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tv   CNN Special Report  CNN  January 13, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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later and when he was sent to jail in las vegas, they sent him a card, welcome to your new home card. >> wow. kyra, thank you so much. "o.j., the trial the shocking crime. >> ron and nicole. >> the riveting car chase. >> 9-11. what are you reporting?. >> o.j. simpson on trial for murder. >> this was the perfect soap opera. >> the characters like kato kaelin. it seems like you were misunderstood for a really long time. >> 100% misunderstood. >> moments and the mistakes.
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>> it was like a slow motion disaster movie for the prosecution. >> two decades later. >> it makes no sense. it doesn't fit. if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. >> the o.j. trial, drama of the century. it's minutes after midnight. june 13th, 1994. los angeles police arrive to a crime scene at bundy drive in upscale brentwood. they find no witnesses. no murder weapon. just two victims. >> slashed, stabbed. everything else. nicole nearly decapitated. a very bloody scene. >> nicole is nicole brown simpson. lying dead beside her? 25-year-old ron goldman.
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the prime suspect? nicole's ex-husband, football legend o.j. simpson. simpson promises to surrender and then disappears. >> los angeles police department right now is actively searching for mr. simpson. >> simpson is soon spotted inside a white suv. >> highway patrol? >> yeah, i think i just saw o.j. simpson on the freeway and he's heading north. >> got everybody scared. >> the famous low speed chase covered live for hours rivets the nation. and ends with simpson's eventual surrender at his home on rockingham avenue. it was just the beginning. >> here's what we know right now. >> this was the perfect soap
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opera. the o.j. simpson murder case was the first true reality show for the country. >> okay. let's go. here we go. >> this was the first wall-to-wall televised trial. >> july 22nd. 1994. a month after the murders, the legal proceedings against o.j. simpson begin when he enters this defiant plea. >> absolutely 100% not guilty. >> and to help him prove that, simpson assembles a legal dream team. >> each one of them was famous. >> jeffrey toobin covered this trial for "the new yorker." >> there has never been in american history more prominent defense lawyers on a single trial than in the o.j. simpson case. >> there's harvard law professor, allen durshwits.
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>> an ideal intermediary between the ivory tower and the gritty world of trial practice. >> famed criminal attorney, f. lee bailey. >> the person you go to when you're really in lot of trouble and can afford it. >> and of course, johnny cochran, who would take the lead. >> flamboyant. outgoing. approachable. fun. and extremely charismatic, while also having considerable mastery of the details of the case. >> and known for defending celebrities like child actor todd bridges, football legend jim brown and superstar michael jackson. but would the all-star strategy work? >> the o.j. dream team was not a dream team. it was a nightmare team. most of the lawyers didn't get along with each other. there was a lot of competition for the limelight.
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>> despite all that competition, simpson's team comes up with this. they allege that lapd detective mark furman was a racist who planted evidence. >> this is not just any city where an allegation of the racist cop is being made. this is the lapd. >> the racist allegations simmering under the surface come to a boil just days before the trial begins, when the defense wants permission to ask furman if he's ever used the "n" word. >> and i'll use the word because i'm quoting him, all the -- put them in a big group and burn them. >> prosecutor chris darden wants no part of it. >> it's the filthiest word in the english language. it will upset the jurors.
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it will give a test of whose side are you on? the side of the white prosecutors and the white policemen or the black defendant and very prominent and capable black lawyer? >> cochran immediately fires back. >> not every african-american feels that way. it's demeaning to our jurors to say that african-americans cannot hear these offensive words. >> the battle lines are drawn. and race will help define the trial's outcome. it's january 24th, 1995. the trial of orenthal james simpson has begun. >> there was a forest of satellite trucks, satellite dishes. people working in trailers. all built so that this trial could go out to the world. >> walking into the courtroom
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every day, it was like the red carpet on a line or at the oscars. how you feeling today, o.j.? oh, marcia, how you doing? how your kids? what are you wearing? it's ridiculous. it was crazy. >> outside the courthouse, it's a circus. inside, a real life drama unfolding, with millions of people watching. >> the simpson case combined everything that obsesses the american public. it had violence, sex, race, sports, and the only eyewitness was a dog. >> thank you! >> the prosecution's opening statement tells a story of love, lust, and loss of control. >> he killed her because he couldn't have her. >> that trail of blood from bundy through his own board bronco and into his house in
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rockingham is devastating proof of his guilt. >> johnny cochran's opening statement tells jurors a very different story. >> the evidence will show that this careless negligent collection, handling and processing of samples by basically poorly trained personnel from lapd has contaminated, compromised and corrupted the evidence in this case. coming up, behind the scenes. >> it's the first time i've ever really seen a heisman trophy. >> and in court with a juror. >> so did you ever believe kato kaelin's testimony at all? you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away.
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this is how we knew o.j. simpson, football star. celebrity pitchman. >> nobody does it better than hertz. >> and movie star. but prosecutors say that dashing public persona hides a much darker truth, that simpson is a violent man. who beat his wife.
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and it didn't take long before a police detective testifies about an incident in 1989. >> a woman came running out of the bushes to my left, cross the driveway. she was a female caucasian blond hair, wearing a bra only as afternoon upper garment and had on dark lightweight sweat pants and started yelling, he's going to kill me, he's going to kill me. >> then another chilling 9-1-1 call from simpson's wife in 1993. >> my husband broke into my house ranting and raving. >> less than a year before her murder. >> he broke if back door to get in. >> what's your name? >> nicole simpson. >> okay. is he the sports caster or whatever? >> yeah. >> is he threatening you? >> he's going nuts. >> i was like wow, he can be
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pretty bad. >> 20 years later, juror number four, david aldona, remembers that moment. that 911 tape made an impact? >> it did because pounding on the door like that, i think you know his record by now. >> nicole's sister, denise, tells prosecutors she has seen simpson beat nicole in person. >> he told her to get out of his house. picked her up, threw her against the wall. picked her up and threw her out of the house. >> however, defense attorney robert shapiro counters with an completely different image of o.j. simpson. here he is with the brown family just hours before nicole's murder. >> the june 12th videotape when you saw o.j. simpson at 6:30 in
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the evening. he was kissing the brown family, shaking hands with lee brown. he picked the son up. he didn't look like a man who was bitter and raging. >> so was simpson a warm family man or a violent attacker who cornered and killed two innocent people? the jurors and simpson take a field trip to his house and the crime scene. >> it was very good for the jury, i think, to see the relationship of each of those locations to each other as well as to get a much clearer idea of how very, very small the space was in which ron goldman was attacked and murdered by the defendant. and i think this really assisted the jury to understand the evidence better, the testimony better, and how the victims were essentially cornered. >> what do you remember the most about visiting o.j.'s house, actually going to the crime scene? >> that's the first time i've seen a heisman trophy.
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we couldn't ask questions. nothing was told to us. don't talk amongst yourselves. don't touch anything. >> it's this home visit that leads to the very heart of the prosecution's case. the physical evidence against o.j. simpson. >> can you please describe the appearance of the gloves? >> it appeared a dark leather glove, appeared to be somewhat moist and sticky. i didn't touch it. it appeared parts were sticking to other parts of the glove. >> defense lawyers are eager to point out detective mark furman's role in discovering the evidence. >> and now mark furman came up to you and told you he made some discoveries, correct? >> yes. >> so we're clear it was mark furman who allegedly found this glove out there near kato kaelin's room, correct? outside? >> yes. >> and it was mark furman who
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allegedly found the spot on the outside of the bronco, is that correct? >> that's correct. >> mark furman would play a starring role in this unfolding drama, as would this man. >> i heard a thumping noise. >> how many thumps did you hear? >> three. >> simpson's shaggy house guest, kato kaelin. did you ever expect what was going to happen when you got up there and took the stand? >> not at all. that was my first time in a courtroom in my entire life. and i think i was 35 at the time. >> kaelin's four days on the stand thrust him into the national spotlight. >> i even come up with a thing saying never has a man done so little to be recognized by so many. >> today he testified. he said that o.j.'s maid never really liked him. sure. she had to work for her room and board. >> why was kato kaelin so memorable? >> he's an idiot.
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>> really? >> he's so foolish. i'm sorry. >> that's pretty harsh. >> as a matter of fact, we were doing our deliberations and he was like the no brainer, the guy's an idiot and nothing he says we can go with it or against it. he's null and void. >> i was called so many things. i was called a celebrity, a pariah, a dummy, a free loader. >> it seems like you feel like you were pretty much misunderstood for a really long time. >> 100% misunderstood. this was something i took so serious that i was making sure i answered everything correctly. so i was in deep thought going, okay, answer this right, kato and that was it. if you pause, people go, he's lying. he's doing this. furthest thing from the truth. it's for me to become even more honest. make sure i answer this thing 100% honest. >> which brings us to the night of the murder. kaelin and simpson make a mcdonald's run. >> now what time was it when you got home?
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>> it was about 9:40. >> kaelin goes to his bedroom and prosecutors say simpson disappears. a crucial hour passes before kaelin hears a loud noise outside. [ pounds ] >> where did the noise seem to be coming from? >> from the back of the wall. >> that, prosecutors say, is simpson hitting an exterior wall and dropping a bloody glove. at 10:55, a limo driver waiting to take simpson to the airport spots a black person, six feet tall, 200 pounds. >> i saw a figure come into the entranceway of the house. >> allen parks said he was buzzing the intercom since 10:40 and received no response. proving, prosecutors say, simpson had not been home. >> this time, there was an
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answer, which was mr. simpson. he told me that he overslept and he just got out of the shower and he'd be down in a minute. >> both park and kaelin notice a dark duffel bag near the rear of simpson's bentley. >> he came out and kato offered to get the bag. he said, no, that's okay. i'll get it. i'll get it. >> what was in the bag? and what did simpson do with it? detective tom lang has a theory. >> you want to know what happened to the knife and the clothes, we know from the witness at the airport. saw him getting out of the limousine the night of the murder and had his arm buried in the trash container. next, with so much evidence, what went wrong? >> people 77. chris darden blew it. ♪
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[ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at and then speak with your gastroenterologist. you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. we put members first. join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side
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the team prosecuting o.j. simpson for murder has no weapons and no witnesses, but what they do have is a wealth of forensic evidence. evidence that seems to prove o.j. simpson butchered ron goldman and nicole brown simpson. >> it appeared to me to be overkill or a rage killing. >> there was blood everywhere.
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at the bundy crime scene, at simpson's rockingham estate, and scattered along the route in between. blood, prosecutors say, is simpson's. >> does that mean that these characteristics that mr. simpson has that are also found in the bundy walk bloodstain are also found in approximately one out of 170 million caucasians or african-americans? >> yes, approximately. >> and that's not all. blood consistent with both victims was found in simpson's bronco, on that glove, discovered behind his house and on these socks in his bedroom. >> you described that material, that bloodstaining as matching nicole brown, is that correct? >> that's correct. >> and then there were the bloody shoe prints in the bronco and nicole's dress.
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fbi experts say those prints came from bruno molly designer shoes. in simpson's size, 12. >> can you include him as a candidate who could have worn the shoes that created the impressions in this case? >> yes, i could include him as a candidate for having possibly worn the shoes. >> as the trial goes on, attention turns from socks and shoes to gloves. one found at the murder scene. the other? behind simpson's house. together, prosecutors believe they have proof that simpson's caught red handed. >> can you hold up your hand. >> that's people's 77. >> what were you thinking when you heard prosecutor christopher darden request that simpson try on the gloves?
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>> i was sitting in the courtroom, i couldn't find the seat so i was kind of in the back and when he did that, grabbed me and whispered into my ear kind of laughing, why the hell did you let him do that? i didn't know he was going to do anything. chris is a good man, a good prosecutor, a bright man. he should have known better. >> i remember watching the dwroef gloves in the courtroom and thinking to myself, he's not going to ask o.j. to put on the glove. that's too much of a risk. you never ask a question in a courtroom, much less do a demonstration where you don't know what the outcome is. and it was like a slow motion disaster movie for the prosecution. as o.j. milked the moment for all it was worth and pretended
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to try on the gloves. >> after the trial, christopher darden would admit to larry king it was a mistake. >> when it happened in court, did you know you were in trouble? >> i knew that it hadn't gone as well as i had hoped. >> did you regard it as earth shattering to the case? >> no, not necessarily. not particularly. it wasn't until i went upstairs and left the courtroom that i realized people thought it was a monumental failure, a monumental mistake. >> was it chris darden that blew this case? >> chris darden and marcia too, but chris darden blew it. when o.j. was able to walk in front of the jury and say, it's too small, he didn't have to testify. because he had testified in front of the jury and he wasn't cross examined. so for us, it was a win win. >> he appears to have pulled the gloves on, council.
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>> but to juror david aldona, it didn't seem like a big deal. >> o.j. simpson was in front of you when he put on the glove. >> about two feet away from me. >> what do you remember from that moment? >> you know, a lot of people make a big deal about it, but i was a truck driver. i wear gloves all the time. i know that when my gloves get wet, they shrink up. >> after 92 exhausting days of testimony, 58 witnesses and 488 exhibits -- >> we ask the court to receive all the people's exhibits and the people rest. next -- >> the lapd's laboratory is a cesspool of contamination. >> the defense unleashes a blistering attack. >> how about that? if you're running a business, legalzoom has your back.
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we think the evidence shows he did not, could not, would not commit these particular crimes. >> johnny cochran came roaring out of the gate. on the attack, and on the offensive. >> the lapd's laboratory is a cesspool of contamination.
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>> citing police incompetence. >> some had gloves, some didn't have gloves. picking up the evidence. >> even suggesting a conspiracy to frame o.j. simpson. >> the fact that blood mysteriously appears on vital pieces of evidence is devastating evidence of something far more sinister. >> but the fireworks really begin here. defense lawyer barry shaq unleashes a relentless barrage of questions on experts, like lapd criminologist dennis funk. confronting him about not wearing gloves while handling evidence. >> did you touch the envelope with your bare hands? >> and inconsistencies in his testimony. >> so you did begin evidence collection before it began. >> yes. >> what you said before wasn't
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true. >> it was the best of my recollection at the time. >> and then the photos from the rear gate of nicole brown simpson's home. this one was taken by fung 20 days after the murders. as you can see, there's a blood stain. however, a photo taken hours after the murders showed no blood stain. >> where is it, mr. fung? >> look what they did to mr. fung. he needed a vacation because they just reamed him. >> i can't see it in the photograph. >> what do you remember about fung being torn apart by sheck? >> he's one heck of an attorney. he just ripped him apart. >> does that refresh your recollection. >> he just ripped him apart. >> he is eye trying to convince the jury not only were vecto vectors -- investigators incompetent, but they tried to
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frame o.j. for the murders. and juror david aldona agrees. do you truly believe evidence was planted? >> yes. from this day until the day i die. i think it was planted. >> if this was a conspiracy, how do you get blood on the socks, blood on the bronco, his own blood. >> it's laughable. let's look at planting the blood, okay? how do we get that blood from simpson in chicago to put blood at the scene? it made no sense. we didn't get simpson's blood until he returned from chicago. it didn't make sense but nobody cared. it was a great show. >> and the show continues. more testimony from defense experts. >> have you ever seen a single assailant wear two pairs of shoes? >> no. >> that represents human dna that shouldn't be there and that's our definition of contamination is.
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>> on the stand now, o.j.'s personal physician robert huizenga. he says simpson was in no way capable of murdering ron goldman and nicole brown simpson. >> although he looked like tarzan, he was walking more like tarzan's grandfather. >> the defense is on a roll. until prosecutor brian kelberg plays a 70 minute workout video on cross-examination. >> working up a sweat here too. >> it was filmed two weeks before the murder, simpson not only looks fit but even cracks a joke about wife beating. >> i'm telling you, got to get your space in there if you're working out with the wife, you know what i mean. >> but perhaps the most dramatic and powerful moment for the defense is still to come. >> once he said never in ten years have i ever used the "n" word, i knew we had him.
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join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side
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it was mark fuhrman who allegedly found this spot on the outside of the wrongo, that's correct? >> that's correct. >> did mark have a flashlight? >> at every opportunity, o.j. simpson's team attacks lead detective mark fuhrman. >> did you have an occasion to have a conversation with mark fuhrman? >> f. lee bailey says fuhrman isn't credible and may even be criminal. >> did you go back to the crime scene? >> no. >> bailee wants to know if he planted evidence at the scene. >> did you wipe a glove in the bronco detector? >> no. >> you did not? >> no. >> but some of the furor -- jurors believe fuhrman was up to
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no good. >> did you believe the police wanted to frame o.j. simpson? >> frame him? i think that was in fuhrman's mind. >> why would fuhrman want to frame o.j. simpson? simple, says the defense team. fuhrman is a racist. >> why did it become so much about race? >> it's amazing. o.j. simpson was as white a black person as you can imagine. he lived a white life. lived in a white neighborhood. married to a white woman. working for a major car company. he was not part of the african-american community to speak of, but i think that many african-americans could identify with the police tampering with evidence and planting evidence. >> were you familiar with the language attributed to you by ms. bell?
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>> to hammer home that fuhrman is a racist, bailee repeatedly asks if he used a certain racial slur. >> you say on your oath you have not addressed any black person as a nigger or spoken about black people as niggers in the past ten years? >> that's what i'm saying, sir. >> anyone who comes to this court and quotes you as using that word in dealing with african-americans would be a liar, would they not? >> yes, they would. >> all of them? >> all of them. >> i was focused on mark fuhrman, his every twitch and his every eye movement and so forth. i had no notes. i wanted one thing from him. denial. >> no. never. >> once he said never in ten years have i ever used the "n" word, i knew we had him. >> when he was asked that question by f. lee bailey using
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the "n" word, everyone knew he was being set up by him. >> what i didn't know was we also had him on tape. >> four months after bailey verse fuhrman, the defense gets an unlikely tip. screen writer laura heart mckinnie interviewed for a fictional script and still has the audio recordings. despite a court order to keep the tape sealed, some of the startling contents are leaked. >> he's just a real racist scum. >> now we're going to look at fuhrman and what a scum bag he is. >> and to ron goldman's father, fred, the tapes are a devastating distraction. >> this is not now the fuhrman trial. this is a trial about the man that murdered my son.
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>> the judge ruled that the jury will be able to hear portions of taped interviews with now retired lapd detective mark fuhrman. >> fuhrman said the "n" word dozens of times on the tape, but the judge decides the jury will only hear two. the excerpts are brief yet powerful and disturbing. >> they don't do anything. >> after the excerpt ended of the fuhrman tapes, you broke down and cried at that moment. why? >> because i was worried at the ramifications because i watched them with this look of horror and disgust and watched them turn. i was like, that's it. >> that's it. fuhrman had lied on the stand and had used an abhorrent racial slur.
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it throws a whole new light on defense assertions that he planted evidence. a charge he denies today. but would not address at the time. >> detective fuhrman, did you plant or manufacture any evidence in this case? >> i assert my fifth amendment privilege. >> he refused to answer that question on the grounds it might tend to incriminate him. what more does anyone need? >> fuhrman is disgraced and dismissed from the case. coming up -- >> simpson, would you please stand and face the jury? >> the dramatic verdict. for fastidious librarian emily skinner, each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way, emily went right on living. but you see, with the help of her raymond james financial advisor, she had planned for every eventuality. ...which meant she continued to have the means to live on...
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late september, 1995, for nine long months, the trial of the century has been a national obsession. >> stop domestic violence! break the code of silence! >> but a casualty of the constant hype is the freedom of 14 men and women, the jury has been sequestered since before the trial started. >> we were told it would be about three months, and then when the third month came and then it was four and then five
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and then it kept going, it just went on and on and on. >> but, says david aldonna, there were several bright spots like secret field trips. >> i got to fly the goodyear blimp and i went to a dodger's game and got to catch a foul ball. >> and there was even a barbeque. >> and one day my friends came to visit me and they brought cases of beer, and we got plastered. >> back in court, o.j. simpson cites the juror's fatigue as one reason he's not going to testify. >> i am mindful of the mood and the stamina of the jurors. jury, i have confidence and a lot more of ms. clark that they will find as the record stands now, that i did not, could not and would not have committed this crime. >> four days later, the end is finally in sight. >> you have heard all of the evidence. >> no more witnesses, no more
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delays, just closing statements. first up, lead prosecutor marcia clark. >> let me come back to mark fuhrman for a minute, just so it is clear. did he lie when he testified here in the courtroom saying that he did not use racial epithets in the last ten years? yes. is he a racist? yes. but the fact that mark fuhrman is a racist and lied about it on the witness stand does not mean that we have not proven the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. >> how in this country -- >> then comes defense attorney barry scheck. >> no doubt that fuhrman is a liar and genocidal racist, no doubt about it, but there is really no doubt either that they played with the evidence either. and if that can happen, that's a reasonable doubt to this case, period. end of sentence.
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end of case. >> finishing for the defense is johnny cochran with the most memorable quote of the trial. >> if it does not fit, you must acquit. >> but now two decades later, it was not cochran's phrase after all. >> he did not invent that. that was done by the dean of the santa clara law school jerry oleman who was the most unknown person in our defense team. >> and so 20 years later, he is getting the proper credit? >> yes, he is getting the credit. he deserves it. >> however, regardless of the source, the words "if it doesn't fit" hammered cochran's message home. and after nine months of testimony, hundreds of exhibits, more than 260 days isolated in a hotel, jurors are finally sent to determine o.j. simpson's fate. >> we walked into that the room.
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well, what do you want to do first? well, let's see where everybody stands. we went around the room, guilty, not guilty. >> it is two votes guilty, ten not guilty. after reviewing testimony, they prepare to vote again. >> now, you guys had been sequestered for nine months, and you were tired, you hadn't seen your families, your kids, your friends, and you wanted to get out of there, and were a majority of you working hard to get the two to come on board? >> actually no. it was not arguing or yelling or anything like that. which just took another vote and the other two came on board and they said not guilty. and it wasn't because they thought that he was innocent, it is because the prosecution just didn't prove it. >> and aldona for one believed that the defense argument that
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the police framed o.j. >> how is it with all of this evidence against o.j. he is set free? >> some of that stuff was planted, and when some of that stuff was planted, what was, and what wasn't? >> and how did mark fuhrman play a part in your decision when it came down to the verdict? >> quite a bit. because everything that he had anything to do with pretty much got thrown out. i knew he was dirty, because after a while, you get a sense of people. >> and do you truly believe that the police, the detectives, the criminologists were as incompetent as the defense had made them out to be? >> yeah, i this think so. >> mr. simpson, would you please stand and face the jury. >> deliberations take less than four hours. >> we the jury in the above
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entitled action find orenthal james simpson not guilty of the crime of nurd -- murder in violation of penal code -- >> they read it, and i heard it, and i just fell apart. >> fred and kim goldman were devastated. >> it was as if your insides got yanked out of you. everything that we knew to be certain that he had killed ron and nicole suddenly as if, oh, wait a minute, how is that possible? >> and then our side is in shock, and then you hear the cheers and the jubilee going on, on the other side. >> that division became what was seen across the tvs for several days. it was blacks cheering and
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whites crying. >> when you think of the verdict now, what are your thoughts? >> i feel betrayed. i feel really let down. i feel confused. emotionally, i don't get why they chose to acquit him. logically, i get it. it is because it was a racial thing and you know, you are the messenger. and i'm sad. i'm sad that we, as a country, we couldn't rise above. >> above it and realize that two people were murdered, slaughtered and that you do the right thing at that moment. >> juror 11, is this your verdict? >> as for simpson, he returns to his home in brentwood, vowing to spend his time looking for the real killer. but first, he has a phone call to make, to cnn. >> with us on the phone is o.j.
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simpson. how are you? >> i'm doing fine and one, i want to thank you -- >> could you believe that he called in? >> no, i could not believe it. so he calls in, we put him on, naturally, and johnny is there and he thanks him for his help. >> i want to thank that man for believing and believing and putting his heart and soul on the line, to send me home. >> he says, i'll come on soon and i'll give you the whole story, larry. >> do you believe that o.j. e simpson is innocent 20 years later? >> i found him innocent, and i believe he is innocent. >> you still believe that 20 years later? >> yep. >> with all your heart? >> with all my heart. there is nothing if i were given that same evidence again, i would find him not guilty again.
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okay. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. >> great to have you with us. our top stories this hour. new addition, one week after a deadly attack on their offices, surviving staffers at "charlie hebdo" public again. >> and we're learning more information about the suspects behind the rampage. we're going to be live in paris in just a moment. also ahead, live in jakarta where investigators are analyzing the flight data recorder from that doomed airasia flight. plus, the pope in sri lanka. we'll be taking you live there. an


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