, do you think that pushed an already unstable man over the edge? >> well, part of our investigation will determine the actual motivation. we have to rely on some of his last posts, if you will, on instagram, in which he made those statements. it's apparent in the last couple days of his life he was beginning to become even more focused on his anti-government, anti-police feelings. again, he seems to have taken an individual treated with mental issues, according to his mother, suicidal, in fact even his girlfriend he shot. the investigation disclosed he was threatening suicide in front of her and she reports that she talked him out of it before he shot her. again, an unstable man, trying to figure out what goes on in their mind sometimes we may
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never know. >> commissioner bratton, thank you. joining me now is former new york governor pataki critical of mayor de blasio and called on him to apologize to the police officers. do you think what's happening, the protests what the mayor said, do you think that precipitated the m-- >> first, i think the mayor did the right thing protest iing stopped during this time of mourning and it's amazing what they're chanting during this horrible time. the mayor believed at the time this horrible assassination, was, as he put it, a direct spin-off quote of the demonstrations. when you have hundreds of people on the streets, what do we want, dead cops and when do we want them, now. this mayor calls them peaceful protests and meets with the
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protest leaders and not police leaders. it's tragic and i think is a reflection of the last two years when there has been a concerted effort to demonize this great police force the best trained and i believe the best operating police force in america. >> even before the mayor took office. >> it started -- i believe it started during the campaign. if you go back to the beginning of last year, this police department was a revered institution here in new york city and across the country. people appreciated their courage, their heroism and their success. what happened at that point is there is a primary for mayor and everybody wanted reverend sharpton's support, so it was who could outdo the other in demonizing the police and attacking in particular police commissioner ray kelly. tragically, that created a terrible climate. >> do you think people around the country understand sometimes what new york city police are up against when you talk about people like sharpton and people
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campaigning on it and being political about it, do you think they understand the day-to-day struggles of new york city police? >> i think it's very hard for not just people around the country but those of us who aren't out on the street, as those police officers are, to understand the tremendous sacrifice, the courage that they show and the professionalism. they have been responsible the last 20 years taking this from the most dangerous city in america to the safest large city >> there are things the police department needs to do, reform. the department is not perfect. >> no department is perfect but i do think it is the best trained police department in america and the most respected and by far the most successful. they have saved thousands of lives through their effective policing policies. instead of saying what a great police department we have everybody believed across racial political lines two years ago this effort was made to consciously demonize the police force. it wasn't just the mayor.
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>> you said you were sickened by these barbaric acts. do you still stand by that? >> it's horrifying. >> what about what pat lynch said? that certainly didn't help? >> no. i think pat lynch overreacted in a very emotional way. he's the head of the union. he has sons that are nypd members. for all the professionalism, people are human beings. there's going to come a time when their emotion spills out and it did. >> you don't think the mayor should resign even though you believe he lost the respect of the police department? >> our police are very professional. they will do their job regardless whether or not they like the mayor. i don't think the major should resign. he should apologize for so much of the anti-police rhetoric he engaged in and tolerated? >> listen to what was said about the mayor's support of the police department? >> can you point out to me one mayor that has not been battling with the police unions in the last 50 years?
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name one. name one. so the experience of this mayor, in terms of some cops not liking him, it's nothing new. part of life. part of politics. >> do you think this is more about politics than anything else? >> this is very different. yes, every mayor had their struggle with the police department but almost every time it was over contract and pay and work rules. this is far different. this is about whether or not the mayor stood with the police in their time of need, whether or not the mayor used the police as a political weapon to help advance their career. the police believe that, i think, with justification. i do think we can go forward from here. >> that was my next question. what do you think the mayor has to do. >> what the mayor has done today is correct, moment of silence. visiting the site where that horrible assassination took place, calling for an end to the demonstrations during this period. this is a professional police department that will rally around the city. i believe the people of this city will rally around the police department.
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i think we can move forward and understand this was a mistaken time. what we have to do now is come together and work something to build a better future. >> i thank you for coming in. >> thank you, don. >> appreciate it. lots more news to come when we come back on breaking news on former president george h.w. bush taken to the texas hospital as a precaution. more on his health after this.
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we're following breaking news on cnn, president george
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h.w. bush in houston methodist hospital tonight after experiencing shortness of breath earlier this evening. the 90-year-old former president will be held as a precaution. mr. bush was hospitalized back in november of 2012 with bronchitis and made a full recovery after seven weeks in the hospital with bronchitis, bacteria infection and lingering cough, released from the hospital in january 2013. i want to bring in dr. debbie of nyu school of medicine. she joins me now by telephone. dr. debbie, the former president taken to the hospital after experiencing shortness of breath and help or observation. what do you think about it? >> caller: you think about the heart and the lungs. at the age of 90 you would be concerned about in general heart disease, if it's a sign of a heart attack or something else going on with the heart. for somebody who had bronchitis
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before, well, could there be something happening with the lungs, related to asthma or things along those lines. you always check the heart or lungs and test for things most dangerous first. at the same time, this president has been in very good health in general compared to a lot of people his age. it could be something not necessarily as dangerous. people are having a lot of heavy meals for the holiday season. sometimes you have reflux and things that might cause symptoms like shortness of breath. >> how will he be monitored and treated as they're keeping him as a precaution? >> depends on the doctors and teams the symptoms he's having. usually what somebody does is they check different things related to the heart. they check an ekg to see how the heart is working. if they have any concern they might do more significant testing of the heart, something called an echo that looks at how the heart is working and blood is pumping moving back and forth.
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the reason the heart can cause problems with the blood flow, it can cause these type of symptoms people feel they're not getting enough air. in terms of lungs they can do a chest x-ray to see how the lungs actually look and check simple things, how much oxygen do you actually have in your blood, something they put on your finger. usually people try to do things, monitor them and see if the symptoms go away or are getting worse and the most possible things that can hurt you, that they've ruled those things out. >> thank you. we will monitor the condition of the president being held at north methodist houston hospital. other big story, turmoil in the wake of a killing of two police officers. the mother of ismaaiyl brinsley offered her condolences today and said he was a troubled young man and he had a long mental
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health record. >> joining me from a mental health institute. you've been to so many locations where police officers have been shot. take us inside the mind of this man. >> i look for a major division. is this somebody with a long history, career criminal unable to feel empathy, lack of compassion, serious crimes or is this somebody who has another kind of history, the history that's emerging. i agree with commissioner bratton, this is somebody who was seriously unstable. his mother -- i'd like to read a quote from the associated press very briefly. the mother says, what are you going to do with a grown man who is mentally ill? we can't throw him in a xar. the sister says we tried to get him help and he refuses. i'm quoting the mother an sister of russell weston who shot and killed two police officers almost two weeks ago.
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the mother and sister of ismaaiyl brinsley are saying the same thing 20 years later. >> we heard from the sister and aunt. this is a statement saying ismaaiyl was very troubled young man whose life was in turmoil and spiraling out of control. we were estranged for a few years with occasional contact. i am deeply sorry for the loss of the two innocent men who were killed and offer my sincere rest condolences to their families. >> why is he out after being arrest for 19 times? >> the problem when we talked about this before, we have a serio seriously broken mental health system. the reason officers liu and ramos have died and their families are mourning. the reason his ex-girlfriend, shannica some son is shot and seriously injured is because of our failed health care system. we recently spent $120,000 to
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train police officers, we're one of the last big cities to train them to work with mentally ill people. >> what do we do? >> many states do it and do it well. when somebody is identified as an emotionally disturbed person, police lingo for it has a history of mental illness, they're not more violent if they're in treatment. right now, governor cuomo has on his desk a bill for release of prisoners and after care, providing prescriptions, follow-up with doctors, psychiatrists, community care. he's refusing to sign it. i'm not sure why. we know what to do to protect police officers and the general public, they are not more violent except when we leave them to their own judgment impaired by a brain disorder. >> doctor, thank you very much. we're following breaking news on president george h.w. bush taken to a houston
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hospital. sony will release the controversial movie "the interview" next. i will ask one theater owner why he wants to show it and if he's worried about his decision.
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keeping an eye this evening on the former president's health, george h.w. bush to
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texas methodist hospital. they are keeping an eye on him as a precaution. now, i want to turn to the movie north korea didn't want you to see. more than 300 theaters will show the movie. the owner of one of those theaters in charleston, south carolina. you are a very brave man. your theater will show "the interview" on christmas day. why did you decide to show it. >> we were originally scheduled to show the movie and sony decided to pull the movie for a charms day release. when it cam back to us we didn't have a say whether we would show the movie or not. we were behind the idea of showing the movie. as an independent theater we're not governed by larger corporate interests. when they offered it, we said, sure. the censorship of the movie
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didn't seem right or fair and as an independent theater we should support that. >> are you planning more security, taking any precautions? sn>> it's always been a really safe place. we cater to an older crowd. nice neighborhood, safe area. we will take other precautions. nothing too visible but we'll definitely do a variety of different things. >> all right. paul broun, i want you to stand by. paul broun, theater owner who will show the movie. bring in sharon waxman editor and chief of "the wrap." they broke the story this morning that sony was releasing the movie theatrically and also a national security analyst. you broke the story this morning that "the interview" will be in theaters and video on demand. when and where can people go see this movie if they like? >> there's about -- we have a
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long list at all the theaters where it's going to be playing. sony has not yet announced or leaked said anything about what they plan excepted there is a plan, we confirm, for what they call in the industry a day and date release meaning both in theaters and screaming on demand at the same time. we are supposed to know tomorrow where you can stream it. >> julia, i asked there brown if he's been taking any precautions. he said his theater has always been very safe and not a huge concern there. how concerned for their safety should people be if they decide to see this movie? >> barely. i never thought it was a credible threat. movie theaters should take precautions because you never know who comes out of the woodwork. the biggest safety risk is if you don't like four-letter words or pot smoking. i think this is smart of sony to
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do. you should be proud to go to the movie and if you had no inclination to see the movie, buy the tickets and don't go. this should be a good move, good show of strength for the country. people should either go or buy. >> considering the movie, the people in this movie, on demand may be the perfect place for it. let's just say you don't have to really leave your couch. so, sharon -- >> but it's more fun to see a comedy in the theater. it is one of those things you want a communal experience if you can. >> some people may not be able to find their way to their apartment or homes after watching this. the president did praise the decision to release this film in a number of theaters. he previously criticized sony's decision to pull the film. do you think the white house was aware this was in the works? >> i think the white house has been -- since the president decided to declare himself on the issue, and also caution
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sony, gee, you should have called us. and law enforcement and the fbi came out, as you said on the show, that fingering north korea as the culprit. but since then, what's interesting, you just had this huge ground swell of support to show the movie and to not let north korea claim this as a complete win. it's kind have been a nice reversal to see everything from artists to actors, the produc producers, you know, everybody, rob lowe, mia farrow, george r.r. martin has opened up his theater in new mexico. a lot of voices coming out. the republican national committee chairman, you just had people from every spector across the spectrum saying, let's pull
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together and show we will not let this be the end of this story. >> imagine that the republican national committee supporting something coming from hollywood. you mentioned a ground swell. you were part of that ground as well and you said all along you wanted to run the movie. you didn't like sony didn't give you the option initially not to run it, correct? >> yeah. independent theaters don't have te biggest pull or sway with studios. we stood by. we were prepared to show the movie. when the other major chains pulled out and sony stopped it we didn't have anything to say. i will say gathering something to watch a comedy is the only way to watch a movie. >> stand by. i may need you for this next conversation. i want to bring in one of the few people who has already seen this movie, a critic. you've actually seen it. do you think it's worth going to. some people think it's a risk, at least sony did initially. do you think it's worth going
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to? >> i have to say, i was one of many fairly negative reviews about the movie. this is a typical seth rogen comedy, crude humor, bodily functions. it's not what i call sharp or wicked political satire. people go expecting that what they're going to get is a fairly typical low brow comedy. >> is there anything in this movie that should incite kim jong un -- kim jong un to shut this down? >> now i feel like i'm giving spoilers. everyone knows there is a scene in which his head explodes in a massive ball of fire. even before all this happened, i remember thinking that that move seemed a little mean-spirited and unnecessary, not to say he is a great guy, seemed
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unnecessary. i didn't really like the 10 of the film. it's not just political satire, kind of ha-ha knee slapping humor to me. >> lightning round, julia, are you going to see it? >> yes. >> you will? >> i really feel i should see it at this stage, sort of a show of our strength. i will say i don't know if i'll enjoy it. >> sharon. >> now, i feel like it's our patriotic duty go see the darned thing, so, yes, i'm going to go. >> you wouldn't see it twice, would you? >> i would not see it for twice and i saw it for free. >> paul broun, you will watch it, right? >> we will watch it. we had hundreds of sales for the movie already. like a modern day "naked gun." >> are tickets selling out? are you selling tickets? >> we're selling a lot of tickets. the phone did not stop ringing
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all day. we're just a small theater. there were just three of us there today and it's crazy and exciting. >> and also opening, selma, a movie i screened and thought it was fantastic. thank you. when we come back, over the next 24 hours some severe weather may have a big impact on your travel plans. stay tuned. love you♪
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[announcer] this is my business. i believe in it. i live it and breathe it. i put my heart and soul... ...blood,sweat and tears into it. i run on quickbooks. that's how i own it.
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i want to update you on our breaking news tonight. president george h.w. bush hospitalized. we're told president barack obama has been made aware of his condition. the former 90-year-old president was admitted for observation. he was hospitalized for bron ki -- bronchitis but made a full recovery. we're in the thick of the holiday season and millions of americans are traveling around the country today, tomorrow, all this week, severe weather happening around the country not making it's easier to do this.
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joining me now, meteorologist karen maginnis. there were several reported torn nados in the south today, karen. five of those -- was it five? how many completely were reported today? >> we were looking at 14 tornado reports. some of those may be duplicates. what we know right now, don. about 2:00 central time, we watched the atmosphere explode and watched super cells develop along the mississippi-louisiana border. in columbia, mississippi, traveling up, we watched as thunderstorms produced tornadoes around laurel, mississippi. already at least four fatalities. the national weather service will investigation widespread damage reported across this region. looked like the tornado touched down and lifted up again, reporting seeing multiple vor
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tevort vorteces. it was roaring along 50 to 60 miles an hour. we had a report of golf -- not golf ball but fruit size hail reported. and in florida, heavy downpours. in tallahassee, almost 7 1/2 inches of rain. >> goodness. let's talk about the flight delays. lots of flight cancellations, delays, many people traveling hoping to make it home for christmas. what can we expect? >> this is going to be a complete mess. it was a complete mess today. tomorrow is going to be even worse. here are some of the delays at the i-95 corridor, new york city metro airport. the worse today was philadelphia. we saw delays all day long, about two hours. there were numerous delays, thousands of delays, about 5,000
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domestically. nearly 500 cancellations. tomorrow, here's where that wet weather is going to be. new york, you will get a soaking. no, not a white christmas. a lot of people not seeing a white christmas. chicago, don, i know you're very familiar with chicago. when the weather goes down there on christmas eve, you are looking at a real quagmire. i hate to be the bearer of bad news. >> you're the grinch tonight. >> i apologize for being fringish, we're looking between 4 and 8 inches of snow. buffalo, not a white christmas but you could see one as high as 65 miles an hour wind gusts. >> you are very lovely and we know you have to deliver the bad news. that's your job. thank you, merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas. >> we'll be right back. ah! >>hey mike! mike mike mike mike mike! >>mike mike mike mike mike.
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hey! he knows! hey! guess what day it is! hey! camel! guess what day it is! >>it's not even wednesday. let it go, phil. if you're a camel, you put up with this all the time. it's what you do. (sigh) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. ok... goodnight. goodnight. for those kept awake by pain... the night is anything but good.
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introducing new aleve pm. the first to combine a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last until the am. now you can have a good night and a... good morning! new aleve pm. for a better am.
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stay with cnn tonight for the latest on our breaking news. that is president george h.w. bush admitted to houston methodist hospital and admitted for observation just as a precaution. president barack obama has been vacationing in hawaii for the holidays and he has been made aware and the first family sent their best wishes to the former
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president and his entire family for this holiday season. he was admitted in november of 2012 with bronchitis and spent two months in the hospital. i'm don lemon. be careful out there. have a great christmas. i'll see you back here next week. ac "360" starts right now. >> good evening. i'm wolf blitzer sitting in for anderson. we begin with breaking news, prote protesters on the streets of manhattan despite the mayor's call not to march and asking for new yorkers to put the memories and families and extended nypd family of two murdered officers first for now, to let passions cool and tempers mend a bit on all sides. instead political leaders are still accusing the mayor of demonizing police in the wake of eric garner's death. hundreds of protesters have not let the rain


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