tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 6, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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good evening. thank you for joining us. we got word of an active shooter in el paso texas. right now beginning to learn what happened. we are joined now. what do you know jim? >> anderson the very latest told by the pentagon. a doctor was shot and wounded. we don't know his condition at this time. and the killer turned the gun on himself. and killed himself. took place at a v.a. clinic at beaumont army medical center fort bliss, west texas, el paso huge military complex there. 6:00 eastern time. at the time. the entire military hospital was on lockdown. as a precaution. >> is the situation officially over? >> i am told by the pentagon it
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is resolved. out of abundance of caution, some areas were on lockdown until a short time ago. believed by law enforcement the shooting is over now. >> we don't know anything about the identity of the shooter or possible motive. >> or motive. sad fact that the doctor was the target. he has been injured. and we're still awaiting more word. an announcement expected in the next hour or so as to his condition as well. >> obviously bring our viewers to date as soon as the announcement is made. more breaking news tonight. the search back on java sea, for the wreckage of the flight 8501. nding flight off. in addition two more body
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passengers recovered. bringing the total to 39. a lot to cover. first the report from the main command post in jakarta. orter: the plane just spotted two bodies. >> two bodies. >> reporter: two more bodies says the commander, but he won't know for sure until the ship reaches coordinates and picks them up. he is the head of indonesia's search-and-rescue, public face in the recovery. the man calling the shots, a lifelong military officer. trained for restraint and completing the mission.
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you want to find the bodies for the families. [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: what's possible becoming more challenging as the search stretches into double digit days. indonesia expanded the search zone further east. officials at command control center believe many passengers will likely be found on the sea floor, still inside the plane. one clue for that theory search teams already found three passengers all from one row still strapped to their seatbelts. but others are drifting. a personal nightmare for the man charged with bringing them home. >> your's sleeping here. >> yeah. >> reporter: you are eating here? >> yeah. >> reporter: you have not left here why? >> reporter: the ship radios
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back. it has the the bodies. >> do you think you will find all the bodies? >> i am not sure. but i try. two more returning. more than 100 still lost at sea. >> more than 100. we are joined from jakarta, indonesia. what's the search plan for today? >> the plan is to try to find and continue to search for big sections of the plane. the reason for that andersen is because there is a working assumption here from jakarta, headquarters, there may bea number of passengers in big sections of the planes. they're zeroing in on two images. hard to make out. you can see they're brown. in the brown sections there are those light sections. those light sections the, the government here believes that they may be parts of the plane. the emphasis here is on may. they don't know if it is ogs underogs -- if it is ocean junk.
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wreckage. garbage. they are interested in that. they want to got to two sections and figure out if that is the plane. the key of course anderson not just finding more bodies. but understanding what happened that will be held inside the black boxes. >> yeah going to take time. thank you very much. we want to focus now on the danger searchers and divers have been facing. paula hancocks was on board the ship and now joins back on dry land. conditions have been rough. last couple of days. you and i talked about this last night. were they any better today? >> well anderson they were bet ear buffbet -- better above the water. but not below the waves. not conducive to divers. it was too muddy. we are hearing belter new this wednesday. local time. the search started an hour and a half ago. and the aerial watch. and there were 99 divers on 15 ships standing by. they will hopefully go into the water. we understand from search-and-rescue agency. once they get detailed
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information from the sonar, scanners, giving them the information they need where exactly they should be diving. the hope is wednesday they will physically get divers into the water. because they haven't been able to for some days at least not very long. at some point the divers have said they have zero visibility. we went on board the "uss samson" as well. the u.s. efforts within the search itself. working pretty much, 24 hours around the clock. saying they're here for the indonesians and as long as they need them. anderson. >> you are learning new information about the pingers on the black boxes, what is that? >> at least one of the pingers was manufactured by the same company as the -- the pingers on the, mh 370.
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these of course the beacons for the so-called black boxes. the flight data recorder. the crucial equipment that tells -- tells you what happened. and will give investigators an idea what happened on the flight. we also know some good news. that the batteries had recently been changed on one of the pingers. the second one. manufacturers say may have been changed for a competitor's model. but that that shows that they may have the full 30 days. the standard 30 days. that the pingers will be sending out that signal. to show where exact low they are. now of course this is goods now for searchers which shows that they still have about 19, 20 days left to find the black boxes. >> good news indeed. paula. thank you. a lot to make sense of. fortunately, david gallows is with us. co-led the search for air france flight 447, david sousi its with us author of "malaysian airlines flight 370 why it disappeared." and cnn aviation correspondent, richard gwest.qwest.
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we just saw the images may be part of the plane. putting them up on the screen. you are taking a look at them do. you make anything of these? >> i will have to go with the explanation they may be part of the plane. there is something there. when you see something bright against the more brown background. something hard reflecting off the bottom. i've dent see any big pieces. when you have something big, you have a schadd debehind it. i don't see that or anything with a lot of definition. the one thing we are mission is a scale. we don't know how large any of the objects really are. it is going to be difficult if they denlt haveon't have positions on each. for divers to find them in the given conditions. it's going to be tough. >> the bright spots, though that could be -- could be pieces of the plane. it could just be junk on the bottom of the ocean. >> positively could be pieces of the plane. debris field as it were. i was thinking they were going to show us one of the "big"
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pieces. 15 20 30 50 feet long. i dent see anything in that that resemble that. >> as you say importantly there is no scale on these. very hard to get a since of how large an object we are looking at. >> right. you can see. if you look carefully. you see, faint band going from right to left across the images. there are darker bands. that's from the sonar bouncing around. probably because of wave action or current. so not being very stable in the water. that degree of image, somewhat too. >> beside sonar. what takes this? an underwaltter vehicle, from a ship? do we know? >> a tiny torpedo, tiny on the back they tow behind the ship. guessing that's what it is. that's one frequency they're using there. they make available, very high quality ifmaging sonars. see whatever you want to see. don't think that's what we are
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looking at here. >> richard, here we are, they say a week and a half since the plane went down. no fuselage. no black boxes yet found. in relatively shallow water. >> no. doesn't surprise me. i was looking at paula hancock's report from the ship. you have to look out and see the vastness of the area. >> conditions. >> conditions. vastness of the area. in the right area. we know that. it is just a matter of, with the technology we are using today. in terms of tracking the air craft. we can discuss whether they should have more. or should have different types. but we want -- with what they were using, this is the only way they are going to find it. slow and very painfully so. >> david sousi, the fact that one of the pingers on the black boxes had gotten new batteries, that is obviously good news. >> very good news. the beltertter news the other pinger was replaced. if the competing model was manufactured this year.
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it would have a 90-day battery. it changed to make every one manufactured past the day. 90 days. may have a reprieve. i have a message in to confirm that or not. >> david gallow one official is, thought that perhaps the black boxes could be buried by mud. just how much would that or potentially could hat muffle the sound of pings. could it make it so they couldn't be heard at all? >> yeah. it could potentially muffle the sound. i don't think enough that it would be take away too much from the range which would be one, two two miles. just from what i know. i don't think. very much. >> interesting. in the control room when a plane spotted, two other passengers two other passenger's bodies. they have yet to actually verify yet to get a ship out there. i guess they will be able to -- sort of triangulate based on currents. how far people have gone. >> right. the phrase is reverse drift. they will know which way, they
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will know with great detail the way the current was moving. at different levels. the surface. the mid. the lower levels. they will be able to work out how far. it is likely. we are seeing so much debris. the seats. the body. the portal. the part the window section that we saw. we are seeing so much wreckage. particular area. that now they can do this this modeling to quite a very sharp level of accuracy. that doesn't mean it is going to be that way. it really takes you into the haystack. doesn't take you right to that point of the haystack where the needle is. >> david. several metal objects have been detected. part of the plane. divers can't get down there. can sonar give a full enough picture to determine whether or not they're in fact from the plane. david gallow talking specific sonar. it is not clear if it is on site. >> as david mentioned. there is different frequencies. higher frequencies.
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lower have different range. the next step. i would suggest or would expect that they put in the autonomous underwater vehicles. and get down look at it through that. even if the divers can't see it visibility its low. sonar, equipped on the vehicles can see through that. hopefully get some picture. as dave said. a portal something that would look like an aircraft. know it was or was not of this accident. >> david sousi. we heard in the report. investigators believe, a large number of passengers may been the aircraft. even in their seats. and they found some who have were were still in their seats. is it likely that this air craft broke up before it entered the water. in air. or likely the impact into the water that made it break up? >> too early to determine that. >> a thunderstorm can -- a weather event can break an airplane apart? >> it's not the weather event
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necessarily that does it. it is the reaction to and how you react yourself to that. whether or not you dive and then pull up. but it is possible that that the aircraft on its own flight through a thunderstorm find it highly unlikely it would have broken up in the air from that. but it is the response of the airplane pilot and the information he is receiving whether he interpret that information properly or not or whether it is getting to him properly or not and the reaction that its made is what really can cause an aircraft to come apart. not the weather storm itself. wouldn't expect. >> richard? >> to go on from what david is saying. you have the event which is the weather. you have the reaction whatever that might be from the pie lotslots. if the plane then goes out of control. if they lose the the aircraft. then the stresses and the forms, on the aircraft. that's what breaks the plane up. >> terrifying thought. richard, david, gary thank you. set your dvr, watch 360 any time you like.
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people have been struggling to come to grips with the plane crash that took the lives of a family. there will be a memorial service. 7-year-old sailor as you know survived the crash that killed her sister and parents. she walked through woods to safety. now for the rest of her life she will be facing a tougher journey. >> reporter: the plane will tail 18921 was suppose to live here at mt. vernon airport at 6:22 p.m. on friday night. but as you know that plane with marty, kimberly, piper, sailor
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gutsler and sierra wilder neverlanded here. >> didn't see anything abnormal with anything that was going on. >> reporter: the airport manager here learned about the crash from a tv station. he considers 7-year-old sailor's survival a miracle. >> that was the lord taking her hand leading her out and to safety. i mean that was 3/4 of a mile through horrible territory. and, at night, in the rain. with little clothing. and it's cold. how else do you explain that? >> reporter: as this community prepares to bury one of its own families the grief that many feel in nashville illinois is only surpassed by an even greater sense of responsibility to take care of sailor. marty gutsler's pastor says sailor remains in the good care of her extended family. >> when sailor is ready and her family is ready to i guess reintroduce her to the community, i know our community
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being as warm and loving and inviting is going to welcome her back and loving arms. i know her, her, i'm sure her teachers at the, at the grade school and her friend and friend over there are ready to have her back. >> when i think of sailor i think of piper. they were always together. and -- that's that's a very hard reality to accept. but that is something that we are going to have to prepare for. and -- and again, we will rally around sailor. >> reporter: the superintendent of the school that sailor and piper attended michael brig knows the road ahead will be challenging as sailor comes to term with how different her life will be. but after what she went through, brig remains hopeful. >> when you really step back and take a look, i think you have to believe there is a greater purpose for sailor that she is going to go on to do great things and, and affect people in a very positive way. >> george joins us tonight. what is the latest on sailor and
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her condition? >> andersen we understand sailor is in the care of family here in this area. their only job right now, according to the spokesperson is to protect her. and over the next several days that will be a very difficult job for them. obviously with funeral service as head for sierra wilder set for tomorrow. and for sailor's mother father and sister anderson the funeral service for set for friday. >> so hard to imagine. george thank you very much. a question last night. namely why do so many younger kids seem to survive accidents deadly for grownups. >> reporter: but experts say it is possible her age may have something to do with it. >> for her, i think the way her bones are growing, little more pliable, may have made a
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difference. dr. james betz, a well known surgeon who says in general children can with stand physical trauma better than adults. >> any trauma basically children may have a better chance of surviving surviving? >> i think it is quite frankly across the board. we often see children who fall from great heights, are struck by vehicles at fairly high speed, suffer traumatic injuries that for you and i, would be -- much more serious. part of it he says is children's organs including the heart and lungs they can move more than normal what being injured. >> which pretty much is a clean slate in a child. little sailor follows examples of children being only survivors of plane crashes. off awe >> i remember feeling angry. survivor's guilt. >> reporter: some features in sole survivor. off awe why didn't my brother survive. why didn't anybody.
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why me? >> reporter: she was 4 years old when sheep survived the crash of northwest flight 255. the phoenix bound dc 9 went down in august of 1987 moments after taking off from detroit. killing 154 people on board. >> started falling down from the sky. and the pilot told us we were going to crash. >> reporter: george was 17 years old when he became the sole survivor of of a 1985 crash in reno that killed his father and 69 others. >> i remember the plane started to descend. they've told us to fasten our seatbelts because we were crashing. >> reporter: yet another example of a young survivor the 12-year-old at the time when on board a flight that crashed into the indian ocean in 2009. killing 152 people on board. in addition to age, where a person sits on a plane may also improve the chances of survival. a study conducted by popular mechanics found that sitting towards the rear of the plane increases the odds of surviving a crash. researchers looked at every
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commercial jet crash in the u.s. since 1971. in 11 of the 20 crashes studied, passengers in the back of the plane did better. dr. betz practicing in oakland three decade says some times there are no answers. and that may apply to sailor. >> i think that for whatever reason she was the one in the family who was chosen to carry the family on when pretty much everybody else in the family didn't survive. >> dan simon, cnn, san francisco. >> always, find a whole lot more on this and many other stories. ahead tonight. new details about the two new york city police officers shot last night trying to stop a robbery. their shift was over. they didn't think twice when they got the call. britain's prince andrew facing allegations that make all of his past troubles pale in comparison. that is saying something. details ahead.
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cers shot to want. three suspects in custody. surveillance video provided crucial clues in the hunt for them. the officers were wounded while responding the a robbery late last night in the bronx. they put themselves in the line of fire even though they were coming off their shift. they didn't hesitate. they did their job showing extraordinary dedication and professionalism. miguel marquez brings us up to date. >> shots fired, shots fired at once. >> reporter: you could hear the adrenaline as the officer tells the dispatcher where the suspects are headed. >> shots fired, 187 tiebout, 187 tiebout. white chevy camaro going
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northbound. >> reporter: they are just getting off shift when the call comes in for a robbery in progress at a nearby grocery store. >> those officers last evening were ending duty, in fact, beginning to change out of their clothes when the call came in about a robbery and they immediately, all five, ran out of the station. >> reporter: shortly after the robbery, the suspects were spotted near this shop. one of the suspects could be seen in this surveillance video. moments later, he turns. pulls out a 44 caliber revolver and fires on the officers. you can see the plume of smoke from the barrel. >> he fires three rounds in the 44 caliber magnum, very large caliber handgun and we believe he fire after that because no more in the gun. >> 38 eliro in the chest and arm. in their car, drived a caa
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in their get away, the suspects carjacked a camaro. this revolver was found nearby. after a city wide manhunt, the nypd arrest two suspects in the shooting, a third person in custody. this as the police department here is still reeling from the assassination of two of its own, detectives rafael ramos and wenjian liu. >> he walked a path of courage. >> reporter: coming amidst mounting tensions between the police and new york city mayor bill de blasio at the funerals of liu, a large number of officers turned their backs on the mayor saying the mayor has not been supportive of the nypd. >> they were disrespectful to the families who had lost their loved one. and i can't understand why anyone would do such a thing in a context like that. >> reporter: but the protest may potentially go back beyond back turning. statistics show a sharp decrease
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in police activity, the so-called blue flu, a work slowdown by many within the force. total arrests down 56% in the last week. tickets and criminal summons down more than 90% from the previous year. >> at this time, i'd not use the term slowdown, if in fact we feel myself and the leadership team that that's what we're dealing w we'll call it that and we'll deal with it accordingly. >> miguel marquez joins us now. do we know the conditions of the officer right now? >> stable condition for both. they are through surgery, through the worst of it. one of the officers may be released from the hospital early as tomorrow, anderson? >> miguel bill bratten, the commissioner is not using the word slowdown what looks like a slowdown by the nypd. not just an arrest and summons, but an uptick in murder and robberies. >> reporter: "the new york times" reporting, the first week. the nypd pushing back hard, saying the numbers are trending down for the first week of the year but remains a controversy.
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nypd looking at those numbers very, very closely, also looking at all of the statistics across the board to figure out if there is a real slowdown going on. if there is, they say, they will take swift and serious action to stop it. anderson? >> miguel, thank you very much. >> a noon suspected of shooting an officer in albuquerque, new mexico, a large manhunt there. the officer's body camera captured the entire incident. showed up close, why traffic stops are one of the most dangerous aspects of policing. the suspect opens fire without warning. the officer is, however, expected to recover. you see the officer approaching the vehicle and then the suspect starts firing. joining me now, former nypd police officer dan bongino and former secret service agent, cnn political commentator erroll louis. also joins us in your opinion, there is no doubt this is a slowdown. >> no question about it. you can't have 4,000 summons issued in a week and the same period, 347. those 90% drops, that tells you
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there's something going on. there's also reporters, you hear these things. there's talk within the precincts of somebody gets a rookie, for example, the new summons and one of the delegates for the community said you're not going to be needing that anytime soon. coordinated. >> put the stats up again on the screen. i mean, the total down 55.9%, parking summons down 92%. >> the traffic, i don't know if that's such a threat to public safety but you're right, one of the major points of revenue. they wanted to use that to get city hall's attention but this kind of thing, anderson, seriously backfires. by law, they cannot strike. the police cannot strike. they are also, the end of the day, paramilitary organization. they're supposed to be following
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orders. if commissioner made clear if you listen closely that they will go down to the sector, they will go down to individual officers and if they find that people are malingering or sort of couping or hanging out, not doing their job. serious consequences can follow. >> dan, former nypd. you speak to a lot of police officers. a, do you believe this is a slowdown, and b, why? >> they feel like they don't have a voice. it's the reason a lot turn their back on mayor de blasio. anderson, i don't know if a lot of your viewers understand how deeply the police department feels like they've been wounded here. they lost two of their own who were assassinated in broad daylight and the mayors never really -- forget about apologizing. acknowledged the role in the environment that may have led to this and they feel really abused and at this point, the only way of speaking out is by a slowdown
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or whatever we want to call it. >> supporters of the mayor do not believe he played any role or did anything that led to these officers being assassinated but that's what you're hearing from people in the police department, we certainly heard that from the head of the police union that the mayor and others have blood on their hands. >> yeah. i think it was the mayor's use of broad strokes against the police department, rather than speaking in isolated terms and proactive terms, things they can do, instead of coming out and saying we're going to implement new training and look at the hypocriminalization, the loosy cigarettes of course that led to the garner incident. that's not what he said. he talked about the lecture with
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his son that they take, quote, special measures. as if every cop was somehow targeting his son for a reason, that's just not true. that's not an institutional problem. it's an isolated problem within policing. >> errol, you're a lifelong new yorker and report from the city. how do you see this ending? there's a police union contract up for negotiation. they've been working without a new contract under the bloomberg administration, so that's clearly playing a part in this as is the police union president. that's coming up and that's playing into this. >> that's right. this is sort of a package deal. i mean, because very much the tone and the conversation going all the way back to the 2013 elections that brought bill de blasio into office, yeah, there was friction, unpleasant/bad feelings. there are foreign measures debated by the city council that will happen as soon as this week. there's going to be a process that sort of really works these things through.
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what needs to happen, people have to step back from the brink. >> you say everybody has a role, the protesters, the police, the mayor. >> absolutely. the mayor. and the general public. the general public i think is losing some patience. when we see things like police activity is down and there's some sort of inaction going on, people are really concerned about that because we can't have this thing spill out into real lives. it's one thing if politicians want to yell at each other and another thing if we endanger public safety. >> errol louis, great to have you on and dan bongino, always great to have you on. allegations, denying that prince andrew does have ties. and named in the court documents. we look at that ahead. sheila! you see this ball control? you see this right? it's 80% confidence and 64% knee brace. that's more... shh... i know that's more than 100%. but that's what winners give. now bicycle kick your old 401(k) into an ira. i know, i know. listen, just get td ameritrade's rollover consultants on the horn. they'll guide you through the whole process. it's simple. even she could do it. whatever, janet. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got
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a quick update on the other headlines that we're following. jean casarez joining us. >> reporter: hundreds including bill clinton attended funeral of former new york governor mario cuomo who led state from 1983 to 1984. his son, andrew, the current governor, delivered an emotional eulogy. calling his father a hero who cared more about being a force for good and above all else, doing the right thing. mario cuomo was 82. and former virginia governor bob mcdonald will spend two years in prison for his conviction on felony public corruption charges. mcdonald must report to prison
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on february 9th, just days before his wife will be sentenced for her conviction on similar charges. it was brutally cold weather and snow. it's gripping much of the country, east of the rockies, making for tough travel conditions. and it's only going to get worse. especially in minneapolis where schools are closed for tomorrow since it could feel like 35 degrees below zero. but some love in the chilly weather. that is, you're looking at panda cub bobo. joining first role in the snow with the mom at the national zoo in washington. the 16 month old sure had fun. so anderson, so much today. i mean, the beginning day of congress for 2015 and bobo rolled in the snow in washington. >> one thing to the other. buckingham palace denying tal investigations. the court filing claims that the
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billionaire made the girl a sex slave loaning her out to the rich and famous. more on prince andrew's past and how he knew epstein. max, what do we know about this guy and their relationship? >> well, they were definitely friends. so many pictures of them taken over periods of time. we knew they spent a lot of time together. epstein, very well connected of course. and one of the most controversial photographs that we've seen is really after epstein left prison after being convicted of sexual offenses. prince andrew walking with him through the park in new york and that was highly controversial. very damaging for him and we're just going to look back now at the complicated relationship between the two, which actually has become his undoing in many ways, prince andrew. >> reporter: prince andrew, the duke of york. 54 years old and fifth in line to the throne. he's queen elizabeth's second son and often represents her at official engagements. he was the dashing military helicopter pilot who fought in
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the falklands war. but his personal life has long been tabloid fodder. starting with his marriage to sarah ferguson in 1986. the couple were the toast of high society had two daughters but divorced after ten years. pictures had appeared of ferguson's affair with her financial advisor. the prince went on to travel the world as a british trade ambassador, paid for by the government and earning him the nickname air miles andy. in an interview with sky news in 2010, andrew described his jet setting lifestyle. >> it's fact of life. in order to do what i do for the u.k. and u.k. business, i have to travel. that's it. it's one of those unfortunate, as it were, tags that one has to put up with. >> reporter: on the way, he
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formed controversial connections with the likes of saif al-islam gaddafi, son of the libyan dictator and the president of azerbaijan accused of human rights violations by amnesty international. but it was with jeffrey epstein that led to his resignation as trade envoy. when epstein was just released from prison, andrew announced the friendship had been a mistake and tried to move on from it but now the association has come back to haunt him. virginia roberts filed legal papers in florida claims to have been used as an underaged sex slave by epstein and she was forced to have sex with prince andrew on several occasions between 1999 and 2002 in loan don, new york and at an orgy at epstein's home on the u.s. virgin island. brit newspapers the daily mail have published the picture
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of roberts with the prince when she was 17 in t2001. they may have been photographed together but buckingham palace emphatically denies that prince andrew had any form of sexual relationship with virginia roberts. any allegations made by her are false, they say, and without any foundation. andrew was on holiday in switzerland with his family and ex-wife when the sex allegations emerged over the weekend. he's now back in the u.k. and staying out of public sight. the palace said he has no plans to make a comment himself on the allegations. >> and alan dershowitz the famed attorney for filing, he's challenging the court asking them to remove his name from the record. is there any indication that prince andrew might do something similar? >> this is really going in and on the counteroffensive on every single salacious detail this lady has come up with. for example, saying she's a serial liar. she set out on a deliberate
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smear campaign. for prince andrew and buckingham palace to do, it's not their form because they know more salacious details will come out in court which they don't necessarily want the world to hear but we have seen the palace moving in the communications strategy in a way we haven't seen before. multiple statements coming out. not through court, it's coming through statements. but it's a big change in policy. they've been much more open on this one. >> max foster, thank you very much. continue to follow this. ahead, a brass box first buried centuries ago is opened. what did samuel adams and paul revere want us to find? find it out ahead. as you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite is a vitamin made just for your eyes from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. ocuvite has a unique formula that's just not found in any leading multivitamin. your eyes are unique so help protect your eye health with ocuvite.
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beforehand. you had an idea what might be in it. did you have an idea it would be like the opening of al capone's vault on tv when really, there was nothing in there? >> in truth, we knew a little bit of what was in the box. it was a moment of extraordinary excitement, this brass container just the size of a cigar box was slowly opened with surgical precision. and you suddenly found yourself in the presence of history. >> what stands out to you as most significant of the contents? >> well, the feeling that hands put the objects together. they folded the newspapers, they tried to protect the coins. at the bottom of the box was a wonderful silver plate, probably made by paul revere and engraved by him. that was the treasure, the end of almost an hour's searching through the things in the box. >> will people be able to see these items at some point? >> certainly. the situation is they're in varied degrees of condition. they'll need conservation in the
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maps, but they will be going on view at the museum sometime in the future, which is a very exciting prospect for us. >> i know you've been director of the museum for years. american citizenship, obviously you have a british accent. do you think your ancestors or maybe looking down with the same sort of celebratory feeling or do you think they're shocked for the capsule of the american revolution? >> well, obviously, i'm a little torn as you can imagine. but, you know, history solves a lot of things and as you look at america today, it's great institutions. so much of them have origins in england and english traditions. i feel pretty proud. >> it's just a remarkable find. did you -- were you nervous -- i mean, do you have to be careful in sort of the opening of the box, exposing these things to air? >> that's absolutely the case and what was critical was what
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we were going to find and could we actually go through the whole box or would things prove too fragile to take out this evening? so it was like brain surgery with history looking down on us. >> history indeed. malcolm rodgers, extraordinary. thank you so much. coming up, something to make you smile at the end of the day. the ridiculist is next. in my world, wall isn't a street... return on investment isn't the only return i'm looking forward to. for some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything
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playdough. take the cake mountain cake set. it comes with -- a cake stand, plates, different colors of play dough and fun stuff. why, do you ask, we would be be talking about this on the ridiculist? well, it seems some people were outraged when they saw a particular part of the playdough set called the extruding tool. which is used for making designs. we have a close-up picture of the extruding tool. i have not seen this before. we are only going to show it once. so pay attention. there it its. that's the extruding tool. people actually started writing things online on how this ruined christmas. let's say the company took a lot of ribbing and will respond. we'll get to that in a moment. let's look at reaction. our affiliate in tulsa got from consumers. >> oh. well -- i guess a kid wouldn't know. you know, i mean, it could be considered --
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[ laughter ] >> it's pretty phallic. that's a pretty phallic cake decorating piece. >> as i mentioned, hasbro maker of playdough responded to the controversy and hard to believe, not one single bro at hasbro saw a problem with this marketing. but here's what they say now. quote, we have heard some consumer feedback about the extruder tool in the playdoh cake mountain play set and are in the process of updating future playdoh sets in the future with a different tool. i don't know a whole different tool seems kind of extreme to me. it seems like people could put a cover to hide the features they find offensive. something maybe out of latex, i don't know. you like that, didn't you? wow. i got a reaction from the crew. i don't know -- look i'm not a toy designer. i'm going to leave it to the
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experts on the ridiculist. that does it for us. >> the following is a cnn special report. tonight -- aaron hernandez. he was a rising nfl start on his way to greatness. >> my life is in my hands and whatever i want my life to be it's up to me to make it out that way. >> the question now, what sort of life did the ex patriot make for himself? >> he wanted to be the best. >> but he's accused of the worst.
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