tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 30, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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>> that's okay. okay. doing a great job here. >> thank you. >> but again. we will update our viewers on the breaking news. stand by david souci. stand by everyone. >> announcer: this is "cnn breaking news." >> it is 11:00 p.m. on the east coast. thank you for joining us. i'm don lemon. we have breaking news on flight 8501. indonesia found the location of the plane. it is at the bottom of the java sea. shown on a sonar image. officials cannot confirm reports that the plane is upside down. joining me to talk about all this cnn safety analyst, david souci. david, you have been with us all day here on cnn. when you and i last spoke, it was, last night, late last night, close to midnight there had really nothing had been found. an hour after we left they started getting debris. they were 95% sure it was debris from the plane. here we are, almost 24 hours after you and i spoke last night. and now. sonar images of the plane.
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>> as unpresscedented mh-370 was. this is almost as undes prenlted the information came to us. and this will be used as lessons learned how to run an investigation like this. >> i found it interesting. as we have been discussing this. we are talking about the condition of the body. whether the body. some had clothes. some were clothed. some weren't. that does give you an indication as to what happened. that is a very pertinent question that you ask in an accident investigation? >> in my investigations what i request. because the the search-and-rescue teams typically go in there and deem with the body. a lot of times as an investigator the bodies have been reap moved when you go there. one of my requests is that the bodies stay until some one gets there. again the families and, of the victims, want to make sure this doesn't happen again. so you don't want to disturb that site. you want to make sure that the clues that are necessary.
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that you can get from the body are, are documented before the bed are removed. >> stay with me. i will rely on you as we continue to report this breaking news. i want to bring in now, cnn's gary tuchman live in indonesia. any reaction where you are? >> reporter: not yet, don. the families are inside here at the soekarno-hatta airport. the public and news media is not allowed inside the room. we don't have initial receive action. what we can tell you about life here at the airport. a very strange juxtaposition. this is the second largest city in indonesia. 250 million people. big country. very busy airport. so strange. so many joyous people at the airport coming in going out. celebrating. laughing. children having a great time. this end of the airport, family members just waiting for any word whatsoever. right now, no reacts. we can tell you though there is 70 80 family members in the
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room. gifting all the support they need. when they have questions officials try to answer them. their most fervent hope is for the body of their loved ones to be found. what they're hoping for. >> gary can we talk about the with conditions where you are. though they spotted it on soap nar they still have how to get to it. what's going on with the weather. is there -- the possibility of it hampering this recovery effort? >> what may have caused the crash its what is making it difficult to to recover the remains of the people who were on the plane. and the black boxes. the weather was very bad. this is monsoon season. water is relatively shallow. 100 feet deep. less than the depth of some areas of the great lakes in the united states. in that sense, maktzes it easier. gray murky. rocky. waves are roiling. came on a flight from bali to this island.
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turbulent. couldn't see anything until we landed. making it very difficult. the fact is they do believe they know exact plea where the plane is. this is not exactly like the malaysia aircraft in march. they know where the is. they recovered at least six of the body. including one flight attendant. that being said they know where they're looking. just difficult conditions. we can anticipate don, when the conditions get better they will get much easier to conduct the search. >> stand by. don't go anywhere. want to come back to you. want to got to mary on the phone, former inspector general, an attorney for victims of transportation accidents. mary as -- mary i want to read you the latest. to make sure you are up on it. sar, search-and-recovery. found the location of the plane. the location of the mren useplane using sonar technology. at the bottom of the java sea. at the moment they don't know if the plane is one piece or broken
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up. the official could not confirm the report. reported by "the wall street journal" the plane was turned upside down. mary what do you think of this new information? >> well it is very important. very useful information. and what we want to hear is also that the tail portion of the fuselage is still on. which would give them the black boxes we hope. but the fact that it is upside down. may not be able to tell anything. obviously, if the plane haddynamic stall. it can fall to the earth like a leaf kind of belly first. or it could, you know could be spenting down. that doesn't really matter. once it hits the water, even if it caught one wing or the other could be turned upside down in the crash sequence. but with a large pieces like that you would think that perhaps it did, did fall. belly first. like that air france 447. and, and, absorb some of the impact with the water to have a
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big piece like that survive. >> mary remember when when we talked about this. for mh-370. people were asking -- is there a chance? that it is fully intact on the bottom of the ocean? how might that happen? even itch itf it is a large chunk of the plane. it seems not entirely possible. that that could happen. that's what at lest for 370. at least for 370. seemed to be the expert opinion. it wouldn't beep possible possible for this to happen. >> for 370. i think everyone was assuming. there wasn't an aerodynamic stall. hadn't fallen from the sky, from flight level, 3600. from 36,000 feet. and that perhaps, as the it ran out of fuel we are talking 370. that it continued to fly. the airplane kept itself going. coming down. straight level. resting. settling in on the ocean.
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here i don't think there is any possibility of that having lost control. we thing. up at 36,000 feet. so the -- the fact there is a big piece, is fortunate. i don't think we will find the plane intact. we know that because there has been the, the body that have been found. >> yeah. so if it's -- say the plane is upside done again. that is "the wall street journal" reporting. does that say anything. could it be the currents? >> it could. >> yeah. yeah. it could be either. could have come down that way or could have turned in and hit the water. >> uh-huh. >> so if there is a big section as you were saying. and it the first place they're going to look is in the tail. that is good news at least when it comes to getting the information about how this happened. bah, mary because according to you. the boxes are in the tail section of the plane? >> right. if they remained. like if at all. that part of the plane remained on that piece.
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that could happen very very quickly. >> possibility that they could. >> indicator that they're okay. the fact that that flight kit, that was in the back of the aircraft. blue box that we saw in there. that was in the tail of the aircraft. that was kept in the tail of the aircraft. it was intact as you could see. certainly the black boxes are much more structurally sound. i feel like there is a good possibility they may be in good condition. >> either of you. now that they have spotted the plane. how much longer before the recovery of body and then the plane itself? first to mary? then david? >> well i mean the recovery of body. i mean they're likely to do that straer quickvery quickly. any time. any motion. is very damaging. also very respectful. now that they have it. it will be their first order of business. they aren't mutually exclusive. they can retrieve the black boxes while the recovery of the, of the body of the human remains continues. i think that will be their first, you know they're
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probably already -- planning to do that right now. they just won't delay on getting either. the human remains or the black boxes? >> mary said that you know families. she has been working with families. they hate that word. closure, david. still, if if the plane is intact. possibility of them finding -- other remains of their loved ones that that these offer some hope for that. more hope for that. >> more hope they will be returned in the condition that they're in. yes, certainly is. >> mary. what they want to be able to provide. the respectful services. and, to have their loved ones. and, their, their body their remains. their property. everything as i mentioned. every single item from that flight. the last thing that they touched. the last thing that they did. becomes very very important to to the families. to have those things back. so and, by the way, once nay do that. even for -- for things that they can't identify.
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there is a become that is prepared. called unaccompanied items. and then that is circumstance lated to families to help them i didn't tie things. circulated to families to help them i didn't tie things. property. they want that back too. >> mario, thank you. david. thank you very much. don't go anywhere. gary tuchman, as well. indonesia. sar, search-and-recovery found the recovery of the plane, using sonar technology. again, cnn confirmed this. at the bottom of the java sea. at the moment they still don't know if the plane is in one piece or if it is brocken up. but the piece is big enough for it to be picked up on sonar. it looks look there is at least one big piece of the plane. also the official could not confirm the report that the plane is turned upside down. another news organization "wall street journal" is reporting that. more on the breaking news when we come right back. get ready for some german engineered holiday excitement. at the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. right now, for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a new volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta
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>> welcome back. don lemon here. the plane is at the bottom of the java sea. officials cannot confirm reports that the plane is upside down or if it is one piece. but there is a big enough chunk of the plane that it was picked up on sonar. i went to bring in cnn's gary tuchman in in year na, and-- in indonesia. we will be joined. and first to gary. gary here's what we know. they found the location of the plane. using sonar technology. at the bottom of the sea. at the moment they don't know if it is one piece.
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that's according to the chief of search-and-rescue there. when last i spoke to you, i asked you about the families. had they gotten the information? if they are reacting to the news yet? >> here's what i can tell you for sure don. the families have not come out. i can guarantee the families knew about this before you and i knew about this. they're being told everything. the communeication is very good. huge difference. now, 10 months ago. you had so many angry family members who could not believe what was going on. they weren't being given information. these people these poor people who are suffering so much while -- their loved ones are being looked for. in the, in the java sea right now. have been telling us they're getting the information they need. certainly they're sad, and horrified, and their lives have changed forever. but they're being given the information. it is happening here in the airport behind me. 70 80 family members inside right now. they haven't come out.
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they're having people coming in. official giving them the information whenever they need it. what i told you before. an important point to re-emphasize. the main question they're asking, when can i got my father? sister? brother? mother? wife? when can i get them back. they have given up hope they're alive. but they want their bed backodies back. >> gary you flew into the area not long ago. you said conditions are bad. though they have found this plane. they have located it on sonar. that still doesn't mean that they're going to get to it quickly. >> that's right. i flew on another indonesian airline, a commuter plane from indonesian island of bali connecting to this airport here a couple of hours ago. the conditions were not good. nothing i haven't seen before with all the flying in our job, don. it was very foggy. very wendy. very blustery. when i was able to see the
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waves, walterter. they seemed to be high. the conditions are not bad for the search. indeed that might be the reason that this plane crash happened because of bad conditions. it is important to emphasize. talk to your experts about this. say the same thing. bad with doesn't cause crashes. we fly in bad weather all the time. it is unfortunate mistakes. errors. bad luck. that goes with the bad weather. but we don't want people to be scared to fly. there is bad weather all the time. we don't know what led to this crash happening after what appeared bad weather when the plane took off. >> very good point. stand by. our aviation analyst, safety analyst here on cnn. he is -- this is a very good point that he makes. planes fly in bad weather all the time. >> they do. i used to do testing on the manufacturing line. and, my job was to break the wings. so we would try to break the wings. lift them. much smaller jets than these. nonetheless they're designed to flex. absorb the movement.
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so again, as he said. to be afraid to fly because of this incident is not, not reasonable. >> stand by. want to update our viewers. get become to gary again. that they have found the location of the mren. using sonar. it appears to be a big, section of the plane. not sure if it intact or not. at gary tuchman's location now. want to got to him. there are families coming ow. gary what can you tell us? what is going on? >> reporter: i want to give you a look don, just as the we finished talking with you. family members started walking out of the room. they look somber you might expect. we're beg told they're going to participate in some type of ceremony in memory of their loved ones. the first we have seen of them since the news happened. after we are done talking to you. we'll inquire with them gently. i might add, sensitively, i might add. find out what they found out about the situation. >> you said they're somberment no visible reaction except for being somber?
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>> no. what we have seen before don, we have covered other disasters, the malaysia air crash. ten months ago. people crying. yelling. screaming. hysterical. not just right after. days after. these people they almost look business like. sad, somber. we don't see any one crying right now. we just see them coming out. with a sense of purpose. that purpose might be a ceremony. we are being told now, this hot off the press from my wonderful producer saying that there is going to be a prayer service in the airport. apparently the public might be allowed to participate in also. that's where family members are going. inside the airport. told you, don. strange juxtaposition. the airport is crowded. many places in asia and europe. full of relatives. screaming, happiness. joy inside the airport. so may be an unusual scene as they go into the public part of
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the airport for what appears a prayer service. >> you are exactly right saying that. gently. gary is standing back way from the family members. and if they do decide to talk us speak to no pressure to do it. gary stand by. if you need to go report. we will understand. mary i want to i want to talk touch on suck that gary-- touch on something gary said there. the family members almost being business like. mary is former inspector general for the department of transportation and now an attorney that wretch ra cents fame -- attorney that represents family members of air accidents. a difference between the way the air lanes handled it. they're giving the families information. they're not at a point where they are begging for information. it has been days days days not getting anything. that makes a huge difference. >> absolutely. and it makes no sense whatsoever to withhold information from the families. they will get it eventually.
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so why treat them disrespectfully and keep them in the dark. there was a lack of understanding after mh-370 by the country and airline about people. don't treat them poorly in the short term. hopefully. not just lessons learned from 370. air lanes have conlines have control. people on staff. in the united states you are required. part of the federal aviation regulations. people on staff, equipped capable, trained to deal with this. and providing information as you did. this is wait families should be treated. they're their customers and their responsibility. >> mary we talked about nine
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nations including the united states china, australia. all, in trofldvolved in this in indonesia. will it be the indonesian government who will take the lead. who will? >> the indonesian government has the right to decide. decide who takes the lead. so far there has been no indication there is any turf warfare going on. in terms of the investigation, as to what happened i do think that they will bring in perhaps, well we know that airbus will be coming in as a party to the investigation. so that would -- cause things perhaps the french french version of the ntsb would come in and participate. since they have invited other countries to help. they can set up a multinational investigative body to deter men what happened and toer to erer issue the report. they do also have to being an international flight they do have to follow or they should
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follow international civil aviation organization guidelines. and that include putting out the preliminary report as soon as they have the information to do it. and cooperating with the nigss swith -- and cooperating with the nations on the plane. i would look to welcome international viewer viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm don lemon. in the last hour. breaking news on cnn. flight 8501 has been found. found at the bottom of the java sea. located by sonar. don't know yet if it is one piece. and there is no word on when it will be recover. we'll continue on with this breaking news right after this quick break. ama sherman and the legion of super fans. wow! [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it. and mama loves you. ♪ ♪
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welcome back. welcome our international viewers. breaking news from indonesia. flight 8501 has been found. the plane is at the bottom of the java sea. officials cannot confirm reports the plane is upside down. it was spotted by sonar. now want to bring in cnn's will ripley from beijing. will what's the reaction if any in from beijing? >> reporter: this is certainly, makes it real for the families. because we know that there was debris. we know that there were several body pulled out of the water. but what had not been found up until now within the past few minutes. pardon me, don. let me put my microphone on.
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just arrived back here in the office. after the news. so what i was saying is up until now, there had been debris, there had been several body found. but this is what really makes it real. is is the discovery of the plane. because this is where it is presumed that the majority of the passengers will be. so all of the hospitals that have been preparing now for days to identify the passengers as they're taken out of the wreckage. this is going to be when all of that kicks into effect. it also makes it more real for the families here. mh 370 families. watching this so closely. praying that perhaps -- maybe some some sort of a miracle. kept hearing that over and over again. people that nearly ten months after the disappearance of the flight they belief there is a chance their loved ones could be alive. but when you face the reality that now a fuselage is sitting at the bottom of the java sea. you know sadly that's not going
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to be the case for the air asia families. flight 370 families have questions lingering to the day. a difficult week for them. as the it has been for the families in indonesia. >> stand by. want you to react. bring in david souci, save tef analyst. they're bringing in and they're bringing in uss samson arrived. and the pentagon is preparred to bring more information, assets. will they need this now? >> what that will be is the platform. that's where they start. the command center. they have to have that out there. because last thing you need is going back and forth too much. you put it there. placed, to retrieve and catalog any evidence that you have and also to start identifying the body with the dna kits they have now. they might be able to i didn't tie stom remains there before taking them back to the hospitals. but i think there is a good position that they're going to
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need that. if they've bring the aircraft up. they will need it. that has not been deter menned yet. >> the pentagon says another is being prepared beside the uss samson. i image if if they've spotted the plane. at least on sonar. they're still going to need as many resources as potsable to to get the plane off the ocean floor and also to recover more body and more debris. >> absolutely. when you look at different types of accidents that involve an aircraft certainly which, you know sinks down in rapid speed. or in south korea where we had the ferry. that went down. you know that occasionally there are people -- that that for whatever reason due to the force of impact or they they are not in the aircraft. that's why we have seen some of -- of the passengers recovered. floating onn't inging on the surface. they were seen in graphic, live television images across asia. people didn't want to see it.
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there was no warning. it popped up on the screen. yes, immediate area will be the main focus. they're going to need to search all around the plane. you will have a painful process. people are brought back. take a look at information families have given them. pictures. dna. families are going to have to identify their loved ones. thank you, will ripley. get become to you. we continue on here. bring in david souci. and triple 7 pilot. and joining me on the phone. a 330 pilot, carlene petitte, and maria schiavo as well. what's your reaction les? >> it's horrible news the families have to celebrate 2015 in this regard if there is a celebration, of course. finding this whole airplane. seems for the information we are getting right now. there is a fair portion of it
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intact. what it says to me is -- there is a possibility that this -- this stall situation that we may have been talking about may have actually occurred. dave and i have been conferring. there was a potential turn it was found, 100 miles south of the last known position. so that seems, seems very interesting to me. still doesn't for me rule out the possibility of a mechanical issue. >> doesn't? why not? >> from the standpoint. they've had encountered any sort of icing similar to what i hate to go you know that direction because once again we are speculating. if they go in the direction of air france 447, with the pito tubes did get blocked by ice. they may have been dealing with a lot of erroneous instrumentation issues in trying to determine what was going on with the airplane. >> not getting the correct information. you touched on that earlier,
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carlene, and you believe, and i don't know if you've still do since they found, you know the chunk of the airplane. you still believe that it was weather related? there need to be more training when it come to weather? >> oh yeah definitely. more so. pilots are going to be flying the plane all the way down. and unlike air france. the first officer had the stick pulled back. the airplane literally fell like a maple leaf into the ocean. not until the captain knew what was happening. they've didn't have time to get out of it. the airplane had the same instruction. but he was trying to fly the airplane all the way down. that would make complete sense that you know it didn't fall into the ocean. the same way air france did. but the problem started, the same way with lots of instruments, and, you know storm induced. >> you still believe weather,
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right? >> oh yeah yeah. definitely. definitely. that started that chain of events don. >> who is best here to explain this on the technology. maybe david souci. colleen. how sonar technology found the plane how it was able to determine a plane and not something else? >> i would speculate the sonar equipment was on the ship that was dispatched to the area. because the only other way to do that is through highydrosound testers. sending out a signal. much like the radar on the aircraft we are talking about. send out a signal. cal cue late the bounce-back. calculates the bounce back. and a picture, how the wave on the water, comes back to the the receiver. >> what does this mean mary for the our jen seep-- urgency here? racing to get debris that is floating? does this change the urgency at all? >> doesn't change to get
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anything floating as far as any human remains. but yes, they will turn their attention now to this. one they will know there are a large number of body in that part of the plane. and it will contain a lot of clues they need to help them solve it. they went have to pick up every piece of debris and analyze it whether it is from the plane or not to establish the drift patterns so they can find the plane. that part is over. they no longer have to be worried about working out the search grid and drift patterns. now, they can focus on -- getting the, the people out of the plane and black boxes too. >> stand by everyone. our breaking news here to night on cnn. flight 8501 has been found at the bottom of the java sea. that is the breaking news. we will have more right after this very quick break.
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8501. at the bottom of the java sea. at the moment they don't know if it is one piece. or it is broken up. go now to jeffrey thomas. editor-in-chief of airline he joins us from perth, australia, via skype. this happened quickly, jeffrey. it did. mind you. they had ships in the area. 32 ships in the area. for the last 24, 36 hours. a number of those. have the sonar capability. but they have gone on to a very timely manner. it brings closure to relatives in the circumstance. i think they're going to find that the fuselage is breached. that's whey we have got, six beds on the surface. i think that's for certain. what's going to be particular interest what part of the airplane are the wings, the tile.
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whether it was intact or down to the bottom of the ocean? >> whether it was intact. whether it was upside down. "the wall street journal" is saying the sonar is indicating it may be upside down. again not cnn, cnn reporting. cnn's reporting. what -- does that change anything for you? does it have any meaning to you? i don't know whether it is right way up or right side down. i don't necessarily think that's -- critical. i think the plane was out of control. i think there was a, high altitude stall event. i dent think there is any doubt about that. from the information we received from indonesia. something catastrophic happen. they weren't able to communicate. i think we can draw that. but, what is interesting, what may be interesting is is this is the vertical stabilizer.
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was it with the plane or distance away. if the plane broke uppen flight. vertical stabilizer. was torn away from the plane. that would -- that would give us more indications about what actually happened to the aircraft. >> what does all that mean for the black boxes. would they have been ejected from the plane or yet to be known. they're in the fuselage part of the tail. stablizing part of the tail the tailfin. and, it has happened in the past. that in violent turbulence, up upsets. with storms. mountain waves. the tail of the airplane is
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actually come adrift. stand by. i need new ask you this you said something about -- the number of planes that there are planes in the java sea. we should be careful because? >> i got a text from david gallo involved in air france retrieval. expert at oceans and what is in the oceans. in this area he said there is quite a bit of debris sunken ships. aircraft in the ocean in the area as well. he was hesitant. he said be careful assuming that is the aircraft. before we get definitive information. could be sonar is painting a picture of something thalgt isn't the aircraft.
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highly improbable. just a net to remember. >> information coming from the official at search-and-recovery. that's information they're giving us. that's what we are going with. and the plane. we heard -- from one of our other analysts here last night who e-mailed us saying. that that -- that possibly they wouldn't have to pull the plane up. they may get -- what they need from the plane. the black boxes and whatever, pertinent information. and leave it. >> again, peeling the onion. as you put the onion apart. now you try to put it become together you. stop at the point at which you have conclusive evidence of what it was that happened. because that's our goal. find out what happened. and mitigating strategies it didn't happen. the point you find out what happened. black box maze tell us what happened. black boxes may tell us what happened. if the vertical stabilizer is torn off. that is could prove
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conclusively. on the air with us. aviation expert. former "the new york times" reporter writer i should say. stand by everyone. we will be back with more on flight 8501. found at the bottom of the java sea. next a live from indonesia. abe! get in! punch it! let quicken loans help you save your money. with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze! we needed 30 new hires for our call center. i'm spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. [ female announcer ] need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 30 of the web's leading job boards with a single click; then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. [ female announcer ] over 100,000 businesses have already used zip recruiter and now you can use zip recruiter for free at a special site for tv viewers; go to
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>> flight 8501 found at the bottom of the java sea. gary tuchman is in indonesia where he has been speaking with family members of some of the passengers. gary, what are you hearing from them? family members have been walking out of the room. they're participatingen ape prayer service. understand bleep not open to the public. doing that right now. i talked to a kind gentleman walking in. this poor man lost his mother. lost his sister. lost his brother-in-law. sister's husband. lost two nieces and a nephew. and one of the nieces fiance. seven people. seven family members, he lost. he talked to me. confirmed to me they have been told by officials that a sonar
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device has the located the aircraft on the bottom of the java sea. i also did ask him, there are other reports that the plane is upside down. we're not sure if it is in pieces or whole. he said they have not been told anything about that. just that the, the airplane is on the bottom of the java sea. all the family members have been informed. don. >> when weep last spoke. you said the family members found out before the media. they're being kau sthuscautious giving information to the family. sensitive about it. giving information to the family first before they read about it or see it on the news. >> yeah, reasonably sure just based on taking the officials' words for granted. they're being open and honest. indeed they have told them about that. nevertheless i should tell you. though we are not seeing anger from the family members like we saw with malaysia air. the same gentleman did tell us there is more information.
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tell us more information. that's understandable. they want to know as much as they can. there may or may not be more information. we didn't see anger from other family members. this is being handled a whole lot better than malaysia air incident in march. >> gary tuchman. we'll get back to you. we'll be back with more on the breaking news. flight 8501 found at the bottom of the java sea. narrator: that whipped through the turbine which poured... surplus energy into the plant which generously lowered its price and tipped off the house which used all that energy to stay warm through the storm. chipmunk: there's a bad storm comin! narrator: the internet of everything is changing how energy works. is your network ready?" [ narrator ] mama sherman and the legion of super fans. wow! [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it. and mama loves
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>> back now with breaking news flight 8501 found at the bottom of the java sea. back with me now, mary sciavo jeff wise. want to get your reaction. haven't spoke tine you much this evening. what is your reaction to this new information about the plane being found or located on sonar? >> it happened so quickly. we were optimistically this would happen sooner or later. probably not this soon. normally what would happen you would find debris on the surface. and track back to the area where you would start doing a search or scan. and where it is located to find the acoustics, the black box, and then you would know where you could do a -- a sonar scan. so you can image the bottom. and that's how it works. somehow we seem to have skipped that step and used the sonar to
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detect the wres ageckage. >> carlene, will this in any way, we have been talking 449 -- 447. in any way will this locate some sort of anomaly in this particular aircraft. we have been talking about what's the speed indicator called again? >> no i don't think, i don't think so at all. you can only push the airplane in such the mountain is beautiful, if you fly into it. no airplane can do that. we don't fly into storms. any airplane of anykind fly into a storm of that magnitude is not going to survive very well. i've don't think we can blame the airplane. the airplane is smart, efficient. 447, taken the hand off. and pulled it back the air plan would have more likely flown through the storm without a problem. just because of the data we got. this one it looked like it it was pretty significant. so yeah i don't think this is
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an airplane. you saw the heavy jet at the altitude, it's coming down. there is not a lot you can do you know to save it. all the stall training is in smooth air, don't do severe turbulence like inside a thunderstorm. >> so mary this is what you did as former inspector general as department of transportation is to study this. as you are listening to what she is saying there, does this lead you to any direction or the other as to the cause of this particular crash? >> well it shows, to cause and one of the things i did as inspector general is recommend where we need additional laws or regulations. i think we need to look at the u.s. has the the rule about not flying into thunderstorms. and staying, nautical miles away from thunderstorms. maybe there need to be international guidelines. so we need to use this and every
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tragedy, moving forward. i think this will. >> les, as a triple 7 pilot, carlene is a-330 pilot. indicated earlier there need to be more training when it comes to weather condition more or better training are you in agreement with that? >> well i think we get training sa fish tint sufficient what the simulator can give us. interesting idea stall situation in turbulence. not sure it would necessarily have helped with this particular circumstance. remember we have all been saying david and i, since, mh-370 there is never just one factor. so i think there, there may be you know more than -- than just the stall. and -- you know bad weather situation. i think there may be a lot more to it than meets the eye. >> confluence of events.
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not usually just one thing. >> exactly. >> you know this is they have recovered six bodies. this is a very difficult prospect to imagine. but the possibility of the rest of the passengers being inside of the plane, if it is some what intact. >> that's right. that's right. again in flight 447 that was indeed the case. there were passengers on board the aircraft still even at the bottom of the deep ocean. certainly a possibility here. i am excited to find out that now we know where the aircraft is. the riddles, this massive riddles we have been going through and will continue to are going to come together and be organized and answered as soon as the black boxes are retrieved. >> thank you, everyone. thank you for joining us us. les, carlene, it mary and jeff as well. i'm don lemon here at the cnn headquarters in new york. and our breaking news is going to continue here again, breaking news tonight is that flight 8501 has been found.
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the plane is resting at the bottom of the java sea. the families of the passengers have been given the sad news at this point. our coverage is going to continue now at cnn center in atlanta. good night. >> thank for that, don. and hello, and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. >> we are following that news out of indonesia where search crews using sonar have found the main fuselage of flight 8501. >> and it's on the floor of the sea. investigators are hoping to recover the black boxes. >> meanwhile, they continue to find
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