tv CNNI Simulcast CNN January 20, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am PST
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tems of legislation, health care and other things head veto those points of legislation, he would veto attempts to undo obamacare and more. >> the president issuing several veto threats our special coverage continues. i have no more campaigns to run. my only agenda -- [ applause ] [ laughter ] i know because i won both of them. [ applause ] >> interesting moment there. u.s. president barack obama says it's not about politics anymore. >> we will have team coverage on the president's state of the union address. also coming up terror in tel aviv. a palestinian man is in custody at this hour after nine bus passengers are stabbed in israel. plus a cnn exclusive. video that reportedly shows a pair paris supermarket shooter and his wife as they scoped out
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potential jewish targets for an attack. hello and welcome to viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. >> hey, everyone i'm errol barnett. thanks for joining us. >> and we begin this hour with breaking news on what police are calling a terror attack in israel. they say a 23-year-old palestinian man stabbed and injured nine passengers on a bus in tel aviv. >> you are watching these images for the first time with us. the first time we're seeing what happened there at the scene in tel aviv. the attacker is under arrest. it's still the early developments of the story. police say they shot him in the leg when he got off the bus. we want to bring in cnn's global affairs correspondent, on the nine jerusalem. lisa -- on the line from jerusalem. lisa what information have you
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been able to pull together from this attack? >> reporter: rosemary this of the start of the rush hour in israel. we're told children women, and soldiers, all passengers on this bus. israeli police spokesmen tell cnn nine people were stabbed, wounded by the man on the bus the palestinian man. of those three, one seriously wounded. the rest of the injuries range from moderately to lightly wounded. now mickey rosenfeld tells us the man was shot while getting off the bus trying to escape. he is under arrest. and that suspect is a 23-year-old palestinian. authorities interrogating him now to see if he was working with anybody else. so far they haven't found anything indicating that. police are searching the area as a precaution but haven't found anything else disturbing yet. for now, tel aviv obviously on high alert as is jerusalem.
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>> yeah. totally understand that. of course you've given us the background there. this 24-year-old suspect, what more do we know about him? as you said, they're trying to investigate whether he is linked in any way to any particular group or whether this is perhaps a lone wolf situation. >> reporter: well there's no information really about this yet. this just happened really within the last hour. but it seems as if this could have been a lone wolf attack. that's what we've seen in israel. you know we really haven't seen many attacks in recent years, the kind of large-scale terrorist attacks organized by hezbollah, palestinian, islamic jihad. we have seen the lone wolf attacks. we saw in november that horrible attack on a synagogue where two palestinians killed five people including four rabbis.
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so basically we've seen the lone wolf attacks, not attached to any group. we're seeing this in paris we saw it in other places. this people inspired by these terrorist groups go out and take -- attacks on their own. this is what's really difficult to foil these large-scale plots are easier when police and authorities have intelligence. no one knows when one or two people will go on a bus or supermarket or go into a synagogue and attack people. >> yeah. elise levityt, global affairs correspondent. a 23-year-old suspect. we don't know much about him. but we will we will check back in we have more information. this happened a short time ago. now we turn to washington
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and president barack obama's state of the union address. after months of air strikes against isis targets and retraining the iraqi military mr. obama is finally asking congress for approval. the president says the u.s. is leading the fight against extremism, and he called on congress to formally authorize the use of military force. >> on the domestic front, the president celebrated his economic successes and laid out plans for new taxes on the wealthiest americans and financial institutions the money, he says, would go toward tax cuts for the middle-class. >> mr. obama promised to use his veto power if the republican-led constitution tweaks health care reform known as obamacare or his immigration policies. >> if you share the broad vision i outline tonight, i ask you to join me in the work at hand. if you disagree with parts of it i hope you'll at least work
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with me where you to agree. i commit to every republican here that i will not only seek out your ideas, i will seek to work with you to make this country stronger. >> jonathan mann was watching and listening to everything in the address. specifically on terror it was interesting, the suggestion that the u.s. is winning the war on terror. what's been the reaction to that? >> well just think about the state of the world and what we're seeing. a terror alert in western europe japan fearing a threat to murder two citizens. nigeria suffering the worst attack in the brutal history of boko haram. the war on terror of the principal preoccupation of mr. obama's predecessor in the white house, george bush. it was the principal preoccupation of the pentagon and american foreign policy, as well. here's what the current president, barack obama, had to say about it -- >> in iraq in syria, american leadership including our military power is stopping
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isil's advance. instead of getting dragged into another ground war in the middle east we are leading a broad coalition including arab nations to degrade and ultimately sdloi terrorist group. [ applause ] -- destroy this terrorist group. [ applause ] >> we're also supporting a moderate opposition in syria that can help us in this effort and assisting p.c. people everywhere who stand up to the bankrupt ideology of haven't extremists. -- of violent extremists. >> that's what the president says about isil what we call isis. there may be question no matter what name. in iraq isis apparently well its unstoppable advance has been slowed dramatically. isis isn't losing major cities or much ground for that matter. in syria, isis is still advancing. according to one opposition group, it's nearly doubled the territory under its control. the moderate opposition the president mentioned in his speech, it's fractured. isn't really a factor at all. in nigeria boko haram is a growing threat in neighboring states trying to create their
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own state to take it over. nigeria has failed. the president didn't even mention the chaos in yemen. to be sure, in europe u.s. intelligence has been cooperating with the enormous sweep underway in several nations. isis an oregon few of us had even heard of two years -- an organization few of us had even heard of in two years, is a global threat in a new and terrifying way. the president didn't talk about any new vision, any new plan to we'll do it. >> yeah. interestingly, too, what about the u.s. congress what's its role? >> they can watch and read newspapers as we do. we saw a symbolic effort when the president mentioned terror attacks in france. you could see a few members raising their hand grasping pencils. a symbol that emerged in the protests following the attacks on "charlie hebdo" in paris. there was basically legislation passed after 9/11 more than ten
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years ago, that many americans fear president obama has overstepped with the air attacks in syria among other places. elements of another piece of 9/11 legislation, the patriot act set to expire. among them the provision used to carry out the global eavesdropping program, and the massive eavesdropping program on american communications. it's outraged americans, outraged american allies. so there are big measures that the president has to take. there are big issues that congress has to consider if they find a way to work together. >> a big if. >> it is. a big problem, isn't it? >> it is. >> it reflects back on the republicans, too, if they show they can't work together at a time like this when they've got the power. >> the question has been who looks worse if both sides fail together. >> indeed. >> that's the sad game american politics plays. >> jonathan mann, we'll talk with you later this hour. many thanks. >> you bet. now republicans have five different responses to the state of the union address. the main one came from the freshman senator from iowa joan
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jon i earnst take a listen. >> growing up i had only one good pair of shoes. on rainy days my mom would slip plastic bread bag over them to keep them dry. >> we will hear more from the rising star of the republican party in the next half-hour. we'll also have reaction to the state of the union speech from around the world. if you missed this major speech the first time around you can watch president obama's speech once again in full here on cnn. we'll be replaying this at noon for those of you watching in london. that's 1:00 p.m. central european time. coming up a power struggle takes shape in yemen. rebels take over the president's palace. officials say it means a coup is complete. we will have much more on president obama's state of the union address including his take on the economy. if you truly believe you can work full time and support a
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positive. 30% said somewhen positive and 1 -- somewhat positive and 18% said their response was negative. the white house says mr. obama spoke by phone with french president hollande before the speech to discuss the status of the paris terror investigation. let's bring in nic robertson in paris. nic, what was discussed in the phone call? there was only a single mention of paris in the brief -- brief mention in the general reference to anti-terror efforts. what was discussed? >> reporter: president obama offered president francois hollande any assistance necessary to help in the investigation into the "charlie hebdo" attack. the kosher supermarket attack and other ongoing investigations here. there's a broad support for the immediate problem in france and more generally across europe. they talked about -- they talked about iran ukraine, stability in the middle east now.
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they also talked about africa. nigeria specifically, saying the two countries should cooperate to help nigeria's elections coming in less than a month now. president obama also asked president hollande the two countries should cooperate, to tackle boko haram and provide help -- help provide a regional basis for defeating boko haram. of course boko haram not just in nigeria but where the u.s. operates drones and chad and cameroon. a discussion there about how the two countries can work together on that big problem in africa. errol? >> and also you wonder what could change as far as cooperation between european nations and the u.s. in a post-9/11 world. it was assumed that that was one of the major realizations that countries have to do better with sharing information across
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borders. what fiscal -- what specifically, if anything was mentioned on the topic? >> reporter: we didn't hear anything you mentioned in the state of the union, any details discussed in the phone call between the two presidents weren't released publicly either. when you have a situation where internal intelligence agencies here in france other countries and t ust immune. silo information have them sharing the information. it doesn't all go well for sharing information across borders. that's what we've been told is essential to combat isis for example, and iraq and syria where international intelligence agencies combine efforts to try to know who's going into the countries to learn how to fight and who's coming out to special report the potential terror factor of citizens. it is the european countries, more for europe in particular that feels threatened more perhaps than the united states
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from the threat from isis and other areas. there is a real concern that improvements need to be made. seems a work in progress at the moment. >> a quarter past 8:00 in the morning. nic robertson live. thank you very much. cnn has obtained video that appears to show the man who killed four people in a kosher market and his now-missing domestic partner visiting potential targets in paris. this comes as police in several european nations widen the net to proponent more terrorist strikes. pamela brown has more. >> reporter: this exclusive surveillance video obtained by cnn apparently shows amedy coulibaly and his partner, hayat boumeddiene, outside a paris institution last summer. the couple was scoping potential jewish targets months before coulibaly stormed a grocery store and took hostages eventually killing four people. the paris attacks set off a
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dragnet of terror-related arrests across europe amid fears of other plots. in france, authorities charged four men with allegedly helping coulibaly carry out the attack. >> one of them his fingerprints were recovered in a car used by coulibaly. and the other one, his fingerprints were covered in a glove also used by coulibaly. >> reporter: overnight in germany, 200 police officers raided 13 properties of a group tied to islamic extremists. >> i think authorities want to be more aggressive and to take them and to arrest them very soon. but the earlier stage, to precisely avoid any terrorist attack any further terrorist attack. >> reporter: in belgium a manhunt is underway for one of the suspected ringleaders of an isis-directed plot that may have included attempts to murder police officers. authorities believe he may have been in touch with isis leadership from greece. and in holland, police confiscated laptops and cell
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phones from the home of a suspect whose passport was found during last week's raid of a belgian terror cell that left two dead. >> that was our pamela brown reporting there. we'll take a short break. ahead, fighting wreaks havoc in southeast ukraine as the ukrainian government accuses russia of sending force over its border. a captured british jihadist pleads guilty. the dangers of home-grown terrorism in a moment.
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boko haram is claiming responsibility for a massacre in a northern nigerian town earlier this month. the group's self-described leader make the claim in a video posted on youtube. amnesty internationals the attack in baga killed as many as 2,000 people. reports say boko haram also threatened similar attacks on nigeria's neighbors in that video. at this hour in yemen, it is just not clear who is in power. rebel forces took over the presidential palace in the capital city of sanaa tuesday. that in no way means this is over. >> yemen's information minister says the seizure market the completion of a coup. in a televised address from lebanon, the shiite houthi rebel leader accused yemen's government of corruption. he said there is a conspiracy to link yemen to the terrorist
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attacks in paris. >> translator: yemeni people have two options -- two move again against the foreign agendas or stan firmly again them. >> this came after a day of fighting that led nine dead and dozens injured. tensions have intensified in southeast ukraine. more than 20 homes were damaged in fighting between ukrainian forces and pro-russian separatists. residents say it was a miracle no one was killed. ukraine is accusing russia of sending troops into its territory. an allegation that russia's defense minister calls complete rubbish. russian president vladimir putin is solidifying his commitment to a costly program to beef up his country's armed forces. >> translator: we will continue to strengthen our armed forces
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and military organization as a whole doing all we should do for them. for our military forces to be a modern and well equipped capable of performing their main task, to neutralize risk and political potential threats to the security of our country. >> putin identified no specific threats, though new russians doctrine characterizes nato as a threat. matthew chance joins me from moscow. u.s. president barack obama in his speech, in his speech to the nation scolded russia during that address tuesday night. bigger nations can't bully the small, but that appears to be what we've been seeing in the ukraine despite sanctions against russia. how isolated is russia as a result of the strategy the sanctions? >> reporter: i think it's pretty isolated when it comes to its relationship with the united states and the european union.
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they are cutting sanctions that have been imposed by the u.s. and their allies in the european union against shakur tailing access for russian companies to toto -- russia curtailing access for russian companies. but isolation pushed russia toward forging tighter relationships with other countries outside of those regions, particularly with china. it recently signed an important and hundreds of billions of dollars energy deal to supply china with gas. it's forging closer ties to countries in asia particularly iran. it's extending its diplomatic reach to south america, as well forcing closer trading and military ties with those nations also. yes, it is isolated from perhaps the mainstream international stage. but it's not simply standing alone in the world, russia versus the rest as it were.
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>> interesting. leaving that aside and turning to the situation in ukraine. what is the latest on what's happening on the ground? >> reporter: according to monitors on the ground from the osce the situation has deteriorated significantly the past several days. there's been fierce fighting in several areas. much of it focused around the airport in donetsk. this is a symbol of ukrainian economic development. it's also got a strategic value, as well. despite the damage that's -- that it's endured, there are air strips that in the future could be used. much of the fighting is focused around the airportment there are reports that the fighting has spread elsewhere in eastern ukraine, as well. and the ukrainian government has accused russian regular forces of crossing into eastern ukraine and carrying out attacks against the ukrainian army in various
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other locations particularly in the luhansk region. the kremlin, though and the russian defense minutes tree categorically denied that -- ministry categorically denied that. you heard them say that any russian regular troops are fighting inside eastern ukraine. russia acknowledges that there may be volunteers from russia fighting alongside the rebels in ukraine. >> many thanks to matthew chance live from moscow. u.s. president barack obama says he is focused on helping the middle class. the question is will his proposals get through congress where republicans now have control. we'll take a closer look at that aspect of the state of the union after this short break. stay with us. alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are ya? good. aleve. proven better on pain.
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whether you're tuned in in the u.s. or other places in the world, thanks for joining us. i'm errol barnett. >> i'm rosemary church. >> this hour breaking news on what police call a terror attack in israel. they say a 23 yelled palestinian man -- 23-year-old palestinian man stabbed and injured passengers a bus in tel aviv. police shot him in the leg when he got off the bus. john vause speak to israeli police spokesman icky roseic -- mickey rosenfield. >> palestinian terrorists from the city had nine passengers all together on the bus. four of the passengers were injured mortderately to seriously.
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police arrived, the suspect fled time. and officials if the area found the suspect as he was trying to flee. he was shot in the leg and it under police custody and is being questioned. when we've confirmed this morning, early in the morning in jerusalem just before 8:00 here. there was heightened security in the tel aviv area. in jerusalem, we're following closely the general security across the country. >> meanwhile, the u.s. president barack obama was outlining his plans to help middle-class americans. mr. obama used his state of the union address to call for tax increases on financial institutions and the richest americans. he want to use the money for tax credits for childcare and to work a household. >> my only agenda for the next two years is the same as the one i've had since the day i swore an oath on the step of this
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capitol. to do what i believe is best for america. >> more headlines for you now. in cuba a russian spy ship has returned to havana's harbor. it docked tuesday morning. the u.s. state department delegation is scheduled to arrive today to discuss the restoration of diplomatic relations. this is the highest level u.s. team to visit the country in decades. airasia flight 8501 climbed too fast before crashing last month. that is the word from indonesia's transportation minister. according to the jakarta -- "jakarta post," he says the plane was climb toing about,000 feet -- climbing about 6,000 feet per minute much faster than normal. then it stalled and plumed into the java sea. all 162 souls on board were killed. if washington president barack obama has been highlighting his success at reviving the u.s. economy.
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he used his annual state of the union address to call for new initiatives to help the middle class. among them an ambitious plan to raise taxes on the richest americans and financial institutions. >> however, his plans are not likely to gain much traction in congress where republicans won control of the house and senate. still, mr. obama says both parties need to work together. >> if you share the broad vision i outline tonight, i ask you to join me in the work at hand. if you disagree with parts of it i hope you'll at least work with me where you do agree. i commit to every republican here that i will not only seek out your ideas, i will seek to work with you to make the country stronger. >> jonathan mann has covered politics for a long time. he knows better than we do that republicans and democrats don't get voted in to work together.
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at least that's what they say they're not there to do. >> it's not clear if republicans themselves get voted in. the opposition presents its official response to the state of the union. this year the republican opposition is so fractured that they didn't present one official response. they presented five. you mentioned that earlier. we passed over it quickly. five responses. a response in spanish, a response from the tea party. a response from potential presidential candidate rand paul that's him in the corner. a response from another potential presidential candidate, ted cruz that's him in the other corner. the other republican response from republican rising star newly elected senator joni ernst a woman of substance, a serious woman. the first female military stroirn serve in the senate -- veteran to serve in the senate. she became an north american sensation because of her campaign for office. >> i grew up castrating hogs on an iowa farm. when i get to washington i'll
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know how to cut pork. >> joni earnst mother soldier, conservative. >> my parents taught us to live within our means. it's time to force washington to do the same. to cut wasteful spending -- >> her response to the state of the union was more conventional. well received but a little less entertaining than her river on castration. >> americans have been hurting, but when we demanded solutions too often, washington responded with the same stale mindset that led to failed policies like obamacare. it's a mindset that gave us political talking points, not serious solutions. that's why the new republican majority you elected started by reforming congress to make it function again. >> the republicans find themselves in an unusual position. they have majorities in both houses of congress but it's not clear if they can work well enough together as a party to
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actually pass much legislation. they do have enough votes to stymie president obama. he in turn has a veto he can use to stymie then. tonight he threatened twice to use his veto against republican efforts. the state of the union, i guess you could say still testy. >> no surprises there. our john mann thank you very much. with a strengthening economy, mr. obama said the u.s. has risen from the recession. it was time to chart the course time to chart the course for decades to come. "financial times" correspondent and bureau chief jeff dyer joins us to talk about the president's speech. jeff the focusing to be this theme of middle-class economics a phrase that we heard repeated against and again. the u.s. president the saying some 11 million new jobs created just in the past five years.
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do you think that is the the main take away. if there's one, the president want the american public to take away? >> absolutely. the key issue was wages. he wanted to draw a lot of attention to. in a situation where the american economy is growing strongly almost 5%. unemployment has come down sharply, gas prices are low. everything is going well in terms of the economy except for wages. wages have barely current up above flang in the last few years. you're seeing a phase where that is the central issue. and he is making a plan about wages. >> he wants to raise the minimum wage and wants to lower the cost of education college -- community college education. he wants to get to zero. to be free. do you think that enough was said as far as specifics in how this could be accomplished? >> reporter: that was his idea about taxes. he has a plan where he wants to
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raise taxes on the rich capital gains tax, levohy on the banks and use money to finance tax cuts and tax credits for the middle class. that was his way of saying this is our plan, this is the democrats' plan to resolve this issue. it's over you to republicans. i'm going to put them on the spot and forece the republicans to come up with a plan. >> he said the country's had the fastest economic growth in over a decade deficits cut by 2/3. stock markets doubled, and health care inflation at the lowest rate in 50 years. he ad-libbed the line "this is good news people." how do you read the performance of this president during his two terms? >> reporter: certainly he's not a suggestion where he can say the things i put in place when i came into office absolutely in the heat of the financial crisis have worked. the big stimulus plan tax cuts that were part of that.
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he managed to reduce unemployment stabilize the economy, the banking system stabilized. we're seeing the fruits of that coming through. economists would say, however, that maybe this white house is taking a little bit too much credit for the rebound in the economy. the really big factor has been the behavior of the federal reserve, the american central bank and trillions that it's pumped into the economy the last few years. that's really the thing that's provided the backstop for the economy and set the stage for this new phase in growth. >> of course, it's an important event, but there are theatrics when the president has the country's attention. were there any random or seemingly ad-lib moments that stick out to you? >> one of the striking moments was about the cuba policy. before christmas he announced he was going to try and revive relations with the government of cuba sets up a u.s. embassy in cuba. this has been a taboo subject in american politics for so long. policies in place for 50 years. essentially he mocked that
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saying if something hasn't worked for 50 years, it's time to move on. strikingly, recent opinion polls have shown that there's a strong amount of support for him to do that for him to change relations with cuba. even though there is the small minority, it's vocal against that he seems to have the public on his side. he was able to say that with a lot of confidence. >> rating the speech on one to ten? >> it's effective politics. the one other thing one has to say, there's very little this will happen. idea that he proposed in terms of economic policy will have very little chance of actually passing through the new republican-controlled congress. in terms of political stagecraft it was very well done. hoe has put the republicans -- he has put the republicans on the spot with his tax plans. >> stagecraft something this president is known for. jeff dyer with "financial times," thank you very much for your response and reaction from d.c. >> my pleasure. the global economy tops the agenda in switzerland. business and government elite
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from more than 100 countries are meeting this week to discuss money, politics under a theme of the new global context. our poppy harlow is there and joins us live to discuss this. we should mention, i mean you are -- more than anyone else at cnn, you've logged many miles in the u.s. following the economic recovery talking with those impacted by the declining and now rebounding auto industry. we saw the president's state of the union speech. there is a sense that the recovery hasn't eached everyone in the -- reached everyone in the middle class yet. from your perspective, is that still true? >> reporter: i think it's absolutely true. good morning. people in davos at the world economic foreum waking up to the headlines about the president's state of the union address. many here were sleeping while he was giving the address. the president saying middle-class economics works. i think a lot of americans, as you see in our polling, show that they're feeling better but they're not feeling great. that is largely to do with what your last guest said. the fact that even though we
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have unemployment at 5.6% the lowest it has been in many years, even though those eight million jobs lost in the great recession have come back, wage growth is not where it needs to be. wage growth is barely keeping up with inflation. this means as things get more expensive for all of us across the united states people's wages aren't going up. also the hours they're working, a lot of jobs added, when you read into the jobs report those are part-time jobs. they're not getting the full 40 hours a week that they need. on the flip side we saw the imf this week come out and -- and predict higher economic growth for the united states this year. 3.5% higher than was predicted before. that is good. also what we've seen in terms of what they're going to do about wage growth, what we've seen is 20 states now in this new year in the united states have higher minimum wage than they did in 2014. but interestingly, oxfam, a big global charity, released this report ahead of the forum in
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davos pointing out that they predict the richest 1% in the world are going to control more than half of the globe's wealth by next year. i want you to listen to the executive director of oxfam speaking with our richard quest. >> inequality is rising very fast. and the people here the political and economic elow here need to know that they've got to do something. they've got to check it. it they don't, next year 1% will own american the rest of us in 1999%. this is dangerous. >> in terms of what oxfam is calling for, they want comprehensive tax reform minimum wages to increase. they want more free public services. again, you have to remember in the context of the fact that we have a republican-controlled congress. it is going to be very hard to get things passed. i think "the new york times" headline said it well it says "obama defiantly pushes his agenda.
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"whether it's going to get passed is a big question mark. >> certainly. to branch thing out, you've got oxfam trying to push the conversation by releasing that report saying more needs to be done for the middle class. obama's speech essentially was about the middle class economy. how, though are those conversations likely to impacts what's happening where you are this week? what is on the agenda? >> reporter: it's always such an interesting question because you've got the world's 1%. you're talking about billionaires and millionaires and presidents and prime ministers and heads of state. how in touch are they with those in need? you know what it does -- i've been here many years. this is an effective conversation starter and goat setter -- and goal setter. you have president hollande the italian prime minister you've got business leaders, bill and medicallinda gates to eliminate a few. al gore speaking. they set goals, whether it is climate change goals, whether it
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is global poverty goals. and there is a way to track how they are able to accomplish those goals. so the new global context the tact that we live in this world focused now on the fight against terror and on slowing growth and economic emergency rooms in europe. what are they -- emergencies in europe. what are they going to do? >> a lot of hard work to be done in a picturesque location. poppy harlow from dafs approaching quarter to 9:00 in the morning there. thanks. back to the homefront, if you're curious about how your salary compares to the average in your country and of course around the world, cnn "money" has a tool to calculate it. you can plug in the number and see how it compares. for this example, let's use $100,000. it will also compare your salary to pay for other positions around the world. there you go. take a look. >> interesting. still to come on cnn, a british jihadist is caught and pleads debilitaty. find out his startling plan to
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return home allegedly to commit acts of terror. stay with us. hello... i'm an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about americas favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
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you get instant credit alerts to keep you in sync. you can even lock and unlock your transunion credit report from your phone. and all that information feels pretty good. come to and get in the know. what makes thermacare different? two words: it heals. how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you. welcome back. the capture and prosecution of a british jihadist is highlighting the trars of home-grown terrorism -- terrors of home-grown terrorism. >> we have the story. this is where they sleep.
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>> reporter: a british fighter in syria introduces us to his batallion. reading his book shielding his face the video released by the extremist group he joined. here he is unmasked. these images obtained by itv news tonight. apparent mementos from a time spent building a life amid serious slaughter and a myth about his own. >> this man has chosen the path of terrorism. he's chosen to engage in a terrorist training camp. he has prepared acts of terrorism and concealed his entry to the u.k. by faking his own death. this is a man who's a danger to
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this country and prosecution. it's a great success for us. >> reporter: he went to syria from kurdistan a year ago. it wasn't long before he joined isis. his old group said they disowned him. it was alleged he raised money to buy weapons. but by june he told his family he was returning to britain. the same month the jihadi group announced on instagram he'd been killed in battle. days later, he traveled across europe with his country but of stopped by police getting off a ferry at dover. with 600 british citizens having gone through syria and iraq to join groups like isis little worn scotland yard -- little wonder school yard is shouting about the success. they say he wasn't coerced wasn't vulnerable and was dangerous. they know he was of just one fighter among many.
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all right. want to talk to weather now. and an icy storm which caused hundreds of accidents across the northeast u.s. this past weekend. that's bringing the season's first snow to northern spain. pedram joins us from the international weather center. how fierce is this likely to be? as fierce as it was in the u.s.? >> not as fierce. it has caused disruptions where we know some 37 provinces across northern spain have been impacted by the school closures across the board. travel delays as well. up to 60 centimeters across the higher elevations of northern spain. even the mountains surrounding madrid picking up snow showers. even to the south, picking up snow showers the past 24 or so hours. in the united states 500 travel accidents occurred outside of philadelphia back on sunday from an ice storm that occurred. the same feature making its way across the atlantic. look at the footage out of spain. shows you what we're talking about. almost resembles the me to era
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nevadas in california where the whiteout conditions occurred across the higher elevation highways. this is spain where snow has come down, up to 24 centimeters. neighborhoods to the north, roughly a foot of snow. temperatures minus nine celsius across the region. about 15 fahrenheit, if you're familiar with the scale. look at this other video out of birmingham in the united kingdom. scary stuff. airplane comes down for a landing. powerful winds, 60 70 kilometer per hour. the plan events runs out of runway room and begin to take up to the skies, and another plane comes down following a larger aircraft. much scarier landing. look at the perspective coming out with a large aircraft. again, these disruptive winds that were in the region caused power outages in scotland in recent days. the temperatures have been brutally cold. this plane makes it down and makes it down with enough room to get across the region. here's the perspective of other areas across portions of southeastern france. this is actually on the a7.
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look at the plows clearing up the roadways with the snow that was on the ground. still expecting to see cold temperature here, unsettled weather throughout the next seven days. believe it or not, milder weather not going to be found soon. the exception of the southeast, cold. they'll get warmth in the coming days. more news coming up. so,as my personal financial psychic, i'm sure you know what this meeting is about. yes, a raise. i'm letting you go. i knew that. you see, this is my amerivest managed... balances. no. portfolio. and if doesn't perform well for two consecutive gold. quarters. quarters...yup. then amerivest gives me back their advisory... stocks. fees. fees. fees for those quarters. yeah. so, i'm confident i'm in good hands. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. before larry instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an "underserved season".
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planning to sue american news network fox. >> we regret the errors and apologize to any and all who make have taken offense, including the people of france and ending land. -- ending land. we apologize to the people of birmingham and viewers who have been offended. >> we apologize for the error. >> several fox news anchors being forced to apologize after the network's coverage suggested there were parts of paris and other european cities where islamic law is the rule and where police are too scared to work. >> they've been described as no-go zones for non-muslims. the paris mayor told cnn that fox insulted her city. >> translator: when we're insulted and when we've had an image, i think we'll have to sue. i think we'll have to go to court in order to have these word removed. the image of paris has been prejudiced and the honor has been prejudiced. i think in the great discussion
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of truth everyone is to play its role. we're going to have to be realistic and put things as they are. >> can you clarify which network you're going to take to court and sue? >> translator: fox news upon that's the name. >> fox recently issued a response to cnn. an executive vice president said and i'm quoting, "we empathize with the citizens of franz as they go through a healing process and return to everyday life. housewife, we find the mayor's comments regarding a lawsuit misplaced. thank you for watching us here on cnn. i'm rosemary church. >> i'm errol barnett. stay with us. one more hour of news is next. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach.
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