tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 7, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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yet know all of their names but all of them are in the prayers of many around the world tonight. thank you very much for joining us. "ac360" continues our breaking news kvrge here on cnn worldwide. continues right now. here's wolf blitzer. it's 2:00 a.m. in paris. anderson cooper will be with us shortly from paris. i'm wolf blitzer reporting from washington. things have been moving very quickly in the hours since three killers perpetrated the single deadliest act of terrorism in paris. indeed in all of europe in nearly a decade. there's a major police operation under way right now in the city of hamabad outside of paris. it's been going on for several hours. at one point, heavily armed officers in a building went in with sharp shooters looking on nearby. what happened inside is not yet known. no shots were fired. right now, the scene is said to be calm. the key question did they get
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the three killers responsible for the massacre earlier today at the satirical weekly magazine, charlie he haddbo with three cartoonists dead. mocked every faith and public figure was attacked for islam. we have avenged the prophet mohammed. they are in the city and right now, scared into silence or submission. that vanished overnight. these images spelling it out. we are not afraid. thousands of people in the place de republic. held pens and pencils in the air defending it under fire. we're live for the next two hours as this story unfolds. let's begin with jim sciutto, he has the very latest.
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>> reporter: this remarkable video shows the attackers just moments after the slaughter. it was 11:30 a.m. an ordinary winter day in paris. these two masked men, police say, had just killed the editor and three prominent dar toonists who work for charlie hebdo. the vicious attack left nearly 12 dead a dozen others wounded. the killer seemed to show purpose but not outright haste. the execute in cold blood and already wounded policemen. seconds later, one stops to retrieve a shoe dropped from the waiting. and then make their escape. from a second camera you hear the gunfire. the man who took these pictures say he was one of the first to call for help when he realized what was happening. this woman says she and her friend heard the shots at least a dozen, she says and hid to avoid the danger. chaos and the wreckage of lives was the order of the day in central paris, wounded were carried to waiting ambulances.
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police cars showed the ferocity of the gun battles. according to authorities, the gunmen and the drivers sped to the streets to the northern edge. they were forced to abandon the sit ra lan and hoisted to taken away for examination. the french president promised he would do everything to catch the attackers. freedom, he said would always be stronger than barbarian. those comments echoed by president obama at the white house a short time later. >> the one thing that i'm very confident about is that the values we share with the french people the belief a universal belief in freedom of expression is something that can't be silenced because of the senseless violence of the few. >> reporter: among the dead newspaper's editor and leading car san antonioist. stefan sharbona and cabu and
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already experienced violence. after a satirical issue guest editing by the prophet mohammed. spoke to the french newspaper in a quote destined to be remembered he said it may sound pompous, but i'd rather die standing than live on my knees. jim sciutto, cnn, washington. >> joining us from paris. our justice reporter evan perez. what's the latest in the investigation, the search for these killers? >> reporter: well we understand that a police operation is under way. about a hundred miles from paris. what is unclear, however, is whether or not there have been any arrests, whether or not according to some reports there may even have been a fatality. none has been confirmed by paris police and right now is
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certainly a time very early on in this unfolding operation, has to be very careful about what we report. but we do know and we can say that an operation is ongoing in that part of france. as i said a hundred miles or so outside of paris. now, we do know according to the deputy mayor of paris that three suspects have been identified however, there have been no official confirmations of names at this stage. we do know there was a getaway car, at one point in the north of paris, the suspects changed cars after a reported accident according to the prosecutor general in paris. so this was a very well planned operation against the officers of shali abdul, a few hundred yards behind me. this is another level, wolff. this is not a solitary gunman the likes we saw in sydney with a rather random target. this really appears as though it was planned, the gunmen knew
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where they were going. according to a doctor who treated the wounded and spoke to survivors, it as though separated from men and women and called out names specifically. so in other words, knew who they were targeting. abdul is the ta sere cal magazine in the cross hairs of the extremist islamist groups after with cartoons depicting mohammed that they found offensive. the fire bomb was thrown in the offices of shali abdul in 2011. the question why wasn't that office better protected knowing that shali abdul was such a target and knowing as well even according to the prime minister in this country, wolf there was generally speaking a feeling that intelligence was pointing to a potential attack in france. back to you. >> they called out those names, those specific names of the journalists, the cartoonists and executed them on the scene. stand by.
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evan the french they are sophisticated security services. but to what extent are u.s. officials now involved? >> wolf what they're doing right now is they've shared the names, the sfrench have shared the names o of these subjects suspects with u.s. authorities. fbi provided the names and analysts both from the fbi and other u.s. intelligence agencies spent the last few hours combing through all their databases to get a picture of every bit of communication that these suspects have had in the last few months especially in particular there's one of these suspects the elder brother that we have referred to. he is one that was known to french authorities. he was on their radar. i am told that u.s. authorities have been told by the french that there was some level of surveillance against him and he was also known to u.s. authorities as a result of that wolf. that's going to raise some questions now for french authorities as to what happened
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why wasn't he watched more closely. >> in terms, evan of whether this could be part of a larger terror plot that could potentially target u.s. interests either in the united states or elsewhere around the world, what are your sources telling you? >> that's a real concern. that's one reason why the u.s. has put its embassies, military installations overseas on high alert, tougher security just to make sure that there are no threats coming forward there. they're also worried, wolf about possible copy cat attacks in this country. the homeland security department are warning police departments around the country and i expect that you're going to see a lot more about that in the coming days. >> evan perez, holly. i want to bring in peter burgin and former fbi and cia counterterrorism official phillip. the attackers, what stood out to you when you watched it?
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a lot of guys say these look very different, very well trained. >> when i first saw it wolf. i was concerned because this is a different approach. there were about seven things that jumped out at me first of all, the uniforms. they were all in the same uniform. what i could tell from using at their coats, they were very bulky which led me to believe they had either armored vest understood beneath or a type of suicide device. one of the gunmen had a triple point sling, a little more ability to fire a weapon closer. when you saw the pictures of the police vehicles with the bullet holes through the window that was what is called a tight shot group, very different than the kind of things we normally see with jihadists, where it's a pray and spray with ak 47. a sing l shot not automatic on the automatic device. and it was aimed fire. they had good muzzle awareness as they went through the streets. they didn't cross in front of
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each other. this was a trained group. the reconnaissance they must have conducted for this operation was probably ongoing for weeks if not months. they knew exactly where they were going to go. they had battle buddies. they were moving in a fire and maneuver context. and i think the speed of the operation was critical. when you're driving in paris, part of the reconnaissance how do you get through the streets? it was close to the noon hour where a lot of cars are. it's difficult to move around that city during the day. they not only came into the target but got away very quickly. so this was an operation that was planned, executed by well trained terrorists and they went after a critical target in their view and they were very specific in the people that they killed. >> it was very well executed from the terrorists' perspective. peter, does isis have the nowknow how or capability or like al
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qaeda? you've studied these guys for a long time. >> both had the capability. i mean we've seen an attack in brussels on may 14th of last year in which a frenchman killed four at a jewish museum. he had had some experience in a way, it's sort of a distings without a difference. both of these groups are jihadi ideologically driven. 700 french men we've seen go to syria for, not all fighting for jihadi groups but the largest from particular countries. whether it's al qaeda or isis or islamic, at the end of the day, it's a group motivate td by the same ideology all of whom have some form of capability to do this. >> phil the coordination of today's attack and it was pretty coordinated, very sophisticated. does that point to more than just three people involved? what's your analysis?
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>> that would be the first question i'd be asking wolf. as an intelligence professional the law enforcement guys in the minutes afterwards are chasing the suspects down. i'm sitting there in my old seat frustrated because i want to know as soon as you identify those guys in the hours afterwards i can start mapping out whether there are other people around them based on their connectivity. in the digital age, i could put that connectivity together very quickly and in a number of hours. i suspect u.s. intelligence professionals, if they already have the names have already been able to map out some of this to determine whether the sophistication of the attack indicates that there is a broader network here. with those names, again, in hours, you'll have a wiring diagram of where they communicated sent money, traveled to answer the critical question. was there a broader conspiracy afoot here? >> general hurtly you spoke about the suspects. what they were wearing, the black uniforms if you will.
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what's the significance of that if you will? >> i think it's a uniform, wolf. it was reflective of the organization that they wanted to go in a very disciplined manner. they had the hoods on. so i think that's just an indicator that they wanted to go in tough, they wanted to go in hard. this is a near special operation execution. they went in hard tough, and quick and they executed the targets which is unfortunate. this is different than what we've seen recently. >> thank you very much guys. anderson is just arriving in paris. we're going to go there after the break. anderson will be talking with the man who took the rooftop video we've all been watching today. stay with us. much more coming up. our eyes... they have a 200-degree range of sight. which is good for me, hey! ... and bad for the barkley twins.
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that video taken from the rooftop of officers charlie hebdo, the magazine french officials say the gunmen have been identified. a manhunt now under way. focused at the moment in the city about 90 minutes from paris. we're going to continue to monitor this coverage throughout this hour the next hour. right now, let's go to anderson. he's in paris. he's got martin booudoe with him, the man who took the extraordinary video. anderson good you're there in paris for us. >> reporter: wolf thanks very much. an extreme presence with journalists to take that video under dangerous circumstances. thank you very much for being with us. when did you realize something was happening? >> well a colleague of mine was going for a smoke outside and he told us that two guys two persons were standing out and trying to get in.
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so we heard the first shots and then more and more shots, right across the whole, five or six minutes away. >> that close? >> yeah. it's basically -- did you know initially they were shots? >> no. at first, we just heard shots. we heard screams and then we tried to get to the roof. and then bullets, try to keep all safe. like 20 people our chief agency. >> reporter: it's incredible. the video you took and we're looking at some of it now, i mean this went on for a number of units. i think five to ten minutes or so. is that about how long it was?
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>> yeah five to ten, at least. it seemed like it was, you know, so much longer. and then the cops arrived and they just stop shooting them. and we didn't know. >> reporter: the police stop shooting them or the terrorist start shooting the police? >> the terrorist start shooting police. and we didn't know what they were supposed to do because we were stuck on this roof. we knew there were victims a few minutes away from us but there might be some where maybe a third guy. what we did, we went to shali abdul's office. >> reporter: you actually entered the offices? >> yeah right after, ten to 15 minutes after they left. >> reporter: the scene there? >> it was like slaughtering. like a massacre. could see the bodies on the left into the meeting room and the
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other people from shali abdul who were spared or hiding. they were just standing like not zombies, but they were standing and didn't do anything. we tried to help the very first one but actually to be honest there were a lot of [ inaudible ] >> reporter: when the shooting was occurring, did you see all three gunmen? >> two. >> reporter: you saw the two that entered the offices. the early report said there was the third gunman and then the lookout on the street. >> i saw two guys shooting with very professional manners. i've been underground. i've seen how rifles and professional. >> reporter: they were using the rifles holding the rifles correctly. shooting relatively calmly. >> yeah.
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they were hugging the shoulders on the rifle. just acting like policemen. >> reporter: that sort of organized? professional? >> yeah. it was unreal. >> reporter: obviously two policemen were killed. but believed one was guarding the office. have you seen security for that office? >> yes, we've seen police cars. they moved in six months ago. and three, depending on the days. they were outside the building and they were, you know just here days and nights. but these last few weeks, they were not here anymore and from what i heard from shali abdul and witnesses i've talked to either felt that the threat was a little less dangerous lately.
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it looked like something a little cooler, if i may. >> reporter: things seem to have settled down. >> yeah that's why they were surprised by what happened. i really want to tell them how to support them and obviously you guys here as well. but the friends, you see 100,000 people gather. >> reporter: extraordinary. when you saw the crowds here in paris, in other places in france and also all throughout the world, frankly? >> very touching. it's beyond words. that means a lot for us. especially when, you know the u.k. the u.s. montreal. >> reporter: if the idea was to silence freedom of expression -- >> it's failed. >> reporter: it's failed. >> they wanted to make shali abdul fail a legend. now a legend. thanks to them actually i
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think that's good punishment. >> reporter: martin boudot i appreciate your time talking to us. i'm sorry for everything today. helped law enforcement as well analyzed closely and continue to be ahead in paris and across the world as we talk about outrage over today's terror attack over those exercising their right to free speech. protesters filling the streets in support of those who lost their lives today. we'll take you to the front lines ahead. sheila! you see this ball control? you see this right? it's 80% confidence and 64% knee brace. that's more... shh... i know that's more than 100%. but that's what winners give. now bicycle kick your old 401(k) into an ira. i know, i know. listen, just get td ameritrade's rollover consultants on the horn. they'll guide you through the whole process. it's simple. even she could do it. whatever, janet. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got
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details not known. conflicting reports. i want to give you accurate information. no shots fired right now. the scene said to be calm there. less than 24 hours after the deadliest terror attack in europe since 2005. some are calling france's 9/11. overnight, parisians turned out in huge show of solidarity for the fallen in the face of violence and the face of threats. more on that from frederick who joins us now. an incredible show of strength and solidarity. >> a critical show of strength and solidarity but also an air of heavyiness there. it was interesting. i spoke to people who say we felt the same way we felt on rvn. of course they don't want to equate it to 9/11. that was so much worse but they said they had the same heavy feeling.
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freedom of expression, liberty. core french values. what's interesting, you had a crowd well over 10,000 people there. all organized on the internet really quickly. it was not -- there were no speakers or anything. absolutely no antiislamist or muslim sentiment. people saying we're going to get through this together. people arab descent. >> people holding up signs, freedom of expression and the prophet mohammed that charlie hebdo had published and taking place in towns small and large in amsterdam, in london berlin new york. all over the world. >> it was very universal. it was all over the world. it was very universal and the symbols also ones that said the pen is going to be stronger than the guns.
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it's going to be interesting because you have these people who were chanting these slogans saying liberty, holding up these caricatures and then the whole crowd silent and everybody held up their pens to show the strength of the pen versus the rifle. it was an amazing moment and it was amazing to see how quickly it was organized, how many people showed up and, again, the positive mood that was there. it's going to be something that's very important here in france and europe as well because, of course, right wing extremists will try to use this. >> saying in the previous segment, if the attempt was not only to destroy the magazine and quiet freedom of speech it had the exact opposite effect. fred thank you. i want to bring in chris with a
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former extremist himself who speaks out against violent radical islam with the coalian foundation. first of all, your thoughts when you saw these crowds tonight, all over the world standing up in defiance of this horrific act. >> anderson i'm very proud of the french people at this moment. if it's true there were 10,000 out on the street despite the clear and present danger it's truly a courageous act and is the beginnings of the what we will speak about. it's very important for everyone to make a distings. picking on individual muslim people. the former is called freedom of speech. the latter is antimuslim bigotry and the former that it was engaged in.
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satirizing an idea with all other ideas. it's a matter of principle people stand together with muslims across europe on this principle of free speech. why is it important? in democratic societies as we know policy opinion is formed by speech because that is our weapon. democratic societies are stable. we don't resort to violence for change. freedom of speech is our life blood. if that is threatened, that's the fundamental pillar of these societies. >> chris firdiki, seen terrorism fighting here based on france's involvement in nigeria. nothing like this for quite some time. >> they can have it go on. there was a bombing in the metro
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back in 1995 that killed a lot of people. >> they've had a number of attacks really in the last several weeks. two people driving vehicles. >> crazy sort of lone wolf deranged person attacks. this is different because so many people died. it was targeted against the press, against the idea of freedom of speech. because the people doing the shooting seemed to have been so skilled at what they were doing, not just some deranged guy who pulled the shotgun off the wall but what's hard to acquire in this country and knew how to use them clearly. indicating that may have had training someplace else or even the french army. >> i've heard people on twitter who said this magazine was being provocative. they were, you know angering people. they were publishing these cartoons which are obviously pouring salt on wounds. to that what do you say? people particularly on this day, what do you say? >> what i'd say to those people is that the problem here is lies
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at the feet of people who decide that a way to bring about change in democratic society is through murder and bloodshed. they are the problem. not journalists, certainly not satirical cartoonists. i am a muslim. we come from a muslim community and we are very critical of western or american foreign policy. i've been very critical personally on the invasion in iraq. i oppose it. i've been critical after the torture report was released from the united states. so if i've got the right and the muslims have the right to criticize british or french foreign policy the rendition to torture, likewise everyone else has also the right to criticize everything else. if we find that provocative and insulting, we also have freedom of speech. we can stand for election elect others that agree with us and campaign through the democratic
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process. we must never accept that in such circumstances, the problem are the victims that have been murdered. they are not the problem. the problem are a bunch of people bigy bigots fascists believe in a god so great. if that god is great, i'm sure that god allah can look after himself and doesn't need ill educated theeocratic fascists. what that achieves is in the sense of paris and i hope that's defiance in the face of such threats. >> and it is interesting, christopher. this magazine that's been on and off through the '70s has a relatively low subscription. you see it in subway stations and newsstands and today, it is stronger than ever. its message. >> more credibility than ever. look if we've been talking about this magazine two or three days ago, it wouldn't have
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seemed even wort talking about. but because of what's happened and because it was targeted because of an attack on free speech, it's important, a symbol to the whole world. but in fact if you look at charlie hebdo in the old days it was always provocative. >> reporter: provocative about all religions. about everybody. it was an equal opportunity offender. >> yes, line up any way they could. which is fun. the best thing about charlie hebdo was the covers. you would look at them and you wouldn't buy it. but at the end of the day, of course we're talking about a tragedy. whether these guys target charlie hebdo or next week another magazine or another publication. >> reporter: we've seen this in the united states. trey parker and matt stone on south park. when they showed the idea of the prophet mohammed not even
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showing him but in a bear costume, there were death threats against them. >> let's go back to the satanic verses. some point, say no to all of that and say the free speech is most in a modern society. it's the only thing we have to militates fascism over the long run. i think the fact is that the people who were against freedom of speech were willing to kill to stop free speech are people who want to oppose theocratic fascism. >> chris dickey it's good to have you on. maaji maajid maajidnawaz. i'll talk to a woman who it's like to live with a target on her back.
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we are covering the breaking news from here in france in paris. a police operation under way right now in the city of riems. authorities identified the three suspects wanted in today's terror attack. two are brothers. this morning, the gunmen burst into the office of the satirical weekly charlie hebdo. it's not the first time that critics of islam targeted by terrorists. randi kaye tonight looks back. >> reporter: the poster reads wanted dead or alive. primarily people criticized or satirized the muslim faith. in the eyes of islam, punishable by death. some in rushdi. 1988 publishes satanic verses highly critical of islam. protests erupt.
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in the u.s. and britain, bookstores are bombed. iran's aye toe la orders muslims to kill rushti. >> it's not theoretical. maybe because nobody killed me nobody will. but that's not true i wish it were. >> reporter: a few months after, shot to death, stabbed and nearly decapitated. the killer, a dutch islamist. and the danish cartoonist draws a picture with a bomb in his turban. muslims across the world are outraged danish embassies are set ablaze. westerguard receives numerous death threats.
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eventually a man wielding an ax breaks into his home but survives the attack. lars wicks. sketches a series of drawings depicting the prophet mohammed as a dog. he receives death threats and al qaeda affiliate offers $150,000 for his assassination. in 2009 a plot to murder vilks stopped. plotters three americans. one a woman named colleen larobs dubbed jihad jane. in 2011, satirical magazine charlie hebdo publishes and names him editor in chief for the next issue. their offices are fire bombed but no one is hurt. >> one has the impression that everyone is driven by fear. that's what the small handful of fundamentalists that doesn't represent anyone wants to do.
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govern through fear. >> reporter: in today's attack tragically, charbonn ier is killed. and submission. ayan ali. >> we're joined now by ayan. on a personal level, as someone who has been targeted for years now for your work for your statementsbeliefs, what was your reaction? >> anderson thank you for having me. good to speak to you again. i am in a state of shock. for the second time aim in a state of grief. i'm mourning the loss of i would say, the entire staff nearly of charlie hebdo.
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it's a different sort of grieving but ultimately the same thing. when you live the way i live you have to ask yourself over and over again. what is -- who are these people who want to kill me and what do they want from me? what is it that drives methem? i come to the conclusion that is not a random event. these are not some bunch of deranged thugs. this is a movement. it's an ideology. the people who are doing this have a vision. and they unite around that vision. and it's embedded in a world religion and i'll come to that part later. but this is what i have to say myself. for me to be safe the grim truth is i have to outlive a generation of young minds whose minds are contaminated with this ideology. and what we have seen today,
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this morning, is a massacre of individuals who stood up through that ideology who said we are going to fight for the freedom of speech for the speech of conscience because this is what our society is about. this is who we are. this is what civilization is. and how we respond to what happened today, not only in times of policing not only in times of you know the right thing to do about finding the guys and bringing them to justice, that is going to happen i'm confident that is going to happen the rest of us and the press responds is a great consequence. >> reporter: your name is on a wanted poster that was put out by al qaeda magazine in march of 2013 the same wanted poster that included the editor of charlie hebdo killed in today's
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attack. unlike maajid nas wanawaz, it's not like radical islam. but for you though you don't make such a distinction. >> i make a distinction but the distinction is in a little bit in a different way. i agree with president bush president obama and the leaders of the civilized world that we are not at war with islam. but within islam is a radical movement that has declared war on us. that asymmetric relationship
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you have irregular war fair andfare not only with military means and surveillance means but we also have to get to the bottom of it and see what's -- where the ideas are coming from. and it's very grim. it's very sad. it's the ling i was brought up in. it's the religion of my mother. >> reporter: you're saying this is not just a military fight. a police fight. this is a fight of ideas as well. >> this is a fight of ideas. this is a fight of visions. we have a movement that is trans transnational, that has the resources, that has the conviction and wants to impose their vision of what they believe on the rest of us. and the more we ignore the ideological components of this equation the more we get ourselves into the situation we are in now. >> reporter: ayaan hirsi ali, we'll talk in the next hour.
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it's an important discussion to have and want to go into greater depth in the next hour. we get our first report of a suspect in custody of the killings. there have been unconfirmed reports earlier. we work to firm up some of the details. we'll bring them momentarily. up next president obama said it shows how much fear freedom of the press. more on the response from the white house next. stick around. introducing the citi® double cash card. it lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. that's cash back twice. it's cash back with a side of cash back. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay . with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided.
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police. the youngest 18-year-old of the three suspects of wanted today in the brutal terror attack against charlie hebdo killing 12 people the youngest suspect has surrendered. apparently took place a few hours ago, that suspect, as i said is 18 years old. it's now thursday in paris, a national day of mourning has begun. latest at large. police show the photo. we'll show as soon as we can get it. 12 people as i said murdered by mass gunmen who burst into the office of satirical weekly, charlie hebdo, frequently mocked islam and frankly every other religion and every other political character on the world stage. president obama condemned the attack pledged to stand with france. >> the attacks that took place
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reinforces why it's so important for us to stand in solitarydarity with them as they do with us. >> we know president obama spoke to president on the phone. do we know much about the phone call? >> the president offered condolences and the u.s.'s assistance in whatever manner is needed. that's something we heard repeatedly today from the president, from others in the white house. we heard from secretary of homeland security jay johnson who wouldn't go into detail about the assistance but the u.s. is doing a number of things in support of the french. we heard the fbi saying they were going to databases to help the french gather information and the fbi is open and constant communication with officials there. we know that top level national security officials in the u.s. government are also talking to their french counterparts of
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course anderson. >> are you hearing concern about the united states or american interest there or elsewhere? >> reporter: there's concern about foreign fighters. we don't know if the people in france traveled abroad in wars. of course it's still early. what we hear from the white house is they don't know of any credible threat or specific information that would indicate something is being planned here. but it was interesting to hear from secretary of homeland security jay johnson what this tells him is that the threat is evolving. there's more diverse affiliates in the terror groups. the planning is becoming more complex. he's becoming worried about lone wolves and yes, that's something we worries about happening in the u.s. as well. >> michelle kosinski thank you.
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charlie hebdo published cartoons mocking the prophet mohammed. press secretary back then. here's what he said about the editor's decision to actually run the cartoons back then. >> we don't question the right of something like this to be published. we just question the judgment behind the decision to publish it. it has to be said. i'll say it again. no matter how offensive something like this is it's no way a justification for violence. not in any way justification for violence. >> jay carney joins me now. do you have the same concerns you had two years ago about how wise it may or may not have been to publish these kinds of cartoons? the argument is why should anyone have to kowtow to someone
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else's, you know something that may offend somebody else? >> i don't think that was what i was expressing on behalf of the administration. our view and remember we had experienced this with the video that had been seen by some muslims as offensive to islam and to the prophet mohammed produced in the united states. and the point i was trying to make is and i think it's the correct one for the united states and oldest ally of france the whole point of freedom of the press. the point is not to defend conventional speech or not protect acceptable speech but to protect and defend offensive speech objectional speech. and i don't doubt that some muslims could be offended by and were offended by some of the depictions and i think that's where you can as an observer question the judgment but when it comes down to the right to
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publish, the protection the laws affords and the absolute unacceptability of violence and reaction to it we have to stand firm. i think that's a bedrock of our country and democracy. >> if an american newspaper wanted to publish something similar to what charlie hebdo published, what would you tell them? >> well, it's not a publication but the preacher down in florida when he was threatening to burn the koran, that would potentially cause great offense and potentially violent reaction among extremists. that was important as a judgment to make but the right to do it is something that's protected by and someone who believes deeply in the first amendment. i would defend right up to defending this speech and even
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more offensive speech. >> how concerned has the white house been in recent years about this style of attack. it's different than a lone wolf attack. it's different than a large scale highly orchestrated attack. i mean this is a hand full of people people. some sort of level of military training and confidence targeting, you know, an office. this is the kind of thing that could happen just about anywhere. >> very concerned, anderson. i think what you see here is a reflection of the fact that the effort against extremists islam and around the world has taken a toll on the ability of al qaeda and offshoots mass sophisticated attacks. . it has a replacement for those kinds of attacks, lone wolf
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attacks. people simply inspired by the call to jihad, to take action that's undirected at least not specifically from a central power but just a call to act and take lives and create damage. i think also the smaller the cell of people lone individuals the hardest to detect. a small cell of just a few people who may or may not have been acting from a specific central authority. very hard to attack in france and the united states. >> jay, i appreciate it. up next, a live hour of 360. a manhunt under way. the latest report from afp. one suspect surrendered. the youngest suspect. 18 year old. believed to be the person who was on the street while the two brothers were carrying out these senseless murders inside charlie hebdo as well as police officers
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