tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 12, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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>> a lot to cover tonight, a lot of breaking news along with the search for airasia 8501 we'll continue the breaking news on that and i appreciate you watching. i'm don lemon. i'll see you back here tomorrow night. ac 360 starts right now. >> good evening, thanks for joining us. things are moving fast in the wake of the paris killings. the question now, are there more members of the terror cell than just the three who are dead and the woman who is on the run? new reports suggest the answer could be yes. we are also learning more tonight about the lengthy paper trail the killers had and their terror connections they apparently made long before their deadly rampage last wednesday. we also learned as if we didn't know just what paris strong means. this is what it looks like in the city yesterday, a unity rally drawing more people than turned out to mark the liberation of paris during the second world war. said one french commentator
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today, they want us to lie down we stand up. leaders from around the world came to show solidarity from across the divide including israel's benjamin netanyahu, and palestinian authority's mahmoud abbas. absent the president of the united states. we'll have more on that. but first a report from jim sciutto. as many as six suspects connected with the paris attacks may be on the run. >> reporter: this has been the burning question. are there other attackers out there. the answer today, yes, very likely there were accomplices. police sources saying perhaps as many as six. unclear whether that's accomplices or members of a network that knew these attackers. but right now, french authorities operating under the
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assumption that there are others involved and that helps explain the massive police and military presence around the country. >> an unprecedented display of force in france. authorities are searching for this woman, hayat boumeddiene, the girlfriend and accomplice to the man who was killed after the takeover of the kosher supermarket. what's the latest on her? >> we now have video proof that she crossed into turkey on a flight from madrid earlier, five days before the attack. and then information from the turkish authorities, they believe she continued on from turkey into syria the day before the siege on the kosher market here. so she's out of pocket. certainly another person involved in this attack who they would want to speak to arrest, but disappearing in effect into syria. and it shows the difficulty of tracking the people involved in
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this case. >> there are also now reports that bulgearyia has arrested a man suspected with links to the kouachi brothers. what do you know withabout him? >> he attempted to cross from bulgaria to turkey. the presumption was he would continue to syria. he was arrested. there's a suggested link between him and the kouachi brothers. it's not certain if he knew them or if he was involved with them. but the french now working on extraditing him from bulgaria to france. he's one of many people that they want to talk to under suspicion of connection with this attack but it's not clear whether he had a clear connection or involvement in the attacks here in paris. >> all right, jim, appreciate the update. there are a lot of moving parts. i want to get the latest now on how much authorities knew about these killers and tragically how far in advance they knew it. drew griffin investigates a paper trail that foreshadowed the trail of mayhem and death.
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>> reporter: they are court documents filed on december 20th, 2013, just a little more than one year ago, which go into explicit detail of how a group of about a dozen french muslims were plotting to stage a prison break and free a fellow terrorist in 2010. two key figures in the plot, the same two now dead suspects, accused of carrying out last week's horrific attacks in paris. cherif kouachi, who with his brother staged a massacre at the offices of the magazine "charlie hebdo," and his close jihadist associate, amedy coulibaly accused of killing a french police officer, then killing four more at a jewish grocery store. documents obtained by cnn show the attacks should have come as no surprise to the french. >> these documents show as early ad 2013 when they were condemned, convicted, these
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individuals could pose a significant threat to national security. >> reporter: when french police investigated amedy coulibaly in 2010, he was described as a logistics expert in charge of accumulating weapons and arms for the prison break plot. records show he was found to have illegally stored a huge cache of high caliber arms including some 240 cartridges for high-powered machine guns. with the specific goal the documents say, of seriously hurting people through intimidation or terror acts. also found in his apartment, computers with security and encryption, audio recordings of islamic religious figures, and even recipes written in arabic for making poison purportedly capable of killing 1 million people. and there were several photos showing coulibaly dressed in islamic garb posing in front of a black flag with white arabic inscriptions on it.
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though convicted and sentenced to five years in prison, like other terror suspects they allowed coulibaly time for credit served and then released him sometime early last year. we now know coulibaly terrorist ways never changed. after his death last week in this shootout. police again raided his apartment and again found a huge cache of arms. the court documents also reveal how close-knit the terror group was. through relationships forged in a paris park and in prison. cherif kouachi had apparently become more radicalized following his arrest in 2005. he had met a well-known jihadist spiritual leader and terror recruiter in prison, a man by the name of djamel beghal once they were freed, visited the same well-known terrorist, even staying with him for days at a time. his companions on some of the visits amedy coulibaly.
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court records show his wife hayat boumeddiene, would join them as well. all visiting the man they called the wise man. the documents describe a series of pictures dated april 2010, showing amedy coulibaly and his companion with an islamic veil posing with a cross bow, that companion is believed to be hayat boumeddiene, now wanted and on the run. they were known to police for years. the documents even detail how kouachi and coulibaly would make efforts to hide conversations by using code names over portable or disposable cell phones sometimes even using payphones. both men remained under surveillance. but in a move that has not yet been fully explained, the surveillance ended just six months ago. >> i think back to what we learned about the 9/11 plotters, that many of them were known by authorities, suspicions even raised. this obviously, though, is different in that they were
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actually in prison at one point. how much did american intelligence officials and maybe other countries know about these guys? >> reporter: anderson, we learned two things today. amedy coulibaly was on a u.s. terror watch list. so we knew about him. as was cherif kouachi. that was reported earlier. we also know the french and yemeni officials had both known the kouachi brothers had been to yemen yemen. at one point one of the brothers reportedly shared a room with the failed underwear bomber. the fact is they were all well-known to counterterrorism officials and somehow slipped under the radar long enough to plot, plan and carry out these attacks. >> and the explanation so far from the french is there are just soo many of these possible terrorists, or potential terrorists to keep track of. and perhaps these guys kind of laid low for a while. so whatever tracking was being done, they thought, well, maybe these guys are no longer operational. are intelligence officials, are they buying that in terms of lack of manpower, in light of all this information, are french officials sticking to that explanation?
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>> reporter: you know, they say there are a lot of bad guys to follow. even france's prime minister is admitting, anderson, there were failings in the intelligence system. just this morning in france france's president held this emergency meeting to discuss what could be done to make sure that what -- i mean obviously this stuff in hindsight looks very easy to connect the dots. they want to make sure they connect the dots beforehand. that sounds a lot like the aftermath of 9/11. one other thing, anderson, you know, these guys were getting out of prison, at least coulibaly was, just last year. however long he could have laid low, it seems could have only been one year. so that's something the french will look at. >> drew griffin, thanks very much. appreciate it. a lot more ahead on the terror attacks. make sure to set your dvr, watch 360 whenever you want. coming up, more breaking news. authorities say they know who the so-called wise man in drew's report is. it's a name that will not make anyone sleep better tonight.
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we'll tell you who that is ahead. later, the hero who helped take these people, give them shelter from one of the killers in the market. a remarkable story, and others now coming to light. me with frog protection? yeah, we help with fraud protection. we monitor every purchase every day and alert you if anything looks unusual. wow! you're really looking out for us. we are. and if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you're never held responsible. just to be clear you are saying "frog protection" right? yeah, fraud protection. frog protection. fraud protection. frog. fraud. fro-g. frau-d. i think we're on the same page. we're totally on the same page. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. fraud protection. get it at e financial noise financial noise financial noise
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someone whom the paris conspirators had contact. debra feyerick joins us now. he's identified as al qaeda's recruiter in europe and has connections to two of the terrorists. >> that's exactly right. this is what makes him so interesting. because this is a man who was convicted of two plots. not only the blot to blow up the u.s. embassy in paris in 2001, when it was hatched, but ten years later he's found guilty of plotting to free a man from prison. that man implicated and convicted in a plot that basically blew up the paris metro. >> the algerian national. >> that's exactly right. let's go back to the u.s. embassy plot. this is where it all begins. we know beghal was in afghanistan for an eight-month period from november 2000 until july 2001. when he was there, he was instructed to carry out this u.s. embassy bombing plot, which essentially meant he was to go from afghanistan to dubai.
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>> and this guy, i think, what, on the lower -- >> right in the middle there. he's wearing tan pants and has the white jacket on. he was told effectively to carry out this plot. he was going to go from afghanistan, go to dubai, from dubai, go to morocco, lose his passport and then travel up through spain where he was supermarket instructed to get money to finance this plot. he was picked up into dubai, questioned by french and both u.s. intelligence agents, and he was put in prison, and then later found guilty of being involved in this. and so then you fast forward, and then you've got -- or when you look at the continuum of time, really, this was two years after the u.s. embassy attacks against the buildings in dar es-salam tanzania but it was also just months before the 9/11 attack. >> and the plot to free this algerian guy from prison, the guy who took over the supermarket was put in jail involved in that as well.
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as well as the younger kouachi brother, although there was not enough evidence really to bring him to trial. but this guy, the so-called wise man, he's been linked to al qaeda central. where as the kouachi brothers are linked to al qaeda in yemen. >> you have to look at the continuum of al qaeda itself. anwar al awlaki who is al qaeda in the rabeian peninsula, he was considered the heir apparent to bin laden. he was considered the youtube bin laden. because his sermons were so powerful, that he was advocating a lone wolf insurgency for these young individuals. but you go back even farther, and now we've got a connection between a known recruiter, and afghanistan. and al qaeda. and not just any al qaeda, but bin laden's al qaeda. so it really shows that this sort of terrorist plot has been going on for a very long time. this is a picture of beghal. >> there on the left. and cube cube,-- coulibaly who took
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over the supermarket on the right. >> he's been in and out of prison on the significant terror plots. he's back in prison but now linked to these two individuals. the question is, the surveillance you saw, that's part of a 45,000 pages the french authorities have on beghal. and this is what they collected on him over time. not just wire transfers, but what you just saw. >> a lot to talk about. a cnn terrorism analyst joins us, and a special forces member. former cia and fbi counterterrorism official phillip mudd. phil, the fact that cherif kouachi, one of the brothers, made contact with the al qaeda recruiter two years after being released from prison, it points to the dangers of not keeping track of these guys once they are released. >> yeah. you've got to think, though, about how long we've been looking at this case, and the number of cases you're weighing this against. i think this highlights a couple of things, anderson, about the complexity of the lengthy cases. the first is, these guys, we've been at this war for 15 years.
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the adversaries learned a lot about how the western security services operate in those 15 years. i saw operatives in al qaeda studying court transcripts from the west to learn how law enforcement had gotten up on some of the people we arrested. they learned a lot about us, we learned a lot about them. they're very careful about evade law enforcement. as they learned about law enforcement, they're very careful in some cases about crossing the line. so collecting intelligence about someone suggests that they're dirty is not the same as collecting evidence that you can prove in a court of law. as this game of cat-and-mouse has gone along, some of these guys have been very sophisticated about how not to trigger law enforcement to arrest them in the midst of an intelligence investigation. >> and you and i talked about this in paris last week. is it just that security services in france, in paris, are overwhelmed? that there are too many suspects and not enough personnel, not enough manpower?
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>> no, i'm not convinced that we are overwhelmed by the threat, actually. you know, it's less than one week ago. the first part of the terrorist attack was to stop the three terrorists at the time. now they are killed. now this is the second phase. and all the security forces and intelligence agencies are focused on track those guys. and now it's a race against the clock to find those guys. i think we have really the manpower necessary actually to find the suspects actually. it's not a problem of manpower, or resources actually. >> fabrice, in terms of monitoring people who have obviously committed an attack, but people who are suspects, if there are more than 1,000 suspects, it takes a lot of people to follow somebody around the clock.
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>> yes, sure. yeah, that is a point, actually. because, you know, the threat changed in the last two years. and we are now -- the threat is accelerating very quickly on an exponential scale. of course, now, we have to adapt our security system to be able to counter this spread-out of jihadists on our ground. a few years ago, there were just maybe 100, maybe now 1,500. on our soil. it's not so easy now to react in such a very short time, you know. that's a challenge that we have to face, to react very quickly and to be able to conquer those -- counter those guys now. >> phil, obviously the travel problems, the ease of travel, i guess i should say, is a huge problem for countries in western europe. we saw this female suspect who was able to get on a plane from
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madrid. she ends up in turkey. she crosses over into syria. >> i think it's not just the ease of travel, anderson, it's the fact that the adversary has learned a lot about the kind of clues we look at. it's not complicated whether you're in new york or paris to realize, let me not get a one-way ticket to yemen. let me go to someplace like turkey or jordan. so when you look at the volume of travelers from the united states, and the number of people traveling overseas, for example, on student visas, or traveling on tourist visas, to sit back and say, hey, let's start to look at every person between the ages of, let's say 15 and 45, who's traveling to a place like turkey or jordan just because we might find one who is potentially going into syria. that kind of problem -- you can't solve that problem. the numbers are just too great. >> phil, in terms of tracking this woman now that she's in syria, a, is it worthwhile, do you think she's still a potential threat? >> i don't think she is. i don't think we'll ever see her come home. there's a great prospect she
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will become propaganda for isis to put her to youtube as someone who represents the new isis in syria and iraq. not necessarily beheadings, but somebody who's participating in attacking the west. great propaganda value. but the likelihood when she comes home, when she's identified not just by photos, but biometrics things like dna, very low. she's got a couple of prospects, anderson, none good. one, they bomb where she's at. two she gets involved in the fighting and she dies. and three, the u.s. military intelligence operating aircraft or drones kills her. i'm not saying they would target her, she might be affiliated with leadership that's targeted. i think eventually she will die out there. she will not come home. >> thank you both so much. you can find out a lot more on this story and many others at in the middle of his standoff with police, the terrorist who took over that supermarket called a french newsroom from the kosher market he had seized. i'll talk to the deputy managing editor who got that call.
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and how several hostages survived that ordeal. what they saw and heard and how they managed to stay alive. their stories coming up. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can.
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catch up on what everyone's talking about with the x1 entertainment operating system. preloaded with the latest episodes of the top 100 shows. only from xfinity. now the man who talked to a terrorist in the middle of carrying out an attack. amedy coulibaly spoke with the deputy managing editor of bf mtv. as the stand-off with the kosher market was going on. [ speaking french ]
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french hostages who came so close to death on friday, how they actually survived. some of the survivors are describing what they endured, and they managed to stay alive until help arrived. we're also learning what was happening inside the printing plant outside paris in the hours before police began their raid. each one of the hostages feared they would die, which makes their courage all the more remarkable. randi kaye reports.
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>> reporter: in the face of terror, survivors and heroes emerge. like this man, a practicing muslim who herded people into a freezer at this kosher market where he worked. the gunman amedy coulibaly, had just charged into the store and opened fire. >> translator: i switched off the light and switched off the freezer. he asked us all to come upstairs, otherwise he would kill everyone who was downstairs. i asked my colleagues what they thought. should we go upstairs or stay here? with me, there was one person with a 2-year-old baby. i told them, you stay calm. i'm the one who is going to go out. i took the elevator and went upstairs. >> reporter: he then managed to run outside to tell police about the gunman and the hostages in the freezer. one of those in the freezer, rudy, later spoke exclusively with israeli channel 2 news. >> translator: he was there to kill people. we heard a big explosion. we were still all closed in the fridge.
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we heard gunfire from everywhere. >> reporter: when they were freed -- >> translator: they said to climb upstairs and not look on the floor because there was a lot of blood on the floor. it's a miracle we're all still here, me and the people who were in the fridge. >> reporter: as news of the freezer hideaway spread, social media lit up. this man was hailed a hero. this tweet reads, muslim worker in kosher store hid jews saved them. right now, beteli is the coolest man on the planet. just north of paris, the suspects from another massacre were enclosed inside a printing plant. what they didn't know a graphic designer was hiding inside a cardboard box, texting police about the gunman's movements and his own whereabouts in the building. he also reportedly sent this chilling text to his father. i am hidden on the first floor. i think they have killed everyone. tell the police to intervene.
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his text likely helped the snipers set their positions. in the end, he and a hostage being held at gunpoint, survived. turns out, there were no other victims. another man at the printing plant earlier also survived a close encounter with the kouachi brothers. he told french radio he mistakenly shook hands with one of the suspects before the owner told him to leave. >> i suppose he was a terrorist. i didn't really know. a took him as an armed policeman. he wasn't wearing a uniform and he had a bullet-proof vest on. >> reporter: when the siege was over, he told reporters he was going to buy a lottery ticket. that it was the luckiest day of his life. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> lucky indeed. president obama was a no-show at yesterday's huge rally in paris, he didn't send a high-level envoy either. the white house now admits it messed up. the question is, how does that happen. plus we've gotten hold of new reporting, potentially of a
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significant development in the area of airasia 8501 and the cockpit voice recorder. details ahead. from long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. they are paying no property taxes no corporate taxes no sales taxes. and with over 300 locations, and 3.7 million square feet available, there's a place that's right for your business. see if startup-ny can work for you. go to sunday dinners at my house... it's a full day for me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. so my daughter brought over some aleve. it's just two pills, all day! and now, i'm back! aleve. two pills. all day strong, all day long. and now introducing aleve pm for a better am.
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the white house did something pretty surprising, basically admitting publicly there was in fact something wrong with this picture. as we said earlier, leaders from 40 countries marched with french president yesterday leading the paris rally that drew more than a million people. notably absent, president obama or the vice president or the secretary of state. mr. obama's failure to show or send a high-level envoy sparked a lot of criticism. you no doubt heard that by now. tonight the white house admitted they messed up. >> some have asked whether or not the united states should have sent someone with a higher profile than the ambassador to france. and i think it's fair to say we should have sent someone with a higher profile to be there. that said, there is no doubt that the american people and this administration stand four-square behind our allies in france as they face down this threat. >> today secretary of state john kerry said he'll fly to paris on friday to show support for the french government. joining me is political analyst
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and former presidential adviser david gergen and fareed zakaria. i don't get the thinking, why wouldn't you send somebody. the vice president? that's what they're there for, isn't it? >> i think so. i think we were all mystified yesterday when when we learned the vice president wasn't going. he was the most obvious choice. they represent the united states overseas. many, many times when there are international incidents. this occasion, more than most, i think was one that was so clear that the united states should be there. we asked them to stand with us time after time when we think we're threatened, and now they're threatened and we have to stand with them. >> the president did go to the french embassy in washington to sign the condolence book, but still, it seems like a -- kind of a ridiculous oversight. not to -- or a mistake. >> one of his interviews, obama said something very frank, and interesting, which is, he said i realize that i'm very good on policy, but i sometimes don't give any thought to the optics
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of situations. and it's actually true. you think about his campaign -- >> yes. >> but once he began governing, he sort of approaches it more like a policy one. it strangely seemed to miss in this particular case. as david was saying the policy was the symbol. the symbolism was policy and not to be there, not to demonstrate that unity was a mistake, not just of optics but actually of the substance here. >> i think fareed, it goes beyond the optics, and that's the humanity. when people are killed in this way, and the world unites. we've never seen such a massive demonstration in france, such an emotional component. >> in terms of policy let's look forward. what happens now? you now have a situation in france where you have 10,000 troops deployed. unprecedented security operation going on in france. obviously u.s. intelligence has got to be extremely concerned about this. i don't know if the chance of an
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attack in the united states has gone up, or because of the focus it has reduced. what do you think? >> well, i think first of all, we ought to give credit to the administration, to the president today when they reversed themselves and said they made a mistake. how refreshing. when was the last time someone in power -- >> nobody says that in politics. >> people never say that we made a mistake. and beyond that, i would assume that this is a moment when the united states in a leadership role with france can help pull the nation more closely together on questions of borders. the french can't handle these thousands of people who have in one way or another engaged -- they couldn't keep up with these folks because there were so many different potential threats. the border is really important. to me, the other question is, what does it mean for the united states? and do you think there are chances of an attack in the united states has gone up? >> i do. every intelligence former intelligence official i've
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talked to has said they're surprised this has not occurred already inside the united states. >> it clearly has gone up. there is copycat phenomenon. but the big difference, let's remember, that the united states does not have a large disgruntled radicalized muslim or arab community. >> not only is it a better assimilated population here, but also, just though the borders -- we have obviously have problems on the southern border, to have to fly to the united states. there are no-fly lists, whereas in western europe, you can travel by train, you can travel by car. there's basically virtually no borders, and that makes it far easier for people to get around. >> it does. but if we've got that many people floating around, we're going to have trouble too. >> part of terrorism, it is a weapon of the weak. part of the objective of it is to get an overreaction so that you actually further polarize the sides. i think that's some of what's at
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-- some of what these terrorists want to get that overreaction to get a war between islam and the west and get people using that kind of rhetoric, because that feeds into the message the terrorists are promoting. >> if their effort is to divide, what's so important about that mass rally yesterday was how massive it was. when you have three million people marching all over france and joined by people from all over the world, that's an extraordinarily important signal. >> the point anderson is making on a broader level, terrorism is a tactic that depends on the response of the onlookers. >> absolutely. >> if you are not terrorized, it didn't work. >> but that's what the march was saying we're not afraid. >> signaling that is crucial to success. >> thank you. we have to leave it there. the latest on some of the other stories we're following. amber walker has a 360 bulletin. >> the twitter account for the
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u.s. military central command is suspended after being hacked by isis sympathizers. defense officials say no classified information was taken. and a 360 follow, to albuquerque, new mexico, police who shot to death a mentally ill homeless man in the back will face murder charges. keith sandy and dominic perez killed james boyd when they confronted him about the illegal camp he set up last march. the shooting was captured on an officer's helmet camera. the new york clinic where joan rivers suffered a fatal complication during a vocal cord surgery will lose accreditation at the end of the month. that means, no more federal funds to cover services for medicare and medicaid patients. yorkville endoscopy says it will appeal the decision. rivers died in september, a week after going into cardiac arrest at the clinic. she was 81. a former miami dolphins fullback has an extraordinary story of survival.
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robert conrad fought back tears at a news conference in florida today. conrad said he fell off his boat last wednesday, swam miles in -- swam nine miles in 16 hours to get back to shore and was encircled by sharks and stung by jellyfish along the way. incredible story of survival. >> amazing. amara, thank you very much. up next breaking news the reuters reporting that searchers have retrieved both black boxes from airasia 8501. we'll have the latest on that and why one official is saying the plane exploded after it hit the water.
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big discovery in the investigation of airasia flight 8501. divers found the flight data recorder under one of the wreckage of the plane's wings. the cockpit voice recorder was also located in the debris. it's also been retrieved according to reuters. the black boxes could be the key to solving the mystery of what actually brought the flight down last month. meanwhile, an official with the indonesian rescue agency is telling cnn analysis of the debris pattern indicates the plane exploded after it hit the water. joining me now is safety analyst david soucie and richard quest.
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richard, in terms of the information one can get off the black boxes, i know it's not completely everything, but basically what is it? >> oh, it's everything. this is going to tell you -- you've got the flight data recorder, and you've got the cockpit voice recorder. you can marry it up with what the timeline of what the weather was doing at the same time so you get a full picture of what was happening on the aircraft. i would be astonished if they did not as a result of this information get chapter and verse of what happened in that plane. >> and david soucie how long does it take to get that information from the black boxes? >> getting the information, the data doesn't take very long at all. what takes the time is the analysis of the data, and recreating the accident after the fact. which they have software now that will do that. it takes the data, actually creates a three-dimensional model, a picture of what the aircraft was doing at the time. that can take as much as weeks, even a month or two. but we may not see it then, because a lot of times they
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won't release that information specifically until they've made a determination on the cause. >> do you think it might be quicker than that? >> this is something that david and i have discussed many times. if this was the united states and the ntsb if you look at virgin galactic asiana the ntsb would be out quickly, with a thumb nail skemp, almost indecent haste sometimes to give out the information. indonesia, we may find them playing much harder towards the rules of their team, which is very restrictive. but the u.s. has changed the procedures, hugely in the way people do these things. >> richard, we talk about the data from this. what does it actually look like? is it just computerized? obviously the flight voice recorder is digitized. i assume. >> it is. you then put it into a graph. and you can see the various movements that have been made by the different control surfaces. and you'll be told which pilot made them.
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if you then put on top of that the voice recorder, second by second, millisecond by millisecond, you get this total picture. >> the voice recorder, david, picks up anything that was said in the cockpit. an intercom doesn't have to be flipped on, it automatically records what was said? >> there's actually three microphones, anderson. one is on the co-pilot, one is on the pilot, and one for an ambience in the cabin. that can pick up noises like switches being thrown. you can anticipate how large hail is if it hits the windshield just from the sound of how it hits the windshield. >> what do you think, david, of this report from the one indonesian official who says they believe the plane broke up after it hit the water? or exploded after it hit the water? >> well, the word exploded i think is a little bit -- maybe loses a little in translation. i think what he's meaning is a rupture from the impact itself, as you can imagine any hollow
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object hitting something very hard. the pressure differential between the outside and inside is very significant and will tear apart the aircraft on the top. that may be what he's referring to. >> so that's pretty obvious. when it hits the water it would break apart in really any crash, wouldn't it? >> well, yeah, except it tells you something about the way it hit the water. if it goes in nose first, it would be torn in a different way than it is now as you look at it being pulled out of the water. the caution here is that if you look at it being pulled out of the water, a lot of damage happens if you don't pull it out properly. sometimes in the haste of getting the thing out of the water and up from the ocean, they can lift it up too quickly and that can cause some subsequent damage. a lot of the investigation is just determining what happened during the accident, and what happened afterwards, which requires a microscopic look at that metal to see if it was a rapid rupture or if it was something torn later. >> richard, you and i were talking earlier about how military planes have black boxes
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eject before a crash, so they're much more easily retrieved. i understand the airbus has now actually asked for, among international regulators, to actually get ejectable black boxes. >> they're exploring, in the last 24 hours, they've discussed this. they are exploring putting ejectable black boxes, recorders on the 380, the super jumbo and the a-350. the reason is, the primary long haul aircraft. >> david, this seems an obvious thing to do, no? >> it does. the nice thing about these things, in fact, is that it goes beyond the black box. with the black box, the proximity to the underwater locator beacon is all we have. in these devices you have an epirb, which sends out a transmitter signal. that's picked up by satellites that are constantly monitoring. it would be important because
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you can triangulate where the position is on that device within seconds. you could tell exactly where that is. and this mystery of this if people survived or not, rescuable or not, would all be answered if that was able to be retrieved immediately. >> what does an epirb stand for? is that electronic something beacon? >> it's emergency position indicator radio beacon. >> okay. wow. that was not an attempt to stump you, i was genuinely curious. david soucie thank you very much. richard quest as well. just had a closer look at the amazing show of solidarity in france. we'll have the sights and sounds of the march that drew so many people to the streets of paris and all over france.
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>> 3.7 million people gathered throughout france with at least 1.5 million taking to the streets in paris on sunday. they stood for unity, the strength in the wake of terrorism. joining together in peace. [ crowd chanting ] >> translator: terrorism, it's the most important thing to do today. >> our religion is a religion of love. our religion love jews our religion love muslims, our
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religion love christians. >> a show of solidarity with the french people, with the french values. you know, this nation has -- you know, this nation has a lot behind achieving these values. as walter said i may disagree with you, but i would die defending your right to say it. >> we are all terribly shocked by what has happened. it's a worldwide movement. for myself, i always demonstrate for a better world. and the planet has of enough of suffering of all sorts. >> nationality doesn't matter, religions don't matter.
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everybody need to fight against them to show the world we are fighting against them. we will never give up. >> that does it for us. cnn special report double been watching this live. >> hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states. and, of course all around the world, i'm rosemary church. >> i'm errol barnett. a lot to get to for you this hour. coming up unveiled the cover of the next person is out. >> the move to protect sensitive sites around the country. >> the flight
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