tv Forensic Files CNN January 3, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm PST
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but finally we brought john list to justice. for more than a year, angry hateful letters were sent to a first grade schoolteacher in a small mountain village in pennsylvania. many were sexual in nature. some threatened violence. when scientists analyzed the letters, they found evidence that the stalker knew a lot about the victim, more than anyone could possibly imagine. in 1993, some hate mail began to arrive at the coolbaugh
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learning center, a public elementary school in the pocono mountains in eastern pennsylvania. the letters were unsigned and sent to the principal making serious allegations against a first grade reading teacher, joanne chambers. she had been teaching in the school district for the past eight years. >> chambers brought pot into the school and showed it in the faculty room just like it was a big joke. >> i thought it was a disgruntled employee. i just wanted to know who it was. i thought it was a thing you could sit down with somebody and talk it out and fix it. >> soon letters were sent to joanne chambers herself both at home and at school. >> i can get you on one try. no one will ever prove it. they may not think so, but i'm smarter than all of you, you stupid bitch. >> joanne chambers was popular with students and was an
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unlikely the target of a hate campaign. she was married with a 10-year-old son and had no known enemies. >> i can speak with assurance about joanne's teaching abilities. she's highly recommended by other teachers in the district. she was also highly respected by parents. she was an outstanding teacher. all her recommendations show that. >> it appeared that someone had a grudge against her. >> look in her desk. she seems to like jack daniels. >> chambers found the whiskey bottle in her desk drawer and said personal items were missing. >> there were things missing from my drawers. the picture of my child and myself and my friend and her daughter was taken from my desk. >> the police suspected that a fellow teacher or school employee was sending the letters since they often alluded to activities going on inside the school. one of the letters contained an interesting clue.
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it was a snide reference to the school superintendent as colonel klink, a character in the "hogan's heros" television series. a teacher in the school was once overheard referring to the superintendent in this way. her name was paula nawrocki. like joanne chambers, she also taught first grade and had worked in the school district for eight years. >> i was totally surprised. i was positive that it wasn't anybody in the building, that it could be explained in some other way. >> the letters continued, but soon there were other incidents. the first was something joanne chambers found under her desk. >> i went to start my lesson with my children and sat down at a chair and had a dress on and put my hand underneath to straighten my dress out. i was covered with feces. i couldn't even tell you what i felt like.
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i felt sick to my stomach. it was like, this could not happen. >> just a few days later, a hidden camera captured several teachers entering joanne chambers' vacant classroom. one removed chambers' coffee cup from her desk. it was paula nawrocki. the photograph of joanne chambers stolen from her desk was pasted on to a nude picture, photocopied and distributed throughout the schoolyard, mailed to parents' homes, and the company was taped to the door of the local store. >> there were phone calls to parents saying that i was a lesbian, that i had aids, you know, that i shouldn't be teaching their children. >> the fbi suggested that joanne chambers be given a lie detector
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test to validate her various claims. paula nawrocki also volunteered to take a lie detecter test hoping to clear her name after suspicions arose from the colonel klink reference and the coffee cup incident. one of the two failed on the most crucial question of all. narrator: these are the skater kid: whoa narrator: that got torture tested by teenagers and cried out for help. from the surprised designers. who came to the rescue with a brilliant fix male designer: i love it narrator: which created thousands of new customers for the tennis shoes that got torture tested by teenagers. the internet of everything is changing manufacturing. is your network ready? cozy or cool? exactly the way you want it ... until boom, it's bedtime!
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after ten months of threatening letters, x-rated pictures, and hidden video surveillance, police believe they had a break in the stalking case. joanne chambers and paula nawrocki both took lie detector tests about their knowledge of the threatening letters. each was asked whether they were involved in making or sending any of the harassing letters. one passed. the other failed. >> i was told that i failed my polygraph. >> paula nawrocki became the primary suspect. >> i was very upset. i couldn't believe that it was making things worse instead of
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better. >> nawrocki said she was videotaped taking joanne chambers' coffee cup because chambers had asked paula to get it for her. the surveillance videotape shows that joanne chambers and paula nawrocki were both in the classroom and left together just moments before paula returned for the coffee cup. police asked nawrocki if they could search her home and once again she voluntarily complied. >> they took with them an old typewriter that we had. they took different kinds of paper and different envelopes. >> the analysis of nawrocki's typewriter revealed that it was not the one used to type the threatening letters. the paper and envelopes from nawrocki's home did not match those used in the threatening letters either. nawrocki's reputation as a by the book teacher and strict
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disciplinarian was in sharp contrast to joanne chambers' loose and fun-0ing classroom style. >> the way the police saw it paula was jealous of chambers' teaching style. paula nawrocki was more of a by the book conservative teacher whereas joanne would show up in a classroom wearing jeans and a mickey mouse t-shirt and she would do things like stage water fights with the school administrators, which police believe angered paula nawrocki. >> as the investigation continued, so did the threatening letters. >> letters went out to parents saying i was molesting their children. i thought my career was gone. i thought i was going to be in jail. i didn't know what was going to happen. >> by the fall of 1994, the letters included death threats. for her own protection, joanne chambers was transferred to another school.
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shortly after her transfer, a box in pink wrapping paper was found at the front door of the school. inside was a barbie doll, the throat slashed with a razor blade and covered with paint the color of blood. the dress was identical to one often worn by joanne chambers. the hair was cut and styled like chambers as well. >> i said good-bye to my husband. like i wanted him to remember me saying good-bye. i lived every day thinking that it was truly possible that it could be my last. >> in november of 1994, chambers said a car tried to run her off the highway. she said she saw the face of the driver. >> i go off the road. i look. she's looking right at me. i will never forget that look. never. i will never forget it.
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she looked right at me. >> she said the face she saw was a face she knew. does your mouth often feel dry? multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth.
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said she recognized the face of the other driver. >> i saw her. she looked at me. i know that paula nawrocki was driving that car. >> paula nawrocki denied the allegation, but was arrested and charged with harassment, stalking, simple and aggravated assault, making terroristic threats, and recklessly endangering the life of joanne chambers, over 100 counts in all. >> i was finding out i was charged with many, many horrendous things i had never heard about before. >> the school district suspended her from her teaching position with pay. if convicted she could serve five years in jail. after nawrocki's arrest, the letters, threats, and mailings stopped. nawrocki maintained her innocence and hired both an attorney and private investigator to help. the investigator was a former state policeman and even he
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admitted that paula's situation did not look good. >> my first thought was she's probably guilty. it just looked overwhelming when you looked at the whole complaint. >> the fbi found some partial fingerprints on the threatening letters, but they did not match paula nawrocki's. the defense team wanted to see if any dna was present on the threatening letters. the prosecutor would allow dna testing by the defense only if the results were fully disclosed, regardless of the outcome. paula's defense team wanted to make sure she understood the ramifications of the agreement. >> he asked would there be any possible reason that any of my dna would be on any of it, any possibility whatsoever? and i said no. >> paula, if we do this testing, and your dna is found on these stamps or envelope flaps, your going to jail.
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>> the cost of the dna testing, approximately $7,000, would have to be paid by paula nawrocki. blood samples from both paula and her husband were sent to a local dna lab along with the threatening letters and the envelopes. >> the amount of dna that winds up on the back of a stamp or an envelope flap depends on how hard you lick the envelope, how much cells that you shed from the inside of your mouth. there are variables that's hard to predict exactly what the value would be. but it is there. in some cases there is more dna than others. >> first scientists use steam to remove the dna from each envelope. the back of each stamp and envelope flap was swabbed for epithelial cells, which come from saliva. dna was found on the back of one set of stamps and on one envelope flap. the number of cells recovered was so small that forensic scientists performed a process
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called polymerase chain reaction, or pcr, which amplifies or copies the dna in those few cells to make enough for testing. this is the genetic profile of the individual who licked the stamps. when the dna profile of paula nawrocki and her husband were compared to the dna from the back of the stamps, there was no match. >> which meant that someone licked those stamps, and it wasn't len or paula. >> we thought it was going to blow apart the whole case. we thought we were done. >> now armed with the dna profile of the stalker, the manhunt had just begun. esurwhich means fewer costs, which saves money. their customer experience is virtually paperless, which saves paper, which saves money.
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when dna testing of the stamps and envelope flap did not match paula nawrocki or her husband, the defense team went one step further. they wanted the find the individual whose dna was on the threatening letters. >> if paula didn't do it, there's only one other person who could have done it. because there was only one other person who knew the circumstances of all these letters, that knew everything that was going on. that was joanne chambers. >> was it possible that the alleged victim wrote the
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threatening letters and mailed them to herself? the defense uncovered some information which pointed in that very direction. police in the neighboring town of carbondale, pennsylvania, told defense investigators that chambers had a history of reporting suspicious incidents from burglaries to fires. >> they said every crime that she's been a victim of has some weirdness attached to it. and just off the top of their heads, they started relating different crimes that supposedly she's been a victim of. >> when anderson researched chambers' employment history, he learned that chambers reported similar threatening letters and also reported finding feces on her classroom chair while in another school district years earlier. to find out if it was joanne
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chambers' dna on the threatening letters, jim anderson needed her dna profile. for that, he looked in her trash. once trash is placed at the curbside, the owner gives up all legal rights to what's inside. plastic straws, used tissues and a cotton swap with ear wax, all items with possible genetic material were sent to the dna lab for testing. a doctor identified two different dna profiles from the mucus, saliva, and earwax samples from the chambers' trash. >> the dna from one of the household members was similar to the dna on the back of the stamps and the envelopes. >> with these dna results, the defense team demanded that all charges against paula nawrocki be dropped. the prosecution refused and joanne chambers provided a blood sample for further dna testing. once again, joanne chambers blood dna matched the dna from
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the stamps and the envelope flap. >> you could see how all five genetic markers line up perfectly between the dna of joanne chambers and the dna from the back of the postage stamps. >> the odds of someone in the random u.s. population having the same combination of five genotypes tested was 1 in 14,925. >> the match was fairly significant in that that's a small community there, so it's unlikely that too many people are going to be walking around with a similar dna pattern. >> despite the second dna test, the prosecution refused once again to drop their case against paula nawrocki. during the trial, the prosecution presented the circumstantial evidence against paula nawrocki, including the coffee cup incident and the colonel klink reference in one
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of the threatening letters. for the defense, teachers from joanne chambers' former school district testified that she made similar claims of harassment years earlier. but it was the dna evidence that stunned most courtroom observers. >> the dna was definitely the bombshell. to hear that joanne chambers' saliva was found on the stamps of one of the threatening letters and the flap of another envelope, it was just unbelievable. >> but on the witness stand under oath, joanne chambers had an explanation. she said the prosecutor left her alone with the evidence and the stamps fell off one of the envelopes. she said she licked the stamps to reattach them and when they didn't work used a glue stick. dr. lichtenwalner testified that she saw no glue stick residue on
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the stamps when she removed them for dna testing. as a lifelong stamp collector, she has experience distinguishing glue stick residue from regular stamp adhesive. >> i know gum from knowing stamps. it looked to me just like the gum on recent u.s. stamps. it is smooth and glistening and it looked just like that. there was no outward evidence that a glue stick had been used. >> the trial lasted five days and it took the jury less than two hours to reach a verdict. they found paula nawrocki not guilty. >> reaction to the verdict was the most amazing thing i've ever seen. the alleged victim was being treated as the defendant and the defendant was being treated at the victim. in the hallway, jurors sought out paula nawrocki and hugged her, told her how much they loved her, while joanne chambers left the courthouse virtually ignored. >> joanne chambers denies that
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she created the campaign of threats against her. >> i could never ever do this stuff to myself. i don't think that i could be functioning in a world as a parent, as a teacher, as a wife, if i were that sick to do that to myself. >> i think joanne chambers did it to herself, yes. i think she sent the barbie doll. i think this was all a stage for joanne. >> i hope the lesson that people can learn from this is that you really are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty and you aren't supposed to be guilty until proven innocent. >> i've never seen anything like this. and if i cover cases for another 40 years, i think i'll give you that same answer still.
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in the fall of 1987, a map maker was surveying the grounds of a boy scout ranch in eastern missouri. suddenly something strange caught his eye. at first, it looked like a turtle shell, but it was a skull. a mystery now unfolded. to solve it, detectives would have to put a face on the grisly discovery. the s bar f boy scout ranch covers 54 acres of picturesque
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