tv CNN Special Report CNN January 6, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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the ridiculist. that does it for us. we'll see you again at 11:00 p.m. eastern for another edition of 360. cnn special report dunward spiral aaron hernandez story starts now. hands and whatever i want my life to be, it's up to me to make it up that way. >> the question now, what sort of life did the expatriot make for him? >> he wanted to be the best. >> but he's accused of the worst. >> why would a football player, highly successful affluent
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popular football player be a murderer? >> as the nfl struggles to deal with issues of abuse and violence, hernandez goes on trial for murder. what will his jury hear? who might they hear from and how could it all end? do you think there's a chance that aaron hernandez may be found not guilty? >> that's my biggest fear. >> downward spiral, inside the case against aaron haernandez. it will be unlike anything massachusetts has seen, as the trial of aaron hernandez finally begins. four months now, lawyers in the case have been arguing about evidence. >> if you have a warrant, of
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course, we'll turn it over. >> talking about what they can put on to prove their case. >> including cell phones. >> the court should grant the motion to suppress the telephone. >> text messages. >> on its face, a totally innocuous message. >> and even the trial's location. >> your honor, the defendant, aaron hernandez, seeks a change of venue. >> it's now been 18 months since the murder hernandez is accused of committing. a murder that happened right here in the middle of new england patriots country. where football is a passion. and where saturday mornings are the perfect time to play. >> you wake up, your adrenaline is flowing. >> one, two, three. >> mike branch coaches the boston bandits, a semipro team. he remembers june 15th, 2013, like it was yesterday.
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something seemed out of place. >> a black suburban pulls like right up on my cot. like, who's pulling up on my cot? >> in the driver's side, defensive end oh din lloyd. >> and then i see a smile. >> branch thinks it's odd because lloyd doesn't own a car. >> i'm like, whose car is this? >> branch has his suspicions, but he never gets a straight answer. lloyd is busy telling his buddies about the good time he had at a club the night before. >> oh, he said he was at the club with mr. hernandez and they were partying and he had a good time and mr. hernandez spent a good amount of money. >> mr. hernandez is aaron hernandez, a $40 million rising star with the new england patriots. >> how much money? >> spent like ten grand.
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>> ten grand, in one night? >> that's what he said, yeah. >> oeden lloyd's best buddies and daryl sweet said friend wasn't normally a big partier. they know a different side of him. the friend they describe was passionate about football. >> whistle blows, coming to full throttle. >> and family. >> oh, definitely always took care of his moms and sisters. >> my brother and i were kind of like, i wouldn't say best friends but as close as siblings can get. >> in and out, you know what i'm talk abouting? >> branch, who also coached lloyd in high school, didn't hesitate to give him advice as an adult and an occasional reality check. >> at some point, you realize you're not going to the nfl. this is just going to be for fun. what i got to do to start prepare myself for life? >> he said lloyd was doing landscaping while figuring out
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what next. lloyd began dating college student shani ya jenkins. she's the link between the young man who dreamed of the nfl and the all american who made it. what's your understanding of how they met? >> they were dating sisters. >> shaniya jenkins, engaged to mother of his little girl. but how close were the talented tight end and the struggling landscaper? how much do you know they hung out together? >> really? there's two different worlds. but he had one world, we got our world. >> check this out, new camera. >> on sunday, june 16, father's day 2013. odin lloyd is cruising with his
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friends in that mysterious black suburban. >> had the music playing, jamming to the music and stuff. we're laughing, we're talking. odin driving, one hand type driving. just having fun. later, we went to my mom's house and playing pool. i see odin make one of the most spectacular shots i've ever seen. >> you have no chance in hell. >> it was a good day. >> oh, it was a great day. >> you got that? i hope you all got that? >> a great day. >> and it was coming to an end after lloyd got a text from his job saying he had to work the next morning. >> then got another text asking to hang out. >> a text from hernandez. >> the text alluded to, let's have another great night. >> a part of you thought, you've got to work the next day. >> go home, yeah, it's already like 9:00, 9:00ish.
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>> when you left each other, what do you remember saying to him? >> i'm going to see you later. >> little did he know, there would be no "later." the next night, monday, june 17th, 5:37 p.m. lloyd's body is discovered by a jogger in north adaboro, 30 miles south of where he lives. here at the crime scene, investigators find odin lloyd's wallet, driver's license, and five .45 caliber shell casings. they suspect he was first shot in the back and then finished as he was lying face up in the secluded area of an industrial park. daryl hodge learns of the murder from lloyd's sister, olivia, who calls him. >> i could hear. >> did she say he's dead? >> in between the cries and the balling, darryll, odin is dead.
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i got to the house, got inside. >> you saw his mom? >> yeah. >> what did she say? >> daryl, who killed my son? what do you say to that? i immediately fell, hugged my head around her hip and i was like, i don't know. >> that night was tough for daryl sweet who was also at lloyd's home. >> just ran back, sat in my car. hold on. >> what were the questions in your head? >> who was he with? you know, who he possibly could have been with? his texts. >> shaquillea is lloyd's sister, seen picked up from the house and driven away earlier that
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night. just before lloyd dies, police say he sent shaquilla chilling text messages. at 3:07 a.m., lloyd asks, you saw who i'm with? at 3:11, checks in again texting, hello? 3:19, shaquilla answers, my phone was dead, who was that? 3:22 a.m. lloyd answers, nfl. and a minute later, at 3:23 a.m., lloyd sends his very last text. just so you know. >> something going on down. >> but what was going down and why? will the jury ever see the final text. >> these messages do not suggest
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>> police quickly find their first pieces of evidence. distinctive tire tracks, lloyd's cell phone and keys for the black suburban he was driving all weekend. police quickly learned it was rented by new england patriot, aaron hernandez. over the next several days, investigators searched his home and cars, removing bags of possible evidence. june 2013, nine days after murder of odin lloyd, hernandez is arrested. the charges? first degree premeditated murder and having illegal weapons. his plea? >> not guilty. >> and no longer a new england
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patriot. >> i and other members of the organization were shocked and disappointed. >> hernandez is canned, before he reaches the courthouse. >> mr. hernandez is charged with a very serious crime but that shouldn't be enough to hold him without bail. >> chance at bail denied. >> i think the commonwealth presented a case that circumstantial to be sure but very, very strong. >> hours after his arrest, the public hears those details for the first time. 9:02 p.m., father's day, june 16th. >> the defendant had sent a text message to a friend of his who was out of state. please make it back. >> that friend is ernest wallace, in hernandez's hometown of bristol, connecticut, more than 100 miles away. at 9:35, hernandez texts him
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again. get your ass up here. wallace is joined by carlos ortiz, both with criminal records. at about the same time, hernandez is also texting lloyd. i'm coming to grab that tonight. you going to be around? i need that and we could step for a little again. when lloyd doesn't answer immediately, hernandez sends another text at 9:34. what up? lloyd answers at 9:37. all right, where? at 9:39, hernandez replies, i don't know. it don't matter, but i'm going to hit you when i'm that way. after that, surveillance stills released by authorities show wallace and ortiz arriving at hernandez's home. inside, the football player is holding what appears to be a gun. and he's not happy. >> he makes a statement, he's
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upset that he can't trust anybody anymore. three departed defendant's home at 1:30 in the morning in silver nooe is nissan altima. >> purchased blue cotton candy gun and rolling papers for marijuana. >> about 20 minutes later, 2:32 a.m., a camera captures the same altima pulling up to lloyd's home. lloyd gets inside. as they start driving, a sign of trouble. hernandez tells lloyd he doesn't trust him. angry about who he was talking to at the club where they partied friday night. how do investigators know about the conversation in the car? ortiz, sources say, squeals during questioning. at 3:22 a.m., cameras pick up the altima as it heads towards a
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secluded area. >> no homes there, no artificial lighting. >> it's now 3:23. and odin lloyd sends his sister that final text telling her he's with nfl adding just so you know. between 3:23 and 3:27, workers nearby tell police they hear gunshots. hernandez's home is only half a mile from the murder scene. at 3:29, a camera shows an altima pulling up in hernandez's driveway. only three people get out. odin lloyd isn't one of them. >> the defendant shown walking through the house. >> back inside the house, images show wallace, then again with ortiz in a basement doorway with never naan dez nearby and this. hernandez wearing white with a gun in his left hand. police, law enforcement source
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says, believe this is the murder weapon, a .45 caliber gun. it remains missing. >> and all then go down to the base. . once in the basement, the surveillance gets shut off. >> around 5:30 that evening, prosecutors say hernandez and his two friends show up here to return their rented nissan altima. the manager tells investigators hernandez offers her blue bubble gum. it's the same kind he bought at that gas station and now it's showing up in the returned rental, along with a .45 caliber bullet casing. the manager tosses the gum and bullet casing in a dumpster. police say the shell came from the same gun that fired the rounds at the murder scene. and they say tire impressions taken near the body match the
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kind of tires on the altima. hernandez's attorneys won't comment on the case and all parties are muzzled by a gag order. for family and friends of odin lloyd, knowing some details helps, but they don't answer this question. >> why? that's the basic question. why? [evie] i go up...heeeeyyy... [alex] when i put my feet up on this bed, my stress just goes away. [announcer] visit your local retailer and discover how tempur-pedic can move you. for fastidious librarian emily skinner, each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come.
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to life behind bars, murder, another accusation of gun violence makes headlines. the football player is at tootsy strip club in miami. a law enforcement source said hernandez drops about ten grand that night. one of the men he's with? alexander bradley. prosecutors describe him as hernandez's former right-hand man. by morning, bradley is shot in the face, dumped out of a vehicle and left for dead. still wearing his now blood soaked vip wristband from the club. police retrieve this bullet fragment from his head, but bradley won't give them any details. >> when the police investigated this incident, alexander bradley didn't point the finger at
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hernandez. >> that changes when bradley sues, claiming aaron hernandez cost him his right eye. bradley later tells prosecutors he was shot after hernandez felt disrespected during an argument over a missing cell phone. after bradley is shot, prosecutors say hernandez gets a new right-hand man. ernest wallace. >> this defendant is commonly known by his nickname, hobo. >> wallace has a long criminal history. sells and uses drugs including the hallucinogen angel dust or pcp. he's not the only one. wallace's side kick, ortiz, said he's regularly abusing pcp and
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pot. one calling it a boat load. prosecutors say the tight end would give odin lloyd money to buy him marijuana. cnn obtained this photograph of a stack of blunts, a source says it was made with marijuana, said to be supplied by hernandez. sources tell cnn aaron hernandez also used angel dust and that could have made him paranoid. one says he felt he was a target, that people were coming after him. >> the combination of those drugs, depending on the long-term use of the drugs and the amount of drugs could cause someone to become violent. could cause someone to become very paranoid, could cause someone to overreact to a situation, appear to be more impulsive. >> that kind of behavior doesn't describe the aaron hernandez
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many remember growing up in bristol, connecticut. where his family was celebrated as a local sports dynasty. >> i don't think there was another family that was more familiar in bristol. aaron was our golden boy. he had the family traits his father and his uncle were standout athletes. >> his older brother, d.j., was a sports hero too. bob montgomery covers high school sports for the bristol press. >> aaron did track in addition to football and also did basketball. he was described in any sport as he played in as a man playing with children. >> brad mac mill lan and andrew ragali played basketball with aaron beginning in middle school. >> he was twice the size of me, like the same height but he was just more athletic, obviously, and he practiced like all the time. >> practiced because his father, dennis, pushed him. constantly. >> his father was pretty strict.
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i mean, he told me his h father used to make him shoot 500 shots before he played with his friends. his dad clearly kept them anchored. >> i saw a closeness with them i had never seen before. there was something about dennis and aaron, the way they intertwined. it was just magic, in my eyes. >> but in a heartbeat, that closeness is gone. >> i was sitting in math class with another teammate, phone rang. went to pick up the phone and the teacher said you need to go up to the coach's room. coach walks in and he says, dennis has passed away. >> dennis hernandez, aaron's father, dies after routine hernia surgery. it hits 16-year-old aaron hard. >> he is just sad. couldn't stop the tears. >> felt uncomfortable just to see him so hurt.
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i felt bad for him. >> that father/son relationship comes up in conversations with sheriff thomas hadson who runs the jail where hernandez was held for a year before being moving. >> 16 years old, losing your father. it would be easy to fall into the lifestyle of following people that don't help you make the best choices. >> one choice he makes is to tattoo some of his dad's advice on his arms. >> there's a quote my father always used to give me, if it is to be, it is up to me. whatever i want my life to me, it's up to me to make it up that way. >> when it comes time to make his college pick, not even his brother d.j. can get to join where his dad played, the university of connecticut. >> at first, he wouldn't talk to me but there's days saying like, there's our dream to play together. come on, please. >> but aaron stands firm
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believing his football career will soar in gator country. coming up, a promising college career overshadowed by trouble off the field. she inspires you. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently.
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hernandez takes a pass on his father's school, the university of connecticut. cutting his high school senior year in half, he heads to the university of florida. >> and then i was kind of just bummed he wasn't going to be on our basketball team. >> in january 2007, he joins the gators and star quarterback, tim tebow. by april, still long before the gator season opener, there's trouble off the field. the rookie teen loses his cool at the popular off-campus restaurant. there's an argument between aaron hernandez and the bill. tim tebow tries to calm things thing and settle the check. but according to this police report, it all ends with aaron hernandez sucker punching the manager on the left side of his head, bursting an eardrum. the manager later tells police
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university of florida coaches and lawyers have contacted him and they're working on an agreement. a university spokesman said they are not aware of any settlement. five months later in september, there's more trouble. this time, a shooting near the university. it begins with young men snatching gold neck chains at a local club. there's an argument in the parking lot across the street. police report several u.f. football players are involved, including hernandez. >> i know hernandez was there. it was trouble. it was arguing loud. >> the suspected chain snatchers get into this man's car. his name is cory, and doesn't want his face shown for fear of retribution. >> can you point out roughly where it was? moments after leaving the club, someone fires into cory's crown
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vick, hitting him in the head. can you show me where the bullet went? it came right about there. >> i can't imagine what he would have felt that night. >> cory's aunt stephanie remembers he nearly died. >> his heart stopped a couple times. >> had to get the bullet out. i was in rehab and they helped me to walk again and talk again. >> police interview more than 20 people and tried to question hernandez but he's the only one who doesn't make a statement of invoking his right to counsel. at the time, his mother, teri hernandez, tells the orlando sentinel, i know he was at the club but he never saw any shooting. it's still an open case. no one's ever been charged. both cory and his aunt stephanie welcome back trying to get to
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the truth for seven years. you've done a lot to try to get to the heart of what happened. what about going to the university of florida? >> i tried it. i was just told that they would put the guys on curfew, so that they could, i guess, lessen their activities in clubs and things of that nature. i would have liked to have seen some more in-depth questioning of those football players. >> citing privacy laws, the university of florida won't discuss specifics of how players are disciplined. was hernandez on a slippery slope? he was tearing up the field as a gator but some who knew him were worried. especially when he was unsupervised away from the game. if you could keep him on one side, he'd be fine, one source put it. the problem was, he couldn't stay away from the other side. adding, it was a recipe for
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disaster. and it was a recipe that included marijuana. hernandez was suspended at least once for using the drug. it's an issue that follows him when he enters the draft his n junior year. >> teams spend a lot of time on investigating making sure this is somebody who will enter the nfl and stay out of trouble. >> kevin falk said checks are thorough and intensive. how far back do they go? >> if you've dope something in middle school, they're going to go back and find somebody in that time and ask them. >> trying to head off trouble before the draft. hernandez goes on the offensive, writing a letter to the patriots director of personnel. if you draft me as a member of the new england patriots, he wrote, i will willfully submit
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to a by-weekly drug test throughout my season. >> prior to the draft, aaron hernandez was projected as a player that could be a first round pick and no later than a second round pick. >> with another selection, they go aaron hernandez. >> he ends up the 113th pick, passed over until the fourth round. >> i have to believe that him falling so far is more than just the story about marijuana. there were questions raised in background checks that caused teams to say, we're going to downgrade him on our draft board. >> during his first year with the patriots, he proves himself. >> there were questions that, oh, he's too young to be in the league. he's not going to be able to get belichick's system. he was able to debunk those by having a solid season. >> tight end in a receiver body that could play running back, that could return punts, return kicks. >> that talent gets the 22-year-old a five-year $40
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million extension. >> you can't come here and act reckless and do your own stuff. acted the way i wanted to act but get changed by bill belichick's way. >> what no one knew at the time, one month before he signs that deal, the football player parties at a boston club. that night, two young men are shot and killed after leaving that same club by a man driving a silver suv. is there a connection? s right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with efficiency? why innovate for a future without accidents?
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but in the life of aaron hernandez, it's much more. while searching his cousin's home for clues in odin lloyd's murder, police stumble on a toyota forerunner. it's in a garage and it belongs to a leasing company who loaned it to the patriot tight end in exchange for promotional work. for a year, boston police have been looking for an suv linked
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to an unsolved double murder. this appears to be it. how difficult has this loss been for you, sir, as a father? >> -- >> son danniel was killed with safiro furtado in 2012. two men in a silver suv with rhode island plates pulls alongside a car. shots are fired. finding that suv and other chips leads to a stunning discovery. aaron hernandez, seen on security video police say with another man following abreu and furtado into that nightclub and
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stalking them in a silver suv after they leave. almost a year after he's charged with odin lloyd's murder -- >> aaron hernandez, please rise. >> aaron hernandez is indicted for the murders of those two young men. >> how do you plead in this indictment? >> not guilty. >> the defendant leaned out of the driver's side window of the suv with a loaded revolver in his hand extended out. the defendant immediately fired at least five rounds from a .38 caliber revolver into the victim's car. >> but why? >> daniel abreu, while dancing nearby, accidentally bumped into the defendant causing the defendant's drink be spilled. >> the motive, prosecutors say, is nothing more than a spilled drink by a complete stranger. >> the defendant told his friend that mr. d. abreu had deliberately bumped him and was, quote, trying him. >> court documents identify the
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friend with hernandez that night as alexander bradley, the same alexander bradley who says hernandez later shot out his right eye because the football player felt disrespected during an argument over a cell phone. all leading to a key question, do those two violent acts suggest a dangerous pattern of behavior driven by paranoia? cnn has learned the prosecutors believe that behavior is what led to odin lloyd's murder. a source with knowledge of the investigation says the night they were at this club, hernandez gets angry when he sees lloyd talking with two men. and angry again later at hernandez's apartment when lloyd gets to look at guns and ammo kept there. it's unclear whether there was another tipping point. possibly, prosecutors say was mad at him for telling lloyd
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about the double murder. >> motive does not have to be proven under the law. >> leony, federal prosecutor. >> juries like motive. juries like to know why someone did something, especially when they've done something that's alleged to have been as heinous as this buzz. >> the motive, no matter how trivial, would make the state's case stronger. prosecutors have already bolstered the case by codefendant's case to murder. >> how do you plead? >> not guilty. >> charging of carlos ortiz and wallace for murder is a joint venture prosecution. anyone who actively participates in the murder can be held guilty for the murder. >> that would mean hernandez could be convicted of a murder even if prosecutors can't prove
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he fired the gun. but none of this makes the case rock solid. it still has holes. >> there remains no murder weapon. >> conviction without a gun is more difficult. still ahead -- >> all based on speculation. >> are the holes about to get larger? attorneys argue whether jurors should hear odin lloyd's very last text. >> they are totally innocuous. >> or are they? how can power consumption in china, impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment
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for lloyd's mother. ursula ward, every day is a struggle. >> hey, handsome. mama is here to see you again. i love you. i miss you so much, sweetie. i never thought i would be talking to my son in the ground, you know? >> would it please the court? >> at every pretrial hearing she is surrounded by family. hangs on every word.
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and after 18 months of waiting, the justice she seeks may finally be around the corner. hernandez's trial gets under way this month. for more than a year, sheriff thomas hodgson was in charge of keaching an eye on hernandez. >> i talked at him in length. there is a warmth within this person. >> what went wrong? >> learned behaviors. and the environment that people grow up in have an incredible influence on who we become. >> sheriff thomas hodgson believes in modifying behavior behind bars. he says inmate number 174954 reads the bible. and another book, he suggested. i got to read tuesdays with morrie. it examines how to create a centered meaningful life. >> he was clearly moved by the
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book. he called his mother. told her she needed to read it. the sheriff tells hernandez to find his center by turning to his childhood anchor. his late dad. >> he would never be able to get back to that play that you felt comfortable and safe in. that's only going to happen if you go back and talk to your father. go back to your cell and talk to your father. >> what did he think about that advice? >> when i see him, every so often. did you do what i asked you? no, i'm getting there. >> it's not as the bad now that i'm not playing. >> retired patriot running back, kevin faulk isn't giving of on his ex-teammate. >> i want to tell him he has somebody praying for him. >> prosecutors say he orchestrated the execution of someone. >> you are not going to make me believe he is a monster. because you used those type of words. >> not even two more murders charges in the so-called spilled
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drink case. have changed faulk's opinion of the player he knew. >> get the question all the time -- you think your boy did it? no, i don't want him to have done it. so itch you want me to say no, no, i don't think he did it. at the same time, anybody can be poos pushed to be drastic like that. if they push you to that point. >> his friend is about to go on trial for the murder of oden lloyd. the first of two murder trials. expected to revolve around electronic evidence. including data from hernandez's cell phone. his lawyers had tried but failed to get it excluded from trial. >> why was the defense so intent on getting hernandez's texts thrown out? >> because the texts imply at least, that aaron hernandez was going to do something to oden lloyd. >> among the text evidence that will be blocked from trial --
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the message oden lloyd sends his sister minutes before his death. saying, he is with nfl, just so you know. >> totally innocuous message. it doesn't suggest. it does not indicate fefrmear. it does not indicate a cry for help. >> -- has not met its burden by prepo preponderance of evidence -- >> the judge rules it is hearsay. and the jury won't hear it. >> the jury also won't hear alexander bradley's claim that aaron hernandez shot him in the face. or, any information about the boston double murders. those rulings major victories for the defense.
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among m peop among people who may testify, bill belichick, robert kraft, and mike pouncey. it is a trial hernandez's lawyers promise will end with their client's acquittal. >> were's confident that aaron is going to be exonerated and that when witnesses have to testify that a jury of aaron's peers will find that he is not guilty. and in fact, had no part in the killing of oden lloyd. >> hernandez's attorney and mother declined our request for interviews. >> i think, odds are, hernandez will be convicted. but, it is not a slam dunk case. there is still no gun. >> eternal rest unto him. >> days after what would have been oden lloyd's 28th birthday, family and friends gather at
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number 53's head stone. >> i don't like anything right now. he was -- the love of my life. >> in loving memory of oden lloyd. our son, our brother. >> amen. >> you still talk to him? >> yeah. >> what do you say? >> miss him. love him. miss him. no matter what the outcome is, we still lose. at the end of the day. even if you get justice. do you really come out a winner? i don't think so. >> do you think there is a chance that aaron hernandez may be found not guilty? >> that's my biggest fear. all it takes is one juror. >> we love you, oden! ♪ ♪
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exclusive. police under fire. the father of one new york city cop speaks out after his son and an officer are shot responding to an armed robbery in the bronx. the crime caught on surveillance moments before the officers were gunned down in the lean of duty. the suspect is in custody. the officers in a new york hospital. and mayor bill de blasio's visit stirring up trouble. >> what about the may your's wife attending a slain officer's funeral in jeans. we should all be able to agree, black lives matter. blue lives matter. every life
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