tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN January 19, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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of martin luther king jr. remember you can always follow us on twitter. tweet me @wolfblitzer. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" tonight, breaking news an international manhunt for the suspected ringleader. he was poised to attack within hours and we're learning more information about how major that attack was. and the mystery of airasia flight 8501. what was on thought cockpit voice recorders. plus found dead just hours before he was to testify, was it suicide or murder? let's go "outfront." ♪ good evening.
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i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, an international manhunt is on for the ringleader of a terror cell that police broke up late last week. officials reporting terrorists were ready to strike within hours. we're learning that this was an incredibly ambitious attack. we have more on that in a moment. heavily armed troops patrolling the streets tonight across belgium. something not seen in that nation for decades. still, more accomplices are said to be on the loose as far away as greece. authorities have arrested one suspect and they are searching for more. france also on alert tonight. police and investigators on the lookout for a suspect whose dna was found on the gun of amedy coulibaly. there's more dna evidence found in coulibaly's car. there are nine in custody in paris. and all of this as we're learning new details of missed signals by french officials, showing that one of the brothers
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gave up extremism for crime. cnn is covering all of those angles of the story. nick paton walsh is in yemen where the u.s. embassy is about to be evacuated. pamela brown is in paris and paul cruickshank is here with me. you have new details. >> the suspected ringleader in this plot in belgium abdelhamid abaaoud, 27 years old, connected with isis about a year ago, he's believed to be still at large. there's a big international manhunt for him. he was believed to be operating from greece in talks with this belgian terrorist cell in greece connected back to the top leadership of isis in syria. they are pretty sure this was an isis attempt to retaliate for attacks in iraq.
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>> now this desperate manhunt is on and also the scale of this attack was not just significant, it was extremely significant? >> very significant indeed. the belgians think it went far beyond targeting police officers. they found chemicals for explosives. they found police uniforms the suggestion being that they were trying to get access to a sensitive site for a major attack. the belgians think now they may have been planning multiple attacks in belgian. they say the danger is not over. they think they disrupted the major part of this plot but some of these suspected cell members are still believed to be at large and they may wish to act to avenge the death of two of their comrades in that belgian operation in verviers last week. paul cruickshank, thank you. pamela brown is in paris. they are trying desperately to find them.
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right, pam? >> reporter: that's right. at least one in particular erin we have learned that authorities are honing in on two men who had dna matches with amedy coulibaly's belongings. one man is believed to be in french custody right now according to sources. his dna was found on amedy coulibaly's car which apparently he used to go to that kosher store where he killed four people and another man is believed to still be on the loose whose dna was found on amedy coulibaly's gun magazine. authorities want to track down this person in order to take him into custody, question him, to see if in fact he played any role with the attacks. erin? >> and as they are looking for those individuals -- and i know it's an incredibly high priority given that they don't know if more attacks could be planned, you're learning about the missteps that were made leading up to these attacks, perhaps that had they noticed before would have prevented them from
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happening in the first place? >> reporter: that's absolutely right. leon panetta, former head of the cia, said that the intelligence failures really are what helped these suspects carry out the attack. here's what we learned. there's a few. first of all, authorities monitored the brothers the kouachi brothers' phones and not the surveillance in 2011. there's a lot of information that could have been taken from the computers. one of the brothers was looking at videos from the american cleric and al qaeda cleric anwar al awlaki. there was apparently a very important alert taken from one of the brother's phones in 2014 but one of the french intelligence agencies did not pass that information on until four months later when the brothers were taken off of surveillance. of course had the main domestic
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intelligence agency gotten that information sooner perhaps something could have been prevented. of course the fact that the brothers were taken off of surveillance in the first place and we learned that unwith of the brothers was selling counterfeit goods in order to have money to buy weapons, he was selling counterfeit goods and not related to any terror-related activity. so it seems like these are some pretty significant missteps. erin? >> very significant indeed when you tie them all together. thank you very much to pamela brown in paris. in yemen, at the heart of this the home base of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, the group that has claimed responsibility for the massacre of "charlie hebdo" in paris. officials tell cnn that they are prepared to evacuate the american embassy in yemen on short notice.
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nick paton walsh is in sanaa, the only western television reporter there. nick the situation where you are, is it escalating? >> reporter: well certainly. and now we really have a tense standoff over who will run the country. the houthi rebels have moved into the capital in the past few months and are now said to be surrounding the prime minister in his residence. at stake here is the outcome of closed-door negotiations that have come after a cease-fire that came in the middle of the afternoon. those talks really are going to have to magic some kind of incredible compromise to stop the fighting. so this morning, picking up all over again. in the early morning hours we heard blasts as the presidential administration worried after their chief of staff was kidnapped that more of them may face the same fate. they have their own checkpoints, clashes started, we don't know who was to blame but there was a
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remarkable sight here. the subject of an artillery jewel from the hills around it. residential buildings nearby hit. many injured and they called for a cease-fire but remarkably those talks themselves were targeted as the prime minister came out, his convoy shot up. as the houthi came out, their convoy shot at. now the cease-fire does seem to be holding. we hear occasional gunfire but the real fear is that the political talks, it's going to have to be a bit of a miracle. it's going to have to give constitutional concession to the houthis that have taken to release the chief of staff to talk about a presidential chief of staff being held hostage over changes to the constitution of the country. that's how fragile yemen is right now and it's fragility, chaos, gives al qaeda more room
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to plot against the west. erin? >> nick paton walsh, thank you. it's truly a failed state and even more chaos. now our terrorism analyst is with me paul cruickshank, along with clemente. things are getting worse and worse, more disarray and chaos. your sources are saying that the threats are not over. sure they are monitoring hundreds of people in europe but there's a big risk of a big attack? >> absolutely. the game changer is that european intelligence sources detected a pivot from isis towards launching attacks in europe launching attacks against the west specifically to retaliate for the air strikes. a number of european countries have been conducting air strikes on isis in iraq the united kingdom, france holland and belgium and denmark. and so those targets are most at risk from isis. isis are now trying to persuade up to 1,000 european recruits
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they have in their ranks in syria and iraq to return some of them to launch attacks. that's a big game changer given all of the resources that this group has got, erin. >> it is a game changer. with you tim, when you hear that europe is being part of the air strikes, the country conducting most of the air strikes is the united states. how at risk is the u.s.? >> we're very much at risk erin because what we just heard paul say, the isis recruiting effort is not just them actually sending out people that are in -- working with isis now in syria and iraq. they have individuals that want to be allied that are within the united states within european countries that are willing to step up and take part in attacks now. and so it's not a question of us being necessarily able to track these individuals returning from syria and iraq. the threat may be here now. it's very real not only to europe but throughout the western world because we are their target. >> right. of course ultimately the u.s.
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is their target. paul when pamela's reporting on the missteps and some of the mistakes that were made obviously when anything happens, you can look back and see all kinds of missteps. there's one thing in this case that you pointed out which is fascinating which is, they outsmarted french officials. they were listening to their cell phones. >> they used their wives' cell phones to communicate. >> we heard the calls between the wives. it wasn't really the wives? >> no. investigators believe it was them. and more broadly, it appears that they were trying to camouflage their radicalism. they were put under very strict surveillance by the french and all during those years they pretended that they were not radical anymore. they did usual every day things. they dressed in jeans and sneakers. >> yeah. >> they didn't do anything to attract attention. that's exactly what this cleric anwar al awlaki was encouraging
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people to do. >> to blend in. tim, what can the united states do to prevent something like the paris attacks from happening in the u.s.? every one of these cases, if you look once it happens, you can see that it would have happened. so how could you stop it? >> well you need to look closely at where these people are. unfortunately for the muslim communities communities, it would be beneficial if they themselves were looking to see where these problem people are because it's not the community as a whole but they are coming from the muslim communities. and so people like anwar al awlaki were identified by individuals who didn't like his radicalism when he was in a mosque here in northern virginia right around 9/11. that activity needs to be done throughout the country where muslims live peacefully use their information as an intelligence network to root out
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their own. next massive protests from africa to middle east to russia. a an angry reaction to the latest attack on "charlie hebdo." plus my guest, kareem abdul jabbar. he's going to talk about that very question the role of muslim communities and the muslim community overall. we'll talk rupert murdoch and bill o'reilly. and he his wife grandchildren unaccounted for. authorities are calling the fire tonight suspicious.
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tonight, outrage over "charlie hebdo's" decision to put a cartoon of the prophet muhammad on the cover after the attack on the satirical magazine. hundreds of thousands of muslims taking to the streets. the crowds at time turned violent, burning flags and churches. kyung lah is "outfront." >> reporter: a crowd of thousands on the streets of amman, jordan. hundreds of thousands filled the square during the central mosque. and in the street in mowing deesh shoe, somalia, thousands
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march with a blunt message. jesuis muslim. >> we love our prophet. >> reporter: the widespread protests in islamic countries come after "charlie hebdo's" first magazine published since the terrorist attack on its staff. the cover depicted a crying prophet muhammad on the cover holding a sign saying "jesuis." the first copies sold out, a total of 7 million will be printed while many of the protests in response remain peaceful anger across the islamic world is palpable. in algeria, protest turned into clashes with police and some burned churches and bibles in the country's capital. many of the protests came with warnings from pakistan's interior minister the depictions of the prophet in the
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name of free expression is adding fuel to the spate of terrorism. that's a ridiculous criticism, says "charlie hebdo's" editor-in-chief editor-in-chief. >> translator: every time that we draw a cartoon of the prophet, of god, we defend the freedom of religion. we declare that god must not be political or public figure. he must be a private figure. we defend the freedom of religion. >> reporter: a division of culture, religion and politics in an increasingly smaller, more globalized world. cnn's kyung lah, los angeles. kareem abdul jabbar, also a "time" columnist who has written about the recent terrorist attacks and author of the book
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"ceiling the game." you've written that violence is not about religion it's ultimately about money. in terms of this case raising money to recruit more people. i'm curious, the paris terrorists said they were carrying out their actions in the name of islam and those who carry out these attacks, willing to die for them, they are not doing it for money and isn't it their dedication that is getting the recruits as opposed to money? >> well you have to make a distinction between people who are being manipulated and who don't understand exactly how they are being manipulated and people who understand their faith and try to practice it the right way. muslims cannot be thin skinned. we have to deal with attacks just like any other religion and apparently that's taking some time but that's the way it has to go because there is no other way forward. we have to be able to tolerate each other and if we're going to have free speech we have to
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deal with it in all of its phases. >> and so what do you think about what rupert murdoch said? he got criticized for this but it was an interesting tweet that he sent out. obviously the ceo of 21st century fox. he tweeted, until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible. i was wondering if you think he has a point. he's saying it's the muslim community that has to end extremism. it can't be led by christians or anybody else. it has to come from the muslim community. >> well the whole idea about muslims being -- i can't be responsible for someone who i don't control. and that to me is the issue. i teach my children and i try to practice peace and co-existence and that is my duty as a muslim. now, i can't go and make other
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people behave rationally. that's up to them. it's up to law enforcement to deal with people who resort to criminal acts just to make a point. it's absurd that they would try to do that. but that's what we're dealing with and that should go across the board. the law should be in force against anyone who irrationally goes out and tries to use coercion threats and intimidation to bend people to their will. >> so -- so as a moderate muslim who's trying to raise awareness for all of the wonderful things about that faith, what do you think about what the former fbi agent tim clemente said look in the united states as a leader of the strikes against isis the united states is the number one target. he said look the only way that this could be stopped would be for the muslim community to self-report, self-police for the focus of law enforcement to be 100% on the muslim community. that yes, the muslim faith is peaceful but, yes, these attacks have come out of the muslim
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community so -- he didn't use the words racially profile but that's sort of what the bottom line is. is there a point there? >> well of course there's a point. but the incident in paris that just happened it was a muslim -- a young muslim from mali who helped save some lives by hurting some people -- hiding them within the building then he snuck out and cooperated with the police officials, gave them critical information that enabled them to put an end to the incident. so you know you have muslims on both sides of this. and muslims doing what they should be doing will try to save lives and promote peace. that's what we are supposed to be doing as muslims. but if some muslims can be dissuaded and misled we have to deal with that in the only way possible and that is a question for law enforcement. >> and i have to ask you one thing about the seahawks game yesterday. don't worry, it's related to this. but, you know i'm really
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curious, on martin luther king day, it's a day to remember all of the progress that's been made for the african-american community and for the american community. seattle seahawks won the game. they sent out a tweet and they had an image of their quarterback next to a martin luther king quote and the quote was the text "we shall overcome." they got criticism that it was utterly inappropriate given the magnitude of the civil rights movement and the sacrifice that mlk made with his life. do you think they needed to apologize or is that a step too far? >> i don't think we should be that sensitive. you know someone was trying to make a comparison there and maybe they went too far. these things happen. you know in the heat of the moment these things can happen. >> so you think that was perhaps too -- that was too sensitive, if your view? >> yeah. i think we can't be that
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hypercritical. if you try to read into everything that type of sensitivity, nobody is going to say anything. >> all right. well thank you so much kareem abdul-jabbar for your incredibly thoughtful and nuance point of view. >> nice talking to you. >> you, too. tonight on cnn, at 9:00 eastern, "inside the paris attacks" and at 9:30 p.m., "the war within islam." next "outfront," a suspicious fire destroying a huge mansion of a tech executive. he and all five family members are now missing. investigators are treating it as a crime scene. and air rage. emergency exits opening while moving and dumping water on flight attendants? the not so friendly skies. we'll show you what is happening there. how could a luminous protein in jellyfish impact life expectancy in the u.s.,
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the fire erupted today reducing a 16,000 square foot home to nothing. investigators are sifting through the debris and looking for clues and possibly remains. our crime and justice reporter is on the phone. what are you learning about the fire and who possibly was inside? >> well we know there were six people inside a husband, wife and four children. none of whom have been accounted for and is some belief that they were inside. it was a really big, massive fire. when firefighters got there, the house was completely on fire. the roof had already collapsed leaving them no ability to go inside and try to rescue anyone. and now they are really just sort of putting out some of the hot spots, some of the smouldering -- some of the flames that are still there and now it's really up to them to try and find out what happened and what caused this fire and so they are calling in the atf and
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so the national response team some two dozen agents will be going there tomorrow and they are going to start going through the debris to try to figure out what happened and what caused this massive fire. >> shimon why are they saying that it could be a crime scene? >> it's primarily because of how quickly the fire spread. by the time the firefighters got to the house, it was completely engulfed in flames so there is some concern that an accelerant could have been used. usually when a fire spreads that quickly, that's usually what causes it. there's no indication of that right now so they are going to bring in dogs to go through and see if they smell any kind of accelerant to try and see what caused the fire. >> shimon thank you very much. horrible story. we are learning for the first time now what's on the black boxes of airasia flights 8501. indonesian investigators say
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what could be heard on the cockpit voice recorders. this is the first time that we've heard about what is on the voice recorders. an explosion is unlikely. what could have caused the plane to crash with 162 on board? rene marsh begins our coverage "outfront." >> reporter: indonesian investigators say they do not hear an explosion on the cockpit voice recorder but what brought down the plane remains a mystery. >> translator: the voice from the cockpit does not show any sign of a terrorist attack. it is only the pilot sounding very busy. >> reporter: the airasia flight was traveling through severe thunderstorms when it crashed. the question remains, was weather, mechanical failure or human error to blame? >> you want to make absolutely certain before you rule anything in or out for sure. >> reporter: former fbi agent christopher voss investigated the air france flight that went
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down. >> they have to look for other man mess stations of that problem, either on other flight crews or airplanes. there has to be a hidden danger for those other planes that are still flying. >> reporter: the doomed flight was airbus a-320. two more bodies were found on sunday but the water-logged remains are decomposing and only 53 of the 162 on board have been recovered. >> translator: due to currents the divers could not reach the bottom which constrained our operation. >> reporter: divers were able to pull up debris like passenger seats but the fuselage remains at the bottom of the java sea. it's the largest piece of wreckage at nearly 100 feet long and is believed to hold some of the missing bodies. while there are still many outstanding questions, what
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exactly what were pilots saying? before they draw any concrete conclusions, they will compare what they heard to the information on the flight data recorder which, of course details how the plane's systems were functioning. the debris also tells a story, so they will consider that as well. by next week we expect a preliminary report. erin? >> rene thank you. and now mary schiavo is joining us. this is the first time we've heard anything about what was on the cockpit voice recorder and what they are emphasizing is the final minutes were sounds of machines and sounds of warnings. that's what reuters got from the lead investigator. i'm not hearing about voices. >> well you won't hear the voices until they have a chance to isolate each track of sound and when they look at these cockpit voice recorders, when they finally break all of the
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sounds out, it actually looks like a sound track for a movie. they put each sound on a separate sound lib and they can eliminate first the sounds of warnings the sounds of the engines. you're so capable now with a sound analysis you can tell the sounds of one engine from the other engine. and they will analyze each of those sound lines separately. but i think there's a lot of clues here that they have already let out, in that there were warnings going off in the cockpit and not just one, many. so you had problems with stalls problems with engines, problems with air speed and all of those warnings would be going off at the same time. it would be very loud in that cockpit, not to over look the fact just the sounds of the plane diving at that tremendous rate that it was falling would put noise in the cockpit as well. >> and would the passengers have been aware of what was happening? if you have that many alarms going off, i would imagine the answer to that is clearly yes and it sounds like this was happening for many minutes? >> yes. it probably would have been about a three-minute sequence
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and the passengers would have been conscience because the g-force, even though the plane climbed dramatically it climbed above its approved climb rate which is why we think there was tremendous up and down drafts on the plane and then the descend rate was many times the actual approved or capable descent rate of the plane. so the plane, in all likelihood was still pressurized and the passengers would have gone down for those three minutes knowing something was wrong. >> when you hear the one thing that they are saying that you could hear from the pilots and i don't know if this is from an isolated track or from the what machines the investigator said he could only hear the pilot being very busy. that seems to mean that the pilot tried to fix the situation, very much aware.
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>> that's the most impressive thing overall the years in investigations is how hard and how professional a pilots usually are when they are fighting to save their plane. i worked many accidents where the pilot realizes they are going in and they are professional to the very end and that gives us a clue that they were trying to maintain control of the plane and might explain why the plane is in three pieces so it appears that he had some partial control, not total control but that may explain why the plane didn't completely go nose-first into the water because in that case it would have been in many many more pieces. so i think we will find that these pilots fought all the way down to try to save the flight but mistakes were made probably at 35,000 feet that could not be overcome. >> all the way down and, as you say, on some level came so -- i don't know how close but close on some level to succeeding. thank you so much mary. >> thank you. next from infuriated
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passengers to another making an early exit by dropping emergency chutes, why traveling in the sky has become so awful. and all signs point to a suicide in a prosecutor's death but friends say it was murder. the bigger question is cot iranian government be behind his death? vo: introducing the starbucks flat white. crafted with two ristretto shots for bolder caramel-ly espresso. whole milk... steamed to a sweet velvety microfoam delicately poured, so the espresso rises to the top. the perfect union of bold and sweet. simplicity is its own artistry. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more
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from throwing hot water on to a flight attendant, babies have disrupted a lot of flights. opening the emergency door and releasing the inflatable slide, he became inpatientmpatient while waiting to get off a plane. in just ten years, the number of people flying has quadrupled. and we're talking about from less than 100 million to 400 million. will ripley is "outfront." >> reporter: in flight free falls, assaults at the airport, chinese social media sites are
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full of these videos. air rage china style. last month, a chinese man's rant about cabin service turned into a threat to blow up the plane. his girlfriend hurled hot water at a flight attendant. earlier this month, angry passengers opened emergency exits as their plane was pushing back from the gate seven hours late. >> every person for himself or herself. >> reporter: journalists and author of "china airborne" says many chinese passengers have never experienced the kind of travel headaches long familiar to other flyers. >> it's a nation of first generation air travelers. the rest of us have dealt with for decades about how you have to behave in airports and airliners is coming as a new experience to people in china. >> reporter: you see all of these tour groups in beijing and the guides are giving instructions on the right way to behave. of course air rage and travel
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behavior is not unique to china but things have gotten so bad that the government issued a guidebook on how to be a civilized tourist. like the chinese economy, its airline and tourism industries have i can tataken off in the past few decades. china's airports are notorious for long delays. much of the misery is blamed on the chinese military which controls the increasingly crowded air space. china is expected to pass the u.s. and becomes the world's top airline market in the next 20 years. which means more agonizing waits and perhaps more passengers taking chinese-style air rage to new heights. >> i mean you know it's funny on one hand but on the other hand deadly serious. the chinese government has responded to this. so what are they planning? they can't control it can they?
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>> two different -- it's difficult to control and it's a dangerous problem, erin. two different approaches. one, they are possibly going to establish a no-fly list for passengers in addition to fining them and criminal prosecution and they could be banned from getting on a plane. in addition to that, the trickier problem is reducing china's chronic flight delays. the military controls the air space and unless they hand it over to the commercial flights, there's a lot more flights than there was ten years ago, this problem is just going to continue. >> will ripley thanks very much reporting from beijing today. just imagine, everybody, if we put people who were nasty on flights on the u.s. in-fly list. all right. pope francis returned to europe after an historic trip to asia. he celebrated mass in the philippines with some 6 million people. rain did not keep them away. it was the largest crowd that ever gathered for an event for the pope.
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the pope wore a yellow poncho with high wind and rain. a 12-year-old girl who used to live on the streets, broke down in tears asking the pope why god let's innocent children suffer. he responded with a hug. >> a beautiful moment for her. and next a death of a prosecutor just hours before he was to testify against powerful government officials. was it murder? and on a lighter note jeanne moos with the policeman who may have better dance moves than taylor. ♪ ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less.
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at the top of the hour. >> we'll see you in a few minutes. this story reads like a spy thriller. a prosecutor accused government official officials from covered up a story. he was found dead before he was scheduled to testify at a hearing. was it suicide or was he taken out. joe johns is out front. >> reporter: the body of argentine prosecutor alberto asman found dead behind the bathroom door in his buenos aires apartment. a shell casing and gun by his side. officials were tight lipped in the hours after his death. >> translator: as the days go by and we have the results from the autopsy, we will be able to determine the cause of death. >> reporter: while the signs point to suicide, his supporters say that's ridiculous. they're calling it murder. >> he told me about the death
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threats he received not only threats to him personally but to his family particularly a very nasty threat that he received complete with photos of what would be done to him and his family. >> reporter: he had been investigating the 1994 bombing of a jewish community center in buenos aires that killed 85 and wounded more than 300. he insisted iran was behind the bombing and more recently made the explosive charge that argentina's president and other high government officials covered up for iran in exchange for normalized relations and trade considerations specifically oil. allegations the argentine government strongly denies. further fueling doubts of suicide, nisman under the protection of a ten-man security detail was scheduled to testify about his findings to parliament just hours after his death. some are asking could it be possible that iranian officials are involved in nisman's death. >> we don't know based on the
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details sur ronding alberto's tonight who is responsible. it's not consistent with the iranian m.o. which consisted over the 30 years in an assassination campaign against iran's enemies. >> reporter: others point to the con vick of an iranian-american for plotting to kill the saudi ambassador to the united states. he pleaded guilty in federal court. even u.s. attorney general eric holder said the plot was endorsed by the iranian government despite iran's denial. >> what's made alberto's death a global story, is that he's a more reasonable player just a couple of decades ago. iran has always denied involvement at the attack at the jewish center. but being linked to an atrocity
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like that before the parliament could create enormous public relations damage. >> and the deal with the united states and the west. joe johns, thank you very much. fascinating report. next jeanne moos with the dash cam video that has gone viral. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan but it doesn't hold me back. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night and stay awake during the day. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-844-2424. or visit [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow.
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many things on video. here's jeanne moos. >> reporter: the next time this cop gives someone a ticket don't be surprised if they just -- dover delaware police officer jeff davis will forever be known as the cop who lip synced to taylor swift. even taylor swift. we'll remember him that way. in a tweet she strung a few lols together and complimented his sass iness. you'd have to have nothing in your brain to think this wasn't staged. the p.d. tweeted we never intended for it to be taken as real we thought the public affairs production was a hint. another hint? normally the dash cam pointed thataway to catch the action. but in this case a go pro was pointed at officer davis. at points with both hands off the wheel. the shoot was done in what police call a secluded parking
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lot, done in two takes. ♪ shake, shake ♪ >> reporter: the intent was to make officers more human. and two other police officers lip syncing to "dark horse." voguing to rihanna while driving a private ambulance. this wasn't staged. and he was reprimanded. although he was off-duty and said he would never carry on with a patient onboard. sort of makes taylor swift seem slow. how is it that a cop knows every word to a taylor swift hit? officer davis told fox news -- >> i have a 10-year-old daughter who knows taylor swift. it's not the only song i know every worth.
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>> reporter: nodding to non-existent passersby and fluffing his non-existent hair. jeanne moos, cnn. new york. >> thanks so much for joining us. be sure to dvr "outfront" so you can watch us anytime. "ac 360" starts now. thanks for joining us. the dna evidence that might link one of the paris killers to a larger terror cell. new reporting on the mistakes that allowed the other two killers to remain free to plan their deadly rampage. hundreds of children buried here. the local coroner said many simply did not have to die. we talk to a lawmaker who says why it's operating to the blessing of its colleagues. sandwiched between two tractor-trailers. how do you walk away from a wreck like this with barely a scratch. there's a person there, a man sandwiched in there in
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