tv CNNI Simulcast CNN January 11, 2015 2:00am-3:01am PST
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welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm robyn curnow. a massive display of defiance is coming together. a response to that massacre and manhunt that began wednesday. in just a few hours up to a million people are expected to walk a three-kilometer route through the heart of paris calling it a unity march. government ministers from 14 countries are meeting right now ahead of that march and they're discussing the global forthreat. meanwhile, police in paris say terror sleeper cells have been activated and intend to target
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law enforcement. almost 2,000 personnel will be on duty for today's march. preparations well under way for that. issa suarez has been there all day. what is planned? >> reporter: good morning, robyn. it's going to be quite a march and it will be a show of defiance. many people seeing the unity that we'll see on the street as the biggest weapons against the capital that paris has seen all week. a map and a sense of the distance. it's a route that will begin at place de la republicque and ends at place de la nation. what we've been told is that along that route, the family
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members of those who died both at the "charlie hebdo" attack on wednesday and those four people who died at the kosher store on friday they will be leading the march followed a bench else. on my way in i saw security a lot of police on the streets. by that time it was still very dark and i saw a lot of preparations already under way to give you a real sense of how important this is for the french people. we've also seen the last 24 hours a huge show of unity from across the country from toulouse and numbers have been incredible. we know for example, that in toulouse has been protesting with the same slogan je suis charlie, the hashtag and the
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slogans that are so important, the foundation of the french society which is -- [ speaking a foreign language ] and it's the liberty that is the most important, the freedom, that's what they hear and that's what we'll be seeing today on the streets of paris, robyn. >> isa, one leader set to attend is david cameron. he took to twitter a short time ago saying "i'm on my way to paris to march with the french people. the "charlie hebdo" murders will not crush our spirit or our values." he's not the only leader who's going to be there, is he? >> not at all. it's incredible. in the last 10 or so hours we've been getting a sense of the amount coming 40 plus leaders. you said earlier before you came that there is a meeting under way, foreign leaders already took -- that actually in the middle of their meeting started
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about 25 minutes ago or so and that's about 14 foreign leaders. on top of that we've got 40 world leaders coming to here in a show of unity. among them the british prime minister you mentioned there, david cameron, chancellor merkel of germany, we also have queen rainier of jordan along with her husband and benjamin netanyahu of israel. i mean the list just goes on. we've got so many representatives from europe it is very important but also we've got prime minister italy of the turkish prime minister ahmed and the russian foreign minister so it is just absolutely impressive to see the number of people coming out here today who have been moved by what has happened and saddened no doubt as well by what has happened so i think today we will see that show of force and also in the last few minutes we saw a tweet from the french foreign minister and had
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in to say. he said the reaction of the world, the reaction of the world is unprecedented, he says. this afternoon paris will be the world's capital of resistance against terrorism. so really capturing the mood of what we'll be expecting to see later on today and no doubt we will see leaders from all over the world but religious leaders. yesterday i was outside the kosher store and i saw leaders, different religious leaders holding hands walking together with flowers saying they shall not divide us. terrorists will not break us apart and i think we will see that defiance once again on the streets of paris today. >> okay stay with us. isa. i want to bring in atika schubert specifically to talk about security issues and the manhunt for the girlfriend of one of the terror suspects. atika, i wonder if you could just explain to us where that is. we know she is not in france and
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most likely has -- is in syria, went through turkey on january the 2nd. just explain to us any updates on her whereabouts and fears about what this attack could have triggered. >> reporter: well we don't have that many updates on where she is exactly but she is believed to be in syria. of course this comes after police said that they were looking for all possible accomplices including hayat boumeddiene. when amedy coulibaly gunned down four people and took hostages at the kosher supermarket, police immediately issued this arrest warrant for him and his partner, hayat boumeddiene. suggesting she had been alongside her husband for the attack. police said she was armed and dangerous. france's public prosecutor linked the couple to the attack attackers at "charlie hebdo." >> translator: it appears from the investigation especially
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from phone taps that cherif kouachi's spouse called and shows strong links between the couples. >> reporter: this is where amedy coulibaly and hayat boumeddiene are living ten-minute drive to montrouge where he is believed to have gunned down the police officer and 20 minutes from the kosher supermarket. police are still inside the apartment investigating. their names are clearly printed on their mailbox and armed police still stake out the couple's apartment. photos of boumeddiene in 2010 quickly surfaced showing her armed with a crossbow. she and her boyfriend met with a top al qaeda recruiter but now as the investigation widens it appears boumeddiene was not even in france at the time of the shooting. turkish officials say she arrived january 2nd is in istanbul most likely destined for syria.
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french security forces agree and that's not the first dead end. initially police named three suspects in the "charlie hebdo" attack including an 18-year-old named hamyd mourad but friends insisted he was in innocent. in school at the time of the attack more than 100 miles away. an alibi police later confirmed after mourad voluntarily dpurned himself in. saturday he was released. in the rush to find attackers they cast a wide net, but investigators are still seeking answers from anyone who may have been involved in france or abroad including hayat boumeddiene. now, just to give additional detail there, her last known phone signal was detected within syrian borders. she also had a return ticket to return from istanbul to france but that was dated for january 9th and never got on that flight robyn.
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>> what about these reports that these attacks or at least one of the attackers could have triggered another wave of people and attacks in the coming days? >> reporter: yeah what we understand from police is that to quote them they said that they understand that in the last 24 hours terror cells have been triggered and what we believe that is is that in the kosher supermarket where that attack happened amedy coulibaly made several calls to friends urging them to carry out terror attacks. now, we don't know the specifics on those calls that he made but clearly it's very concerning that he was urging others to conduct similar attacks and that is why we can see police today on high alert. they've been instructed to wear their guns on them at all times and even here now we see a number of police heavily armed in riot gear and i have to say, you know we were listening to
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isa earlier talk about the unity, it hasn't stopped people from coming out streaming to the site today to pay their respects. we see people lighting candles, flowers. there's been a prayer service from the legal jewish community and we see signs of everywhere not only je suis charlie which has become the popular phrase but i am jewish and i am ahmed, the muslim police officer who was gunned down in the "charlie hebdo" attacks so we're seeing signs everywhere of the population here coming together to show and condemn against these attacks that happened in their city. >> atika, thank you so much outside that supermarket that was the scene of that attack and a closer look at the four hostages who were killed on friday by one of those terrorists at the supermarket. there was 63-year-old francois michel saada. he was born in tunisia.
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philippe braham in his 40s. other information about him is available. yoav hattab the son of the chief rabbi of tunis and johan cohen was a jewish and a student. we are such stuff as dreams are made of. one of hattab's friends says he no longer feels safe in his own community. [ speaking a foreign language ] >> translator: i think we should be united. we shouldn't be afraid. it's weakness. however, we need to react now. we didn't react before but we need to react right now. we need to take new measures. politicians need to take new measures to stop this. from what i understood it's possible that this isn't over and that there would be other attacks. if there are other attacks, we already have 20 people dead and
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only three days. it's like a civil war in a country. i thought i was safe and since friday afternoon in my own city i'm afraid to leave my own home in a way. >> coverage of the terror attacks in france continues. our analyst gives us a deeper understanding of the motives behind the siege but days after the "charlie hebdo" massacre a german newspaper that showed solidarity with the paris magazine is now also targeted in an arson attack this time. the details after the break. you're watching cnn. and alert you if anything looks unusual. wow! you're really looking out for us. we are. and if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you're never held responsible. just to be clear you are saying "frog protection" right? yeah, fraud protection. frog protection. fraud protection. frog. fraud. fro-g. frau-d. i think we're on the same page. we're totally on the same page. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. fraud protection. get it at
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the latest from france. a nation now reeling in the wake of the "charlie hebdo" massacre and the killing that ensued. in less than four hours as many as 1 million people are expected to march in a unity rally in paris. officials say they are taking extra security precautions to ensure the rally goes smoothly including the use of snipers and plainclothed police officers. a french police source says so-called sleeper cells have been activated and ordered to target police officers. police have been told to guard their weapons and delete their social media footprints as a precaution. well to get a better understanding of these attacks we turn to cnn terror expert. thanks for joining us. has this been a massive
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intelligence failure on behalf of the french? >> it's a huge failure and probably it's going to uncover even more in the following weeks. actually all the people that were involved in the killings were not i would say newborn jihadi like the one we witnessed over the last months with isis. those people were operating cells for years. they have been noticed and some of them trialed even. in france in 2005 2008 and so on. basically even the u.s. put some of them on the no-flight list so therefore, yes, those people should have been on the top of the monitoring list and should not have this freedom of movement that allows them to travel to yemen for one of them authorized to train in al qaeda camps, so therefore, yes, we can talk about the huge failure especially that we know now
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actually we know it since yesterday that the level of surveillance of these people has been lowered or even abandoned last year. so therefore, yes, clearly we are facing much more than a failure. we are hardly facing a scandal over the next couple of weeks. >> just in terms of the motivations of these men, quite confusing to those of us who watch and listen and try and analyze and read because there seems to be both an inspiration that they were motivated by al qaeda and isis and as we know these aren't natural bedfellows in many way. >> exactly. there is a huge rivalry between the two and what we saw in france is a bit of the trend that we are seeing in old middle east like old cells of al qaeda sitting, drifting and giving their allegiance to the head of
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isis. we know in libya and israel and so on so therefore we can see that old style movements affiliated to al qaeda are shifting or even breaking up between some members keeping their loyalty to al qaeda and some others drifting to isis. so what we saw there is exactly the same thing, an old cell that was operated by al qaeda members with one of them gradually drifting towards isis so we saw the two brothers claiming loyalty to al qaeda especially al qaeda in yemen and saw coulibaly, the hostage-taker in the kosher shop speaking about isis so therefore, i would say this is a replication of what we saw globally. >> absolutely and also i think in terms of where we're going now, not just about security in france but across europe we're getting reports that there was an arson attack on a german
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newspaper that reprinted some of those "charlie hebdo" cartoons depicting the prophet muhammad and the morgenpost in hamburg said it was firebombed early sunday. this is a big question because these operators, these terrorists as you would call them targeted journalists and police officers as if they were justified and had some sort of twisted justification for it. do you think journalists particularly in addition to police officers are going to find themselves needing extra security? i mean the danish cartoonists very worried, as well. >> well obviously jurmsournalists have a straight and twisted vision of islam and of their own vision of the world and so therefore, you know freedom of speech is basically an obstacle for them and obviously
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journalists represent freedom of speech and are giving divergeing views so yes, definitely journalists are a target especially a priority i would say, the one who reproduced or shows support to "charlie hebdo" and some of its drawing against islam. >> okay samuel laurent, cnn's terror analyst, appreciate it. we'll check in with you later. >> thank you. next on cnn boko haram is now being blamed for new rampages throughout nigeria that have forced people from their homes and left hundreds dead. sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. no matter who you are, if you have type 2 diabetes, you know it can be a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine ... what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®.
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welcome back to cnn. rhyme robyn curnow. while much attention has been focused on the attacks in france another group has carried out a massacre in nigeria on a horrific scale. boko haram militants sack ed ss killed hundreds and up to 2,000 residents. thousands of townspeople escaped by bus and on foot. we're hearing of another incident in the rege tall capital as well. diana magnay joins me from south africa. this is happening nearly on a weekly basis. the numbers are staggering aren't they diana? >> reporter: the numbers are appalling. we can't be sure that it was as many as 2,000 killed in the last week of violence in the
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surrounding towns but that is the estimate of one local governor. 2,000 people in a week and follows years of horrific killings by boko haram. the incident you mentioned yesterday was a 10-year-old girl with explosives strapped around her waist. the local vigilante group who have this screening mechanism to check whether people going into the market are carrying bombs because there have been four previous bomb attacks in maiduguri since last year they said they believe this device was detonated remotely. the girl may have never known what she had around her waist 20 killed in that attack. if these reports of as many 2,000 are killed it makes it the deadliest massacre of their
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rampage of violence. thousands of people have been displaced. some 30,000 in total. 20,000 of them have fled to maiduguri. 1,000 on an island in the middle of lake chad where they tried to escape near the borders and it's where there was a military base up until before christmas they both have troops positioned so it was just the nigerian military who were ineffective against dealing with boko haram militants this week just as they have proven to be in terms of trying to get this insurgency in control over the last few years, robyn. >> it seems like operationally the nigerian military is unable to deal with politically also a lot of wavering to put it nicely. how do you see this ending? >> reporter: well at the moment the military simply doesn't seem
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to have the capabilities to take boko haram on in any kind of effective way. it would appear as though the mill tabts group is actually better armed even than the army itself despite the fact that this is africa's most important powerful economy that we're talking about. the nigerian army over the past few years seems to have sort of disintegrated in quality effectively. it is underfunded, underinvestment, overly politicized and you hear these stories, reports of soldiers who have mutinied because they say we don't have the weapons we need to fight boko haram. goodluck jonathan's attention is focused on the election coming up in february so in about five weeks' time and could expect them to massacre on this scale because there's nothing to stop
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them them. there's nearly a million displaced people in those three states which are currently in a state of emergency who effectively won't be able to vote in the next election. and that means that goodluck jonathan, you know it's all roads ahead for him in terms of not having a counterpart in the north who can really compete against him in the elections. but i don't think that you're going to see any kind of renewed impotence against boko haram whilst we're in this election phase. we have to wait till that's over. if nigeria can even muster a better force against boko haram. we've had a lot of talk between the region nall players, cameroon niger, that they would put together a joint operational force and promised troops to help nigeria to counter boko haram because boko haram is also threatening their populations.
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a recent video message said cameroon would experience the same violence that nigeria does but we haven't actually seen those soldiers committed to a joint task force so right now the whole region effectively is in disarray and boko haram is being able to continue just as it wants to robyn. >> thanks for that. diana magnay in johannesburg south africa. a million people are about to make a statement in paris. ahead, the high hope and defiant message from today's unity march. stay with us. you're watching cnn. zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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resolve are about to take place in paris. a violent reaction of the three days of killings and hostage standoff. up to a million people are expected to march through the heart of paris and police in the french capital are on high alert. not just because of the security summit or march. sleeper cells have been victim activated. they're discussing the world terror events and world leaders vowing to march, as well. isa and ateak atika. paint for us what paris is like today. >> well, early in morning when it was still very dark robyn, when i was arriving a saw a lot of police in the main streets. i also saw a lot of the barricades stacked up ready to be put in place. we know that more than a million
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plus people will -- are expected to take to the streets, the heart of paris in show of unity, in a show of defiance. they will follow a route and the route is roughly a three-kilometer that starts at place de la republique all the way to place de la nation. if that gets busy there is an alternative route. leading that march, leading that rally will be family members of those who lost their lives. those 12 people who lost their lives in the attacks since wednesday. we are expecting so many people to be coming here and public transport is free. it is cold but it's a sunny day and the french people -- if the past couple of days has been anything -- gives us an idea of the numbers, we've seen rallies throughout the country from nile to toulouse the numbers have been exceptional. the same slogan robyn, je suis charlie, je suis ahmed making
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reference to the police officer killed and gentlemenje suis jewish. i want to bring in atika at the scene of where the hostage drama took place in that kosher deli. just explain to us the real security concerns for french authorities today. >> reporter: will, there's a very real security -- they said that in the last 24 hours terror cells have been activated and we understand that that means in that kosher supermarket where amedy coulibaly had taken hostages and killed four people he then called to several of his friends urging them to carry out more terror attacks. now, we don't know the exact details those calls. but clearly the fact that he urged numerous people to carry
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out more attacks has put police here on very high alert. we're seeing them heavily armed in this area. also with flak jackets and riot gear so clearly it's still a city on edge and police are told to keep their weapons on them at all times but not stopping them from coming out not only to the rally but the site here today, people have been streaming in to light candles, put down flowers and have seen the jewish community to say prayers, so you know i can't reiterate enough what isa just said that show of unity from different sections from people here in paris. >> indeed leaders tries to come to terms, trying to grapple with the magnitude of what unfolded in paris over the past few days more importantly because this has implications not just for france but for europe. in a way this attack -- this kind of attack was expected say many domestic intelligence chiefs. just tell me what do we know
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about the meeting that's going on now and how do you think this is going to play out in the coming day, weeks and months? >> reporter: yeah robyn, about half an hour or so ago foreign ministers began to arrive about 14 foreign ministers began to arrive. the media actually starts 11:00 on the dot which is right now, the meeting is under way and they're actually talking -- a ministerial meeting discussing terrorism. discussing counterterrorism measures and also they're also discussing how to tackle foreign fighters. we know that roughly 600 young men from france have gone off to the middle east to syria to wage jihad and that's a huge concern because that raises so many question answer what happens in particular once they return. well we have seen this week robyn is that they organize they train and by weapons we know the two kouachi brothers had trained in yemen. and they also have some strong
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coordination we've seen that between the brothers and the attack at the kosher store where atika is so that raises many many questions about whether europe and, indeed the rest of the world can work together to share intelligence. at the same time and probably actually parallel to that there are already concerns about attacks against the muslim community. i had the opportunity to speak to one lady who is trying to speak to a lot of the young muslims who feel they've been neglected by the french government and i asked if she felt that there's a rise of islam phobia. >> sadly it has become true through the two last days more than 15 islam phobic attacks against mosques, against civilian civilians, shop people who were in mosques so this is already happening and i'm very saddened by this because i think it's
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exactly what the terrorists and the criminals wanted to happen. they really want to divide -- this is why they made it clear that they did this protect, as they say or as they understand islam. so i think the best answer that we could give them is to remain united and to show our strength through our unity. >> and we've seen that this week in fact yesterday just outside the store, atika, we've seen religious leaders coming together holding hands, carrying flowers and saying shouting we will not be divided by the terrorists. we are all one. we are all french. back to you, robyn. >> thanks isa. atika, you've covered this issue of rising jihadis, particularly young europeans going to places like syria and yemen. you've spoken to many of these people. just it tell us what they say to
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you, their inspiration and how they justify the violence. >> reporter: well you know we've heard from many different -- many young men who traveled to syria to join isis and hearing much of their sentiments echoed by the people that have carried out attacks like this they feel that they are under attack that the muslim world is under attack and they hold these grievances and they show up examples and say in syria, they say in gaza for example, and also iraq abu ghraib. they show multiple examples of what they say is the world -- is the western world against islam. that of course is disputed by so many people here. but these are the grievances they hold and that's how they justify a lot of the views they have and in france in particular here it's a particularly difficult debate to have because it's such a fraught relationship
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with many muslims here even so many muslims are well integrated. one of the victims in the attacks here was a muslim policeman protecting the "charlie hebdo" offices. but it's a conversation that has to happen not only here in france but across europe. what are these grievances being held. how do you stop young men from making the decision to either carry out an attack like this or go join extremist groups like isis in syria. this is the wider and broader question that policymakers now really do have to take a serious look at. >> thanks for that atika and isa on the streets of paris. elsa was the only woman killed when gunmen opened fire in the "charlie hebdo" attack. she's a psychoanalyst and wrote columns about relationships and other topics. we're joined by her older cystsister and thank you so much for talking to us. >> you're welcome. >> how difficult this must be for you. one of your family members has
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said they believe she -- your sister was specifically targeted because she was jewish. >> no she died because she was working with "charlie hebdo," you know everything happened very quickly and like in ten seconds they shot everybody and, in fact they don't say are you jewish are you this or that no. she was jewish though we didn't believe in god but as every good jew don't believe but we are jewish but, you know she just died for the freedom of thinking because she was at "charlie hebdo" and they wanted to kill people who are thinking -- the only thing we have to say is the french revolution liberty -- [ speaking a foreign language ] >> freedom, equality and fraternity it's very important. the whole world has to fight for these values values of
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humanity. think with your brain and think with your heart. you have to think. we are not animals. that's all we have to say and that's it. and thank you to the whole world for its support. it's incredible. i hope we will overcome you know, we shall overcome. >> did your sister know that it was dangerous going to work at that office? did she -- >> yes, of course. >> take that risk with -- >> you know it's true. she was psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and, of course she -- it's true that she was threatened. she got threatened and then when you are a woman, she was threatened as a woman, she was threatened as a jew. she was threatened as a psychoanalyst because you use your brain so this is true.
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she is like sammy davis jr., you know she just wasn't black, you know that's -- no of course she was threatened. they all knew it was dangerous. there was a fatwa and so they were threatened but they are fighting for the liberty of the press and liberty of thinking and not against religion they were just against you know how you say, they were against fascism. that's it. we have to fight for good values, human values. >> how did you learn your sister had lost her life in that office that day? >> well i knew as soon as i seen there was a problem at "charlie hebdo" i knew that it was the time of the conference the press conference where they decide for the week what subject
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they would -- i knew that you know as soon as i heard it wednesday at 11:00, i know they are all there, what they will do on the newspaper and i knew it had to be bad. >> and how did you know your sister specifically had died that day? did you try and contact her? >> you know then i went to -- then i went to the place where they were and said to my niece, her daughter that she was among the dead people. >> thank you very much. >> i don't know. we knew because in the conference room it was obvious that she was there and we knew there were many people who had died so there was no big chance that she could escape. >> will you be marching today?
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>> yes, of course we will be you know in front of the march and we are -- we have to keep on fighting. >> beatrice cayat, thank you, the sister of one of the victims. >> thank you, america. >> who was killed at "charlie hebdo" last week. france france and how the terror unfolded in and around paris. plus. the search continues for more wreckage from flight 8501. specifically those black boxes and have a live report after the break. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home... for the first time. chase. so you can.
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welcome back. if could be a matter of days before officials find the crucial black boxes from airasia flight 8501. that's according to the crash investigator. the plane's tail was lifted from the water saturday. but the flight recorders were not inside. they did hear pings nearby and have intensified their search in the area. well cnn correspondent david malco joins us from jakarta. hi there. this has been a very long road. it's not over yet. how are the families dealing with this latest news that the black boxes haven't yet been found? >> reporter: yeah robyn, day 15 of the search. certainly a long road. it was two weeks today that flight 8501 took off from surabaya for singapore. of course never making it
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there. crashing into the java sea within the first hour of that flight. i'll mention the families in a minute. let me catch you up on what's happening in the search zone. extremely busy and reports coming from just about everybody. the agency charged with leading the investigation, the ntsb all of them saying we're picking up pings, possible pings, i should clarify and we're picking up objects on sonar. one of them they're especially interested in near the tail area about ten meters or 30 feet in length some even going so far to say it could be part of the fuselage a lot of reports, what it all boils down the bottom line is officials feel more confident they are getting closer to the main wreckage and, of course those crucial critical black boxes. talking about the families that you asked about, robyn, the 162 families of the passengers and crew on board, what we're
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hearing from them is do not forget about us. we had two more -- i'm sorry, three more identifications just a short time ago. two of them a south korean couple traveling with their infant daughter they were named and identified. their infant has not been found. at this point, the president of indonesia saying guaranteeing for these families that although they're continuing to search for debris and the black boxes, the search will not end until every single person is found and their remains returned to their families. robyn. >> and how long will the batteries last on those black boxes? what's the time frame for investigators here to find them? >> reporter: yeah robyn, the batteries on the pingers, the underwater locator beacons is the long-term but the pingers on the black boxes that emit that high frequency that can be picked up with specialistening
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devices, they last -- they're registered to last about 30 day, guaranteed to last about 30 days. we know also they were replaced so should last for that period. it's been about two weeks since the crash, two weeks today so just over another 2, 2 1/2 weeks, certainly not a race against time yet. but critical that they get underwater listening equipment in the water, divers in the water, that's what they've been doing, robyn, i should mention, as well when you have this many ships and this many divers in a shallow body of water like that acoustics can do all sorts of things. probably one of the reasons we're getting reports of so many pings and so many places still, robyn, very very active search out there in the java sea. weather conditions cooperating and, of course officials optimistic that they will find what they're looking for. >> david in indonesia. to give you a sense of how complicated it is david touched on this just how complicated is searching in the java sea.
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that area is also the final resting place for a number of sunken naval ships to searchers. these old wrecks could easily be mistaken for the missing airasia plane. just take a look at this graphic. among the ships lost in world war ii five allied warships sunk in the battle of the java sea back in february 1942. then three more allied ships sunk in another battle nearby just a few days later. one of them the quss houston" the galloping goes of the coast was only discovered last year and in 2013 another surprise in the same waters indonesian researchers found a german submarine torpedoed by a dutch submarine in 1944 so just those carcasses of old ships and old submarines explains the kinds of complications that diverses might be having as they are looking for that flight. also of course we are covering on cnn france as it
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tries to heal after three days of terror. after this break we'll look back at the deadly attacks. d shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle. thanks for the ride around norfolk! and i just wanted to say geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years! roger that. captain's waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. could've parked a little bit closer... it's gonna be dark by the time i get there.
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march. government ministers from 14 countries are meeting right now ahead of that march and they're discussing the global terror threat. meanwhile, police in paris say sleeper cells virginia been activated and that they intend to target law enforcement so almost 2,000 security personnel will be on duty for today's march. of course you can watch coverage of the paris unity march as it happens here at cnn. the rally begins at 9:00 a.m. eastern time 3:00 p.m. local time. keep up with all of cnn's developments on france head over to there you'll find much of our extensive reporting from the proundz and learn how to get involved in the global conversation. again, that's thanks for joining us. i'm robyn curnow. "new day" is just ahead. you've been watching cnn. [ male announcer ] stop! living with hair loss, that is. losing your hair is no fun and no one wants to be bald but there is hope.
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3:00 am
france on high alert. details of a new attack. >> and warnings about the terrorists. why did authorities drop them from the radar? >> all this is happening as close to a million people start to gather in paris for a massive unity rally. >> we want to say good morning and welcome all of you here in the united states as well as around the world. we're so grateful for your company. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. let's go live to paris and jake tapper. he's where the rally will begin in a few hours.
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