tv CNN Newsroom CNN December 27, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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having all different people that are welfare recipients getting this. but they're asking for help. and that's why there is an issue. >> but drugs, it's all households. there is ahern epidemic. in fact in massachusetts, the number one killer of massachusetts residents, 25 and under, is opium overdose. because of ahern epidemic brought on by oxycontin. this is not a problem limited to people on public assistance. and while i love the idea of getting people the help they need, this is not a program that is designed to do that. it's designed to take benefits away from people who are testing positive. >> not if you go to treatment. >> guys thanks for being here. got to go. top of the hour 6:00. mel, ben, good to have you on the program as always. have a great weekend. >> thanks for having us. and these are live pictures. we actually just saw the hi everyone. thanks so much for joining me. i'm poppy harlow. from new york city where our
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top story also takes place. tears and solidarity as some 25,000 police officers from across this nation also from canada say goodbye to one of their own. one week ago today, officer rafel ramos and his partner, wenjian liu, from gunned down assassinated while in their patrol car. today their brothers in blue mourned them at a funeral service. ♪ oh let us adore him ♪ ♪ oh come let us adore him ♪ ♪ oh come let us adore him christ the lord ♪ ♪ >> i'm sure i speak for the whole nation when i say to you
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that our hearts ache for you. but i do hope you take some solace in the fact that over 25,000 -- 25,000 members of the same fraternity and sorority as your husband who stand and will stand with you the rest of your life. your husband and his partner, they were a part of new york's finest. and that's not an idle phrase. this is one of the finest police departments in the world. the finest police departments in the world. >> nothing will ever defeat or divide our new york family. 9/11 couldn't do it. the lives of officer ramos and liu proved the dedication to it. and with a name of police
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officer ramos, from now forth, let us bow our heads, wish him and his family peace, and remember the principles he died for. to the ramos family i say we thank you, and we honor you. >> our hearts are aching today. we feel it physically. we feel it deeply. new york city has lost a hero. i extend my condolences to another family the family of the nypd that is hurting so deeply right now. >> we'll heal this department. we'll heal as a city. we'll heal as a country. and wouldn't that be the ultimate the ultimate honor for officers ramos and liu.
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what a day it was. remarkable to see in this city. with me here in new york juan carlo rodriguez, president of the 75th precinct council, and tony herbert, community activist and dr. jeff gardere, psychologist. thank you all for being here. let me begin with you, juan carlo. you were there, you know the family, you lived on the same block as them. tell me what it was like today. >> it was beautiful. it was beautiful to see that all the officers not only for the city of new york but from the whole country, was there to show support, not only to the wife and the kids but also to their fellow brothers in the city of new york which is the officers in the community, as well. >> there was this moment that stood out to a lot of us when the flag from his casket was handed to his wife and the two sons. what do you hope people will remember most about officer
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ramos? >> well as far as the community wise i can speak about as neighbors. >> yeah. >> you know he was a good father. he was a good husband. and he was always up and down the block with his kids. going either to the supermarket or to do the laundry. very quiet and humble man. >> and you said his father wasn't around for him. >> yeah his father died. >> and he wanted to be there for his son. >> yes, he definitely -- he was there for his sons. and so his life was taken away away -- it's very sad the way this all happened. very upsetting. >> and his father passed away young, you said? >> his father passed away when he was a young kid as well. >> tony you work as an advocate so really working between the police and the community in brooklyn where these officers were assassinated. what do you think can be done to most honor the memory of these
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officers? >> i think there has to be -- the mayor's office along with the police department reaching out to a number of community leaders and get us all at a table so we can have dialogue to stop this degradation of craziness that's been existing for decades. this is not something that just happened yesterday. this has been a massive buildup of frustration amongst community and police and we -- what we have never done was actually cut through it, and get to the table so we can have the right dialogue to change that dynamic. >> and to you, jeff when it comes to the family right, this is a family thrown in the spotlight. they don't want to be in the spotlight, right? for them the healing process moving for for those young boys maybe we can show the images of the two -- one college age, one younger that have their entire life ahead of them and their father not there for them. but as the vice president, joe biden said today, what they cannot take away is those memories. >> that's right. and even though officer ramos'
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father was not in his life because he died at a young age, officer ramos was there for his children. and those memories will be very strong. he was known -- he was known for knowing a little bit of everything. being a very peaceful man. and therefore, he was an incredible role model to his two sons and people have stepped up. people have said we're going to give his older son a scholarship so he can finish up at bodine university. >> yeah. >> but most importantly, and this is what is key here. you asked, what can we do? let ramos and liu be a catalyst towards peace. that's what we need between the community and the police. and let's not be mistaken here. it wasn't just the law enforcement family that was mourning these two individuals. especially ramos in this particular case. now it was the entire country. it was all of new york. so you can say, yes, we want police officers to do better. but it doesn't mean we're anti police. we mourn these two individuals.
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>> and we heard nypd commissioner bill bratton saying today in his in his remarks to heal to be greatest honor. getting on the a-train to come into work this morning in brooklyn and i saw an officer standing there. and i looked at him and i smiled. i wish i had gone up and say hi and thank you. do you think we need to do more than that. i tell my young kids talk to over 600 kids every week. and we encourage them to do that. for the most part. because the police are not our enemy. it is the system that is creating the atmosphere that needs to be corrected. >> what do you mean the system? what needs -- this is a system that allows free speech, that allows the massive protests we saw here in new york city. the police are the ones who helped facility the protest. what do you mean the system? >> new york city again. and we said when we were out with the family. the system is a corporation. new york city is a corporation. all about the dollar. and what they do is push our
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officers out there to get in our face. and need to make them do their jobs so they can write these summons, tickets. >> so you there there have been quotes. >> there is quotas and police officers have told me that. so the pressure is on them. so naturally if it's on them they're going to put it on those they need to get that quota from and turn around and create that agitation. so they're placed out there for problems. >> juan carlo, we had former nypd detective harry houck on and he said we know all cities are strapped so we're not going to get into the political debate about more money. he says more officers can be on the beat meaning in the same neighborhood all the time getting to know the community and the community getting to know them. and as someone who works between police and the community is that an answer? >> it's very important. plays a very important role to have a police officer, you know work a certain beat in his community. to get to know. because you have officers that do come from other precincts and work in our precinct.
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and then officers that are being switched around. and they don't get time to meet that store owner. the guy who is taking out the garbage from that particular house. and that's what you need that type of officer. but most importantly, you need leadership. you need leadership from the mayor's office. once again, no one has sat down with none of the presidents from any precinct since this man has come into office. and we are placed there to be that -- >> have you guys reached out to him? >> i've reached out to his office. and nothing. nothing has been done. so that's the failure right there. how do you want to move forward to have community and police together as one, and to make a better city for all of us to live in when they're failing from the top. >> but poppy at the same time they shouldn't have turned their backs on the mayor. that was disrespectful at the funeral to the people mourning too. two wrongs don't make a right. and so we must dialogue. >> all right. a quick break. gentlemen, stay with me. we're going to talk about exactly this coming up because
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today, a day in new york city that was set aside to mourn the two police officers done down in their patrol car one week ago today, we laid today officer rafel ramos to rest. his partner, wenjian liu, also laid to rest in the coming days. after the burials, then will come the efforts to heal. as a city as communities, and more. let's bring back in juan carlo rodriguez, and also tony herbert and psychologist jeff gardere. jeff to you, that is a tall order to heal what has been a
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fractured relationship in this city between some officers some communities, and the mayor. mayor bill de blasio. what needs to happen? what can be done? because this is a great city our city that we have seen overcome insurmountable odds. >> absolutely. but i think even though this sounds strange, we must keep the momentum going as far as the grief and the open hearts that we have to realize that we're not dealing with stick figures here. we're not dealing with an angry community and bad cops. we're dealing with human beings. and these two deaths these slaughters, have opened up our hearts as to the difficulty that officers have being on the beat. how tough this job is and how we really do need to talk to one another and have dialogue. we've got to get pat lynch to be able to talk to mayor de blasio. they have to stand side by side no matter the differences and not get into the rhetoric we hear sometimes from the pba, for example. not to just point fingers at
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them because that doesn't solve anything. >> the police benevolence association, who said that the mayor has blood on his hands after the death of these two officers. >> which i totally understand as a psychologist, you're very emotional, turning your back to the mayor. that's very emotional. but for now, it's not the thing to do. to honor these fallen police officers we must now have dialogue to see how we all can do better because we all need one another. the community and the police officers. >> no doubt about it. juan carlo, you know not only do you work with the community and police officers right, in brooklyn but you know the ramos family. you lived on the same block as them. what do you think officer rafel ramos would have wanted? >> he wants peace in his community. definitely he wouldn't want this what's going on now, with all of this problems with the community and police. >> you've said you're disappointed in the mayor, right? >> i'm disappointed yes. >> what would he want from the mayor and that conversation? >> what would he want from the mayor?
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what would i assume what he would want? he wants a better relationship with the community. and the police department. and also clergy. because that's what -- that was his dream, to become a clergyman. a week from now, become a clerkgy member through the department. >> he was named as the 84th precinct. >> those were his wishes. and i know i'm going to try my best to go forward, and continue to try to reach that gap between community and police. >> tony it's very upsetting to see even in the wake of the murder of these two officers threats. dozens of threats against nypd officers in the days that have followed. nine arrests being made of people on the phone, threatening them. juan using -- making a gun gesture with their hand towards an officer. where do we go from here when things like that are happening?
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>> well one, it can't be tolerated. just as though we don't tolerate black on black crime. we cannot facility or tolerate crime where they would commit against those that serve us in the community. i understand the frustration. but that's not the route for us to be traveling. at the end of the day, these officers we need them on the streets. we need them to be out there dealing with crime. so to turn around and use that as a tactic to express yourself you should go to jail. >> and i think we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that brinsley the person who committed these slaughters this person was mentally unstable. >> i'm glad you bring that up because a number of people have said -- i've heard them saying to me it's not fair to compare the actions he took to channelling the anger of many of the protesters. because this is someone who was unstable. >> that's right. and basically, what he did, this was a person who lived a life of chaos. and despite his craziness, actually wanted to leave chaos behind. and therefore, took on a cause
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of these protesters and many protesters almost as many protesters as i know none of them want to hurt the police. these are people who are pro-police but they also feel that police brutality is real, and we know it's real. and that's why we all have to come together and figure out how to solve this problem. but don't let the actions of this person who is mentally unstable dictate where we go at this point between us the community and police. >> very good point. gentlemen, thank you for being with me. i appreciate it very much. good to have you on the program. jeff gardere, tony herbert and also juan carlo rodriguez. quick break. we'll be right back.
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michael sam, you know that name. the first openly gay man to play in an nfl game told oprah winfrey this week a few gay players in the nfl have reached out to him, saying they wish they had the courage to come out. listen. >> have other gay players in the nfl called you or contacted you? >> a very few reached out to me. >> very few meaning one, two, three, five? >> very few. >> okay. >> reached out to me. and pretty much just told me the gratitude and how they were thankful i had the courage to you know -- they wish they had the courage to come out. >> gay men in the nfl. >> gay men in the nfl. >> reached out to you and called you. >> reached out to me yes.
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and just showed their respect and showed that -- and admired my courage. and it was very -- it was very good. >> and you are using the plural men, not man. >> men. >> there's a lot of us out there. i'm not the only one. i'm just the only one who is open. >> as you know michael sam was drafted this year by the st. louis rams. he was cut after the preseason. i asked sports contributor, terrence moore, for his reaction. listen. >> whether you talk about gay players, or any kind of player or anything you want to assign to anybody, all these people everybody is different. people have got different mind-sets. people have got different ways they can tolerate criticism or success or what have you. so you really can't put a -- some kind of label on it and say this person should do this and that person should do that. michael sam was uniquely built for this moment. just like a lot of people don't like this comparison, and i don't really like to compare
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this to maybe a racial thing. but look at jackie robinson. jackie robinson was uniquely prepared for that moment. >> terrence moore, thank you to him. next on the program, these words. arrogant and gangster-like. two of the words chosen by north korea to describe the u.s. after the release of the controversial film "the interview." so is the president reacting? that's next. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. in my world, wall isn't a street... return on investment isn't the only return i'm looking forward to. for some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college.
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the north korean government furious at president obama, following the release of that movie "the interview," which was widely seen since its release christmas day. here is part of the statement release today from pyongyang. quote, u.s. president obama is the culprit who forced sony pictures entertainment to release the movie and blackmailing cinema houses and theaters in the u.s. mainland to distribute the movie. our michelle kosinski is in hawaii where the first family is on holiday vacation. i wonder michelle after north korea and the statement calling the president arrogant and a gangster is the white house even acknowledging it? >> reporter: no. they're not making any response this time. i mean this kind of odd back and forth started last week when first the u.s. put out a statement blaming north korea. north korea said we didn't do it. the u.s. needs to apologize. the u.s. said that north korea
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needs to apologize. so clearly, the u.s. got to a point where the administration didn't want to keep going that route. and then finally said you know we're not going to respond to everything north korea says. we're not going to get into that kind of tit for tat. after putting this out, at one point in this letter that just spews venom and attacks and threats against the u.s. calling president obama a -- like a monkey in the jungle it's really unbelievable. it makes you just think how could this have come from a state, from another government that claims to be you know a player on the international stage, and that the u.s. should be working with in trying to get to the bottom of who hacked sony. you just have to look at it in disbelief. and you would be surprised, to be honest to see the administration respond to something like that poppy. >> i do wonder michelle because there are some tech experts, hacking experts, even in this country, joining the notion that perhaps north korea
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wasn't responsible for this. even though the fbi came out and said, look the evidence is that it's north korea. is there any indication the administration is going to respond to that and say, put out any of that evidence or are they just saying this is what it is? >> reporter: no. and they're not really getting into the nitty-gritty of their evidence versus what other people are speculating about it. and it's interesting. when you look at what the fbi put out a couple days ago, detailing in three categories why they think this was definitively north korea, they point to things like similarities and lines of codes to other past attacks known to come from north korea. things like the same i.p. addresses in north korea were communicating with other i.p. addresses connected to this attack. and so on. and it seems like pretty strong evidence. but then you have other experts. these are people who really know about such hacking attacks, saying well hey, that code has been out there for a while. surely other hackers could have co opted it and done a similar
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attack. and they point to other possible culprits like maybe even former disgruntled employees of sony. it really gets to be fascinating. but it doesn't seem like there is anything that anyone can really nail down to say, you know this wasn't north korea. and the fbi has said what it said and the administration is stand big that, poppy. >> michelle kosinski reporting live from where the first family is on vacation in hawaii thank you. coming up next on the program, this year's hit music scene was all about the ladies. taylor and beyonce and iggy and katie. we'll talk about the women killing it on the charts with "rolling stone" and spotify. that's next. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything?
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♪ ♪ shake it off shake it off ♪ >> i cannot help resist dancing, even here at the anchor desk when i hear that song. it is one of a number of fantastic songs by female artists this year. taylor swift, beyonce, iggy azalea, katy perry. what a year it has been. these ladies killed it when it came to topping the music charts in 2014 combined sales that
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eclipsed the yearly gdp. the year in music is all about girl power. looking at the top five money makers in the words of annie lenox, sisters are doing it for themselves. and it's not only about the money, but creative control. let's talk about this with "rolling stone" magazine contributing editor anthony de curtis and also from spotify, shannon cook. thank you for being here. good to see you again. >> likewise. >> so let's start with this anthony. why such a banner year for these ladies? >> it's interesting. i think during any moment when pop music itself is really kind of at the forefront as opposed to like kind of tougher -- like sort of harder forms, women come to -- they do very well in pop context. and i think there is also kind of a sense of energy attracting energy. i mean someone like beyonce, i think, or taylor swift does so well, and that just pulls more women up after them. >> i think they're also really savvy on social media. i think that's really helping. a lot of artists you mentioned -- >> taylor it's amazing how she
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promotes her albums on insta-braham graham. >> right. most ladies you mentioned have twitter followers in the tens of millions. and they're very entertaining and engaging with how they engage with their fans on social media. >> do you think, shannon, also it is about -- you know independence and creative control, right? we saw taylor swift pulling her music from spotify. that was her decision. others have not done that. but also we have seen this billion-dollar lawsuit against youtube by some artists saying pull our music down. hasn't this been a year of artist independence and making statements? >> absolutely. that just doesn't go for female artists. all artists across the board there. the music business is changing so rapidly. and it's kind of murky. and artists are breaking on youtube, we're finding that artists are now breaking on spotify. this year we saw that with hosier. last year with lorde. so i think artists are not being shy about taking the reins and
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experimenting with different things. >> so anthony, i like your take on how you think it's working and also if you think about these unconventional ways. youtube, for example, the release of song of innocence as an automatic itunes download. hit or miss? are they finding it's working? >> it's one of the things you file under it sounded like a good idea at the time. but they ran into a wall i think, and a lot of people have a sense of what the limits of technology are. and in a certain way. or what the kind of possible drawbacks to technology are. and people felt it was intrusive. >> because we all got it automatically. yeah exactly. like i don't want it. like why do they have this why am i getting it. and you would think giving your album away would be a good thing. but it really did backfire against them. >> shannon, looking ahead to 2015 who are you keeping an eye on? i mean it feels like taylor swift cannot go anywhere but up. but who else are you keeping an eye on? >> we're keeping an eye on several artists, one from the
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uk. we really think this guy is going to do well. his name is james bay, a soulful singer/songwriter. he has a song out right now on spotify we're gravitating towards. it's called "let it go" but not could be confused with the "frozen" song. there is also a female pop singer from san diego we've got our eyes on. and a rap artist from atlanta whose name is rory 18 years old, and he's interesting, because he sings and raps. he kind of sings and raps. >> people obvious like those collaborations between singers and rappers. >> and he can -- he's a collaboration within himself. >> anthony, let me ask you and feel free to jump in. we did see the big controversy with taylor swift pulling her music from spotify. what do you think the music distribution systems, like spotify, like pandora, et cetera google has come out with their own. i think music key. what challenges do they face going into 2015? >> i think they face the challenge of artists -- artists
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are upset. i mean there is a sense of you know -- i don't know what exactly can be done about that. but, you know they have a sense of you know in a way many of them how things used to work. and there's a new environment that's taking shape. and the new -- you know companies that are trying to create that future also have to apiece these artists. and i think that struggle is going to be ongoing. >> does the model have to change a bit? the spotify model, the pandora model, et cetera to keept artists on board? because without the artists -- >> where are they going to go? that's the other question. >> who is -- someone gave me a cd by the way. i don't know where to play it. >> right. i don't have a cd player either. but, you know i think there is a lot of misinformation out there. and one of the keys is communication. there needs to be a lot of communication between the artists, between their artists and their managers and artists and record labels and also communication with services like spotify. you know spotify, we like to think we're pretty transparent about how our model works. and you can read on our website
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a very detailed breakdown of where the funds go. where we -- since 2008 since we launched, we have paid $2 billion back to rights holders. so we're satisfied we're doing our part to invigorate the music business. >> but the conversation needs to happen more among artists. >> it does. >> and platforms. >> it's going to be fascinating to watch. >> still evolving for sure. >> go ladies what a year 2014 has been. guys thank you. happy new year. >> happy new year to you as well. >> coming up on the program, one cnn anchor finds out why he maybe shouldn't quit his day job. >> if you cut a long time ago, they would fire you. >> take a trip around the world with our very own don lemon, as he goes on his search to find his roots. that's next.
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about his family. don lemon set off to find his roots. it's a journey that begins in his hometown of port allen, louisiana. so one of the favorite questions i like to ask my guests is who do you think you are? so now i'm getting the answer to that question. ♪ growing up in port allen, here it is. i grew up in the country. and i loved it. this little brown, curly-haired kid with big teeth and big ears who grew into his looks. ha-ha-ha. what am i doing? are you rolling? i left louisiana in my 20s and never really looked back. now i'm going home to find my roots. to learn more about my family tree. the people who are so much a part of who i am today. >> come on over here. >> i don't want to see y'all.
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i just want to eat. >> come on come on come on. >> hey, mother. >> hi! >> i think i still owe them. >> i spent so many years chasing a dream, chasing a career. and missing birthday parties and anniversaries and graduations and babies being born and all those things. and because of this i've had to reconnect more with my family and talk with my family and what's better than that? my father wilman died when i was 9 so i was raised by my mom, kathryn, who worked and by her mom, my grandmother, mary henrietta. my mom is my best friend now. my grandmother was my best friend then. she was my buddy. i can't wait to find out more about her. because i think she's the linchpin. you know i think about her all of the time. i even have dreams about her. like we are in communication. like she is still alive. and then i wake up.
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and she's not there anymore. and i remember that she's not there. she made me who i am. she is the one who instilled pride in me. i don't know much about who came before my grand mother. she did tell me her mom, katherine jackson, died in childbirth. she didn't know much about her dad, except his name harry rivault and that he was white. i always wished i asked my grandmother more about them. so my mom and i asked michelle ericenbrach from to dig through the record books and see what she could find. >> why don't we start by you telling me what -- about your grandmother or your mother. >> she was very nice very good mother. >> she was very outspoken. she was very outspoken. >> all i ever knew was her
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mother died in childbirth and her dad was -- >> harry. >> and she just didn't talk about it? >> she just didn't talk about it that much because my daddy didn't like it at all. >> because harry is white. >> and because of the way he was with her. you know like a secret about who your child is. and because you're white and she's black. >> this is him in 1910. he's married. and odill is his wife. what this looks like is part of the reason why he wanted to keep mary henrietta quiet. is because he was married. and he and o'dell never had any children. >> really? >> they never had children. >> who bought the house. >> he did. >> he bought it and gave it to her, right? >> uh-huh. >> so this is someone that he's -- he cares for. and is trying to provide for in his own way, because you didn't know that he had done that right? >> no i never knew that. my mom said she saved the money to buy it.
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>> so she had her ways right? >> ways. >> that's a family thing. ways. >> this is an interesting page too. harry rivealt was right here. >> he was the oversee of the plantation. so my great grandfather was a plantation oversear. >> the main plantation in west baton rouge is sinclair. and it's likely that this is where harry and katherine jackson met. and it's also likely that the plantation is where your mother was born. and where kathryn died. >> i had grown up in the shadow of sinclair plantation but had never been there. and certainly never imagined i had a personal connection to it. but if that's where my great grandfather worked great grandmother died, and grandmother was born i want to see it for myself.
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>> right now, we are walking along what is known as manager's row. >> so who lived on this row? >> harry. harry, like lived his life in one of these houses. and walked up and down these streets, to and from work every day. this is a turn of the century map of sinclair. right here is the management. and then here it says negro quarters. so the layout in the past 100 years hasn't changed at all. and it kind of gives you an idea of where kathryn might have lived and where harry might have lived. now i have another document. this is his obituary. and the state times advocate 3rd of march, 1941. do you want to read it? >> it says the funeral of harry rivealt, was held sunday afternoon at 3:00.
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he killed himself by placing a .12 gauge pump gun to his head and pulling the trigger. the coroner's jury brought in a verdict of suicide. >> i wonder why he shot himself in the head? >> yeah it's gruesome. >> it is pretty gruesome. imagine how much pain you have to be in to do that. i never knew him. yet finding out my great grandfather killed himself is disquieting. it hangs heavy. i can't ignore it. but it is part of my story. just like this sugar cane plantation where my great grandmother worked for wages, doing the same kind of work her grandparents did as slaves. i wonder what it was like in the stifling steamy fields under the summer sun. kirby has been harvesting cane here since he was a small boy. he knows what it was like. if you worked on a cane plantation you would be there, what sun up to sundown? >> sun up to sundown. >> this was tough work.
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>> it was. >> show me how you do it. >> just like this cut the top, throw it over. you see, if you were cutting cane a long time ago, they would fire you. >> because i'm cut too long high? >> yeah, you've got it cut it all the way to the ground. this is where most is. >> that's where most of the sugar is. >> usually just skinny people in those days. >> i wonder if the shaves among my ancestors, had to work even harder. finding out about them is like fighting through a brick wall. but michelle won't rest. coming up see what she has found that leads me halfway across the world in serve of my roots. ♪ (holiday music is playing) hey! i guess we're going to need a new santa ♪(the music builds to a climax.) more people are coming to audi than ever before. see why now is the best time.
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before the break, our don lemon began a search to fill in the gaps of his family tree. here is the second part of his journey. ♪ >> for the next part of your story, we are coming here to the west baton rouge museum. this cabin was built by slaves. so we're in a building that's very contemporary to the time of when your ancestors lived here as well. and we want to talk about moses jackson. so here's a pedigree. >> all right. >> so this is your grandmother. and this is your great
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grandmother, kathryn, and her father james. so moses and catherine are your third great grandparents. catherine catherine, her maiden name was woods. we don't know who her father was, but there is a candidate. his name was clemens woods. this is an 1880 census. this says he was born in louisiana, and his father was born africa. clemens was born in 1812 based on clemens' age and, you know what his father's age could have been anywhere from about 1767 to 1792 is when he could have been born in africa. >> he is without a name an age or a face. but he's my connection to africa. i wonder about his passage to america, his journey, his struggle.
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my answers lie 5,000 miles away at cape coast castel in ghana, one of the hubs of the transatlantic slave trade. it's hard to believe a place so beautiful and so full of life had such a dark past. historian he isso blankson was about to show me just how dark. >> this was a mill. this was constructed in around 1792. it was designed for 1,000 people. >> in here? >> yes. >> can you imagine being in this? >> they stayed here for about three months on average. and in this darkness yes. >> it felt like a descent into hell. i felt like this must be what it's like to enter hell. i couldn't believe that people walked down that path and then walked through here, and then spent months in here. if you survived. >> this was a dungeon for the
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rebellions. >> but it was dark in here. >> it was dark in here. right. they were held here in chains. so you see the hole on the wall? holes on the wall. they were held in chains. the floor in which you are standing now has been excavated. they have removed much of the coverings. it was with feces, blood, decomposed bodies clothes. food. vomit. sweat. >> i kept looking for places to escape and there was no escape. the only escape was either you had to survive, become a slave, or you escaped through death. >> we are about to enter a religious site. so i announce our presence. >> before leaving the dungeons,
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we let a candle in memory of the slaves who passed through these harrowing halls. >> we're survivors. >> yes. >> survivor spirit. >> the door of no return. >> door of no return. through this door they left behind -- they're known for the unknown. we're going to go through this door. >> and then you walked through the door of no return. right on to the ship. >> we have the door of return. in 1998 two bodies of slaves were exhumed in america and jamaica. they were brought back through this door to reverse the train of into return. >> i was thinking i just can't
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hold it in anymore. i wake up every day, my life is like a dream. every day, i feel like i'm dreaming. i have such a wonderful life. i am so blessed and so fortunate. i want all those people who think they can't survive and all those people who say i can't do this i can't do that i want to show people that that isn't true. you can do whatever you want. >> so on behalf of the government and people of this country, it's my pleasure to welcome you back. >> who do i think i am? i know that i'm a survivor. and i came from a group of people who are survivors. >> did you enjoy the trip? >> i loved it. i'm so glad i came. and it's so beautiful here. >> it is. i'm glad you came. >> i'm so happy. i'm happy you talked me into it. >> i love you. >> i love you too. >> that is an amazing story
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about a guy we all love a lot, don don lemon. before we go former president george h.w. bush's condition we are told is improving. the president was hospitalized in houston this week after experiencing shortness of breath. he will remain in the hospital through the weekend, but doctors are now discussing a date for his discharge. we wish him well. i'm poppy harlow. thank you so much for being with me tonight. right now, a marathon of "the hunt" with john walsh begins. back in 1981, i had the american dream. the beautiful wife the house in the suburbs. and a beautiful 6-year-old son. and one day i went to work kissed my son goodbye. and never saw him again. in two weeks i became the parent of a murdered child. and i'll alw
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