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tv   New Day  CNN  January 8, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PST

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traffic checkpoint and wound up taking on police officers. the man who did it was in his mid 50s. the suspect allegedly and was similarly dressed to the men who created the terror act here. we're getting ready for a moment of silence, let's observe it ourselves. [ speaking french ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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. they're celebrating the memory of those who were lost at "charlie hebdo" and they're applauding the freedom that was involved in the right to publish and say what they believe is true. this man here has a sign that says "the french are not afraid." catholics, muslims, sufis, buddhists, atheists they are all for freedom. that is the spirit that is here
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today. in some ways you could argue even a day after this tragedy, that which was sought to divide and take away freedom has unified the people here in a way they may not have been here before, certainly in the cause of freedom. they're all here and still applauding the moment of silence is now over but the mood here will continue for some time. [ applause ] we're showing you live pictures now of notre dame as they ring the bells there in ceremony and recognition of what happened here in paris. [ bells ringing ]
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t to be heard and the message will be sent here and abroad and to all. now there is breaking news to tell you about as well in this situation. remember i told you there has been a second shooting in south paris. jim bitterman is on scene there. jim, give us the latest at this point we had understood there was no real cause for connection to what happened in the offices of "charlie hebdo," but what can you tell us? >> whatever the situation was down here it's now over. the moment of silence you were observing there in fact very noisily, the bri, the brigade of rapid intervention the french police top guns as it were were withdrawn. they took their armored car and with the sirens blairing drove off, they're beginning to open up the street here in this paris suburb just on the outskirts of
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paris where this morning a local police officer was shot and killed and another policeman was wounded. during a routine traffic accident they were directing traffic around. and this traffic accident, a gunman got out of the car, he was masked wearing black, matching the description of yesterday's attackers, shot at two police officers and fled. for a while it appeared as if they had cornered somebody in an apartment building not far away. which is why they brought up the brigade of rapid intervention and why they were staking it out. but during the moment of silence they pulled away. so we're assuming that this is over. it looks like they're about to open up the street once again. chris? >> so jim, what's your best sense, jim, what's your best sense at this point of where they are in connecting dots on that investigation about how sure they are about who did what there and why? and how if in any way it relates
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to what happened here at "charlie hebdo"? >> well we don't have a good sense of it but i can tell you they also pulled in right up to this incident with the two police officers were shot they pulled in 53-year-old man who was apparently dressed in black, or at least fit the description to some extent. and he's not been the police have not told us what has happened. so we don't know whether or not he has any connection at all to the "charlie hebdo" shooting or not. but that of course is what people are on edge about. and i think the police down here even the local police now are wearing bulletproof vests. and i think that there's a feeling that any police officer now around the paris area could be a target especially with these gunmen still on the loose. >> jim i'm going to check back in with you. we're seeing the same thing here tactical gear is now the norm and there's just a flood of
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personnel and equipment being brought in to paris from the military and intelligence branches of the french authorities. you can hear different rounds of applause behind us here as different commemorative events are happening by a memorial of the offices of "charlie hebdo." lots of signs of "i am charlie" as people galvanize behind this idea of fighting for freedom of expression here. there's one of the rounds of applause. there's a very active manhunt going on. if not for one of these people allegedly dropping an identification card we don't know where investigators would be but there's a very active manhunt going. lots of wild reports about different altercations and movements of police, but let's give you a recap on our report sog far of what happened yesterday and what brought to us where we are right now. the most wanted men in france -- terrorists brothers said and
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cherif kouachi, armed and dangerous, still at large this morning, france raising the terror alert, military aircrafts flying troops into paris. as the authorities ramp up security around the clock. a massive manhunt under way leading police to the northeastern city of hants, members of france's anti-terrorist unit gone the gunmen gone but police search for evidence inside. both brothers were known to security services in france cherif served a year in prison for recruiting people to fight alongside extremists in iraq. the youngest suspect, 18-year-old hamyd mourad surrendered to police on wednesday according to afp after seeing his name circulate og social media and denying any involvement. seven others have been detained by authorities since the shooting. the horrific attack at the
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offices of "charlie hebdo" took place around 11:30 a.m. in paris wednesday, 12 people killed, 11 wounded. witnesses say the gunmen yelled "we have avenged the prophet." also yelling "god is great" during their brutal rampage. reportedly speaking fluent french. this video shows the attackers moments after the slaughter. the two masked men just killed the magazine's editor and three prominent cartoonists, police caught a major break when one of the suspects left his i.d. in the "charlie hebdo" offices, a justice consultant calling it quote their only mistake. the killers seemed to show purpose, but not haste. here they execute in cold blood an already-wounded policeman, one of them pausing a second to retrieve a shoe dropped from the waiting car. and then seconds later, they make their escape. sources say investigators are paying close attention to this moment -- when a gunman appears
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to raise his fijer in the air, possibly signaling other accomplices. >> what you don't see is panic on the part of the gunmen. these are strong indicators that this is not the first time they've handled weapons. >> there may be more panic among the gunmen right now. we have new details to report to you. according to different french authorities and reporting outlets, the two shooters involved have been identified and contacted by police. they are supposedly on the move. trying to move out of the city. the information reportedly is coming from a gas station attendant who encountered the men. he said they were armed. they were moving in a specific direction that authorities are now following up on. like we said this is a very active manhunt. there's a tremendous amount of resources that have been flooding in and around the northern and eastern parts of paris to try to find these men as quickly as possible. and anybody else who is working with them. we will update you on those details, because again, it's very much in progress as we get
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the information and can verify it i will give it to you. now however we want to take a step back right now to what happened here at the offices of "charlie hebdo." you see people are filtering back out to get on with their day after celebrating this kind of sense of unity to get around each other, in this moment of division that these terrorists perpetrated here in the offices of "charlie hebdo" yesterday. we have with us someone who witnessed what happened here and thankfully escaped. come in here a little bit closer please tell me your name so i don't mangle it. >> vondre. >> what happened? >> my office is right across the hall from the one of "charlie hebdo." so i arrived to my office yesterday morning, and as i arrived, i could see one of my colleagues running down the stairs and calling out for help and i got a text a little earlier to say that something was happening around the office. so we started running together back up again. and instead of turning left to
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go to our office which is right and entered the offices of "charlie hebdo" and you know there were people and they were asking for help obviously so we didn't really think about anything we just entered, there was this young guy, lying down in the entrance hall. of the offices. he was already attended to. i think a doctor was already trying to sort of make sure that he was sort of okay. i heard later that he had been shot in the back. and then someone deeper in the offices called us and said we have to remove the furniture because the emergency teams were all on their way, we just with some of my colleagues we went in we took some of the furniture and pulled it out of the main offices. go did you know what you were dealing with? did you know what had been done there? why they had been shot and by who? >> i'm a reporter as well and we had known for a very long time that "charlie hebdo" was
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threatened. and we heard before that well we heard about the fire. >> the fire did the bombing in 2011. >> yes and then when they moved in we saw police cars patrolling around the offices. so we obviously we knew that something was happening there. but when i arrived, i we never assumed that it would really happen anyway and when i arrived and my colleague shouted out to me and he said -- come there's been a shoot-out and there's so many bodies on the floor. i kind of assumed this would be the day. but it was completely unfathomable. >> the shooting had ended. you didn't hear any active fire once you got there? >> i arrived after the shooting. >> and when you were there, we had heard that the men and women were separated and they were looking specifically for men, specifically for certain men. when were you in there, were all the injured mostly men? >> yeah.
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that's what i saw. the thing is when we entered, as i told you there was this body lying on the floor and then we proceeded more into the offices. to try and help as much as we could as little as we could because really there was nothing much we could do there. and then we started pulling out some tables and that's when i saw all the bodies on the floor, really. and it was a very graphic scene, very gruesome scene there. >> did it seem as though they had been executed like with very specific shots? or did it look like someone had just sprayed bullets? >> it looked as a spraying. >> just a massive? >> that's what i saw and then i saw the faces were clearly gray and some of them had clearly passed away. there was nothing much we could do there. we tried to gather some of our
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forces with our colleagues and then the rescue teams arrived and they told to us clear the area there's too many people here and they said all the people that are still alive to get out. we just left. >> we have been told as you said there was no secret that "charlie hebdo" prosecutewas at risk. there was a security presence there was a van outside, one of the cartoonists had police assigned to him. is it true that you had seen the van disappeared or you had seen a sign that there wasn't as much security around any more? is that fair criticism or no? >> i wouldn't say criticism but it's true that it had been a couple of months since we saw a police car stationed at the foot of the building, they used to be stationed there for so many months. with some of my colleagues we used to kind of joke in a weird way that you know, why is there a police car, they've already tried everything they could do to "charlie hebdo" in a way.
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and then the car left and we assumed it was because the security threat weakened. >> now you know why they needed the security. they're clapping again. they're clapping in the spirit of remembering what this freedom is about, what "charlie hebdo" is about. you see the signs, jes suis charlie. i am charlie. we want this to stop. don't do anything to offend us on this extreme side of muslim do you think this will raise voices ss louder? >> we thought as journalists, a lot of journalists, we want to report stories as we are, with the facts we have in our hands to report them. and i was thinking hopefully this will not weaken our strength to report those stories. what i thought was even more
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wonderful yesterday, if i can say that is that it was a citizen movement. and we joined inned crowd with some of my colleagues we were taken to the psychological support area. we talked to a counselor and some kind of psychological help over there. and then we joined in the crowd and we walked all the way to le publique which is really symbolic here in france it was not only us journalists, the seriousness of the threats we face every day, but to see the people of france and the people in america and the united states and everywhere in the europe and the world are kind of sharing the feeling right now, that journalism is worth fighting for. i think that's a beautiful image that i will keep with me. >> wandrille, thank you so much. i'm glad you're safe and thank you for helping the way you
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could. we're going to give you the details of what we've learned about the manhunt that's active and in process, the shooting with jim bitterman in south paris, we'll tell you everything we know but for right now, back to new york for a lot of other news this morning. chris, just incredible to see the outpouring there of emotion and to hear the clapping and to hear the journalist report of the aftermath. thank you for that. meanwhile, back here at home the vast majority of the u.s. is shivering this morning. the national weather service predicting close to 90% of the country will wake up to below freezing temperatures today. the upper midwest and new england bracing for another jolt of arctic air and snow. whiteout conditions are being blamed for this deadly 18-vehicle pile-up on a pennsylvania interstate that involved nine tractor-trailers. at least two people were killed in that. emergency officials warning a dangerous wind chills that can lead to frostbite and hype
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thermial, public schools in boston boston milwaukee, minneapolis closed today. meteorologist jennifer gray is live in chicago battling the bitter cold for us how is it there? >> hi alisyn it is cold. temperatures where we are right now, about 5 degrees below zero when you factor in the wind chill, it feels like 25 degrees below zero and look at chicago river behind me. half of it is frozen solid from our vantage point. you can see the steam on top of it like a hot tub and you know that water is cold because part of it is frozen. so you know it's getting close to freezing. but because the air temperature is so much colder above it it's acting like a hot tub down there, it's steaming. we have wind chill warnings in place, we have wind chill advisories in place for much of the country. that does also include the northeast. we're seeing wind chills anywhere from 15 degrees to 30 degrees below zero. some of the extreme areas, 40 and 50 degrees below zero can
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you get frostbite within a matter of minutes and you can get hypothermia. a lot of schools are canceled today. >> jennifer that's an incredible vision behind you to see the cold water steaming. >> like a hot tub, yet so not. our coverage continues of the paris terror attack as we work to find out more about the suspected gunmen and how they were able to carry out the bloody massacre at "charlie hebdo" magazine. christiane amanpour will explain why the attack has been called potential game-changer.
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we're live in paris outside the offices of "charlie hebdo," the french satirical magazine attacked by terrorists yesterday. 12 people lost their lives, 11 more were injured. many of them very seriously, we
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just finished seeing there's many people milling around for moments of silence and there were rounds of applause in celebration of the freedom represented by what "charlie hebdo" and the media here does around the world. people say they're unified "je suis charlie" i am charlie. they are unified in this principle. and they are unified in the efforts to catch the men who did this the latest reporting, a gas station attendant, according to french reports identified the two gunmen. they were trying to exit out of the paris area. and they are being pursued by authorities. as we get new information, it will be brought to you once we verify it. we have christiane amanpour our chief international correspondent here and when we are looking at the event in the investigation one-half-step back. what we saw perpetrated yesterday, is different than what we've seen in the past. what is your precipitation of
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why? >> this was a direct attempt to shut down any kind of dissent. they went right, as the president of france said today, they attacked the heart of our nation they attacked us in our capital, in our cultural heritage here and they tried to shut us up. right now as we've seen a gentleman to your right, who has a home-made cardboard sign saying the french are not afraid. people have come out in this cold and horrible drizzling rain. heaven is crying today because of what happened yesterday. they've come with their flowers and candles and signs to pay tribute. because this is not just another terrorist attack. as terrible as this sounds to say this is a deliberate attack on the freedom of speech. on the freedom to live the kind of values that western democracies have lived now for hundreds of years. and whether you go back to the ayatollahs in iran who tried to close down salman rushdie 30 years ago. and if you look at north korea
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trying to close down sony and if you look at what people here did yesterday, they don't want people talking about anything that they don't agree with. it is tyranny in its you purest form and well-known french intellectuals have said this wasn't a terrorist attack this was not a terrorist attack it was an execution. it was not a massacre it was a execution. >> the motive was clear, they did the traditional cry of "god is great" and we know who tends to do that. and you get to the weapons that were used the kalishnakovs maybe an rpg. but the tight shooting patterns the nonchalance as they moved and executed an officer. it does speak to not your common variety madman who is caught up in the romantic notion of jihad. >> the french say we know the names of the suspects. they are apparently of algerian origin. the lawyer of one of them says they were orphans. one or two of them are known to the authorities for various
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attempts at jihad and traveling and smuggling people into jihad. so they're known. you know they weren't that clever. one of them left their i.d. in the car and that's how police know apparently there was dna and other as they say in france, genetic evidence that led them to these two people and apparently they are now or they have been spotted, if you're to take the initial reports, which we haven't confirmed yet. in northern france not even in paris, in northern france we don't know whether that's going to pan out and there was another shooting today. perhaps a copycat shooting. several things are under way. trying to figure out who these people are. did they have a greater organization around them. were they just acting on their own? were they flinging around al qaeda or isis or whatever just to look big? and what will this do this is what people here are very afraid of. what will this do to politics as well? >> a good point for us to end on here. first of all, what we just saw
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here in the "je suis charlie" that people want to unify, they want to see the magazine come out with its next publication, there's word that it will come out. more people want to get involved in giving voice to it. and it's a very fractious society politically. >> president hollande brought to the palace today, the man he beat in the last round, nicolas sarkozy. he had been the interior minister he had a very tough anti-terrorist and security policy when he was in office and he was brought in to the palace today for the first time since he was defeated. there's an attempt to do what the president said last night in his address to the nation -- this must unify us it can't cow us we must fight this scourge, this is happening in an
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environment where the far right, very populist national front party is very far ahead in the polls. and they are islam-phobes so that's going to play on fears in france. for many years there's been a political correctness about the kind of violence that's perpetrated in the name of muslim and of course many moderate muslims come out and say not in my name and they need to come out and say not in my name. we do have to ask the question why is this rage being fuelled and used by islamic extremists? why is islam the vehicle for this political rage? we have to ask that question. it has to be answered. we have to ask why the words allahu akbar have been used among extremist muslims, to be among the most wicked words in the world right now.
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>> christiane amanpour i'm going to use you all morning. the big questions, where are the two men, the killers massacred here at the offices yesterday. there's information coming in. we've got to verify it so we can get it to you. an active manhunt going on. we go to break, and when we come back we'll have more continuing coverage on cnn, live from paris, the manhunt for the massacre here at "charlie hebdo." i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this.
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catch up on what everyone's talking about with the x1 entertainment operating system. preloaded with the latest episodes of the top 100 shows. only from xfinity. we are here live in paris, we have breaking news obviously, surrounding the manhunt for the two men who terrorized the offices of "charlie hebdo," the french is a dir cal magazine. it was a massacre it was an execution, there's no question about it 12 people lost their lives, one of them was a police officer. 11 other people very seriously injured. and the manhunt now continues. there are a lot of developments to tell you, first, let's do a little scene-setting for you, take a look at the map. you'll see big landmarks here you have the eiffel tower, notre dame will be referring to it in
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a moment about the moment of silence that we just experienced here. now you also see where we are, near the offices of "charlie hebdo." here in paris, now the latest information there has been some breaking news about the manhunt itself. there are tons of military police and intelligence assets flooding into paris from french authorities. supposedly there are verifiable french reports that a man at a gas station recognized the two alleged attackers here the alleged terrorists and alerted authorities, they were seen north in the bacardi region of france trying to move out northerly in that area. that's the latest information we have. we don't know what the follow-up is on that information or the manhunt, when we get it we'll give it to you. there was a shooting in south paris that was very atypical in certain ways. and i'll tell you. first of all it was at a traffic stop. police were there, a man exited
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a vehicle, he was in his mid 50s. he was dressed similar to the terrorists yesterday in psuedo military garb may have had on a bulletproof vest. he fired on the officers struck two. one of them a female officer has now lost her life. the information from there gets very sloppy about whether or not he is in custody, who he is is it the right man? that's what's going on there right now. the obvious question is whether or not there is any connection to what happened here at the offices of "charlie hebdo." so now what was the impact yesterday? we know what the intention was, it was to create fear. but as we saw in this moment of silence, the bells at notre dame going on for minutes, the president of france at a local police station, this entire community observing a moment of silence and then applauding applauding the lives that were lost at "charlie hebdo." the cause of freedom. the signs, "je suis charlie," i am charlie. saying they are unified. signs saying the french are not
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afraid. if the point of the terrorist act yesterday was to divide it has had the opposite effect from everything we can see here. that's the latest from paris, we'll give you more as we get it. we'll send you back to new york for more news. >> let's give awe look at your headlines, 37 minute past the hour here. the president is heading to phoenix today as part of his three-day tour pushing his 2015 economic agenda. he will talk about housing and a new initiative at lowering mortgage rates for the first-time home owners. on wednesday he was in michigan hailing the resurgence of the auto industry. the president will head to knoxville friday to speak about making college more affordable. the search for flight 8501, it's tough for crews to remove the tail section of the plane, because it's apparently upside-down and partially buried in the muddy bed of the java
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sea. bad weather forced the divers out of the water. wednesday's find is crucial, since the tail could very well hold the all-important black box recorders. most of us waking up to bone-chilling cold. the national weather service says close to 90% of the nation will see below-freeing temperatures this morning. whiteout conditions are blamed for this deadly 18-vehicle crash on a pennsylvania interstate that involved nine tractor-trailers two people were killed. dozens of others injured. >> comedian bill cosby back on stage performing a dozen protesters shouted shame on you at ticket holders, inside canada. inside cosby audience gave him a ovation. felicia rashad is breaking her silence, blasting the media, claiming cosby has been treated unfairly. >> he's a genius, he's generous
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he's kind he's inclusive. what has happened is declaration in the media of guilt. without proof. >> three more women have come forward accuseing the comedian of drugging and sexually assaulting them in the 1980s and 1990s. those are your headlines. so interesting. meanwhile we're continuing to follow the breaking news in paris. the terror attack and the ongoing manhunt at this hour. we'll be taking a closer look at the two brothers suspected of the massacre. authorities already knew them they had a history. were clues missed in the days leading up to the tragedy. all of us have likely heard jokes tasteful or not about our respective religion. why do some members of islam take them seriously enough to kill? we'll explore, ahead.
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a manhunt under way in paris as police search for two suspects behind wednesday's terror attack on a french satirical magazine which had published cartoons of the prophet mohammed. a third suspect reportedly turned himself in. many on the staff of "charlie
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hebdo" knew they could be targets for their cartoons by why are images of mohammed considered so inflammatory to muslims, and how do you balance freedom of expression with respect for religion. let's bring in cnn managing affairs editor bobby ghosh. one man's satire is another man's hate speech. where is the line? >> it's impossible to draw the line for that reason. what many see as inoffensive or thought-provoking, to other people feels almost abusive. it's notoriously difficult do navigate this sideline. but as "charlie hebdo" their philosophy was that there are no cows that are sacred all religions, all, anything that even remotely reeks of establishment is ripe for satire ripe every balloon must
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be punctured. >> they knew they were a target. >> absolutely. >> and the editor stephane charbonnier, who was killed yesterday, refused to be cowed. here is what he said in an interview with abc news. >> our job is not to defend freedom of speech. but without freedom of speech we are dead. we can't live in a country without freedom of speech. i prefer to die than live like a rat. >> of course all of his words now seem prophetic. he thought it was more than satire he didn't think it was just a joke he thought it was about freedom of speech. >> and it was social commentary and it was right to make social and political commentary and as well as to make fun. these are very very strong traditions particularly in france tough go back to people like napoleon who famously
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complained about a very popular cartoonist at the time that all the armies of europe haven't done as much damage to me as this one cartoonist. so france has a very strong tradition of this kind of satire. but it has become more and more controversial as the population of muslims in france has grown. did it now has nearly 10% of the population is muslim and they are french citizens and they have a right to protest against what they feel is offensive to them. but certainly no one has the rye to pick up a gun. >> when we call it a cartoon. we make light of it we think of the sunday comics. but in fact what they were doing was often pornographic it was vulgar, it was obscene, it was wildly offensive to muslims and you can understand why it is offensive to muslims. not why someone would kill someone. they were being intentionally
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provocative. >> to all faiths it must be said to christianity to judaism. nobody was safe. from their pen so to speak. and yes, they were i think they would have described it as joyously vulgar they took glee in the fact that they were being vulgar. but if you, if you saw the cartoons the intention more often than not was not to offend the religious figure but the people who blindly follow that religious figure. so it was not so much in many cases, not all, in many cases it was not so much intended to offend the prophet muhammed but the extremists who kill or do absurd things in his name. but that distinction is lost on many muslims. the danger with satire is that not everybody gets the joke. >> here's another, in stephane charbonnier's words, here is what he says the motivation was -- he said this was in the "l.a. times" the message is there's no taboo subject in
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france. so let's talk about islam the way we talk about everything else. that's sort of an audacious goal. but yet, it didn't go over well with millions of people. >> yes, it didn't go over well with millions of people. many people there were attempts to sue the magazine. but the courts more or less always sided with the right to freedom. the right if you like to offend. the whole point is western liberal progressive thought is that you know it's okay to give offense. that i may disagree with everything you say, i may hate what you are saying but at the same time i have to defend your right to say those things. that is one of the core tenets of modern western thought. and not just western, in many other countries, too. but among people who believe in islam, that distinction again is not very clear. >> today on social media people
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are sort of figuratively joining hands to stand up for this. >> it's what make one final point, that online and everybody i've spoken to who is a believer who is a believing muslim has said over and over again to me no matter how offended we feel about these images of muhammed there is nothing more offensive than people killing in the name of our prophet. so that's, that, too, is offensive. >> bobby ghosh, thanks so much for being here and giving us context on all of this stay with cnn for continuing coverage for the deadly massacre at the french magazine headquarters we want to go live now to chris cuomo live in paris. the two questions are where are the men who committed this act? and who was helping them and who may have trained them? we have an expert and a leading official in charge of the investigation, we'll give you answers straight ahead.
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we're live in paris, france there's a massive manhunt under way for the two men who committed this horrible terrorist massacre at the offices of the french satirical magazine "charlie hebdo." right now they are on the run, there are french reports they have been cited by a gas station attendant. we'll give you more information on that as we get it. the secondary and just as important consideration is who helped them who trained them? and who will take credit for this attack? we have an expert on the issue who has been focusing on it here in france. in paris, samuel laurent.
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you're an author you wrote a book you wrote two books about what's going on with al qaeda in france and the evolution of islam. when you look at the situation, everybody usually wants to take credit here and there's been a lot of chatter about who do this. first, we cannot dismiss these two terrorists here as "mad men" or self-starters, who weren't connected to any other kind of idea. they seem to have had training yes? >> first of all, they had training. and secondly based on what we saw from witnesses, including one from "charlie hebdo," they claimed to be from al qaeda. so therefore we saw some ratings from i.s. special on the social networks that congratulated hem for what they did but there was no official claiming from i.s. and it seems to point more to the direction of al qaeda, which
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we thought basically was hardly dead in those days because isis is gaining the upper hand for months. actually what we see now is those guys were claiming from al qaeda, one of them was originating from a cell that was well known to forward some french jihadi in iraq from 2008. this man haas has been in prison we're talking about the suspect. >> right one of the two suspects you're referring to samuel. you correct me if i'm wrong. one of them did time did 18 months, about half the sentence he had a break just like in the united states often sentences are reduced. he was arrested and convicted for trafficking, bringing fighters from france into jihadi wars abroad. he got caught. you're saying he was a member of an al qaeda cell. >> what you have to understand is all of those jihadi that were traveling to iraq in 2008 at the date of his arrest were basically guys that were operating linked to al qaeda. there was an official allegiance from the islamic state at that
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time. to al qaeda and the decision came much later at the time of the syrian war. so at that time all the people were linked to al qaeda. very closely linked to al qaeda. especially when it meant traveling some foreigners and forwarding foreigners to the jihad over there. so the question is today, obviously it's time of mourning and it's a bit early to draw conclusion but the question is there is a huge security failure there from france. >> why? go because actually those people should have been prevented from basically moving and preparing -- >> they say they were known. they say they were under surveillance but how much man power can you put? >> many people were under surveillance. this man was under surveillance has been noticed coming back from syria fighting with isis by the german secret service to the french ones and he's been able to travel for three months in europe undamaged, without any problem. >> do you think it's about a
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lapse in security? or having too many people to watch? >> first of all, there are too many people to watch. it's okay that we cannot watch all the popping jihadis, these months with isis. but those people were well known, coming from a very structured cell that was supposed to be dismantled. and actually we see that they are not. the question is how could the they move how could they train, how could they get this equipment? how could they organize something so sophisticated, you know? despite the cruelty, the brutality and so on it is a very sophisticated organization. and we're about like 48 hours after the attack and the two of them are still on the move. >> it is difficult to keep track of places but the threat you're say something that you have to keep track of the cells, because if they'rabliberrying fighters who are well-train and equipped in tough watch them closer. >> we cannot spot and stop every
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newborn jihadi. but what we can do and what we should do is keep track and closely monitor the moves of the one we know and we know for years has been very active in jihadi at the al qaeda time and maybe now for some others in isis. >> and in fact already once arrested and imprisoned for his terrorist activity. samuel laurent. can you hear behind us the sirens probably unrelated. but they are a reminder of the massive manhunt effort that's going on in paris right now. tons of resources from france authorities. they do have the two men have been sighted, we're going to give you the latest on the investigation into the manhunt and what could happen next here in france right now. the deadliest terror attack in france in decades. >> the stairways were full of blood. >> bodies on the floor. >> people were crying out for help.
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>> freed ohmom of expression is something that can't be silenced. >> we stand squarely for free speech and democracy. >> i want to you hear the applause from everyone. >> they will not be able to succeed by killing us. >> do you think "charlie hebdo" should come back? >> definitely. >> there is no life there are french people saying no to terror. >> all right i'm chris cuomo live here in paris, just outside the offices of the french satirical magazine "charlie hebdo" where there was a horrible terrorist-driven massacre just yesterday. right now french authorities are involved in a very heavy-duty manhunt there are french reports that the two suspects were sighted by a gas station attendant in the bacardi region of france and there is a developing manhunt there right now. there's been a second shooting in south paris, we do not know if it's related. but that's what's going on here
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right now. to you in new york. >> chris, i'm alisyn camerota along with michaela pereira here in new york. we will have the latest in the paris attack. we have it covered from all angles back here. we'll examine how the u.s. is reacting and whether an attack like the one we saw at "charlie hebdo" could be replicated on american soil. >> security has been ramped up nationwide as questions now swirl about what authorities knew about those suspects. that are now being pursued as chris tells us through the streets of france. northern part of that country. we'll have more on all of that this morning. first, let's head back to chris for more on the terror attack in the beautiful country of france. >> it is beautiful, but today literally the skies are weeping as they deal with what happened here the massacre at the offices of the satirical magazine. we observed a beautiful moment of silence, it's a national day of mourning. but there's a red-hot manhunt going on as authorities are hopefully closing in.
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there's a second shooting that happened in southern paris, it's being investigated because of similar circumstances, let's remind you how we got to where we are right now. the most wanted men in france terrorist browers, said and cherif kouachi, armed and dangerous, still at large this morning. france raising the terror alert, military aircrafts flying troops into paris, as the authorities ramp up security around the clock. a massive manhunt under way leading police here overnight to the northeastern city of hants, members of france's aelite anti-terror unit converge on an apartment. the gunmen gone. both brothers were known to security services in france 32-year-old cherif served more than a year in prison for recruiting people to fight alongside extremists in iraq.
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the youngest suspect, 18-year-old hamyd mourad surrendered to police late wednesday according to afp, after seeing his name circulate on social media. and denying any involvement. seven others have been detained by authorities since the shooting. the horrific attack at the offices of "charlie hebdo" took place just around 11:30 a.m. in paris wednesday. 12 people killed, 11 wounded. witnesses say the gunmen yelled we have avenged the prophet. also yelling -- god is great, during their brutal rampage, reportedly speaking fluent french. >> it was a slaughter. it was like a massacre. >> this video shows the attackers moments after the slaughter. these two masked men just killed the magazine's editor and three prominent cartoonists. police caught a major break when one of the suspects left his i.d. in the "charlie hebdo" offices, a justice consultant calling it quote their only mistake. the killers seemed to show
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purpose, but not haste. here they execute in cold blood an already-wounded policeman. one of them pausing a second to retrieve a shoe dropped from the waiting car. and then seconds later, they make their escape. sources say investigators are paying close attention to this moment -- when a gunman appears to raise his finger in the air, possibly signaling other accomplices. >> what you don't see is panic on the part of the gunmen. these are strong indicators this is not the first time they've handled weapons. >> we have facts and developments to discuss with the deputy mayor here in paris. patrick includingklugman. thank you for joining us. there's the human aspect of the situation. you knew people who worked at this magazine. they were friends of yours. the families involved were people you now had to deal with. and to help cope. how has this been? >> it was awful. we arrived here yesterday 45
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minutes after the shooting we were the first to arrive with the minister of interior. a few minutes before president hollande. we saw the at the first moment we didn't have the names. then the patrick, a doctor who is also a member of the team ran out and crying in the arms of the president saying they killed claush charb, the editor. >> so well known here and so well-revered. >> yes, they were well known for 40 years, they were the most famous caricaturist in france. so impressive with the french drawing, the french way of teefree thinking and families came over to know where their husbands where are their brothers. there was kind of a -- thing that set up yesterday to welcome, the families of the firemen, it was a very very tough moment. >> very hard on just a human level. now you have the significance of
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bringing justice to who did it. >> yes. >> what do you know about the latest in the investigation? the reports about the gas station attendant in the bacardi region who thinks he identified the two terrorists. >> first as you may know there are two individuals who are highly suspected to be the responsible of the gang. there may be located in the north of france. and there's man hunting at the moment. i can't comment on this because it's police information. and i don't have the information. as you mentioned before there is no connection established yet between the shooting that occurred this morning, and the attack on "charlie hebdo" yesterday. so we don't have this information. but it's morning in paris, a few minutes ago we had a silent moment in front of the city hall. and yesterday there was a very big gathering with the paris population at the place de la republique -- saying we are not afraid. we are not afraid.
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and there will be a bigger bigger demonstration on sunday. i think with every political party, journalist everybody, everybody involved will be again at the place de la republique on sunday. and we as a city call for exception city council tomorrow morning, the first time we make an exceptional city council. and "charlie hebdo" as a newspaper will be citizen of honor of the city of paris. >> so "charlie hebdo" will be the citizen of honor of paris. >> with the team and the survivors of the team and the families will there be tomorrow at the city hall at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. >> will they be encouraged and helped to get "charlie hebdo" up and running again? >> yes, of course. as a city we will help them. this place where they are, because they already have been in the past this is city place that the city gave to the newspaper. we will go on and make an exhibition at the city hall with all the most famous news cover these made in the past.
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we will keep on fighting with this newspaper as a free city helping the free-thinking people and journalists. >> one of the best things you can do the biggest message will to be catch the people involved. >> they will be caught. >> they were known to police one of them had done time in jail. the obvious question is whether or not this man was being watched closely enough. how was he able to plan and execute an attack like this if he was under surveillance? >> this is questions i can share with you, but i cannot give you answers that i don't have and we don't have at the moment. it's a question running around. we've already had similar questions with the mayor attack in toulouse two years ago. so the question of the people will raise up. now is the time of mourning and of action and of gathering and it's a time where we all need to feel together. in the states we are kind of family since 9/11 and now unfortunately the family came
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closer. because we have terrible moments we're facing. >> do you think this is a wake-up call for the french authorities in terms of what the nature of the threat is and the nature of awareness you need to have? >> to be very clear, on the level, it's not a wake-up call. we are in the war on terror with the united states and many places around the world. but maybe for the population it's a wake-up call. >> you have in recent weeks thwarted other attacks. >> yes. >> do you think this is a new wave of threat you're seeing? maybe from foreign fighters coming back home which is the big fear in the u.s. and western europe. >> we may be facing a new wave. it's probably not the end of a terror attack. we are ready to face it. we will fight. and fighting is aiming these people. getting them to jail. but also keeping our values up. and this is very important for the city of paris and for the french republic.
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>> do you think "charlie hebdo" will come out with this publication they had for this month. >> they will come out. i don't know with who. i don't know how, but they will and we will help them too. >> france is not afraid. >> france will not be afraid. >> mr. mayor, thank you so much deputy mayor patrick klugman, any information you get, please feel free to pass it along. that's what we have from here right now. alisyn back to you in new york. we'll update everyone with what's happening at home. because law enforcement agency ace cross the country are responding to the paris attack with increased security and surveillance today. they are on high alert for potential copycat attacks and lone wolf terrorists cnn's debra feyerick has the latest. >> based on the early analysis of the shooting the nypd deployed officers to the french consulate and other sensitive sites. the nypd intelligence and counterterrorism bureaus determined it was necessary to basically reconfigure deployment plans. you see the heavily armed teams outside the consulate.
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deployed the much the same after the shooting in australia a couple of weeks ago. they did not raise the threat level. the threat level has not been raised anywhere in the country. however here in new york the nypd is reviewing the latest intelligence and they're making the necessary adjustments, now the great fear yesterday before the gunmen's identities were known, is the attack in paris could signal a new kind of terror cell the small groups of well-trained fighters hard to infiltrate even harder to stop and possibly with direct links to terror groups. and authorities say the men appeared battle-hardened. which suggested they may have been foreign fighters returning to france their effort to conceal their identity and make a getaway, also suggested the men intended to slip away and perhaps remain operational. the hand gesture also is very kerpg, because experts believe that perhaps these two gunmen were signalling to others in the area. there's great concern because they didn't understand the scope of the plot or the extent of the conspiracy. but all of that right now under investigation, everybody in the
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united states paying very close attention to see what is discovered. >> it makes everyone on edge. let's take a look at headlines right now, 11 minutes past the hour. and we begin with the ongoing search for 8501. crews scrambling to free the tail section of that airbus a-320 from the depths of the java sea. thursday their efforts were thwarted. officials say the tail is upside-down and partially buried in the sea bed. divers attempted to ready the tail for raising, but bad weather forced them once again out of the water. wednesday's find is considered to be vital, if this section proves to contain the plane's black boxes. most of the u.s. waking up to bone-chilling cold. and the national weather sa service says close to 90% of the country will see below-freezing temperatures this morning. white-out conditions being blamed for this deadly 18-vehicle crash on a pennsylvania interstate that
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involved nine tractor-trailers two people were killed. president obama will be in phoenix as part of his three-day tour touting his 2015 economic agenda. he is expected to talk housing and a new initiative on lowering mortgage rates for first-time home owners. he was in detroit hailing the resurgence of the auto industry. friday he heads to knoxville, to address making college more affordable. comedian bill cosby back on stage last night. a dozen protesters shouted shame on you at ticket holders as they entered the show in ontario, canada. the audience gave cosby a standing ovation. and the comedian's former co-star, felicia rashad blasting the media. claiming they're treating cosby unfairly. >> he's a genius. he is generous. he is kind. he's inclusive. what has happened is declaration in the media of guilt. without proof.
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>> three more women coming forward accusing the comedian of drugging and sexually assaulting them in the 1980s and '90s. the well the paris terror attack is ramping up security in this country. we'll have a terrorism panel weigh in on what we can do to prevent an attack like this. and in the aftermath. some are weighing whether the satire of "charlie hebdo" went too far there are new questions about how sensitive topic likes religion should be handled and joked about. how could a luminous protein in jellyfish impact life expectancy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price we understand the connections of
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french officials hunting at this hour for two suspects responsible for wednesday's deadly attack on "charlie hebdo"
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magazine. brothers cherif and said kouachi escaped onto the streets of paris after allegedly killing 12 people and injuring 11 more. "u.s.a. today" reporting the pair returned from syria over the summer. now, law enforcement in the u.s. on high alert. so what can be done to stop an attack like this in the u.s.? here to weigh in is cnn terrorism analyst paul cruickshank and carolyn from the bush administration. fran i read your notes and it sent a shiver down my spine. you describe an attack like this in the u.s. as quote inevitable. >> i think you have to understand it is almost. now let's back up a little bit. when i said that we didn't realize that these were foreign fighters. the fact in fact these guys returned in syria and are foreign fighters that's -- >> they were french natives. >> that's right. but they went to the fight in the syria/iraq region. they were affiliated with a known terrorist group and then they came back.
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all of those are opportunities and clues to intelligence and law enforcement that allows them to keep better track of them. the problem is in a large country and an open and democratic society. it's difficult to keep track of every sing the one of these guys that comes back. it's heightest priority for u.s. law enforcement. but the attack in paris demonstrates it's a hard problem to solve. >> and paul we have had an attack that seems to be eerily similar to this not exactly, but the boston marathon attack. two brothers from at least, descended from an extremist hot spot. they were from kurdistan, the tsarnaev brothers and they too, went somewhere else for training and perpetrated an attack on a major city. >> well alisyn, with the boston attacks, the belief of u.s. counterterrorism agencies at the moment is that they did not receive training overseas. they learned to build a device
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over the internet but we have seen attacks and attempted in the attacks where people did get training overseas the times square attempted bombing in 2010. a whole series of other plots as well. but think the threat is probably less in the united states than it is in france. there are 200 french nationals who have fought in syria, who are now back on french soil the it's virtually impossible to monitor all but a fraction of these 24/7. by contrast the united states perhaps around a dozen americans who have fought in syria back on u.s. soil. much easier to monitor and keep track of them alisyn. >> is that the distinction, fran where you receive training is what makes it different in terms of the magnitude of an attack? >> no. i don't think so look there are, i've often said there are two different types of threats, there's the foreign fighter which appears this paris attack was perpetrated by.
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one who is battle-hardened and comes back. and the self-radical diesized lone wolf. if someone is able to be radicalized on the internet. get access to bomb-making or planning on the internet it's very difficult to identify them prean attack. and particularly when you look at a cell. we're talking about a group, this paris attack you've got the two brothers once you're inside a family these guys don't need to call each other. they don't need to communicate over the internet. that's what becomes virtually impossible to disrupt that. unless there are more involved. and that's what french authorities are looking at now. pointed to the videotape where he comes out and raises his hand. >> what do you see when he raises his hand? >> you worry very much that there's another car involved. these guys didn't plan to die. which is not typical in islamic extremist group and that does
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suggest that they plan to continue to be operational. it makes the manhunt even more urgent. >> paul that's an interesting distinction, they had their faces covered, which means they planned to live to fight another day, and only because they made a mistake of dropping one of their i.d.s at the scene were authorities able to figure out so quickly who they were. >> that's absolutely right. very big concern that they could want to launch more attacks, there is a parallel with the boston bombings here because those brothers in the boston attacks after they launched the bombings there, they wanted to carry on another attack in times square, in new york fortunately they were arrested before they were able to carry out that attack. bau lot of concern in france that these brothers or people connected with them in the hours ahead could push more attacks in france. there could be poppycat attacks in france by people inspired by what they've seen occur yesterday and today in paris. >> so fran given your perspective that this is so easy given they can be trained
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on the internet. they don't even have to go to an extremist hot spot. where does that leave snusus? >> the tracking of foreign fighters getting information sharing intelligence with our foreign intelligence allies is the number one priority. you've heard the director jim comey of the fbi talk about it john brennan, the director of the c.i.a. this is what they do. the harder problem to solve for is the self-radicalized lone wolf. that's about working with communities, it's about community policing and state and local law enforce. we have to accept. the wave of the future when we're talking about terror attacks, we're thinking less i think the community thinks less about the big spectacular. you still worry about that. but the more likely are these sorts of attacks. >> these two brothers were paris were known no to authorities, they did have a track record of terrorist connections. authorities knew about them and it still didn't prevent it. >> well they absolutely did know about them. they knew about one of the
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brothers right back from 2005 when he was arrested. he was recruited by a cell in paris that was recruiting people to go to iraq and join al qaeda in iraq. there are a number of reports in 2005 he was considering launching attacks on targets, perhaps jewish targets in france. but he was persuaded instead to travel to iraq. he was arrested before traveling to iraq. he spent some time in jail. it's not clear at this point whether the brothers then traveled to syria. that's not yet been confirmed by the french interior ministry. but there have been a number of reports suggesting that is the case. if they did travel to syria, it's likely that's where they learned how to become trained killers, alisyn. >> paul cruickshank, fran townsend thanks so much for the perspective. great conversation there. and intense manhunt for those two suspects still at large in the paris terror attack that left 12 people dead. as many as seven people have been detained overnight. we'll have the latest for you on the investigation next.
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today is a national day of mourning in france. but in this dark time the city of light is showing tremendous resilience. we'll head back live to paris next. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. [container door opening] ♪ what makes it an suv is what you can get into it. ♪ [container door closing] what makes it an nx is what you can
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we're live in paris outside the offices of the french satirical magazine "charlie hebdo." this is the site of this horrible terror attack yesterday. 12 people killed. 11 injured. many of them seriously wounded. there's a massive manhunt afoot right now. large numbers of french
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military police and intelligence resources, have been flooding in and around paris. to help out with this. the united states is coordinating information, they know who their two main suspects are. we'll put their pictures up for you. they were known to police before this one of them served time in prison for trafficking people into jihadi areas. and there was supposedly under surveillance. so the big security questions here. the urgency is about finding them right now. the latest information is they may have been spotted by a gas station attendant, let's show you a map of paris where we are here at the offices of "charlie hebdo." up north is where they believe the two men were most recently spotted. that's where we have atika schubert. what do we know? >> that's right. chris, this is the gas station where they were reportedly last sighted at around 10:30 this morning. a few hours ago, what we understand from french media reports, i'm saying that because
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french police have not confirmed any details at this point. what we understand from local media is that they arrived at this gas station armed, they threatened the attendant, stole gas and food and headed off in the direction of paris. the gas attendant recognized them and called it in to police as soon as he could. so that's where it stands at the moment. we are hoping to get further details from police but as you can see, there's still a number of police here. some of them have are armed with pistols and the white van over there is a forensics vehicle. so possibly they're still in there gathering evidence, hoping to figure out any clues as to where these two are headed next. >> all right, atika, thank you very much. there's a big quota of unknown here. they know for sure according to the witness at the gas station, the men appeared heavily armed when they saw them. they know they could still be
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carrying some of the weapons from yesterday. but the larger question and concern is who is around them? who is supporting them? are there more involved? do they have a connection to a larger group? are they truly home-grown? that's a curious suspicion, given how they acted during their massacre their execution, their murders, because of how they shot. the tight shot patterns on the windshields that they used. the way they moved. the way they interacted. seem to suggest some kind of sophistication and training they wouldn't just get 0 off the internet. that leads to larger questions of who may be supporting them and facilitating their attempt to escape and that complicates efforts to find them. we'll give you the latest on it as we get it we've been reporting this morning there was another shooting in southern paris, there's no known connection to the events here at "charlie hebdo." but there's more than enough to deal with for the french and parisiennerius
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preseason parisienne communities already. people here were applauding this morning, applauding what "charlie hebdo" does. people are grieving it's a national day of mourning in france. there's also resolve here. we went to the memorials and talked to people about what this means, why this happened and what will they do now. take a little look. this is where a police officer was executed during the attack on "charlie hebdo." the memorial here a rallying point for parisians, who say terrorists will never defeat freedom. what do you make of the criticism that when you publish things that are offensive to muslims, you are provoking an attack. is that fair? >> yes. as far as i know since the french revolution everybody is always on the how to say in english, criticize, politician businessman, peoples, religions,
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everybody is kind of a tradition for us. to be allow to be criticized. >> people stopping here on their way to work or on purpose, remembering the senseless attack showing support for "charlie hebdo." do you think "charlie hebdo" should come back? >> i hope so. i hope so. definitely. >> i'm sure "charlie hebdo" will survive, definitely. we have to. we have to. >> why? >> because we cannot leave some bad guy tell us what we have to read to see, to think about life. so we are very attached 0 to this freedom. >> terror attacks aimed to inspire fear and attacking this magazine to discourage free speech. but taking these lives may have drawn new blood to the cause of satire and freedom. this young man came to show support saying he will now make satirical cartoons and calls on
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others to do the same. >> you believe in the freedom of your ideas in saying what you want to say? >> yes, exactly. >> and you support "charlie hebdo"? >> i support all, all action for the freedom. all action to say what we want to say. >> there's a lot of young people here this morning rallying around the purpose of freedom. make no mistake, it's an unusual attack. to have two people coordinated with apparent military training. it's unusual. we're used to suicide bombers, mad men, and with some form of derangement latch onto the idea of jihad. this may be very different what they were attacking goes to what the core of the fight is all about. as give it back to you in new york. what people who want to control what those people withcan think, what they can say, who they can
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be. what they're afraid of the most is what you see at "charlie hebdo," the ability to express your thoughts no matter how provocative to some. this is ground zero in the battle between freedom and oppression. >> it's fascinating to hear parisiennes respond to your questions. very poignant. chris, stand by we'll get to our headlines here and back to you. crews are trying to free the tail section of airasia flight 8501 from the depths of the java sea, today's efforts still unsuccessful. the tail is upside-down and partially buried in the sea bed. divers attempting to raise it but bad weather has forced them out of the water. weapons's find is considered vital. this section of the tail might contain the plane's black boxes. >> if you're watching from your bed, you might want to stay there or bundle up extra. most of russ waking up to bone-chilling cold. the national weather service says 90% of the countries will see below freezing temperatures
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this morning. whiteout conditions blamed for this deadly 18-vehicle crash on a pennsylvania interstate that involved nine tractor-trailers we know two people were killed. president obama heading to phoenix today as part of his three-day tour touting his economic agenda. he's expected to talk about lowering mortgage rates for first-time homeowners. the president was in michigan wednesday, speaking about the resurgence of the auto industry. comedian bill cosby back on stage last night. even though more than a dozen protesters shouted shame on you at ticket holders as they entered the show in ontario, canada. the audience inside gave cosby a standing ovation. the comedian's former co-star, felicia rashad blasting the media, claiming they are treating cosby unfairly. >> he's a genius. he is generous. he's kind he's inclusive. what has happened is -- declaration in the media of guilt. without proof.
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>> three more women have come forward accusing the comedian of drugging and sexually assaulting them in the 1980s and the 1990s. certainly this is not going away. all right. we continue to talk about the repercussions of the paris terror attack. how will it affect journalists? and how publications tackle sensitive topic likes religion? we look at the potentially chilling effect that pushed the envelope. >> the attack sparked reaction across europe and the u.s. defending freedom of expression we'll speak to two prominent cartoonists about what they do how they change or do they? and the possible risks. ♪so nice, so nice♪ ♪sweet, sweet st. thomas nice♪ ♪so nice, so nice♪ ♪st. croix full of pure vibes♪ ♪so nice, so nice♪ ♪st. john a real paradise♪ ♪so nice, so nice♪ ♪proud to be from the virgin islands♪
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welcome back to "new day." authorities in france trying to find two suspects in wednesday's massacre in paris.
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without of course inviting a massacre on themselves the suspects shot and killed 12 people at point-blank range. the manhunt brings up interesting questions about how culture and journalism approach the threat of terror. and free speech. is it ever okay to joke about religion? should precautions be taken? what about all of these controversial cartoons? let's bring in fareed zakaria, he has a lot of thoughts on all of this he's the host of "fareed zakaria gps" and has covered terrorism extensively. thanks for being here. i know one of the things you're looking for are the voices of the leaders of muslim countries. where are they? >> that's right. we've heard obama, we've seen him, we've seen francois hollande. we've seen david cameron and angela merkel. you don't see as much the president of pakistan. you know the president of egypt. >> have they said anything? >> to the extent that some of the governments have and some
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have they've issued statements but as you know this is a very emotional issue and politicians choose when they're going to go out on television and publicly and forcefully say something. you haven't quite seen at least not enough for me because i think that it's very important that it be clear that this is something that a vast majority of people particularly elected leaders like erdogan in turkey or the president of indonesia, would reject. they would be saying look i speak for millions tens upon millions of muslims and i am telling you, that is unislamic, this is evil. you've had some of it i don't want to de-emphasize that. it's very important, the great islamic learning center in cairo, one of the great islamic centers of learning in the world has denounced it you've had imams do it but it would be nice to see a much much more
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forceful effort particularly publicly on tv from elected leaders of muslim majority countries. >> there have been imams here locally here and in paris, canada to talk about how abhorrent this is why wouldn't muslim leaders speak out against this? they don't want an attack like this in their country. why not circle the wagons all together in. >> it's partly the issue you raised earlier. everybody has a complicated relationship on the issue of blasphemy, they don't want to seem to be saying it's okay to blaspheme and i put that in quotation marks, blaspheme the prophet or ridicule him. because satire particularly this kind of satire that the magazine tended to do is something quite alien to the culture of a place like pakistan or indonesia. and generally i would suspect a
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lot of people would find it abhorrent. they would not, they would not endorse violence against it. but so the leaders are trying to play this dance. it's wrong of course they should denounce it and they have to come to grips with the fact that satire is free speech and there's no two ways around it. you cannot say i believe in free speech i believe in universal values of freedom of expression, but if you draw a cartoon, that's going too far. >> chris has been covering the breaking news in paris and he has a question for you. chris? >> hey, fareed how are you? one of the things we're dealing with here as i listen to your conversation with alisyn is the muslim community should come out. they should say things but that's very tricky as we know, somewhat of a tacit endorsement that these extremists are somehow part of a relickous faction, when many religious people would argue there's nothing religious about what they do. however, the sovereign leaders of countries in the middle east in the arab regions, that they should be more vocal.
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because so much of the terrorism is state-sponsored and that they should be speaking out. they should be rejecting this on more of a nationalistic level. what do you think of that idea? >> i think you're absolutely, right, chris. there's a broader issue. so of course they will all when pushed denounce these terrorist attacks and the violence. but what about the whole culture and legal system of blasphemy, blasphemy laws that exist in many of these countries? in pakistan i believe there are 19 people on death row on charges of blasphemy. often the most flimsy of charges. the owner of pakistan's largest television stations geo, has been sentenced to 26 years in prison for, because one of his stations broadcast a devotional song while showing a wedding, which was seen as disrespectful. i'm not even sure why. but it's those kind of laws
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exist in indonesia. exist in malaiseysiamalaysia exist in pakistan. what about getting at those? aren't they tacitly endorsing the idea that you can through very small actions, blaspheme a religion. one other thought, the word blasphemy appears nowhere in the koran, this is largely an invention of leaders and politician who is have decided to make this an issue. >> fareed always great to get your insight. thanks so much. did satirical cartoons trigger the violent attack in paris? we speak to two prominent cartoonists remembering their colleagues and defending their right of expression. that's next. ♪ ah, push it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ push it. ♪ ♪ p...push it real good! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ow! ♪ ♪ oooh baby baby. ♪
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paritionian parisians are on edge as police look for the attack on the "charlie hebdo."
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local media reported the suspects were spotted in a gas station. "charlie hebdo" has published cartoons of the prophet muhammad for several years. today many around the nation and world are publishing drawings to show their support of those who were killed. i want to bring in two incredible guests with us mon mankov editor for the "new yorker." gentlemen, it's with heavy hearts that we greet you and welcome you to the show. felippo, tell us about your friend wolinski as he's known. >> i had the pleasure to meet him in portugal. i won an award, he was one of the jurors and handed me the award and diploma, a kind man, smart, down-to-earth and really a gracious soul. he was really good.
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it's very different from i had work provocative. >> do you feel that's the case the work differs from the person they are? >> yes, it's funny because you try to see somebody related to the work and sometimes it's not. >> we were talking about the fact that you go by figo which is sort of a jamming up of your names. bob, you're saying that's a tradition for a long time. >> cartoonists were disguised names because cartoons often caused outrage and resentment and also people wanted retribution so if you had a name that wasn't your actual name it made it difficult. >> a level of protection. >> yes. one of the things that's been coming up a lot about is freedom of expression and cartoons are evocative and offensive. i'm not a huge fan of "charlie hebdo's" cartoons.
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freedom of expression is for expression we don't like. we never publish the cartoons in "the new yorker." it's supporting humor that you don't like and that's why i think everybody's united. >> how do you make that decision at "the new yorker" then? you have a line right? you have a line as the editor. you make a decision about where you won't go. >> "the new yorker" they threaten to cancel their subscription because we made fun of someone who was gluten free. it's not the same type of deal for the most part. >> how does that decision -- >> generally also we -- "charlie hebdo" makes its living, and its cartoons are an archic they are offensive. it's important there's an area where that occurs. that's not our wheelhouse. we're making fun more of ourselves than that and we are,
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so online we'll show cartoons we'll address this issue. >> and i want to show some of those right now. can we show the one that did you. >> sure. >> as a friend you probably have been moved the way the rest of us have been by this tremendous outpouring from political cartoon is and satirists around the world. tell us what you wanted to say here. >> well basically that the blood that was shed from the cartoonists is going to field more work that is going to continue in the "charlie hebdo" tradition or more a different kind of humor but that it goes to the point of criticizing and basically making awareness of people. the french have the tradition being ref latory in times of need. many other cartoonists were imprisoned. >> we have known there have been other attacks there. there have been other acts of
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violence. they knew the risks. did wolinski ever talk to you about that? did he ever express fear? >> no, but when i met him at their offices already, from a bomb attack the year before i guess they knew they were a target. they were always concerned about it but they didn't care. they really wanted to voice their opinions no matter what and they basically lived and died for that. >> bob, do you feel do you worry about the notion that it will change what editors in newsrooms around the globe -- >> the reality is it's going to chill some people and warm others. that's life. you know whey mean? everyone's going to react. quote from oscar wilde, if you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh or else they'll kill you. turns out that's to longer a protection. i don't think it gets a pass because you can't criticize it. you should criticize it. the best way to criticize is
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with humor. you can argue, you can pick it you it k do all those things but, and religion doesn't get a pass either. i applaud -- i mean look here's a benign "new yorker" cartoon i did. guy comes out of church he says to the priest he says "i know he works in mysterious ways but if i work that mysteriously i'd get fired." somehow god is getting this pass if obama, there's a spokesman for obama said why he did it because he worked in mysterious ways, so i think religion is subject to criticism. >> and the fact is "charlie hebdo" has been knowing or skewering and lmbasting everyone under the sun. we're mourning what happened to the journalist and what is happening to our world. gentlemen thank you for joining me. tweet us @newday or go to our facebook page. we're covering the breaking
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developments out of paris. the two prime suspects are still on the loose at this hour. chris cuomo is live on the scene, when we come back. (son) oh no... can you fix it, dad? yeah, i can fix that. (dad) i wanted a car that could handle anything. i fixed it! (dad) that's why i got a subaru legacy. (vo) symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 36 mpg. i gotta break more toys. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru.
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the deadliest terror attack in france in decades. >> the stair ways were full of blood. >> people crying out for help. >> freedom of expression is something that can't be silenced. >> we stand squarely for free speech and democracy. >> i feel so many mixed emotions. >> this house, this country stands you nighted with the french people. >> they will not be able to succeed by killing us. >> i want you to hear the applause here from everyone. >> there is no right or left.
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there is french people saying no to terror. >> reporter: i'm chris cuomo here. we are live in paris, france just outside the offices of "charlie hebdo," the victim of a horrible terrible massacre yesterday. the two men, the alleged suspects behind it are now the target of a massive manhunt. france has been using its military its intelligence its police resources, pouring them into this effort. there is information coming out about these two men, it's thought they had escaped early on. they've been sighted recently. we'll get you a live report about that. there are as many as seven detentions the word arrest hasn't been used but in connection with the investigation into finding these men. there's a second shooting in south paris this morning. we don't know that it's connected to what happened here at the magazine but it is raising a lot of suspicion and a lot of the same issues about how you deal with the emerging
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threat of terrorism. but the latest is that there was a man at a gas station in northern paris who saw these two alleged suspects. so let's get you right to atika shubert on scene there. what do we know? >> reporter: well that man, the gas attendant apparently according to local media they came at around 10:30. they held him up stole food and gas. now i'm at this gas station. french police haven't confurmdirmed those details to us independently. however i'll step out of the way so we can zoom in a little bit. forgive us if the picture breaks up slightly we're on a live view. there are plain clothed policemen inside the shop at the gas station, gathered around the crash register in particular. we don't know what they're looking at but there is cctv outside of this gas station so possibly they're looking at that kind of video.
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there is also a forensics van parked right in front of the shop there. they've been taking materials in and out of the van, so clearly they are collecting as much information as they can about the suspects and where they were headed to next. we don't have any more details from police -- >> reporter: all right, we just lost atika's shot. there's a lot of rain and weather moving through this area right now, complicating things on the ground for authorities and also obviously for communications. what you heard there is that the witness at the gas station says the two alleged suspects came n wanted money, wanted fuel to keep moving. what does that tell us about the picture of how organized they were? on one level it's troublesome, they seem to have had some training and ease with the weapon and ease about killing, literally executing people but then one of them dropped his shoe one of them left their identification and now they're knocking off a gas station trying to get out. very bone-headed for lack of a
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more you know classic term of expression in these types of investigations, so what kind of people are we dealing with? that's part of the challenge for investigators, to figure out exactly who these men are and who may be trying to help them. now, fred pleitgen looked into that for us. here's a report. >> reporter: breaking overnight, police say they know that these are the faces behind the mayhem after reportedly discovering an i.d. belonging to said kouachi. he and his brother were known for unleashing terror and one of the brothers known to u.s. officials. overnight police detained a manhunt and the two remain at large. analysts scanning every frame of this amateur video noting it shows a marked difference from previously lone wolf attacks.
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>> the way they carried, the weapons, the fact they had their faces covered. these were individuals that were there to commit murder not to be identified, to get away not the typical lone wolf. >> reporter: investigators also point to this video to explain why it's too soon to know whether the suspects were acting alone. in the video you see one of the gunmen approaching his getaway car and raising his finger in the air, possibly signaling others who may have played a role in the attack an intelligence source tells cnn. his also impounding a black citroen. investigators planning a complete dna workup on the car including soil signatures that might suggest where the gunmen came from. french authorities scouring travel records from previous weeks to see if any of the attackers entered the country. u.s. intelligence agencies now running names through databases and mapping the relationships of these suspects. >> our intelligence folks i can asre you a scrubbing everything we can find to try to
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figure out whether we can go back and see anything that might have indicated this attack. >> reporter: counterterrorism agencies also looking at a number of terrorist groups including isis and al qaeda, who might be behind the attack. >> the dual threat is a homegrown violent extremist and the foreign fighter that can travel overseas be trained and come back. >> reporter: fred pleitgen cnn, paris. >> thanks to fred pleitgen for that report. who are these men? who made them who and what they became and what do you do about it? those are the three challenges facing the french authorities. the urgent is finding these two men. who two-people who can help us forward in the conversation fabrice mannier, a former french navy s.e.a.l. you're familiar with how they deal with investigations and hala galani one of our own cnn
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anchors. first one these men, we've been showing this video all along of them moving around to the uninitiated i don't see the signs of madmen people who were mentally unstable. i see people comfortable with the weapon who seem comfortable with killing and moving around in somewhat coordinated fashion. to your trained military eye what do you see? >> as i have seen on the video, those guys are not real military guys. >> reporter: not real military? >> no because question detect some gesture when they move in the street which doesn't make me feeling that they have highly trained. those guys for sure received some kind of weapon training. >> reporter: they've gotten some training but not former military. >> no because we can see the guy when he executes the police officer on the street he is holding his weapon very strange
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way. when he killed that police officer, doesn't stop he runs very slowly short, don't stop, go again. the military would not act this way. he would stop minimum, flat move do it again, look around move again back. it's different. >> so you have some training. hala we look at the other clues, drops a shoe, leaves an i.d. there. holds up a gas station on the way out. not methodical. >> there's some question maybe that i.d. was left on purpose as a means of responsibility. all of these questions are swirling out there. we only have a few pieces of this large puzzle. france went from being a country that had just gone through christmas and new year's and everything going as normal to a country where you have men massacring 12 people in a newsroom out on the street with
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automatic weapons and a shooting in a suburb of paris where a female police officer was shot and killed. these are essentially acts of war in the streets of a western capital. this isn't, and this is one step up from a lone wolf attack such as the one we saw in sydney for instance n australia. it points to perhaps a more worrying pattern of copycat attacks, which we saw in a suburb which we don't know is necessarily linked to this one. >> while authorities are dealing with external threats, mali and what we see around the world, internally and the recognition of the french people that they are at war with terror right where they live and work do you think this is a wake-up call fabrice? >> i think it's a wake-up call because french people do not understand why we are fighting terrorism in afghanistan, iraq mali whatever and now they discover we have people ready, who are at war really they want
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war. they treat us they want to kill people in our cities and people have to know we have maybe 1,000, 1,500, 2,000 guys from france quho flew through syria, iraq to be like jihadists and those guys sometimes are coming back in france. >> that's the concern, they may fit your profile, not military but somehow trained. >> of course. >> then you have this question of okay so what do you do though? there's a unique aspect to french society, hala. you have 7% 7.5% 8% muslim population. >> the largest muslim population in europe. >> second to catholicism in terms of religion. we're only dealing with a small slice of people who argue automobile eye aren't even practicing islam in their extremism. how do you deal with it in assessing the threat? >> by all accounts the suspects weren't devout muslims in their
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past petty criminal certainly not observe ant in terms of alcohol and other types of things. really it's a question of framing the message this way, this is not about islam. it's said over and over again, this is about something else it's about another that allows the young pen to be recruited into networks and commit who are essentially criminal acts. how do you address that? france has a huge problem with that reaching out to its muslim community. i was driven by an arab muslim cab driver. i asked him what do you think suspect explanation as to why some of the individuals are radicalized to an extent they become mass members. he said ask the authorities how they treat the arabs and the muslims. there's a frustration from the community and part of the answer has to be how can authorities respond to the frustrations of these communities. >> i agree with this and a petition will explain very well
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to our people french citizens there is a major difference between islam in france 7.5% of the population and this minority of radical extremist people and in order to avoid, i would say like big mess in france maybe a civil war, we have to make huge difference between those two communities, okay? and our politicians have to take some major decision to reinforce security measures and attack it so this specific minority in order to protect the major community of islam in france. otherwise we'll have mixed, people will not understand from both sides what's going on. >> one of the things you have to to right away is catch the bad guys. they're terrorists and on the loose but it sends a message to society what the nature of resolve is. what do you know about the investigation in terms of the amount of resources focused on
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chasing these two? >> think they put everything. >> everything? >> everything. all their major intelligence parties, special units, s.w.a.t. teams, intelligence network have been activated day and night. everybody's working very hard and they will do everything they want to capture those guys to get information from everywhere. >> because hala as we all know in covering, this two things wind up being a chilling effect on more acts like this. one is that they get caught and that they get prosecuted and they get forgotten. that's important. it's also important to show something else as we give it back to you in new york obviously, thank you, hala thank you, fabrice, for this is that what we've seen is a beautiful demonstration of the strongest muscle against terrorism, people coming out and saying we want "charlie hebdo" here. we want them to publish. we believe in our freedom, je suis charlie, "i am charlie" that they are not afraid.
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that's the most powerful medicine for the french people. we go back to you, michaela and alisyn the french people are unified, big political meetings here big rallies last night, more planned for the weekend. they seem very intent on sending the message we are not afraid. >> exactly the opposite of what the terrorists had hoped for. they are not silenced there today. >> cartoonists uniting, sending out their own satirical cartoons paying homage to the cartoons that were lost, beautiful tribute. we look at more of our headlines, the president is headed to phoenix today as part of his three-day tour pushing his economic agenda. he'll talk housing and the president heads to knoxville friday to speak about plans to make college more affordable. crew also likely have a hard time getting the tail of airasia flight 8501 out of the water because it is upside down and partially pub merged in the muddy floor of the java sea.
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divers were forced out of the water today because of bad weather. wednesday's find could be huge since the tail could hold the plane's black box recorders. all of us it would appear are waking up to bone chchb chilling cold and expect a frigid day ahead. the national weather service says close to 90% of the country will see below freezing temperatures. whiteout conditions are blamed for this deadly 18-vehicle krsh on a pennsylvania interstate t involved nine tractor trailers two people were killed dozens others injured. bill cosby back on stage performing though more than a dozen protesters shouted outside "shame on you" at ticketholders as they entered last night's show in ontario, canada. felicia rashad is blasting the media. >> he's a genius. he is generous.
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he's kind. he's inclusive. what has happened is declaration in the media of guilt, without proof. >> three more women have come forward accusing the comedian of drugging and sexually assaulting them in the 1980s and 1990s. police are vigorously hunting for two prime suspects in that paris terrorist attack. are they closer to finding this dangerous pair? we'll be back to chris in paris life in a moment. years ago the white house seemed to criticize the magazine's decision to publish the controversial cartoon that lampooned the prophet muhammad. we'll ask jay carney the president's former press secretary, if the warnings should be heeded.
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is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. start investing with as little as fifty dollars. we are aware that a french magazine published cartoons featuring a figure that resemble
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resembled the prophet muhammad. we have questions about the judgment of publishing something like this. we know the images will be deeply offensive to many and have the potential to be inflammatory inflammatory. >> that was former white house press secretary jay carney in 2012 responding to a firestorm over cartoons that lampooned the prophet muhammad published by "charlie hebdo." should the newspaper have exercised different judgment in publishing offensive cartoons? jay carney is now a cnn political commentator. nice to see you. >> nice to see you, alisyn. >> this is a dialogue we have all the time. there is a fine line between satire even offensive satire and hate speech. where are you on that line today? >> well i'm firmly on the side of freedom of speech and in our country, defense of the first amendment. there is no question that a
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publication like this has every right to publish images like this, to satirize anything and anyone and there's never a justification, as i went on to say from the podium back when i was press secretary there's never justification for violence in response to being offended by free speech but i think that we also have to acknowledge that some of these representations in this magazine and elsewhere, including, remember in the video produced in the united states that represented muhammad and was offensive to many muslims that there are risks associated with that and that that kind of offensive representation could be provocative. but i think it's important especially after what happened in paris to make it clear that there's never justification for violence. >> of course. >> and there's no excuse for what happened. >> of course and no one could ever make the justification that terrorism can rightly happen as a result of a cartoon.
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still, you seem to be suggesting in 2012 and you're not alone that "charlie hebdo" should have pulled back a little bit, that they shouldn't have published cartoons that were as offensive or as pornographic and vulgar as what they were doing. >> well i think that's right, and that's a judgment call in the sense that if you're trying to combat through a form of media, print, cartoons tv extremism or ideas that you think are damaging in this case those propounded by islamic extremists what is the best way to do that? was this the best way to do it? did this further the cause in the effort to tamp down and beat back islamic extremism or did it just provoke negative reaction and make a lot of average muslims who would never resort to violence feel offended and was that a useful and a way to
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go and was that a use of good judgment. the thing is in our country, the first amendment in a democracy like france the defense of freedom of the press, freedom of expression those foundations to our laws are there to protect negative speech to protect offensive speech to protect the speech that we don't like and makes us feel uncomfortable. it's not there to protect the conventional speech or acceptable speech. that's why we have the society we have and we have to be okay with that with being oftened and not resort to violence and response to it. >> the editor who sadly lost his life yesterday, standing up for this principle the way he justified it you have to lampoon sacred cows. he believed there were too many subjects that were taboo and he felt that islam was one of the subjects that was taboo and that's why in particular he lampooned it. so the message today, i'm not
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sure what it should be to pull back not lampoon islam or to keep pressing forward? >> well i think the message has to be not about the content of the satire that sparked this reaction but the right of all of us to stand up in france and in the united states. france is our oldest ally for a defense of freedom and defense of our way of life and whether or not you find the cartoons offensive, whether or not you find them in poor taste and bad judgment you have to defend the right to publish, defend freedom of expression defend the need for an uncomfortable reaction and the way to combat that is in the public space. if you're offended by something,
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publish something that attacks with words not with violence and images what was offensive and why it was the wrong thing to do if you believe that. that's what makes democracies unique and something that we cherish and was incredibly heartening to see the reaction of the french public to the violence yesterday. this publication not widely read but got most of its attention because of its depictions of muhammad and there was so much response in paris and around the world yesterday. >> we have this expression you're not allowed to yell fire in a crowded movie theater because some people might be injured. there are some things so inflammatory you know before you do it people might be injured. so what is the future of political satire and religion satire today? does this have a chilling effect? >> well i think we'll have to see, this is the perfect
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question at what point does satire become the equivalent of because it's provocative and inflammatory shouting fire. the problem with that analogy is that it suggests at some point the kind of reaction that happens when you shout "fire" in a crowded theater is justified in reaction to words or images and i don't think it ever is and i think we're likely to see more provocative publications respond to this in solidarity with "charlie hebdo" and certainly we'll have to brace ourselves or positive possible reaction to it among extremists but i think that this is so embedded in democratic society is the idea that we can say whatever we want even if it's offensive, that you'll probably see more of it sooner rather than less. >> and in fact that is happening. we're seeing it go viral. seeing the cartoons on social media go viral in an attempt not
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to have it stamped out. jay carney thanks so much for having this philosophical discussion. interesting to talk to you. >> yes, thank you, alisyn. >> great discussion there. the urgency in paris remains on the fact that two suspects are still on the loose in the paris terrorist attack. we'll bring you the latest developments. chris is live in paris. who cares how tight it can turn, if it can't turn heads? who cares how capable it is, if it's incapable of creating a reaction? any suv can move something. but can it move you? introducing the first-ever lexus nx turbo and hybrid. once you go beyond utility there's no going back. how can power consumption in china impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology
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we're outside the offices of "charlie hebdo," the franch satirical magazine that suffered a horrible massacre yesterday at the hands of terrorists. next wednesday "charlie hebdo" will put out its next issue. members of the magazine saying we cannot let them win. that was in doubt, now in doubt no more. several people have been detained in connection with the look for these terrorists who created this trang digedy here. there's been a sighting of the two men at a gas station north of paris, supposedly they are on the run. we're told the french authorities have thrown
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military intelligence police. this is the main goal right now to catch these two men. we know that they have been known by authorities, one of them had been arrested before so that's that. third man turned himself in 18 years old, said he had nothing to do with it. u.s. authorities are using full intelligence capabilities to help try and continue to develop a nexus around these men and who may have supported them. if it's a terrorist infrastructure or local cell that's happening. ten downing street the intelligence for the uk they are on high alert in case the men are considering fleeing here to go there. so that's all the latest on what's going on here. there was also an earlier shooting this morning in south paris. it had a similar m.o. a modus operandi to what happened here military dress, maybe a bulletproof vest. two police officers were shot at a traffic checkpoint one of them a female officer, died.
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that suspect still also on the loose. man in his 50s had been detained and he has been released. mickey that's the latest from here right now. the bad news is that the bad guys are still on the run. the good news is "charlie hebdo" is going to publish their magazine and the people are you nighted in saying the cause of freedom is one that must prevail. >> that is a powerful statement, chris, thanks so much. let's look at the five things you need to know for your new day. as you've learned and we've been telling you a massive manhunt still unfolding in france for the two brothers suspected in the attack of the "charlie hebdo" magazine office in paris. the magazine will be published as we just heard as scheduled wednesday. much of the u.s. bundling up. almost 90% of the nation dealing with below freezing temperatures. public schools in boston and cleveland will all be closed today. >> crews are scrambling to remove the tail section of flight 8501. divers attempted to raise the tail ready the tail for raising today. bad weather however forced them once again out of the water.
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bill cosby back on stage. protesters shouting "shame on you" at ticket holders who attended last night's show in ontario, canada. three new accusers have come forward with sexual assault allegations against the comedian. president obama has a three-day tour addressing housing and a new initiative on lowering mortgage rates for first-time owners. we update the five things to know. check out for the latest. of course we're following all of the breaking news out of paris. police are still searching, they are searching a gas station right now in northern france that may have been robbed by the terror suspects so we will go back to paris with chris and anderson cooper when we come back. out of 42 vehicles... based on 6 different criteria... why did a panel of 11 automotive experts... ... name the volkswagen golf
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we're live here in paris outside of the office of charlie heb dough hebdo. chris cuomo here with anderson cooper. in the 12 hours we've seen a dramatic shift here in terms of how the french people went from the fear of the unknown, this heinous attack to this resolve and this sense of unity. >> i think there was such shock and still shock. we're a few blocks from the
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office there's a makeshift memorial that sprung up you've been showing and a silence here. people want to be part of it they're laying flowers, laying pictures. even if they're not bringing something they just want to bear witness to the horror of what happened here but i think we saw this last night, this extraordinary outpouring of people look there's two suspects you've been reporting still on the loose and yet you had thousands, more than 10,000 people in paris here in a show of solidarity a show of support, signs saying we are not afraid. we saw that in berlin, amsterdam amsterdam, london, even places in the united states in new york. so i think there's this resilience and real determination not to allow this publication to be silenced not to allow freedom of expression to be silenced and as you reported next wednesday this magazine this newspaper is going to print a million copies printed and no doubt it's going to sell out because everybody is
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going to want to get it to show their support for the larger issue of freedom of expression. >> this brand of sapphire that "charlie hebdo" does was controversial. forget about the extremist elements but just in mainstream. >> this has been going -- they've been around since the 1970s. they stopped publication for a time because they didn't have money. their subscription base is small but it's the kind of thing i come to paris with some frequency you see in subway stations and magazine kiosks people look at the cover and move on. but they're an equal opportunity offender. they offend everybody, every religion. >> every political system sure. >> anybody in the public sphere they mock so it's not if they've only been mocking the prophet muhammad. they've mocked everybody. >> for granted they're not selective. however it had been a legit
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issue certainly the right to publish but whether it is right for them to publish it. i wonder if the event pushed the needle the other way. it's seen as more acceptable more of a necessary exercise of freedom -- >> i think it is. the objective, i was talking to a number of french journalists last night about this one who shot the video we've been showing of the attack who said look if the objective was to silence this magazine to silence satire to silence free expression it's had the reverse effect. the magazine is more well-known. the comics have been seen more widely than they ever would have before and you'll see more and more like them. >> the question that they also have to deal with is the nature of the evolving threat. you've witnessed all over the world the zing part of the straight suicide bomber just the pawn and now we're seeing the lone wolf the displaced, the mentally ill who romanticizes jihad. now we're seeing what is really the new and maybe the highest
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form of threat somewhat trained people maybe from abroad maybe from home who know what to do and can kill easily >> right, small groups two or three people and you can see the kind of damage it takes a lot of coordination a lot of planning for a group like al qaeda to do a large scale 9/11 style attack but to have two or three guys who maybe even not direct lay filliated but are ideologically motivated with a limited amount of training. we don't want to overstate the guys are not highly trained commandos commandos. they made classic mistakes in tactics but they know how to fire a gun, fire a rifle but we see the horrible effectiveness of an attack like this it's closer i think to the mumbai attacks that we saw several years ago in india, though that was centrally controlled there was a central controller talking to the attackers. the idea of ahandful of attacker attackers and intelligence officials and former intelligence officials i talk to in the united states this is what concerns the united states most i talked with philip mudd
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former cia he said he's surprised this has not happened yet in the united states. >> you take good luck where you find it. it sizes up a little bit in feel to boston. marginally sophisticated, motivated people who find the wherewithal, whether externally and or internally to find a way to wreak havoc. i call these bone-headed mistakes dropping the shoe dropping the i.d. accosting at the gas station, that's not sophisticated but it shows it doesn't take much to do so much damage. >> absolutely. the picking up of the shoe was the sign of the control they had in the moment but clearly leaving the identity card was a major mistake and clearly seems to have helped law enforcement zero in on them and the manhunt very much under way, seems to be closing in but we'll be watching closely. >> that's going to be huge.
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you get caught you get punished and forgotten and the question is how long will it take? >> as you said another police officer killed in a separate incident seems completely unrelated, obviously something law enforcement will be looking into. that suspect still at large. >> they have a lot on their plate. ten downing street the uk intelligence concerned about whether or not there's any attempted movement from france there, so there are going to be a lot of issues to be picked up on. anderson cooper will pick up the coverage. we'll have one more block here on "new day," but then we will hand it off, cnn will do continuing coverage throughout the day of what happened here in paris. that's for sure. stay with us, after the break. u data every month. so why does your carrier take back what you don't use? it's your data. now at t-mobile, all your unused data rolls forward to the next month. and we'll even get you started with
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good to have you back with us on "new day." perhaps at the center of assault, journalists of charlie"charlie hebdo" picturing cartoons of the prophet muhammad. why do muslims not take humor in satire about their religion? we have an american muslim standup comedian joins us from chicago and a chairman of the cordoba institute that works to reconnect the muz him world and the west something we so desperately need.
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thank you for joining us. very difficult, very trying time for our world, to are our nation and for people of faith. i think imam why don't i start with you. so many people are struggling to understand there's not a great deal of understanding perhaps in the west about islam. maybe you can help us understand why it is prohibited to depict the prophet muhammad. >> indeed but first allow me to just express my condolences to the families of those who have been killed and to mourn the loss of these innocent lives, something which we all as righteous people absolutely and unequivocally condemn. we respect all the prophets we respect jesus christ moses and all of the prophets and actually we are taught to love them more than we love our own parents. therefore in our culture, in western culture one of the deepest insults is to insult somebody's parents. but the prophet himself said
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cursed be the person the man who curses his own parents. who of us does that messenger of god? when you curse somebody else's parents and they curse your parents in retaliation, you are responsible for your parents being cursed. this is the crime these people have committed by attacking the values of french values and the koran prohibits us from cursing or insulting or abusing the values of the gods of other people least they abuse our own values and our god, and this is the crime these people have committed. on islamic principle of justice and law, libel, even if this is proven to be libel, it's not a capital crime. on every single from justice, law to ethics these terrorists have acted outside the aegis of islam. what they're doing is categorically unislamic.
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they are jihadists and as experts have told us all acts of terrorism are politically motivated. this is about advancing their political agenda. >> right. >> they want to advance the attack by the french government and french people against muslims because this helps their recruitment and helps the narrative there is a clash in western islamic values with i is a myth which we all have to bust. >> i want to turn to you, azar pardon me because i know you are a working comedian. you use satire and comedy as your work. i'm curious, as a muslim-american, how do you find the balance of what you think is appropriate and what doesn't offend your own sensibilities or those of your family or your community? >> yes, it's a good question. you know to be perfectly honest with you michaela when a situation like this erupts and unfortunately as we all know this is becoming a more common
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problem, i think it's almost disingenuous to say they're upset about some cartoons. it's also disingenuous to have a conversation about the horrible killings decontextual realities. these guys are jihadists, motivated by political realities, they have political gripes and the reason why it becomes problematic and a lot of tension there is because the gripes that muslim terrorists complain about often are actually valid and legitimate gripes that have to do with american foreign policy and israel and palestine and muslims by and large have a tremendous amount of sympathy for those sentiments. where it becomes problematic where the terrorists use violence to express their frustration and take their anger out on cartoonists. i don't think anybody is interested in killing
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cartoonists for their political cartoons. if we want to understand what's going on we can't pretend the magazine wasn't totally racist and xenophobic on a lot of different levels. it wasn't we drew the prove ed muhammad in a cartoon and muslims don't have room for free speech or freedom of expression. there's something more sinister going on. >> do you take the cartoons of charlie member dough and some other political satires to be offensive? >> they certainly are offensive. the prophet was lampooned and mocked but his response was to pray for their guidance and one of his greatest successors wanted to kill the prophet, so the instructive behavior which is our standard the prophet's behavior was to pray for those hostile to us. the cor on states respond to a hurt by a good act, which transforms the person who is hostile to you, to being a passionate friend. >> i'm curious and i'll ask both
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of you quickly, we have a minute left. do you feel that it is okay to express, because this is freedom of expression as the larger context we're having this conversation understand. i hear you feel the cartoons are offensive but are you okay with the freedom to express this in the cartoons? >> there is' no question about that. every civilized person on earth understands there has to be room for freedom of expression and free speech. i make my livelihood as a comedian and speaking my mind. i think that we also have to understand that all civilized society understands there are limits on free speech even in the united states yelling fire in a crowded theater is illegal, fighting words are illegal, incitement to a riot is illegal libel is illegal. there has to be limits placed on freedom expression or freedom of speech to not create a chaotic
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and lawless society. >> sorry, we have to end it there. what i hope is we can have this conversation and continue it from here azhar usman and imam rauf pleasure to have you here today. we're following the breaking developments out of france in the manhunt for the terror suspects. we'll go back to chris live in paris next. [container door opening] ♪ what makes it an suv is what you can get into it. ♪ [container door closing] what makes it an nx is what you can get out of it. ♪ introducing the first-ever lexus nx turbo and hybrid. once you go beyond utility there's no going back.
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welcome back. i'm here with chris cuomo. it is extraordinary to be here on this site on this day and as you talked about earlier, there is sort of this change in attitude in france there was a lot of fear yesterday, certainly a lot of shock. i think the shock is still there and present but there is this resolve. >> i think you're right. watching your coverage last night it seemed that this society was caught unaware of this. we know about terrorism but to see this type of killing done this way by so few people i think they were shaken and yet so quickly, they rallied around something that is fundamental no matter you're in france or whether in the you state or anywhere in western europe that either you want to be free or you want to be controlled and the french people with their signs, "i am not afraid," "we are not afraid," "je suis
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charlie" they are not afraid and oppression shah shall not win. it's a powerful medicine in the fight against terrorism. >> particularly for terrorists who wanted to silence not only this magazine but silence that expression that thing which makes france and the western world so eye neekunique in the world they failed to do that. in fact they've given a voice, a platform and amplified the voice >> they'll gather around in the cause of having the type of expression whether it's satire or otherwise. the magazine is coming out next week they'll put 1 million copies of it. that's one component, the citizenry wanting to own who they are and what they're about. the other part is the state, discouraging acts and how it better detects them in advance, in this case finds the bad guys responsible because they're still at large. >> chris cuomo appreciate your coverage. we'll be continuing to follow this story throughout the day. i'm going to be live here now
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throughout the 9:00 hour good morning, thank you very much for joining us. reporting live from paris, withal come to our viewers in the united states and around the world. thanks for joining me here live in paris. we want to get you up to speed on the latest. manhunt is going on right now for these two men, the suspects now being identified as two brothers cherif and said kouachi. they're considered armed and very dangerous. french media citing flis reports said they have spotted at a gas station outside the city about an hour northeast of paris. almost three dozen police officers are there on that site they can be seen transferring a number of items from the station to the forensic truck. also developing overnight, a policewoman shot and killed in the southern suburbs of paris.
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