tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN January 4, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST
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see, all blue. >> thank you, miguel for being the eye ss and ears of what we can see, but what we can see it has been remarkable. thank you for watching "state of the union." i'm dana bash in washington. and i will turn it over now for more coverage of officer wenjian liu's funeral. hello, everyone i'm deborah feyerick for this special edition of "newsroom." for those expecting to see fareed sazakaria's gps, we are going to continue our coverage here of wenjian liu's funeral. this is the funeral that concluded a few moments ago, and the funeral home was packed with dignitaries and officers and scores of others from around the
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country who lined the streets to pay tribute to the man whose his wife praised as a caring son and loyal huzsband and friend. and his wife did thank all of the people who came out today, and she paid tribute to the man she called her sole mate. >> he was always there when anyone needed something. he always cared for the chinese community. he always wanted to do his best to help and support. the very community that he is part of was very well loved by his friends and colleagues and our extended family that is here today. the caring son, a loving huz heing husband and loyal friend.
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you are an amazing man even though you left us early. but i believe that he is looking down on us. his spirit will continue to look after us. he will keep an eye on our family. wen wenjian is my hero. i thank you for attending the services today. thank you. wenjian will always live in our hearts my heart. i love you. i love you. forever, i love you. thank you. >> and you can see the grief of the widow. and the couple was married just
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this is one of the largest assemblies that we have seen really. i want to bring in tom verdi who was with the nypd and tom, you were saying with the all of the motorcycles that this is among the largest contingent s thats that you have ever witnessed? >> without a doubt, between last week with detective ramos' funeral and today with detective lsu's liu's funeral, and this is one tofof the largest, if not the largest i have seen. >> and it is incredible because when you see all of the officers standing shoulder to shoulder and all ranks, and officers who just joined the force, and officers who have been there for decades, this kind of the show of strength is really honoring this young man who had so much promise and potential, but it is
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a statement on behalf of all police officers out there. >> yes, without a doubt. i'm very happy that a number of officers have come and not only from the united states but from other countries as well because it could happen and what happened to these two detectives could have happened to anyone and in any city any state in any part of the country, and any country for that matter. when you have people out there who just have an unbelievable you know e feeling against the police that they need to act out in that way, you know, it is it could have bneen me. i went through almost 22 years in the nypd, and every funeral i went to immediately following the assassination of an officer, it goes through your mind, i mean, you can't help but not think about that, and you are constantly looking over your shoulder for an undetermined period of time until finally, you get reintegrated into some new state of normal but it is
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officer detective wenjian liu. the color guard, the honor guard the ceremonial division of the ny nypd walk manage the slowing in a slow and e steady rhythm as the command where detekctive liu served walking behind in a slow and methodical procession. i want to bring in tom verdi who was with the nypd for two decades. this is really almost remashg remarkable, and you will see these images that when you think about the contrast between these officers and the protester s that we saw. the protesters who according to the crazed gunman are the reasons why he sort of sought retribution tos as is nate -- to
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the assassinate an officer, and these officers are sending a powerful message that no matter what happens they are going to be there to reinforce the law. is that fair? >> yes, the nypd is not going anyway and any time an officer is killed in the line of duty that should ring a bell it is a problem. if people are willing to go up to assassinate police officers and in this case police officers who were not taking any enforce enforcement action, and no controversy, but sitting in their patrol car trying to have lunch, clearly the person was disturbed, but also inspired. he was inspired by what he was seeing, and he wrotet so much in the social media about that, that he felt the need to exact revenge for, you know for what was happening in the protester ss, and some of them were calling for the death and chanting for the death of police officers. >> yeah i was there. >> and i was there in some of that as well. and then on top of that and that is why you have a lot of
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the animosity between the police department and the mayor, because he was unfortunately not coming out against that and one of the things that as a politician but heading up new york city he should be sup supportive of the police department, you can't have anarchy in the middle of the city and not say anything about it. you have to come out strongly from to get-go and say, this is unacceptable. everybody has a right to protest, and the police don't have a problem with that and they do it all of the time in new york city and it is like second nature. >> it is interest, because i was out there on some of the protests, and covering them, and the police officers gave the demonstrators a relatively wide berth to voice the opinions b through was a lot of anger on behalf of the part of the demonstrator, and it is interesting, because the demonstrators were calling them cop killers or calling them kill irs or s killer s killers or manner of names, but they stood there quiettally and made sure that it happened without incident which was
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rather remarkable. commissioner bratton at the funeral earlier said that there are people who need us. we will not abandon them and to do so would be to dishonor the memories of detectives ramos and liu. and do you think that policing will return to normal or will we see the cycle that we have seen for the last couple of months? >> well for anybody who is a bad guy in new york city if you think that this is the time to the have a free for all, think again. because the nypd is not going anyplace and they will continue the police the city, and this is for those who want to commit terrorist attacks as well. the nypd is not taking their eye off of the ball and if anybody believes that there is a gap of security in the city, and they are taking a nap because of the current climate that exists with the mayor, that is not happening. the officers are out there, and acts committed right now across the five boroughs of new york
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city by police officers out there saving lives and tending to those who need them and responding to the 911 calls as they would 24 hours a day for 365 days a year as they have for 100 some-odd-years. and so with the smaller quality of life crimes like happened on staten island, that is yet to be resolved. >> and tom fuentes, former fbi director, how do you look at this crime in new york city indicative of the nation? >> well, deb, it is how the police officers feel not only in the country, but all over the world. it is a paternity and a sisterhood that are out there trying to protect the public as tom mention eded everyday of the
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week and right this minute as we speak. and here they are showing the respect for the fallen officer, but also sending a message to everyone far and wide who are not going anywhere and not going to go anywhere and not going to shirk on their duty when it comes to stopping violent crime. they will be there to stop terrorism, and they will be there. and some of the lesser crimes that turn out to be wrestling matches with a subject over minor crimes, they may slow that down and keep it slowed down for a while to remind people that bad things no matter what you are trying to do when you are encountering a member of the public and telling that person that you are under arrest. and lately, that is is turning into expecting the police officers to be harvard debaters or olympic wrestlers and that cannot stand and that is not good for society at all. >> and you talk about the smaller crimes which is the broken window of the policing which is that the people who
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commit the smaller crimes are likely to commit the larger crimes, but do you think, and tom, i will ask you, there is a re-evaluation of what crimes you go after. be clear, eric garner was allegedly selling loose cigarettes, and there are very tough laws against the selling of loose cigarettes. cigarettes account for a high percentage of the taxes that come into the city and the stores that sell the cigarettes legally, they don't want freelance vendors on the sidewalks doing that, so this is not going to be occurring in a vacuum. are these crimes tom verdi, are these crimes going to be over overlooked, do you think? >> well, the grand jury return of the no true bill against the officer in the eric garner incident, and a couple of the media outlets picked up on this the mayor had the legal department of the city file a class action lawsuit against those vendors who were bringing the untaxed cigarettes into the
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city and the press release was squashed because, i think that the mayor and the people felt that it was ep pa bar razzing, because now he came out to say, that eric garner committed the crime that he committed is nothing, and yet, he is filing a lawsuit to further crack down on it. and so he is talking on both sides of his mouth. so of course, in light of what has happened since then, he of course is now back pedalling to say, well and of course after the grand jury verdict he came out and said that eric garn ser a good man, and also called detective ramos and detective liu good men. so you have two people assassinated who were police officers and eric garner and let me preface this that i am sorry that he died as a result of the interaction with the police -- >> of course. >> and -- also, yes, he was not selling cocaine, but untaxed cigarettes so in the hierarchy of crimes it was not the biggest crime of the century, but for all intents and purposes
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he was a career criminal with 30-some-odd arrests. >> and you can't pick and choose which laws to fol loelow, and you can't just pick and choose, you have to follow the law or not. and i want to return to the wife here because she was so poignant in her tribute to her husband. she was distraught but she spoke about him being a caring son and loyal husband and amazing man and she call ded him her soulmate and she drew on the strength saying that he supported both of the parents and supported her and you got a sense of the chinese culture involved and wrapped in. there is a growth of the asian off officers especially within the nypd over the last couple of de decades because they are recruitment efforts have sought to stretch out to a broader sort of population. tom fuentes, how do you see that
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in terms of how you diversify a police department? new york is so unique in that regard regard? >> well, i don't think that new york is that unique. when it comes to diversification, if you look at the chicago p.d. and san francisco p.d. and l.a. p.d. and most of the police departments represent the demographics of the communeity, and try to get that and impress even on the youngest people in t the community that being a police officer is a great profession, and they use the police officers from the community as role models as was the case with officers ramos and liu. i don't see it as really that part of it as being unique. >> yeah no question. i guess i was thinking of the smaller police departments. and commissioner bratton has his work cut out for him, because he is trying to e reset the culture of the nypd which has been seen
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in the last decades as being more aggressive towards the broken window crimes but we will see whether that happens. we will take a quick break and be right back. if a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher brighter denture everyday. go, go, go, go, go! in the nation, misfortune doesn't take a holiday. but add brand new belongings from nationwide and we'll replace stolen or destroyed items with brand-new versions. making sure every season is the season of giving.
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you are looking at live pictures of the streets of brooklyn where the body of officer, detective, i should say, wenjian liu is on the way to cypress hill cemetery where it will be laid to rest. the officers have not moved in the last couple of hour ss. they have been standing at attention. they saluted the casket as it came down the steps of the funeral home, and somber and painful, and sad procession as his wife followed the casket. she was holding his photo as with well as what appeared to be a yellow stick of incense. when the casket was put into the hearse, the flag was folded and the flag covering the coffin is the flag of the nypd and she was then presented with that flag. you can see her behind as she walks behind the steps, and very painful as she mourns the death of the man she calls her soulmate. i want to go to miguel marquez
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who has been there all morning watching what is going on. and miguel obviously, incredibly sad day b, but the officers that you are seeing there, and tell me about the mood and what you are experiencing. >> well, it is one, hard not to be equal lyly awed and inspired by seeing the massive turnout, and the brotherhood and the sis sisterhood of not only the nypd, and the police officers from across the kuncountry. looking down at a half mile at the end of the funeral cortege where you can see the police cars, and the solid before oblue, and here in front of the funeral home, it is gone for 20 minutes, and still at attention. they are waiting for the final orders for the go to rest and they can allow the brother to have his final, his final ride and his final rest outside of the funeral home is a painting
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of officer liu. we learned several things about him during this ceremony. this series of speeches really. the mayor touching lovingly about how he loved the fish and when he caught a fish he would share it lovingly with the family, and he spent an inordinate amount of time with the individuals who were distressed. there was an elderly man who had fallen down and couldn't get hup up and he could not speak chinese and they spent hours trying to get him up but turned out to be a elder lyly man who wanted a a friend nearby, and officer liu, was that guy. and so more importantly, we learned from his cousin that we call him wenjian liu, and they call him joe. this is a family that had become americans. it is a story that has been told a thousand times, and to see itt
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play out here in the streets of brooklyn is special to be a part of and very inspiring to see. deborah deborah. >> yes, no question miguel. the police commissioner had guided or warned on some levels the officers that it is a time of grieving and not grievances. and he asked them to respect and honor the uniform and t the badge. only a handful of officers turned around when the mayor began speaking. so effectively, they did listen to the commishsioner. >> reporter: well, i am hearing different stories. immediately in front of the funeral home there weren't many but farther down, there were some. and i did speak to a detective who said that he was two blocks that way, and two blocks that way, and there were thousands of officers who turned around.
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i have not seen pictures of that, but that is what he said that he saw. and the anger and the frustration is real among the police officers who said they feel that the mayor sided too heavily with the protesters, and created some of the conditions for what we are seeing today. so there is great frustration. the fact that we have had the mayor and the police commissioner meet with the five heads of the uni s of thes of the unions here and the mayor spending so much time with the ramos and liu family sies and they are speaking, and the unions themselves are pulling back, and i did speak to another union representative who said look they are concern ded that city hall is direct org helping to shape these protests, because they clearly are allowing them to take over the streets and to do these thing ss, and the police don't like them taking over the
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streets. they don't like them publicly protesting and the anger that is directly at the police. >> yes, very, very bitter and angry. miguel marquez, thank you. and sara ganim is along the parade route as well. what did you with witness? what did you experience in this some mer ceremony? this procession that is taking place right now? >> hi, deb. yes, i am along the processional route and i stepped away from the camera to be respectful, because i felt like we would be disrup disruptive if i was talking to you along with this massive crowd of police officers here. tens of thousands of them. they are all silent and standing at attention. we stepped away for a minute. they have been standing here paying their respects and watching the ceremony in the street s streets. it is not the loveliest of days here in brooklyn. it is drizzling at times, and that i have come out in just as many numbers as they did last week for the funeral for officer rafael ramos who was officer
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liu's partner. they stood in the streets, and listened silently and very captivated i would say by joe's father who spoke in cantonese, and by his wife who talked about how proud he was of being part of the nypd. and we heard from the mayor and bill de blasio and his family was incredibly scared of him being a police officer and risking his life but that officer liu fell that there was a calling, and he joined the nypd, and at the end of every shift he would call his parents, call his father who he knew was worried and let his father know that he was safe. i saw many officers who were, you know just absolutely captivated by that. as miguel mentioned, there was some question as to whether the officers would honor the request of the commissioner not to do what they did last week and not the turn the backs on the mayor as he spoke. i was in a crowd of about a block away from the funeral
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home and maybe amongst 450 people or so i would guess that i saw maybe a couple dozen. maybe 50. probably less than that. certainly not the whole crowd. certainly not even half of the crowd where i was standing but there were some who did turn their backs on the mayor. only as he spoke. they turned around when their commissioner william bratton, began to speak, and i want to point out it wasn't just the nypd. there were some officers from out of town that also turned around. just to give you an idea ofhow many people are here. this stretches so many blocks. it's nearly a mile i'm told by the nypd. that's how much space they needed. it's not just nypd officers. it's also members of the community, and many officers from other departments across the country. i've seen officers from
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california from cincinnati who drove in on their motorcycles. i talked to a group of officers from new orleans who came in on jetblue, the service that jetblue provided to officers for free. they said they felt it was incredibly important for them to be here. not just to show support for a fellow fallen officer but to show support for the nypd during the trying time. one of the officers from the new orleans area told me he felt that he did still feel that the nation supports police officers. he wanted to be here during this very trying time during this very political climate for the nypd. another officer now who used to be a part of the nypd said he wasn't going to get into the politics of this. he didn't want to make any kind
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of statements or judgments on the mayor. he felt like it's a conversation that's worth having but this wasn't the right time. they felt like the turning of their backs -- they made for some powerful pictures last week at rafael ramos's funeral. as a result the narrative was really taken away in many ways from the funeral, from the celebration of ramos's life. they didn't want to see that happen here again today. >> there's no question about that. it became -- it became a political statement, and that is what a lot of the conversation was focused on. it was -- it's interesting also you talk about a mile for anybody who has walked the streets of new york city that's roughly 20 blocks.
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>> it's a long stretch. according to our experts, he said that was one of the largest that he ever saw coming out in terms of paying their respects. tom, let me ask you this question. when it comes to the issue of trust, do you think that these police officers can trust the mayor enough that unfolded in new york city and he is going to have to work double time to really gain any ounce of respect from the police department.
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at empty gesture. we're seeing these police officers. they have been there since 10:00. they lined up and came to stand at attention to pay their respects. >> the honorability that many of them likely feel. tom, you suggested that there was some ptsd. yet, every day those officers -- >> paid for doing. there's a lot of work ahead it seems.
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>> this is a significant number of officers that are standing out there right now. they've been standing for hours. very inclement climate that we have here today. >> it's a testament to who they are. >> they have to go to work right after this. >> it's a testament to who they are. the policing through all of this has continued. they came on their time off. >> i want to thank miguel marquez. tom verne, and tom funt yeas for us in washington d.c. i'm debra. thank you so much for watching. there's a lot more ahead on cnn newsroom, and that's coming up just after a break. kid: hey dad, who was that man? dad: he's our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course.
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hello, everyone. welcome to the cnn newsroom. you've been watching the somber and poignant ceremony funeral services for nypd officer liu, and you still see a sea of blue. officers from the new york police department. >> liu and his officer were shot and killed while in their patrol car late last month. ramos's funeral taking place last weekend. this weekend paying the respects to wenjun
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